Wisconsin Parkinson Association Annual Report 2013–2014


Wisconsin Parkinson Association Annual Report 2013–2014
Wisconsin Parkinson Association
Annual Report 2013–2014
Wisconsin Parkinson Association and Partnership Entities
Aurora Acute
Care for the
Elderly and
Rehab Services
Wisconsin Parkinson Associati on
The Wisconsin Parkinson Association (WPA) is a nonprofit organization that conducts local and regional
education programs about Parkinson disease and provides literature, educational material, and a speaker’s
bureau. The WPA also coordinates community support groups – throughout Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
and Michigan – that assist people with Parkinson disease as well as their caregivers and families. The Parkinson
Research Institute, the WPA’s research arm, was established to uncover the cause or causes of the disease,
advance the quality of patient treatment, and identify promising new directions in the quest for the cure.
Regional Parkinson Center
More than 20,000 people with Parkinson symptoms have been treated at this outpatient center over the past
20 years, and the center follows the progress of 3,000 patients annually. The center’s standing as a leader in the
treatment of Parkinson disease provides an enormous database that can contribute to solving treatment issues
and understanding the potential causes of Parkinson disease. The center also conducts major pharmaceutical
studies (clinical drug trials) to understand better the long-term-care implications of medications currently used
to manage the symptoms of the disease.
Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) and Rehabilitation Services
at Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Aurora Sinai Medical Center is a 234-bed, community-based, not-for-profit hospital serving Milwaukee’s diverse
urban population. ACE is a nationally known program that focuses on the individual’s acute care, recovery, and
rehabilitative needs. The nurses and therapists at Aurora Sinai Medical Center have extensive knowledge of
Parkinson disease and are uniquely qualified to meet the needs of Parkinson patients.
President’s Message
by Richard Schumann
President, Board of Directors
Dear Friends,
Without you, we could not answer the needs of those who live with
Parkinson disease. Your help and financial support give others the chance
to improve their lives with Parkinson’s. I invite you to review this annual
report to learn more about what we do – and about what your generous gifts enable us to do.
We had a very successful year. Our symposium in June was attended by more than 230 people from
around the state, including caregivers and health-care professionals. We are strengthening our
connection with support groups throughout our service area and reaching new people through our
Living Well Conferences and other community outreach and education programs. We are answering
a need in the community that is, unfortunately, growing day by day.
Additionally, we gratefully acknowledge the work of our volunteer Parkinson support groups. We
had the pleasure of visiting most of them this past year and celebrate our collaborative efforts as we
join together as a team to support the WPA and those who live with Parkinson’s.
Equally importantly, we are building on the wonderful board of directors who are stewards of the
WPA and its programs. We have an election coming up in December to bring on a new slate of
officers to our strong board, and we are in the midst of planned, positive change. Join us as we
continue our mission and become involved as an ambassador for positive change.
Richard Schumann
The mission of the Wisconsin Parkinson Association is to expand medical professional and public awareness
and understanding about Parkinson disease that will lead to maximum support, the best individual health care,
assistance for caregivers and families, and increased funding for research.
The vision of the Wisconsin Parkinson Association is to create a world without Parkinson disease – until then,
we are here to help by:
making the public more aware of Parkinson’s and where to get help;
educating health-care professionals about how to recognize and treat Parkinson’s;
supporting people with Parkinson’s, their caregivers, and family members;
providing information to people with Parkinson’s so that they have the resources and knowledge to
treat and care for their disease; and
supporting research into the cause, better treatment, and a cure.
Significant Accomplishments
Medical Staff Training (FY 2013-14)
This past year, the WPA expanded its focus and
involvement with the senior community. WPA staff
regularly now attends the Milwaukee Senior
Network and Waukesha County Senior
Consortium’s monthly meetings. Through this
engagement, we were able to provide 10 in-service
trainings to staff at long-term-care and home-care
agencies, providing them with input on proper
medical care, signs and symptoms of Parkinson
disease, and the importance of medications. These
trainings reached nearly 250 professionals and
served to benefit the numerous clients they serve
with Parkinson disease. These connections also led
to greater involvement from the senior community
in the WPA Symposium and other outreach efforts
undertaken by the WPA this past year.
PWR! Training (October 2013)
In October, the WPA partnered with the Madison
Chapter of the APDA to offer the PWR! Program.
PWR! stands for Parkinson Wellness Recovery and
focuses on using exercise as a first line of defense
for people with PD. The first night, we partnered to
provide a community program, which was attended
by 40 people. Then, the weekend provided the
PWR! training for 28 individuals, ranging from
physical therapists to personal trainers. The
attendees were taught how to integrate exercise
into all stages of Parkinson disease and ways to
integrate this into individual needs and symptoms.
This was the third year in a row that the WPA and
APDA collaborated to provide the PWR! training.
WPA Annual Meeting (December 11, 2013)
WPA Board President Richard Schumann welcomed
guests at the annual meeting and lunch at Shully’s
Cuisine in Thiensville, after which Jeremy Otte,
director of outreach and education, reported on
programs and services; Thomas Fritsch, PhD, spoke
about research by the Parkinson Research Institute;
and Paul A. Nausieda, MD, talked about the clinical
side of Parkinson disease. The board held a brief
meeting and installed new board members Knut
Apitz, James Cantrell, Stanley Jaskolski, Jung Kwak,
Kate McDonald, and Robert McDonald. Mr.
Schumann thanked recent past board president,
Michael Hillman, for his service to the board.
WPA Focus in WTMJ4-TV "Special Assignment"
Segment (September 26, 2013)
During the September 26 broadcast of WTMJ4's ten
o'clock news, the WPA received valuable television
airtime when Shorewood resident and Parkinsonian,
William Barnewitz, and Regional Parkinson Center
Medical Director Paul A. Nausieda, MD, were
interviewed in a “Special Assignment” segment
following the premiere of The Michael J. Fox Show.
Jeanine Bly Named Executive Director
(February 2014)
Jeanine Bly, BSW, MBA, returned to the Wisconsin
Parkinson Association in a new role, as executive
director, to assume responsibility for day-to-day
operations, staff, and fund-raising efforts.
Milwaukee Magazine Article Features PRI's Unique
Brain Bank (April 2014)
The April issue of Milwaukee Magazine included an
article written by Joan Elovitz Kazan about the
Parkinson Research Institute's Brain Bank program.
PRI Associate Director Maggie Wallendal,
interviewed for the article, described the program
and the process of brain donation as well as the
purpose of the tissues in furthering important
Parkinson disease support groups, such as the Appleton young-onset
group -- become a source not only of information, education, and
encouragement; people develop warm friendships and foster a
sense of community with each other. The WPA provides
information, support, and resources for these volunteer peer groups.
research for Parkinson disease and other movement
coping with stress, estate planning, senior living and
care options, preventing falls, networking for
caregivers, sleep disruption, and adapting the home
for safety and convenience. The topics ranged from
PD-specific to providing resources for care partners
and families. Attendees gave very positive feedback.
One participants stated, “The symposium was well
organized and very beneficial!” While another
participant shared, “The whole symposium was
excellent. Thank you, and I can’t wait for next year!”
WTKM 104.9 FM Radio Broadcast Interview of WPA
Director of Outreach and Education (July 25, 2014)
WTKM radio's "Open Line" program with host Dave
Stout featured an interview with Jeremy Otte,
director of education and outreach at the Wisconsin
Parkinson Association, and Dacy Reimer, APNP,
advanced practice nurse practitioner of the Regional
Parkinson Center in Milwaukee. Dave Morbeck,
owner and president of ComForCare Senior Services
in Jackson, Wisconsin, each month offers a
segment—"Living the ComFortable Life"—to provide
seniors with resources and answers about a
continuum of care. Dave interviewed Jeremy Otte
and Dacy Reimer about Parkinson disease and
services available to those living with the disorder.
WTKM is a community-oriented station serving
Washington and Dodge counties.
WPA members
receive the WPA’s
Network magazine,
published quarterly, which features
articles by medical professionals,
news about clinical research, information on how to access
community services, and activities by the WPA designed to
educate and support those living with Parkinson disease.
Music, Memory, Dementia, & Research (June 11, 2014)
The June 11 "Lake Effect" program on WUWMMilwaukee Public Radio featured gerontologist and
assistant professor in the Helen Bader School of
Social Welfare, Jung Kwak, PhD, who asked: "...can
simply listening to one's favorite songs improve
memory, mood, and quality of life for the five million
people with dementia in the United States alone?" Dr.
Kwak – a board member of the Wisconsin Parkinson
Association – conducted a study in conjunction with
Thomas Fritsch, PhD, of the Parkinson Research
Institute and colleagues at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee to find out whether and how
music affects memory, cognition, and mood.
Attendees of the
WPA’s annual
receive a wealth
of information
from vendors and
Kenton Kilmer Parkinson Disease Symposium
(June 27, 2014)
The WPA’s full-day annual education symposium was
held at Country Springs Hotel and Conference
Center in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, in June. This year
more than 230 people attended the Symposium, with
31 vendors providing a variety of information and
services to the participants. Featured speakers
presented on the progression of PD, various
symptoms of Parkinson disease, and the importance
of exercise and PD. In addition to these topics, there
were breakout sessions covering topics ranging from
Programs and Services
by Jeremy Otte
Director of Outreach and Education
The Wisconsin Parkinson
Association’s fiscal year 2013–
2014 programs and services
were planned in accordance with our mission
statement. The WPA provided educational
opportunities to the Parkinson and medical
communities to expand medical professional and
public awareness and understanding about Parkinson
disease. Here are some of the highlights from our
past year’s programs and services.
Understanding PD Seminars
These two-hour seminars provide basic information
about Parkinson disease and are open to anyone in
the community who would like to learn more about
PD. These seminars help us increase public
understanding about PD, which is important because
it is so often underdiagnosed and misunderstood.
The locations were chosen with the help of local
support group leaders looking to provide education
to their group members and community. In FY 201314, we held seminars in Oshkosh, Menomonee Falls
(two), Brookfield, West Allis, and Waukesha.
Kenton Kilmer Parkinson Disease Symposium
This is our full-day annual education symposium.
This year, it was held at Country Springs Hotel and
Conference Center in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. In June,
230 people and 31 vendors attend the symposium.
Featured speakers talked about the progression of
PD and the importance of exercise and PD. Also, the
conference featured break-out sessions covering
topics ranging from coping with stress, estate
planning, senior living and care options, preventing
falls, networking for caregivers, sleep disruption, and
adapting the home for safety and convenience.
Dacy Reimer, APNP, MSN, CCRC, the advanced practice nurse
practitioner and a specialist in Parkinsonian disorders at the
Regional Parkinson Center in Milwaukee, presented a talk about
sleep disorders to attendees of the Living Well Conference in Iowa
on August 15, 2014.
Newly Diagnosed Workshops
When first learning they have a diagnosis of Parkinson
disease, the patients and their families have many
concerns and questions. The WPA sponsored two
workshops this past year for patients and their loved
ones. Those attending were given valuable
information regarding Parkinson disease, as well as
the chance to pose questions to a Parkinson disease
physician, an occupational therapist, and a
neuropsychologist. We had 37 attendees this past
Living Well Conferences
This past year, we hosted Living Well Conferences
in Rockford, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa. The halfday conferences featured educational presentations
conducted by physicians, researchers, and other
health-care professionals. These regional
conferences, which are especially helpful to patients
who are unable to travel to our annual symposium,
served 215 people.
Support Groups
The WPA is associated with more than 60 support
groups throughout a five-state area. The WPA’s staff
gave presentations 62 times to the support groups,
discussing programs and services offered by the
WPA. The WPA provided educational materials,
speaker and topic ideas, modest grants to help run
the meetings, and assistance with advertising and
promotion of their groups.
The WPA has a vast lending library of books and
DVDs open to its members and the support group
facilitators. This year we made considerable effort to
improve the visibility and availability of the lending
library. The library is located in a high-traffic area and
is available to people via the WPA website.
Facilitator Training
The annual Jody Goratowski Support Group
Facilitator Training was attended by 35 support group
facilitators prior to the annual symposium. The goal is
to assist facilitators in running their groups effectively
and to train them as facilitators. During the session,
they are encouraged to share their knowledge,
network, and discuss potential speakers and topics.
Medical Staff Training
In-services were provided to staff at long-term-care
and home-care agencies that offer care to Parkinson
patients. This year, WPA staff provided 10 in-service
trainings to a variety of agencies, providing them
with input on proper medical care, signs and
symptoms of Parkinson disease, and the importance
of medications. These trainings reached nearly 250
The Network Magazine
The WPA’s quarterly magazine is available to WPA
members. The Network provides up-to-date
information on medications, clinical research, ways to
live well with PD, reports about community events,
and a listing of support groups in our service area of
Wisconsin and the surrounding states of Iowa, Illinois,
Michigan, and Indiana.
Referral Services
The WPA receives many calls from patients, their
loved ones, and professional caregivers. Our staff
provides educational resources, support groups
referrals, local movement disorder specialists, and
more. Our goal is to connect each caller with the
most relevant organization that can meet their needs.
Also, we provide multiple referrals per request to
best find the service or organization to respond to
their request.
The WPA’s website (www.wiparkinson.org) provides
information about Parkinson disease and local
exercise classes and support groups; it also highlights
WPA programs and events in the communities we
serve, and it offers information about research.
At the WPA’s 2014 annual
symposium, held in June at
Country Springs Hotel in
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, the
WPA awarded the Tulip Award
to Craig High School for its
Pace for Parkinson’s run/walk.
The cumulative total of funds
raised over the first four years
of the event is nearly $40,000;
the event involves students,
faculty and staff, and the
community of Janesville.
Pictured from left, Jeanine Bly,
WPA executive director;
Michelle Meier, Cherie Farrell,
and Tricia Jones of Craig High
School; and Richard
Schumann, WPA president of
the board of directors.
Program Statistics 2013-2014
Major Events
Understanding PD Seminar, Oshkosh Senior Center
9th Annual Fall Parkinson Ride Fund-raiser
Punt Parkinson’s with the Packers, Deer Creek Golf Course
Newly Diagnosed Workshop, Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Living Well Conference, Cliffbreakers Riverside
2nd Annual Scott Donahue/Canyon City Golf Outing
PWR! Training, St. Mary’s Hospital
Caregiver Conference: PD Education, Retlaw Plaza
WPA Annual Meeting, Shully’s Cuisine & Events
Understanding PD Seminar, Hartland Women’s Group
Understanding PD Seminar, Menomonee Falls Support Group
Knut Apitz Birthday Celebration Fund-raiser, Italian Community Center
Parkinson Disease Primer, Touchmark on West Prospect
Understanding PD Seminar, Silverado Memory Care
Newly Diagnosed Workshop, Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Understanding PD Seminar, Heritage Senior Center
4th Annual “Pace for Parkinson’s” Run/Walk Fund-raiser
Understanding PD Seminar, Village at the Falls
17th Annual LaVerne Brewer Memorial Golf Fund-raiser, Ironwood
Understanding PD Seminar, Waukesha County Aging Consortium
“Rockin’ with the King” Elvis Tribute & Car Show, The Reel Inn
Jody Goratowski Support Group Facilitator Training
Kenton Kilmer Symposium, Country Springs Conference Center
Corvette Car Show and Brat Fry, Terrace Place
Annual Bottle Milwaukee Charity Softball Tournament Fund-raiser
Living Well Conference, Radisson Quad City Plaza
Oshkosh, WI
Monticello, WI
New Berlin, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Rockford, IL
Sussex, WI
Madison, WI
Fond du Lac
Thiensville, WI
Hartland, WI
Menomonee Falls, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Appleton, WI
Brookfield, WI
Milwaukee, WI
West Allis, WI
Janesville, WI
Menomonee Falls, WI
Sussex, WI
Waukesha, WI
Necedah, WI
Pewaukee, WI
Pewaukee, WI
Sheboygan, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Davenport, IA
FY 13-14
Support Groups
Most groups meet monthly and break out into at least one PWP/caregiver session per year. The membership numbers for the groups is
higher than what is shown; we are showing only the average monthly attendance for each group.
Facilitator(s) FY 2013-14
Approximate No. of Attendees
Rockford, young-onset
Anne Hilliard
Wayne Zumstein
Michele Corrado
Faye Ford, Joyce Reiland
Sharon Habing
South Bend
Dawn Hatch
Bettendorf, Lewy body dementia
Elizabeth Saelens
Ruth and Bill Newton
Don and Rita Schneider
Eileen Benson
Linda Klimesh, Dawn Milligan
Gerald Osterhaus
Eloise Prater, Maralyn Stull
Amy Kleese
Dan and Sarah Welsh
Sarah Baratono
Patricia Ihler
Appleton, young-onset
Chippewa Falls
Eau Claire
Fond du Lac
Green Bay
La Crosse
Menomonee Falls
Milwaukee, young-onset social group
Mount Horeb
New Berlin
Oshkosh, Oshkosh Seniors Center
Oshkosh, Bella Vista
Richland Center
St. Francis
Shell Lake
Stevens Point
Sturgeon Bay
Wauwatosa, Men’s Group
Wauwatosa, Women’s Group
West Allis
West Allis, Caregiver Group
Margaret Foth, Margaret Kaspar
Sylvia Kriegl, Geri Schoenoff
Jeff Obst
Jeremy Otte
Ursula Whelan
Elizabeth Milanowski
Cheryl Leonard
Snooky Zuidmulder
Marilyn Schuchman
Darlene Larson
Julie Topolovec, Dave Gourdoux
Michael Izzo
Julie Holzwarth
Hilary Blue
Katie Lowe
Vicki Rathsack, Donna Morgan
Marilyn Seidl-Kramer
Jeremy Otte
Bob Norman – Young Parkinson Professionals Together
Dennis Leith, Norma Semling
Shelley Kimble-Welch, Steve Welch
Patrick Pelkey
Debra Haight
Peg Theder
Paula Seeley
Beth Waller
Elayne Hanson
Susan Monson
Norma Semiling
Maureen Smith, Jo Wenzler
Hattie Goodman
Lori Tesch-Janke, Carol Janke
Joyce Hagen
Louis Borth
Gary and Monica Burkart
Ellen Grys
Hollee Camacho
Carol Moellenberndt
Audrey Yakes
Donna Boodle, Lucy Harvey
Mitchell Smith
Gail Meilinger, Pat Mueller
Dale and Ellen Jante
Kate Olszewski
West Bend
Whitefish Bay, Caregiver Group
Wisconsin Rapids
Kathy Stultz
Miriam Oliensis-Torres
Julie Hollenbeck
Randy and Jane Santora
Outreach Statistics
Support group visits
Support group visits with presentations
Patients seen at support groups
Training of health-care professionals
WPA referrals
Number of educational events
Attendance at educational events
Wisconsin Exercise Groups
Baraboo (Ho-Chunk Wellness Center)
Brookfield (Brookfield Senior Community Center)
Brown Deer (RiteHite YMCA)
Fish Creek (Door County YMCA)
Grafton (Form & Fitness)
Green Bay (The Aquatic Center for CP)
Green Bay (Aurora BayCare Sports Medicine Center)
Greenfield (Southwest YMCA)
Greenfield (Wisconsin Athletic Club)
Hartford (Aurora Medical Center Washington County)
Janesville (SOL Fitness)
Madison (Bliss Flow Yoga)
Madison (Harbor Athletic Club)
Madison (Madison Senior Center)
Madison (UW Health Sports Medicine Center)
Manitowoc (Aquatic Exercises, YMCA)
Manitowoc (Holy Family Memorial Wellness Center)
Milwaukee (Group Yoga Therapy, Invivo Wellness)
Milwaukee (Milwaukee Yoga Center)
Neenah (Pilates for PD, Neuroscience Group)
Oconomowoc (Pabst Farms YMCA)
Oshkosh (Bella Vista)
Oshkosh (LSVT BIG, Affinity Health System)
Racine (YMCA of Racine)
Save the dates!
Friday, June 26, 2015
Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center, Pewaukee, WI
For information, call Jeremy Otte at 414-219-7065
or click here for details on the WPA website
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Legend at Brandybrook Golf Course, Wales, WI
For information, call Jeremy Otte at 414-219-7065
or click here for details on the WPA website
2013-2014 Financials
How your generous donations are received and used
Events and Other
Research Assets
Programs and Services
General Administration
Statistics from audited financial statement, year ended August 31, 2014
WIPFLi, LLP, expressed its opinion that the financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, the
financial position of the Wisconsin Parkinson Association, Inc. as of August 31, 2014, and the changes in its
net assets and its cash flow for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States. For a detailed report, visit www.wiparkinson.org > About Us > Financial
Information > Audited Financial Statements.
With heartfelt appreciation, we recognize and thank the many generous donors, who, through their gifts, support those with
Parkinson disease and their loved ones. The following list reflects contributions received during the fiscal year September 1, 2013,
through August 31, 2014; gifts of $25 or more are shown. Donors whose names appear in italics designated a portion of their gifts
for research. On behalf of all those in our region who live with Parkinson’s, please know that we are very grateful for your support.
Names listed in blue show members of the WPA Tulip Club. The Tulip Club is a special group that provides additional philanthropic
support for our programs and services. Thank you for your generosity in helping those with Parkinson disease.
$10,000 or more
All Shook Up for Parkinson’s/Kreklow Family
Community Foundation for the
Fox Valley Region, Inc./
Phyllis I. Wormwood Fund
Fall Parkinson Ride in Memory of LaVern
McCarville and Marvin Emberson/
Brandon Hendrickson, Eric Emberson,
and Rene Nicholson
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Pace for Parkinson’s/Craig High School
Mr. Roger Ritzow
Von Brisen & Roper, SC/
Harlan J. Murray Charitable
Remainder Annuity Trust III
$5,000 to $9,999
Bottle Milwaukee Charity Softball
Tournament in Memory of Tim
Puthoff/Matt Puthoff
Community Health Charities
County of Milwaukee
Ladish Co. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Muderlak
Pacific Life Insurance Company/
Betty R. Hoffman Death Benefit
Prescott Family Foundation
Sargento Foods, Inc.
Woodruff Marital Trust
$2,500 to $4,999
17th Annual LaVerne Brewer
Memorial Golf Outing/
Brewer Family
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cantrell
Greater Milwaukee Foundation/
Edmund J. and Nancy C. Vojtik Fund
Dr. Paul Nausieda and
Dr. Evonne Winston
Punt Parkinson’s with the Packers/
Samantha Barbian and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schumann
$1,000 to $2,499
Anick & Associates
Community Health Charities of
Scott Donahue Golf Outing/
Scott Donahue
Ms. Beverly Gloudeman
Mr. Robert Godbarsen
Evan and Marion Helfaer Foundation
Mr. James Kress
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Napoleon
Mr. Robert Schlossmann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schmitz
Mrs. Norma Semling
Mr. Edmund J. Vojtik
Mr. and Mrs. James Ziemer
$250 to $999
Don and Barbara Abrams
Action Electric Sales, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Anderson
Anick & Associates
Mr. Knut Apitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bast
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beckfield
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Binder
Mrs. Claire Boles
Mr. Keith Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Buteyn
Mr. Thomas Cassidy
Mr. Robert Chernow
Community Foundation for
the Fox Valley Region, Inc./
Al and Phyllis Malak Charitable
Fund #2
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper
The Delafield Hotel
Elite Fitness and Racquet Clubs
Four Seasons Hotel Chicago
Mr. Thomas Frakes
Dr. Klaus and Dr. Hildegard Fritsch
Mr. David Hetzel
Mrs. Jo Ann Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt
Ixonia Bank
Nancy and Wayne Kreklow organized and
hosted an annual “All Shook Up for Parkinson’s”
Elvis tribute concert fund-raiser in New Glarus, Wisconsin, that raised
a remarkable $55,000 over a five-year period for Parkinson’s research.
Mr. William Jambrek
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
L. & S. Automotive Truck Service, Inc.
Leeds Charities Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Luchsinger
Ms. Jennifer Luchsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundin
Mr. Patrick C. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Marty
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mattern
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDonald
Rob and Kate McDonald
Ms. Kathleen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Muehlhausen
Ms. Rene Nicholson
Mr. Harold Nigbor
William Nordstrom Jewelers
Ms. Cheryl Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. George Prescott
Mr. Lloyd Purnell, Jr.
Quaker Steak & Lube
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randall
Betsy and Bill Reilly
Ms. Carol Richardson
Ms. Jean Rinka
“Rockin’ with the King” and
Classic Car Show/
Elaine Bomback Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. George Roemer
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snively
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sommer
Mr. Steven Spring
Mr. Lester Sterken
Mr. Steve Stricker
Mr. and Mrs. John Strobel
Ms. Joyce Strout and Mr. Matt Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thielen
US Cellular/Ms. Kathy Hust
VJS Construction Services
Mr. Jerold Vomhof
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber
Wesco International Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wooster
J. C. Yaun
$100 to $249
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Acker
Mrs. Joyce Ackman
Ms. Carin Allhiser
Mr. Dennis Asmus
The annual Fall Parkinson Ride in Memory of LaVern McCarville and Marvin
Emberson celebrated its ninth year in 2013. The community of Monticello and one
hundred dedicated Harley riders participated in the day that resulted in a generous
gift of nearly $8,000 to help those who live with Parkinson disease.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ault
Ms. Melissa Baake
Mrs. Dorothy Balfe
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bankier
Mrs. Mary Barnewitz
Batteries Plus
Mr. and Mrs. James Bauer
Mr. Warren Bauer
Belleville Chiropractic and
Wellness Center, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bidwell
Mr. and Mrs. David Bippus
Bittersweet Gifts and Accessories
Dr. and Mrs. Glendon Bogdon
Ms. Elaine Braun
Ms. Janice Brewer
Ms. Kay Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
Mr. Al Buscemi
Ms. Beth Carlson
Ms. Ann Cheeseman
Chuck-a-Lynn J. Farm
Clear Direction Psychological
Services, Inc./Dr. Frank Urtz
Mr. and Mrs. James Clifford
Mr. Dave Cone
Cork’s and Caps
Mr. and Mrs. William Dankmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Doornek
Ms. Sandra Dorshak
Mr. and Mrs. James Englebert
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ewoldt
Faircrest Association
Health Fund Drive
Fidelity Charitable/Brown Family Fund
Dr. Thomas Fritsch
Ms. Paula Garcia
Mr. Donald Gawronski
The GE Foundation
GE United Way Campaign
C. Frederick Geilfuss and
Anne W. Hamilton
Pace for Parkinson’s 5K walk/1-mile family fun run, in its fourth year, was created by Craig High School’s teachers and students to
honor its retired principal, Dr. Mike Kuehne (inset), who has Parkinson’s. The run took place in Riverside Park, Janesville, Wisconsin
and resulted in a spectacular $13,800 for Parkinson disease. In June 2014, the WPA showed its gratitude for these remarkable efforts
by awarding to Craig High School its Tulip Award at the annual symposium in Pewaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gennen
Give with Liberty/
Employee Donations
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goepel
Mr. Richard Gollnick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gorenc
Mr. Curtis Gorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Grinwald
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grossen
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grupe
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hakes
Heavenly International Tours
Mr. Ken Heinzman
HNI Risk Services
Mr. Phil Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Art Jacobs
Mrs. Grace Jaeger
Mr. Eugene Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson
Ms. Mary Josten
Ms. Barbara Keil
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kolterman
Koss Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Krueger
Mr. Don Kuczynski
Mr. Robert Kult
Ms. Elizabeth Larsen
Lodi Veterinary Care, SC/
Madison Equine Clinic
Mr. James Londo
Mr. and Mrs. John Lounds
Mrs. Elaine Ludka
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCaskey
Mrs. Kay McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mellem
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michel
Mr. Jim Mickey
Ms. Kristen Mock
Mrs. Marilyn Mondloch
Mr. David Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mueller
Mrs. Nancy Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Murnane
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nahrgang
Ms. Joanne Nevins
Mr. Randall Nickel
Mrs. Christiana Nicolet
Ms. Margaret Nielsen
Mr. Theodore Nord
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman
Nostalgic Car Club
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Nystrom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Hagan
Mr. Dale Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Paulsen
Mr. Patrick Pelkey
Mr. Robert Persons
Mrs. Ines Petterson and
Mrs. Claudia Vasquez
Ms. Geri Pfluger
Pro Lite Building Supply, LLC
Mr. Salvatore Purpero
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rademan
Ms. Jill Reinemann
Mr. David Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruder
Ms. Diane Ruhland
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Sand
Mr. Everett Scarborough
Mr. William Scheuerell
Mr. Joe Schlicher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoening
Mr. and Mrs. James Scholey
Ms. Fran Serlin
Sheboygan Area
Parkinson Support Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Stoller
Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson
Torke Coffee Roasting Co.
Mr. Merlin Tornow
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Van Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weiler
Western Snowplows/A Division
of Douglas Dynamics, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Westover
Mrs. Carolyn White
Mrs. Patricia Wickert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wieland
Ms. Barbara Winiecki
Mr. William Wood
Mr. and Mrs. David Zwicker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zysk
$25 to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Abrams
Ms. Sandra Adams
Aging and Disability Resource Center,
St. Croix County
Alexian Village
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Allen
Mr. Arnold Anderson
Mr. Daniel Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Andrews
Ms. Charlotte Anker
Ms. Beth Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aykens
Badger State Ethanol, LLC
Ms. Mary Bales
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Banaag
Mr. William Barber and
Mrs. Christine Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnes
Mr. Mark Bauer
Mr. Franklin Benthien
Mr. and Mrs. Galin Berrier
Mr. Gary Berweger
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bever
Ms. Faith Bidgood and
Mr. David Berens
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bischmann
Mr. Thomas Bittner
Ms. Jeanine Bly
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Boge
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bohl
Mrs. Ruth S. Boll
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Borgwardt
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Borth
Mrs. Betty Bowers
Mr. Scott Brewer
Mrs. Virginia Brickl
Brunkow’s Performance V-Twin
Mr. James Burns
Ms. Nancy Busse
Ms. Joy Butz
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Orlyn Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Chmielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Cindric
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark
Ms. Gail Cohen
Mr. Gerald Connolly
Mrs. Jane Connors
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dauner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome David
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dekarske
Ms. Kristine DeKarske
Mr. David Delahaut
Mr. Glenn Denton
Mr. Axel Dietrich
Ms. Teresa Dilley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Donahue
Edgewater Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Hyam Eglash
Ms. Janet Eisendrath
Elba Township Charity Drive
Mr. Craig Ellerbroek
Mr. John Engel
Ms. Mary Lou Erb
Ms. Karen Erickson
Ms. Marlene Errthum
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fehlberg
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Felsing
Ms. Elaine Fetting
Fidelity Charitable/
Brian and Laura Touhey
Ms. Kathy Filut
Mr. Thomas Findlay
Ms. Verena Fjermestad
Mrs. Gloria Foley
Mrs. Faye Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Foth
Ms. Audrey Fredrich
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Furton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gabel
Mrs. Elizabeth Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Garrett
Mrs. Patricia Geary
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Geoghegan
Mr. Adam Gerbert
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gerken
Mr. Mark Giamo
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glab
Mr. and Mrs. William Glinski
Mr. Jeffrey Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goodearle
Mr. Thomas Gosa
Mrs. Judith Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Graettinger
Ms. Catherine Graf
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grimm
Ms. Marlene Grossert
Ms. Carol Grupe
Ms. Bonni Haber and
Mr. Frederick Thorne
Mrs. Joyce Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Haley
Ms. Martha Dawson Hall
Mrs. Patricia Hamilton
Terry Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harms
Mr. Robert Harms
Ms. Jessica Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. David Heidemann
Ms. Emma Hein
Mr. Philip Helmke and
Mrs. Denise Ney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hendrickson
Ms. Joan Higley
Mr. Martin Hill
Mr. Scott Hillmer
Ms. Olga Hoesley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hudelson
Mr. and Mrs. William Huebel
Ms. Melissa Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hustad
Mrs. Darlene Hutterer
Mrs. Patricia Ihler
Ms. Toni Ihler
Mrs. Barbara Immel
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobson
Sister Carol Ann Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Janke
Ms. Mildred Janz
Mrs. Jan Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones
Judd’s Auto Body, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kasper
Mr. Mandel Katz
Ms. Alice Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kelber
Mrs. Anne Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kinateder
Mr. Matthew Klewer
Gale and Cheryl Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knipp
Mr. James Knodl
Mrs. Maribeth Knutson
Mr. Hugh Koehler
Mr. Robert Koestner
Ms. La Verne Kons
Ms. Mary Ann Kovacic
Ms. Katherine Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kurth
Mrs. Gayle Larkin
Ms. Jackie Laschen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leissner
Ms. Marie Lempea
Mr. Scott Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lewtas
Mr. Fred Lichte
Mr. and Mrs. James Lock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Logemann
Ms. Deborah Logerquist
Mr. Conrad Long
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lovrine
Ms. Nancy Lutz
Mr. Stephen Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Majewski
Margaret Meythaler and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Margolis
Mrs. Marge Massart
Mr. Clayton Masters
Ms. Jeanne Maviel
Ms. Kelsi Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCann
Ms. Jane McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillen
The Meat Block, LLC
Ms. Gail Meilinger
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meldman
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Menge
Mr. Gordon Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Messenger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Messner
Ms. Jeannette Meunier
Ms. Kathleen Middlestead
Ms. Lois Milanowski
Milwaukee Brewers
Ms. Patricia Mitchell
Mr. Barbara Ann Mitten
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Monahan
Ms. Donna J. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan
Ms. Barbara Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moseley
Ms. Faith Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Myers
Ms. Wendy Nault
Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson
Mr. Richard Ness
Mr. Allen Neumann
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Niemiec
Mrs. Gloria North
Mr. James Nowakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nussbaum
Mr. Allan Oestreich
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ogren
Ms. Joan Oliva
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Olson
Mr. Thomas Olson
Mr. Wayne Olson
Mr. Richard O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Don McNally Pagel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Palmbach
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Palmini
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Patros
Mrs. Nancy Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. William Peebles
Ms. Mary Jane Percy
Mr. Phillip Perushek
Ms. Cheryl Peschel
Mr. and Mrs. James Peschel
Mr. David Peterson
Mr. Kenneth Pfeil
Mr. and Mrs. John Pieper
Mr. and Mrs. Rainer Poetter
Mr. John Porter
Ms. Margaret Porubcan
Mrs. Debra Prom
Mr. Lloyd Purnell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ramsey
Mr. Mark Ranson and
Ms. Katherine Sorensen
Ms. Marie Rappert
Toby Recht
Mr. and Mrs. Dewain Reimer
Mr. Robert Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Richardt
Mr. and Mrs. Horst Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ringwelski
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roethel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Romundson
Ms. Gertrude Rooker
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Rusch
Mr. Eddy Sadowsky and
Ms. Carol Knabe
St. Ann Center for Intergenerational
Care, Inc.
Ss. Edward and Isidore Parish
Ms. Kathleen Samp
Mrs. Dalia Scanlan
Ms. Shelley Schaffer
Mrs. Phyllis Scharner
Mr. Thomas Schatterman
Mrs. Elvera Scheppers
Mr. Gary Schilling
Ms. Mary Alice Schleicher
Mr. Greg Schmitz
Mr. Kenneth Schneider
Ms. Miriam Schrager
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Schuette
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuler
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schultz
Ms. Gwendolyn Schwandt
Mr. and Mrs. David Scrobel
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. William Shearer
Ms. Nancy Shearier
Ms. Barbara Shikora
Mr. Donald Siegel
Mrs. Anne Langenfeld Smith
Rev. Carol Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Solum
Mr. David Spahn
Ms. Angelika Speckhard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stanelle
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stearney
Ms. Jane Steck
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Steichen
Ms. Marla Stiles
Rev. and Mrs. Ian Stirrat
Ms. Kathleen Stolpman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Strickler
Mr. James Suda
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sundelius
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Taets
Mrs. Darlene Taylor
Ms. Lillian Tenpas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tharman
Mr. and Mrs. John Thorne
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Foundation/Employee Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tobin
Ms. Julianna Topolovec
Mr. David Traver
Mr. Richard Tuchscherer
Mrs. Jeanne Tyree-Francis
United Way Fox Cities, Inc.
Mr. Larry Uttech
Mr. Louis Van Basselaere
Ms. Evalyn Van Zandbergen
Ms. Beatrice Vanderweele
Mr. Jeff Vandlen and Ms. Ellen Miller
Mr. Raymond Vesely
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warnock
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wassis
Mrs. Dianne Weber
Rev. and Mrs. Leslie Weerts
Mr. Todd Wegner
Eric and Sheila Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wenger
Mr. Shaun Whelan
Ms. Ursula Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson
Ms. Claudette Wollner
Women’s Club of Hartland
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Woodburn
Mrs. Nancy Woodburn
Ms. Mary Lou Wosick
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wrege
Dr. Robert Wyler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zarling
Mr. Jerry Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. James Zitzer
Ms. Deborah Zurawski
Ms. Lucille Zwicker
Donations in Memory
In Memory of Elsa Almeida
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Morrick
In Memory of Dexter “Bud”
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grundmann
Mr. Mike Grundmann
The 17th annual LaVerne Brewer Memorial
Golf Outing in May 2014 marked the final
appearance of this fund-raiser by the Brewer family, who determined that
the outing had achieved what it had set out to do: honor their mother’s memory and
raise money to help others. Over those 17 years, the golf outing grossed a total of
approximately $300,000.
In Memory of Ralph J. Apazeller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber
In Memory of Richard J. “Dick”
Banach, Sr.
Ms. Maria Fleschner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jagler
Mrs. Tracey Purcell
In Memory of Robert E. Bartz
Mr. Brian Bartz
In Memory of Jaime Becerra
Mr. Alberto Herrera
Ms. Elizabeth Janicek
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Pellegrini
Mrs. Ines Petterson and
Mrs. Claudia Vasquez
In Memory of Antonia Beecher
Mr. Victor Beecher
District 4
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fredricks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Peppel
Mr. and Mrs. John Tabaska and
Ms. Phyllis Thorstad
In Memory of Emma Bethke
Mr. Steve Kraus
Meicher & Associates, LLP
In Memory of Donald Bins
Mr. and Mrs. James Koenen
Mr. James Richter
Ms. Anne Ruetz
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rushing
Ms. Cristy Wilson
Ms. Majorie Zielk
In Memory of Eugene and
Patricia Bochek
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kingen
Mrs. Debra Konsella-Nowak
Mr. George Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelsen
Ms. Dawn Wolf
In Memory of William Oscar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bayerlein
Ms. Dawn Borowski
Ms. Eileen Eberle
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Francione
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fritz
Mr. William Green
Mr. Wayne Hader
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill
Ms. Sheryl Ihlenfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pipp
Mrs. Stephanie St. Francis
Settimi Chiropractic & Wellness
Ms. Joan Sittler
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wandt
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wenger
Ms. Helen Zyvoloski
In Memory of Max Borris
Mrs. Joan Borris
In Memory of John Bowers
Mrs. Betty Bowers
In Memory of Shirley Boyle
Mr. Robert Boyle
In Memory of John J. Boywid
Mrs. Natasha Dorsey
Irwin Broh & Associates,
Inc./HealthFocus International
In Memory of Donald Brew
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cochrane
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lahti
Mr. Arthur Peterson and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Peterson
In Memory of Edward W.
Mrs. Doris Burgess
In Memory of William
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alheid
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Arneson
Ken Bahnson Family
Ms. Jo Ellen Burns
Ms. Nancy Clausen
Mr. and Mrs. James Coles
Competitors Edge, Inc.
Ms. Marilee Cronin
Fidelity Charitable/
Fehl Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Anne Holroyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holroyd
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Huth
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nannet
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neider
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peel
Ms. Debra Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pirk
River Bluff Social Committee
Mrs. Barbara Savonen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schuster
Ms. Jennifer Shawhan
Mrs. Elizabeth Sosa
Stoughton Area School District Board
Ms. Emily Veit
Ms. Sandra Veit
In Memory of Leonard Clausen
Ms. Nancy Clausen
In Memory of Bruce Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Boeselager
Mrs. Marylon Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glenny
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lamantia
In Memory of Robert Colwell
Ms. Karen Colwell
Ms. Susan Sloan
In Memory of Robert Terence
“Terry” Cox
Branson/Lakes Area Chamber of
Chateau on the Lake
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark
Commerce Bank
Mr. Michael Crabb
Fidelity Charitable/
Newkirk Family Foundation
In Memory of LaVerne Brewer
Ms. Janice Brewer
Mr. Jon Brewer
In Memory of Rick Briggs
Ms. Francine Yerasha
In Memory of James F. Bruno
Ms. Donna Bedard
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Biland
Mr. and Mrs. David Easley
Mr. William Gebhard
Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hennig
Mr. and Mrs. William Irvine
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson
Ms. Cynthia Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moebius
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’keefe
Ms. Sylvia Quadracci
Mrs. Nancy Scripko
In Memory of Richard Buerger
Ms. Joyce Thiel
WPA board member, Knut Apitz (center), celebrated his 75th birthday last March
with a party at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee; instead of receiving gifts,
he asked his family and friends to make a donation to one of his favorite charities,
which included the Wisconsin Parkinson Association. He is shown flanked by his sister,
Toska, and her husband, Barry, and other members of the Quinnies family (l to r):
Ken, Ricky, Gavin, and Craig.
Preston and Stacy LaDuke
Mr. Blake Meyen
Mr. Bradley Meyen
Edward and Marie Meyen and Family
Alison Miller
Ozark Mountain Bank
Mr. Randy Rawlins
Spencer and Jerry Redfern
Robert and Libby Reid
Dick and Shannon Walls
Brian and Cheri Wright
In Memory of Virginia Creamer
Ms. Kay Robbins
In Memory of Richard Cummings
Mrs. Betty Cummings
In Memory of Patricia “Patty”
Mr. and Mrs. William Klewin
In Memory of Gerald Dew
Ms. Teresa Presser
In Memory of Vincent Digaudio
Mrs. Emily Digaudio
In Memory of Jean Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis
Ms. Mary Gardner Demet
DMT Workholding
Ms. Jacqueline Hegmegee
Ms. Marjory Irvin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Losure
Ms. Gloria Matter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rebholz
Mr. and Mrs. James Rosellini
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmitt
Ms. Doris Sherman
In Memory of Darlene Ebben
Ms. Donna Alferi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duffy
Ms. Kay Frome
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rusch
In Memory of Elsie L. Eddy
Ms. Virginia Bruger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John Pokriefke
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Yaron
In Memory of Allan Ekenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Aten
Auction Merchandise Source
Mr. Thomas Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Balson
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bell Flavors and Fragrances, Inc.
Mr. Everett Bell
Mr. John Bell
Tomilyn Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. William Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Calef
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cannon
Ron Carani & Assoc., Inc.
Ms. Victoria Creeden
Design Technology, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Deveny
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dohnalek
Mr. and Mrs. James Dooley
DS&P Insurance Services, Inc.
Warren G. Ekenberg Family
Mr. Keith Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. David Fleming and Family
Mrs. Rhonda Fox
Ms. Lin Fredrickson
Ms. Martha Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Fredrickson
Ms. Peggy Fredrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Friesen
Mr. Todd Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. David Greeley
Mr. Robert Gregory
Ms. Lona Guyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Herst
Ms. Molly Hunt Heizer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Immell
Ms. Yvonne Innocenz
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jonsson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kadleck
Mr. and Mrs. James Kellow
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kiah
Mr. P. Thomas Kilborn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knop
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lee
Mr. and Mrs. William Lenz
Mr. Allen Lundsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Manka
Mr. Charles Marino
Martin Partners
Mr. and Mrs. David Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meierdirks
Mr. and Mrs. James Middendorf
Mr. and Mrs. David Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. John Munger
Murphy Packaging, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murray
Mr. Robert Myers
Mr. Theodore Myers
Ms. Carol Nason
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Nelson
Ms. Ruth Nissen
Pasquesi Associates, PC
Pasquesi, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pasquesi and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Rafferty
Mr. Ron Romitti
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saliba
Mr. and Mrs. David Saltiel
Samaritan Counseling Center
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Scassellati
Mrs. Eileen Serafine
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Severns
Ms. Kathleen Soprani
Ms. Brigid Steele
Michael D. Steele, CLU
Stonebridge HOA Board of Directors
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stromberg
Mr. Jim Sturgeon
Superior Sheet Metal & Heating, Inc.
Mrs. Edward Swift
Ms. Natalie Tate
The Webb Foundation
Mr. John Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. John True
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Turk
Ms. Karen Van Maldegiam
Ms. Anna Leah Vanes
Mr. Walter Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Welch
Mr. Chuck Whisler
World Bridge Partners Chicago, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Zage
In Memory of Louella Engelking
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jakubowski
In Memory of Dr. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Birger Black
Ms. Pauline Black
Orla Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Degroot
Ms. Laverne Janke
Ms. Ruth Martens
Mr. and Mrs. James Schoolcraft
Mr. Timothy Schultz
Waukesha Memorial Hospital
Medical Staff
In Memory of Gilbert E. Fendt
Ms. Virginia Bennett
Mr. Ronald Fendt
Mrs. Lisa Gellerman
Mr. and Mrs. David Kohnke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Loeb
Mr. Frederick Sievert
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Zellmer
In Memory of Kenneth H. Flitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rucki
In Memory of Willa Fordyce
Ansay & Associates, LLC
In Memory of Harold E. Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goodearle
In Memory of Edward Franken
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerzman
In Memory of Robert Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Charewicz
Epicor Software
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frost
Mrs. Marion Frost-Vahradian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graves
Ms. Jane Moeller
Mrs. Jen Roberts
Ms. Suzan Schupp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shoemaker
Ms. Marion Suchecki
Thomas Jefferson Middle School/
Sunshine Club
TSE Services, LLC
Ms. Kay Wielgosh
In Memory of Orville Gauger
Mrs. Eunice Gauger
In Memory of Karin Gauthier
Mr. Lloyd Gauthier and
Mrs. Mary Stolp
Mr. Alan Palmeri
In Memory of Eileen Goeller
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goodearle
In Memory of Bernhardt
Ms. Jana Schmidt
In Memory of Greg Gueldner
Ms. Joan Johnson
In Memory of Pauline Harvat
Mr. F. William Harvat
In Memory of Arthur L. Hass
Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. James Draxler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Noll
Ms. Sandra Sell
In Memory of Betty Havercamp
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allbee
Mr. Michael Allbee
Mr. Stephen Allbee
Mrs. Bobbi Alpers and
Mr. Kurt Ullrich
Mr. Jim Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bell
Mrs. Eileen Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
Mr. Mike Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Camp
Ms. Joan Campbell
Ms. Carol Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cordt
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Darbyshire
Ms. Ann Desalvo
Ms. Josephine deSilva
Ms. MaryLou Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duley
Ms. Marie Fair
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Finn
Ms. Anabel Flaherty
Flying M. Farms, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garside
Gosma, Tarbox & Associates, PLC
Ms. Alvina Hansen
Mr. James Havercamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heddinger
Mr. and Mrs. James Holte
Ms. Mary Jo Holte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyser
Judges of the 7th Judicial District
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kamp
Ms. Joyce Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. John Landess
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mihm
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. John Nahra
Mr. John Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norton
Ms. Janet Olt
Ms. Patsy Peterson
Quad City Bank & Trust Co.
Ms. Diane Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rohlf
Ms. Deborah Rupiper
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schebler
Mr. Ronald Schechtman
Mr. and Mrs. David Schoenthaler
Ms. Dorothy Senne
Mr. David Sivright
Stanley, Lande & Hunter
Stanley, Lunde & Hunter Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stelk
Ms. Bette Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Swearingen
Mr. Howard Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Hovey Tinsman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Tjaden
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Vanlandschoot
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Weis
Mr. William Wilke
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ybarra
In Memory of Mary Hayek
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Doris
Ms. Janette Heidschmidt
In Memory of Eldred
Ms. Janette Heidschmidt
In Memory of Gloria Helgerson
Mr. Steve Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holweger
Mr. William Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. James Jansen
Ms. Debra Martin
Ms. Lori Neilitz
Ms. Evangeline Nelson
Ms. Irene Sherman
In Memory of Henry Hermann
Ms. Linda Hermann
In Memory of Eunayne
Augusta Herndon
Mr. Glenn Herndon
In Memory of Jo Carolyn Hill
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Merle R. Holstein
Dakota Supply Group
Ms. Marsha Holstein
Ms. Verna Westberg
In Memory of Warren Hornburg
Mr. and Mrs. William Otto
In Memory of Margaret Hrdi
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hughes
Ms. Sharon Kubica
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Magnowski
In Memory of Gilbert Hren
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Glisch
In Memory of Lowell Hubbard
Ms. Mava Clark
Robin Hubbard-Van Stelle
Ms. Ruth Oliver
Ms. Patricia Trainer
The Bottle Milwaukee, a tavern in Milwaukee’s
Bay View neighborhood, holds an annual charity softball
tournament to benefit a local nonprofit. Since 2012
the event has donated to the WPA a total of more
than $13,000 in memory of Tim Puthoff to assist those
who live with Parkinson disease. The day-long tourney
takes place at the KK Sports Center in August. Shown
at far right: Matt Puthoff, the organizer of the event, with
his parents; his father, Len, is the brother of the late Tim Puthoff.
In Memory of Winnifred
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Steiner
In Memory of John Ihler
Ms. Helen Campbell
Ms. Marjorie Canhan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heider
Mrs. Linda Wipfli and Mr. Gary Luedke
In Memory of Inez Johannsen
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Buss
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Elsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jeske
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johannsen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pfuehler
Mr. Verallyn Shields
Ms. Susan Short
In Memory of Adeline Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Krohn
In Memory of Bob Jubelirer
Mr. Thom Evans and Mrs. Kim Miller
In Memory of Richard A.
Kellow, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bechtel
Mr. and Mrs. John Becker
Mr. Thomas Bittner
Bligh Family
Ms. Joan Enterline
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Holtzapple
Ms. Emmy-Lou Jorgensen
Ms. Debra Larder
Ms. Caryla Tuxhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wenzel
In Memory of Thomas H. Kelly
Ms. Jeanette Alisauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bickley
Mr. David Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper
Mrs. Anne Kelly
Ms. Marian Komorowski
Ms. Mary Ann Lisner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maliscewski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vereb
Ms. Lynn Walkowski
Ms. Mary Walkowski
In Memory of Mavis W. Kilbourn
Ms. Dorothy Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kilbourn
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stopski
In Memory of Richard Kilbourn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alfke
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Awe
Ms. Dorothy Corrigan
Mrs. Jamie Derwae
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fischer
Ms. Christine Kilbourn
Mr. Donald Kilbourn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kilbourn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pfrang
Mrs. Michelle Ramus
Mr. Paul Ramus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Verri
In Memory of Chester
Kostrzewa, Sr.
Mr. Jim Kostrzewa
In Memory of Ronald J. Krane
Ms. Elsie Krane
In Memory of Jane Krumberger
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Bob Lange
Ms. Shirley Schroeder
In Memory of Donald Larmouth
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weinberg
In Memory of Everett Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lister
Mr. and Mrs. David Parcels
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strudell
In Memory of Anthony Lesch
Mr. Paul Baerwald
Fidelity Charitable/Milford Family
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Halverson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hampel
Ms. Celeste Lesch
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Lesch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lesch
Punt Parkinson’s with the Packers has been run the past
two years by Samantha Barbian and her family to raise
money for the WPA and to raise awareness of youngonset Parkinson disease. In 2013, the event was held in
September at the Preserve at Deer Creek Golf Course;
in addition to a silent auction, TV screens showed the
Packers vs. Bengals game, resulting in more than
$4,000 to the WPA.
Phase Hair Designers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Suszek
In Memory of Bernadine
“Berdie” Lesch
Mr. Anthony Lesch
Ms. Celeste Lesch
In Memory of Richard “Dick”
Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett
Ms. Stella Camacho
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ellenson
Ms. Jean Kowalski
Mr. Donnie Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nadolny
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Richards
Arlene Schmitt and Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
In Memory of Kennard “Ken”
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blegen
Mr. and Mrs. James Butler
Ms. Joyce Clason
Ms. Barbara Decker
Mr. Corey Degaetano
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Erdmann
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gasch
Ms. Kathleen Gresens
Ms. Doris Halstead
Ms. Jean Helliesen
Ms. Rebecca Herlitzke
Mr. Scott Horne
Mr. Jeff Kamm and
Mrs. Nancy Martinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kartman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard
Mrs. Norma Lubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGarry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pavela
L A. Pinski
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Seager
Mr. Walter Susdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Townsend
In Memory of Enzo Lucarelli
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Daniel Ludka
Mrs. Elaine Ludka
Ms. Carol Melby
In Memory of Roy Lukas
Mrs. Carol Lukas
Mr. John Zacher
In Memory of Thomas Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staver
In Memory of Joan Magner
Ms. Maureen Jones
Ms. Michelle Jones
In Memory of Gordon Maleu
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson
Ms. Susan Krall
Mr. Gary Kulas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawonn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reilly
Seville Imports, Inc.
In Memory of Shirley Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kailler
In Memory of Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. John Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Johnson
Ms. Patricia Smuck
Ms. Debra Twenhafel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wendt
In Memory of Kenneth and
Kristine Miller
Mr. Kevin Miller and
Ms. Kimberly Dalgleish-Miller
In Memory of Robert J. Miller
Mrs. Susan Ford Miller
In Memory of Lucille More
Ms. Amy Enfelt
In Memory of David Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Struck
In Memory of Viva Jean Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mueller
In Memory of Mrs. Del Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Binder
In Memory of Francis Nagle
Mr. David Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Choate
Dane County Shamrock Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kepler
Mr. Richard Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koplin
Ms. Barbara McCormick
Pat and Jenny Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Nethery
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quinn
Ms. Mary Remily
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rheeling
Ms. Elizabeth Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Werth
In Memory of Gail Nigbor
Mr. Harold Nigbor
In Memory of Robert Nitz
Ms. Brenda Nitz
In Memory of John Nordstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke
William Nordstrom Jewelers
In Memory of Robert “Randy”
Mr. Bill McCaw
In Memory of Clayton Noyes
Mr. Gary Baldi
Mr. Roger Champagne
Ms. Kathleen E. Daly
Ms. Anita Forret
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth La Monte
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mlachnik
Ms. Heather Mlachnik
Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Seflow
In Memory of Kenneth
Ms. Debra Ebert
Ms. Nancy Kellner
Mrs. Doris Oestreicher
In Memory of David Oldenburg
Mrs. MaryAnn Oldenburg
In Memory of Jane Osterhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Platt
In Memory of John Owen
Mr. and Mrs. John Binder
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Krause
In Memory of Betty Lou
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Al Pearson
Ms. Diane Ford
Mr. and Mrs. James Graefe
Intregrys Business Support, LLC
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Janet Pearson
In Memory of Geraldine
Ms. Constance Baumann
Ms. Lorraine Bennetts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Checker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kehm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleven
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Krause
Ms. Martha Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stuedemann
Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan
In Memory of Kathleen “Kay”
Ms. Darlene Austin
Dr. and Mrs. James Badge
Mr. and Mrs. John Barrette
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bittner
J. and K. Bryant
Ms. Kathryn Buono
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cannistra
Mr. Bruce Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans
Ms. Mary Fertl
Ms. Jean Fox
Ms. Judith Hess
Mr. and Mrs. David Kurudza
Mr. Fred Lautz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mazin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGinnity
Milwaukee Teacher Education Center
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neuwald
Dr. John Peterburs and Mrs. Jill Miller
Quarles & Brady, LLP
RSR Partners, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Speaker
SPX Transformer Solutions, Inc.
Mrs. Gina Weiser
Mr. and Mrs. George Whyte
Mr. Joseph Wikrent
A new event “entered the building” last June with “Rockin’ with the King” at The Reel Inn in
Necedah, Wisconsin. Over a four-day period, the festival included an Elvis tribute artist
competition, a Memphis-style barbeque, and a classic car show. The hosts, Elaine Bomback Wesley, whose
father lives with Parkinson disease, and her husband Garry (pictured at left as their tribute avatars,
Patsy Cline and Elvis) created and managed the event. Board President Richard Schumann was on hand
to accept their generous donation.
In Memory of Patricia Pfast
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of James Phernetton
Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation
In Memory of Lois Ann Pierce
Mr. Eugene Pierce
In Memory of Dorothy M.
Mr. and Mrs. John Poelzer
In Memory of Dr. Edward L.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gral
In Memory of Derek Rack
Mrs. Bernadette Rack
In Memory of Leslie C. Ramsden
Ms. Elaine Harker
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Peper
In Memory of Joseph Rathsack
Mrs. Vicki Rathsack
In Memory of Charles F. Reiser
Ms. Julie Burn
In Memory of Thomas M. Remo
Center for Communication,
Hearing & Deafness
Mr. David Frook
In Memory of Nancy J. Ritzow
Ms. Jacqueline Ioder
In Memory of Robert Rolfs
Mrs. Marilyn Rolfs
In Memory of Gerald
Ms. Barbara Roemer
In Memory of Joanne Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchheister
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hornbeck
Ms. Susan Huse
Mr. Jack Kollath
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kollath
Mr. Daniel McKeithan
Ms. Karleen Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yelle
In Memory of Eugene R. Ruechel
Mr. Greg Ruechel
In Memory of Richard Francis
Ms. Charlotte Cardiff
Mr. and Mrs. William Charland
Mr. Richard Moreno
Ms. Mary Pement
In Memory of Marianne
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hein
In Memory of Gordon Schultz
Murphy Insurance Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richards
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. Gerhard Swensen
In Memory of Donald Sampson
Mrs. Janaan Sampson
In Memory of Roger Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Anson
In Memory of Curtis Teetzen
Merle Teetzen
In Memory of Richard A.
Mrs. Evelyn Sanderson
In Memory of Stony Steinbach
Mayville Insurance
In Memory of Bill Thurmond
Mrs. Helen Ferraro
In Memory of Frederick L.
Mrs. Rose Ellen Steinmann
In Memory of Dennis Titzkowski
Mrs. Mary Titzkowski
In Memory of Judge Leo F.
Mrs. Margaret Ann Chapman
Mr. Steve DeGroote
Ms. Virginia Froehlich
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Riffel
Mrs. Marilyn Schlaefer
Mr. Vernon Van Vooren
Washington County Bar Association
Mr. Graham Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ziegler
Mr. Paul Ziegler
In Memory of Ralph Schleicher
Ms. Mary Alice Schleicher
In Memory of Ben Schroeder
Ms. Shirley Schroeder
In Memory of Earl Stephenson
Mr. Wayne Beckman
In Memory of William H. Toppan
Ms. Phyllis Golper
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gromer
Ms. Cosette Lang
In Memory of Richard Stummer
Mr. Scott Bredemann
Mr. Eric Dodd
Scott and Jenny Kammer
In Memory of Jeanette Tornow
Mr. Merlin Tornow
In Memory of Teddy George
Mr. and Mrs. James Meyer
In Memory of Gary Swensen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Belmore
Mr. and Mrs. Olav Malvik
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rasmussen
In Memory of Nancy Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodin
In Memory of John L. White
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Siegert
In Memory of Leo A. Wichman
Ms. Susan Wichman
In Memory of Hildegard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Broker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merbeth
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller
Strauss Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Vasholz
In Memory of Paul Will
Mrs. Nancy Will
In Memory of James Yaccarino
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bevilacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Freckmann
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furru
Ms. Joan Judge
Ms. Emily Pavelic
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Walt
Ms. Mary Walt
Norma Semling, a co-facilitator of the Northwoods (Minocqua) and
Rheinlander Parkinson support groups, convinced the Tribute
Brewing Company in Eagle River to give her some of their empty
beer growlers. She then used them as canvases, painting such
designs on them as pine cones and forest landscapes. The brewing
company then sold the growlers, which proved very popular, and
Norma gave the proceeds to the WPA as a donation. Norma’s
artistic creativity and creative business acumen blended to benefit
those who live with Parkinson’s!
In Memory of Karl T. Yellick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roth
Ms. Elda Yellick
In Memory of Mark Zoellick
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Zoellick
Donations in Honor
In Honor of Jessica and
Christopher’s Wedding
Ms. Connie Blair
In Honor of Don Abrams
Barbara Abrams
In Honor of Don Abrams’s
80th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Price
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weinshel
In Honor of William and
Joyce Ackman
Ms. Sandra Gilbert
In Honor of Knut Apitz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baumgartner
Dr. Kenneth Simons
In Honor of Knut Apitz’s
75th Birthday
Mrs. Ursula Apitz
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Austermann
Mr. Valentine Baumgartner
G. G. and V. M. Behre Family Trust
Ms. Ann Beverly
Ms. Jeanine Bly
Buckley’s Restaurant & Bar
Mr. Robert Chernow
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford D’Amato
Mr. Max Dermond
Mr. Axel Dietrich
Mr. Michael Dietrich
Ms. Edeltraud Ebenhoch
W. P. Ferro
Frehan Tool, Inc.
Dr. Thomas Fritsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gansler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gebauer
Mr. and Mrs. William Genne
The Goldammer Family
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goller
Mr. Eckhart Grohmann
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Grossman
Ms. Gabrielle Heiden
Mr. Joseph Hickey
Ms. Tosca Hoffmann
Mr. O. K. Johnson, Jr.
Joseph Family Donor-advised Fund of
the Jewish Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark James Jung
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Mr. Stephen Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey King
Mr. William Konrad
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kotecki
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Kreitmeir
Mr. Warren Kruenen
Jung Kwak, PhD
Ms. Linda Levengood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malesevich
Mr. Guenter Maurer
Mayville Insurance
Ms. Lisa McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Meinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morello
Dr. Paul Nausieda and
Dr. Evonne Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nelson
Mr. Rudy Neumeister
The Packing House
Pastiche Bistro & Wine Bar/
Mr. Mike Engel
Ms. JoAnn Povlich
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rebholz
Ms. Peggy Sampson
Mr. James Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schweinert
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Selig
Ms. Patricia Slough
Mr. Merlin Spieker
Mr. Ross Spieker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spieker
Ms. Geri Staab
Jack and Joan Stein Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy Steinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Steinhafel
Mr. Thomas Surwillo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tsuchihashi
Mr. Edmund J. Vojtik
Mr. and Mrs. James Wozniak
In Honor of Frank Baierl
Mrs. Linda Baierl
In Honor of Samantha Barbian
Ms. Gail Berg
US Bancorp Foundation/
Employee Matching Gift Program
In Honor of Michael Biondo
Ms. Megan Ackerman
In Honor of Kathleen
Ms. Nancy Shearier
In Honor of Patricia Dankmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Dankmeyer
In Honor of Bob DeMotts
Mrs. Betsy DeMotts
The Sheboygan Parkinson Disease Support Group
held a Corvette Car Show and brat fry last July to
raise funds and Parkinson’s awareness. Pictured, facilitator
Louis Borth with his daughters, Kristine Barts (left) and Kelly Lombardo.
In Honor of JoAnne Glugla
Ms. Mary Hinner
The WPA Spreads its Social Media Wings
Since 2010, the WPA has been a member of Community Health Charities,
a workplace giving program; at the end of 2014, the WPA featured
in associations with the AmazonSmile and “Giving Tuesday”
charitable donation programs.
To extend our reach beyond the print world,
the Wisconsin Parkinson Association is active in social media.
Visit us on our website at www.wiparkinson.org, and follow us
on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and mke123.org. Connect with us!
In Honor of Marcie Hayden
Ms. Mary Kress
In Honor of Lucille Henrikson
Appleton Retirement Community
In Honor of Fern Johannes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sauer
In Honor of Alan and Karen Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leon
In Honor of Chet Kizewski
Mrs. Dorothy Kizewski
In Honor of Ted Lewtas
Mrs. Ellen Lewtas
In Honor of Derek and Kristin
Olin Laurie Skattum
In Honor of Robert Markwood
as a Christmas Gift
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Markwood
In Honor of Georgiana McGinnis
Mr. William McGinnis
In Honor of Ross Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller
In Honor of Ken Muderlak
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Beadell
Mr. Thomas Bergseth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fults
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graham
Mr. Andrew Hadland
Mr. and Mrs. George Harmon
Ms. Mary Hinner
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Litterist
Margaret Lockwood and Allin Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James Maki
Ms. Gretchen Meilinger
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Oakes
In Honor of Lloyd K. Purnell, Jr.
Ms. Wilma Purnell
In Honor of Lois Richards
Mr. Joseph Johnson
In Honor of Todd and Shannon
Ms. Mary Hinner
In Honor of Julie Van Straten
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mashl
Ms. Jamie Smith
In Honor of Dr. Paul Nausieda
Dr. Domenick Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Perlson
In Honor of Emilia Weiser
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Weiser
In Honor of Mike Oltersdorf
Delco Estate Planning Services
In Honor of Patrick Pelkey
Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards
In Honor of Wilma Pohly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metz
In Honor of Nancy Shearier
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership/
Matching Gift Program
Ms. Kathleen Burlingham
In Honor of Paul Spude
Pat Miles Crew
In Honor of Joanne Tilleman
Mr. and Mrs. Tilleman
In Honor of Tom and Joan
Wieland’s 50th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kempowski
In Honor of Pete Zoellick
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Friedman
Wisconsin Parkinson Association
Board of Directors
Richard Schumann, President
Edmund J. Vojtik, Treasurer
Jerry D. Zimmerman, JD, Secretary
Barbara G. Abrams, MSW
Knut Apitz
Denis L. Ashauer
Ruth Busalacchi
James D. Cantrell, CFP
Richard Cosentino
Toni L. Ihler
Stanley V. Jaskolski, PhD
Jung Kwak, MSW, PhD
Kate McDonald, MBA
Robert McDonald, CPA
Paul A. Nausieda, MD
Robert V. Norman, RA, PHR
Cheryl Prescott
Keith Brewer, Emeritus
The board of directors meets quarterly in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Jeanine Bly, BSW, MBA, Executive Director
Raven Hamilton, Program Coordinator
Juliette Hayes, Communications Manager
Jeremy Otte, Director of Outreach and Education
Paul A. Nausieda, MD, Medical Director
Regional Parkinson Center
Wisconsin Parkinson Association
945 N. 12th Street
Suite 4602
Milwaukee, WI 53233
800-WPA-5455 (800-972-5455)
DISCLAIMER: People shown in stock images are models used for illustrative purposes only.