2013 - Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania


2013 - Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania
2013 Annual Report
Strategic Plan – July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2016
Goodwill SWPA’s ambitious strategic plan calls for dramatic, forward-looking changes to be implemented
organization-wide over a three-year period. We will completely transform our service delivery model and
strengthen our capacity to deliver a continuum of workforce development and support services for persons
with special needs and employment barriers.
We have set a clear direction for the future through five overarching goals:
Goal 1
Implement a holistic and integrated service delivery model driven by the needs
of people served
Goal 2
Implement innovative green initiatives that address community needs
Goal 3
Implement innovative human service programs
Goal 4Enhance organizational capacity to support innovation and create a culture of
continuous improvement
Goal 5
Continue to enhance financial sustainability while managing our risk profile
This annual report cover features the Good-to-Grow
Greenhouse, Goodwill’s newest classroom and
learning environment.
The greenhouse was dedicated during a ribboncutting ceremony in October, 2013. It is located on
the premises of the Workforce Development Center
(in the Lawrenceville section of Pittsburgh).
Letter from the President and Board Chair
A Focus on the Future
During the past year – while providing services to help more than
53,000 individuals in a variety of ways – Goodwill of Southwestern
Pennsylvania was also strongly focused on the future.
In October, we introduced an unusual job-training
“classroom” – a greenhouse where Goodwill clients learn to
grow fresh produce and flowers, preparing them for jobs in
such fields as horticulture, food service, restaurants and retail.
While building a greenhouse may seem somewhat
unusual for an organization such as Goodwill, it is a strong
Michael J. Smith
R. Yvonne Campos
and highly visible symbol of our commitment to growth,
Chair, Board of Directors
innovation and the future. The greenhouse enhances our
ability to address barriers to employment that our clients must overcome … to provide training, education,
support and mentoring … and to help people achieve their goal of having a job.
The facility was made possible by grants from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, for the structure
itself, and from The UPS Foundation for interior furnishings and materials.
Strategic Plan
Also during the past year, we completed our latest three-year strategic plan comprising five overall goals
with the intended impact of achieving transformational change. The goals include creating a new service-delivery model, implementing green initiatives, expanding certain current services, and enhancing
financial stability. All of these strategic goals will be affected by a fifth goal, which is to enhance organizational capacity to support innovation and create a culture of continuous improvement.
The key objective within this goal is to improve and enhance the quality of the employment life
cycle. This is a top priority because improving the quality and productivity of Goodwill staff is a necessary
foundation for all other aspects of the strategic plan. For example, significantly growing the profitability
of our retail system – which is an objective under the financial sustainability goal – cannot be achieved
unless the process of recruiting, retaining and developing store staff is improved.
Human Capital Management
To address this primary need, we are working to bring about organization-wide technology improvements,
including implementation of a new human capital management software system that will accommodate
the diverse needs of the agency, including our planned growth. Funded by a grant from the Eden Hall
Foundation, this comprehensive and sophisticated information technology system will have an immediate
and profound impact on the entire organization through realized efficiencies and greatly enhanced internal communications and information sharing, integrated across multiple departments and locations. It will
provide the advanced functionality we need to achieve our strategic goals over the next several years.
Thanks to All
Goodwill is deeply grateful to Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and The UPS Foundation for their support
of our greenhouse initiative, and to the Eden Hall Foundation for its support of our technology improvements. Their generosity will enable Goodwill to carry out its 2013-2016 strategic plan for growing and
strengthening our service capabilities. We also gratefully acknowledge the outstanding work of our deeply
committed staff and the thoughtful guidance provided by our Board of Directors. With the support of our
many generous donors, loyal shoppers, and selfless volunteers, Goodwill will continue to help people
achieve their goals and improve their lives.
Michael J. Smith R. Yvonne Campos
President/CEO Chair, Board of Directors
Consolidated Statement of Financial Activity
for Fiscal Period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
Gross Sales
Salvage Income Less: Cost of Goods Sold
Net Retail Revenue
Government Grants
Program Service Fees
Investment Income
Gain on Sale of Assets
Rental and Other Income
Total Revenue
Percent of Total
$30,874,352 5,406,797 (6,796,608)
$28,643,742 5,363,080 (6,237,336)
29,484,541 11,093,505 7,131,617 1,004,970 (850)
695,305 60%
27,769,486 12,002,152 7,629,712 1,640,326 70,691 0
323,533 $49,409,088 100%
$49,435,900 Expenses
Program Services:
Retail Services
$24,480,454 47%
$21,828,259 Program Services
19,786,274 38%
20,066,503 Occupancy
2,330,668 4%
2,242,195 Supporting Services
5,323,217 10%
4,257,158 Total Expenses
Consolidated Change in Net Assets:
100% ($ 2,511,525)
$48,394,115 $ 1,041,785 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
for Fiscal Period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013
2012 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Other Current Assets
Pledge Receivable
Property and Equipment, Net
$ 3,711,689
$ 3,263,905
Total Assets
$28,699,671 $25,885,404 Liabilities and Net Assets
Notes Payable - Short Term
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Notes Payable - Long Term
$ 1,658,039
$ 1,019,807
Total Liabilities
$11,496,916 $ 6,171,124 Net Assets
Unrestricted - Undesignated
Unrestricted - Board Designated
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
$17,202,755 $19,714,280
Total Liabilities and Net Assets:
$28,699,671 $25,885,404
Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania is audited by Schneider Downs, Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors.
Housing activities are audited by other independent accountants to satisfy requirements of HUD and other investors.
2013 Recycling
In 2013, Goodwill of
Southwestern Pennsylvania
recycled 28,172,355 pounds
of donated goods. Some of the
items recycled, which make up
this figure, include:
180,000 lbs. of toner containers
4,089,790 lbs. of recyclables
collected at the Fayette County
Recycling Center:
C aluminum
C plastic
C glass
C newspapers
20,213,063 lbs. of retail
recyclables including:
C books
C shoes
C toys
C housewares
C hats
C belts, purses, clothes
C domestics & plush
3,689,502 lbs. of e-waste which
consists of 1,886,544 lbs. of:
C computers
C computer components
C 1,802,958 lbs. of televisions
2013 Service Statistics
More than 53,000 individuals were helped in 2013. Examples of
people who participate in Goodwill’s programs and services are
highlighted in the stories that follow on the next pages.
Goodwill of SWPA...................................... 259
Fayette.................................................... 2,903
Fayette Computer Program....................... 272
Greene....................................................... 668
Total....................................................... 4,102
Vocational Evaluations.............................. 183
Other Assessments..................................... 35
Total.......................................................... 218
Consumers.................................................. 57
Community Members.................................. 37
Employees................................................. 196
Total.......................................................... 290
Duquesne Light.................................... 35,942
Emergency Fund.................................... 1,000
Food Pantry............................................ 1,863
Pleasant Valley Shelter Clinic Visits........... 905
Northside Common Ministries
Drop-In Center............................................. 66
Mission Vision.............................................. 38
VITA Tax Prep............................................ 387
My Free Taxes........................................... 126
Union Station Clubhouse - Fayette.............. 73
Total..................................................... 40,400
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation............. 173
Office of Intellectual Disability.................... 303
PASSAGES................................................. 24
Senior Citizen Center.................................. 40
Total.......................................................... 540
Goodwill Literacy Initiative – GLI............... 714
Goodwill Employment
Training Center – GETC.............................. 31
Driver’s Ed................................................. 103
Intake/e-Jobs.......................................... 1,066
Testing Center........................................ 3,396
Total....................................................... 5,310
Pittsburgh Initiative to
Reduce Crime – PIRC................................. 71
City Job Search......................................... 119
AFFECT..................................................... 598
Reintegration............................................. 165
McKeesport Career Development Center.....286
Total....................................................... 1,239
Goodwill Center......................................... 213
HEART House (Adult)................................... 7
HEART House (Children).............................. 9
Northside Common Ministries Shelter....... 321
Northside Common Ministries Permanent..... 14
Healthy Start House....................................... 34
HARBOR........................................................ 86
Total.......................................................... 684
Transition................................................... 100
YouthWorks............................................... 283
GoodGuides Mentors & Youth................... 126
Total.......................................................... 509
GRAND TOTAL............................ 53,292
Service Highlights
C Agency wide, Goodwill placed 804 individuals in employment –
a 25% increase from 2012.
C Northside Common Ministries logged 6,348 visits to their drop-in
center and provided over 10,000 individuals with food through
their food pantry.
Learning and Growing at the Good-to-Grow Greenhouse
C Participants in several Goodwill programs are learning skills and growing their
capabilities at Goodwill’s newest “classroom” – the Good-to-Grow Greenhouse in
Lawrenceville. They learn how to cultivate and grow fresh produce and flowers year
round, and receive hands-on training for employment in fields such as horticulture,
food service, restaurants and retail.
Transition WORKS! for High School Students
A student in Goodwill’s Transition WORKS! program, Jacob
learned about planting lettuce seeds in the greenhouse.
The program helps high-school students with disabilities
experience different types of work to prepare them for the
transition from school to work. Services offered include job
coaching, case management, work skills evaluation, and
job search support.
Elderberry Junction for Older Adults
Sarah volunteered to work in the greenhouse helping to
prepare bulb pots for a fundraising sale. She is a participant in Goodwill’s Elderberry Junction center for seniors.
Located inside the Goodwill Workforce Development Center
in Lawrenceville, Elderberry Junction provides a variety of
activities for older adults who have developmental disabilities, including community outings, volunteer programs,
exercise classes, and social opportunities.
C Produce grown in the greenhouse is used in Goodwill’s Good-to-Go Café,
which houses our Food Services Training Program, and flowers grown there are
used for landscaping and fundraising sales.
C The greenhouse also is a source of fresh produce and flowers for the
community at the Lawrenceville Farmer’s Market during the summer.
C Workshops for clients, staff and local residents are offered at the greenhouse
on topics such as health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices and organic
PASSAGES for People with Autism
Working at the greenhouse measuring bulb growth,
Marie is a participant in Goodwill’s PASSAGES program,
which provides training and support services for adults
with Autism Spectrum Disorder who want to find a job.
The program provides instruction in resume preparation,
interviewing skills, workplace social skills, job search
assistance, and individualized on-the-job support.
RISE – Reentry Through Industry Specific Education
Raised garden beds in the greenhouse were built by students
from a job-training and employment-assistance program
for local youth known as the RISE Project (Reentry Through
Industry Specific Education). RISE is a pre-apprenticeship
construction training program for facilities maintenance that
integrates work-based learning with vocational and academic
skills training, including job readiness, employability skills,
career development, life skills and on-the-job training.
Community Support Helps Goodwill Help Others
Every year, Goodwill is able to help thousands of people with special needs
because of the tremendous support we receive from the community. That support
ranges from individual everyday donations of goods and small financial gifts to
large-scale grants from major corporations and foundations for specific purposes.
We are extremely grateful to all of our individual donors, many of whom are
listed elsewhere in this report, and to the following foundations for their grants
during the past year in support of our mission.
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Funding for construction of Goodwill’s unique job-training
“classroom” – the 18-by-30-foot Good-to-Go Greenhouse,
located adjacent the Goodwill Workforce Development
Center at 118 52nd Street in Lawrenceville. The project represented Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield’s strong commitment to supporting initiatives that help individuals develop
and maintain healthy lifestyles.
The UPS Foundation
Funding for completion of the interior of the Good-to-Grow
Greenhouse – including interior furnishings and materials,
lighting and a landscaped pathway – provided by the charitable arm of UPS, a global leader in logistics and package
BNY Mellon Foundation
of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Provided funding to support the “Age Up, Not Out” program of Goodwill’s YouthWorks unit, which helps youth
emancipated from the foster care system become economically successful through work-readiness and career
exploration; and for enhancements to the agency’s Service
Delivery Model Outcomes and Measurement System.
Eden Hall Foundation
This Pittsburgh-based private foundation provided funding
for the purchase of a Human Capital Management software
system that will comprehensively integrate technology
improvements across more than 40 Goodwill locations to
realize efficiencies that will enhance organizational development and have a significant impact on human services.
Highlights of 2013
New Stores
The Heidelberg, PA store is now open and when
the Kingwood, WV store opens during 2014, the
new store count will be 32.
Transition WORKS!
CARF Accreditation
In June, the employment-related programs
and services of Goodwill earned another threeyear accreditation from CARF International, an
independent nonprofit accreditor of health and
human services, whose endorsement is a mark
of distinction among agencies that provide such
services. Goodwill has achieved consecutive
three-year CARF accreditations for its employment programs since 2004. After on-site visits
by a survey team and a thorough examination
of Goodwill’s facilities, services and processes,
CARF accreditation was extended through
June 2016.
The Transition WORKS! employment training
partnership between Goodwill and Redstone
Highlands Senior Living Communities was
expanded in March to be available to high
school students with disabilities at the Redstone
Highlands facility in North Huntingdon as well as
the Greensburg location where the program has
been operating for several years. The Transition
WORKS! program provides occupational skills
training to prepare students for competitive
employment, including instruction in areas such
as clerical, dietary, human resources, laundry,
nursing, and medical records.
YouthWorks, Inc., a Pittsburgh workforce development agency founded in 1999, merged with
Goodwill in July. It operates several careerexploration and job-readiness programs, serving
at-risk youth who are dealing with challenges
such as poverty, homelessness, and foster care.
Golf for Goodwill
The 2013 Burns & Scalo Golf for Goodwill event
raised over $180,000 – about $13,000 more than
the previous year – making it the most successful fundraiser in the history of Goodwill SWPA for
the second consecutive year. Held on August 19
simultaneously at the Pittsburgh Field Club and
the Fox Chapel Golf Club, the event drew a sellout field of 228 golfers and dozens of generous
sponsors. It was the third straight sell-out year for
the event which has been co-sponsored since
2010 by Burns & Scalo Real Estate Services, Inc.,
headed by Jim Scalo, and Burns & Scalo Roofing,
Inc., headed by his brother, Jack.
Power of Work Awards
Winners of Goodwill’s Power of Work Awards for 2013 were honored in November for their efforts in
support of workforce development. They were:
Focused Industrial Training and Envirosafe Stripping, Inc. – Focused Industrial Training (FIT), a nonprofit corporation, provides skilled trade training and employment services for individuals with
barriers to employment. FIT worked with Envirosafe Stripping, Inc., an industrial surface-preparation
and coating business, to develop a training and employment-support program that has enabled the
company to employ veterans with difficult backgrounds in positions with substantial incomes and
long-term potential.
Human Engineering Research Laboratories – A joint program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
and the University of Pittsburgh, Human Engineering Research Laboratories is a nonprofit research
and development facility that focuses on improving the mobility and function of people with disabilities through advanced engineering in clinical research and medical rehabilitation.
Mount Macrina Manor – A nonprofit long-term health care and rehabilitation facility, Mount Macrina
Manor created a free Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program that recruits individuals with barriers to employment and focuses on the facility’s culture of care, respect and protection.
PNC Bank – PNC actively recruits and hires individuals with various barriers to employment through
numerous partnerships, sponsorships and other ongoing relationships with local and national organizations that have a disability focus. These efforts support PNC’s culture of diversity and inclusion.
UPMC – UPMC sponsors many programs to help people with barriers to employment,
including the Partnership on Workforce Readiness and Retention Program, a unique collaboration
between UPMC and over 30 community partners; and UPMC Project SEARCH, a high school transition program for students with disabilities that combines education and work experience to prepare
participants for competitive employment.
2013 Donors
Businesses, Foundations,
Churches, and
AAA Engraving
Accel Sign Group, Inc.
Adagio Health
Advanced Communications
AgRecycle, Inc.
Allegheny Foundation
American Land Abstract Company
Amshel Charitable Foundation
Arch Masonry Inc.
Bayer MaterialScience
Ben & Fannie Applestein Fund
Bessie F. Anathan Fund
Betty K. Hess Revocable Trust
Betty Lou Yount Trust
Blumling & Gusky, LLP
BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
BNY Mellon Foundation of
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Bozzone Family Foundation
Brooks Family Foundation
Bruce D. & Treasure Sachnoff
Charitable Family Foundation
Burns & Scalo
Real Estate Services, Inc.
Burns & Scalo
Roofing Company, Inc.
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Campos Inc
Carlisle SynTec Systems
Case Sabatini & Co.
A Professional Corporation
Charles A. Brooks Charitable Trust
Charles Talbot Campbell
Charitable Foundation
Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation
City of Pittsburgh
Clearview Federal Credit Union
Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.
Construction Engineering
Consultants, Inc.
Controlled Climate Systems
Dan Taylor Interiors
David Tesone Group, Inc.
Dollar Bank
Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.
Eckert Seamans
Eden Hall Foundation
Edwin R. Crawford Estate
Faith United Methodist Church,
Fox Chapel
Fayette County Health Center
Federal Home Loan Bank
of Pittsburgh
Federated Investors, Inc.
Federated Mattress Co.
FFC Capital Corporation
Fifth Third Bank
First Commonwealth
Financial Corporation
First Niagara
First United Methodist Church, Irwin
FISA Foundation
Geo Mechanics Inc.
Goodwill Industries International
Goodwill Industries of Delaware
& Delaware County, Inc.
Goodwill Industries of Greater
New York & Northern New Jersey
Goodwill Industries of North Georgia
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys
Goodwill Industries, Inc.
Hidden Valley Rentals
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
Human Services Center Corporation
Huntington Wealth Management
IBEW Local Union No. 5
Intergroup Communications
IPLogic, Inc.
Jack Buncher Foundation
James Construction
James M. & Lucy K. Schoonmaker
JB Mechanical Inc.
Jeram Marketing
JM Paving, Inc.
Johns Manville
Jones Lang LaSalle
JPs Contracting Inc.
Katherine Mabis McKenna
Foundation, Inc.
Leasure K. Darbaker Trust
Lehner Family Fund
Leonard A. & Mary Jane Schafer
Charitable Foundation
Levi Strauss & Company
Maher Duessel, CPAs
Matthews Educational
and Charitable Trust
McGee Maruca & Associates, P.C.
McMasters United Methodist Women
Milan Vranish Insurance Agency
Mongiovi & Son
Mt. Lebanon Office Equipment
Co., Inc.
Neishloss & Fleming, Inc.
New Brighton United Methodist
Nina Baldwin Fisher Foundation
Norman C. Ray Charitable Trust
Peoples Natural Gas Co. LLC
PNC Bank
PPG Industries, Inc.
Renaissance Hotels & Resorts
Rhoda and Seymour Sikov
Philanthropic Fund
Robert & Mary Weisbrod Foundation
Robert C McCarthy Agency Inc.
Robert Morris University
Rosalie M. Murrer Charitable Fund
Roscoe United Methodist Women
RS Supply, LLC
Scalise Industries Corporation
Schlesinger Fund
SESCO Enterprises LLC
Sherrard German & Kelly, P.C.
Sierra Contractors
Sisterson & Co. LLP
Snee-Reinhardt Charitable
Steel City Secret Cinema
Taylor United Methodist Women
The Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
The Forbes Funds
The Gateway Engineers, Inc.
The Heinz Endowments
The Huber Group
The Norbell Foundation
The Pittsburgh Foundation
The R. M. Brown & T. Y. Brown
The Sturges Foundation
Tidioute Oil Company
Tippins Foundation
Trade Institute of Pittsburgh
Trib Total Media
Tucker Arensberg, P.C.
Tudi Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Turtle Creek Valley MH/MR, Inc.
United Methodist Church Union
UPMC Health System
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Wagner Family Charitable Trust
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Willis of MD, Inc.
Wilson Marketing Group
Yankanuck Club
Goodwill Champion
Mr. & Mrs. Donald O. Barth
Mr. James D. Campolongo
Ms. R. Yvonne Campos
Mr. Brian Clark
Mr. Gary R. Claus
Mr. James M. Droney Jr.
Mr. Edward Erny
Mr. Frank M. Hammond
Mr. Shawn P. Hanlon
Mr. Donald J. Heberle
Ms. Kelley Heckathorne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hotopp
Mr. Ken Johnston
Mr. Donald L. Kalkbrenner Jr.
Ms. Karen L. Larrimer
Ms. Marion P. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Menovich
Mr. James C. Roddey
Mr. Richard M. Scaife
Ms. Jamie Scarano
Mr. Tom Sieckhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smith
Mr. Raymond H. Steeb III
Mr. Jeffrey Sterling
Mr. Richard C. Thomas
Mr. Robert J. Tiskus
Ms. Patricia Trainer
Ms. Ann L. Turnbull Goodwill Builder
($500 - $999)
Ms. Judith Berrick-Perry
Mr. Daniel G. Cole
Mr. J. Ardie Dillen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Dollins
Mr. Mario Farina
Mr. Thomas H. Heisey
Ms. Rosaire Kopczenski
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Marstiller
Ms. Regina M. McDonald
Ms. Barbara Joan Novogradac
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Shortridge
Ms. Jeanette Thomas
Ms. Marijane Treacy
Rev. Peter D. Weaver Goodwill Steward
($250 - $499)
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Andersson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. Baustert
Mayor Bob Brooks
Mr. John A. Buchanan
Mr. Patrick A. Fusco
Ms. Wendy Roehrich Hall
Mrs. Margaret W. Henderson
Ms. Debbie Hickman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hodgdon
Ms. Ella Holsinger
Ms. April Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Dirk B. Landis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Lawrence Jr.
Ms. Lisa Leake
Mr. Ralph C. Lovasic
Ms. Rebecca L. Lucore
Mr. Robert J. Malinic
Mr. Richard Margerum
Mr. Jan A. Marks
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Meehan
Mr. Albert H. Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Mikluscak
Mr. John A. Mills III
Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Neely
Ms. Caroline O’Nan
Mr. Richard M. Pearlman
Mr. Solon A. Person IV
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Prizant
Mr. David G. Reese
Ms. Kimberly Simpson
Ms. Heather Sotomayor
Mr. Richard Standish
Mr. Morton D. Stanfield
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Turo
Dr. & Mrs. Jack E. Vande Visse
Mr. Sidney Zonn
Goodwill Advocate
($100 - $249)
Ms. Becky Abel
Ms. Jackie Abel-Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ackerman
Ms. Madalon Amenta
Rev. & Mrs. John W. Aupperle
Mr. Robert F. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Benedek
Mr. Paul G. Benedum Jr.
Mr. Earl C. Benner
Mr. Raymond W. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. W. Gerald Blaney
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Boretsky
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg
Mr. Allan G. Bullen
Mr. Edwin S. Burkhart
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Burkholder
Mr. Donald R. Busch
Mr. Richard L. Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Carrier
Dr. & Mrs. Domingo T. Chua
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Cipriani
Mr. Carlos Cordeiro
Ms. Janet Corrinne-Harvey
Mr. Harry N. Cotabish
Hanley Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Crammond
Ms. Cathy L. Davis
Ms. Heather DeBiase
Mr. Ramon E. Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dyba
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Fitting
Ms. Suzanne Flood
Ms. Janice L. Galanter
Ms. Patricia M. Gussey
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Hamilton
Mr. Worth M. Helms
Ms. Sheila A. Holt
Ms. Katherine Anne Holter
Rev. Larry P. Homitsky
Ms. Anna F. Hughes
Mr. Richard Hughes
Ms. Darlene L. Imling
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Inghram Jr.
Ms. Helen B. Jacob
Mr. George Jucha
Ms. Amy S. Kacmar
Mr. Keith Kanel
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Kestner
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Kisslinger
Mrs. Elsie Y. Lewis
Mr. Donald K. Lilley
Ms. Amy L. Lowen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. MacMurdo
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Maddigan
Ms. Antoinette Magiera
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Malakoff
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Marshall
Mr. Brian M. McBane
Mr. & Mrs. James P. McCabe
Mr. Robert C. McCartney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McDade
Mr. Richard C. McElhinny
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McNellis
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Meyer Jr.
Ms. Meghan M. Moore
Ms. Julia Ann Mosko
Mrs. Wilbert A. Nicholl
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Norton
Ms. Shirley Olander
Mses. Donna & Jeri Penrose
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Darin Postlewait
Ms. Lori A. Preston
Ms. Margaret Qualters
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Reisacher
Ms. Lillian F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Riethmiller
Mr. Albert W. Rorer
Mr. Sidney Alan Rosenbluth
Mr. & Mrs. David Segel
Mr. John R. Seitz
Mr. John Shenkel
Ms. Maureen Shenkel
Mr. Harold C. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Smith
Ms. Sylvia Smith
Ms. Emily Smith
Mrs. Mary Alice S. Smith
Ms. Pamela J. Smith
Mr. Robert Spicher
Mr. Robert G. Stape
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Steckel
Mr. & Mrs. H. Donald Stone Jr.
Ms. Nancy J. Svoboda
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Telfer
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Tobiczyk
Mrs. Catherine W. Trushel
Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Voigt
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Walston Jr.
Ms. Joan M. Webb
Mrs. Mimi B. Wells
Mr. Ted Willke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Wolf
Mr. Stephen Mark Wolfe
Ms. Melissa Wolkiewicz
Mr. J. A. Wunderlich III
Ms. Justina Yost
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh D. Young
Mrs. Mary T. Zabielski
Mr. H. J. Zoffer Goodwill Friend
($99 or less)
Mr. Darrell Alfred
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Allman II
Drs. Ernest E. & Jeanne Gannon
Mrs. Barbara Anderson
Ms. Betty L. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Andrews
Ms. Maureen P. Andrews
Mr. Barton G. Arlet
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Aurila
Mr. Robert M. Baker
Mr. Henry E. Bakkila
Ms. Barbara Balawajder
Mr. Mark W. Barch
Mr. Richard C. Barney
Bishop & Mrs. George W. Bashore
Mrs. Phyllis B. Beatty
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Belsterling
Ms. Rachel Bergman
Ms. Louise C. Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bigler
Mrs. Allegra A. Blackburn-Dwyer
Mrs. Audrey S. Blackstock
Ms. Ruth A. Boccardi
Mr. Tom Brady
Mr. Robert Brandegee
Mr. Keith A. Brooks
Mr. Andrew J. Brown
Ms. Ann Brown
Ms. Marian T. Brown
Ms. Nancy T. Brown
Ms. Linda Brunson
Ms. Denise Buice
Mr. Walter Bunt
Mr. Edward Burau
Ms. Michele M. Burlock
Ms. Rebekah Caldwell
Dr. & Mrs. Carnegie Samuel Calian
Ms. Sarah Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. Albert A. Caretto Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl S. Carlson
Ms. Lori Carnvale
Mr. J. Timothy Carr
Ms. Charlene Carter
Dr. Margaret Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Cerullo
Ms. Dawnita Chichilla
Mr. & Mrs. David Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Colen
Ms. Louise Coltellaro
Ms. Deborah Comay
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crocker
2013 Donors (continued)
Goodwill Friend
($99 or less)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P.
Mr. Gary Darnell
Ms. Michelle Decker
Ms. Heather DePalma
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. DeStefano
Ms. Marylyn F. Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ram L. Dhawan
Ms. Maria Didomenico
Mr. Thomas J. Dionise
Ms. Mary I. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Doonan
Ms. Alexandra Doonan
Lynley Doonan
Ms. Tabatha Dorman
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Dowd
Mr. James Drane
Ms. Rebecca S. Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Dunyak
Mr. David Dzombak
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ellis Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Elmore
Mr. & Mrs. Heinz L. Engelbrecht
Mr. Tom Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fabry
Mr. Dominic Falcione
Mr. Roy Faulk
Mr. Robert Feathers
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Fiano Jr.
Mr. Max G. Fischer
Mr. Ronald Flach
Mr. Edward J. Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. William Herman Foster
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Freeman
Ms. Cindy Furlong
Ms. Michelle Gainey
Mr. Sanford A. Galanty
Ms. Theresa M. Gallagher
Ms. Pamela Geruschat
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Gessler
Ms. Heidi Gibson
Mr. James B. Girod
Mr. Arthur J. Gob
Ms. Sheila R. Golding
Mr. Leslie A. Goldstein
Dr. & Mrs. Milton S. Gordon
Ms. Ida Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Gorr
Mr. John F. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gregor
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grubbs Paull
Ms. Tammi Grumski
Mr. Daniel Guzewicz
Mr. Perry Haalman
Ms. Erricka Hager
Mr. Jonathan Halpern
Ms. Anne Handler
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Haney
Mr. James E. Hann
Ms. Clare C. Hann
Ms. Wendy Harpster
Mr. Barry C. Harris
Ms. Katie Hart
Ms. Lea Havas
Ms. Marie D. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Heilman
Ms. Michelle Heller
Mrs. Kathleen Hendrickson
Mrs. Ethel Henning
Ms. Tiffanee Heywood
Mr. Elmer J. Hill
Mr. Richard Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Holding
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Holohan Jr.
Mr. Bob Hook
Mrs. Annette K. Hostoffer
Mrs. Rachel Hough
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Howenstein
Mr. Frank B. Hrala
Ms. Sharon Humphrey
Ms. Janice Hylton
Mr. & Mrs. H. Vaughn Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Jarmell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jaros
Ms. Brenda Jaros
Mr. David Johns
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Johnson
Ms. Jennifer C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kachmarek
Mr. Kevin Kanai
Mrs. Tracy Kates
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kelly
Ms. Rhoda M. Kern
Rev. & Mrs. Erwin K. Kerr
Mrs. James P. Kinard
Mr. Barry B. King
Ms. Dorothy E. King
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Kissel
Ms. Deborah Klein
Ms. Leona L. Knight
Mrs. Mary Ann Kocan
Mr. John R. Koehnke
Mr. Paul L. Kosmach
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kristakis
Mrs. Jen Kropinak
Mr. Leonard A. Kvorjak
The Ladner Family
Mr. Jim Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Allen W. Lebovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lesane
Mrs. Sarah T. Libson
Ms. Gabriella S. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Loether
Ms. Helen Long
Ms. Helen B. Losa
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Louttit
Ms. Joanne Luconti
Ms. Marilyn K. Luft
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lynch
Mr. George E. Lyness
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Madden
Mr. Bernie Matthews
Mr. David D. Maxwell
Mrs. Lloyd R. May
Ms. Nikki Mayers
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAnulty
Ms. Cindy McCue
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. McFarland Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McNamara
Ms. Charlotte McVey
Mr. & Mrs. Merle E. McWilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Middleton
Ms. Simone Miller
Mr. Kirk Moldstad
Ms. Lois Molt
Mr. Richard A. Monheim
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Morse
Mr. Thomas E. Morton
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Mularski
Ms. Liza Neft
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Newcomer Jr.
Ms. Josephine C. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Niece
Mr. James R. Nied
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Nowak
Mr. John O’Britz
Ms. Raeann E. Olander
Mrs. Rita M. O’Neill
Ms. Holly L. Opatick
Ms. Mary Osborne
Ms. Rose Paris
Mr. James A. Parreco
Mr. Nathan Patterson
Ms. Hannah Patterson
Ms. Barbara Peffer
Mr. Anthony Perri
Mr. George H. Pike
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Plassio Jr.
Ms. Lois E. Poirer
Mr. Glen C. Polen
Mr. Jay Poliziani
Mr. & Mrs. Britten Poulson
Ms. Ruth I. Prakop
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno A. Raso
Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Redfoot
Sky A. Redwood
Ms. Lorretta D. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Ritchie Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Robatzek Jr.
Ms. Arlene E. Robinson
Mr. Joseph W. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ruffer
Ms. Norma Russell
Mr. Don Ruth
Mr. Andrew Sabo
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Salvi
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Sayles
Ms. Mary Scabilloni
Mr. Ron Scarano
Ms. Julianne Scarano
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Schaughency
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schmunk
Ms. Eleanor L. Schoenberger
Mr. Walter A. Schratz
Ms. Irene Schrecengost
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sciotto
Ms. Patricia A. Sealy
Mr. & Mrs. Chandrakant A. Shah
Mr. Ryan Shalek
Dr. Lester F. Shapiro
Ms. Sherrill A. Shepler
Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Shrensky
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Shust
Ms. Annette Silverman
Mr. Tim Smith
Ms. Deana Smith
Mr. Bernard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Smith
Mrs. Mary Alice S. Smith
Ms. Kathryne K. Smith
Mr. Ronald L. Smykal
Ms. Susan Snider
Ms. Christine F. Srdoch
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold M. Starr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stefanko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stenger
Mr. James Stiff
Mrs. Monica Stoicovy
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Stone
Ms. Alice M. Strobel
Mr. Mark A. Stroup
Ms. Elaine Swaney
Mr. Tarrell L. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Sol W. Toder
Ms. Jennie Turba
Mr. Lawrence Vaccaro
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Vanfossan
Mr. David R. VanGorder
Ms. Mary Vassar
Mrs. Brenda T. Vogel
Ms. Roma A. Vose
Mr. Milan Vranish
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton L. Wade Sr.
Ms. Karen Wagner
Ms. Stephanie Waite
Ms. Ellen Hughes Warner
Ms. Gloria A. Weber
Ms. Phyllis J. Weigel
Mrs. Mary T. Weinheimer
Aric Wendorff
Ms. Audrey J. Westerlund
Ms. Mary Louise White
Ms. Donna Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Wilson Jr.
Mrs. John H. Wilson
Rev. E. Philip Wilson
Mr. John C. Wingertzahn
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Winslow
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wiseman
Ms. Karen D. Young
Mr. Richard Zimmerman In Honor Of
Mr. Michael Earley
by Mr. David Johns
Rev. Robert Marks
by Mr. Robert Feathers
In Memory Of
Ruby & Glenn Blackburn
by Mrs. Allegra A. Blackburn-Dwyer
Mr. James R. Fako
by Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Menovich
Dr. Robert S. Foltz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Allman II
Rev. & Mrs. John W. Aupperle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald O. Barth
Mr. Raymond W. Bishop
Mrs. Audrey S. Blackstock
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg
Mr. Walter Bunt
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Crocker
Ms. Cathy L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Elmore
Mrs. Kathleen Hendrickson
Ms. Anna F. Hughes
Ms. Amy S. Kacmar
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kelly
Rev. & Mrs. Erwin K. Kerr
Mrs. James P. Kinard
Ms. Gabriella S. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. MacMurdo
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAnulty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McDade
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McNellis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Menovich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Neely
Ms. Mary Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Britten Poulson
Sky A. Redwood
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Ritchie Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Sayles
Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Shrensky
Ms. Kimberly Simpson
Ms. Deana Smith
Mrs. Mary Alice S. Smith
Ms. Pamela J. Smith
Mr. James Stiff
Ms. Ellen Hughes Warner Ms. Agnes B. Herby
Ms. Rosaire Kopczenski
Mrs. Mary T. Weinheimer
Mr. Edward Holsinger
by Rev. E. Philip Wilson
Mr. Joshua Jordan
by Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wilson
Mr. Donald L. Kalkbrenner Sr.
Mr. Donald L. Kalkbrenner Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Wilson Jr.
Mr. James N. Shaver
by Mses. Donna & Jeri Penrose
Mr. Norman R. Smith
Adagio Health
Faith United Methodist Church,
Fox Chapel
Goodwill Industries of Delaware
& Delaware County, Inc.
Goodwill Industries of Greater
New York & Northern New Jersey
Goodwill Industries of North
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys
Goodwill Industries, Inc.
Tidioute Oil Company
UPMC Health System
Yankanuck Club
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Golf for Goodwill Donors
Gary Claus
Heather DeBiase
Butch Dillen
Mario Farina
Carlo Fontenot
Frank Hammond
Shawn Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Worth Helms
Karen Larrimer
Kevin Palermo
Dave Reese
Jack Scalo
Jamie Scarano
Patty Trainer
Allegheny Valley School
Arsenal Bowling Lanes
Arsenal Cider House & Wine
Cellar, Inc.
Astor & Black
AVI Foodsystems
Bobby Rahal Automotive Group
big Burrito Restaurant Group
Buckhead Saloon
Carnegie Museum of Art
Carnegie Museum of
Natural History
City Theatre
Crystal Bead Bazaar
Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale
Freedom Square Diner
Gallery on 43rd Street
Gateway Clipper Fleet
Glengarry Golf Links
Henne Jewelers
James Street Gastropub and
Mountaineer Casino
Racetrack & Resort
National Aviary
Pittsburgh CLO
Pittsburgh Opera
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Steak Company
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel
Rivers Casino
Target - East Liberty
The Andy Warhol Museum
The Church Brew Works
The Sheraton Station Square Hotel
Waffles, INCaffeinated
Washington Wild Things
Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh
Major Auto Auction Donors
Ms. Judith E. Andzelik
Ms. Georgette Ayres
Alama S. Camphire
Mr. Stanton J. Carson
Mr. Charles William Grigsby
Pamela & Thomas Hornyak
Rolv Hundal
Mr. David R. Kushner
Ms. Janet Lehrain
Mr. Michael Leone
Ms. Barbara A. Lindsey
Midland Heights Homes, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Moll
Ms. Dorothy A. Moore
Mr. Ronald L. Osbourne
Ms. Irene Pagliai
Mr. Jonathan Rhodes
Jesse Schell
Ms. Janice Skilbeck
Evelyn & Howard Stringert
Mr. Vincent Toman
Margaret & Frederick Wallenberger
Ms. Florence Wilson
Goodwill of
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Robert S. Foltz Building
118 52nd Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
TTY: 412-632-1977
Union Station Clubhouse
Prevocational psychiatric
rehabilitation services
724-439-9311 / 724-437-9878
PA CareerLink Centers
Employment counseling and
support services
412-632-1711 / TTY 412-632-1712
Jacqueline Martinko Mitchell Building
40 Connellsville Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Fayette Co./Uniontown: 724-434-5627
Goodwill of
North Central West Virginia
401 Wood Street, Suite 1500
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Workforce Development Center
1954 Hunters Way
Morgantown, WV 26505
Goodwill Commercial
Services, Inc.
149 Donohoe Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
1905 Washington Street
Heidelberg, PA 15106
125 51st Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Greene County: 724-852-2900
2604 Monroeville Boulevard
Monroeville, PA 15146
Retail Stores
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Banksville Road
Robert S. Foltz Building
118 52nd Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
2866 Banksville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Northside Common Ministries
140 Finley Road
Belle Vernon, PA 15012
1601 Brighton Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Belle Vernon
Mt. Pleasant
1054 Countryside Plaza
Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666
4612 William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668
Natrona Heights
4005 Freeport Road
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
North Hills
7221 McKnight Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Workforce Development Center
370 New Castle Road
Butler, PA 16001
Pittsburgh: 412-481-9005
Centre Avenue
Fayette County: 724-437-9878
5993 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Norwin Hills Shopping Center
8755 Norwin Avenue
North Huntingdon, PA 15642
North Side
Training & Employment
North Central West Virginia: 304-225-0105
Check with your local Workforce
Development Center for their specific
offerings. Some programs and services
may include:
• Goodwill Employment Training Center
• Goodwill Literacy Initiative &
other educational programs
1306 Pittsburgh Street
Cheswick, PA 15024
Cranberry Township
• Career and Employer Services
20668 Perry Highway
Cranberry, PA 16066
• Job Training
• Driver Training
4101 Gibsonia Road
Gibsonia, PA 15044
• Vocational Assessment
• Welfare-to-Work Programs
• Youth Programs
North Huntingdon
509 East Ohio Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
North Versailles Outlet
294 Lincoln Highway
North Versailles, PA 15137
Housing Facilities
Peters Township
3492 Washington Road
McMurray, PA 15317
50 Southland Drive
Fairmont, WV 26554
Goodwill Villa: 412-257-4180
3 Urbano Way
Robinson Twp, PA 15205
1954 Hunters Way
Morgantown, WV 26505
Goodwill Manor: 412-257-4844
Other Businesses
Warren Plaza: 412-681-1749
Rochester Plaza #720
750 Ohio River Boulevard
Rochester, PA 15074
South Side
2700 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Auto Auction
294 Lincoln Highway
North Versailles, PA 15137
1-888-3040-CAR (toll-free)
Offering low-cost rebuilt computers,
computer parts and computer
1003 Mall Run Road
Uniontown, PA 15401
125 51st Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
89 Jefferson Avenue
Washington, PA 15301
Computer Recycling Center
15 South Spring Street
Buckhannon, WV 26201
Financial Support
Annual giving, fundraising events,
planned giving and agency tours
Volunteer Opportunities
Friends of Goodwill–Fayette
Donation Drives
econnect Pittsburgh
(A Dell / Goodwill Alliance)
A comprehensive computer
recovery, reuse and environmentally
responsible recycling program
1210 West Main Street
Bridgeport, WV 26330
Summerdale Court: 412-257-4180
To schedule corporate pick-ups,
call 412-632-1789
Jefferson Courtyard: 724-437-9878
Media & Public Relations
• Kil-a-Byte Data Destruction Service
Safe, affordable, guaranteed way to
permanently destroy information
residing on computer hard drives
North Central West Virginia
Goodwill Plaza: 412-771-0122
Wexford Shoppes
10293 Perry Highway, Suite 201
Wexford, PA 15090
2780 Saw Mill Run Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
Apartment and independent living
Good-to-Go Café
For more information, please visit our
web site at www.goodwillswpa.org.
Connect with Us!
Fayette County Recycling Center
Residential & commercial recycling for
Fayette County residents
107 Romeo Lane
Goodwill Custodial Services
Janitorial & maintenance services
Elkins Plaza
767 Beverly Pike
Elkins, WV 26241
Pittsburgh: 412-632-1779
Fayette County: 724-437-9878
Production Services
Workshops employing Goodwill clients
Pittsburgh: 412-632-1779
Fayette County: 724-437-9878
Agency Leadership (as of December 31, 2013)
About Goodwill
Officers of the Board
R. Yvonne Campos
Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton
John A. Buchanan
serve thousands of people each year. To help
Shawn P. Hanlon
Vice Chairperson
Gary R. Claus
people with disabilities and other barriers to
J. Ardie (Butch) Dillen
employment, our Workforce Development
Jamie Scarano
James M. Droney, Jr.
Mario Farina
evaluation and testing, training and education,
William G. Stayduhar
Cosette M. Grant-Overton
job placement and on-going support.
Frank M. Hammond
Goodwill operates 31 regional retail stores and
Patrick J. Guinee
Past Chairperson
Rev. Larry P. Homitsky
other businesses to help fund programs and
Michael J. Smith
John C. Krouse
Kenneth M. Johnston
Donald L. Kalkbrenner, Jr.
Karen L. Larrimer
Marion P. Lewis
Regina McDonald
Mark Popovich
David G. Reese
residential and social outreach programs that
Center provides a comprehensive menu of
employment-related services, including
to provide job training and employment
opportunities for our clients.
Mission Statement
We help people improve their quality of life
through work and related services.
Vision Statement
The vision of Goodwill of Southwestern
Pennsylvania is to be the region’s premier
human service organization offering
Wendy Roehrich Hall
exceptional services. We will be satisfied
Morton D. Stanfield
only when all persons have the opportunity to
Raymond H. Steeb III
achieve success in their pursuit of meaningful
Robert J. Tiskus
Marijane E. Treacy
Emeritus Member
Worth M. Helms
Albert H. Mercer
John A. Mills III
Jeffrey W. Sterling
Honorary Life Members
James C. Roddey
Richard M. Scaife
Leadership On Board
Heather DeBiase
Carlo Anton Fontenot
Goodwill provides a wide array of human service,
work or other quality of life experiences.
Goodwill of
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Workforce Development Center
Robert S. Foltz Building
118 52nd Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Telephone: 412-481-9005
TTY: 412-632-1977
Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity
Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon
request to individuals with disabilities. For more information, call 412-632-1809
or e-mail [email protected]
Goodwill SWPA is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the
highest standards of ethical behavior and regulatory compliance and to treating
everyone with dignity and respect. The agency’s full Code of Conduct document –
“Ethics at Work” – may be viewed at www.goodwillswpa.org.