Picture - Children`s Hospital of Michigan


Picture - Children`s Hospital of Michigan
Spring 2005
Katie’s Story: The
Best Care Around
Family Center Gets
Extreme Makeover
Caring Pairing:
From India with Love
New Board Chairman
Shares Vision
When Your
Doctor’s Out...
We’re In.
The Children’s Hospital of Michigan After Hours Kid Care
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and bruises to allergies and colds. And best of all, they’re open when
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After Hours Kid Care is staffed by pediatricians and specially
trained pediatric nurses, so you know they’re experts in kid care. And
they have direct access to the full resources of Children’s Hospital of
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The next time your child needs help in a hurry, turn to After
Hours Kid Care from Children’s Hospital of Michigan. They accept
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Open Nights
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Kristopher Williams, 16
created the thank you
letter above.
27207 Lahser Rd. • Suite 201
Southfield, MI 48034
As you read this issue of About Children’s you will notice a
common theme: generous donors make possible our work on behalf of
children and their families. Everywhere you look at Children’s Hospital
of Michigan, you’ll see evidence of donor generosity – from the molecular biology experiments we’re conducting in our research laboratories to
the new Family Center on the fourth floor. Through their contributions,
our donors are involved in everything from programs that directly
benefit our young patients to cutting-edge research. Their support
has been truly overwhelming. In this issue you’ll read about individuals,
families, corporations and non-profit groups working together to
support the mission of Children’s Hospital of Michigan. Sometimes
they organize events and raise funds on our behalf. Other times they
make generous contributions from their personal savings. But either
way, we couldn’t provide Michigan’s most advanced pediatric care
without them. We appreciate their support – and yours.
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
President, Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Weekends and
1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
For more information,
call 248.304.9314
About Children’s is a
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Development Department publication.
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Executive Director of Development:
Richard L. Kramer
Suzanne G. Dawes
Editorial Staff:
Julie E. Carpenter
Darlene Harris
Cynthia K. Rowell
Saudia L. Twine
Feature Writers:
Tom Frey and Anita Lienert
Editorial Design and Printing:
Grigg Graphic Services
• Donna Terek
• Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Medical Photography
Katie’s Story:
The Best Care Around
Family Center
Gets Extreme Makeover
Caring Pairing:
From India with Love
On the cover:
Azaria Anthony
Pediatric Emergency
Family Tradition – Foundation
Board Member Continues
His Mother’s Work
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please email, fax or mail your request to:
About Children’s Magazine
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Development Department
3901 Beaubien Blvd. • Detroit, MI 48201-2196
For more information please contact Children’s Hospital of Michigan at:
(313) 745-KIDS (5437) or www.chmkids.org
Fax: (313) 993-0119
Email: [email protected]
My experience at the
hospital was great…In
a way, going back there
feels like going home.
Katie Dittus
ane Dittus knew something was wrong with her 10-year-old
daughter Katie.
Her smile looked crooked and even though she managed
to sing in the choir that morning at Kirk in the Hills Church, she slept
all afternoon and had a terrible headache.
The next day, Katie’s pediatrician ordered a CAT scan and discovered
a brain tumor.
“He said, “‘If this was my child, I’d head to Children’s Hospital of
Michigan right now,’” recalled Jane. ‘“They are equipped to handle this
stuff. Go home and pack.’’’ And he was right. We couldn’t have gotten
better care anywhere else.”
The doctors at Children’s Hospital of Michigan had Katie in the
operating room the very next morning. After the surgery, Katie
went through five weeks of daily radiation treatments and a year of
chemotherapy – and she never missed swim practice at the Bloomfield
Surf Club throughout the whole time.
Today, Katie is an active 15-year-old in the tenth
grade at Lahser High School who is busy with dance
lessons, homework and serving as the first youth elder
at her church. Her dream is to attend a small college
and teach the third grade.
The Dittus Family feels a deep connection with
the hospital. Last Christmas, they held a party and
collected toys for hospitalized patients. They have
also participated in fundraising events that helped
raise more than $50,000 for Leukemia Research Life,
an organization that supports medical research at
“My experience at the hospital was great,” said
Katie. “At first, I was afraid. But everybody told me
that everything would be ok and I believed them. Now,
when I go back there, everybody recognizes me and tells
me I look good. And I feel good. In a way, going back
there feels like going home.”
very superhero needs a sidekick. Thanks to new
technology a pilot group of superhero physicians at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan now have their own
sidekicks – robots that help them provide expert care at any hour
of the day or night.
A pair of five-foot-tall, 200-pound robots are currently being
tested by six pediatric specialty surgeons at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan. While the robots don’t have any superpowers, they’re
enabling the busy surgeons to be in more than one place at a time.
“If a patient comes into the emergency room and needs to
be seen by a neurosurgeon, the surgeon can see that patient almost
immediately – even if he’s in another part of the hospital or at
home,” says Michael Klein, M.D., Surgeon-in-Chief at Children’s
Hospital of Michigan. “The benefit to the patient is they get to
see the most expert person more quickly and more often than
they normally would,” says Dr. Klein.
With a computer screen for a head and a real-time video
camera for eyes and ears, the robots can be operated by remote
control from another part of the hospital or even from home.
The hospital currently has two robots – one in the Emergency
Department and another on the fifth floor, but wireless
internet technology throughout the hospital means the
robots can go anywhere in the building.
The surgeons participating in the robot pilot currently have
remote control systems in their homes. A remote control system
is also available in the surgical suite at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan – enabling the surgeons to visit patients via the robot
when they are between surgical procedures.
According to Dr. Klein, other DMC hospitals will soon
have their own robots. These mobile robots extend the robotic
technology launched at Children’s Hospital in 2002 with its
nationally – leading Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation
Computer-Assisted Robot-Enhanced Surgery Program.
Dr. Michael Klein, who holds The Arvin I. Philippart, M.D.
Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgical Research and
Research in Solid Tumors of Childhood, pictured here
with one of the pilot robots. Dr. Scott Langenburg is
pictured on the screen from a remote location.
he Family Center at Children’s Hospital of Michigan recently
got an extreme makeover – a remarkable renovation that’s
helping the families of seriously ill patients.
In November, the Family Center was re-opened after an extensive
renovation aimed at giving families a more comfortable place to rest
and relax. The 3,300-square-foot space is located between the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
“The Family Center is intended to provide a safe haven for families
who are here with their children through very serious illnesses,” says
Bev Crider, manager of Family Centered Care at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan. “It’s understandable that parents and family members don’t
want to be far away when a child is critically ill. But families still need
time to rest and recharge.”
Before the renovation, the Family Center was just a large, open space
with couches, televisions and a playhouse for kids. According to Celia
Thurston, manager of Spiritual Care at Children’s Hospital of Michigan,
the old space wasn’t designed for large numbers of families in stressful
situations. It was overly lit and frequently noisy.
“The space just wasn’t working for the families. The environment
needed to support families in crisis. You do that by thinking about their
needs,” Celia says.
Families with critically ill children require gathering space and quiet
places to rest, as well as essentials
like showers, lockers, bathrooms,
linens, snacks, and coffee.
A donor’s visit made
this all happen.
Children’s Hospital of Michigan was grateful to receive a wonderful gift
from a generous friend in the community who strongly believed in the need
to redesign the space. Bathrooms and showers were added. Separate spaces
were created to give families more privacy and more options. The Detroit Red
Wings also “hit the ice” with additional funding that enabled the construction
of the Hockeytown Kids Wing, a special area of the Family Center with bistro
tables, a big-screen TV and lots of Detroit Red Wing memorabilia.
“Providing for the family is one more way we care for children,” says Bev
Crider. “The family is the constant in the child’s life. Doctors, teachers and
therapists all come and go, but family is the one thing that remains constant.
So it’s important that we support families while they care for their children.”
An anonymous donor’s commitment to the renovation of the Family Center
led to the partnership with the Detroit Red Wings.
According to Anne Marie Krappmann, Community Relations Manager of the
Detroit Red Wings, the hockey team’s donation came from a giving program
called the Red Wings Wish Club. Through the program, fans who make a
minimal donation to Children’s Hospital of Michigan can have a message
posted on the scoreboard during Red Wings games.
“Over the years, we’ve raised quite a bit of money through the Wish Club,”
Anne Marie says. “And when we heard about the renovation project with the
Family Center, we took a portion of the proceeds and put it toward building
the Hockeytown Kids Wing.”
A special thanks to the Red Wings and our anonymous friend!
Sharing thoughts about their
baby – the parents pictured
here – are seated in the
Hockeytown Kids Wing.
s Children’s Hospital pediatrician, Dr. Teresa Holtrop
immunized kids in one Detroit public school last fall,
the school principal told her a heart-wrenching story.
“He said that sometimes kids were out of school for weeks at a time
because parents hadn’t gotten them immunized and back into school,”
said Dr. Holtrop, the medical director of the CATCH Pediatric Mobile
Health Programs at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. “We tend not to
talk about this stuff, but it’s an issue we all have to face.”
In a massive immunization blitz last fall, the hospital, in collaboration
with a number of organizations, including the Detroit Public Schools and
Henry Ford Health System, met that issue head-on.
The immunization blitz was one of many mobile health activities
made possible by a five-year $1-million grant from the CATCH Charity
and a $1-million grant from the Henry Ford II Foundation.
As a result, 1,350 kids got the immunizations they needed to stay in
school and stay healthy. Five teams visited 110 Detroit public schools
with the greatest need for immunizations, including Webster, Campbell
and Dewey Schools, from September 20 to October 15.
“This was way beyond a traditional school immunization fair,” said
Dr. Holtrop, the mother of two daughters. “It almost felt like a military
operation, with the goal being to update immunization records and
immunizations in kids.”
To get the job done, the teams set up computers, phone banks and
coolers with dry ice to transport chicken-pox vaccine at a central
location dubbed “Ground Zero”.
Wayne State University pre-med and medical students volunteered
their time and helped with crowd control. Not only did kids get vaccinations, the teams helped to update databases on immunization records for
more than 3,000 children.
At Biddle Elementary School, one mom came in with three children.
Only one child was registering for school, but the team took
care of all of her kids.
Pictured beside the CATCH van are:
Dr. Charles Barone (Henry Ford Health
System); Dr. Theresa Holtrop, CATCH
program medical director; Jim Hughes,
CATCH Executive Director; and
Richard Kramer, CHM Executive
Director of Development.
“She was so happy that we were there,” recalled Dr. Holtrop.
“We encountered a lot of grateful parents.”
As Dr. Holtrop puts it, the effort was “all about mobilizing a
whole community to make something work for kids.”
“What this says about Children’s Hospital of Michigan is
that we’re not just our four walls,” she said. “We reach into the
community and work collaboratively with other organizations.
We work as advocates to effect changes in systems that improve
the health of children.”
The best news for parents and kids is that there are plans for
a second immunization blitz in September 2005.
Edsel B. Ford II
When former Detroit Tiger manager Sparky Anderson created his CATCH Charity
for Children in 1987, his goal was to help Detroit’s neediest kids.
The CATCH safety net expanded in September 2004 with the launching of
the CATCH Pediatric Mobile Health Programs, an outreach initiative in collaboration
with Children’s Hospital of Michigan and Henry Ford Health System.
This unique program brings free basic health services to children who experience
barriers to healthcare, including lack of transportation and no insurance.
CATCH says it is responding to a “need that is staggering.”
Prior to the CATCH sponsored immunization blitz Detroit’s children were
suffering from rates of immunization lower than anywhere else in the U.S., other
than Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana. They also suffer higher rates of lead
poisoning and asthma.
“The expansion of our mission not only helps service a need, it echoes what
Sparky envisioned when he started CATCH and that’s to provide assistance to the
neediest children in our own backyard,” said CATCH Board Chairman Edsel B. Ford II.
He wanted to
leave behind a
legacy – not just
for him, but a
legacy for his
entire family.
Paul, Marie, and
Frank Pellerito.
aul Yanouni of Grosse Pointe Woods led a simple life. He didn’t
believe in spending money on frivolous luxuries. When something
broke, he fixed it.
He was frugal – but not out of necessity. When the 75-year-old retired
barber died in April 2004, he left a sizeable inheritance to Children’s Hospital
of Michigan.
“My Uncle Paul never had children, he never married,” says Marie Pellerito
of Rochester. “But he always had a soft spot for children, especially children
with health problems.”
In his last days, Mr. Yanouni told his niece and nephews – Marie, Frank
and Paul Pellerito – that he’d decided to leave a portion of his estate to
Children’s Hospital of Michigan. They understood their uncle’s wishes and
honored his request by attending to the designation of this gift to Children’s
Hospital of Michigan.
The Yanouni family has a history of a rare bone defect called osteogenisis
imperfecta. Over the years, many members of the family have suffered with the
disease – including Marie.
“When I was a child, I was breaking bones every six months,” she says.
“Uncle Paul saw me, he saw the suffering and I think that’s one of the reasons
he wanted to help kids with health problems.”
Mr. Yanouni’s generous donation will be utilized to
establish the Yanouni/Pellerito Program for Nutrition
and Bone Health in Children. The money will support
research into osteogenesis imperfecta and other bone
“Much of Uncle Paul’s money was
passed down to him by his parents and I
think he felt obligated to pass that money
along. He wanted to leave behind a
legacy – not just for him, but a legacy
for his entire family.”
For more information on making
a planned gift to Children’s Hospital
of Michigan, please contact Jodi
Wong at 313-745-5855.
atherine Sherbin, 13, wanted to do something special
for Children’s Hospital of Michigan patients as she
celebrated her recent Bat Mitzvah.
So the seventh-grader at Derby Middle School in Birmingham
decided to put together special backpacks filled with goodies for
teenage patients as part of her community-service requirement.
She asked a dozen local businesses to make contributions of things
like videotapes, caps and lip gloss, and put together 50 backpacks.
“My sisters have been patients at the hospital and I know that
place is amazing,” said Katherine. “That’s what inspired me. It felt
awesome to know I was doing something good for other kids.”
Katherine said she also wanted to follow in the footsteps of
her family when it came to supporting the hospital. Katherine’s
father Aaron is the past president of the Festival of Trees board
of directors and her family, along with the Keywell and Purther
families, sponsored a hydrocephalus conference and lecture series.
But the backpacks were only part of the teen’s plan to help
other kids.
During her Bat Mitzvah, Katherine also asked that, in lieu of
giving her a gift, each of her friends bring a board game to donate
to the hospital. The games – more than
300 – filled the family’s entire GMC Yukon.
“It was just perfect,” said her mother,
Elizabeth. “We are so involved in the
hospital that it was a natural fit for her.”
Katherine Sherbin
My sisters have
been patients at
the hospital and
I know that place
is amazing... that’s
what inspired me.
It felt awesome
to know I was doing
something good
for other kids.
Peter Dankelson age 4
Dear Friends at Ch
r was smiling as he
Our 4-year-old Pete
tober after his
of Michigan last Oc
celebration of
rach party” was a
and multiple
d over 20 surgeries
d him to breathe wi
a tracheostomy tube
th Goldenhar Spectr
Peter was bo
by abnormal
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ck, including asymm
development of
ing his left ear and
of the face. At
an underspinal fusions and
canal, and ha
dney problems,
so suffered from ki
developed jaw. He al
sts in both eyes.
hypertension and cy
be removed, Peter
To have the trach tu
on his jaw. He was
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simultaneously and
to suck, swal
ing to
Now Peter is beginn
fed through
working toward eatin
take small bi
everynormal and enjoys
Today, Pe
He is attending his
thing typica
ents and
to visit his grandpar
year of pr
th wheels,
enjoys anything wi
play with
especially fire truc
the careatitude to many of
We feel
l of Michigan. Peter’s
givers at
that his
support staff ensure
nurses an
e not only met but
d support!
ndness, expertise an
Thanks ag
Dede�and� Darin� Dankel
For more information on activities to help Peter and other children dealing
with craniofacial issues, please contact [email protected].
here’s an expression in India: “It is written upon your forehead.”
It means something is fate, destiny.
That’s how Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, M.D. – or Dr. Ravi,
for short – feels about his wife, Kanta Bhambhani, M.D., and the way
they met at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
Both physicians are from India, but he is from the
South and she is from the North.
“In the normal course of events in India,
I don’t think we would have met,” Dr. Ravi says.
“You could say it was fate that we came all this
way to meet here.”
Dr. Bhambhani agrees. “Absolutely. There is no
way we would have met in India.”
But, for two young physicians dedicated to
helping kids with cancer and blood diseases,
Children’s Hospital of Michigan was the perfect
place to meet.
They met in 1971 when Dr. Ravi was an
attending physician at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan and the young Dr. Bhambhani was a
resident. They had a professional relationship
for a few years, then became closer in 1975.
They were married the next year.
Since then, the hematology/oncology specialists have worked together to provide expert
care to children with cancer, leukemia, sickle cell
anemia and other blood diseases. Additionally,
Dr. Ravi conducts basic research to better understand blood diseases at a molecular and genetic
level. Dr. Ravi holds The Georgie Ginopolis
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Cancer and Hematology.
Drs. Ravi and Bhambhani love children...and travel. “Travel is a very important
Dr. Bhambhani is involved
of our lives,” Dr. Bhambhani says.
in the clinical investigation
The couple went to Africa last year. Previous adventures took them to South
of new therapies.
America, Europe and the Far East. Dr. Ravi even credits his adventurous spirit
“Children’s Hospital
with his decision to study medicine in the United States. “When I was a boy in
of Michigan has been a
India my father brought home this educational film about Yellowstone National
wonderful place for us,”
Park.There is no question that it influenced my decision to study in the United
Dr. Ravi says. “I don’t think
States. One thing I definitely wanted to see was Old Faithful.”
we’d change a thing.”
And he did. It was one of the first trips he took after coming to America.
Joey Facts
He plays classical and jazz piano.
His second cousin is PGA
golfer Padraig Harrington.
In 2003, he appeared in a Disney
commercial for the release of
“The Lion King” on DVD.
He’s one of only 3 quarterbacks
in Lions history to throw for
3,000 yards in a season.
ant to find out how much kids love Joey
Harrington? Just go to a Detroit Lions home game
and count the number of children in the stands
wearing the young quarterback’s #3 jersey. It’ll be halftime
before you’re done.
And it seems the feeling is mutual – Joey loves kids too.
“I’ve always liked working with kids,” the Lions quarterback
says. “Back in Oregon, I worked with the Shriner’s Children’s
Hospital there. And when I came to Detroit my rookie year,
I knew I’d get involved with Children’s Hospital of Michigan
But he didn’t know he’d soon be spending time in the
hospital himself. In December of his rookie season, Joey
experienced an irregular heartbeat during a game against
Tampa Bay. He left the game and was transported to a local
hospital, where he later had a cardiac ablation procedure to
repair an electrical disturbance in his heart.
Joey missed the last two games of that season, but made
a complete recovery. Now, in his characteristic positive
attitude, he sees only the good that came out of it.
“After I had my heart procedure, that’s when it hit me
that I could really do some good with this,” he says. “I can tell
kids who are going through the same type of procedure that
‘hey, I’ve been through it and everything turned out OK.’”
Since then, Joey has found other ways to help kids. In
2002, he and his family established the Joey Harrington
Family Foundation to support local and national non-profit
organizations working to improve healthcare and education
for children. The foundation has made financial donations to
many children’s organizations, including a $25,000 gift towards
the purchase of a special cryoblation machine for the Pediatric
Cardiology program at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
Joey Harrington
ohn D. Baker, M.D. has spent the last 36 years helping
patients with eye problems. But the pediatric ophthalmologist now has a different sort of vision on his mind – the
long-term vision for Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
After serving the hospital on both hospital and board committees
for several years, Dr. Baker was recently appointed Chairman of the
Board. In addition to his new leadership role, Dr. Baker will continue
to practice pediatric ophthalmology and teach ophthalmology residents
when they come to Children’s.
“I came to Children’s Hospital in 1966
and I just fell in love with the place,” says
Dr. Baker. “And the love is still there. I
just enjoy being in the presence of all
the people that choose to work here.”
As Chairman, Dr. Baker and his
fellow board members see a number
of challenges and opportunities for
Children’s Hospital of Michigan in the
coming years. The first and perhaps most
urgent is the need to expand the hospital.
“The number of children the hospital
is serving continues to grow. The number
John D. Baker, M.D.
of services we’re providing continues to
grow,” he says. “In order to continue that growth and serve the
children of Michigan and the surrounding states, we need to add
space to the hospital.”
The board and hospital administrators are looking at a number
of ways to expand the physical structure of the hospital and provide
a more comfortable environment for patients and their families.
Other opportunities for the hospital include developing a system
of outpatient clinics in the suburbs, continuing to recruit worldrenowned physicians and researchers, and continuing to invest in
new technologies and new research.
While he says there is much to be done, Dr. Baker sees a bright
future for the hospital – largely because of the men and women
who work at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. “The hospital is
really blessed because it truly works as a family,” he says. “Everyone
involved with the hospital is here because they believe in what we
are doing.”
A Tribute
to Our
Past Chair
William P. MacKinnon
After more
than 20 years
of service to the Children’s
Hospital of Michigan Board
of Trustees – with four of those
years as Chairman of the
Board – William P. MacKinnon
recently concluded his service
to the board.
Under his leadership, the
services of Children’s Hospital
of Michigan grew dramatically
in both volume and variety.
In a resolution, the Board
of Trustees unanimously
expressed their heartfelt
appreciation to Mr. MacKinnon.
“He has been a tireless and
effective advocate for Children’s
Hospital’s mission areas,”
the board resolved. “We wish
him Godspeed in his future
endeavors as a leader in
family life, charitable service,
leadership in industry and
scholarly pursuits.”
Firefighters come
from across the
United States
and Canada
to compete in
the tournament
and help
us raise
any professions show their support for Children’s Hospital of Michigan
with fundraising events, but few do more for the hospital than metro
Detroit firefighters.
Dan McNamara, president of the Detroit Firefighters Association, explains
that firefighters from many different fire departments are interested in helping
Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
“When we make a rescue, we’re concerned about the child,” McNamara says.
“Our concern doesn’t stop at the doorstep when we hand the child off to the
ambulance. We want to follow through and make sure that child receives the best
care so they can get back to a healthy lifestyle.”
As he sees it, the best way to do that is by raising money for the Burn Center
at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
McNamara’s Detroit Firefighters organization is one of many local firefighter
groups raising money to support Children’s Hospital of Michigan. McNamara
himself is the founder of the annual Detroit Firefighters softball tournament that
has raised more than $500,000 over the last 24 years.
“It’s a big event every year,” he says. “Firefighters come from across the United
States and Canada to compete in the tournament and help us raise money.” All
proceeds go to Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
Other local fire departments also raise funds for the hospital. From 1997 to
2002, Dearborn Firefighters established and funded a $125,000 endowment to
benefit the hospital. They continue to raise money for the
Burn Center at Children’s Hospital of Michigan with
annual events including a Valentine’s Day Dinner
Dance and an Annual Car Raffle.
Even individual firefighters and their
families often join together to help the
hospital. When veteran Detroit firefighter
David Palm, Sr. died in April 2004, his
friends and family knew how to honor his
memory. They threw a party and raised
more than $20,000 for the Burn Center at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan. The party
is now an annual fundraising event. In 2005,
they more than doubled their first event,
raising $50,000.
lthough there was a giant ribbon wrapped
around the shiny, new Little Tikes® playscape,
Former Volunteer
the energetic children from Bennett Elementary
Gives $50,000
School in southwest Detroit couldn’t resist sneaking under
it to explore their new playground.
A former Children’s Hospital of Michigan volunteer
A warm afternoon in October 2004 provided the setcontinues to help kids – by making a $50,000 donation
ting for the official dedication ceremony and community
to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation.
“I just feel wonderful when I’m helping people,” said
build day to put the finishing touches on the brand new
Rodzik of Bloomfield Hills. In recognition of her
playground at the school. Dozens of children, community
generous gift, the Hospital plans to name a room in the
volunteers and Allstate employees worked side by side
Emergency Department after Patricia’s grandchildren for
with Children’s Hospital of Michigan volunteers laying
a period of five years.
sod, spreading mulch, planting flowers and designing a
In addition to her donation, Patricia helps children by
on the Board of Directors of the Children’s Hospital
children’s garden before cutting the ribbon and letting the
of Michigan Foundation. She also spends time with her four
kids loose to play.
grandchildren, the inspiration for her gift to the Foundation.
“The kids were so excited to help build their own
“I’ve been very blessed,” she said. “And blessings are
playground,” said Sue Smith, RN, MSN, Trauma
meant to be shared.”
Coordinator at Children’s. “The students used to play
Patricia’s gift was doubled, thanks to a matching gift
by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The funds
on an empty gravel lot or in the streets. Children’s is
to support the Injury Free Coalition for Kids
committed to preventing injuries in children and building
program at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. The Robert Wood
a safe playground is a great way to do that.”
Johnson Foundation challenges Children’s to secure a $50,000
In November 2002, Children’s Hospital of Michigan
gift each year for the duration of the grant period. Patricia’s
was named a national site of the Injury Free Coalition for
gift satisfies this requirement for 2004. Giving opportunities
for 2005 and 2006 still exist.
Kids. This prestigious and competitive grant award is a
$15 million national program of the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation that is designed to reduce and prevent injuries
to children. Our affiliation with the Injury Free Coalition
for Kids qualified us to apply for a grant from the Allstate
Foundation to build a playground.
“At Allstate, our world is about being there for the customer
when something happens – helping them put their lives back
together,” says Bill Ballinger, North Central Region Assistant Vice
President at Allstate Insurance Company. “We can rebuild a house,
we can fix cars, but we can’t repair bodies and we can’t replace
lives. That’s why we’ve worked in recent years to prevent injuries,
accidents and fires.”
Children’s Hospital of Michigan shares Allstate’s commitment
to injury prevention. “We would rather meet children out in the
community and keep them from getting injured than meet them
in our emergency department after an injury,” said Smith.
Community businesses including B and L Landscaping of Oak
Park and Home Depot also contributed to the playground.
Two of the children that helped build the
playground at Bennett Elementary.
Dr. Knazik speaks to a
patient and his mother
near the aquarium.
The average
wait time in
the Emergency
is now only
13 minutes.
Steve Knazik, D.O. and
Kathy DeBaker, MSN, CPNP
review a patient chart in the
recently renovated Children’s
Emergency Department.
he Detroit Medical Center’s popular 29-Minute Emergency Department Guarantee is now available at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
When a child visits the Emergency Department at Children’s
Hospital, he or she will be seen by a pediatric emergency physician within 29
minutes. That’s a promise.
While the guarantee seems like a customer service initiative, the director
of the Emergency Department at Children’s Hospital of Michigan says it’s more
about quality than convenience.
“Our 29-minute guarantee benefits patients as a quality initiative rather
than just a convenience initiative,” says Steve Knazik, D.O. “Although it
happens to be more convenient for families to be seen sooner, in emergency
medicine we believe that seeing patients sooner also improves the quality of
the care we deliver.”
Since launching the 29-Minute Guarantee in January, the Emergency
Department has met its goal 95 percent of the time. And it often exceeds the
29-minute target. The average wait time in the Emergency Department to see
a doctor is now only 13 minutes.
According to Dr. Knazik, the short wait times are made possible by an
Emergency Department expansion – 18 new exam rooms were added in late
2004. Plus, the Emergency
Department recently implemented new registration,
admission and triage processes
as well as increased staff levels.
“But it’s really a hospitalwide process. It’s not just the
Emergency Department that
made changes to make this
happen,” Dr. Knazik says.
“Everyone in the hospital
has done their part to make
it possible.”
hen Scott and Karyn Grodman learned their two young sons had diabetes,
the West Bloomfield couple was shocked. They had no family history of
diabetes. And even though Scott is a physician, he and his wife had limited
understanding of the disease.
“We went through a five-day hospital program to learn how to manage a child with
diabetes,” Dr. Grodman says. “But after we got through the training, we went home and
looked at each other and said, ‘This is it? This is all we can do?’”
It wasn’t. They decided to start raising money for juvenile diabetes research.
“I enjoy running so we got some family and friends together and had a fundraising
event,” Dr. Grodman says. “We invited people to our house and we had our first run. It
was a simple event. We fed them and we ran and we raised money – and we quickly
found out that people were extremely eager to help in any way they could.”
About 40 people showed up that first year. In the 12 years since, the event has
grown each year. In 2004, almost 400 people participated in the run.
The annual event is now the primary source of revenue for the Grodman Cure
Foundation. Through the foundation, the Grodmans have pledged $200,000 over five
years to fund diabetes research at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
“We linked up with Children’s Hospital a few years ago and they’ve been very supportive
of our efforts,” Dr. Grodman says. “Doing this helps with the research and it helps raise
awareness. It’s just something we have to do.”
The diabetes research effort at Children’s Hospital of Michigan is directed by Scott A.
Gruber, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FCP, Professor and Chief of Transplant Surgery at Wayne State
University School of Medicine. Dr. Gruber
has assembled an outstanding team of
investigators conducting cutting-edge
research in the area of pancreatic islet
cell manipulation and diabetes epidemiology.
The goal of the research is to better
understand, prevent and treat insulindependent diabetes.
The next Grodman Cure Foundation
event is “Skate@TheJoe” scheduled for
April 10 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit.
Please call 248-366-6904 or visit the web
site Skate@TheJoe: www.helpingothers
foundation.org for more information.
Jared and Adam
Grodman playing
a game with
Dr. Gruber.
Thousands of children are helped
each year by our generous family of
donors. Your commitment to supporting
the mission of Children’s Hospital
of Michigan and the Children’s Hospital
of Michigan Foundation is a true gesture
of community leadership that enables
the hospital to provide the highest
quality care to all kids in need throughout our Detroit area neighborhoods
and beyond. Philanthropy allows us
to perform cutting-edge research that
will improve children’s health, and to
educate medical professionals in the art
of caring for young people.Gifts from
caring members of the community
also support a vital range of advocacy
and outreach programs that benefit
children everywhere.
On behalf of the young patients,
families, and medical staff, thanks again
for your kindness and support.
By the terms of the Rewards of
Giving program outlined here, these
donors’ gifts through December 31,
2004 have qualified them for inclusion
in this Donor Appreciation Issue.
We make every effort to ensure the
accuracy of this information. To
report a change or correction, please
contact the Development Department
at (313) 745-5373.
• $5 million cumulative
giving since 1980
• $5 million 5-year
Guardian Benefactor
Carman and Ann Adams
The Carman and Ann Adams
Department of Pediatrics
Carman and Ann Adams Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Research
• $1 million cumulative
giving since 1980
The Carls Foundation
Marie Carls Communication
Disorders Endowment Fund
William Carls Endowment Fund
The Carls Foundation
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
The Carls Ear Institute
• $1 million 5-year
Festival of Trees
Evergreen Endowment Fund
• $2 million deferred
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Helppie and
Helppie Institute for Urban
Pediatric Health Research
Helppie Endowed Chair in Urban
Pediatric Health Research
Helppie Endowment Challenge
Fund for Pediatric Research
Helppie Endowment for Research
on Diseases Affecting
Underserved Children
• $10 million deferred
Patron Benefactor
• $500,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
• $500,000 5-year
• $1 million deferred
Major Benefactor
• $100,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Shelden
Elizabeth, Allan, and Warren
Shelden Fund
• $100,000 5-year
The Skillman Foundation
• $200,000 deferred
Principal Benefactor
CATCH-Sparky Anderson’s Charity
for Children
• $25,000 5-year pledge
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Auxiliary Endowment Fund
Endowment for the Center for
Pediatric Nursing Excellence
• $25,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
• $50,000 deferred
• $10,000 cumulative
giving since 1980
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II
Cynthia and Edsel B. Ford II Family
Research Endowment Fund
• $10,000 5-year pledge
The Henry Ford II Fund
• $20,000 deferred
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel
Frankel Family Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Neuroscience
• $1,000 in 2004
• $100 in 2004
Lindsay Cross was just 2 years old
when she was diagnosed with juvenile
xanthogranulomatosis, a rare disorder
that can cause benign growths, liver
problems and serious breathing difficulties.
For two years, she received treatment at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan, including a
bone marrow transplant when she was 3.
Today, Lindsay is a healthy 6-year-old who
loves to draw and play with her sisters.
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Foundation Pediatric Advanced
Technology Institute
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Foundation Computer-Assisted
Robot-Enhanced Surgery
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Research Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Ginopolis
Georgie Ginopolis Pediatric
Cancer and Blood Disease
Research Institute
Georgie Ginopolis Endowed Chair
in Pediatric Cancer and
Georgie Ginopolis Memorial Golf
Ginopolis-Karmanos Pediatric
Cancer Research Endowment
Mrs. Miriam L. Hamburger
Miriam L. Hamburger Endowed
Chair in Child and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatric Research
Mr. and Mrs. P.V. Heftler
James and Lynelle Holden Fund
Hudson-Webber Foundation
Dr. Patrick F. and Susan Jewell
George and Martha Bicknell Kellner
Frank Bicknell, M.D. Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Urology
Bicknell-Shumaker Pediatric
Urology Research Endowment
Kohl’s Department Stores
The Kresge Foundation
Estate of Edna D. Lambert
Leukemia Research Life,Inc.
Leukemia, Research, Life, Inc.
Angel Endowment Fund
McGregor Fund
Oldies 104.3 WOMC
“Christmas is for Kids” Oldies
104.3 WOMC Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Rosen
Rosalie and Bruce Rosen
Family Endowed Chair in
Tourette Syndrome and
Related Neurological Disorders
Elizabeth Schotanus Estate
Schotanus Family Endowed Chair
in Pediatrics
Elizabeth Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric
Peter Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric
Tennis & Crumpets, Inc.
Tennis & Crumpets Endowment
United Way Community Services
Variety, The Children’s Charity
William and Janis Wetsman
The Janis and William Wetsman
Family Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel
Patron Benefactor
Theodore and Mina Bargman
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Barker
Endowment Fund
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman Endowment
Claybird Classic
Claybird Classic Rehabilitation
Center Endowment Fund
Detroit Firefighters’ International
Benefit Softball Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dumars
Joe Dumars Charitable Foundation
Endowment for Surgical Research
Grand Lodge Free and Accepted
Masons of Michigan
Guardian Industries Corporation
Stanley Imerman Memorial
The Robert Wood Johnson
Julie and Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Edward and Julie Levy Pediatric
Cancer Research Endowment
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Night of Excellence (formerly Taste
of Excellence)
Drs. Yaddanapudi Ravindranath and
Kanta Bhambhani
Estate of Jessie Castle Roberts
Patricia H. Rodzik
Estate of Ruth E. and Lester F. Ruwe
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Estate of Margaret Couzens
John W. and Louise S. Stroh
Nicholas Wetherill Stroh and
Stephanie Wetherill Stroh
Endowment Fund
Estate of Jane V. Weber
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Estate of Elmore F. and Marjorie
Paul V. Woolley, Jr., M.D. Endowment
Estate of Lester G. Young
Lester G. Young Endowment Fund
Major Benefactor
John and Elizabeth Allen
E. Bryce Alpern, M.D.
E. Bryce and Harriet Alpern
Eugene and Marcia Applebaum
Archway Cookies, Inc.
BPCT Charity Golf Outing
BenePro, Inc.
Beznos and Luptak Families
Beznos and Luptak Families
Endowment in Pediatric
Neuropsychiatric Research
Luptak and Beznos Family
Endowment in Memory of
Donald Szelinski
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Booth American Company
Karolina Briechle Endowment for
Volunteer Services
The Eli and Edythe L. Broad Foundation
The Ruben S. Kurnetz, M.D. Pediatric
Resident Educational Endowment
Estate of Edwin P. Bryen
Ethel Burton Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James Carr
The Cline Foundation
Estate of Mary E. Chaloner
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Charach
Natalie and Manny Charach
Pediatric Cancer Research
Endowment Fund
Child Research Center League
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Comerica Incorporated
Community Foundation for
Southeastern Michigan
Conrail, Inc.
Margot and Warren Coville
Coville-Triest Family Foundation
Estate of Celia M. Crane
Julie Fisher and Peter David Cummings
Julie Fisher and Peter Cummings
Pediatric Neuropsychiatric
Research Endowment Fund
DTE Energy Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive,
Local #412
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive
Endowment Fund
Detroit Red Wings Wish Club
Estate of Donna J. Edley
Estate of Oswald C. Fischer
Estate of Lucile R. Fisher
Margaret K. and Charles T. Fisher, III
Family Fund
Mr. Curtis W. Fisher
Ethel and James Flinn Family
Ford Motor Company Fund
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Mrs. Walter B. Ford II
Walter and Josephine Ford Fund
William and Martha Ford Fund
Ann and Alan Frank
General Motors Foundation
Dick and Ginny Genthe Research
Endowment Fund
Martin R. Goldman
Dr. and Mrs. Scott T. Grodman
The Grodman Cure Foundation
Curtis and Claire Gropman
James and Nancy Grosfeld
James Paul Gutai, M.D.
Morton E. and Brigitte Harris
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation and
Heinz U.S.A.
Doreen and David B. Hermelin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buhl Hudson
Mrs. J. Stewart Hudson
James S. Hudson, Jr.
Jeffery MacLaren Hudson
Jane and Mario Iacobelli
Jane and Mario Iacobelli Family
Endowment for Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Research
The Jewish Fund
Estate of Earle F. and Mary Louise
Junior League of Detroit, Inc.
Estate of Mary Elizabeth Kaiser
Kiwanis Club No.1 Foundation of
Detroit, Inc.
Kiwanis of Michigan Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Klein
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Else Kolhede Memorial Foundation
Mr. Jack Krasula
Andrew and Theresa Krasula
Scholarship Endowment for
Language and Speech Therapy
Emily and Joseph Krinsky and Family
The Kroger Company, Great Lakes
Estate of Gretchen Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Larson
Raymond J. LeVeque
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lindquist
Little Caesars Pizza
Dr. Julie A. Long
Estate of Benard L. Maas
Benard L. Maas Foundation
Edward E. MacCrone Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers I. Marquis
Mental Illness Research Association
Michigan AIDS Fund
Michigan Mortgage Lenders Association
David and Miriam Mondry
Philanthropic Fund
NBD Bank, N.A.
Donna Nedelcoff Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Linden D. Nelson
Charles and Linda O’Brien
Louis Padnos Iron and Metal Company
David and Andrea Page
William M. and Mary E. Pagel
Irrevocable Trust
Daniel J. Patrona, Sr. Family Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Patterson
Perri Family Foundation
Jean-Baptiste and Delia I. Peyrat
Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Arvin I. Philippart
Plastic Brotherhood of America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Purtan
Dick and Gail Purtan Family
Endowment Fund
Lillian Ohrns Ragsdale Charitable Trust
Estate of Donna J. Ramey
L. Reynolds and Associates
Ring Screw Works/Textron Fastening
Systems Automotive
George, Lillian, Karan and Janice Roman
Karan Ann Roman Memorial
Pediatric Cancer Research
Endowment Fund
Ronald McDonald House of Detroit
Royal Oak Firefighters and Detroit Red
Wings Softball Game
S*T*A*R*S (Seeking Techniques
Advancing Research in Shunts)
Drs. Ashok P. and Ingrid A. Sarnaik
Ashok and Ingrid Sarnaik Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund for
Residents and Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Schoenith
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr.
The Sinai Guild
Yates G. and Marjorie S. Smith
Memorial Research Fund
The Families of Gari M. and John W.
Estate of Marguerite Stroh
Ruth Kraft Strohschein, M.S., Ph.D., M.D.,
Pediatric Research Endowment Fund
Textron Charitable Trust
Ticker Club, Inc., Cardiology Division
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy and Family
Estate of Helen K. Utley
Mr. and Mrs. Art Van Elslander
Art Van Furniture Co.
Visteon Corporation
Michael Volante Golf Outing
Michael Volante Pediatric AIDS/HIV
Endowment Fund
Wayne State University, School of
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Wayne State University, School of
Medicine, Office of the Dean
Estate of Jennie Weiman
Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
Samuel L. Westerman Endowment
for Neuroscience Research
Estate of C. Frank Wilson
Jean Wilson
Estate of Luella W. Wilson
The Yanouni Family
Dorothy O. Zink Estate Trust
A to Z Memorial Golf Outing
AAA Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Ackerman
Estate of Gladys Aldrich
The Allen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee
The Allstate Foundation
Robert and Marge Alpern
Alternating Hemiplegia Foundation
Altria Group, Inc.
Wendell W. Anderson Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Arciniegas
Arden Companies and Employees
Eugene J. and Clare Arnfeld Fund
Arthur Murrays, Dearborn - Mark
Estate of Clarence L. and Henrietta C.
Estate of Blanche Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Avallone
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Benefactor (continued)
Estate of Viona Baraconi
Barton-Malow Company
The Stephen J. Bartush Foundation, Inc.
William Beaumont Hospital
Walter M. Belenky, M.D.
The Bell Company - Mr. Henry G. Bell,
Estate of Erma S. Bernard
Michael Berry, J.D.
Ms. Elaine Blatt
Leland F. Blatt Family Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Robert H. and Suzanne Bluestein
Andrea Bocelli
Estate of Jean Taylor Bodkin
Edward Marshall Boehm, Inc.
William P. Bonbright
Al and Rachel Boomgaert
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Booth, II
Botsford General Hospital
Dr. Sheldon L. Brenner Memorial
Endowment Fund
Dr. Brenner Memorial Golf Outing
Mallory Brincat Memorial Fund
Gladys E. Brooks Residuary Trust
Broomfield Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brzustewicz
Buchanan Children Memorial Trust
Estate of C. Henry Buhl
Bundy Foundation
Thomas J. Burns Philanthropic Fund
Estate of Claire C. Burtch
Barbara Bush Foundation for Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Buttigieg, III
Estate of Anne Bytzko
Alexa Canady-Davis, M.D.
Estate of Doris L. Castle
Charity Motors, Inc.
Children Affected by AIDS Foundation
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Intensive Care Transport Team
Parade Event
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Medical
Estate of Josephine Codispoti
Estate of Minnie H. Coen
Leslie and Miriam Colburn
Compuware Corporation Employees
Congregation Beth Ahm
Consumers Power Company
Coopers and Lybrand
Copper and Brass Sales, Inc.
Mr. Daniel R. Corbet
Dr. John P. Coughlin
The Coulier Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couzens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain
Mary Jane McMillen Crowe Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Mopar
Parts Division
Datanational Corporation
Daughters of Isabella Michigan State
Estate of Martha Henrietta Dawson
Dayton Hudson Department Store
Dearborn Police Department and
Detroit Red Wings Softball
Deloitte and Touche
Delta Air Lines Employees Fair Share
Delta Dental
The Helen L. DeRoy Foundation
Detroit Armory Corporation
Detroit Edison
Mr. S. Martin Taylor
Detroit Red Wings “Power Plays For
Estate of Doris L. Dillingham
Downriver Bike for Bucks
Downriver Women for Children’s
Earl-Beth Foundation
Mrs. George M. Endicott
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Etkin
Charlotte C. Evans Trust
Mrs. William A. Evans, Jr.
The Farbman Group
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy, Jr.
Farmington Single Professionals
Federal-Mogul Corporation
Sergei Fedorov Foundation
Ferrantino Charitable Foundation
Festival of Trees International
First of America Bank-Southeast
Michigan, N.A.
Fischer Buick-Subaru, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, III
Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Fleischmann
Flint Ink Corporation
Fox and Hounds
Virginia B. Fox
Dale and Bruce Frankel
Furniture Express, Children’s Charities,
The Honorable Hilda Gage
The Art Gagnon Memorial Golf Outing
Garden City Hospital
Estate of Jane Campbell Geis
General Dynamics
The Gerber Foundation
Mrs. Gaylord W. Gillis, Jr.
Norman and Rosanne Gjostein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III
The Glancy Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Eloise O. Goddard
Irving and Adele Goldberg
Mr. Nate Gooden
Mr. Goodwrench ‘Cares About Kids’
Dr. and Mrs. Herman B. Gray, Jr.
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit
Ladies Philoptochos
Grosse Pointe South Girls Basketball
“Points for Pediatrics”
The Gruskin Family
Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Gruskin
Estate of Gwendolyn B. Gussow
Claudia A. and Robert E. Hacker
Estate of Catherine E. Hague
Mehdi and Manijeh Hakimi, M.D.
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Happy Healthy Children’s Golf Outing
Ms. Frankie Hardaway
Harper Grace Hospital Urologic
Joey Harrington Family Foundation
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heaton
Estate of Gertrude E. Hendra
Henry Ford Health System
John and Rose Herman Foundation
Hiram Walker Group
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hoag
Estate of Marilyn M. Hodges
Home Furnishing Representatives of
Michigan, Inc.
Mrs. Men-Chih Honeycutt
Tracy Ann Honeycutt (Liimatta)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Horonzy
Estate of Clara M. Hosie
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hudson
Gilbert and Anne Hudson Fund
Estate of Frederick G. L. Huetwell
I.S.I. Manufacturing Inc. and Subsidiaries
Investaid Corporation
Mr. Ralph Irvin
J.P.E. Incorporated
Jacobson Stores Inc.
Polly Johnson Cancer Research
Justin’s Gift Golf Outing
Mrs. Alice M. Karoub
Susan M. Karr
Keebler Company
Estate of Helen Waive Kennedy
Estate of Martha Kenney
Estate of William J. Kernan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler
Kids Racing for Kids
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kielbowicz
Kmart Corporation
Margaret E. Kolodsick Irrevocable Trust
Donald and Mary Kosch Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Kovan
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kramer
Holly Construction Company
Virginia Krause
Sigmund and Stella Krug Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Kurko
Ruben S. Kurnetz, M.D.
Pauline Kuteron Charitable Remainder
Mr. and Mrs. Terry K. Lanzen
Mrs. Ethel Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledyard
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levy
Norman Levy Associates, Inc.
Mary Lieh-Lai, M.D. and Mr. Eduardo
O. Lai
Lincoln Health Care Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lunt
William P. and Patricia H. MacKinnon
The R. C. Mahon Foundation
The Mainster Humanitarian Dinner
Make A Difference
Mamon’s Ride to Educate Hospitalized
Manheim’s Metro Detroit Auto Auction
Golf Outing
Estate of Esther L. Manners
Mardigian Foundation
Masco Corporation
Estate of Phyllis Ellerton McCord
Vivian and Patrick McTigue
Estate of Louis H. Meyers, D.D.S.
MichCon Foundation
Michigan Jewish Sports Hall of Fame
Michigan Liquor Vendors Association
Jacquelyn A. Stewart
Michigan National Bank
Emmett and Jane Buell Mills
Steve Milnikel Memorial Golf Outing
Estate of Robert R. Mitchell
Molloy Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Brian J. Molloy
Pamela and Paul Morath
Bernard and Muriel Moray
Jack Morris
Dr. Michael J. Morykwas and
Mrs. Mardene Galanos Morykwas
Leon S. Moskovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Murphy
NFL Alumni - Detroit Chapter
Neurology Parent Professional
Advisory Council (NPPAC)
The Niemiec Family Foundation
Estate of Miriam E. Nikkila
Numatics, Inc.
Tara Nutting Fund
O.E.S. King David and Greater Queen
Esther Tribute Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Peters Oppermann
Gina E. Pacitto Touch an Angel Fund
Mitchell and Karen Padnos Research
Endowment Fund
Parents Promoting Arthritis Research
for Children (PPARC)
Pastoral Care Commission
Frances and Leslie Pensler
Pepsi-Cola Central
The Karen and Drew Peslar Foundation
The Pfeister Company
Pheasant Ring Community
Al and Ruth Pierson Estate Trust
Fred Pischke Memorial Golf Outing–
Detroit Edison TCPP
Mr. Wesley Pontius
Estate of Florence Powell
Heinz C. and Waltraud Prechter
Estate of Marie Eleanor Pupava
Racing for Kids
Mrs. Mary G. Radom
Mary G. Radom Honorary Fund
The Rakolta Family
Estate of Edward F. Randolph
Estate of Bertha B. Rapp
Milton M. Ratner Foundation
Estate of Dolly Pentreath Renwick
Reye’s Syndrome Association
The Ricelli Scheidt Family
Rich Smith Memorial Golf Tournament
Robert R. Roman, M.D.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Mr. Sheldon Rose
Bonnie and Norman Rosenberg
Miss Mathilde A. Rovin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Rozek
Estate of John Wallace Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Jatinder Bir Sandhu
Estate of Myrtle Schaeffer
Geraldine M. Schafer Trust
Estate of M. Ralph Schafer
Mrs. Shirley K. Schlafer
Estate of Ilse Schloss
Mr. Joseph P. Schmidt
Scott Shuptrine Fine Furniture
Estate of Ann M. Serratoni
Mrs. Allan Shelden, III
Jack and Miriam Shenkman Endowment
Sherbin, Keywell, and Purther Families
Fund for Neurosurgery
The Shiffman Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Slovis
The Garrett B. Smith Foundation
Raymond C. Smith Foundation
Endowment Fund
Estate of Elvira R. Snyder
Maurice H. Sobell Testamentary Trust
Estate of Anna Ruth Solomon
Anna Ruth, Helen, Lena Solomon
and Esther Solomon Krause
Memorial Research Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Solomon
Peter and Dorothy Solomon
Southeast Michigan Cable Association
Estate of Dorothy Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sprengel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Springer
St. Timothy Presbyterian Church,
Livonia, Michigan
The Stavropoulos Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Tanana
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Tindall, III
Nestor Truccone, M.D.
Unisys Corporation
Capital Area United Way, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Valenti III
Harry and Eleanore Vellmure Family
Frederick A. Vollbrecht Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Walters III
Estate of Clara V. Warner
Estate of Genevieve Waszak
Weather King Windows and Doors, Inc.
Mrs. Richard H. Webber
Estate of Pearl C. White
White Pine Stampede, Inc.
Estate of Elizabeth Wight
Estate of Millicent A. Wills
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wrigley
Mary and George Herbert Zimmerman
Mr. Herbert A. Abrash
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Adderley
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson J. Addison
American Association of Poison Control
American Legion Auxiliary
Charlotte Anderson
William R. Angell Foundation
Annapolis Nurse Anesthetist Education
Anschutz Family Foundation
Archdiocese of Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Y. Aronoff
Artisan Tile, Inc.
Estate of Martha S. Aust
Mrs. Thomas E. Barbour
Barmaids for Burns
Glenn R. Barnes
Employees of Barnes Industries and
Icon Machine
Barnes Industries, Inc.
Estate of Mary A. Bartush
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Baubie
Bay Medical Center
Becker Orthopedic Appliance Company
Camille Beckman Foundation, Inc.
Mary P. Bedard, M.D. and Richard F. Lusis
Susan B. Bellefleur, M.D. and Jeffrey P.
Bellefleur, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mandell L. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Bernstein
Harold and Barbara Berry, Louis and
Vivian Berry
Beta Sigma Phi, Detroit City Council
The BIG Challenge Ford, DaimlerChrysler,
and General Motors
Mr. Dave Bing
Linda G. and Maurice S. Binkow
Birmingham-Bloomfield Women’s
Association, Inc.
The Bishop’s Fund
Bloomfield Hills Middle School Carnival
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Blum
Bockoff Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rick James Bolyea
Mrs. Shirley Bolyea
Sisters of Bon Secours
Mrs. Frances P. Book
Marlene and Paul Borman
Estate of Edwin Boyle
Estate of Henry L. Brasza
Barbara Couzens Brennan and Leo J.
Mrs. Bonnie M. Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brent
A. Joseph and Mary Jo Brough
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Broughton
Mr. Vernon G. Buchanan
Estate of William J. Burns, Jr.
Mr. John D. Butler
Camera Mart
The Clarence and Grace Chamberlin
Championship Auto Racing Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chaney
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Nurses
Golf Outing
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Orthopaedic Surgery Department
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Staff and
Estate of Harry B. Coen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cohen
Judge and Mrs. Avern Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. David Colburn
Colburn Family Foundation
Jack, Evelyn and Richard Cole Family
Mrs. Benjamin Colman
Comedy Castle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Connors
Construction Classic Golf Outing
Marty Cook Cancer Foundation
Anthony P. Corrado Hearing Aid Loaner
Library Fund
Cottage Hospital of Grosse Pointe
Miss Mary E. Couzens
Crash Landing, Christmas is Love
Mr. Thomas J. Cratch
Crittenton Hospital
Dr. and Mrs. Marc L. Cullen
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Metro Detroit
D’Arcy Masius Benton and Bowles, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Dabrowski
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Dave Palm Party 2004
Joseph C. Day Foundation
Deb’s Kids Golf Outing
Drs. Virginia Delaney-Black and T. Burwell
Vaden, Jr.
Mr. Anthony G. DeLorenzo
Delta, Delta, Delta, Grosse Pointe
Detroit Area Mobil Dealers
Detroit Free Press Charities
The Detroit Medical Center Guild
Lisa Jesswein grew up at Children’s Hospital of
Michigan. Born with kidney dysplasia, she visited the
hospital for monitoring, dialysis or transplant care
almost every week from age 7 to 22. Today, Lisa is a
popular Detroit radio personality. As the co-host of
“Blaine and Lisa in the Morning” on 96.3 WDVD-FM,
she sometimes talks on air about her experiences at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan. At 38, she’s healthy
and still actively involved with the hospital – helping
with fundraising efforts and encouraging people to
consider organ donation.
Detroit Red Wings
Detroit Red Wings Wives
Doner Advertising
Dorcas Association, Inc.
The Douglas Foundation
Down River Cleaning Service, Inc.
The Downriver Italian American Club, St.
Joseph Committee
Kirk P. Dyer Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Eastman
Frances Eldis, Ph.D.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Golf Outing
Doris Asselmeier England
Ex-Cell-O Corporation
Ida M. Faigle Charitable Foundation
Diane Farina
Mr. Fred Fecteau
Brendan Filzek Childhood Cancer
Assistance Fund
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fisher, Sr.
Max and Marjorie Fisher Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. David K. FitzSimons
Mrs. Katherine Flannery
David E. Flayer Irrevocable Trust
Estate of Estelle H. Flemming
Robert H. and Mary G. Flint Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Mercury
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Ford
Mrs. Henry Ford, II
Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford, Jr.
Judge and Mrs. Bernard A. Friedman
Friedman-Willker Family Fund
Leonard Fritz Enterprises, Inc.
Monte W. Fullerton, M.D.
Fundacion Cardio-Infantil
Ms. Mindi K. Fynke
Richard M. and Eleanore J. Gabrys
Estate of John E. Gajewski, M.D., Ph.D.
Gannett Foundation
Garden Fresh Salsa, Inc.
Gaylord Printing Company
Genentech, Inc.
General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet
General Motors Men’s Club (GMMC)
Mr. Samuel A. George
Ralph and Erica Gerson
Drs. Lynda and Conrad L. Giles
Mr. Allan D. Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Goldberg
Dr. Nancy Greger
Partner (continued)
Richard and Rosalie Gromacki
William R. and Dianne M. Halling
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Hamilton
Estate of Raymond E. Hamilton
David and Pamela Colburn Haron
Jennie O. Harrison Irrevocable Trust
Frieda and Gordon Hartunian
Louise Fisher Hartwick Trust
Estate of Eva D. Hawkins
Mr. S. G. Hayes, Sheldon G. Hayes
Health Alliance Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Heavey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Heidel
Drs. Sabrina and David Heidemann
Dr. James A. Heinsimer
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Henderson
Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital and
Medical Center
Herlong Cathedral School
Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hertzler
Hi-Tech Mold and Engineering, Inc.
William and Marcia Hochkammer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hollerbach
Jean Wright and Joseph L. Hudson Jr. Fund
Estate of Adelaide Huhn
Hurley Medical Center
IBEW Huron Electronics, Local 158
IBM Matching Gifts Program
Independent Carpet One – Westland
Indianwood Golf and Country Club
Infants Service Group
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Italian American Delegates, Inc.
J. C. Penney Company, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Jewell, Jr.
Mr. Wesley R. Johnson
Karoub Associates
Buelah S. Kay Trust
The Kelly Services, Inc. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kelsey, Jr.
Kids Like Us
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kleinpell
Fannie Kraft Foundation
Mrs. Hyman A. Kramer
Brig. Gen. Erick W. Kyro, USAF (ret.)
L.O.F. Plastics, Inc.
Mr. Robert S. Labadie
Lady Pistons
Rose Marie Lajoie
Laurel Park Place 10th Anniversary
Mr. H. Bayard Leonard, Jr.
Little Angels of God
The Walter D. Ludwig Foundation
Estate of Mildred J. Lyman
Lidia and Bill Lyman
M & M Mars
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V. MacDonald
Muriel Maierle Trust
Thomas Malone, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Marantette
Florine Mark
The Mark/Lis Family Fund
Marsh USA, Inc
Drs. Rajesh and Tej K. Mattoo
Mrs. Henrietta McInally, Estate of LeRoy
Medical Evaluation Specialists
Luke and Kathleen Meert
Mega League
Mr. Robert Meginnity
Mercy Memorial Hospital
Estate of Lucia Messana
Metro Health Foundation
Allen and Virginia Metz
Maude Meyer Charitable Unitrust
MGM Mirage Vision Foundaiton
Michigan Elks Association
Michigan State Wrestling Association
Dr. and Mrs. Irving M. Miller
Mrs. Paul S. Mirabito
Mnich Wine Auction
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Moltz
Motor City Radio Reunion
National Basketball Association
New Center Company
Numatics Inc., Employees’ Good and
Welfare Committee
Mrs. JoElyn Nyman
Oakland Hills Country Club
Oakwood Health Services Corporation
OmniCare Health Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank William Osgood
Sylvia Ososkie Trust
Dr. Helen A. Papaioanou
Mr. Glen Lewis Passarell
Pediatric Anesthesia Associates, P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan D. Perlmutter
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Pinsky
Plumbing and Heating Industry of Detroit
Mr. Alfons Podlack
Mr. Peter Pond
Premier Cellars
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Project H.E.L.P.
Providence Hospital and Medical Centers
Estate of Paul Arthur Purol
Mr. David A. Pytlowany
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Rand
Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick E. Rector, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Reed
The Renaissance Club, Young Executive
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Renkiewicz
Mrs. Geraldine Rissman
J. Marshall Robbins Foundation
Harold and Carolyn Robison Foundation
Roeper City and Country School, Inc.
Heart Art Event
Estate of Ruth Rolison
Cynthia A. Roman, Ph.D.
Eleanor Margaret Couzens Roney and
Edward C. Roney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rose
Roseville Lodge, Ken Lee, W.M.
Estate of Michael J. Roy
Rubenfaer and Associates, P.C.
Estate of Norma Rushton
Sage Foundation
Security Bancorp
Mr. Stanley A. Seneker
Mr. John H. Sennett
Estate of Regina R. Serafin
Seetha Shankaran, M.D. and M. K. Aravind
William G. Shaw Charitable Trust
Shell Oil Products Company Michigan
Retail District
Sherwood Studios, Inc.
Shower of Love
Silver Screen Soiree
Mr. Robert A. Sloan
Mr. Anthony Soave
Estate of Henrietta J. Sofer
Sandeep and Beena Sood, M.D.
Southeastern Michigan Transportation
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. John Health System
St. John Northeast Community Hospital
St. Joseph Mercy Hospitals and Health
St. Joseph Mercy of Macomb
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation
Sterling Heights Firefighters Union #1557
Sandra and Douglas Bitonti Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Tatge
The Taubman Company, Inc.
Mrs. Robert F. Taylor
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans - North
Berrien County Chapter
Ms. Gloria Dean Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Torosian
Estate of Jeanette C. Tosch
Total Health Care, Inc.
Toyoda Gosei North America
Toyota Motor Sales USA
Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Trese
Troy Firefighters Women’s Auxiliary
Mrs. Florine Trumbull
U.A.W. #909
U.A.W. Local #985 Carron and Company
United Technologies Automotive
United Way Crusade of Mercy, Inc.
United Way of Genessee and Lapeer
United Way of Hillsdale County
United Way of Plymouth Community
United Way of Washtenaw County
University Pathologists, P.C.
V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary Department of
Mrs. Richard S. Van Pelt
Virginia Tile Company
Michael Volante Memorial Karate
WCSX 94.7 FM
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wagner
Walled Lake Central High School
Joan B. and Gerald E. Warren Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Waterman, III
Estate of Ivy B. Weller
Estate of Stephen Whitlock
Wieczorek Family Foundation
Mrs. David D. Williams
Witenoff Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Stephen L. Witenoff
Debra J. Wright, M.D. and Russell F.
Anchi Wu, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Petronio C. Yadao
Dr. and Mrs. Jinwoo Yoo
Young Woman’s Home Association of
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zmyslowski
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Abbott
Acordia of Michigan
Abdur-Rahman S. Alamah, M.D.
Allen Park Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Gebran S. Anton
Aristo-Cast, Inc.
Mr. Tim A. Attalla
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Augsbury
Axcan Scandipharm, Inc.
B and L Landscaping
Baby N’ Kids Bedrooms, Inc.
Gretchen M. Backer, P.T.
Ms. Elaine R. Baker
In 1967, physicians at Children’s Hospital of Michigan learned that
Danielle Wheatley Gehlert had a Wilms tumor on her kidney.
She was 2 years old. Within 24 hours, surgeons successfully removed
the tumor and her kidney. She returned to Children’s Hospital of
Michigan regularly for check ups until she was 16.
Today, Danielle, 39, is a dentist in St. Clair Shores. She and
her husband, Guy, have three young children and she has fond
memories of Children’s Hospital of Michigan. “Every time I went
there, it was a very special experience for me,” Danielle says.
“I just loved going to the hospital, even though I was getting blood
drawn and having tests done. The doctors and nurses made me
feel so special.”
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Barone, II
Mr. and Mrs. George Bellinger, Jr.
Mr. Howard Benedict
Mr. Daniel F. Berry
Dr. and Mrs. Anant Bhogaonker
Bice Family Iveanie Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blazo, Jr.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Louis C. Blumberg Foundation
Mr. Robert C. Borst
Briarwood Elementary School
Timothy P. Bukowski, M.D.
Cape Health Plan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Carr, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Cash
The Charity Giving Station
Children’s Hospital of Michigan Surgical
Chiron Corporation
Christ Church of Grosse Pointe
Citigroup Foundation
Mr. Harry S. Colburn
Colina Foundation
Complete Wireless – Wixom and West
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Cooper
Mr. Jonathan R. Crane
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crosson
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Advance
Stamping, Manufacturing Engineering
Ms. Kathleen De Baker
Dealer Concepts, LLC
Dearborn High School Interact Rotary
Dearborn Rotary Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. DeSilva
Detroit Lions Charities
Digestive Care, Inc.
Madonna and Michael T. Draughn
Dr. David Drucker
Ms. Carol Dupuis
Mr. Brian E. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Evans
Ms. Luanne M. Ewald
Russell Faust, M.D.
Ms. Joanne B. Faycurry
Mr. Paul Feles
Dr. Howard Fischer
Foote Health System
Ford Motor Co. Employees – Finance
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gach
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. Gaynor
Dr. Danielle and Mr. Guy Gehlert
Mr. James W. Gell and Ms. Beth Baerman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Genthe, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Gilbert
Dr. Holly and Mr. Carl Gilmer-Hill
GM Jumpstart
GMAC Real Estate - The Kee Group
The Goalie’s Den
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Goodgine
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon
Mr. Chad M. Grant
Dr. Holly and Mr. Daniel Gross
Ms. Michelle M. Hastings
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Haynes
Brian and Jennifer Hermelin
Mrs. Gertrud Hicks
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hildebrand
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hiltz, Jr.
Hines Interests L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Seiji Hirose
Mr. and Mrs. D. Thomas Hoffecker
Paul C. Holtrop, M.D. and Teresa G.
Holtrop, M.D.
Barbara Hosmer
Anne-Maré Ice, M.D.
Abubakr A. Imam, M. D.
Imperial Marketing, Inc.
International Transmission Co., Employees
ITT Industries
J. F. Cavanaugh Company, Inc.
J. R. Thompson Company
Betmar Charitable Foundation
Johnson Controls Employees
Kahn Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kaisch
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Karpinski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katzman
Joan M. Kelley, R.N.
Kenwood Allergy and Asthma Center, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kight
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Kosnik
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Koss
Marleen and Richard Kramer
Drs. Scott and Lisa Langenburg
Richard Barton Law Memorial Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Lerner
Mrs. Marise Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Chuan-Hao Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Linshaw
Mr. and Mrs. James Logan
Louis and Nellie Sieg Foundation
Mr. J. Edward Lundy
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Luyckx
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Lynch
Mrs. Ellen Lysik
Ms. Marjorie Magner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Mahu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Manzella
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Maxwell’s and Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McDermott
McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Meadowbrook Dodge
Meldrum Properties
Michigan Association of Physicians of
Indian Origin
Michigan Business and Professional
Michigan Rod Products
Michigan Walking Horse Charity Classic
Mr. George A. Moten
Mt. Clemens Adult Hockey Tournament
Mr. and Mrs. Arun Natesan
National Safe Kids Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newsom
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Paczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Padilla
Pardee Elementary School
Amy C. Parker, D.D.S.
The PGA of America
Port Huron Hospital
Mr. Leonard G. Porter
Proper Mold and Engineering, Inc.
Quicken Loans, Inc.
Michelle L. Rivera, M.D.
Robinson Realty Group
Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Roney
The Rosenthal Family Foundation
Mr. Richard L. Ruby
Mr. Robert N. Sandzik
Mr. Erik C. Sanko
Saurbier and Siegan, P.C.
Mr. Donald L. Scheidt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Shoemaker
Mary A. Smellie-Decker, R.N., C.N.P.
The Smile Train
St. John Macomb Hospital
St. Mary’s Mercy Medical Center
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. Gregory M. Steimel
Stephan F. Slavik, Sr. and Mary E. Slavik
Foundation Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Stockmann
Superior Electric, Great Lakes Company
Techman Sales, Inc.
Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Tomkins Corporation Foundation
Trans Union, LLC
United Way of Tri-State
Universal Images
Drs. Rudolph P. Valentini and Nancy J.
WMGC Magic 105.1
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walsh
Mrs. Madeline Weidman
Suzanne R. White, M.D.
Mary Helen Williams Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young
Mr. Steve Yzerman
1st Michigan Colonial Fife and Drum
53rd District Court Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Aaron
Valerie Abbott, M.D.
Dr. Nahed Mustafa Abdel-Haq
Ms. Joanne Abramson
Gyula Acsadi, M.D.
Ms. Monica J. Adams
Mrs. Joyce G. Adderley
Mr. John Addison, Jr.
Mr. Mahesh C. Aditya
Dr. and Mrs. E. Stanton Adkins, III
Adult Learning Institute
District 2 Council USA-AFL-CIO
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alemany
All Saints Council #4872 Seniors
Ms. Doris V. Allen
Ms. Susan E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Allison
Ms. Dorothy C. Allshouse
Allstate Giving Campaign
Dr. Dana Alpern
Alpha Delta Kappa - Theta
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Altermatt, Sr.
Mr. Manuel B. Alvarez
Amani Investment Club
American Legion #276 Calvary Post
American Legion #393, Barrus-McCullighStewart, Ladies Auxiliary
American Red Cross Nurses and Friends
America’s Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Amormino
Ms. Clare Amoroso
Mr. Larry Andersen
Mr. Frederick M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Anderson
Mr. Michael Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Anderson
Mr. Michael J. Ando
Ms. Mary E. Andrecovich
Mr. and Mrs. George Andres, Jr.
Anesthesia Business Consultants, L.L.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph F. Angelilli
Ann Arbor Youth Soccer Association
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Anzlovar
Jacob V. Aranda, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Arini
Dr. and Mrs. D. Randall Armant
ASC Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ascher
Ms. Rosemarie Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Ash
Ms. Earline Ashby
Mr. Mark R. Askin
Dr. and Mrs. Basim Asmar
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Assessor
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Astromovich
AT&T Employees
Mr. Victor Attar
Mr. Herman H. Auch
Automotive Supply Company, Inc.
Avis Ford, Inc.
Robert and Betty Jean Awrey
Ms. Rosemary Aydingoz
Mr. Mark R. Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Babitch
Leland A. Babitch, M.D.
Alcesa Backos, M.D.
Bad Axe Lions Club
Mrs. Mary J. Bailey
Ms. Giselle M. Baillargeon
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Baird
Ms. Kris Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird
Ms. Shirley A. Baker
Radhakrishna Baliga, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Balogh
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar U. Band
Mr. Gregory J. Barath
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barbat
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan H. Barden
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Barera
Mr. Robert C. Barley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barna
Bradley Barns, M.D.
Mr. David Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Barntsen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Barntsen, Jr.
Mr. Mark Barowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barrett
Mr. Donald D. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Barry
Julie L. Bartoy, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Basso
Ms. Lucille H. Baszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Pritam S. Bathla
Battle Creek Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Beard
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Beauregard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Beck
Friend (continued)
Mr. Robert F. Becker
Miss Virginia Becker
Mr. William P. Beckmann
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Bederka
Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Bedi
Beechview Social Committee, Beechview
Elementary School
Ms. Linda K. Behnke
Ms. Patricia Beierwaltes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Bekemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Benacquisto
Ms. Lisa M. Berdeu
Ms. Susan Flynn Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berger
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berman
Pamela L. Berry, M.D.
Mr. Orville J. Bezemek
Dr. and Mrs. Debashish K. Bhattacharya
Bicentennial Tower, Tenant Council
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Biedron
Mr. Raymond J. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bilot
Mrs. Dorothy J. Bishop
Evan Howard Black, M.D.
Mrs. Hildegard M. Black
Darlene A. Blair, R.N., M.S.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Blessed
Dr. and Mrs. George L. Bletsas
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blohm
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Blondin
Mr. Roy E. Blood
Mr. Donald E. Bloomberg
Mr. Saul Bluestone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Blumenthal
Kathleen Blumer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blunt
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Bochenek
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bonahoom
Mrs. Diva Bonaldi
Eileen M. Bond
Preyapan Boonsiri, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Borkin
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bornstein
Dr. and Mrs. Marc A. Borovoy
Mr. Willard H. Bosanko, Jr.
Ms. Paula Bosneag
Botsford Elementary School P.T.A.
Mr. Chris D. Bovee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bowen
Ms. Cynthia Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Bowen
Boy Scout Troop 1721
Ms. Sheryl L. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Boyes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandenburg
Ms. Matilda Brandwine
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Branigin
Mrs. Myrtle S. Braxton
Mr. Mirchal Bray
Ms. Cyndi Moltz Bray and Mr. John Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brayton
Ms. Darla Breese
Ms. Catherine Breimeister
Ms. Judy S. Brennan
Ms. Helen Brewster
Brighton High School, Friends of Brendan
Anthony Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Briney
Mrs. Marcie Brinich
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Brogowicz
Brooks Kushman P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. K. Brown
Ms. Doris L. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Brown
Mr. Matthew William Brown
Mrs. Pamela Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Wil Brown
Mrs. Florence Brownfain
Ms. Tina M. Bryant
Mr. Frank Brzenk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Bublick
Mr. Charles Buckland
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Bucks, III
Dr. Maria Budai and Mr. Almos Dezsi
Ms. Lois A. Budman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Bunch
The Bunko Babes, Friends of Kathy Russell
Mr. and Mrs. David Burdette
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burdette
Ms. Melissa Burger
Burger School for Students with Autism
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Burkowski
Colonel and Mrs. J. P. Burner
Mr. and Mrs. Marty A. Burnstein
Mr. Michael J. Burskey
Mr. and Mrs. James Busch
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn E. Byrnes
Pravit Cadnapaphornchai, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Cady
Mr. and Mrs. John Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Calcagno
Calhoun Foundry Company, Inc.
Mrs. Carol H. Calka
Cambridge Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Camden
Mr. Paul A. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Guido M. Campagna
Ms. Bondetta V. Campbell
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, Jr.
Mr. Ralph G. Campbell
Ms. Patricia A. Cannarile
Ms. Lisa M. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Caramagno
Carbon Athletic Golf Club
Ms. Diane F. Carew
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Carey
Mr. Scott Carey
Mr. C. Arnold Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Carpenter
Ms. Kathleen A. Carroll
Mr. Charles J. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Carver
Better Life Institute, Inc.
Mr. Peter J. Casanova
Ms. Suzanne Casinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Francois Castaing
Ms. Rachel R. Caudill
Mr. Steven L. Cauley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Cavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Centala
Center Line Firefighters Association
Century 21 Riverpointe
The Cepranese Club
Mr. Charles J. Cerutti
Mr. Robert Champion
Nora F. Chang, M. D.
Charfoos and Company
Mrs. Annie Charles
Charter Township of Clinton
Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation
Global Days of Service Program
Ms. Emily Ann Chenever
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cherry
Russell W. Chesney, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Chiappetta
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Chimko
James L. Chinarian, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chirco
Children’s Hospital of Michigan 6 East
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Operating Room Staff
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Professional Nurse Advisory
Council PICU
Ms. Lorraine A. Chorkey
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Chriss
Christ Church Detroit
Christian Women of Cabrini
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Christiansen
Mr. George Chucales
Mrs. Caroline Chyla
Citigroup Foundation, Matching Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. William Clancey
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Clapham
Drs. Jeff A. and Laura C. Clark
Harriet A. Clarke, M.D.
Mr. Joseph A. Clayton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Cleland
Volna Clermont, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Cliff
Coaching For Service / Alan Barnes
Mr. Claudio Cocciolone
Mr. Andrew Coffee
Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. Coffman
Sandra and Dr. Sanford N. Cohen
Mr. Johnny Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Coleman
Mr. Carl L. Collins, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins, Jr.
Ms. Tiffany L. Collins
Mr. John R. Collis
Comdec, Inc.
Comedy Night
Ms. LaVonne Compton
Computer Associates
Com-Tek Sales, Inc.
Ms. Maryanne Condon
Mr. R. G. Conger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Connaughton
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Connor
Mr. F. J. Constantine
Constance Conway, R.N.
Ms. Cecilia E. Cook
Mr. Jack E. Cook
Mr. Leon H. Cook
Mr. Timothy M. Coon
Mr. Edward Cooper
Ms. Lisa T. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Giacomino Coppola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cosgove
Mr. Robert W. Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Cosma
Mr. Roy D. Cottongim
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Couch
Mr. John Couch
Ms. Joyce Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Couzens, III
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Couzens
Mrs. Margaret M. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cox
Mr. Terry Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Crandall
Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Crane, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Crane
Ms. Rosa Mary Crawford
Ms. Judy Creech
Crestwood Child Care Center
Mr. Jerry L. Crist
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cronan
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Crowley, Jr.
Crown Capital Management
Mr. Stephen Cruise
Cryofab, Inc.
CSX Corporation
Ms. Mary Rita Cuddohy
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Cueny
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Culloty
Mr. John E. Curley
John and Tiffany Lyon Cusmano
Custom BioGenic Systems Employees
Mr. Stephen J. Cybulski
Mrs. Alfred W. Cytacki
Mrs. Millicent T. Czarnik
Ms. Sally J. Czeszewski
D’Agostini, Sable and Ruggeri, P.L.L.C.
DaimlerChrysler Dealers Sons and
Daughters Conference
DaimlerChrysler Instrumentation Staff
DaimlerChrysler Mopar and Service/ITM
DaimlerChrysler Truck CAE Employees
Mr. Frank J. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Dale V. Dare
Mrs. Frank V. Darin
Daughters of Elks, I.B.P.O.E.W. Michigan
State Association
Daughters of Penelope, IPHTHIME,
Chapter 66
Ms. Becky L. Davenport and Mr. Jack
Mr. Roy Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Davis
Ms. Luann M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dawes
Mr. Robert DeClercq
Mr. Dominick DeFazio
Mr. Clifford J. DeVine
Dearborn Assembly 3 International
Order Rainbow for Girls
Mr. Francisco DeArmas
Mr. Gerald DeClaire
Mr. Gregory Decock
Decor Group International, Inc.
Mr. Mario Del Valle
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dell’Eva
Ms. Constance L. Delor
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dembry
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Demkowicz
Mr. Daniel M. Dempsey
Patrick Joseph Dennehy, M.D.
Mr. Randal Dennis
Mr. Otto F. Depaulis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Derian
Design By Rochelle
Detroit Women’s Bowling Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeWolf
Dextech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Gino DiClemente
Mr. Leonard J. Diederichs
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Derek DiGiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Dildine
Mrs. Susan L. Dillingham-Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. DiMaggio
Ms. Iris S. Dimattia
Mr. and Mrs. John J. DiMora
Mr. and Mrs. George Dinu
Dirksen Screw Products
Mr. Earl Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dizik
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dobritt
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dobson
Mr. J. McGregor Dodds
Mrs. Marcella Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Donadio, Jr.
Mr. Richard M. Donahey
Mr. Raymond J. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Donohoe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dooley
Mr. Michael S. Dore
Mrs. Katherine Doskocz
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dosmann
Ms. Donna R. Dotson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dowd
Ms. Gloria Dowhour
Mr. and Mrs. James Downing
Downriver Episcopal Area Ministry
Mr. Jonathan Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Draper
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Duey
Duffey Petrosky and Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Duncan
Mr. Michael Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dupke
Mrs. Katherin Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Eustance J. Dykas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dzendzel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Dziubinski
Mr. Richard C. Eagle
Ms. Cathy H. Eames
Ms. Marla Easlick
Mr. Robert H. Eckfeld
Edison Media Research
Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Eicher
Mr. Brian Einhorn
Elite Stainless Steel, Inc.
Hanna M. El-Khouri, M.D.
Mr. Howard Ellias
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Elshoff
Ms. Kathlyn Elsila
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Enborg
Ms. Evelyn M. Fry English
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Entenmann
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Epling
Eppert Family Foundation
Sharna and Michael Epstein
ERA Central Real Estate, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Erb
Ms. Constance J. Estes
Mrs. Bobbie J. Euseary
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Evans, III
Mrs. Helen Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Don Everett
Exponent, Inc.
Express Appraisals, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen M. Fabian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Fabian
Ms. Jan Norton Fairchild
Mr. Leonard R. Farber
Ms. Beatrice Farrow
Ms. Bridgett Feagin
Mr. Raymond Fedoronko
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Feldman
Dr. Robert M. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fenkell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Fenner
Mr. Florante R. Fermil
Mrs. Esther Ferraro
Mrs. Eunice Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Figurski
Ms. Diann Y. Filipiak
Ms. Kathleen Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Fiore
First Congregational Church
Mr. Theodore J. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Shirley M. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Flinn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Flis
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Flowerday
Mr. Freeman Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Foland
Mr. Frank J. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lary G. Ford
Mr. James A. Foreman
Ms. Emma M. Foster
Dr. Michelle D. Foster and Mr. Robert A.
Rhonda R. Foster, Ed.D., M.P.H., M.S., R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox
Mr. Harry E. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. France
Peter J. Francis, M.D.
Mr. Hyman H. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Darren C. Frankel
Franklin Wright Settlements, Inc.
Ms. Nancy A. Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Frasier
The Adams and Frasier Families
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Rochester
Aerie # 2634
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Freda
Mr. and Mrs. Mark French
Ms. Kimberly E. Fresh
Yvonne M. Friday, M.D.
Mrs. Roger Fridholm
Ms. Mary S. Frisby
Mr. and Mrs. Jock T. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Funke
Mrs. Jean B. Fuqua
Mr. William J. Fussinger
GCH Engineering
GDX Automotive Employees
GTN, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Gable
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Gadzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Gagnon
Ms. Elizabeth A. Galencher
Mr. Gene Galley
Mr. and Mrs. Tag Galyean
Gannett Matching Fund, Community
Foundation of Louisville
Mr. Joseph A. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garlock
Mr. John Garvie
Ms. Nynier S. Garwood-Dancy
Ms. Natalie A. Gasiorowski
Mrs. Anita Gaskins
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gawencki
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gebauer
Mrs. Joanne Geelen
The Geist Foundation of Michigan
General Motors Foundation, GM
Volunteer PLU$ Program
Denzel and Kiara Canales of Detroit were each
diagnosed with sickle cell anemia when they were
infants. They’ve been frequent patients at Children’s
Hospital of Michigan ever since. But it hasn’t slowed
down these incredible kids! At 13, Denzel is in a
gifted program at school and hopes to attend
Stanford University to study aerospace engineering...
or orthopedic surgery. Not to be outdone, 10-yearold Kiara reads at a seventh-grade level and dreams
of going to Princeton University to become a lawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Gershenson
Ms. Amy Gibson
Ms. Elisabeth Giffer
Mr. Albert M. Gilbert
Mr. Donald J. Gillard
Mrs. Dorothy Gillum
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmore
Mrs. Dana R. Girty
Mr. Paul A. Glantz
Mr. Stuart Glasier
Mr. James I. Godfroy
Gofrank & Mattina, P.C.
Goldman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goldstein
Good Hope Lutheran Women of the
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Goodgine
Ms. Martha B. Goodloe
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gordon
Ms. Esther M. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gordy
Ms. Pauline A. Goretski
Michael J. Goretsky, M.D.
Mr. William Gorman
Mr. Daniel S. Goroff
Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
Mrs. Sharon K. Gould
Ms. Myong Hee Gouthro
Gowanie Golf Club
Mr. Francis A. Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Grabowski
Mr. Gerald J. Grady, Jr.
Ms. Pamela J. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Grandy
Mr. Richard A. Grant
Mrs. Anna Grasty
Ms. Norma J. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Terence R. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray
Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Ltd.
Ms. Bernice Green
Mr. Ivan L. Green
Ms. Susan L. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Greenspan
Mrs. Frances Greenup
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Greny
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Grethen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gretzinger
Ms. Karen Hunter Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Griffin
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Griffin
Ms. Nancy Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gropman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Gross
Grosse Pointe South High School
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gruber
Ms. Robin L. Grujovski
Mr. Joseph F. Guastella
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Guttovz
Dr. Dale Allen Gyure
Ms. Ann M. Haas
Ms. Marcy Haase
Ms. Deborah A. Hachey
Mr. Bruce and Dr. Cheryl Hack
Shaker H. Haddad, M.D.
Mrs. Anne C. Haffner
Mr. Michael R. Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Hale
Ms. Emily J. Hales
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Halso
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Hamburger
Ms. Cheryl A. Hammell
Ms. Margaret A. Hammond
Ms. Kim Hamner
Iltefat Husain Hamzavi, M.D.
Ms. Debbie S. Handa
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Handloser
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Haner
Mr. Thomas R. Hankins
Hannett, Wilson & Whitehouse, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hanson
Mr. Harry C. Harmon
Mr. Jim Harper
Ms. Virginia S. Harrington
Mr. Anthony Harris
Mr. John P. Harris
Ms. Lindsey Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Harrison
Harsens Island Lioness Club
Mr. Lloyd E. Harsh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Hart
Hartman & Tyner, Inc. Employees
Hartman and Tyner, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hartwig
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Haske
Ms. Helen F. Hatch
Michael S. Haupert, D.O.
Mr. Fred C. Hawkey
Mrs. Ruby L. Hawkins
Hayden Family Dentistry, P.C.
Mrs. Julie A. Hazan
Ms. Brenda Hazell and Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Heavenrich
Ms. Deborah Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Heffron
Mr. Bruce W. Hellmer
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hempstead
Dr. and Mrs. Worth W. Henderson
Henkel Technologies
Mr. Richard T. Herbel
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Herman
Ms. Joyce D. Herron
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hertel
Mr. and Mrs. Tim E. Hertzler
Drs. Georgiana and Tom Herzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hess
Mr. Ronald J. Hewitt
Mrs. William S. Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Hills
Mr. Daniel C. Himmelspach
Beverly Hindson, I.H.M.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Hirsch
Sheryl L. Hirsch, M.D. and John E. Billi, M.D.
Ms. Barbara A. Hirt
Vivilore S. and T. Norris Hitchman Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Theo K. Hochstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hodas
Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hofstetter
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hogan
Mrs. Mildred D. Holick
Ms. Jantina Holleman
Melvin L. Hollowell, M.D.
Hollywood Super Market, Inc.
The Home Depot
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hood, Sr.
Ms. Ellen M. Hoogerwerf
Mr. Phil Horlock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Horning
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Horwitz
Hosner Fine Arts
Hospitality House of Pope John XXIII
Mr. Donald F. Houck
Ms. Ethel M. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Howell
Ms. Jerry L. Huckaby
Mrs. Daniel Hughes
Franklin E. Hull, M.D.
Mr. Kenneth L. Hull
Mrs. Catherine E. Humes
Ms. Daisy Marguerite Humes
Huntington Woods Women’s League
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hurley
IBEW Local Union #58 Retirees, Wives
and Widows
Mr. and Mrs. Pingree L. Ianitelli
Mr. Joseph Iaquinto
Mrs. Jean E. Ice
Mrs. Dawn Impellizzeri
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Inchaustegui
Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
Eastwood Lodge #496
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ingoglia
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Isenstein
Mr. Michael Izzo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jachym
Ms. Sheila Jackman
Ms. Eula M. Jackson
Ms. Kathryn Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jackson
Ms. Pamela E. Jackson
Mrs. Stirling P. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Eudell G. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jamrock
Jane Redfield Schwartz LTD.
William F. Janelle, D.D.S.
Mrs. Alfreda A. Janitz
Ms. Janice E. Jankowski
Ms. Elsa V. Jarosz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Jaster
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Jedele
Mr. Clyde Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jenkins
Mr. Randy Jenkins
Ms. Helen Jenks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Jensen
Ms. Josephine Jetter
Mrs. Barbara A. Jewell
Ms. Helen Jezewski
John W. Smith, Old Timers Club, Inc.
John’s Lumber & Hardware, Inc.
Ms. Adale Johnson
Ms. Antoinette Johnson
Ms. Audrey L. Johnson
Carl F. Johnson, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Johnson
Ms. Mary Ann Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson
Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts
Mr. Ermil Jones
Mrs. F. Macy Jones
Mr. Gary T. Jones
Mr. Jeffrey S. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Thad H. Joos
Mr. Larry F. Jordan
Ms. Mary D. Jordan
After his neck was broken in two places during
an auto accident at 13, John J. Hertel spent 10 weeks
at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. But months of
physical therapy – and the support of family, friends,
doctors and nurses – led to a full recovery.
Today, John is a high school English teacher –
running the drama program at his school and
coaching junior varsity football. He and his wife,
Amy, live in Richmond, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jozefowicz
Dr. and Mrs. Stevo Julius
Mr. Dale A. Jurcisin
KPMG’s Community Involvement Program
Thomas Kalas, J.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Kalinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Kaloz
Dr. and Mrs. Deepak M. Kamat
West Side Kappa Delta, Alumnae
Ms. Annette M. Karageanes
Karate and Fitness Center
Mr. Frederick J. Karn
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Kash
Mr. and Mrs. Nawal Kashat
Mr. Dennis A. Kasle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kavanagh
Drs. Nadya and George Kazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Kehagiaras
Ms. Debra Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey R. Kelley
Tina Marie Kelley, R.N., C.P.N., I.R.P.
Daniel J. and Rosemary Kelly
Ms. Katherine A. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kelly
Ms. Suzanne Kelly
Mrs. Lauren Kelm
Ms. Janet A. Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kempa
Mr. Ronald J. Kennis
Mr. Pat Kenny
Kenwood Women’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Keole
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Keoleian
Mr. and Mrs. Ivin E. Kerr
Mr. Mark L. Keschl
Ms. Marie C. Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Afeworki O. Kidane
Kids R Us
Mr. David M. Kimball
Mrs. Charles E. King
King Jewelers, Inc.
Mrs. Katherine Kingsley
Mrs. Stephanie S. Kingsley
Mr. Kenneth A. Kirkley and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kischuk
Victor and Patricia Kishigo
Kiwanis Club of Allen Park
Kiwanis Club Birmingham Central
Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe, Inc.
Iron County Golden K - Kiwanis Club
Drs. Jeffrey and Kathy Klinger
Knights of Columbus #3078
Mr. Charles L. D. Knivila
Mr. Daniel Knobler
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Knoblock
Mrs. Patricia J. Knoll
Ms. Karen L. Knopper
Dr. Josef M. Kobiljak
Ms. Susan D. Koch
Mr. Harvey R. Koeppel
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Koester
Ms. Sarah Kolins
Mr. John Kolozsvary
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Konen
Mr. Joseph M. Kormos
Mr. Michael Koscho
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kosinski
Mr. and Mrs. Cane Kostovski
David and Betsy Kovach
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Kovan
Ms. Linda S. Kovan
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kovan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kovan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kowalchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kowalski
Ms. Stephanie L. Kozlowski
Ms. Susan Krakoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krasnick
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Krause
Mr. Irwin Krinsky and Ms. Catherine Rollin
Mr. Vincent Krizanic
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Kruck
Ms. Kari L. Krueger
Mrs. Lynne C. Kubit
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kubitskey
Ms. Candy J. Kucharski
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kuczynski
Mrs. Jennie Kulesza
The Kummer Family
Mr. Thaddeus Kush
Mr. Kevin O. Kyles
Mr. and Mrs. John E. La Boskey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Laba
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laba
Mr. and Mrs. John G. LaBahn
Ms. Carrie Lachman
Mr. and Mrs. John Lacina
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Rose Kennedy Division
Ms. Anne C. Lampe
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Landau
Ms. Judy A. Landuyt
Mrs. Cristi M. Landy
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Lang
Mr. Joseph Lanzen
Lapeer County Community
Mental Health Staff
Ms. Guadalupe G. Lara
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. LaRiche
Mrs. Stephanie E. Latour
Ms. Sandra J. Lauzon
Mr. Wayne L. Lawrie
Ms. Dorothy LeBeau
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald LeVine
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Leach
Etta C. Leahy, M.D.
Ms. Bonita Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Leggio
Mr. and Mrs. David Legwand
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie Paul Leleszi
Ms. Ethel M. Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Lemon
Ms. Marguerite L. Leng
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Leonard
Ms. Lyla Lepisto
Joan C. Less, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Junius A. Leverett
Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Levinson
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Lewis
Mr. Robert G. Liberatore
Light & Life Christian School
Ms. Shirley R. M. Lightle
Mr. Carlton Lindell
Ms. Judith A. Lindsay
Mrs. Nancy A. Lindsay
Mrs. Rita-Ann Lindstrom
Lioness Club of New Haven
Lions Club of Glennie
Lions Club of Grosse Pointe
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Litman
Mr. David Little
Ms. Ruth W. Littleton
Livonia Embassy Suites Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lock
Dana Locniskar and Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Locricchio
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lombardi
Mr. Jim E. Long, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas J. Lopiccolo
Ms. Nancy Lorence
Los Monos Bowling League
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Loselle
Ms. Sandra Lotito
Mr. William W. Love
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lowry
Loyal Order of The Moose #1743
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lucido
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Lust
Mr. John F. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Luyckx
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lynch
Ms. Mary Ann Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Lyons
Ms. Clara A. Macek
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. MacKenzie
Ms. Emma J. Maclin
Macomb Community Nursing Students
Macomb County Juvenile Justice Center
Madonna University
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Majewski
Ms. Angela M. Malburg
Ms. Wanda M. Maleszyk
Mr. and Mrs. Yash Malhotra
Mrs. Bernice Malinowski
Mr. Joseph R. Malloure
Ms. Doris Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maniaci
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mannering
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Manzella
Mr. and Mrs. Gheorghe N. Marinescu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mariola
Ms. Christine L. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. Marr
Marshall Field’s
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Martin K. Mason
Mrs. Wendy H. Mason
Ms. Martha Browning Mast
Ms. Barbara Jean Matesa
Mrs. Margaret J. Matkovich
Mr. Arthur A. Matsumura
Mr. Joseph P. Mattimoe
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Matuschek
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Matz
Ms. Alicia A. Mazurek
Mr. and Mrs. James G. McCatty
Mr. Alfonzo McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McCloskey
M. Eileen McCormick, D.O.
Mrs. Mary Margaret McCormick
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McCormick
Mr. Walter F. McCoskey
Ms. Luesindia McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. McDonald
Mr. Milton McGarr
Ms. Elaine P. McInerney
Mr. James D. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McKane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. McKee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McMillan, II
McMillan Brothers, Inc.
Mr. M. O. McPoland
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McVeigh
Ms. Deborah R. McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Mecke, Jr.
Ms. Lucia E. Scarpace-Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meesseman
Mr. Derek Meier
Mrs. Lucie B. Meininger
Ms. Phyllis H. Meinke
Mr. Alfred G. Meldrum
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Melkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Menlo
Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John Merten
Metropolitan Club of America, Ladies
Auxiliary Spirit #22
Metropolitan Community Church of
Mrs. Frances Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Michelson
Michigan Bishop Sewing Council
Michigan Black Horseman’s Association
Michigan Country Club Challenge
Michigan State of Department of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Mietling
Mr. Chester J. Mijal
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miklos
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Miller
Mr. Gary L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Miller
Mrs. Ronald K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Miller
Ms. Ruth Ann Miller
Mrs. Harriett A. Millies
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Millman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mineau
Ms. Charlene H. Minor
Mr. Samuel P. Misuraca
Mr. James R. Modrall
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Moeller
Mr. Mahlon Moldovan
Ms. Cheryl Monroe
Dr. Scott T. Monson
Ms. Connie Monteleone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Moon
Dr. and Mrs. James Mooney, III
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mooney
Father William G. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mooradian
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Moore
Ms. Gwendolyn A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David Moreen
Mr. Russell Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morganroth
Ms. Rita M. Morgel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morley
Mr. Daniel D. Morrill
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Morris
Ms. Sandi D. Morrison
Mr. Richard Mosteller
Ms. Barbara S. Motala
Motor City Casino
Patricia M. Moylan, Ph.D.
Mt. Clemens Elks No. 2124
Ms. Stephanie B. Mudick
Ms. Mary Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Muenk
Mr. and Mrs. Humbert A. Mularoni
Ms. Sheila E. Muldoon
Mr. and Mrs. William Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Mullick
Ms. Suretta E. Must
Ms. Lynn C. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myles
Mr. and Mrs. Rajnikant Nagarsheth
Mr. Tawfiq E. Nakhleh
Ms. Jennifer Nardicchio
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Nathan
National Lumber Company
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Nederlander
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Nehro
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Nelligan
Mr. John Nelson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Neme
Networks Edge, Inc.
Mrs. Lois R. Nichamin
Mr. Nino F. Nicollela
Mr. and Mrs. Warren V. Nielsen
Mr. Frank Nisceromni
Ms. Darlis Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Nixon
Ms. Patricia A. Nizio
Ms. Kay L. Nolte
Ms. Lynette M. Norgan-Curtiss
Ms. Dona L. Norlock
Ms. Jo Anna Norris
Northern Trust, Matching Gift Program
Mr. Ralph T. Northrup, Jr.
Ms. Antoinette A. Novak
Mrs. Frances N. Novak
Novelty, Inc.
Novi High School - Girls Soccer Team
Helen M. Nutting, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Nuyen, Jr.
O.E.S. #523
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Oakes
Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Oakleaf
Ms. Kathryn M. Oberliesen
Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Brien
Dr. and Mrs. David Obudzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ochtinsky
O’Donnell Properties, LLC
Odyssey Supply
Mr. Harold W. Oehmke
Anne Barbara Oettgen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Oleshansky
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Oliver, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Olsen
Mrs. Richard G. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ong
Mr. Latif Z. Oram
Orchard Hills Elementary School Staff
Ms. Joanne Orczykowski
Origen Financial, Inc.
Original Buscemi’s Michigan Corp.
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Orlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ormsby
Mr. Charles B. Ortner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Osentoski
Ms. Barbara J. Owens
Mr. Stanley F. Oziem
Pace I.U. Local 6-00314
Ms. Nina Pacitto
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Padilla
Mr. Raghu Padnanabhan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes Paisley
Mr. and Mrs. Al Palazzolo
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Palmer
Narasingrao Pampati, M.D.
Douglas G. Pankratz, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex S. Papalas
Ms. Patricia A. Paquin
The Parade Company
Mr. Richard A. Parcells
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Pare
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Parker
Michael Parker, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Parry, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Pash
Ms. Helen M. Passeno
Jashu R. Patel, M.D.
Patricia Barnett Kelter Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Paulikas
Dr. William J. Pavlik & Ms. Barbara Rush
Mrs. Kathleen M. Pawlik
PDP Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pearl
Ms. Sophie Pearlstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Peattie, Jr.
Ms. Denise Pendleton
Sara M. Pendleton, M.D.
Fangyu Peng, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Penirian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Penoyar, Jr.
Mr. Keith E. Penski
Peoples Trust Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Pepper
Ms. Anne Pernick
Dr. and Mrs. Burton L. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pesserl
Ms. Lindsay E. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M.
Dr. and Mrs. Ward D. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. Frank Petrena
Mr. and Mrs. George Petroff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Petrosky
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Pettibone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Pettineo
Pfizer Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pierce
Mary E. Pietrangelo, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Pikkarainen
Mr. and Mrs. William Piontkowski
Ms. Elina Piskoverov
Rosanne M. and Ronald J. Plasky
Mr. Joseph A. Plaza
Ms. Phyllis A. Plumb
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Podeszwa
Mrs. Mary Fran Podolak
Mr. and Mrs. John Polizzi
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Polk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Polulak
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Porth, Jr.
Posen Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Postelnic
Dr. and Mrs. Rick A. Poston
Dr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Poynter
Ms. Mary C. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Nick G. Preda
Ms. Patricia A. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pringle
Mr. Stewart Prog
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Prosser, II
Proto Gage Tool & Die, Inc.
Mrs. Karen L. Proudlock
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Purther
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Quante, Sr.
Mr. John F. Quay
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Quigley
Mrs. John J. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Quinn
Raja Rabah-Hammad, M.D.
Rabaut’s Interiors
Ms. Lydia J. Raburn
Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Radomski
Ms. Lisa Ragnoli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Raitt
Dr. and Mrs. Curt S. Ralstrom
Mr. Raja P. Ramachandran
Ms. Caroline Rancour
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ranke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rankin
Rajesh C. Rao, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. S. Bhimsen Rao
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Rasico
Ms. Susan Rastenis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rathke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rathwell
Mrs. Linda A. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Raymond
Mr. Russell R. Raymond
Raymond J. Donnelly & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Michael J. Reardon
Hemalata N. Reddy, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Redeemer Lodge No. 53, F. & A.M., P.H.A.
Regional Economic Development Team
Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Reinert
Mr. Lloyd M. Reiser
Mr. Paul J. Reiz
Reliable Glass Company
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Ricci
Mr. John Richardson
Ms. Theresa A. Ricketts
Mrs. Norma L. Riehl
Ms. Jennifer Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict J. Rimmel
Mr. Russell D. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rinke
Mrs. Lenore Risin Cowan
Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto S. Rivera
Ms. Marta E. Rivero
Riverside Middle School
Mr. Guido Rizzuto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Roach
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Roarty
Ms. Edith P. Roberts
Ms. Evelyn A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Roberts
Ms. Kathleen Roberts
Robertson Brothers Company
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald R. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rochlin
Mr. Walter G. Rochowiak
Mr. J. Robert Rock
Ms. Susan Rockwell
Mr. Gilbert B. Rodger
Rodgers Elementary School
Ms. Charlotte S. Roede
Ms. Mary Suzanne Roehm
Ms. Joyce C. Rogers
Mrs. Rose G. Rogers
Ms. Lois Jane Rokash
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants LLC
Mr. Todd Rones
Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Roney
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Mr. Ray Rorison
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Rose
David R. Rosenberg, M.D.
Mr. Harvey B. Rosenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Rosenblatt
Dr. Hilary Rosenthal
Ms. Rhoda Rosin
Mr. Joseph B. Rosol
Mr. Aaron R. Ross
Ann and Milton Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ross
Ms. Judith Ann Roth
Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Roth
Mrs. Ralle K. Rothman
Ms. Laura R. Rovner
Mr. Lawrence E. Rowe
Cynthia and Kevin Rowell
Ms. Melody A. Royer
Dr. Arlene Rozzelle
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Rubenfaer
Eugene Rubin, M.D.
Mr. Frederick Rubin
Mr. David B. Rubinstein
Mrs. Adrienne Ruby
Ms. Constance Ruby
Darlene A. Rucinski-Janson, R.N.
Dr. and Mrs. Earl J. Rudner
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Ruffner
Ms. Martha Ruggirello
Ms. LaDell Rule
Mrs. Rose M. Rumble
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rumschlag, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter James Russ
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Russell
Ms. Frances Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Rutherford
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Rutzky
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rydholm
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ryszewski
SBC Yellow Pages Corporate Graphics
Center Employees
SS&H Financial Advisors, Inc.
Ms. Susan A. Safiedine
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sajewski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Samrah
Mrs. Henrietta Samuels
San Marino Tile & Marble Co.
Sarah Banks Middle School
Ms. Marilyn Sarkesian
Mr. Frederic P. Satterlund
Ms. Tomoko Savina
Mr. Melvin Sayers
Mrs. Geraldine Scaduto
Mrs. Phyllis Z. Scales
Mrs. Beatrice Scalise
Mrs. Monica Scalzi
Mr. Vincent A. Sceglio
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Scerbo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schalek
Ms. Michelle M. Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Schanbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaum
Ms. Donna Schave
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Schechter
Ms. Kelly C. Scheer
Mrs. H. Ripley Schemm
Mr. Paul J. Scheuerman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmalenberg
Mr. Jeffrey L. Schmidt
Dr. Linda Schneider-Rediske
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton G. Schoeffler
Mr. David L. Schoewe
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Schratz, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth F. Schrauder
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis W. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Willard W. Schultz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schwartz
Mrs. Stanley S. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scoboria
Mr. John E. Scott
Mr. John T. Scott
Ms. Elizabeth M. Scully
Ms. Gwendolyn Seay
Elizabeth A. Secord, M.D.
Drs. Allen and Phyllis Seel
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Seely
Mr. Barry A. Seifman
Mr. Frank R. Selak
Ms. Susan Selke
Ms. Geraldine Sellheim
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Semanie
Ms. Lynn Semproch
Mr. Todd K. Serafino
Ms. Ginger R. Serna
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Sersen
Mr. and Mrs. David Setlock
Seymour Gill Financial Agents Association
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sfire
Ms. Ruth Share
Dr. and Mrs. Mahesh Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Julius L. Shaw
Shaw Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shea
Shear Magic
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sheff
Mrs. Minnie M. Shelby
Mr. Alger Shelden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Shelly
Ms. Evlyne H. Sheltrown
Mr. Charles A. Shepherd
Mrs. Lorraine M. Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Sherbin
Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sherman
Mr. I. William Sherr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sherron
Dr. Anthony F. Shields
Ms. Meiling Shih
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Shink
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shredneski
Mr. Larry Shulskie
Rosemary R. Shy, M.D. & Michael E. Shy, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Siciliano
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Sides
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Siegal
Mr. Eric D. Siegel
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon N. Siegel
Mr. Michael C. Simo
Friends and Family of Judith Simpao
Sink-Rite Die Company Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Sipher
Mr. Gary A. Skarjune
Skater’s Winter Snow Ball
Mr. Joel Skolnick
Mrs. Michelle L. Skurya
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Slomba
Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Darin J. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth M. Smith
Ms. Gwendolyn Smith
Ms. Jamie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Smith
Mr. Stuart W. Smith
Mr. Theodore S. Smith
Drs. Lynn C. and Herbert C. Smitherman
Mr. Richard T. Smolarek
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Socia
Mr. Sidney A. Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Soltis
Mrs. Irene Soring
Source CF
Southeastern Scientific, Inc.
Southgate Anderson High School, Student
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio P. Spagnuolo
Ms. Constance Spampinato
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Spektor
Mr. Virgil Spight
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Spilkin
Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Sprague
Ms. Arlene F. St. Clair
Enzymes Not Genes
St. John River District Hospital
St. John’s Episcopal Church Members
Mr. Richard Stanbaugh, Jr.
Ms. Tracee C. Stanford
Mr. Henry J. Stawasz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Stawski
Mr. Samuel A. Steffes
Mr. John Steigenga
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Steinbauer
Mr. Edward Steinhoff
James P. Stenger, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Mr. Donyale Miechele Stephen
Mr. Craig Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Stewart
Mr. James Y. Stewart
Mr. John F. Stewart
Mr. Stephen G. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Casper J. Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Stillman
Mrs. Fraida Joy Stillwater
Dr. and Mrs. Allen J. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Storch
Mr. Lawrence B. Stout
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Stovall
Ms. Marion A. Stowell
Ms. Catherine A. Strumbos
Mr. and Mrs. George Strumbos
Strunk Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Sturtz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Suchyta
Mr. Adam J. Suhonen
Mrs. Dorothy G. Sullivan
SunSeeker’s Boating Club
David Susser, D.O.
Ms. Ann M. Swartwout
Padraic J. Sweeny, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Swietlik
Dr. Mary Sue Sylwestrzak and Mr. Theodore
B. Sylwestrzak
Mr. Danny Sypniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Szatmary
Mr. Patrick J. Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Szymanski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Tabbi
Tadian Homes
Dr. Anna Tahhan-Harris and Mr. Matthew
R. Harris
Mrs. Judith Takalo
Dr. Arina and Mr. Dan Talpesh
Tammie R. Murray Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Tanielian
Natalia M. Tanner, M.D.
Ms. Delores R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Taylor
Teamsters Union Local #299
Mr. Juhan Telmet
Temple Shir Shalom
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Templin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tengler
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Tessier
Mrs. Kathy M. Tharp
Ms. Mary T. Thebo
Theresa’s Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Theut
Mr. Charles T. Thompson
Sally Thompson-Reid
Ms. Angeline K. Thorner
Celia Thurston
Helene E. Tigchelaar, M.D.
Mr. Norman O. Tilly
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Tischler
Dr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Tobar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tocco
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tocco
Ms. Rebecca W. Tochet
Mr. Jeffrey L. Tolari
Drs. Vasu and Kirit Tolia
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Tomasik
Ms. Karen L. Tomilo
Mrs. Mary Tomilo
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Torres
Ms. Marana Webber Tost
Mr. and Mrs. George Toth
Mr. Stephen R. Toth
Tonya J. Touchstone, M.D.
Ms. Patricia A. Towne
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tragge
TRAM, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Travis
Mrs. Rita C. Trefzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Trefzer
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Treharne
City of Trenton, Department of Parks and
Trenton Firefighter Charities
Ms. June Trogu
Troy School District Wass Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Trupiano
Mrs. Renee N. Tucei
Mrs. Eddye M. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tupy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Tymosko
Ms. Patricia A. Tyro
Angela Tzelepis, Ph.D.
U.A.W. Chrysler Local 869 Women’s
Ms. Idika I. Ubi
Mr. Norman Ulmer
United Way of Allegheny County
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Northwest Michigan
United Way of Oakland County
University Pediatricians, P.C.
Mr. Thomas G. Upchurch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Uphold
Mr. Michael Lee Uphold
Linda Upton
In our winter issue, the headline on page 26 stated: “Gene Therapy Helps Local Family Break Cycle.”
It should have said: “Enzyme Replacement Therapy Helps Local Family Break Cycle.”
Also, patient Ricardo Engel is not the youngest child in the world to have enzyme replacement therapy
(as the Winter 2004 story states). Ricardo is one of the youngest children in the United States to have enzyme
replacement therapy for Fabry Disease.
Finally, on page 26, the story about Dr. Ayesha Ahmad suggests that the Genetic Center of Excellence
at Children’s Hospital of Michigan is set up to treat diseases such as “diabetes, strokes and cleft lip-andpalate.” More accurately, we should have simply stated “the Genetic Center of Excellence is designed to
provide coordinated care for children with genetic and metabolic disorders.”
Mrs. Julie R. Usry
N. Seetha Uthappa, M.D.
V.F.W. #1071
V.F.W. #1136 City of Wyandotte Auxiliary
V.F.W. #4644, Private William P. Tutro Post
V.F.W. #6782
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Vallee
Value, Inc.
Van Buren/Cass District Health Department
Mr. Timothy VandenBoom
Mr. Val C. Vangieson
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Vanriper
Ms. Rebecca A. Vasil
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Vaughn
Mr. Michael R. Veale
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Velicevic
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian C. Ventimiglia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Verhaeghe
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. VerHoven
Verizon Foundation
Mr. William J. Vertin
Marion M. Vesley, M.S.N., R.N.
Mr. Joseph C. Viaene
Mr. Ralph Vigliotti, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Villasenor
Vision Properties of Michigan, Inc.
Vision Worldwide Management, L.L.C.
Ms. Mary F. Von Koss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vrabel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vrabel
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Vroom
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wadke
Mrs. Lita Wadle
Ms. Lavinia T. Wadsworth
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wainaina
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen H. Walker
Ms. Patricia K. Walker
Mr. Carl J. Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wand
Mr. and Mrs. Taolin Wang
Ms. Linda L. Wangbichler
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Warden
Mr. E. E. Wardlow
Ms. Katie Chandochin Wareck
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Warren
Mr. Richard E. Warren
Indira and Shanker Warrier
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Warzyniec
Mrs. Mintie C. Washington
Ms. Deborah Waskin
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Wasserman
Mr. Thaddeus G. Wasung
Ms. JoAnn Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Willie B. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Watza
Ms. Gail A. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Weaver
Webasto Sunroofs Inc.
Mrs. Barbara M. Webb
Mrs. Carolyn J. Wedepohl
Mr. David D. Wehmeyer
Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Weinfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg
Mr. Steven R. Weisberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weisman
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Weller
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wenzl
Friend (continued)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Werder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wesolowski
West Bloomfield Township Staff
Mrs. William E. Westerbeck
Ms. Robin Lynn Westerman
Ms. Jessica A. Wheelock
Deborah Whelan
Mrs. Dorothy E. White
Mrs. Marion White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. White
White Lake Police Employees Association
White, Schneider, Young & Chiodini, PC
Mr. John Whitney
Mr. Grant C. Whittlesey
Ms. Myrtle P. Whitwell
Ms. Sarah J. Lehr Wiant
Mr. and Mrs. W. John Wickett, Jr.
Ms. Roberta Wilczewski
Dr. Daniel J. Wilhelm
Mrs. Jill Kageff Wilke
Mr. David L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Williams
Ms. Nora Slatkin Willis
Mr. Louis B. Williams and Ms. Eileen C.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Williams
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Williams
Ms. Tacoma M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Welton Williams
Mr. Robert B. Willumstad
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson
Mr. Michael F. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wineinger
Isadore and Beryl Winkelman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Wirth
Sheryl Ann Wissman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfgang, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Wolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wolking, Jr.
Wolverine Orthotics, Inc.
Women of the Moose #992
Ms. Jodi L. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Wood
Woodbridge Sales and Engineering, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Woodliff
Ms. Katherine R. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woodson
Dr. and Mrs. Calier Hood Worrell
Kathryn L. Wright, D.O.
Ms. Delores Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wycech
Mr. Eric E. Wydra
Mr. Arthur Wysocki
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Yellen
Ms. Margaret Yesue
Ms. Laura D. Yockey
Mr. Timothy C. Yoe
Mr. James D. Zaffino
Mr. Robert C. Zahon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zalupski
Syamasund Zampani, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Zawacki
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Zawisa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Zbikowski
Ms. Josephine Zedan
Mr. Mark L. Zelenak
Ms. Nichole L. Zoya
Mrs. Paul Zuckerman
Mr. Thomas Zukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zussman
Several endowments have been established at Children’s Hospital of Michigan by caring members of
our community who share a commitment to improved child health and progressive pediatric medicine.
The generosity of these benefactors is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure the hospital’s financial
future. Endowment funds are established with a minimum gift of $50,000. A portion of the earned
income provides annual support for programs and services vital to the patients in our care; the remaining
income is reinvested to build the fund, creating a lasting legacy for the benefit of generations to come.
The following is a list of our current endowments:
Carman and Ann Adams Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Research
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Barker
Endowment Fund
Beznos and Luptak Families
Endowment in Pediatric
Neuropsychiatric Research
Bicknell-Shumaker Pediatric
Urology Research Endowment
Frank Bicknell, M.D. Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Urology
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman Endowment
Dr. Sheldon L. Brenner Memorial
Endowment Fund
Karolina Briechle Endowment For
Volunteer Services
Edwin P. Bryen Endowment Fund
Ethel Burton Endowment Fund
Alexa I. Canady, M.D. Academic
Endowment for Pediatric
The Carls Foundation
Endowed Chair in Pediatric
Bill Carls Research Endowment
Marie Carls Communication
Disorders Endowment Fund
William Carls Endowment Fund
The Carls Ear Institute
Endowment for the Center for
Pediatric Nursing Excellence
Natalie and Manny Charach
Pediatric Cancer Research
Endowment Fund
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Auxiliary Endowment Fund
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Critical Care Endowment
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Rhuematology Research
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Sickle Cell Endowment Fund
Claybird Classic Rehabilitation
Center Endowment Fund
Julie Fisher and Peter Cummings
Pediatric Neuropsychiatric
Research Endowment Fund
Dearborn Firefighters Burn Drive
Endowment Fund
ENSURE, Endowment for Surgical
William A. Evans, Jr., M.D.
Endowment Fund for Radiology
Evergreen Endowment Fund
Cynthia and Edsel B. Ford II Family
Research Endowment Fund
Maxine and Stuart Frankel
Research Endowment Fund
The Frankel Family Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Neuroscience
Furniture Express Endowment
Dick and Ginny Genthe Research
Endowment Fund
Bessie Scotten George
Endowment Fund
Georgie Ginopolis Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Cancer and
Ginopolis-Karmanos Pediatric
Cancer Research Endowment
Alan B. Gruskin, M.D. Family
Endowment for Nephrology
Miriam L. Hamburger Endowed
Chair in Child and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatric Research
Helppie Endowment for
Research on Diseases Affecting
Underserved Children
Helppie Endowed Chair in Urban
Pediatric Health Research
Helppie Endowment Challenge
Fund for Pediatric Research
Dr. Jack Hertzler Lectureship
Endowment Fund
Frederick G. L. Huetwell
Endowment Fund
Jane and Mario Iacobelli Family
Endowment for Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Research
Jonathan Scott Kovan Endowment
Andrew and Theresa Krasula
Scholarship Endowment for
Language and Speech
Melissa Ann Krinsky Lectureship
Ruben S. Kurnetz, M.D. Pediatric
Resident Educational
Endowment Fund
Edna D. Lambert Endowment
Leukemia, Research, Life, Inc.
Angel Endowment Fund
Edward and Julie Levy Pediatric
Cancer Research Endowment
Kenneth E. Lewis Memorial
Endowment Fund
Luptak and Beznos Family
Endowment in Memory of
Donald Szelinski
Benard L. Maas Memorial
Endowment Fund
Estelle Littlepage Macauley
Endowment Fund
Louis H. Meyers Endowment Fund
Donna Nedelcoff Endowment
Oldies 104.3 WOMC Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund
Mitchell and Karen Padnos
Research Endowment Fund
Daniel J. Patrona, Sr. Family
Endowment Fund
Pet Therapy Endowment Fund
Arvin I. Philippart, M.D. Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Surgical
Research and Research in
Solid Tumors of Childhood
Dick and Gail Purtan Family
Endowment Fund
Ring Screw Textron Endowed
Chair in Pediatric Cancer
Karan Ann Roman Memorial
Pediatric Cancer Research
Endowment Fund
Rosalie and Bruce Rosen
Family Endowed Chair in
Tourette Syndrome and
Related Neurological
Disorders Research
Ashok and Ingrid Sarnaik Pediatric
Research Endowment Fund for
Residents and Fellows
Schotanus Family Endowed Chair
in Pediatrics
Elizabeth Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric
Peter Schotanus Endowed
Professorship in Pediatric
Jack and Miriam Shenkman
Endowment Fund
Robert and Rose Skillman
Endowment Fund
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Memorial Lectureship
Endowment Fund
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Memorial Endowment Fund
Yates G. and Marjorie S. Smith
Memorial Research Fund
Anna Ruth, Helen, Lena Solomon
and Esther Solomon Krause
Memorial Research
Endowment Fund
Dr. William A. Spitzley Endowment
Nicholas Wetherill Stroh and
Stephanie Wetherill Stroh
Endowment Fund
Ruth Kraft Strohschein, M.S.,
Ph.D., M.D., Pediatric Research
Endowment Fund
Tennis & Crumpets, Inc.
Endowment Fund
Michael Volante Pediatric AIDS/
HIV Endowment Fund
Samuel L. Westerman Endowment
for Neuroscience Research
The Janis and William Wetsman
Family Endowed Chair in
Pediatric Inflammatory
Bowel Disease
Paul V. Woolley, Jr., M.D.
Endowment Fund
Lester G. Young Endowment Fund
Employee and
Physician Donors
Valerie Abbott, M.D.
Nahed Mustafa Abdel-Haq, M.D.
Joanne Abramson, R.N.
Gyula Acsadi, M.D.
Monica J. Adams
Joyce M. Alexander, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Pat Alexander
Lawrence F. Andersen
Mary Lu Angelilli, M.D.
Jacob V. Aranda, M.D., Ph.D.
Eduardo Arciniegas, M.D.
Basim I. Asmar, M.D.
Leland A. Babitch, M.D.
Gretchen Marie Backer, P.T.
Alcesa Backos, M.D.
Giselle M. Baillargeon
Kris Baird
Lora L. Baird
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Baker
Amy Bambenek
Brenda L. Barilla, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Charles J. Barone II, M.D.
Penny L. Barrick
Julie L. Bartoy, R.N.
Lucille H. Baszewski
Erawati Bawle, M.D.
Mary P. Bedard, M.D.
Patricia S. Beierwaltes, R.N., M.S.N.
Susan Bellefleur, M.D.
Pamela L. Berry, M.D.
Patricia Bevier, R.N.
Debashish Kumar Bhattacharya, M.D.
Anant Bhogaonker, M.D.
Evan Howard Black, M.D.
Darlene A. Blair, R.N., M.S.N.
Eileen M. Bond
Mark Borkin, M.D.
Sheryl L. Boyd
Darla Breese
A. Joseph Brough, M.D.
Tina Bryant, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Dan Budnick
Michele N. Budry, A.C.S.W.
Christopher J. Bunch
Melissa Burger
Alexa Canady, M.D.
Diane F. Carew
Julie Carpenter
Kathleen Carroll, R.N., B.S.N.
Ralph Cash, M.D.
Suzanne Casinelli
Karen Cesarz-Biagioli
Seemant Chaturvedi
James L. Chinarian, M.D.
Cheryl L. Clark
Drs. Jeff A. and Laura Colone Clark
Volna Clermont, M.D.
Sanford Cohen, M.D.
LaVonne Compton
Susan M. Connor
Silvia Operti-Considine, M.D.
Constance Conway, R.N.
Jan Cottrell, R.N.
Judy Creech
Amy M. Curtis
Drs. Ralph D. and Barbara A. Cushing
David M. Davis, M.D.
Luann M. Davis
Laurie C. Dayton
Kathleen De Baker, M.S.W., CPNP
Dr. James R. and Mrs. Nancy N. Delaney
Virginia Delaney-Black, M.D.
Patrick Joseph Dennehy, M.D.
Stephen P. DeSilva, M.D.
Donna R. Dotson
Madonna Draughn
Carrie Drobek
Cathy H. Eames
Jay W. Eastman, M.D.
Hanna M. El-Khouri, M.D.
Frances Eldis, Ph.D.
Dr. Michael L. and Mrs. Sharna T. Epstein
Marlene Ercolani
Constance J. Estes
Luanne M. Ewald
Gilda L. Familara
Noe Familara
May S. Faraon
Russell Faust, M.D.
Bridgett Feagin
The employees and physicians of Children’s Hospital of Michigan are passionate about helping children and their families. These professionals
demonstrate their dedication not only by caring for kids on a daily basis, but through generous philanthropic support as well. Their gifts of time,
talent and treasure go above and beyond the call of duty. To all of our Children’s Hospital of Michigan employees and physicians, thank you!
Jamie L. Ferguson
Diann Y. Filipiak
Kathleen Fink
Nathan S. Firestone, M.D.
Howard S. Fischer, M.D.
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Jane A. Ford
Michelle Desmet Foster, M.D.
Rhonda R. Foster, Ed.D., MPH, MS, RN
Robert J. Fournier, O.T.R.
Peter J. Francis, M.D.
Nancy A. Frantz, R.N.
Kimberly E. Fresh
Yvonne M. Friday, M.D.
Nynier S. Garwood-Dancy
Natalie A. Gasiorowski, R.N.
Kenneth N. Gaynor, R.Ph.
Donita L. Gelinas, R.N.
Kellee Gerzich
Amy Gibson
Elisabeth Giffer
Holly S. Gilmer-Hill, M.D.
Francis A. Grabowski, Jr.
Pamela J. Graham
Chad M. Grant
Dr. Herman B.Gray Jr. and Mrs. Shirley
Mann Gray
Oresha S. Greenidge
Karen Hunter Griffin
Nancy Griffith, R.N.
Robin L. Grujovski
Rebecca L. Gutierrez
Marcy A. Haase
Deborah A. Hachey
Cheryl H. Hack, M.D.
Shaker H. Haddad, M.D.
Emily J. Hales
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Iltefat Husain Hamzavi, M.D.
Tracy Hannah
Lindsey Sterling Harris
Kimberly Beth Hart, M.D.
Annette Hartner, R.N.
Michael S. Haupert, D.O.
Amy Haupt
Perri A. Herzog, R.N.
Joseph M. Hildebrand, D.D.S.
Courtney Hillyard, CCLS, CPST, CTRS
Beverly Hindson, I.H.M.
Sheryl L. Hirsch, M.D.
Melvin L. Hollowell, M.D.
Teresa Holtrop, M.D.
Stephanie E. Hoover
Barbara Hosmer
Sheila M. Hunt
Anne-Maré Ice, M.D.
Margaret Idowu
Abubakr A. Imam, M.D.
Sally A. Isola
Tiffany Jablonski
Chaun Rene Jack
Sheila Jackman
Pamela E. Jackson
Janice E. Jankowski
Elsa V. Jarosz
Adale Johnson
Yvette Johnson, M.D.
Gary T. Jones
Thaddeus H. Joos, M.D.
Jincy Jestine Jose
Craig M. Joseph, M.D.
Deepak M. Kamat, M.D.
Drs. Nadya S. and George Kazzi
Joan M. Kelley, R.N.
Tina Marie Kelley, R.N.
Lauren Kelm
Susan L. Kessler, M.D.
Catharine M. Khoury, R.N.
Katherine Kingsley
Dr. Michael D. and Mrs. Peggy Klein
Stephen R. Knazik, D.O.
Josef M. Kobiljak, M.D.
Winston Koo, M.D.
Stephanie Kozlowski
Richard L. Kramer
Steven M. Kreshover, M.D.
Larry Kulhavi
Ruben Kurnetz, M.D.
Thomas A. L’Ecuyer, M.D.
Rosemary Lake
Drs. Scott and Lisa Langenburg
Sandra J. Lauzon
Staci L. LeBlanc
Jimmie Paul Leleszi, D.O.
Gary Lerner, M.D.
Joni Levine
Michael G. Liadis
Mary Wong Lieh-Lai, M.D.
Ronald and Delane Lombardi
Nancy Lorence
Sandra J. Lotito
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Mary Ann Lynch
Tracy Lyons-Chism
Clara A. Macek
Lisa A. Mach
Thomas A. Malone, M.D.
Nancy Maniaci
Christine L. Marks
Sharon P. Marshall, M.D.
Douglas K. Martin
Jill Matson
Kathy Matthys
Tej K. Mattoo, M.D.
M. Eileen McCormick, D.O.
James D. McIntyre
Deborah R. McWilliams, R.N., M.S.N.
Lucia E. Meehan
Kathleen L. Meert, M.D.
Tina D. Mellon
Susan Mendyk, R.N.
John Meulendyk, D.O.
James Mooney III, M.D.
Ellen C. Moore, M.D.
Gwendolyn A. Moore
Karen Morris
Sandi Morrison
Patricia M. Moylan, Ph.D.
Donald B. Muenk, M.D.
Mary Murphy
Sandra Nimely, M.S.W., C.S.W.
Darlis Nix
Patricia Nizio
Kay Nolte, R.N.
Helen M. Nutting, M.D.
David Obudzinski, M.D.
Anne Barbara Oettgen, M.D.
Stanley F. Oziem
Narasingrao Pampati, M.D.
Amy C. Parker, D.D.S.
Frank A. Pavlick
Kathleen M. Pawlik
Patricia Peel
Charles B. Pelshaw, M.D.
Denise R. Pendleton
Sara M. Pendleton, M.D.
Fangyu Peng, M.D.
Burton L. Perry, M.D.
Sarah H. Peslar
Rita T. Peterson
Stacia Pfeifer
Rosanne M. and Ronald J. Plasky
Mary Fran Podolak, R.N.
Marilyn C. Porth
Rick A. Poston, D.O.
Isaac J. Powell, M.D.
Patricia A. Price
Stewart Prog
Claudio M. Pullo
Raja Rabah-Hammad, M.D.
Marjorie K. Racine, R.N.
Curt S. Ralstrom, D.D.S.
Rajesh C. Rao, M.D.
S. Bhimsen Rao, M.D.
Drs. Yaddanapudi Ravindranath and
Kanta Bhambhani
Renee’ A. Reaume
Fredrick E. Rector, Jr. , M.D.
Hemalata N. Reddy, M.D.
Stephanie A. Reed
Mary Renkiewicz, R.N.
Theresa A. Ricketts
Mark F. Riederer, M.D.
Michelle L. Rivera, M.D.
John D. Roarty, M.D.
Konny Rodriguez
Katie Roersma
Jeffrey Rokicki
Robert R. Roman, M.D.
Chokechai Rongkavilit, M.D.
Susan K. Rooney
David R. Rosenberg, M.D.
Rhoda Rosenthal, M.D.
Robert D. Ross, M.D.
Yvonne M. Ross
Michelle S. Roth
Laura R. Rovner
Cynthia K. Rowell
Melody A. Royer
Arlene Rozzelle, M.D.
Darlene A. Rucinski, R.N.
Julius Rutzky, M.D.
Robert N. Sandzik
Marilyn Sarkesian
Drs. Ashok P. and Ingrid A. Sarnaik
Anju Sawni, M.D.
Donna M. Schave
Kelly C. Scheer
Amanda H. Schenaver, R.N.
Kimberly Schneider
M. Diane Schuler, R.N.
Gwendolyn Seay, R.N.
Elizabeth A. Secord, M.D.
Lynn Semproch
Diane Shamberger
Dr. Seetha Shankaran and Mr. M.K.
Mahesh Sharma, M.D.
Judith E. Sheplow
Anthony F. Shields, M.D.
Drs. Michael E. and Rosemary R. Shy
Heather B. Siegel, MA, CCC-SLP
Rosalyn P. Sims-Mccallum
Srividhya Sivanandan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Slovis
Mary A. Smellie-Decker, R.N., CNP
Stuart W. Smith, Ph.D.
Drs. Lynn C. and Herbert C.
Richard T. Smolarek
Sharon Lynn Smolyn
Drs. Sandeep and Seetha Sood
Kathryn Spagnolo, R.N.
Genevieve Springer
Deborah J. Stamplis
Tracee C. Stanford
Pamela Stankewitz
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Ann M. Steinmetz
James P. Stenger, D.D.S. M.S.
Gary A. Stern, D.D.S.
Douglas Bitonti Stewart
Stephen G. Stewart, P.T.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Stockmann
Sandra Marie Stoico
Cathy Strunk
Donald W. Sylvester
Theodore B. Sylwestrzak, M.D.
Cheryl A. Szof
Arina S. Monica Talpesh, M.D.
Natalia M. Tanner, M.D.
Delores R. Taylor
Nannette K. Thibodeau, R.N.
Sharon Thomas
Sally Thompson-Reid
William Thrasher
Celia Thurston
Helene E. Tigchelaar, M.D.
Drs. Vasundhara and Kirit Tolia
Tonya J. Touchstone, M.D.
Linda Upton, R.N.
N. Seetha Uthappa, M.D.
Rudolph P. Valentini, M.D.
Catherine A. Vanwagnen
Marion M. Vesely, M.S.N., R.N.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Walters III
Indira Warrier, M.D.
Kari L. Way
Dennis Z. Weber, M.D.
Robin Westerman
Jessica Wheelock
Deborah Whelan
Edna F. White
Suzanne R. White, M.D.
Grant C. Whittlesey
Daniel J. Wilhelm
Tacoma M. Williams
Synthia S. Wilson
Sharri Winter
Sheryl Ann Wissman, M.D.
Howard L. Wolfe
Jodi L. Wong, C.F.R.E.
Winnie Woo
Calier Hood Worrell
Kathryn L. Wright, D.O.
Anchi Wu, M.D.
Victoria Wynn
Petronio C. Yadao, M.D.
Maureen Yaquinto
Sarah Y. Yatooma
Jin Woo Yoo, M.D.
Mary Ellen Zajac, R.N.
Katherine Mackie Zalewski
Nichole Zoya
Joy of Giving
As a nurse practitioner in the Endocrinology Division at Children’s
Hospital of Michigan, Joy Sneyd knows that children sometimes have
difficulty managing their diabetes. Some low-income families don’t have
telephones and can’t easily contact a healthcare provider with questions
about diabetes care. So Joy decided to do something about it. Working
with others in the community, she started raising money to provide
pre-paid phone cards to families in need. Today that program has
evolved into a toll-free number so parents can report their child’s
blood sugar level by making free calls to the Endocrinology Medical
Team. Joy’s efforts also provide resources to send kids with diabetes
to summer camp. The Diabetes Educational Fund also provides
families with educational materials at the time of diagnosis.
Thanks, Joy!
Memorial List
Memorial gifts allow family and friends to pay tribute to their loved ones in a special way, while providing hope for children in need of
specialized pediatric care. Children’s deeply appreciates the generosity of our community in providing resources critical to our mission.
Gifts totaling $100 or greater were received in memory of the following individuals in 2004.
Jason R. Abbott
M. Ann Adams
Matthew Altermatt
James John Arnone
Jennifer Ann Assessor
Frances L. Auch
Danny Augsbury
Kurtis J. Baird
Patrick Baird
Bernice Barabash
Arthur Barsam, Jr.
Bernice Barsam
Adam Bem
John & Connie Berezinski
Louis and Madeline Berman
Frank B. Bicknell, M.D.
Kenny Birnholtz
Lenore Block
Maureen Blondin Brady
Julia E. Bluestein
Louis C. and Edith Blumberg
Matthew Ryan Bowen
Dr. Sheldon L. Brenner
Joel William Brewster
Mallory Brincat
Carl James Brodie
Charlotte M. Brogowicz
Gary Brothers
Ruth Budnick
Albert Harvey Carpenter
David Carr
Franka Charlupski
Baby Cohen
Phyllis Ann Colburn
Tia Coleman
Sam Colletti
Patricia Condon
Nellie Cooley
Virginia K. Cosgrove
Steven Edmund Cueny
Brian Michael Culloty
Barbara E. Davis
Manuel (Manny) Dembs
David Alexander Deutch
Sintha Dewitt
Anthony C. Di Maggio
Kenneth Dishell
Rose Dolan
William Dolan
Patricia Donald
Alexander Donaldson
Riley Ann Dooley
Sarojini Doshi
Hope Elizabeth Duncan
Greg, Rose and Ralph
Vanessa Edwards
David Ehlers
Mary Eva Elliott
William H. Erne
Michael Esslinger, Jr.
Margaret Ann Fink
Dr. Barbara Fischer
Charles T. Fisher, IV
Frances Elaine Flynn
Carole Mae Ford
Vicki L. Foreman
Carol Lynn Slomba Foster
Elizabeth Anne Frasier
Robert M. Gage
Walter Scott Gell
Virginia and Leslie Gertz
Georgie Ginopolis
Lata Goel
George E. Goetz
Irving and Adele Goldberg
Donald L. Gould
Emily Griffin
Jack Gropman
Dr. Alan B. Gruskin
Catherine Guastella
Christopher Paul Hamilton
Emily and Nicholas Hansen
Jason Harrington
Kevin A. Harris
Jerry Hayes
John A. and Marian B.
Jeannette S. Hellmer
Hans Hemmingsen
Marie Herbel
Beatrice Hildebrand
John H. Hildebrand
Judygaye Hildebrand
William Holskin
Thomas A. Holt
Grandma Horning
Jack Hotchkiss
Ian Chance Houston
Daniel Hughes
Jamian Lee Jewell
Jonathan Jordan
Robert W. Jordan
Pamala Kaiser
Melani Fisher Kash
Rowena Keczmer
Nicolette T. Keller
Dr. Tina Kelley
Dr. Charles Kessler
Edward Kloc
Esther J. Knivila
Bradley Koester
Dixie Kolb
Dr. Bradley S. Kovan
Dr. Dennis D. & Flora
Kerner Kovan
Jonathan Scott Kovan
Melissa Ann Krinsky
Gregory Krug
Sigmund Krug
Edwin Kulesza
Rhoda Kutzen
Violet V. Kyro
Eduardo Lai
Barbara Leipprandt
Cynthia Adams Leonard
Clara Less
Alex Levitt
Kenneth E. Lewis
Marie V. Lightle
Susan Lingar
David Lipschultz
Barry J. Lipson
Nicholas G. Lites
Joshua Daniel Litman
Mary Dale Loveland
Norbert Lysik
Mrs. Ann Reed MacKinnon
Scott G. MacKool
Daniel Robert Maher
Charles T. Maiolani
Frances Mateja
Jennifer Mateja
Ethan James Matuschek
Sharon Maurer
Deborah McCollum
Clare Ellen McCormick
Reginald McCutchen
Benjamin J. McDermott
Connor Jack McKane
William C. McMillan, III
John (Jack) Meister
George Michaels, Jr.
Joni Miller
Ronald K. Miller
Laura M. Mills
Jacqueline Milzow, Ph.D.
Brendan Anthony Mitchell
Mukhil Natesan
Child of Mr. & Mrs. Natham
Hope Mary Newcombe
Ellen Nick
Michael O’Donnell
Matthew Joseph Ochtinsky
Gina Elizabeth Pacitto
David Palm, Sr.
Todd Pare
Patrick Joseph Paris
Marie Pavelka
Emily Faith Pawlus
Dr. Leslie Pensler
Alan Perlmutter, M.D.
Jason Joseph Pettineo
Sara Jeanne Pfister
Ryan K. Pheiffer
Arvin I. Philippart, III, M.D.
Porter Pilgram
Fred Pischke
Dr. Joseph Posch
Virginia Prehm
Father of R. Ramachandran
Thomas Rand
David Raymond
Paige McKenzie Reed
Gladys Reiser
Jim E. Riehl, Sr
Sidney Riskin
Erin & Andrea McCormick
Christine Rizzuto
Ruppert Roehm
Karan Ann Roman
Andy Ross
Billy Ross
Dr. William Ross
Sarah Rubenfaer
Mary Ruggirello
Scott Russell
Glenn Ryver
Ray Ryver
Raymond Ryver
Dr. Raghbir S. Sandhu
Ramandeep Kaur Sandhu
Jack Sarian
John Scalise
Elizabeth Ann Schaum
Erin Schembri
Eric Schultz
Ryan Sedrowski
Alex Andrew Setlock
Amy Sherman
Khaika Shoikhet
Judith Simpao
Annie Sims
Margaret Couzens Slattery
Dawn Kimberly Smith
Rich Smith
John Soring
James Speight
Sarah A. Springer
Kim Stambaugh
Fred Stankows
Dr. Karl Stillwater
Judy Ann Storch
Arthur E. Strunk
Nino Tabbi
Sebastian Tocco
Colin Derian Toth
Carl Tringali
Reginald L. Tucker
Ruth E. Grossberg Tucker
Carlene L. Uphold
Dr. Flossie Cohen Ussery
Michael Francis Volante
Lisa Marie Vrabel
Jennifer M. Vroom
Selwin Wainaina
Caitlin Walsh
Helma Watts
Clarence J. Welser
Zachary A. Werder
Richard Wheeler Sr.
Eugene White
Mary Winer
Sara Woityra
Nick Zanoli
Melanie C. Zebrowski
Kimberley Ann Ziembowicz
Jeffrey Zimmerman
In Memory – James Lloyd, M.D.
James R. Lloyd, M.D., a pioneer in the treatment of burn injuries and the former Director of the Burn Center at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan died on December 9, 2004. Dr. Lloyd was a pilot in the United States Army Air Force,
who upon his return from World War II, pursued a degree in medicine. He joined Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Wayne
State University and the Detroit Medical Center in 1959 and was amongst the first of those trained in pediatric surgery.
Working together with Clifford D. Benson, M.D., Dr. Lloyd played a key role in establishing the Children’s Hospital of
Michigan Pediatric Surgery Residency Program. He practiced pediatric surgery and taught until his retirement in 1986.
Dr. Lloyd was responsible for many innovations and advances in pediatric surgery including the treatment of pyloric stenosis
and the pathophysiology of necrotizing enterocolitis. He is remembered most for his contributions to the care of burns.
Dr. Lloyd was the lead investigator in the use of Silver Sulfadiazine therapy, teaching doctors and nurses burn wound care
and application of impregnated Silvadene dressings. Dr. Lloyd was an exemplary physician, surgeon, teacher, mentor, and
human being who will truly be missed by his family, colleagues and friends.
Honorary List
Children’s Hospital of Michigan is grateful for the generous contributions received from our donors who wish to mark a special occasion
in the lives of their family and friends. These thoughtful gifts recognize members of our community while providing the hospital with
philanthropic support essential to meeting the health care needs of our young patients. Gifts totaling $100 or greater in 2004 were made
in tribute of the following individuals.
Jalon Adams
Michael O’Brien Allison
Arden Amarillo Plant Employees
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Axe
Edward & Eric Bailey
Tyler Baird
Edward R. Bayleran, D.D.S., M.S.
Dr. Walter Belenky
Jonelle Bensek
Sarah Berlin
Joe Berman
Harold Beznos
Lesley Beznos
Maurice (Jerry) Beznos
Norman Beznos
Sam Beznos
Abby Bice
Julia Grace Blumenstein
Dr. Paul Blunden
John & Marlene Boll
Stefanie Bolyea
Isabelle Borr
Danielle Brayton
Darla & Jim Breese
Alex Brewer
Merle J. Bronstein
Kaylie Brown
Vincent Buric
Valerie Cargill
Lisa Carlesso
Rhys Chandler
Matthew Chayet
James Vincent Cianciolo
Drs. Laura & Jeff Clark
Bruce Conn
Patricia Coon
Christian Corey
Frank Couzens, Jr.
Eugene M. Covert
Ben Cummings
Davis & Davis P.C.
Suzanne G. Dawes
Alene Debrito
James DeWolf
Carol Diederichs
Kristine (Gordon) Dillay
Maria C. Donadio
Tammy Downing
Michael & Madonna Draughn
Breanna Duncan
Erica Dunville
Frances Eldis, Ph.D.
Paul & Fran Ellstein
Dr. Michael Epstein
Meryl Ethridge
John Evans
Frank & Laura Fiore
Dr. Larry Fleischmann
Jacob Fleming
Joe Fodera
Maxine & Stuart Frankel
Dorothy E. Fresh
Dr. Yvonne M. Friday
Honorable Bernard Friedman
Kenneth Gaynor
Richard E. & Virginia Genthe
Bailey Roland Giannini
Joyce Gibson
John Ginopolis
Tracey Renee Grasty
Dr. & Mrs. Herman Gray
Elayne Greenspan
Adam Hamill
David Hamill
Gail Haner-Lowe
Jeff & Deb Haylett
Hildebrand & Heavey Families
John J. Hertel
Seiji and Kate (MacKinnon)
Arebelle Hollowell
Billey Howard
Jane Iacobelli
Don Jaeger
Nicklaus William Jensen
Leroy & Madryn Johnson
Jeffrey Jucewicz
Zac Jurcisin
Ian Kalinowski
Karen & Pete Kane
Jenna Kast
Mack Katz
Donna Kaufman
Joan M. Kelley, R.N.
Carol Kelly
Christopher Alan Kight
Edward King
Dr. Stephen Knazik
Sarah & Stephen Knoblock
John & Elizabeth Kolozsvary
Steve Kosbau
Cam Koscho
Dr. Thomas J. L’Ecuyer
Troy LaBoskey
Stanley & Johanna Laba
Guadalupe Lara
Katie Laubscher
Sharon Laurents
Jimmie Leleszi, M.D.
Barry Leonard
John & Nancy Levy
Lauren Locricchio
Nathan Michael Lone
Jerry & Nancy Lorence
Sandy Loving
Dr. Jeanne Lusher
Lane Luyckx
Dr. William Lyman
Shannon Lynch
Ellen Lysik
Kelly Lysik
Kevin Lysik
Tim Lysik
Kim Lysik-Disanti
Gary Macieczni, Jr.
Drs. MacIntosh, Lopczyk,
& Schmakel
William MacKinnon
Cynthia Madson
L. Marantette
Rita Margherio
L. Mariola
Martin, Dorchen & Coon
Mike & Susan Martin
Robin Mattia
Terri McHale
McInerney & McFarland Families
Natalie McKee
Courtney Mecke
Meert Family
Aiden Middleton
Jaquline Mikula
Hannah Milavec
Casandra Milhouse
Mandy Miller
Lynne & James Millies
Kathleen Moltz Family
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Moltz
Father William Mooney
Mike & Amy Mulkey
Donna Nedelcoff
Dr. Michael A. Nigro
Kate Noble
Jade O’Shaugnessey
Max & Ben Paczkowski
Lauren Padilla
Genie Palmer
Tristen Parent
Jewel Parrish
Bradley Pearl
Pediatric Anesthesia, P.C.
Jerry Pelton
Periodontic Associates
Dr. Christy Petroff
Joe Petroff
John G. Piccinini
Samuel Plaza
John Plummer
PME Companies Participants
Robert Proudlock
Mary G. Radom
Mark Rancour, III
Andrew John Rasico
Dr. Carl Rasimas
Dr. Fredrick Rector
Bill & Susan Rondeau
Root Canal Specialists P.C.
Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D.
Kevin James Rucha
Darlene Rucinski-Janson, R.N.
Charolette Ryver
Gary & Becky Sakwa
Drs. Ashok & Ingrid Sarnaik
Emily Schaller
Brianna Schiffer
Shelby & Sam Schoensee
Nicholas A. Schratz
Daniel Kurtis Schultz
Joshua Schulz
Dorothy Selik
Ethan & Brendan Shaeffer
Harry Shapiro
Robert & Sue Sharpe
Katherine Sherbin
Alicia Simpson
Bethany Simsack
Ellen P. Smith
Luke Stano
Juliano & Melanie Stewart
Charlotte Stokes
David Stollman
Theodore Swietlik
Paul Tatge
Christian Tennant
David Tomilo
Margaret L. Traxler
Lance Usrey
Jayne Walters
Howard & Enelda Weiss
William Wetsman
Eala Wiegman
Robert Wiest
Sherri Wiest
David Wirth
Roger Wirth
The Honorable Charlotte Wirth
Howard L. Wolfe Family
Olive & Andy Wong Family
Priscilla Anne Woodliff-Wagner
Monica Young
Hedy Zablocki, R.N.
Jessica Helene Zacharias
Michael Zuccaro
or Jim Carr, fundraising for Children’s Hospital of Michigan
is a family tradition.
The 45-year-old has been a member of the Children’s
Hospital of Michigan Foundation Board of Directors since 2004, but his
involvement with the hospital dates back to the early 1960s. That’s when
his older brother, David, was a patient at the old Children’s Hospital.
“David had leukemia. As a boy, I remember going down to the hospital
with him and my mom for his treatments,” Jim says. “My mother saw the
work they were doing in the hematology clinic and she wanted to help.”
Jim’s mother – Joanne Cline Carr – was a long time
volunteer in the hematology-oncology clinic and established
the Child Research Center League (the predecessor of the
Children’s Research Center of Michigan at Children’s Hospital)
to raise money for research into leukemia and other diseases
affecting children. Sadly, David died in 1964 at the age of 7, but
his mother continued her fundraising work. While it was too
late to help her son, she still wanted to help other children.
“At the time David was diagnosed, there was less than a 10
percent survival rate for his type of leukemia. But my mom knew
there were promising things on the horizon. I think that’s one of
the reasons she was so interested in raising funds for research. I
think she hoped it would help save David. Unfortunately, time
was not on her side.”
But her fundraising efforts – and Jim’s later efforts – did
help. The type of leukemia that took David’s life in 1964 now
has a more than 75 percent survival rate.
“So it’s true that research – much of it conducted at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan – did exactly what my mom
had hoped for. It just took longer than she wanted.”
Today, Jim is an investment counselor and he and his wife,
Diane, live in Okemos, Michigan and have two sons: Colin, 17,
and David, 13.
While Joanne Carr passed away in 1998, Jim remembers her
daily with his service to Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
“I serve on the board to honor my mother and my brother,”
Carr says. “It’s a small way I can continue the work my mother
started all those years ago.”
Three generations of the Carr family.
Executive Staff
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.,
Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.,
Chief Operating Officer
Rhonda Foster, Ed.D., MPH, M.S.,
R.N., Vice President, Patient Care
Fredrick E. Rector, Jr., M.D.,
Vice President, Medical Affairs
Richard L. Kramer, Executive Director,
Jackie Hill, Financial Administrator
Medical Staff Chiefs
Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
Herman Gray Jr., M.D. M.B.A.
Chief Operating Officer
Bonita Stanton, M.D.
Michael D. Klein, M.D.
J. Michael Zerin, M.D.,
Chief of Pediatric Imaging
Michael L. Epstein, M.D.
Chief of Staff
Fredrick E. Rector Jr., M.D.
Vice President of Medical Affairs
Ibrahim F. Abdulhamid, M.D.
Chief of Pulmonary Medicine
Jacob V. Aranda, M.D.
Chief of Clinical Pharmacology and
Basim I. Asmar, M.D.
Chief of Infectious Diseases
Erawati V. Bawle, M.B.B.S.
Chief of Genetic and Metabolic
José F. Cara, M.D.
Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology
Harry T. Chugani, M.D.
Chief of Neurology
Marc L. Cullen, M.D.
Chief of Pediatric Surgery
Edward R. Dabrowski, M.D.
Chief of Physicial Medicine and
Chandra Edwin, M.D.
Chief of General Pediatrics
Russell Faust, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief of Otolaryngology
Howard S. Fischer, M.D.
Chief of Ambulatory Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine
David Grignon, M.D.
Chief of Pathology
Steven D. Ham, D.O.
Chief of Neurosurgery
Joseph M. Hildebrand, D.D.S.
Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial
Richard A. Humes, M.D.
Chief of Cardiology
Stephen R. Knazik, D.O., M.B.A.
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Co-Chief of Hematology and
William D. Lyman, Ph.D.
Director of the Children’s Research
Center of Michigan
Tej K. Mattoo, M.D.
Chief of Nephrology
Gordon A. McLorie, M.D.
Chief of Urology
James F. Mooney, III, M.D.
Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery
Ellen C. Moore, M.D.
Chief of Immunology, Allergy and
Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, M.D.
Co-Chief of Hematology and
John D. Roarty, M.D.
Chief of Ophthalmology
David R. Rosenberg, M.D.
Chief of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Arlene A. Rozzelle, M.D.
Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive
Ashok P. Sarnaik, M.D.
Chief of Critical Care Medicine
Seetha Shankaran, M.D.
Chief of Neonatal and Perinatal
James P. Stenger, D.D.S.
Chief of Dentistry
Vasundhara K. Tolia, M.D.
Research Director for
Henry L. Walters III, M.D.
Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery
Maria M. Zestos, M.D.
Chief of Anesthesiology
Board of Trustees
*John D. Baker, M.D., Chairperson
*Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II,
*Mrs. Stuart Frankel,
*Mr. Frank Couzens, Jr., Treasurer
Mr. Eugene Applebaum
Mr. Tim A. Attalla
Ms. Elaine Baker
*Mr. Maurice J. Beznos
*Mr. Robert H. Bluestein
Alexa I. Canady, M.D.
Mrs. Mayme Dunigan
*Michael Epstein, M.D.
*Mr. Douglas M. Etkin
Ms. Joanne B. Faycurry
*Larry E. Fleischmann, M.D.
*The Honorable Bernard Friedman
*The Honorable Hilda Gage
Mrs. Erica Ward Gerson
Mr. John Ginopolis
*Mrs. Norman Gjostein
*Herman B. Gray, Jr., M.D.
Ms. Patricia Heftler
Mrs. Richard Helppie
Reverend Nicholas Hood
*Mr. Joseph G. Horonzy
Mr. Arthur B. Hudson
*Mr. Gilbert Hudson
Mrs. Jane Iacobelli
Anne-Maré Ice, M.D.
Mrs. Josephine Kessler
*Michael D. Klein, M.D.
Mrs. Arthur Kleinpell
*Mr. Robert C. Larson
Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Mr. John G. Levy
Mr. Kirk J. Lewis
Mrs. Lawrence R. Marantette
*Mrs. Florine Mark
Ms. Alyssa Martina
Mrs. Jane E. Mills
Mr. Charles R. O’Brien
*Mr. David K. Page
Mr. Michael C. Porter
*Mrs. Gloria W. Robinson
Mr. Bruce H. Rosen
Ashok Sarnaik, M.D.
*Thomas L. Slovis, M.D.
*Bonita Stanton, M.D.
*George A. Wrigley
Honorary Board 2005
Mr. Thomas B. Adams
Mr. Wendell W. Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Henry T. Bodman
Mrs. Warren Coville
Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III
Mr. William R. Halling
Mr. William P. MacKinnon
Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend
Mrs. David D. Williams
Advisory Board 2005
The Honorable Trudy DunCombe
Mr. Leslie Colburn
Mrs. Julie Fisher Cummings
Mr. Alan W. Frank
Mr. Martin Goldman
Mr. James Grosfeld
Mr. Joseph C. Murphy
Mr. Thomas L. Schoenith
Mrs. Samuel Valenti III
Mrs. Gerald E. Warren
* Executive Committee
Children’s Hospital
of Michigan Foundation
Board of Trustees
Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II,
Mr. William M. Wetsman,
Mr. Maurice J. Beznos
Mr. James F. Carr, Jr.
Mrs. Stuart Frankel
Mr. Daniel Gilbert
Mr. John Ginopolis
Mr. Brian Hermelin
Mr. Jack Krasula
Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Jeanne M. Lusher, M.D.
Mrs. Rita Margherio
Mr. James Orchard
Mr. Dick Purtan
Ms. Patricia Rodzik
Mr. Jatinder-Bir Sandhu
Mr. Douglas Bitonti Stewart, President
Children’s Hospital of Michigan
Foundation contact information:
3911 Beaubien Blvd.
Detroit, MI
(313) 964-1300
[email protected]
Want to
Get Involved?
Get involved with the
Children’s Hospital of
Michigan Auxiliary by
volunteering in the gift
shop, selling holiday cards
or helping with special
events and other
fundraising projects.
“If anyone has a great
idea for a fundraising activity,
we’d love to hear about it,”
says Sharna Epstein.
For more information,
contact the Children’s
Hospital of Michigan Auxiliary
office at 313.745.0962.
oliday cards. The Something Special Gift Shop. Special events.
Over the years, the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Auxiliary
has found dozens of ways to raise money for the hospital. Over
and over again they’ve shown their commitment to the young patients.
Since it was founded in 1949, the Auxiliary has raised over $3.9 million
for Children’s Hospital of Michigan.
According to Sharna Epstein, president of the Auxiliary, most of the
money now comes from gift shop sales.
“The gift shop is the largest single source of income that we give back to
the hospital,” Sharna says. “And it’s really the people who shop and work in
the gift shop who make that possible. The staff there is always very customer
oriented. Over time, a lot of warm relationships have developed between
patients, families and the staff of the gift shop.”
Another major fundraiser for the Auxiliary is designing, printing
and selling Children’s Hospital of Michigan holiday cards. In 2004, the
Auxiliary sold more holiday cards than ever before – selling out of its
entire stock.
Funds raised by the Auxiliary go to support many different projects at
Children’s Hospital of Michigan. The group will fund three major projects
this year, including: 1) purchasing SNUG-CP cotton Lycra® suits that help
stabilize the movements of children with cerebral palsy, allowing them to
achieve higher levels of mobility and control, 2) purchasing new lab equipment that will enable the hospital to be the only center in the state to test
infants for a group of inherited medical conditions, which if not diagnosed
and treated early in life will
result in severe health difficulties
and 3) supporting the purchase
of a new cutting edge cardiac
cryoablation machine which will
allow doctors to perform even
more precise and less invasive
surgeries on children’s hearts.
In addition, the Auxiliary
will support dozens of other
smaller projects in 2005. “We do
everything from funding projects
that provide for the comfort of
patients and families to purchasing equipment that provides
direct patient care,” Epstein says.
This is a listing of fundraising events benefiting Children’s
Hospital of Michigan. For additional details call the contact
person listed or the Children’s development department
at (313) 745-5373 or visit www.chmkids.org
Year Round
Pix for Kids
April 1 – June 30
Renaissance Club
Membership Drive
Firefly Studio, Detroit
Blake Discher
June 24, 25, 26
Mt. Clemens Ice Arena
Hockey Tournament
Renaissance Club, Detroit
Contact: Richelle Tragge 313-259-4700
Mt. Clemens Ice Arena, Mt. Clemens
Contact: Rob Chevalier 313-882-7737
April 10
Skate@The Joe
June 25
Clarebear, II Golf Outing
Joe Louis Arena, Detroit
Contact: www.helpingothersfoundation.org
Thunder Bay Resort, Hillman
Contact: Pete McCormick 989-358-2251
April 28
Shower of Love
June 26
Happy Healthy Children
Monaghan Knights of Columbus Hall, Livonia
Contact: Judy Griffin 248-476-5741
Wolverine Golf Club, Macomb
Contact: Walter Olineijzak 248-541-7035
June 26
Fred Pischke Memorial Golf Outing
May 21
Steve Milnikel Memorial Golf Outing
Wesburn Golf Course, South Rockwood
Contact: Tom Labo 734-284-0420
Pebblewood Country Club, Bridgman
Contact: Sue Engler 269-428-9096
August 13
CHM Nurses Golf Outing
June 10, 11 & 12th
Detroit Firefighters
Burn Center Tournament
Rotunda Fields, Dearborn
Contact: Dan McNamara 313-962-7546
June 17
LRL-Alex Brewer
Heather Hills Golf Club, Romeo
Contact: Lynn Moore 734-394-2455
June 18, 2005
Dearborn Hills Golf Club, Dearborn
Contact: Julia Smith 313-565-1472
June 20
Variety, The Children’s Charity Kovan Golf Classic
Tam O’Shanter Country Club, West Bloomfield
Contact: Variety Office 248-258-5511
Fox Creek Golf Course, Livonia
Contact: Donita Gelinas 313-745-1999
Nonprofit Org.
Detroit MI
Permit No. 4772
3901 Beaubien Blvd.
Detroit, Michigan 48201-2196
Picture You
Helping Kids
You can help the kids at
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will benefit the Healing Hearts
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kids in need will benefit as well!
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Gift certificates available.
Additional prints may be ordered.
Photos are for personal use only.
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