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MeDIA kIT 2014 22years leader The best are right behind us Nº 251 REVISTA MENSUAL 22años ESPAÑA 5,90 % excepto CANARIAS Y AEROPUERTOS 6,05 % PORTUGAL Cont. 7,90 % ALEMANIA 16,20 % ANDORRA 5,90 % BÉLGICA 12,20 % GRECIA 12,20 % INTERIORES RADICALES Avignon-Clouet/ HH Arquitectos/Ilmiodesign/Lake Flato/López Vilalta/Novembre/Xpiral/YLAB PIET HEIN EEK ZAHA HADID SILLAS Y MESAS CERRAMIENTOS 251 LÍDER INTERIORISMO ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO INTERIORES RADICALES GLOBUS Casas: Xpiral, Lake Flato, Avignon-Clouet, HH Arquitectos Piet Hein Eek Novembre: tienda Who*s Who Oficinas en Barcelona, Ylab Nuevos hoteles Cerramientos Creators of relevant projects, innovative designs and trends are present in each Diseño Interior issue. Conceptual quality, the avant-garde, can emerge anywhere in the world today. International experts collaborating in our magazine know how to track down the extraordinary in New York, Amsterdam, Tokyo and, obviously, in our immediate surroundings. It would be quite difficult to find a noted creator who has not shown and explained his production in Diseño Interior within the last twenty-two years. From 1990. ENGLISH VERSION Now avaliable o Apple Store an Google Play The biggest and best are the right partners for your brand 22years leader MeDIA kIT 2014 We discover avant-garde Diseño Interior’s editorial mission is to discover those trends that overcome critical analysis. What’s new is important providing it is financially sound. Only trained judgment trained formed by years of expertise, is capable of tracking down the very best in Digital eDition in SpaniSh Available on Apple Store and Google Play. the world and expose projects every month that are essential to architectural and interior design professionals. It is hard work to convince professional readers who at the same time are influential creators. We have been accomplishing that from 1990, and from now on, we will be doing it in english too. engliSh verSion Now avaliable on Apple Store and Google Play. Your brand means avant-garde and quality. It feels at ease with “Diseño Interior” printeD eDition every month in your newstand. 22years leader MeDIA kIT 2014 “Nowadays, beauty uses new codes to reveal itself“ pilar MarcoS Directora 22 years bringing the future to you Our contents respond to our readers concerns. They have been unveiled by the opinion surveys that Diseño Interior conducts regularly: What is going to happen: Events Diary, exhibitions, fairs, presentations of innovations. What has just happened: What was relevant at international fairs, showroom openings, exhibitions. ZOOM: Fast and accurate analysis of creations, including the values that need to be presented. Big projects: a collection of those interventions that must be analyzed in as much detail of its qualities as possible. New solutions: Every constructive component of Diseño Interior is reviewed annually with monographic publications: latest news, range of products that last, active companies in our field. We want to provide our advertisers with criteria, quality and spectacle 22years leader MeDIA kIT 2014 94% of interior designers and architects are familiar with Diseño Interior every survey that Diseño Interior has conducted since 1990, reveals the percentage of interior designers and architects who are familiar with Diseño Interior represents 94% of the whole professional community. 32.000 Spanish professionals – from architecture, interior design, and related fields- read every edition. 2.100 subscribers, including 42% reaDer’S profile 85% architects, interior designers and professional decorators. 15% design, art and avant-garde aesthetic enthusiasts. 52% hold university training. 42,5% is the average age. 61% men. 39% women. from professional studios, purchase the magazine every month. international circulation Since Diseño Interior was launched on Apple Store and Google Play, its international circulation has increased by 18%. 87.000 readers from Spain and other countries In Diseño Interior we are proud of our readers MeDIA kIT 2014 22years leader CON EL PATRO 22años CINIO DE Nº 253 REVISTA MENSUAL ESPAÑA 5,90 % excepto CANARIAS Y AEROPUERTOS 6,05 % PORTUGAL Cont. 7,90 % ALEMANIA 16,20 % ANDORRA 5,90 % BÉLGICA 12,20 % GRECIA 12,20 % 253 LÍDER O ARQ UITE CTU RA Y DISE ÑO I O / 4 A N U A R NORMAN FOSTER RAFAEL MONEO A PATRICIA URQUIOL NERI & HU KENGO KUMA RAMÓN ESTEVE JEAN NOUVEL A HERMANOS CAMPAN IO ANTONIO CITTER GLOBUS HOTDEELSEIGSN TOP LA NUEVA VANGUARDIA Cleinge/k_m Architektur/Promontorio & MK Studio/Serrano+Vaquero/SVQ/Vaíllo+Irigaray/Vicente Navarro RON ARAD ODILE DECQ AISLAMIENTOS INTE RIO RISM INTERIORISMO ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO LA NUEVA VANGUARDIA PROYECTOS Vaíllo + Irigaray SVQ Arquitectura Serrano + Baquero Henri Cleinge Promontorio & Marcio Kogan k_m Architektur GLOBUS Entrevista a Odile Decq Ron Arad en Ivorypress, Madrid Arte: Antonio Santin Retratos que hablan Aislamientos 2014 Rates and Agenda portada DI_253.indd 1 ISSUE SELLING DATE 256 257 5TH Annual issue JANUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 258 MARCH 259 260 6TH Annual issue 261 APRIL MAY MAY JUNE 18/9/13 11:22:18 CONTENTS CLOSING DATE 13-DEC-13 D* Contract & urban NST* Software & Hardware 15-JAN-14 Restaurants 10-JAN-14 D* Kitchens/Countertops NST* Flooring 12-FEB-14 D* Outdoor furniture NST* Ceilings 11-MAR-14 D* Decorative Covering NST* Walls 14-APR-14 Shops 10-APR-14 D* Home Furniture NST* Carpentry 13-MAY-14 D* Offices NST* Technical Lighting S* Lighting Special 262 7TH Annual issue 263 264 265 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER D* Chairs/tables NST* Devices Hotels D* Bathrooms NST* Insulations D* Household appliances NST* Climate control D* Decorative Lighting NST* Façades & Roofs 18-JUN-14 12-JUL-14 12-AUG-14 17-SEP-14 15-OCT-14 S* Kitchens & Bathrooms Special 8 Annual issue 266 TH NOVEMBER DECEMBER Commercial Spaces D* Sofas & Easy chairs NST* Security & Control 10-OCT-14 12-NOV-14 S* Best Design of the year D* = Dossier NST*= New Technical Solutions s*=Special MeDIA kIT 2014 2014 rateS COLOR SPACE Page Preferential page / 1ª 2ª 3ª odd Contents opposite page Double page First double page 1/2 page horizontal 1/2 page vertical Double 1/2 page Back cover Inner cover Inner back cover Foldout front cover (double page) HANDBOOKS & INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS Sponsorships & Special acts Upper banner Right side banner l Small l Squareo l Medium l Big SIZE* Size 4.773 5.107 5.250 9.222 10.023 2.864 2.864 6.682 7.159 5.250 5.059 13.905 23,00 x 30,00 cms 23,00 x 30,00 cms 23,00 x 30,00 cms 46,00 x 30,00 cms 46,00 x 30,00 cms 23,00 x 15,00 cms 11,50 x 30,00 cms 46,00 x 15,00 cms 23,00 x 30,00 cms 23,00 x 30,00 cms 23,00 x 30,00 cms 46,00 x 30,00 cms Check WEB RATES Space € € 468 x 60 px 650 120 x 60 px 120 x 120 px 120 x 240 px 120 x 600 px 300 425 500 700 VAT not included * ImAGE fILE fORmAT SHOULD BE: .jpg, .gif, .png, .swf (flash) and .gif animated. 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VAT not included general terMS anD conDitionS The signing of an advertising order/contract constitutes the acceptance of the terms and conditions provided below: • Originals must be provided to the magazine 30 days before the cover date. • The magazine reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, due to lack of space, contents or low quality. • Cancellations in orders must be received 30 days in advance to the publishing date. • The Advertiser and/or its agency assume liability for all content of advertisements published by Diseño Interior. • VAT are on behalf of the client. • Preferential positions shall be tacked a 20% surcharge on top of the official rates. • Advertising reports shall bear the endorsement “advertorial” and shall be tacked a 25% surcharge on top of the official rates. reproDUctive MaterialS Pages should be submitted electronically in accordance with the following: • Digital documents shall be accompanied by a color proof showing the total content of the advertisement and exactly how the colors will look in final printing. • Original should include: Layout document: InDesign, QuarkXPress, Freehand or Illustrator. High-resolution images 300 dpi in CMYK: TIFF, JPG, EPS or PDF. Typographies used for advertisement design or outlined texts. If the client prefers to submit a PDF file, this shall be in high-resolution (300dpi), images in CMYK (not RGB), embedded typographies and shall not contain spot colors nor embedded color profiles. PDF document shall be presented at the exact publishing size with 5mm of bleed. contact Príncipe de Vergara, 109 - 2º. 28002 Madrid. T 91 447 12 02 MaDriD/international Mª José Hidalgo [email protected] T 91 447 12 02 catalUña Alejandro Fuertes [email protected] T 639 333 423 levante Blanca Núñez [email protected] T 610 421 584 galicia/paíS vaSco Ana Alonso [email protected] 649 744 617 new clientS technical Sector Elena Sarachu [email protected] T 620 655 232 22years leader MeDIA kIT 2014 Encimera de Inducción MaxiSense PORCEL ANOSA BATH encuentre su tienda Porcelanosa mas cercana en www.porcelanosag Arquitectura en el techo. Design by Ramón Esteve Libertad para utilizar casi cualquier cacerola o sartén, sin importar su forma y tamaño. Un nuevo concepto…, «Cocina sin Fronteras». Sus controles MaxiSight son muy sensibles al tacto, precisos, y cuentan con un exclusivo display TFT a color; la precisión de cocción que usted se merece. Para saber más sobre nuestra «Neue Kollektion» visite 25 table BF&P 2011 arcaya equip arcaya @ tel + 34 (0)945 462 408 ya está disponible Visite, archivos 3D para proyectar. toda la información y los DESCUBRE MÁS CON TU MÓVIL 100 201 Revestimiento: Mosaico Zen Blanco 31,6x90cm 29/07/11 10.37 . Mosaico Ze Zen Pavimento: Roble Boston Blanco 31,6x90cm. Lavabos: Série Lounge 18x65,9cm. · Grifería: Série Soft. Espejos: Série Lounge · Paraban: Série Neo. Columna: Série Bend · Plato de Ducha: Série Land DESALTO_25_disenointerior.indd 1 al cliente (+34) 901 ciudad, los cuatro módulos Como el skyline de una gran crear siluetas y volúmenes de la luminaria Link permiten espacio y situación. en el techo a medida de cada de conexión eléctrica Sólo requiere un único punto y eficiente. y su fuente de luz es regulable LE BRINDA LA LIBERTAD DEFINITIVA PARA COCINAR SIN LÍMITES. teléfono de atención NUESTRA ENCIMERA DE VANGUARDIA Link… Damos vida a tu cocina DEL 8 DE NOVIEMBRE AL 9 DE sofá Folk by Rafa García INTERIOR.indd 1 27/07/2012 9:01:57 DISENOINTE 6/6/12 10:23:52 Diseño_inteior_circo_julio.indd RIOR230X30 1 0SBend.indd Max Zambell Cód: 20 síguenos en +Roberto Palomba Design: Ludovica / t zucchettidesign.i SEPTIEMBRE 2012 - DISEÑO de descuento al presentar esta página en taquilla *Válido por una entrada DICIEMBRE los días de 11 a 21 horas, ierto todos lo Abierto domingos y festivos incluidos y tú ¿con qué sueñas? [email protected] XEY INVERSA 1 PAGINA 25% Carrer d´Aragó 271, esquina Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona AD: ps+a PH: Alava-GH COCINAS Cruz Blanca, 2 Vitoria-Gasteiz Tfno.945225468 ATREZZO Trinidad, 27 Gijón Tfno.985172080 Avila-SANEAMIENT Alicante-LUIS PERALES Valencia, 19 Alcoy Tfno.966338321 Almería-PROYECT provincia-TEVISA Magdalena, OS AVILA Paseo Ntra.Sra. 65 Mérida Tfno.924311131 O COCINA Avda. Carlos de Sonsoles, 1 Tfno.920220182 III, 183 Aguadulce Tfno.950344131 Baleares-IDEA Gran Via ARAM Caravela La Niña, Badajoz-GALLERY CERAMIC Colón, 75 Inca Tfno.971500481; 22-24 Tfno.932803236; AsturiasCtra.N-V Madrid Lisboa CUINES MISTRAL Avda. CUINART Plaza de España, DISSENY París, 157-Bajos Km.399 Tfno.924229144 Mistral, 19 Tfno.934242425; 16 Felanitx Tfno.971581605 Tfno.934102774; ROIMO Badajoz DECO REFORMA Gran Barcelona-XEY Diagonal, INTEGRAL Avda. República ALVAREZ DECORACION Vía Carlos III, 6 Tfno.934908506; 606 Tfno.933620529; Argentina,1 Tfno.936670007; Angel Guimera, JAVISA Concepción Arenal, MASSANA Caspe, 158 aguer Sant Vicenç dels Tfno.937268033; LOFT 71 Tfno.933490363; MARFIL Tfno.934511816; VILASECA Horts Tfno.936566002; CUINA La Miranda, 6-8 ENTORNS Lluis Jover, Cornella Tfno.934743793; Marina, 295 Tfno.933478560 MIGUEL OLIVA Avda. Joaquín 104 local 1 y 2 Vilassar NOU ESTIL Paseo Nadal, Barcelona provinciaBlume, de Mar Tfno.937506303; 6 Sant Feliu de Llobregat Tfno.856102102 Cantabria-MOISES 6 Barbate Tfno.956430056; CINCO SENTIDOS FOC I CUINA Tres Creus, Tfno.936660841 Burgos-XEY Maestro Millán Picazo, 10 2 Sabadell Lópe de Vega, 4 Santander Avda. de la Paz, 1 Tfno.947274727 Bl.1local 1A Algeciras Tfno.856221833; provincia-XEY Horreo, Tfno.902304042 Castellón-MAY Cádiz-CARPINTERIA 166 Santiago de Compostela KUANTTO COCINAS MILTON Maestro Arrieta, Tfno.981594018; GATO Ramon Fdez Mato,18 Boiro 36B Tfno.964250177 La los Descubrimientos 76 Crtra. Catabois, 182 Ferrol Tfno.981847200 Girona-EUROMARB Coruña-XEY Fernando Chiclana Tfno.981330223; STAR Macias, 3 y 5 Tfno.981254833 Granada provincia-COCINAS RES Cr. C-66 Girona-Palamos CENTER CARBALLO Iglesia, CARMONA Av.Andalucia-Granad La Coruña km 54 Carballo Tfno.981703065; Tfno.943767058; BASTIDA a local 3 Almuñecar Tfno.958633615 25 Sant Joan de Mollet Tfno.972488697 Granada-DETALLES BOIROTENDA Avda.Const. SUKALDEAK Elizaurre, Guipúzcoa-AITZBELTZ 3 Zarautz Tfno.943894999; KITCHEN Urbieta, 24 San Arteta, 1 y 3 Andoain Tfno.943591226;MERINO Avda.del Sur,10 Edf.Urano 1 Tfno.958272749 ETXEKIT 2000 Ubitarte Sebastian Tfno.943425893; Plaza, 2 Elgoibar Tfno.943744347; BASTIDA SUKALDEAK MUEBLES OYARBIDE 3 Tolosa Tfno.943670917; Ibargarai, 36-38 bajo Bergara Garmendi Gain, s/n Azpeitia JAUREGUI Paseo Duque OYARBIDE Centro Comercial Tfno.943151600; MUEBLES de Mandas, 37 San Sebastian Huesca-COMAR Mariano Olaberria Tfno.943161600; OYARBIDE Tfno.943287785; Cavia, 7 Tfno.974212697 URBI Fuenterrabia s/n. Edif. Irubide-Barrio Recalde,1 Huesca provincia-CASA Irun Tfno.943616295 Huelva-FUTURA provincia-ARIAS General Lasarte Tfno.943360688; & REFORMA Valle de Astún, Vives, 22 Ponferrada Tfno.987415954 NAIKE Barrena, COCINA San Andrés C.Cial.N.Corrales 7 Jaca Tfno.974364688 45 Tfno.917810710; DUBLIN Lleida-ACLIOD Academia, León-ELECTRODOMESTICOS Corrales Tfno.959490415 COCINAS Fernando Católico, 30 Tfno.973281438 Lleida NACHO Avda. de Nocedo, Madrid provincia-DUBLIN provincia-BORES CUINES 69 Tfno.915430056; LORENA 15 Tfno.987070151 León COCINAS Pol.Europolis Espigol,11 Polg.Ind.Olius DISEÑO Principe de Vergara, Dublin, 35 Las Rozas de Olius Tfno.973483597 Madrid-XEY Torres Quevedo, 1 Mostoles 209 Tfno.915638495; LESSIA Madrid Tfno.916266253; Tfno.916467635; ESIL DE Juan Bravo, DECORACION Avda. Doctor PARQUE MUEBLE DE ALBA C.Villalba Guadarrama SANIFER Marqués de García Tapia, 128 Tfno.913283510 MINGO Evang.Torricelli,1/P.I. la Valdavia, 73 Alcobendas Km.1200 Collado Villalba Garena Alcalá de Henares Tfno.916614487 Málaga-XEY Tfno.918507026; PARQUE Bergantes,19.Urb. Palacios Tfno.918828282; AZ RODRIGUEZ MUEBLE DE MINGO Pelaya Zinc.Edif.La Marina local Torremolinos Tfno.952372719 5 Marbella Tfno.952924547; 2.Polig.Ind.Rio Janeiro Algete Melilla-DISEÑO COCINAS Y PERSIANAS ESPARZA ESTUDIO COCINA Utrera, A.Bruselas.P142.P.Cabezo Marques de Montemar, 2 C Velez Málaga Tfno.951284369;Tfno.916290810; 29 Tfno.952679606 Murcia-SERVIMUR Beaza Cartagena Tfno.968121670 Tfno.988372798 Las Palmas-FORMAS MARTIN’S Rio Navarra-XEY Hermanos Cartagena, 82-Bajo Tfno.968340689 Avda. Mesa y Lopez, 68 Imaz, 3 Pamplona PLUS A.Fuentesauco,46 Tfno.928222970; LA CHIMENEA Murcia provincia-PUERTAS P.LosVillares Villares de Leon y Castillo, 19 Tfno.928365027 Tfno.948229388 Orense-INSTALACIONES QUINTELA la Reina Tfno.923204197 Tapia, 2 Tfno.921432536 Avda. La Rioja-ANGULO Doctor Santa Cruz de Tenerife-LOS Segovia provincia-ANALDA Mugica, 22 Logroño Tfno.941223939 Santiago,14 bajo drcha VENEZOLANOS Camino DECOR Ctra.Aranda, Km.51 8 local 12 Mairena del Alcor de San Lazaro, 13 La Laguna Salamanca-KITCHEN Cantalejo Tfno.921520462 Tfno.955943236; PREMIUM Tfno.922263100 Segovia-ANALDA Sevilla-KOCINA Av.Juan Avda. Mairena, 13 San Parc.2y3 Tfno.978621190 Mata Carriazo,5 local2 Tfno.954539579 Juan de Aznalfarache Tfno.954172207 Toledo-LIS COCINAS Colombia, DECOR Doctor 63 Tfno.963513592; DECORAMA Sevilla provincia-COCINOV 8 Tfno.925211304 Toledo Tarragona-SANITISA Rovira provincia-INNOVAHOGAR A Cervantes, I Virgili, 29 Tfno.977224460 Camino del Cabanyal, Autovía 44-Bajo Tfno.963567158; Santos Patronos, 41 Alzira Teruel-JOSE ABRIL Polig.Ind.La SOLGIM Sueca, 40 Tfno.963418217 Madrid-Toledo,salida32 El Señorío de Illescas Tfno.962413152 Vizcaya-XEY Paz A. Tfno.925511032 Valencia-XEY Plaza URRETA Gran Via Diego Valencia provincia-MOBLEC Marques del Turia, Lopez Haro,79 Bilbao Tfno.944276746del Museo, 5 Bilbao Tfno.944356538; M.A.EGUREN UINA Martinez Valls, 2 Ontinyent E HIJOS Perez Galdos, Zaragoza-COMERCIAL Tfno.962383299; SUCRO 6 Bilbao MENA Garcia Sanchez, Xey Corporación Empresarial, Avda. 2 Tfno.976453050; COMERCIAL Tfno.944106266; MAÑARY Curuciaga, 21 Durango S.L. Bº Oiquina s/n - 20750 Tfno.946810243; MENA Pol.El Portazgo nave Zumaia (Guipuzcoa) ESPAÑA 61Cr.Logroño km 6,600 Tfno.: +34 943865010 E-mail: Tfno.976460757 i 20 AÑOS MARCANDO TENDENCIA Distribuidores Xey en España: 1 07/09/11 09.29 04/04/11 15:41 .indd 1 300+5DX-SX ERIOR_230x sponsors’ brands come first DISENO_INT Our Advertising is more than a mere source of income to Diseño Interior. It is a highly valuable content for our readers, professionals who prescribe products and services based on their experience and the brand images. Diseño Interior is at the service of those brands which create architecture, interior design and design equipment. Our duty is to become the representative of all those brands. Always at your service 22years leader For 22 years now, we can proudly claim that 96% of the brands that construct, equip and design the housing sector, choose Diseño Interior as their favorite medium. ...Acerbis_Aeg_homefurniture _Aga_Agape_Alape_Alessi_AliasDesign_ Alivar_AmericanHardwood_AndreuWorld_ lighting _Antoniolupi_Aramol_ Archicad_ Kitchens _Arcon_ArturoAlvarez_Arkitektura_Arkoslight_Arrital_ Ascer_Atrezzo_Audi_AvanceLuz_Azcue_Azuvi_Bisazza_offices _Becara_B. 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