Barb%Renico% ! I!would!like!to!introduce!myself.!!My!name!is!Barb!Renico!and!I!am!owned! by!my!Friesian!horse!Limkjelien!HF,!or!Lena!as!she!is!affectionately!known.!! I’ve!been!a!FHANA!member!since!Lena!came!into!my!life!in!the!Fall!of!2004.!! That!date!started!a!whole!new!and!wonderful!chapter!in!my!life!and!our! involvement!in!the!Friesian!breed!has!made!a!powerful!impact.!!!!! ! I!can’t!pinpoint!the!first!time!I!saw!a!Friesian,!as!it!was!many!years!ago,!but! can!certainly!remember!the!fainting!feeling!of!love!at!first!sight.!!I!have!the! first!magazine!picture!I!ever!saw!of!a!Friesian!framed!in!my!kitchen.!!It!was! a!defining!moment.!!My!first!experience!with!one!up!close!and!personal!was!at!!Equine!Affaire!in!Columbus,! Ohio,!and!I!knew!at!that!moment!that!someday!I!would!have!one!of!those!magnificent!horses!in!my!life.!!! ! Lena!and!I!are!very!active!in!promoting!the!Friesian!horse,!and!have!participated!in!many!breed!demos!and! events.!!We!have!been!outriders!at!the!Rolex!Kentucky!3!Day!Event!at!the!Kentucky!Horse!Park!and!at!the! World!Equestrian!Games!and!have!been!part!of!the!FHANA!breed!demos!during!Rolex.!!We!have!! participated!in!Breyerfest!,!and!Lena!has!had!the!honor!of!being!in!the!Parade!of!Breeds!at!the!Kentucky! Horse!Park.!!We!have!manned!the!FHANA!booth!and!helped!represent!the!breed!at!Equine!Affaire,!and!this! past!year!we!had!our!own!demo!“Horses!in!Law!Enforcement.”!!!!! ! Lena!is!my!partner!on!the!Sheriff’s!Office!Mounted!Deputies!Unit,!which!we!have!done!for!the!past!8!years.!! Along!with!me,!she!is!a!fully!commissioned!officer.!!We!attend!training!every!year!and!qualifications!for!us! to!serve!as!Mounted!Deputies.!!!We!participate!in!parades,!serve!as!law!enforcement!officers!at!our!county! fair,!and!are!on!call!for!search!and!rescue!and!special!duty.!!! ! !I!am!a!founding!Board!member!of!the!Ohio!Valley!Friesian!Horse!Association,!a!chapter!of!FHANA,!and! served!two!terms!on!the!Board.!!!As!a!new!chapter!we!grew!quickly!and!provided!many!events!for!our! members!to!participate.!!We!were!a!presence!at!Equine!Affaire,!Breyerfest,!parades,!hosting!the!local! keuring!for!FHANA,!and!started!the!annual!OVFHA!Classic!show.!!We!also!hosted!Jan!Hendrics!clinics!and!a! Friesian!Information!Day.!!As!a!board!member!I!was!involved!in!the!planning!and!execution!of!events.!!! ! I’ve!had!a!wonderful!journey!through!the!Friesian!world,!and!would!like!to!continue!my!efforts!in!giving! back!to!the!Friesian!breed!with!working!to!promote!the!breed,!align!FHANA!with!the!KFPS,!and!work!on!a! national!level!with!members,!Friesian!owners!and!Chapters.!!FHANA!has!come!a!long!way!in!the!last!few! years!is!currently!working!on!updating!their!website!which!provides!a!wealth!of!information!to!owners,! breeders,!and!those!looking!to!get!their!first!Friesian!horse.!!FHANA!is!working!with!the!Fenway!Foundation! on!health!issues!and!a!database!of!information,!necropsy!and!DNA!collection,!and!providing!for!the!Friesian! who!is!in!need!of!assistance.!!I!would!like!to!help!initiate!and!institute!further!improvements!within!FHANA! and!reach!out!to!the!existing!chapters!to!see!how!we!can!best!partner!and!use!our!existing!resources.!!Our! members!have!much!to!offer!FHANA!and!I!would!like!to!continue!to!promote!a!more!user!friendly! organization.!!! ! ! Nomination(Questions:( ( 1. !What!specific!qualities!do!you!believe!a!Board!member!should!possess!to!be!effective!in!the! FHANA!Board!environment?! ! I!believe!a!successful!Board!member!needs!to!actively!listen!to!the!membership,!!be!customer! service!oriented,!aware!and!active!with!a!local!chapter,!understand!the!objectives!of!FHANA!and! the!KFPS!and!be!willing!to!support!those!objectives,!and!able!to!devote!the!time!necessary!to!fulfill! the!duties!of!the!position.!!! ! ! 2. Why!should!our!membership!elect!you!to!the!Board?! ! During!my!first!term!on!the!Board!I!learned!much!of!what!this!board!does,!and!what!it!is! responsible!for.!!There!is!much!that!goes!on!at!the!board!level!that!I!did!not!see!as!a!member.!!!A! position!on!the!Board!entails!more!time!and!dedication!than!at!first!glance.!!Being!aware!and!able! to!devote!the!time!necessary!to!fulfill!the!position!of!Board!member!!I!look!forward!to! implementing!this!knowledge!to!a!greater!extent!in!a!second!term.!!! ! FHANA!enjoys!a!very!active!member!base.!!We!love!our!Friesian!horses,!and!are!active!in! supporting!them!and!furthering!the!breed!objectives.!!I!have!very!much!enjoyed!being!involved! with!the!membership!and!appreciate!the!time!they!have!given!to!me!in!understanding!all!their! differing!points!of!view,!what!they!would!like!to!see!from!FHANA,!how!we!can!make!their! membership!more!meaningful,!and!how!they!would!like!us!to!plan!for!the!future!of!the!breed.!! ! My!belief!has!always!been!that!the!horses!come!first!–!we!are!here!to!guard!and!steward!them.!!To! accomplish!that,!FHANA!and!our!members!need!to!work!together!to!assure!we!do!what!is!best!to! promote!and!preserve!the!breed!and!its!integrity.!!! ! Going!forward,!I!believe!the!knowledge!I’ve!gained!in!the!last!3!years!will!serve!me!and!the! membership!well.!!I!support!FHANA!and!KFPS!objectives,!and!promote!that!at!board!meetings!and! interaction!with!members.!!! ! ! 3. What!particular!issues!would!you!seek!to!address!if!you!are!elected?! ! As!the!chairman!of!the!Chapter!Committee!for!the!last!3!years,!we!have!been!very!active!in!trying! to!improve!the!communication!between!chapters!and!FHANA.!!I!would!like!to!continue!working! with!the!Chapter!Committee!to!see!some!of!these!ideas!implemented.! ! I!would!like!to!work!on!improved!communication!between!the!members!and!chapters!with!the! Board!and!our!office.!!A!reoccurring!theme!with!members!has!been!that!there!is!a!lack!of! information!between!members!and!the!Board/office.!!!I!believe!the!Board!has!addressed!some!of! these!issues,!but!I!would!like!to!promote!further!improvement.!! ! Marketing!FHANA!to!our!members!and!those!considering!becoming!members!is!of!great!interest.!!!! I!would!like!to!see!increases!in!our!membership!base!and!retention!rate.!!!As!a!Board!we!have!this! top`of`mind,!and!discuss!at!length.!!! ! ! 4. Over!the!past!2`3!years!what!has!been!your!involvement!with!FHANA?!!In!those!2`3!years!what! have!you!done!to!promote!or!improve!the!organization?!!Example:!!Have!you!attended!an!Annual! General!meeting?!!What!involvement!do!you!have!at!the!Chapter!level?! ! I!have!attended!the!Annual!General!meeting!for!the!past!four!or!five!years.!!There!is!much!to!be! learned!at!these!events,!and!I’ve!enjoyed!having!Friesian!specific!speakers!on!health!issues!and! training.!!! ! The!FHANA!Board!has!our!Annual!Business!Meeting!at!the!AGM!and!I!have!attended!and! participated!in!this!since!being!elected!to!the!Board.!!! ! I!have!been!active!with!my!local!chapter,!promoting!and!attending!their!events,!and!working!with! the!chapter!board!during!the!year!and!at!their!AGM.!!!Our!chapter!hosts!Equine!Affaire!in!Ohio,! holds!a!local!keuring,!and!has!in!the!past!hosted!a!show.!!!! ! I!have!been!fortunate!in!being!given!the!opportunity!to!work!with!the!local!chapters!in!helping!to! organize!and!promote!the!Equine!Affaire!events!in!both!Ohio!and!Massachusetts.!!These!events! reach!hundreds!of!thousands!of!spectators!and!introduce!them!to!the!Friesian!breed.!!How!many! of!us!saw!our!first!Friesian!at!Equine!Affaire!or!a!similar!venue?!!Many.!!It!is!a!great!way!to!get!the! breed!out!there!and!seen!by!the!horse`loving!and!horse`buying!community.!!! ! I!have!attended!the!Stallion!show!since!being!elected!to!the!Board.!!The!FHANA!board!meets!with! the!KFPS!at!the!event!for!a!business!meeting.!!This!meeting!is!essential!for!us!to!promote!FHANA! and!lobby!to!further!our!objectives!with!the!KFPS.!!! ! ! 5. What!have!you!done!to!educate!yourself!about!the!FHANA!organization?!!!And!the!KFPS?! ! I!have!spent!the!last!three!years!on!the!FHANA!board!educating!myself!on!the!processes!and! policies!of!both!organizations.!!I!plan!to!use!that!information,!if!reelected,!in!my!next!term!to!be! more!effective!and!more!diligent!in!my!service!to!the!membership.!! ! ! 6. What!is!your!position!on!cross!breeding!and!breeding!with!unapproved!stallions?! ! I!know!that!this!is!both!a!touchy!subject!and!a!very!passionate!one.!!Personally!I!do!not!promote!or! agree!with!cross!breeding!or!breeding!to!unapproved!stallions!in!North!America.!!!I!also!do!not! personally!promote!the!registry!of!BBII!horses.! ! However,!as!a!board!member!there!are!times!one!must!put!aside!personal!preferences,!and! support!what!the!membership!voices!as!their!priority,!and/or!what!is!best!for!FHANA!as!a!whole.!!! The!membership!has!voted!me!onto!the!board!to!represent!them!`!to!do!what!is!best!for!the! Friesian!horse,!the!membership,!and!FHANA!as!a!whole.! ! Issues!are!never!simple.!!The!complexity!of!this!issue,!and!the!registering!of!BBII!horses,!is!what! drives!me!to!be!open!minded!and!listen!not!only!to!the!membership,!but!other!board!members!–! and!to!consider!all!the!sides!to!the!issue,!not!just!my!impassioned!one.!!! ! In!our!recent!vote!of!the!Board!to!facilitate!the!registry!of!BBII!horses,!I!considered!all!information! and!issues!as!presented!and!represented!to!me.!!!What!was!presented!to!the!Board!by!the!person! advocating!the!change!for!the!last!three!years!was!that!our!office!would!process!the!registering!of! the!BBII!horse!with!the!KFPS.!!Currently!we!simply!assist!the!owner!in!the!process.!!On!this!issue! presented!to!the!Board,!after!three!years!of!discussion,!I!voted!yes!to!allowing!our!office!to! facilitate!registering!BBII!horses!with!the!KFPS!registry.!!!! ! Let!me!add!that!I!was!a!voting!member!during!the!last!two!votes!that!the!membership!held!for!BBII! registration.!!I!voted!no!on!both!occasions.!!I!continued!to!vote!no!as!a!Board!member!every!time! the!issue!came!up!since!elected!to!the!Board.!!This!last!push!to!have!our!office!facilitate!the! registering!of!BBII!horses!has!lasted!over!a!year,!and!has!been!discussed!at!length!at!almost!every! Board!meeting.!!It!was!discussed!at!length!at!the!AGM!this!year!and!last!year!–!and!was!discussed! at!great!length!at!our!annual!Board!business!meeting!at!the!AGM.!!This!decision!was!not!made! lightly!or!without!thought!by!the!Board!members.!!! ! Should!any!member!want!to!discuss!the!issue!of!registering!BBII!horses!through!our!FHANA!office,! please!feel!free!to!contact!me.!!Both!my!phone!number!and!e`mail!address!are!on!the!FHANA! website.!!!I!welcome!your!call.!!! ! ! Charlotte)Dumford)Biography:) In 1965, I had the great good fortune to be born into a farm family. Both my father and grandfather were cattlemen and horsemen, and my grandfather bought me my first horse, a typically naughty Shetland pony, when he found out my mother was pregnant with me. Little did he know – or perhaps he did! – that he would be responsible for creating me a lifelong passion for all things equine. Beginning with that Shetland pony, I took care of, rode, studied, and showed our family’s working cow horses, the hunter jumpers of my teen years, and finally as an adult, our amazing Friesian horses. Horses have been a constant in my life. As for my professional career, after finishing a Master’s degree in English literature at Baylor University, I moved with my husband, John, to Shimonoseki, Japan to teach English language and literature at a women’s University. On returning to the United States, I continued teaching literature at various junior colleges in our area while John attended SMU school of law. In 1998, we purchased our current farm in Rockwall, Texas, just east of Dallas, and we started to develop our wedding venue. From the beginning of 2004 until the beginning of 2012, I served as chief wedding and event planner, coordinating catering, entertainment, decoration, staffing and service for hundreds of weddings and special events. While running the wedding and event business, I also continued my passion for horses by establishing Rose Hill Friesians. We purchased our first Friesian, a pregnant mare named Betsy, in 2001 and, like most of us, I quickly succumbed to “Friesian Fever.” We started importing, first a gelding and then two more foundation broodmares, all of which are still alive and well, the last three still on our farm today! We currently own fifteen Friesians of all ages, both the classic Baroque style and the more modern sport type. In the last few years, we have focused on developing the young horses we have bred as dressage horses which culminated in our Gryphon D winning the ISF Dressage IBOP Cup this year! Beyond showing in dressage, we also enjoy our versatile Friesians in parades, costume events, Expos, and trail riding. In addition to fourteen years of hands-on experience at our farm, I have made it my mission to learn as much as possible about the Friesian horse through educational clinics, scientific research literature, and in-depth conversations with Friesian breeders, trainers, and reproduction specialists both here and in Holland. I would love the opportunity to use my experience and education to benefit FHANA members and their Friesian horses. Questionnaire: 1. What specific qualities do you believe a Board member should possess to be effective in the FHANA Board environment? I believe one of the most important qualities to be effective in the FHANA Board environment is the ability to listen objectively to all sides of any issue and make an unbiased decision based on what will produce the greatest good for the greatest number of FHANA members. 2. Why should our membership elect you to the Board? As an experienced small breeder, amateur competitor, and all-round Friesian horse enthusiast, I believe I have a broad-based perspective that will allow me to effectively represent the interests of all FHANA members, from the large breeders and stallion owners to those who focus on competition, to those who own a single gelding and simply enjoy the pleasures of life with a Friesian horse. 3. What particular issues would you seek to address if you are elected? Education, education, education. I would like to continue efforts to educate all members on a variety of topics. Like most Friesian horse owners, I have great concerns about the health and longevity of the breed. I would support cooperation with organizations such as the Fenway Foundation and worldwide University veterinary institutions to continue research into Friesian-specific health issues. Perhaps most importantly, however, I would strive for greater sharing of the knowledge we gain with all members with the end goal of promoting better health in our Friesian horses. I would also like to foster greater involvement of all FHANA members. In order for any organization to thrive and grow, members must feel a greater sense of belonging or “ownership.” They must feel that the organization has something for everyone, that their voices are heard, and that their membership has relevance. As a board member, I would encourage any member to contact us with the confidence that their concerns will be heard and objectively addressed. 4. Over the past 2-3 years what has been your involvement with FHANA? In those 2-3 years what have you done to promote or improve the organization? Example: Have you attended an Annual General Meeting? What involvement do you have at the Chapter level? My involvement and experience with FHANA and the KFPS has spanned many years. In 2005, my husband and I were some of the founding members of SCFHA. From 2006 to 2009, while still with this chapter, I was the coordinator of the Texas keuring. In 2009, I donated my event facility and, along with SCFHA members, planned and hosted the 2009 FHANA AGM. I acted as day-of coordinator on the days of this event and also planned the catered dinner and casino party. Later that year, my husband and I attended the FHANA 25th Anniversary celebration in Reno. We enjoyed not only the show and the banquet but also volunteering each day wherever needed – from selling tickets and working the door, to gatekeeping for the competitions, to calling the acts from the warm-up ring behind the scenes to the show. In 2010, we left the local chapter to focus on developing the young Friesians we have bred to promote the KFPS/FHANA Friesian in the dressage community. Even so, we continued our educational efforts by hosting clinics independently with other Friesian owners, covering subjects such as keuring preparation and breeding, as well as care, maintenance, and health. I also continued to attend chapter clinics, riding in the Julio Mendoza dressage clinic in participating in the Jan Hendricks/Herman Smit IBOP clinic. 5. What have you done to educate yourself about the FHANA organization? And the KFPS? To continue my education about FHANA and the KFPS, I have attended the KFPS Stallion Show in Holland every year since 2006. I attend the KFPS-sponsored educational clinics associated with the show and make the most of the opportunity to talk with and learn from some of the most experienced Friesian owners, breeders, and competitors in Holland. This enables me to keep current with the latest rules, policies, and breeding goals. I also keep up with FHANA policies and news via the website and magazine. If I have questions or concerns, I feel confident approaching and interfacing with any board member or member of the office staff. 6. What is your position on cross breeding and breeding with unapproved stallions? From the beginning, I have been a staunch advocate of breeding according to strict KFPS guidelines using only approved studbook stallions to purebred mares also sired by approved stallions. The KFPS has a wealth of objective data collected over many decades and many generations to assist us in our breeding choices. I believe that breeding within this system is the best way to ensure the quality and integrity of the breed. However, I also recognize the value of some crossbreeding when done thoughtfully, responsibly, and with a specific purpose in mind for the resulting offspring. I am vehemently against any kind of random breeding to Friesian stallions purely for the sake of generating income without any thought to genetic testing or the purpose for the offspring. As with any breeding of any species, responsible breeders must always think of purpose and the quality of life of the offspring produced. ROSANNE M. PALERMO, D.M.D., MAG.D. MASTER OF THE ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY 3437 WEST LAKE ROAD ERIE, PA 16505 814-833-300 J EDUCATION: UNDERGRAD: EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA DENTAL SCHOOL: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DEGREE: DMD 1990 BOARD CERTIFIED: AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT-DAAPM AGD MASTERSHIP-MAGD BOARD MEMBER: ACADEMY FOR MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINT THERAPY CONSUMER CREDIT PENNSYLVANIA DRUG, DEVICE, AND COSMETIC BOARD DIRECTOR PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY HOSPITAL PRIVELEGES: ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL MILLCREEK COMMUNITY HOSPLTAL OFFICES HELD: DENTAL SCHOOL SENATOR 87-88, 88-89, 89-90 STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL 86-90 FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF WOMEN DENTISTS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY CHAPTER COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS UNIVERS ITY OF KENTUCKY APPEALS COMMITTEE 89-90 TREASURER OF PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY DELEGATE MISCELLEANOUS: ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY MASTERSHIP PARTICIPATED WITH PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY MASTERTRACK FOR THE PAST SIX YEARS COACHED MILLCREEK YOUTH ATHELETICS ASSOC. GIRLS SOFTBALL MEMBERSHIPS: ADA- AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION PDA- PENNSYLVANIA DENTAL ASSOCIATION ECDA- EREI COUNTY DENTAL ASSOCIATION AGD- ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY PAGD- PA ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY AACD- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF COSMETIC DENTISTRY ADSA- AMERICAN DENTAL SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGY AAWD- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN DENTISTS AAUW- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN ACADEMY OF PROSTHODONTICS AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ESTHETIC DENTISTRY NATIONAL SOCIETY OF DENTAL PRACTIONERS AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PAIN MANAGEMENT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS QUESTIONS: 1. I believe a board member should always remember that we serve the members and that we always need to keep the best interest of the Friesian Horse first and know we are representing the needs of the general members. We need to make everyone feel welcome and important to the organization. It takes a unique type of person to function on the FHANA Board. The qualities on the surface might seem contradictory but I feel that all leaders must take responsibility for their actions as well as work with others towards a shared goal. The FHANA Board member must have vision for a future but must accomplish the jobs presented directly in front of them as well. I feel I have the qualities to be that Board Member. I would receive just as much satisfaction for a regular organizational job that was well done and accomplished with teamwork, as with a pet project I might have conceived on my own and was given approval to work on by the Board. It takes a tenacious work ethic as well as a unique understanding of people to complete jobs on a committee or Board. I have that type of work ethic and have naturally developed a "kind" hand at dealing with people in both good and difficult times. A Board Member should come up with creative ideas and solutions to problems and just as important is that they should always be able to listen to others for valuable input. A Board Member must be able to learn and adapt to be effective on the Board. I am that person. I am educated in the care and well being of horses and have sought educational opportunities through the KFPS to specifically understand the Friesian Horse. I am uniquely prepared to take on a leadership role on the FHANA Board. 2. I have owned Friesian Horses for over 10 years and have been a member of FHANA for 10 years. I have taken 3 levels of the Education classes offered through the KFPS in the Nederlands and will be taking a 4th level course with its associated testing this coming 2016. I do not believe there is anyone in the U.S.A. who has accomplished this. This shows my true passion for the Friesian Horse as I study and promote the breed at my own personal expense. I enjoy sharing the information I have gained through these classes. I have been on numerous Boards of Directors for my professional societies as well as charitable organizations. I have been active in FHANA to the present and have been on as many committees they have allowed me in the past. I know what it is to be a team player and would embrace any goals of FHANA toward promoting the organization and the breed. I would love the opportunity to be a FHANA board member. I am both tireless and driven. It would be my great pleasure to accept a nomination and position on the FHANA Board. I have 16 Friesian horses and 4 pregnant mares to foal in 2016. I travel to the Nederlands 3 or 4 times a year and attended the World Champion Stallion Show for the past 9 years. I have begun attending the Annual Mare Show the last few years as well as the Young Stallion Selection in Drachten. I have attended the FHANA AGM Meeting regularly since owning Friesians. My husband Dr. Kirk Steehler has this same passion for the Friesian horse and travels extensively with me and has also passed his first level judging class. We have a model mare, a crown mare, two Ster mares and a Ster stallion. We have 8 Friesians too young for their 3 year Keuring. We have an exclusive agreement with De Nieuwe Heuvel and the DeBoer's for the sale of frozen Semen from approved Friesian Stallions from De Nieuwe Heuvel. We have been promoted for our involvement with Friesians and FHANA in the Nederlands on their Dutch National television Network and in the Phryso. My husband and I are in the process of building a 75 stall equine facility with a 330'x100' indoor riding arena and several outdoor arenas. We love the Friesian breed and want to promote it. 3. I would be happy to work on projects as the Board seemed appropriate to assign to me and willing to follow up on ideas from the membership because without members a board is not necessary. If asked what I might try to enhance the FHANA would be to improve membership/retention and benefits of being part of FHANA. Getting members involved and comfortable being part of the process. Most of my activities would have to do with making members feel welcome to participate on committees and events. I have experience through the education/judging and I am more than willing to share my information. I certainly could facilitate and even participate in arranging tours to educational courses in the USA and the Nederlands. I have visited most of the facilities in The Nederlands that house approved stallions and try to meet and develop relationships with the local breeders and veterinarians there. I could assist in continuing the high caliber educational opportunity of the AGM and stress purpose, pride and community feeling among FHANA members. I am also open to listen to our general membership to hear what they feel is important to address. I am an advocate of both education and providing members with the opportunity to have a linear score redone at age 6 when most horses are finished growing. The cost of this option would be passed on to the member but I believe it would help with stallion selection for your mare. I also feel it is important to promote the approved stallions residing in North American and to assist the stallion owners in educating our members with the benefits of our stallions. 4. I have done much to promote the Friesian Horse in the last several years. I have continued coming to FHANA Meetings and have brought my husband to most of these functions. I am in frequent email, phone or direct contact with Friesian owners each week. I have been on FHANA Committees in years past. I have gone to the last 9 World Championship Friesian Stallion Competitions and several of the Mare Championship Shows as well, our horses keuring as well as watched and participated in the first young stallion keuring/selection. I own 16 Friesian Horses. I have recently made contact with a local University in Erie, Pa. to use our horses on their University Equestrian Team. We are 30 days away from breaking ground on an 80,000 square foot Equestrian Center which we will use to feature our Friesian Horses and Equestrian Riding. This recent activity of starting a 75 stall Equestrian Center with a 330 foot by 100 foot indoor arena has been my passionate dream which will open by Spring 2016. My husband and I have done much to promote the Friesian Horse already, but we feel we are about to promote our horses for "Sport" usage with a large regional exposure because of our barn. Our plans are well thought out and will be a model for others to imitate. 5. I have been a member of FHANA and the KFPS for 10 years. I have studied the Friesian Horse through FHANA and KFPS educational programs. I have attended many meetings, courses, Keurings, Stallion Shows in the Nederlands and the USA, Mare Shows and basically immersed myself in the study of this breed of horse for those 10 years. I have attended and I believe I am the only American to have attended and passed the level three International Friesian Educational Judging School which is presided over by Louise Hompe. Ms. Hompe is an inspector and 1 of the 3 inspectors that select the World Champion among which is just one of her duties with the KFPS. My Husband has passed the level one course and will be doing the level two Judges Course next month. My husband and I have invested a great amount of time and finances towards owning, judging, breeding, training and promoting the Friesian Horse and it has all been through the positive influence and auspices of FHANA and the KFPS. My husband and I admire and respect FHANA and its executive leadership that has provided us with the opportunities it has. 6. The KFPS or the Royal Friesian Horse Society is the parent organization of our own organization (FHANA) Friesian Horse Association of North America. It is clear in all of the KFPS literature and of the FHANA literature that we are organized toward the promotion of bettering and propagating the pure breed of the Friesian Horse. Our Charter states that we will breed and judge the Friesian Horse under very specific guidelines to be an approved breeding or an approved horse within our organization. The KFPS and FHANA make it clear and provide mathematical guidelines and computer programs to assist you in performing breedings of Friesian Horses with the goal of promoting the best features of the breed and still keeping within a certain "inbreeding coefficient" to not promote defects in the breed. Until or if the KFPS authorizes or promotes breeding to some other type of horse to strengthen the "gene pool" we must follow the guidelines given to us for that horse to be a representative to the KFPS. Therefore, there can be no cross breeding or breeding with unapproved stallions and be expected to be a part of the KFPS and FHANA as to promoting your horse within that organization. That said, wow, I have seen some of the cross breeding and some of the breeding of Friesians with Stallions not approved. Some of the horses are exciting and some are exceptionally talented. I do not think that the fact that these "really great horses" are less of a horse because they can not get papers from the KFPS. I am still able to admire a good horse for what it is and am excited for any owner who loves and promotes their horse.