Hattie`s Food Hub opens doors to produce and


Hattie`s Food Hub opens doors to produce and
Hattie’s Food Hub opens doors
to produce and possibilities
New training opportunity prepares people with disabilities for
food-based and agriculture employment in the community
Breanna wakes up every morning excited to start her
shift at Hattie’s Food Hub. In this new position she has
learned to prepare granola, wash produce and package
food. She enjoys the opportunity to work as a team and
apply what she learns to her individual tasks.
At Hattie’s Food Hub, Breanna gains meaningful,
on-the-job experience, which makes her employable
in a competitive job market. Since the food hub is
located in a neighborhood without easy access to fresh
local produce, Breanna also plays an important role in
Akron’s local food movement. She is proud to be part of
Hattie’s Food Hub.
“Knowing I will be able to do more than one thing
gives me confidence. I want to get out there and help
everyone I can,” said Breanna. “I like that we are not
only providing people with healthy food, but we are also
helping them to be healthy. This can be hard to do. I’m
glad to be in a line of work that helps people in some
Hattie’s Food Hub is an innovative Hattie Larlham
work training program designed to teach technical
and social skills. During training, nearly 300 people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities earn
minimum wage for the work they do.
INSIDE: Hattie’s Food Hub > 2016 Friendship Luncheon > Volunteering
continued on page 4
June 2016
Dear friends,
Recently, I announced my intention to retire as CEO of Hattie Larlham effective
December 31, 2017. I have served as Hattie Larlham’s CEO for 27 years. While
I’m proud of what we have accomplished so far, there perhaps has never been a
more exciting time to be involved with this organization.
Our new partnerships, programs and community initiatives benefit not only
those we serve, but our community. Hattie’s Food Hub is an innovative approach
to work training. It encourages independence among people with and without
disabilities and strengthens a healthy eating movement which benefits the whole
Construction, renovations and new programs are underway to provide more
opportunities for the people we serve. These new initiatives empower people
with disabilities to live, work and play in the communities of their choice.
Although many of these projects will be completed after I am retired, I will
continue to stay involved and support this wonderful organization.
In my role as CEO, I have seen the impact each of our supporters makes. What
we have accomplished today would be impossible without you—our donors,
volunteers and friends. Whether your gift is financial or you choose to donate
your time, every contribution makes a difference.
I am excited to see what the future holds for Hattie Larlham. I hope that you
will join me in support of our leadership, staff and people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities.
Dennis Allen
Hattie Larlham CEO
Akron University students take Hattie Larlham
residents to the zoo.
Boy Scouts provide fun life experiences and
activities for Hattie Larlham residents.
Hattie Larlham hosts summer camps for
people with disabilities.
Community program
supports dream of
person with disabilities
Bill’s life changed once he started playing music at
It’s Monday afternoon and Bill
strums his guitar to “Stairway to
Heaven” by Led Zeppelin. Bill
could easily practice at home, but
he prefers to play his music at
AddVentures, a Columbus-based
day program run by the Association
for the Developmentally Disabled
(Add), a Hattie Larlham agency.
Here he receives positive feedback
and encouragement from
employees and participants who
stop to listen to him. AddVentures
encourages participants to try new
things and develop their interests.
“I love listening to Bill play,”
said Elizabeth Jones, AddVentures
program manager. “We have the
same taste in music. We’re both
fans of rock from the 60s and 70s.”
Bill has been playing the guitar
Bill (left) enjoys a music session with Music Therapist Eric Ahlteen.
for 35 years. The guitar is Bill’s
passion and therapy. It’s gotten him
through a tough time in his life. He knows his guitar so well, he can take it
apart and put it back together.
“Before I came to AddVentures I was unhappy. I said, ‘Man, I gotta put
myself together.’ Bill said. “I’ve improved a lot since I started here. Every
week there is something changing in my life, always for the better.”
Bill joined AddVentures in 2010. He set goals and turned his life around,
with help from AddVentures staff. He quit smoking and started volunteering
at the Help House. Bill prepared for the GED and worked with Add staff to
update his resume. Thanks to the support and encouragement he gets from
Add staff, Bill dreams of a career in music.
Bill befriended musician and songwriter Eric Ahlteen a music therapist
at Add. The two quickly formed a bond, exchanging music ideas. Eric often
sings along to the songs Bill plays.
“I always learn something from Bill,” commented Eric. “I’ve picked up
guitar picking techniques from him and have made a true friend.”
To learn more about AddVentures, contact Elizabeth Jones at
[email protected].
Laura teaches Breanna to measure and package puff cereal, one of several dry foods sold at Hattie's Food Hub.
Hattie’s Food Hub, from page 1
Samantha Phillips and Laura
Foster, Hattie’s Food Hub job
coaches, provide guidance for
Breanna and other work training
employees. With instruction from
their job coach, employees develop
and hone soft skills such as showing
up on time, customer service and
communications, and hard skills,
such as operating a cash register
and rotating stock, all of which are
transferable to jobs after Hattie's
Food Hub.
“Staying on task, pacing my
work and being productive—these
are all things I’m learning here, but
I can also apply to everyday life,”
said Breanna.
The team is proud to be a part
of Hattie’s Food Hub, an endeavor
which benefits not only the people
Hattie Larlham serves, but the
whole neighborhood.
“Our employees start to feel
empowered and that they can
do things on their own in the
community,” said Director of Food
Operations Zac Rheinberger. We
are preparing them to be private
citizens, earn their own way and
work and play where they choose,
just like the rest of us.”
Hattie’s Food Hub is an
important part of Hattie Larlham’s
farm-to-table training. The program
includes Hattie’s Café and Gifts, the
aquaponics and CSA programs and
Hattie’s Gardens. During a two-year
period, people with disabilities who
train at these locations experience
all aspects of agricultural and foodbased training.
Breanna joins Hattie’s Food
Hub from Hattie’s Café and Gifts to
further expand her experience. She
is interested in co-packing –packing
food for small start-up businesses.
Breanna enjoys co-packing because
she likes to see things organized and
“We teach them everything
from the ground up,” said Zac.
“Imparting work skills that are
valid in a growing local agricultural
community is imperative to gaining
employment in that community.”
For Hattie’s Café and Gifts,
Hattie’s Gardens and now Hattie’s
Food Hub employees, the benefits
go beyond an employment
opportunity. Working in a healthy
environment encourages them
to eat healthy and live a heathier
lifestyle. In turn, they gain
confidence to implement what they
have learned into their everyday
lives and use it to contribute to
their community.
“Hattie’s Food Hub is part
of a larger vision for the way
organic agriculture, the local food
movement and work training
for people with developmental
disabilities serve the greater good of
Northeast Ohio,” said Zac.
Hattie’s Food Hub is open
Monday through Friday at 395
Douglas Street in Akron. Stop by
our new corner market to purchase
fresh, local produce for your family.
Employees will be happy to tell you
about our products, complete your
purchase and help you take your
items to your car.
To learn more about Hattie’s
Food Hub, contact Zac Rheinberger
at 330-475-0353.
Volunteering makes a difference
University of Akron students connect with Hattie Larlham to volunteer their time
University of Akron students and Hattie Larlham residents enjoy a day at the zoo.
While most University of Akron students spent the first
weekend of May studying for final exams, four members
of the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity volunteered at Hattie
Larlham’s Akron community home, where four adult men
with developmental disabilities live.
The fraternity members arrived promptly at 9 a.m.,
ready to do maintenance on the weathered back porch
and take the residents to the Akron Zoo. The fraternity
members were just as excited as the residents to be there.
“We wanted to get involved in a project with continuity,”
said Adam Woltermann, Delta Sigma Pi vice president of
community services. “It was an opportunity our chapter
has never had before and we were ready for a new
After speaking with Hattie Larlham Volunteer
Specialist Deborah Mason at an on-campus volunteer fair,
Woltermann toured the supported living home in February.
Woltermann pitched the opportunity to his fraternity and
the idea gained interest. Three weeks later, the students
began their first volunteer project.
“When coming to the home, we were welcomed in
with open arms by both the residents and the staff,” said
The fraternity’s first task was to convert a storage room
into a common area. They renovated an unused room
and turned it into a guys’ “hangout room.” The fraternity
members replaced old furniture with a new table and
chairs, painted the walls and built shelving for storage.
“The students did such a great job,” said Mason. “We
love the new space. Residents can now use the area to
play games and socialize.”
The students returned in April to garden and springclean the home.
“I am very happy with the success of our volunteer
opportunities we have had with the residents and staff at
Hattie Larlham,” said Woltermann, “and can’t wait until
we are able to be back this fall semester to continue our
Mason recruits volunteers for Hattie Larlham Constant
Companions and supported living homes. Both serve
adults with developmental disabilities. She works to match
the prospective volunteers’ interests to activities residents
“Hattie Larlham’s community service volunteer
program is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives
of adults with disabilities,” said Mason. “Whatever talent
you have, someone will greatly appreciate that you’re
sharing it with them.”
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional business fraternity
that develops principled business leaders for the future by
providing a lifetime of opportunity for its members.
To volunteer at Hattie Larlham, contact Deborah Mason
at 330-298–8956.
Give how you can
Hattie Larlham donor encourages others
to use their talents to give back
As a child, Judie Shamis learned
the importance of volunteering. She
has spent her whole life supporting
charitable causes and giving back to
her community however she could.
Judie is a member of the
Fraternal Order Knights of
Pythias. She is the leader of the
Imperial Santha Nomads of
Avrudaka chapter, a subgroup
of the fraternity. After assuming
the role in July 2015, it was
Judie’s responsibility to identify a
charitable cause. A long-time friend
told her about Hattie Larlham,
and after a visit to the Hattie
Larlham Center for Children with
Disabilities, Judie’s mind and heart
were set.
Having two healthy children and
five grandchildren, Judie recalls
being emotional on her tour. To
her, it was evident the staff really
cared for the residents, but she
wanted to help too.
“I am not capable of walking
miles, but I am capable of doing
crafts. That’s how I chose to give
back,” said Judie.
Judie has been crafting for a
very long time. If you ask her how
long, she simply answers, “forever.”
Judy chose to use her crafting skills
as a means for raising funds and
awareness for Hattie Larlham.
“If I could donate money [to
Hattie Larlham], I would,” Judie
said. “But, there’s always something
you can do. Volunteer, make a
phone call or sell crafts. There has
got to be something we can all do.”
Hattie Larlham was designated
as the beneficiary of the Imperial
Santha Nomads of Avrudaka’s
fundraising activities. The
organization hosted activities to
raise money for Hattie Larlham.
As the fraternity’s leader, Judie is
afforded many opportunities to tell
her fellow members about Hattie
Larlham. She shares stories of our
residents every chance she gets.
Hattie Larlham supporters help
in many ways. While some people
make monetary donations, others
give of themselves. Our volunteers,
donors and friends each make a
difference in the lives of those we
serve. No matter how you chose
to support Hattie Larlham, your
contribution impacts the lives of
children and adults with intellectual
and developmental disabilities.
To learn more about how you
can use your talents to support
Hattie Larlham, contact Special
Events Coordinator Francesca Alex
at 330-840-6844 or visit
Flash Fund raises $9,375 for aquatic
therapy equipment
On March 21 and 22, Hattie Larlham
hosted our first Flash Fund. The social
media campaign raised money to
purchase therapeutic pool equipment
for residents at the Hattie Larlham
Center for Children with Disabilities.
The indoor pool benefits people with
profound disabilities. It relaxes muscles,
stimulates senses and increases
mobility. However, pool equipment and
toys are frequently used and quickly
become worn. Flash Fund donations
purchased aquatic sensory toys and
replaced hoyer lift slings.
Thanks to a generous gift from
NetSmart, each donation was matched
dollar for dollar up to $2,500.
You can make a donation to Hattie
Larlham at any time. Text HATTIE to
243725 to send a gift from your mobile
device or make a donation online at
Thank you to our Flash Fund donors
Ms. Francesca Alex
Mr. John Barnes
Ms. Janet L. Boehler
Ms. Barbara S. Brunner
Mr. Thomas Cashman
Ms. Donna Clark
Mr. Jeffrey W. Clark
Ms. Melissa Clark
Ms. Jennifer Dawes
Ms. Carol Dolan and
Mr. Greggory D. Hill
Mrs. Janet Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake
Ms. Dianne V. Foley
Mr. Gerald Gittinger
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hammond
Ms. Kristine M. Henige
Mr. Brett Jacobs
Ms. Victoria Kaniowski
Ms. Holly S. Knapp
Mrs. Shellie Knighton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Koch
Ms. June Kolb
Mr. R. Charles Larlham
Ms. Linda Leicht and Mr. David Jones
Mrs. Debora Lichtenwalter
Mrs. Laura Lujan
Mrs. Deborah MacDonald
Ms. Carolyn M. Marek
Ms. Norrene McLaughlin
Mr. Richard W. Miller
Ms. Ellen Mock
Ms. Peggy Painley
Ms. Michele M. Pamer
Betty Riggenbach
Mrs. Catherine Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Serwatka
Mr. David Telepak
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wallace, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg K. Whiteman
Mrs. and Mr. Peggy Wichert
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Young
Hattie Larlham
Boy Scouts
Hattie Larlham Center for Children
with Disabilities Boy Scout Troop
79, established in 2015, provides
community activities for boys and
teens with disabilities
Boy Scouts is a rite of passage for many boys and
young men. Scouting builds skills, creates friendships
and provides opportunities for community involvement
that everyone should experience. As host to Boy Scout
Troop 79 and Cub Scout Pack 79, Hattie Larlham
has made it possible for boys living at the Center to
have the same life experiences as their peers. Hattie
Larlham’s recreation staff collaborates with local troops
to provide activities and opportunities for our scouts
to earn badges. Most recently, the Hattie Larlham
scouts participated in the Pinewood Derby at Richmond
Square, a longstanding tradition among Boy Scouts
across the country.
“Events like these give our Scouts the sense to be like
everyone else and part of their community,” said Hattie
Larlham Recreation Specialist Angela Matta.
To prepare for the event, Hattie Larlham’s recreation
staff purchased car kits from the Cleveland Scout Shop.
Staff and volunteers used a hand-over-hand technique
to help the boys transform the three-ounce wooden
block into racecars, decorated with their choice of color
and design. On race day, members of Hattie Larlham
Cub Scouts joined 50 other scouts, sending their
handmade cars down the track.
The support of other troops in the community has
made the Pinewood Derby a successful and memorable
experience for the Hattie Larlham residents. Each
activity the troop completes explores different skills
and provides opportunities to connect and interact with
their peers.
“I’m very proud of the boys, the leaders and Hattie
Larlham,” said Greater Cleveland Council of Boy Scouts
of America District Executive Mark Baxter. “This is
proof that when people want to do something, it can be
done. I love working with Hattie Larlham.”
To commemorate the troop’s one year anniversary,
the Scouts hosted a Blue and Gold ceremony. It was
the first time the Scouts were together in uniform.
Families and the community were invited to celebrate.
Staff presented the scouts with badges commemorating
their accomplishments. They used adaptable switches
to recite different oaths including the Scout motto, oath
and law.
Hattie Larlham’s Boy Scouts enjoy any opportunity
to work with the community. To get involved, contact
Angela Matta at [email protected] or
Pete Kepich joins Hattie Larlham residents at the 30th Annual Sugar Bush Golf Classic to benefit Hattie Larlham.
New ride for Center residents
Kepich Ford makes second pledge to assist with vehicle costs
Community integration and social
interaction are important experiences
for people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities. Getting
residents into the community first
requires efficient transportation.
The vehicles Hattie Larlham
uses to transport our residents
need special flooring, seating and
securement systems—expensive
safety options that do not come
standard on factory vehicles.
Instead, each van requires extensive
customization to meet the safety
requirements for transporting those
in our care.
Pete Kepich, a Hattie Larlham
supporter and owner of Kepich Ford
in Garrettsville, Ohio, sees the value
in giving back to his community. On
May 1, Pete pledged half the cost of
a 2015 Ford transit van.
“As a business owner in this
community I want to give back,” said
Pete. “When you experience what
Hattie Larlham does, the heart and
effort the staff puts forth every day,
you know that’s the people who you
want to be arm-in -arm with.”
To meet safety and equipment
requirements, the van went to
Mobility Works, the nation’s largest
wheelchair-accessible van dealer.
The van transports Center residents
to personal appointments and
community activities.
“It’s great to see the residents
out, enjoying the weather. You can
see in their faces they are having
a good time, and I’m proud to help
make that happen,” said Pete.
This is the second time Pete and
Kepich Ford have helped with costs
of Hattie Larlham vehicles.
To learn how your business can
bring people with disabilities closer to
the community, contact Annual Fund
Director Rosanne Drake at
[email protected] or
2016 Friendship Luncheon
It is a rewarding experience to be in a room filled with people who are committed to Hattie Larlham’s mission. Hattie
Larlham’s second annual Friendship Luncheon is 11:30 a.m., Fri., August 19 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Twinsburg,
Ohio. This event brings together our partners, volunteers and supporters to celebrate the impact they have on the lives
of people with disabilities. This year’s Friendship Luncheon recognizes the following friends and supporters:
Outstanding Group
Since 1986, the Sugar Bush Golf Classic committtee
has raised $750,000 to support Hattie Larlham
programs. The tournament sells out each year and is
testimony to the committee’s dedication.
Outstanding Individual
Barb Davis is a habilitation assistant and relief
supervisor at the Hattie Larlham Center for Children
with Disabilities. She has worked at the Center for 27
years. Barb is best known for the festive spirit she
brings to her unit. She always adds a personal touch
for Center residents.
Outstanding Corporate Partner
The Akron Rubber Ducks are always open to exploring
new ways to support Hattie Larlham. As part of their
own efforts to empower people with disabilities, the
Rubber Ducks hired a Hattie’s Assembly participant at
their concession stand. The Rubber Ducks are great
supporters of Hattie Larlham events.
Volunteer of the Year
Susan Henry began volunteering at Constant
Companions three years ago. She provides a new
activity every month, each one a unique experience for
participants. Sue became a certified yoga instructor
to lead a monthly chair yoga class at Constant
Companions in Green, Twinsburg, Middleburg Heights
and North Canton.
The Trailblazer award recognizes the hard work and
success stories of our work training and community
employment programs and recognizes community
partners and businesses who believe in Hattie
Larlham’s mission. These groups pave the way
for people with disabilities to be successful in the
Melissa O’Connell
Melissa developed confidence and built her skills at
Hattie’s Café and Gifts. Now, she works at Krispy
Kreme. She has only been there a short time, but
has already taken on additional responsibilities. She
continues to thrive in this position, pushing her way
through obstacles and becoming more independent
every day.
Craig Weatherly
Craig was a Hattie Larlham employee for six years
before GPD Group, an Akron architecture firm, hired
him. Craig thrives in this role. His coworkers say his
enthusiasm is contagious. Everyone enjoys working
with him.
Thomas Limousine
Thomas Limousine goes the extra mile to ensure
people with disabilities are employed in our
community. The company has employed several
people from Hattie Larlham who all report they love
their jobs.
This year, we recognize Hattie’s Heroes. Throughout our history, these men and women have had a significant
impact on the people we serve. Hattie’s Heroes are role models who would never call attention to their efforts. Their
countless acts of compassion, selflessness and perseverance continue to inspire us.
To join us for this inspiring event, register online at www.hattielarlham.org. To sponsor Hattie Larlham’s Friendship
Luncheon, or for more information, contact Events Manager Wendy Voelker at [email protected] or
The art on this page was painted by Holly G., a Hattie Larlham Constant Companions participant.
Register for Hattie Larlham
Summer Camps
Mandy and her husband wanted a summer camp
for their teen son Michael, who has developmental
disabilities. As working parents, they needed a place
for him during the day. They wanted Michael to enjoy
his summer in a safe environment. Mandy found Hattie
Larlham Camp Connect.
“It’s so wonderful to see a smile on his face and that
he found something he could look forward to,” Mandy
said. “We live 45 miles away. It is difficult to find good
camps for children with special needs, so when you find
a camp as good as this, you don’t mind the drive.”
Last year, Michael attended the Akron Rotary
summer camp. Mandy said he woke up each morning
very excited and could not wait to go to lake camp. At
Camp Connect, campers can swim and participate in
waterfront activities on the lake.
This year, Mandy signed Michael up for Camp
Connect’s art summer camp. Campers learn about art
and create original work to take home to their families.
Summer campers participate daily in art-related games,
which develop dexterity skills.
Mandy knows Michael is well cared for and in a safe
and structured environment. Staff continually informed
Mandy of his progress, and the most important thing is
Michael is happy.
To register, contact Julie Lowe at 330-760–3395 or
[email protected].
Hattie Larlham Summer Camps
Camp Connect at Summit Artspace
140 East Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44308
9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Aug. 1 – 5
Group 1: Children
Group 2: Adults
Camp Cost: $300
Camp Connect at Rotary Camp
4460 Rex Lake Drive
Akron, Ohio 44319
9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Aug. 15 – 19
Group 1: Children
Group 2: Adults
Camp Cost: $350
Thank You
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
DeCenso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs.
Joseph DeFife
Ms. Judy Delagrange
Thank you for supporting Hattie Larlham’s mission
Mrs. Kate Delagrange
to bring comfort, joy and achievement to children and
Mr. and Mrs. John Dellaportas
Michael DelPrince
adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. DeMarco
From January to April 2016, the following donors gave
Mr. Bill Dems
up to $249. Although these donors do not appear in the
Ms. Bethany Diehl
Ms. Cheryl Diehl
annual report, Hattie Larlham would like to recognize
Ms. Anne Dietrich
their important contribution.
Mr. Vincent Diorio
The District Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Ditterband
Mrs. Cathy Ditzel
Mr. John Divincenzo
Ms. Karissa DiVincenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. Robert V. DiVincenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Berger
Mr. Robert Carleton
DKW Services
Ms. Laura Berie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Abraham Dr. Leonard S. Berman
Ms. Kathleen Dobson
Ms. Joanne Carlo
Ms. Corrie Adams
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dolce
Mr. Ralph C. Bertonaschi
Ms. Angela Carlton
Ms. Elizabeth Adams
Mr. Thomas J. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Best
Mr. Thomas Cashman
Ms. Jennifer L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Dougher
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Bethany
Ms. Sandra A. Cassidy
Ms. Brenda Adkins
Mr. Robert J. Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bialkowski
Ms. Deanna Castrillo
Mr. Sheel Agarwal
Mr. Terrence Downey
Mr. Terrence E. Bichsel
Mr. Richard Catalano
Ms. Laura Aguiar
Mrs. Janet Downing
Ms. Dana Billheimer
Mrs. Marjorie L. Catlos
Ms. Jacqueline Akins
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Billington Drs. Dennis D. and Stella Y. Cech Mr. and Mrs. Matt Downing
Akron Metropolitan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake
Mr. Bryan W. Bird
Ms. Jessica Cemate
Housing Authority
Mr. Bruce Drazen
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Black
Mrs. Dorothy C. Chadwick
Mr. Dean Alex
Ms. Julie Dudones
Mr. Lucas Blower
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Francesca Alex
Mr. Ronald Duhon
Mrs. Dianna L. Bluso
M. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Alliance
Duma Meats Inc.
Ms. Theresa A. Bochenek
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Chapman
Mr. Frank E. Alloe
Mr. Jon Easton
Ms. Courtney Bode
Ms. Deborah A. Cherry and
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Altenau
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Mr. Douglas Bode
Mr. James H. Helbling
Ms. Alyssa Amato
L. Edmonds
Ms. Laura Bode
Ms. Faith H. Chmielewski
Mr. Joe Amato
Ms. Cathy Edwards
Ms. Janet L. Boehler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cibik
Mr. John A. Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Edwards
Ms. Jacqueline Boesinger
City Bank Antiques
Ms. Tera Amato
Okey and Becky Ekechi
Ms. Allison M. Bogdan
Ms. Mary Ciuppa
American Auto Parts, Inc.
Ms. Mary Kay Ellis
Ms. Abbey J. Bolton
Ms. Donna Clark
Ms. Kristin Anchulis
Ms. Bonnie M. Epstein
Ms. Cheryl Boncek
Ms. Melissa Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Anderson
Sheldon J. Epstein
Ms. Cheryl Borkes
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Coffey
Mr. Geoff Anderson
Mrs. Gloria M. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Bossard
Ms. Rachael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Tom Evans
Boston Mills/Brandywine
Mr. Anthone C. Colovas
C. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Fabry
Ski Areas
Ms. Irma E. Colpo
Mr. Stephen Anderson
Mr. James K. Feldman
Ms. Elaine Bowen
Mr. Christopher Comiskey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Andrews
Dr. James F. Feller
Mr. James T. Bowen
Community United
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. James Fellmeth
Ms. Eunice Boyes
Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Anness
Mr. Donald Ferfolia
Mr. and Mrs. Libert Bozzelli
Ms. Dani Connors
Ms. Elizabeth M. Apazeller
Mrs. Margaret Ferfolia
Ms. Angela Brainard
Mrs. Karen Contoveros
Ms. Hannah R. Apelt
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Ferrick
Mrs. Kathleen Brandt
Mr. Ronald V. Corbut
Mrs. Lisa Arfons
Ms. Jennifer E. Filomena
Ms. Casey Breiding
Ms. Betty Correll
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aring
Ms. Cherie M. Fine
Ms. Jean A. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Costello, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Auber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Carl Bridenbaugh
Ms. Jennifer Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Augustine Brimfield Area Chamber
J. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cox
Ms. Amy Ault
Mrs. Pauline N. Force
of Commerce
Cozza & Steuer
Mr. Carl B.T.
Ms. Janell Fossett
Mr. Al J. Bristo
Ms. Susan Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Baca
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Foster
Mr. Wayne Brockway
Mr. Wayne J. Creasap II
Ms. Lea M. Bacci
Ms. Kathy H. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Brooks Ms. Vita M. Crimaldi
Mrs. Lottie Bailey
Mrs. Eileen Fox
Ms. Stefanie L. Brower
Mrs. Diane Crockett
Mr. Glenn Baker
Ms. Laurie A. Fox
Mrs. Diane Brown
Ms. Jennifer Cunningham
Richard H. Bamberger
Ms. Annie French
Mrs. Michele Broyles
Ms. Jewel Curtis
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Ms. Barbara S. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Sandra Banig
J. Frese, III
Ms. Jill Brusko
L. Cutteridge
Mr. Robert Banks
Mr. Robert Fuller
Ms. Diane Bujdos
Mrs. Mary Ann Czernec
Ms. Jayne M. Banner
Ms. Susan Fulton
Ms. Patricia Bunce
Ms. Janet S. Daboub
Ms. Paula J. Baranuk
Mrs. Loretta H. Burdzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fuss
Mr. John Barnes
Mr. John D. Gadd II
Ms. Bobbi Burkey
Ms. Lisa Dancik
Ms. Diane Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Gage
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burkey
Mrs. Marilyn M. Danek
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartulovic
Ms. Ann Marie Gardner
Ms. Sandra Burkey
Mrs. Michelle Danko
Ms. June K. Baughman
Ms. Catherine M. Gardner
Mr. Richard Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dashiell
Mr. Kyle Baumann
Ms. Dolores Gardner
Ms. Margaret A. Bursa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Christine Bazydlo
Ms. Monya Garnett
Ms. Diane Bury
G. Davenport
Mr. Justin E. Beach
Mr. Stephen R. Gaspar
Ms. Micheline R. Byron
Ms. Rebecca Davey
Ms. Stacy D. Beam
Mrs. Lynn Gaukin
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Calamia
Mrs. Patricia M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bebenroth Ms. Renee M. Camasso
Mr. Guy J. Gentile
Ms. Jennifer Dawes
Mr. Ethan Beckett
Mr. Kerry Capwell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. De Roia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beechler
W. Geopfert
Ms. Marian R. Carey
Ms. Dawn Deaton
Ms. Wendy Geopfert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Geraci
Mr. Adam Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
E. Gerberick
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Giancola
Ms. Shinita Gibson
Ms. Joan Giel
Mr. Todd Gienger
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillen
Ms. Paula Gillette
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
J. Gilmore
Ms. Maria C. Giordano
Mr. Gerald Gittinger
Mrs. Gail Glamm
The Glenmede Trust
Company, NA
Mrs. Christine Goellner
Ms. Tina R. Goff
Mrs. Pamela D. Goforth
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
G. Goldsboro
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Golinar
Mr. Randy Gooding
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Gould
Mr. Will Gourdine
Mr. Larry D. Greiner
Paul and Dotty Grexa
Ms. Elaine Gritti
Ms. Patricia Grospiron
Mr. and Mrs. Mikel J. Gruden
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Haas
Ms. Jenna Hagin
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hahn
Jack and Sharon Hamad
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamer
Mr. and Mrs. Archie
D. Hamilton
Mr. Earl W. Hamlin, III
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hammond
Mr. Nick Hammons
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dewey Hansen
Ms. Jeanine Harkonen-Rohlke
Ms. Betti J. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Harsh
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman
Mrs. Paula Harvey
Ms. Carol Hatcher
Ms. Nancy Hatgas
Ms. Ashley Hauer
Mr. Dan T. Hayes
Mr. Dennis Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heikkila
Mrs. Patricia M. Heisser
Ms. Kristine M. Henige
Ms. Ann Henkel
Mr. Lee W. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
D. Henshaw
Mr. Donald Herman
Mr. Jorge Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Herold
Ms. Catherine Herston
Mrs. Diane L. Hickey
Ms. Rosemary Hight
Mr. and Mr. John A. Hilston
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Hodge
Mr. Edwin Holland
Mrs. Mary Jane Hollenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holmberg
Ms. Shari Holobaugh
Mr. Jimmy Homonai
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hondorf
Mr. Michael Horner
Mrs. Janey R. Horth
Mr. Louis Horwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Houchen
Ms. Joy Houchen
Dr. Claudia Hoyen
Ms. Marguerite Hrabak
Ms. Adrianne Hranko
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Huck
Hudson United
Methodist Church
IBM Corporation Matching
Grants Program
Ms. Maria D. Ihnat
Imagine Nation Books, LTD.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacko
Ms. Phyllis Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jackson
Ms. Selina Jackson
Mr. William W. Jacobs, Esq.
Mr. Christopher Jakyma
James E. Lessick, D.D.S.
Ms. Monica Janiak
Ms. Gabrielle Jarrett
Mr. Elliot Jarrous
Mrs. Debbie Jenkins
Ms. Lori Jenkins
Ms. Beatrice A. Jerkich
Mr. David Johnson
Mrs. Margaret J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Johnson
Mr. Walter Johnson
Ms. Marianne Jones
Mr. Wayne Jones
Ms. Renee Jubeck
Mrs. Mary Alice Kabelac
Ms. Melina Kalaman
Mr. George J. Kalan
Ms. Victoria Kaniowski
Dr. Albert J. Kanter
Mr. James A. Karr
Mr. David Kaschak
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Katz
Ms. Amy Kazanowski
Ms. Patricia Keaton
Mr. Nathan Keith
Mr. Kevin Kelley
Ms. Kathleen Kelly
Mr. Robert J. Kenderes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
F. Kerekes, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Kernan
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Kidd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Grahame J. Kidd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kidd
Ms. Marianne Kiewel
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Q. Killey
Ms. Kathy King
Mr. Samuel King
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kinney
Mr. Joshua Kiser
Ms. Holly S. Knapp
Mr. Dennis J. Knaus
Mrs. Shellie Knighton
Mrs. Barbara J. Kocevar
Mrs. Mary T. Kocevar
Ms. Dawn Kolacsky
Mr. Joe Kolacsky
Ms. June Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Kormos
Ms. Keri Kralik
Ms. Claudia Kraly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krejci
Ms. Kim Kren
Mr. Gregg Krusoe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Krusoe
Ms. Margaret A. Ksenyak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
G. Kucharson
Ms. Cynthia L. Kuehn
Ms. Mary Kuehn
Mr. Leonard Kueking
Ms. Karen Kunst
Mrs. Deborah M. Kwitkowski
Ladies Auxiliary Post 4738
Mr. Timothy LaFleur
Ms. Linda Lambert
Mr. Mark A. Lampe
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Landis
Ms. Sabrina Y. Landrum
Ms. Katherine Lange
Mr. R. Charles Larlham
Mr. Ted Larsen
Mrs. Trudy Lauber
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lavon
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Lawther
Mr. Jonathan A. Leebow
Ms. Carol Leetch
Ms. Linda Leicht and
Mr. David Jones
Mr. Poul Lemasters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonakis
Mrs. Toni Leone
Mr. Mary B. Levine
Ms. Veronica M. Levoy
Liberty Bank, N.A.
Liberty Center Connections, LLC
Mrs. Debora Lichtenwalter
Mrs. Karen Lihani
Mr. Stephen Lindauer
Ms. Pamela R. Lindeman
Ms. Lisa Linsenbigler
Mrs. Elsie Liplin
Mr. Michael Lipuma
Locust Grove Baptist Church
Lady Missionary Society
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lograsso
Mrs. Kelly Loomis
Ms. Jacqueline R. LoPresti
Mr. and Mrs. James Lorig
Mr. Michael Lucas
Mrs. Laura Lujan
Ms. Christina Lundquist
Mr. James A. Lutey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
M. Lynch
Mrs. Deborah MacDonald
Mrs. Antoinette Madden
Ms. Mary Madden
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick
B. Maimone
Mr. Russell Majkrzak
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
J. Majkrzak, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney
Ms. Carol A. Mangold
Ms. Toni Mangold
Mr. and Mrs. John Manse
Ms. Cindy March
Ms. Carolyn M. Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Markovic
Ms. Ellen P. Marsey
Ms. Linda Marsh
Edward T. Marshall, Jr., D.D.S.
Mrs. Patricia A. Marshfield
Ms. Cecelia Martin
Ms. Christine A. Martin
Mr. Rade Martin
Mr. Tommy Martin
Darryl and Alice Mast
Ms. Jessica Mathewson
Ms. Rachael E. Mauk
Ms. Eileen M. Maulorico
Mr. Joseph Mausar
Ms. Nancy A. Maxwell
Mr. Thomas Mazur
Ms. Sandra A. Mazzeo
Ms. Carol McArdle
Mr. Duke McAvinew
Ms. Kimberly McBennett
Mr. Marc McCamey
Ms. Cheryl McConnell
Mr. Dennis E. McCready
Dr. and Mrs. R. William
McCue, Jr.
Ms. Kayla McCullough
Ms. Doreene O. McDonald
Mr. Timothy McDonel
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. McGrath
Ms. Mary J. McGroder
Ms. Teri L. McKww
Ms. Norrene McLaughlin
Mr. Edward S. Meade
Ms. Diane M. Medellin
Mrs. Megan M. Medley
Mr. Charles T. Mehilis
Mrs. Naomi R. Mehls
Mr. Mike Melville
Mr. Joseph V. Mendiola
Ms. Heather Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Merker
Ms. Jody Merklin
Metis Construction Sevices, LLC
Mrs. Anne L. Meyers
Ms. Kim Mihalik
Ms. Andria Mileti
Ms. Megan Miller
Mr. James Mirgliotta
Mr. and Mrs. Don Misheff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mishlan
Ms. Ellen Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Moffett
Mrs. Lauri Molnar
Mr. Thomas Montello
Mr. Jiro Montfort
Mr. Joe Moose
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Mortensen
Ms. Robin Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Mueller
Ms. Esther Mueller
Miss Mary Mullane
Mr. Elie Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy
Ms. Patricia M. Nagorski
Ms. Carla C. Nagy
Dr. Michelle R. Nario-Redmond
and Mr. Peter Redmond
Ms. Marianne Neal
Ms. Sandra E. Neal
Ms. Cynthia Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Nero
Network for Good
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neubert
Mr. and Mrs. James
W. Nichols, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Norman
Mrs. Dawn Notaro
Novelty Graphics Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowicki
Mr. Marshall I. Nurenberg
and Ms. Joanne Klein
Mr. John O’Connell
Ms. Vikki O’Connell
Ms. April O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donnell
Ms. Roberta M. O’Bell
Mrs. Kristina O’Brien
Mr. Craig Oglesbee
Mr. Connor Orban
Mr. Donald O’Toole
Ms. Lauren Ousley
Ms. Pamela Pack
Ms. Peggy Painley
Mrs. Jaclyn Palumbo
Ms. Michele M. Pamer
Mr. Ronald J. Panik
Ms. Dorothy T. Papes
Ms. Rachel Parker
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pasquine
Mrs. Patricia Paugh
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Paul
Mr. Donald V. Pearson
Mr. Chris Petitto
Ms. Mary Ann Petras
Mrs. Gail A. Petrie
Ms. Deborah Petrunia
Mr. and Mrs. David
F. Petruziello
Mr. Donald W. Pilot
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Pituch
Vice Mayor Joe Pizzillo
Mr. Gerald W. Placko
Mr. George Polito
Mr. Raymond F. Popovich
Ms. Jaime Porter
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Posch
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Post
Mr. Frank Preziuso, Jr.
Primo’s Deli
The Progressive
Insurance Company
Ms. Claudia H. Queen
Mr. Doug R.
Mrs. Jennie R. Racanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Raddell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rado
Ms. Pamela Ragone
Mr. William Rand
Mr. Carl G. Rausch
Dr. and Mrs. Richard
D. Raymond
Mrs. Lori Reagan
Mr. Ralph Reese
Mrs. Eileen Rehor
Rejoice! Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando J. Ricci
Mr. John Richards
Ms. Diane M. Rick
Ridgewood United
Methodist Women
Ms. Valerie Riedthaler
Ms. Barbara Rifkin
Betty Riggenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Riggenbach
Mrs. Deborah Riley
Ms. Suzi Riley
Mr. Salvatore Rini
Mr. Mark L. Rippy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Risaliti
Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie
Mr. Scott Ritts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Rizzi
Ms. Lindsey Roberson
Mr. James E. Roberts Jr.
Ms. Lisa Roberts
Ms. Yolanda Robinson
Mr. Ronald Rodick
Mr. Colton Rompala
Ms. Amy Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. David Rothenberg
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rothgery
Ms. Sandra E. Rouse
Ms. Jennifer Roxbury
Ms. Nancy Rubino
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Rush
Ms. Linda Russell
Mr. Justin Ryan
Mr. and Ms. Jim Sabol
Ms. Rebecca M. Sallaz
Ms. Myra Samsa
Joseph and Barbara Sara
Mrs. Patricia Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Savage
Mrs. Nancy M. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. William
M. Schapel
Mr. Curtis Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Scheck
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Scheer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
J. Scheidt, Jr.
Ms. Catherine Schenk
Ms. Sandra J. Schlub
Mr. Richard A. Schmahl
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Schmid
Ms. Kathy Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schubert
Mr. Galen Schuerlein
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schultz
Mrs. Barbara Schworm
Ms. Marilyn Scott
Mr. David Sed, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Serwatka
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Shaffer
Mr. Matthew A. Shank
Mrs. Armentha Sharpley
Ms. Kylie L. Sheaffer
Mr. Steve Shechter
Ms. Kristine S. Shepherd
Mrs. Cindy Shick
J. R. Shoup, Inc.
Mr. James Sicking
Mr. Brett Sillasen
Ms. Christine Silverthorn
Ms. Sandy Silverthorn
Mr. Neal J. Sivula
Mr. Joseph G. Skerl
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Slanta
Ms. Brenda G. Smith
Ms. Connie Smith
Mr. Crispin S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Smith
Mr. Kenneth Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Smith
Mr. Richard T. Smith
Dr. Paula J. Snyder
Mr. Donald J. Sobota
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sobota
Ms. Cynthia M. Socha
Ms. Norma J. Sommerfelt
Mrs. Michelle B. Spain
Ms. Vera Spearman
Ms. Jeannette Spence
Miss Angie Spitalieri
Ms. Sally Spitz
Ms. Cheryl A. Srp
St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church
Dr. Robert E. Stadulis and
Dr. Janet K. Stadulis
Mr. Terrence M. Stahurski
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan T. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph
Mrs. Sherry Starcovic
Ms. Jean Stead
Ms. Phylliss L. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Stenger
Mr. Anthony R. Stetson Jr.
Ms. Teresa Stevenson
Ms. Nicole Stracensky
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Suarez
Mrs. Ann G. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James
E. Svarovsky
Mr. Henry C. Svoboda
Mr. Matt Swain
Ms. Anne Sweeney
Mr. Martin Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Sykora
Ms. Susanna R. Symons
Ms. Maggi Szczepaniak
Mr. Thomas J. Szucs
Ms. Erin Taylor
Mr. Harold A. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay G. Taylor
Ms. Teresa Taylor
Ms. Beverly P. Teague
Mr. Robert Telecky
Mr. David Telepak
Tendon Manufacturing, Inc.
The Brewer-Garrett Company
Mr. David Theisen
Theta Phi Alpha Alumnae
Mr. Ted Thielens
Ms. Hilary A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
R. Thompson
Mr. Frank A. Tilocco
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Timko
Mr. Arthur Tischler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Tkach
Edwin and Lenore Tocker
Mr. Christopher Toth
Trelleborg Building Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Trexler
Mr. David W. Troutman
Mr. Bryan Troyer
Mr. Michael A. Tulcewicz
Ms. Kathleen Tuthill
Mr. James Tyler
Ms. Robin L. Tyler
Ms. Mandi Tyson
Mrs. Douglas Unger
Ms. Kathleen Vagi
Mrs. Lori Van Bokkelen
Mr. Michael VanBuren
Mr. Jonathan Varble
Mr. Raymond F. Varoli
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Vaught
Ms. Cindy Vernon
Ms. Michelle Vilagi
Mrs. MaryAnn Villegas
Mrs. Wendy Voelker
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Volpe
Mrs. Nancy Vondrak
Mr. Jon Vyn
Jon and Karen Wagner
Mrs. Julie A. Wagner
Mrs. Laura Walker
Mr. Alfred P. Wangenheim, Jr.
Mr. Eric S. Waterman
Mr. Todd A. Wearsch
Mr. Chris K. Webb
Ms. Denise Webb
Ms. Deborah D. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weinhardt
Ms. Geri Weis
Ms. Mary G. Weishar
Mr. Max Wendel
Mr. Stephen Wertz
Mrs. Kathryn L. Wesolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg
K. Whiteman
Ms. Mary Ellen Whittle
Mrs. and Mr. Peggy Wichert
Mr. Brian M. Widowski
Mrs. Judith B. Wiens
Mrs. Kim A. Williams
Ms. Louvinia Williams
Ms. Nicole Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
J. Williams, II
Mr. Eddie C. Willis Jr.
Mr. Bruce Wilson
Ms. Julianne Wilson
Ms. Amy B. Witek
Ms. Michelle Witek
Mrs. Patricia Witek
Ms. Anne Marie Witmer
Ms. Amanda K. Wolf
Ms. Carol Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
R. Woollett
Mr. Steven J. Workman
Mrs. Irene Yanniello
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Young
Ms. Stefanie Young
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
M. Youngwerth
Mr. Michael Zambo
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Zemba
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Zender
Ms. Susan Zielinski
Ms. Stephanie Zimmerman
Zion United Church of Christ
Mr. Roger Zona
Edward Orlando
Ms. Christine A. Martin
Benjamin, Nathaniel
and Alana Schwartz
Mr. Donald V. Pearson
Ms. Cynthia L. Kuehn
Ms. Mary Kuehn
Ms. Carol Leetch
Mrs. Karen Lihani
Mr. James A. Lutey
Mrs. Eileen Rehor
Ms. Barbara Rifkin
Ms. Myra Samsa
Ms. Anne Sweeney
Matthew Stone
Mr. Dan T. Hayes
Gary and Andrea Ciccarone
Mr. and Mrs. Libert Bozzelli
Stephanie Whitmer
Mr. Dennis Hayes
Ms. Sandra E. Rouse
Jennifer Clark
Ms. Barbara S. Brunner
Ms. Donna Clark
Mr. Jeffrey W. Clark
Ms. Melissa Clark
Leanne Painley
Ms. Peggy Painley
Jaymes Wichert
Mrs. and Mr. Peggy Wichert
Charlie Willette
Dr. Robert E. Stadulis and
Dr. Janet K. Stadulis
In Memory Of
Ms. Monica L. Janiak
Sheila Alloe
Mr. Frank E. Alloe
The following donors have given gifts to Hattie Larlham in
tribute or in memory of friends and family members. These
gifts commemorate a milestone, or the birth or passing of a
loved one. Thank you for your support.
Susan Andrasik
Ms. Carolyn M. Marek
Ronda Lynn Bailey
Mrs. Lottie Bailey
Shade Bailey
Mrs. Lottie Bailey
John Bondra
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Geraci
Roger Brown
Mrs. Naomi R. Mehls
In Honor Of
All of the awesome
employees at the
Green Doggie Care!
Mr. Ted Thielens
Lauren Allen
Ms. Cherie M. Fine
Rolando Archila
Mrs. Naomi R. Mehls
Kerry Billington
Ms. Janet L. Boehler
Mr. and Mrs. David
F. Petruziello
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Slanta
David Caminer
Mr. Joel S. Caminer
Edwin and Lenore Tocker
Carol Dolan
Dianne V. Foley
Dottie Cominsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie
Margaret Cook
Mrs. Naomi R. Mehls
Caroline Adams
Ms. Suzi Riley
Thank You
James Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Olga and Gus Corbut
Mr. Ronald V. Corbut
Patricia Droba
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Thomas Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Marek
Iola Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Schmid
John Emanuel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Charles Evans
Mrs. Gloria M. Evans
Ms. Bonnie M. Epstein
Stephanie Frese
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
J. Frese, III
Anthony and Eddie
Ms. Maria C. Giordano
Jeffrey Flanagan
Ms. Nancy A. Maxwell
Bobby Jones
Mrs. Judith B. Wiens
Gary Bullock
Ms. Cynthia M. Socha
C. Gerberick
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
E. Gerberick
Robert Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Dellaportas
Jason Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. De Roia
Lisa Klingensmith
Mr. Samuel King
Eric Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Zemba
June Gosar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Auber
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Bossard
Mr. Robert Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Scheer
Dawn Kolacsky
Mr. Donald Herman
Ignacio Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Chapman
Jonathan Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Gould
Irene Haus
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan T. Stanley
Linda Leicht
Mrs. Kathleen Brandt
Clorinds Hanuschak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Dana Herold
Mrs. MaryAnn Villegas
Lilley Maine
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Harris
Madison Higey
Ms. Margaret A. Bursa
Mort McLennan
Mr. Steve Shechter
Gregory Huck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
G. Davenport
Amanda Miller
Mr. Richard W. Miller
Ms. Valerie Riedthaler
Marian Cherry
Mr. Geoff Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Bethany
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bialkowski
Ms. Marian R. Carey
Ms. Deborah A. Cherry and
Mr. James H. Helbling
Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Ditterband
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dolce
Frey Charitable Fund
Mrs. Christine Goellner
Mr. and Mr. John A. Hilston
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hondorf
Good compassionate folks
on Achieve and Rec!
Ms. Carol Dolan and Mr.
Greggory D. Hill
Margaret Hoag
Mrs. Toni Leone
Stella Hokula
Mr. Thomas Mazur
John Hollenbach
Mrs. Mary Jane Hollenbach
Mandy Holm
Sheldon J. Epstein
Walter Landor
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Tiffany Lynn Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
J. Hurley, Jr.
Sonia Levine
Mrs. Toni Leone
Eric Johnson
Mrs. Jeanne M. Gufler
Irene Kanter
Dr. Albert J. Kanter
Esther Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. David Rothenberg
Kevin Krusoe
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aring
Mrs. Diane Brown
Mr. Richard Burrows
Mrs. Karen Contoveros
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Costello, Sr.
Mrs. Diane Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Mikel J. Gruden
Mr. Mike Harmon
Mrs. Mary Alice Kabelac
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Krusoe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
G. Kucharson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonakis
Mrs. Kelly Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Don Misheff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mishlan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neubert
Mr. Justin Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. James
E. Svarovsky
Mrs. Nancy Vondrak
Phil Lacnese
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Volpe
George Laird
Brimfield Area Chamber
of Commerce
Edwin Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Michael Marshfield
Mrs. Patricia A. Marshfield
Stephen Mazur
Mr. Thomas Mazur
Ms. Corrie Adams
Donald Miller
Daniel Seikel
Muriel Moseley
Mr. Frank Preziuso, Jr.
Liberty Center Connections, LLC
Carl Nardone
Mrs. Paula Harvey
Kathleen Nero
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fuss
David Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Kimberly O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph
Thomas Ohns
Mrs. Marion L. Ohns
Edward Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Anness
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Augustine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Baca
Ms. Cheryl Borkes
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
M. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dashiell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
DeCenso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. DeCenso
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Giancola
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
G. Goldsboro
Mr. Larry D. Greiner
Ms. Maria D. Ihnat
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kinney
James E. Lessick, D.D.S.
Mrs. Antoinette Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Markovic
Ms. Marianne Neal
Mr. Raymond F. Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Post
Mr. Ralph Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Rizzi
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Stenger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Tkach
Glennis Pahnke
Sheldon J. Epstein
Austin Pasquine
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pasquine
Andrew Pavlina
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Anzlovar
Robert Petrie
Mrs. Gail A. Petrie
Justin Raddell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Raddell
Matthew Orban
Mr. Connor Orban
Scenic View Transportation Inc.
Gregory Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Ferrick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando J. Ricci
Corporate Partner
Charles Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Matthew Risaliti
Mr. and Mrs. John Manse
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Risaliti
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Vaught
Jospeh Ruggieri
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Howard Sargent
Mrs. Patricia Sargent
Charlotte Schilling
Mrs. Patricia Paugh
Daniel Schwartz
Mrs. Catherine Schwartz
Michael Seikel
Daniel Seikel
Frances Senffer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Louise Sik
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Donnell
Mikey Summerville
Ms. Linda Leicht and
Mr. David Jones
Mrs. Janet Downing
Jean Svoboda
Mr. Henry C. Svoboda
Corinne Tallion
Mr. Gregory G. Tallion
Daniel Trapp
Mr. and Mrs. Grahame J. Kidd
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Trapp
Paul Trina
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Dorothy Trumpeter
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Vaught
Jordan Truthan
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Nero
Dan Urbassik
Ms. Brenda Adkins
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartulovic
Mr. Guy J. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Pituch
Lacey Wagner
Jon and Karen Wagner
Juanita Walsh
Ms. Beverly P. Teague
Marie Whalen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Berger
Ingrid Willette
Dr. Robert E. Stadulis and
Dr. Janet K. Stadulis
Lynn Ashley Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald
J. Williams, II
Richard Zabic
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Clarence Telepak
Chris and Ann Marie Telepak
Helen Tilocco
Mr. Frank A. Tilocco
Margaret Toth
Mr. Christopher Toth
Your donation to Hattie Larlham provides
opportunities for 1,800 children and
adults with intellectual and developmental
You can donate using the secure form on
Hattie Larlham’s website or you can send
a check made out to the Hattie Larlham
Foundation to the address below.
Hattie Larlham thanks the Alpha Group for their outstanding
year-round support. The Alpha Group has been Circle of
Caring’s presenting sponsor for seven years. Thank you
for your commitment to Hattie Larlham and people with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. To learn more
about corporate partnerships, please contact Corporate
Relations and Major Gifts Officer Tonnie Alliance at
To make a legacy gift or bequest to Hattie
Larlham, contact Chief Development Officer
Catherine Schwartz at 330-840-6840.
Hattie Larlham
7996 Darrow Road, Suite 10
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Join us on Sat., July 2 at Over the Edge for Hattie Larlham in downtown
Cleveland. Thrill seekers will rappel 22 stories of the Westin Cleveland Downtown
to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
If you would prefer to keep your feet on the ground, here are some ways you can
show your support:
1. Make a donation. Many people are within dollars of reaching their $1,500 goal and securing their spot on the rooftop. Help them reach
their goal with a donation.
2. Fundraise for Hattie Larlham. Register to raise money for Hattie
Larlham. We will help you run a successful campaign and meet your
goal. No rappelling required.
3. Join us. We will be cheering on our rappellers all day, starting at 9 a.m.
Sat., July 2. Join us to show your support.
You can make a donation to Over the Edge for Hattie Larlham at any time
until October 2016. To support a rappeller or start your own campaign, visit
For more information about Over the Edge for Hattie Larlham, call Events
Manager Wendy Voelker at 330-840-6845.
July 2
Over the Edge Cleveland
Aug. 19
Friendship Luncheon
Nov. 5
Circle of Caring
ABOUT THE COVER: Breanna washes
produce at Hattie’s Food Hub. Her job
coach Sam teaches her how to properly
wash produce so it is ready and safe for
consumers. Breanna and the Hattie’s
Food Hub team prepare produce for
Hattie’s Café and Gifts.
ABOUT THE AGENCY: Hattie Larlham is
a nonprofit organization dedicated to
creating opportunities for and improving
the lives of more than 1,800 children and
adults with developmental disabilities.
Your contributions allow Hattie Larlham
to provide medical, recreational, work
training and residential services to
children and adults with developmental
MISSION: Because we believe that
life is sacred, Hattie Larlham enhances
the quality of life for people with
disabilities and their families through our
commitment to comfort, joy
and achievement.
The Focus newsletter is produced by
Hattie Larlham. Photographs provided by
Hattie Larlham.
Hattie Larlham
7996 Darrow Road, Suite 10
Twinsburg, OH 44087