INSIDE - Habitat for Humanity Cape Cod


INSIDE - Habitat for Humanity Cape Cod
12 home winter 2015
Director's Note
A New Year
What factors should we use to
evaluate the impact of our work
together? Often we report on our
numbers, which are easily measurable
outcomes: homes completed, families
served, adherence to budget and
timelines, or annual fundraising goals.
In this newsletter, we take a step back
from these more easily reportable
accomplishments to check in with
around the Cape to learn what has
been important to them during their
years of Habitat home-ownership.
We also talked with new Habitat
families learning about what home
ownership will mean to them. These
outcomes are not as easily predicted
nor measured, but are significant and
reflect who we are: a blue ribbon, a
college acceptance letter, time for
community volunteerism, economic
Yellow Brick Road in Truro a year after completion
Why We Build...
A Stable Foundation
tability is a straightforward concept – the dictionary defines it as "permanence, without change, constancy of purpose, or emotional stability.” Notice that the word refers to both a physical and an emotional state. One could easily say that one leads directly to the other. Many
Habitat homeowners have confirmed this: a constant, “forever” home
brought them, as one homeowner put it, “a sense of peace.” Stability – a
simple thing – has far-reaching consequences, not to be underestimated.
hat can a person accomplish when they have stability? Quite
a bit. Just one year after moving into her Habitat home, Christina Macort was living debt-free and finally had a savings account. Paying an affordable mortgage has allowed Michael Richards to give up his
second job. Now he can spend more time with his young children, and
he can participate in all those childhood milestones. Danielle Savery has
been able to go back to school. She is studying for her bachelor’s degree at Bridgewater State and intends to get her master’s in education.
Not long ago, one Habitat homeowner told us that she was on the cusp
of being able to relinquish all the aid programs that she relied upon. We
wish you could have been there to hear the excitement and pride in her
voice when she knew that she would be able to fully support herself.
Director's note
independence, stability of home, while
overcoming the roughest of life’s
Your gifts – whether time, talent, or
treasure – allow us to continue to
give more families the opportunity
to survive and thrive. We hope this
issue provides you with an idea of the
importance of your contributions.
2015 – into the New Year
We enter this New Year with
opportunities to develop Habitat for
Humanity homes in almost every town
on Cape Cod. Our focus and energy is
on permitting and planning of multihome sites. Leadership discussions are
also focused on what steps we need to
take to ensure we have the necessary
capacity to accomplish our goals.
In the midst of it all, a frequent theme
of our discussions is the importance
of continuing to do things the Habitat
way –
engaging and appreciating
volunteers, fostering a spirit of
fellowship, truly welcoming new
participants, instilling training and
mentoring elements into all our work,
and always maximizing the richness of
community and family partnerships.
Winter and Spring 2015
Seven homes begin this spring at
Oak St., Harwich. It is premature to
announce the start date for each home,
however, the foundations are poured,
so we do know that all homes will be
in construction during calendar 2015 –
winter 2015
and one of the seven will be another
Blitz Build, donated and managed
by the Home Builders & Remodelers
Association of Cape Cod (HBRACC).
Future Site Work and Permitting
We have our building permits for 4
homes in Chatham. Site work includes a
significant retaining wall, and preparing
the foundations and individual lots. In
Yarmouth, after a return to the Zoning
Board for a few minor modifications
to our approved plans, site work will
proceed to prepare for construction of
6 homes.
applications to the Zoning Board of
Appeals for two homes in Mashpee,
two homes in Barnstable, and one
each in Eastham and Falmouth. We
also have two terrific projects in
development in the Outer Cape – each
for 3 homes – in Truro and Wellfleet.
And then there is the land in Brewster,
formerly known as “Bassett’s Wild
Animal Farm.” By mutual agreement
with the Town, we have a 7 year
period for development. We have a
small team dedicated to this project,
reviewing concept site design plans
with architects, Brown, Lindquist,
Funuccio, and Raber.
outpouring of generosity. Thank you
Cape Cod.
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
411 Main St. Suite 6
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
(508) 362-3559
(508) 362-3569 Fax
[email protected]
Victoria Goldsmith
Wil Rhymer
Nancy Smith
Doug Reynolds
Dave King
Jaime Emerson
Frank Almeida
Warren Brodie
Lisa Bushy
Patricia Favulli
Lynette Helms
Peter Kimball
Charles Orr
Christiane Perry
We are happy to announce our
Pilot Solar Program In Barnstable,
made possible by our partners:
Jill Scalise
Rev. Dr. John Terry
Fr. Joe Towle
Kenneth Foreman & Anne Giblin
Cape Light Compact
Housing Ministries of New England
Bowdoin Charitable Trust
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
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Ron Winner
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
is an ecumenical housing ministry,
non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization.
We tithe 10% of unrestricted donations
to homebuilding overseas through
Habitat for Humanity International
welcomehome winter 2015
Where Are They Now?
first in the family to attend college.
Tia is a Criminal Justice Major at
UMass Dartmouth. Tanya reports, "She
is adjusting well and doing great!!!
She's slated for a 2018 graduation. We
moved into our Habitat house in 2009
during her sophomore year of highschool. After years of displacement
and shuffling, we were very excited.
I'm grateful to Habitat for providing
us with a stable home where I could
provide structure and guidance to
help her get to where she is today!"
Julian wins a blue ribbon at his first
horse show
Tia and Tanya on Graduation Day
Julian and Kelly dedicate their new
home, 2010
Tia (left) and her family celebrate their
first Christmas in their new home
year and he loves it. His mother, Kelly, tells us, "Julian and I have been in
our Habitat house for four years and
we are grateful for this and so many
things. Julian battled leukemia in 2012
and had a stem cell transplant at Boston Children's Hospital. He was in isolation for a year with many restrictions,
and unable to attend second grade.
Thankfully, today Julian is an active
and healthy nine year old. He is in
fourth grade at Nathaniel H. Wixon Innovation School and has many activities and hobbies." We're glad to share
Julian's good news!
New Board Members
Jill Scalise has been helping to reduce homelessness, professionally, and on a volunteer basis, for 25 years. She has a
Masters of Social Science with a concentration in Advocacy, Planning, and Program Development. Since 2004, she has
worked for the Cape Cod Council of Churches as the Director of Case Management, Hospitality Housing, where she
helps those seeking housing, and provides support services to those now in housing. "I believe my experience will be
helpful in understanding both the needs of and resources for families moving into Habitat homes."
Fr. Joe Towle is a retired Catholic Priest who has always been dedicated to working with people on the margin, whether
in Latin America or in the United States. He is an active volunteer with both the Family Pantry of Cape Cod in Harwich
and Habitat for Humanity, where he is a regular on the construction sites. Joe says, "I look upon construction with Habitat as an undoing of some of the destruction in the world."
Christiane Perry is a fundraising consultant with over 25 years of nonprofit experience. She has lived on Cape Cod since
1999, working with a variety of nonprofit organizations and serving on the Board of Directors of Philanthropy Partners of
the Cape and Islands. Chris is delighted to be joining the Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod: “I am
looking forward to working with fellow Board members and the Habitat staff as the organization continues its efforts to
increase the availability of affordable housing for the residents of Cape Cod.” | 3
WO MORE WALL RAISINGS THIS FALL brought our total number of homes under construction - at some time in
2014 - to twelve. Four of those homes have now been dedicated, and families have moved in. We are grateful to all the
volunteers who make this possible, and humbled by their dedication to our mission.
Sesame Street, Barnstable
House Leader:
Barry Clickstein
Co-Coordinators of
Construction Volunteers:
Iris Clickstein
Dot Hannon
Food Coordinator:
Kathy Trelegan
Registration Coordinator:
Mary Maraggio
Devotions Coordinator:
Rev. Peter Axelson
Thanks to these great teams!
Barnstable Clergy Association's Faith Build
Cape Cod Synagogue
Coast Guard (pictured left)
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod Board of Directors
Infor Global Solutions
Saint Joan of Arc
Unitarian Meetinghouse of Barnstable
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth
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welcomehome winter 2015
Bevan Way, Orleans
Coordinator of
Construction Volunteers:
Joanne Broderick
Registration Coordinator:
Judy Parmelee
Devotions Coordinator:
Rev. Phil Mitchell
Glenwood Avenue,
House Leader:
Bob Leary
Food Coordinators:
Jada Norman
Brenda Swain
Devotions Coordinator:
Rev. Jonathan Drury | 5
Volunteer Spotlight
one of our Habitat for Humanity
construction sites very early in the
morning someday, before the crew
arrives, you might just run into Bob
Spence. Bob likes to wake up early, and
Bob does not like to sit around doing
nothing, so he goes to work – and gets
to work – long before anyone else. Ask
Bob what he does as a volunteer with
Habitat, and his response is immediate:
“I’m doing something I love.”
ob has been working hard since he
was twelve years old, which also
happens to be when he got started in
construction. There was a small, vacant
lot across the street from Bob's house,
which he and his friends converted
into a ball field, and they played there
night and day until one of his friends
got himself a job. Almost on a whim,
Bob asked his friend to get him a job,
too. The friend did – for a construction company. "At 12-years-old, all we
did was carry boards and such, but
we worked hard. The owner believed
in 12-hour days." His boss also gave
Bob some advice: work hard and you’ll
succeed in life. Bob certainly took that
message to heart.
“Life was good to me it is time to give back.
Anyone who works with
Habitat has that feeling."
lthough Bob did not end up working in the construction field, he did
keep the job all through high school,
and he put himself through college by
working construction. “Ever since then,
I have loved carpentry and anything to
do with it.” Bob went on to spend three
years in the National Guard, before
finding a job selling paper for printing
presses. Eventually, he began selling
the printing presses themselves, along
with printing equipment. At age 30, he
started his own business. But during all
those years, he somehow found himself working on various construction
projects, whether building the second
story of his own home when he ran out
of money to pay contractors, or helping friends and family with their projects. As Bob puts it, “I never forgot
how to hold a hammer, so to speak.”
“I'm doing something
I love."
Bob Spence (right) sets roof trusses
with Bob Ryley in Mashpee
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ob is known around Habitat as the
go-to guy for helping out with roof
work. He is one of the few volunteers
who is comfortable working high to
set roof trusses. He also enjoys installing sheetrock and flooring, because it
gives a sense of accomplishment at the
end of the day. "You can look back and
say, wow – we got a lot done today!”
Big jobs appeal to him, but he prefers
to leave detail work to others. “I’m not
a furniture maker – I envy those who
are – but it’s too slow for me.” Yet, if
asked, Bob will do almost any task –
just please don’t ask him to paint. “I
will do a lot of jobs I dislike before I’ll
paint,” he says with a wry smile.
he obvious pleasure he takes in his
work is not the only reason Bob
volunteers with Habitat for Humanity. He is acutely aware that, in his life,
he was lucky. He took chances, set his
goals high, and “never looked back.”
Luckily for Bob, it paid off, and he is
very grateful. Now he feels it is important to help others. “I enjoy giving.
Life was good to me – It’s time to give
back. Anyone who works with Habitat
has that feeling.”
Bob teaching a new volunteer a few
construction techniques
ob Spence tries to bring a little
something extra, beyond his time
and experience, to every Habitat construction site. Bob likes to show homeowners, by his own example, that hard
work pays off - and he also likes to
pass on construction tips. By doing
so, Bob hopes homeowners will start
to see themselves as people who don’t
merely need a hand up, but as people
who can give a hand up. “I really hope
that I can pass on that what we volunteers are doing for them, they can do
for others.” For Bob, this is a the most
important gift he can give to future
welcomehome winter 2015
Why We Build...
the movies every once in a while. The
new home also means no damp and
mold, so her daughter will no longer
suffer from asthama attacks in the middle of the night. Rachel is excited that
“I get to own my new home on Cape
Cod. That’s huge! People vacation here
– the President takes his vacation here! I
can’t stress enough how thankful I am.”
tability also leads to diminished
stress, with enormous benefits.
When John moved into his Habitat
home, at age fourteen, he began to
get A’s in school, and later headed
to college. Tyan Bassett finds that
she has extra time and energy, which
she is using as a volunteer in her
hometown of Brewster, in addition to
bringing snacks to Habitat’s build site
in Orleans. Tyan’s neighbor, Danielle
Savery, has also taken up volunteer
work – she is the Hospitality Coordinator at her children’s school. Both
women say that it was only after the
constant worry ended that they could
begin to think of giving time to anything outside of their family’s needs.
nd sometimes stability allows a
family to avoid disaster. Deidre
Root went through a major illness soon
after moving into her Habitat home
and she believes that, without the affordable mortgage, she and her teenage daughter, Justine, may easily have
been left homeless. Wendy Osland
went through a similar situation when
she battled breast cancer and was unable to work. Her family helped, but
Wendy believes her affordable mortgage was the key in helping her “make
ends meet through that tough time.”
nd what will stability mean to
Habitat’s “next generation?” This
past fall, we started construction on
homes for three new families. For Kate
and Donovan Wing, building their own
home means never having to move
again. They have moved nine times in
the thirteen years they’ve been together, and Donovan moved a lot growing
up. Several times the Wings had apartments with lead paint, and their young
son, Ronan, recently tested positive
for lead. Kate can’t wait to let Ronan
and his sister, Katherine (5), paint their
rooms any color they want, to someday get a cat and a dog, and to have a
garden. “You don’t want to put in the
investment when it is not your house,
but I have hydrangea plants that came
18-month Ronan helping to
shingle his home
from my grandmother’s house in Yarmouth, and I want to have a vegetable
garden. There is almost nothing I don’t
want to plant!” Kate is a part-time student at Cape Cod Community College
and plans to complete her degree in
education once the house is finished.
She tells us, “I keep feeling like I’m in
a dream. I love working on the house
with the volunteers. When I leave at
the end of the day, I almost feel like
I’ve been on a spiritual retreat. To
know how much love goes into building that house, makes it more special.”
ate and Donovan’s next-door
neighbor in Barnstable will be Rachel Hicks, who, like Donovan, moved
many times in her youth. Rachel is
grateful that her children will be able
to stay in one place. “It’s scary moving
and moving and starting over, having
to make new friends.” Rachel wants her
son, Kyle (10), and her daughter, Kiana
(6), to have friends over. “The boys can
jump around and play football in the
yard – because there will be a yard instead of a parking lot. And if the girls
want to play princess, they’ll have their
own space to do it.” Rachel’s current
rent is “sky high” and she is looking
forward to being able to provide little
things for her kids, like taking them to
nd in Orleans, where we are building a sixth home in the Bevan
Way neighborhood. New homeowners Sherrie Johnson and Kevin Knight
are amazed and thrilled that they
won the lottery and over the top excited about having their home. For
Kevin, Sherrie and their two daughters Emma and Bella it will be a
place that offers space, storage and
a yard for play time and barbeques.
House Leader Barry Clickstein gives a high
five to Rachel for her first wall
Architect Charles Orr (right) talks to Sherrie
Johnson and Kevin Knight, shown here with
their children Emma and Bella just after their
first walls have been raised | 7
Faith Relations: Rev. Paul Cullity
Keene State College where Habitat
had a Chapter, Paul was also involved
in leading devotions at many of the
local builds.
Paul’s relationship with Habitat started
in 1981 when he spent one week
in Georgia at a Community house
of Koinonia Farm, learning about
Clarence Jordan and Habitat’s mission.
He started working on Habitat building
sites in New Hampshire during the mid
1990s in the towns of Keene, Swanzey
and Winchester. As the Chaplain at
Since moving to the Cape in 2010, Paul
has been a devotions leader at all the
Outer Cape build sites. In Wellfleet,
he worked on one of the homes and
met some of the other regulars at
Habitat Cape Cod sites.
He feels
that each time he is at a build site he
experiences an epiphany, a sort of
“light dawning”. It is the experience of
seeing a community come together; a
building of something bigger than just
a house. Paul believes it is possible
to create such a climate of blessing
and togetherness, and that many who
come to build at a Habitat site will find
themselves drawn to return over and
over again. He recognizes the many
ways that Habitat can bring others
new Chairman of our Faith Relations
Committee. Paul will be leading the
committee for the very busy 2015
building season. Paul says he draws
his inspiration from the scriptures and
his deep belief in loving others through
action which enables those in need to
attain a home for themselves and their
to find this sense of community for
themselves. As the Chair of our Faith
Relations Committee, Paul hopes to
communicate how infectious Habitat’s
vision is, and how to communicate that
vision each time we come together to
build a new home. He believes others
can “catch the Habitat vision and
mission” and pass it on!
We receive tremendous support from the Faith community here on Cape Cod - financially, spiritually and
through the countless individuals who volunteer. As we prepare for our upcoming building schedule we are
blessed to have a very engaged Faith Relations Committee and three active Faith campaigns:
to support a home on
Sesame Street, Barnstable
to support a home on
Oak Street, Harwich
to support a home on
Virginia Street, Yarmouth
Sesame Street, Barnstable
8 |
welcomehome winter 2015
2014 Annual Meeting
HCC is grateful to Shepley Wood Products for, once again, hosting our Annual Meeting at the Shepley
Showcase. Leah Fennel, along with Team Shepley, worked a long day to ensure that the event would be
a success. Our “at capacity” guests enjoyed a delicious barbeque prepared by Ron Winner and his “crew”
accompanied by delicious potluck appetizers, salads and desserts from the entire Habitat family. The children
happily enjoyed outdoor activities with Trevor the Juggler and Twinks!
2014 Habitat Recognition Awards:
Twelve individuals were recognized as 10 year volunteers and twenty-one individuals
were honored as 20 year volunteers!
The Golden Hammer Award was given to the Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
for their years of support through the Cape Cod Five Charitable Foundation and for
sponsoring our grant applications for construction financing to the Federal Home
Loan Bank of Boston-Affordable Housing Program.
The Habitat Partner Award was presented to the Home Builders & Remodelers
Association of Cape Cod for sponsoring our Blitz Build in 2013.
The Everett Stoyle Spirit of Service Award was awarded to Joanne Broderick,
Volunteer Coordinator for most of our Outer Cape construction sites during the last
five years.
In honor and memory of our beloved Don Dickinson, this year Habitat introduced the
Donald S. Dickinson Habitat Ambassador Award to recognize someone who through
their work brings us new friends in the community. The first annual award went to
Bill Witmer and Pat Taylor - busy as
longtime volunteers Pat Taylor and Bill Witmer, builders of the famous Habitat kayaks,
in recognition of their boundless energy and commitment in bringing the Habitat
message to individuals all across the Cape.
2014 BRICC Awards
he Home Builders & Remodelers of Cape Cod BRICC
Awards recognize excellence in building, remodeling,
design, sales and marketing on Cape Cod and Marthas
At the Awards Banquet in October, HHCC
received three BRICC awards, including: The Non-Profit
Community Partner Award for their talent and vision, Best
Affordable Single Family Home, and Best Use of Local
Art/Artisan Talent for our ReStore jingle by Roe Osborn.
I am reminded each year at this time what I am thankful
for, I am thankful and truly grateful to have my own home.
Everyone who helped to make that happen for me, I give
a very special thanks, for their efforts for making that
dream come true! As well, for what you continue to do
for others, may all the good you do come back around.
Kenneth Fletcher
Habitat Homeowner, Dennis, Ma
Vicki Goldsmith accepting a BRICC award | 9
his first annual event was held at St. David’s Episcopal Church in South
Yarmouth to a packed house! The program featured an eclectic selection
of music and entertainers hosted by nationally acclaimed singer, song writer,
David Roth. David’s charm, wit and gifted musicianship created a welcoming
atmosphere filled with awe, laughter and joy. Performers included Habitat
staff, volunteers, homeowners, and friends old and new who bravely took to
the stage to share their special talent.
All this fun was the appetizer before the delicious main course of homemade
spaghetti and meatballs prepared by chefs and Habitat board members
Lisa Bushy, Ron Winner and Trisha Favulli assisted by a crew of family and
friends. The cupcakes for dessert were made by Project Forward of Cape
Cod Community College. Take home chocolate chip cookies were baked
by Rabbi David Freelund and members of his family. Habitat thanks all the
attendees, volunteers and performers who made this event possible. Special
thanks to the Centerville Pie Ladies –Laurie Bowen and Kristen Broadley who
opened their kitchen for the prep party the night before the event.
Save the Date! Mark your calendar - the second annual Heart and Home
Cabaret will be held on Sunday, October 11, 2015. Hope to see you there!
Cape Cod Charitable FunRaisers
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod has been invited by
Cape Cod Charitable FunRaisers to be one of the eight
beneficiaries for 2015. As a beneficiary, Habitat will
participate in all three fundraising activities they organize.
We’re calling on you to help make each of these activities
a success. To participate in any of the following, please
contact Wendy Cullinan at 508-362-3559 x 11.
Roll the Rock - Bowling at Ryan Family Amusement in
South Yarmouth. April 10, 2015.
Last Gasp - 62-mile bike ride. September 20, 2015.
Spectacle of Trees - Christmas trees and gifts raffle at John
F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis. December, 2015.
More information at
Save the Date
Sunday, March 29th 3:00 p.m.
We Are The Men concert, Church of the Holy Spirit, Orleans to
benefit Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
Monday, May 11th
St. John’s Episcopal Church Golf Tournament to benefit
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
Calling all Foursomes!
Contact Wendy Cullinan at 508-362-3559 x 11
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Barnstable County Mutual Insurance Co.
Brewster Baptist Church
Cape Cod Synagogue
Charlesbank Homes
The Clifford Foundation
Cotuit Federated Church
Darryl and Janet Buckingham
Kenneth Foreman and Anne Giblin
Harwich United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity Church
The Ken and Judith Joy Family Foundation
Gerard Loftus
The Malin Family Foundation
Lynn and Patricia Mormann
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Real Estate Associates
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Willett Foundation Fund of the Cape Cod Foundation
welcomehome winter 2015
eam Habitat, made up of 20 riders, raised over
$30,000! Each rider trained for months, which
got them through the 62-mile bike ride from
Sandwich to Provincetown. Congratulations to all for
your commitment to Habitat. Team captains Kathy
Herrick of Eastham and Frank Almeida of Falmouth
are already meeting to plan next year’s ride.
Dave Akin
Frank Almeida
Peter Brooks
Steve Carignan
Kevin Dauphinais
Sue Ernst
Ave Gaffney
Diane Goldsmith
Vicki Goldsmith
Mark Hutker
Tim Lynch
Paula Mueller
Steve Mueller
Bob Nussbaum
Charles Orr
Matt Schiffer
Peter Soule
Charles Sumner
Ron Winner
Leedara Zola
he 2014 Falmouth
Fall Road Race
was cancelled due to
a strong nor’easter,
but Emma Funfar
didn’t allow the cold
gale force winds and
downpours to keep
her from running.
Emma, a grateful
Habitat homeowner
runs each year to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod.
After finishing, with a big smile, wet socks and cold nose she
said “it is important for me to run this race for Habitat, for
the people who made donations and to say thank you to all
of the Habitat community. It was a very special moment.”
Planned Giving
When you give to Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod through your estate or
long-term financial plan, you are forging your legacy with our housing ministry
and ensuring that future generations will be able to secure decent, safe and
affordable housing. For information on Planned Giving programs contact
Wendy Cullinan at 508-362-3559 x 11 or [email protected].
Setting up a monthly giving plan only takes a few minutes, and when you
make that choice you are committing your support in a way that is particularly
meaningful to Habitat. Our need for financial support is year-round and being
able to count on monthly gifts helps significantly. To enroll in the Carpenter’s
Club call our office and speak with Wendy Cullinan.
Future generations, like William
Fernandes, will be thankful for
your thoughtful planning | 11
Donations from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
Blitz Build 2013
18 Bevan Way
donated by the
Home Builders
& Remodelers
Assocaition of Cape Cod
Bennett Charitable Foundation
Bilezikian Family Foundation
Mr. Kenneth Foreman and
Ms. Anne Giblin
Willett Foundation Fund of the
Cape Cod Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Buckingham
Federated Church of Orleans
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mormann
National Grid
Real Estate Associates
Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. William Zammer
$5,000 - $9,999
Barnstable County Mutual Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Curtis
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
First Congregational Church of Chatham
Harwich United Methodist Church
Lower Cape Community Development
John C. Morrison and Eunice B.
Morrison Charitable Trust
St. Joan of Arc Church
$2500 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Accuosti
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
Clifford Foundation
Mrs. Nancy H. Erskine
First Parish Brewster UU
Mr. Frank J. Hoenemeyer
North Falmouth Congregational Church
12 |
Sue Ernst, Bob Leary, and Natalie Tudor helping out to create a Veteran’s garden at the
Cape Cod Fairgrounds
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Ms. Nancy F. Smith
West Falmouth United
Methodist Church
Woods Hole Foundation Inc.
$1000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Almeida
Barnstable Association of UCC
Ms. Joanne Broderick
Brzezicki Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cataldo
The Community of Jesus
Mr. Samuel Denbo
Dennis Union Church
The Falmouth Fund of the
Cape Cod Foundation
Falmouth Jewish Congregation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Church of Christ, Sandwich
First Congregational Church - Falmouth
First Congregational Church - Wellfleet
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Forrester
Friendship Fund Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Holt
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kaar
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher LaCroix
Mr. Robert MacCready and
Ms. Linda Cebula
Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Magliozzi
McPhee Associates of Cape Cod
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mears
Ms. Sara Morner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Naddaff
Nauset Newcomers, Inc.
Ms. Linda Jean and Mr. John Nellenback
Mr. and Mrs. William R. O'Connell
Polhemus, Savery, Dasilva Architects
Mr. and Mrs.* Doug Reynolds
Ms. Dorothy Rogers
St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School
St. James the Fisherman
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Short 'N' Sweet
Synergy Project Management
Mr.* and Mrs. Bruce Taylor
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
of Barnstable
The Valle Group
West Parish of Barnstable
Mr. and Mrs. Perry White
$500 - $999
Advanced Communication Technologies
Ms. Holly Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Anderson
Mr. James Betts, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brodie
Ms. Marilyn Bruneau
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Burton
Mr. David Bushley
Mr. and Mrs. David Bushy
Cape Air Nantucket Airlines
Mr. William G. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey
Cataldo Custom Builders, Inc.
Christ the King - Knights of Columbus
Covenant Community Church
Mrs. Sally Cross
Mr. Robert J. Cunningham and Mrs. D.
Rigney Cunningham
Mr. Charles W. Deaton
M. Duffany Builders, Inc.
Mrs. Virginia Duquet
Eastward Companies Business Trust
Mr. William M. Egan, Jr. and Ms. Ellen
E. Curley
Exxon Mobil Corp
Mr. and Mrs. David J.C. Farquhar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Favulli
First Lutheran Church
Mr. Jeff Grainger and Ms. Terry O'Brien
Mr. Paul Grover
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helms, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. John Holman
Hope Baptist Church
Joan Bentinck-Smith Charitable
John Wesley United Methodist Church
Mrs. Marion L. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. David B. King
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Langsen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lawrence
Mr. John T. Lynch and Ms. Eleanor
Ms. Brigid Makes McKesson
Ms. Regina Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Newsome, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Nouri
Dr. Tara J. O'Toole
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Mission Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Renn
Roche Bros.
Rockland Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rosewell
Rotary Club of Chatham
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
Mr. David P. Sampson and
Ms. Elizabeth Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Santangelo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Shapiro
South Congregational Church, United
Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens
Sunderland Printing
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thimme
Ms. Suzanne Walton
Waquoit Congregational Church
Ms. Sarah C. Webb
Windfall Market
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Zeller
$250 - $499
512 Main Street, INC
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Adams
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Donald Albert
Am Ha Yam Cape Cod Havurah
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Anderson
The Aptuxcet Garden Club
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Armlin
B. B. & S Treated Lumber of
New England
Mr. James Berrien
Blueboard Specialists Plastering
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bookman
Botello Home Center
The Bourne Women's Club
Brewster Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Brisbane
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Burke III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Caouette
Cape Associates Inc
Cape Cod Baptist Church
Cape Cod Brass, Inc.
Cape Cod Life
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll
Carson Construction. LLC
Charlie's Angels
Christian Union Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Clarendon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Clickstein
Coastal Engineering Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Colby
Mr. and Mrs. John Conners
Cotuit Federated Church
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davies
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dishner
Mr. Steven Dougherty
Eastham Discount Oil
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egasti
Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Ellicott
Ms. Sue Ernst
Mr. John Everson
Falmouth Artists Guild, Inc.
Falmouth Newcomers Club
First Baptist Church of Hyannis
First Congregational Church
of Yarmouth
First Congregational Parish of Truro
Rev. and Mrs. Ted Fritsch
Ms. Judy Garvey and Mr. Jack Sloyer
Give with Liberty
Glivinski & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Victoria Goldsmith
Mr. Richard Goody
Ms. Helen Grogan
Mr. Mark Habner and
Ms. Pamela Codispoti
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Hannon
Mr. Brian Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. James Hespe
Ms. Jane G. Hinckley
Mr. Fredrick Holt
E. J. Jaxtimer Builder
Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley Johnson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Kadzik
Ms. Angela Karami-Lanfranchi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelley
Ms. Kathleen M. Kelly
The A Lawrence & Ruth Kolbe Fund
Mr. Lawrence Lamgsam
Mr. H.R. Lemcke
Ms. Maureen Lovett
Ms. Joanne Lyman
Mr. James Magerman and Ms. Abbe Will
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maguire
Ms. Alice W. McDonald
Mr. Joseph P. McParland
Rev. Philip H. Mitchell
Ms. Barbara Mulligan-Rado and
Mr. Edward Rak
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peirson
Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson
Ms. Sara Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. David Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. John Purpura
Mr. and Mrs. James Rappolt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Reif
Mr. Wil Rhymer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rose
Russin Lumber Corporation
St. Anthony's Church
St. David's Episcopal Church
Sanders, Walsh & Eaton, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sawyer
Ms. Mary Scanlan
Mr Thomas Scanlan
Mrs. Patricia Schoeffel and
Mr. James Bampos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shore
Sitkin Family Foundation
Dr. Janet T. Spence
Unitarian Church of Barnstable
Mr. and Mrs. John Vellone
Vincent Associates Real Estate Inc.
Wellfleet Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Krista Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Winner
Ms. Deborah Winograd
Ms. Sandra Wonders
Wood Lumber Company
$100 - $249
Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Abt
Mr. E.H. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Adorney
Ms. Elizabeth Aldred
American Blue Ribbon Holdings, LLC
Amica Companies Foundation
Anshei Chesed, The Conservative
Synagogue of Cape Cod
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Anson
Ms. Luean E. Anthony
Aral Restaurant Group of South
Weymouth, LLC
Mrs. Elisabeth Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ashby
Mr. James Audibert
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Aylward
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bain
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker
Ms. Jean W. Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bantly
Mrs. Joan D. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Barstow
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Bearse
Mrs. Sotheary Beaumier
Mr. William Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bergh
Ms. Barbara W. Bilek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. George Botelho
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bothner
Mr. and Mrs. K. George Bournazian
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Boyle
Ms. Eileen Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Bretz
Mr. Mike Briana
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Briggs
Mrs. Eleanor D. Bronson-Hodge
Ms. Janet M. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brotman
Ms. Linda Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bryant
Mr. Robert J. Bucchianeri and
Ms. Paula Schnepp
Mr. James Buckley
Ms. Donna Buonopane
Ms. Sheila F. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bush
Ms. Peggy Bushy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buteau
Mr. Robert Cabezas
Ms. Patricia Cahill
Cape & Islands Occupational
Medicine PC
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Casaubon
Mr. Richard E. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chase
Mr. Robert L. Chibka and Ms. Marjorie
L. Devault
Ms. Julie Christenson
Mr. John Christian
Church of the Holy Spirit
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Church
Ms. Beverly Ciavola
Mr.* and Mrs. Richard Clark
Ms. Kathy Coady
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Codispoti
Mr. Donald Coffman
Mr. David Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Colbert
Mr. Steven J. Cole and
Ms. Adele M. Blong
Mr. Lawrence Collins
Mr. Barry Conant
Convention Data Services, Inc.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cullen*
Ms. Margaret Cummings
Ms. Sarah Curley
Ms. Mary J. Curran
Mr. Joseph P. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deary
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennen
Dennis-Yarmouth Women's Club
Ms. Freda Diamond
Mr. Len DiLorenzo and
Ms. Annmarie Garceau
Capt. and Mrs. Robertson P. Dinsmore
Ms. Cheryl DiVito
Mr. Neil Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doolin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Draper
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Driscoll
Mr. Steve Durkee
Mr. Arden Edwards
Eldredge Plumbing & Heating
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Elkin
Ms. Jaime Emerson
Ms. Julia S. Enroth
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Epperly
Exxon Mobil Retiree Club of Cape Cod
Ms. Lois Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Ferguson
Rev. Nell Fields
First Congregational Church of Harwich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fishbein
Mr. Richard Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Folding
Ms. Catherine J. Friend
GE Foundation
The Furies
Mr. Theodore Galloway
Mr. Robert K. Gaynor and
Mr. James L. Dellasala
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. George
Ms. Ruth Gilbert
Ms. Elizabeth Giles
Mr. Stephen J. Gilhooly
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giovannone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giuliano
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Goddard
Mr. Alan Godfried and Ms. Patricia
The Golden Era of the French Quarter
Ms. Diane J. Goldsmith and Ms. Linda
M. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon
Mr. David B. Greenman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grorud
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gulrich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gundersen
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hagon
Ms. Charlotte Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. William Hanson
Hart Farm Nursery
Mr. George Harvey
Mr. LaMar Haugaard
Ms. Joyce Haun
Heart Rhythm Society
Ms. Mary D. Herberich
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herbst
Ms. Kathy Herrick
Ms. Shirley Holland
Ms. Kirby Holmes
Holy Trinity Church
House Company
Mr. and Mrs. E. David Howes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurley
Hutker Architects
Mr. Herbert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jenen
Mr. Patick Jenkins
Mr. John Jillson and Ms. Sarah Terhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Johnson
Ms. Francie Joseph
Mr. George B. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Keener
Ms. Judy Keller
Mrs. Eileen Kelley
Ms. Carolyn Kennedy
Kendall & Welch Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kimball
Mr. J. Thomas Kirkman and
Ms. Gayle Simundza
Ms. Jean Kliska
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Knowland
Mr. and Mrs. John LaFlamme
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lang, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaRocca
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Leno
Mr. and Mrs. Donald LeSieur
Ms. Roz Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Long
Mr.* and Mrs. George Lothrop
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. David Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Low
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lucas
Mike DiRuzza at Bevan Way
Ms. Estelle R. Lussier
Ms. Jean E. Maestre
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Magin
Mrs. Nancy B. Malloy
Ms. Emma Marshak
Mr. Donald Maxson
Ms. Margaret McCahill
Ms. Mary Frances McConville
M.J. McDonald Family Fund
Ms. Martha McDonald
Ms. Laura McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Sean McKendry
Rev. Ellen B. McKinley
Ms. Veronica McLaird
Ms. Deborah McLister
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. B. Gilbert Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Miskell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mistretta
Ms. Kate Mitchell and
Ms. Patricia Toalson
Mr. John Moakley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morgano
Mr. and Mrs. William Mullett
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Mullett
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nash
Nauset Lantern Shop
Ms. Anne Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Nickinello
Ms. Elizabeth Nilsson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nolan
Not Your Average Joe's Inc.
Mr. Jason Nutile and Mr. Andrew Allen
Ms. Leonora M. O'Brien
Mrs. Barbara O'Connor
Ms. Kathryn Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. William Opel
Mr. and Mrs. David Oppenheim
Orleans Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Octavia Ossola and Ms. Elizabeth
Osterville United Methodist Women
The Ottmar Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pacunas
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Parke
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Parmelee
Mr. and Ms. Francisco Parra
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Peterson
Peterson Realty
Mr. T. V. Philbrook
Mr. and Mrs. James Pohl
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pooley
Ms. Nancy B. Poor
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pott
Ms. Rebecca E. Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rabold
Mr. William A. Rangnow
Recovery Without Walls, Inc.
Mr. Robert Ricci
Ms. Justine Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Riley
Mrs. Margaret S. Robbins
Ms. Nancy L. Roberts
Mr. George Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rowland
Mr. John F. Sabatini
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church On the
Ms. Marsha Salett
Mr. Morton Schlesinger and Ms. Joan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Schott
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seaman
Ms. Chris Shand
Sherwood Lumber
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Silva
Ms. Kristine Simollari
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simon
Small Office Computer Support of Cape
Mr. James Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snow
Snow's Home & Garden
Mr. Robert Spence
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson
Mr. Robert Stonestreet
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sylvia
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tarrant
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Taubner
Rev. and Mrs. John Terry
Rev. Judith Thomas
Ms. Cynthia Thompson
Trillium Assset Management, LLC
Ms. Angiline Trudeau
Mr. and Mrs. David Twichell, Jr.
United Technologies Matching Gifts
United Way of Greater Plymouth
United Way of Massachusetts Bay &
Merrimack Valley
Mr. Mark Uppendahl
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Sciver
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Velie
Mr. and Mrs. David Vinal
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. Robert Ward, Jr.
Ms. Tauby Warriner
Mrs. Sue S. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. David Watts
Mr. and Ms. John West
West Yarmouth Congregational Church
W. Vernon Whiteley, Inc.
Ms. Harriet Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Williams
Mr. Hugh Williams and Ms. Mary
Mr. Jeffress Williams and Ms. Rebecca
Ms. Nancy Wilson and Ms. Janet
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Witkoski
Mrs. Anita Woods
Ms. Kate Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woolf
Mr. Trevor Work
Ms. Kathie Wrick
Ms. Judy Yorio
Ms. Dorothy Young
Zibrat & McCarthy Architects
Up to $99
Ms. Olga Abramovic
Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Adams, Jr.
Mr. William Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alvezi
Ms. Bobye L. Anderson
Ms. Margot E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archer
Ms. Elizabeth Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ashby
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Axelson
Ms. Sally Baer
Ms. Eileen Bagley
Ms. Kathleen Bailey
Mr. Roy Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Baker Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ballantine
Ms. Virginia Barath
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnhart
Ms. Melanie Barron
Ms. Paula Barton
Mrs. Anne Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beaver
Mr. Thomas E. Benoit and Ms. Veronica
Mr. Alan Bernstein
Ms. Brianny D. Blakeman
Rev. and Mr. Jean M. Blanning
Mr. Bernard Bodde
Ms. Susan Bodde
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Boette
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bosselaers
Ms. Suzanne M. Box
Ms. Marie Boyd
Ms. Ann Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brake
Ms. Cheryl Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Broderick
Mr. Stephen Brothers
Ms. Pamela Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buchanan
Mr. Peter Buffington
Mrs. Theodora L. Burson
Ms. Lucile Burt
Ms. Arden Cadrin
Ms. Jean W. Caito
Ms. June Cameron
Ms. Janice E. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell
Ms. Joyce Cannon
Ms. Joan D. Carlisle
Mr. Paul Cavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cayton
Ms. Susan Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Chamberlain
Ms. Barbara Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chase
Mr. and Mrs. John Child
Mr. Lee Chirgwin
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clayton
Mr. William Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Cohen
Ms. Sandra H. Cole
Ms. Jo Ann B. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Connell
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connell
Ms. Dona Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Connors
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Conrad
Mrs. Nancy Cook
Mr. Charles B. Cooper and Ms. Sara
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crawford
Ms. Bette Anne Crowell
Ms. Carolyn Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crowell
Ms. Mary Crowley
Ms. Wendy Cullinan
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dagwan
Ms. Jean S. Dana
Ms. Nancy Daniel
Mr. William Darmon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Davenport
Mr. Robert David
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph De Angelis
Mr. and Mrs. David Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Delay
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Demeo
Mr. Ben Deptula
Mr. Roger Deromedi
Ms. Helene Deruiter
Ms. Joani Lin Desnoyers
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. John Dolen
Ms. Marita Donahue
Mr.* and Mrs. John Dowman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Downey
Ms. Lucy D. V. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand S. Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edwards
Ms. Susan Eenigenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fedge
Mr. Mauro Ferdman and Ms. Susan
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ferrie
Ms. Susan Ferzoco
Ms. Mary K. Field
Ms. and Mr. Karen Fiske
Ms. Kathleen Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn
Mr. Robert N. Forgeron
Ms. Melessa D. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. George Frisk
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Fromm
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Funfar
Ms. Ruth Fye
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gaechter
Ms. Rachel Gaffney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Galligan
Ms. Lois Galvin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner
Ms. Janet Garfield
Mr. Paul P. Garganigo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaylord
Ms. Kathleen George
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gertel
Ms. Maryanne Gibbs
Ms. Gwendolyn Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. David Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gilmore
Ms. Joan F.W. Gironda
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Giusti
Mr. and Ms. Daniel Gomez-Ibanez
Ms. Betsy Goren
Ms. Susan Gotschewski
Ms. Lynn M. Goucher
Ms. Nichole Graham
Ms. Olive Granville
Mrs. Donna Grout
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Grugnale
Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Hall
Ms. Ruth Handlen
Ms. Diana Hanford
Mr. Robert Harding
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hartford
Mr. and Mrs. William Hassett
Ms. Elizabeth Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Hayward
Rev. Brenda L. Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Henry
Col. and Mrs. George A. Henry Jr.
Ms. Joan Hensler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hight
Ms. Susie Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horn
Ms. Jennifer A. Horton
Ms. Patricia A. Hottin
Mr. Jerry Houk
Mr. and Mrs. John Huck
Ms. Caroline Inman
Ms. Priscilla Jackett
Mr. Bruce Jillson
Ms. Kathy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones
Ms. Doris Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jones
Ms. Leslie F. Jones
Ms. Ruth E. Jonis
Mr. Robert L. Jordan
Joyce Landscaping
Ms. Carol Kalicki
Mr. Cyrus Kano
Ms. Ilene Karnow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kelly
Ms. Helen Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Kiceluk
Ms. Page Kidder
Ms. Kathleen Kilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kilner
Ms. Elizabeth King
Mr. and Mrs. John King
Ms. Rachel Kirchgessner
Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk
Ms. Susan F. Klein
Ms. Barbara E. Knapp
Ms. Carol Knebel
Mrs. Joan Knowlton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koeppen
Mr. Tom Kosman and Ms. Ruth Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Krupski
Mr. Robert Labrecque
Ms. Marilyn T. Lafratta
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lampson
Ms. Joyce Lance
John E. Landers-Cauley, P.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lash
Ms. Coralou P. Lassen
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Laurell
Ms. Susan Leach
Ms. Carolyn Leiby
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Leiden
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Leinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Liberman
Mr. and Mrs. William Lightfoot
Ms. Vivian E. Lindo
Ms. Muriel Locklin
Ms. Eileen Logan
Ms. Elizabeth Lord
Mrs. Virginia Lorraine
Ms. Enid Lubarsky
Ms. Donna Lumpkin
Ms. Marie Lynch
Mr. David Macadam
Ms. Diana Maher
Ms. Gail Maheras
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mahoney
Ms. Mary Maraggio
Mr. Edmund Marks
Ms. Cynthia Mathison
Mr. and Mrs. David Maynard
Ms. Lolita McCray
Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCutcheon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGhee
Mr. James McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McHugh
Mr. Mike McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. David McPhelim
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mee
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Melillo
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mello
Mr. and Mrs. A. Menashi
Mrs. Helen Michaelson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Michaud
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michaud
Ms. Elaine Miller
Ms. Gisele Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller
Ms. Linda Miller
Mr. David Modest and Ms. Mary Singer
Mr. Louis A. Moll
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moniz Jr
Ms. Shirley D. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morgan
Ms. Kathy Moriarty
Mr. Robert P. Morrill and Ms. Judith
M. Pihl
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton
Ms. Irma Moss
Mr. David Murray and Ms. Debra
Mr. and Mrs.* Nick Muto
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Myers
Ms. Elizabeth Newcomb
Mr. Michael F. O'Brien
Mrs. Ann O'Connell
Ms. Ellen O'Connell
Ms. Ruth O'Day
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Leary
Ms. Bonnie O'Neill
Mr. Shane O'Neill and Ms. Jana Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'Rourke
Mr. Charles Orr
Ms. Barbara Ottmar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ouellet
Ms. Patricia A. Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Pareseau
Payomet Performing Arts
Ms. Sandra Penz
Ms. Paula Perdigo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Phinney III
Ms. Connie L. Pina
Ms. Janice Plouffe
Ms. Shirley Powell
Ms. Elizabeth H. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Prior
Prudential Cape Shores, R.E.
Mr. Peter Prygocki
Ms. Alician V. Quinlan
Mr. Romaine M. Randall
Ms. Donna Rhodes
Ms. Sandra Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. David Ribbens
Mrs. Marion Richter
Riverview School, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rogers
Ms. Kathleen Ronay
Mr. Randy Rosario-Wyatt
Ms. Mary Rose
Ms. Anele G. Rucker
Ms. Margaret Ruggeri
Ms. Mary E. Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sands, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Scahill Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Schleinitz
Mrs. Georgia G. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Scholes
Ms. Christine Schott
Ms. Joan Scollins
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
Ms. Elizabeth Scrivani
Seamen's Long Point Charitable
Mr. William C. Secor
Ms. Susan Sexson
Mr. Lawrence Silverman and
Ms. Stella Citrano
Mr. and Mr. Paul Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Skea
Mr. Samuel Slarskey
Ms. Miriam H. Sleighter
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Small
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith
Mr. David and Rev. Gail Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Smith
Ms. Marjorie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith
Mr. Thomas H. Souza and
Mrs. Karen Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Speca
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Stavaridis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steeves
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Stern
Mrs. Anne Stillwell*
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Stockwell
Mr. Rollyn Storey
Mr. Richard Stoughton, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl Stoyle
Ms. Jane Sugden
Ms. Katherine Swanner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson
Sweet Seasons The Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sykes
Ms. Betty Szeberenyi
Mr. Henry L. Tafe
Ms. Susan Tate
Ms. Joanne Taylor
Tedeschi Food Shops
Mr. and Mrs. James Templeman
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tobia
Ms. Elizabeth A. Tormey
Mr. Win D. Tower and
Ms. Mary L. Ryan
Ms. Robin Trainor
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Traub
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Travis
Mr. Bruce Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Trotz
Ms. Christie D. Turner
Van Rensselaer's Restaurant
Ms. Catherine Vaughn
Verizon Foundation
Peter Wade Company
Ms. Maribeth Wadman
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walek
Rev. and Mrs. Edward A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wallace
Ms. Dawn Walnut
Mr. David M. Walsh and Ms. Rita C.
M. Lopes
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Walworth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Ward
Ms. Adelheid Weber
Mr. William Weil
Ms. Carolyn A. Weimar
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weiner
Ms. Sandra Weiss
Ms. Frances Welch
Mr. and Mrs. George Wennerberg
Ms. Noel White
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Whitehead
Herbert E. Whitlock Memorial Fund
Ms. Linda S. Wiest
Ms. Ann Williams
Mr. Frederick H. Wilson
Ms. Margaret Wilson
Ms. Pearl Wolfson
Ms. Jeanne M. Woodes
Mr. John E. Woodward Jr.
Mr. William H. Wordell
Yoga Center of Cape Cod
Lt. Colonel Paul Zauner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zibbell
Ms. Leedara Zola
* indicates deceased
Gifts in Kind
A & E Forms
A Concrete Answer
All Cape Recycling
Anderson Framing and Remodeling
Andersen Windows
R.W. Anderson & Sons, Inc.
Custom Builders
Artistic Grounds
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Beckwith
Blueboard Specialists Plastering
Boston Cedar
Botello Home Center
Brennick Construction
Brockway Smith Company (BROSCO)
Cape & Islands Shredding Services
Cape and Islands Kitchens
Cape Associates Inc
Cape AV , LLC
Cape Coastal Nurseries
Cape Cod Aggregates Corp
Cape Cod Insulation
Cape Cod Ready Mix, Inc
Cape Cod Trailer Storage
Cape Cod Wholesale Nursery
Cape Sand and Recycling LLC
Capewide Enterprises, LLC
Paul J. Cazeault & Sons, Inc.
Centerville-Osterville-Marstons Mills
Fire Department
Certainteed Corp.
Chase and Merchant, Inc.
Cleary Construction
Cloutier Supply Company
Coastal Equipment Rentals, Inc.
Coastal Home Improvements
Coonamessett Inn
The Corner Store
Crabapples Restaurant
Crane Appliance
Davey Tree
Disaster Specialists
Dow Products
Draper Associates
Drywall Masonry Supplies
Drywall Plus Construction
M. Duffany Builders, Inc.
East Cape Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Tony Ecock
Energy Star Lightbulbs
Executive Landscaping
Falmouth DPW
Falmouth Lumber Inc
The Farm
Ferguson Enterprises
Fettig Tile Company
Fine Buildings & Finish, Inc.
Fraser Construction
Fujitsu General America, Inc.
Glynn Electric
Griffin Plastering
Grouper Design
Haig's Homes
Hart Farm Nursery
Harvey Building Products
Harwich Port Heating & Cooling
Mr. Steven Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helms, Jr.
Hinckley Home Center
Housing for All Corp./CHAMP Homes
Huber Engineered Woods, LLC
Hunter Douglas
Huttig Building Products
EJ Jaxtimer Builders
Jones Concrete Design
Joyce Landscaping
Justino Painting
Keyes Enterprises
Landscape Express
Lineal Construction, Inc.
MacKenzie Brothers Corp.
Magnum Moving & Storage
Mashpee High School
MCE Dirtworks
McKenzie Engineering Consultants
Mid-Cape Home Centers
Kate Mitchell & Associates
Rev. Philip H. Mitchell
Mullin Roofing & Siding
National Lumber
Nauset Lantern Shop
NE Turf
Northeast Tool Supply
Northern Paving
Mr. Roe Osborn
Robert B. Our Company
Paramount Rug & Flooring
Patriot Builders
Patriot Landscaping
Petro Graphics
Powers Painting
Rainbow Painting
RELCO-Reilly Electrical Contractors
Jonathan Rice Landscaping
Ms. Kristen Robinson
Rogers & Marney, INC.
Saint Aubin Nursery
J. S. Skarupa, Inc.
Shepley Wood Products
Sherwin Williams Paint Store
Skyline Marble & Granite
TR Soares Plumbing and Heating
South Shore Heating & Cooling
South Shore Playhouse Associates, Inc.
Specialty Builders Supply
Square D
Stephen Creswell Construction
Stonewood Products
Sun Engineering HVAC Designs
The Barnstable Painter/Perfectly
Clear Window Cleaning
Traynor Plastering
TrimBoard, Inc.
Valspar Paint
Apt Electrical Systems, Inc.
Waquoit Congregational Church
Whirlpool Corporation
W. Vernon Whiteley, Inc.
Wiggin Means Precast Co., Inc
Wood Lumber Company
Yarmouth Seaside Festival Committee
Young Furniture Manufacturing
Carpenter's Club Monthly Giving
Levi Adams
Jeffrey Burton
Robert Cabezas
Richard E. Casey
David Clarendon
Jeffrey Colby
Lois Farmer
Ted Fritsch
Annmarie Garceau
Marian Gmeiner
Dot Hannon
George Kariotis
David B. King
Joe Lynch
Philip H. Mitchell
Regina Mullen
Nick Muto
Ann O'Connell
Kathyrn B. Olsen
William F. Page
Robert C. Parke
W.R. Riley
Dorothy Rogers
David Smith
Larry L. Smith
Anne Stillwell*
Gifts Given in Memory of…
John Angie
Helen Bartlett Secord
Robert Batchelder
Sherwin Benztuil
Arch, Jackie and Michael Betts
Kathleen Lynn Bowman Eynon
Robert Brooks
Gardner and Betty Burt
Lee Cannon
Mary Coon
Susan Deaton
Jack Dowman
Ann Drury
Tony Duch
Ernest Duquet
Elliot Eidelman
Bill Erskine
Lisa Evans
Terance and Sean Farrelly
Norman Fontaine
Foster Goldsmith (the dog)
Gene Fredey
Guy Gregoire
Wells Grogan
Bob and Agnes Grunewald
Joan Harding
Emile and Lucie Henault
Robert Jones
K. Kam
George Katz
Alison Kelly
David Knola
Nonnie Kuim Jian
Janet Laine
Barbara Loftus
Paul Meadows
Joy Miller
Patrick and Margaret Mulligan
Jean Nickerson
Paul O'Connor
Joseph Panucci
Georgette Perryman-Galloway
Barbara Riley
Charles Robbins
Kathleen Roche
Vincent Scrivani
Prie Stahl
Clifford Steele, Sr.
Lewis Everett Stoyle
Walter and Louise Thomson
Robert Topaz
Robert Ward
Bruce Wilson
John Wuerker
Barclay McDonald (the dog)
Gifts Given in Honor of…
Frank Almeida
Charlie’s Angels
Brenna Aylward
Elle Bayles
Rick Benson
Leslie Betts
Todd Bookman
Peter Brenner
Edith Bridges
Loren Burnett
Lisa Bushy
Patricia Cahill
Pam Chase
Paul Cox
Howard Crowell
Carolyn Crowell
Bill Davidson
Roger Deromedi
Richard Dill
Tommy Doane
Brion Dulac
Beverly Duncan
Jane Edwards
Sue Ernst
Frank Farrell
Nell Fields
Kathleen Flynn
Nat Goddard
Victoria Goldsmith
Aaron Gordon
Helen Grogan
Dot Hannon
Arnold Haywood
Ralph Herbst
Jon Holt
Barbara Horowitz
Linda Jarvis
John Kaar
Marion Kennedy
Suzanne Kenney
Paul Leofanti
Volunteer quiltmakers present all Habitat homeowners with a handmade gift at their
dedication ceremony
Gerard Loftus
Tyler Marcy
Wendy McIntosh
Philip Mitchell
Kelly Moorehead
Charles Morris
Marilyn Nouri
Womens Orleans
Jerry Perciful
Jim Preston
Robert Renn
Mary Scanlan
James Siergiewicz
Anne Stillwell*
Robert Tella
Family Vogt
Dawn Walnut
Maryanne Williams
Board of Directors
Habitat’s Board of Directors support
our mission in so many ways besides
just their financial commitment. They
help plan, attend and participate in our
events, they lead and participate on
committees, they recruit volunteers, they
help raise money, they build and they
provide invaluable guidance and support
to the staff. It is not an exaggeration to
say that we would not be where we are
today without their hard work. We thank
them for their service to Habitat for
Humanity of Cape Cod .
Lynette Helms, President
Wil Rhymer, Vice President
Doug Reynolds, Treasurer
Dave King, Clerk
Frank Almeida
Warren Brodie
Lisa Bushy
Jaime Emerson
Patricia Favulli
Peter Kimball
Joe McParland
Ricahrd Morgano
Charles Orr
Rick Sawyer
Nancy Smith
Rev. Dr. John Terry
Ron Winner
All-Cape Project Management
Rev. Sue Baker
Joanne Broderick
Barry Clickstein
Iris Clickstein
Kathy Herrick, Recording Secretary
Dave King
Bob Leary
Karolyn McClelland
Marilyn Nouri
Bevan Way, Orleans
#12 and #14 Walls Raised:
November 2, 2013
Dedication: October 6, 2014
#16 and #19 Walls Raised:
April 5, 2014
Joanne Broderick, Volunteer Coordinator
Debbie Abbott
Joseph Affanato
David Akin
Steven Albahari
Al Alfano
Frank Almeida
Gary Anderson
Trish Angelle
Dianne Ashley
Adam Baird
Rev. Bob Baker
Rev. Sue Baker
Christopher Bangert
Chris Barry
Amy Bates
Sandy Bayne
Bruce Beane
Chip Bechtold
Marcia Bechtold
Art Behrens
Rev. JD Benson
Lisa Bergeron
Daniel Bermingham
Melvin Bishop
Rebecca Blanchette
Arthur Bodin
Bridget Booth
Molly Booth
Brett Bornemann
Claire Bransfield
Mike Brink
Adam Brown
Judith Bruce
Jennifer Bryant
Sean Burns
Lisa Bushy
Shari Buteau
Steve Butler
Darnell Caffoni
Linda Cebula
Patrick Callahan
Evan Carlson
Chalotte Caputo
Bob Caruthers
Carolyn Castiglione
Sandy Chernick
Gift Chimwaza
Charles Christie
Shelby Chubb
Taylor Cirillo
Michael Cirincione
Peter Clark
Dick Clayton
Katie Cleary
Kathy Coady
Jeffrey Colby
Ike Cole
Robert Collins
Glenwood Ave, Falmouth
Kylie Condosta
Marcel Consiglio
Gordon Correia
Marie Corcoran
Ellen Covell
Peter Covell
Cathy Lee Cristofolo
Kelly Crosbie
Tia Cross
Dianne Cullen
Rev. Paul Cullity
Margie Cummings
Christopher Dalton
Kelly Daly
Alexis Darling
Rev. Jim David
Rev. Marie David
Rev. Judith Davis
Steve Day
Terry Dayian
Fred Dempsey
Edie Denney
Angelique DePaolo
Ann DeSandis
Paul Devries
Dwayne Dewitt
Shayne Dewitt
Mike DiRuzza
Jimmy Dishner
Martha Duffy
Janice Dulemba
Katherine Dunham
Christine Duren
Christina Dwyer
Edward Ebert
Ellen Ehrhart
Mary Ellen Eichman
Samuel Elliott
Rich Elliott-Grunes
Nancy Emerson
Julia Enroth
Christine Erikson
Kurt Erikson
Sue Ernst
Nancy Erskine
Matthew Eveland
Ronda Fairbanks
Lois Farmer
Katharine Farnham
Sophia Felicetti
Kathy Felt
Bob Filliman
First Congregational Church of Wellfleet
Youth Group
First Parish Brewster
Susan Fleming
Kathy Fogle
Carole Forbes
Elli Freihofer
Kathleen Fulginiti
Holly Funston
Betsy Furtney
Ave Gaffney
Steve Gallien
Lynn Ganss
Marilyn George
Mari Gewandter
Lindley Gifford
Amy Gillilan
Catie Glynn
Kathy Goddard
Nat Goddard
Rev. Bonnie Goodwin
Rob Goley
Katerina Govedarova
Danielle Greeley
Paul Gregg
Fred Guidi
Michael Guzowski
Larry Hake
John Hall
Wylton Hampton
Mary Ann Hannon
Keely Alexandra Hansen
Bob Harding
John Harker
Lucia Hart-Miller
Jay Haun
Rev. Susan Heafield
Brenda Haywood
Kathy Herrick
Linda Hill
Rev. Christian Holleck
Rev. Tiffany Nicely Holleck
Lori Holmes
Albert Hottelmann
Robert Howes
Kathy Hurlburt
Sadie Hutchings
Adrian Hutson
Kathy Imler
Charles Johnson
Deb Journalist
Charles Judge
Susan Judge
John Kaar
David Kaczmarczyk
Nikki Karamanos
Echo Karras
Donna Karycki
Cathy Kautz
James Kearing
Gregory Keating
Rev. Sarah Kelb
Judy Keller
Sharon Keniston
Carolyn Kennedy
Frederick Kennedy
Marion Kennedy
Ryan Kilduff
Mitch Kimber
Holly Klamm
Herman Klapproth
John Krug
Colton Leach
George Leach
Marcie Leach
Ernest Lehman
Barb Leiden
Rob Leiden
Rev. Tom Leinbach
Janet Lemoine
Kathy Lennox
Tim Letourneau
Enroy Lewis
James H. Lilley
Deb London
Jacob Lowey
Kevin Lowey
Kerry Lungo
Robert MacDonald
Jeffrey Machado
Chuck Madansky
Becky Manikas
Matthew Manning
Rev. Joseph Marchio
Wyatt Maskell
Ginny McCabe
Joan McCarty
Karolyn McClelland
Jack McCrea
Michelle McCrea
Richard McDonough
Tara McElhinney
Beth McEntee
Jim McGinnis
Karen McLaughlin
Robert Menhard
Gilbert Merritt
Michael Merritt
Thomas Merritt
Anita Mewherter
Laura Mikaite
William Miller
Pat Mills
Erica Mitchell
Rev. Phil Mitchell
Patricia Mormann
Thomas Morone
James Moynihan
Martha Moynihan
Winnie Moynihan
Chris Murphy
Bill Murray
Gale Nathanson
Rev. Thomas Nelson
Kathy Nemes
Molly Nemes
Benjamin Nickerson
Rev. Sally Norris
Marilyn Nouri
Paula Novak
Donald Nuendel
David O'Brien
Susan O'Donnell
Kathy Olsen
Thomas Oram
Patricia O'Reilly
Gail O'Rourke
Jim Parmelee
Judy Parmelee
Rachel Perras
Sara Phillips
Tara Polli
Adam Porter
Jennie Porter
Father Robert Powell
Griffin Regan
Ryan Regan
Thomas Reilly
Brian Renard
Bob Renn
David Richards
Maryanne Richards
Scott Richards
Rev. Bob Richardson
Jim Richardson
Nancy Roberts
Cameron Robertson
Fran Robertson
Christopher Rockermann
St Joan of Arc
Kathy Sarcione
Danielle Sargent
Jack Sasso
Susan Sasso
Bill Stoeckert
Donna Sullivan
Rev. Doug Scalise
Lisa Scapellati
James Schermerhorn
Peter R Scheffer
Susan Schieb
Christopher Schoener
Neil Schoener
Christine Schott
Ellen Schour
Jeff Schwartz
Susan Sellittto
Sydney Sheehan
Team Shepley
Colleen Shields
Rev. Bill Showalter
Tom Slack
Bill Smith
David Smith
Nancy Smith
Sam Smith
Ralph Specht
Bob Spence
Lori St Cyr
Chris Stamas
Kevin Stewart
Russ Stockwell
Ryan Stockwell
Bill Stoeckert
Barbara Sykes
Scot Tata
Adrienne Tanashian
Kalpna Thuraisamy
Teresa Tirone
Joe Towle
Gerald Trantina
Susan Trask
Natalie Tudor
Brittaney Turner
Rich Weeks
Bill Weil
Peter Wells
Rev. Don and Jane Wick
Chris Wilde
Kate Wilkinson
Nancy Wilson
David Winther
Erika Woods
Steve Young
Jennifer Zacharia
Ginger Lane, Centerville:
Walls Raised: August 3, 2013
Dedication: May 4, 2014
Dave Kaczmarczyk, House Leader
Paula Abucewicz
Adele Ackert
Joseph Affanato
David Akin
Shelley Alden
Frank Almeida
Rev. Jonathan Ahnquist
Rev. Peter Axelson
Rev. Greg Bar
Rev. Reed Baer
Michael Barselow
Geoff Batstone
Patty Bean
Bruce Beane
Andrew Beaulieu
Wendy Beaulieu
Daniel Bermingham
Bruce Betts
Arthur Bodin
Ryan Booth
Meg Brady
Joanne Broderick
Rev. Mark Bruce
Evan Carlson
Richard Carroll
Alex Cassell
Centerville-Osterville Marstons Mills
(COMM) Fire Department
Tom Chiasson
Taylor Cirillo
Barry Clickstein
Hilary Cochran
Scottie Cochran
Jeff Cohen
Roy Colby
Robert Collins
Cathy Colpitts
Erin Condon
Kylie Condosta
Rev. David Cook
Gerard Crowley
Emma Dempsey
Fred Dempsey
Dawn Dennen
Padraic Devine
Dan Diehl
Linda Drake
Katherine Dunham
Eastern Bank
Edward Ebert
Bob Elliott
Rev. Bruce Epperly
Samuel Fairweather
Kathy Felt
First Congregational Church
of Yarmouth
Teena Flynn
Amy Ford
Dave Frank
Julia Gagnon
Rev. Libby Gibson
Nat Goddard
Gary Gordon
Matthew Gordon
Patrick Gordon
Terri Gordon
Larry Hake
Joan Hall
John Hall
Dot Hannon
Rev. Kristen Harper
Bob Harvey
Molly Heinlein
Vanessa Hildebrand
Kirby Holmes
Rev. John Holt
Ella Hunt
Rev. Phil Jackson
John Kaar
Paul Kaufman
Rev. John Kerns
George Leach
Michael Leahy
Mark Lefebvre
Lighthouse Charter School Roots
and Shoots Group
Brenda Lino
Alex Longinidis
Mary LoPiccolo
David MacDonald
Jeffrey Machado
Karen Mackiewicz
Marysa MacKoul
Nicole Maglione
Ed Mahan
Richard F Mahoney
Ann Malley-Laneau
Elizabeth Marcks
Julia Marquette
Jeff Marshall
Bill Matyskiel
Patrick McDonald
Gilbert Merritt
Cameran Meyers
Sara Migdal
Rev. Rebecca Mincieli
Bill Monroe
William Moorehead
Diane Morris
Dee Moynihan
Michael Moynihan
Rana Murphy
Suzye Najem
National Grid
Eva Needs
Alexandra Nelson
Rev. Tom Nelson
Randy Oakley
Parth Patel
Susan Pease
Tyler Pollock
Casey Powell
Glen Rhodes
Gus Riley
Dick Roberts
Hilary Rotatori
John Sacco
Sandwich High School Campus Chapter
Anggia Silvestre
Nathan Singer
Laura Sirhal
Elin Slavin
Kimberly Small
Dennis M Smith
Macarena Smith
Nicholas Snow
South Congregational Church
Bruce Speca
Ralph Specht
Bob Spence
Deb Stewart
Kevin Stewart
Sturgis Charter School
D.J. Sullivan
John Talbot
Joel Tallman
Howard Taubner
Carleigh Teague
Rev. John Terry
Joe Towle
Transitions Centers
Natalie Tudor
Tim Tudor
Jake Viveiros
Emily Walker
Phyllis Wall
Jennifer Walts
Bob Weinstein
Deb Weinstein
Taylor White
Carol Wilkins
Betsy Wilson
Chris Wilson
Glenwood Avenue, Falmouth
Walls Raised: October 5, 2013
Dedication: October 28, 2014
Bob Leary, House Leader
Ivan Abrams
Frank Almeida
Atria Woodbrier
Sally Baer
Purth Balect
Barbara Barron
Tyler Barron
Belle Weather
Marc Beroz
Stephen Bogiages
Jean Boundy
Susan Brooks
Carol Burgess
Joe Carignan
Steve Carignan
Richard Carroll
Barry Clickstein
Chris Cook
Judy Coppola
Joycelyn Costa
Linda Dalton
Wesley Dancause
Kevin Dauphinas
Ashley Dellane
Michael Dennen
Catherine Dodge
Paul Donahue
Paul Dreyer
Jonathan Drury
Cynthia Dyer
Maureen Ellis
Steven Ellis
Sue Ernst
Falmouth Builds Together
Falmouth Jewish Congregation
Falmouth Jr. Girl Scout Troop #81521
Falmouth Service Center
Rev. Nell Fields
JoAnne Fishbein
Michael Fishbein
Jonathan Fox
Dave Frank
Elizabeth Fuller
Ruth Fuller
Susan Gallagher
Bruce Gendler
Betsy Giles
Bob Glover
Theresa H
Maureen Harrington
Paul Harrington
Dave Hegner
Ralph Herbst
Mark Hutker
Hutker Architects
Donald Inglis
Peter Iodice
Lars Ivarson
Dave Kaczmarczyk
Ilene Karnow
Kathy Keelan
Cliff Ketcham
Ed Kozak
Don Lans
Benjamin Lapp
Joan Lapp
George Leach
Jennifer Leger
Megan Leith
Laurie Leitner
Alec Lengyel
Alison Leschen
Elias Lieberman
Cliff Long
Alex Longinidis
Tim Lynch
Ed Mahan
Kevin Maloney
Shane Mario
Bill Masterson
Mashpee Junior Troop #80730
Jan McDermott
Emily McDonald
Patrick McDonald
Marguerite McElroy
Jane McLaughlin
John McLaughlin
Jason Merryman
Peter Miller
James Moudy
Laurie Murphy
Sarah Murphy
Todd Nash
Eric Nelson
Jada Norman
Fred Newman
Charles Orr
Justin Orr
Marge Overholtz
Kristy Owen
Bill Page
Stephen Panzone
Bev Parke
Alex Parulis
Paul Phinney
Dick Pooley
Alan Poretti
Tammy Rausch
Nicholas Reagan
Kim Reinhard
Steven Riley
Suzanne Robbins
Cameron Robertson
Julia Robertson
Lynette Robinson
Scott Robinson
Rachel Robohm
Pamela Rothstein
Lynn Rozsa
Jim Sardella
Geralyn Schad
Cathy Schmidt
Craig Schmidt
Dottie Shiebler
Pete Silva
Bruce Soule
Bob Spence
Ryan Stockwell
Brad Stumcke
Summer of Service Youth Group
Brenda Swain
Jenna Sweeney
Barbara Sylvia
Bruce Taylor
Doc Taylor
Rose Tenaglia Dunn
Cynthia Thibideau
Kurt Uetz
Unitarian Universalist Meeting
House of Falmouth
Karen Verco
Adin Weatherley
Laura Wendt
Taylor White
Heidi Wilson
Joyce Wilson
Mark Wilson
Erik Zettler
Park Place Way, Mashpee
Wall Raised: June 22 & July 20, 2013
Dedication: February 22, 2014
Barry Clickstein, House Leader
Iris Clickstein, Co-Volunteer
Dot Hannon, Co-Volunteer Coordinator
Brian Adams
Ivan Abrams
George Akerblom
Frank Almeida
Greg Anrig
Michael Antonell
Gregory Antonellis
Rev. Pete Axelson
Chip Babbitt
Rev. Angela Menke Ballou
Bank of America
Josh Baptiste
Rev. Greg Bar
Zach Barnett
Tina Barr
Claire Barre
Tyler Barrette
Cheryl Belanger
Emmalisa Belfrone
Jenna Bellec
Daniel Bermingham
Mark Brawner
Marcy Breier
Derek Briggs
Jeremy Carroll
Richard Carroll
Niten Chihate
Joan Coleman
Christopher Cook
Judy Coppola
Cotuit Federated Church
Talia Cramer
Rev. Anne Cubbage
Robbie De Coite
Bob Dean
Alissa Deberedictis
Alexander Demore
Freddie Diamond
Do Unto Others Homeschool Group
Ruth Ann Donaldson
Sarah Donnelly
Chris Dougherty
Cynthia Dyer
Sue Ernst
Marc Fallon
Ken Fletcher
Amy Ford
Dave Frank
Michael Gabriel
Cait Gannon
Thomas Gilman
Gerald Giusti
Gina Grenier
Pat Grenier
Joe Gualtieri
Gerry Hannon
Sarah Hanscom
Dave Hegner
Kathi Hegner
Ralph Herbst
Ingrid Holmes
John Ialessandrin
Jane Jackson
Berk Johnson
Gus Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Tom Johnson
David Kaczmarczyk
Cyrus Kano
Nikki Karamanos
Gregory Keating
Colin Kendall
Howard Kendall
Julie Laviviere
Nancy Lawrence
Laurie Leitner
Elizabeth Lemons
Alec Lengyel
Roz Levin
Clifford Long
Elizabeth Long
Frank Lord
Tim Lynch
Emily MacDonald
Jeffrey Machado
Kari MacRae
Ryan MacRae
Vilma Maddad
David Madden
Roger Madura
Ed Mahan
Don Mallinson
Kevin Maloney
Matthew Manning
Mary Maraggio
Linda Marsh
Apolonia Martinez
Mashpee Girls Soccer Group
Jan McDermott
Patrick McDonald
Richard McDonough
Parker McKee
Caroline McKenna
Cathy McMullen
Charity McNeill
Cameran Meyers
Janet Miller
Jonathan Mobilia
Christina Moccia
Ken Molloy
Pattie Moniz
Lynn Mormann
Patricia Mormann
Ally Murphy
Eric Nelson
Sabrina Nelson
Robert Pacheco
Bill Page
Judith Page
Benjamin Parker
Carole Place
Tyler Pollock
Casey Powell
Glen Rhodes
Charlie Rice
Anne Richards
David Richards
Laura Richards
Roscoe Riley
Amanda Robbins
Dave Robbins
John Robbins
Rick Robbins
Joan Roberts
Ronald Roberts
Rachel Robohm
Gail Rohmer
Pete Rohrer
Christopher Root
Melissa Rose
Stan Samuelson
Stephen Scully
Christina Shanahan
Collette Shaw
Peter Silva
Elin Slavin
Lew Solomon
Ralph Specht
Bob Spence
Chris Stamas
Bernard Stecher
Jean Stern
Kevin Stewart
Francis Sung
Vanessa Sze
Kevin Tang
Doc Taylor
Robin Trainor
Natalie Tudor
Pat Uhlman
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
of Falmouth
Rev. Jennifer Valentine
Perry White
James Wick
Barbara Wiggins
Erika Woods
Jennifer Zacharia
Scott Zolkos
Bob Adams
Brian Adams
Sharon Adams
Dave Akin
Emily Andrews
Zack Barnett
Dan Bermingham
Erin Bressler
Kiana Brophy
Jenna Canavan
Dave Chandler
Michael Cikingione
Taylor Cirillo
Annie Cook
Janice Cunningham
Devon Dubois
Linda Dunphy
Joshua Edelson
Tareu El Sehrauey
Ronald Fernandes
Kay Friend
Deborah Giso
Debra Girvah
Chris Goodale
Larry Gordon
Gary Grace
Jeremy Greene
Chris Hammond
Jeanene Harbin
Susan Hardieger
Erin Harlor
Cyndy Hassell
Art Hastings
Marie Heffren
Hank Henderson
Karen Henderson
David Hevenor
Women Build hard at work
Alphonse Ho
Jane Hussey
Bob Jean
Linda Jean
Bill Jones
Dave Kaczmarczyk
Michael Lavin
Barb Leiden
Rob Leiden
Megan Leith
Jessica Lieu
Tom Louis
Jennifer Marshall
Joan McCarty
Brenna McCauley
Sandra McKechnie
Elias McQuaid
Jan Miller
Kathy Moran
Greg Muldar
Shane Mulligan
Bob Naylor
Gretchen Naylor
Julia Nivar
Bill Olivier
Lois O’Brien
Joe O’Toole
Cyd Pandofi
Moon Parker
Ewdward Pfeifer
Pamela Pfeifer
Maggie Plisinski
Randy Rosario-Wyatt
Maxwell Schachter
Jerry Sheffield
Katie Springer
Marti Springer
Mary Sullivan
Anita Sung
Mike Supranowitz
Frances Tarr
James Tarr
Don Taylor
Rose Taylor
Gina Tonelli
Martha Townsend
Anna Trubrileoria
Bill Varner
Susan Veaner
Chris Wiklund
Betsy Wilson
Kent Whitcomb
Daisy Wang
Christopher Yue
Raymond Zhang
Event Volunteers
Deb Blakeman
Amy Davies, Provincetown Community
Jaime Emerson
Martin Gamboa
Betsy Giles
Joan Lapp
Mashpee High School Jazz Band
Mashpee High School Student Council
Jan McDermott
Marilyn Nouri
Team Shepley
Robin Trainor
Faith Build 2014
Rev. Chuck Wildman, Chair
Rev. John Ahnquist
Rev. Angela Menke Ballou
Rabbi David Freelund
Rev. Libby Gibson
Rev. Kristen Harper
Sara Hunter
Rabbi Harold Robinson
Rev. John Terry
Charlie Worrick
Faith Relations Committee
Rev. Sue Baker, Chair
Rev. Pete Axelson
Rev. Angela Menke Ballou
Jan Brooks
Rev. Paul Cullity
Rev. Bruce Epperly
Nat Goddard
Rev. Brenda Haywood
Rev. Phil Mitchell
Bob Renn
Rev. John Terry
Father Joe Towle
Peter Wells
Rev. Chuck Wildman
Family Partnering Committee
Dave King, Co-Chair
Karolyn McClelland, Co-Chair
Betsy Giles
Joan Ratliff-Burton
Jill Scalise
Mary Scanlan
Robin Trainor
Family Partners
Freddie Diamond
Betsy Giles
David King
Barbara Lussier
Christina Macort
Mary Maraggio
Karolyn McClelland
Jody Mines
Lyanne Monteiro
Marilyn Nouri
Judith Page
Joan Ratliff
Jeannine Shapleigh
Robin Trainor
Carol Wilkins
Finance Committee
Doug Reynolds, Chair
Peter Brooks
Linda Cebula
Paul Garganigo
Home Applicant Selection
Sue Leary, Co-Chair
Marilyn Nouri, Co-Chair
Home Application Office Team
Sherry Lang, Co-Chair
Kathy Low, Co-Chair
Bev Witkoski, Co-Chair
Judy Garvey
Anita Parker
Judy Sullivan
Home Application Credit Review
Ellen Covell
Deb Anderson
Donna Zayatz
Elizabeth Stevens
Karl Jennings
Liam Cahill
Mary Miller
Anne Aalto
Home Application Interviewers
Debbie Abbott
Denise Almeida
Pam Chase
Carolyn Crowell
Freddie Diamond
Lauren Elliott-Grunes
Nancy Emerson
Lois Farmer
Betsy Giles
Jerry Giusti
Julie Jones
Joe Leary
Sue Leary
Barbara Lussier
Mary Maraggio
Karolyn McClelland
Jeanne McCullagh
Jody Mines
Patty Monahan
Marilyn Nouri
Bill Page
Judith Page
Judy Parmelee
Grace Pedersen
Joan Ratliff
Mary Scanlan
Liz Simmons
Bill Stoeckert
Robin Trainor
Carol Wilkins
Kayak Raffle
Pat Taylor, Kayak Co-Creator
Bill Witmer, Kayak Co-Creator
Jeanne Adams
Marie and Bob Becker
Art Bodin
Priscilla and Parker Chick
Charles Christie
Heather Davis
Nancy Erskine
Larry Hake
Joe McParland
Laura Scanlon
Nancy Smith
Fred Thimme
Robin Trainor
Ron Winner
Dave Hegner
Alison and John Kaar
Jake and Simone Ketchum
Barbara and Rob Leiden
Jim Lilley
Anne and George Mahon
Lynn McDermott
Joe Mistretta
Judith and Bill Page
Paulette Pfehlig
Gina Ramos
Joe Towle
Christine Twombly
Irene Van Duyn
Nominating Committee
Land Acquisition and Project
Permitting Committee
Tiaras and Toolbelts Planning
Warren Brodie, Chair
Arden Cadrin
Keith Fernandes
Lynette Helms
Berkeley Johnson
Kate Mitchell
Charles Orr
Lynette Helms, Chair
Denise Almeida
Lisa Bushy
Anne Goggin
Dot Hannon
Dave King
Jan McDermott
Wil Rhymer, Chair
Dave King
Dave Hemmet
Office, PR, and Other
Veterans Committee
Diane Barstow
Denis Casaubon
Jerry Guisti
Kathy Herrick
Frank Lord
John Robbins
Kathy Trelegan
Frank Almeida
Tom Benoit
Jimmy Dishner
Joe McParland
John Terry
Ron Winner
Please note: Great care was taken
in preparation of this report, but if
errors have occurred please contact
Wendy Cullinan, Director of Resource
Development at 508-362-3559 x11 or
[email protected].
Cars for Homes
Donate your vehicle, running or not, and help build affordable homes right here on Cape Cod. Specify Cape Cod, from
anywhere in the country, and Habitat for Humanity makes it easy for you by arranging for pick-up and processing of the
title. Call today! 1-877-277-4344 or
Thank you to all who donated cars
to Habitat Cape Cod in 2014!
Nice car.
When you recycle a vehicle, you help
Habitat for Humanity build more homes.
Paul Berry
Melinda D. Forist
Kathryn Glade
Eleanor Heenan
Bruce Kennedy
Rachel Kirchgessner
Gerard Loftus
Eleanor MacDuffie
Deborah McGilvray
Maud Murphy
Nancy O'Connell
Edward Ross
Richard Simon
Donald Smith
Fi s c a l Ye a r: J uly 1, 2013 – J une 30, 2014
CAS H FU NDING S OU R CES (unaudited)
Fund Raising Events
Faith Partners
Non-government Grants
Government Grants
FHLBB (bank funds) - grants
Mortgage Payments
Home Sales
By generally accepted accounting principals, the costs related to the construction of
a home (Habitat’s largest expense category) are recorded for the fiscal year that the
home is sold. Therefore, our activity portrayed in an audit can be severely skewed,
depending on when we deed the home.
Because of this, we report functional expenses showing the last three audited
years, including a summary showing an average of three years. The average of
three years will give the most accurate picture of our activity.
Program Services
Program Services
Management and General
P rogram S erv ices in cludes all cos ts relating to the cons tru ction of hom es ( e.g., m aterials , con tracts , perm its , f ees , s u perv is ion
and insurance). Also included are costs related to land acquisition and costs associated with family selection and partnership.
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod relies heavily upon land donations to which we assign a $25,000 per house value for our
accounting purposes. Because each house is sold with an affordable deed rider, Habitat homeowners can never realize the
market value of their land.
Typically we receive between $15-25,000 of “gifts in kind” for each home we build. Volunteer labor: the priceless value of our
volunteers is not assigned a cash value for accounting purposes.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 58
Hyannis, MA
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
411 Main St. Suite 6
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
To Volunteer:
Contact Dawn Walnut at [email protected] or 508-362-3559 x 16
To Donate:
Contact Wendy Cullinan at [email protected] or 508-362-3559 x 11
To Donate to ReStore:
Contact the ReStore at 508-394-6400
When Bea and Pat heard that an antique staircase from a convent in Rhode Island was available for sale through the
ReStore, they let their imagination soar. Having to disassemble and then rebuild the staircase to make it work with their
home renovations they repurposed unused parts for wainscoting and even created a unique headboard.
28 Whites Path, So. Yarmouth (just off
Exit 8) 508-394-6400
Open Wed – Sat 9 – 5
“We are happy to support the ReStore
– it feels good to know we are playing a
part in bringing more affordable homes
to families on Cape Cod”
~ Bea Gremlich and Pat Armstrong
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod
411 Main Street, Suite 6 • Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 • 508-362-3559