Growth Through Success צמיחה באמצעות הצלחה


Growth Through Success צמיחה באמצעות הצלחה
Through Success
‫באמצעות הצלחה‬
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a Yeshiva Ketana which will enable young men to reach a high level of skill and
confidence in learning Gemara and other areas of Torah, while also building them into mature, wellrounded individuals.
The Yeshiva will motivate and inspire bochurim to reach their potential as mentchen, B’nei Torah and
Ovdei HaShem which they will then use in any path of life they choose. We will do whatever it takes to
reach these goals, under the guidance of the Rabbonim who will oversee the Yeshivah.
The ‘ideal’ Talmid is a good boy who, with more geshmack in his learning and in his life, will access his
innate ability to succeed and will develop the confidence and necessary skills to reach his full potential.
This Talmid may also have interests or abilities that would enhance this geshmack, which would not
be cultivated in an ordinary Yeshivah environment. However, if properly developed under the warm
guidance of the Yeshivah, those skills will foster within the Talmid the awareness that he has a capacity
for success in all areas of life, and in his career as an Oveid HaShem.
:‫הייעוד שלנו‬
‫הייעוד שלנו הוא ליצור ישיבה קטנה שתאפשר לבחורים צעירים להגיע לרמה גבוהה של לימוד התורה ועבודת‬
‫ מטרת הישיבה היא לעורר את הבחורים לממש את‬.‫ תוך פיתוח כישורי חיים ובנייה עצמית‬,‫ ושל ביטחון ובגרות‬,'‫ה‬
.‫הפוטנציאל הטמון בם להיות בני תורה ויראי ה' בכל דרך בחיים שיבחרו‬
‫ בהדרכתם של הרבנים המפקחים על‬,‫בעז"ה נמלא את המטרות הללו ונעשה כל מה שנדרש כדי לממש אותן‬
‫ שעם קצת יותר "געשמאק" בלימודיו ובחייו תהיה לו ממילא את היכולת והרצון‬,‫התלמיד ה"אידיאלי" הוא בחור טוב‬
‫ לתלמיד כזה יש כשרונות ויכולות שאולי לא יהיו מנוצלות בישיבה – קטנה אחרת; אבל‬.‫להצליח – בכל תחומי חייו‬
‫ וממילא ירגיש‬,‫יעלה אצלו המודעות לכך שיש לו יכולת להצליח‬, ‫עם הדרכה ועידוד בישיבה שמשקיעה בכל תלמיד‬
.‫ ובפרט בעבודת ה' שלו‬,‫ ויוסיף להצליח בכל תחומי חייו‬,‫מוצלח‬
Success Breeds Success
Arzei Levanon is a new Yeshiva Ketana opening iy”H for the
5774-5775 school year in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Based on the
phenomenally successful model of Mesivta Shaarei Arazim
in Monsey, Arzei Levanon has one goal: to guide each talmid
towards becoming a well-rounded and confident Ben Torah and
Oveid HaShem. Through warm talmid-rebbe relationships, a
high-level of Torah learning, and flexible electives, each bochur
will be motivated to excel in learning and succeed in life.
Limudei Kodesh
As with all traditional yeshiva ketanas, Arzei Levanon provides
three full sedarim of learning a day. The Derech haLimud will
focus on transmitting clarity and understanding of
Gemara b’iyun, Gemara beki’us, Chumash,
Mussar, and Halachah sedorim.
help foster the growth of the talmidim. Some of these programs
Daily Inspirational Shmooze. Every morning, the menahel
will deliver a short inspirational talk to prepare the boys for
their day.
Public Speaking Skills. Bochurim are trained to speak before
their classmates, briefly at first, and eventually to present a full
shiur in front of the entire student body.
Shaliach Tzibbur Training. Every bochur will be given the
confidence, opportunity and training to be a shliach tzibbur.
The Elective Program
Every afternoon, the boys participate in a wide
variety of activities and classes which will help
develop new skills, build their confidence and
recognize their unique abilities and interests.
The bochurim will be encouraged
Shalom always loved the
to develop a close kesher with
guitar. Recently, he started taking
our hand-picked, experienced
lessons from a Chasuna musician,
and nurturing rebbeim. Each
rebbe will make himself available
and already it’s clear that he has
any time of the day or night
the gift. Since Shalom’s lessons
to a bochur who needs him. At
began, his Rebbe has noticed that
Arzei Levanon, these close, warm
relationships are the linchpins of
Shalom’s learning has improved
our program and will enable the rebbe
to impart the fundamentals of learning,
personal growth, and beyond.
and Oneg Shabbosos, Thursday night mishmars
and other programs will help foster an environment
of ruach and sense of connection to the yeshiva.
Growth Through Success
The environment of the yeshiva equips the boys with the tools
to succeed in learning, and in everything they do. As such,
Arzei Levanon incorporates
t h a t
Sample electives include:
• English Language
• Math
• Carpentry
• Music
• Art
• Computers
• Science & Nature
• Kedushas Eretz Yisroel
• Sports and/or Karate
• And More
Additionally, there will also be optional extra-curricular
undertakings and ventures, to foster in those who wish to
participate an appreciation of HaShem’s world around us.
In Summary
Overall, these programs promote a love of learning, respect
for davening, appreciation of life and empathy towards
fellow students. The bochrim thus learn to exceed their own
expectations, and each achievement of each student is treated
as a simcha for the entire group. And ultimately, through each
of these successes, the boys will grow to recognize that they
have the ability to achieve
greatness in all areas of
‫הצלחה גוררת הצלחה‬
‫המטרה שלנו‪:‬‬
‫של דבר ע"י מתן שיעור מלא לפני כלל הבחורים בישיבה‪.‬‬
‫ אימון לשליח ציבור – לכל בחור ינתן הביטחון‪,‬‬‫ההזדמנות וההכשרה להיות חזן בתפילה‪.‬‬
‫ועוד ועוד‬
‫'ארזי לבנון' היא ישיבה‪-‬קטנה‬
‫שתפתח בעז"ה לקראת‬
‫שנת הלימודים תשע"ד‬
‫אביו של שלום הוא‬
‫– תשע"ה‪ ,‬ברמת בית‬
‫סופר סת”ם ידוע‪ .‬מיום הולדת ה‪15-‬‬
‫של שלום‪ ,‬הם התחילו ללמוד בחברותא‬
‫הבחורים ישתתפו במגוון פעילויות‬
‫מטרת הישיבה היא הלכות “ספרות”‪ ,‬וכבר עכשיו הוא מתחיל‬
‫וקורסים שבעזרתם ירכשו כישורים‬
‫לספק לבחורים את‬
‫ללמוד לכתוב את האותיות‪ .‬ברור ששלום‬
‫חדשים‪ ,‬יפתחו את דימוי העצמי שלהם‪,‬‬
‫“הרוויח” מקצוע‪ .‬אך לא רק את‬
‫וילמדו לזהות את יכולותיהם היחודיים‪.‬‬
‫ה”ספרות” מאז שהחלו ב”חברותא”‪,‬‬
‫להם בכדי להצליח‬
‫בין המסלולים הקיימים יש‪:‬‬
‫המלמד שלו שם לב ששלום‬
‫בכל תחומי החיים‪,‬‬
‫•לימודי אנגלית‬
‫השתפר מאוד בלימודים‪.‬‬
‫ובפרט בלימוד תורה‬
‫ובעבודת ה'‪ ,‬על ידי יצירת‬
‫קשר אישי ותמיכה מאת‬
‫•לימודי נגינה‬
‫צוות הישיבה‪.‬‬
‫ •מחשבים‬
‫אנו מתבססים על המודל המצליח של ישיבת‬
‫ •מדעי הטבע‬
‫'מתיבתא שערי ארזים' במאנסי‪ ,‬ארה"ב‪.‬‬
‫ •ידיעת הארץ‬
‫ •ספורט ו‪/‬או קראטה‬
‫ •ועוד‬
‫בנוסף‪ ,‬יתקיימו תכניות העשרה וטיולים על מנת לטפח‬
‫כמו בכל ישיבה קטנה‪ ,‬בארזי לבנון יתקיימו ג' סדרי‬
‫במשתתפים הערכה בעולמו של הקב"ה סביבם‪.‬‬
‫לימוד ביום‪ .‬דרך הלימוד יתמקד בהעברת הגמרא ושאר‬
‫הלימודים בבהירות ובהבנה‪ .‬הלימודים יכללו לימוד גמרא לסיכום‬
‫בעיון‪ ,‬גמרא בבקיאות‪ ,‬חומש‪ ,‬מוסר‪ ,‬הלכה‪ ,‬וכו'‪.‬‬
‫תכניות אלו מעוררים אהבה ללימוד תורה‪ ,‬כבוד‬
‫צוות רבני הישיבה‪ ,‬הבקיאים בחינוך‪ ,‬יעודדו את הבחורים‬
‫התפילה‪ ,‬הערכת החיים ואמפתיה כלפי‬
‫לפתח קשרים אישיים עם הצוות‪ .‬הרבנים יהיו פנויים בכל‬
‫חבריהם‪ .‬הבחורים לומדים‬
‫זמן ושעה לכל צרכי הבחורים‪.‬‬
‫לעבוד על עצמם כדי‬
‫מסלולי בחירה‬
‫התכנית שלנו‬
‫לימודי קודש‬
‫צמיחה באמצעות הצלחה‬
‫אוירת הישיבה תעניק לבחורים את הכלים להצליח‬
‫בלימודיהם ובעיסוקיהם השונים‪ .‬לשם כך‪' ,‬ארזי לבנון'‬
‫משלבת מסלולים נוספים המקדמת את צמיחתם של‬
‫התלמידים‪ .‬עם הצלחתם שם‪ ,‬תפרח הצלחתם בכל‬
‫לימודיהם השונים‪:‬‬
‫חלק מהמסלולים הכלולים בתכנית הם‪:‬‬
‫ שיחה יומית בכל בוקר מאת ראש הישיבה‪.‬‬‫‪ -‬פיתוח כישורי שיחה בפני קהל‪ .‬הבחורים מקבלים‬
‫הדרכה לדבר בפני חבריהם לכיתה‪ ,‬בתחילה בקצרה‪ ,‬ובסופו‬
‫ושהישג והצלחה‬
‫של כל תלמיד‬
‫היא שמחה לכל‬
‫ובסופו של‬
‫דבר‪ ,‬באמצעות‬
‫הצלחתו‪ ,‬כל אחד‬
‫יגדל להכיר את‬
‫גדלות בכל תחומי חייו‪.‬‬
FAQ’s About
Q: Who is the typical boy that will be attending Yeshivas Arzei Levanon?
A solid yeshiva bochur and mentch who did well in cheder/elementary school, but, with a little more attention, encouragement
or motivation, could have done even better. This talmid may also have unique interests or talents that he is looking to develop,
and with a little more geshmack in his learning and his life will grow in self-confidence in his Avodas Hashem and life-skills.
Q: What kind of families will be sending to Arzei Levanon?
“Yeshivish” Anglo or Israeli families who want their boys to develop a love of Torah, to nurture strong self-esteem, to experience
an excitement in learning, and to develop the tools and skills they will need for life.
Q: What exactly is the Elective Program?
The Elective Program is a unique opportunity for the talmidim to develop their personal skills and talents within the framework
of the Yeshiva. By engaging in a range of physical, vocational and educational activities and classes, the boys will have the
opportunity to experience successes in areas they are passionate about. This in turn will promote self-confidence and develop
their success in all areas of life, including learning, middos, as well as important life skills.
Q: Where is this idea taken from? Is it a new concept in education?
Rav Yisrael Salanter, zt”l writes in Ohr Yisrael: “A person is an indivisible unit and all of his kochohs are intertwined; success
in one area will bring success to all other areas” Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, zt”l, Dean of the famous Sh’or Yoshuv Yeshivah in Far
Rockaway, NY, constantly used this concept to motivate and to advance the growth of his talmidim. A talmid, Rabbi Zev
Freundlich, honed and fine-tuned this chinuch concept further, and 13 years ago founded a Yeshivah High School in Monsey,
NY, called Shaarei Arazim. That Yeshivah has experienced phenomenal success, and Arzei Levanon is proudly bringing many of
these concepts to a new Yeshiva Ketana in Eretz Yisroel.
Q: If you are offering electives, why aren’t you officially offering Bagriut?
Arzei Levanon is a Yeshiva Ketana and not a high school, and as such, follows the directives of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel who
request Bagriut not be offered in the framework of the Yeshiva. However, optional Bagriut will be made available through the
Elective Program for those who are interested.
Q:Would this school be appropriate for students with learning disabilities or “special educational needs”?
No. Arzei Levanon is not a special-needs school. It is geared towards the average talmid that is looking for more encouragement
and excitement in his learning and his life. While the yeshiva will have educational consultants, it will not employ special-ed staff
or therapists to cater for students with learning disabilities.
Q: How do you measure a boy’s success in learning and personal growth?
One of the foundations of Arzei Levanon will be the close bond the Rabbeim will forge with the talmidim. Through this special
relationship, the Rebbe will be able to assess the success and growth of each boy, according to his potential.
Q: Will classes be in English or Hebrew?
All classes and shiurim will be taught in Hebrew. However, the Yeshiva recognizes the unique qualities and interests of ‘Anglo’
families and students, and as such will employ rebbeim who are sensitive to these needs.
Q: What size classes will you be starting with, and how do you anticipate the size changing over time?
We are starting with a ninth grade with 12 – 15 boys. To ensure a close relationship between the boys and Rabbeim, the class
sizes will remain small in the future.
Q: From which communities will you be drawing students?
Initially we expect the local RBS community, but eventually students may come from anywhere in Israel.
Q: Where do you envision boys going after Arzei Levanon?
The mission of the Yeshiva is to develop confident, successful young men, who are able to pursue any path in life they wish. Through the
Torah skills they will develop, we envision many continuing on to Yeshivah Gedolah, but with the life skills and educational background
provided in the Yeshiva, others will have the ability to continue on a different path, if they so choose.
Q: Do you have the Haskama of the local Rabbonim?
Yes. In particular, Rav Chaim Zev Malinowitz, who spearheaded the development of Arzei Levanon, Rav Elimelech Kornfeld
and Rav Yaakov Haber are all very supportive of the Yeshiva.