August 28, 2016 - Saint Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Anthony of Padua ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 0 C h e s h i r e P l a c e , E a s t N o r t h p o r t , N e w Yo r k 11731 August 28, 2016 OUR MISSION Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is a welcoming, loving Catholic community, centered in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Monsignor Joseph Mirro, Pastor 261-1077 ext. 202 Rev. Vian NtegerejImana, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 203 Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, STD Robert Braun, Deacon Judy Corbellini, RCIA • 261-1179 Together we celebrate the liturgy in prayer and sacrament; we educate our children and adults in the faith; we support and reach out to those in need. We believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to continue: to love one another as Jesus loves us, to share the word of God and to serve both within and beyond our Parish family. MASSES Ann Finley, Adult Faith Formation 261-1077 ext. 208 WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday 6:45 am 9:00 am Patricia Seibert, Coordinator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 226 Saturday Morning 8:30 am Anne Giorgio, Administrator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 224 Karen Humphreys, Parish Outreach Coordinator 261-1695 ext. 230 Joe Chiovarelli, Youth Minister 261-1077 ext. 209 WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Evening 5:00 pm HOLY DAYS As announced in the bulletin Sunday 7:30am 9:00 am (Family Liturgy) 10:30 am (Choral Mass) 10:30 am (Spanish Mass Lower Church) 12:00noon 7:00 pm (Teen Mass every third Sunday) Bill Margiotta, Music Director 261-1077 ext. 207 Don Ferrer, Business Manager 261-1077 ext. 206 Deborah Liguori, Parish Secretary 261-1077 ext. 200 RECTORY OFFICE THIS MONTH WE CELEBRATE One Nation, Under God 631.261.1077 • Fax 631.757.0572 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Miss Jeanne Morcone • 631.261.5130 PARISH OUTREACH 631.261.1695 • Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 10 am - 2 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 631.261.1306 • Mon. - Thurs. 10 am - 3 pm (closed 12-30-1:30) The Celebration of the Sacraments Baptism Baptisms are normally celebrated at 2:00PM on scheduled Sundays in a month. Please call the Parish office to arrange for a meeting with a Parish Priest and to register for the baptismal class which is normally held on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30PM. Marriage Couples should make an appointment with a Priest at least eight months prior to the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is required. Anointing of the Sick Anyone seriously ill, elderly, or prior to an operation should be anointed with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please speak with one of the Priests to make the arrangements. MASS INTENTIONS: Communion for the Homebound Anyone who cannot attend Mass due to illness or age may receive Communion at home. Please call the Rectory office to make arrangements. Reconciliation (Confession) Every Saturday and Eve of Holy Days from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the Church and on the Thursday before the First Friday of every month after the 9:00AM Mass. Individual confessions may be arranged by calling the Rectory office. Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your Sacraments? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are brought into the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received first Holy Communion or if you are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact Judy Corbellini at (631)261-1179. Holy Orders - Priesthood Those young men interested in preparing for or learning more about the Priesthood, please contact one of the Priests. -2- MONDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM August 29th, 2016 Paul Muller Clemente Giamundo TUESDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM August 30th, 2016 Richard Medina, Jr. Charles Martin WEDNESDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM August 31st, 2016 Ann Walsh Helen Necroto THURSDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM September 1st, 2016 Vincent Zic William J. Rocco and Carol A. Rocco FRIDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM September 2nd, 2016 Carolyn Vlaun Marjorie Bonina SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM September 3rd, 2016 Theresa and Michael Radman Regina and Matteo Budinich SUNDAY 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM(Upper Church) 10:30AM(Lower Church) 12:00 Noon 7:00PM September 4th, 2016 Parishioners of St. Anthony Patricia and Jerry Rupprecht Marko Simicich Veronica and Owen Tierney Providence Milani Thomas Martello Sunday Scripture Reflection Please Pray Readings for the Week of August 28, 2016 Pray for the Sick: Julie Esposito, Mary Koepper, Donald Hehir, Damon Giglio, Rita Gutrich, Josephine Famiglietti, Peter Cameron, Maureen Mahon, Helen McDowell, Terri Peterman, Terry Lalor, Sean Smith, Thomas Mooney, Dawn Ranieri, Eva Koch, Craig Lucas, Baby Jaxon, Mike Brech, Hugh Gorman, Jerry Valinoti, Sean O’Loughlin, Baby Mia Scrivano, Danyela Belo, Maria Llave, Jane King, Rich Kramer, Marie Fanelli, Anastasia O’Grady-Farrell, Fran Karlewicz, Julie McDowell Scott, Don Berny, Cathy Berny, Lauren Marsik, Paul Weingart, Colleen Mullaney, Dolores Mullany, Christine Byrne, Baby Brody Michael Sullivan, Chet Brazee, Laura Thomas, Dorothy King, Rich Kramer, Mary Beth Spooner, Irene Ketteridge, Joseph Badamo, Robert Flinn, Christina Mahon, Marie Baffo, Marie King, Mary Santino, Carmela Strano, Maxine Ryan, Ralph Parise, Robert Callatone, Kathy LaRusso, Paul Strano, Frances Powers, Irene Carley, John & Margaret Leppert, Alyssa Leppert Sunday: Names submitted for the bulletin should be submitted to the Rectory office by Thursday, 12 Noon, of the previous week and will remain on the Prayer List for one month. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Angelo Giambalvo It can be tempting to think of our money as purely our own. We work hard to earn it. Or we receive it from others who wanted US to have it. Or luck came our way (and too bad for you that it didn't come your way). We thus feel possessive of our money and often struggle with the idea of giving it away or lending it without hope of being paid back (with interest!). But today's Gospel challenges us with a different perspective. In essence, Jesus tells us to use our money for the sake of others, not just to assure our own earthly comfort. As difficult as this request may be, its important to remember that Jesus honors the sacrifice! This is why he promises repayment in heaven. He understands that it "costs" us a great deal to part with the security of using our money for ourselves alone. He understands that in caring for the poor, we risk putting ourselves in their company. BAPTISMS Joseph Alfonso Corso Lochlan James McReynolds Olivia MarieRose Viglione Cruz Peter Wroblewski Observances for the Week of August 28, 2016 Next Sunday: Wis 9:13-18b/Ps 90:3-6, 12-17/Phlm 910, 12-17/Lk 14:25-33 "When you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you." Today Jesus instructs us to be generous enough to serve others without expecting repayment. At least, without expecting to be repaid in THIS life. It's interesting that the Gospel concludes with Jesus' promise that if we follow this teaching, we "will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." In other words, God will "repay" our generosity on earth by welcoming us into heaven. Really, what better investment could there possibly be? PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Sunday: Monday: Saturday: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29/Ps 68:4-7, 10-11/ Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a/Lk 14:1, 7-14 1 Cor 2:1-5/Ps 119:97-102/Mk 6:17-29 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Ps 145:8-14/Lk 4:31-37 1 Cor 3:1-9/Ps 33:12-15, 20-21/Lk 4:3844 1 Cor 3:18-23/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 5:1-11 1 Cor 4:1-5/Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40/Lk 5:33-39 1 Cor 4:6b-15/Ps 145:17-21/Lk 6:1-5 But God's ways are not the ways of the world. Instead of investing everything in a bank, Jesus asks us to invest in the poor. After all, no bank on earth can possibly provide the infinite rate of return that Jesus promises. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Passion of Saint John the Baptist Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time -3- Pastor’s Pen There will be a second collection at all Masses this weekend to help buy rice for the children at Fr. Ted Ekwem's missionary school in Nigeria. Thank you for your generosity. -4- Sacrificial Giving 2016 2015 Did We Take a Step? August 21st, 2016 August 16th, 2015 Decrease $17,552.36 $19,307.90 ($1,755.54) In the Gospel today, Jesus warns us not to give in hopes of repayment, but to give open-handedly to the poor and needy. That sort of giving mirrors the bountiful giving of God, and Jesus assures us it is blessed indeed! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Our parish now offers Online Giving, a web -based electronic contribution application. We are providing this service so that YOU have the option to manage your contributions online or with your offering envelopes. This service is safe and secure. And it is convenient for you and for our parish staff. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting There you will find St. Anthony of Padua parish online giving. Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who give real thought to how God has blessed them and then strive to give in proportion to what they have received. My good deed for this week: The flowers placed in front of the Blessed Mother are in Memory of Young Stewards Corner Offering $19.00 Carol A. Rocco 6 envelopes for the week of The flowers placed in front of St. Joseph are for the safe return of August 22nd 2016 William J. Rocco This week’s Sanctuary Lamp Burns in Memory of Sarina Yodice -5- I picked up toys at school without being asked. I washed the dishes. I helped my sister’s troop at Girl Scouts. I sorted the laundry. I helped with my dog because she is sick. I cleaned my toys up and fed my dog. I helped my grandma clean up. I helped make dinner. Friends of Sr. Eileen Friends of Sr. Eileen would like you to support Our Beloved Sister Eileen Christie by making a donation and helping spread the word Our beloved Sister Eileen Christie has now been missing for more than 35 days. While the Austrian Police have been diligently searching the area, focusing on Lake Hallstatt, to determine whether she may have been lost during one of her daily swims, we would like to retain a private investigator to explore alternative possibilities. So, we are creating this GoFundMe site to raise $25,000 to fund the independent investigation. We have identified an excellent Austrian firm, Professional Risk Management, who has a local investigator ready to begin work. Any funds raised that are not used for the investigation will be donated to Eileen's Order, Sisters of St. Joseph. Please help us to find Sister Eileen and bring her home! What is GoFundMe? GoFundMe is a personal fundraising website that has helped thousands of people raise millions of dollars for the things that matter to them most. It is an example of “crowdfunding”. If you are more comfortable making a cash/check payment, please make check payable to: Saint Hugh Project HOPE and drop it off at the rectory. Thank you. Virtus Training Parents, Guardians, Grandparents and Interested Adults are welcome On Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 at 9:30 AM there will be a Virtus Training Seminar called Protecting God’s Children here at St. Anthony’s All volunteers are required to attend once Please register online at Go to “Diocese of Rockville Centre” then to “St. Anthony of Padua, East Northport” If you don’t know how to signup online Debbie or Patricia at the rectory has offered to help -6- Youth Ministry [email protected] Youth Group year in review… Easter Baskets for children in need Please collect and save your hotel-size toiletries from your summer vacation for the wash kits we make for missions. St. Anthony’s Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang Our next PBJ Gang will meet Saturday, August 27th in the lower church. Please e-mail RSVP if you would like to help us. Please arrive by 8:50am. We end by 10:30. Join the dozens of wonderful people who attend each month to help feed the hungry. Financial Stewards: Perry Como Lodge- Sons of Italy We rely on financial donations to sustain our PBJ ministry. -7- Religious Education The Religious Education Office is now closed for the summer. Our staff will be checking messages and returning all phone calls as well as scheduling appointments throughout the summer. Please call and leave a message. Thank you. CATECHISTS & TEACHER AIDES ARE URGENTLY NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: Saturday Morning - Session 2 - 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM Level 1 - 1 Teacher Aide Level 2 - 2 Teacher Aides Level 3 - 1 Catechist Tuesday Afternoon - Session 3 - 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM Level 1 - 1 Teacher Aide Level 2 - 1 Teacher Aide Level 3 - 1 Catechist Level 7 - 2 Catechists Wednesday Afternoon - Session 4 Level 1 - 2 Teacher Aides Level 3 - 2 Catechists Level 5 - 1 Catechist Level 8 - 1 Catechist 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM Level 2 - 1 Teacher Aide Level 4 - 1 Catechist Level 7 - 1 Catechist Thursday Afternoon - Session 5 - 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM Level 1 - 2 Catechists & 2 Teacher Aides Level 2 - 1 Catechist & 1 Teacher Aide Level 3 - 1 Catechist Level 4 - 1 Catechist Please take some time to pray about sharing your faith and using your On July 21, 2016 all families with children entering Levels 1 - 8 who submitted appropriate paperwork were sent an email containing a Tuition Invoice and Book Pickup Schedule. If you did not receive this email please contact the Religious Education Office. OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday - 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Closed for lunch 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Closed Friday and Saturday Phone 631-261-1306 - Email: [email protected] Please visit our website for additional information or to download forms: -8- Altar Servers ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE September 3rd and September 4th September 3rd @5:00PM Max Aftel Kristian Schuchman Emily Deutsch Robert Germani September 4th @7:30 AM Emma Brech Taylor Brech Kimmie Engel September 4th @9:00 AM Charlotte McGroarty Liam McGroarty Sean McGroarty September 4th @12:00 PM Caleigh Byrne Andrew Monda Christopher Monda September 4th @10:30 AM Josephine Amorim Oliver Amorim Benjamin Amorim September 4th @7:00 PM Christopher Bolitho Emma Karadenes Candace Arneaud Michael Drew Blessed return to school. We pray for you! SECOND COLLECTION All Masses September 11 The Catholic University of America Collection The Catholic University of America, located in Washington D.C., is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States. CUA offers students an excellent education in a faith-filled atmosphere that is grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition. Some of our own diocesan priests have received education there and have specialized in different ecclesiastical courses and are now serving our Diocese. Next week is the National Collection for The Catholic University of America. Every dollar given directly supports aid for students from dioceses across the country, including our diocese. Please be generous. -9- Adult Faith Formation SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST CAMP ALVERNIA – 10 AM TO 3 PM MEN’S & WOMEN’S RETREAT DAY If you are planning on coming, reserve now. Space is limited and advance registration is required. RETREAT DIRECTOR: FR. MICHAEL GREEN, CP Mass will be celebrated Breakfast & Lunch is provided. REGISTRATION FORM FOR MEN’S & WOMEN’S RETREAT DAY Name:________________________________ Email:_____________________________ Address:______________________________ Telephone:__________________________ Cost is $30. Please make check payable to St. Anthony of Padua, R. C. Drop off registration and check at the Rectory Office – Att. A. Finley or mail to St. Anthony of Padua R. C. Church, 20 Cheshire Place, East Northport, NY 11731 Att. A. Finley. You will receive confirmation. If you do not receive it, call 631.261.1077 ext. 208. Only those confirmed will be on the list of attendees at check- in. SENIOR DAY- FELLOWSHIP, FOOD, SHARING MEN & WOMEN (55+) RETREAT DAY @ ST. ANTHONY’S REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14TH IN THE UPPER CHURCH – 9 AM MASS CONTINUES IN LOWER CHURCH ALCOVE 9:45 AM TO 10:15 AM – COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP 10:15 AM TO 11: 15 AM – SCRIPTURAL TALK AND SHARING 11:15 AM – DRAWING FOR PRIZES AND FELLOWSHIP 11:30 AM LUNCH NAME_____________________________EMAIL_______________________ ADDRESS__________________________________TEL__________________ There is no cost. Drop off registration at the rectory office – Attn: A. Finley or mail to: St. Anthony of Padua, R. C., 20 Cheshire Pl., East Northport, N Y 11731. You will receive confirmation. If you do not receive it, or for questions, call 631 261 1077 ext. 208. -10- Jubilee Year of Mercy JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY (RESERVATIONS) NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, WASHINGTON, DC SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 St. Anthony’s has made bus arrangements to the pilgrimage in Washington, DC on September 24th. Reservations are now being taken. Only those on the list of reserved and confirmed will be allowed to board the bus. To reserve a seat and for questions, please call Ann @ 631.261.1077 ext. 208. Ancient Iconography Eikonos Institute Classes in the ancient art of iconography! Learn to paint icons using egg tempera and gold leaf, the traditional techniques from antiquity. No experience necessary! Janine Manheim, an iconographer & graduate of Pratt Institute, with 20 years experience, has developed a method that breaks the process down into simple, achievable steps that produce stunning icons. New session starts September 8, 10am – 3pm $12 per hour, plus a materials fee. Call Janine at 631.663.5017 for more information Classes held in the School of Religion at Saint Joseph’s Church 59 Church St. Kings Park, NY -11- Chinese Auction & Raffle This year’s Annual Chinese Auction and Raffle will be held on November 12th WE NEED YOUR HELP….. DONATIONS NEEDED! Donations are a great way to promote your business or organization! Please consider donating a new, unopened item, wine, liquor, gift cards, show/concert tickets, electronics, pet supplies and services, gym memberships, vacations…. No gift is too large or too small. If you would like to volunteer please call the rectory. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY DONATED One Week at Villa Roma Resort ~ Donated by Dr. Ray Mascolo Millionaire’s Basket ~ Donated by Don Ferrer Garden Statue of St. Francis of Assisi ~ St. Anthony’s Receptionists All donations are tax deductible!!!!! -12- Pre Cana Pray for the Military Pray for our Military ~ Please pray daily for: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Steven Banville U.S. Marine Corps., Sean Bishop U.S. Marine Corps., Joshua Bower U.S. Air Force, Frank Bazzicalupo U.S. Air Force, Timothy Breen U.S. Army, James Brennan U.S. Marine Corps., James Calledo U.S. Air Force, Anthony Bua U.S. Navy, Kyle Caminsky U.S. Navy, Ronal Bucca U.S. Army, Jacob D. Chang U.S. Navy, Wesley Townsend Choate U.S. Air Force, John P. Corrigan U.S. Air Force, Joseph Courtien U.S. Army, John K. Curry U.S. Army, Elias Dallis U.S. Marine Corps, Jeff Davis U.S. Marine Corps., Adriana DeFeo U.S. Marine Corps., Andrew DeSousa U.S. Army, Christopher Devaney U.S. Air Force, Keith De Vinney U.S. Navy, Paul Duchowski U.S. Navy, Robert J. Fallon U.S. Army, Christine Fiala U.S. Army, Sean Fitzgerald U.S. Army ROTC, Jesse Fitzpatrick U.S. Army Ranger, John C. Gallegro U.S.Navy, Robert A. Gartner U.S. Marine Corps., Michael Gibbs U.S. Air Force, Christopher Gillespie U.S. Navy, Dean Halton U.S. Navy, Thomas Hickey U.S. Army, Daniel J. Keenaghan U.S. Army, Danielle Koulermos U.S. Army, Thomas Kravse Jr. U.S. Marine Corps., John Christopher Lee U.S. Marine Corps., Lukasz Leonczuk U.S. Army, Tom Lesnieski U.S. Army, Robert Martin U.S. Army, Christopher Mattos U.S. Army, Kerry McCauley U.S. Air Force, Sean Mc Knight U.S. Army, Robert K. Millmann U.S. Air Force, Eric Muller U.S. Army, Mark Murphy U.S. Army, Stephen K. Murphy U.S. Army, Michael Padilla U.S. Marine Corps., Matthew Patoir U.S. Army, Christopher Petersen US Air Force, Anthony Piacentino, U.S. Marine Corps., Domenick Polesel U.S. Air Force, Conor Pryor U.S. Navy, William D. Proietto U.S. Army, Dominic Ricca U.S. Army, Ruben Rodriguez U.S. Army, Geordy Santiago U.S. Army, Anthony L. Santosus U.S. Air Force, Richard N. Silecchio U.S. Army, Brice Sinisgalli U.S. Marine Corps,, Keith Sahm U.S. Army, Tyler Sinisgalli Army Ranger, Marc Stanco U.S. Air Force, Darrell St. George U.S. Navy, Timothy L. Sullivan U.S. Navy, Timothy Taney U.S. Marine Corps., Stephen Thomas U.S. Marine Corps., Mikelis Visgauss U.S. Marine Corps., John H. Walter U.S. Marine Corps., Eric D. Waxman U.S. Army, Erick Wine U.S. Air Force, R.I.P. Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer – U.S. Marine Corps., R.I.P. PO1 Robert Joyner - U.S. Navy All engaged couples getting married at St. Anthony’s are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Our Pre-Cana course is an In-Home program hosted by married couples in our parish who share their experiences, hopes, dreams and struggles with the couples who are about to embark on the same journey. Meeting in small groups enables everyone to share more easily and to speak freely and openly about topics such as Communication, Conscience Formation, Spirituality and Sexuality. We are looking for married couples who might be interested in answering the call to help out with this very rewarding ministry. The commitment is only a few weeks a year. We run 2 sessions each year, one in the winter and one in the fall. Sessions run for 6 weeks. Our opening and closing meetings are held at St. Anthony’s and are led by the coordinating couple. The presenting couples meet with the engaged couples in their home 4 times during the session. Books and outlines will be provided and anyone interested is welcome to shadow our upcoming session. If you’d like more information about our Pre-Cana ministry, please contact Susan and John Vizzi at [email protected]. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS If you would like to add someone to the military prayer list please contact: Patricia Seibert at 261-1306 X226 -13- Miscellaneous Kevin Barry Division 3 will discuss the History, Culture & Traditions of Ireland. Irish History Classes start on Monday September 19th. All classes are at St. Joseph’s Parish in Kings Park on Mondays from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (Travis Hall, School of Religion) and follow the parish calendar. If the school is closed on a Monday, there is no class. The discussion will be the period of Irish History from 1921 through 1998. The following book is recommended: “Understand Irish History” by F. J. M. Madden. FALL SCHEDULE: September 19 & 26 October 3, 17, 24 & 31 November 7, 14, & 28 December 5 & 12 No fees or stress involved, just a desire to learn our great Irish History, Culture and Traditions. “Feed My Lambs” is the weekly request of the SVDP Society to parishioners to bring to church the one or two items that the Food Pantry is in low supply of. This week’s food item(s) are: DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR PARISH FINANCES? Boxes of pasta & spaghetti, sauce, rice mixes, chunky soups, tuna fish Of course any other items you wish to donate will be gratefully accepted, but the item that we are concentrating on will help us ensure that this item will be in supply for our clients. All items can be left in the rear of the Church before and after all the weekend Masses. During the week items can be brought to Parish Outreach, Monday -Friday between the hours of 10:00AM and 2:00PM. Thank you for helping us minister to the lambs of our community who are in need. Please remember our Poor Box! Sunday, August 21st, 2016 Father Joe and the St. Anthony of Padua Finance Committee are happy to announce that an email address has been established to allow you to ask questions about the parish finances. Any questions may be sent to [email protected] All correspondence will be strictly confidential to the Finance Committee chairperson, unless otherwise indicated. $295.00 -14- Miscellaneous FRIDAY EVENING BINGO - 7:30PM St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall SATURDAY EVENING BINGO 7:30PM in St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall. $3,100 in prizes given away each week!! Call 239-1325 if you have any questions. Please pray for members of law enforcement, the military, and their families. The Bible study group with Fr. Kline will resume on Friday evening, September 23, 2016 in the rectory meeting room. Classes will meet weekly from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Bring your Bible. New members welcome! You Can Help Heal Your Marriage! Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday, September 2nd please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. Please call or go on the web to make a reservation! Weekends get filled up very quickly. 1-800-470-2230 website -15- Parish Outreach~ 1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport ~ 261-1695 The KNITTING MINISTRY Ladies meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. The next regular meeting will be Sept. 8th from 1-3 pm at Parish Outreach. Some of the ladies once again enjoyed the cool breeze at Centerport Senior Beach house August 17th while knitting and crocheting. With a number of wonderful fundraisers coming up in the next couple of months, we have been busy preparing. We are in need of pink yarn for the breast cancer campaign. We continue to make our veteran's blankets and lap robes as well. We thank you for your yarn donations. Parish Outreach Fax:266.9168 OPEN: Mon. – Fri.: 10am- 2pm The Women’s Group is off for the summer! See you in September!!! The Suicide Bereavement Group “You are Not Alone” will meet the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Parish Outreach. Next meeting is Thursday, September 8th. Call Pat Karpowicz at 266-2656 for information. LOW COST HEALTH INSURANCE REP FROM FIDELIS will be at Parish Outreach TWICE A MONTH on a Friday (same as the Food Pantry days). 11 am -1 pm. Please call first to set appointment. The next date is Friday, September 2nd Bilingual services available (Spanish). Information for providers, members, and prospective members is available toll-free by calling 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547). NEEDED : COMPASSIONATE CARE VOLUNTEERS TO VISIT THE HOMEBOUND 1 DAY A WEEK OR EVERY 2 WEEKS FOR A FRIENDLY VISIT. IT ENTAILS A VISIT FOR AN HOUR OR SO, ACCORDING TO YOUR SCHEDULE. CALLING ALL SENIOR MEN!! MEN’S GROUP is the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at 1:30 to 3 pm. Next meeting is Monday, September 12th THIS IS VERY REWARDING AS IT OFFERS THE VOLUNTEER THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THEIR LOVE AND COMPASSION WITH THE HOMEBOUND (MOSTLY SENIORS). PLEASE CONTACT PARISH OUTREACH IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS VITAL MINISTRY. VOLUNTEERS MUST FILL OUT APPLICATION AND BACKGROUND CHECKS ARE REQUIRED WE ARE IN NEED OF GIFT CARDS FORM CLOTHING STORES FOR OUR CLIENTS FOR BTS AND FOR OUR LOCAL WOMEN’S SHELTER (TARGET; TJ MAXX; SEARS; WALMART) . Please drop off either at Parish Outreach or in an envelope at the rectory marked Att: Karen Humphreys, Coordinator Parish Outreach HOLD THE DATES: TUESDAY OCT 11, 10 AM -12 PM. FLU SHOTS WILL BE OFFERED BY THE VNS (Visiting Nurse Service) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH – AARP WILL HOLD A DEFENSIVE DRIVING CERTIFICATE COURSE 9:30 AM -3:30 PM. -16- Miscellaneous Come join the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Church’s largest, worldwide apostolic/evangelization organization of lay people! Members share the faith through a variety of face-to-face ministries & spiritual works of mercy. These include teaching religion, bringing Communion to the sick & homebound, praying with the elderly at nursing homes, praying outside abortion mills, & much more. The prayers of the Blessed Mother & our Auxiliary members support our witness & efforts. We also enjoy retreats, days of recollection, & social interaction with other local Legion of Mary groups. You will learn more about the Catholic faith, help save souls, build friendships, grow in holiness, & help prepare yourself for judgment day. For more information, please call Marie at 631-682-3007. AED/CPR TRAINING As you may know the Church has an AED located in the Priests sacristy hallway. We are offering free AED/CPR training for all Ushers, Lectors and Eucharistic ministers and any ministry that would like to attend. Please visit for the training and location schedule . Once you find a convenient date, you must email [email protected] , with your name, address and phone number. Tell her you are with St. Anthony of Padua Church and she will bill us for the training. Any questions please feel free to call Fred Leonardo at 631-470-8500. Invite Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue into your home! In a brief meeting, two members of the Legion of Mary will set up the statue in your home and pray the Rosary with you. Your family will be blessed by the presence of this beautiful, holy statue for one week. Please call Maureen at 631-368-0132 for more information and to sign up. To learn more about Our Lady’s Thank you , Fr. Joe Gennesaret Retreat for those facing serious illness. appearances and the miracles at Fatima, Portugal, please go to: . God bless you! A retreat especially designed for persons who live with a serious illness is planned September 23rd, 24th and 25th at Monfort Spirituality Center in Bay Shore. This retreat offers a respite, a quiet time, an oasis, to enable one to continue the journey. The retreat focuses on God’s love, His forgiveness, and His faithfulness. To register or receive more information about this weekend, please call: Colette Fanelli (631) 665– 7052 Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound are available for anyone who is sick, injured, or has had recent surgery or is unable to attend weekly Mass but would like to receive Communion. You will always be visited by a priest first to be anointed and receive the sacraments. If you would like a visit by a Eucharistic Minister, please call the rectory 261-1077 The Ministry of Consolation needs volunteers to console and support families in our parish who have suffered the loss of a loved one in the planning of the Funeral Liturgy for the loved one. If you would like information about this wonderful ministry, please call: Loretta Hamann: 368-3039 Jean Chiovarelli: 261-9343 EIGHTH GRADERS: Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course offered at Holy Trinity High School in Hicksville. Five -21/2 hour Saturday a.m. sessions, each including review in English and Math as well as practice tests. Course begins September 17th. $250 fee covers instruction and materials. For additional information, visit or call (516) 443-2900. St. Anthony’s Holy Hour is held from 1pm until 2pm on Wednesdays on a regular weekly basis. It begins with Exposition of the monstrance at 1pm & concludes at 2pm following Benediction. The service includes hymns (O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo), Scripture reading, preaching, and silent prayer. Please do not leave the Church until Mass has ended. ALL MEETING ROOM REQUESTS email [email protected] or drop off at the rectory Attn: Debbie -17- The Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus ... Did you know? In 2007 Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson announced that recruitment programs and degrees will be tied to the “In Solidarity With Our Priests” theme to strengthen further the Order’s ties to parish life and to K of C chaplains and pastors. At Fr. Judge Council, we are in full support of the "In Solidarity with Our Priests" theme as demonstrated by the support of our Seminarian Program, our recent 60th anniversary reception for our Chaplain, Fr. Lawrence O'Leary, and our continuing support of our local parish priests. Our Council has also extended this theme to include those who serve in the active religious communities. In doing so, on Sunday, September 25th in the lower church immediately following the 12 Noon Mass, we will be honoring Brother Fran Rowles, OSF, on the occasion of his retirement from serving our parish as Director of Liturgy & Music. All parishioners, brother knights, families & friends are invited. If you would like more information or wish to be part of our ever-growing Fr. Judge K of C family, or rent our hall for any occasion, please let me know. Richard Ronde ~Grand Knight K of C Sam Russo Annual Golf Classic Crab Meadow Golf Course The Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus Council No. 6893 is hosting its 21st Annual Sam Russo Golf Classic charitable fund raiser on Monday, September 26th, at the Crab Meadow Golf Course (1:30 PM Shotgun start). Registration Entry Fee of $160.00* includes green fees, driving range, cart, BBQ Lunch at course (11:30 AM to tee-off), cocktail hour, awards dinner and free drawing for a golf GPS watch. All golfers (singles, twosomes, foursomes, etc.) are invited to participate. Please contact Bob Slingo (486-2875) for reservations and information. * Must remit $25.00 deposit per golfer by August 29th. Late Registration Fee of $175.00 applies if deposit received after August 29th -18- Choir Our Adult Choir will begin rehearsals on Thursday, September 1st at 8pm in the upper church. New members are always welcome If you love to sing, why not consider coming down and becoming a part of this important parish ministry? For more information, please contact our Music Director, Bill Margiotta. School Supplies ST VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTING SUPPLIES It’s that time of year again and St. Vincent De Paul will be collecting and distributing school supplies to our clients on 9/2 and 9/4. We have 93 elementary children and 91 middle school children who are in need of the following items: Pens Loose leaf paper Highlighters Spiral notebooks Pencils Two-pocket folders Boxes of crayons Dividers Glue sticks Index cards Boxes of markers Composition notebooks One-inch binders Boxes of colored pencils Glue bottles Rulers BECAUSE OF THE FLOOD AT PARISH OUTREACH, PLEASE DROP OFF SCHOOL SUPPLIES TO THE REAR OF THE CHURCH Thank you in advance for your continued support. Enjoy the rest of the summer! -19- Golden Wedding Jubilee The Diocese of Rockville Centre Golden Wedding Liturgy Honoring couples Married Fifty Years or More October 23rd and November 6th Registration for the October 23rd liturgy must be received by October 7th. Registration for the November 6th liturgy must be received by October 21st. For questions, please call Suzanne at 516.678.5800, ex. 207 You may pick up registration forms in the rectory office. 9-11 Memorial ST. ANTHONY'S PARISH COMMUNITY REMEMBERS(15TH ANNIVERSARY) SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 MEMORIAL BOOK At the Sacred Heart altar in the Church there will be a Memorial Book to list the names of victims of 9/11 (both on that day and in the years since), prayer intentions (include the living), remembrances, etc. Your intentions will be remembered at every Mass on 9/11 weekend. All intentions listed will be read at the 10:30 A.M. Mass Sunday, September 11. DISPLAY BOARD Around the Sacred Heart altar, there will be a display board. Please drop off your photos of loved ones at the Rectory. Please include name and address on the back of the photo so we can return it. They will be displayed on the board at the Sacred Heart Altar. Please continue to pray for those first responders, and Ground Zero workers who are battling cancer, post -traumatic stress and other illnesses. We will never forget. -20- Parish Calendar SUNDAY August 28th MONDAY August 29th TUESDAY August 30th WEDNESDAY August 31st THURSDAY September 1st FRIDAY September 2nd FRIDAY September 3rd 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 2:00 PM BAPTISMS 7:00 PM AA Step GroupParish Outreach 6:15 PM Kids Ballroom Dance Class- LC 7:00 PM Español RosarioChurch 7:00 PM Adult Ballroom LC 9:15 AM Book ClubRectory Meeting Room Dancing at St. Anthony’s Ongoing class meets Wed. Evenings at 7:15 and 8:00PM in the Lower Church. CHILDREN’S SALSA SUMMER CLASS Wednesdays in the Lower Church at 6pm. ADULT LATIN 7:15PM ADULT BALLROOM 8PM If interested in any of the classes call Stephanie at (516) 996-3554 Magnificat Eucharistic Ministers Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, cordially invites you to attend our upcoming Breakfast on Saturday, September 10th, at The Hofstra Club in Uniondale at 9:45 a.m. Eucharistic Ministers Needed for Hospital Duty on Thursdays after the 9AM Mass. The Priest dismisses the Ministers with a blessing, and they proceed to Huntington Hospital. Usually the return is around 11:30 am. There are presently 4 Teams, each going once every 4 weeks. For those who are able to partake in this Ministry of bringing Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to the patients at Huntington Hospital, it is truly a gift and full of graces! If you are interested, please call: Regina Whitaker, 757-7028 Our speaker will be Kathleen Keefe, foundress of Peace Through Divine Mercy. Kathleen's mission and work is to have EVERY parish enthrone the image of Divine Mercy in a visible place in the Church, so that this all important message given to St. Faustina will bring about the conversion of the world. The cost is $35 per person, and payment must be received by September 6th. Checks should be made out to Magnificat and mailed to: Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach, NY 11561. Please include your contact information. Questions should be directed to either Judy Murphy at (917) 453-5750, or Angela Rizzo at (516) 763-1739. Pre-registration is required; payment will not be accepted the day of the event -21- CYO Basketball ST ANTHONY’S CYO BASKETBALL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN ONLINE (no www. proceeding) Players of all skills welcome Open to players 3rd grade to 12th grade Guaranteed ½ game playing time 1 hour weekly practice time throughout season Certified referees at all games Registration fees: $145 for the first player $120 each additional family member player EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $130 FOR THE FIRST PLAYER $105 EACH ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PLAYER DISCOUNT ENDS SEPTEMBER 21ST REGISTRATION ENDS OCTOBER 1ST Our Lady of Grace Spiritual Center Highlights September-December 2016 Monthly Offerings DEMELLO GROUP/Pat Cuccia Mondays: September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19 1:00pm-2:30pm (Donation- $10.00) 29 Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 516.627.9255 · Our Mission Our Lady of Grace Montessori School and Spiritual Center is a corporation sponsored by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, established to provide opportunities for the spiritual, educational, and cultural growth of God's people within a joyful, loving, and hospitable environment. Our Lady of Grace Spiritual Center hopes to foster a deep awareness and appreciation of God's unconditional love of and for all people. It provides a warm, affirming, and peaceful environment for people seeking to pray and discern, to confer and discuss, to SPIRITUAL JOURNALING/Ann Barbara DeSiano, IHM Tuesdays: October 4, November 1, December 6 10:00am-Noon (Donation) SPIRITUAL BOOK CLUB/Pat Cuccia Wednesdays: September 7, October 5, November 9, December 7 12:30pm-2:15pm (Donation- $10.00) SPIRITUAL PRACTICES Ann Barbara DeSiano, IHM Thursdays: September 22, October 20, November 10, December 1, 10:30 am-Noon (Donation) Come study a monthly spiritual practice that will lead to a vital and healthy spiritual life: Gratitude, Hope, Imagination, Joy -22- Miscellaneous American Sign Language Available for Sunday Mass FIFTY FIFTY Raffle tickets available at the rectory office Cost- $5 for one $50 for a book of 12 January’s Winner: $618.33 February’s Winner: $636.73 March’s Winner: $628.30 April’s Winner: $624.13 May’s Winner: $665.84 June’s Winner: $664.19 July’s Winner: Clem Massaro $610.79 Call Evelyn 631.368.0118 Novena Group meets in the Church every Tuesday at 7:00 pm We now have Low Gluten Hosts available at every Mass. Ask the priest when you receive Holy Communion. POWER RITE 368-3555 AUTO SERVICE 565 Larkfield Rd. East Northport The UPS Store 631.754.4400 Tel M-F 8am-7pm Sat. 9am-4pm Sun. closed 1 Hewitt Square Larkfield & Pulaski Rd., East Northport Advertising CPA KATHLEEN M. DOTZLER Tax & Accounting Services At Reasonable Rates Parishioner PHONE 631-225-5144 266-3990 E-MAIL: [email protected] Website: STONE UNLIMITED, Inc. Handy-Man Services 631-427-0826 Alf Paulsen MONUMENT MANUFACTURING & INSCRIPTION WORK * No Job Too Small * Free Estimates * Brian O’Neill, owner * References Available * Senior Discounts CLEANING SERVICES Business & Residential I can clean your home/office and organize closets or garage. ~ Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly Over 12 Years of Experience References Available ~ Free Estimates ~ Gloria 631.680.9318 [email protected] Richard G. Davis, M.D.,F.A.A.O. 631-462-2020 EYE PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS ACCIDENTS • PROBATE • ESTATE PLANNING • REAL ESTATE JACK A. CORCORAN MONUMENTS 1700 East Jericho Turnpike • Huntington Serving All Cemeteries Monuments - Markers - Granite - Bronze - Marble Monument Lettering Visit our Showroom at 88 West Hills Rd. Huntington Station 631-549-8207 [email protected] Fax 549-1828 #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • LADDER AND SCAFFOLD Co. 163 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 INDUSTRIAL LADDERS Fiberglass • Aluminum • Wood SCAFFOLDING•SHORING Sales • Rentals All Types Scaffold Fall Protection & Safety Equipment Scaffolding Installations Phone: (516) 781-7310 Joseph Gruhn BRUEGGEMANN FUNERAL HOME OF EAST NORTHPORT, INC. 340 Larkfield Rd. E. Northport (631) 368-7887 Greenland Landscaping and Nursery, Inc. 631-368-7182 Old Traditions - New Ideas 364 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport Gift Items • Annuals • Shrubs • Patio Pots • Landscape Designs 368-8610 Lic/Ins Since 1975 Raymond A. Mascolo, D.D.S. Thomas A. Mascolo, D.M.D. General Preventive Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Laser Tooth Whitening Daily, Evening & Saturday Hours Available 631-368-8617 240 Clay Pitts Rd., E. Northport Roofing Contractors Est 1950 B Three Generations of Quality & Services Serving All of Long Island ROOFING /SHEET METAL GUTTERS & LEADERS COMMERCIAL---------------RESIDENTIAL Please call 631-262-1891 For Membership or Hall Rental Larkfield & Fort Salonga Market East Northport 368-1850 Friendly Personal Service Quality Meats, Produce, and Deli Together . 631-423-0820 HAIR (631) 754-0820 Inc 261-3123 565 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport John Cornetta (631) 368-3555 STEVE LAUSCHUS Board-Certified Orthopedic, Clinical Specialist Doctor of Physical Therapy Herbert N. Tandy, PTA Physcal Therapy Assistant 554 Larkfield Rd., East Northport, NY (In the Larkfield Professional Center) 275 Wolf Hill Rd., S. Huntington, NY 631.266.4501 (On the Campus of St. Anthony’s High School) Good News Book Store 631-261-1908 & Religious Goods Serving the Community Since 1982 Memorials • Vestments • Wedding • Candles Communions • Confirmations • Medals & Rosaries, etc. 757-5423 Parishioner 155 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport 10% off any purchase totaling $20 or more for all parishioner w/cpn PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings • Communions • Portraits 312 Larkfield Road, East Northport Parishioner Serv. our Community Since 1973 SPANISH/FRENCH TUTOR John 3:16 Devin Jewelers 536 Larkfield Rd. East Northport, NY (631) 368-7010 631-673-5800 F: 631-673-5829 NYS Certified 30+ Yrs Experience Prestigious L.I. School District Specializing in State Exams, Improving Classroom Confidence Exeeptional Results - Reasonable Rates 631-902-6688 TOTALLY FREE PERSONAL & BUSINESS CHECKING FOR LIFE! GREAT RATES ON COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES! CALL NOW! (631) 486-5055 1968 JERICHO TPKE EAST NORTHPORT, NY 11731 Rico MARBLE & GRANITE 97 EAST PULASKI RD HUNTINGTON STA., NY 11746 Kitchens, Vanities, Fireplaces, Barbecues PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Clogged Drains Service Kitchens & Bathroom Remodeling Boilers - Water Heaters • Gas Conversions [email protected] Emergency Svc. 631-269-7455 Lic. & Ins. Exceptional credentials. Outstanding results. We Buy Gold & Diamonds 731 Ft Salonga Rd • Npt, CVS Shopping Cntr. Family Dentistry Children & Adults Welcome 5 Cheshire Pl., E. Northport Public Mausoleum Now Open Steven C. DeSousa, PT, DPT, MA, OCS 5 Laurel Avenue, Northport, N.Y. 11768 754-2400 Maria A. Shields, DDS Parishioner Michelle Turina East Northport Physical Therapy Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home, Inc. Orthopedi c - Neurolo gical - Sports Related 279 Larkfiel d Rd., E. Northpo rt (631) 262-1370 631-261-8422 301 Clay Pitts Road * East Northport Custom Area Rugs, Runners 10-15 Fort Salonga Rd • Ft. Salonga (25A) & Broadloom Larkfield: 368-1661 * Ft. Salonga: 261-3511 Window Treatments Wood, Laminate & Vinyl Floors Wood Floor Refinishing Superb Workmanship 10 yr leak free service guarantee Licensed/Insured Slate/Tile Roofing Repairs & Maintenance Complete Tin Shop Hot Asphalt Built up Custom Copper Architectural take-offs Fabrications Flat & Slope Roofing SUFFOLK PHYSICAL THERAPY, P.C. Single Ply Systems Thomas Gruhn, PT, COMT Board Certified Orthopedic Call Day or Evening Manual Therapist 120 West Hills Rd., Hunt. Sta. NY Est. 1950 Fr. Thomas A. Judge Council Knights of Columbus Fred’s Est 1959 Carpet 318 Larkfield Road NILL BROTHERS, INC. N 368-1235 522 Larkfield Road NORTHPORT RURAL CEMETERY Luke DeNapoli - Parishioner DeNapoli Associates 517 B Larkfield Road E Northport | 631-368-1622 Home Auto Business & Life Insurance • Bariatric Surgical Program [email protected] Behavioral Health Services • •Bariatric Surgical Program • •BaBreast riatric Health SurgicaServices l Program • Behavioral Health Services CASH HOME BUYER • •BeCancer havioraCare l Health Services LONG ISLAND CASH HOME BUYER SELL YOUR HOUSE FAST! ALL CASH! AS IS! HASSLE FREE! 516-330-6940 [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • fâuâÜutÇ _tÇwávtÑx VÉÜÑA Visit Us At: • Neurology Orthopedic Surgery and Podiatry • •Neurology • •NePalliative urology • OrthopedicCare Surgery and Podiatry •• •O rParkinson’s thopediCare c SuOutpatient rgery and Podiatry • Breast HealthProgram Services Palliative Bariatric Surgical • Neurology •• •BCancer rCardiovascular east HCare ealth ServServices ices •• •PParkinson’s aPhysical lliative CTherapy aOutpatient re Behavioral Health Services • Orthopedic Surgery •• •C aColon ncer Cand are Rectal •• •PPhysical aRadiology rkinsonTherapy ’s O utpand atiePodiatry nt Services Program and Imaging Cardiovascular Services Breast Health •• •C aDiabetic rdiovand asServices cand ular Wound SeProgram rvicesHealing Program • Palliative •• •PRadiology hRobotic ysiCare cal ThSurgery erapImaging y Program Colon Rectal and Services Cancer Care • Parkinson’s Outpatient •• •C o l o n a n d R e c t a l P r o g r a m • R a d i o l o g y a n d I m a g i n g SerMedicine vices Emergency Services • Siena Proactive Internal Diabetic and Wound Healing Program • Robotic Surgery Program Cardiovascular Services • Physical Therapy Endoscopy Suite • The Vein Treatment Center •• •D i a b e t i c a n d W o u n d H e a l i n g P r o g r a m • R o b o t i c S u r g e r y P r o g r a m Emergency Services • Siena and Proactive Internal Medicine Colon and Rectal Program • Radiology Imaging Services Maternity Services/Lactation Support •• •EEndoscopy m ergency SSuite ervices •• •SThe ieWomen’s naVein ProaTreatment ctHealth ive InteServices rn al Medicine Center Diabetic • Robotic •• EMaternity ndoand scopWound yServices/Lactation Suite Healing Program •• TWomen’s heSurgery Vein THealth reProgram atmen t Center Support Services Emergency Services • Siena Proactive Internal Medicine For more information about these services, or to connected with • Maternity Services/Lactation Support • Women’s Health Servicesa dedicated St. Catherine of Siena call (631) 870-3444. Endoscopy • Theorplease Vein Treatment Center For moreSuite information about these physician, services, to connected with a Maternity Support • Women’s Health Services For moreServices/Lactation information about thesephysician, services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena please call (631) 870-3444. dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444. For more about these ute 25A, Smith town, N Y 1178services, 7 • (631)or87to 0-connected 3444 • stcwith 50 Roinformation dedicated Catherine of Siena physician, call•(631) 870-3444. 50 RouteSt. 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) please 870-3444 50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 • • All Phases of Masonry 50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 • • Property Maintenance • Full Landscape Design & Construction • Licensed & Insured Serving the community for over 25 yrs. 75 Larkfield Rd., East Northport 631-262-0202 Rick Marchetta Window Tinting • Alarms Stereo • Sun Roofs Installed Approved by All Insurance Companies 333 Larkfield Road 757-3689 #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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