A.M. Best RAting All AMeRicAn scholARs Announced Join hAnds


A.M. Best RAting All AMeRicAn scholARs Announced Join hAnds
Summer 2014
A.M. Best Rating
All American Scholars
Join Hands Day
survey confirms
members satisfied
Board of Directors
message from the President
Dear Member:
Safe, Strong, Secure
Sound business practices and a loyal membership
have fueled solid growth for Catholic Life
Insurance during the first months of this year.
President/CEO – J. Michael Belz
In March, we met via teleconference with the
analysts from A.M. Best Company, the nation’s
leading insurance industry rating company. We
are pleased to report that for the 31st consecutive
year, we have earned an “excellent” rating. Please
see page 4 for more details.
Our Members are Satisfied
While it is nice to earn accolades from outside sources, what matters the most
is what our members think and feel about the organization. During the third
quarter of 2013, Catholic Life engaged the American Customer Satisfaction Index
to survey our members. We are pleased to say that you are happy with the job
our team is doing. Please see page 5 for more details.
Corporate Governance
The desire to protect our families may be the initial reason many of us join
Catholic Life, but the volunteer service opportunities, the faith-based common
bond, the charitable giving and the social aspect are what make this membership
organization different from others. On Aug. 8-9, 2014, we will celebrate our
fraternal difference and learn about our financial strength at the 94th convention.
Please see page 13 for a convention preview and page 14 for brief biographies
of our Director candidates.
Service to Others
On May 3, 2014, nearly 900 individuals from 40 Branches came together to make
a difference in their churches and communities. Called “Join Hands Day,” this
national day of service demonstrates what makes us different. By engaging youth
and adults together in service, this day tries to break down the generational gap.
Please see page 20 for project photos.
Future Leaders
Finally, on page 18, we present our 2014 All American Scholars. These 35
graduating high school seniors were chosen to receive a $1,000 award to help
them pay for their first year of college. We are proud of these young men and
women and are glad to take part in their educational journey.
In closing, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you and your
family. We hope that you will continue to rely on the products and services that
we offer to help you protect your family and to meet your financial goals.
J. Michael Belz
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Sixtus Laskowski
Chairman, Kosciusko, Texas
Lawrence Shimek, FIC
Vice Chairman, Garwood, Texas
Gladys Haecker
Secretary, Schertz, Texas
Tommy Hoelscher, FIC
St. Lawrence, Texas
James Persyn
San Antonio, Texas
Sandy King
Llano, Texas
Thomas (Tom) Berger, FIC
Magnolia, Texas
Doris Short
Arlington, Texas
J. Michael Belz, LLIF
President/Chief Executive Officer
Spiritual Advisor
Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller
San Antonio, Texas
Spiritual Advisor Emeritus
Most Reverend José H. Gomez
Los Angeles, California
Executive Officers
J. Michael Belz, LLIF
President/Chief Executive Officer
Colleen Z. Berger, CPA
Vice President/Controller
R. Dennis Best, CLU, ChCF, LLIF
Vice President/Director of Agencies
Scott D. Brant, FLMI, ACS, AAPA, AIAA
Vice President/Information
Barbara A. Cheaney, CSA, FIC
Vice President/Marketing-Communications
Frank Gentile, AALU, FLMI, MBA
Vice President/Chief Underwriter
Patricia G. Gutierrez
Vice President/Operations
Marty M. Mabe
Vice President/Corporate Secretary
Thomas M. Petri, CPA
Vice President/Treasurer
Ramiro Flores, RPA
Asst Vice President, Property Manager
Mildred Foerster
Asst Vice President/Operations
Janet Friesenhahn, FIC, CSA, LUTCF
Asst Vice President/Asst Director of
Agencies & Training
Michele Littlefield
Asst Vice President/Accounting Manager
Patrick Massey FLMI, ACS, ARA
Asst Vice President/Programming
Tricia Michalek, FLMI, ACS, ARA
Asst Vice President/Quality Assurance
Johnny Salazar
Asst Vice President/Systems Administrator
Susan M. Skrzycki
Asst Vice President/Operations
Peggy von Kaufman
Asst Vice President/Operations
Kristy Winkler
Asst Vice President/Accounting Manager
Corporate Headquarters: 1635 N.E. Loop 410,
San Antonio, Texas 78209 • Mailing Address: P.O. Box
659527, San Antonio, Texas 78265-9527 • Phone: (210)
828-9921 • Fax: (210) 828-4629 • Toll Free Number:
The Catholic Life magazine (USPS 094-120) is published
quarterly by Catholic Life Insurance, P.O. Box 659527, San
Antonio, Texas 78265-9527. Periodical Postage Paid at San
Antonio, Texas and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER:
Send all address changes to Catholic Life magazine, P.O. Box
659527, San Antonio, Texas 78265-9527.
Editor: Barbara A. Cheaney
Staff Assistants: Briana Frantz, Danna Morgan
Designed and Produced by: Lynn Design
Sum m er 2014
For Catholic Life Insurance Members
Fe ature s
Flag Day 2014 8
Catholic Life once again honored our nation’s flag with a flag-raising
ceremony, and a poster contest.
The Future of Catholic Life
Thirty-five bright young faces received the All American Scholar Award. Join
us as we salute these scholars.
Service to Others
Approximately 900 youth and adults rolled up their sleeves and worked to
improve their parish and community on Join Hands Day, a special day of
service sponsored by America’s Fraternal Benefit Societies and Catholic Life.
We invite you to take a peak at some of the projects that were undertaken.
de p artment s
In the News
Faith in Action
Branches in Action
In the Kitchen
Cov e r
We feature the first-place winning posters from our Flag Day poster contest.
Catholic Life Insurance | 3
A.M. Best Company, an independent insurance
industry rating agency, has reaffirmed Catholic
Life Insurance’s financial strength rating.
Effective April 30, 2014, A.M. Best rated Catholic Life Insurance’s financial stability,
security and management performance as A-(Excellent) with a stable outlook.
This is the 31st consecutive year that Catholic Life has earned the “Excellent”
The rating is based on a comprehensive quantitative evaluation of the organization’s balance sheet strength,
operating performance and business profile. Insurers in the excellent category are considered to have an
excellent ability to meet their ongoing obligations. Moreover, a stable outlook indicates low likelihood of a rating
change due to stable financial/market trends.
In their financial strength rating rationale, A.M. Best states ““The ratings of Catholic Life Insurance reflects
its growth in absolute and risk-adjusted capitalization, positive statutory operating earnings, and its active
involvement in fraternal outreach programs and lodge activities.”
“Catholic Life’s risk-adjusted capitalization is more than adequate to support its business and investment risk.
Capital and surplus has consistently increased over the past five years primarily due to profitable operations.”
Congratulations to our 2014 Droll Recipients!
Mary Bielski of New Orleans, Louisiana and Maryrae Stein of Mountain City, Texas were selected to receive the
2014 Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship for Catholic Laity sponsored by Catholic Life Insurance. This renewable
$2,000 scholarship is for Catholic laymen and women pursuing a graduate degree in theology or religious
studies, in order to serve their church in a professional capacity.
Mary Bielski
Bielski currently attends the Seminary of Notre Dame and is seeking a Master’s Degree in Theology. She has
more than ten years’ experience in youth ministry and has spoken to over 40,000 teens and young adults
in Catholic youth conferences and retreats. Upon graduation, Bielski plans to serve the Archdiocese of New
Orleans as a Youth Minister or Director of Religious Education.
Stein is seeking a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies at the University of Incarnate Word. She has served her
parish for nine years as the Director of Religious Education and has fostered a great love of teaching. Stein’s
advanced degree will allow her to serve the Diocese of Austin and her parish as an instructor of foundational
theology curriculum and catechetical continuing education.
Each year, this scholarship is awarded to two candidates in need of tuition assistance for additional education
who serve or want to serve their parish as an Administrator, Youth Minister, Parish Coordinator or other
similar role.
Maryrae Stein
This scholarship is geared towards those who have already obtained their bachelor’s degree and who are
either enrolled or wanting to enroll into any Catholic graduate school in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, New
Mexico, Oklahoma or Mississippi. Applicants may also be enrolled in an extension program or in the Catholic
University of America School of Canon Law.
To apply for the 2015 Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship for Catholic Laity, please view the criteria and
application online at www.cliu.com or contact the Communications Department at (800) 292-2548. The
deadline for the upcoming academic year is February 15, 2015.
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Survey Says:
Catholic Life Members Are Very Satisfied
In 2013, Catholic Life Insurance engaged the American Customer
Satisfaction Index (ACSI) to conduct an independent survey of
our members’ satisfaction. Our goal was to make certain that we
were fulfilling the promises that we make to members with each
life insurance and annuity certificate that we write.
Overall Value*
The Results
Overall Website Satisfaction*
When it comes to Catholic Life, our members are “very satisfied.”
In fact, Catholic Life outperformed the life insurance industry and
the largest U.S. life insurers in the areas of customer satisfaction,
customer expectations, quality, value, and website satisfaction.
“The survey results affirm that members view our products
and services as being of exceptional quality and value, “said
President J. Michael Belz. “I believe that this is a testament to our
sound business practices as well as our commitment to putting
members first. In short, we keep our promises for a lifetime.”
In today’s fast-paced world, keeping members engaged is of
upmost priority. Having Agents available locally to assist members
demonstrates our commitment to outstanding personalized
service and strengthens our relationship with our members.
Similarly, we believe that every phone call to our home office staff
deserves a warm, friendly person answering the call.
Overall Customer Satisfaction*
ACSI’s research shows that Catholic Life’s overall member
satisfaction is significantly higher than the life industry as well as
the largest U.S. life insurers.
Life Industry 85
Catholic Life 90
Prudential 74
New York Life 76
Northwestern Mutual 82
Catholic Life 88
Overall Customer Expectations*
Fulfilling our members’ expectations is an important measure
of our success. ASCI’s research shows that Catholic Life’s overall
customer expectation exceeds the life industry as well as the
largest U.S. life insurers.
Life Industry 86
Catholic Life 87
At the same time, we realize that we live in a world where
members expect answers 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Our
members website satisfaction greatly surpassed that of the life
industry as well as the largest U.S. life insurers.
Life Industry 81
Catholic Life 96
Life Industry 85
In addition to the standard customer satisfaction questions
consumers answered, Catholic Life wanted to measure brand
loyalty and gauge how members valued our living and fraternal
benefits. These benefits are one of the many differentiators
between Catholic Life and other insurers. Again, Catholic Life
scored a 90 in brand loyalty and a 79 in living and fraternal
Only the Beginning
While the 2013 survey demonstrates Catholic Life’s
outstanding performance, it is only a benchmark
to which future results can be compared. We will
continue to strive to provide exceptional products
and services for our members. That’s a promise.
About ACSI
Overall Quality*
Perception is reality. Again, the ACSI research shows that our
members believe that Catholic Life is an exceptional quality
and value.
Life Industry 88
Catholic Life 90
Founded in 1994, ACSI is an independent national
benchmark of customer satisfaction with the
quality of products and services available to
household consumers in the United States.
Consumers are asked a standard set of questions as
part of their research throughout a wide range of
*Scores are reported on a scale of 0–100 and are not percentages. A difference of three points is considered statistically significant.
Catholic Life Magazine | 5
Blessed Sacrament Academy
Support Continues
New Membership Benefit
Blessed Sacrament Academy, a charter high school, child
development center, parent’s academy and a family
counseling center on San Antonio’s South side, was
once again the recipient of support from Catholic Life.
Concerned about your health? Worried about
the high costs of medical tests? Life Line
Screening, Catholic Life’s newest living and
fraternal benefit, can help put you at ease.
Life Line Screening is the nation’s leading
provider of community health screening
services. This provider offers preventive
health screenings for several diseases that
can have devastating effects on you and your
family. The screenings will uncover risk for
stroke, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular
disease, aneurysm, and other life-threatening
conditions that can all be successfully treated if
Seraphic Sisters Receive Gift
The St. Joseph Retreat Center, located on San Antonio’s east side
and run by the Seraphic Sisters, received a gift from Catholic
Life to help defer maintenance costs. President J. Michael Belz
and Board Members Sixtus Laskowski, Gladys Haecker, Sandy
King and James Persyn along with Mary Jarzombek, and Dennis
Niemeier make the presentation to the Sisters.
The screenings are not mandatory, nor would
results of these screenings have any bearing
on the status of a certificate with us. The results
are there to be used by our members and their
physicians to address any condition that needs
medical attention, or simply as piece of mind.
It’s a way we can empower all of our members
to take charge of their health and lifestyle. Life
Line Screening has extended a special price to
Catholic Life members that is not available to
the general population. Screenings can range
in price from $60 for one health screen to $129
for a package of four screenings.
How Can I Participate?
Life Line Screening will begin offering its
service to Catholic Life members in July.
Members will only be mailed a letter from
Life Line Screening if they are within a certain
number of miles from a predetermined
screening location. The letter will provide a
phone number to call and a website to log on
to so a convenient appointment can be made.
As a Catholic Life member, we also encourage
you to experience the screening for yourself.
What if I don’t receive a letter?
Have patience. While we cannot guarantee
that a screening will be held in your
hometown, Life Line Screening has assured
us that screenings will be held in most
metropolitan areas in Texas within the
next year.
If you would like more information on Life Line
Screening, you can visit its web site at www.
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Former Chairman of the Board Dies
Roland C. De Winne, Sr., who served as Catholic Life’s Chairman of the Board from 1992-1998, passed
away on June 15, 2014 at the age of 77.
A native of San Antonio, De Winne began his career with Catholic Life as an officer in the Northwest San
Antonio Branch. He was elected in 1990 as the District IV Director and was immediately selected by his
fellow Board members to serve as Secretary of the Board. He was elected Chairman two years later and
served in that capacity until he retired from the Board in 1998.
Following his Board service, Roland was named a Fraternal Advisor. This position enabled him to work
with many Branches throughout Catholic Life.
“Roland was a great asset to Catholic Life,” said President Belz. “His business acumen and his easy-going
personality were of enormous benefit to our organization. During his years on the Board, he helped set
the stage for the tremendous growth that the Society has enjoyed in recent years.”
Roland was a graduate of Central Catholic High School and attended St. Mary’s University. During his
professional career, he worked for Diamond Shamrock, Specialty Oil Company, Quaker State and Arnold
Oil Company. Besides Catholic Life, he was on the Board of St. Joseph’s Credit Union, past Chairman
of the Bexar County Appraisal District and Grand Commander International Order of Alhambra - Bejar
Caravan No. 56.
He is survived by his wife Doris De Winne, four sons, one daughter; twelve grandchildren; one brother
and one sister.
Sisters of St. Mary of Namur
Get Donation
The Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, whose western province
headquarters is located in the Ft Worth area, accept a donation
presented by Director Doris Short. Others present include Fort
Worth Branch Officers Donald Morbitzer, Pauline Morbitzer and
Mary Ann Adcock, Sister Mary Ellen Fuhrman and Sister Joan
Markey. Sr. Mary Ellen, second from the right, is the daughter of
Henry Fuhrmann who was an Agent in Catholic Life’s early days.
Promotion Announced
Patrick Massey, FLMI, ACS, ARA has been promoted to Assistant Vice President of Information Technology/
Programming Manager. Mr. Massey graduated from Harding University with a degree in Mathematics
and has been in the programming field for more than 20 years. A Catholic Life employee for 14 years, his
responsibilities include direction of the programming staff, the technical portion of administration system
upgrades, and nightly processing.
C o n t ac t U s
Member Service Hotline: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 262-2548
San Antonio Member Service Hotline: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (210) 828-5529
Agent/Branch Officer Hotline: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 292-2548
All Other Calls: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (210) 828-9921
General Fax: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (210) 828-4629
Website: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cliu.com
General Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Office Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Thursday; 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Friday
Catholic Life Magazine | 7
Flag Day 2014
For the 22nd consecutive year,
Catholic Life Insurance hosted
its annual old fashioned flag
raising ceremony to celebrate
Flag Day. The event took place
on Thursday, June 12 in honor
of the 237th anniversary of the
American Flag. Nearly 150 people
gathered to observe the flag
raising and enjoy refreshments.
Rev. Martin Leopold and Deacon Pat Rodgers
are pictured in their processional to begin the
Mass. The Mass was broadcast on Catholic
Television of San Antonio later in the week.
Participants get into the spirit of the
event by dressing for the occasion.
This year’s event began with
a Mass held at the outdoor
pavilion, officiated by Fr. Martin
Leopold, followed by the flag
raising ceremony and a hot dog
and ice cream social. There was
a brass band playing patriotic
music, free commemorative
t-shirts for the attendees, a
balloon artist clown, photo op
board and face painters. This
year’s Flag Day Poster Contest
winners were invited to attend
and each were given special
The theme for the 2014 Flag
Day Poster Contest was “Our
Flag Stands for Freedom.” In
America, we are free to grow up
to be whatever we want to be,
whether it is a doctor, lawyer,
teacher, police officer, and more.
This year we asked all of the
children in grades kindergarten
through 5th grade to create a
poster showing us what they
would like to be when they grow
up. All of the posters feature the
American Flag.
A record 1,250 posters were
submitted this year, and 21
winners were selected to receive
an award and monetary prize.
Catholic Life would like to thank
all of those who entered the
contest, and we encourage those
who will be eligible next year to
participate again.
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Chairman of the Board Sixtus
Laskowski presents an award to
poster contest winner Fabiola
Catholic Life member Carter Brant puts his all into
helping raise the flag.
President Michael Belz tells the story of Flag Day
as Chairman Laskowski watches.
San Antonio District 10 City
Councilman Mike Gallagher
speaks during the ceremony.
Division A: Kindergarten–1st Grade
Morgan Wisneski—Cibolo, TX
Lana Aguilar—Victoria, Texas
Carmela Ante—Cibolo, Texas
Estefana Estrada­­—Saginaw, Texas
Amelia Scorsone—Vacherie, Louisiana
Fabiola Bojorquez—San Antonio, Texas
Division B: 2nd–3rd Grade
Honorary Mention
Jake Becnel—Paulina, Louisiana
Mackenzie Bell—Cibolo, Texas
Lissette Ralero—Laredo, Texas
Jillian Lucas—San Antonio, Texas
Lily Reifenberg—Cibolo, Texas
Alexandra Parson—Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Catholic Life Magazine | 9
2014 Flag Day poster contest
Division B: 2nd–3rd Grade
Rylee Elias—El Paso, Texas
Sierra Christa­—Castroville, Texas
Emily Elstner—Weimar, Texas
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Division C: 4th–5th Grade
Honorary Mention
Mariano Chapa—Laredo, Texas
Brynn Furgeson—Paulina, Louisiana
Juan Jose Bondoc—Laredo, Texas
Ayde Rivera—Laredo, Texas
Claire Sekinger—Metairie, Louisiana
Honorary Mention
Ashley Rocha—Laredo, Texas
h in action
Come Holy Spirit!
In St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he wrote about the gifts of the Holy Spirit: “And his gifts
were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and
teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”
Most Reverend
Gustavo García-Siller
Catholic Life Insurance
Spiritual Advisor
Each of us receives the gifts from the Holy Spirit when we need them most.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us for our own sanctification, but they also help
us to serve God by serving others. These gifts were given to us at our baptism and were
completed in the grace of our confirmation. St. Peter reminds us that each gift is given to
us so that we may “Use it…as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
On the Vigil of Pentecost I consecrated every person, every institution and every ministry
of the Archdiocese of San Antonio to the care of the Holy Spirit. This consecration means
many things, but it is our greatest hope that we will all reap the fruits of the Holy Spirit by
witnessing through our Christian life — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Led by the Holy Spirit each of us can proclaim the
good news that our hearts can be transformed and opened to God’s love.
Pope Francis spoke recently about being led by the Spirit, saying; “When we receive and
welcome him into our heart, the Holy Spirit immediately begins to make us sensitive to his
voice and to guide our thoughts, our feelings and our intentions according to the heart
of God. At the same time, he leads us more and more to turn our interior gaze to Jesus, as
the model of our way of acting.”
When I met Pope Francis in Rome this past winter, I asked the Holy Father if he would
consider consecrating the whole world to the Holy Spirit. He responded, “It is necessary.”
Since then, the Holy Father has spoken many times about the need for the Holy Spirit. He
understands in a world with so much suffering, poverty, and injustice, we need the Holy
Spirit to empower us to see those in torment and pain with the love and mercy God sees
them. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit we can be healed as we heal our burdened
brothers and sisters with God’s greatest gift…love. I pray that you will seek the Holy Spirit
in your life, allowing others to see Jesus’ presence among us. Ven. Holy Spirit. Ven.
Catholic Life Magazine | 11
Top Producers
as March 31, 2014
1. Jimmy Tirres, LUTCF
2. Larry Pelzel
San Antonio General Agency
San Antonio, Texas
Pelzel Insurance Agency
San Angelo, Texas
1. Charlene Mainz, FICF, CLU
2. Michael Scardino, FIC
3. Eugene Smart, CLU, MBA
Smart & Associates
Houston, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Weimar, Texas
Leading Representatives
1. E.J. Bayer
Weimar, Texas
2. Ann Boenisch
Pasadena, Texas
3. Francis Lutz
Castroville, Texas
4. Charlotte Grobe
Fredericksburg, Texas
7. Wilbert Jost, FIC
San Angelo, Texas
8. Rich Carbonara, Jr.
Cuero, Texas
9. T.J. Sbrusch, FIC
Angleton, Texas
10. Patrick Klozik
Shiner, Texas
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5. Geraldine Martinez, FIC 6. Lawrence Lenzen, Jr.
Bastrop, Texas
Farmers Branch, Texas
11. Loretta Schmidt, FIC 12. Virginia Jendrusch, FIC
San Antonio, Texas
Fredericksburg, Texas
During the 94th convention, delegates will learn of
Catholic Life’s achievements since the last convention.
At the same time, management will outline the goals and
objectives for the organization.
As a Catholic organization, an important part of the
gathering will be the convention Mass. Delegates will take
part in a special Mass offered for the living and deceased
members of Catholic Life.
Changes to the Bylaws
At the 93rd convention, delegates passed a resolution to
appoint an Ad Hoc committee to “research, evaluate and
make recommendations to define the duties, expectations
and requirements of a governing board.” To streamline
expenses, the Board of Directors appointed the Ad Hoc
committee as the Bylaw Committee.
The committee consists of representatives from each
of Catholic Life’s eight districts. Pat Biediger of the
Southwest San Antonio Branch heads the committee
that includes Wilbert Jost of the Wall Branch, Robert
Melnar of the Victoria Branch, Jeanette Mooney of the
Selma-Converse Branch, Tommy Sladecek of the Corn Hill
Branch, Laura Dorotik of the Nada Branch, Larry Haas of
the North Central Houston Branch, and Cindy Olson of the
Pilot Point Branch.
In August, 250 Catholic Life Insurance members will
President J. Michael Belz and Chairman of the Board Sixtus
gather in San Marcos for the 94th convention. Elected by
Laskowski are ex-officio members of the committee.
their local Branch, the delegates will meet August 8-9,
2014, at the Embassy Hotel & Conference Center.
The Committee met in December and in January and
will meet again at the convention. The Committee is
“As a member-owned organization, Catholic Life has
proposing no changes after reviewing the Bylaws and a
a representative form of government and our biennial
review of suggested changes.
conventions are an important part of Catholic Life’s
Electing Directors
governing process,” said President Belz.
Delegates are also charged with electing members to the
Branches elect delegates based on their ability to
Board of Directors. At this convention, delegates from the
represent the needs of their branch at the convention.
even-numbered districts will elect four Directors to the
The duties of delegates include accepting minutes
Board. District II Director/Chairman of the Board Sixtus
from the last convention, confirming committee
Laskowski, District IV Director James Persyn and District
appointments, and voting on any changes to the
VI Director/Vice Chairman of the Board Lawrence Shimek
Bylaws of Catholic Life Insurance. Upon their return,
are retiring from the Board. They have each served two
delegates are charged with reporting the information
terms on the Board and cannot seek re-election. A brief
gathered at the convention to their local branch.
profile of the candidates follows.
Catholic Life Magazine | 13
District 2 Director Candidate
Branch: Floresville Branch #76
Residence: Floresville, Texas
Member Since: 1985
Family: Wife, Mary Jane; children, Robert L. Moczygemba, Jr., Bryan J. Moczygemba, and Sarah Jayne
Education: Falls City High School, Falls City, Texas; I.B.E.W Local #60 Apprenticeship Program.
Employment: Retired
Special License, Training & Awards: Licensed electrician, Licensed realtor, Licensed Real Estate
Robert “Lester” Inspector.
Moczygemba, Sr. Catholic Life Involvement: Floresville Branch President, 2000–present; has served on Convention
Compensation committee.
Church & Community Involvement: Consolata Healthcare Foundation Board, President, 2008–
2011; Secretary, 2006–2007; Sacred Heart Catholic Church Building Committee; and Sacred Heart
Catholic Church Finance Committee.
Statement: “I would like to help District 2 grow to be a leader in the Catholic Life community. I
commit myself to assist the Board to provide leadership and make available the benefits to help our
community prosper.”
District 4 Director Candidate
Branch: St. Hedwig Branch #73
Residence: St. Hedwig, Texas
Member Since: 1966
Family: Wife, Raelynn; children, Kayla Stolowski, Kacie Stolowski and Trent Stolowski.
Education: East Central High School, San Antonio, Texas; San Antonio College, San Antonio; Blinn
Junior College, and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).
Employment: CPS Energy, Senior Analyst
Michael E.
Special License, Training & Awards: Oracle Admit, Achieve Global, Pacific Learning Systems,
Professional Associations: The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)
Catholic Life Involvement: St. Hedwig Branch 1st & 2nd Vice President; has served on
Convention Compensation committee.
Church & Community Involvement: Special Minister/Lector; Former Pastoral Council Member;
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Former Annunciation CYO President &
Vice President; Zone II CYO Athletic Director; President & Director of the East Central FFA Booster
Statement: “My grandfather retired from Catholic Life, my father was on the Board of
Directors, now it is my turn. My goal is to help as much as possible, to insure that this great
organization continues to grow and prosper in the upcoming years. I am excited about how far the
organization has come in the past 20 years, but more excited about the possibilities of how Catholic
Life can look in the next 20 years. Thank you for allowing me to be considered for the District IV
Director’s position.”
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District 6 Director Candidate
Branch: Yoakum Branch #82
Residence: Yoakum, Texas
Member Since: 2003
Family: Wife, Rita; children, Elizabeth, Patricia, Judith and Marguerite
Education: St. Thomas High School, in Chatham, New Brunswick, Canada; St Joseph’s University, New
Brunswick, Canada ; Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana; Degree in Philosophy; Holy Cross
College, Washington, D.C, Masters in Theology.
Joseph “Bert”
Special License, Training & Awards: Texas General Lines – Life, Accident, Health License;
Long-Term Care Partnership Program Certificate; Fraternal Insurance Counselor(FIC); Toastmasters
International Competent Communicator Designation. Was a Twelve Apostle, 2008; Agent of the Month,
June 2004; Field Underwriter of the Year, 2009; NAFIC Quality Service, 2009; and Fraternal Life Agent of
the Year, 2011; 100% Life Certificate Persistency, 2004–present.
Professional Associations: National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counselors (NAFIC).
Occupation: Catholic Life Agent, Retired Supervisor, Aramark, Austin, Texas.
Catholic Life Involvement: Yoakum Branch President, 2005–present. Served as a member of the
Convention Compensation, Tellers/Ballot Committee, Credentials Committee and Sergeant-at-Arms
Committees. Serves as member of the Rev. Msgr. Larry J. Droll Catholic Laity Scholarship Selection
Committee. Catholic Life Agent, 2004–present.
Church & Community Involvement: Member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Yoakum. Has been
a Eucharistic Minister, Lector, CCD Teacher and ACTS team member. Is a 4th degree member of the
Knights of Columbus. Served on the Board of the Yoakum Chamber Of Commerce. Served on the Board
of the Yoakum Rotary Club. Served on the City of Yoakum Building and Standards Board; 2003–2013.
Founder and Board member of the Sears Credit Union in Austin.
Statement: “I have an interest in Catholic Life Insurance and bring my skills and vision to aid.”
District 6 Director Candidate
Joseph “Bert”
Branch: El Campo Branch #95
Residence: El Campo, Texas
Member Since: 1974
Family: Daughter, Elizabeth.
Education: Rice Consolidated High School, Altair, Texas; Wharton Junior College, AAS, Drafting
Technology; University of Houston, B.S. Technology, Leadership, Supervision.
Employment: Program Director and Instructor, Wharton Junior College
Jo Ann Shimek
Special License, Training & Awards: Fraternal Insurance Counselor (FIC); NAFIC Quality Service
Award, 1991–1993; NISOD Teaching Excellence – 2007.
Professional Associations: Texas Community College Teachers Association, Society of Piping
Engineers & Designers.
Catholic Life Involvement: El Campo Branch member, former Agent.
Church & Community Involvement: Member of the Board of Directors and Long-Term Planning
Committee, The Crisis Center of Matagorda and Wharton Counties; Organized/Planned El Campo area
Fundraiser; Church choir member for 25 years.
Statement: “I am excited to be a member of an organization that promotes faith, family and financial
security. My association with Catholic Life as both a member and a sales agent has enriched my life and
prepared me to take a leadership role in the company. I have participated in fraternal activities in Branch
95, studied life insurance through the FIC and witnessed the many financial needs of our members.
After a complete review of the bylaws of Catholic Life Insurance and the responsibilities of a director,
I am confident that with my experience and dedication, I will make sound decisions for the future of
Catholic Life Insurance, keeping it safe, sound and secure for generations to come. I love Catholic Life and
am ready to serve our members as director of District 6.”
Catholic Life Magazine | 15
District 8 Director Candidate
Branch: Fort Worth Branch #113
Residence: Arlington, Texas
Member Since: 1986
Family: Husband, Troy (deceased), children, Kyle Short and Derek Short.
Education: Pilot Point High School, Pilot Point, Texas; Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas
Employment: Bookkeeper, St. Gregory Episcopal Church, Retired Payroll Manger, Cummins
Southern Plains
Special License, Training & Awards: Certified Payroll Professional (CPP).
Doris Short
Professional Associations: Fort Worth Chapter of the American Payroll Association
Catholic Life Involvement: District 8 Director, 2010–present; Chair, Audit Committee, Member,
Annuity/Insurance, Investments, Religious & Benevolent and Underwriting Committees; Fort Worth
Branch Secretary-Treasurer, 1995–present; 1st Vice President, 1993–1994; has served on Convention
Bylaws and Sergeant-at-Arms Committees.
Church & Community Involvement: Eucharistic Minister, Women’s Guild, St. Maria Goretti
Catholic Church; Treasurer, Arlington Woman’s Club; Past President, Fort Worth Chapter of the
American Payroll Association; Encore Club.
Statement: “It has been my honor to represent members of District 8 on the Board of Directors. My
years as a Branch Officer and business background has helped me make the best decisions on behalf
of Catholic Life Insurance members to remain ‘safe, strong and secure’ now and in the future.”
Catholic Life Insurance
is now on Facebook!
Interact with Catholic Life Insurance in a whole new way
and learn more about the latest news, events, and valuable
volunteer opportunities we have to offer. If you have your own
Facebook profile, simply search for “Catholic Life Insurance” on
the Facebook website and click the “Like” button located at
the top of our Page and start sharing with us today!
Go Paperless:
Opt Out of Your Annuity Statement
You can now elect not to receive your
annuity statement in the mail but to
view your statements online only.
To take advantage of this timesaving
and green opportunity, simply call the
Membership Service Department at
1-800-262-2548 during regular business
hours and let them know you are
interested in “Opting Out.”
Paying with online checks
If you are paying your life insurance, IRA or annuity premium with an online check, be sure that you enter the correct
payment amount. Don’t forget to include the account number that the funds are to be applied to in the memo section
of the check. This insures that your payment is applied to the correct certificate to avoid an error or possible termination
of your certificate. If the payment is to be applied to several accounts, make sure you include all account numbers.
Having your premium automatically taken out of your bank account is the best way to insure that you don’t miss a
payment. To set up a bank draft, please contact our Membership Service Dept.
16 | cliu.com
“How am I going to pay for
mom’s funeral when all she had was
$1,000 in life insurance coverage?”
We hear this question frequently when a member contacts his or her Agent or our Death Claim
Department upon the death of a family member.
By R. Dennis Best, CLU,
President/Director of
If you have had a loved one die recently, you know that a funeral costs far more than $1,000. According to the
National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of an adult funeral is $8,343, not including the cost
of a cemetery plot or a monument and marker. And don’t forget other expenses that often accompany the
death of a family member such as medical bills, credit card debt, auto loans, home mortgage, taxes, legal
fees and probate expenses. If you have not planned for the inevitable, your family could suffer financially
as well as emotionally.
There is no more economical way to pay for final expenses than through the purchase of a life insurance
certificate. Don’t let another moment pass without taking action to prevent the financial strife that
accompanies the family that hasn’t prepared. Catholic Life Insurance offers a Final Expense plan designed
specifically for individuals age 40 – 80. You can purchase as little as $5,000 to a maximum of $25,000 without
taking a medical exam. The premiums never increase and the death benefit never decreases.
A healthy husband and wife both age 65 and both non-tobacco users can purchase a Final Expense plan
from Catholic Life for $10,000 each for a combined cost of $92.08 per month. That’s $20,000 worth of peace
of mind for a modest monthly expense. Perfect health is not required, therefore, do not hesitate; apply
today. Don’t make your heirs struggle to pay your funeral costs, take action today by calling your agent or
the Home Office at 210-828-9921 or 1-800-292-2548.
Tired of Watching Your
money Vanish in
the Stock Market?
Don’t kiss your hard-earned retirement dollars goodbye.
Instead, roll them over to a Catholic Life Annuity or IRA and
watch them grow! We’re safe, strong and secure.
*Includes Current Yield + 1.35% First Year Additional Interest
For Information Call Your Local Agent or the Home Office at:
*Interest rates are subject to change & vary by plan.
The minimum interest rate guaranteed is 1.50%.
Annuities • IRAs • 401(k) Rollovers
Catholic Life Magazine | 17
Congratulations to
our All American
Each year, Catholic Life Insurance awards 35 scholarships worth $1,000 each to
graduating high school seniors who have gone above and beyond in their civic duties
and made a difference in their communities.
The All American Scholar Award was designed to offset tuition costs for young Catholic
Life members attending an accredited college or university in the fall semester
immediately following their senior year of high school. This award recognizes those
special individuals who have dedicated their valuable time and efforts to helping others
while remaining devoted to their academic studies, and Catholic Life Insurance strives to
reward this high degree of selfless commitment.
In 2014, the following students received an All American Scholar Award:
18 | cliu.com
Cameron Ahrens
Luling, TX
Hannah Bayer
Muenster, TX
Brandon Darr
Falls City, TX
Taylor Dodes
Fredericksburg, TX
Taylor Dziuk
Falls City, TX
Derek Engberg
Bulverde, TX
Chandler Fike
Flatonia, TX
Briley Fleitman
Lindsay, TX
John Flieller
Floresville, TX
Kristin Greer
Floresville, TX
Justin Groff
Castroville, TX
Hannah Halfmann
Garden City, TX
Krystine Hall
Bellville, TX
Kara Lynn Heathcott
Winters, TX
Sydney Huchton
Muenster, TX
Nicole Jendrusch
San Antonio, TX
Heather Ann Johnson
Archer City, TX
Zachary Kielty
Bastrop, TX
Jordan Kleypas
Kerrville, TX
Jacob Korenek
East Bernard, TX
Blake Lyssy
Poth, TX
Jori Ann Magee
Gainesville, TX
Cody Martinez
Falls City, TX
Haylee Matecko
San Antonio, TX
Krystal Moczygemba
Seguin, TX
Adam Northam
Texarkana, TX
Jake Polansky
Richmond, TX
Grace Ann Polasek
Corpus Christi, TX
Brittany Polasek
Fayetteville, TX
Victoria Ramos
Pleasanton, TX
Carolyn Reavis
Fredericksburg, TX
Lexie Schaefer
Garden City, TX
Kye Derek Schwartz
San Angelo, TX
Owen Veitenheimer
Windthorst, TX
Abby Wolf
Scotland, TX
We would like to thank all of the students who applied this year, and commend all of the scholarship winners
on their outstanding personal achievements!
To apply for the 2015 All American Scholar Award, please view the criteria and application online at www.cliu.com or contact
the Communications Department at (800) 292-2548. The deadline for the upcoming academic year is March 1, 2015.
Catholic Life Magazine | 19
JOIN HANDS DAY is a national day of
service designed to encourage youth and adults
to work together on a project that benefits the community.
Nearly 70 volunteers from the Home
Office and local Branches came
together on Saturday, May 3rd for
the 7th annual Clean-Up Day at Casa
de Padres Retirement Center for
In Pleasanton, Branch members and
the Atascosa County Mesquite 4-H
Club assembled gift bags for local
seniors. In Wall, the St. Ambrose
CCD 4th Grade Class and Wall
Branch members assembled bags for
children in the local pediatric ward.
In La Coste, local Branch members
added more trees to the Our Lady of
Grace parish grounds insuring shade
in the years to come.
These are just a few of the projects
that Catholic Life Branches
participated in celebration of JOIN
HANDS DAY, a national day of
service designed to bring youth and
adults together working on projects
that benefit the community. Nearly
900 people raked leaves, distributed
played Bingo, cooked hamburgers,
assembled hygiene kits and shopped
for needy senior citizens as part of
this service project.
Casa resident Msgr. John Wagner thanks
James Persyn for volunteering.
The Corn Hill Branch received help
from the altar servers to present
carnations to all of the parish mothers
attending Mass on Mother’s Day at
Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
The Edna Ganado Branch hosts a spiritual art project for the children of
Assumption Church CCE, grades 2-5, with guidance from the CCD teachers.
The art was then shared with the parish homebound and residents of the local
assisted living home.
20 | cliu.com
North Central San Antonio Branch Officer
Mary Lou Reyna and Northeast San Antonio Branch
member Paul Stuebben work together to clear the
grounds at the priests retirement center of leaves. Together with the help of St. Mary’s Youth Group and
Guadalupanas volunteers, the Ballinger Branch serves
refreshments to the pilgrims walking the annual 3.5
mile stretch from “The Cross” to St. Mary Star of the Sea
Church on Good Friday.
Along with the CCE Edge Group, Frelsburg Branch
volunteers show their special appreciation for mothers by giving
roses to all of the mothers attending Mass during Mother’s Day
weekend at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church. Friday.
Boy Scouts assist the New Braunfels Branch with their cleanup
project at St. Joseph’s Chapel and Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery. They
planted new trees, trimmed old trees, picked up trash, and generally
cleaned up around the chapel and cemetery so it would look nice
for visitors.
The Atascosa County Mesquite 4-H Club joins hands with the
Pleasanton Branch to assemble close to 60 gift bags that were
then delivered to the residents of Argent Court Assisted Living.
This project is designed to show appreciation to the seniors of the
community and teach children the gift of giving.
People of all ages participate
in the annual St. Ann’s Teen
ACTS “Fun Run and Walk”
fundraiser, which received
assistance this year from the
St. Hedwig Branch. This
project helps raise funds for
the Teen ACTS retreats.
The St. Ambrose CCD 4th Grade Class and their teachers help the
Wall Branch to fill fun activity bags with colored pencils, writing
pencils, booklets, stickers, glue and more. These bags were given
to entertain the children in the pediatric ward while they are
being treated or recovering in the hospital.
The Northeast San Antonio Branch joined other San Antonio area
Branches and the Home Office for the annual cleanup project at Casa de
Padres Retirement Center for Priests, where everyone helped by raking
leaves, trimming branches, washing windows, and visiting with the retired
priests in residence.
The Richmond-Rosenberg Branch hosts a bingo party and hamburger
lunch for the residents and staff of the SPJST Nursing Home as a way
to bring cheer to the elderly. They were assisted by youth and adult
volunteers from several community groups, including Needville 4-H, KJZT/
SPJST, KJT Jr.’s, Woodmen of the World, Knights of Columbus, and St.
Michael’s Altar Society.
The Stonewall Branch
received help from altar
servers, CCD students, and
parishioners to present
Catholic Life pens to each
mothers in attendance at
St. Francis Xavier Catholic
Church during Mother’s
Day weekend. The Branch
will extend this project to
show appreciation to all
fathers during Father’s Day
weekend, as well.
The High HillSchulenburg Branch and
St. Rose Altar Servers give
out carnations to all of the
mothers in attendance at
five different Masses during
Mother’s Day weekend.
Catholic Life Magazine | 21
Students from St. Michael’s Catholic School, grades 5-8, pose for a quick
picture after helping the Weimar Branch clean up the Veterans hall
grounds after the St. Michael’s Spring Festival.
Sacred Heart Catholic School students show appreciation to the mothers
attending Mass on Mother’s Day by helping the Hallettsville Branch
present each mother with a flower.
Girl Scouts from Troops 2531 and 664, as well as their leaders and parents,
join hands with the St. Benedict Branch on their annual spring clean-up
project at the St. Jerome Catholic Cemetery.
St. Mary’s 8th grade class and teachers help the Gainesville Branch
line the walkways of the church grounds with one hundred miniature U.S.
Flags in honor of Memorial Day. They also picked up trash, planted flowers,
and decorated the church.
A young volunteer helps the LaCoste-Devine Branch plant trees on
church grounds at Our Lady of Grace to provide shade during future
church picnics and other events.
The Windthorst Branch cleaned up the town with the help of
volunteers from the Junior Catholic Daughters of America and St. Mary’s
22 | cliu.com
honoring our country
Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action
At Our Lady of Victory Cathedral, the diocese of Victoria celebrates
the Ordination to the Order of the Priesthood of Philip Landon
Brune from Sts. Peter & Paul Church in Frelsburg. A reception was
held in Father Philip’s honor, where the Frelsburg Branch Officers
presented him with a monetary gift.
Members of the Pleasanton Branch pose proudly with an
assortment of collected items at their annual social. The Branch
requested that attendees bring donations to their event—
canned goods for CAM or school supplies for “Stuff the Bus.”
Young volunteers from St. Mary’s Youth Group hide
eggs throughout the Windthorst ISD Playground for the
Windthorst Branch community Easter Egg Hunt. Family
members cheered for the youth as they filled their baskets
with all of the goodies.
President/CEO J. Michael Belz and District Director Sandy
King pose with children who are about to participate in
the Rockne-String Prairie Branch Easter Egg Hunt at
the Rockne Museum and Hilbig Park.
The Fredericksburg Branch awards academic scholarships
to graduating high school seniors Carolyn Reavis, Monica
Montgomery, and Baylie Eckhardt during the annual Branch
social. Carolyn Reavis was also a recipient of the 2014 All
American Scholar Award.
Catholic Life Magazine | 23
Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action
Youth volunteers with the Scotland Branch collect
canned goods for Faith Mission during a special
project to help those less fortunate.
In honor of Msgr. John Peter’s 40th anniversary of his ordination to the
priesthood, the Hallettsville Branch presents him with a monetary
gift benefitting the Sacred Heart Catholic School Capital Campaign.
The funds will be used to help build a new learning center at the
Joyce Moore presents a travelling mass kit to
newly ordained Father Victor Valdez on behalf of
the Harper Branch.
Weimar Branch Officers Dennis Herzik and Karen Kutac make a donation
to the St. Michael Catholic School Golf Tournament on behalf of the
Branch. School Representative Theresa Adams received the donation,
which will go directly towards the school.
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volunteering our time
Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action
The Brady Branch hosts a Hamburger Supper in St. Patrick’s Parish
Hall for all CCD students, as well as their parents and teachers.
During their annual social, the Pecan Valley Branch
presents a donation to Ms. Catherine Kelley for the Holy
Name Catholic Church CCD Program.
The Brazosport Branch presents a new U.S. Flag to the
Carriage Inn Nursing Home in Lake Jackson. Carriage Inn
Executive Director Trisha Lambert (pictured far left) and
Penny Charrier (pictured far right) received the flag on
behalf of the nursing home.
The Richmond Rosenberg Branch presents academic
scholarships to Jordan Janke of Needville and Dalton Prihoda of
Sealy. These graduating high school seniors both plan to attend
Texas A&M University in the fall.
Catholic Life Magazine | 25
helping our neighbors
Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action Branches in Action
Coffee, juice and cookies are served by Stonewall Branch
Officers in St. Thomas Hall. While attendees socialized with
friends, the Branch and Agents displayed literature and shared
information on Catholic Life Insurance products and services.
Victoria Branch Project Coordinator Dorothy
Rehak presents a monetary donation to Mary
Lou Trevino, Volunteer Coordinator for the
Victoria Food Bank. The Branch hosts their
annual Join Hands Day project at the Food
Bank, where they bag rice and beans for
distribution to those in need.
The Burlington-Cameron Branch receives help from
the parish youth of St. Ann’s Catholic Church to collect
canned goods for the local food pantry. To thank their
generous parishioners, the Branch served punch and
cupcakes after Mass.
The High Hill-Schulenburg Branch hosts a
morning social for the congregation of St. Mary’s
Catholic Church, where the adults socialized
and looked on while the children took part in an
Easter Egg Hunt on the church lawn.
26 | cliu.com
Creamy Cakes
in the
End your meal on a high note!
Leave a lasting impression on your dinner guests by serving
one of these decadent desserts sent in by our members.
Chocolate Cool Whip Cake Cream of Coconut Cake
German Chocolate cake mix
[Water, eggs and oil per cake mix
box instructions]
1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 jar caramel topping
1 carton (8 oz.) Cool Whip
1 box yellow or white cake
1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 can cream of coconut
1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip
1 (8 oz.) can crushed pineapple
½ cup coconut
Bake cake as directed. Remove cake from
oven and poke holes in cake with fork.
Pour the can of Eagle Brand milk over the
cake and follow with caramel topping.
Let cool and ice cake with the Cool Whip.
Cover and refrigerate.
Bake cake according to its directions in a
9x13” pan. Cool for 5 minutes. Punch holes
in cake with a wooden spoon handle. Mix
together, Eagle Brand milk and cream of
coconut. Pour over the cake. When the
cake is completely cool, mix cool whip and
pineapple together and spread on the cake.
Top with coconut. Refrigerate overnight.
Betty Shimek
Schulenburg, Texas
Cinderella Cake
Karen Kutac
Weimar, Texas
Cookies & Cream Cake
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 cup Wesson oil
2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. salt
2 cups canned pumpkin
1 package white cake mix
1¼ cups water
⅓ cup oil
3 egg whites
1 cup (approx. 8) Oreo cookies, coarsely crushed
Beat sugar and eggs until light and well blended. Add
oil, continuing to beat. Combine dry ingredients and
blend into egg mixture. Add pumpkin and mix well.
Pour into a well-greased 13x9” pan. Bake at 350 degrees
for 55 minutes or until cake tests done. Let cake stand
in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a rack to cool.
Coachman’s Icing:
Combine 1 (3 oz.) package of cream cheese and 1 stick
butter or margarine; add one (1 lb.) box of powdered
sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla, beating until very smooth.
Tint light orange if desired. Decorate top with curls of
shaved sweet baking chocolate.
Gloria Morales
San Angelo, Texas
(Note: You may add additional crushed cookies if you would like to.)
In a large mixing bowl combine cake mix, water, oil and egg whites. Beat on low
speed until moistened and then beat on high for 2 minutes. Gently fold in the
crushed cookies. Pour into two greased and floured 8-inch round cake pans or one
13x9x2-inch greased pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until a wooden
pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes and remove from
pans to wire rack to cool completely.
4- 4 ½ cups confectioners’ sugar
½ cup shortening
¼ cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
In a mixing bowl, beat the sugar, shortening, milk and vanilla until smooth. Frost
the cake. If desired, decorate the top with cookie halves and the sides with crushed
Recipe yields: 12 servings.
Cheri De Salme
San Antonio, Texas
Send Us
Your Recipes!
We would like to ask our members to send us recipes that travel
well; i.e. recipes that you can take to a potluck, family reunion,
funeral reception, etc.
Please send your recipes to [email protected] or mail to:
Catholic Life Insurance
In The Kitchen
PO Box 659527
San Antonio, TX 78265-9527
Catholic Life Magazine | 27
P.O. Box 659527
San Antonio, TX 78265-9527
Gerri Martinez
Charlotte Grobe
Loretta Schmidt
Wilbert Jost
Be Affiliated With Top Agents Like These!
If you or anyone you know is an experienced life insurance agent or a self-motivated individual looking to make a career change or supplement
income, WE WANT YOU! We’re expanding our operations and must hire new agents. As part of our 2014 recruitment campaign we are offering a
reward of up to $1,000 for new agent referrals who contract with us prior to Dec. 31, 2014, and yes, you as a member may refer yourself.
Catholic Life has a diversified individual life insurance and annuity portfolio. We provide our agents unsurpassed field and home office support
and benefits including:
◆ Innovative, lead-generating products like our “Just For Kids” product
◆ Life/Work Balance with the flexibility to work parttime or fulltime,
work from home
◆ Diversified life insurance and annuity product portfolio
◆ Reward and Recognition
◆ A jump-start with our generous Co-Op Marketing Program
(Up to 50% reimbursement)
◆ Professional Development & CE Opportunities
◆ Unlimited Income Potential
◆ Living and Fraternal Benefits
For More Information, Call Dawn Fanfelle, Recruiting Director 1-800-262-2548 ext. 168
*See program guidelines for details.
Guidelines subject to change. 6/14