Perolehan Terkini Perpustakaan MAMPU Bil 4


Perolehan Terkini Perpustakaan MAMPU Bil 4
A Doctor in the House
Given in Trust : Memoirs
Open Services Innovation
The Soul of Leadership
The Steve Jobs Way
The Myths of Innovation
The Next Decade
Nasib Melayu di Bumi Melayu
41 Kelebihan Rasulullah SAW
Konspirasi Yahudi
Perkhidmatan Awam : Meneraju Perubahan...
The Social Media Management Handbook
Beduk Diketuk
Travelog Cinta Abadi
Zainab: Srikandi Cucu Baginda Muhammad SAW
: Given in Trust : Memoirs
: Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid
: MPH Publishing Sdn. Bhd,
Petaling Jaya, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 923.5595 AHM
: 922 muka surat
As a wide-eyed schoolboy in the early 1950s, Ahmad Sarji was
enchanted by the fanfare and grandure of a parade marking the arrival of
a British District Officer at his school in Tapah. It must be absolutely
fabulous to be a District Officer, he daydreamed. This event planted the
seed of ambition that started to take root with his admission to the
University of Malaya. It started sprouting when he joined the Malayan Civil
Service in 1961 and blossomed into fulfilment when he was appointed
District Officer of Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, in 1963. With systematic
hard work and unwavering determination to serve the country, his Civil
Service career „bore fruit‟ in his promotions to State and Federal posts, in
the setting up of the Farmers‟ Organisation Authority, and culminated in his
appointment as Chief Secretary to the Government from 1990 to 1996. It
was the highest Civil Service position in terms of honour and trust. At an
age when most people retire into their golden years, Ahmad Sarji was still
branching out into numerous positions of trust —as President of the
Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management
(CAPAM); as Chairman of PNB and many of its companies; as founding
Chairman of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM); as
President of the Heritage of Malaysia Trust; as President of the Malaysian
Lawn Bowls Federation; and as Chairman, Professional Golf of Malaysia.
This book, his memoirs, is an account of his values, principles and
achievements. Given in Trust is a reminder to the younger generations of
Malaysia that they too may be inspired to dream of eminence-and strive
for its fulfilment.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: A Doctor in the House
: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
: MPH Publishing Sdn. Bhd,
Petaling Jaya, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 923.2595 MAH
: 843 muka surat
The West has called him recalcitrant, racist, anti-Sematic and
arrogant. The developing world, however, sees former Malaysian Prime
Minister Tun Dr Mahathir as a visionary champion, the rare leader who
gave every Third World individual reason to stand tall. Even his harshest
critics cannot deny that, above all else, he gave some of the most
neglected countries courage, showing the way to a more hopeful future.
But it was not without controversy. His 22 years at the country‟s helm
has been characterised as both dictatorial and inspiring. Few leaders have
been able to turn an entire country from a predominantly agrarian
economy into an industrial powerhouse — fewer still have been able to do
so within a short two decades.
Here, with surgical precision, Dr. Mahathir explores a nuanced
history and scrutinises his own role in the shaping of modern Malaysia.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: Open Services Innovation
: Henry Chesbrough
: Jossey-Bass
San Francisco, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 658.4063 CHE
: 242 muka surat
The father of “open innovation” is back with his most significant book
yet. Henry Chesbrough's acclaimed book Open Innovation described a
new paradigm for management in the 21st century. Open Services
Innovation offers a new approach that demonstrates how open innovation
combined with a services approach to business is an effective and
powerful way to grow and compete in our increasingly services-driven
Chesbrough shows how companies in any industry can make the
critical shift from product- to service-centric thinking, from closed to open
innovation where co-creating with customers enables sustainable
business models that drive continuous value creation for customers. He
maps out a strategic approach and proven framework that any individual,
business unit, company, or industry can put to work for renewed growth
and profits. The book includes guidance and compelling examples for
small and large companies, services businesses, and emerging
economies, as well as a path forward for the innovation industry.
“Whether you are managing a product or a service, your business needs
to become more open and more inclusive in order to be more innovative.
Open Services Innovation will be an invaluable guide to intrepid managers
who commit to making that journey.”
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: The Soul of Leadership
: Deepak Chopra
: Harmony Books
New York, 2010
No. Panggilan
: 206.1 CHO
: 220 muka surat
Leadership is the most crucial choice one can make—it is the
decision to step out of darkness into the light. Bestselling author and
spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader
most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real.
Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives
for eight years, and the path outlined in The Soul of Leadership applies to
any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community
and area of life, from family and home to school, place of worship, and
neighborhood. “At the deepest level,” Chopra writes, “a leader is the
symbolic soul of a group.” With clear, practical steps, you are led through
the crucial skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S: L = Look and
Listen E = Emotional Bonding A = Awareness D = Doing
E = Empowerment R = Responsibility S = Synchronicity After identifying
your own soul profile and the core values you want to develop, you can
use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge.
Only from the level of the soul, Chopra contends, are great leaders
created. Once that connection is made, you have unlimited access to the
most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence,
organizing power, and love. The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most
critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. “You can
be such a leader,” Chopra promises. “The path is open to you. The only
requirement is that you learn to listen to your inner guide.” In this unique
handbook you are shown how to do just that, in words as practical as they
are uplifting. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to
lead it lies with each of us, here and now.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: The Steve Jobs Way
: Jay Elliot
: Vanguard Press
New York, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 621.39092 JAY
: 242 muka surat
Through this book, Jay Elliot gives the reader the opportunity of
seeing Steve Jobs as only his closest associates have ever seen him, and
to learn what has made him--and the mystique of his management
style--capable of creating tools so extraordinary that they have remade
three industries and have transformed the way we create, consume, and
communicate with each other. Jay Elliot worked side by side with Steve as
Senior Vice President of Apple and brings us his deep insider perspective
of Steve's singular iLeadership style--which encompasses four major
principles: product, talent, organization, marketing. Jay shares the lessons
that come out of Steve's intuitive approach to show how the creative and
breakthroughs in any organization, irrespective of size.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: The Myths of Innovation
: Scott Berkun
: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Canada, 2010
No. Panggilan
: 609 BER
: 225 muka surat
In this new paperback edition of the classic bestseller, you'll be taken
on a hilarious, fast-paced ride through the history of ideas. Author Scott
Berkun will show you how to transcend the false stories that many
business experts, scientists, and much of pop culture foolishly use to
guide their thinking about how ideas change the world. With four new
chapters on putting the ideas in the book to work, updated references and
over 50 corrections and improvements, now is the time to get past the
myths, and change the world.
You'll have fun while you learn:
* Where ideas come from
* The true history of history
* Why most people don't like ideas
* How great managers make ideas thrive
* The importance of problem finding
* The simple plan
Since its initial publication, this classic bestseller has been
discussed on NPR, MSNBC, CNBC, and at Yale University, MIT, Carnegie
Mellon University, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google,, and other
major media, corporations, and universities around the world. It has
changed the way thousands of leaders and creators understand the world.
Now in an updated and expanded paperback edition, it's a fantastic time to
explore or rediscover this powerful view of the world of ideas.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: The Next Decade
: George Friedman
: Doubleday,
United States, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 909.83 FRI
: 243 muka surat
The author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller The Next
100 Years now focuses his geopolitical forecasting acumen on the next
decade and the imminent events and challenges that will test America and
the world, specifically addressing the skills that will be required by the
decade's leaders. The next ten years will be a time of massive transition.
The wars in the Islamic world will be subsiding, and terrorism will become
something we learn to live with. China will be encountering its crisis. We
will be moving from a time when financial crises dominate the world to a
time when labor shortages will begin to dominate. The new century will be
taking shape in the next decade. In The Next Decade, George Friedman
offers readers a pro­vocative and endlessly fascinating prognosis for the
immediate future. Using Machiavelli's The Prince as a model, Friedman
focuses on the world's leaders—particularly the American president—and
with his trusted geopolitical insight analyzes the complex chess game they
will all have to play. The book also asks how to be a good president in a
decade of extraordinary challenge, and puts the world's leaders under a
microscope to explain how they will arrive at the decisions they will
make—and the consequences these actions will have for us all.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: Nasib Melayu di Bumi Melayu
: Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
: Utusan Publications & Distributors,
Kuala Lumpur, 2010
No. Panggilan
: 305.89923 MOH
: 191 muka surat
Buku ini adalah sebahagian daripada himpunan tulisan Dr. Mohd
Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dalam akhbar Mingguan Malaysia dan majalah
Al-Islam. Persoalan utamanya banyak berkisar tentang politik silang
budaya, terutamanya antara Melayu dengan bukan Melayu. Fokusnya
lebih kepada nasib orang Melayu di bumi mereka sendiri. Kenapa dan
mengapa orang Melayu masih ketinggalan dibuminya sendiri, sedangkan
perlembagaan? Buku ini akan cuba untuk menjawab persoalan yang
dibangkitkan. Pendedahan secara berani oleh penulis diharapkan tidak
menggores hati mana-mana pihak kerana ia tidak dilakukan dengan
sengaja, melainkan untuk berkata benar, walaupun kadangkala amat pahit
untuk ditelan. Isu-isu yang diutarakan telah menjadi bahan perbincangan
hebat. Ada yang memuji, tidak kurang yang mengeji. Apa pun, kebebasan
memberikan pendapat perlu dihormati dan diterima dengan dada terbuka.
Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk berfikir sejenak dan merenung nasib
diri sendiri. Lenggok bahasa yang mudah difahami, sinis dan tegas
diharapkan dapat membuka jendela ilmu kepada semua pembaca untuk
terus membaca.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: 41 Kelebihan Rasullah SAW
: Sheikh Izzuddin Abdul Aziz bin Abdul
Salam Al-Sulami
: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.,
Kuala Lumpur, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 297.63 SIA
: 52 muka surat
“Maklumat dalam risalah ini adalah merupakan pilihan pengarangnya
daripada riwayat yang sahih, tidak ada yang diputuskan sebagai daif.
Inilah keistimewaan risalah ini berbanding dengan kitab-kitab yang lain.”
(Tahqiq Bidayah al-Sul, ms.12)
ketinggian darjat Rasulullah SAW, maka kita sebagai umatnya wajib
menyayangi Baginda dengan mengikut petunjuk dan ajarannya yang
sebenar, bukan hanya sekadar mencipta slogan dan cogankata yang
ditulis dan dilaungkan.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
: Konspirasi Yahudi...
: Sabaruddin Hussein
: PTS Islamika Sdn. Bhd.
Batu Caves, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 296 SAB
: 130 muka surat
Konspirasi Yahudi : Peperangan dan Penaklukan membongkar bukti
sulit yang kurang diketahui umum strategi Yahudi mencipta dan mengatur
peristiwa demi peristiwa dalam sejarah sepanjang tempoh 100 tahun
lepas. Mereka cuba merealisasikan World Super Government.
Antara isu menarik yang dibincangkan:
Yahudi dan Perang Dunia Pertama
Persediaan Perang Dunia Kedua
Konspirasi pernyertaan Amerika Syarikat
Penubuhan sebuah kerajaan agung dunia
Illuminati dan orde baru dunia.
Turut dimuatkan, 8 halaman berwarna yang membantu pemahaman
pembaca bagi mengetahui secara mendalam tentang siapa, bagaimana,
bila dan mengapa sesuatu peristiwa itu terjadi.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
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: Perkhidmatan Awam...
: Najib Razak
: Razak School of Government,
Kuala Lumpur, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 351.595 NAJ
: 105 muka surat
Malaysia tidak mempunyai banyak waktu, dan hakikat bahawa kita
sedang diperhati turut menambah debar cabaran kepada misi penting
mencapai Wawasan 2020. Hakikatnya, menjelang detik tersebut, seluruh
dunia akan menumpukan derianya kepada kita, teruja mahu melihat
apakah hasil gagasan yang selama ini begitu rakus kita canangkan
kepada semua. Persoalannya, apakah hasil penamat kita itu nanti?
Berjaya cemerlang, atau rebah dan tumbang? Tepuk dada tanya selera,
buku ini menyampaikan pesan serta harapan YAB Perdana Menteri
Malaysia, Dato‟ Sri Najib Razak kepada seluruh warga Malaysia serta
penjawat awam khususnya, dan bakal membuat kita menyoal semula diri
sendiri, apakah kita sama-sama dalam misi negara mencapai Wawasan
2020, atau sebaliknya menjadi musuh dalam selimut, perencat agenda
transformasi, dan pembunuh masa depan negara!
Perpustakaan MAMPU
- 11 -
: The Social Media Management Handbook
: Nick Smith, Robert Wollan &
Catherine Zhou
: John Wiley & Son, Inc.,
New Jersey, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 658.872 SMI
: 328 muka surat
How do organizations manage social media effectively? Every
organization wants to implement social media, but it is difficult to create
processes and manage employees to make this happen. Most social
media books focus on strategies for communicating with customers, but
they fail to address the internal process that takes place within a business
before those strategies can be implemented. This book is geared toward
helping you manage every step of the process required to use social
media for business. The Social Media Management Handbook provides a
complete toolbox for defining and practicing a coherent social media
strategy. It is a comprehensive resource for bringing together such
disparate areas as IT, customer service, sales, communications, and more
to meet social media goals. Wollan and Smith and their Accenture team
explain policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities, metrics, strategies,
incentives, and legal issues that may arise. You will learn how to:
Empower employees and teams to utilize social media effectively
throughout the organization. Measure the ROI of social media investments
and ensure appropriate business value is achieved over time Make smart­
er decisions, make them more quickly, and make them stick. Get the most
out of your social media investment and fully leverage its benefits at your
company with The Social Media Management Handbook.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
- 12 -
: Beduk diketuk
: Pahrol Mohd Juoi
: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd.,
Kuala Lumpur, 2011
No. Panggilan
: 297.57 PAH
: 280 muka surat
Apabila beduk diketuk, tentulah ada yang rasa terkejut, tak senang
malah ada kalanya „bingit‟, namun sebaik menyedari untuk apa beduk
diketuk, kita mula memberi perhatian, mendengarnya dengan teliti dan
bertindak selaras dengan mesej yang dibawanya. Suara peringatan ada
kalanya tidak perlu nyaring, namun cukup sekadar dapat didengar oleh
telinga dan hati. Orang yang bijaksana akan lebih terkesan mendengar
bisikan berbanding jeritan.
Nilai tambah dalam buku ini adalah ilustrasi yang penuh makna
daripada saudara Nik Wafdi. Ilustrasi mampu mengangkat mesej
berbanding ratusan malahan ribuan kata-kata. Adalah diharapkan
pembaca akan teruja oleh usikan nakal namun penuh makna daripada
pelukis tersebut. Dengan ini bahagian otak kanan (ilustrasi) dan kiri
(kata-kata) para pembaca akan diaktifkan secara optimum bagi
memantapkan lagi kefahaman dan penghayatan.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
- 13 -
: Travelog Cinta Abadi
: Roza Roslan
: PTS Islamika Sdn. Bhd.,
Selangor, 2010
No. Panggilan
: 920.72 ROZ
: 271 muka surat
Keistimewaan Travelog Cinta Abadi : Masa Yang Berlalu ini terletak
pada cara setiap kisah digarap sehingga menimbulkan tanda tanya yang
mengujakan. Pembaca jadi setia mengikuti perjalanan kisah pengarang
dan juga beberapa insan tersayang disisinya.
Nisah Haron (Novelis Terkenal, Lentera Mustika).
Penulis berjaya menyelitkan unsur pengajaran secara „hidup‟ di sebalik
kisah-kisah yang dipaparkan.
Ain Maisarah (Penulis Best-Seller Novel Remaja)
Travelog Cinta Abadi : Masa Yang Berlalu adalah sebuah autobiografi
yang „tawaduk tetapi mesra‟ dan berupaya mengusik sukma pembacanya.
Zaid Akhtar (Pengarang Sesegar Nailofar, Rona Bosphorus, Justeru
Impian di Jaring dan Salju Sakinah)
Perpustakaan MAMPU
- 14 -
: Zainab...
: Nurfaridah Rubani
: Kharisma Network Sdn. Bhd.,
Petaling Jaya, 2009
No. Panggilan
: 297.64 NUR
: 248 muka surat
“Tuhan, terimalah bingkisan kecil ini!” jeritnya seraya menadahkan
tangan berlumuran darah jasad saudaranya, al-Husain.
Zainab bukan lagenda, tapi fakta sejarah. Di dalamnya ada duka
dan ada pula gelora. Buku ini nyaris tidak memerlukan kata pengantar
kerana sejak awal anda terus dibawa menghayati pentas tragedi
kemanusiaan paling menyayat jiwa dan ditambah dengan peranan cucu
Nabi Muhammad SAW ini sewaktu menghadapi para penguasa zalim.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
- 15 -
: The Open Source Alternative
: HM Tuah Iskandar al-Haj
: Alaf 21 Sdn. Bhd.,
Shah Alam, 2009
No. Panggilan
: 158.1 HMT
: 319 muka surat
A remarkable journey around the world‟s major ancient sites from
Stonehenge to the Pyramids at Giza and from Tenochtitlan to the Lascaux
Cave in France.
A wide-ranging survey of some of the most important ancient sites of
the world, spanning every period from early humans to recent times.
Includes information on the latest findings and breakthroughs in
archaeology and provides a fascinating insight into the history and
cultures of ancient civilizations around the world.
A globe-trotting journey round the world‟s major sites from Skara
Brae on Orkney to Lake Mungo in Australia, and from Persepolis in Iran to
the Blombos Cave in South Africa.
Authoritative but highly accessible text, written by a team of leading
international specialists and fully illustrated with over 500 colour
photographs, including specially commisioned maps to help pinpoint the
sites covered in the book.
Perpustakaan MAMPU
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