July 5 2015.pub (Read


July 5 2015.pub (Read
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Saint Lawrence Church
1000 North Greece Road ・ Rochester, NY ・ 14626 ・ 585-723-1350
What’s Inside!
“July Brings A New New Year”
p. 3
Faith Development Ministry
St. Lawrence School
p. 8-9
Youth Ministry
This Week’s Prayer
p. 2
p. 4
What’s Now
This Week’s Events
Parish Informa&on
Parish Staff
What’s Next
Upcoming Events
The poor are the
real treasures of the
Church, by the
inestimable gift of
their faith and
because they
convert our alms into
imperishable treasure
for us.
www.stlawrencegreeceny.org ・ www.stlawrenceschool.org
Monday, July 6
Gen 28:10-22a/Mk 6:1-6a
St. Maria Gore3, Virgin and Martyr
8:30 a.m.
Domenica and Angelo Mario Maiola by
Maria and family
Mass Schedule
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m.
Holy Days
of Obliga-on
8:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7
8:30 a.m.
Gen 32:23-33/Mk 9:32-38
Mary Julian by Marlene and Jim Kehoe
Wednesday, July 8
8:30 a.m.
Gen 41:55-57, 42:5-7a,17-24a/
Mk 10:1-7
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Przybycien by
Florence Przybycien
Thursday, July 9
Gen 44:18-21,23b-29;45:1-5/
St. Augus&ne Zhao Rong,
Mk 10:7-15
Priest, and companion, martyrs
8:30 a.m.
Julia and Antonia Derrigo by Nikki, Mary
and Tony
Friday, July 10
8:30 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
Gen 46:1-7, 28-30/Mk 10:16-23
Rita Reding by Doris Mar-na
Anointing of the Sick
Saturday, July 11
Please call us if you or a family
member wish to be anointed.
St. Benedict, Abbot
Parents should contact us as
soon as they know they are
Gen 49:29-32,50:15-26a/
This week, we light the
Sanctuary Lamp for Joseph
A. Cropo, Jr. at the request
of Mrs. Carol and Quen&n
Engaged couples should
contact us at least one year in
advance of their desired date.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
St. Lawrence
Sunday, July 12
4 p.m. (Sat)
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Am 7:12-15/Eph 1:3-14/Mk 7-13
Andrew Wuest by Ron and Laura Amick
John and Catherine Starczek by Doug, Barb,
Stacy, and Jennifer Garrison
Robert Hall by Dick and Sandy Hill
For all St. Lawrence Parishioners
By Father Lee Chase
July Brings A
New Year
This past Monday, I began another
step in my life: I became the pastor of St.
Lawrence Church. I arrived here for
priestly work on December 2, 2012 as the
Parochial Vicar. On April 26, 2014 I began
life as the Parochial Administrator of the
parish following Father Frank FalleAa’s
re-rement. And now, Bishop Matano has
appointed me the pastor. It’s a small club.
I follow three priests: Fr. Edward Shamon,
Fr. John Murphy and Fr. Frank FalleAa.
Please pray for me in this enterprise.
We’ve come to know each other over the
last few years. I am privileged to be here
and to serve you.
So the beginning of July brings some
changes to our parish life. In addi-on to
this new assignment, we have a new look
to the bulle-n. Many of you have told me
how much you enjoy the Musings ar-cle
we publish every weekend. I enjoy wri-ng
it. I think communica-on is one of the
most important things that we, as the
Church, do. The Gospel is not just a novel
or work of literature that people read.
The Gospel is first and foremost the Good
News proclaimed. We proclaim it with our
lives, our ac-ons, our aEtudes, our words.
The Gospel is communica-on.
The Gospel is first and
foremost the Good News
As it is communica-on, I am asking
that we all take care in how we
communicate in the parish. We need to
be good in this endeavor. We need to be
honest and transparent. We need to
choose our words carefully. We need to
make sure that our communica-on builds
up the Chris-an community. We need to
make sure that our words are always
about the work of the Kingdom. At the
beginning of crea-on, God spoke and
things came to be. The power of words
can never be underes-mated.
been a joy for me. It’s a good thing.
You’ll also see on page 2 the Mass
Inten-ons for the coming week, the
Scriptural readings for the coming week,
and the name(s) of those for whom we
light the sanctuary lamp. You’ll find this
informa-on under the heading This
Week’s Prayer. While the Mass Inten-on
At the beginning of
is always the inten-on of the priestcrea&on, God spoke and presider of the Mass, we invite you to pray
for those individuals as well. Once again, a
things came to be.
note on the inten-ons: all of the Mass
inten-ons for the scheduled Masses of
Our bulle-n will now have more of a 2015 have been filled. In October, we will
magazine look. Our goal is to make the
open up the 2016 calendar and we will let
overall appearance of this bulle-n more
you know well in advance of that date. If
contemporary, more serious, and more
you wish, you can make a dona-on to our
St. Lawrence Church Memorial Society in
enjoyable. Some-mes, bulle-ns can be
memory of someone. Twice a year from
overtaken by announcements and
now on, we will celebrate two Masses for
adver-sements. Those are important.
all of the people enrolled in the society.
Let’s not make the mistake that they’re
In the sec-on en-tled Faith
not. The announcements let us know
what’s going on. You’ll now find those
Development of the bulle-n, you’ll see
announcements on the page(s) called
the Principal’s newsleAer from the school
What’s Now. And the individuals and
that is sent the week before to all of the
companies who adver-se in our bulle-n
school families. So many of you have
make the publica-on possible. And so I
remarked how much you enjoy seeing that
hope you’ll take the -me to look over
newsleAer. We’ll be adding to that with
those ads and see if there’s someone who news and events from Faith Forma-on,
can help you or a business that can serve
Youth Ministry, RCIA, Adult Educa-on,
Adult Bible Study - all the various areas of
On Page 5 of the bulle-n, you’ll find
Faith Development.
the list of the Parish Staff. You’ll no-ce
On the Stewardship page, we’ll
that I’ve changed the way we categorize
publish the collec-on informa-on, the
our staff. Working very closely with me is update on the Catholic Ministries Appeal
our Finance Director Bruce Watson, our
(CMA), the Mass aAendance figures as
Business Manager Tina McAuliffe, and our well as a quote or two from Pope Francis
school principal Frank Arvizzigno. The
or others on what stewardship is and how
four of us meet on a very regular basis and important it is to our lives. That sec-on of
form a collabora-ve execu-ve leadership the bulle-n will also expand over -me to
team. By bringing together the pastoral,
include opportuni-es for volunteering and
financial and educa-onal needs of the
ways you can contribute to our wider
community - the goal of a singular vision
community. As an example of this, the
and united community becomes easier to fine efforts of our Human Development
achieve. As pastor of the parish, I convene CommiAee will be highlighted here.
the mee-ngs and establish the agenda.
So enjoy the bulle-n and enjoy the
I’m confident enough to speak for the
rest of your month. July 1st is like a new
others in saying that this collabora-ve
New Year’s Day. It brings summer, a new
effort has already produced good things.
pastor, a new bulle-n look, and a new
Isn’t there an old saying about more heads
chance to renew our faith in God. Thanks
are beAer than one? Seeking a collec-ve
for being the community a priest wants to
wisdom from such giHed people has really
be pastor of.
Our time, talent and treasure
Weekly Stewardship
June 28, 2015 Collec&on
A'endance for June 27 and 28, 2015
(Our Church seats 1,150 people)
4:00 p.m. - 375
8:00 a.m. - 306
9:30 a.m. - 362
11:00 a.m. - 530
Total AAendance - 1,573
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish Goal:
Paid to Date:
$146,396 (87.28%)
June Collec-ons:
The 2015 CMA is now completed. We thank all of you who
par-cipated from our parish in making this a banner year, the
best CMA year for the last five! Thank you so much!
“Let us protect Christ
in our lives, so that
we can protect
others, so that we can
protect creation.”
19 March 2013
This Week At St. Lawrence Church
Monday, July 6
Eucharis-c Adora-on - Church
Faithful Voices Choir Rehearsal - Church
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Tuesday, July 7
Camerata Choir Rehearsal - Church
Adult Confirma-on Class - Deacon Hall, Room 2
Camerata Choir Rehearsal - Church
2 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 8
Song Prayers Choir Rehearsal - Church
7:15 p.m.
Marriage Banns
Bridget Wegman and Michael Redmond
Kimberly Fusilli and Thomas Fisher
We Welcome Through Baptism
Nolan Roger Boyle
Carter Marshall Cammilleri
Jacob Mason Estes
Nathan Robert Fella
Margaret Rose Filbrich
Giavanna Marie Finochio
Sophie Joan Forgione
John David Athanasius Griffen
Callan Richard Hart
Olivia Harper Hendrix
Nina Francesca Marino
Gabriela Kazimiera Mikiciuk
Lucas Ryan Owen
Whitney Rose Philipp
Cameron Joseph Radley
Clare Vinelda Schulz
McCarthy Michael Smith
Almanza Khiosida Stor-
Parish Staff
Execu&ve Leadership Team
Rev. Lee P. Chase, S.T.L.
Pastor, x 207
Bruce M. Watson
Finance Director, x. 206
Tina McAuliffe
Business Manager, x. 205
Frank Arvizzigno
School Principal, 225-3870
Pastoral Ministry
Rev. ScoA B. Caton, Ph.D.
Assis-ng Priest, x. 204
Deacon David Squilla
Pastoral Associate, x. 212
Deacon Manny Asis
Parish Deacon, x. 213
Deacon Tom Beck
Senior Parish Deacon, x. 208
Administra&ve Staff
Wendy Speciale
Office Manger, x. 201
Linda DeMarco
Office Assistant, x. 203
Bob Gray
Maintenance Director, x. 201
Faith Development Ministry
Jamie O’Mara
Faith Forma-on , 225-7320
Donna Gray
Youth Ministry/CYO, 225-1485
Debbie Cichelli
Office Assistant, 225-7320
Music Ministry
M. Virginia Pierce
Music Director
4 p.m. Mass Choir, 225-7061
Susan Judkins
9:30 a.m. Mass Choir
Young People’s Choir, 225-2076
Mary Kay Huber
Young People’s Choir, 957-8947
Steve Amico
11:00 a.m. Mass Choir, 225-7338
Upcoming Parish events and courtesy announcements
From our Neighbor
St. John's 150th Anniversary CommiAee is
puEng together a history of our church.
We are reaching out to anyone that may have
informa-on or photos. Someone from our
commiAee would be pleased to visit and collect
any memories and take digital photos of
anything people may believe would be of
St Lawrence Boy Scout
Troop 277
Can and Bo'le Drive
July 18 – Sunday, July 19
This booklet will contain our history, photos of
our pastors and priests, many teachers, nuns,
staff , class photos. and parish ac-vi-es held
during our 150th year in celebra-on. We
an-cipate the booklets will be available late
2015 or early 2016. Contact Bill Smith with any
informa-on you may have at 225-1586
St. Lawrence Church and
School Parking Lot
We are looking for the following :
Photos of 1865 church being built
Photos of 1865 church with stain glass window
(would be 1957-60 -meframe or later)
Interior photos of old church
Photo of new convent where carwash now sits
Photo of sheds behind original rectory
Any informa-on of when our second stand alone
convent was built and photos, (this convent was
next to school building)
Class Gradua-on or group sacramental photos
Drop off your boAles and cans to support
Boy Scout Troop 277
and the
Breast Cancer Coali&on of Rochester!
50% of proceeds will be donated to the
Breast Cancer Coali&on of Rochester
(hIp://www.bccr.org), which provides
Advocacy, Support, Educa&on and Research
for those diagnosed with breast cancer.
All dona&ons remain local!
The remaining 50% will support your local Scout
Troop and will be used towards a new Troop
equipment trailer and to defer the cost of
campouts and other educa-onal trips for our
Trooper Andrew J. Sperr
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Hosted by Friends of “AJ”, St Lawrence
& Troop E NYS Police
Walk-Ins are Welcome!
Double Red Cell Donation available at this drive!
Please Bring ID!!!
If you donated on or before MAY 30, you will be eligible to donate.
Catholic Education and Life-long Faith Formation
Dear St. Lawrence School Community,
The students had such a great -me during our Field Day on Friday! Thank you to our Field Day CommiAee for
all of the planning that they did in order to make this event so successful! A special thank you to all of the parents who
volunteered their -me to lead various events, supervise students, cook and serve food, and par-cipate in our Adults
Versus Students Kickball game. You truly made this a memorable experience for our students! I truly want to thank Ms.
Toscano for all of the -me and hard work that she put into organizing, seEng up, and running this year’s Field Day. The
students, faculty, staff, and parents who aAended had so much fun, and it was an unforgeAable day for everyone at St.
Lawrence School!
Our closing prayer service was this morning aHer mass in the church. It was so wonderful to see the sixth
graders “pass the torch” to the fiHh graders as part of this breath taking candle ligh-ng ceremony. I want to thank Ms.
Lathrop, Ms. Noce, and Ms. Morales for preparing the students for this beau-ful service. I also want to thank Deacon
David for blessing the students and being a part of this important event.
St. Lawrence School’s new website will be going live this summer. I have previewed the new site mul-ple
-mes, and am extremely excited for everyone to begin using it! This beau-ful, new website is so much easier to
navigate and will be a breath of fresh air for everyone who has struggled with the current site. As soon as the new
website is completed, you will be able to view it at the same web address: www.stlawrenceschool.org.
On July 10th, I will be mailing all families registered for the upcoming school year a list of the 2015-2016 school
year teachers, an updated copy of the school uniform policy, and aHer school care registra-on informa-on. Please don’t
forget to look for this important informa-on in your mailbox this summer.
Our Meet and Greet for Grades K-6 for the 2015-2016 school year will be on Thursday, September 3rd from 9:00
AM to 10:00 AM. This will be a -me for your child to meet his or her teacher and visit the classroom for the first -me.
Parents are encouraged to aAend. If your child is entering Kindergarten, we will be having our Kindergarten Orienta-on
on Thursday, August 27th. More informa-on about these events will be sent out during the summer.
As some of you may already know, Ms. Schmidt has chosen to re-re this year aHer teaching first grade for 22
years. She has been a vital part of our St. Lawrence School Family, and we will all miss her dearly! Ms. Schmidt has
touched the lives of so many students over the years, and I want to congratulate her on a successful teaching career.
Good luck Ms. Schmidt! May God bless you as you begin this exci-ng new chapter in your life!
As the school year draws to a close, I want to wish you and your family a peaceful and pleasant summer
vaca-on. Congratula-ons to all of our gradua-ng sixth graders and their families! I know that St. Lawrence School has
truly prepared you for the challenges that lie ahead! To our new and returning families, I look forward to seeing you all
in September revitalized and ready for an exci-ng school year!
I want to thank everyone for welcoming me into your school community. It has been an amazing year filled
with changes, challenges, and triumphs! I truly feel proud to be a part of our St. Lawrence School Family!
God Bless,
Frank Arvizzigno
Dear St. Lawrence Families,
As I prepare to close my classroom
doors for the last -me, aHer 22 years of teaching
first grade, I am remembering all of the
wonderful children and their families that have
passed through those doors. I am reflec-ng on
the special -mes we have shared and I am
feeling blessed to have spent my days teaching.
Thank you for the generosity, support, and
kindness you have shown over the years. It has
been my privilege and an honor to have had a
part in the educa-on and growth of your
It is with mixed emo-ons that I look
forward to my re-rement. My first graders have
given me a book of re-rement ideas to fill my
days! I’ll cherish it always! So…with those great
ideas in mind…I’m off to new experiences!!
Kindergarten Orienta&on
Meet & Greet K-6
Thurs. 8/27
Thurs. 9/3
Adirondack Bench Raffle Winner Announced!!
Congratula-ons to Mrs. Zaborowski for winning the Cub
Scout Adirondack Chair Raffle!
God bless you,
Pegi Schmidt
Catholic Education and Life-long Faith Formation
For more informa-on call Donna Gray at 225-1485 or Jamie O’Mara at 225-7320