April 3, 2016.pub - St. Lawrence Church


April 3, 2016.pub - St. Lawrence Church
April 3, 2016
Saint Lawrence Church
1000 North Greece Road ・ Rochester, NY ・ 14626 ・ 585-723-1350
What’s Inside!
Giving Of Our Selves
p. 3
Faith Development
p. 8
What’s Now
This Week’s Events
p. 6
What’s Next
p. 7
Weekly Collec"on
CMA Progress
p. 4
Parish Staff
p. 5
This Week’s Prayer
p. 2
Parish Informa"on
p. 2
“Why do you look for the
living among the dead? He
is not here, but has risen.”
Luke 24:5
www.stlawrencegreeceny.org ・ www.stlawrenceschool.org
Monday, April 4
The Annuncia(on of The Lord
8:30 a.m.
Mary DiNardo by David and Mary Reisinger
Tuesday, April 5
Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-11/
Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Jn 3:7b-15
Easter Weekday
8:30 a.m.
Lena Visco by John and Hillary Lauber
Wednesday, April 6
Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-9/Jn 3:16-21
Easter Weekday
Mass Schedule
8:30 a. m.
Thursday, April 7
Monday - Friday
Holy Days
of Obliga-on
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sam and Peg Lipari by Children and Grandchildren
Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20/Jn 3:31-36
Saint John Bap(st de la Salle, Priest
8:30 a.m.
Warren Randall by Paul and Janice Tantalo
Friday, April 8
Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Jn 6:1-15
Easter Weekday
8:30 a.m.
Conie and Polex Datuin by The family
Saturday, April 9
Easter Weekday
3:00 p.m.
Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19/
Jn 6:16-21
Anointing of the Sick
This week, we light the Sanctuary Lamp for
The Hendrix and Loria Families
At the request of Linda and Mike
Please call us if you or a family
member wish to be anointed.
Parents should contact us as
soon as they know they are
Sunday, April 10
Engaged couples should
contact us at least one year in
advance of their desired date.
Office Hours
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Rv 5:11-14/
Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a. m.
11:00 a.m.
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
St. Lawrence
Pat Romansky by her husband, John
Armand Schultz by wife, Joan, and family
Dan Cannan by his wife, Margaret
For Saint Lawrence Parishioners
By Father Lee Chase
Giving Of Ourselves
The Biblical readings from Holy
Week, when taken together as a
whole, reveal to us not only the
last week of Jesus’ life, but our
role in this world. You may
think this is an odd thing to say,
but I ask you to consider this:
On Palm Sunday, the first
Gospel passage we hear is of the
crowds in Jerusalem cheering
and dancing Jesus into the city
for Passover. They wave their
palms and sing Alleluia. They
say that they want him as their
king. Yet, in just a few short
days, these same people will
turn like a pack of ravenous
wolves and scream for his
crucifixion. They will want him
dead. I’m always amazed at this
sudden turnaround. I’m always
amazed that this crowd could be
so fickle.
Yet, we all are. It only takes
one rumor, one news report,
one tweet, one Facebook
pos-ng to change our minds.
We turn on a dime. What is
Jesus’ response (in other words,
our response!)? He remains
true to himself. He endures the
trials, the ques-oning, the
taunts and jeers, the insults, and
the bea-ngs. He prays for all of
them and loves them.
The deepest hurt for him was
probably knowing that his
closest friends, the Apostles,
would all run away and betray
him in one way or another. Yet,
he washes their feet. He stoops
down and performs the work
that servants did.
On Holy Thursday, we washed
your feet. Deacon Manny,
Deacon David, and I washed
your feet. We had 50 people
come forward. It was a very
moving and beau-ful
experience for us. My challenge
to you is this: let’s not make
this solely a clergy act and one
done only on Holy Thursday.
Let’s make this something our
en-re parish does all year long.
We are all called to service, to
serving each other. And there
are so many opportuni-es for us
to do just this.
Next weekend, I’m going to
put in the pews and on tables at
the doors a small card-like
brochure that will list all of the
opportuni-es for us to
volunteer right here in the
parish. From worship to social
ministries, from educa-on to
youth ministry—we have plenty
of opportuni-es.
I know that many of you have
tremendous talent and want to
give of yourselves, to serve
others as Jesus did. I encourage
you to look over next week’s
brochure and consider giving of
You see, we’re star-ng a
period in our parish, star-ng
now and con-nuing on through
Trinity Sunday, of Stewardship.
We want to focus on how we
give of ourselves to one
another: in our prayer, in our
devo-on to God, in our love of
each other, through our ac-vity
here and elsewhere, in our giGs
to one another.
This is our Chris-an call. We
are called to be good servants to
the world. It is my hope that we
will become a Stewardship
Parish, meaning that when
someone comes to us to visit, or
a new parishioner joins us—the
first thing they see is our
Our Parish Pastoral Council
and Parish Finance Council have
worked and con-nue to work
hard on this call—seeking to
engage more in our ministries .
We will never meet the
tremendous needs out there,
but we can sure try!
So, please, take -me this week
to consider how Jesus, in his
resurrec-on, walked with the
disciples, fed them, and was
pa-ent with them. In so doing,
they overcame their fear and
they went out to the world
proclaiming the Good News.
In our Easter joy—let us
proclaim the Good News by
giving of ourselves!
Our time, talent and treasure
Weekly Stewardship
March 20, 2016 Collec(on
Maintenance $1,491
79.17 % of our goal
from 772 households.
A<endance for March 20, 2016
(Our Church seats 1,150 people)
4:00 p. m. - 475
9:30 a. m. - 403
8:00 a. m. - 345
11:00 a.m. - 597
Total A<endance - 1820
Weekly Stewardship
March 27, 2016 Collec(on
Maintenance $498
A<endance for March 27, 2016
(Our Church seats 1,150 people)
7:30 p. m. - 322
9:30 a. m. - 781
Our goal for this year is;
As of March 28th, we
have received
in pledges.
8:00 a. m. - 833
11:00 a. m. - 1070
Total A<endance - 3006
Volume 1
April 2-3, 2016
We are pleased to announce that St. Lawrence Church is introducing an educa-onal program on Parish
Stewardship to engage parishioners in the various ministries that encompass the broad spectrum of
parish life. In this program we will ask all parishioners to reflect on the meaning of stewardship and to
consider their role as stewards of our parish.
Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way of par"cipa"ng in the life of the church, and its origin
can be found in the scriptures, which reveals our rela"onship to God as creator and giver of all
gi-s. To be a steward means we are not owners of these gi-s, but rather grateful caretakers and
servants. As stewards of Gods gi-s we view our resources of "me, talent and treasure as gi-s from God.
We don't own or possess these resources in the true sense of the word, but we are entrusted with them to
nurture their growth and to use them wisely. As we embrace stewardship, we are called to give
generously and responsibly in order to make the best use of our resources of "me, talent and treasure.
“As Chris"an stewards, we receive God’s gi6s gratefully, cul"vate them responsibly, share them
lovingly in jus"ce with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.”
Everything we have is a giG from God: our -me, our talents, and our financial resources.
Just as we recognize our talents and skills as giGs from God, which we offer back in service, we recognize
our financial blessing as a giG, which we are also privileged to be able to offer back to God.
We are all called to offer our giGs to God, but there are -mes in our lives when all that we can
offer is our -me to care for a sick child or a dying parent. Even when our lives are less
commiNed, we can only hope to contribute to one or two areas of ministry in the parish.
However, when we inten-onally and consistently support the work of the parish, we are sharing in all the
The vitality and vibrancy of our parish life are dependent on the contribu-ons of the believing
community. The con-nued strength and witness of our parish is con-ngent on our willingness to
embrace stewardship as a way of life, and to allow our faith to guide our lives in offering all that we have
and all that we are to the glory of God and the building up of God’s kingdom.
This Week At St. Lawrence Church
Parish Staff
Monday, April 4
Eucharis-c Adora-on - Church
9:00 a.m. –6:00 p.m.
Girl Scouts - Deacon Hall
2:30 p.m.
Faithful Voices Choir Rehearsal - Church
7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 5
Camerata Prac-ce - Church
Cub Scouts - Educa-on Bldg and Deacon Hall
Camerata Prac-ce - Church
2:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p. m.
Wednesday, April 6
Hands of Comfort - Deacon Hall
Cooking Club - Deacon Hall
Faith Forma-on - School
Song Prayers - Church
10:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:15 p. m.
Thursday, April 7
Monthly Seniors Gathering - Deacon Hall
Boy Scouts - Educa-on Bldg
12:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Friday, April 8
Saturday, April 9
Communion Prepara-on - Deacon Hall
Communion Prepara-on - Deacon Hall
9:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 10
Confirma-on Classes - Deacon Hall
Faith Forma-on - School
Faith Forma-on - School
12:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Additional Easter Flower
Donations will be listed in the
next bulletin, April 10, 2016
Execu(ve Leadership Team
Rev. Lee P. Chase, S.T.L.
Pastor, x 207
Bruce M. Watson
Finance Director, x. 206
Tina McAuliffe
Business Manager, x. 205
Frank Arvizzigno
School Principal, 225-3870
Pastoral Ministry
Rev. ScoN Caton, Ph.D.
Assis-ng Priest, x. 204
Deacon David Squilla
Pastoral Associate, x. 212
Deacon Manny Asis
Parish Deacon, x. 213
Deacon Tom Beck
Senior Parish Deacon, x. 208
Administra(ve Staff
Wendy Speciale
Office Manger, x. 201
Linda DeMarco
Office Assistant, x. 203
Bob Gray, Jim Grotke
Maintenance , x. 201
Faith Development Ministry
Jamie O’Mara
Faith Forma-on , 225-7320
Donna Gray
Youth Ministry/CYO, 225-1485
Debbie Cichelli
Office Assistant, 225-7320
Music Ministry
M. Virginia Pierce
Music Director
4 p.m. Mass Choir, 225-7061
Susan Judkins
9:30 a.m. Mass Choir
Young People’s Choir, 225-2076
Mary Kay Huber
Young People’s Choir, 957-8947
Steve Amico
11:00 a. m. Mass Choir, 225-7338
Upcoming Parish events and courtesy announcements
First Monday Adora-on
April 4 9am-6pm
St. Lawrence Church
Please spend some quiet -me
(as much as you wish)
with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
“In everything by prayer and supplica"on with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God,
which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your
mind in Christ Jesus.”
—Philippians 4:6-7
We need people in church during Exposi-on between
9am & 6pm. If you can spend one hour, please sign-up on the
sheet at the entrance of the church. Thank you.
….Faith In Ac-on CommiNee
..and behold I am with you always to the end of the age.”
Ma<hew 28:20
Hands For Comfort
Wednesday, April 6
Deacon Hall Room 4
10– Noon
This group meets the first Wednesday of each month.
St. Lawrence invites you to a
Senior Citizen’s Social
Thursday, April 7
l 2:00 p.m.
In Deacon Hall, Rm 4
Bring your own sandwich.
Beverages and desserts will be provided.
This Group Meets The 1st Thursday of the Month
Everyone Welcome No Reserva(ons Necessary
Ques(ons: Ginny Pierce 225-7061
Welcome all Parishioners
Please join us for an evening of food and
Introduc-on to
The Knights of Columbus
St. Marks Star of the Sea Council #11374
Thursday April 21, 2016
Place: St. Lawrence Church Deacon Hall
Time: 6:30 pm
Dinner and soG drinks provided
Please call 319-3270 to RSVP
Or Email [email protected]
Informa-on on: Budget management,
re-rement, Long Term Care,
Knights Scholarships program and
The St. Joseph’s Table Commi<ee would like to extend
our hearFelt thanks to the following establishments and
individuals whose charitable dona(ons helped to make
our celebra(on a success.
Whenever possible, please be sure to patronize these
vendors. Their dona(ons help make this event the huge
success it is every year. Thank you to all that a<ended
7 and donated.
Catholic Education and Life-long Faith Formation
Saint Lawrence Church
St. Lawrence
Youth Ministry
April 2016
Dear Parents,
Welcome to St. Lawrence Youth Ministry! My name is
Donna Gray, and I’ve been the Youth Minister here at
St. Lawrence since 1996. I wanted to reach out to our
parish families and tell you about our middle and high
school Youth Ministry programs.
What’s planned for all Junior and Senior High Youth
Mark your Calendars:
Day of Goodness – Saturday April 9th. This community
service opportunity to do volunteer work at a variety of
places and -mes. The day ends with dinner @ 6:00 p.m.
at St. John’s Parish Center on Ridge Rd. W.
St. Lawrence Catholic Church is commi<ed to the
certainty that our young people are a vital part of our
parish community. Through the many components of
Youth Ministry, we affirm the giJs of our youth and
foster opportuni(es for them to share their giJs with
the larger community. Leadership Development,
Prayer & Worship and Jus(ce & Service are a few of
the components of comprehensive ministry that we
support and u(lize in our church to empower our
young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the
world today.
Prayer & Worship – Sunday April 17th 7:00 p.m. with the
Sisters of St. Joseph at their Motherhouse in PiNsford.
Community Service Opportunity- Sunday, April 24th 10:00
a.m.- 1:00 p.m. selling baked goods at the Knights of
Columbus BBQ Chicken Dinner sale here at St. Lawrence.
Youth Group Mee(ng – for 6th-12th graders. Sunday, April
24th 7-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Room located at the north
entrance of the school building
Each month our schedule includes Sunday life-faith
mee(ngs in the youth room along with social ou(ngs
and community service. Throughout the year we offer
a high school retreat, leadership training and ac(vi(es
with our neighboring parishes. St. Lawrence also has
Scou(ng for boys and girls and a very vibrant CYO
soccer and basketball program. We also par(cipate in
Diocesan retreats and Na(onal Conferences.
Run for the Young – Saturday, April 30th 9:30 a.m. Annual
5k RUN/1-mile WALK hosted here at St. Lawrence. If you
plan to run the race, you can register at ac"ve.com, or
please volunteer to help work at this race.
Youth Ministry Office 225-1485
St. Lawrence 2016 faith through sports
Over the past 20 years I have had the privilege of
mee(ng and building rela(onships with so many
families here at St. Lawrence Church. Please
encourage your kids to be involved in Youth Ministry
here. The schedule is always available on our website
and in the weekly bulle(n. Thank you in advance for
allowing us to be a partner in ministry with your
adolescents. I will be in the church foyer aJer all
Masses on Sunday, April 17th to meet you. Feel free
to call me with any ques(ons, comments or ideas!!
Congratula(ons to our CYO Basketball Players
nominated by their coaches for the Diocesan Faith through
Sports Award.
Through your par-cipa-on in our Basketball Program you
have consistently demonstrated a Chris-an aZtude by
word and example and have been a posi-ve role model to
your teammates.
With gra(tude and peace,
MaN Henshaw 3/4 boys
Jack Schimmel 3/4 boys
Giuseppe Falzone JV boys
Tyler Kielma
JV boys
Luke Schiano Varsity boys
Donna Gray
Youth Minister
St. Lawrence Church
Maria Salamida
Antonio GuglioNa
Michael Laure
Brian Wolf
Devin Kluth
H.S. girls
5/6 boys
JV boys
Varsity boys
5/6 boys
Please Note:
“Serve God and Others”
March 22, 2016
Dear St. Lawrence School Families,
I want to thank every parent who came in to
volunteer last week to help with St. Patrick’s Day
celebra-ons in various classrooms. It was so amazing to
see so many caring St. Lawrence family members willing to
give their -me to ensure that our students had a
memorable experience that day! We truly appreciate your
dedica-on and commitment to St. Lawrence School!
When we return from spring break, the third,
fourth, fiGh, and sixth graders will be taking the ELA and
Math New York State Tests. While these tests do not
affect your child’s report card grade, they provide us with
a common measure to assist in future instruc-onal
planning. As you will see in the aNached flyer, the
following changes have been made to the assessments
this year: the number of test ques-ons has decreased, the
tests are un-med, New York State teachers were involved
in the selec-on of the test ques-ons, and Questar was
selected as the new test vendor. The ELA tests will take
place on April 5th, 6th, and 7th and the Math tests on April
13th, 14th, and 15th. Each test will begin at the start of the
school day. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher
if you have any ques-ons regarding these assessments.
We are looking forward to another posi-ve experience
this year throughout this process!
Walkathon Shirt
8:30 Mass
AJer School Roller Ska(ng
11:00 AM Dismissal
Run for the Young
Lunch Program
Please note the following correc-on regarding
immuniza-ons for upcoming kindergarten students.
Two doses of measles/mumps/rubella are required for
kindergarten entrance. Sorry for any confusion this may
have caused.
Birthday Treat Policy
Please read the aNached Non-Food Birthday Treat Policy
for reminders of acceptable foods. Thank you for helping
us promote health and wellness in our school!
2nd Grade Math
Thank you to all of the parents who aNended our
Parent Associa-on Mee-ng on March 10th. The minutes
have been posted on our website. Our next mee-ng will
be on May 12th at 6:30 PM in Deacon Hall, Room 4.
God Bless,
Frank Arvizzigno
Due 3/24
The lunch order is now available online. Please go to our
website www.stlawrenceschool.org to place an order.
Orders and money are due by 8:00am on Thursday,
March 24th. We will NOT be able to accommodate late
orders due to the break. Thank you!
I am excited to announce that two sixth grade
students at St. Lawrence School are fall 2016 scholarship
recipients at Our Lady of Mercy School. Ava Basset will be
receiving an Emerging Leadership in the Arts Scholarship
and Mackenzie Murphy will be receiving an Emerging
Leadership in Character Scholarship. I would like to
congratulate these two students on this outstanding
I hope you are all having a great start to your
week. On behalf of the faculty and staff of St. Lawrence
School, I wish you and your family a Happy Easter and a
pleasant and peaceful spring break!
Due 3/24
3/25 – 4/1
St. Patrick’s
BBQ Fundraiser Dinner
**St. Lawrence Parking Lot**
Sunday, April 24, 2016
10:30 am un(l sold out
$10.00 Includes:
½ charcoal roasted chicken
Two homemade sides
(BBQ Beans and Coleslaw)
Roll and buNer
Sponsored by:
The Knights of Columbus
Council # 11374
For informa-on contact:
Todd Hogan 227-9117
Ralph DiniNo 392-3307
Albert Bodamer 227-5734
Ken Kruger 225-5975
Catered by:
St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus