

P. O. Box 199
401 S. Adams
Rayne, LA 70578
Phone:334-2193 www.stjoerayne.org Fax: 334-2199
behind me,
Mark 8:33
Weekly Calendar
Monday, September 17
Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church
Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church
CMJ Class-5:30 pm, RCE Campus
Tuesday, September 18
Lay Carmelites-5:00 pm, Youth Hall
Safe Environment Class-see page 5
Choir Practice-6:30 pm, Church
Wednesday, September 19
RCE Mass-8:20 am, Church
Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center
Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm
RCIA-7:00 pm, Family Life Center
Thursday, September 20
Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center
1st Communion Parents Meeting-6:00 pm, Family Life Center
Co-ed Ultreya-6:00 pm, Church
Friday, September 21
Joe’s Café-6:00 pm, Youth Hall
Sunday, September 23 Happy Birthday Fr. Clint!
Children’s Church-10:00 am Mass, Church
Edge-6:30 pm, Youth Hall
Life Teen Kickoff-6:30 pm, Family Life Center
Confirmation Class, 6:30 pm, K C Hall
Perpetual Lamp
in our sanctuary burns
constantly to
proclaim the real presence of our
Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the
flame to:
Joseph Stutes,
Rufus LaCroix &
Special Intentions
Mass Schedule
4:00 pm
Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am
& 5:30 pm
6:30 am
12:05 pm
6:30 am
12:05 pm
6:30 am
First Saturday
9:00 am
Please remember in your prayers these parishioners &
friends of St. Joseph Parish who are ill:
Keith Alleman, Peggy Alleman, Curless Arabie, Allen
Arceneaux, J. C. Arsement, Josette Hoffpauir Baker, Blake
Bearb, Tommy Bearb, Jessie Bellard, Susanne Bercier, Clovis
Boudreaux, Lou Boudreaux, Rena Boudreaux, Betty Boullion,
Darin Bourque, J. C. Bourque, Judy Bourque, Rick Briggs,
Emily Elizabeth Carleton, Louise Carpenter, Bill Castille,
Hilda Castille, Percy Castille, Judy Chester, Eula Cobena,
Celeste Comeaux, William Comeaux, Eva Belle Credeur,
Greg Credeur, Lenis Credeur, Olivia Credeur, Patsy Daigle,
Amanda Dogua, Chase Dogua, Dylan Dogua, Jacob Dogua,
Markus Doucet, Jeanette Dupont, Janice Duplantis, Rose
Fontenot, Trent Fontenot, A. D. Foreman, Donna Foreman,
Debra Fusilier, Patricia Gautreaux, Terry Gautreaux, Elaine
Gilbert, Ethan Louis Gilbert, Lynette Guidry, Raymond “Bic”
Guidry, Tenny Tony Guidry, Tatum Guillory, Stormy LeMay
Hamilton, Clara Haure, Karen Hebert, Tommy Hodges, Leo
LaCroix Jr., Olivia Grace Latiolais, Erphie & Edna Lavergne,
Leroy & Doris Lavergne, Margie Lavergne, Mona LeBlanc,
Faye Ledford, Ethel Leger, Loretta Leger, Wilbur Leger,
Dillon LeGros, Mark LeMaire, Bailey Leon, Hubert Matte,
Laura M. Meaux, Joyce Meche, Pat Melancon, Troy Menard,
Pat Miller, David Moore, Lillian Morgan family, Monica
Onebane, Joseph Ortego, Adele Porierre, Gail Prejean, Gene
Romero, Shirley Romero, Damien Royer, Dot Royer, Yvonne
Seaux, Javonte Sinegal, Layna Simon, Paul Sonnier, Bill
Storey, Loveless Thibodeaux, Joseph Trahan, Cindy
Vondenstein, Glenda Young, Thomas Zaunbrecher
[email protected]
C.M.J./Youth Office
Youth Hall
R.C.E. School
Family Life Center
Good Samaritans, Laura Leger 334-5165
Rev. Kendal Faulk
Deacon Tommy Adams
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Daniel Besse
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Denis LaCroix
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Tim Ledet
Permanent Deacon
Albert Johnson
Business/Office Manager
Linda Ancona
Executive Secretary
Patty Nugent
Debbie Harrington
Sacramental Recording
Georgette Richard
Elementary CRE
Jamie Orillion
Youth Minister
Fred Menard
R.C.E. Principal
Denise Brignac
Choir Director
Kip Faulk
Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM
Mass. Contact Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism
Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass.
Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance
of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to
set the wedding date & begin the preparation process.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by
Communion for the Shut ins: Please contact Dean Thibodeaux (334-5425)
to schedule visits by a Minister of Communion.
Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the
necessary arrangements.
Parish Membership: Parishioners entering or leaving the Parish are
encouraged to call
2 the Parish Office.
Monday, September 17th, St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor
6:30am Ernest Alleman, Katie Smith, Chester Boudreaux, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
Tuesday, September 18th, Weekday
12:05pm Nora Royer, Special Intentions, Ruby Doga, M/M J.B. Benoit, Sean Credeur & The Soileaux Fly, Murphy
Moore, Wenzel Habetz, Wiltz J. & Eloise K. & Bryan J. Chatelain, Larry Fontenot, Regina Trahan, J. D.
Abshire, Paul Leger, Danny Soileaux, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
Wednesday, September 19th, St. Januarius, Bishop & Martyr
6:30am Chester Boudreaux, Special Intentions, Helen S. Swinkey, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche,
Helen Weber
Thursday, September 20th, St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, Paul Chong Ha-sang, Companions & Martyrs
12:05pm Joseph & Ben Stutes, Telesin & Yolande LeBlanc, Patrick LeBlanc, William "Fats" Leger, Betty Lou Tipler,
Wenzel Habetz, Carson Brignac, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
Friday, September 21st, St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
6:30am Tommy Cart, Calvin J. Caillier Fly, Conrad Gossen, Sam Wingate Fly, Mollie Trahan, Chester Boudreaux,
Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
Saturday, September 22nd, Weekday, BVM
4:00pm Sean Credeur & The Soileaux Fly, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Wenzel Habetz, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly,
Leodice & Sadie Menard, John "Tat" Monceaux & George, M/M Philip E. Boudreaux Fly, M/M Joseph Istre,
M/M Raoul Trahan, Eunice A. Hutchinson, M/M Clinton J. Petitjean Sr., Nellie, Chris & Keith Petitjean, Melise
& Remie Brasseaux Fly, M/M Cleveland Lavergne, Preston Dogua, Clarence, Alice & Carlton Prevost, Andy
Clement Fly, Darren Martin, Walton Thibodeaux Sr, Thelma Smith, Clare Daigle, Sam Wingate Fly, Danny
Soileaux, Arceneaux & Simoneaux Fly, Eunice Thomas Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Leo Patin, Steve Matte,
Nolan & Lena Clement Fly, Wilton & Helen Chiasson Sr Fly, Edna Jolivette, Marie Jolivette, Charles A.
LeFeaux Sr, Theresa Jolivette & Helen Key, Chester Boudreaux, M/M Bernard Boudreaux Fly, M/M Julien
Comeaux Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Wilbert "Bud" Chiasson, Russel Benoit, Wilton Chiasson Jr, Leora
Lejeune, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
Sunday, September 23rd, Twenty-fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
7:00am Clifton J. Cormier, Debbie M. Stutes, Ernest Richard, M/M Roicy Fusilier, Millard Gilbert & Children, M/M
David Trahan, M/M Guillaume Deville, Mollie Trahan, Special Intentions, John & Gerty Heinen Sr, Debbie
Higginbotham, Ora Mire, Wilfred Romero Jr, Perry "Bozo" Romero, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber
10:00am All Parishioners
5:30pm Poor Souls in Purgatory, Helen Weber
Weekly Offerings for September 2, 2012
61% $ 6,400
Loose Checks 20% 2,105
19% $ 1,904
Total contributions $10,409
Weekly budget
- $ 1,180
We welcome those who
entered our Catholic faith
through the waters
of Baptism:
Amelia May LeBlanc
Thank you to our family at St. Joseph Parish
It is with a sense of awe and humility that we express our heartfelt thanks to the St. Joseph Parish family
for the prayers and wonderful outpouring of support you have shown us, as well as Shawn and Peggy
during our Diaconate formation. Your acceptance of the ministry of the Diaconate and of us as Deacons
speaks well of your ability to love as Jesus loves and we are truly blessed and touched by your kindness!
Our prayer is that God will use this ministry in a way that will inspire you to be of service to others
for His greater honor and glory.
Your brothers in Christ,
and Deacon Tommy
May the Lord whose love shines over all and gives us blessings great and small,
fill your birthday with life’s good things.
Lauren Babineaux, Urline Bellard, Debbie Clement, Michael Cormier, David Fuqua, Earline Gautreaux,
Leroy Guillory, Curney Haure, Toni Hebert, Matthew Hooper, Morgan Landry, Jacqueline Meche, Sara
Meche, Linda Moreaux, Margaret Ray, Van Vanicor, Charles Vondenstein, Derek Wills, John Devin Abshire,
Trevor Broussard, Norma Duhon, Louise Fahd, Bryan Gautreaux, Mary Guidry, Brady Lagneaux, Samantha
Leger, Leonard Morgan, Junior Prejean, Karen Richard, Lainey Romero, Flora Schexnayder, Brad Sievers,
Carl Simoneaux, Katie Smith, Linda Terro, Nichole Alleman, Clara Avant, Daniel Bedel, Shelbie Boudreaux, Michelle Domingue,
Colleen Guidry, Gregory LaCroix, Timothy Melancon, Barry Monteilh, Maxie Prevost, Scott Richard, Brittni Savoy, Christina
Stelly, Julie Thibodeaux, Londyn Babineaux, Jeanette Bearb, Brody Bouzon, Stacie Doucet, Blaze Faucheux, David George, Warren
Guidry, Carletta Lantier, Sarah LeBlanc, Dora Leger, Justus Meche, Robert Moring, Connie Richard, Mark Veillon, Laura
Wilhelmi, Blair Bergeron, Mary L. Cormier, Scott Doga, Danielle Hamm, Cynthia Labbe, James Lavergne, Michael Rourk, Jerry
Smith, Taylor Thibodeaux, Lorena Trosclair, Malcolm Zaunbrecher, Betty Abshire, Thelma Alleman, Nicole Benoit, Willis Credeur,
Tina DeRouen, Theogene Fontenot, Lauren Gossen, Drake Guidry, Helen Habetz, Patsy Hollon, Doug Langley, Tyler Leger,
Frances Matte, Micheal Meaux, Donald Miller Jr., Eric Richard, Monica Richard, Edies Royer, Cameron Trahan, Maggie Breaux,
Theresa Breaux, Lillian Casanova, Janet Cavalier, Amanda Daigle, Bart Guidry, Jennifer Guidry, Barry Istre, Linda McDaniel,
Alma Meche, Anna Meche, David Meche, Lena Meche, Zachary Meche, Russell Richard, Kayle Robinson
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Rayne #844
CDA Shop
located in the Parish Office
Religious Items
For Sale
Tickets are $1.00 each
and may be purchased at the
Parish Office or from
any Catholic Daughter.
Join the Catholic Daughters for a
Rosary Pilgrimage
Thursday, October 18
leaving St. Joseph Church at 8:30 AM
Join the caravan. Bring a brown bag lunch.
Plan to drive your car and fill it with family and friends.
Knights of Columbus Council
Elderberries invite you to join
them in welcoming Christmas
in San Antonio
Labor Day Raffle Winners
1st Place: Joshua Privat 2nd Place: Vickie Foreman
3rd Place: Elliot Schexnider
4th Place: Theresa Zaunbrecher 5th Place: Andre Duhon
November 23rd to November 27th
Cost: Single $765 Double $525
Triple $445
Quad $405
Thank you to all Raffle Prize Donors
Includes transportation, lodging, all admission & 7 meals
Meche’s Family Drugs, Inc., Don Shetler Buick Chevrolet &
Shetler-Corley Motors, Ltd., Gossen Funeral Home, Sterling
Automotive Group, Inc. and Denise Brignac.
Christmas Parade, Lone Star Café, Johnson City, Fredericksburg, Rock
Box & Majestic Theatres, San Fernando Cathedral, Riverboat Dining
Cruise, Mexican Market & Japanese Tea Garden.
Thank you to the parishioners of St. Joseph Parish and the
surrounding area for supporting our Labor Day Raffle.
Some of the funds will be used to help support Catholic Youth
Leadership Award Scholarships, St. Joseph Vacation Bible
School, Edge and Life Teen as well as for the
maintenance of the KC Hall.
As Council 1897 continues to grow, we will do even more to
support our Church and community. It is because of your
generosity that we are able to fulfill our mission.
For more information call Jeanette Leger at 334-2186
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Elderberries Semi-Annual
Bourre’ Tournament
Saturday, September 29th
from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM in the Family Life Center.
$20.00 Registration Fee gets you $500 in chips.
Money prizes to top three players.
For more information call Jeanette Leger (334-2186)
or Elaine Myers (334-9496)
RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
is the process by which an adult becomes
a full member of the Catholic Church
and receives the Sacraments of Baptism,
Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation.
If you or someone you know is interested in finding out
more about this process,
you are invited to a meeting on
Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 PM
in the Family Life Center or
to contact Randy Bertrand at 356-1909.
Notre Dame High School of Acadia Parish
will hold its 8th annual Chili Cook-Off
on Thursday, September 20th at 6:00 PM,
immediately following the Homecoming Parade, on the school’s
campus. Honor classes for Homecoming 2012 are the
Classes of 1973, 1983, 1993, and 2003
All Alumni classes, civic organizations, area businesses and school
supporters are invited to participate by sponsoring teams and/or
purchasing tickets. Awards will be presented in various categories
and NO entry fee is required.
For more information call the Development Office at 783-7143 or
download an entry form at www.ndpios.com.
September 18, 2012
October 9, 2012
January 8, 2013
February 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
Classes are held at Rayne Catholic Elementary.
Initial Education is in Room 11 at 6:00 PM,
Continuing Education is in Room 12 at 6:30 PM.
For more information please contact
the Religious Education Department at 334-9849.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2012
Failure to attend this mandatory meeting
may result in your child not being able to make
their First Communion with their class.
For more information please contact
the Religious Education Office at 334-9849.
St. Landry Church Cemetery Tour
Opelousas, LA
October 13th, 14th, 20th & 21st
90 minute tours
Saturday tours at 6 PM, 7 PM & 8 PM
Sunday tours at 2 PM & 3 PM
Travel back in time to a place where the voices from
our past will give you a reflection of times gone by
and how our past has shaped our present and
reflects into the future.
St. Landry Church and the Opelousas Little Theatre
are pleased to bring this re-enactment for your
enjoyment of the Louisiana Bi-Centennial
Tours are $10 per person, will be limited to groups
of 20. Walking shoes are advised. Tour is not
handicapped accessible and not advisable for
children under 10 years of age.
For more information call 942-6552 or 308-3474.
Christians must openly declare their allegiance or their
non-allegiance to Christ.
The story of the disciples who had to choose is repeating itself today among us.
Peter, for the other disciples, openly declared himself for Jesus. It is time we did
likewise and stopped fooling around. If ever there was a time when humanity
needed followers of Christ and fewer fence-sitters, that time is now.
To be a Christian means to live in such a faith,
in such commitment to Christ, that it will revolutionize,
turn upside down not only our lives but the lives of others.
To be a Christian means to incarnate, actualize, literally implement the teachings of the gospel.
It means preaching the gospel with one’s life. This alone would be a revolution.
In today’s second reading James compares dead faith
with active faith. If we see people who are starving
and cold, he says,
a Christian does not just wish them well,
but helps them.
Mark and Isabel decided to apply this
in their own family.
Isabel said, “We go to Mass every Sunday, we pray
together at home, and we do things in our parish, but
what else can we do to show people who have no job
or home that Jesus loves them?”
The children decided to save half of their pocket
money and their parents would match the amount. At
the end of a month they decided to help a shelter for
homeless families trying to regain independence.
The director thanked them and introduced them to
some resident families.
On the way home the younger son said,
“They were really nice people.
Can we go on helping them?”
“Yes,” said Isabel. “We’ve only just begun.”
This year marks the centenary of the sinking of the
Titanic in 1912. In Washington, there is a
monument to remember the men who gave their
lives so that women and children
could have the lifeboats.
Every year the tuxedo-clad members of the Men’s
Titanic Society gather at the monument around
midnight to drink a champagne toast to the memory
of the brave men who sacrificed themselves in the
frigid waters on that fateful night.
Jesus tells his disciples, “For whoever wants to save
their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for
my sake, and for the sake of the Gospel,
will save it.”
Monday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Lk 7:1-10
Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a;
Lk 7:11-17
Wednesday: 1 Cor 12:31-13:13; Lk 7:31-35
Thursday:1 Cor 15:1-11; Lk 7:36-50
Friday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13
Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Lk 8:4-15
Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54;
Jas 3:16-4:3; Mk 9:30-37
We may wonder if we have the courage to follow
this teaching. Perhaps when the moment confronts
us, there will rise within us an unknown power to
make the hard decision.
In his book The Power of Myth, the late
Joseph Campbell said,
“People who risk their lives to save others
demonstrate a breakthrough of the metaphorical
realization that they and the other are one…
the true reality is in the unity with all life.”
“Faith, if it does not have works, is dead.”
James 2:14
Liturgical Ministers serving at the Lord’s table
Eucharistic Ministers
Clinton Boullion
Keith Vienne, Randy Bertrand, Mona Vienne
Brenda Hooper
Sept.18 12:05pm
Margaret Young
Linda Ancona, Daniel Habetz, NEED HELP
Margaret Young
Jeanette Leger
Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Davis Normand
Deacon Tommy
Sept.20 12:05pm
Dolores Deville
Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Daniel Habetz
Charmaigne Lawless
Rita Monceaux
Altar Servers
Clarence Arsement
Helen Arsement, Deacon Tommy, Rita Monceaux
Mary Comeaux,
Peggy Lake
Deacon Denis, Gail Prejean, Barbara Nugent, Edward Prejean,
Annette Gossen, Albert Johnson, Martha Pryor
Mary Francis Beslin,
Christian Comeaux,
Jacob Zaunbrecher
Cathy Breaux
Clinton Boullion,
Becky Miller
Deacon Tim, Larry Van Pelt, Michael Bellard, Betty Bellard,
Flo Broussard, Georgette Richard, Patrick Miller
Nicholas Reaux,
Joseph Ware
Mike Doucet
Luke Beslin,
Jared Lawless
Deacon Dan, Randy Bertrand, Paul Molbert, Christine Dupont,
Davis Normand, Harry Comeaux, Peggy Deville, Mike Ortego
Timothy Johnson,
Michael Johnson,
Madelene Deville
Faye Jeffers
Janet Bertrand
Deacon Tommy, Lance Abshire, Blake Breaux, Mike Abshire,
Denise Breaux, Jimmy Fontenot, Nancy Sarsfield
Alyssa Picard,
Jude Thibodeaux
Eric Mire
Clinton Boullion
Patricia Greene, Mike Ortego, Brenda Hooper
Brenda Hooper
Sept.25 12:05pm
Margaret Young
Daniel Habetz, Linda Ancona, NEED HELP
Margaret Young
Jeanette Leger
Deacon Tommy, Flo Broussard, Mona Vienne
Deacon Tommy
Sept.27 12:05pm
Dolores Deville
Peggy Lake, Charmaigne Lawless, Daniel Habetz
Helen Boudreaux
Robert Simoneaux
Clarence Arsement
Keith Vienne, Liz Deaville, Dr. Neal Duhon
Shawn LaCroix,
Debra Reed
Deacon Tommy, Zubaida Elahi, Dr. Neal Duhon, Brenda
Hooper, Tammy LeBlanc, Larry LeBlanc, Clara LeBlanc
Sarah LeBlanc,
Cody LeBlanc,
Brittany LaCroix
Gilbert & Mary
Clarence Arsement,
Dolores Deville
Deacon Denis, Helen Arsement, Keith Vienne, Brunella Reed,
Mona Vienne, Sylvia Alleman, Mary Leger
Christopher & Lane
Brunella Reed
Al Anderson,
Allison Gray
Deacon Tim, Hubert Matte, Faye Jeffers, Nathan Mouton,
Jonathan Hebert, Margaret Young, Jonathan Broussard, Liz
LeeAnn Gray,
Madison Gray,
Evan Hebert
Melinda Leger
Leah Guidry
Deacon Dan, Randy Bertrand, Bill Says, Angela Says,
Adrienne Dailey, Russell Menard, Beth Goins
David Fontenot,
Kathryn Fontenot,
Heidi Guilbeau
Flo Broussard
Adam was spending the day naming all the creatures
in the garden when he realized he was alone as a human being.
Then came the very last creature and he named it “frog.”
He spoke to the frog in his loneliness
and asked it if it had any ideas as to how he could not be so lonely.
To Adam’s surprise, the frog opened it’s mouth and replied,
The rest is history….
St. Joseph Church #467550
401 S. Adams Avenue
Rayne, LA 70578
Linda Ancona
MSPublisher 2007
Adobe Acrobat 9.0
Windows XP Professional
HP 2420
Friday 12:00
September 16, 2012

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