bulletin - St. Joseph Catholic Church
P. O. Box 199 401 S. Adams Rayne, LA 70578 Phone:334-2193 www.stjoerayne.org Fax: 334-2199 Monday, September 3 Rosary Group-9:00 am, Church Prayer for Priests-2:00 pm, Church Tuesday, September 4 Choir Practice-6:30 pm, Church Wednesday, September 5 RCE Parts of the Mass-8:20 am, Church Elderberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Rayne Guest Home Mass-3:30 pm RCIA-7:00 pm, Family Life Center Thursday, September 6 RCE Parts of the Mass-8:20 am, Church Babyberries-9:00 am, Family Life Center Ladies Altar Society-2:00 pm, Family Life Center Co-ed Ultreya-6:00 pm, Church St. Vincent de Paul Society-6:00 pm, Youth Hall in our sanctuary burns constantly to proclaim the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle. This week we dedicate the flame to: Charles Trahan, Fernest Navarre, Sr. and Sam Wingate family Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 5:30 pm Monday 6:30 am Tuesday 12:05 pm Wednesday 6:30 am Thursday 12:05 pm Friday 6:30 am First Saturday 9:00 am CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail [email protected] C.M.J./Youth Office 334-9849 Youth Hall 334-5991 R.C.E. School 334-5657 Family Life Center 334-5656 Good Samaritans, Laura Leger 334-5165 Staff Rev. Kendal Faulk Pastor Deacon Tommy Adams Permanent Deacon Deacon Daniel Besse Permanent Deacon Deacon Denis LaCroix Permanent Deacon Deacon Tim Ledet Permanent Deacon Albert Johnson Business/Office Manager Linda Ancona Executive Secretary Patty Nugent Receptionist Debbie Harrington Sacramental Recording Georgette Richard Elementary CRE Jamie Orillion Youth Minister Fred Menard R.C.E. Principal Denise Brignac Choir Director Kip Faulk Accompanist Please remember in your prayers these parishioners & friends of St. Joseph Parish who are ill: Keith Alleman, Peggy Alleman, Curless Arabie, J. C. Arsement, Josette Hoffpauir Baker, Blake Bearb, Rose Bearb, Rhonda Bearb, Tommy Bearb, Suzanne Bercier, Jessie Bellard, Marcus Bertrand, Clovis Boudreaux, Lou Boudreaux, Rena Boudreaux, Betty Boullion, Darin Bourque, J. C. Bourque, Judy Bourque, Benton Boutte, Paul Breaux, Rick Briggs, Ashley Brignac, Louise Carpenter, Bill Castille, Hilda Castille, Percy Castille, Judy Chester, Eula Cobena, Celeste Comeaux, William Comeaux, Connie Cortana, Eva Belle Credeur, Greg Credeur, Olivia Credeur, Sue Credeur, Peggy Decoux, Cynthia M. Deville, Amanda Dogua, Chase Dogua, Dylan Dogua, Markus Doucet, Jeanette Dupont, Janice Duplantis, Danielle Edmond, Rose Fontenot, Trent Fontenot, A. D. Foreman, Debra Fusilier, Patricia Gautreaux, Terry Gautreaux, Elaine Gilbert, Ethan Louis Gilbert, Lynette Guidry, Raymond “Bic” Guidry, Tenny Tony Guidry, Tatum Guillory, Stormy LeMay Hamilton, Clara Haure, Megan Hayes, Karen Hebert, Bob Hicks, Jr., Tommy Hodges, Leo LaCroix, Olivia Grace Latiolais, Erphie & Edna Lavergne, Leroy & Doris Lavergne, Margie Lavergne, Mona LeBlanc, Faye Ledford, Ethel Leger, Loretta Leger, Wilbur Leger, Dillon LeGros, Mark LeMaire, Bailey Leon, Bridget Lonseth, Laura M. Meaux, Lloyd Meaux, Joyce Meche, Pat Melancon, Troy Menard, Pat Miller, David Moore, Lillian Morgan family, Monica Onebane, Joseph Ortego, Adele Porierre, Gail Prejean, Gene Romero, Shirley Romero, Dot Royer, Javonte Sinegal, Layna Simon, Paul Sonnier, Bill Storey, Joseph Trahan, John Villejoin, Cindy Vondenstein, Lindsay West, Glenda Young, Thomas Zaunbrecher Sacrament of Baptism is held the 2nd Sunday of each month after 10AM Mass. Contact Parish Office 4 to 6 months before to schedule Baptism Preparation. Classes are held the 4th Sunday of the month after 10AM Mass. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance of desired wedding date to schedule an appointment with Father in order to set the wedding date & begin the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Mass or any other time by appointment. Communion for the Shut ins: Please contact Dean Thibodeaux (334-5425) to schedule visits by Minister of Communion. Funerals: Families should contact the Funeral Home to make all the necessary arrangements. Parish Membership: Parishioners entering or leaving the Parish are encouraged to call 2 the Parish Office. Monday, September 3rd, Labor Day, St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 6:30am M/M Louis Privat Fly, M/M Adam Credeur Fly, John Nugent, M/M Walter Beslin, M/M Ulysse Arceneaux, Wilburn & Beatrice Thibodeaux, Chester Boudreaux, Sam Wingate Fly, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Tuesday, September 4th, Weekday 12:05pm M/M Lebodier Lavergne, Joyce H. Spaetgens, Clinius, Yvonne & Ronald Hoffpauir, Anthony & Rita Privat, Wenzel Habetz, In Thanksgiving, M/M J.B. Benoit, Poor Souls in Purgatory, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Wednesday, September 5th, Weekday 6:30am Rose Leger, Joyce H. Spaetgens, Clinius, Yvonne & Ronald Hoffpauir, Chester Boudreaux, Sam Wingate Fly, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Thursday, September 6th, Weekday 12:05pm Mable Hanks, Everett Hildreth, Eudy & Lena Comeaux & Children, Sarah Bryson, Joseph & Ben Stutes, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Friday, September 7th, "FIRST FRIDAY" 6:30am Edward Alleman Fly, Amanda Briggs, M/M N. J. Gossen, M/M Clyde Arsement Fly, Mary T. Guidry, M/M Karl Zaunbrecher Sr Fly, Leonard "Jake" Cramer, Mollie Trahan, Souls in Purgatory, Chester Boudreaux, Sam Wingate Fly, Herman Stelly, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Saturday, September 8th, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4:00pm Robert & Harold Turner, Russel Benoit, Tommy Cart, Murphy Moore, Theodora H. Faulk, M/M Isaac C. Domingue Fly, M/M Nathan J. Mouton, Souls in Purgatory, Antoine & Agnes P. Menard Fly, Harvey & Sis LeBouef, Elphege & Anita Wingate, Clopha & Alicia Royer Fly, John & Mable Nugent, M/M James Stafford Wingate Fly, Sam Wingate Fly, Wenzel Habetz, M/M Clifford Richard & Sons, Calvin & Bobby Royer Fly, Nelson G. Richard Fly, M/M Norbert Zaunbrecher & Kenneth, Louis Granger, Voorhies Trahan Fly, Leo Patin, Rosella Stelly Perry, Forrest & Gladys Stelly & Sons, Clarence, Alice & Carlton Prevost, Julie & Stephanie Zaunbrecher, Preston Dogua, Joyce H. Spaetgens, Thelma Smith, Walton Thibodeaux Sr, Darrin Martin, M/M Ophe Broussard, Forest Trahan, Sue Martin, Alvin & Reva Savoy, Alvin & Elodie Seaux, Nora Royer, Ruby Doga, George Breaux, Aaron & Tootsie Nugent, Lennis & Hermine Broussard, Oscar Menard, Mary Credeur, Leeward Mier, Eudy & Lena Comeaux & Children, Sarah Bryson, Mollie Trahan, Johnny Meche, Shawn Paul Dupuis, Lloyd & Edna Morgan, Elpha & Roman Quebodeaux, Theodor & Estelle B. Scheufens, Joseph & Ben Stutes, St. Joseph Class of "1959", Cathy Schexnider, M/M Raymond Broussard & Son, Edward, Bobbie H. & David Gossen, Paul DesOrmeaux, Michael Paul Evans, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber Sunday, September 9th, Twenty-third Sunday In Ordinary Time 7:00am Ernest Alleman, Julius & Orelia Henry, Eldridge Henry, Flo Slominsky, Millard, Renola, Tommy & Donald Gilbert, M/M Leroy Domingue, Jameele Saloom, Mollie Trahan, M/M Freddie Arceneaux, M/M Murphy Thibodeaux, M/M Ulysse Alleman, Medric Richard, John Veronie, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber 10:00am M/M Milton Seilhan Fly, Babineaux & Stutes Fly, Edward, Bobbie H. & David Gossen, Eunice A. Thevis, Stephen Prevost, Conrad Breaux, Margaret M. Simpson, Wilfred Romero Jr, Perry "Bozo" Romero, Tommy Petitjean Sr Fly, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber 5:30pm Lake & Aline Guidry, Donna Guidry, Charles Trahan, Ann Molbert Meche, Helen Weber SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Weekly Offerings for August 19, 2012 Envelopes 58% $ 6,274 Loose Checks 25% 2,712 Cash 17% $ 1,837 Total contributions $10,823 Weekly budget $11,589 - $ 766 Please remember St. Joseph Parish, Rayne Catholic Elem. & Notre Dame High School when planning your Last Will & Testament. We joyfully share in the union of: Nicholas Lee Fontenot & Kara Lynn Comeaux SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome those who entered our Catholic faith through the waters of Baptism. 3 Beau Adam Arceneaux PARISH LIFE May the Lord whose love shines over all and gives us blessings great and small, fill your birthday with life’s good things. Roderick Boulley, David Comeaux, Mary Constantin, Josie Cook, Tammy Cormier, Michael Fontenot, Bertrand Guidry, Robert Hicks, Logan Hoffpauir, Carolyn Morgan, Phillip Peltier, Harold Rogers, Kammy Babineaux, Judy Broussard, Amber Carriere, Kyle Dudding, Donald Fontenot, Bryan Hanks, Angela Hebert, Mary Peltier, Ray Penn, Evelyn Petitjean, Ula Romero, Alex Savoy, Norma Thibodeaux, Brian Comeaux, Rhonda Comeaux, Ruby Comeaux, Mary Cormier, Jerome Faucheaux, Joyce Faulk, Mark Field, Debra Fusilier, Madeline Higginbotham, Margaret Higginbotham, Jordan Meche, Dylan Menard, Heather Mire, Carl Schexnyder, Mary Severns, Terry St. Germain, Kelly Stutes, Chris Zaunbrecher, Ella Aiguier, Cynthia Beslin, Vergie Broussard, Jason Cormier, Carol Credeur, Kenneth Daigle, Zoe Emmons, Willard Gilbert, Dylan Gonzales, Anne Guidry, Brennan Guidry, Peggy Istre, Mervin Meaux, Tina Meche, Carroll Menard, Luke Soileaux, Melba Thibodeaux, Carol Tomlinson, Brent Toups, Terri Bearb, Natalie Breaux, Bob Broussard, Tara Comeaux, Merilyn Credeur, Jon Doucet, Tara Fontenot, Theresa Gros, Kennedy Guidry, Chris Kratzer, April Menard, Geraldine Migues, Chuck Peltier, Peggy Smith, Anthony Spaetgens, George Ware, Dorothy Wright, Alton Anderson, Devon Bertrand, Eva Blanchard, Evan Boullion, Flora Bourque, Michelle Breaux, Megan Calhoun, Sybil Comeaux, Brenella Domingue, Jasper Foster, Glenn Gilbert, Greg Hebert, Karen Hebert, Renolla Hebert, Michael Judice, Steve Menard, Edison Mier, Christian Morgan, Greg Morgan, Nichole Smith, Dennis Dupuis, Sandra Elkins, Clara Haure, Dylan Judice, Alyson Kratzer, Kathleen Langlinais, Nina Melancon, Juanita Mouton, Sarah Plaisance, Victoria Richard, Linton Seaux Join the Catholic Daughters for a THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd IN HONOR OF LABOR DAY. 2013 Mass Intention Book is now open Masses may be celebrated in memory of loved ones or for special intentions. The suggested donation remains at $5.00 per listing. The Perpetual Lamp that lights the Sanctuary may be burned in memory of a loved one or for a special intention for one week. A donation of $10.00 is suggested. Only three dedications per week will be accepted. Proceeds will be used to help defray the cost of sanctuary supplies. Catholic Daughters Court Rayne #844 Annual Raffle Tickets are $1.00 each and may be purchased at the Parish Office or from any Catholic Daughter. Prizes include: Branson, MO handmade Queen Size Quilt Set, Oral B rechargeable toothbrush, Decorative Centerpiece Box & Cover, Tires balanced & rotated, a purse by Gucci of Italy, a Neck Wrap, a Rectangle Pampered Chef stone, an Angel Tapestry, a 20-piece Candle Set, a 10-piece Cutlery Set, a Twin Sheet Set and three handmade afghans. 14 great prizes & 14 chances to win! Please help support Catholic Daughters Court Rayne. 4 Rosary Pilgrimage Thursday, October 18 leaving St. Joseph Church at 8:30 AM Churches to be visited include: Our Mother of Mercy Church in Rayne, St. Leo the Great Church in Lafayette, St. Genevieve Church in Lafayette and St. Leo the Great in Leonville Join in the caravan in this journey of community prayers for peace, vocations and an end to abortion. Plan to drive your car and fill it with family and friends. Bring a brown bag lunch. RECENTLY DEPARTED Our faith community remembers in prayer: Theresa LeBlanc, Liviah N. Login and June L. Petitjean We pray that they will find joy and peace in the Lord’s presence. We extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. Elderberries Semi Annual Bourre’ Tournament Saturday, September 29th from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM in the Family Life Center. $20.00 Registration Fee gets you $500 in chips. Money prizes to top three players. Come and play, bring your neighbors, meet your friends and have a good time. You don’t have to be a professional, just love to play the game! For more information call Jeanette Leger (334-2186) or Elaine Miller (334-9496) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Babyberries Attention Mothers & Caregivers of children ages 0-5 years. Please join us in the Family Life Center each Thursday at 9:00am for an hour of prayer, Bible stories, singing, dancing and crafts. For more information, contact Marian Lormand at 334-8984. Joe’s Café Kick-Off Christian-based recreation for 6th, 7th & 8th graders Kick-Off is September 7th from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Youth Hall. They meet every other Friday evening. Anyone interested in helping call 334-9849. Children’s Church Children Meeting Jesus Religious Education for children ages 4, 5 and 6 years while parents attend 10:00 am Mass. Starting September 9th. Children are called up, blessed and escorted to class at the beginning of Mass. Religious Instruction for Pre-k through 5th grade. Registration packets were mailed out. If you have not received one, please call (334-9849). Classes begin September 10th on the RCE Campus every Monday from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm For more information call the Rel. Ed. Dept. at 334-9849. Confirmation Religious Education for 6th, 7th & 8th graders. Kick off is September 16th in the Youth Hall. Classes are on Sundays after 5:30 pm Mass in the Youth Hall FMI, please contact Rikki Martin at 334-9849. R. C. I. A. For high school students entering 11th grade who wish to be confirmed. Registration is September 9th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Registration packets have been mailed out. For more information or if you have any questions contact Todd David at 334-0302. Religious Education for 9th through 12th graders. Registration is Sept. 9th at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Kick Off is September 16th after 5:30 pm Mass in the Family Life Center. FMI, please contact the Rel. Ed. Dept. at 334-9849. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Classes begin Sept. 12th Each Wednesday At 7:00 PM In the Family Life Center. For more information Contact Randy Bertrand at 356-1909 IT’S CHILI TIME Notre Dame High School will hold its 8th annual Chili Cook-Off on Thursday, September 20th at 6:00 PM, immediately following the Homecoming Parade on the school’s campus. Honor classes for Homecoming 2012 are the Classes of 1973, 1983, 1993, and 2003. All Alumni classes, civic organizations, area businesses and school supporters are invited to participate by sponsoring teams and/or purchasing tickets. Awards will be presented in various categories and NO entry fee is required. For more information call the Development Office at 783-7143 or download an entry form at www.ndpios.com. AREA HAPPENINGS Deacon Cody Miller will be conducting a four-month course on “The Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” according to St. Louis de Montfort at St. Pius X Church, 200 East Bayou Parkway, Lafayette, LA beginning on Saturday, September 8th at 7:00 PM. In Your Presence is Fullness of Joy: Embracing Happiness Through Contemplative Prayer Tuesday, October 2nd from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House Grand Coteau, LA Cost: $25.00 Classes will be once a month: September 8th, October 13th, November 10th, and December 8th. Pre-registration is required. To register, please fill out a reservation form at www.ourladyoftheoaks.com, click on retreat reservations and mail it with the $25.00 fee. For more information, please call 337-662-5410. Come learn more about your faith and why Pope John Paul II loved the writings of St. Louis de Montford and how we can fully live our Baptismal promises through Jesus and Mary. 5 Good guys wear black! Interested in Priesthood or the Religious Life? For information Call the Vocations Office at 337-261-5690. Labor Day originated in 1882 in New York City under the aegis of the Knights of Labor. Congress made it a legal holiday in 1894. Observing it this week gives us a good opportunity to reflect on the Catholic Church’s social teachings for the last century or so. On May 15, 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Rerum Novarum on the condition of the working classes and labor. In doing so, he initiated a century in which Catholic teaching became more and more involved in the social issues of the day. Unfortunately relegated to the shadows while the bright lights of controversy shine on other issues, Catholic social teaching remains largely unknown to many Catholics. It is the Catholic Church that championed such notions as a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, and continues to uphold the dignity of the human person against attacks from governments and corporations. Nearly every pope since Leo XIII has issued teachings on the subject. Take some time this Labor Day to familiarize yourself with some aspect of the Church’s social teachings. In doing so, you will be taking responsibility as a member of the Body of Christ to commit yourself to the care of your neighbor. Lord, on this Labor Day, we celebrate the work we do, and we thank You for the blessing of our jobs. We ask for those seeking employment that You guide them in their search for work. We ask for guidance when we are confused. We ask for patience when working through conflicts. We ask for strength to complete each day. We ask for rest when we are weary. We ask that You be with those whose faces we might never see but who work tirelessly each day for the good of us all. Amen. HEARING AND DOING It is made clear throughout the Gospels and Epistles that our discipleship, as followers of Jesus, is not over until our bodily death. In today’s second reading we are urged, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22). Discipleship is hard. Sometimes we have “reasons” why we cannot do things—we are too tired, too old, too sick, too needy. We are too busy with work, with children, with other responsibilities. Yet some of the best “prayers” are people confined by illness or disability. Some of the wisest listeners are the elderly, who have a lifetime of patience and wisdom to draw on. Some of the most generous givers are those who have endured poverty and suffering themselves. Some of the most admired organizers are those who delegate and let other people shine. And let us not forget the heroes who put their lives on the line in time of crisis. Not everyone is called to heroism, but all of us are called to live generously and selflessly. The opportunities are endless: in our families, our parish, our neighborhood or town, and in places around the world. Try to balance prayer, action and financial giving. A busy mother with three toddlers can hardly spend hours in prayer or at church. A man who must work two jobs to support his family has limited time to volunteer, and a person on a tiny fixed income cannot give large donations to the church or charity. However, the busy mother can talk to God as she chases after her little ones. The hardworking man can help with an occasional parish event, and the person with a limited income can put a steady few dollars in the collection each week. Everyone can be a “doer.” READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5; Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Sunday: Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 6 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Sacristans Sept. 3 6:30am Clinton Boullion Randy Bertrand, Rita Monceaux, Mike Ortego Brenda Hooper Sept. 4 12:05pm Margaret Young Linda Ancona, Daniel Habetz, NEED HELP Margaret Young Sept. 5 6:30am Betty Bellard Deacon Tommy Barry LeBlanc, Dean Thibodeaux, Davis Normand Sept. 6 12:05pm Dolores Deville Leah Guidry, Peggy Lake, Angelo Ancona Leah Guidry Sept. 7 6:30am Clarence Arsement Keith Vienne, Mona Vienne, Randy Bertrand Rita Monceaux Sept. 8 4:00pm Cathy Breaux, Larry Van Pelt Deacon Dan, Deacon Tommy, Gale Prejean, Diana Duhon, Daniel Habetz, Peggy Lake, Edward Prejean Jordan Daigle, Grant LeBlanc, Dylan Meche Cathy Breaux Sept. 9 7:00am Dolores Deville, Dan Landry Deacon Tim, Randy Bertrand, Barry LeBlanc, Sylvia Alleman, Flo Broussard, Mary Leger, Georgette Richard Hunter Keely, Michael Gossen Mike Doucet 10:00am Paul Molbert, Mica Smith Deacon Tim, Deacon Denis, Harry Comeaux, Kathy Breaux, Al Anderson, Linda Arceneaux, Jared Lawless, Eva Simon Matthew Molbert, Kennedy Smith, Ethan Bowling Harry & Nola Comeaux 5:30pm Linda Swinkey Deacon Tim, Lance Abshire, Blake Breaux, Mike Abshire, Denise Breaux, Jimmy Fontenot, Nancy Sarsfield Ian, Luke & Noah LeBlanc Eric Mire 6:30am Clinton Boullion Brenda Hooper, Patricia Greene, Matilda Johnson Brenda Hooper Sept.11 12:05pm Margaret Young Daniel Habetz, Charmaigne Lawless, Linda Ancona Margaret Young 6:30am Jeanette Leger Deacon Tommy, Flo Broussard, Davis Normand Deacon Tommy Sept.13 12:05pm Dolores Deville Angela Rosteet, Peggy Lake, Daniel Habetz Helen Boudreaux Robert Simoneaux Sept.10 Sept.12 Sept.14 6:30am Paul Molbert Dr. Neal Duhon, Rita Monceaux, Liz Deaville Sept.15 4:00pm Martha Hodge, Clarence Arsement Deacon Tim, Helen Arsement, Brenda Hooper, Dr. Neal Duhon, Lyn Guidry, Davis Normand, Angela Rosteet Alex Pellerin, Austin Gossen, Matthew Gossen Gilbert & Mary Cormier Sept.16 7:00am Betty Bellard, Joseph Swinkey Deacon Dan, Randy Bertrand, Brunella Reed, Darrel Dugas, Jonathan Hebert, Matilda Johnson, Mona Vienne Anna Claire Ledet, Elizabeth Ledet Brunella Reed 10:00am Faye Jeffers, Amy Johnson Deacon Tommy, Eva Simon, Margaret Young, Louisette Broussard, Jonathan Broussard, Liz Deaville, Marlon Leger, Hubert Matte Elizabeth Kibodeaux, Jack Veillon, Sam Veillon Melinda Leger 5:30pm Beth Goins Deacon Denis, Adrienne Dailey, Angela Says, Mike Abshire, Bill Says, Leah Guidry, Russell Menard Tanner Fee, Luke Mire, Baileigh Goins Flo Broussard After Sunday Mass and a very long & boring sermon, the parishioners filed out of church saying nothing to the Pastor. Towards the end of the line was a thoughtful person who always commented on Father’s sermons. “Father, today your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God!” The Pastor was thrilled. “Why, thank you, my son. No one has ever said that about one of my sermons before. Tell me why.” “Well,” said the parishioner, “it reminded me of the Peace of God because it passed all understanding and the Love of God because it endured forever!” 7 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #467550 401 S. Adams Avenue Rayne, LA 70578 TELEPHONE 337-334-2193 CONTACT PERSON Linda Ancona SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER HP 2420 TRANSMISSION TIME Friday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 2, 2012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 8
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