sheepfold express newsletter
sheepfold express newsletter
Sheepfold Ministry SHEEPFOLD EXPRESS NEWSLETTER TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH (REV. R.W. JONES BLVD.) 150 EAST SECOND STREET BURLINGTON, NEW JERSEY 08016 REV. CORY L JONES, D.MIN., PASTOR Volume 21 / Issue 1 August 2014 Celebrating 91Years ! Sheepfold Ministry Open Letter From The Pastor My Beloved Tabernacle, As I reflect over our current journey in 2014, my only thought is, "The Lord has truly been good!" God's faithfulness is evident as you walk through the hallways, classrooms, and sanctuary of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. A spirit of peace, love, and joy permeates the atmosphere. People are smiling and laughing. Music echoes from the gym as congregants and individuals from the community continue to dedicate themselves to congregational fitness. Songs of Zion ring as the music ministry prepares themselves for Sunday morning. Preparations for future ministry are taking place as various ministries commit themselves to making Tabernacle a "Christ Centered Village." And for this, I am grateful and excited. The church's strength has continued to amaze me as we have experienced the loss of many spiritual stalwarts as well as the sickness of others. Christian education is what it is today because of the commitment and dedication of Larry DeCosta. The deacons ministry shined with a spirit of servitude because of James Pasley. Lives were touched through the consistency of Larry Brown. The ministers were trained and dedicated to the gospel because of Hilyard Knox. Responsible mission and fiscal accountability will always be the trademark Hazel Stinson. Our lives will forever be touched by these individuals as well as those I did not mention, and they will always have a place in our hearts. In addition, we are continually blessed as Mother Ethel Jones returned from an extended illness. Her beauty and strength are a shining example to us and presence alone connects us to the rich legacy of Pastor Richard W. Jones. Also, we continue to pray for those who have been away, that God would soon bring them back to us. I can't wait to hear Rev. Eured Snell's voice again on a praise-filled Sunday morning. As we move forward, let us continue to build on the 2014 momentum. Our youth have had an exciting year. The College Tour to California was life-changing. The journalism workshop featuring Stephen A. Smith was informative and engaging. The "Hooping For Your Dream" basketball camp was a wonderful opportunity for boys and girls to gather together to develop their basketball skills and life skills. The Mission Ministry is on the move. We are blessed to be able to present over $12,000 to the Lott Carey Global Missional Community. The choirs are on fire and are musicians are opening up and allowing the Holy Spirit to use them for our edification and God's glorification. Our Christian Education Summer series on "Church Health" was outstanding and I believe we are more committed than ever about being a healthy church and not just a growing church. I could go on and on about all that has taken place. However, what excites me the most is that souls are continuing to come to be saved and baptized! Tabernacle, we are on the move! Again, my only thought is, "The Lord has truly been good!" Building on this momentum is not always easy. It's time consuming and at times uncomfortable. Nonetheless, scripture teaches us these words in 2 Corinthians 4:5, "We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord."If we continue to preach Christ, be Christ centered, and do ministry based on Christ's example, I am confident God will tell Tabernacle as a whole, "Well done!" God bless you Tabernacle. I love you dearly. May God's grace and peace cover you each and every day. Your Pastor, Rev. Cory L. Jones, D.Min. EDITOR’S CORNER This issue of the Sheepfold Express newsletter marks the initial edition for 2014. We continue our quest to be a Christ-centered village dedicated to development of church and community through worship, service, sharing, preaching and teaching. So far this year we have welcomed one hundred fourteen (114) new members, baptizing nearly fifty (50). We celebrated Tabernacle’s 91st Church Anniversary and again rejoiced with Revival as well as Worship and Word. College Tour visited the West Coast this year and to all of our youth scholars and our graduates, who have demonstrated the diligence, intelligence and integrity necessary for academic excellence, we congratulate you for your accomplishments. Vacation Bible School was again successful and well attended. ―To God be the Glory for the things that He has done‖ As we continue to move ahead in 2014, let’s continue to diligently and persistently study God’s word. Register now for School of Christian Discipleship and the supplementary classes of instruction and continue to be supportive to our Associate Ministers as they bring the word each Wednesday night prior to our classes of instruction. Thanks to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Deacons for the camaraderie and the respective commitment to be supportive of our Pastor and his vision, our members concerns and our Church mission. Thank you as well Tabernacle family for the spirit of unity and love toward one another. Thanks to all who submitted articles for this edition of the Sheepfold Express Newsletter. Our mission is to share information and without you, our contributors, our publication would not be comprehensive. The desired method to submit your article is electronically, via email to either [email protected] or [email protected]. Remember … “If your story is omitted, perhaps it was not submitted”. Thanks again and God bless all of you. Deacon Bob and Deaconess Delores Preston Sheepfold Ministry DEACON BOARD 1st Corinthians 3:6 states, "I have planted, Apollo's watered; but God gave the increase." Again Tabernacle, we are indeed thankful for God’s continued blessings upon our church. From January 2014 until the end of July 2014 we have taken in 114 new members and 43 have been baptized. We praise God for the souls that have come to Christ and chose Tabernacle as their place of worship. Certainly we are grateful for the membership increase and for the leadership of Pastor Cory Jones. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." John 12:32 Deacon Willie Reid, chairman Deacons in Training The Board of Deacons is excited over the prospect of adding nine new Deacons to its ministry. These men who are currently in training, in the persons of Mr. Eric Dennis, Mr. Pete Green, Mr. Alan Johnson, Mr. Russell Jordan, Mr. William Owens, Mr. Alfred Powell, Mr. Robert Powell, Mr. Michael Swoope, and Mr. Marcus Williams have all committed themselves to doing the work of the Lord. They began their training in February 2014, and are progressing consistently in their overall preparation for the work of building God's Kingdom. As potential deacons they cannot escape the responsibility that their position in the church will require them to uphold. Therefore, studying God's Word, demonstrating humility, caring for the needs and concerns of others, and providing support to the Pastor are just some of the many areas that are being addressed in their training. The Board of Deacons are appreciative to the Tabernacle family for your support in allowing us to help and be of service to you in the selection and approval of these candidates, who we truly believe that God has called to do His work. We look forward to our Deacons in Training being ordained to serve where we know they will continue to gain great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. The Training Team TRUSTEE BOARD The Board of Trustees continues to strive to make Tabernacle a comfortable environment for all who enter our doors to work and worship. To that end, in the last quarter we have accomplished the following upgrades and improvements: Reframed front doors by church office Installed bulletin boards at front and back entrances to post nightly meeting notices Purchased and installed security desk by front desk Purchased and installed digital time clock for employees Installed recessed lighting fixtures in first floor men's and women's bathrooms in Jones Center Ran CAD-6 cables throughout the church for new voiceover IP system and computers. Our hope is to have the casket lift operational by the late fall. $5,316 was raised from donors and funds from funerals to go toward the repair of the casket lift. The generous anonymous donors have honored their commitment and have tendered $5,000 toward the repair. Finally, we will be instituting a Risk Management Strategy to address and curtail potential future liability of the Church. Your fellow servant in Christ's vineyard, Christopher D. Taylor Chairman, Board of Trustees Sheepfold Ministry 91st CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Fellowship– Unity– Love Tabernacle commemorated our 91st Church Anniversary with a Church Family Reunion, complete with a cookout, Sunday services and a spirit-filled revival. The goal was to emphasize the three strand cord that binds our church membership: Fellowship, Unity and Love. Festivities commenced with a Cookout on Saturday, June 7, 2014. Over 500 people attended the cookout which featured great food, face painting, games for all ages both in-doors and outside, water ice, an ice cream truck, a cake walk, bingo, a DJ and line-dancing. The cooking and barbecuing were prepared by our church Chef, Jonathan Davis, and the brothers of Nu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., respectively. Rev. Marlin Harris of New Life Church, Decatur, GA set the spiritual tone for the coming week's revival with two stirring services on Sunday, June 8th. Attendance for the three nights of Revival (June 10-12) exceeded 1,000 people. Dr. Rev. Marcus D. Cosby, from Wheeler Ave Baptist Church, Houston, TX blessed us each night with the Word drawn from scripture, Acts12:1-12, on ―A Minor Set Back for a Major Come Back!‖ Thank you, committee chairpersons; Deaconess Angie Moffitt and Sister Betty Lauray (Cookout), Sister Loretta Pinkins (T-Shirts), Sister Aurie Haithcox (Programs), Sister MaryAnn Smith (History), Sister Rosalie Burroughs (Greeters), Sister Chrystal Walker (Decorations), Deaconess A’Lisa Burgess (Publicity/Communications) and Brother James King (Finance). Also, thanks to Trustees John Smith, Elmer Smith and Nanette Jordon. Special thanks to the Sight and Sound Ministry, Ushers and Doorkeepers. Kudos to everyone, without the commitment, dedication support, and teamwork this could not have been a successful 91st Church Anniversary. Committee Chairpersons/91st Church Anniversary, Brother Raphael Gibson and Sister Angie Taylor on a special picture placed on the floor, you won a cake. We had over ten On Saturday, June 7, 2014, Tabernacle homemade cakes donated by our fanBaptist Church held its first Family tastic ―Bakers‖ of Tabernacle Baptist Reunion Cookout as the kickoff for the Church. 91st Church Anniversary celebration. God blessed us with a beautiful warm Outside we had our special DJ from day full of sunshine! We had over 500 Top Shelf Entertainment, Cecil Bond, members and families to come and who provided the music for the occafellowship with one another, reacsion. There was Line Dancing with our quainting ourselves and enjoying the instructor, Sis. Emily Fitch. Adults and company. We had a large tent placed children were dancing to the music that outside on the grassy knoll on the made them ―HAPPY- like a room withJames Street side of the church where out a roof‖! So much fun was had by food for the afternoon was served. The all. delicious menu of the day consisted of The cookout encircled the outside of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, the church with tables and chairs, balgrilled chicken, potato salad, green loons and the happy faces of those in beans, corn on the cobb, baked beans attendance. A major thank you goes and pasta salad. Mmm mmm good! out to all the men of the church, coorThanks to the chefs of Omega Psi Phi dinated by Trustee John Smith who set Fraternity for the use of their seasoned up the entire church grounds for us and saw to it that everything was cleaned grills that cooked the chicken. A big ―thanks‖ to our own chef Jonathan who up and returned to its proper place. Thanks go to the Registration Commitprepared the cookout meal for us and tee, chaired by Sis. Christine Morton, thanks to the men who graciously who did a superb job with the overall served the food. There was enough for registration process. Our church famieveryone to fix a hearty plate for them- ly is like no other which was so evident in how well we all worked together to selves. Rita’s Water Ice supplied us make our Family Reunion a major sucwith 5 different flavors of water ice cess. Kudos to our Anniversary Coand we had an Ice Cream Truck all to chairpersons, Bro. Raphael Gibson and ourselves. There were outdoor activiAngie Taylor, who guided us through ties for those who wanted to play vol- the planning and execution of the celeleyball, hula hoops, jump rope, kickball bration. Our God is an awesome God and dodge ball and horse shoes super- and we are so grateful for how He vised by Sis. Audrey Whittington. For blessed us on that day! Submitted by: the young adult basketball fanatics, FAMILY REUNION COOKOUT there was basketball in the gymnasium. Deaconess Andrea Moffitt, Chairman For the little people, we had face paintSis. Betty Lauray, Co-Chairman ing by Sis. Gaye Melvin. To accommodate our senior saints, we had Board Games set up in the cafeteria coordinated by Sis. Betty Lauray. The most popular of the games of course was Bingo. Little gifts were distributed to the winners and the comments we received were to have the games more often. At the end of the games, we had a ―Cake Walk.‖ The individuals who participated walked the cafeteria to music and when the music stopped and you were standing Sheepfold Ministry Tabernacle Baptist Church 91st Church Anniversary 91 Years of Praising God and Saving Souls! Sheepfold Ministry Samuel George Sanders IV graduated on May 18, 2014 from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. with a Bachelor of Architecture Degree. Samuel, often referred to as ―Champ,‖ demonstrated his artistic talent at a very young age, as he constructed Lego structures and drew realistic images of movie characters. Samuel received the 2014 Senior Leadership Recognition Award. During his tenure at Carnegie Mellon University he maintained a 3.65 GPA throughout the five years. In addition to his studies Samuel was recognized in 2013 by the University, when his design was selected as the new CMU Smart ID card. All staff and student began using this Smart ID card in September 2013. Not limiting his talent to architecture, Samuel’s fashion designs were presented in the Annual Lunar Gala and the University Spirit Fashion Shows. He co designed, through an independent study, the first student designed custom sun shade for Hikari: SunShade. As the only Black student in his class, he recognized the need for minority students to have a voice on the campus. To address this, Samuel founded the Carnegie Mellon University Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students, where he served as the first President. Samuel was one of eight recent graduate students nationally, selected to participate in the University UDREAM post graduate program. In addition to studies, designing fashions he was an actor in the upcoming 2015 Russell Crowe film, ―Fathers and Daughter. We will await show time. He has accepted a job with Front Studio Architects in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the son of Samuel and Rosalind Sanders and the grandson of Sister Parthenia Cogdell. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Isaiah Sanders completed eight grade at Ann A Mullen Middle School, Sicklerville. He continues to make good grades. He accomplished his perfect attendance goal for this school year. The love for basketball is demonstrated in his participation on three basketball teams; the Mullen Middle School Varsity Team, AAU LeagueTeam Hines – a traveling team and the Timber Creek High School Spring Junior Varsity Team. Isaiah played a major role in Mullen Middle School winning the Garden State Middle School State Championship in April. Isaiah was also selected to play in the Junior High School All Star Basketball games. His assigned team was the winning team. He was excited to attend his brother’s college graduation. He now has a new goal, to follow his big brother and graduate with honors from college. In September, Isaiah will be entering the ninth grade at the Timber Creek High School, Sicklerville. Isaiah makes his parents Samuel and Rosalind Sanders and his grandmother Sister Parthenia Cogdell very proud. Congratulations to our granddaughter Charlysse Graham, who is presently living in Houston, Texas working with Teach for America. She was accepted into this program, January 2914 to study at Rice University. In August she will be teaching in an underserve School District as a 5th grade Science Teacher. To God be the Glory. Submitted by: Brother Lewis and Sister Mary Dixon Richard Farmer II, who is six years old and the son of Jacqueline Farmer, received his Purple Belt in Martial Arts at Kaizen Karate School in Mt. Laurel, NJ on June 14, 2014. On May 10, 2014, he received his Graduation Certificate for completing the Suzuki Method Book 1 graduation requirements. Graduation requirements also included him performing a solo piano recital at the Moorestown School of Music on Sunday, January 26, 2014. Richard played the entire book from memory (21 songs) as well as a ―showoff‖ piece, Ecossaise by Johann Nepomuk Hummel from Book 2. He will represent the school on their upcoming website cover page, which will be posted by September 2014 at He will be going to the 2nd grade at Moorestown Friends School in September 2014. On June 13, 2014 Veronica Lynn Sills, daughter of Joseph S. Thomas & Harriet E. Thomas, graduated from Drexel University’s School of Education with a Master of Science in Higher Education & Organizational Management (MSHE) with a concentration in Student Development and Affairs. Veronica completed her undergraduate studies at The College of New Jersey (former Trenton State College) with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and a minor in Women & Gender Studies and previously earned a dual Master’s degree from Rutgers University (Camden) with concentrations in Criminal Justice and Public Administration. In August 2014 she will begin teaching at the University of North Carolina (Wilmington) as well as begin studying for a Doctorate in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Higher Education at UNCW. Mary Curry received the Alumna of the Year award for 2013-2014from Columbia Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association., where she graduated in 1959. Her nursing career spanned over fifty years. Mary is an active member of the Tabernacle Baptist Nurse’s Unit, and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Sheepfold Ministry Bishar Khary Jenkins, Jr., has completed his freshman year at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. Bishar is a Political Science major and achieved the Deans List for the Second Semester with a 3.61 GPA.Bishar has been appointed Chairman of the Rutgers NAACP, PoliticalAction Committee for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year. Bishar is serving as a summer intern at the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General in the Prosecutor's Supervision Bureau. Bishar has been offered to participate in the Fall 2014 Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Emerging Leaders Internship Program in Washington, DC.Bishar is the son of Stacey Tard and the grandson of Deacon Elijah Tard, Jr.,and Deaconess Juanita Tard. Brianna Mikayla Walker a fourth grade student at the Wilbur Watts Intermediate School has been promoted to the fifth grade. Brianna achieved the Honor Roll for the Fourth Marking period. Brianna is the daughter of Stacey Tard and the granddaughter of Deacon Elijah Tard, Jr., and Deaconess Juanita Tard. All Praises to the LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Marissa Christa Mitchell graduated from Rancocas Valley Regional High School on June 18, 2014. Marissa was an Honor Roll student during every report card period from Kindergarten throughout the 12th grade. In middle school, Marissa was inducted in the National Honor Society, played Field Hockey and Lacrosse, and participated in the drama club. In high school, Marissa, was inducted in the National Spanish Honor Society and the National Society of High School Scholars. At Rancocas Valley Regional High School, Marissa played Field Hockey and participated in Movement Unlimited, Team Mega, the Key Club, and the African American Culture Club. As a volunteer, she helped prepared meals for the homeless. In September 2014, Marissa will matriculate at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island to study Culinary Arts and Business. Marissa ACCOMPLISHMENTS was blessed to receive from Johnson and Wales University a Presidential Academic Scholarship, the Johnson and Wales Award, and the Johnson and Wales Grant. Marissa will celebrate her 18th birthday on July 13, 2014. She is an avid reader, gifted singer, and eloquent dancer. During the summer, Marissa will be a caring and creative child care provider for her niece who lives in Massachusetts. Marissa is the daughter of Reverends Marian and Ernest Mitchell III. Thank you LORD for Great Things that you have done! Diamond Tyler a 7th grade student at Levitt Middle School in Willingboro made the Honor Roll the 4th marking period. Diamond is very active in church. She attends Sunday School, Wednesday night 7th /8th grades Bible study, a member of the Young Adult Choir, Praise Dancer and participated in several Christmas and Easter programs.. Her community involvement includes, Girl Scout and Jr. Disable American Veterans Auxiliary member where she serves as mascot. Her duties include assisting in the Pledge of Allegiants to the American Flag and collection of dues. Diamond will attend 8th grade in the Fall. Diamond is the granddaughter of Sister Elfrieda Williams Ja’Von English a 4th grade student at Fountain Woods Elementary School in Burlington Township. Ja’Von is active in church as a member of the Jr. Ushers, attends Sunday School, Pioneer Clubs (Wednesday night children’s Bible Study). He has also participated in several Christmas and Easter programs. Ja’Von plays football and basketball for the township; he is also a Jr. Member of D.A.V.A. Ja’Von will attend 5th the Fall. Ja’Von is the grandson of Sister Barbara Williams and the great grandson of Sister Elfrieda Williams. Deylan V. Jenkins has found her niche at Rider University, where she is a rising senior majoring in Economics. She recently completed an online summer course. Deylan is blessed to return to the County of Burlington as a summer intern within the Finance Department. When she isn't working, she's spending time with family, reading books online, navigating her computer, watching crime shows with her dad, or hanging out in the pool. Deylan is the only daughter of Deacon Mark and Deaconess Charlene HarrisJenkins. Isaiah C. Jenkins, is a rising senior at Montclair State University where he is majoring in Acting. He is also actively involved in the Christian campus organization, InterVarsity. In the Fall, Isaiah will have one of the leading roles in the Pulitzer Prize winning play, "Clybourne Park". It is a spin-off of "A Raisin in the Son". He recently showcased his gift of Christian Rap in New York City during a talent showcase. You can check him out on Soundcloud as Isaiah53. When Isaiah isn't working as a summer intern in the Parks and Recreation Department of Burlington County, you can find him rehearing lines, in the studio singing, or just spitting bars (free styling). Isaiah is the youngest son of Deacon Mark and Deaconess Charlene Harris-Jenkins. Mark G. Jenkins, Jr., a 2011 graduate of Rutgers University, New Brunswick is a financial analyst with Burlington Coat Factory. Last Fall, he was the defensive coordinator of the Burlington Twp. 125 lb. football team that won the League Championship. His father, Mark, Sr. was the head coach. For those of you who remember and continue to ask about Kyle Harris-Jenkins, he's doing well as the Youth Pastor of Lighthouse Worship Center. Please keep them in prayer as they are soon to move into their Burlington City location. The Jenkins family continues to thank God for the abundant blessings He continues to bestow upon them. Sheepfold Ministry Jordan E. Green, graduated from the Gloucester County Police Academy on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. He is currently in his Field Office Training with the Burlington Township Police Department. Jordan is the son of Trial Deacon Pete Green (wife, Barbara) and the grandson of Joyce Wesley On May 14, 2014, Lanika R. Edwards daughter of the late James D. Davis, Jr. and Joyce A. Edwards graduated cum laude from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a 3.391 GPA. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Individualized Studies and Public Administration. In the fall she plans to continue her educational goals by working on her Master's Degree. Lanika has been employed by the State of New Jersey, Department of Banking and Insurance, Captive Insurance for 15 years. She has a 10 year old daughter, Jy-Sana Jones. Jy-Sana Jones 10 year old daughter of Mark Jones and Lanika R. Edwards and the maternal granddaughter of Joyce A. Edwards and the paternal grand-daughter of Juanita Jackson have also received accolades. She is a Junior Girl Scout with the Village School Girl Scout Service Unit Troop #70690 West Windsor-Plainsboro School District. In May of 2014, JySana was awarded Bronze Award Certificates of Recognition for participating in EASEL Animal Rescue League located in Ewing Township, NJ from the Girl Scouts and from Shing Fu Hsueh, Mayor of West Windsor. On May 9, 2014, she received a Certificate of Special Recognition signed by a Member of Congress, Rush Holt, in Recognition of Outstanding and Invaluable Service to the Community. Jy-Sana was awarded a certificate and a gift of appreciation from the Irene Parker Dance Studio, Hamilton, NJ for Dance Teacher's Apprentice for Being a Wonderful Teacher's Helper, June 14, 2014. We are happy to report that Jy-Sana is an Honor Roll student and has passed to the 6th grade. She will be attending Community Middle School in the fall. ACCOMPLISHMENTS We, the parents Aye & Amaka Omuso congratulate our sons and daughter for all that they have achieved and all that they are yet to achieve in Jesus name. AMEN. We’re asking our Tabernacle Family to join us in thanking God for all the blessings he has showered us through our children. From left to right Seigha Omuso, Inara Omuso MD, Amaka & Aye Omuso, Wanemi Omuso Seigha Omuso aka "Coach O" Executive Director / Founder of The O League, a NJ nonprofit organization Inara Omuso, MD Graduated from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School on May 19,2014 Currently a Resident MD at Cooper Hospitals - in Ob/Gyn Wanemi Omuso 4 year student at Temple University - in Economics 5th year Temple Owls Football - tight end We are grateful to God for the numerous blessings and continue to pray for their success. Mercedes Glover, grand-daughter of Sister Thelma SwainTucker is a criminal justice major and 7 letters athletic for Rutgers University, Newark campus. Congratulations to A’Lisa Burgess for receiving an award for 25 years of service to Gartner Inc. Jasmine Knight, the daughter of Kevin and Sherry knight and the granddaughter of Joe and Joan knight has completed her High School career with many outstanding accomplishments. Jasmine graduated on June 23rd with honors and a 4.2 GPA. She has been accepted to 12 of the 13th schools in which she applied. Additionally, she received scholarship not only from her church family, but from the Links; Alpha kappa Alpha Pi Mu Omega chapter; New Jersey Cheerleading Association; Burlington County Times Teen Excellence; and the Margaret Thompson scholarship. She will be attending The University of Alabama in the fall majoring in criminal justice on the pre-law track. Jasmine and her cheer team will be featured in the movie "American Cheerleader" which will be released on August 26th. Jasmine would like to thank everyone that has been instrumental in helping her achieve her goals! Jasmine has graduated from Summer Assembly on July 18th. God has truly blessed her and we are ever so grateful. Her favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11. Happy 32nd Anniversary! Deacon Harry & Deaconess Lula Vereen August 14th Happy 5th Anniversary! Trustee Nanette Jordan and Trial Deacon Russell Jordan August 1st Sheepfold Ministry Congratulations to Larry Boyd, Jr. on graduating with honors (cum laude) from Claflin University, Orangeburg, SC in May of 2014. Larry had an amazing academic career at Claflin. He was on the President's Honor List all four years and graduated with a 3.598 grade point average! We and your church family are so proud of you! Larry is the son of Deacon Larry and Deaconess Paula Boyd. Love, Mom, Dad, and Family N A T I O N A L- H O N O R –S O C I E T Y Nicole Higginbotham who is entering her Senior year at Burlington Township High School this fall was elected by the student body as Treasurer of the Executive Board of students for the 2014-2015 school year. In addition she was elected as Treasure of the National Honor Society for 2014-2015, she was also elected President of the Women's Issues Club at BTHS where she earned High Honors (straight A's) the second semester. Nicole is the daughter of Trustee Nanette Jordan and Trial Deacon Russell B Jordan, Sr. Dionne Higginbotham completed her freshman year at Rutgers University making the Dean's List and earning a 4.0 GPA for the Spring 2014 semester, with a cummulative 3.827 GPA. Dionne was elected to the executive board of the Black Student Union as secretary and was also elected to Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA). Dionne is currently interning at Comcast Corporation for her second summer in the Community Investment department where the company executes their philanthropy a com- ACCOMPLISHMENTS munity outreach. Dionne is the daughter of Trustee Nanette Jordan, Trial Deacon Russell B. Jordan. Marlowe Scott's entry of a quilt named "Sue and Sam" won an Honorable Mention Ribbon in the Burlington County Farm Fair this July. The quilt has a theme of blueberry and pansy cotton prints and is embellished with appliques and heart shaped fabric yo-yos. In 2013, she won second and third place ribbons for two quilt entries. India Conaway, daughter of Vicki Conaway and granddaughter of Claudine and Earl Conaway completed an internship in New York City with American designer Nicole Miller this summer. The internship was a requirement for her Fashion Merchandising Degree. Also, India was employment by BCBGMAXAZRIA. BCBG is a French acronym for bon chic, bon genre - meaning "good style, good attitude". Accordingly, the BCBGMAXAZRIA label is one of the hottest names in the fashion industry today. Additionally, India received a $26,000 scholarship for her junior year at Immaculata University. CJ is going into his second year at Wesley College in Dover, De. CJ was recruited to play Soccer his first year at Wesley College. CJ maintained a 3.2 GPA his first year at Wesley. CJ was accepted into the National Society of Leadership and Success for his academics. CJ received an award from the Athletics Department for maintaining a 3.0 or better GPA while participating in sports. CJ studied abroad in Costa Rica this summer at the University of Costa Rica where he resided with a host family who did not speak English. During CJ'S brief stay in Costa Rica he learned to use public transportation to attend classes and made several lifelong friendships. Two American Spanish teachers traveled to Equatorial Guinea. They were eager to visit the local schools and to interact with Equatoguinean students and teachers. One of the teachers was the daughter of Deacon Samuel and Deaconess Yvonne Coleman, Ayesha. Their daily travel experiences were recorded and shared through ―blogging‖ with family and friends. What an fantastic learning experience. ( tpod.html) Christian Whitaker was selected to spend twelve days on the campus of Princeton University where she attended a residential conference entitled, At the Well Young Women’s Leadership Academy. At the Well ―seeks to empower young women locally to become effective leaders globally. By promoting excellence in education, they encourage girls to live beyond their limitations, achieve beyond their dreams, and impact communities beyond their reach.‖ After completing an application, writing an essay, meeting the GPA requirement and submitting a letter of recommendation, Christian made the first round of cuts. From that point, she completed a Skype interview and discovered one week later, that she was accepted into the program. While on campus, Christian attended classes, worked on SAT Prep, college-level essay writing and public speaking. Additionally, the participants attended a Broadway play and enjoyed presentations from prominent African Americans in various fields; two of which, were actors Nicole Ari Parker and husband, Boris Kodjoe. At the conclusion of the program, parents were treated to a closing ceremony. Christian along with several members of her group were awarded, the Angela Benton Award for technology achievement. This was truly a challenging and enlightening experience. Christian Whitaker is the daughter of Tiffany Whitaker and granddaughter of Albert and Arnette Peterson. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Sheepfold Ministry Sister Doris E. Ellis, 43 Years of Service Sunday, May 18, 2014, 11:00am worship service, Sis. Doris E. Ellis, pianist for the Tabernacle Baptist Church (TBC) Children's Choir, was recognized as her retirement was officially announced after playing for the Children's Choir, 43 years. Sis. Annie B. Walker, the mother of Sis. Ellis organized the TBC Children's Choir and was their first musician, until her death in 1971. Sis. Ellis started playing for the Children’s Choir after the passing of her mother, she was the choir’s 2nd musician. During worship service, all former members of the Children’s Choir formed a Mass Choir to honor Sis Ellis, they sang, "Call Him Up" by Keith Pringle. Picture in photo are TBC Musicians who extended their congratulations to Sis. Ellis: Bro. Jason Stewart, Youth Choir, Sis. Doris Ellis, Minister of Music Sis. Deanie Wilson-Gibson, and Min. Bruce Clark, Senior Choir. Children’s Choir /Former and Present Members QUINTON T. BURGESS We are so very proud of all your accomplishments, 3 Senior Proms, 2014 Burlington Township High School Graduate, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Mu Boule Scholarship, Nu Nu Chapter Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Scholarship in Memory of David A. Frisby III, New Jersey Buffalo Soldiers Honorable Mention Scholar, TBC William Alston Scholarship, TBC Men’s Ministry MLK Scholarship, Youth Achievers Book Award and many TBC donations. Thank you to the village that continues to support not only Quinton but all the TBC Youth. We are so blessed to ―David’s Mighty Men‖ Comeback in Honor of its founder Quinton T. Burgess be a part of the Tabernacle Family On August 10, 2014 The Men’s Praise Dance Team made a comeback by worshipping God with an awesome performance to ―One on One‖ by Zacardi Cortez. Around 13 Years ago Quinton desired to praise dance like his sisters after sitting at many practices. He talked to Mr. Chris Taylor and he told him he would help him start a boys praise team. Some of the original members were Quinton Burgess, Chris Marshall, Marcus Finley, Jonathan Davis, Darius Jackson and Chris Taylor with their original Praise Dance performance ―The Question Is‖. From the original performance, many young men were inspired to join the Men’s praise dance ministry. We Thank God for Quinton and his vision that God laid on his heart. Sheepfold Ministry ACCOMPLISHMENTS Burlington County Times – Sunday, August 17, 2014 Dante Foggy The Food Network Dante, you had all of us glued to our television sets watching Food Network program, ―Chopped,‖ and for many of us, the first time. Although you did not win the big prize, you are still a winner to us! Congratulations Dante Foggy. Your Tabernacle Family is so proud of you and we believe that God has great things in store for you! Stay encouraged! The Editors, Deacon Bob and Deaconess Delores Preston Sheepfold Ministry COMMUNITY OUTREACH Invasion of the WorkCampers During the first week of July, our area was invaded by 158 people here to help. WorkCamp, a summer program sponsored by Group Publishing, sends Christian young people to an area to do volunteer work on residences that need light repair and/or painting. Lott Carey Youth Seminar 2014 We were blessed to be represented at this year’s seminar by three youth from Tabernacle Baptist Church (TBC). Eddie Reuben, Chelsea Maddred & Nia Curry were driven to the campus of WSSU in NC by Chaperone Carol Colston. We helped make a difference in the lives of others for an amazing week of service, praise and worship and learning about Global Missions. Oh yes, we had fun as well!! Thanks to TBC, Board of Christian Education and Mission Ministry for their financial support. Tabernacle Baptist Church of Burlington posted and sponsored the efforts this year for 124 youth and 34 adults. They invaded with energy, enthu siasm, determination, and love. They paid for themselves to have the privilege of coming to work and have devotional services during the day, and sleep on the floors of the church at night for a week. The young people learned how to paint and do repairs and how to make new friends and have a closer understanding of God's love. This reporter experienced the invasion directly. Two teams (3 adults and 9 youth) painted the exterior and interior of my house. They invaded not just my home but also my heart. They worked hard with no teenage attitudes. They left me the gift of their caring and commitment and a beautifully painted home. They even left a big cross in my yard which I cherish. 32 other homes were invaded with similar results. We thank Trustees Todd Whitmore and Fred Hamm and all of Tabernacle Baptist Church for aiding this invasion. Best Regards, E. Jean Morgan Atlantic City Sandy Outreach May 2014, Tabernacle Baptist Church commissioned 25 members include were Jr Missionaries, HYPE Ministry, Men Ministry and others to offer long term recovery assistance to include, cleaning, painting, drywall, electrical repair and canvassing the streets to inform residents of resources available to them. To God be the glory!! Sheepfold Ministry IN MEMORIAM John 14:1-6 February— August 2014 Brother Joseph Smith Sister Mildred Stribling Deacon James Pasley Deacon Larry DeCosta Deacon Larry Brown Sister Virginia Jackson Sister Thelma Phillips Rev Hilyard Knox Sister Pearl Purvis Sheepfold Ministry Congregational fitness Health and Fitness for Life If you happen to walk by the Tabernacle Baptist Church gymnasium approximately 6:00 am or 6:00 pm Monday thru Thursday, there is a strong chance that you may find yourself in an inquisitive gleaning state of mind. A resounding collaboration of ―Wow, oh my God; mercy, oh come on this is enough, I’m tired.‖ Yes, these are the cries that resonate through the atmosphere. You are witnessing a group of people who decided to embrace the precious blessings that God laid at their feet by equipping them with the necessities to begin their journey on the road to wellness. God is renewing their minds and instilling a centrifugal power that is only given from the ethereal host that resides within. These people have put on a new covering of faith and dared to submit and admit the challenges of their lives to God. These are the ones who painfully and with some feelings of inadequacy took a bold stance to step out of their comfort zone to face the health challenges that are before them. Let me introduce you to Congregational Fitness, powered by RaeFit. If you would allow me to single out two participants to honor with praise for the month of July. These two athletes in their own right have an unblemished structure that is certainly fortifiable and beneficial to Congregational Fitness. These ladies exudes a model of determination. They constantly display a diligence to obtaining wellness. ―Impedance, discouragement, and negative talk of any kind is never acceptable with these ladies.‖ Without hast they continue to press toward the mark. Adapting this attitude Lula Vereen has lost 10 lbs, medication reduced, vital signs reached a healthier level. Brenda Bennett lost 24 lbs, medication reduced, vital signs reached a healthier level. These women are an inspiration to us all, we love you, we salute you, we want to be like you when we grow up. Thank you. Submitted by: Sister Linda Moreira Sheepfold Ministry TBC Men’s Softball Team The TBC Men's Softball team is 2 and 1 thus far. Our team plays together and prays together before and after each game. They are very competitive this season having won 5 to 3 against Living Faith on 5/31/14. They next played and won against Word of Life 13-11 on 6/21/14 where Pastor Corey played with the team. Deacon Joe Davis is coach. The dedicated team consists of Brandon Ayres, Dwayne Brewton, Thomas Bridges, Brandon Cunningham, Trustee Robert Cunningham, Andre Dennis, Trial Deacon Eric Dennis, Jamal Dorsey, Sam Fullwood, Deacon Noel Gibson, Michael Johnson, Trial Deacon Russell Jordan, Sr., Deacon Mark Jenkins, Bryant Maxie, James McArthur, Patrick McDowell, Andrew Preston, Deacon Elijah Tard, Jr., Deacon Samuel Thomas, Ray Tucker, Minister Mark Warren, David Watson, Curtis White, and Pastor Corey Jones. Come out and support the Men's Softball Team of Tabernacle Baptist Church! Sheepfold Ministry God’s Seasons and Numbers By Sister Marlowe Scott Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) ―To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:‖ Before going into a few fascinating discoveries, my mind went back to a time when prayer and scripture were standard in our schools. For my 1962 graduation from Bridgeton Senior High in South Jersey, I was privileged to lead a Voice Choir in reciting Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Through the years, that scripture passage has given me a firmer foundation as I matured on this life’s journey. Recently in reading a newsletter passed to me by a friend, I found an interesting article on some creation facts. Because I love nature and am a New Jersey born country woman, I had to investigate further. With respect to numbers, Bible and Sunday School students have studied about the 10 virgins, 10 lepers, as well as the 40 days and nights of Noah, the 40 years in the wilderness with Moses and other numerical stories. In Proverbs 6:16-18 it is clear that there are seven things the Lord hates - a proud look, lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies and one who sows discord among their brethren. born in 63 days; a kitten 63-65 days; rabbits 28-31 days; and a box turtle 63-70 days. This short story however is about other sevens – often referred to as the number of completion. Examples are seven days of the week as well as the seventh year of rest for the land which is found in Leviticus 25:4. The average pregnancy for a woman (inception to birth) is 266 days which is seven times 38 weeks (7 x 38 = 266.) AMAZING! In keeping with a nature theme, there are gestational and incubation periods which coincide with multiples of the number seven. While circumstances such as weather, predators and other factors may come into play, it was interesting to find some of the following averages about birth and hatching of eggs from inception: a puppy is Therefore be ye also ready…. This letter is to recognize three members of the Tabernacle Players who demonstrated a willing spirit recently. Due to a series of tragic and unexpected events the TBC Players were in need of replacements for three key roles only a few weeks before the 2014 production of ―GOD’s Amazing Grace‖. Each of the three replacements accepted the call. I don’t believe people should over commit themselves so they should decline a request if they are not able to make a full commitment. Fortunately, each person was able to find room in their schedule to take on the roles. After opening up their schedules, the real challenge was could they learn their lines in such a short timeframe. As a member of the cast, I really appreciated how willing they were to take this assignment. A positive attitude and a trust in the Lord was their primary anchor. It is so easy to say I can’t do it when a request to go above and beyond comes your way. The more difficult path is to adopt a get it done mindset. Deacon Robert Preston, Deacon Mark Jenkins, and Sister Cynthia Wade just got it done. It was a pleasure to work with them and the rest of the cast and crew for this year’s production. With Love, Robert Powell Trial Deacon Note that each time period is divisible by SEVEN! For our beloved chicken – the incubation period is 21 days; dove 14 days, guinea 28 days, mynah bird 14 days, African Grey Parrott 28 days, raven 20-21 days, ostrich 42 days and finally the turkey 28 days. Prayerfully this synopsis will peak interest and further verify how thoroughly our God planned and created the earth. Before concluding, I am compelled to answer an age old question – What came first, the chicken or the egg? As Christians and Bible scholars know - God created creatures and mankind which carry eggs to reproduce. Therefore, the obvious answer is that God created chickens FIRST! Hope this is clear to everyone. Sheepfold Ministry WIDOWS/WIDOWERSSUPPORT GROUP SONGS IN THE NIGHT God speaks to me in many pleasant ways Throughout each day and night; LIGHT is an acronym for ―Living In Through the whispering trees and flowering God’s Hope Today’’. LIGHT is the new- fields, babbling brooks and lovely chirping ly formed support group for widows and birds in flight. widowers. The name LIGHT was chosen by the ladies who attended our first meet- Often in the quiet stillness of the night, My Heavenly Father also speaks from above ing in May. With beautiful words, melodies and songs LIGHT – TBC’s Support Group for Wid- That inspire and confirm His unending love. ows and Widowers is a new activity that is Songs that my mother once sang, designed to provide support, compassion Or those I learned as a child; and kindness to those who have lost their All of those precious renderings spouses in an effort to to help them deal Have comforted me through many a trial. with the personal sorrow, distress and anxThe drums, tamberine, flute and pipe iety that often accompanies this kind of The harp, timbrel, trumpet and lyre loss. Many musical instruments are in God’s Holy LIGHT has had two very enjoyable meet- Word, All making joyful noise to set my soul on fire! ings since its inception in March and is planning to present future activities, including lectures and workshops dealing The Bible’s Old Testament as well as the New with areas of interest to the widowed such Tell of melodies, songs of praise as well as as financial planning, including wills and blessings, That many such as Moses, Isaiah and David offered For strength and protection estates planning, identity theft, and emfrom Lucifer’s attempted messings. bracing their new status and life. LIGHT will be meeting again in September and is open to all Tabernacle members who have lost their spouse, regardless of when that loss occurred. The date and time for the next meeting of LIGHT will be announced. For more information, please contact: Bonnie Winfield, Donna Patterson, Marj Barnett, Rev. Melinda Wall or Terry Stanton. Submitted by: Sister Marj Barnett Even one of troubled Job’s young friends, Elihu Acknowledged that God giveth songs in the night (Job 35:10); In the end, Job’s blessings increased two-fold (Job 42:10), Who wouldn’t trust and serve a God with that power and might! Wednesday night Bible Study for children On Wednesday nights we have a Bible Study class for children, known as Pioneer Clubs, an age appropriate, structured learning experience designed to encourage children to place God in every phrase of their lives. Children experience a fun way to study God’s Word, meet new friends, play games, and participate in various activities. Pioneer Clubs will start September 10, 2014. Please come out and register your child/children. Wednesday Night Bible Study Pioneer Clubs: Bible Study for children 2-3 years through 6th grade every 6:45 pm—8:00 pm Youth Bible Study: 7:00 pm—8:00 pm Middle School— 7th & 8th grades High School— 9-12th So just listen my sisters and brothers As God speaks to you in His various ways; Remember - His messages are clear, tried and true Seek to hear, oh hear Him each and every day. By: Sister Marlowe Scott – July 2014 HELP WANTED Pioneer Clubs Seeking individuals for the following: Teachers and Helpers Activity Director/Craft Person Requirements: Love the Lord Love children For further information Contact: Deaconess Delores Preston/ 609-871-6546 Sheepfold Ministry Sheepfold Ministry WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Sheepfold Ministry January March February DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT Edward Crawley 1 Kimberly Gadson 6 Lynette Simms 2 Eboni Gadson 6 2 Nyla Gumbs 2 Carla Gunning 1 Dowdy-Williams 2 Kyla Gumbs 2 Cadice Marks 1 Robert Ray 2 2 2 4 White Anderson Tucker Ronita Jayme Derrick Vincent Taylor 5 Vonyeh Williams 2 Mercer Hedgeman 1 Vincent Taylor II 5 Jovanna Alexnader 3 Farrah Jenkins-Perrino 7 Rafael Wallace 5 Ernest Froger 5 Brenda Hedgeman 3 Darryl Jackson 5 Pamela Woods 5 Jordan Jackson 5 Sashay Bryan 5 Mercer IV Hedgeman 3 5 5 5 Jackson Giweh James LaQuamda Israel Janay Rev Marian Mitchell 7 Valerie Stinson 5 Kenneth Burroughs 1 Arlette Toliver 7 5 9 5 Swoope Nguetsop James Judy Robert Dora Tonyan Logan 5 Pat Bracey 4 Lynn Bracey 4 Sabrina Hong 7 Charlie Johnson 1 Vernon Brim 1 Ashanti Bryan 1 Crystal Martin 2 Jay Vincent Wardene Mini Nguetsop 9 Jeffery Lewis 9 Mekha Hairston 6 Jasmyn Allen 10 Ron Attaway 6 Medanie Chambers 10 Eldrean Attaway 6 Torrey Wilson 10 Jasmyn Overby 7 Timothy Scott 2 Lanier Wilson 10 Latoya Gibson 12 Durando Gilyaro 1 Andre Thomas 10 Jonathan Davis 12 Sharon Esau 2 Erica Thomas 10 Marion Adams 11 Aaminah Foye 12 Danna Jackson 12 Sharon Bentham 7 Scott Bentham 7 Sheepfold Ministry April May DISTRICT June DISTRICT Shirley Dreco 3 Aaliyah Perrin 7 Jordan Ellzy 2 James Byrd 9 Judy Johnson 2 Karhonda Jones 6 Marie Branham 5 Kris Benton 2 Tonie Currie 4 Cynthia taylor 5 Grace Smith 1 Nicole Jones 12 Phylicia Deha Justin Williams Crump Ramsey 3 10 Ron Coleman 7 Freddie George 3 Briana Nkellefack 9 David Currie III 4 Lorinda Mincey 2 Ralph Nicholson 3 Wilson 1 Elnora A Johnson 3 Amber Glascoe 1 Tracey Nicholson 3 Tavia Benton 2 Glascoe 1 Laurie Glascoe 1 Darrell Glascoe 1 Blane Swoope 10 Erick Ruker Jr. Wilson Rose David Currie, III 4 Tonie Currie, III 4 Tavia Benton 2 Kris Benton 2 Briana Nkellefack 9 James Byrd 9 Pravis Benton 2 Amber Glascoe 1 Jayden Glascoe 1 Laurie Glascoe 1 Darrell Glascoe 1 Genel Wright 6 Angelo Greene 11 Beverly Ann Stands 5 10 Diane Jayden DISTRICT 12 July DISTRICT Velvet Felder 6 Sharon Wilson 5 Brittney Hampton 12 Michael Patrick 4 Dorothy Watkins 2 Joanna Dance 2 Roosevelt Dance 2 Bernadine Wilson 2 Beverly Murphy 2 2 August DISTRICT Tiffany Hamlin 8 Bryon Durham 6 Desiree Durham 6 Jayshaun Durham 6 Lisa Pricthett 5 Taylor Maceman 6 Sydney Parker 6 Rev. Daisy Lois Yancezy 12 Brietta Morton 2 Sheepfold Ministry DISTRICT 1 City Burlington City SHEEPFOLD MINISTRY DISTRICT DIRECTORY Deacon: David Burgess 6 Elijah Tard Dale Smiley 09-387-7518 609-386-2693 609-387-2313 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Abraham Teresa Braham Andrew Hilda Timbers Titus Ecclesiastes DISTRICT 2 City Bordentown Burlington Twp. Florence Roebling Trenton Deacon: Mark Jenkins Irvin Moore Joseph Houston Joseph Moore 609-386-6909 609-386-6836 609-880-1887 609-387-0640 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Aaron Alavan Dennis Daniel Rev. Melinda Bradbury-Walls Gabriel Delois McCormick Malachi Rosalie Burroughs Mary Thelma Moore Phillip Bernice Pires Samuel Minnie Moore DISTRICT 3 City Browns Mills Ft. Dix McGuire Pemberton Deacon: Larry C. Boyd Ronald J. Moffitt Leroy McGee 609-267-6417 609-239-1030 (HONORARY) Sheepfold Name & Leaders Ezekiel Alma Baker Henrietta Cleveland Rebecca Marlowe Scott Andrew Scott Victoria McGee DISTRICT 4 City Beverly Edgewater Park Lower Bucks County Deacon: Alvin Ingram Al Jackson Samuel Thomas 609-386-2463 609-747-9084 609-386-2389 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Luke Mattie Kitchens Martha Joan Bennett Phoebe Ruth Connie Tyler Thomas Barbara Thomas DISTRICT 5 City Camden City Camden County Cinnaminson Delanco Delran Maple Shade Moorestown Palmyra Unassigned Areas Deacon: Frank Ealy James Johnson Charles Loftland 609-835-4054 609-387-7970 856-764-7072 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Jude Penny Jones Terri Weston Nicodemous Charlene Harris-Jenkins Nancy Johnson Philippians Ann Whitman Henry Whitman Sheepfold Ministry DISTRICT 6 City Eastampton Lumberton Marlton Medford Mount Holly Mount Laurel Westampton Deacon: Carl Jackson James Lockley Geo. H. Robinson, Sr. T. Quincy Stanford 609-518-2364 609-871-7429 (HONORARY) Sheepfold Name & Leaders Hosea Jacob Lydia Nathan Nimrod Rachel Timothy Solomon Rosalind Lockley Eleanor Wilburn Doris Robinson Marjorie Barnett Kassandra Keitt Betty Laurey Betty Williams Robert Williams Marlene Jackson DISTRICT 7 City Willingboro: Country Club Park Twin Hills Park Deacon: Larry C. Boyd Ronald J. Moffitt 609-267-6417 609-239-1030 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Amos Harold E. Espy Esau Rev. Eured Snell Esther Andrea Moffitt Joshua Cheryl Davis Margaret W. Jackson Josiah Ann Giles DISTRICT 9 City Willingboro: Fairmount Park Somerset Park Buckingham Park Hawthorne Park Deacon: Douglas Baker Joe Davis Benjamin Whipple DISTRICT 8 City Willingboro: 609-747-0105 609-877-2845 609-871-4687 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Benjamin Julia Hamlett Elizabeth James King Judah Angeline Parrish Mordecai Wellington R. Mahoney Paul Brenda Hicks Peter Carolyn Plummer Stephen Barbara Dillard Deacon: Arthur Bernard Joseph Evans Willie Reid 609-871-5495 609-835-0856 609-871-3515 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Jeremiah Mary Ham Moses Irene Johnson Nehemiah Corrine Maddred Sheepfold Ministry DISTRICT 10 City Willingboro: Deer Park Millbrook Park Pennypacker Park Rittenhouse Park Garfield East Park Deacon: Robert Preston Ed Reuben Marc Stephens DISTRICT 12 City Willingboro: 609-871-6546 609-747-1813 609-702-8094 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Deborah Kim Reuben Isaiah Marian DeCosta Mark Shirley Powell Micah Denise Whipple Sarah Delores Preston DISTRICT 11 City Willingboro: Deacon: Samuel Coleman Derrick Wynter 609-871-1807 609-871-3134 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Cornelius Violet Melton Gideon Eva McDowell James Ruthie Brito Job Lenora Williams Nathaniel Lewis Dixon Mary Dixon Psalms Ida Bright Revelation Marlyn Benn Romans Bertha Smith Garfield Park Garfield North Park Deacon: Noel Gibson William Scott Harry Vereen NURSING HOMES 609-835-1430 609-871-4497 609-877-4919 Sheepfold Name & Leaders Bartholomew Barbara Baltimore Jonathan Heidi Washington Joseph Lula Vereen Matthew Betty Dutton Obadiah Simeon Marie Scott Deacon: Dale Smiley 609-387-2313 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Sheepfold Name & Leaders Charity Faith Historian - Ruthy Leach Nursing Homes Etta Brown Watch Care Mary Ann Smith (History of the Church) Hope - Nancy Johnson Repentance - Prisons Min. James Baltimore College Students Sheepfold Ministry THE SHEEPFOLD MINISTRY Structure of the Sheepfold Ministry The membership of Tabernacle Baptist Church consists of twelve (12) Districts. One or more Deacons arc assigned to each District. Member families or households within a district are assigned to a Sheepfold Each Sheepfold is assigned at least one Sheepfold Leader. When a person unites with Tabernacle Baptist Church, he or she is placed into a Sheepfold. A member who is away in college or the military is assigned to the Sheepfold of Hope. Purpose of the Sheepfold Ministry The purpose of the Sheepfold Ministry at Tabernacle Baptist Church may be summarized into four (4) areas: Fellowship: By helping members a. Become acquainted with the organizational structure, facilities, and programs of the Church. Get involved with Bible Study Participate in ministries of the Church Know other members of the Church Get involved in planned activities of the Sheepfold Ministry Support In Time of Crisis: Providing assistance to the member or member's family in during a crisis in the family. Caring: Keeping in touch with the member and helping the member feel that he or she is a part of the "Church Family". Celebration: Acknowledging birthdays, weddings, graduations, etc. Sheepfold Ministry How Can Your Pastor, Deacon and Sheepfold Leader Help? Your Pastor and Deacon are ordained officers of the church. They are committed to helping you and your family. They want to make sure that every member and family in our church experience the love and support of the whole congregation. You are the only one who can answer the question of how your pastor and deacon can help you. Here are some ways they can help you: Visiting you or your family: make visits to your home in times of sorrow or sickness and may make visits to the hospital. Witnessing to unsaved family members: they are concerned that every member of your family accepts Christ as his or her Savior. Rejoicing with you and your family: they will share your joy when you celebrate important events or accomplishments in your life. Being your friend: they will listen to your troubles and concerns and try to assist you in whatever way possible. Giving support in times of crisis: they may be able to help you through a crisis by listening and giving support or referring to someone or some local agency that can help you. Answering questions: they can provide you with answers about your faith or about your church. Fellowship: they can help you with your fellowship with other members of the church. Finding ways for you to serve in the work of the Church: they will tell you of ways you can serve in accordance with your several abilities. Praying: they are there for you to pray for and with you. Your Sheepfold Leader assists and works with your Deacon in helping you. From time to time your Sheepfold Leader will be contacting you to find out how you are doing, to lend support and to find ways to assist you. Your Sheepfold Leader will also keep your deacon informed.
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