Brochure Final - St. Petersburg Yacht Club


Brochure Final - St. Petersburg Yacht Club
The 3rd Annual
Rose Cup
A National Youth
Match Racing Event
St. Petersburg YC
St. Petersburg, Florida
June 20-24, 2012
St. Petersburg’s
The Rose Cup
and the Nick Scandone
Sportsmanship Trophy
city fathers had ambitious plans for their commercial docks: create waterfront parks and a yacht
club! The St Petersburg Yacht Club was founded in 1909. Following the reclamation and completion
of the waterfront, the clubhouse was inaugurated on its current site in 1917. Two years later, 6 Fish
Class sailboats were acquired and
one design racing began. Several
classes have returned annually for
over 60 years.
The Rose Cup was started in 2010 as the “Youth Match Race Clinic & Regatta” by
members of Balboa Yacht Club in Newport Beach, California and the Newport Balboa Sailing & Seamanship Association (“NBSSA”). Its mission is to assist in the
promotion of youth match racing in the United States and improve the quality of US
competitors in national and international competition.
Offshore racing started with the Havana Race in 1930. As forerunner of
SORC, both brought sailors from all SPYC Archves over the world to Tampa Bay. The
yacht club is famous for its standard of race management and events are run almost all year round. The
Rose Cup founders are honored to have St. Petersburg Yacht Club host this 3rd annual event.
Ultimately, the founders, NBSSA,
and the Rose Cup committee hope
the event will eventually gain status
as a new US Sailing Youth Championship and after two years on the
West Coast, they are excited that
the St. Petersburg Yacht Club has
agreed to host the 2012 regatta.
The Cup was named by NBSSA in
honor of Andy Rose, a former America’s Cup and Congressional Cup tactician who
was also a two time winner of the Governor’s Cup, the oldest and most prestigious
international youth match racing regatta in the world.
NBSSA chose to dedicate the Cup to Mr. Rose in
recognition not only of his sailing achievements but
also for his contributions to youth match and fleet
racing which included his raising the funds to build the
Governor’s Cup 21’s in which the “Gov Cup” is sailed.
For more info on the Governor’s Cup, see article to
the right.
At each Rose Cup, the presentation of the Nick Scandone Sportsmanship Award is always a highlight.
This trophy, named for the late US Paralympic Gold
Susan Kenney Medalist Nick Scandone who, in addition to winning
The Rose Cup the Gold Medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, was
beating both able bodied and physically challenged competitors throughout the last
year of his life as he fought ALS or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”. Nick’s persistence
against seemingly insurmountable odds provides inspiration to winners of the Scandone Sportsmanship Trophy and indeed to all sailors.
Regatta Format
The Rose Cup begins on Wednesday, June 20 with registration and
practice sailing. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 21-23, will feature
round robin match racing with semi-final races beginning as early as Saturday afternoon. Sunday will complete the semi-final races and the regatta
will end with final and petit final matches. The presentation of the Rose
and Scandone trophies will follow. Races will be windward-leeward with
on-the-water umpiring.
Social and educational events including special guests will be planned
throughout the regatta and will be announced when confirmed.
The Club has a full service clubhouse located on the water as well as a sailing center which is a vital
part of sailboat racing activities on the Florida Suncoast. The Center is home to nearly 50 Club owned
and maintained sailboats including Optimist Prams, 420’s, Ideal 18’s and the Sonar Fleet used for the
Rose Cup. These boats are available to qualified SPYC members and their families at no cost.
The Venue and Conditions
The weather in late June in St. Petersburg will be warm with temperatures in the high 80’s and low
90’s. However, breezes should be in the 6-10 knot range which will provide excellent sailing conditions for the teams. Courses will be located in Tampa Bay less than a mile from the Club.
Governor’s Cup In
nvite Awaits Winner
The winning skipper of the Rose Cup will receive an automaatic invitation to the 46th Annual Governor’s Cup International
Junior Match Race Championship. It is known as the “Pathw
way for Champions” as its alumni have gone on to excel in the
Americas’ Cup, the World Match Race Tour and other eliite international match and fleet racing events including both
James Spithill and John Kostecki the helmsman and tacticiann, respectively, for the 2010 America’s Cup winner, Oracle.
The 46th Gov Cup will be held at the Balboa Yacht Cluub in
Newport Beach, California from July 17-22, 2012 and feattures
four days of double round robin racing followed by semi-finnals,
petit and final matches. US and international Crews of three
persons will compete in “Governor’s Cup 21’s”, a high perrformance modern keelboat designed specifically for the “Gov
Cup” and the conditions prevalent in Newport Beach at that
time of year. Note that unlike the Rose Cup, all members of a
crew must be a member of the same yacht club or sailing asssociation in order to qualify for the Governor’s Cup.
Although this will be only the third year for the Rose Cup, if the
first two years are any indication, the 2012 Rose Cup winner
will be a favorite in the Governor’s Cup. In 2010, Chris
Segerblom of Newport Harbor Yacht Club won the event and
went on to place second in that year’s Governor’s Cup in a close
battle with New Zealand’s William Tiller (who started his postp
Gov Cup career strongly with 3 wins in ISAF Grade 2 match
race events in 2011). In 2011, Nevin Snow and his crew from
the San Diego YC won the Rose Cup and the Governor’s Cuup.
The Boats
The St. Petersburg Yacht Club fleet of 23’ Sonars will be used for the event. The Sonar is one of the more popular small keelboat classes in the world and they are produced both in the United States and the UK and distributed within the US by Shumway Marine. They were designed by renowned sailor and designer Bruce Kirby whose many designs also include a reasonably successful dinghy, the Laser! Susan Kenney Governor’s Cup 21’s compete in 2011 “Gov Cup” Rega a In order to encourage the best possible competition, the Govvernor’s Cup, can provide limited subsidies for travel expense
of teams participating that come from more than 1,500 milees from Newport Beach. And, while only the Rose Cup winner
(or top age eligible skipper) will receive an automatic invitaation to the Gov Cup, Rose Cup applicants are welcome to apply for an invitation to the Governor’s Cup independently. Applications
and additional information can be obtained on the
Balboa Yacht Club website at and thenn clicking on the Gov Cup Logo.
Compe tors will find the boats lively and responsive but will need to bring spinnaker and keelboat skills to the rega a. At 2,100 pounds, they are quite maneuverable and have been used extensively in match, fleet and team racing around the country. The wide open cockpit should make sail handling easier for the 3 or 4 person crews allowed for the Rose Cup (maximum crew weight of 600 pounds) which will allow par cipa on by crew members of various sizes and strength levels. Sonar photos on this page and preceding page Requesting an Invitation
Skippers and crew members must have reached at least their 16th birthday but not have reached
their 21st birthday during 2012.
An application for ISAF Grade 3 status for the event will be submitted.
The Rose Cup, a national youth match racing event, is an invitational event based on Requests for
Invitations from qualified skippers. Teams will consist of crews of 4 members with a maximum crew
weight of 620 pounds, all of whom are members of US Sailing. If there are more Requests for Invitations than the ten places available, the Rose Cup Selection Committee organized by the US Sailing
Match Racing Committee as organizing authority (“OA”) in its sole discretion will select the invitees
from among qualified requests. Requests for Invitations received by April 25, 2012 will receive preference. Selected invitees will be notified by May 1, 2012.
The selection will be based on competitors’ results in other events in the last five years. The Selection Committee will base its selection on a number of factors including experience in match racing
as well as fleet racing in dinghies and larger boats and some consideration for geographic diversity
among the entrants in order to attract a nationally representative entry list. Those requesting invitations should have sufficient experience to handle the 23 foot keel boats used in the event. If the
committee deems two or more of those skippers requesting invitations equal in experience and ability, it may favor the older applicant over the younger given that this is an age limited event.
Teams need not be composed of members of the same yacht club or sailing association. However,
the winner of the Rose Cup will be invited to the 46th Governor’s Cup International Junior Match
Race Championship in July, 2012 which does have such a requirement (in addition to a 3 person
total crew limit). Any skipper invited to the Governor’s Cup who wishes to accept the invitation will
be required to enter a team for that event whose members are all members of the same club or association, so teams with such common membership are encouraged for this event.
The NOR and all information necessary to prepare a Request for Invitation will be available on the
St. Petersburg Yacht Club website at by February 1, 2012. Click on “Regattas” and
then the link to the “Rose Cup”. Potential entrants may also obtain Request for Invitation forms after
February 1, 2012 by telephoning the Sailing Secretary at the club at 727-892-6893 or emailing to
[email protected].
For more information:
Shawn Macking, Waterfront Director
St. Petersburg Yacht Club
Phone/Fax: (727) 822-3113
Website: - Email: [email protected]