2013 Brochure - Interscholastic Sailing Association


2013 Brochure - Interscholastic Sailing Association
 Requesting an Invitation
Skippers and crew members must have reached at least their 16th birthday but not have reached their
21st birthday during 2013.
An application for ISAF Grade 3 status for the event will be submitted.
The Rose Cup, a national youth match racing event, is an invitational event based on Requests for Invitations from qualified skippers. Teams will consist of crews of 3 members with a maximum crew weight of
495 pounds, all of whom are members of US Sailing. If there are more Requests for Invitations than the
ten places available, the Rose Cup Selection Committee organized by the US Sailing Match Racing Committee as organizing authority (“OA”) in its sole discretion will select the invitees from among qualified
requests. Requests for Invitations received by April 15, 2013 will receive preference. Selected invitees
will be notified by April 22, 2013
The Selection Committee will base its selection on a number of factors including experience in match
racing as well as fleet racing in dinghies and larger boats and some consideration for geographic diversity among the entrants in order to attract a nationally representative entry list. Those requesting invitations should have sufficient experience to handle the high performance Elliott 6m keel boats used in the
event. If the committee deems two or more of those skippers requesting invitations equal in experience
and ability, it may favor the older applicant over the younger given that this is an age limited event.
Teams need not be composed of members of the same yacht club or sailing association. However, the
winner of the Rose Cup will be invited to the 47th Governor’s Cup International Junior Match Race
Championship in July, 2013, which does have such a requirement. Any skipper invited to the Governor’s
Cup who wishes to accept the invitation will be required to enter a team for that event whose members
are all members of the same club or association, so teams with such common membership are encouraged for this event.
The NOR, the Request for Invitation (RFI) and all the information necessary to prepare a RFI will be available on the Sail Sheboygan and US Sailing websites by January 15, 2013. On the Sail Sheboygan website, click on “Events” > “Upcoming Events.” On the US Sailing website, click on “Racing” > “Match Racing” > “Match Racing Resources” > “Youth Match Racing”. For assistance in receiving the Request for
Invitation or more information please contact:
Rich Reichelsdorfer
Regatta Chairman
Phone (920) 889-0758
[email protected]
Sail Sheboygan website: www.sailsheboygan. US Sailing website home.ussailing.org
Sail Sheboygan, Ltd,
PO Box 649
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0649 To t?
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The Rose Cup
A National Youth Match Racing Event
June 19-23, 2013
Sail Sheboygan
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
The Rose Cup
the world which will celebrate its 47th annual regatta in 2013. The winner of
the Rose Cup receives an automatic invitation to the “Gov Cup” as described
in the article below.
and the Nick Scandone
Sportsmanship Trophy
At each Rose Cup, the
presentation of the Nick
Sportsmanship Award is always a
highlight. This trophy,
named for the late US
Paralympic Gold Medalist
Nick Scandone who, in
addition to winning the
Gold Medal at the Beijing
Photo, Dave Perry Olympics in 2008, was Will Holz & Crew Celebrate 2012 Rose Cup Win in St. Petersburg beating both able bodied
and physically challenged competitors throughout the last year of his life as
he fought ALS or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Nick’s persistence against seemingly insurmountable odds provides inspiration to winners of
the Scandone Sportsmanship Trophy and to all sailors.
The Rose Cup comes to the Midwest for the first time in 2013. This will be
the fourth annual Cup, including its predecessor which was started in 2010
as the “Youth Match Race Clinic & Regatta” by members of Balboa Yacht
Club in Newport Beach, California and the Newport Balboa Sailing & Seamanship Association (“NBSSA”). Its mission is to assist in the promotion
of youth match racing in the United States and improve the quality of US
competitors in national and international competition.
The Rose Cup Ultimately, the founders, NBSSA, and the Rose
Cup committee hope the event will eventually
gain status as a new US Sailing Youth Championship.
Dave Perry, US Sailing Match
Race Committee Chair and
four time US Match Racing
Champion said it best, “Many
of us are working hard on
introducing the 16-20 year old
sailors in the U.S. to competitive match racing, and the
Rose Cup is our pinnacle
The Cup was named by NBSSA in honor of Andy Rose, a former America’s Cup and Congressional Cup tactician in recognition not only of his
sailing achievements but also for his contributions to youth match and fleet
racing in the United States including his support of the Governor’s Cup
International Youth Match Race Championship, the oldest such regatta in
Will Holz from the Chicago Yacht Club won the 2012 Rose
Cup which was hosted by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club in
St. Petersburg, Florida. Holz’s team included Wheeler Morris, Madeleine Cooney and Alex Woloshyn. Charlie Lalumiere from the Portland Yacht Club in Falmouth, Maine and
his team of Myles Everitt, Chase Quinn and Mac Agnese
were awarded the Nick Scandone Sportsmanship Award
based on a vote by the competitors and umpires.
Dave Perry summed up the clinic and 2012 Rose Cup perfectly: “What impressed me the most was the tremendous improvement in
the match racing and small keelboat racing skill of all the teams from the
time they started the event. By the last day, it looked like a Grade 3 match
racing regatta with multiple lead changes and boats overlapped at the finishing line.” We look forward to an equally exciting event in 2013.
Why Enter The Rose Cup? Rose, Governor’s Cup Alumni Finish Top Four in ICSA Match Race Championships Why enter the Rose Cup? Because you will be sailing against the best youth match racers in the United States if history is any guide. This last fall must have seemed like a reunion in Fort Worth, Texas, when Rose Cup and Governor’s Cup alumni dominated the na onal Intercollegiate-Sailing Associa on’s (ICSA) Match Race Championships. In a series which featured typical Texas lake weather hosted by the Fort Worth Boat Club, Gov Cup alumni Will Haeger of Tu s edged out Chris Segerblom of Yale, the first Rose Cup winner. Third was 2011 Rose and Gov Cup winner Nevin Snow of Georgetown followed by Jake LaDow of St. Mary’s College of Maryland who sailed with Nevin in both 2011 Rose and Governor’s Cups. ICSA Ac on at Fort Worth REQUEST FOR INVITATION INFORMATION ON BACK PAGE
Venue & Host The Rose Cup organizers are excited and honored to have this year’s Rose Cup hosted by Sail Sheboygan. Sail Sheboygan was formed in 2004 to promote na onal and interna onal sailing compe on and educa on. It provides professional quality in organizing and managing fleet and match racing events. The mission of the US Sailing Center of Sheboygan is to develop abili es in sailing and seamanship in individuals to the extent of their capacity. We believe that regardless of age, income, ability, or disability those who come to understand the fundamentals of sail trim, teamwork, and seamanship understand more about themselves, their fellows, and their world. Hos ng the Rose Cup in 2013 clearly helps fulfill that mission. Weather condi ons in Sheboygan in June are excellent but include some changeable Great Lakes condions. Wind will be expected to be predominantly in the 6.5-12.5 knot range and the wind direc on the majority of the me from the south to west quadrants. Some precipita on is likely with a reasonable chance of some thunderstorm ac vity especially late in the day. T
he Rose Cup begins on Wednesday, June 19 with registration and practice sailing. Thursday, June 20 will feature a full day match racing clinic
with an expert match race champion and instructor. Friday and Saturday,
June 21 & 22 will feature round robin match racing with semi-final races beginning as early as Saturday afternoon. Sunday, June 23 will complete the semifinal races and the regatta will end with final and petit final matches. The
presentation of the Rose and
Scandone trophies will follow.
Races will be windward-leeward
with on-the-water umpiring.
hris Love, a professional
sailing videographer, will
be filming the Rose Cup
and creating shows for the Internet during the event. Chris has
over six years experience in the
video production industry, earning a degree in Film and Television in 2007 from Boston
University, where he was also captain of the sailing team. In
October of 2008 he started Sailgroove.org, a video website
for competitive sailing. During the three years that followed, he produced thousands of web videos focusing on
the sport, interviewed sailing legends and traveled to some
Chris Love (photo Bev Dolezal) of the world’s most important sailing regattas. Chris annually films the Intercollegiate National Championships and U.S. Match Racing
National Championships, among many others.
Regatta Format, Video, Boats
“Gov Cup” Invite Too Rose Cup Winner
The winning skipper of the Rose Cup will receive an automatic in
nvitation to the 47th
Annual Governor’s Cup International Junior Match Race Champion
nship which will be
held at the Balboa Yacht Club in Newport Beach, California from Ju
uly 16-21, 2013. It is
known as the “Pathway for Champions” as its alumni of young matcch racers have gone
on to excel in the America’s Cup, the World Match Race Tour and oth
her elite international match and fleet racing events.
The relationship between the “Gov Cup” and the America’s Cup was never more apparent than in 2012 when, thanks to Oracle Sailing and the Golden Gate YC, the Governor’s
Cup was honored with a visit by the America’s Cup itself to Balboaa Yacht Club for the
Gov Cup Regatta last summer. To top off what was generally consideered the best Governor’s Cup ever, America’s Cup winning helmsman and Governor’s Cup veteran James
Spithill made an appearance at the pre-race crew briefing on Saturday
y of the Cup Regatta.
(His tactician in the 2010 America’s Cup, John Kostecki, is also a Gov
v Cup veteran.)
The Gov Cup features match racing between 12 crews of United Stattes and international
teams in “Governor’s Cup 21’s”, a high performance modern keelbo
oat designed specifically for the event. Note that unlike the Rose Cup, all members of a crrew must be a member of the same yacht club or sailing association in order to qualify
y for the Governor’s
While only the Rose Cup winner will receive an automatic invitatio
on to the Gov Cup,
Rose Cup applicants are welcome to apply for an invitation to the Go
overnor’s Cup independently. For more information, click on the Governor’s Cup logo on
o the Balboa Yacht
Club website, balboayachtclub.com.
Mary Longpre photo America’s Cup Visits 2012 “Gov Cup” Rega a heboygan Sailing Center is
providing its fleet of identical
Elliott 6m’s to Rose Cup teams.
The boats are just short of 20 feet in
length with approximately 300 square
feet of sail in the main and fractional
jib and 254 square feet in the symmetrical spinnaker.
The boats were designed by New
Zealander Greg Elliott specifically for
use in match race events and were
used for the 2012 Women’s Olympic
Match Race Event. They are the third
iteration of highly successful Elliott
designs of this size.
The Rose Cup skippers will find
that the Elliott 6m performs well on
all points of sail, accelerates and maneuvers easily and quickly. While the
boat will perform well in lighter airs,
it becomes even more exciting as the
breeze increases. Many Thanks to Many Thanks to Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors