our 2015 Annual Report


our 2015 Annual Report
St. Joseph Community Services, Inc.
About St. Joseph
Community Services, Inc.
Since 1977, St. Joseph Community Services (SJCS) has provided vital services to elderly and
homebound disabled adults throughout Hillsborough County. In almost 39 years of service,
close to 12 million meals have been provided.
Through Meals on Wheels, homebound
seniors and disabled adults receive a hot,
nutritious meal delivered by a trained
Meals on Wheels driver. Meals contain
1/3 of the total caloric and nutritional
needs of the day, and for many, the Meals
on Wheels driver is the only person that
he or she will see that day.
In Fiscal Year 2015, SJCS provided 306,568
meals to 1,827 homebound individuals.
Our community dining programs provide
nutritious meals in a social setting and
opportunities for access and participation to health and welfare information,
clinics, nutrition education, and recreation. Community Dining is offered at 13
locations throughout Hillsborough County.
In Fiscal Year 2015, SJCS provided 64,072
meals to 978 community diners.
“There is always something to eat
because of Meals on Wheels.
I am so thankful.”
Transportation is an assisted door-todoor service offered to clients who are
well enough to take advantage of the
Community Dining services and lack
access to transportation. The seamless
nature of this service encourages
participation, which in turn leads to
improved independence for those who
utilize this service. In addition to transportation to and from meal sites, we
also provide transportation for essential
shopping and recreational activities.
Transportation is provided in Hillsborough,
Manchester, and Merrimack.
In Fiscal Year 2015, SJCS provided 4,309
trips to 253 individuals, for a total of
44,792 miles.
Social Support is a way to offer relevant
information, referrals, and education to
individuals participating in SJCS meal
programs. Clients are educated on NH
211, ServiceLink, prescription discount
programs, fuel assistance, nutrition, social
security, health, wellness, and more.
In Fiscal Year 2015, SJCS made over 10,100
contact calls to clients for outreach,
discussion, referrals and information.
Over 5,000 of these calls were directly
related to ensuring the safety of program
St. Joseph Community Services fosters independence and life
enrichment for seniors and other qualified adults through
nutrition, social engagement and community services.
Dear Friends...
St. Joseph Community Services’ long term vision is a community where
our older and disabled adults are able to live independently with dignity
and grace, are treated with respect and have access to resources to meet
fundamental needs.
To accomplish this in the short term we provide nutrition, socialization, and
information and referral to community services. In 2015, with the help of
our community, we served 370,640 meals to 2,805 people. Annual survey
results make it clear that the services we provide are reaching those in need.
In 2015, 59% of Meals on Wheels program recipients told us that they are
less hungry since joining our program. Twenty-two percent told us that
they have no other weekly visitors besides the Meals on Wheels driver. On
any given delivery day, the driver will be the only person the majority of
our clients see.
The average age of those we serve is 79, and 30% are over 85 years old.
As important as the hot meal that we deliver is the safety check that we
perform during the delivery. The delivery of a hot meal and the check on
each participant’s safety is an essential part of our community’s safety net.
Paul, an 89 year old veteran from Manchester, told us that because of our
program: “I never go hungry, and look forward to seeing the person who
delivers the food.”
It is the support from the community that enables us to serve all those in
need. All of us at St. Joseph Community Services are deeply grateful for
the assistance we receive.
John Getts, Chairman
SJCS Board of Directors
SJCS Board of Directors
John Getts, Chairman
Home Health and Hospice
James P. Harris, Vice Chairman
Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, PA
Philip R. Currier, Treasurer
Currier & Currier, P.C.
Jim Scammon, Secretary
Granite Group Benefits
Daniel Abbis, D.O.
Dartmouth Hitchcock
Mary Atwood
Alan Belcher
Rep. Chris Christensen
State Representative
Kathleen Cowette
St. Joseph Hospital
Katharine Face
Lake Sunapee Bank
David Gilmour, M.D.
Retired Physician
Meghan Brady, President
Joel Kress
Independent Consultant
Matt Mercier
Acapella Technologies
Interview with
Lester is 92 years old and a Community Diner with SJCS at the Bond
Wellness Center in Peterborough. “I do my own laundry, I clean my room,
and I memorize poems by the thousands.”
He carries with him a notebook filled
with handwritten poems and song
lyrics. Lester was a pilot in the Army Air
Corps from 1942 to 1946. His favorite
plane to fly was an AT6 Texan, and it
was during this time when Lester met
his soul mate, Mary.
“My world stopped when I met my wife.
She was the answer to my life. She was
the highlight of my life.” Lester reflected
on their time together, travelling the
world, attending performances at the
Metropolitan Opera in New York City,
and raising two children together. They
spent the majority of their lives in New
York City, where Lester worked building
sets for the Met.
Several years ago, Mary was diagnosed
with Alzheimer’s, and Lester did his
best to take care of her. At times, Mary
wouldn’t recognize him and would
be scared that a stranger was in her
husband’s pajamas. “I was trying to
do everything on my own, and I was
suffering. My daughter brought me to
New Hampshire to save my life.” Lester’s
weight had dropped from 170 lbs to
150 lbs, and he didn’t want to admit
that he couldn’t take care of Mary on
his own, but he knew that he couldn’t
do it any longer.
Mary went to live at Bedford Hills, and he
visited her, but it just wasn’t the same.
Lester’s world was shattered when his
wife passed away in April 2015. “She was
my everything. I was devastated when
I lost her. I thank God I could do everything I was able to do for her.” Together
for 70 years, Lester couldn’t imagine his
life without his beautiful Mary. Sad and
lonely, Lester’s daughter suggested that
he try going to a community dining
lunch provided by SJCS.
Because of SJCS, Lester now gets to
socialize, enjoy delicious meals, and
feel connected in his community. He
has since started seeking out additional
places that he can read poetry. The
lunches that Lester attends brighten
his day, and ultimately, he brightens
the day of those around him.
Average # of Meals Served per Day
# of Meals on Wheels Delivery Routes
# of Individuals Who Received Meals
SJCS provides numerous opportunities for individuals and businesses to give back to their
communities by volunteering for the agency. Volunteers deliver more than a meal. Along
with bringing better nutrition to clients, volunteers also bring many smiles, social interaction,
and safety checks. Regardless of the type of volunteer one is, each person’s role is critical
and makes an immediate positive impact in the lives of those that SJCS serves.
Alan Belcher, a volunteer Meals on Wheels driver at
the Nashua Senior Activity Center and SJCS board
member shared why he volunteers. “So why did
I become a volunteer? A couple of reasons, I am
semi-retired and have time to devote. Some reasons
are selfish; I do have a good feeling of giving back
“There are people in
need and people like
me ought to be doing
more to help them.”
when I volunteer. It’s always nice to do good things
for people and see the reaction that you get. I end the route usually feeling good about
myself and about my community, so that’s good. There are people in need and people like
me ought to be doing more to help them.”
Joanna, a volunteer at the Carpenter Center in Manchester, also shared why she volunteers.
“I deliver meals because the feeling I get when I give back. I look forward to working with
all of the nice people at the Carpenter Center nutrition site.”
# of Volunteer Hours Donated
Volunteer Collaborations
SJCS collaborates with local businesses
and organizations who wish to become
more involved in their community
by promoting volunteerism. The
volunteers from these organizations
and businesses assist in packaging
and delivering meals at SJCS
nutrition sites.
Community Integrated
Crotched Mountain
Easter Seals
May Institute
The Moore Center
Monadnock Worksource
Opportunity Networks
Rotary Club of Nashua West
Siddharth Services, Inc.
Value of Volunteer Time
(Estimated by Auditors)
Meals on Wheels Driver
Community Dining & Kitchen
Administrative Office
To learn more about volunteering, visit us at:
www.MealsOnWheelsNH.org or call 603-424-9967
Training is provided.
Site Information
The Meetinghouse at Goffstown, 12 Reed Street
Service Area: Goffstown, New Boston, Weare
VFW Hall, 1 Perkins Street, Milford
Service Area: Amherst, Brookline, Lyneborough, Milford,
Mont Vernon, Wilton
Carpenter Center, 323 Franklin Street
Service Area: Manchester (East)
William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center, 151 Douglas Street
Service Area: Manchester (West), Bedford
Senior Activity Center, 70 Temple Street
Service Area: Nashua, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, Pelham
Smith Memorial Congregational Church, 30 West Main Street
Service Area: Antrim, Bennington, Deering, Francestown, Hillsborough
John O’Leary Adult Community Center, 4 Church Street
Service Area: Merrimack
Greenville Falls, 56 Main Street
Service Area: Greenfield, Greenville, New Ipswich, Peterborough,
Sharon, Temple
Fundraisers & Events
The work SJCS does to reduce hunger and isolation in
Hillborough County is possible because of the support
of friends, community collaborations, businesses, and
Seventy-four percent (74%) of funding comes from
the state and federal government. Remaining support
comes from client donations, county, city and town
funding, as well as significant fundraising efforts.
Through annual events, SJCS is able to raise additional
funds needed to continue providing nutritious meals
and vital safety checks to the elderly and homebound
disabled adults in Hillsborough County. These events
include the Annual Meals on Wheels Walkathon, Holiday
Gift Tag Program, and appeals.
Beyond the numbers, there are the people SJCS serves.
Because of participation from the community, SJCS is
able to tell its clients that they are remembered during
the year.
Additionally, the level of services that SJCS provides
would not be possible without the dedication and
committment of its volunteers, who are honored
annually at a volunteer dinner.
Meals on
The Meals on Wheels Walkathon
is a multi-county event hosted by
the member agencies of the New
Hampshire Coalition of Aging
Services (NHCAS), which consists
of Community Action Program
Belknap Merrimack Counties, Grafton
County Senior Citizens Council,
Ossipee Concerned Citizens, SJCS,
and Tri-County Community Action
Program. Each May, walks are held
at several locations throughout
New Hampshire, all on the same
date. The goal of the event is to
raise much needed funds and
advocate for the needs of those
the member agencies serve.
The 2015 Meals on Wheels
Walkathon raised more than
$100,000 for the Meals on Wheels
providers of the NHCAS.
Holiday Gift
Tag Program
During the holiday season, SJCS delivers gifts
of food, warm clothing, blankets, toiletries, and
fun items through its Holiday Gift Tag Program.
In order to provide these gifts, SJCS asks individuals,
businesses, and churches to assist in spreading
holiday cheer to Meals on Wheels participants by
donating funds to provide the gift of hot meals,
donating gifts, and displaying trees with gift tags.
Thanks to the support of individuals and local
businesses, SJCS was able to provide 1,200 gift
bags to homebound older and disabled adults.
Fundraisers & Events
Champions Week
Community Champions Week is a national campaign
sponsored by Meals on Wheels America, a national
association. The week-long event is designed to generate
public awareness about senior hunger and isolation and
to celebrate the invaluable services provided by Meals
on Wheels programs across the country.
Community leaders, including local police and fire chiefs,
mayors, state representatives,senators, sports players,
and business leaders are invited to participate by
volunteering two hours during Community Champions
Week to help deliver meals.
The 2015 Community Champions Week took place from
March 16th through March 20th, and SJCS was pleased
to welcome 35 individuals who volunteered as Meals on
Wheels drivers and served meals at community dining sites.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy
- but to matter, to be productive,
to be useful, to have it make some
difference that you have lived at all.”
~Leo Rosten
SJCS hosts an annual volunteer
dinner as a tribute to our volunteers.
On June 3, 2015, at Rivier University,
SJCS was pleased to welcome close
to 200 volunteers to celebrate their
commitment and dedication to the
mission of SJCS. The dinner was
themed “Hats Off to You!” and SJCS was
proud to have the event sponsored
by WFEA 1370AM.
“Freedom is never more than one
generation away from extinction. We
didn’t pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for,
protected, and handed on for them
to do the same.” -Ronald Reagan
Each Veterans Day, SJCS partners with local elementary and high schools to provide veterans receiving services from
SJCS with handmade cards and letters in honor of their service. These cards and letters are accompanied by a letter
from Meghan Brady, President of SJCS and a desk flag donated by the Nashua Breakfast Exchange Club.
SJCS was pleased to deliver handmade cards and letters, desk flags, and a letter from the agency president to 360
veterans on its meal programs.
“As I am about to step into the real world, still making up my mind of what I will choose to do with my life, I look
towards those who have served our country with the utmost respect and admiration.” – Central High School Student
SJCS deeply values the contributions that donors make to sustain and enhance SJCS’ mission
to foster independence and life enrichment for seniors and other qualified adults through
nutrition, social engagement, and community services.
The support of individuals and businesses allows SJCS
to address the critical needs of older and disabled
adults and help to reduce hunger and isolation
among this population. Because SJCS is a nonprofit
501(c)(3), all gifts are deductible for federal income
tax purposes to the full extent permitted by the law.
Support can be provided in multiple ways:
Monetary and In-Kind Donations
Tribute Giving
Employee Matching Gift Program
Estate Planning and Bequests
A monetary donation can be made either as a
one-time gift or ongoing. In Fiscal Year 2015, SJCS
administrative overhead was 8%. Your donation
will be effectively used to fund the programs that
provide food, support, social interaction, and access
to additional community services that the older and
disabled adults in your community need.
In-Kind donations are encouraged during the Holiday
Gift Tag fundraiser and as auction items for the Annual
Meals on Wheels Walkathon. Suggested Holiday Gift
Tag donations include: warm clothing, blankets,
toiletries, puzzle books, packaged food, stamps and
stationery, etc. Donations that help make the Meals
on Wheels Walkathon auction fundraiser successful
include: gift cards (restaurants, shopping, pharmacies, hotels, movie theaters, etc.), sports memorabilia,
and activities (i.e. Butterfly Place).
Your gift can be made in honor or memory of a loved
one in order to celebrate the special people and
events in your life. When you make a tribute gift,
the person you honor or memorialize will be listed
on the SJCS website.
Many employers offer a matching gift program
or other workplace giving program to encourage
community involvement and support. Your donation
could be matched dollar for dollar and may double
or even triple your donation amount.
By naming SJCS as a beneficiary of your will, trust, or
retirement plan, you can reduce your taxes and at the
same time provide support for Meals on Wheels. If you
would like to include SJCS in your estate planning,
your attorney will need the following:
Name: St. Joseph Community Services, Inc.
Nonprofit Tax ID: 02-0335003
Address: 395 Daniel Webster Highway, PO Box 910
Merrimack, NH 03054
If a loved one has passed, consider requesting
donations be made to SJCS in their memory.
Sponsorships are offered for the Annual Meals on
Wheels Walkathon. This event is a great way to create
a meaningful partnership that will provide statewide
marketing benefits. Support of this event helps to
spread awareness and raise much needed funds to
help end senior hunger.
Community Supporters
Amherst Junior Women’s Club
Amherst Lion’s Charities
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Barker Foundation
Bedford Women’s Club
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Citizen’s Bank Grant
Lois G. Roy Dickerman Fund
Dorothy Gould Cook Memorial Fund
Elizabeth and Hollis E. Harrington Sr.
Family Fund
Granite United Way
Kaley Foundation
Katherine Kinnicutt Family Fndtn.
Mary John Elliot Charitable Fndtn.
Milford Hospital Association
Meals on Wheels America
NH Charitable Foundation
Pearl Manor Fund
People’s United Bank
Portland United Way
Rotary Club of Merrimack
Rotary Club of Nashua
Rotary Club of Nashua West
Scammon Family Fund
Schwab Charitable Fund
United Way of Greater Nashua
United Way of Massachusetts and
Merrimack Valley
William S. Green Memorial Fund
Wolf and Company Charitable Fndtn.
Dell Employee Engagement Fund
Ebay Foundation Employee
Engagement Fund
Fiduciary Trust of New England
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts
Give With Liberty
Network For Good
Aaron’s Furniture
AARP New Hampshire
Amazon SMile Foundation
APS Lighting - Sound - AV
Bank of New Hampshire
B&S Locksmiths, Inc.
BAE Systems
Boston Billiard Club Mathias
Breakfast Exchange Club of Nashua
CEJ Computer Business Systems LLC
Central Paper Products
Clark Insurance
Club National, Inc.
Congregational Church of Hollis
ControlAir, Inc.
Costco Wholesale, Manchester
Crescent Group LLC
Douglas T. Paine & Co.
Eaton & Berube Insurance
Elliot Insurance Agency
Gary S. Dillon Detatchment Marine
Corps League
Greenville Falls Site Council
Greenville Lioness Club
Greenville Lions
Hampstead Lions Charities Club
The Hanover Insurance Group
Home Health & Hospice Care
Hossein Vaez DMD Dental Offices, PLLC
J. Edgar Group, PLLC
Kindred Greenbriar Terrace
Kingdom of Goldenvale Amtgard Inc
Kingsley Automotive Machine
Kiwanis Club of Hudson
Lake Sunapee Bank
Lambert Funeral Home
Leclair-Caron_Pelletier Unit 13
American Legion
Living At Home Senior Care, LLC
Lumbard Investment Counseling, LLC
Manchester Country Club
Underground League
Mark & Patty McKeon Appraisal Services
Market Basket
MassMutual Financial Group, NNE
McKeon Appraisal Services
McLaughlin Moving Company
Merrimack Lions Club
Moultonborough Lions Club
Nashua Emblem Club
New England Dry Ice Co., LLC
New Hampshire Electric Co-op
New Hampshire Healthy Families
Oliver Packaging and Equipment
Company, Inc.
Pennichuck Water Works, Inc.
The Pinkerton Academy
Poly-Ject, Inc.
Reinhart Foodservices
Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus 8016
Senior Financial Resources, Inc.
Service Credit Union
Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, PA
Sons of the American Legion Post 27
Speare Memorial Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital
St. Joseph School of Nursing
St. Mary’s Bank
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Tamposi-Nash Real Estate Group, Inc.
TF Moran, Inc.
The Washington Manor
Ultra Geothermal, Inc.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua
Village Haircutters
Weisman, Tessier, Lambert & Halloran
Well Sense Health Plan
World Academy
YMCA of Greater Nashua
The following businesses and
organizations participated in the
Holiday Gift Tag fundraiser by holding
gift drives, displaying gift tags, and
donating gifts:
Advantage Insurance
Anatomic Fitness
Bedford Women’s Club
Breathe New Hampshire
CMC Parish Nurse Faithfully Fit
Forever Program
CustomLogo Outfitters
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Radiology
Dental Designs of New England
Family Chiropractic of Merrimack
Greater Nashua Mental Health
Go Wireless
IM Modern Fitness
Manchester District Family Court
Merrimack Chamber of Commerce
Merrimack Flower Shop
Merrimack Quilters
Merrimack Valley Dental
Nashua Adult Learning Center
Nashua Dentistry for Children
Nixon Peabody Law Offices
Our Lady of Mercy
Parish of the Resurrection
Parker Village Condo Association
People’s United Bank
Public Service of New Hampshire
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish
St. John Neumann Catholic Community
St. Joseph Worker’s Parish
Sterling Smiles of Nashua
Visiting Angels
Walmart Supercenter, Amherst
The individuals listed below made donations in the 2015 calendar year.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Adams
Ms. Lindsay Adamski
Ms. Melissa Aho
Mr. Peter Aho
Ms. Jacqueline Alden
Ms. Susanne Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allard
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John Andruszkiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Angus
Mr. Michael Apfelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Aramini
Ms. Violet Arnold
Mr. Mark Aronson
Ms. Maureen Ashburn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Astolfi
Ms. Jennifer Atherton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Atkinson
Mr. Rex and Mrs. Mary Atwood
Ms. DIane Aubrey
Ms. Jayne Bacha
Dr. Pamela Baldassarre
Ms. Irene Ball &
Ms. Kimberly Dupont
Ms. Susan Bancroft
Mr. & Mrs. James Barbato
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Barnard
Ms. Evelyn Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barron
Ms. Jamie Barron
Mr. Jason Barron
Mr. Jeffrey Barron
Ms. Deborah Barss
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bartlett
Mr. James Barton
Mr. James Basbas
Ms. Kathleen Bassilakis
Mr. & Mrs. David Batbouta
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bausha
Ms. Donna Beatrice
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Beaudette
Mr. Chick Beaulieu
Ms. Doris Beaulieu
Ms. Jeanne Beaulieu
Mr. Henry Bechard
Ms. Paula Bedard
Mr. Larry Beil & Ms. Donna Elias
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Belanger
JG & BM Belanger
Mr. Frank Belfsky
Ms. Deborah Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellavance
Ms. Bridget Belton
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Berger
Mr. Paul Bergeron and
Ms. Meghan Brady
Mr. Stephen Bergeron
Ms. Brenda Bergeson
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Berry
Ms. Donna Betterini
Ms. Carole Bickert
Ms. Jane Bieniek
Ms. Heather Bierschenk
Mr. Phil Biller
Ms. Carol Birch
Mr. & Mrs. William Birchard
Mr. & Mrs. James Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart Blackwood
Mr. Robert Blaine
Mr. Roger Blais
Mr. Mark Blanchard
Mr. Edward Blanchette
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Blanchette
Mr. Harvey Bloom
Mr. Leo Bobek
Mr. Dan Boggia
Ms. BettyJane Bomengen
Ms. Cynthia Bonenfant
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Boren
Ms. Suzanne Borlaug
Ms. Elizabeth Boskee
Mrs. Karrie Boskee
Ms. Barbara Boucher &
Ms. Nicole Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boucher
Ms. Eleanor Boucher &
Ms. Nicole Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Boudreau
Ms. Lena Boudrieau &
Ms. Jane Handy
Mr. Eugene Boutin
Mr. Chester Brach
Mr. Sean Bradley
Mr. Cory Braucks
Ms. Janice Bremer
Ms. Eleanor Briggs
Mr. Laurent Brisson
Ms. Kathleen Broadhurst
Ms. June Brock
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brusky
Mr. Alexander Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Irene Buhl
Ms. Patricia Burant
Ms. Sheryl Stephens Burke
Ms. Shannon Burne
Mr. & Mrs. James Burns
Mr. Sanders Burstein
Ms. Dorothy Busa
Mr. Stephen Buyze
Ms. Helen Cady
Ms. Robin Calaguiro
Ms. Lynn Capone
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carignan
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Caron
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carrier
Mr. & Mrs. John Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cashin
Ms. Angela Cavallaro
Ms. Judi Champagne
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Chandler
Ms. Jennifer Chapman
Ms. Jeannette Chaput
Mr. Denis Charbonneau
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Charest
Ms. Jeanette Chasse
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cheney
Mr. & Mrs. James Chenoweth
Ms. Marjorie Chiafery
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chirillo
Mr. Anthony Chismark
The Honorable &
Mrs. Chris Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Christon
Ms. Carolee Churchill
Mr. & Mrs. David Ciardelli
Mr. Jim Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Clark
Ms. Suzanne Cloutier
Ms. Beverly Coelho
Mr. Jay Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Colburn
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Coldwell
Ms. Christine Cole
Mr. John Coll
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Collamore
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Collishaw
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Comeau
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Comstock
Ms. Joan Conde
Mr. Wooldridge Conner
Ms. Laura Anne Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Conway
Dr. and Mrs. James Conway, Jr.
Mr. Patrick Conway
Ms. Ruth Conway
Ms. Elizabeth Cooley
Mr. Roy Cota
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cote
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cote
Ms. Helene Couture
Mrs. Eleanor Coyne
Ms. Whitney Crane
Ms. Georgina Crawford
Ms. Elida Cristaldi
Mr. Joseph Cristaldi
Ms. Olivia Cristaldi
Ms. Karen Crowley
Mr. Allen Cumings, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cuoco
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Currie
Ms. Cynthia Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Currier
Ms. Anita Cushing
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cutter
Ms. Patricia Dam
Ms. Patricia Danforth
Ms. Caroline Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis
Ms. Maire Degulis
Mr. Roger Denison
Ms. Claire Deslauriers
Mr. Les Deslauriers & Family
Mr. Ronald Desrosiers
Mr. Charles Desruisseaux
Dr. Robert Dewey
Mr. Joseph Dibrigida
Mr. Ron Dieter
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Digregorio
Mr. & Mrs. David Dionne
Ms. Nancy Dionne
Dr. Roger Dionne
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. John Donovan
Ms. Janet Doxey
Mr. & Mrs. Fern Doucette
Ms. Donna Dow
Ms. Mary Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dube
Ms. Janet Dube
Mr. Gil Dubray
Mr. Edwin Duer
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dupont
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Dupont
Ms. Linda Dwyer
Ms. Susan Easter
Ms. Diane Ehrlich
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ekstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Elmore
Mr. Josh Elsten
Ms. Heidi Emond
Mr. John Enman
Ms. Deborah Erikson
Ms. Josie Estes
Mr. Jeffery Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Face
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fallon
Mr. Frank Farmar
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Faro
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ferrelli
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Finken
Ms. Judy Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Crispin Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher
Mr. Michael Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flood
Ms. Katherine Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Flynn
Ms. Joyce Foote
Mr. John Fortier
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fortnam
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freed
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Friedrich
Mr. & Mrs. John Frisella
Ms. Mary Fritsch
Mrs. Debbie Fromuth
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaffen
Mr. Doug Gagne
Mr. Matthew Gagne
Mr. Thomas Gaiser
Mr. & Mrs. James Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John Galligan
The Honorable &
Mrs. Richard Galway
The Honorable Carolyn Gargasz
Ms. Dorothy Garon
Ms. Sharon Garron
Mr. James Gay
Mr. Joseph Georgalas &
Ms. Andrea Hebert
Ms. Lisa Geraghty
Ms. Ann Lindsay Getts
Mr. and Mrs. John Getts
Ms. Mary Catherine Getts
Mr. Peter Getts
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Gilbert
Mr. Duncan Gill &
Ms. Marlene Santiago
The Hon. Peggy &
Dr. David Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giordano
Ms. Eleanor Girouard
Ms. Susan Giusto
Mr. David Glass
Ms. Barbara Goerke
Mr. Jim Gordon
Gorman Family Trust
Ms. Eileen Gosselin
Mr. Peter Gosselin
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Gourde
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goyette
Mr. Scott Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greco
Ms. Debra Green
Ms. Alice Greene &
Ms. Dinah Denmark
Ms. Lydia Greene
Mr. Roger Greengo
Mr. & Mrs. John Griffin
Ms. Amanda Grimes
Mr. Dave Gruette
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Joan Grummett
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Guay
Ms. Claire Guenthner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Guerrette
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Guilbert
Ms. Florence Guimond
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Sandra Gurskis
Ms. MaryBeth Gustitus
Mr. John Hadigan
Mr. & Mrs. Carsten Hahn
Ms. Trudy Hainey
Mr. David Hale
Mr. Kevin Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. Pat & Wayne Hamel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hamilton
Mr. Michael Hanlon
Ms. Katherine Hanna
Mr. DJ Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. James Harbin
Mr. Joe Harnois
Mr. Hollis Harrington
Ms. Jane Harrington
Mr. James and Mrs. Diane Harris
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Harris
Mr. Nathan Harris
Ms. Patricia C. Harris
Revocable Trust
Mr. Philip Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hartwick
Mr. Ernest Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heffernan
Ms. Kristen Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. James Hennas
Ms. Courtney Herz
Mr. & Mrs. David Hess
Mr. Douglas Heuser
Mr. William Hill
Mr. Paul Hills & Ms. Cynthia Harlett
Mr. Edmund Hilston
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hitchcock
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hoffer
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hoksbergen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hollman
Ms. Brooke Holton
Mr. Nate Holton
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Holway
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hoskins
Mr. David Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hunt
Dr. & Mrs. J Beatty Hunter
Ms. Nancy Huntley
Ms. Addie Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Hyde
Ms. Jane Iacopucci
Mr. Craig Jackson
Mr. Kaleb Jacob
Mr. Louis Jacob
Ms. Juanita Jameson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jellison
Mr. Earl Jenkins
Ms. Judy Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson
Mr. Richard Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Jonas
Ms. Victoria Jones
Ms. Daniel Junius
Ms. Rebecca Kadish
Ms. Valerie Kappel
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Karnis
Mr. Bradley Keeler
Ms. Hope Kelly
Ms. Janice Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kelley
Mr. Jim Kenealy
The Kenneys
Mr. Ben Kershaw
Ms. Valerie Kidder
Mr. William Kiernan
Mr. Brent Kiley
Ms. Helga Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Tupper Kinder
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis King
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne King
Ms. Joanne Kirkpatrick
Ms. Beth Kissinger
Mr. Michael Klein
Ms. Marian Kolesar
Ms. Malissa Knight
Ms. Terry Knowles
Mr. Norman Zane Knoy
Ms. Andrea Kokolis
Mr. Kenneth Kopka
Ms. Katherine Korpi
Mr. Ethan Kraft
Mr. Brian Kreft
Mr. Joel Kress
Ms. Anna Kritselis
Ms. Elizabeth Kuba
Mr. & Mrs. David Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kujawa
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Labbe
Mr. Peter Labombarde
Mr. Robert Labrie & Ms. Carol Fair
Mr. John Lacey
Mr. Gerard Lachance
Ms. Ernestine LaFlesh
Ms. Dallas Lagerquist
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lamb
Ms. Ruth Lambert
Mr. Richard Lamerand
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lamont
Mr. Lenny Landry
Ms. Carolyn Lane
Ms. Joanne LaPlant &
Ms. Jessica Turgeon
Mr. Mark Laprade
Mr. Elliot Lasky
Ms. Juliana Lastowka
Ms. Maida Kennedy Latvis
Ms. Judy Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Leavell
Ms. Jacqueline LeBlanc &
Ms. Lynne LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. John Leech
Mr. Alexander Leedie
Ms. Mila Lemay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lemay
Mr. & Mrs. George Lemelin
Mr. Robert Lepine
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Levesque
Ms. Kristin Lewotsky
Ms. Maria Lichtman
Mr. & Mrs. William Liggett
Ms. Kathy Linton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lord
Ms. Joan Lorenz
Ms. Diane Lucey
FS & MB Lyford
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lynch
Mr. Craig MacCorquodale
Ms. Heather MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Creighton Mackinley
Ms. Mary Mackintosh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacMillan
Ms. Susan MacMulkin
Mr. & Mrs. Hussien Mahfuz
Mr. Sy Mahfuz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Major
Ms. Lois Malone
Ms. Bonnie Mando
Mr. & Mrs. John Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Marcott
Ms. Leta Marcum
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maris
Mr. James Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John Martin
Mr. Thomas Martin
Mr. Joe Masci
Mr. & Mrs. Dave McAllister
Ms. Margaret McCabe
Ms. Nanci McCrackin
Mr. Larry McGonagle
Ms. Susan McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McNallen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McNally
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meagher
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mendel
Mr. Matthew Mercier
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Merra
Mr. & Mrs. David Merrill
Mr. Paul Messuri
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meyers
Migneault Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Miller
Ms. Marlene Miller
Mr. Jon Misner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moheban
Mr. Marc Monbouquette
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Monesmith
Mr. Patrick Moquin
Mr. Stanley Morgan
Ms. Jill Moriarty
Ms. Aurora Mosefski
Ms. Tammy Moskowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Motherway
Mr. Daniel Mullen
Ms. Diane (Sunny) Murphy
Ms. Helene Murphy
Ms. Patricia Murphy
Ms. Ann Marie Myslowski
Mr. Charles Nagle
Ms. Flora Nassauer
Ms. Susan Nawn
Ms. Amelia Neam
Ms. Gloria Neary
Mr. Jack Nelson
Ms. Kathleen Nelson
Mr. Edmond Neveu
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nevins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nevins
Mr. Chuck Nickerson
Mr. Gary Novotny
Mr. Keeley Novotny
Mr. Walter Noyalis
Ms. Linda Nyhan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O‘Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony O’Malley
Mr. Jim Ogorchock
Mr. John Ogrodowczyk
Ms. Carolyn Oguda
Ms. Diane O’Neil
Mr. Ralph Orlando
Mr. Jere Osgood
Ms. Linda Osienski
Ms. Jennifer Oslan
Ms. Linda Ouellet
Ms. Connie Page
Mr. Kenneth Paige
Mr. Douglas Paine
Mr. Gregory Pais
Mr. Gerard Paquette
Ms. Cynthia Pare
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Pare
Ms. Gail Parent
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Parenteau
Ms. Julie Parise
Ms. Beverly Parker
Ms. Teri Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Partridge
Mr. Ray Pasquale
Ms. Michelle Pastrana
Ms. Lianne Patenaude
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Patten
Ms. Christine Pattison
Ms. Joy Paul
Mr. & Mrs. William Peabody
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Peters
Ms. Susan Peterson
Mr. Ernest Petit
Mr. Donald Pfundstein
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Picard
Ms. Susan Pillsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plamondon
Ms. Constance Poissant
Mr. & Mrs. James Polus
Mr. Gene Porter
Ms. Ileana Prancan
The Benamin Pratt Revocable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. John Price
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Proulx
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Proulx
Mr. John Provencal
Ms. Irene Provencher
Ms. Nicolle Provencher
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pupkis
Mr. David Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. William Quick
Ms. Shannon Quinlan
Ms. Cyndee Raab
Mr. & Mrs. David Raiche
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ramirez
Ms. Michelle Rancourt
Mr. Stan Rashid
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rawlings
Mr. & Mrs. James Reed/Dore
Mr. Charles Rehberg
L & E Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Reigstad
Mr. Joseph Reisert
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Renner
Mr. Stephen Reno
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rivard
Mr. Yvon Rivard
Ms. Carol Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William Robidoux
Mr. Richard Robillard
Ms. Patricia Rocca
Ms. Catherine Rogers
Ms. Heather Rogers
Ms. Luanne Rogers
Ms. Paula Rogers
Ms. Sandra Rogers &
Ms. Emily Rogers
Ms. Sally Roof
Mr. Marc Rosenbaum
Ms. Virginia Rosytinis
Ms. Barbara Rousseau &
Ms. Sandra Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Roussell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Roy
Mr. Jay Rozmus
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Rudman
Mr. & Mrs. Jody Ruonala
Ms. Anne Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Russell
Mr. Rob Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ruthenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan
Ms. Estelle St. Cyr
Ms. Mary St. Germain
Mr. Alan St. Louis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald St. Pierre
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salvatore
Ms. Barbara Sanborn-Valenti
Mr. & Mrs. John Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Saunders
Mr. James Scammon
Ms. Dolores Schacht
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schadler
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Schevey
Mr. Robert Schiavoni
Ms. Lisa Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Geraldine Schweigerdt
Mr. & Mrs. George Scollin
Mr. James Seager
Mr. & Mrs. David Searles
Ms. Sandy Segal Lish
Mr. Carl Seidel
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sellon
Mr. Jeffery Shagory
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shanahan
Mr. Douglas Sharek &
Ms. Dawn Ebbits
Mr. William Shaw
Mr. John Sias
Mr. Larry Siegel &
Ms. Therese Libby
Ms. Dorothy Silber
Mr. Steven Silberberg
Mr. Reginald Silver
Mr. Mike Simco
Ms. Theresa Simoneau
Mr. Michael Sindoni
Mr. Stephen Singer
Ms. Dianne Sirois
Ms. Shirley Small
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Smallwood
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Smythe
Ms. Stacy Sobo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spinelli
Mr. & Mrs. David Spokane
Ms. Joni Spring
Dr. & Mrs. James Squires
Ms. Morgan Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. John Stanton
Ms. Donna Starnes
Ms. Debra Stellato
Mr. Charles Stetson
Mr. & Mrs. George Stewart
Ms. Susan Stone
Ms. Barbara Stratton
Ms. Janice Sullivan
Ms. Pam Sullivan
Ms. Sharon Svatik
Mr. Peter Swenson
Ms. Christine Swisher
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Taggat
Mr. Robert Therrien
Mr. Brian Thomas
Ms. Patricia Thompson
Mr. Terry Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. John Thornton
Mr. Tom Thornton
Ms. M. Joanne Tiedemann
Mr. Michael Tighe
Mr. Mitchell Tilbury
Ms. Nancy Toli
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Toohey
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Topliffe
Ms. Aubrey Torres
Ms. Irene Tousignant
Mr. James Toye
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Travelyn, Jr.
Mr. Shawn Trowbridge
Mr. Norman Trudeau
Mr. Jack Tulley
Ms. Patricia Tyszko
Ms. Barbara Urschel
Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Vachon
Dr. Hossein Vaez
Mr. Douglas Verge
Ms. Leeann Vigeant
Ms. Vivian Villemure
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Vogel
Ms. Rita Wadleigh
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walach
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Walkowicz
Mr. Kenneth Walsh
Ms. Tracy Wampler
Ms. Teresa Amadis Wann
Mr. Ted Ware
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wasserman
Mr. Gary Watson
WP Weidacher
Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert Weisman
Mr. Thomas Welden
Mr. Paul Wentworth
Ms. Marion Werth
Mr. & Mrs. John Westgate
Mr. Erik Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Allen White
BG White
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd White, II
Ms. Ninette White
Mr. Richard White
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Whitmore
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Wiegand
Mr. William Wilkes
Ms. Bonnie Williams
Ms. Susan Wilson
Ms. Betty Winberg
Mr. Darren Winslow
Ms. Laura Winter
Mr. George Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Wirths
Ms. Mary Ann Wojcicki
Mr. & Mrs. David Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Yanagi
Dr. Anita Yap
Mr. Richard Yedinak
Mr. & Mrs. William Yorkell
Ms. Susan Zielie
Donations were made “In Memoriam”
for the following individuals:
Paul Acorn
Eddie Aho
Lillian Alpaugh
Arthur Barrett
Raymond Beaulieu
George Becker
Geary Belanger
Virginia Bell
Yvonne Bourgeois
Maryann Broussard
Ann Buczynski
Kyle Buzzell
Omer Caron
Melodie Charbonneau
Leo-Paul Chauvin
James Chenoweth
Evelyn Comeau
Charles Copeland
John Cotter
Robert Coyne
Lilian Cumings
Anthony DeBlasio
Ethel Fazel
Pete Feheley
Herbert Foote
Diane Franklin
Fusscas Family
Danielle Shing Shaw Gettelfinger
Mary Guilbeault
Paul Guimond
Charlene Hodgkins
Lorraine Huffman
Kathleen Johnson
Dan Kalikow
James Kelley
Joel Maurice Levesque
Edna Manoleros
Lillian Maris
William Blake Marston
James McSally
Virginia Nagle
Helen Neubert
Ed Nyhan
J. Albert and Claire Ouellette
Felix Ostrouch
Mary Palange
Josephine Pearsall
Florence Platz
Irene Proulx
David Reed
Genevieve Rozmus
Celia Russell
Solly and Frieda Segal
Bernadette Simard
Paul Sones
Beverly Stevens
Helen Suosso
John Thibault
Donna Toye
James Vigue
Karl Vogel
Rosa Vogel
Dorothy “Dottie” Wenninger
Ellen Winters
Donations were made “In Honor” of
the following individuals:
Jack Barron
Meghan Brady
Carpenter Center Bus Drivers
Charlotte (Chuckie) Creighton
Julia Lahti
William MacCorquodale
Shirley Martin
Louise Purcell
Cecilia Shooman
Sandra Tuthill
These lists have been prepared with
care. If your name has been omitted
in error, please inform us immediately
of the oversight so that the record
may be corrected.
SJCS Meals on Wheels
PO Box 910
395 Daniel Webster Hwy
Merrimack, NH 03054
Tel: 603-424-9967
Fax: 603-424-1472
E: [email protected]
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