
Table of Contents
Kuih Keria (甜薯圈) ................................................................................................................................. 1
Sweet Potato Ondeh Ondeh (番薯椰丝糯米球) ................................................................................... 3
Kuih Talam , Kuih Talam Pandan (绿白双层香兰糕) ........................................................................... 6
Kuih Talam Ubi (木薯打南糕) ................................................................................................................. 9
Kuih Lopes or Kue Lupis (三角椰丝糯米糕) ........................................................................................ 11
Kuih Wajik (菱形椰香糯米糕)
....................................................................................................... 14
Kuih Bronok(西米椰丝蒸糕,珍珠糕) .......................................................................................... 16
Kuih Abok Abok Sago (锥型西米蒸糕) ......................................................................................... 18
Kuih Pulut Inti (椰丝糯米糕) ............................................................................................................. 21
Kuih Salat or Seri Muka (香兰椰香糯米蒸糕)................................................................................ 24
Kuih Koci (锥形香兰椰丝糯米滋) .................................................................................................... 28
Kuih Pulut Panggang (糯米虾米卷) .............................................................................................. 31
Kuih Pulut Tai Tai, Pulut Tekan (娘惹兰花加椰糕) .......................................................................... 33
Kuih Penyaram Mexican Hats (墨西哥帽子)
.............................................................................. 36
Kuih Manggis, Kuih Syara (香兰小青糕) ....................................................................................... 38
Kuih Bakar Pandan Or Kuih Kemboja (香兰烘糕)
.................................................................. 40
Kuih Bakar Berlauk (马来咸香烤糕) ................................................................................................ 42
Kuih Bahulu (蛋花糕) ................................................................................................................... 44
Kueh Lapis (九层糕) ........................................................................................................................ 46
Kuih Ubi Kayu Kukus (木薯蒸糕) .................................................................................................... 48
Kuih Bingka Ubi (烤木薯糕) .......................................................................................................... 50
Kuih Getuk Ubi (木薯椰丝糕) ......................................................................................................... 52
Kuih Kodok or Jemput Jemput Pisang (炸香蕉球) ...................................................................... 54
Kuih Lepat Pisang (蒸香蕉糕) ....................................................................................................... 56
Kuih Rengas, Kuih Kasturi (炸绿豆饼) ............................................................................................ 58
Kuih Kosui or Kaswi (卡穗糕) ........................................................................................................... 60
Kuih Bongkong or Kuih Jongkong (马来娘惹元宝/荷包糕) .......................................................... 63
Kuih Ketayap, Kuih Dadar (香兰椰丝卷) ...................................................................................... 66
Apam Berkuah (马来娘惹米糕) ...................................................................................................... 69
Apam Beras (马来蒸米糕) ............................................................................................................. 72
AKA K UIH K ERIA ( 甜 薯 圈 )
WHAT IS REQUIRED Servings: prepared 10‐15 kuih keria depends on size This is the local Malay delicacies made from sweet potatoes puree. It is usually coated with white sugar as the dough was not sweet. 
300 grams of sweet potatoes 
80 grams of self‐raising flour 
30 grams of rice flour 
Pinches of salt Sugar coating 
50 grams of castor sugar 
1 tablespoon of water 1
STEPS OF PREPARATION donut cutter, you can use too. Alternatively, before throwing into the hot oil, insert your fingers in the cavity and slightly pull the hole bigger. 
Deep‐fry in a pot of hot oil under medium heat until the donut turns golden brown. Drained and set aside. 
Steam the sweet potatoes until soft. Put all the ingredients in a food processor, blend until fine. 
Heat up the sugar and the water in a pot and bring to boil. Boil until it resembles a thick syrup. Take a tablespoon out and if it coated the tablespoon when touches cold air, the syrup is considered as ready. Put the donuts in and use a ladle to “stir fry” the donuts until it coats well. Transfer out and cool completely before serving. 
Lightly knead the dough and shape it oblong. Blog Recipe Reference: if it is too sticky, add more self‐raising flour until your hand can handle the stickiness. http://wp.me/p3u8jH‐7Ci . Please click for update recipe if any. 
Use a knife to cut dough of about 1‐2 cm thickness. Shape round, lightly press down using your palm, and use something round to make a hole in the centre. The hole should not be too small as it will expand when deep frying hence closing the gap. If you have a 2
ONDEH (番薯椰丝糯米球)
WHAT IS REQUIRED Servings: Prepared about 10‐15 Onde Onde depending on size of rice balls prepared Crust 
150 grams of sweet potato – skinned, steamed and mashed Onde onde is a very common kuih in the region and in Indonesia. , this kuih is called klepon. You can use pumpkin or sweet potatoes for the crust. 
150 grams of glutinous rice flour 
100 grams of lukewarm water 
20 grams of castor sugar 
20 grams of cooking oil (not in picture) 3
Filling and coating ingredients 
100 grams of Gula Apong (nipah palm sugar) or Gula Melaka (coconut sugar) 
2‐3 pieces of Pandan leaves cut into small pieces 
150 grams of freshly grated coconuts 
1/4 teaspoon of salt Others 
2 litres of hot water for boiling the glutinous rice balls 
1/2 to 1 litre of icy cold water for cooling the cooked glutinous rice balls 
Meanwhile, in a steamer, place the grated STEPS OF PREPARATION coconut, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and the pandan leaves. Steam in the steamer for about 10‐15 minutes or until the pandan leaves are soft. 
While the coconut is being steamed, divide the dough into 10‐15 equal pieces. I have divided the dough into 30 grams each. Take a ball, flatten it, put a teaspoon of Gula Apong on the centre of the dough. If you are using Gula Melaka, you will have to chop the gula Melaka into as fine as possible in advance If possible use mortar or pastel to pound it until fine. 
Skin, steam and mash the sweet potatoes, set aside for later use. 
In a big bowl, put glutinous rice flour, sugar, oil and mash potatoes. Gradually add lukewarm water and use your hand to knead until well combined and when it becomes a pliable dough. 4