Sixth Sunday of Easter - St. Pius V Catholic Community
Sixth Sunday of Easter - St. Pius V Catholic Community
Sixth Sunday of Easter Jesus is not with us in His risen glory in the way he was for forty days after his resurrection. He is present in the Word, in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and in the Church. He is always near. PARISH OFFICE 7691 Orangethorpe Ave. Buena Park CA 90621 714-522-2193 fax 714-522-1730 Office email: [email protected] MASS/CONFESSION SCHEDULE Vigil (Saturday) Masses: 5:15 pm 7:00 pm (Español) Hours: 9:00 am - 8:30 pm (Sun. 3:00 pm) (Closed during lunch & dinner) Sundays: 7:45 am, 9:15 am, 10:45 am, 12:15 pm, 1:45 pm (Español), 6:30 pm Rev. Theodore Olson, Pastor Rev. Ismael Silva, Parochial Vicar Rev. Khoi Phan, Parochial Vicar Weekdays: 8:00 am and 5:15 pm (Mondays 8:30 am) Saturday: 8:00 am Deacon Rey Marin Deacon William Yang Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesdays: After the 5:15 pm Mass BAPTISMS: By Appointment Only (English and Spanish) No Baptisms during Lent. Holy Days: As announced in bulletin MARRIAGES: Call for an appointment at least six months in advance. Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:45 pm Eves of First Fridays: 3:30 to 4:45 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The 24th of each month or as announced SCHOOL: 714-522-5313 (7:00 am - 3:30 pm) Notices for the bulletin are due at noon SRE: 714-522-3971 (9:00 am - 2:00 pm) on Friday, 9 days before distribution, R.C.I.A: 714-522-2193 due to publisher’s lead time. (Most Wednesdays at 7:30 pm) NOVENA Our Mother of Good Counsel Saturdays: After the 8:00 am Mass WEBSITE: Page Two St. Pius V Church May 29-June 4 SUNDAY: 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:45 AM: Novena 9:15 AM: For the People 10:45 AM: Mary Bell Rivers (d) 12:15 PM: Zacarias Marin (d) 1:45 PM: Rafael Marquez (d) 6:30 PM: Samuel Torro MONDAY: EASTER WEEKDAY 8:30 AM: Novena There will not be a 5:15 PM Mass today due to Memorial Day! TUESDAY: THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGEN MARY 8:00 AM: Angel Ungcad (d) 5:15 PM: Novena WEDNESDAY: ST JUSTIN MARTYR 8:00 AM: Nenita de Castro (Sp. Int.) 5:15 PM: Glynn Hackney (d) THURSDAY: EASTER WEEKDAY 8:00 AM: Serefin Deguzman (d) 5:15 PM: Louis Nguyen (d) FRIDAY: ST. CHARLES LWANGA 8:00 AM: Richard Altenbaugh (d) 5:15 PM: Raymond Quirion (d) SATURDAY: EA STER WEEKDAY 8:00 AM: Josephine Sabara (d) 5:15 PM: Marcel LaRochelle (d) 7:00 PM: Chris Rio (d) READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47; Eph 1:17- 23; Mt 28:16-20 COLLECTION FOR THE WEEKEND OF May 21 & 22 $19,134.41 OUR WEEKLY BUDGETED INCOME IS $22,957 TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRIES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT. The Lord has blessed each of us with many gifts, including the talents we use at work. Are you returning a portion to the Lord through your Sunday contribution each week? May 29, 2011 Novena Notes! Additional Names for may Monthly Novena Dimitrii Korionoff, Sr. DECEASED Cassi Sison Your prayers are requested for: Virginia LaChance, Annette Carew, Sr. Margaret, Betty Kendall, Margaret Trujillo, Sr. Shelia Coburn, Marcel Cipres, Pat Prieto, Esther Smith, Carol Hermann, Sr. Timothea Park, Wilfred LaRochelle, Baby Newberger, Laura Clofelder, Cele Lomeli, Kathy Spooner, J.D. Demeter, Carol Sadowski, Jeffrey Grzecka, Chuck Meyer, Barbara Hoag, Charlotte Garcia, Mike & Betty Calabrese, Tom Barrios, Claire White, Joyce Lore, Armando & Rosa Brondo, Jessica Reyes, Julie Hoffman Halliburton, Shane Coats, Shane McConnell, Loretta Lockhart, Susan Lopez, Verlin Turnquist, Joseph White, Scott McConnell, Tony Mezenshi, Mary Coates, Tony Piening, Luis Cruz, Msgr. Laurence Conway, Cathleen Perruccio, George Bustamante, Carmen Vargas, Paul Zambinco, Polly Armstrong, Joanne Sanchez, John White, Kathleen Pascoe, George Perales, Andrew Duarte, Monique Murga, Kathy Marsili, & Clara Atkins. THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT Jason Smith & Melinda Oropeza FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT Gerald Rivera & Janice Tamayo THE REASON FOR OUR HOPE “What is the reason for your hope?” Imagine somebody coming up to you and asking you that question. Not “What are you hoping for?” or “What are you hoping to do?” No, this isn’t about our desires for possessions or aspirations for life, it’s “Why do you hope?” Peter today tells us that we ought to be ready to give an answer to this question. Truth be told, few of us spend much time thinking about why we hope. Luckily, the scriptures today give us our answers. We hope because Christ suffered for us, in order that we might come to God. We hope because we know that, in the Spirit, God grants us another Advocate through Christ to remain with us always. No matter what we might hope for, whatever we might hope to do, we must always first know and proclaim the reason for our hope: the presence of God in Christ, with us through the power of the Spirit. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. 6th Sunday of Easter St. Pius V Church Pius Patriot Alumni We frequently hear from SPV alumni about how much their school experience meant to them and how one special teacher or classmate made a profound impact on their lives. If you’ve had a similar experience consider saying thank you to that special person with a donation to the SPV Annual Fund in their honor. A tax-deductible donation to the fund will help to continue the legacy of a quality and affordable Catholic education for many years to come. Look for the donation envelopes in the pews and at the back of the church. Our thanks to the many families who have already made an investment in the future with a donation or a gift of prayer. Page Three Junior Kindergarten There’s still time to enroll! The first day of Junior Kindergarten is just a few short months away. Enroll today and give your child the tools to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Visit for all the details. UCLA Filipino-American Health Study St. Pius V Parish and UCLA Cancer Center are collaborating in a study to increase colorectal cancer screening among Filipino-Americans. The study includes a small group educational session and three brief interviews. We invite Filipino-Americans, 50-75 years of age, to participate in our study. There will be a small compensation to you and a donation to the parish for your participation. If you are interested please contact: Mr. Allan de Banate, 440- 570-6393, or email him at [email protected]. The St. Pius V Catholic School Consultative School Board is now accepting nominations of interested parents, parishioners, and community members for terms starting in August 2011. Interested parties may submit their name to the school administration for consideration. Call 714-522-5313. Grief, Loss & Healing St. Pius V Bereavement Support Ministry Our next meeting is Monday, June 6, at 7:30 pm. We invite and warmly welcome any of you who are suffering due to a previous or recent loss of a loved one. Our ministry may help you cope and work through your grief. We offer you emotional support, comfort, and discussions on how to deal with loss, sorrow and transitions. We will listen, share and pray with you. We join with others to tell the story of the person and to celebrate their life. We meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (except holidays and holy days of obligation) at 7:30 pm, upstairs in room ‘C’. For information contact: John Alba 714-522-2193. Please come and join us, because we care. “Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted.” Page Four St. Pius V Church PASTORAL SERVICES APPEAL 2011 Thank you to all who have pledged during the first month. We have received $96,242 in pledges. That’s 82% of our goal. We are making progress, can you do your part this week? If your family joins in pledging what you can, the Parish will reach our goal and even receive a rebate to keep up with our many needs. Make your pledge this week to help us reach our $118,000 diocesan target. Thank you for your generous support. FEAST OF FAITH The Collection: A Privilege As the altar is prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist, the collection is taken up. In the early church, this part of the Mass must have been something to behold, as the people suddenly began to move, bringing forward to the deacons and priests freshly-baked bread and fine wine. Then, after the Eucharistic Prayer, that same community came forward again in the Communion procession, and they received back the very gifts they had given, now transformed into something infinitely more precious than bread and wine: the very Body and Blood of Christ. Beginning around the eleventh century, it became the custom for people to present money instead of bread and wine, and the procession of the faithful gradually disappeared (it survives in the liturgy of Holy Thursday). But the meaning is the same. We continue to bring the fruit of our labors and to offer them freely to God. And God continues to transform them into Christ. It is through our generous sharing of time, talent, and treasure that our parishes can preach the gospel, reach out to the sick and the imprisoned, and celebrate the sacraments. —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. May 29, 2011 Faith Formation is now taking registrations for the 2011-12 sessions. Paperwork is available in the Gathering Area of the Church, the Faith Formation office, the Parish office and on the website at — click on Faith Formation. Faith Formation Special Collection for the Tornado & Storms Victims in the South We are having a second collection today to assist the victims of the recent tornados and storms in the South and Mid-West. The damage from these storms occurred mostly in mission dioceses that do not enjoy the blessing of substantial financial resources. We are taking this collection this weekend. Thank you for helping our neighbors in the Mid-West and the South. Exhibit of Women & Spirit: Catholic Sister in America Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles is hosting the only Southern California exhibit of Women & Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America, a look at 300 years of history of women religious throughout the nation. The free exhibit takes place this summer—from June 19 thru August 14. For more information, visit First Friday Schedule First Friday: June 2 Masses: 8:00 am & 5:15 pm Confessions: Thursday, June 1 3:30 - 4:45 pm LONGING The hand will not reach ou t for what the heart does not long for. —German proverb SPY News! STEUBENVILLE YOUTH WEEKEND: We will be attending the San Diego Steubenville Youth Conference from Friday July 29 thru Sunday July 31 at California State University San Diego. We either dorm at the university or at the University of San Diego. The weekend is filled with outstanding talks, (especially the chastity talks for young men and women), music, Mass, praise and worship and deep reflection. The cost of the weekend is $200 which includes the conference, food, room and transportation. A 30% deposit of $60.00 is needed by May 29 to register, then you can make payments until you are paid in full. We will have opportunities for fundraising that will go specifically to your conference fees. The conference is open to all high school youth as well as those graduating from the eighth grade this year. There are some scholarships available for youth that cannot afford part or all of the fees. For more information contact Wendy Hart, Youth Minister, at 714-521-2430 or [email protected] GUARDIAN ANGELS: If you can help sponsor a young person for the Steubenville Conference, we will gladly accept any donations. Every little bit helps! Please be a Guardian Angel to one of our parish youth. COMING THIS SUMMER: Overnight Lock-In at Cal State Fullerton Student Union: It’s a night of fun and unlimited video games, lots of table games including billiards, snacks and oh, did we mention fun? The cost is $20 per person (remember unlimited video games with entry). Date will be announced very soon! Keep watching! DIOCESE OF ORANGE CATHOLIC FAMILY NIGHT at the ANGELS’ GAME will be Friday, July 8, tickets will soon be available. 6th Sunday of Easter St. Pius V Church RAZÓN DE NUESTRA ESPERANZA “¿Cuál es la razón de tu esperanza?”. Imagina que alguien se te acerca y te hace esa pregunta. No “¿qué es lo que esperas?” o ¿qué esperas hacer?”. No; no se trata de los deseos de poseer cosas o de aspiraciones en la vida, sino “¿por qué tienes esperanza?”. Hoy Pedro nos dice que debemos estar dispuestos a responder esta pregunta. A decir verdad, pocos son los que se dedican a pensar por qué tenemos esperanza. Por suerte, las Escrituras de hoy nos ofrecen la respuesta. Esperamos porque Cristo sufrió por nosotros, a fin de que podamos venir a Dios. Esperamos porque sabemos que, en el Espíritu, Dios nos concede otro Defensor en Cristo que permanecerá con nosotros por siempre. Sin importar lo que podamos esperar, o lo que esperamos poder hacer, siempre debemos saber y proclamar la razón de nuestra esperanza: la presencia de Dios en Cristo con nosotros por el poder del Espíritu. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Page Five El Ministerio Familias en Cristo te invita al Campamento de Hombres 2011 Jesucristo en busca de homcres de valor los dias, 3, 4 y 5 de Junio. en St. Ann in the Mountain Retreat Center. en las montañas de San Bernardino Sera un retiro inolvidable lleno de Compañerismo, alabanzas, oracion y amor de Dios. Donacion $60 incluye comidas, bebidas, alojamiento. Saldremos el viernes por la tarde del parqueo de la iglesia San Pio V. Eres un hombre de valor? No pierdas esta oportunidad. Para informacion: Sergio 714-522-2193 David 714-522-2193 Eduardo 714-522-2193 Evelyn 714-522-2193 Martin 714-522-2193 Sandra/Alonzo 714-522-2193 DÍA MEMORIAL Cayeron, pero sobre su glorioso sepulcro flota libre la bandera que su muerte preservó. —Francis Marion Crawford SPY News! FIN DE SEMANA DE STEUBENVILLE PARA LOS JOVENES: Estaremos asistiendo la Conferencia de Jóvenes de Steubenville en San Diego salimos el viernes 29 de Julio hasta el domingo 31 de julio. La Conferencia se dará lugar en la Universidad de San Diego. Pasamos la noche en el mismo lugar o en la Universidad de San Diego. El fin de semana está lleno de temas excelentes, (especialmente el tema de la castidad para los jóvenes), música, Misa, alabanza y adoración y reflexiones profundas. El costo del fin de semana es de $200.00 que incluye la conferencia, comida, alojamiento y transportación. Deposito de $60.00 es requerido a mas tardar para el 29 de Mayo para poder registrarse. Después pueden hacer pagos hasta saldar la cuenta. Tendremos oportunidad para recaudar fondos que irán específicamente a las cuotas de la conferencia. La conferencia está abierta a todos los jóvenes estudiantes de high school al igual que aquellos que están por recibirse del 8º grado escolar en este año. H ay algunas becas disponibles para estudiantes que no pueden pagar parte o toda la cuota. Para más información comuníquese con Wendy Hart, Ministerio de Jóvenes al 714-521-2430 o al correo electrónico [email protected] . ANGELES GUARDIANES: Si usted puede patrocinar a un joven para el fin de semana de La conferencia de Steubenville, con gusto aceptaremos donaciones. Cualquier cantidad ayudara! Por favor sea un Ángel Guardián para uno de nuestros jóvenes de la Parroquia. PROXIMAMENTE ESTE VERANO: Encierro de una noche en La Universidad de Fullerton Unión de Estudiantes. Es una noche de mucha diversión y un sin límites de juegos de video, muchos juegos de mesa incluyendo villar, antojitos, ¿oh y mencionamos mucha diversión? El costo es de $20.00 por persona (recuerden juegos de video sin límites con el pago de la entrada). La fecha será anunciada muy pronto! así es que esté atento! DIOCESIS DEL CONDADO DE ORANGE NOCHE DE FAMILIA EN EL ESTADI O DE LOS ANGELITOS: El viernes 8 de julio. Los boletos estarán disponibles muy pronto. Page Six St. Pius V Church LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 16:11-15; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Martes: Sof 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lc 1:39-56 Miércoles: Hch 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Jn 16:12-15 Jueves: Hch 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20 Viernes: Hch 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23 Sábado: Hch 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28 Domingo: Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46); Ef 1:17- 23; Mt 28:16-20 Nueva Juventud de El-Shaddai LA VIDA A VECES NOS SORPRENDE CON PROFUNDAS TRISTEZAS, CON GRANDES PRUEBAS Y CON TERRIBLES DESILUCIONES. CUANDO TODO ESTO TE SORPRENDA AFERRATE EN LA ESPERANZA QUE TE BRINDA EL UNICO QUE PUEDE CAMBIAR TU HISTORIA. ¡JESUCRISTO! Para mas informacion llamar: Gloria Lopez 714-522-2193 Lourdes Lopez 714-522-2193 Rodolfo Razo 714-522-2193 10, 11 y 12 de Junio Donación $60 (Incluye Hospedaje y Comida) Parroquia de San Pio V ¡NO FALTES! ¡JESUS TE ESPERA! FIESTA DE LA FE La profesión de fe Toda persona cree en algo de manera profunda. Como cristianos, manifestamos el conjunto de nuestras creencias en un escrito que se desarrolló durante el Siglo III de la historia humana. En el año 325, doce años después de que se dejó de perseguir a los cristianos, se convocó a una reunión de los obispos en la ciudad de Nicea, actual Turquía, reunion a la que se le llamó Concilio de Nicea. Algunos de los obispos asistentes aún llevaban en sus cuerpos las marcas dejadas a causa de la tortura por haber proclamado con valentía su fe en Cristo, por haber vivido de manera heroica su fe cristiana. Durante esta reunión escribieron el “Signo”, que ahora llamamos Credo Niceno, es buena parte del Credo que proclamamos durante los domingos y las solemnidades. La segunda parte, por decirlo así, se escribió en otro Concilio, el de Constantinopla (actual Estambul, en Turquía, en el año 381). El texto escrito a partir de estos dos concilios es nuestro Credo o “Símbolo niceno-constantinopolitano”, en honor a los dos Concilios. Este símbolo o profesión de fe, puede hacerse también mediante la renovación de las promesas bautismales. —Miguel Arias, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. May 29, 2011 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Pedro y Juan les impusieron las manos, y recibieron el Espíritu Santo (Hechos 8:5-8, 14-17). Salmo — Que aclame a Dios con alegría toda la tierra (Salmo 66 [65]). Segunda lectura —Cristo murió en la carne, y luego resucitó por el Espíritu (1 Pedro 3:15-18) o 1 Pedro 4:1316. Evangelio — Yo rogaré al Padre y les dará otro Protector. No los dejaré huérfanos (Juan 14:15-21) o Jn 17:1-11a. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Sexto Domingo de Pascua Lunes: Día Memorial Martes: La Visitación de la Santísima Virgen María Miércoles: San Justino Viernes: San Carlos Lwanga y sus compañeros; Primer viernes Sábado: Primer sábado ANSIAR La mano no se extenderá hacia lo que el corazón no ansía. —Proverbio alemán Para mas información contacto la oficina de la parroquia: 714-522-2193 Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana Al Anon ‘Mi Nueva Vida’: Jueves 7:15 - 9pm Marisol Espinosa Grupo de Oración: “Rios de Agua Vida” Martes 12 - 2 pm, Salón “B” Sonia Rivera Nueva Juventud de El-Shaddai: Lunes, 7:00 pm en el Gran Salón. Socorro Gallegos Grupo Carismático de Oración: Emmanuel Lunes 7-9 pm Salón “B” Maria Isabel Lopez Maty Santiago Quinceañeras: Llamar a la oficina y completar un formulario. Programa de Educación Religiosa: Obdulia López 714-522-4805 R.C.I.A. Rito de Iniciación para Adultos: Obdulia López 714-522-4805 Familias en Cristo: Miercoles 7-9 pm en la Cafeteria Evelyn Cruz Sandra Nieto Encuentro Matrimonial: Salvador y Lola Gonzalez Retrovaille: (Matrimonios en Crisis) los señores Martin y Angelica Ramos