Advocate Huntington Hospital


Advocate Huntington Hospital
Huntington Hospital
[ summer 2008 ]
Board of Directors
Lois S. Matthews, Chairman
James P. Blitz, MD
Jack F. Brent
Teresa L. Caldwell
Suzanne V. Crowell
R-lene Mijares de Lang
Kalman Edelman, MD
Reed S. Gardiner
Armando L. Gonzalez
Julia S. Gouw
Leighton Hull
Steven G. Katz, MD
Harvey Lenkin
Leonard M. Marangi, Treasurer
Allen W. Mathies, Jr., MD
Paul L. H. Ouyang, Secretary
Carmen A. Puliafito, MD
Stephen A. Ralph, President/CEO
James F. Rothenberg, Vice Chairman
John C. Siciliano
Rosemary B. Simmons
Jaynie Miller Studenmund
Jon R. Yasuda
Robert Y. Yu
President and CEO
Stephen A. Ralph
Vice President,
Development and Public Affairs
Jane Haderlein
Office of Philanthropy
Jack Brickson
Cathi Chadwell
Lynn De Groot
Sally Hinckley
Maren Hoecker
Lia Peterson Miller
Tracy Smith
[ advocate 1 ]
Dear Friends
Huntington Hospital’s Advocate is an expression of gratitude…
…Our gratitude to generous friends. Most evidently, it is the hospital’s way of saying thank you to
the generous supporters who make our work possible. Through their contributions, the individuals, families and organizations you read about in these pages are helping to ensure great medical care for our region.
…Our community’s gratitude for the best of care. The generous donors who support Huntington
Hospital are a diverse, interesting and inspiring group of people…and those profiled in this issue of
Advocate are no exception. Yet all of them have at least one thing in common, and that is their desire to
say “thank you” to their local hospital in some meaningful way. Some are grateful for care already received.
Others appreciate knowing that Huntington Hospital will be here for them when needed. Many value our
commitment to serving all community residents, regardless of their financial means.
Through their gifts, the generous donors profiled in the following pages — along with many others
— are helping us to continue our commitment to access and excellence. They are allowing us to sustain
and even further enhance medical care that touches every one of us.
And that, I think you will agree, is something for which we can all be grateful.
Stephen A. Ralph
President and CEO
[ 2 summer 2008 ]
Huntington Hospital is
committed to improving the
environment. The Advocate
has been printed entirely
on Forest Stewardship
Council certified paper.
FSC certification ensures
that the paper used contains
fibers from well-managed
and responsibly harvested
forests that adhere to
strict environmental and
socioeconomic standards.
We’re proud to make this
significant move to help our
Philanthropy making
a difference.
People making a difference.
4The Ahmanson
16Harper Morphy and
Samantha Sohl
7James D. and
Harriet P. Fullerton
18Paul and
Sherrill Colony
10Heather and
Paul Haaga
20Rod Shingu
12Dale and
Stephanie Harvey
14Vi Jacobs
22Cynthia T. and
William S. Wang
[ advocate 3 ]
[ summer 2008 ]
The Annual Fund:
Community resources
at work.
Teamwork that makes a
difference: The hospital’s
support groups.
2007 Donors to
Huntington Hospital.
24President’s Circle
63 Our Donors
26Carol and
Warner W. Henry
42National Charity
League Juniors
29Peggy and
Bob Hemmings
31Nywood and
Meriel L. Wu, MD
33Angelica and
David Clark
La Cañada Guild
46The Circle of
Huntington Hospital
48Fall Food &
Wine Festival
50San Marino Guild
54Women’s Auxiliary
56Altadena Guild
58 Huntington Collection
60S. Robert and Denise
Zeilstra Gift Shop
[ 4 summer 2008 ]
From left, The Ahmanson
Foundation President
William Howard Ahmanson,
Huntington Hospital board
member and Trustee
Len Marangi and hospital
President and CEO
Stephen A. Ralph. The
Ahmanson Foundation has
provided a significant grant
toward expansion of the
hospital’s Emergency &
Trauma Center.
[ advocate 5 ]
The Ahmanson Foundation:
A Leading Partner in Care
The Ahmanson Foundation has made an important contribution toward expansion of
the Emergency & Trauma Center at Huntington Hospital, which will help the hospital meet the
increased need for care.
The foundation was established in 1952 by financier Howard F. Ahmanson and his wife, Dorothy.
While still in college, Howard Ahmanson founded H. F. Ahmanson & Co., an insurance company that
was quickly to become the preeminent fire underwriter in California. He later created Home Savings of
America, which remained the nation’s largest savings and loan association for many years.
The foundation’s corpus was increased over the years by Robert H. Ahmanson, who passed away
in 2007 and had been a trustee since 1952 and president of the foundation since 1974, and William
Hayden Ahmanson, who has been a trustee since 1952 and is still actively involved.
Today, while its founder has passed away, the foundation remains guided by his devotion to enhancing the quality of life in Southern California and enhancing its cultural legacy. “Our founder selected
our areas of interest,” explains current president William Howard Ahmanson, “which are the arts and
humanities, health and medicine, education and human services.”
Ahmanson concedes that these fields “cover a lot of ground in the area of philanthropy,” but notes
that the foundation is further guided by other factors in its philanthropic decision-making: As its mission statement notes, the foundation “is particularly committed to the support of nonprofit organizations
and institutions that demonstrate sound fiscal management, efficient operation, and program integrity.”
A matter of life or death. “The hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center certainly matched our priorities,” says Ahmanson. “We were interested in the care it provides for indigent patients, for example,
but the greatest factor in our decision to make this grant was that — no matter where you are on the
economic scale — the critical hour will be exceeded if you have to bypass Huntington Hospital on the
way to somewhere else, because its Emergency & Trauma Center is already full. It’s a matter of life and
death, and that guided our support.”
[ 6 summer 2008 ]
Ahmanson is referring to that first hour following a traumatic injury — often referred to as the
golden hour. Research has clearly demonstrated that reaching care within that first 60 minutes can make
a lifesaving difference.
Unique in our region. Long-time hospital board member and trustee Len Marangi was part of the
decision-making team that approved plans for the expanded Emergency & Trauma Center. “The importance of our trauma center increased when so many other hospitals dropped out of the trauma system,”
he notes. “We’re now the only one in the western San Gabriel Valley…and the next closest is at the
county hospital.”
Marangi points out that the hospital’s previous upgrades to its Emergency & Trauma Center created
a space designed to handle approximately 30,000 visits annually. “We’re now providing about 60,000
visits a year and anticipate that the volume will increase,” he says. “The board remains concerned about
the resulting increase in waiting times. Even though we’ve added doctors and nurses and rearranged
everything we can to maximize the existing facilities, waiting time is still a problem. We must increase
our capacity so that community members don’t have to wait excessive amounts of time to be treated.”
Thoughtful and thorough. Marangi explains that The Ahmanson Foundation has been a major
supporter of the hospital in the past. “It has contributed to a variety of other projects,” he says, “including the cardiac rehabilitation center, which I use regularly myself. It’s an exceptionally fine foundation,
supporting a great many organizations in Southern California. It has a very fine board and they are very
aware of the importance of high-quality medical care.
“In addition,” he says, “The Ahmanson Foundation is very thorough in its evaluation of applications
and has an extremely professional staff. The foundation’s gift will make a huge difference in our ability
to move forward with work on the Emergency & Trauma Center,” he adds. “We’re also optimistic that it
will encourage other supporters to join with us, because of the respect they have for the foundation and
its thoughtful, thorough evaluation of the need for projects it funds.”
All told, in fact, The Ahmanson Foundation receives about 1,200 requests annually. In 2006, the most
recent year for which this information is available, it made 481 grants, totaling $39,042,697. Throughout,
says Ahmanson, “We take pride not so much in what we do, but in the actions of our grantees.”
We are deeply grateful for the foundation’s leadership gift toward Emergency & Trauma Center
expansion at Huntington Hospital and proud to have this exceptional philanthropic institution as a
partner in our work.
Harriet and Jim Fullerton
demonstrate their gratitude
for Huntington Hospital’s
exceptional care through
their generous philanthropic
support. Their most recent
gift was designated toward
expansion of the hospital’s
Emergency & Trauma Center.
Onward and Upward…
The Best is Yet to Come:
James D. and Harriet P. Fullerton
Share Their Blessings
At James D. Fullerton’s 90th birthday party, the celebratory video presentation was
entitled “Why is this Man Smiling?” The conundrum was partly resolved during a tribute speech by
Paul Haaga: “Even when something negative does happen, Jim’s optimism eventually overwhelms it.”
[ advocate 7 ]
[ 8 summer 2008 ]
And it is hard to imagine anyone with more optimism (an optimism that Haaga notes is “always
tempered by and actually founded upon realism”) than Jim Fullerton. His motto: “Onward and
upward. The best is yet to come!” At the age of 91, he is a wellspring of humorous stories, upbeat
observations and laughter.
Jim is currently writing a novel — You Should Have Been With Us When We Had the Horses. The
novel’s title refers to his experience in the U.S. Army during World War II, during which he was
assigned to the 76th field artillery battalion. “It was the last horse-drawn battalion in the U.S. Army,”
he points out. “We were posted in the desert about six miles north of the Mexican border. The Army
provided us with French seventy-five-millimeter guns, model 1897! There were four hundred forty-eight
horses tied to the picket lines. I felt like I’d slipped into a time warp.”
While Jim subsequently was serving in Europe, his wife, Harriet, served as a
volunteer at the Army hospital in Pasadena, housed in what is now the Ninth Circuit District Court on
Grand Avenue. Having enlisted as a $21-a-month private, Jim was released four years later as a major
with four battle stars, a bronze star medal and, he notes, an “undying gratitude that I was still alive.”
Returning to the United States, he tried his hand at writing short stories and humor pieces, which he
marketed to national magazines. “I thought The Atlantic and The New Yorker were just waiting for me,”
he jokes, “but it turned out they weren’t.”
Fortunately, others were, but they were somewhat less prestigious. And so Jim did what any sensible
person might do under the circumstances: He moved his pregnant wife and 2-year-old daughter to
Mexico. “As a graduate of Harvard Business School,” he explains, “I made the strategic business decision
that it would take longer to starve to death in Mexico on the same amount of money.”
Nonetheless, funds did run out two years later, and the family returned to Pasadena where Jim
had grown up and where his family has lived for nearly 100 years. Drawing on his prior education and
experience in business and finance, Jim joined Capital Research & Management Company, which subsequently became The Capital Group Companies, Inc. He later went on to serve as chairman of Capital
Group, a position he held for 11 years.
The Mexico Years.
Of brain surgery and grilled cheese sandwiches. Both Jim and Harriet Fullerton have relied
on Huntington Hospital for care over the years — and have demonstrated their gratitude through generous philanthropic support. Most recently, they added to this support through a leadership gift toward
expansion of the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center. Jim recalls a recent visit he made to the center.
“I was walking my dog and she leapt at a Lab who was just standing there minding its own business,”
he says. “The leash wrapped ’round my ankles and I ended up damaging a Pasadena curbstone with my
head. I don’t hold it against her,” he laughs. “Throughout our life together, Harriet and I have been
owned by eleven different dogs, which have filled our household with love and joy and laughter.”
Jim was promptly taken to Huntington’s Emergency & Trauma Center where he met William L.
Caton, III, MD, a neurosurgeon on staff at the hospital. “Bill Caton kept constant, close track of me,”
says Jim. “As a result, when a subsequent MRI brain scan showed a subdural hematoma had developed,
he scheduled me for immediate surgery. Had Dr. Caton not been so vigilant and decisive, I would probably not still be around.”
[ advocate 9 ]
Jim Fullerton credits
William L. Caton III, MD
(pictured left), with saving his
life following a head injury.
While not minimizing the serious nature of the subsequent surgeries he underwent, Jim jokes, “The
last one I had was really more of a transplant. I got the brain of an intelligent white rat and he got mine.
While the rat’s completing my novel on a specially modified computer, I’ve been able to create three
recipes for grilled cheese sandwiches.”
Helping the whole of Pasadena. When asked to account for his unquenchable zest for life (in our
hope that it might somehow be bottled) Jim says, “Well, 65 years ago, I married a beautiful Stanford
co‑ed whom I’d met on a blind date two years earlier. She’s still beautiful. We’re still married.” Jim
claims Harriet once got up early, put on some lipstick, brushed her hair and put a gardenia in it. “She
thought that when I woke up, I’d think she looked like that every morning,” he says, adding, “After 65
years of marriage, she still does…. (We think the marriage is going to work.)”
Over the years, says Jim, “Huntington Hospital has taken wonderful care of us and we love it.” Two
of the Fullertons’ children were born at the hospital. In addition, Jim’s mother, father, brother, sister and
all his nieces have been patients at one time or another. “I can think of no other organization that does
more for more people in Pasadena than Huntington Hospital,” Jim says. “If we really want to help the
whole of Pasadena, I believe we should support the hospital…and that’s what we’ve decided to do.”
[ advocate 10 ]
Paul and Heather Haaga
list Huntington Hospital’s
excellence, vision and good
stewardship among the
reasons for their support.
They have recently provided
funding toward the hospital’s
new inpatient tower and
toward the endowment for
nursing education.
Helping Huntington Hospital
Go from Good to Great:
Heather and Paul Haaga
From their professional accomplishments, to their work as founding fundraisers
involved in the creation of the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Washington, DC, to their involvement in
numerous local charities, Heather and Paul Haaga are obviously high achievers of the first order. (Did we
mention Heather’s accomplishments as a fine artist, or the 21 marathons Paul has completed?)
In meeting the couple, however, what strikes you first is their sense of humility, coupled with
extremely good humor. They do what they do because it’s fun.
And they have translated that fun into literally millions of dollars raised — and contributed —
to charitable causes over the years.
“Working with nonprofits,” says Paul, “you meet the best people…similarly motivated to get
outside their own interests to help other people.” And while the couple agree that truly thoughtful
involvement can be challenging, “After doing this for so many years, you finally feel like you’re able to
provide some value added in the board room,” says Heather. “You’ve been on the planet long enough to
identify the salient issues.”
“And that makes it even more and more fun!” adds Paul.
[ advocate 11 ]
No wilting laurels! The Haagas note that, given the many potential targets for their philanthropic
involvement, they tend to have long discussions about which charities to support. Recently, they renewed
their support for Huntington Hospital with gifts toward the new patient tower and endowment for nursing education. “One of the hallmarks is choosing an institution that’s poised for greatness,” says Heather.
Paul, who serves as vice chairman — and chairman of the Executive Committee — of Capital
Research and Management Company, cites The Capital Group Companies’ retired founder and chief
executive officer, Jonathan B. Lovelace. “He used to say that nothing wilts faster than laurels rested
upon,” says Paul. “With that in mind, we like to give to organizations that are striving to do more.”
And in addition to their contributions to Huntington Hospital, the Haagas are also helping a host of
other organizations to “do more.” Heather is a trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary and a co-chair of their
campaign for a new library, for example. She also serves on the Art Committee of the Huntington Library, Art
Collections and Botanical Gardens and is a trustee of Berea College. The latter is a liberal arts college founded
prior to the civil war. It was ahead of its time in providing education to black and white, male and female
students. The Haagas met some of the college’s extraordinary students, from extremely impoverished and
primarily Appalachian families. So impressed were the couple that they have provided support toward creation
of Haaga House — transforming a 19th-century farmhouse to serve as the college’s admissions office.
Paul is also involved in the capital campaign for Polytechnic School, where he
was a longtime board member. He is president of the Natural History Museum’s board of trustees, and
chairs the board of overseers at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. He is president and major
gifts chairman of his class at Princeton University and chairs the Los Angeles Region for the university’s
new capital campaign.
While this list is by no means all-inclusive, it gives some sense of the Haagas’ busy schedule. In
addition, says Paul, “One of the things I’ve tried to do at The Capital Group is to encourage younger
people to be involved. That’s the real legacy,” he adds. “You can only do so much yourself, but if you can
inspire others to get involved, you really extend the scope of your impact.”
This inspiration to get involved has not been lost on the Haagas’ children, Blythe and Paul III,
who are active in their own spheres — Paul III at Stanford University, where he is a second-year MBA
student and Blythe in Chicago, Illinois, where she works as a communications consultant. In addition
to their other contributions to the community, Blythe is this year co-chairing the Huntington Ball at
Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens with her mother and Paul III is chairing the
annual Challenge for Charity at Stanford Business School.
Extending the legacy.
As they reflect further on their support for Huntington Hospital, the Haagas
emphasize the care they and their family have received here over the years. Heather underwent surgery on
her spine at the hospital, without which she believes she probably would not be walking today. In addition,
her father was treated at the hospital following a stroke in 2007. “That helped us gain a special appreciation
for the work of the hospital’s nurses,” says Paul. “They’re at the front end of care, and they did a great job
for him. We want to make sure they continue to be available for other patients in the future,” he explains,
in reference to the couple’s support toward the endowment for nursing education at the hospital.
“When you’re picking places to be involved,” Paul adds, “you choose excellence, you choose vision
and you choose good stewardship…and you’ve got all three at Huntington Hospital. Just look at the list
of other people who’ve been involved and you see that careful philanthropists have been there ahead of
you. So join the club!”
Supporting excellence.
[ 12 summer 2008 ]
Dale and Stephanie Harvey
A longtime investment advisor and founder of Poplar Forest Capital, J. Dale Harvey
describes his family’s philanthropic involvement at Huntington Hospital as making plain business sense:
“Part of my job,” he says, “is to identify companies with long-term potential.” He notes that he and his
wife, Stephanie, use that same lens in their philanthropy. “It’s obvious to us that Huntington Hospital is
one of the best in the region,” he adds, “and investing in a great organization to make it even better seems
like a very smart use of our money.”
In fact, Stephanie and Dale are among a small group that helped form SCRUBS, a support group of
the hospital that helps raise funds and awareness among a new generation of donors. Stephanie notes that
the couple’s motivation for involvement comes from both personal experience and a concern for com-
Opposite page, from left: Lucy, Caroline,
Dale, Preston and Stephanie. For all
members of the Harvey family, charitable
giving and volunteering are a way of life.
[ advocate 13 ]
munity. “There are lots of charities in Pasadena that deserve our assistance and are important to us,” she
says, “but the hospital is a necessity.”
In fact, all three of the Harveys’ children were born at Huntington Hospital, and their family has turned
to the hospital on several other occasions for care. “Our first trip to the emergency department, for example,
was when our oldest child was sixteen months old,” says Dale, “and our most recent trip was in fall 2007.
“Our experiences have all been positive,” he adds, “but we’ve heard stories of others who wanted to go
to Huntington Hospital but had their ambulance diverted because the emergency department was full.
There’s a very clear need to expand that service,” he emphasizes. To help address the need, the Harveys
have provided a generous gift toward expansion of the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center.
“Huntington Hospital houses the only trauma center in our entire region,” says Stephanie. “Expansion of the Emergency & Trauma Center is such a tangible need — such a tangible thing to invest in.”
Their contribution also allows the Harveys to accomplish an important personal goal: to
teach their children — Caroline, 12, Preston, 10, and Lucy, 8 — about the importance of giving. The youngsters’ weekly allowance is divided into three parts: a third to save, a third to spend on whatever they want, and
a third to give to charity. “We let them give to whatever cause captures their attention,” explains Stephanie.
All three children like animals, for example, so about 18 months ago, they pooled their money
and made a gift to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA. “And Preston has heard a lot about global
warming, lately,” says Dale, “so he wants to give to trees.”
Adds Dale, “It’s not just about giving money, but about giving time. They see that mommy’s willing
to contribute her time to volunteer at the hospital because it’s important.”
Stephanie agrees. “When we bring the kids in for tests and check-ups, we always bump into a lot of
people we know,” she adds. “It’s nice to be a part of your medical facility, and not a stranger.”
A family value.
While Stephanie is a California native, Dale grew up in a small town in the
Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Both are enthusiastic about life in Pasadena, which they describe as “an
amazing community.” Each of them is helping to make it an even better place, through their community
and philanthropic involvement.
Both Dale and Stephanie have been involved with Foothill Family Services, for example. Dale
served as chair of that organization for two years and remains on the board. He is also a trustee at both
Polytechnic School, attended by all three of the couple’s children, and at Harvey Mudd College. Stephanie
is a member of The Friends of Foothill Family and has been involved in the Pasadena Children’s Guild,
Polytechnic School and numerous other organizations.
The Harveys cherish Huntington Hospital as part of their community. “Growing up in Virginia,” Dale
recalls, “going to the hospital really felt like a business transaction. But Huntington Hospital is our hospital.”
“It’s nice to feel this way about your hospital when you hear so many stories about other hospitals that
are not doing so well,” adds Stephanie.
Stephanie and Dale believe strongly that each generation has a responsibility to do its part in sustaining this vital community resource. “We inherited this amazing asset from our parents’ generation,” notes
Stephanie, “and we need to make sure it will stay that way for our children.”
Adds Dale, “There’s an old Boy Scout rule: ‘Leave your campsite better than you found it.’ The last
generation did such a beautiful job with this hospital, and now it’s in our custody. Let’s leave this campsite
even better than we found it.”
A sense of connection.
[ 14 summer 2008 ]
Vi Jacobs Makes Giving a
Family Value
Violet J. Jacobs’ generous support toward Huntington Hospital’s endowment for nursing
education and toward expansion of our Emergency & Trauma Center continues a strong family tradition
of philanthropy. Vi — along with her late husband Joseph J. Jacobs, and the couple’s daughters,
Margaret E. Jacobs, Linda K. Jacobs, PhD, and Valerie Jacobs Hapke — created the Jacobs Family
Foundation in 1989. Through the foundation and Vi and Joe’s personal gifts, the family has made a
difference at Huntington Hospital, providing significant leadership support toward heart care services,
the hospital’s recently opened patient tower, and the endowment for nursing education. In recognition of
this extremely generous involvement, we have been proud to name the Violet and Joseph Jacobs Family
Waiting Room within our east patient tower.
[ advocate 15 ]
In recognition of Vi Jacobs’ generosity and that
of her late husband, Joseph, the hospital recently
named the Violet and Joseph Jacobs Family
Waiting Room in the east patient tower.
As a first-generation Lebanese-American born to hardworking immigrant parents in Brooklyn, New York, Vi learned from an early age to value hard work and the personal
rewards of a job well done. Joe, in his book Anatomy of an Entrepreneur, wrote that, through her “standards
of morality, of integrity, and of almost ruthless honesty…she reinforced and solidified in me the old family
standards.” Such standards served the couple well as they achieved ever-greater success over the years.
Vi received a language degree from Wellesley College where she excelled in French, German, and
classical Greek. After working in advertising, she joined her husband in founding Jacobs Engineering
Group in 1947. What began as a small engineering consultancy has since grown to become a $6-billion
international engineering and construction corporation.
When Jacobs Engineering Group went public, Vi and Joe discussed the financial implications for
their family. Again, their long-held values guided their decision-making, as the couple decided the
greatest gift they could give their three daughters and themselves was the gift of giving to others.
Setting the standard for giving.
Serving others with dignity. In deciding to form the Jacobs Family Foundation, the Jacobs’ goals
went beyond giving back to the community. In particular, their philosophy of giving emphasized the
idea of a hand up, rather than a mere handout. The foundation’s philanthropy emphasizes respect for the
dignity and power of each person to make a better future for themselves, given the right tools. And the
foundation strives to provide such tools through thoughtful support of local community organizations.
From the outset, the Jacobs’ daughters were enthusiastic about their parents’ philanthropic plans.
Today, daughter Meg serves as a board member of the Jacobs Family Foundation and its sister organization, the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation. In 1998, the latter organization began work on
creation of the Village at Market Creek, a 60-acre family-centered community development within the
heavily urbanized area of southeastern San Diego. In keeping with the Jacobs’ values and philosophy of
philanthropy, community residents are themselves working to design and plan the development.
Daughter Linda serves as director emerita of the Jacobs Engineering Group and is immediate past
president of the Near East Foundation, where she oversaw programs that address poverty and its related
ills in northern Africa and the Middle East. Valerie, a licensed marriage and family therapist, serves on
the boards of both the Jacobs Family Foundation and the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation.
She is also founder of Family Philanthropy Resource, which provides consultation to individual philanthropists and foundations.
In addition to her work with the Jacobs Family Foundation,
Vi has also continued to serve the community in other ways over the years, volunteering with the
American Friends Service Committee, Meals on Wheels, and the Westminster Presbyterian Church, for
example. She also served as an active volunteer with the Altadena Guild, helping to generate additional,
important support for the work of Huntington Hospital. And throughout, she has remained a tireless
champion of economic and educational development in her parents’ native Lebanon.
As Vi’s late husband once said, “I am a proud man acknowledging that whatever we have achieved,
we have achieved as a family.” Huntington Hospital is deeply grateful that the Jacobs have also embraced
Huntington Hospital as part of their family. Their generous support continues to make a meaningful difference to patients throughout our region.
Continuing the tradition of giving.
[ 16 summer 2008 ]
After losing her grandmother
to cancer, fifth grader Harper
Morphy (left) and her friend
Samantha Sohl created
Kids Koins for Cancer,
raising funds in support of
enhanced cancer care at
Huntington Hospital.
[ advocate 17 ]
Kids Donate
Koins for Cancer
Harper Morphy is a fifth grader at Mayfield Junior School. That may seem a little young for someone to be spearheading a fundraiser to help enhance cancer care. But, along with her friend Samantha
Sohl, Harper has done just that.
The project began as a gentle remonstrance in the Morphy home. “When anyone in my family said
a bad word, I made them put a dollar in a jar,” Harper explains. After a while, she had raised $90, which
she donated in memory of her grandmother, Betsy Morphy, who was a victim of cancer. Anxious to clear
her family’s reputation, Harper hastens to explain that some family members put in more than a dollar at
a time — and thus the $90 does not represent a full 90 bad words uttered!
Harper decided to contribute the funds to Huntington Hospital, where her grandmother had
received care. “I thought it would be nice to make other people with cancer happier,” says Harper,
poignantly, “even though we didn’t get a chance to make her happier.”
Harper told Samantha about her home-based fundraising project, and the two decided to expand
it by approaching their classmates for gifts. “Our fourth-grade teacher had had cancer, and so we
thought it would be a good idea to do it at school and that she’d be proud of us and we could help
her,” recalls Samantha.
And so Kids Koins for Cancer was born. Harper and Samantha enlisted their parents’ help in creating publicity fliers and made a joint presentation to their class. “Some kids put in a little, and some kids
put in a lot,” recalls Samantha, “but pretty much everyone donated.”
At the end of the school year, Harper and Samantha came to Huntington Hospital to deliver the
funds raised — more than $300 — in person. “It felt good to be able to do this,” says Harper. “I learned
that something small can become a huge thing and make a big difference.”
“A lot of fifth graders might not think they could do something like this for the hospital,” adds
Samantha. “But tell them they can do it if they just try really, really hard.”
[ 18 summer 2008 ]
Paul and Sherrill Colony
Support Lifesaving Care
Paul V. and Sherrill L. Colony have spent considerable time at Huntington Hospital —
most of it for happy events. “All of our children were born there,” Sherrill explains, “and our two
In fact, the Colonys’ granddaughter required care in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. “I
visited every day and I was just amazed with the care those nurses and doctors provided,” recalls Sherrill.
“I was really impressed by what I saw.”
In appreciation, the Colonys made a gift designated toward NICU care. “If you’re a parent with a
newborn requiring special care, where else can you turn?” Sherrill notes.
But the Colonys’ first contact with Huntington Hospital came about by
accident — quite literally — when, 40 years ago, Paul ran his hand through a saw. “And of course we’ve
An accidental friendship.
[ advocate 19 ]
After granddaughter Caroline
Mitchell received care in the
hospital’s neonatal intensive care
unit, the Colonys designated a gift to
the unit showing their appreciation
for the care she received. Paul and
Sherrill Colony are pictured opposite
with Caroline (far right) and their
grandson, Connor Mitchell.
been to the emergency department a number of times since,” adds Paul. “I guess everyone in this area
who has children has used that emergency department at least once!”
Today, the Colonys continue to give back. They have provided support toward expansion of the
hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center, for example, as well as generous unrestricted support. In recognition of their recent involvement, the hospital has named the Sherrill and Paul Colony Patient Suite in
the new west patient tower.
“We’ve used the hospital well,” says Sherrill, “and it’s been good to us. This is evidently the hospital
that people in Pasadena rely on when they have medical needs — whether planned or unplanned. In
turn, the hospital relies heavily on financial support from the community to do its work.”
The Colonys’ daughter Kristin and her husband Kinden Mitchell are also philanthropically involved — as active members of SCRUBS, a group that helps raise awareness and financial support for
the hospital. The group is initially focusing on raising funds toward essential expansion of the hospital’s
Emergency & Trauma Center.
Both natives of Los Angeles, the Colonys met during their college years and have spent
most of their married life in the San Marino and Pasadena areas. Paul continues to serve as vice chairman
of Aon Worldwide Resources. With a little more time available now that he is semi-retired, he continues
to collect classic cars.
“People buy this kind of car for two reasons,” says Paul of his eclectic collection, “to drive or to
show.” Then he adds, “Well, then there’s reason number three: to work on them.” While he claims his
tinkering days are over, Paul nonetheless recently completed a new garage — and workshop — to house
his treasures. And its design left ample space for Sherrill’s passion — her rose garden.
The Colonys have both been highly active in the community over the years. Sherrill, for example, was a member of Assistance League of Pasadena, and is now a sustaining member. She
was also a member of National Charity League, San Marino Area Chapter, and she is currently a member
of THE MUSES — a support group for the California Science Center.
Over the course of his career in the insurance industry, Paul has also given back through volunteer
involvement, having been active on the boards for EPICC (Exposition Park Intergenerational Community
Center); the California Science Center; the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce; the Boy Scouts of
America, Los Angeles Area Council; and the California Hospital Medical Center Foundation.
Throughout, the Colonys are continuing their support for Huntington Hospital. “We’re committed
to the hospital because of the medical care and education it provides to people who couldn’t otherwise
afford those things,” explains Paul.
“I’ve spent a fair amount of time sitting in the hospital’s emergency department, for example,”
adds Sherrill. “I’ve seen the need for its services firsthand, and I don’t see how anyone living in this
community can ignore it.”
…and giving back.
[ 20 summer 2008 ]
Community Vitality:
For Rod Shingu,
It’s a Matter of Sharing
Rod Shingu has served as a volunteer patient representative at Huntington Hospital for more
than six years. “After retiring from work, I experienced a major sense of emptiness,” he says. “Once
you’ve done all the travels and other things you wanted, you still have a desire to do something good.
For me,” he adds, “that meant participating and contributing to Huntington Hospital.”
Having worked as a senior administrator at Los Angeles County+University of Southern California
Medical Center, Shingu felt comfortable in a hospital environment. In addition, because he grew up in
Pasadena and lives in close proximity to Huntington Hospital, “Huntington was just my place,” he says.
Shingu assists patients and their families in the critical care unit, definitive observation unit and
brain-mapping program. “Overwhelmingly,” he says, “the comments I hear concern the professionalism
and special care that our doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians and support staff provide.” Then, three
years ago, he adds, “The compassion people had spoken about to me, I experienced first-hand.”
[ advocate 21 ]
Opposite page: As a volunteer
patient representative at
Huntington Hospital, Rod Shingu
uses his past experience as a
senior hospital administrator to
assist families and patients in
several hospital departments.
Demonstrating genuine care. Shingu’s brother became critically ill and required admission to
the hospital’s critical care unit. “The precision and speed with which he was transferred to the unit and
began receiving care was more than remarkable…it was lifesaving,” Shingu recalls, “and in the midst of
my own emotional turmoil, the nurses and therapists were always by my side. They gave me frequent
reports as if I were one of their own. If I failed to understand, they taught me. Their expressions of
concern and care were genuine and that kept my spirits and my hopes high. They took such good care of
me,” he adds. “Imagine what more they do for their real patients!”
In early 2008, Shingu himself required care at Huntington Hospital. Always fascinated with science
and medicine, he researched his condition — and the prescribed treatment — thoroughly. Still, the level
of professionalism he witnessed here surprised him. “The care was just incredible,” he says.
Shingu was born on August 6 — the day Hiroshima was bombed —
in an internment camp, where his parents had been required to move from their home in the Los Angeles
area. His mother and father had both been widowed prior to displacement. They met, married and started
their new family during their time at the camp, moving the family to Pasadena after World War II ended.
When asked how it is that, despite those early life experiences, Shingu lacks any sense of bitterness
— and feels so compelled to give back to his community — he explains, “Bitterness can take energy
away from doing good. It’s easy to fall into that trap…but what for? I have an uncle who earned the
Purple Heart in Italy,” he adds. “Many close friends and relatives served. Every American at that time felt
that sense of patriotism and my family just rode that wave.”
Benevolence, not bitterness.
Shingu is impressed by the latest care enhancements at Huntington
Hospital. He points, for example, to a new protocol that speeds care for patients suffering acute myocardial infarction. “I’m sure it’s saved dozens of lives,” he says. “In the course of my visits with patients, I’ve
come across several who entered the hospital through this protocol. One gentleman had to be defibrillated four times in the ambulance. His condition was very grave…but by the time we spoke, he looked
really good. I’m certain this new protocol was a lifesaver for him.
“My feeling is that the vitality of the community really depends on the wellness of the people
within that community,” he concludes. To support our own community’s wellness, Shingu not only
volunteers here, but has also named Huntington Hospital the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. And
he continues to provide annual support at the President’s Circle level.
Because “sharing contributes to the wellness of the donor as well as the recipient,” Shingu says, “getting involved ultimately enhances the vitality of the community as a whole. As a result, if I can inspire
even one more person to make a donation or volunteer a few hours a week,” he adds, “I’ll feel really good.”
Increasingly important care.
[ 22 summer 2008 ]
William and Cynthia
Wang have provided
support toward expansion
of Huntington Hospital’s
essential Emergency &
Trauma Center in the form
of a generous gift annuity.
Cynthia T. and William S. Wang
Put Huntington Hospital First
If you have ever flown in a plane, you have probably been the beneficiary of William (Bill)
S. Wang’s work: Before his retirement in 1992, Bill designed an oxygen door latch that is now in use on
all U.S. passenger planes. He also holds patents on three devices currently used on the space shuttle.
Bill did not originally intend to become an aeronautical engineer. His studies began at the
University of Shanghai in 1946, where he majored in business administration. Before his graduation,
however, China came under Communist rule. Bill moved to Hong Kong and then to the United States,
where his engineering studies commenced.
It was during a subsequent trip to Hong Kong that he met another Chinese expatriate. Cynthia T.
Loh had moved to Hong Kong to live with her sister. After she and Bill met and married, she followed
him to the United States.
[ advocate 23 ]
Cynthia’s father was an internist and she graduated from St. John’s University in
Shanghai with a bachelor of science in chemistry. Upon coming to the United States, she
worked in a research laboratory of the University of California, Los Angeles. “I’ve always
had a passion for hospitals,” she notes, “perhaps because my father was a doctor.” Ultimately, she left the research laboratory and enrolled in the medical-technologist training
program at the Wadsworth Veterans Administration Hospital. Cynthia passed the State
of California and American Society of Clinical Pathologists examinations and became a
licensed technologist, working first at the V.A. Hospital and then at a physician’s office.
The Wangs lived in Marina del Rey for 38 years.
While they loved the coastal climate (“We didn’t need air conditioning or
heating,” Cynthia explains), they are happy with their move to Pasadena,
and enthusiastic about the city’s cultural life. And they are also committed
to supporting the community they have called home for three years now. “We
thought the most important thing is the hospital, so we got involved there first,”
says Cynthia, of the couple’s philanthropic support of Huntington Hospital.
In fact, shortly after the Wangs moved to Pasadena, Cynthia woke up with
chest pain and was finding it hard to breathe. Bill decided to call the paramedics.
“They came within five minutes and put me in the ambulance,” says Cynthia, “and
I asked where they were going to take me.” When she was told that ambulances
were being diverted from Huntington Hospital to a more distant facility because
the hospital’s own Emergency & Trauma Center was full, Cynthia was shocked.
“Half way to the other hospital, I insisted they call again…and I was lucky,” she
recalls. “Huntington Hospital was able to take me.”
But when Cynthia arrived at the hospital, she saw how crowded the Emergency &
Trauma Center was — resulting in a long wait for care. “Ever since, I’ve been thinking…
this is such a nice hospital, but the wait time in the emergency department is just too
long,” Cynthia says. “I talked to Bill about it and we discussed what we could do to help.”
The most important thing.
Bill had already developed a good
impression of the hospital, thanks to the input of a friend who had been an
inpatient. Subsequently, he and Cynthia toured the Emergency & Trauma Center
and Bill also had the opportunity to tour the new west tower. “It’s a wonderful
facility,” he says, “and it houses the best of medical technology.” Not only that, he
adds. “The patients also have a view! Even the cafeteria is impressive!”
Impressed by the quality of care at Huntington Hospital, the Wangs have
contributed toward expansion of the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center. This
project, designed to reduce wait times and ambulance diversions, is something
the Wangs feel is very important. “People come here when it’s a matter of life or
death,” notes Cynthia.
“The hospital is important to the whole community, and we feel happy we can
contribute to the hospital and so help this community in the process,” she adds.
“Everyone gets sick. If we don’t have a good hospital, we’re not safe, so I hope
more people can do something to help.”
Important to the whole community.
Cynthia T. and
William S. Wang
made their
contribution to
Huntington Hospital
in the form of a gift
annuity. One of
the most popular
life-income vehicles
available, the gift
annuity provides
substantial longterm benefits to
the hospital. At the
same time, notes
Jack Brickson, the
hospital’s director
of planned giving,
“The donor enjoys
an income for life,
much of it tax-free.”
Gift annuities
provide an attractive
rate of return,
furthermore, with
the specific rate
determined based on
the donor or donors’
age at the time of
the gift. “And,”
says Brickson,
“donors also enjoy
an income tax
deduction in the year
the gift is made.”
[ 24 summer 2008 ]
Dinner Event Provides Information
that’s Good for the Heart
President’s Circle members and guests recently learned about some of the latest minimally invasive
procedures available for heart patients at Huntington Hospital. Alex Durairaj, MD, a specialist in such
procedures, was the speaker at a special President’s Circle dinner seminar, and emphasized that generous
donors like those in attendance help to ensure that the hospital remains at the leading edge of care.
Dr. Durairaj noted that heart disease is still the number-one cause of death in the United States,
ahead of the next five causes combined. However, doctors understand much more about the disease than
Opposite page at top, left to right: Nancy and Perry
Preusch, event guests. Guest speaker and Huntington
Hospital interventional cardiologist Alex Durairaj, MD
(center), accompanied by event guests Fred and Avery
Johnson. Below, left to right: Earl Nation, MD, and Russ
Smith. (Sadly, Dr. Nation passed away in January 2008.)
Elliot and Marcia Sainer with Huntington Hospital President
and CEO Stephen A. Ralph.
[ advocate 25 ]
they did 10 years ago. “We used to think you would slowly develop plaque sometime in your fifties or
sixties and it would keep going and eventually choke off the artery and cause heart attacks and strokes,”
he said. Physicians have now discovered, he added, “that when you first start laying out plaque, the body
hides it from us, as the blood vessels actually grow wider to accommodate the plaque.” Only when quite
a lot of plaque has already accumulated does it begin to encroach on the blood vessel, he said.
Angiograms and stress tests may thus show normal results even when plaque is present, because
the plaque is “hiding” in the artery. It is thus possible, Dr. Durairaj noted, for a patient to have a
normal angiogram one day and a heart attack the next. To improve detection, Huntington Hospital has
introduced newer technologies such as ultrasound and CT scans. Dr. Durairaj showed images obtained
using these technologies, demonstrating how plaque that was invisible using traditional techniques
could now be detected.
Dr. Durairaj went on to discuss how to stabilize plaque once it has begun
to form. It turns out, he noted, that the best advice for maintaining a healthy heart is still the oldest:
“Stopping smoking, controlling our blood pressure, lowering our cholesterol, exercising, eating right,
controlling our diabetes if we have it, and taking all our medications on time,” are the only things that
really help, he says. “But, while these things can forestall the plaque, they can’t stop it.”
Thus, while lifestyle changes make an enormous difference in mortality risk, continued advances
in medical care can also play an essential role in prolonging life. Dr. Durairaj went on to provide a brief
history of coronary angiography. “It used to be, the only way to treat a patient with narrowing of an
artery was with major surgery,” he said. Then, approximately 30 years ago, angioplasty was introduced.
Angioplasty techniques have since been further advanced through the use of stents, drug-coated stents
and other innovations.
Early warning signs.
Dr. Durairaj next discussed an entirely new field of cardiology, which
involves minimally invasive intervention for structural heart disease. “Such newer techniques are mostly
available at university hospitals,” he said, “but thanks to support from President’s Circle members and
other donors, Huntington Hospital is now introducing these techniques.”
For example, Huntington Hospital already provides a minimally invasive treatment for patients who
have been diagnosed with a hole in the heart. “By using a percutaneous closure device, we can close the
passage without resorting to open heart surgery,” said Dr. Durairaj, adding that “the patient goes home
the next day, with the ability to resume their previous activity level.”
Huntington Hospital is also using angioplasty techniques to open narrowed heart valves — and
Dr. Durairaj also discussed investigational work that has the potential to actually create a new, artificial
heart valve…without the need for surgery.
“Huntington Hospital is one of the few medical centers in the area that has the ability to start a
program like this,” Dr. Durairaj told attendees, “and that’s because of donors like you.”
The latest developments.
President’s Circle dinner seminars provide members with unique opportunities to obtain insider health information
and to learn about leading-edge programs and services of Huntington Hospital. The next seminar is scheduled for
Wednesday, September 17, at San Gabriel Country Club.
[ 26 summer 2008 ]
Carol and Warner Henry
appreciate that Huntington
Hospital is here to provide
medical care when needed.
Through their unrestricted
philanthropic support, they
are helping to ensure that
care continues.
[ advocate 27 ]
Carol and Warner W. Henry:
Supporting Culture and Great Care
When Carol and Warner Henry began thinking about a move from their former home in
Hancock Park, they considered several communities, including Pasadena. “We had several friends here,”
says Carol, “and found we were spending a lot of time in the area. After a while,” she adds, “I realized that
every time I drove through the tunnel on the way to Pasadena, I stopped gnashing my teeth and relaxed.”
After some discussion, the couple thus decided to settle here. They have been local residents for
approximately 15 years.
Following their move to Pasadena, the Henrys began looking for physicians in the area. “It’s always
a difficult thing to change doctors,” says Carol. “Lois Matthews was the realtor who helped us find our
house and she then helped us find our first doctors over here, too.” Matthews is currently chairman of
the hospital’s board of directors and was already closely involved with the hospital at the time. In part
as a result, she had come to know many physicians in the community and provided the Henrys with
recommendations that met their needs.
And as the couple began to obtain their medical care in Pasadena, “It also seemed appropriate to
direct a portion of our support to Huntington Hospital,” says Warner.
The couple’s gifts have been unrestricted — to be used wherever the need is greatest. “Given our
involvement in raising funds for many other organizations in the region, we know unrestricted support is
really valuable,” explains Carol.
[ 28 summer 2008 ]
In fact, the Henrys are deeply involved across the greater
Los Angeles community. Warner, for example, was involved in the founding of the Los Angeles Master
Chorale and served on its board. Today, he serves on the board of the Colburn School, plus Camerata
Pacifica, and he and Carol support this and five other chamber ensembles in the area.
Carol is president of the board of directors of Los Angeles Opera, while Warner serves as vice chairman of the board and chair of its Marketing Committee. Carol’s participation in the work of the opera
began 25 years ago, when she was invited by two local residents to get involved. (Thanks to the couple’s
leadership support, both Warner and Carol have been the lucky recipients of a “happy birthday” serenade
from the opera’s Eli and Edythe Broad General Director, Placido Domingo!)
The Henrys also share a passion for the visual arts and for arts education. Carol, for example, has
been a board member of Pasadena Arts Alliance since moving to Pasadena. She and Warner also support
the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music, Art Center College of Design and The
Colburn School, as well as a number of other organizations.
An indelible imprint on the arts.
Growing success. Warner Henry is chairman, CEO and owner of The Henry Wine Group, the
largest independent wholesaler of premium wines in the United States. He previously operated two other
businesses — W.W. Henry Company, a manufacturer of construction adhesives, and Henry Company, a
producer of roofing products. He sold both of these concerns, one in the mid 1980s, and the other in 2005.
His interest in wine began some years ago through his involvement with the California Club, where
he chaired the Wine and Food Committee. “That began when I was in my thirties,” he says. “Then I got
involved in selecting and presenting wines for the Los Angeles Olympic Host Committee in 1984 and
through that worked with people in the wine industry.” Building on this experience, Warner established
the Henry Wine Group in 1985.
Carol’s background is in the field of education. She served as an elementary school teacher in
Manhattan Beach for four years after graduation — up until the Henrys started their own family. And
she also worked intermittently as a substitute teacher while the couple’s children were in school. The
Henrys have three children and six grandchildren, all of whom live in Northern California.
While the Henrys have used a variety of Huntington Hospital
services, neither has been an inpatient at the hospital. “The good news is, we haven’t needed inpatient
care…yet,” notes Carol. Nonetheless, the couple describes their support for the hospital as a combination
of philanthropy and enlightened self-interest.
“There are a number of reasons to get involved,” says Carol. “From a purely selfish standpoint, the
hospital you support is also the hospital that will support you when you have a medical need. At some
point, our lives are quite likely to depend on the availability of the best care possible, and we want
that care to be right here in our own back yard,” she adds. “If we can support that care, we’re helping
ourselves, but more importantly we are helping others in the community who also depend on their local
hospital to provide the highest level of care. We are proud to be a part of the support system for such an
important and growing institution.”
Helping the hospital to help us.
Peggy and Bob Hemmings
believe they have a
responsibility to give
back to their community.
They achieve this, in
part, through generous
philanthropic support of
local organizations including
Huntington Hospital.
[ advocate 29 ]
Peggy and Bob Hemmings:
Staying Active and Involved
“Tonsils, hernias, hips, shoulders, pacemaker…two cancer operations last year….” Bob
Hemmings is checking off the care he has received at Huntington Hospital since he moved to Pasadena
in 1923. His wife, Peggy, moved here a year later. Through a variety of additional care, “plus two babies
born at the hospital, we’ve been well taken care of,” she says.
[ 30 summer 2008 ]
Thus, when the couple was invited to an exploratory meeting to discuss the creation of an early
fundraising group known as the Huntington Society, “I said, ‘Why keep discussing it? Let’s make our
gift commitments,’” says Bob. The two have been donors at the President’s Circle level ever since.
Peggy and Bob Hemmings were married on November 18, 1944. A year to the day later,
their oldest daughter, Ann, was born. Bob was serving as a U.S. Marine in the South Pacific at the time,
but managed to get home on leave at 8 p.m. on November 17. “Two hours later, we took Peggy to the
hospital, and the baby was born the next day,” he recalls. “Later, Ann would tell friends, ‘Today’s my
birthday…the day my mummy and daddy were married.’” Even in Southern California, that raised a few
eyebrows in those days.
Today, Ann lives in San Diego, where she teaches kindergarten. A second daughter, Jill, lives in
Durango, Colorado. The Hemmings have six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Family life.
Despite a long and successful career, Bob Hemmings seems to have no plans for
retirement. He remains active in the business field he entered in 1945, following his discharge from the
U.S. Marine Corps. In addition to running Hemmings IV Direct, he leads approximately 15 seminars
on marketing and advertising across the United States each year. He is considering expanding his lecture
circuit to include China and Saudi Arabia, in the future.
Locally, Bob is also known for his longtime involvement with the Tournament of Roses. He has
chaired several committees, including the Queen and Court Committee, and remains an honorary
director of the organization. He was also president of the Advertising Club of Los Angeles, and served
as president of both the Rotary Club of Los Angeles and the Advertising Association of the West. In
addition, he previously served as a board member of Huntington Hospital’s Senior Care Network, which
helps older and disabled adults and their families to remain healthy and independent.
Peggy is a former president of Assistance League of Southern California, where she served on the
Executive Committee for 22 years and is still active as a board member and volunteer. She has also served
as president of the Braille Institute and been active with the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching young people about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
Active involvement.
Through his extensive experience in both marketing and fundraising, Bob
has developed a very firm idea of what motivates people to act or to get involved. “They might say, surely
it’s good for mankind…but what’s in it for me? They may say, how does it make me feel about myself…
and what will my neighbors and friends think? However it’s phrased,” he explains, “the prime motivating factor…the reason why people do everything in life…is to try to find happiness and avoid pain.
“The good things the hospital has been doing for us make us feel good,” he adds. And thus, Peggy
explains, “we do what we can.”
“There are several stages in life,” Bob concludes. “There’s the learning stage, the earning stage, and
then there’s retirement. Some people look at the last stage as the pay-off years, but I look at it as the
giving-back years…which includes teaching the next generation of professionals in your field and giving
back to organizations like Huntington Hospital. As Horace Mann said, ‘Be ashamed to die until you
have done some good for humanity.’”
Happiness and humanity.
[ advocate 31 ]
Huntington Hospital
ophthalmologist Meriel L.
Wu, MD, and her husband,
Nywood Wu, direct a
portion of their philanthropy
to the hospital, in order to
safeguard high-quality care.
Physicians Giving
Nywood and Meriel L. Wu, MD,
Help Make Life Better for Others
For the past 30 years, Huntington Hospital ophthalmologist Meriel L. Wu, MD, has provided
life-enhancing care to patients in the San Gabriel Valley. She and her husband, Nywood (Woody)
Wu care for our community in other ways as well, by providing generous philanthropic support to
Huntington Hospital. Most recently, they designated a gift towards the expansion of the hospital’s
Emergency & Trauma Center.
[ 32 summer 2008 ]
A fascinating career. Currently serving her second term as chair of the Huntington Hospital
ophthalmology section, Dr. Wu practices with Pasadena Eye Medical Group, Inc. She has extensive
experience in treating cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and other eye problems, and
performing LASIK for refractive errors.
Many of the procedures that required inpatient surgery in the past, Dr. Wu notes, can now be
treated on an outpatient basis. However, she still spends time at Huntington Hospital consulting on
eye problems and participating as a member of the hospital’s trauma team, through which she provides
surgical intervention for patients with traumatic eye injuries.
Dr. Wu remains enthusiastic about her chosen career path. “My uncle was an ophthalmologist
and he suggested I consider this field when he heard I was accepted to medical school,” she says. “As I
explored further, I found that this was a subspecialty that combined both surgical and medical skills, as
well as extensive interaction with patients.”
When Dr. Wu describes it, ophthalmology indeed sounds like the most fascinating of careers. “As
medical school progressed,” she says, “I learned that the eye incorporates almost every system in the body
–– skin, the central nervous system, endocrine glands, boney skeleton, ears, nose and throat — and not
just the functions specialized in the eye. You have to know about medical diseases such as diabetes and
hypertension that can affect the eyes…the physiology of aging…the physics of optics…the techniques of
plastic and microsurgery, laser technology…. The list goes on.”
The Wus met during their freshman year in undergraduate school at Stanford
University and moved to Pasadena shortly after completing graduate studies on the East Coast (she at
the Medical College of Pennsylvania — now Drexel University College of Medicine — and he at the
Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, where he obtained his master’s degree in
business administration).
After energetically pursuing their careers and raising a family, they have now begun to think about
how to give back to their community. “We recognize that we’re more fortunate than many others, and
giving back can help make life better for someone else,” says Dr. Wu.
Making life better.
Big-city technology, community care. Huntington Hospital originally attracted Dr. Wu because
“It’s a community hospital, established, supported, and utilized by the community, while also providing access to the latest medical advancements and up-to-date medical practices that are often available
only in big-city or university hospitals,” she explains. She and her husband now direct a portion of their
philanthropy to the hospital, in order to ensure the continuation of high-quality care.
As a medical professional working on the hospital’s trauma team, Dr. Wu is aware of how important our Emergency & Trauma Center is to the San Gabriel Valley. As a spouse, parent and active
member of the community, she has an even more personal motivation to support its expansion. “Every
time I hear an ambulance drive by, I think, ‘What if?’” she says. “What if that were a member of my
family or a friend? Would I want them to be turned away from what I know to be the best care in the
area? And the answer is ‘No.’”
The Clark family (from left Natalie,
David, Alexandra and Angelica)
expresses appreciation through its
support for pediatric intensive care at
Huntington Hospital.
[ advocate 33 ]
President’s Circle
Angelica and David Clark Show
Appreciation for Lifesaving Care
When Alexandra Clark was three months old, she developed a persistent and troubling cough.
Frequently, in the middle of the night, her parents, Angelica and Dave, would wake up and hurry to her
side. They consulted the family pediatrician. Soon after, they took Alexandra to a respiratory specialist
who sent her immediately to Huntington Hospital.
[ 34 summer 2008 ]
Here, a physician recognized the infant’s symptoms and rushed her to the pediatric intensive care
unit where she was intubated for seven days. “They probably saved her life,” says Angelica today.
Alexandra had pertusis, or whooping cough — a rare condition in the United States, and particularly
unusual given that she had already received her first vaccination to help protect her against the condition.
“Sometimes you only get one chance,” says Angelica, in reference to the care that returned her
daughter to good health at Huntington Hospital, “so it’s important to have the right doctors, the right
facilities, and the right technology.”
Thoughtful Investments. Angelica Clark grew up in Kenilworth, Illinois, and came to Claremont,
California, to attend Scripps College, where she majored in economics. She went on to become a portfolio
manager with Philip V. Swan Associates and subsequently joined Provident Investment Capital as a
portfolio manager before becoming chief investment officer with the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation. She
is also involved in her family’s manufacturing company, located in Los Angeles.
A native of Connecticut, Dave grew up in San Marino, and also majored in economics, obtaining
his degree from the University of California, Berkeley, before going on to earn an MBA from the
University of Southern California. Today, he serves as president of Everett Harris & Co., an investment
counsel firm in Los Angeles.
Now residents of Pasadena, the two are actively involved in their community. A rugby player
on the University of California, Berkeley’s two-time national championship team, Dave now invests
significant time in youth sports as a coach with the American Youth Soccer Organization and Pasadena
Southwest Little League. He has coached more than 15 different teams thus far. Angelica, meanwhile, is
a board member of Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School, serves as vice chairman of Scripps College’s
Investment Committee, and is a member of the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical
Gardens Investment Committee. She recently chaired the Finance Committee for the Polytechnic School
[ advocate 35 ]
Alexandra Clark (right, with
younger sister Natalie) has
bounced back to good health.
Her parents express their
gratitude through generous
support of Huntington Hospital.
Centennial, is a member of the Polytechnic School’s Investment Committee, and has held a number of
leadership volunteer roles with other organizations.
In the early 1990s, Angelica served on Huntington Hospital’s Planned Giving Committee,
including a term as chairman. During that time, she and a fellow committee member, Ann Boutin,
created life insurance policies naming the hospital as a beneficiary. “I wanted to make a gift that
would become more significant down the line,” she says of the insurance vehicle, “and it was also an
opportunity to demonstrate how young people can expand their support for the hospital.”
A special connection. In addition to Alexandra, now age 11, the Clarks have a younger daughter,
Natalie, age 8. Both girls were born at Huntington Hospital and delivered by Dave’s good friend from
high school Shaun P. Grady, MD. In addition, all four of Dave’s nephews and one niece were born at
Huntington Hospital. And Angelica’s father received multiple transfusions at the hospital’s Blood
Donor Center in summer 2006, during treatment for a rare bone marrow disease. “We feel somewhat
of a special connection to the hospital as a result,” says Dave. “It’s our local hospital, and we feel it’s a
good thing for us to support.”
Adds Angelica, “Many people in the community have children or grandchildren, and all it takes
is one life-threatening scare for you to realize how important it is to have pediatric intensive care, the
emergency department, trauma care…Huntington Hospital…close by. We all think it will always be
there when we need it,” she says, “but it may not be in the condition we need it if we don’t support it.”
The Clarks are doing just that, with most of their support over the years directed toward the pediatric intensive care unit that took such good care of daughter Alexandra. “We feel so very grateful for what
they did for her when she was so young,” says Dave. “That’s something that will secure our gifts as long
as we’re able to give. They really helped our little girl out.”
[ 36 summer 2008 ]
Huntington Hospital
Illustrates Its Commitment to
Excellent Cardiac Care
Clockwise from top left:
Gail Cinexi, manager of
cardiovascular services, and
Mayer Y. Rashtian, MD, medical
director of electrophysiology.
John Easthope, MD, medical
director of noninvasive
cardiology and cardiac
rehabilitation (left) and
H.E.A.R.T. President Bill Young.
David Stevenson, DDS, and his
wife, Sucy.
[ advocate 37 ]
On April 29, members of the Heart Education Association for Rehabilitation and Treatment
(H.E.A.R.T.) Committee were invited to attend a special luncheon highlighting one of the most recent
advances in cardiac care at Huntington Hospital. Mayer Y. Rashtian, MD, director of electrophysiology
at the hospital, was on hand to provide details of the leading-edge procedure, which has the potential to
enhance care for patients with the United States’ most widespread heart rhythm disorder.
The procedure –– known as cardiac ablation –– was recently approved by the Federal Drug
Administration (FDA) to treat atrial fibrillation, a condition affecting two million Americans.
Dr. Rashtian pointed out that Huntington Hospital now offers the most advanced method of cardiac
ablation utilizing the EnSite System –– a new computerized means of mapping arrhythmias. This system
creates a three-dimensional display of the patient’s cardiac structures, promoting prompt diagnosis and
guiding navigation of a catheter to implement treatment, without the use of fluoroscopy.
“By allowing us to more precisely identify rhythm disturbances and by speeding care, we have the
potential to improve outcomes for our patients,” notes Dr. Rashtian.
Dr. Rashtian notes that ablation has been previously used to treat supraventricular
tachycardia, another cardiac rhythm disorder. However, recent FDA approval broadened the scope of the
treatment to include atrial fibrillation. This abnormal heart rhythm, originating in the atria, causes a
rapid, disorganized heartbeat.
In the past, atrial fibrillation could be treated only by medication and lifestyle changes. However,
Dr. Rashtian explains, medication may not be sufficient to control the disorder or may produce
unwanted side-effects among some patients. Cardiac ablation offers a safe –– and permanent ––
alternative in such cases.
New potential.
Dr. Rashtian describes ablation as a noninvasive
procedure performed by an electrophysiologist –– a cardiologist like himself who specializes in rhythm
disorders. The procedure, also called “cardiac mapping,” gathers data by way of tiny electrodes, introduced
via thin catheters inserted into blood vessels in the groin or neck and threaded to the heart. The
electrodes pinpoint the area within the heart’s electrical system that is causing the cardiac arrhythmia.
Radiofrequency is then used to create small lesions that obstruct the trouble spots –– in order to
permanently relieve the erratic heartbeat.
Dr. Rashtian notes that cardiac ablation is not appropriate for every patient with atrial fibrillation.
Those suffering from valve disease or other serious cardiovascular disease, for example, may not be candidates for the procedure. For eligible patients, however, the procedure promises significant benefits.
Since its inception, the H.E.A.R.T. Committee has played a vital role in enhancing care to heart
patients at Huntington Hospital by raising funds for essential rehabilitation facilities, equipment and
services, as well as for other cardiac programs. In 2007 alone, the group raised more than $73,000.
Dr. Rashtian’s presentation provided H.E.A.R.T. donors with a special inside look at one of the newest
advancements in heart care at Huntington Hospital. Such informative gatherings are among the benefits
of membership in this special philanthropic group.
Relieving cardiac arrhythmia…for good.
[ 38 summer 2008 ]
Above, from left, at the SCRUBS event: Allison and Mark
Withers. Courtney Hotchkis and Kristin Kassabian. Lynette
and Fred Sohl. Below, from left: Event speaker Yafa
Minazad, DO (right), and her sister, Orly Minazad. Sara
Hatanaka and Francine Swain. Tom Hinckley, SCRUBS
Committee co-chair.
[ advocate 39 ]
Expert Teaches SCRUBS Members to
Take Control of Headaches
On October 2, the SCRUBS Steering Committee presented the latest in its annual speaker series,
designed to give SCRUBS members opportunities to learn about topics vital to their health and wellness. The event featured Yafa Minazad, DO, a prominent clinical neurophysiologist and neurologist at
Huntington Hospital, who shared her expertise on headaches.
Headaches represent a common medical condition that, if not properly diagnosed and treated, can
have a profound impact on quality of life. Dr. Minazad provided helpful information and tips regarding
how to take control of headaches, and shared the most current scientific knowledge about headaches
and their causes. She pointed out that there are two types of headaches –– primary headaches, which are
not life-threatening, and secondary headaches, which could be life-threatening –– and emphasized that
keeping a headache diary is one of the best ways to identify which type of headache you are experiencing.
Recording patterns and specific details, she noted –– and relaying the information to your physician ––
will aid in obtaining appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
“People come to me complaining of longstanding sinus headaches, when in fact they are migraine
sufferers,” said Dr. Minazad. “It’s really important to find out which type of headache you have...and to
get proper treatment and management.”
She encouraged event guests to pursue additional tests if they experience symptoms that are out
of the ordinary.
[ 40 summer 2008 ]
Dr. Minazad closed her lecture by talking
about Huntington Hospital’s exemplary services, including the epilepsy and brain-mapping program,
which uses advanced tools to pinpoint the source of epileptic seizures in the brain. She also discussed
the hospital’s movement disorder program, which improves quality of life for patients with conditions
such as Parkinson’s disease and dystonia through the implantation of deep-brain stimulators. The
neurophysiology laboratory at Huntington Hospital, she noted, has the latest and best neuromonitoring
systems, and the hospital is now developing a state-of the-art stroke program.
Huntington Hospital — a leader in neuroscience.
SCRUBS, Huntington Hospital’s newest support group,
launched its Million Dollar ER Campaign in April 2007, with the goal of contributing $1 million by
2010 toward the hospital’s vital initiative to renovate and expand the Emergency & Trauma Center.
“We’ve all had to rush our children to the emergency room for one thing or another,” says Paul C.
Johnson, former SCRUBS co-chair. “SCRUBS wants to make sure that our local Emergency & Trauma
Center can provide the best care possible to every person who comes through its doors.”
All gifts received through the SCRUBS campaign will be counted toward the million-dollar goal.
A number of community members have already pledged support at the leadership level. Those who
contribute gifts of $10,000 or more will receive prominent recognition on a special donor wall, to be
located within the expanded Emergency & Trauma Center upon its completion.
The Million Dollar ER Campaign is part of a hospital-wide effort to raise $80 million toward the
center’s expansion in response to growing regional need. The center is currently operating at twice its
physical capacity.
A new generation of philanthropists.
[ advocate 41 ]
A new generation of
donors is providing support
to Huntington Hospital
through SCRUBS. They
include (top, from left): the
Smith family, Goodwin
family, Foster family, and
Chapman family. Bottom,
from left: the Carter family,
Domenghini family,
Drake family, and Foy family.
[ 42 summer 2008 ]
Top, from left: Julee Floyd and Diane
Comi French, president of National
Charity League Juniors, San Marino
Chapter, enjoy an evening of old
Hollywood glamour in support of the
hospital’s neonatal and pediatric intensive
care units. Benefit Co-chairs Michele
Hickey and Melanie Polk were among
the superstars in attendance. Center, from
left: The special evening put a smile on
the faces of guests Sheri Bender and Bob
McCrary. Kathleen Bescoby, Lisa Wong
and Pat Mar celebrate another successful
event in support of care for Huntington
Hospital’s youngest patients. Abby Cheng,
Lainie Miller, Nancy Reardon and Ana
Raptis pose with some fellow icons of
glamour! Bottom: Guests make their
red‑carpet entrance into the Roosevelt
Hotel to attend A Hollywood Affair.
[ advocate 43 ]
National Charity League Juniors
A Hollywood Affair Steps Out For
Our Region’s Youngest Patients
On March 15, members of the San Marino Chapter of the National Charity League Juniors joined with
friends to revel in the glamour of Hollywood — and to support a very worthy cause — during A Hollywood
Affair. The NCL Juniors’ sold-out dinner, casino and auction gala was an outstanding success, drawing
more than 350 guests. Funds raised will help make a difference in the lives of critically ill newborns and
children, as proceeds benefit Huntington Hospital’s neonatal and pediatric intensive care units.
A taste of Hollywood old and new. During the gala event, guests enjoyed a taste of old
Hollywood glamour as they gathered at the Roosevelt Hotel (the venue was generously donated for the
occasion) — site of the first Academy Awards. As they entered via a red carpet, the flash bulbs of waiting
“paparazzi” popped, while elegant floral arrangements, courtesy of Jacob Maarse Florists, brought an
additional glamorous touch to the décor.
Delicious food, Hollywood-style casino games and silent and live auctions added to the evening’s
excitement. And included in the auctions were several items reflecting the sizzle of today’s Hollywood:
memorabilia signed by latest “it” girl, Miley Cyrus; a guitar signed and donated by Grammy Awardwinning rock/pop band Maroon 5; stunning jewelry from Tiffany & Co; and additional pieces fit for the
red carpet, from Single Stone and from China Art & Jewelry, for example.
Ron and Lee Havner were specially honored during the evening for their continued support of the
NCL Juniors.
Benefit Co-chairs Melanie Polk and Michelle Hickey
were delighted by the generous support for this year’s gala. They extend thanks to NCL Juniors President
Diane Comi French, hardworking Benefit Committee members, event patrons, corporate sponsors, inkind donors, benefit guests and all who helped to make A Hollywood Affair such an outstanding success.
Generous sponsors included Diane Comi and Robert French; the Havner family; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reardon and The Reeves Family Foundation; Patricia and Andrew Stenwall; Empire Transportation, Inc.;
Permits Today LLC; Jill Westbrook-Roberts and Rick Roberts; Nestlé USA, Inc.; Nancy and Frank Ferri;
the Cacique Foundation; Pediatrix Medical Group of California; and the Boggs/Ary Family.
With this year’s event proceeds, the NCL Juniors continue their support of the hospital’s neonatal
and pediatric intensive care units. Specifically, the event generated more than $150,000 to help purchase
needed medical technologies — including a state-of-the-art incubator that permits caregivers to perform
tests and medical procedures without moving the infant. In addition, proceeds will support the purchase
of a new telemetry system to track the vital signs of critically ill children and a pediatric decumbent diversion system — an age-appropriate video center that provides a soothing distraction for young patients
being treated for drug-induced comas and other serious conditions.
Helping young patients reach for the stars.
[ 44 summer 2008 ]
Flintridge La Cañada Guild
Popular Horse Show
Raises Money for a Good Cause
On April 25 through 27, the Flintridge La Cañada Guild of Huntington Hospital hosted
its 87th Annual Children’s Horse Show at the Flintridge Riding Club. One of the oldest and largest
children’s horse shows in the western United States, the show attracted young competitors from across
the country eager to showcase their riding skills. Guild members — along with family members and
friends — worked diligently to organize this year’s event, which generated support toward expansion of
Huntington Hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center.
In 1921, the Children’s Horse Show debuted with just 23 entries. This year, more
than 200 competitors registered for the show. Gail Jagels, horse show chair, notes that some families
have passed on the tradition of horse show participation from generation to generation. “One of our
present members recalls visiting the show when her mother worked on it as a guild member,” Jagels
explains. “Today, both she and her mother are members,” — and both think of April as horse show time!
The 2007 horse show event featured not only fine horsemanship, but also a silent auction, live entertainment, a gala dinner, and the 8th annual wine and microbrew tasting event, among other attractions.
A family custom.
Competition during the three-day show commenced at 8 a.m. each day and
included a host of thrilling events. Adding to the fun, participants presented the judges with what are
laughingly described as “Bribe Baskets.” These elaborate, goodie-filled baskets were assembled by the
participants themselves. Despite their name, the baskets did not purchase higher scores. Rather, they
were later auctioned to raise additional funds for the hospital.
After presenting their baskets, children joined in teams of three to make a circuit of jumps — each
group of three taking the final jump in unison. All riders and horses were decoratively costumed, based
on themes selected by the children themselves, and each rider had selected a musical accompaniment to
further illustrate their theme.
Over the years, the Flintridge La Cañada Guild’s fundraising efforts have generated millions of
dollars in support of programs and services at Huntington Hospital. Proceeds from this year’s horse show
will help meet the guild’s three-year pledge of $250,000 toward expansion of the hospital’s Emergency
& Trauma Center.
Housing the only emergency department in Pasadena and the only trauma center in the
San Gabriel Valley, the Emergency & Trauma Center provides essential care through more than
60,000 patient visits per year.
Competing to do good.
[ advocate 45 ]
From left: Liz Blackwelder, an original Flintridge La Cañada
Guild member, poses with her perpetual trophy, which she
later presented to the 2008 winner of the $500 Pony Hunter
Classic. Guild members include (back row, left to right) Debbie
Turner, Shannon Loughrin, Danielle Ballard, Yami Hess, Jenny
Stern, Michelle Colbert, Sherlyn Claridge, Jessica Cole and
Lauren Shen; (middle row, left to right) Debbie Moloznik,
Helen Lund, Gail Jagels, Kris Korkunis and Liana Ward; and
(front row) Lauren Oakes. Kendall Millard, a 13-year-old horse
show participant, keeps her eye on the prize.
[ 46 summer 2008 ]
The Circle of Huntington Hospital
A Musical Entertainment Series in
Support of Vital Breast Care
Top: The Circle of Huntington Hospital
executive board members include (back
row, from left) Patti Dobson, secretary;
Elizabeth Karadizian, patron chair;
Adriana Tiner, hospitality; Stanislava
Overholt, membership; Irene Byrne,
treasurer; and (front row, from left)
Anne Hennessey, member at large;
Cathy Sedlik, public relations; Helen
Harris, hospitality; Tara Burnett-Doering,
president; Rosanne Berlen, immediate
past president; Carmen MontgomeryCastañeda, corporate underwriting; and
Jennifer Gassner, technology. Bottom: From
left, Rosanne Berlen, immediate past
president of The Circle, presents a check
to Ruth Williamson, MD, medical director
of Constance G. Zahorik Breast Center,
and Jane Haderlein, vice president
of development and public affairs at
Huntington Hospital, in support of breast
care at the hospital.
[ advocate 47 ]
During their recent installation luncheon at Pasadena’s Bistro 45, members of The
Circle of Huntington Hospital commemorated the fun they had and the funds they raised in 2007.
Along with passing the president’s gravel to Tara Burnett-Doering, the group’s outgoing president,
Rosanne Berlen, proudly presented Huntington Hospital with a check in the amount of $105,000 in
support of the hospital’s Constance G. Zahorik Breast Center.
Proceeds from The Circle’s 2007 benefit season are designated toward the purchase of digital mammography equipment to advance breast-cancer screening.
“Members of The Circle are dedicated to supporting the fine clinical and diagnostic care received
by patients at Constance G. Zahorik Breast Center and Hill Radiology,” Berlen says. “The compassion,
medical expertise and support provided by breast center staff are exemplary.”
Burnett-Doering, a longtime Circle member, is enthusiastic to take The Circle’s
helm for 2008 and says she is honored to follow in Berlen’s footsteps. “Rosanne has an amazing amount
of energy and is an excellent role model,” Burnett-Doering notes. “She is truly dedicated to supporting
the mission of The Circle.”
Burnett-Doering and other Circle members are already hard at work planning and implementing
the 2008 benefit season entitled, Let Us Entertain You! According to Burnett-Doering, this fundraising
year will encompass memorable evenings of entertainment –– with performances as varied as soulful
Delta Blues, classical piano and opera. Most of all, Burnett-Doering emphasizes, she wants to make sure
members “have a blast while raising money…and the roof.”
Passing the torch.
The group’s 2008 season kicked off on April 26 with “The Circle’s
Evening of Opera” at the lovely Pasadena estate of Letty and Arturo Ibarra, DDS. Critically acclaimed soprano Susan Asbjornson and pianist Bill Protzmann entertained guests in an elegant and relaxing atmosphere.
On Saturday, June 7, the entertainment –– and fundraising –– continued with a special group
viewing of the newly released film Sex and the City at the Paseo Theater in Pasadena. Circle members and
guests enjoyed a matinée showing of the highly anticipated film, based on the popular television series
of the same name. Circle members encouraged friends and family to set their own (higher-than-asking)
price for tickets thus raising additional funds in support of breast care at Huntington Hospital.
Next in the series, “The Four Hands Piano Duet” –– scheduled for August 24 –– will feature a
husband-and-wife musical team from the University of Southern California Thornton School of Music.
Kevin Fitz-Gerald, associate professor, and Bernadene Blaha, senior lecturer, will perform at a private
home in Altadena.
On September 20, classical concert pianist Susan Spelius Dunning and acoustic blues guitarist and
singer Bruce Innes will entertain their audience of Circle supporters and hospital benefactors with their
performance entitled, “Where Chopin Meets the Delta Blues.” Dunning and Innes will perform at the
Colburn School’s Herbert Zipper Hall in Los Angeles.
In October, in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, The Circle will also host a
special event entitled, Give, Live and Laugh, including dinner and a show. Tickets are $135 per person
and reservations will be taken in advance.
The Circle’s 2008 events will raise funds in support of a variety of important programs at Constance G.
Zahorik Breast Center –– including the appearance center, support groups, breast-health education and more.
For information about The Circle of Huntington Hospital or any of its upcoming events, please visit
The Circle’s Web site at
A new season of events debuts.
[ 48 summer 2008 ]
Center: Members of the 2008 Fall Food & Wine Committee are hard at
work planning this year’s festivities. Front row, from left: Cheryl Conway,
Trude Tsujimoto, Therese Mothershead, Co-chairs Michele and Greg
Thompson, and Judy Starlight. Second row, from left: Jamie Simpson,
Andrea Nagata, Lee Mothershead, Vicky Kirkwood, Gregg Whittlesey,
Amy Juhas, Alison Hakeem and Nick Boswell. Third row, from left: John
Haglund, Karen Haglund, Linda Barker, Garrett Bell. Fourth row, from
left: Doug Senour, Wendy Senour, Pat Callaghan, Dottie Juett, Ave Bortz
and Will Bortz. Back row: Brian Birnie. Not pictured: Peggy Buchanan,
Drusie Bushnell, Lauralyn Deringer, Margie Lowe-Francis, Donald J.
Gaspard, MD, Jules Ibrao, Anne Irvine, David Mullen, Catherine Pan,
Cathy Salata, Nick Salata, Billie Spinat, Joan Thomas and Dodie Ulrich.
Top left: Donald J. Gaspard, MD, chief of trauma services. Top right, from
left: Fall Food & Wine Committee members Lee Mothershead, Therese
Mothershead, and Dottie Juett.
[ advocate 49 ]
Fall Food & Wine Festival
Food, Fun and Philanthropy
The Parkway Grill is partnering once more with Huntington Hospital to present the 24th
Annual Fall Food & Wine Festival. Funds from the event, which will take place on Sunday, October 26,
2008, will support the lifesaving services of the hospital’s Center for Trauma Care.
According to the San Marino Tribune, “nothing tempts the palate” like the hospital’s Fall Food
& Wine Festival, which has raised approximately $2 million toward the care services of Huntington
Hospital’s trauma center, to date.
As part of its commitment to the community, the hospital now operates the only trauma center in
the San Gabriel Valley — and when life is hanging in the balance, local residents count on the center’s
team of highly skilled medical professionals to be there for them. Approximately 1,000 patients require
treatment for traumatic internal injury at the center each year.
Since the Fall Food & Wine Festival’s inception, restaurateurs Bob and Gregg
Smith, owners of the Smith Brothers Restaurant Corporation, have played a leadership role in the event.
The Smiths operate Pasadena’s respected Parkway Grill, as well as several other gourmet eateries in the
Los Angeles area.
And the brothers’ commitment to superlative service goes beyond their restaurants: They bring
this same dedication to their philanthropic involvement. In addition to their leadership participation
in the Fall Food & Wine Festival each year, furthermore, they are also instrumental in recruiting many
additional fine restaurants and premium wineries to join with them — to enchant guests with delectable
dishes and superior wines.
Dedicated Partnership.
Collaborating with the Smith Brothers is Huntington Hospital’s Fall Food & Wine
Committee, consisting of 39 members, including community friends, business owners and hospital
employees. Every year, new volunteers join committee veterans (some have served on the committee for
as many as 24 years), dedicating many months of hard work to ensure the festival’s success.
In 2008, Greg and Michele Thompson will return as committee co-chairs. Under their enthusiastic
leadership, the Fall Food & Wine Committee will oversee the significant logistics of coordinating
38 restaurants and 70 wineries, so that all come together for a single, spectacular evening. And — as if that
were not enough — committee members are also responsible for invitations, decorations, ticket sales and
music. Throughout, their work translates into essential support for trauma care at Huntington Hospital.
Our Team.
In addition to sampling wonderful food and wines, festival attendees also enjoy dancing and live music on the grounds between Parkway Grill and Arroyo Chop House
in Pasadena. More than 1,500 influential members of the community –– including physicians, business
leaders, and major donors –– participate in this special evening, helping to secure the future of trauma
services to our region.
To purchase or reserve your tickets for the 2008 Fall Food & Wine Festival, please contact Huntington Hospital’s
office of philanthropy at (626) 397-3241. As a result of high demand, no tickets will be available at the door.
A fun evening…a great cause.
[ 50 summer 2008 ]
Center: San Marino Guild members are (back row, from left) Sharon Pelton, Trish
Bredesen, Betsy Bogue, Tays Bogue, Doreen Mason, Mimi Gerhardt, Elizabeth Little
and Lou Fornas; (front row, from left) Wilma Bamberger, Suzanne Burger, Mary
Firestone, Peggy Yingling, Shirley McGinley, Marijane Hunter and Alicia Ferramola. Not
pictured: Sharla Durant, Jennie Duretto, Nancy Logg, Phyllis Tuck and Marja Wiersema.
Top (front row, from left): Peggy Yingling, immediate past president of the San Marino
Guild, passes the baton to the group’s new president, Suzanne Burger, at the annual
installation luncheon; and (back row, from left): Additional members of the San Marino
Guild executive board for the 2008-2009 year are Alicia Ferramola, treasurer; Sharla
Durant, second vice president; Sharon Pelton, first vice president; Marijane Hunter,
parliamentarian; Elizabeth Little, recording secretary; and Nancy Logg, corresponding
secretary. Right: Baby Emma, who was born at Huntington Hospital during the Christmas
season, snoozes inside her receiving stocking –– a gift from the San Marino Guild.
[ advocate 51 ]
San Marino Guild of Huntington Hospital
40th-anniversary Celebrity Series
Benefits Our Region’s Youngest Patients
The San Marino Guild’s Celebrity Series continued to captivate and charm audiences throughout
its 40th season of special guest appearances. Members are particularly pleased with the success of this
year’s four Sunday events, which provided guests with live musical entertainment and lectures both
poignant and entertaining. “We have had a successful year celebrating our 40th anniversary of Celebrity
Series,” Guild President Peggy Yingling says. “The varied talents blended into a winning season with
great appeal. It also allowed us to reach our goal of supporting the latest technology for Huntington
Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.”
The San Marino Guild’s 2008 gift is just one of the ways the guild has supported Huntington
Hospital over the years in its work to improve the quality of care for the most fragile infants and children
of our community. Specifically, proceeds from this season’s events will be directed to the hospital’s
neonatal intensive care unit for the purchase of an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation system, which
provides cardiac and respiratory support for delicate newborns.
On January 27, the Celebrity Series opened with NBC anchor and 13-time Emmy Award winner
Chuck Henry. During the event, “Thru the Lens –– Across Our Planet,” Henry, a longtime San Marino
resident, shared filmed feats of derring-do from his transcontinental travels in pursuit of news and
adventures for the popular television program Travel Café, which is produced by his eldest daughter.
Footage included a high-speed ride in an F-i6 jet, in which Henry, showing his
daredevil side to the cameras, experienced the exhilaration of upside-down flight. Henry also gave his
audience an up-close-and-personal look at the NBC news team’s dramatic rescue from the flames of the
Thrilling footage.
[ 52 summer 2008 ]
2003 California forest fires. Henry described the emotions he felt when the
crew was surrounded by flames and rescued by firefighters in the nick of time.
This close call has not deterred Henry from seeking adventure, however.
In fact, he encouraged his audience to follow their hearts and take advantage
of new experiences: “If you think you can do it, go for it and do it,” he urged.
Celebrity Series audience members were
a-tappin’ their toes to the beat of The Diamonds during the season’s second
event, “Rock and Roll for All Ages,” on February 13. The concert, praised
as “unforgettable,” “dynamic,” and “truly sensational,” featured hits from
the 1950s. The Diamonds’ four charismatic members — Joe Finnetti, lead
singer; Gary Owens, baritone; Jerry Singer, bass; and Bobby Poynton, tenor
— entertained listeners with their special chemistry and their energetic and
versatile vocal styling.
The concert opened with The Diamonds’ first major hit, “Little Darlin’,”
and included such favorites as “Church Bells May Ring,” “Why Do Fools
Fall in Love,” and “The Stroll.” The group also roused their audience with
Elvis Presley hits — and stopped hearts with Poynton’s beautiful rendition
of “Unchained Melody.” As the band recalled a bygone era of entertainment
with their exceptional harmonies and solos, enthused guests swayed and
clapped their hands. One couple was so swept away that they even took a few
spins in the aisle.
Dance down memory lane.
Bob Eubanks did not know he was destined for stardom when, as a kid, he got a job opening limousine doors for the
likes of Elizabeth Taylor, Gary Cooper and Debbie Reynolds in front of the
Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. On March 9, during the third installment
of the 2008 Celebrity Series, “Laughter and the Game Show of Life,” Eubanks
shared the secrets of his path to success. It was a path that eventually led him
to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, in front of the very theater
where he had opened doors so many years earlier.
Long before Eubanks made history as the host of the popular television
show The Newlywed Game, he began in the entertainment industry as a disc
jockey at KRLA radio station, located in the Huntington Hotel in Pasadena.
Along with fellow entertainment personalities-in-the-making Wink
Martindale and Casey Kasem, he learned the ropes of hosting live shows. And
he gained skills that were to serve him well when he carried on to television
and, later, to a 20-year career in concert promotion.
Personable and funny, Eubanks charmed his audience with anecdotes
from his career, including bloopers from early game shows and a story about
one of the first couples to appear on The Newlywed Game –– then-unknown
comedian Dominick “Dom” DeLuise and his wife, Carol Arthur. Eubanks
A broadcaster’s walk of fame.
[ advocate 53 ]
has come a long way since 1964, when he took out a $25,000 mortgage
on his house to bring the Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl –– his first-ever
concert production. Now a favorite broadcaster for the annual Tournament of
Roses, Eubanks left his audience with two keys to success extrapolated from
his years in the entertainment industry: Do not allow technology to get in
the way of personal relationships, and never underestimate the importance of
first impressions.
Decoding da Vinci. Elliot Engel, PhD, a prominent author, professor and
Celebrity Series favorite, returned on April 13 to delight his audience with
a look into one of the Renaissance’s most fascinating figures. In his lecture
“Leonardo da Vinci –– Before the Code,” Dr. Engel took audiences back in
time to explore the truth about one of the most famous figures in history.
Employing his customary wit and insight, Dr. Engel brought da Vinci
to life for his listeners. His talk was full of intriguing facts and stories
capturing da Vinci’s spirit.
Dr. Engel enlivened the April event further as he chatted with guests
during the silent auction preceding his talk –– and continued to engage
in spirited conversation with guests during the post-lecture reception. In
addition to giving more than 260 lectures each year, Dr. Engel leads travel
enthusiasts around the world on learning vacations. This year, he celebrated
his birthday by taking a plunge into the icy waters of Antarctica!
Each year, San Marino Guild
members volunteer thousands of hours of their time to various hospital
departments and services, including the S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift
Shop, maternity orientation, and the Huntington Collection. In addition,
babies born at the hospital during the December holidays are presented by
the guild with a festive red receiving stocking to “wear” home.
Guild volunteers give back to hospital.
On May 5, Suzanne Burger was elected as
the new San Marino Guild president, during an installation luncheon held
at the Athenaeum and conducted by Betty MacInnes, retiring manager of
the Huntington Collection. Burger’s fellow executive board members for
the 2008-2009 year are Sharon Pelton, first vice president; Sharla Durant,
second vice president; Elizabeth Little, recording secretary; Nancy Logg,
corresponding secretary; Alicia Ferramola, treasurer; Marijane Hunter,
parliamentarian; and Peggy Yingling, past president.
Guild members are already planning another fantastic lineup of speakers and
entertainers for the 2009 Celebrity Series. To be added to the mailing list for the
41st season of events, please call (626) 793-1333.
New officers welcomed.
Opposite page, from top:
San Marino Guild President
Peggy Yingling (left) with
Celebrity Series speaker
Chuck Henry and Elizabeth
Little, guild corresponding
Gwen Fisher Brown with
members of The Diamonds,
who entertained with
unforgettable hits from the
From left, television
personality Bob Eubanks
with San Marino Guild
President Peggy Yingling,
Second Vice President Trish
Bredesen and Pasadena
attorney Bob Summers.
Elliot Engel, PhD, with guild
members Shirley McGinley
(left) and Phyllis Tuck.
[ 54 summer 2008 ]
Women’s Auxiliary
Infusing Philanthropy with
Fun and Creativity
On May 16, more than 100 Women’s Auxiliary members and guests gathered at the Santa Anita
Country Club for the group’s third annual spring luncheon and centerpiece competition. The event,
which incorporated a silent auction, raised funds in support of essential services at Huntington Hospital
Ambulatory Care Center (the Dispensary).
This year’s luncheon also gave guests the opportunity to browse eye-catching displays of jewelry,
clothing, housewares, antiques and more. Local vendors donated a portion of proceeds from the sale of
these items to the auxiliary, helping to meet its annual fundraising goal and thus providing vital support
for Huntington Hospital.
After guests had completed their purchases, the entertaining centerpiece
competition got into full swing, showcasing the creativity of auxiliary members, who designed the beautiful arrangements adorning each table. Winners were selected by a panel of three judges. Adding to the
fun, this panel included one lucky guest, who was randomly selected to join professional florist Tenely
Young, from Ixora Floral Studio in Pasadena, and Bab Stewarts, appraiser for the Huntington Collection,
in choosing the day’s prizewinners.
Women’s Auxiliary President Diane Martin notes that the auxiliary’s fundraising event “is not
your standard luncheon. Some people get crazy and create tremendous, extravagant centerpieces,” she
explains. “I just do normal ones,” she adds with a laugh, modestly downplaying her own creative talents.
Among the afternoon’s most elaborate creations was the arrangement designed by Ixora florist
Young. This beautiful display, along with many member-designed centerpieces –– was ultimately
auctioned to raise additional funds in support of the Dispensary.
Jane Haderlein, Huntington Hospital’s vice president of development and public affairs, was in
attendance at this year’s festivities, as was Linda Stephens, new manager of the Huntington Collection.
For the third consecutive year, Women’s Auxiliary member Ginny Lechler chaired the luncheon and
centerpiece competition.
May the best bouquet win.
The Women’s Auxiliary also raised funds in support of Huntington
Hospital during a recent book sale. A crowd had already formed by 8 a.m. –– one hour prior to opening
time –– at the sale location on Huntington Hospital’s campus. Hospital staff, as well as other members
of the community, were eager to get their hands on the great deals available, which included cookbooks,
children’s stories, books on CD, reference books, and many more.
Diane Martin and her fellow Book Sale Committee members were delighted with the outcome of the
sale. “How many places can you get a hardback book for a dollar?” she asked. “And for a good cause, too.”
Later this year, the Women’s Auxiliary will hold their annual Day at the Races event. Their
Christmas tree sale in December will also raise funds in support of Huntington Hospital.
Good books, good cause.
[ advocate 55 ]
Above: Women’s Auxiliary
President Diane Martin (left) and
auxiliary member Ginny Lechler
present a check to Huntington
Hospital President and CEO
Stephen A. Ralph in support of
essential Dispensary services at
the hospital. At left: Two of the
creative centerpieces that graced
tables at the auxiliary’s spring
luncheon event.
[ 56 summer 2008 ]
Altadena Guild
There’s No Place Like Homewood
The Altadena Guild’s 57th annual home tour, There’s No Place Like Homewood, took place on
Sunday, May 4, in Altadena’s beautiful and tranquil Homewood Heights neighborhood. The exclusive
neighborhood, which was developed in 1911, is nestled at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains,
bounded on the west by Page Drive and on the east by Tanoble Drive.
Three grand residences from the 1920s and 30s, all located on a one-block stretch of Homewood
Drive, were included on this year’s tour, which raised funds in support of Huntington Medical Research
Institutes (HMRI). Tour guests enjoyed not only stunning mountain views, lovely period architecture
and lush gardens, but also live music — and complimentary beverages and desserts in the tour’s Tea
Garden. In addition, guests had the opportunity to peruse vendor displays of fine art, jewelry and
pottery, as well as to purchase homemade goodies such as cakes, cookies and jams at the tour’s special
refreshment venue and to enjoy libations at the Garden Bar.
The first home on the tour, a newly restored Spanish-colonial-revival estate named
after its builder and designer, Kenyon Keith, was built in 1925 in one of the most popular architectural
Spanish charm.
[ advocate 57 ]
Opposite from left: Guild President Carla Houser Partma. Ways & Means Home Tour Chair
Freddi Hill. Above: the Kenyon Keith Spanish-colonial-revival estate, built in 1925; the
Squire G. Tuttle House in English-Tudor-revival style, and an Italian-revival — the J. Charles
Maddison House.
styles of the early 20th century. A remodel completed in 2006 with meticulous attention to detail and
sensitivity to the period by the home’s current owners has created an environment of grace and comfort.
Modern Spanish-renaissance-style furnishings combined with wonderful antique pieces, give the home a
stately feel. The extensively remodeled kitchen, designed by Lucinda Bailey, is a throwback to 1920s style
with its wrought-iron hardware and an enormous Wolf stove. An Andalusian stucco fireplace and a garden
planted with avocado and citrus trees are additional beautiful touches that add to the home’s charm.
English elegance. Next door to the Keith home is the Squire G. Tuttle House, second stop on this
year’s tour. In 1925, Squire Tuttle commissioned Keith to build an English-Tudor-revival home — using
another popular architectural style of the early 1900s — next to Keith’s existing Spanish-style estate.
During a two-phase remodel, begun in 2003 and finalized this year, the Tuttle House’s square
footage was almost doubled, bringing a more spacious and airy feel to a home that had previously
emphasized the cozy English-cottage style typified by smaller rooms and windows. The house now
includes a paneled library with built-in bookcases, replacing the original small dining room. Another
focal point is the living-room fireplace, flanked by turned columns and a carved mantle topped by a
peaked gothic arch. Elegant touches to the kitchen include alder-paneled refrigerator doors stained to
match the 18th-century English cupboard, as well as huge walk-in and butler’s pantries.
The J. Charles Maddison House was the last home guests visited on the tour. Designed in
1930 by Harold J. Bissner, a prominent Pasadena architect, this home cost $24,000 to build, according
to original records –– a princely sum in 1930. A gate flanked by iceberg roses provides entrance to the
property. Visitors then enter the Italian-revival-style residence through a doorway framed and accented by
cast-stone scrollwork. Inside, notable features include a magnificent, carved French nouveau sideboard and
a dining table seating 24 in matching style. An Otis elevator (installed in 1933) and a beautiful stainedglass panel on the second-floor landing also drew admiring remarks from tour participants.
The lush grounds of the Maddison House include a waterfall that spills from the spa into the
recently renovated pool, as well as a covered loggia and outside kitchen, and a formal rose garden. The
guesthouse, located next to the pool, boasts a patio deck with one of the area’s best views of Mt. Wilson.
The Altadena Guild’s 2008 home tour was a wonderful success due to the efforts of numerous
volunteers, led by Event Chair Freddi Hill and the guild’s president, Carla Houser Partma. Thanks to
such dedicated work, the event was a hit with guests — and contributed to the essential research of
Huntington Medical Research Institutes.
HMRI operates nine research programs, focusing on breast, colon and prostate cancer; stroke; heart
disease; epilepsy; profound deafness; liver disease and cancer; migraine headaches; sleep apnea; and brain
diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The generosity of the Altadena Guild and funds
raised through the guild’s annual home tour –– the longest-running tour of its kind in the San Gabriel
Valley — contribute to the advancement of medicine by supporting HMRI’s research programs.
Italian style.
[ 58 summer 2008 ]
Huntington Collection
Bag Sale Draws Shoppers Eager for
Hard-to-find Bargains
[ advocate 59 ]
Opposite page, top from left:
Beverly Olandt on the day of the
Bag Sale. Eager shoppers line up
to participate in the Huntington
Collection Bag Sale. Bottom from
left: Signage promoting the Bag
Sale. The Huntington Collection.
On January 26, enthusiastic shoppers and volunteers gathered to take
part in one of the area’s best-known shopping rituals: the Bag Sale. The
January crowd included seasoned volunteers and sale regulars, as well as
excited and intrigued newcomers.
Held approximately four times a year, the unorthodox (and ever-popular)
Bag Sale gives Collection shoppers the opportunity to pick up once-in-alifetime deals on top-drawer clothing and accessories. For January’s sale, as
for all Huntington Collection Bag Sales dating back to 1985, households on
the Collection’s 2,000-customer mailing list received a notice that read, “In
exchange for $10.00, you will receive a grocery-size brown bag and all the
time you need to fill it to the brim.”
Doors opened at 8 a.m., revealing an
extensive array of items from which to select. As volunteers busily tidied
displays and supplied eager shoppers with empty bags, Linda M. Stephens
–– manager of the Huntington Collection –– took a moment to step back
from the shopping frenzy and take in the scene. “People who frequent bag
sales come with strong determination…and an ability to cram the bag to the
brim!” she observes.
“Some people throw clothing and accessories in the bag haphazardly,”
Stephens continues. “Others take each piece and roll it very evenly….” But
while shoppers may all have slightly different styles, all seem to agree on
one thing: In the face of such a great deal and with so many things to choose
from, a single bag is simply not enough. “Some people checked out with six
bags each!” says Stephens.
Huntington Collection proceeds — including funds generated at the
Collection’s regular Bag Sales — help support the work of Huntington
Hospital’s Senior Care Network. This important program provides information, referrals and services that help San Gabriel Valley seniors remain active,
healthy and independent.
Looking for rare collectibles and antiques? Experience the Huntington
Collection’s unique selection of pottery, jewelry, art and more, each weekday from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except Thursdays, when the store is open from noon to 6 p.m.).
Doors are also open the last Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. The
store is located at 766 South Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena, two blocks south of
California Boulevard.
(More than) three bags full.
[ 60 summer 2008 ]
Above: Couples Bill and Marion Eggers (left) and Cathy
Simms and Garrett Bell join in volunteering their time to
Huntington Hospital. Below: Gift shop volunteers Liz and
Carl Vail (left) and Cynthia and Alec Ingle take advantage
of retirement by giving back to their community –– together.
[ advocate 61 ]
S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop
Bringing Couples Together in the
Spirit of Volunteerism
If you have shopped at Huntington Hospital’s S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra Gift Shop, you have
likely been impressed by the energy and enthusiasm of the people who work there. What you may not
know, however, is that many of these dedicated individuals are just one half of a dynamic volunteering
duo: Several gift shop volunteers have “other halves” who also generously contribute their time and
energy at the hospital.
Cathy Simms and Garrett Bell, for example, got involved at the
hospital some 10 years ago through the Fall Food & Wine Festival Committee, at the suggestion
of Garrett’s sister, Linda Barker, a longtime employee in the volunteer department at the hospital.
In addition to her work at the gift shop, Cathy continues to participate on the Fall Food & Wine
Committee, and also volunteers as a member of the Altadena Guild.
Garrett quickly caught the “volunteering bug” — along with the enthusiasm his wife and sister
share for Huntington Hospital. For him, volunteering at the hospital has been a great opportunity to
spend quality time with his wife. “We look forward to our time together at the hospital,” he says. “It’s
like date night — but for a worthy cause!”
Adds Garrett, “The other volunteers are great. With all the support, the jobs get done quickly, and
we have fun in the process!”
Date night for a good cause.
San Marino native and mother of four, Cynthia Ingle joined the hospital’s
volunteer family in the 1980s, as a way to give back to the community while her children were in school.
A company transfer for husband Alec in 1995 took the family to New York, but retirement brought
the family back to San Marino in 2004. Once resettled, Cynthia knew she wanted to rejoin the hospital
family — and this time, she had company.
A welcome homecoming.
[ 62 summer 2008 ]
Cynthia works in the gift shop, and Alec joins her as a volunteer there for what he teasingly refers
to as the “man jobs” — such as lifting heavy boxes of merchandise that are delivered to the shop
and hanging decorations during the holiday season. In addition, Alec is an active volunteer with the
hospital’s errand and escort program and with the patient relations program.
Volunteering at Huntington Hospital has become an important part of the Ingles’ lives — and
a meaningful way of giving back to their community. “People on a fixed income may not be able to
contribute monetarily,” says Alec, “but they can give their time. And giving time to the hospital brings
an enormous sense of pride.”
Liz Vail first came to the hospital under
traumatic circumstances: It was July 1984 and Liz was one of 10 people in Los Angeles to come down
with aseptic spinal meningitis. Tragically, only half survived. Liz recalls receiving expert treatment at the
hospital. “I truly believe that Huntington Hospital saved my life,” she says. Once fully recovered, this
full-time banker decided she wanted to express her gratitude by becoming a volunteer. Today, she not
only serves in the gift shop, but is also a member of the Flintridge La Cañada Guild.
Liz’s husband, Carl, was first exposed to the hospital through his business: He was a contractor
working on hospital facilities in the 1990s. Upon retirement, he wanted to continue his involvement
with the hospital and eagerly joined Liz in the gift shop.
One of the things he enjoys most is meeting other volunteers there. “We’ve made such good friends
through the hospital,” he notes.
“Every person in the hospital makes you feel valued as a volunteer,” adds Liz. “I get much more back
than I give,” she says. “There’s no question about that.”
Saving lives and fostering a lifetime of involvement.
Bill and Marion Eggers have been volunteering at Huntington
Hospital since 2001, Bill in the errand and escort program, and Marion at the gift shop and errand and
escort program.
A onetime patient, Bill sees his volunteerism as an opportunity to give back to the hospital. “They
took such good care of me,” he says, “and for me, this is a kind of payback for that.” In addition, he says,
volunteering at the hospital brings added meaning to the Eggers’ lives. “As a retiree, you need something worthwhile to do,” he says. “And we get to do it together!”
Marion also praises the training and support she and Bill have received. “The hospital makes it easy
to volunteer and the training is wonderful,” she says. In addition, “The staff are all so appreciative of
what we do — and that really makes the difference. We highly recommend this to other couples!”
The gift shop is open for business Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information on
how to get involved as a gift shop volunteer, or regarding other volunteering opportunities at the hospital, please
contact the volunteer and customer service office at (626) 397-5208.
Giving back to the hospital.
[ advocate 63 ]
2007 Donors to
Huntington Hospital
We are proud to recognize donors whose 2007 gifts helped ensure the
availability of superior care at Huntington Hospital. We are truly grateful for their
support of our high-quality medical services. These generous friends have made a real
and positive difference in the lives of patients across our region.
* = Deceased
Fellow & above reflect
cumulative lifetime giving.
Life Benefactor
Anonymous (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Guilford C. Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. Merle H. Banta
Ethel Wilson Bowles & Robert Bowles
Memorial Fund
Dona & Gordon Crawford
FOrtuna Foundation
Harriet & James Fullerton
Margaret & Ned Good
Good Hope Medical Foundation
Henry L. Guenther Foundation
Dr.* & Mrs. Joseph J. Jacobs
The J. Terrence Lanni Family
Ellen & David Lee
The Ouyang Family
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Podley
The James & Eleanor Randall Foundation
Anne & Jim Rothenberg
The Schow Foundation
The H. Russell Smith Foundation
John Stauffer Charitable Trust
The Marge* & Alan* Talt Family
UniHealth Foundation
Helen & Will Webster
The Weingart Foundation
The Ahmanson Foundation
Ayrshire Foundation
The Kathryne Beynon Foundation
The Bryant Family
The Condon Family Foundation
Forest Lawn Foundation
Adelaide Hixon
Robert Holmes* &
Joanne Watson‑Holmes
Phillip D. & Lois S. Matthews
Ronald & Susan Morrow
Judy & Ben Reiling
Mrs. Jack T. Ryburn
The Linda & John Seiter Family
Cynthia & Henry Yost
Mrs. Constance G. Zahorik
Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Zeilstra
Shelley Allen & Bob Kohorst
Avery & Andy Barth
Lynn & Doug Brengel
California Community Foundation
Wendy & Jim Drasdo
Julia & Ken Gouw
The John & Katherine Gurash Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Haaga, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. P. Theodore Hammond
Stephanie F. & J. Dale Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hirrel
Pam & J. C. Massar
Margot & Mitch Milias
Carolyn & Chuck Miller
Pasadena Community Foundation
Pasadena Respiratory Health Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kristoffer Popovich
Mrs. Charles H. Reeves
Marilyn & Jud Roberts Family
The John & Dorothy Shea Foundation
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Judith H. & Robert L. Spare
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Bennett
Cherry & David Bianchi
Ann & Richard Boutin & Family
Charles H. Cahill
Kristin & Greg Chapman
John & Mary Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Crowe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Dunton
Gail & Jim Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gibson
The Giolando Family
The Glassford Family
Mr. Arno E. Grether
Leonard Gumport & Wendy Munger
Robert D. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Johnson
Katherine & Paul Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. B. Marshall Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kohl
Mrs. John F. Kooken
Heather & Harvey Lenkin
Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Noll
The Parsons Corporation
Charles & Nancy Reardon
Marge Richards
Georgia B. Ridder Foundation
The SahanDaywi Foundation
San Marino Woman’s Club
Mrs. Terry Seidler
Jaynie & Woody Studenmund
Franklin* & Patricia Thomas
Ms. Anita To
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tsai
Judy & Robert Waller
Ying Enterprises, Inc.
Mrs. George A. Adamson*
Anonymous (1)
James Avedikian/Phoenix Wellness Center
Avery Dennison
Avery Dennison Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. James C. Caillouette
Mrs. James F. Dickason
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Dulin
Nairi & Reed Gardiner
Mrs. George D. Jagels
William & Patricia Jameson
Bonnie and Micah Kass
Melba Macneil
Janet & Len Marangi
Weta & Allen Mathies
John & Genie Mulé
Nestle USA, Inc.
Jason & Rena Pilalas
Virginia H. Rowan
Elliot & Marcia Sainer
Katherine & Warren Schlinger
Wendy & John Siciliano
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Suffel
Mrs. Henry J. Tenaglia
Nancy L. Van Tuyle
Deborah & Robert Wycoff
Dr. & Mrs. Kwang-I Yu
Judith B. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Breen
Mr. George L. Cassat
Helen I. Drummond
Mildred & Martin Gould
Ms. Sheila Grether & Mr. Mark Marion
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Millard W. Jacobs
T. June & Simon K.C. Li
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Okum
Deidra Norman Schumann
Mr. Richard P. Shooshan
Laney & Tom Techentin
Medicus Society
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Alderson
Anonymous (1)
John* & Janet Bowmer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Brigham, Jr.
Mr. Fred Carpenter
Michele & Tom Carter
Mrs. Eva Mae Casner
Mrs. Donald W. Crowell
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Cushman III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeJoseph
Shari & Drew Domenghini
Josh & Heather Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Earl
Robert & Geraldine* Edens
Tom & Nancy Elsaesser
Roger & Michele Engemann
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Fish
Christopher & Nancy Foster
Brett & Erika Foy
Linda & Stephen Gill
Armando Gonzalez & Brenda Berg
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Haderlein
Mr. & Mrs. John Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Hambleton
Mr. William Hawfield
The Henry Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hemmings
Joseph A.* & Jeannette E. Herron
Meshell & Nelson Holdo
Debra & Schuyler Hollingsworth
Ken & Eileen Leech
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Levine
John & Carol Llewellyn
Mrs. Yvonne Llewellyn
Shelly & Dennis Lowe
Jack & Sarah MacLeod
Charles & Lorene Moran
Dave & Jennifer Murphy
Elizabeth Nickerson
Sarah & Verne Orr
Elizabeth M. & Donald W. Petit
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Quatro
[ 64 summer 2008 ]
Diana J. Raney
Rose Marie Coine Rutherford
Mr. Eric Sanders
Irene N. Sang, OD, FAAO
Mr. Kimball D. Smith
Kristin & Tim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Elizabeth H. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Ulf III
John & Nancy Vogt
Mrs. Bette J. Volk
Mr. Chester H. Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Williamson
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Yen
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Zeronian
Dr. & Mrs. Ebenezer O. Ajilore
Anonymous (5)
John & Margaret Asher
Ms. Ann Babcock
Jim Blitz
Ms. Maria E. Bogdanoff
Jack & Joan Bonholtzer
Dr. & Mrs. George N. Boone
Terri & Ken Caldwell
Stephen & Susan Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Clary
Doris Young Coates
Josephine Coleman
Diane & Robert Coyer
Miss Anne Lloyd Crotty
Mrs. Mary Anne A. Cunningham
Mrs. Dorothy A. Currier
Mr. & Mrs. John E. DeWitt
Ms. Lois M. Di Santo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Erskine
Mrs. Dorothy Falcinella
Mr. Dan Figlo & Ms. Bonnie Barabas
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Forbes
Ms. M. Elaine Hanne
Charlotte & Simon Harrison
Betty Chin Ho
Gina Knox Holzman
Mrs. Henry Y. Hwang
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Kinkle III
Mr. Richard A. Kumada &
Ms. Patricia A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Mandeville, Sr.
Craig & Diane Martin
Edward J. & Dorothy H. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Ng
Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Nichols
Sterling Pile
Edward & Maxine Pittroff
Sue & Stephen A. Ralph
Mrs. Charles R. Reynolds
Rod Shingu
The Siu Family
Mrs. Robert E. Soffa
Marilyn & Eugene Stein
Dr. William Steinberg & Mary Quirk
Dorothy Tatter, MD &
Mr. Richard B. Newton
Gordon & Sharon ViGario
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Warren
John & Janet Webb Family
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Werden
Ms. Martha White
Ms. Chin Wong
Mr. William D. Young
Jennifer & Chris Allen
Ms. Teresa Allred
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Robert L. Aronoff
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Arthofer
Laura & John Babcock
Nona & Steve* Baer
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Baldridge
William & Sue Barry
Mr. & Mrs. William Battison III
Mr. Scott A. Bell & Ms. Joy L. Matsumoto
William A. Bell
Patti Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Biles, Sr.
Margaret & Kenneth Blair
Mrs. Jenifer Bode
Joan & Jim Bolton
Byron & Mary Ann Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Kent T. Brandmeyer
Frank M. Brooks, Jr. &
Elizabeth Koen Brooks
Roger & Lynda Brown
Sherrill & James Carbonetti
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Carlson
Mrs. Aldo Casaretto
Dr. & Mrs. William Caton
Roy & Daisy Chan
Catherine “Tink” Cheney & Barry Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cherng
Richard & Michelle Chino
Robert & Beatrice Chun
Mrs. Katherine C. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. T. Samuel Coleman
Sally & Paul Conn
Mary Catherine & Richard T. Cooper
Alice & Joe Coulombe
Meg & George Coulter
Dr. & Mrs. David G. Covell
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Crabtree
Ms. Lori D. Daniel
Mia & Justin Dean
Lynn De Groot
Verna Delgado
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Devore
Bonnie & Dusty DeVos
William K. & Cheryl S. Doyle
Mrs. Lucile McVey Dunn
Mr. Jeffrey A. Dvorak
Kristi A. Earl
Hayden & Joanne Eaves
Mr. & Mrs. Lars Ekstrom
Janet & Ralph Erickson
Dr. Daniel J. Essin & Dr. Cecelia Essin
Howard Everett
Damon & Sue Feldmeth
Jacqueline Ficht
Patricia & Michael Fink
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Froberg
Haley & Anita Fromholz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Furrey
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Galbraith
Patricia & Stephen* Gamble
Constantine Gertmenian
Dr. & Mrs. Paul K. Gilbert
Elizabeth & Graeme Gilfillan
Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Gill
Barbara* & Merton Goddard
Steven & Ruthie Gonsoski
Mr. John E. Grech
Joyce & Allen Greif
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Halley
Doreen Hambleton
Helen J. Hancock
William & Barbara Hanna
Jean & Dick Hartt
H. Michael Hecht & Diana Collins-Hecht
Mr. Herbert Hezlep III
Marka O. Hibbs
Priscilla & Gary Hoecker
Mrs. Leslie Ann Hogan
Martin & Heather Holford
Mark & Susie Horn
Mr. Robert H. Holtzman
Courtney & John F. Hotchkis, Jr.
Sean & Lori Hunter
Krikor Jansezian, PhD
Moraig (Jo) Jardon
Avery & Fred Johnson
Ms. Karen Jorgensen
Hideo & Nancy Kagawa
Mr. Richard Katz
Gail & Steven Katz
Richard C. Keating, FAIA &
Mrs. Bonnie Khang-Keating
Larry & Kathryn Keele
Ms. Judith G. Kelly
John F. King & Pamela P. King
Barbara & Bill Klove
John & Jennith Knox
Mr. William C. Koelsch &
Ms. Amanda Goodan
Mrs. Patricia Koelzer
Gloria L. Koeppel
Ms. Gale H. Kohl & Mr. Rene F. Chila
Marlene R. Konnar &
John D. Baldeschwieler
Lisa Krueger & Robert Wyman
Ramona M. Kyaw, MD &
Mr. Alan Rommelfanger
Jacqueline I. Langdon
Dr. & Mrs. William Lattin
Patrick Laurie, RN
Mr. & Mrs. Yuk K. Law
Janet & Jeff Leitzinger
Luisa Lendo
Nancy & Ken Lewis
Michael & Ellen Linsey
Jean Lipman-Blumen, PhD &
Harold J. Leavitt*
Mr. Leslie M. Mack
Mary J. MacPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Maldonado
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Marge
Lois Marples
Karla & David Marshall
Ilene & Howard Marshall
Mrs. Elise Mudd Marvin
Bill & Lisa Mathies
Jeannette H. McCarty
Christine McCarthy &
Michael McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. McCutchan
Stephen & Judy McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGhee
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman J. McQueen
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Medearis
Lary & Debby Mielke
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Miller
Judy Minami
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Mok
Margaret Mowrey Moore*
Susan L. Morehouse
Frank & Toshie Mosher
Mr. Gregory K. Muir
Dr. & Mrs. G. Arnold Mulder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Myers
Earl F. Nation, MD*
Kay & Steve Onderdonk
Debbie & Mark Ortega
Gordon John Pashgian
Mr. & Mrs. John Pasqualetto, Jr.
Jon & Natalie Pawley
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pelton
Steven & Anita Peralez
Peggy Phelps
Mrs. George Piercy
Mrs. Cornelius J. Pings
Dr. & Mrs. Morton Pinsky
Ms. Joanne E. Pittroff
The Honorable &
Mrs. William R. Pounders
Nancy & Perry Preusch
Mrs. John W. Quinn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rasp
Eric & Rebecca Reed
Ruth & Bill Reeder
Lisa & Anthony Reese
Mr. & Mrs. William Renwick
William Titus Reynolds
William L. Richter
David & Kathleen Rips
Barbara & Fermo* Rossi
Mrs. M. Lavina Rusk
Elsie Sadler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert U. Sandroni
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Emmons Sebenius
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Milton E. Shriner
Ms. Nick L. Silk
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Simmons
Mrs. Phillip E. Simon
Drs. Neil & Sonia Singla
Dennis & Alison Slattery
Joanne & Rob Smith
Stewart R. Smith & Robin A. Ferracone
Rodney & Joan Spears
Mr. Erick Steinhauer
Dorothy & Richard Stone
Mr. Alan K. Strong
Shirley P. Struble
Mr. & Mrs. Stender E. Sweeney II
Roy Takei, Architect/Builder
Francis & Swanny Tan
Donald & Sally Tapert
Ms. Evelyn C. Tappey
Mrs. Roger Terry
Martha & Roy* Tolles
Ms. Kathleen Van Tassell &
Ms. Theresa Wick
Dorothy M. Vaughn
Mark W. Waller
Richard & Ann Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wayte
Aaron & Valerie Weiss
Mrs. William D. Wenzlau
Ian & Barbara White-Thomson
Mrs. Claire W. Wilcott
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Williams
Mary Strachan Wilson
Alison & Joseph Winter
Richmond Wolf
Mr. Chiu Wong & Ms. Sylvia Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wong
Marianne & Matthew Wright
Dr. & Mrs. Dale W. Zeh
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Zeronian
Henry Graham & Willa Zoff
George Abdo & Sara Campbell
Evelyn & Stephen Abrahamson
Dave & Amanda Abrams
[ advocate 65 ]
Ms. Jeanette Abundis
T. Thomas Ackerson II, MD
Mark & Pamela Algorri
Mir M. Ali, MD & Syeda M. Ali, MD
Elizabeth A. Almengor
Grace Ray Anderson
Arthur N. Andrews
Anonymous (3)
Sue & Don Applegate
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Arnett
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jefferson Arnett
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Assaf
Mr. & Mrs. Toshio F. Babamoto
Mr. Dennis Bachmann
Angela Bao
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barbera
Maureen McDermott Battle, RN
Mrs. Robert Beebe
Mr. Neil Bell
Dr. Ari & Ilana Berenson
Stacy & Michael Berger
Gipsy & Edward Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bertero, Jr.
Neena Bixby
Andrea & Geoff Bland
C. J. & Jean Blasiar
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bloom
Robert & Lois Boardman
Ms. Sandra A. Bode
Ruth & Felix Boehm
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton M. Box
Shari & Chris Boyer
Margi & Clayton Braatz
James H. Brewer &
DeeDee Moffat-Brewer
Dennis & Nancy Brewster
Jack & Gretchen Brickson
Mrs. Jane Brookings
Kathryn J. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Bulmahn
Dr. Rick & Drusie Bushnell
Mr. Michael J. Byrne
Mrs. Kenneth J. Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. Enrique J. Carregal
James Cashin
Dr. & Mrs. J. F. Casillas
Mr. Roston Cautivar
Cathi Chadwell & James Dalgarn
David Chan & Cathy Chim
Ms. Hsiao-Chen Chen
Angelica & David Clark
Geneva A. Clymer
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Coleman
Ms. Naomi L. Compton
Ms. Donna Cooper
Rita Coulter
Karen & Ted Coyne
Elsie M. Craig
Edwin W. Cridland
Daniel Cullen & Cathy Heflin
Ginny & John Cushman
Soraya & Mark Dancsecs
David Dapper & M’Liss Dario
Raymond E. Davis, Jr.
George G. & Kathryn L. Dawley
John & Julia De Martini
Tom & Nancy Delahooke
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M. deLang
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Demont
Risa DeQuatro
Mrs. Charles J. Detoy
Lori & Kirk Dillman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Doheny
Shari & Drew Domenghini
Dr. & Mrs. James Dooley
Herbert W. Dover
Debbie Dunn
Stuart & Georgia Dunn
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Easthope
Jock & Suzanne Ebner
Nona E. Edelen
Kalman J. Edelman, MD & Wendy Knecht
Mr. George Eisenbrand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Eldridge
Jane & Robert Ettinger
Rev. William J. Fackler
Ms. Charlotte Fairchild
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Filippone
Igor Fineman & Helen Shyn
Jean & Louis Fleming
Mr. Robert J. Floe
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Flynn
Ellen Foley
Ms. Regina Fong
Lois P. Frankel, PhD
Brett Furrey
Connie Galang
James & Priscilla Gamb
Mr. Joseph A. Gandara
Chris Garcia
Betsy Geiger
Charles E. George
Kirk & Cathy Gerbracht
Mr. Ray V. Gerhart
Dennis & Susi Gertmenian
Cynthia Gillette & Family
Richard C. Gilman, PhD
Robert W.* & Betty C. Gobrecht
Robert T. Goldweber, MD &
Veronica Thomas
Mrs. Betty Lee Gondek
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gordon
Mr. Philip R. Graf
Carole & Warren Greene
Myra J. Gregorian
Mr. & Mrs. J. Jay Griffey
Tom F. Grose
Mr. & Mrs. Amal M. Guessous
Sarajane & Zac Guevara
Barbara K. Haines*
Ms. Kelsey Browne Hall
Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Halladay
Mrs. Joseph D. Hallisey
Frances V. Hamilton
Ms. Aranya S. Harper
Marshall & Louise Harris
Evelyn M. J. Hartman
Lois & Warren Hartman
Ms. Penny Hatlee
Corinne & James J. Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hayden
Bill & Lindsay Hayden
Sue Haynie-Horn
Sunil K. Hegde, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Helgeson
Gary & Kathleen Hemming
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hentschel
Mr. & Mrs. David Herman
Daniel & Dorothy Hernandez
Mrs. Vincent W. Heublein
Mr. William L. Hildeburn, Jr.
Rosalind & David C. Hilton
Sally S. Hinckley
Sandee & Paul Hiyake
Ruth Kokka & Scott Hodgkins
Martha & Paul Hogan
Deborah & Schuyler Hollingsworth
Cal & Jeannette Hollis
Mr. Brian L. Holman &
Ms. Mary E. Tarduno
Mike & Sally Horner
Amanda & Winter Horton
Milton & Karina Hunter
Sara & Kevin Hurley
A. J. Hurter, MD &
Mrs. Barbara Hurter-Shearin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hutcheson
The Inatomi Family
Mr. & Mrs. Philip N. Ito
Marina & Bryan Jick
Jean E. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Jones
Ms. Elizabeth D. Jones
Mary E. Jones
Virginia Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Kaiser
Diane & Sid Karsh
Mr. Maurice H. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Keros
Dorothy & Robert Klein
Cecilia & Max* Knell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Knowlton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Koch
Anthony G. Koerner, MD
Ms. Diane E. Kooken-Mechaley
Berenice & Armsam Kosk
Mr. F. Michael Krotz
Jill Kunitake
Lucy & Gene Kunzman
Mary Jane Boggs Kurlander
Mrs. Akira Kuromizu
Emma Lacanilao
Mrs. Evelyn Landau
William & Lynda Lapp
Gloria Larkin-Cato
Ms. Nancy D. Lavelle
Mrs. Patrick A. Lejeune
Suzanne Levangie & Ron Kurtz
Jim Levin & Sarah MacDowall
Brandon & Wendy Lew
Edmund H. Lew, MD
Ms. Cordelia Liang
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lin
Mr. Richard B. Lindgren
Ms. Diana D. Ling
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Link
Dr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lippincott
Constance Lodge
Mr. Alan Logan
Angelie A. Lorca
Helen E. Lyons
Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. MacCready, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marcello Macherelli
Virginia & Richard Mackay
Jane & Alex MacKinnon
Lee D. Macneil
Cathy & Hoss MacVaugh
Philip M. Mahoney
Patty & Joe Maiolo
Ms. Barbara Malamut
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Manaka
Mr. William Marsh &
Mrs. Catherine Hayden Marsh
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Martin
Stan & Claudia Mathioulakis
Mary Matthiessen
Connie Matthews
Janet Mayeda & Mark Letourneau
John & Betty Maynard
E. P. Mazurek
Kevin & Susan McDonnell
Jenny & Richard McFarlane
Mr. & Mrs. Kingston McKee
Patricia C. McKeever, MD
Kathy & Jim Meagher
Butch Merideth & Steve DePonte
Mrs. Janet G. Michaels
Kathryn P. Millard
Ms. Jeanette R. Miller
Ryan & Lia Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. O’Malley M. Miller
George C. Milligan
Ms. Ana Monugian
Julia Morgan
Dr. Robert Morris & Ms. Rena Morris
Bob & Kris Morrish
Robert Morton*
Florence & LeRoy Moser
Roscoe & Carolyn Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Musat
Andrea Nagata
Daniel & Brett Nausha
Adria C. Navarro
The Honorable Richard C. Neal &
Ms. Barbara A. Reeves-Neal
Mr. Kirk Nelson & Betsy Felser, MD
Richard B. Newton, Esq
Harold & Violet Nishikawa
Anthony & Linda O’Keefe
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart O’Melveny II
Michael & Kathleen O’Sullivan
Itsuko Ota
Vahe R. Panossian, MD &
Ms. Nancy P. Doumanian
Michael & Linda Parks
Antonio E. Parra
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Partridge
Clayton E. Patchett, MD
Nancy & Joe Pekarek
Mrs. Paul Penberthy, Jr.
Charlotte Petersen
Don T. Phan & Hanh K. Tran
Carm Piscitelli
Don & Gloria Pitzer
Jill & Dick Polsby
Myrna C. Portuguez
Bill & Beth Price
Mrs. H. Brian Proctor
Mrs. Rita Coveney Pudenz
Bill & Christy Rakow
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Rand
Heidi & Scott Rasmussen
Mr. Ralph V. Raulli
Nancy R. & Charles Eric Reeves
Mr. Richard G. Reinis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reuben
Neny Ribaya Reyes
Carol La Rock Richards
Mr. & Mrs. W. Edward Richmond
Dr. & Mrs. Herman H. Ricketts
Mr. Robert Rico &
Ms. Gloria Sanchez-Rico
Robin & Marion Riley-Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson C. Ross
R. Fernando & Linda Roth
Sheryl Rudie
Norman Ruff
Pete Runje
John & Peggy Russell
Patty & Jim Ryan
Ms. Rachel C. Salucop
Winifred S. Sampsell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Scerbo
Mr. Leo J. Schamadan
Estelle B. Schlueter
Elizabeth Schoeni
Jeff Schoeni
Myrl R. Scott & Joan N. Scott, PhD
John & Sharon Scull
Mrs. Marvin D. Shafer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Sharp, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Sheldon
[ 66 summer 2008 ]
Neil J. Sherman, MD
Dennis S. Shillam, MD
Waleed W. Shindy, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Shives
Kimberly A. Shriner, MD
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Jill & Mike Sigler
Mrs. John W. Simmons
W. June Simmons
Mr. Norman A. Slaught &
Mrs. Claire Slaught
Ms. Deborah S. Smith &
Ms. Carole A. Lambert
Gloria & Edward Smith
Ms. Mariana M. Smith
Ms. Patricia L. Smith
Mr. R. Ernest Smith
Mrs. Charlotte Sohl
Janet & Alan Stanford
Ms. Marsha R. Stanton
Mr. Doug Steimly
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Stein
Alan & Millie Steinbrecher
Mr. & Mrs. William Still
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Stimson II
Nancy Strong
Mrs. Pelletier H. Supple
Sally & Phil Swan
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Symes
George Tang, MD
Stan & Jo Ann Taylor
Frances Y. Teng, MD &
Mr. David G. Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley K. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Tse
Sid & Betsey Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Varden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Volk
Ms. Susan Wagner
Carrie & Scott Walker
Debra Wall
Sandra L. Wallace, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Walper
David Walsh & Monica Miller-Walsh
Mr. Charles Wang & Mrs. Mor-San Chan
Mr. & Mrs. George Way
Jeff & Debbie Weigand
Joy Yoshimura Weissman, MD
Jilleen Westbrook & Rick Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Whaling
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry L. White
Walt & Julie Williams
Mr. Kenneth B. Wilson, Jr.
Katherine & Warren Wimmer
Barbara Wirick
Peter Wolar*
George & F. Fay Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Wong
Mr. Herbert Woo
Mary Belle Wright
Meriel L. Wu, MD & Mr. Nywood Wu
Ms. Shinta D. Wydyana
Philip & Elizabeth Young
Ms. Sinath Yu
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Zimmerman
Dr. & Mrs. Willard J. Zinn
Michael & Nella Abelson
Ms. Deborah L. Acosta
Mrs. Ann Agopian
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Aguayo
Boghos & Ovsan Agulian
Mrs. Mandel Ainsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando A. Alegre
Doug & Lynn Allen
Dr. Leslie C. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. W. Reid Allen, Jr.
Wufaa Alrashid, MD
Marie Amagrande*
Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn B. Amos
Katherine & Jack Anastasia
Dian P. Anderson
Jack & Pat Andrews
Anonymous (15)
John F. Anthony
Aimee E. Arakawa
Andriana R. Armstrong, LCSW
Christina B. & Brian G. Arnold
Mrs. Kathleen Ashby
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Attanasio
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Au
Elizabeth R. Austin
Marilyn Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Zane Averbach
Karen Aydelott & John Robbins
Mr. David A. Bailey
Ms. Louise B. Ball
Mr. Bomani Buka Bandele &
Ms. Sandra Bryant-Bandele
Robert & Joan Banning
Col. & Mrs. Henry A. Barber III
John & Norma Barnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Barron
Jane, Nan & Jini Bashor
Susan & William Bauman
Nick & Natalie Bazarevitsch
Jack & Pat Beauchamp
Boris & Tiffany Beljak
Rosey Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bell
Lauren & Kevin Bender
Helen M. Benedict
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Bennett
Mr. Walter Bennett
John & Kathleen Berchild
Meta & Jay Berger
Linda & Al Bianchi
Ms. Beverlee Bickmore & Mr. Jim Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Biggar
Richard J. Bing, MD
Mr. Nicholas B. Binkley
Brian & Beth Birnie
Eugene D. Bishop
Janet & James Black
David L. Blanchfield
Bobbie R. & Pauline Bodiford
Kenneth & Ruth Bolton
Mr. John D. Boone
Mr. Brandon A. Bowlin, Jr.
Ms. Debra M. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bradley
Patricia Brandon-Shigemitsu &
Terry Shigemitsu
Mrs. Carol Bressler
Don & Evaline Brice
John M. & Jean Bridges
Mrs. Helen L. Brill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brill
Jose C. Briones, Jr., MD
Karen & Steven Bristing
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brookes
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brown
Ms. Julie A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Brunette
Pat & John Bucklin
Ingall W. Bull, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Burke
Susan Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Burton
Jim & Jennifer Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Calhoun
Mr. Scott Campbell & Mr. Enrique Medina
Dr. & Mrs. Scott L. Carder
Mr. Michael Carone
Dale L. Carter
Pat Carter
Ms. Barbara S. Castro
Michael & Marlyn Catalano
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Cate
Joan & Robert Cathcart
Ann & Louis Cavalieri
Mrs. Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Chan
Steven & Shirley Chan
Dr. & Mrs. Sunney I. Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie C. Chin
Pat & Bill Chin
Francis K. & Sarah S. Cholko
Mr. & Mrs. Ennis Choyce
Dr. & Mrs. Michael M. Churukian
Ms. Gail F. Cinexi
Sherlyn & Peter Claridge
Julia & Alfred Clark
Ms. Martha J. Clark
Tom & Maryadele Clougherty
Dawn Herbuveaux Cobb
William Coburn, DO
Jim & Sharon Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Coghlan
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Congdon
Mrs. Joseph Connor
Kae A. Connors
Mr. Gilbert Contreras
Aileen M. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Cook
Peter W. Corrigan, MD
Rania & Josh Cousins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cowley
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Crabtree
Helen K. Creed
Lawrence W. & Dinah J. Crispo
Fenton & Joyce Cross
Mr. & Mrs.* E. F. Crowell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. D’Antuono
Eugenia Daciuk
Ambassador & Mrs. Peter H. Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Datko, Jr.
Leverett & Victoria Davis
Mary T. Davis
Mr.* & Mrs. Richard D. Davis
Ms. Susan H. Dawson
Lawrence & Lynne Day
Mr. & Mrs. R. Justin Dedeaux
Ralph & Laura DeMichele
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. DeNero
Leslie B. Dennis
Charlotte & Harold Dettmann
Dori Devereux
John Di Lullo
Harriet A. Diamond, PhD
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Dietrick
Teresa & Mark Dilbeck
Lauren Ashforth Dimen, MD &
Luis L. Dimen, MD
D.G.W. Dimit
Don Dinsmore
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence DiPasquale
Eartha A. & Anthony S. Dmohowski
Doris & Everett Dodge
Mr. Eduardo F. Dominguez
Ms. Ruth H. Donald
Mrs. Alyce A. Doney
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Dotts
Mrs. Louise O. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Dowds
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Drayton
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Dunaians
Sarah & Chris Dusseault
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Duvall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eastwood
Rebecca & David Ebershoff
Begoña & Candida Echeverria
Faye A. Eggerding, MD, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Dhiya El-Saden
David C. Elliot
Token Era
Nancy & Richard Esbenshade
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Esther
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Evans
Lisa & Tom Evans
Mark & Hannah Farbstein
Mrs. David L. Farless
Mr. Kevin Farr
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Fazzmann
JoeAnn & Richard Fiedler
Mary & Frederick Findley
Maria & Mike Finnegan
Mrs. Beverly E. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Fitzpatrick
Dick & Sue Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Fogata
Phillip Fong
Stacey & David Fortner
Claudia & Mark Foster
Patricia Ann Fowler
Thomas & Louise Fox
Mary I. French
Donald & Jean Freshwater
Mrs. Joan M. Frey-Smith
Mr. Wilber H. Friend, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Froberg
Judy Gain
Sidney K. Gally
Ms. Yvonne M. Galvan
Ms. Marcela Garcia
Mr. John K. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Garrett
Tim & Amy Garrity
Helen A. Gatti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gelhaar
Dr. & Mrs. Ray H. George
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Gerhardt
Meg & Don Gertmenian
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Giesler
J. Douglas & Margaret Gilmour
Mr. David Giunta
Mr. John F. Goeders
Dr. Lisa Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gomez, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gong
Vincent & Sarah Gonzalez
Mike & Diane Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Gordinier
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Grace
Mr. & Mrs. John Grace
Kathryn Grant
Doreen Gray
Marsha & Joseph Grieco
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner K. Grout III
Katherine Haderlein
Alison B. Hadziosmanovic, RN
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Halcomb
Judge Cynthia Holcomb Hall
Jean E. Hall
Geri Hamane
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Hanlin
Mr. Arthur W. Hansen
Beth & Rob Hansen
[ advocate 67 ]
David & Connie Harding
Tiffany & Marc Harris
Kristin & Berkeley Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. William Hasbun
Dr. & Mrs. Hassan M. Hathout
T. George Hayakawa
Barbara & Willard Hayden
Janet & Bruce Hayes
Donald E. Hayes
Tom Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Heartfield
Jen & Joel Heger
Harry & Sharon Heidsman
Ms. Susan J. Helfgott
Mrs. Marianne Hendriks
Lou Anne Hendrix
Dr. & Mrs. W. James Henneberg
Mr. Paul H. Herrera
Ms. Jeanne L. Herrick
Jim & Connie Hess
Mary C. Hickey
Gordon & Joan Higbee
Margaret A. Higbee
Mr. & Mrs. Jonel C. Hill
Fred & Stephanie Himmelberger
Cordelia & Tom Hinckley
George S. Hjelte, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Y. Ho
Mr. Hei Chen Ho & Ms. Julie M. Wang
Trang Hoang
Loretta & Robert Hoffman
Debbi & Randy Hoffman
Ms. Rosita B. Hooker
Mrs. Carol C. Hoover
Lloyd & Betsy Hoover
Dr. Althea J. Horner
Creighton C. Horton, MD
Mary Anne Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Howell
Mrs. Herbert C. Hull
Dr. & Mrs. Kjell N. Hult
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hunt
Samuel & Celia Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Hunter, Jr.
Brett & John Logan Hunter
Orlando & Jean Irizarry
Denise Jankas, RN
Mrs. Audrey A. Jensen
Ms. Rhonda Jimenez
Bill & Elisabeth Johns
Mrs. Jacquelin Johnson
Marlene Johnson
Heidi & Ron Johnson
Lillian & Paul Johnston
Mr. & Ms. Richard W. Jones
Margaret & Doug Jorgensen
Yvonne & William Jubb
Dottie & Dennis Juett
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jung
Ruby Kalra, MD & Ed Elsner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Kaniewski
Lin & Ivan Karp
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Kassabian
Cheryl & Howard Kaufman
Susumu & Reiko Kawamura
Jim & Jean Keatley
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. Iduama Kelly-Dokubo
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kendall
Ms. Lisa Kenyon
Darry & Nancy Kerckhoff
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Ketabgian
Dr. & Mrs. Teng Hik Khoe
Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Kilian
Dr. & Mrs. Gary O. Kim
Mr. Richard N. Klink
Liz & Dennis Kneier
Mary Knight
Alison & Francis Knoll
Dr. & Mrs. Roy D. Kohl
Mr. Eph Konigsberg
Peter John Kousakis
Bill & Alison Kuehn
Mr. Ray O. Kusche
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme D. Laing
Patrick & Linda Lam
Robert & Marcia Lanz
Albert Lasko & Antoinette Campos
Ms. Sara Latz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O. Lavorico, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ledbetter
Scott & Celeste Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar T. Lee
Paul S. Lee, CPA
Kai & Elizabeth Lem
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Lent
Ms. Harrienne Leong
Margaret Leong
Kathleen & Michael LeRoy
Bette Levie
Mrs. Cynthia B. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Lewis
Alyson & Bill Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lillard
Ann S. Linck
Dorothy R. Lindsey
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin K. Link
Jim & Jill Liston
Elizabeth & Jim Little
Mrs. Robert V. Lohse
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Lui
James Luna, MD & Jo Ann Burciaga
Mary & Kenny Lund
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Q. Luu
Ms. Antoinette B. MacNamara
Ms. Gwendolyn J. Magwood
Mr. & Mrs. Perry A. Maljian
Nancy Gobar Mallicoat
Mr. Walter L. Malone, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Malouf
Mr. Steven Manus
Harry & Patricia Tom Mar
Samuel F. Marchese
Ms. Rosemary Marsden
Mr. Francis D. Marshall
Mrs. Varick Dey Martin, Jr.
Alvaro Martinez
Dorothy & John Matthiessen
Mr. & Mrs. Emil H. Matyas
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Maucher, Jr.
Barbara L. Maxwell
Mr. & Henry S. Mayeda
Carlin & David McCarthy
Mrs. Barbara J. McCarville
Marguerite M. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Delford B. McGee
Ms. Karen McGuire
Betty McLaughlin
Dr. William I. McLaughlin
Dorothy Rayburn McVann, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Medeiros
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Meier
Kay & John Meisch
Irene Mendon
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Messenger
Patricia Milazzo & Robert Briggs
Mr. Craig A. Miller & Ms. Lisa M. Arnett
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Miller
Stacy M. & Stuart C. Miller
Charles & Diana Minning
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Minton
Dr. Michael M. Missakian
Kinden & Kristin Mitchell
Muriel & Ross Mitchell
Wendi & Bill Moffly
Donald & Georgia Mon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Montoya
Mr. & Mrs. Phil J. Montoya, Jr.
Earl & Roberta Morehead
Steve & Megan Morelock
Whitney & Don Morgan
Dave & Janice Moritz
Dick & Dottie Mouri
James S. Munroe
Mrs. Marion S. Murphy
Edward G. Nash &
Catherine C. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nepomuceno
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Neu
Robert Neuwirth
Anne Neville
Lynn & Lillian Newcomb
Judy & Buck Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Nishinaka
Ms. Tamir Nitzan
Rayla Nolen
Ginny & Gene Noll
George & Sandi Noujaim
Robert & Sharon Novell
Ali & Tom O’Brien
Juanita & Ray O’Marah
Mr. Kenneth L. Okuno
Mr. & Mrs. John Olinski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oren
Robert & Julie Oropallo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Outhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Paddock, Jr.
Tony & Mabell Paine
Mr. Galoust Pakhanians
Mrs. Doris Pankow
Peter & Julie Parker
Patricia A. & John R. Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Pearlman
Kathleen & Charles Peck
Paul & Alyson Pernecky
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Petty
Richard Phegley & Carol Pfaffmann
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Piccardi
Tom & Elizabeth Polenzani
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Porteous
Karen Potter
Fran Powell
Jeanie & Peter Price
Walter & Sheila Psaila
Mr. Sukhvinder Puri
Robert H. Quan
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Quigley
Cynthia R. & Michael L. Raff
Elizabeth Ralph
Ms. Jacqueline Randolph
Janice & Robert Raney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Redcay
Louise & Peter Reich
Mrs. J. Scallon Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn P. Reitnouer
Ms. Mary L. Remy
Virginia Lee Remy
Mr. & Mrs. John Repstad
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reyes
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro E. Reyna
Diane M. Ricard
Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Rice
Mr. Don Riddell
Mr. & Mrs. Adolphus A. Riewe III
Thomas & Evangelia Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rising
Cynthia Robertson, MD
David K. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rollo
Daniel Romero
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rowley
Sally Rubsamen & Alfred Gottfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudy
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Sabourin
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Sahhar
Kelly & Michael Sanchez
Roberto & Barbara Sanchez
Mr. Thomas C. Sanford &
Ms. Jonnell Agnew-Sanford
Loren & Barbara Sanladerer
James & Rebecca Sarni
Mr. Andrew Sarosi &
Ms. Kim Hurlbert-Sarosi
Mr. Arthur J.R. Schneider
Eileen & Fred Schoellkopf
Sherry & Louis Sclafani
Mrs. William A. Scribner
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Scully
Fritz & Gwynne Seares
Ms. Ruth Segal
Ms. Margarita Segoviano
Christy Seidel
Mr. & Mrs. H. Jess Senecal
Mr. Mark T. Serrio &
Ms. Anne M. Majcher
Rebecca & Michael Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sheppard
Scott & Jannine Sheridan
Gary H. & Helga Sherman
John V. Shields, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Boston S. Shima
Dennis Shimazu
Mr. Amiel Shulsinger
Ms. Jodi A. Simala
Tracy & Frank Simmons
Robert & Erica Sinik
Laura L. Sirott, MD & Mr. Yury Stashevsky
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Skogen
Helen B. Slovak
Mr. Douglas J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Smith
Ann & Varley Smith
Dottie & Alan Snitzer
Frank & Anne Snyder
Lynette & Fred Sohl
Penny & Ted Sonnenschein
Lourdes R. Sosa
Mike & Kim Spindler
Frieda A. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Stark
Ms. Kathy Stear
Margaret C. Steinpfad
Ann H. Stewart
Ann Vonn Stewart
Esther & Mark A. Steyaert
Mr. & Mrs. H. Randall Stoke
Mr. Keith D. Storey
Bill & Betty Strauss
Nancy Strong
Mr. Albert Chao-Yu Su &
Ms. Diane Tsui Hsueh Su
Ronni & Robert Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Sutton
Florence M. Switzer
Mrs. Marilyn Szymak
Susan & Mark Taggart
Ms. Cathy L. Takeuchi
Robert & Dorothy Talty
Mr. Joe Taormina
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Tarin
[ 68 summer 2008 ]
Mrs. Maria D. Tellez
Brigitte & Robert Thaler
Mrs. Franklin A. Thomas
Frank & Joan Thompson
Bill & Carol Thomson
Fanya & Bill Thomson
Jeanne P. Tisdall
Charisse & Rob Tolleson
Roslyn Towler
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Tsusaki
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Tupy
Eve & Steve Tusler
Robert & Mae Uchida
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ung
Jane B. Unruh
Jolly Urner
Liz & Carl Vail
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Van Dyke
Lisa & Jon Vandergriff
Mr. Ernest A. Vargas
Mrs. Suzanne Vermilyea
Mrs. Frank L. Vernon
Margaret & Guillermo Villarreal
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Von Der Ahe
Robin & Hilda von Tscharner
Mr. Donald R. Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Waldron
Mr. & Mrs. E. Cardon Walker
John & Danielle Walker
Lorna & Dick Wallen
Seth & Susan Walworth
Kenneth & Joan Ward
William M. Wardlaw, Esq &
The Honorable Kim M. Wardlaw
Linda L. Warnekros
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Clark Warren
John F. Watkins
Stephen & Carol Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley D. Webb
Daniel A. Weiss
Kelly & Steve Welker
Frank Wells
Lawrence S. Westfall
Mr. Kevin B. Wheeler & Ms. Yunling Lou
Mrs. Amy K. Wickson
Ms. Gretchen M. Wiechman
Mr. Casimir M. Wierzynski &
Ms. S. Jean Kim
Scott & Jinny Wilcott
David & Caitlin Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William Williams
Arnold Winer
Mark & Allison Withers
Susan & Bill Wofford
Ms. Sing L. Wong
Dorothy & Jack Wooddell
Mrs. Martha C. Woods
Mr. Owen W. Woodside
Marjorie & Joseph Wyatt
Frank Yanchulis
Ventura & Annie Ybarra & John Ybarra
Denis A. Yen, MD & Ms. Ellen Kim
Mr. & Mrs. H. John Yingling
Henry & Akiko Yokoyama
John E. Zeile, Jr.
Kari & Anthony Zoolakis
Walid M. & Nora Abouzeid
Mr. Bobby Abraham
Ms. Marcela R. Acosta
Charlotte Acret
Carleton & Reiko Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce E. Adolph
Mr. Jose D. Aguilar
Mr. & Mrs. Naveed Ahmed
Ms. Cheryl K. Alcorn
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Alexander
Carol & Henry Alfaro
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Alford
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Allen
Ms. Janice Allen
Marky Allen
The Altman Family
Obie & Laurie Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Amestoy, Jr.
Elsie B. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Anderson
Ms. Anda Andersons
Mrs. Frances A. Andrews
Mr. John W. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Angell
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Angelos
Anonymous (27)
Ann Anthony
Mr. Herman R. Araujo
Mr. Craig B. Arban
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Armstrong
Alison Ashford & Michael Arya
Mr. & Mrs. David Asem
Mrs. Robert Ashworth
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Auproux
Ms. Grace C. Avilez
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Bachman
The Backman Family
Lourdes Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron F. Baker
Mr. Sytun M. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Husam S. Balisy
Ms. Rosalva Banuelos
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Barbour
Mr. & Mrs. Burton B. Barkelew
Dr. Colin W. Barkley
Richard & Sharon Barlow
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Barnard
Mr. Frank Barnes
Linda Barral
Margarita Barrales
Mr. Ernesto Barreto
Mr. & Mrs. Olin Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Barrios
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Barry
Mr. Vartan Barsamian*
Ms. Susan M. Bartow
Ms. Josephine Basile
Adrienne Bass
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bates
Mrs. Dawn D. Bazler
James & Silvia Beck
Mrs. Gail R. Becker
Bill & Pat Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Beles
Maurene Bell
Ms. Marlene Benedict
Ms. Judith D. Bennett
Carolyn & Jerry Berenson
Ms. Emily Bergman
David & Josi Beringer
Betty Bernard, MD
Elizabeth G. Berry
Giuseppe & L. Elisabeth Bertani
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Berumen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Betz III
Mr. David A. Bevans
Mr. Ajit S. Bhamrah
Mrs. Young L. Bhung
Theodora & Morris Bidwell
Douglas & Aubyn Biery
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Biles
Mr. David J. Billeter
Mr. Harry E. Billheimer
Ray Billingham
Nancy & Tom Billings
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt E. Binner
Mr. Jack Biondolilo &
Ms. Linda J. Koci-Biondolilo
Evelyn L. & James D.* Birdsall
Madelaine & Morris Birnbaum
Mr. John F. Birnie
David & Carole Bishop
Jeannie Blackburn
Elizabeth G. Blackwelder
Barbie Blake
Pam* & Ed Blecksmith
Ms. Alice I. Blinkenberg
Willard A. Bochte
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bode
Mr. & Mrs. V. M. Bollier
Robert Boochever
David Booth
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Borelli
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bortz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Boss
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Botts
James B. Boyle, Jr.
Mr. Fred Bracht
Greg Bradford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Brandman
Mr. & Mrs. Rolla E. Brasington
Alice Brock
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brofman
Norman & Frederika Brooks
Ms. Bridget L. Broussard
Mr. Vartkis Broutian
Mr. Boardman W. Brown
Ms. Carrie J. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Brown
Ms. Phylis A. Brown &
Mr. Leonard M. Greenfeld
Ruth D. Brown
Ms. Carol Brusha
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Woodrow W. Buckhalter
Ms. Nancy Buge
Ms. Hi T. Bui
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Bullard
Mrs. John J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Burkhalter
Jerry & Dorothy Burnett
Clarice C. Burns
Michael A. Burnstine, MD
George & Jo Anne Burr
Ms. Patricia H. Burrall
Ms. Claire R. Burrill
Ms. Carol S. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Butler
Ken Byrne & Karen Bissonnette
Ms. Preciosa B. Cabote
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Cabrera
Mr. George Caldwell
Ms. Patricia E. Callaghan
Mrs. Thomas A. Callister
Mrs. Cecilia L. Camacho
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cambonga
Marian & Donald Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Camil
Mr. Ian M. Campbell
Tim & Katie Carey
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Carlblom
Mr. & Mrs. A. Brice Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson
Mr. John M. Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs.* William Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. L. Edward Carnahan
Ms. Kathryn W. Carpenter
Ms. Janet L. Carr
Mr. Jimmie A. Carrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Carter
Mr. John W. Cassella
Mr. Bernardo H. Castaneda
Mr. A. L. Castro
Mrs. Irene Cathey
Jane Caughey
Mr. Hugo O. Cervantes
Lawrence Chaffin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Chambers
Susan & Charles Champion
Mr. Chick Y. Chan &
Mrs. Fung Y. Chan-Lee
Mrs. Catherine S. Chandler
Dr. & Mrs. Stebbins B. Chandor
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chang
Ms. Chi Chao
Mr. Jimmy C. Chao
Mrs. Maria Chavez
Miriam & Servando Chavez
Mr. & Mrs. John Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cherry
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Cheslow
Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Chew
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Chiang
Ms. Joan N. Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Chester L. Chinn
Mr. & Mrs. Kwang Myoung Choi
Mrs. Stephanie Chong
Chris Christensen
Ruth Christensen
Ms. Anne R. Christenson
Ms. Jean Chubb
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Chumpitazi
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Chun
Winnie Lai-Kwan Chwa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Clark
Mrs. Wilma A. Clauss
Mr. & Mrs. Kent S. Colberg
Ms. Brenda Cole
Ms. Karen L. Colquhoun
Ms. Sue R. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Conner
Mrs. Helen P. Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Cook
Wendell & Dorothy Coon
John & Bette Cooper
Ms. Lois J. Cooper
Mary E. Copperud
Yvonne Corbin
Ms. Barbara Corey
Cynthia & Noel Corngold
Ms. Carolyn L. Cornwell
Dorothy F. Corsetti
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Costantini
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd A. Cottam
Ms. Allison C. Crane
Ms. Helen J. Crane
Madeleine & Alan J. Criuaro
Ms. Harriet L. Crosier
Mr. William L. Crowell
Janis & Frank Crowhurst
Ms. Maritza Cruz
Mrs. Victor R. Cuccia
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Cuellar
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Cumings
Rev. & Mrs. George W. Cummings
Mr. Nicholas Cummings
Mrs. Nancy B. Cunningham
Ms. Susan L. Curtis
[ advocate 69 ]
Allan H. Cutler, Esq, JD, PhD &
Helen E. Cutler, Esq, JD, GRI
Mrs. Catherine Dach
Ms. Linda M. Daley
Dr. Saralyn R. Daly
Ms. Victoria S. Daly
Mrs. Ruby L. Dantzler
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Darrow
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Davila
Cynthia L. Davis, PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond R. Davis
Mildred E. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Davis
Mr. Scott P. Davis
George G. & Kathryn L. Dawley
Mr. & Mrs. R.J. De Leon
Virginia T. De Zell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeCarolis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Deise
Ms. Loretta Dela Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dennis
William & Margi Denton
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. DePalma
Mrs. Anahis Derian
Ms. Nancy A. Devine
Mr. Russell DeVita & Ms. Lennie La Guire
Mr. & Mrs. Howard P. Devol
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Dimmock
Joanne E. & Brendan M. Dixon
Ms. Renee Dixon
Mrs. Larry E. Doan
Ms. Mary A. Donnelly-Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Donno
Arthur J. Donovan
Ms. Kristine A. Dopera
Steve & Hilary Dorsey
Ms. Mary E. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Downer
Ms. Virginia Doyle
Ruth & Arthur Drye
Jackie & Jeff Dubin
Mary Lou & Lee Dudley
Aleck & Barbara Dugally
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunn
Penne & Bill Durst
Mr. & Mrs. Russell S. Edmonston
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Eggers, Jr.
Ms. Lotte Ehrlich
Ms. Gloria D. Elio
Hilda M. Ellerbe
Dr. Heinz E. Ellersieck
Stuart & Lyn Elliott
Lorelle & Mike Ellis
Ms. Cristina Enriquez
Ms. Daphna G. Enzer
Barbara Ercek
Mr. Paul C. Erie
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Erler, Jr.
Michele & Andrew Esbenshade
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Espinoza
Ursula & Norbert Esseln
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Estrada
Barbara R. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Evans
Ken Evans
Mrs. William H. Eyler
Mr. Raymond Fahn
William & Lisa Fairbanks
Lorenzo Farlice
Mrs. Nora E. Farlice
Bob & Carmen Farmer
Mr. Douglas Farr
Mr. Klaus R. Fehrmann
Ms. Lisbeth J. Feldberg
Ms. Frances L. Feldman
Martha Ferguson
Mr. Anthony A. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Randel Z. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Arcangelo D. Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando C. Ferrante
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ferro
Ms. Christine C. Fetterling
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Fickas
Mr. John A. Fitchette, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Patrick Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Jennifer Fleischner
Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Fleming, Jr.
Francine & Ralph Flewelling
Merodine Flinchbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Earnest L. Flowers
Mr. Frank Foellmer
Mrs. Ray J. Folks, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Folsom
Mr. & Mrs. William Fosselman
Mr. & Ms. Thomas J. Fountain
Amanda Fox & Dan Katz
Cecilia Fox
Anthony Francis
Mr. Oscar N. Francisco
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Franklin, Jr.
Ms. Judith A. Franks
Mr. George Franscell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Franssen
Mr. & Mrs. K.R. Fraser
Mr. William Freeland
Ms. Amy Freidenrich
Mr. William Friedman & Ms. Jo E. Pitesky
Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Friesen
Ms. Stephanie Frigo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fuchs
Kiyoshi & Ann Fujihara
Kimiye Fujitani
Ms. Suzette L. Furbeyre
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Furlong
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Furuta
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Galindo III
Mr. & Mrs. Luis E. Gallegos
Mrs. Rosalie Galyean
Mr. & Mrs. Sharad N. Gandhi
Ms. Edwina S. Gantt
Mrs. Louise C. Gardiner
Gerald M. Gardner, DVM
Ann G. Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Garrison
Donald J. Gaspard, MD
Janet M. Gault
Robert & Casey Gayl
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gayton
Mr. Kenneth J. Geiger
Mrs. Mary Gerry
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Gianopulos
Mrs. Charles Giles
Mr. Norval L. Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Ginsburg
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Ginzton
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Gitzinger
Alma R. Goldberg
Mr. Laurence S. Goldstein
Mr. Franklin E. Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Gonzalez
Rebecca Gonzalez
Ms. Soraya M. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Good
Jessie M. Good
Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Goodman
Mrs. Dorothy M. Goodnight
Eloise & Clyde Goodyear
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gorden
Ms. Frances V. Gordon
Mary C. Gormican
Ms. Christine A. Gottardi
Mrs. Patsy R. Grace
Mrs. Jeanne A. Graden
Mr. Lloyd W. Graham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Grant
Doris A. Graves, MD &
Mr. Carl D. Graves
Hans & Arline Grether
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Greulich
Robert Griffiths
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Grimard
Rupert & Evelyn Groh
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Guerrero
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Guglielmo
Ms. Sally Gurevitz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Guth
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Gutierrez
Tony & Isabel Gutierrez
Mrs. Amie Lu M. Haake
Mr. Gilbert E. Haakh
Cissy Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Hagihara
Mr. Harry H. Haig
Pat & Jim Haight
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Haines
Mrs. Marion Haines
Marge & Ed Hake
Ms. Barbara A. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Hall
Marianne B. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Halliday
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Halverson
Mrs. Eleanor V. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Thornton H. Hamlin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hamm
Lonnita & Odell Hampton
Mrs. Rosemary E. Hampton
Mr. Lloyd Hamrol
Mr. Edmund W. Hanlon
Paul & Laura Hansen
Porter & Rick Hansen
Carol Hanson
Mr. H. William Happel
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshiaki M. Hara
Mrs. Robert G. Hardie
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Hargrove
Mr. Ralph N. Harkness
Larry Harma
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrus G. Harmsen
Ms. Kirsten Harnum
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Harper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Harper
Mrs. Bessie M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harris
Ms. Sherry V. Harsh
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Harsha
Marilyn & Keith Hartell
Ms. Mitzie Hartzler
Terri Hassenmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Hastrup
Jean-Anne Hawley
JoAnn Haycraft-Cummings, PhD
Don Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Hayward
Mr. Richard Hedberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dunbar M. Helsley
Hal & Marguerite Hennacy
Bethel Hennigan*
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hennis
Mrs. Oliver R. Henrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Henry
Leland & Harriet Hepler
Mr. Joseph L. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert Herold II
Mr. Herbert P. Herr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Herrick
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Hibdon
Dolores Hickambottom
Mr. L. Boyd Higgins
Ann T. Hight
Ms. Francia G. Hines
Mr. & Mrs. M. T. Hirdler
Dorothy C. Hoffman
Mrs. J. Charles Hoffman
Mr. David C. Hoffner
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Holbrook III
Patrick & Jill Holland
Jane A. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Holt
Ms. Virginia Holzer
Ms. Alice F. Holzman
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hom
Marianne & Bob Honey
Mr. & Mrs. John Hopkins
Dalen L. & Martha G. Horning
Mr. Alvin W. Horton
Dick & Bitsy Hotaling
Ms. Gloria Hou
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Y. Hou
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Houle
Barbara & John House
George C. Houston
Mrs. Natalie A. Howard
Ms. Ann Howitt
Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Hu
Monica J. & Thomas H. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron C. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin S. Hughson
Mr. Fred T. Hull
Ms. Fumiko Humberd
Mr. Harris Hung En Liu & Ms. Bor Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hunter
Ms. Louise P. Hunter
Marian F. Hunter
Carolyn Huntsinger
Dale W. Hurley, MD
Mrs. Lucy S. Huston
Ms. Victoria P. Hutchins
Elizabeth B. Hutter
Ms. Winnie C. Huynh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Iffrig
Mr. Dennis S. Ikari
Mr. Chris Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Y. Inouye
Muhammad Iqbal, MD
Mr. & Mrs. John Irigoyen
Marc & Kathy Isaacson
The Honorable Lance A. Ito &
Ms. Margaret A. York
Frank & Mary Ituarte
Cindy Iwamoto
Ms. Paula A. Jacka
The Jackson Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jackson
Ms. Ruthie B. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Erv James
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. James
Ms. Karen J. Jarnagin
Jaime & Blanca Jarrin
Mrs. Mack Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Jensen
Ms. Ann C. Johnson
Claire & Charlene Johnson
Caroline & Ernest Johnson
[ 70 summer 2008 ]
Fred & Donna Johnson
Fred D. Johnson, Jr. & Nancy H. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Johnson
Ms. Sandra Johnson
Vivian G. Johnson
Mr. Jerry E. Jones
Joan W. Jones
Ms. Susan M. Jones
Walter & Jane Jorgensen
Mr. & Mrs. Devin Joshua
Mr. Manuel Juarez, Sr.
Mrs. Ray W. Judson
Mr. Jack Jue
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford P. Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Let Jung
Ms. Linda H. Jung
Mr. Kevork Kalostian
Ms. Emi E. Kamiyama
Ms. Angeliki Kanavou
Mr. & Mrs. Perry W. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Tasos Karagias
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Karayan
Ms. Karla Kauhola
Mrs. Robert S. Kaz
Joseph & Joanne Keating
Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Keen
Jim & Gerry Kehoe
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Keller
Sharon K. Kelley
Edward & Janet Kellum
Ms. Colleen G. Kelly
W. W. Kenney
Don & Judy Kent
Mrs. Phyllis R. Kern
Mr. Keith Kerney
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Kerr
Ms. Chwee Kim Khoo
Ms. Misty L. Kiesler
E. H. Kim
Ms. Irene A. Kimura
Ms. Diane J. Klein
Mr. Daniel Kleitman
Ms. Erma A. Klindt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Klinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Klomburg, Jr.
Ms. Carole A. Klove
Harvey & Ellen Knell
Mr. & Mrs. Orville G. Kniep
Shirley & Al Knuth
Constance “Connie” Kofahl
Ms. Mitsuko Kondo
Mr. & Mrs. Hirofumi Kono
Andy & Phyllis Krinock
Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kudla
Yasuko Kumagai
Mr. Gregory M. Kunert &
Ms. Carol A. Watson
Seichi & Glorian Kunioka
Mr. Samuel S. Kurohara
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Kyburz
Ms. Patricia A. La Marr
Ms. Tina J. La Monica
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lahey
Arlouise F. Lammering
Mary R. Landquist
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Langenberg
Mr. Richard J. Large III
Mrs. Shirley R. Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Erik J. Larson
Virginia S. Lashley
Janet Spear Laubman
Jane & Scott Laudeman
Mrs. William D. Lawrence
Ms. Sara S. Layne
Ms. Cecilia V. Ledesma
Richard & Carole Lee
Mr. Robin C. Lee
Diana & Robert Leff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Leffman
The Legault Family
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lehman
Mr. Ernest H. Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Leis
Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Lemaire
Cora M. Lemon
Gotlinde & Alan Leonard
Marilyn R. Lester
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Levin
Gail L. Levine, MD
Ms. Margie Y. Lew
Mr. & Mrs. Rowland H. Lew
Gaillard H. Lewis
Ms. Jennifer F. Lewis
Mildred L. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lewis
Mr. Richard W. Leyden
Mr. & Mrs. David Lifton
Mr. Robert H. Lillevick
Dr. Dennis D. Lim
Mr. & Mrs. Fang-Ba Lin
Mrs. Bernice F. Lindley
Gertha Lindsey
Mrs. James E. Lirette
Ms. Martha Liscano
Ms. Margaret E. Lischick
Marcia Lisle
Noreen & Robert Lispi
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Liu
Mr. Alfredo Lizcano
Ms. Lucila Llanes
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lo Cascio
Ms. Jean S. Loberg
Mary S. Lodwick
Beatrice & Bill Loesch
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lonergan
Mr. & Mrs. Hartwell R. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Longiotti
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick R. Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Louie
Judith K. Lowe, MD
Mr. & Dr. John S. Lowenthal
John & Genevieve Lucas
Ms. Maria G. Lucko
Mr. Wilson Lue
Ms. Wendy L. Luo
Ms. Cristina C. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Lyans
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Lynn
Ms. Marie G. MacGregor
Mrs. Alicia A. Macias
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Macias
Ms. Marta O. Mack
Robin Mackenroth
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mackessy
Robert J. Mackin, Jr. & Merrilee Fellows
Maud MacLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. H. Ross MacMichael
Mr. Alan Magree
Mr. & Mrs. Cal Magro
Marjorie W. Maiden
Earl & Rosina Maize
Ms. Sonya Makunga
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Maling
Fred & Jean Mallgrave
Ms. Monica Mallue
Cherry Manderbach
Dr. & Mrs. P. R. Manning
Ms. Julie M. Maravilla
Patti Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. Marken
Mrs. Kathryn B. Marriott
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Marshall
Marilyn & Norman S. Marshall
Susan Marshall
Mrs. Howard E. Martens
Richard & Mary Marthe
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Martin
Mr. Patrick M. Martin
Mr. Peter A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Abelardo Martinez
Ms. Barbara Martinez
Mr. Peter Martocchio
Tom & Suzanne Masenga
Dr. & Mrs. Peter V. Mason
Dr. & Mrs. Ben D. Massey, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Masters
Ms. Maxine Matlen
Mr. James Matousek
Mrs. Kim M. Matsuda
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Matsumoto
Mr. Ronald S. Matsuno &
Ms. Lynne M. Nakamura
Roe A. Maurer
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mautner
Mrs. Eugenia L. Maxwell
Biruta Ria Mayer
Mr. Edward H. Mayer
Ms. Joanne Mayne
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Mazzola
Ms. Ruth McCray
Richard M. McAllister
Mary McArthur
Mr. & Mrs. John S. McCardy
Chester & Olive McCloskey
Mr. & Mrs. Ward G. McConnell
Shirley & Danny McDaniel
Ms. Doris A. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. John McDannel
Mr. Sean McDermott &
Ms. Anne Hartfield
Elda McEwen
P. Michael McFadden, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Liam J. McGuinness
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. McHargue
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. McIver
Judi & Stu McKee
Ms. Josephine H. McLain
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McMillen
Dorothy G. Mechaley
Mrs. John Meihaus
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Meinheit
Mr. & Mrs. Howard G. Melges
Mr. Buddy Melkesian
Mr. & Ms. Peter Mendel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Mendelson
Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin J. Mendenhall
Ms. Pauline B. Merino
Glade B. Merkley
Mrs. James C. Merlo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Merrill
Ms. Kathryn F. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Mestrandrea
Mrs. Betty B. Meyer
Dorothy Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Mgrublian
Cathy Michero
Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Mickaelian, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Miera
Asbasia Mikhail, MD
Drs. John R. Miles & Jacqueline R. Miles
Allan & Arlene Miller
Amy & Michael Miller
Mr. Bruce Campbell Miller
Ed & Kaye Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Miller
Ms. Karla Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Merwin H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lewis Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Miller
Mrs. Robert A. Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Robert I. Miller
Mr. W.C. Milligan
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton T. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall A. Minard
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Mings
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Mirassou
Jim & Tina Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Miyamoto
Robert & Eunice Miyatake
Cynthia & James Moffatt
David Y. Mok, MD
Mr. Mark S. Monez
Mr. Arturo Monroy & Ms. Catherine Merel
Ms. Marta Montano de Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Montes
Ms. Melissa L. Monti
Ms. Jill Mooney
Mrs. Henry D. Moorman
Ms. Ana G. Morales
Don & Pat Moreland
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Morphy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Morris
Richard & Anne Morrissey
John M. & Sadie K. Moses
Ms. Susan N. Mossman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Muench
Siegfried & Mary C. Muessig
Mrs. Charles R. Muirhead
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Muller
Mr. & Mrs. George Muller
Leo & Beverly Munchhof
Ms. Bridget Mundwiler
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin S. Munger
Susan S. Murakami, MD &
Mr. Leroy J. Fisher II
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshiaki Murakami
Mr. Cecilio Murillo
Mr. & Mrs. Millard E. Murphy
Martha Murray & Linda Vogel
Mr. & Mrs. John Musker
Mr. Harold E. Mutch, Jr.
Henry & Sanaye Nagami
Yoshiko Nakahiro
Dyanne & Ardith Nakashima
Malathi S. Narayan, MD
Mr. David L. Narver, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Natale
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Navarrete
Ms. Gloria Prietto Navarro
Carol H. Neilson
Mr. Shawn J. Nelson &
Ms. Cara M. DiMassa
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Nesbitt
Ms. Victoria L. Newcomer
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Newell
Ms. Sylvia K. Newhall
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman W. Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Osaro Ngofa
Mrs. Khiem T. Nguyen
Ms. Quyen T. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nicassio, Jr.
Kathy Nicholson & Susie Hanno
Martin & Barbara Nicholson
Ms. Juanita Z. Nicolas
Ms. Bernice S. Nicoll
Ms. Barbara S. Nishimoto
Faith Nixon
[ advocate 71 ]
Mrs. J. Thomas Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. John Nobrega, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stevan Noceti
Wesley S. Nock, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Andy A. Nocon
Kenneth Noernberg
Mrs. Ben Nordman
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Normile
Mr. Gene H. Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Oberlander
Ms. Maria Ochoa
Ms. Kathleen M. O’Connor
Mr. Daniel G. Oheron
Mr. Takeo Okada
Mr. & Mrs. Hikaru Okubo
Alice M. Okuno
Mr. & Mrs. Makato Okuno
Milt Olander & Family
Steven & Sharon Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Olson
Pat Olson
Bob & Arlene Oltman
Janet J. Ondeck
Rosa & George Ordonez
Ms. Ramona H. Orozco
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Orswell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Osborn
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Oshita
Mr.* & Mrs. R. Bruce Owen
Robert & Beverly Owens
Robert* & Lydia Owens
Norman & Betty Owyang
Ms. Amita M. Padhiar
Mr. & Mrs. Trifone M. Pagone
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Palmer
Virginia M. Palmerston*
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Palomo
Bess Pancoska
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip V. Pansky
Violet A. Pantlik
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Paradis
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Paredes
Robert E. Parrish
Mr. Wesley P. Parson
Mr. Robert J. Parsons &
Catherine Smith, PhD
Mr. & Ms. Helmut W. Partma
Ms. Sepehr Parvin
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Pavlu
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Pena
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Penny
W. D. Pennycook
Ms. Joanne M. Perez
Ms. Pastora P. Perez
Mrs. Richard L. Perez
Bill & Janet Peters
Ms. Maureen A. Peterson
Ms. Nancy Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Damon Petta
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. C. Anthony Phillips
Mr. Robert R. Phillips
Mrs. Donald C. Phinney
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Piatt
Ms. Angela Pisciotta
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Plamondon
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Platz
Mr. Kurt A. Polchow
Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Porush
Mr. Robert C. Powers & Ms. Lei Wang
Mr. Richard Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Prigodich
Ms. Martha B. Pulsifer
Ms. Isabel T. Pulvers
Mr. & Mrs. Shue H. Quan
Mr. & Mrs. Andre Quang
Diane Trauth Randall
Lee Randolph
Patricia Randolph
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Rappoport
Mr. & Mrs. Anatol Rashko
Dorothy & Howard Rath
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rath
Ms. Grace M. Raymundo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reagan
Jean Reed
Buck & Jane Reed
Ms. Kathleen C. Regan
Betsy Reifsnider & Bob Schlichting
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Reilly, Jr.
Joanne M. Reilly
Barbara W. Reinen
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Renzetti
Mr. Saeko L. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Lee T. Riblet, Jr.
Ms. Agnes J. Ribnikar
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rider
Mr. Phillip Rietta
Caryl Ritterrath
Ms. Rabia Rizwan
Mr. Walter A. Robbins
Mrs. Patsy J. Robeck
Marc Robert
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Roberts
Ms. Gloria Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Robinson, Jr.
Ms. Doris J. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Rodriguez
Ms. Sandra H. Rodriguez
Gladys H. Rodriguez-Marquez
Marion & Chuck Rogers
Elaine & Jack Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Olsen J. Rogers
Juanita Rohman
Mrs. Stanford S. Rollins
Marianne Rosado
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Rosas
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Rose
Mrs. Richard W. Rose
Mr. Walter K. Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ross
Mr. Donald C. Roudenbush
Mr. & Mrs. Sam C. Rowland
Rosemary Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rueda
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander F. Ruggieri
Mr. Charles Ruiz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ruiz
Ms. Linda Rush
Mrs. Doris G. Russ
Mr. LeRoy Russ
Mrs. Janet Rutz
Hilda & Jalal Sabbagh
Wilbur & Kaye C. Sackett
Helen E. Salandra & Marie A. Salandra
Cindy & Rich Salcido
Edward & Josephine Sam
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Sands
Nils A. Sandstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Efren Q. Santiago
Ms. Alice M. Sato
Ms. Kaoruko Sato
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sauer
Barbara Sawaya
Ms. Joanne T. Sawaya
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Saxton
Richard Saydah
Mr. David Schall
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Schall
Dr. & Mrs. Frank S. Schiff
Mrs. Vreni Schmid
Mrs. Gilbert A. Schnieders
Mrs. Natalie T. Scholz
Ms. Locia B. Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schultz
Donald Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schulz
Gretchen & Jack Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Schwartz
Mrs. Sidney A. Scott
Dianna & Steven Scudari
Mr. & Mrs. Thayer Scudder
Ms. Marlene A. Seaholm
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Sears, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn L. Seastrom
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Seeley, Jr.
Barry & Marlene Segal
Wendy & Doug Senour
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Serrano
Ms. Mary S. Sesti
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Seto
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seto
Ms. Victoria R. Shainoff
Ms. Gloria J. Shanklin
Ms. Florence Shao
Mr. David Shatraw
Ms. Gina Shaw
Jim & Tina Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. R. Daniel Shaw
Anne & Dunstan Sheldon
Ms. Diane Sheridan
Kevin Sheridan
Mr. Michael Sheriff &
Ms. Cynthia Yamamoto
Bernadette Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sherrill
Mr. & Mrs. Katsunori Shimada
Mr. & Mrs. Maximo S. Shinzato
Mrs. Anne M. Shirvanian
Mr. Dale L. Short
Leticia Shterenverg
Mrs. Natalie M. Shutman
Mr. Stephen Sicard
Mr. Clifford E. Sieg & Ms. Cynthia R. Lee
Mr. James E. Siemon
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Sierdsma
Arlene Signorino
Ms. Jane D. Silva
Mr. Sanford E. Silverstein
Greg Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Sinelli
Marilyn L. Slovak, PhD
Mr. Kyhl S. Smeby
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Smiland
C. Smith
Ms. Diane Smith
Mr. Don C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh T. Smith
Ms. Jana Smith
Marcia L. Smith
Max & Kathy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Smith
Mr. Steven Smith
Mrs. Edward Snowden
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Sobel
Maria & Sam Soghomonian
Mrs. Arlette S. Solomon
Ms. Helen Soltero
Mr. & Mrs. Ross N. Sonne, Jr.
Jo Ann Sorrenson
Mr. & Mrs. Marco Spagnoletto
Anette & Scott Spear & Ray Melikian
Lyn Spector
Ms. Ann W. Speltz
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Stamm
Mr. & Mrs. George Stavros
Kit & Bryant Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Stein
Bill Steinwedell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stephens
Rebecca Stephens
Jane & Barry Sterett
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Stern
Beth & Roy Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Stevens
Mrs. James Stevenson
Mrs. Margaret S. Stevenson
Mrs. Virginia L. Stever
Mr. Abram Steyn
Frances C. Stockdale
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Stockly
Mr. Howard W. Stone
Mrs. Ivan L. Stone, Jr.
Eugene & Janann Strand
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Stratman
Mr. William P. Strohmaier
Doris M. Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. Stubbs
Mr. Marcelo Suarez &
Ms. Rosalind V. Cabrera
Mr. Girgis Y. Suliman
Mrs. Ingrid G. Sullivan
Ms. Noreen P. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Sullivan
Yukiyo Suminaga
Walt & Dottie Sumner
Mrs. Mollie M. Sutherland
Mr. Edmund J. Sutro
Ms. Burnetta Suttie
Stephanie & Kaoruhiko Suzuki
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Swanson
Ms. Shirley Szabo
Ms. Linda Taggert
Susan Taira, Ph.D.
Calvin & Marie Tajima
Ted Tajima
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi J. Takeshita
Jean L. Tam
Shirley Tams
Mr. James P. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Taylor
Mrs. Frank Teeple
Ms. Elizabeth A. Telleson
Mr. Theodore M. Teraoka
Mr.* & Mrs. R. John Termine
The Lingos Family
Ms. Joy A. Theobald
Mr. & Mrs. H. Grant Thomas
Mr. Harold L. Thomas
Ron & Gina Thomas
Martha & John Thompson
Dorothy Thorman
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Throop, Jr.
Audrey Tibbitts
Mr. William Tishman
Mr. Richard Tom &
Ms. Margaret E. Lennon
Sammy & Barbara Tom
Mr. Steve Tomory
Ronald & Suzanne Tompkins
Mrs. William A. Tookey
Mr. John E. Toomer
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Tornek
Mr. & Mrs. Reymundo M. Torres
Miyeko Toshima
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Totten, DMD
Ms. Barbara Trail
David Tran, MD
Ms. Mai Tran
Ms. Phoung B. Tran
[ 72 summer 2008 ]
Mrs. Loc T. Trang
Ms. B. Trial
Ms. Judith H. Trout
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Trowbridge
Ms. Monica N. Trudell
Michael & Jill Tully
Carolyn & Marc Turchin
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt C. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Uchida
Bill & Linan Ukropina
Ms. Tamara Uliantzeff Zetsche
McKee & David Ullman
Mr. Stephen C. Unwin &
Ms. Joan Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Upson
Ms. Nayna Vakil
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Valadez
Eleanor J. Valentine
Jessica S. Valentine
Mr. John A. Valpreda
Mrs. William H. Van Leeuwen
Mrs. Kimatha T. Vanvalkenburgh
Mr. & Mrs. Edmundo E. Vasquez
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Velazquez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Verboomen
Pamela Verdekal
Ms. Hortencia Villalva
Ms. Angelina Villano
David & Honoria Vivell
Ms. Marjorie H. Vogel
Mary & Vince Wackerman
Mrs. Winifred H. Waddell
Carolyn Wadlinger
Sue & John Wagner
Mrs. Phyllis Wagoner
Ms. Amy Walden
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Walder
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Shadd G. Walker
Mrs. Anne Louise Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wallace
Mrs. Nancy Walters
Ms. Yibing Wang
Mr. Zhao Wang
Ms. Marcia J. Ware
Forrest Warren
Tom Warren
Ms. Martha Waskul
Mr. William E. Waterman, Jr.
Mr. Arttus C. Waters &
Ms. Boonthom Noparatana
Mr. Joseph P. Waters
Ada Watson
Carol Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Watson
Jim Watterson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Weaver
Bill & Margaret Webb
Moritz & Doris Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Weg
Ms. Mary E. Weidner
Charles & Ann-Marie Weinstein
Ms. Anne M. Weintraub
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Weiss
Ms. Emily M. Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. David Weiswasser
Ms. Cory Wellman
Ms. Deborah West-Jones
Mr. Scott Wetherbee
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Wheelis
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Wheelock
Maurice L. Whitaker
Carl & Judy White
Ms. Mildred L. White
Ms. Virginia Whitesell
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Whitmore, Jr.
Mrs. Yvonne R. Whittaker
Johann & Larry Wible
Stella & Kenneth Wideman
Ms. Nola B. Widin
Marjorie Wilde
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Wilhelm
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Williams
Martha W. Williams
Ms. Rebeca P. Willis
Mr. & Mrs. John Willoughby
Allan & Isabel Winchester
Ms. Kristin E. Windell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Winter
Mrs. E. Eileen Wise
Ron Witter
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wong
Ms. Clara A. Wong
Ms. Irene Wong
Ms. Jean Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Reger C. Wong
Ms. Sandra Wong
Ms. Sau Y. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Wayland Wong
Mr. Justin Woo & Ms. Siu-Ping Ho
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Wood
Ms. Evelyn Wood
Ms. Bettie J. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Woodward
Pam & Bill Worden
Ms. Mary Wozny
Ms. Barbara L. Wright
Mrs. M. Charrington Wright*
Ms. Janet P. Wu
Mr. Theodore Y. Wu
Mr. Chris M. Yamashita
Mr. Masahiro Yamashita
Mitsie M. & Ralph H. Yanari
Mr. Jack Yanekian
Mr. & Mrs. Chun M. Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Kaiser T. Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Lien Chuan Yang
Ms. Sandy A. Ybarra-Amparan
Mr. Neil F. Yeager
Ms. Helen Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck M. Yen
Ms. Senait Yilma
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Yoshida
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Younger
Ms. Nayerie C. Youssefian
Fumiko Yuge
Ms. Linda Zimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zoeller
Mr. & Mrs. John Zoolakis
Mr. Matthew J. Zoolakis &
Dr. Julie Zoolakis
Legacy Gift Society
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alexander, Jr.
Guillermo G. Alvarado*
Elizabeth Andresen
Anonymous (40)
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Armour
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jefferson Arnett
Jim Avedikian/Phoenix Wellness Center
Ms. Susan I. Avery
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Balitzer
Mr. G. Thomas Bandas*
Ms. Dorothy Barnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Beckham, Jr.
Mrs. Mitchell F. Blair*
Winifred C. Bond*
Mr. Paul Bonner
Mrs. Ann Simmons Boutin
Mr. Brandon A. Bowlin, Jr.
Mrs. Charles G. Bragg
Trish Bredesen
Mr. Jack F. Brent
Mr. & Mrs. James Bruni
Mrs. George T. Burk*
Mercedes Caballero
Kathleen Christie
Mrs. Angelica Kusar Clark
Ms. Janet S. Clendening
Marty & Bruce Coffey
Mary E. Copperud
Mr. Gus B. Copulan*
Mr. George P. Coulter
Mr. Edmund B. Cowdrey
Michael & Georgia Coye
Mrs. Edgar G. Crawford*
Harriet (Sandy) Crosier
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Cseak
Dr. Saralyn R. Daly
Raymond E. Davis, Jr.
Tom & Nancy Delahooke
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Drasdo
Miss Reinette Du Fault
Mrs. Anne C. Eastwood
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Elby
Mrs. Mary T. Escherich
Ms. Charlotte Fairchild
Mrs. John E. Fortune
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Frank
Dr. & Mrs. Donald B. Freshwater
Harriet & James Fullerton
Margaret & Ned Good
Mr. William E. Guy
Helen J. Hancock
William & Barbara Hanna
Lois & Warren Hartman
Mr. L. Boyd Higgins
Moraig (Jo) Jardon
Bob Johnson
Ms. Ann Kaiser
Betty Keatinge*
Suzan W. King
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert P. Kipnis
Lorraine Koyama
Mr. Charles H. Laws
Mrs. Pauline W. Ledeen*
Ms. F. Patricia Line*
Constance Lodge
Mrs. Robert V. Lohse
Jeanice Lott
Melba Macneil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Mandeville, Sr.
Mrs. Courtney Marculescu
Ilene & Howard Marshall
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Martin
Mr. Richard M. McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGhee
Mr. Sydney J. Mead & Mr. Roger Servick
Mrs. John Meihaus
Mrs. Jane P. Messler*
Ms. Jeanne E. Mignard
Jeanette R. Miller
Mrs. Katherine F. Moir*
Margaret Mowrey Moore*
Earl & Roberta Morehead
Joy K. Otte
Rosia Y. Pan
Yen S. Pan
Patricia A. & John R. Payne
Mrs. Joseph J. Peterson
Mrs. Leland S. Pierson, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Morton Pinsky
Frances J. Powell, EdD
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Pring
Ms. Frances L. Quan
Mrs. Meredith R. Quinn
Anna Murray Raitt*
Mrs. Helen C. Ratliff
Carol Reynolds
Marilyn & Jud Roberts
Robert W. & Lillian O. Rogers
Mr. John E. Rohlfing*
Mrs. Hammond M. Rolph
Walt & Kathy Rose
Virginia H. Rowan
Mrs. Malcolm B. Royalty*
Mrs. Jack T. Ryburn
Mrs. Virginia M. Schamadan
Deidra Norman Schumann
Rod Shingu
Mr. Richard P. Shooshan
Mrs. Mae C. Simmons*
W. June Simmons
Tim K. Siu, MD & Annie Chin Siu, DDS
Mr. William M. Stephenson*
Mrs. C. Robert Stevens
Dr. David & Sucy Stevenson
Shirley P. Struble
Mrs. Pelletier H. Supple
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Sussman
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Swan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Talty
Elizabeth H. Taylor
Mrs. Richard E. Thomas*
Martha & Roy* Tolles
Tom & Ginger Trowbridge
Mrs. William P. Trowbridge
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Tschoegl
Sid & Betsey Tyler
Jolly Urner
Gordon & Sharon ViGario
William & Cynthia Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Waterman
Carol M. Watson
Cynthia & Henry Yost
Mrs. Evelyn R. Zillgitt*
In Memory of
George Athos Adamson
Mrs. George A. Adamson*
Gallo Agopian
Mrs. Ann Agopian
Jamie Albee
Wilma Alcorn
Mary E. Jones
Joseph Amagrande
Marie Amagrande
Richard W. Anderson
Elsie B. Anderson
Bernadine J. Andrews
Arthur N. Andrews
Mary Armendariz
Ann G. Garner
Robert V. Ashworth
Mrs. Robert Ashworth
John Banyas
Mr. Lloyd Hamrol
Zorka Barabas
Mr. Dan Figlo & Ms. Bonnie Barabas
Elina Harper
[ advocate 73 ]
Vivian Barkley
Lois & Warren Hartman
Jack Berger
Meta & Jay Berger
Young Bhang
Mrs. Young L. Bhang
Robert M. Blakeslee
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman J. McQueen
Willis C. Blakeslee
Mrs. Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
John A. Bode
Charlotte Acret
Bob & Mickey Angell
Lourdes Baird
Bank of America
Olin Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Betz III
Mrs. Jenifer Bode
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bode
Sandra Bode
Judith B. Brandt
Ms. Claire R. Burrill
Mr. & Mrs. William Chambers
Susan & Charles Champion
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Cook
Rita Coulter
Victoria S. Daly
Don Dinsmore
Robert & Virginia Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Duncan
Penne & Bill Durst
Lorelle & Mike Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Orlando C. Ferrante
Stephanie, Frank, Pieter & Brenna Frigo
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Galbraith
Mr. Laurence S. Goldstein
Amie Lu M. Haake
Pat & Jim Haight
Barbarar & Warren Helgeson
Mr. William L. Hildeburn, Jr.
Marianne & Bob Honey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Hunter, Jr.
The Huntington Stroke Group
Caroline & Ernest Johnson
Nancy & Darry Kerckhoff
John & Jennith Knox
Mr. F. Michael Krotz
Patty & Joe Maiolo
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGhee
Stu & Judi McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Neu
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Newell
Dorothy & Howard Rath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schultz
Gretchen & Jack Schumacher
Janet & Alan Stanford
Laney & Tom Techentin
Juli & Philip Trowbridge
The Valley Club of San Marino
Sue & John Wagner
Lorna & Dick Wallen
Westridge School For Girls
Ron Witter
Susan & Bill Wofford
Nevin Brahmbhatt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Datko, Jr.
Ms. Nayna Vakil
Ms. Mary Wozny
William K. Branch
with gratitude to Bailey
Lawrence Chaffin Jr.
Richard “Dick” D. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Greulich
Mr. & Mrs. Dunbar M. Helsley
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Piatt
Max & Kathy Smith
Steven A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. H. Grant Thomas
Ofelia Bretado
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Vern Emerson Brittain
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Webster
Arthur E. Bruington
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bradley
Suana L. Bull
Ingall W. Bull, Jr.
Theodore “Ted” Burnett
Mrs. Kenneth J. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Myers
Karen & David Callan
Ms. Sally Gurevitz
Thomas A. Callister
Pat & Bill Chin
Robert E. Camacho
Mrs. Cecilia L. Camacho
Kenneth J. Campbell
Mrs. Kenneth J. Campbell
Anna & John Cassella
Mr. John W. Cassella
Juanita Celis
Jane, Nan & Jini Bashor
Ms. Nancy Peterson
Kathleen Crow
Mrs. Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Bonnie Flier
Carolyn & Marc Turchin
Ellen C. Crowell
Mr. William L. Crowell
Martin A. Flynn, MD
Lucious E. Dantzler
Mrs. Ruby L. Dantzler
Dolores Fong
Phillip Fong
Kevin George Dawley
George G. & Kathryn L. Dawley
Henry E. Foster
Shirlee & Bill* Elftman
Anthony “Tony” Day
Mrs. Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Elvira Franco
Ms. Rebeca P. Willis
Marion de Lipthay
Yvonne & William Jubb
Nick C. Frank
Mrs. James Stevenson
Robert L. De Zell
Virginia T. De Zell
Betty J. Freeland
Mr. William Freeland
Robert J. Deputy, MD
Marilyn R. Lester
Susanne Friedman
Ms. Margaret E. Lischick
Irene Diener
Ms. Helen J. Crane
Thomas F. Grose
Tona Fuentes
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Gordon L. Dolfie
Nancy & Joe Pekarek
James H. Dorsher
Berenice & Armsam Kosk
Rodger F. Dunstan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barnes
Mr. Walter Bennett
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Compton
Mrs. Vincent W. Heublein
Jacqueline Langdon
Dorothy Rayburn McVann, MD
Winifred S. Sampsell
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Stimson II
Shirley Tams
Patricia & Frank* Thomas
Ann Duval
Mr. Frank Barnes
Eliseo Chavez
Mrs. Maria Chavez
James M. Earl
Kristi A. Earl
Charlotte Child
Bob & Peggy Hemmings
John R. Eckman
Mr. Maurice H. Kent
Barbara A. Christiansen
Mr. & Mrs. Adolphus A. Riewe III
George William “Bill” Elftman
Ann Anthony
Bonnie & Dusty DeVos
Mrs. Natalie A. Howard
Claire & Charlene Johnson
Rary Simmons
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Clark Warren
Valerie & Aaron Weiss
Daniel B. Condon
Mrs. Gail R. Becker
Anne B. Burke
Carmen Halliday & Janey Stall
Ms. Karen J. Jarnagin
The Kneirs
Elizabeth & Jim Little
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Mirassou
Ms. Kathleen M. O’Connor
Lois E. Paredes
Mrs. Margaret S. Stevenson
Ms. Shirley Szabo
Dolores D. Contreras
Mr. Gilbert Contreras
William Courter
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Guglielmo
Mercedes & Homer Elmquist
Allan H. Cutler, Esq, JD, PhD &
Helen E. Cutler, Esq, JD, GRI
Margaret Fackler
Rev. William J. Fackler
Marco Falcinella
Mrs. Dorothy Falcinella
Louis M. Galyean
Mrs. Rosalie Galyean
James Neare Gamble
Mr. Ralph N. Harkness
Gary A. Garcia
Elaine Bergquist, Marv Peterson,
Susan Snell, Bob Milbourn & all your
friends in HCFG/ERMG
Rita Bladow, Executive Vice President,
on behalf of the Operations Services
Department of Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. Devin Joshua
Lin & Ivan Karp
Ms. Sandra H. Rodriguez
Linda Zimmer
Kenneth W. Gardiner
Mrs. Louise C. Gardiner
Virginia N. Gardiner
Mr. Michael J. Byrne
Mr. Kevin Farr
Mrs. Varick Dey Martin, Jr.
Bill Gardner
Ms. Linda Rush
Dolores “Dee” J. Gaspard
Drs. T. Thomas Ackerson, Clayton
Patchett, Vahe Panossian &
George Tang
American Insurance Administrators
Gene & Liz Baldridge
Ms. Louise B. Ball
Betty Bernard, MD
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bortz
Ms. Patricia E. Callaghan
Arthur J. Donovan
Donald & Jean Freshwater
Barbara & John House
Lillian & Paul Johnston
Dennis & Dottie Juett
Los Angeles County Medical
Association Auxiliary
Dr. & Mrs. P. R. Manning
[ 74 summer 2008 ]
Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Mathies, Jr.
Dave & Janice Moritz
Martha Murray & Linda Vogel
Wendy & Doug Senour
Floyd Shaver, Jr., Susan Shaver-Kane &
Georgia Shaver-Boccaccine
Ronald & Suzanne Tompkins
Joseph P. Gatti
Helen A. Gatti
J. Raymond George
Charles E. George
Harland Gerds
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Clary
Elizabeth Phinney Gianchandani
Dr. Ari & Ilana Berenson
Patricia Gill
Mr. Norval L. Gill
Barbara M. Goddard
George & Jo Anne Burr
Barbara & Merton Goddard
Pasadena Tournament of Roses
Edward & Maxine Pittroff
Joanne Pittroff
Mr. David Schall
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Schall
Ana E. Gomez
Mr. Franklin E. Gomez
Lyle E. Goodnight
Mrs. Dorothy M. Goodnight
Jeanne L. Graf
Mr. Philip R. Graf
Carl Thomas “Tom” Grether
Carolyn & Jerry Berenson
California Women for Agriculture –
Ventura County Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cherry
Barbara Corey
John & Julia De Martini
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ferro
Amanda Fox & Dan Katz
Cecilia Fox
Gerald M. Gardner, DVM
Mr. & Mrs. Allan J. Goodman
Hans & Arline Grether
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Harper, Jr.
John Harris
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hennis
Carolyn Huntsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hutcheson
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mautner
Mr. W.C. Milligan
Mrs. Ben Nordman
Milt Olander & Family: Julie, Milt III
(Bean), Shell, Ben & Matt, Mary Lou
& Corky
Oxnard Lemon Co.
Betsy Reifsnider & Bob Schlichting
William Titus Reynolds
Mark Schlesinger
Mrs. Vreni Schmid
Lyn Spector
Bill & Betty Strauss
Ms. Noreen P. Sullivan
Jim Watterson
Moritz & Doris Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Weg
The Wellman Family: Michael, Cory,
Aron, Talya & Kyle
Mr. Chris M. Yamashita
Mr. Masahiro Yamashita
Nahil Hasbun
Mr. & Mrs. William Hasbun
Katherine & John Gurash
The John & Katherine Gurash Foundation
James J. Hayne
Ms. Nancy A. Devine
Jean-Anne Hawley
Duane W. Hamilton
Frances V. Hamilton
Carolyn Loud Hannifin
Shirlee & Bill* Elftman
Hahn & Hahn LLP
Mrs. Oliver R. Henrickson
Mr. Robert H. Lillevick
Richard & Mary Marthe
Cindy & Rich Salcido
Winifred S. Sampsell
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Symes
Mr.* & Mrs. Frank Thomas
Seth & Susan Walworth
J. Howard “Bud” Hanrahan
Ask Your Travel Agent
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brookes
The Carson Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Doheny
Connie & Gordon Fish
Kay & Pat Fitzpatrick
Cissy Hadley
Doreen Hambleton
Jim & Connie Hess
Mary C. Hickey
Betty McLaughlin
Mrs. John Meihaus
Mr. & Mrs. O’Malley M. Miller
Mrs. William A. Noll
Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson C. Ross
Ms. Diane Sheridan
Scott & Jannine Sheridan
Suzanne “Suzie” Hanrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brookes
Pat & John Bucklin
The Carson Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Doheny
Connie & Gordon Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gayton
Cissy Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Hayden
Jim & Connie Hess
Mary C. Hickey
Bitsy & Dick Hotaling
Mrs. Phyllis R. Kern
Mary & Win Loftus
Ms. Josephine H. McLain
Betty McLaughlin
Merrill Lynch
Amy & Michael Miller
Anne Neville
Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson C. Ross
Ms. Diane Sheridan
Kevin Sheridan
Scott & Jannine Sheridan
Vantage Companies, Houston Division
Bill* & Sally Wenzlau
Bernice E. Hayes
Donald E. Hayes
Robb L. Hendrix
Lou Anne Hendrix
Ruth Hennessy
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Burkhalter
Ms. Mary E. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hunter
Mr. Keith Kerney
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mackessy
Mr. Arturo Monroy & Ms. Catherine Merel
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rider
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Rodriguez
Mr. Sanford E. Silverstein
Mr. Edmund J. Sutro
Joseph A. Herron
Mrs. Joseph A. Herron
Betty J. Ferguson Holmes
Robert Holmes and
Joanne Watson-Holmes
David Holt
Ms. Marlene Benedict
Sally K. Butler
Marian & Donald Cameron
The Crop Circle: Dania Romano, Lisa
McKendall, Lydia Smith, Cynthia Kalk
& Jeanne Muench
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Davies
Hayden & Joanne Eaves
Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Hayward
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Iffrig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Leis
Pasadena Tournament of Roses
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Sears, Jr.
George & Nancy Throop
Cecilia Hoo
Roy & Daisy Chan
Wah Hoo
Roy & Daisy Chan
Edward N. Horner, MD
Dr. Althea J. Horner
David Horvath
Mr. William Friedman & Ms. Jo E. Pitesky
Marge & Ed Hake
Ms. Karla Miller
Pasadena Figure Skating
Eric & Barbara Unwin
Johann & Larry Wible
Dennis John Hurley
Flintridge La Cañada Guild of
Huntington Hospital
Gail R. Hurter
Jack & Pat Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Bachman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Camil
Sue R. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. William Fosselman
Ms. Amy Freidenrich
Mr. Richard Hedberg
Gary & Kathleen Hemming
A. J. Hurter, MD &
Mrs. Barbara Hurter-Shearin
Arlouise F. Lammering
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lewis Miller
Wesley S. Nock, MD
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rath
Jean Reed
Jim & Tina Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Woodward
Emma Hutchins
Mr. Jerry E. Jones
Henry Yuan Hwang
Mrs. Henry Y. Hwang
Lynne L. Inouye
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Y. Inouye
Priscilla “P.J.” Mary Jay
Richard & Sharon Barlow
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Fickas
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman B. Newton
Marion & Chuck Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ross
Mrs. Edward Snowden
Marjorie Wilde
Warren L. Jones, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brofman
Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Rita Coulter
Bonnie & Dusty DeVos
Janet & Ralph Erickson
Carmen & Bob Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Flynn
Donald & Jean Freshwater
Hal & Marguerite Hennacy
Dottie & Dennis Juett
Phil & Mike McGee
Dave & Janice Moritz
Verne & Sarah Orr
Marion & Chuck Rogers
Anne & Dunstan Sheldon
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Jeanne P. Tisdall
Lois Van Leeuwen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Warren
Ada Watson
Nancy & Alan Wayte
Mary S. Juarez
Mr. Manuel Juarez, Sr.
John F. Houston
Mary Anne Houston
J. Lawrence “Larry” Judy
Fenton & Joyce Cross
Robert Hardie
Mrs. Robert G. Hardie
Willard P. Hovey, Jr.
Virginia H. Rowan
Suzanne Aitken Klaus
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Aitken
Mable M. Hartley
Shirley & Al Knuth
John Howitt
Ms. Ann Howitt
Joseph Koci
Mr. Jack Biondolilo &
Ms. Linda J. Koci-Biondolilo
[ advocate 75 ]
George J. Koezler
Mrs. Patricia Koelzer
John F. Kooken
Avery Dennison
Mr. Nicholas B. Binkley
Ken & Terri Caldwell
Mr. Ian M. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Davila & Family
Janet & Ralph Erickson
William & Lisa Fairbanks
Mr. & Mrs. M. C. Gill
Tom F. Grose
Marilyn & Keith Hartell
JoAnn Haycraft
Hal & Marguerite Hennacy
Barbara & Bill Klove
Ms. Carole A. Klove
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Koch
Jane & Scott Laudeman
Heather & Harvey Lenkin
Janet & Len Marangi
Dr. & Mrs. Allen W. Mathies, Jr.
Phillip D. & Lois S. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Delford (Mike) McGee
Dorothy G. Mechaley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Miller
Bill & Janet Peters
Jeanie & Peter Price
Gwynne & Fritz Seares
Mr. Richard P. Shooshan
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Brigitte & Robert Thaler
Bill & Pam Worden
Wasyl Krywyn
Eugenia Daciuk
Blanche Kuri
Ms. Virginia Whitesell
Akira & Nana Kuromizu
Nobuko Kuromizu
Anthony Landau
Mrs. Evelyn Landau
Charles F. Langmade, MD
Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Scott Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Grace
Thomas Lem
Mr. & Mrs. Shue H. Quan
Roderick W. Leonard
Francis K. & Sarah S. Cholko
Layne Lew
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cambonga
Ms. Janet L. Carr
Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Chan
Roy & Daisy Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chang
Mr. & Mrs. John Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Chew
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Chiang
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Chester L. Chinn
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Chun
William Coburn, DO
Peter W. Corrigan, MD
Robert T. Goldweber, MD &
Veronica Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Yoshiaki M. Hara
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hom
Mr. Chris Inouye
Mr. Jack Jue
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford P. Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Let Jung
Linda H. Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Hirofumi Kono
Ms. Harrienne Leong
Edmund H. Lew, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Rowland H. Lew
Dr. Dennis D. Lim
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Liu
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Louie
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood Lui
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Q. Luu
Asbasia Mikhail, MD
David Y. Mok, MD
Ms. Barbara S. Nishimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Seto
Mr. Michael Sheriff &
Ms. Cynthia Yamamoto
Ms. Cathy L. Takeuchi
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Tsusaki
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wong
Ms. Clara A. Wong
Ms. Irene Wong
Ms. Sing L. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Wayland Wong
Denis A. Yen, MD & Ms. Ellen Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck M. Yen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Yoshida
Courtney P. Marculescu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barnes
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Compton
Ken & Birgit Conner
Donald & Jean Freshwater
Gordon & Joan Higbee
Nancy & Darry Kerckhoff
Los Angeles Chapter, Sheet Metal &
Air Conditioning Contractors
National Association
Janet Spear Laubman
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGhee
Elaine & Jack Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rollo
Winifred Sampsell, Susan & Sherrill
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Kit & Bryant Steele
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Symes
Patricia & Frank*Thomas
Susan & Bill Wofford
Oy Gum Lew
Ms. Nancy Buge
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd A. Cottam
Judy Franks
David Gonzalez
Irma Good
Ms. Julie M. Maravilla
Ms. Maxine Matlen
Mr. & Mrs. Osaro Ngofa
Ms. Maria Ochoa
Jose Rodriguez
Rosemary Rubin
Mercedes Velasquez & Jim Morris
Laura Mass
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Robert L. Mueller, MD
Janis & Frank Crowhurst
Steve & Hilary Dorsey
Mrs. Charles Giles
Marshall & Louise Harris
Jane A. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Olson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rand
Mr. & Mrs. Sam C. Rowland
Carol Watson
Claire & Art Mathes
Ms. Misty L. Kiesler
Daniel O. Natale
Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Natale
Robert B. Matthiessen
Mary Matthiessen
Hermogenes D. Nicolas, Sr.
Ms. Juanita Z. Nicolas
Elizabeth McAlpin
Mr. Douglas J. Smith
Jane Anne Nohl
Charles & Lorene Moran
John B. McCarville
Mrs. Barbara J. McCarville
Leslie Nowling
Sherlyn & Peter Claridge
Flintridge La Cañada Guild of
Huntington Hospital
Janet L. Lewis
Patricia Brandon-Shigemitsu &
Terry Shigemitsu
Sue Chorpenning & Ken Okuno
Rupert & Evelyn Groh
Oliver Milton Lewis
Mildred L. Lewis
Arden Lighty
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. Marken
Gunne Lindberg
Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Anderson
Jane Queen Applegarth Lindgren
Mr. Richard B. Lindgren
Roe A. Maurer
Wendy & John Siciliano
Richard W. Manderbach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Miller
George A. Marples, MD
Lois Marples
Floyd D. Marriott
Mrs. Kathryn B. Marriott
Regina Yvonne Marshall
Mr. Francis D. Marshall
Carlos E. Martinez
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Quetia Martinez
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevenson
Garnette & Lloyd McVey
Mrs. Lucile McVey Dunn
Hazel H. Mead
Mr. John A. Fitchette, Jr.
James C. Merlo
Mrs. James C. Merlo
Jesucita Mijares
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M. deLang
Nairn L. Miller
Mr. Bruce Campbell Miller
Merrilee Milner
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Merrill
Ronald M. Minami
Co-workers & friends from City of Hope
Kimiye Fujitani
Rebecca Gonzalez
Terri Hassenmiller
Mr. Harris Hung En Liu & Ms. Bor Chang
The Jackson Family
Ms. Emi E. Kamiyama
Harvey & Ellen Knell
Ms. Joanne Mayne
Judy Minami
Henry & Sanaye Nagami
Ms. Victoria L. Newcomer
Rod Shingu
Ms. Linda Taggert
Bettie Woods
Milton Mishkit
Dr. Lisa Goldberg
Ester Botis Montaño
Ms. Grace M. Raymundo
Debra Mae-Ann Lapp Moore
William & Lynda Lapp
John H. Moran
Charles & Lorene Moran
Ruby L. Morgan
Linda Barral
Elizabeth “Betsy” Morphy
Miss Harper Morphy
Russell Nowling
Sherlyn & Peter Claridge
Flintridge La Cañada Guild of
Huntington Hospital
Joseph Ondeck
Janet J. Ondeck
Paul Ondeck
Janet J. Ondeck
Guy O’Neil
Mrs. Katherine C. Clark
John T. Ota
Itsuko Ota
Ida Parson
Mr. Wesley P. Parson
Patricia A. Payne
Kari & Anthony Zoolakis
[ 76 summer 2008 ]
Richard Perez
Mrs. Richard L. Perez
James Ruiz
Mr. Charles Ruiz
Edith Sherlock
Mrs. E. Eileen Wise
Fordham W. Petersen
Charlotte Petersen
John F. Russ
Mrs. Doris G. Russ
Nabila Shindy
Waleed W. Shindy, MD
Barbara Ponce
Berenice & Armsam Kosk
Mary Frances Russell
Bill & Christy Rakow
Phyllis Simonet
Ms. Linda Rush
Mary “Marney” Kieffer Poxon
Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Penney
Michael Scott Sahhar
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Sahhar
Ina F. Sinclair
Deanna & Fanning Oakley
Charles F. Prickett III, MD
Ms. Lisa Kenyon
Ms. Nayerie C. Youssefian
Gayle “Gay” Sanborn
Ms. Carol S. Butler
Mrs. Wilma A. Clauss
Mr. & Mrs. John Hopkins
LAC + USC Medical Center,
Information Systems & ACS Staff
Mrs. William D. Lawrence
Ms. Jennifer F. Lewis
Mrs. Howard E. Martens
Mary McArthur
Anne Neville
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Reilly, Jr.
Maria & Sam Soghomonian
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zoeller
Donald E. Smith
Mrs. Joan M. Frey-Smith
Robert H. Pudenz, MD
Mrs. Rita Coveney Pudenz
Haley Isabel Pyne
Meredith “Mer” Quinn
Jane Caughey
Barb & Dick Giolando
Jacqueline I. Langdon
John William “Don” Quinn, Jr.
Peter Boyle, Clifford Associates
Judith B. Brandt
Mr. Boardman W. Brown
Maureen Carlson
Dr. & Mrs. Stebbins B. Chandor
Rita Coulter
Mrs. Dudley Doan
Doris & Everett Dodge
Mr. David Giunta
Barbara & Warren Helgeson
Mr. William L. Hildeburn, Jr.
Ms. Judith G. Kelly
Ms. Antoinette B. MacNamara
Margot & Mitch Milias
Mr. & Mrs. George Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Neu
Joan C. Nixon
Marilyn & Jud Roberts
Satisloh North America, Inc.
Sharon & Jim Sauer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Emmons Sebenius
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Kit & Bryant Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stephens
Martha & John Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wayte
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Whitmore, Jr.
Jeffrey Schainen
Ms. Jacqueline Randolph
Gilbert Schnieders
Mrs. Gilbert A. Schnieders
Richard Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Botts
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Halcomb
Jean Schulz
Mr. Walter L. Malone, Jr.
Cedric A. Scott
Louis & Suzy Amestoy
Susan & Violet Dawson
Janet & Len Marangi
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGhee
Mr. Buddy Melkesian
Ben F. Smith Co.
Patricia L. Smith
Mr. R. Ernest Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ross N. Sonne, Jr.
Ann Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. H. Randall Stoke
Lorna & Dick Wallen
Patricia Scott
Lois & Warren Hartman
Lyle R. Randolph
Patricia Randolph
Livia Seminara
Carolyn Wadlinger
Charles H. Reeves
Eric & Nancy Reeves
Ms. Hannah T. Reeves
Elizabeth Seto
Mrs. Nancy Walters
Lizette Richter
Robert & Lydia Owens
Dr. Thomas L. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barry Mosher
Stanford S. Rollins
Mrs. Stanford S. Rollns
Phyllis L. Ruff
Norman Ruff
Irma Sever
Mr. Ernest A. Vargas
Walter T. Shatford III
Ms. Sara S. Layne
Steven James Shaw
Ms. Gina Shaw
Bertha Sheehan
Berenice & Armsam Kosk
Ginny Smith
Flintridge La Cañada Guild of
Huntington Hospital
Glenn V. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Sierdsma
Anette & Scott Spear & Ray Melikian
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Stern
Betty Lee Tannehill
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Compton
Bob & Carmen Farmer
T. George Hayakawa
Mrs. Vincent W. Heublein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jenkins
Jacqueline I. Langdon
Kathy Nicholson & Susie Hanno
Marge Richards
Mrs. Frank Teeple
Karl Tarasoff
Anthony Francis
Mr. Cecilio Murillo
Nicolasa O. Tarin
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Tarin
Thomas Tashjian
Nelle Tegezdine
Ms. Nola B. Widin
Leonard Spray
Constance “Connie” Kofahl
Billie Theall
Richard Large
Kathleen “Kathie” Stone
The Backman Family
Claremont High School
Associated Student Body
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Smith
Jo Ann Sorrenson
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Stamm
Mr. James P. Taylor
The Totten Family: Gary, Donna & Kim
Edward A. Thistlewaite, MD
Los Angeles County Medical
Association Auxiliary
Dr. & Mrs. Willard J. Zinn
Ivan L. Stone, Jr.
Mrs. Ivan L. Stone, Jr.
Pelletier H. Supple
Mrs. Pelletier H. Supple
Robert J. Swart
Ms. Joanne T. Sawaya
Victor J. Szymak
Mrs. Marilyn Szymak
Alan R. Talt
Maurene Bell
Linda & Al Bianchi
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Brown
Mrs. Shirlee Chadwell-Elftman
Rita Coulter
Mr. Frank Foellmer
Robert & Casey Gayl
Judge Cynthia Holcomb Hall
Mr. L. Boyd Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. M. T. Hirdler
Ginny & Gene Noll
Marilyn & Jud Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudy
Terry Seidler
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sherrill
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Yukiyo Suminaga
Martha & Roy* Tolles
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Ulf III
Lorna & Dick Wallen
William M. Wardlaw, Esq &
The Honorable Kim M. Wardlaw
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley D. Webb
Susan & Bill Wofford
Richard E. Thomas
Mr. Ralph N. Harkness
John D. Taylor
Madeline Tucker
Don Hayes
Carl H. Unruh
Jane B. Unruh
Laureen Sue Vila
Richard & Michelle Chino
Eleanor M. Villano
Ms. Angelina Villano
Duane T. Walters
Mrs. Nancy Walters
James Wayne
Mrs. Vincent W. Heublein
William Weisberger
Ms. Jill Mooney
Lesley Ralph Wetherbee
Mr. Scott Wetherbee
Judah White
Ms. Martha White
Stella A. Wideman
Stella & Kenneth Wideman
James B. Wilcott
Marky Allen
Bill & Pat Bedford
David & Josi Beringer
John M. & Jean Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Cameron
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Deise
Sue & Dick Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fuchs
[ advocate 77 ]
Mr. Lloyd W. Graham, Jr.
Mrs. Marion Haines
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hemmings
Mr. Herbert Hezlep III
Fred & Nancy Johnson
Nancy & Darry Kerckhoff
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lehman
Nancy & Ken Lewis
Marcia Lisle
Mary McArthur
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Miller
Don & Pat Moreland
Sarah & Verne Orr
Brenda & Bruce Owen
Mr. & Mrs. C. Anthony Phillips
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Jane & Barry Sterett
John D. Taylor
Jinny & Scott Wilcott
Barbara L. Wright & children
Suzy Morals, Janee Fischmann &
John Wright
In Honor of
Diego Eladio Acuna
Debi Acosta
James Wolff
Janet & Bruce Hayes
Eugene T. Baldridge, MD
Nona E. Edelen
Phyllis Wong
Roy & Daisy Chan
Suzanne Botkin
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Theodore A. Woolsey
Stacy & Stuart Miller
Inez Bushnell
Mr. Chiu Wong & Ms. Sylvia Lee
Steven K. Wright
Ms. Elizabeth A. Telleson
Paramajansa Yogananda
Ms. Marcela R. Acosta
Alice D. Edelen
Nona E. Edelen
Allison S. Adams
Mr. Dennis Bachmann
ER Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Benny Estrada
Mr. Girgis Y. Suliman
Dylan Stevely Allen
Deborah & Schuyler Hollingsworth
Patricia Ann “Patti” Fowler
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Elcio Almeida
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Alex & Ty Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Renzetti
Steven H. Applebaum, MD
Mayfield Junior School
Graduating Class of 2007
Priscilla Gamb
Mary A. Donnelly-Crocker
Carol Lambert & Deborah Smith
Carol Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Avedikian
Jim Avedikian/Phoenix Wellness Center
Yolanda Avella
Cris, Walt & Scarlette Lutz
William L. Caton, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dunn
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Robert & Dorothy Talty
Philip A. Young, Sr.
Philip & Elizabeth Young
Andrew Cherng
Phillip D. & Lois S. Matthews
Melina K. Zoolakis
Marilyn Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Cameron
Ms. Anne R. Christenson
Ms. Allison C. Crane
Madeleine & Alan J. Criuaro
Ms. Kristine A. Dopera
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Galindo III
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gong
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Grant
Ms. Susan M. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kudla
Richard & Carole Lee
The Lingos Family
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Longiotti
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Masters
Ms. Melissa L. Monti
Gene H. Novak
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Pavlu
Ms. Martha B. Pulsifer
Ms. Jane D. Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Smith
Ms. Ann W. Speltz
Marsha Stanton
Ms. Kathy Stear
Ms. Joy A. Theobald
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Upson
Ms. Anne M. Weintraub
Ms. Jean Wong
Ms. Sandra Wong
Kari & Anthony Zoolakis
Mr. & Mrs. John Zoolakis
Mr. Matthew J. Zoolakis &
Dr. Julie Zoolakis
Pearly Chesser
Sarah Gonzalez
Jackie Chipot
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
John Contreras
Ms. Pauline B. Merino
William Costigan, MD
Ms. Susan M. Bartow
Brianne Crowley &
Geoffry Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Auproux
Michael Dacquisto
Tracy & Tim Alderson
Deborah Deckop
Mayfield Junior School
Graduating Class of 2007
Maria Delgadillo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Serrano
Todd Dietrick, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dunn
Polly & Jack Dimmock
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Dimmock
John L. Easthope, MD
Begoña & Candida Echeverria
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Paul K. Gilbert, MD
Mr. George L. Cassat
Dr. & Mrs. James Dooley
Barbara J. Giolando
The Giolando Family
Alex Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Gonzalez
Jenna Greene
Carole & Warren Greene
Dana Jo Grenier, MD
Dorothy Rayburn McVann, MD
Michael J. Gurevitch, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Millard W. Jacobs
Christine & Caroline Hansen
Paul & Laura Hansen
Bonnie & Clyde Heger
Jen & Joel Heger
Sally S. Hinckley
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Drayton
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn P. Reitnouer
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Pavlu
Ms. Martha B. Pulsifer
Ms. Jane D. Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Smith
Ms. Ann W. Speltz
Marsha Stanton
Ms. Kathy Stear
Ms. Joy A. Theobald
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Upson
Ms. Anne M. Weintraub
Ms. Jean Wong
Ms. Sandra Wong
Kari & Anthony Zoolakis
Mr. & Mrs. John Zoolakis
Mr. Matthew J. Zoolakis &
Dr. Julie Zoolakis
Judith Lowe, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeJoseph
Phillip Maher, MD
Mr. & Mrs. R. Justin Dedeaux
Adam Mamelak, MD
Frank & Susan Scerbo
Marina Manvelyan, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Ketabgian
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Martin Werbelow, LLP
Sue & Don Applegate
Allen & Weta Mathies
Bill & Lisa Mathies
Allen W. Mathies, Jr., MD
Ms. Louise B. Ball
George Matsuda, MD
Mr. Robert L. Aronoff
Robbie Matthiesen & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn B. Amos
Janet Mayeda
Mr. & Henry S. Mayeda
Vincent C. Hung, MD
Dorothy Rayburn McVann, MD
Jeanette McCarty
Rary & Frank* Simmons
Mark Kidon, DPM
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Maral Mesrobian
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Kenneth Lam, MD
Paul S. Lee, CPA
Michele M. Montllor, MD
Nona E. Edelen
Ricardo L. Liberman, MD
Marilyn Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Cameron
Ms. Anne R. Christenson
Ms. Allison C. Crane
Madeleine & Alan J. Criuaro
Ms. Kristine A. Dopera
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Galindo III
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gong
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Grant
Ms. Susan M. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Kudla
The Lingos Family
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Longiotti
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Masters
Ms. Melissa L. Monti
Ms. Tamir Nitzan
Marilynn W. Moore, MD
Mr. & Mrs. L. Edward Carnahan
Nona E. Edelen
Lee & Therese Mothershead
Nelson Holdo & Meshell Holdo
Andrea Nagata
Elizabeth H. Taylor
Robert M. Newell
Judy & Buck Newell
Mrs. John W. Simmons
Michelle Nicastro
Mayfield Junior School
Graduating Class of 2007
[ 78 summer 2008 ]
Joseph Pachorek, MD
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Diane Wahl
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Normile
Asha Paul
Mr. Bobby Abraham
Robin Waldvogel, MD
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Amy Peng
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Harrison Walker
Tori Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Maldonado
Wes J. Powell, MD
Nona E. Edelen
Sterling Puffer
Ms. Anne R. Christenson
Ms. Jean Wong
Ms. Sandra Wong
Stephen A. Ralph
James Redmond
Diane M. Ricard
Charles Resnick, MD
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
David Rhodes, MD
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Brent & Cheryl Rider
Mr. & Mrs. K.R. Fraser
Brent T. Rider
Ms. Janice Allen
Mr. & Mrs. V. M. Bollier
Mr. & Mrs. Kent S. Colberg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Furlong
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gelhaar
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Lahey
Allan & Arlene Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Smiland
Mr. William E. Waterman, Jr.
Beverly H. Robbins
Walter Robbins
Michelle Rose
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Debby Schlesinger
Robert & Beatrice Siev
Karen Seto
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seto
Charles F. Sharp, Jr., MD
T. June & Simon K.C. Li
Kimberly A. Shriner, MD
Ms. Lisbeth J. Feldberg
Rosemary B. Simmons
Greg Simmons
Anne R. Snyder
Frank & Anne Snyder
William W. Sutherling, MD
Frank & Susan Scerbo
John Takamura
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
George Tang, MD
Vittorio & Margaret Maccaferri
Ruth C. Williamson, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Williamson
Lori J. Wynstock, MD
Jared & Jada Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Kaiser T. Yang
Yoshiko Zeimen
Ms. Susan J. Helfgott
Alexi & Anastasia Zoolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gong
Guilds & Support Groups
Altadena Guild of
Huntington Memorial Hospital
The Circle of
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Fall Food & Wine Festival Committee
Flintridge La Cañada Guild of
Huntington Hospital
Huntington Memorial Clinic Auxiliary
Huntington Memorial Hospital H.E.A.R.T.
(Heart Education Association for
Rehabilitation & Treatment)
Huntington Memorial Hospital SCRUBS
National Charity League Juniors of
San Marino
San Marino Guild of
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Women’s Auxiliary of
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Foundations & Trusts
Adamson Family Trust
The Ahmanson Foundation
The Allequash Foundation
The Andrews Trust
Anonymous (1)
Antonini Family Foundation
Warren J. & Isabel P. Arnett Trust
Ayrshire Foundation
B & B Foundation
The Emanuel Bachmann Foundation
The John D. Baldeschwieler &
Marlene R. Konnar Foundation
The Baldridge Family Trust
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Banta Family Foundation
The Barabas Trust
The Barth Family Trust
The Bates Family Trust
The Beebe Family Trust
The Paul Bennett Trust
The Kathryne Beynon Foundation
The Bhang Family Trust
The Bianchi Family Foundation
Biles Family Trust
The Blasiar Family Trust
The Boardman Family Foundation
Ethel Wilson Bowles & Robert Bowles
Memorial Fund
Bowmer Family Trust
The James B. Boyle, Jr. Trust
John G. Braun Charitable Annuity Trust
The M. Virginia Brickell Family Trust
The Helen L. Brill Family Trust
The Brofman Family Trust
Henry W. Browne Foundation
Bucklin Family Trust
The Edmund A. &
Marguerite L.A. Burke Foundation
Caillouette Family Lifetime Trust
Caldwell Family Trust
California Community Foundation
The Cameron Family Trust
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Carmichael Family Trust
William J. Carmichael &
Joan R. Carmichael Family Trust
The Casner Family Foundation
G. L. Cassat Trust
Chapman & Associates
Charitable Foundation
The Marty & Bruce Coffey
Family Foundation
Coffey Lead Annuity Trust
Thomas & Bebette Coleman Foundation
Josephine M. Coleman Trust
Community Foundation of Western MA
The Condon Family Foundation
Coulter Living Trust
The Crabtree Family Trust
Crawford Family Foundation
Currier Family Trust
The Cushman Family Trust
Dailey Family Foundation
The Davis Family Trust
The Elizabeth Dela Rosa Trust
Detoy Family Trust
Teresa & Mark Dilbeck Family Trust
Dimit Family Trust
Richard E. Donnelly Survivors Trust
Dunn Family Trust
The Richard Dunn Family Foundation
Eaves Family Foundation
Edens Family Trust
Eleven Twenty Seven Foundation
Engemann Family Foundation
Roger & Michele Engemann
Family Revocable Trust
The Erickson Family Foundation
The Falcinella Trust
FBO S&A Trust
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
Forest Lawn Foundation
Foy Family Trust
Mary I. French Revocable Living Trust
The Friend Family Trust
Fullerton Family Trust
The John K. Gardner Trust
Gayton Trust No. 2
The Georgina-Frederick
Children’s Foundation
Gesner–Johnson Family Foundation
GGE Foundation
The Gondek Trust A
George & Marcia Good
Family Foundation
Good Hope Medical Foundation
The Alfred Gottfeld Trust
The Gouw Family Foundation
Kathryn Tyler Grant Trust
The Thomas F. Grose Trust
Gardner Grout Foundation
Henry L. Guenther Foundation
The John & Katherine Gurash Foundation
The Haines Family Trust
The Charles Leroy Haines &
Marion B. Haines Trust
Frances V. Hamilton Lifetime Trust
E. Marshall Harris Revocable Estate Trust
Hartman Family Trust
William R. & Virginia Hayden Foundation
Heartfield Family Trust
The Marguerite P. Hennacy Trust
The Richard V. Henry &
Barbara B. Henry Trust
Hibbs Family Trust
H. Leslie & Elaine S. Hoffman Foundation
The David C. Hoffner Revocable Trust
Thomas W. & Leslie Ann Hogan Trust
The Hotchkis Foundation
Howe Family Trust
Hudson Family Trust
Hutcheson Family Trust
Dorothy & Henry Hwang Foundation
Millard & Muriel Jacobs
Family Foundation
Jameson Research Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation
Kenneth G. & Vivian G. Johnson
Surviving Spouse’s Trust
Kingsley Family Charitable Trust
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Max D. & Ceclia Knell Family Foundation
Jerry & Terri Kohl Family Foundation
Krinock Family Trust
The Kusche Family Trust
Langdon Family Trust
Lanni Family Charitable Foundation
The Lejeune Trust
Lenkin Family Trust
Lennon Tom Family Trust
Gaillard H. Lewis Revocable Trust
Lindley Trust
The Lispi FamilyTrust
Liu Family Survivor Trust
The Low Family Trust
Richard N. Mackay Trust
The Mar Family Trust
Martens Family Trust
Elda McEwen Trust
McGhee Family Trust
Garnette & Lloyd McVey Family Foundation
Meihaus Revocable Trust
Merrill Lynch & Co., Foundation, Inc.
The Miller Family Trust
O’Malley & Ann Miller Living Trust
Milligan Family Trust
Margaret Mowrey Moore Trust
Frank B. & Toshie Mosher Living Trust
Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation
David L. Narver, Jr. Trust
Nation Family Trust A
National Automobile Dealers
Charitable Foundation
Nesbitt Family Trust
Newton Family Trust
The Newton Living Trust
Oakley Living Trust
Oltmans Family Trust
Janet J. Ondeck Family Trust
Ota Family Trust
Parks Family Trust
The Parra Trust
Pasadena City College Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation
Pasadena Respiratory Health Foundation
Pasadena Tournament of Roses
Patron Saints Foundation
The Pelton Family Trust
The Peters Family Trust
Donald C. Phinney Trust
[ advocate 79 ]
Rand Family Trust
The Nancy E. Reardon Trust
Reeves Family Foundation
The C. & J. Reeves Living Trust
Reiling Family Foundation
William T. Reynolds Living Trust
Richards Family Foundation
Richter Family Trust
Georgia B. Ridder Foundation
The Rincon Foundation
Eugenia A. Riordan Trust
Roberts Living Trust
The Gabriele Ross Trust
The Rothenberg Living Trust
The SahanDaywi Foundation
Sampsell Revocable Trust
Sampsell Survivor’s Trust
Elsie Sang Charitable Trust
Virginia M. Schamadan Trust
Warren & Katharine Schlinger
The Schow Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scribner Family Trust
Seiter Family Foundation
The Edmund & Mary Shea
Family Foundation
The John & Dorothy Shea Foundation
The Shives Trust
The Simmons Living Trust
The Rob & Joanne Smith Family Foundation
The Smith Family Trust
The H. Russell Smith Foundation
The Sonne Revocable Inter Vivos Trust
John Stauffer Charitable Trust
Eugene & Marilyn Stein Family Foundation
Elizabeth S. Strauss Lifetime Trust
The Talt Family Trust
Terry Trust
The Thomas R. & Arlene Sheppard
Family Trust
UniHealth Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
W.H. Waddell Inter-vivos Trust
The Robert A. Waller Foundation
Walters Living Trust
The Warren-Soden-Hopkins
Family Foundation
The Maurice L. Whitaker Living Trust
The Edgar F. Whitmore Jr. Family Trust
The Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Jem Zeronian Family Trust
Access To Travel
Advance Paper Box Co.
Syeda M.F. Ali, MD, Medical Corporation
Alma Lodge Board & Care
Amron Condenser Tower
APCO Worldwide
Arcadia Lions Club Foundation
Asanti Fine Jewellers
Ask Your Travel Agent
Avery Dennison
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co.
Bank of America
The Stanley Bauer Corp., Inc.
Cynthia Bennett & Associates, Inc.
Jennifer Bevan, Inc.
Bluelinx Corporation
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Bolton & Company
Cal Magro Company
Cargill Consulting Group, Inc.
The Carson Companies
Carson Estate Trust
Central Reinforcing Corp.
City of Hope
Clifford Associates, LLC
Countrywide Home Loans
Crowell Weedon & Company, Inc.
Curves Alhambra
Daylight Transport
The Disney Store
Fiduciary Trust Company International
Fiserv Trust Co.
Freeman White
GivingExpress Program from
American Express
Grand American, Inc.
Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Co.
Hahn & Hahn LLP
John Hancock Life Insurance Company
Harris Farms
Hollingsworth & Vose Company
Huntington Orthopedic Surgical Group
Hygeia LTC Pharmacy
Industrial Metal Supply
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
Johanson Ventures, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Jones & Lester, LLP
Jordan Industries, Inc.
Journey Beyond Business
Gale Kohl & Associates, Inc.
Konstanturos & Associates, LLC
L.A. Chapter, Sheet Metal & A/C
Contractors National Association
L.A. Engineering
LAC + USC Medical Center
Larry Wilson & Assoc.
Law & Brandmeyer, LLP
Louis Kravitz & Associates
Lucid Sleep, Inc.
MacVaugh & Co.
Management Applied Programming/
American Insurance Administrators
Mattel Children’s Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
McMaster-Carr Supply Co.
Merrill Lynch
Metro Mechanical, Inc.
Milligan Ranch Partnership, LP
The New Milani Group, Inc.
NMC Group, Inc.
Nuveen Investments
Okuno Associates
Ore-Cal Group
Oxnard Lemon Co.
Panda Restaurant Group Inc.
The Parsons Corporation
Pasadena Kiwanis Foundation
Pepsi-Cola Co.
Phelps, Schwarz & Phelps
Pie ‘N Burger
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Risoria Limited
San Marino Leasing Company
Sanders Candy Factory, Inc.
Satisloh North America, Inc.
Ben F. Smith Co.
Standard Management Co.
Storm Management
Tiffany & Co.
Tom Sawyer Camps, Inc.
Town & Country Event Rentals, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
The Valley Club of San Marino
Vantage Companies, Inc.
Vistage Worldwide, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank
Western Truck Exchange
Ying Enterprises
California Women for Agriculture –
Ventura County Chapter
Cars 4 Causes
Claremont High School
Associated Student Body
Fire Station 82
Los Angeles County Medical
Association Auxiliary
Mayfield Junior School
National Charity League
San Marino Area Chapter
Pasadena Figure Skating
San Marino Woman’s Club
Westridge School For Girls
Sydney L. Berg Trust
Samuel H. Clinedinst Trust
Estate of Martha Girvan
William M. Harding Foundation
Elisabeth Katte Harris Estate
John L. Herrick Estate
Joanna Olson Higginbotham Estate
Robert J. Keown Trust
Jane Peck Messler Estate
The A. Wallace Russell Estate
William L. & Clara L. Schulz
Memorial Fund
Spirito Family Trust
Emily G. Storrow Estate
Richard N. & Betty N. Thomas
Charitable Remainder Trust
Edward R. Valentine Estate
Zimmermann Memorial Fund
Gifts in Kind
Sue & Don Applegate
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Armstrong
The Disney Store
Marina & Bryan Jick
Miss Kristine Kuhn
Frank & Toshie Mosher
Anne & Jim Rothenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Shubin
Mr. & Mrs. Don D. Wells
Every effort has been made to ensure
the accuracy of this donor list — and
we sincerely value your support. Should
any correction be required, please
contact Huntington Hospital’s office of
philanthropy at (626) 397-3241. We
will update our records immediately.
Thank you.
[ 80 summer 2008 ]
Dear Friends
One of the most important issues facing Huntington Hospital today is the rising demand
for emergency and trauma care. In fact, each year the hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center has
approximately twice as many patient visits as it was designed to accommodate.
It is important to emphasize that the quality of care provided by our Emergency & Trauma Center
is still excellent. When you are sick or in pain, you want to receive that care now, however, and — as
a result of increased demand — our patients are now being forced to wait longer for care than we (or
they) would like. In addition, ambulances are often diverted to other, more distant facilities because our
Emergency & Trauma Center is full.
There are many reasons for such challenges. The bottom line, though, is that assigning “blame”
— whether on other facility closures or on the growing number of working families who lack health
insurance or on other factors — will not help a single patient who walks through our doors. And that
next patient could be my grandchild or yours. In fact, you or I could be that patient.
We must find the best possible solution to our community’s problem. To ensure that high-quality
emergency and trauma care remain available for all, and that we can reach such care promptly, I urge
you to join me in supporting the expansion of Huntington Hospital’s Emergency & Trauma Center.
This essential work will increase the hospital’s emergency and trauma care capacity, providing larger and
thoroughly modern facilities to meet our community’s future needs. Please help us to help each other
and our community.
Thank you in advance for your involvement.
Lois S. Matthews
Chairman of the Board
Andrea Stradling
Principal Photography
Nick Boswell
Brad Caldwell
Christopher Grisanti Photography
Terry D. Griest
Holden Color
A ugust 2 4 , 2 0 0 8
The Circle of Huntington Hospital
The Four Hands Piano Duet
S eptember 1 7 , 2 0 0 8
P r e s i d e n t ’s C i r c l e
Dinner Seminar
San Gabriel Country Club
6 p.m.
S eptember 2 0 , 2 0 0 8
The Circle of Huntington Hospital
Where Chopin Meets the Delta Blues
Herbert Zipper Hall,
Colburn School of Music
O ctober
2 0 0 8
The Circle of Huntington Hospital
Give, Live and Laugh
O ctober
2 0 ,
2 0 0 8
Altadena Guild
16th Annual Golf Tournament
Brookside Golf Course
O ctober
2 6 ,
2 0 0 8
Fall Food & Wine Festival
Parkway Grill
5 – 9 p.m.
For further information regarding these events, please call the office of philanthropy at (626) 397-3241.
Please visit our Web site at
Huntington Hospital
Office of Philanthropy
100 West California Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91105
(626) 397-3241
If you would like to remove your name and address from
Huntington Hospital’s mailing list, please call (626) 397-3241.
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