Issue 25 - University of Surrey Students` Union
Issue 25 - University of Surrey Students` Union
The Stag FR EE The University of Surrey Newspaper Editor: Mariam Nasir NEWS p. 3 Tuesday 18th January 2011 FEATURES p.7 SCIENCE & TECH p.14 Editor-In-Chief: Chris Whitehead SOCIETIES p.16 ARTS p.17 SPORTS p.23 Surrey Students Snowbound TOM GOULDING Courtesy of Nicholas Elia News Editor U University of Surrey students’ Christmas holidays start early New Year’s Resolutions You Me At Six CHRISTINA WEBB Literature Editor H aving just received a friend’s text stating: ‘My new year’s diet has now begun so prepare to watch me disappear!’ I was inspired to write this article on active responses to 2011’s supposed ‘new start.’ It’s that time of year when plenty of people promise to diet or swear they’ll eat less chocolate, others plan to stop procrastinating and most students (story cont. page 8) niversity of Surrey students attempting to travel home for the Christmas holidays last month were faced with treacherous weather conditions. Both UK and international students who attend the University of Surrey were affected by heavy snowfall, which led to the cancellation of flights and gridlock on major roads. The South East of the country was hit particularly hard on the 18th and 19th of December over one of the busiest weekends of the year. Flights in and out of Heathrow and Gatwick remained suspended, while the airports themselves were virtually closed as the severe weather showed no sign of relenting. A limited number of flights were authorized during an extensive operation to clear the runways manually, but this was little consolation to the estimated 400,000 passengers who had made plans to travel for Christmas. British Airways confirmed that food and blankets had been provided for stranded passengers while some had been put up in alternative accommodation. A spokeswoman for BA said, “we are in the hands of the weather”, while London Mayor Boris Johnson was far more critical of the delays. He asked whether the British Airport Authority had been efficient enough in preparing to prevent the potential crisis. “I stressed the huge economic importance of Heathrow. (story cont. page 4) LORNA SALMOM Music Editor Y ou Me At Six are a poppunk band born and bred in Surrey. They shot to fame in 2008 on with their debut album ‘Take Off Your Colours’, which included the well played singles ‘Save it for the Bedroom’ (cont. page 22) You Me At Six Issue 25 | The University of Surrey Students’ Union | Editor’s Letter First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! This year is all about making those resolutions stick. No more doing work last minute, biting nails or missing lectures. 2011 is all about change and this year, The Stag’s resolution is to provide better and more interesting news. See the rest of the team’s resolutions in the Features section. It feels amazing to be back at university. The holidays were good but exam stress and coursework made it difficult to enjoy them. I know most of us can’t wait till this month is over. For those of us graduating this year, only 6 more months and then it is time to enter the ‘real world’. For those of you bored of revision, the games page is back! Have fun solving the soduku, cross word, maze and word search. On a different note, don’t forget to read out celebrity interviews, in music – You Me at Six and in sports – David Schneider. If you have any comments, questions or articles, send them to [email protected]. Good Luck with your exams!! Mariam Your Stag Team Comms Officer | Chris Whitehead [email protected]. Editor | Mariam Nasir [email protected] Deputy Editor (Design) | Bakita Kasadha [email protected] Design Team | Zoe Kitchener, Rowan Ling, Amrin Lokhandwalla, Jack White, Stacey Hunter & Charlotte Clarke Deputy Editor (Marketing) | Eunice Njag marketing@the Marketing Officers | Harriet Drudge , Imogen Jones & Kristel Tchamba News Team News Editor | Tom Goulding [email protected] Team | Jack White Apology The Stag would like to apologise to Vice Chancellor Christopher Snowden for the headline of issue 24, should have read “Vice Chancellor Questioned over “Poorly Built” Accommodation” as the built quality of Manor Park was an opinion. Features Team Features Editor | Jyoti Rambhai [email protected] Science & Tech Team Science & Technology Editor | Helen Finn [email protected] Team| Rachel Lismore-Burns & Emma Cooper Societies Team Societies Editor | Utkarsh Sharma [email protected] Team | Jahir I. Rafiq & Apoorva Sondhi Your Saabatical Team President | Malcolm Hunt: [email protected] VP Education | Stef Jones: [email protected] VP Welfare | Georgina Hancock: [email protected] VP Sports | Trung: [email protected] VP Societies | Osama Salih: [email protected] The Stag is an editiorially independent newspaper and is published by the University of Surrey Student’s Union. The Views expressed in the paper are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the educational team, the Students’ Union or the University of Surrey. Surrey & Berkshire Media Ltd. 8 Tessa Road, Reading RG1 8NS The Stag reserves the right to edit all submissions and the right to decide which articles are published. Please direct all enquiries to the relevant section editors. Arts Team Dance & Theatre Editor | Rachel Gildea [email protected] Team | Lucy Al-Zoghbi, Sian Goldby & Alex Sutton Film Editor | Ollie Sim [email protected] Literature Editor| Christina Webb [email protected] Team| Demitri Levantis, Miranda Sullivan & Hollie Rowe-Roberts Music Editor | Lorna Salmon [email protected] Team: Liam Conroy & Mike Sherlock Sports Team Sports Editor |Marisa Guerreiro Da Costa [email protected] Copy Editors | Emma Armitage, Vijay Bhaskar, Yemi Dipeolu, Nicole Vassell & Faha Zahid [email protected] Webmasters | Ankur Banerjee & Andy Smith [email protected] [email protected] The Stag NEWS 03 Sex Crime Sparks Racial Controversy are not religiously-motivated offences but crimes carried out by men for their own depraved sexual gratification. He added that “These people think that white girls have fewer morals and are less valuable than our girls”. Another commentator, Manzoor Moghul, chairman of the Muslim Forum, agrees. “Offenders are under the misapprehension white girls are easy prey. The way they dress, their culture, makes them easy pickings,” he said. But other experts in the field believe it is wrong to suggest that child sexual exploitation is solely perpetrated by Asian men against white girls. Sheila Taylor runs ‘Safe and Sound Derby’, a group that was instrumental in persuading girls to give evidence against Siddique and Liaqat said “This model of street-grooming is going on in many places. It is just that the recent spate of prosecutions against Asian men in the north of England and Midlands makes it look like it is concentrated in these communities,” She says that the issue is not race but the overall increase in sex crimes over the last few years should be addressed. The ‘Derby Safeguarding Children Board’ has formally requested that the Home Office carry out research into the backgrounds of those involved in sexual exploitation. The Home Office said: “We are working to ensure local police and children’s services are well placed to respond to child sexual exploitation, including supporting dedicated child abuse teams and specialist officers in every police force.” Andrew Markland “ “ Your crimes can only be described as evil four counts of rape, as well as two counts of false imprisonment, two of sexual assault, three charges of sexual activity with a child, perverting the course of justice and aiding and abetting rape. Judge Philip Head told Saddique: “Your crimes can only be described as evil,” adding that he was a con- tinuing danger to young girls. Six other men have also been sentenced for their part in the abuse. Many of the gang’s victims were given alcohol or drugs before being forced to sault, aiding and abetting rape, have sex in cars, rented houses affray and four counts of sexual or hotels across the Midlands. activity with a child. The crimes have attracted Saddique was convicted of a lot of controversy, and there is one controversial factor Student Health Care now provides a FREE, that many of the experts CONFIDENTIAL contraceptive drop-in service for all in the field are often not under 25s happy to discuss freely: the race of the abusers. EACH FRIDAY 1pm-3pm DROP-IN The string of convictions in cities such as RotherStudent Health Care, University Court. Ext 9051 ham, Preston, Blackburn, Rochdale and now Derby have more often than not involved Asian men, specifically men of Pakistani origin, and mainly Muslim. In this case the judge said “the race of the victims and their abusers was coincidental”, but there are con- “ T hroughout November last year there were many incidents of rape and sexual assault carried out in the Derby area by a gang of Asian men. There were 26 girls involved in the case, all between the ages of 12-18. The ringleaders of this gang have been given indeterminate jail terms. Mohammed Liaqat, 28, and Abid Saddique, 27, were found guilty and have been jailed for 8 and 11 years respectively. Liaqat was found guilty of one count of rape, two of sexual as- cerns within Asian communities about the problem. Mohammed Shafiq, head of the Ramadhan Foundation, a Muslim youth organisation, “ These people think that white girls have fewer morals and are less valuable than our girls. became the first community leader to speak out on the issue. “Although there have been some cases of white men being involved in this sexual exploitation of young girls, most of the perpetrators are Muslim. There are some Muslims who think that as long as these sex gangs aren’t targeting their own sisters and daughters the issue doesn’t affect them... but the vast majority of Muslims find these actions abhorrent and disgusting,” he said. He stresses these The Stag ‘Wanted’ Competion Winner! My name is Pierre Barnouin and I took a picture of myself and The Stag at home, in Costa Rica. Although it might not be the furthest away from Guildford, my The Stag probably traveled the most. I was supposed to leave New and repeat contraceptive prescriptions, from Heathrow when we had the large amount of EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION, snow just after university Pregnancy testing and pregnancy advice, finished, but found out that my flight had been Free condoms, Chlamydia testing and all general sexual health cancelled. The only option my airline gave me was advice to wait 6 days until after Christmas to fly or to take Pierre Barnouin with The Stag abroad a plane from Birmingham in 2 days time. I opted for the latter and found myself taking a train up to Birmingham, staying the night and flying out the next morning to Frankfurt in Germany. Once in the German city, I changed plane for one bound for Washington D.C. I spent Christmas there and continued on to San Jose, Costa Rica flying via Houston, Texas. This copy of The Stag has traveled thousands of miles by car, train and plane through snow, wind, rain and shine. 04 NEWS Students’ Snow Stress (story cont. from front page.)...If there was a war on we’d surely be able to sort this out,” he said. “Most people realise that it has not snowed at Heathrow for some time so it is vital everything is done to get the aircraft and passengers moving again.” One international student who faced delays at Heathrow told The Stag, “It was worrying as I wondered if I would get back in time to be with my family. Luckily I managed to get on my flight the next day so I guess it worked out okay in the end. It’s really annoying Courtesy of Faha Zahid The Stag [email protected] but sometimes you can’t help these things.” Meanwhile, Transport for London battled to stay on top of the snow that settled across the capital on Saturday morning, using an arsenal of 38 gritters to spread over 500 tonnes of grit throughout the region. Southwest Train services were still operating between Guildford and Waterloo, however motorists attempting to leave Surrey via the M25 were diverted when a tanker carrying liquid petroleum overturned, closing the motorway between junctions five and six. For many Surrey students who succeeded in leaving Guildford, it was this diversion that caused several hours of delays, with some choosing to postpone their journey until the roads had cleared. Undergraduate, Elliot Miles, currently in his second year as a chemical engineering student at the university, made the decision to wait, “The A3 and M25 were blocked on Saturday 18th, so I couldn’t drive back until the Sunday. By then, the A3 was clear but the M25 was still blocked so I had to take a different route to avoid it.” One student union representative said it took “seven hours” to travel to Suffolk on the M25, a journey that would have usually taken “two and a half hours at most.” The transport secretary Philip Hammond has ignored accusations of complacency, and has confirmed that government consultations are being made. In a survey conducted by the University of Surrey to establish whether students had benefited from the various snow alerts sent via text and email during the adverse conditions throughout November and December 65% rated the Student Union’s communicative performance as extremely good. Students were said to be satisfied with the clearing of roads and pathways on campus, but 24% were very dissatisfied with the availability of public transport. Of the 105 undergraduates and postgraduates who responded, Mayhem UK Students’ Ignorance Causes Andrew Markland I t is an image that characterises a time of unrest: Parliament Square, in the aftermath of serious civil disorder, scattered with charred debris, mangled barriers and broken glass. The roll-call of injuries, the cost of the damage inflicted on central London’s infrastructure - all prompted the swift condemnation from the home secretary and the National Union of Students alike. However if drawing attention to their cause was the protesters’ aim, the wreckage proved effective. Every newspaper front page and TV bulletin used images of the chaos to illustrate the anger unleashed among students by the government’s plans. Few would approve of hurling a fire extinguisher from the roof of a tall building, yet in between such behaviour and peaceful protests, lay direct action and civil disobedience which target property, rather than people. This lineage stretches back to the Suffragettes, who smashed windows, set fire to letterboxes, chained themselves to railings and defaced paintings in the cause of women’s right to vote - and, ultimately, prevailed. Of course, advocates of peaceful protest say violence of any kind undermines the moral authority of the protesters’ cause, but in the last few years the assumption that British democracy guarantees everyone a voice has been undermined by both the ineffectiveness of the Iraq demo (the largest demonstration in the history of Britain, which went unheard) and now the sense of betrayal felt by students who voted Lib Dem because of the party’s pledge to vote against fee increases. Many condemn the act of throwing a fire extinguisher off of a roof, but there is a solemn understanding that the majority of those involved in the protest had no other means of articulating their frustration. As New Statesman columnist Laurie Penny says, “An act like smashing windows of tax avoiders is not a cause of social breakdown, it’s a symptom of social breakdown.” Chris Moyles Brings Show to Surrey News Editor R adio 1 DJ and presenter, Chris Moyles provided an evening of festive entertainment at the University of Surrey student’s union last month. The event, which took place on 21st December during the first week of the Christmas break, saw Chris Moyles and his Breakfast Show co-hosts, Dom, Aled and Comedy Dave, bring their Christmas themed ‘Karol-oke’ night to the Rubix stage in an evening of singing and dancing. Aled Jones had been broadcasting live from Surrey Sports Park the week before, where he announced he was giving away free tickets to the invite only Karol-oke night. This prompted over 500 listeners to arrive at the site in order to get their “ TOM GOULDING hands on one. In total, an estimated 1,000 people attended the Karol-oke night. Moyles admitted he had “never been to Guildford before” but said the town was “ We let you pretend for three minutes only that they are rock stars. easily accessible from London and was “very excited” to be there. When asked what people could expect from the evening, Dave explained, “They’re going to volunteer to come up and sing with our live band and pretend for three minutes only that they are rock stars.” Courtesy of Surrey Students’ Union [email protected] The Stag NEWS 05 Buses fail To Arriva On Time Tom Leeder H Andrew Markland M Ps have voted to raise tuition fees in England to up to £9,000 a year, but Ministers have proposed that students from disadvantaged backgrounds could have one year paid by the state, plus another year paid by their universities. Three days before Parliament decided on the government’s controversial plans, ministers announced they were looking to use a £150m fund to provide a year’s free tuition for poorer students. This would then be matched by the university to provide another year’s study free of charge. The proposal was thought to have helped persuade some Lib Dem MPs to support the government. Under the plans, universities charging more than £6,000 a year could be forced to pay such students’ fees for a second year. Ministers believe up to 18,000 students could ultimately benefit, significantly increasing the numbers of children from poorer backgrounds going on to higher education. Cash for the new fund - set aside for pupils who were eligible for free school meals would come from the National Scholarship Programme already announced. Free school meals are available to families claiming certain benefits and are given to around 80,000 pupils in each school year. This new scheme has already come under fire by Universities UK chief executive, Nicola Dandridge, who said that in practice the government’s proposals would be “difficult and counterproductive”. She also feared that the scheme would hit some institutions harder than others. The Labour party have also been quick to criticise, with Shadow Business Secretary, John Denham, saying that the government’s scheme was “falling apart”. One prevailing criticism of the initiative is the disproportion in budget between universities nationwide. The payout may not affect highly established universities, such as Oxford, endowed with a £3bn budget per annum, or even Surrey (£47m per annum), but could entail difficulties for many other Universities around the country. With this comes the consideration that the initiative does not cater for poorly funded universities, and could increase the financial strain placed on the UK education system. past two or three weeks, so something has clearly changed but we need to ascertain what the problem actually is.” Students are growing frustrated with buses that fail to arrive within their allocated time slot leaving no other option but to wait for the next bus. Harmer insists that any bus failing to turn up does so for a good “ I have lived in five countries and I have never seen a bus service anywhere that is of such low quality. reason: “Some days we do encounter problems and the last resort is to pull a bus from a specified route, but sometimes it is better to cut a bus to ensure that the service for the rest of the day continues on time.” To compound Arriva’s woes Surrey students have been reporting incidents of drivers being ‘rude and sharp’ towards them as they try to board the service. A second year student said after boarding an already late bus: “I found the driver to be extremely rude towards me and the rest of the paying passengers.” Arriva have responded strongly to any misconduct by drivers with members of Editor’s View Having lived in Manor Park for a year, I have had some experience of the Arriva buses. The unreliability of the buses was an additional stress for me since I had to be at the bus stop 45 minutes prior to the time I had lectures or work since buses had a habit of not turning up at all. This was frustrating as even when I was at the bus stop 45 minutes before, I ended up “ Education Initiative Is “Falling Apart” undreds of students have been left out in the cold waiting for University buses – causing them to be late for vital lectures. The Arriva bus service has been criticised by students for continually failing to deliver a punctual service and now The Stag can reveal that the Students’ Union has been inundated with complaints about buses that are severely late or failing to turn up at all. On numerous occasions stranded students have had to seek out alternative modes of transport in order to reach University. One Psychology student said: “I have lived in five countries and I have never seen a bus service anywhere that is of such low quality.” Arriva has provided transport to the University for 14 years and has only in recent months experienced problems with the service it provides. It’s an issue the Students’ Union has been attempting to bring to the attention of Arriva for some time, and it seems the company has finally taken notice, although when The Stag spoke to Graham Harmer, Surrey Regional Manager of Arriva, he blamed the issues on the town itself. “Guildford is a very difficult town to run a reliable bus service because of the traffic. There are a lot of problems coming from the gyratory system and heading up to the University. We have to make allowances for that, it is part of our job as a bus operator.” James Newby, Director of Traded Services and Business Support for Surrey University said: “We are aware the issue has got a lot worse in the being late most of the times. Arriva has to take some drastic steps to improve the quality of their service since students have deadlines and timetables which they need to consider. I think the Student’s Union, VP Welfare Georgina Hancock in particular, has been working hard towards making Arriva see the students perspective and staff being disciplined and several being dismissed. In recent months Arriva have increased the frequency of buses that run during peak hours and they have also introduced double decker buses to accommodate significantly more passengers and help to ease congestion at troublesome bus stops. Harmer moved to reassure students by saying: “Overall I feel the level of service we provide is very good and we are looking to build upon that and develop our relationship with the university further. I agree we have to do a bit more work on the reliability issue and I feel we can achieve that sooner rather than later.” This view was echoed by Newby: “We are very confident that there will be a significant improvement by early 2011. If there isn’t an improvement then we will not stop until the service does become more reliable.” SU President Malcolm Hunt said: “I’m glad we have managed to bring this to the attention of Arriva and I’m pleased to see action is taking place to resolve the issues students have told us about.” making a change. As for the attitude of the bus drivers, I think a smile goes a long way, do your bit and see how it goes. If you have any comments or complaints about the Arriva bus service, please do let us know. You can email The Stag at [email protected]. Share your experience, good or bad, and we’ll print it in the next edition. 06 NEWS The Stag Students Reluctant To Accept Defeat On Increasing Fees [email protected] Off Campus! Jack White Bluefin Tuna TOM GOULDING News Editor Students protest against fees A s 2011 settles in, students across Britain are preparing to stand fast and continue the valiant fight against the Government’s rise in tuition fees and cuts to University budgets. Demonstrations have been called for Saturday 29th January: a mass event in London and a smaller Manchester protest. The demonstrations have been backed by the two largest student campaigning groups – the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts and the Education Activist Network – as well as the NUS and the UCU and PCS trade unions. In a recent poll by The Student Panel and London Media, 93% of students supported the protest at Conservative Party HQ in November. The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) will be holding an open conference at University College London on 22nd January. The conference will discuss how best to bring the national student campaign closer to defeating the Coalition Government. NCAFC specifically invites those students who represent a local campaigning group or who would like to set one up. Since Parliament narrowly passed the legislation to increase fees, the student movement has increasingly taken its cue from cases where concerted public pressure has defeated government initiative. Most obviously, the widespread riots of 1989/90 caused Parliament to repeal the Poll Tax and led directly to the downfall of Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s controversial Prime Minister. The Liberal-Democrats have borne the brunt of student displeasure over the education funding crisis. Students voted for them in droves (48%) at the General Election, but by the end of November, support slumped to 15%. Labour has picked up much of the support – 43% of students now say they would vote Labour, putting them first amongst the university population. However the Labour Party has yet to formalise its policy on education funding and it remains to be seen whether or not it will continue to support high fees, or return to the more social policy of free education. Keep up-to-date on the forthcoming protests at www. I n this issue, birds are falling from the sky in America; medicine with compulsive side effects in Italy and an almost endangered fish is sold in Japan… Happy New Year! In the last Off Campus!, complete and utter nuclear annihilation seemed imminent, but now Kim Jong-il is putting his ‘holy war’ on ice for an aptly timed global freeze, it seems there’s no need to do anything too brash, like, say, spend £250,000 on a fish. Ricky Cheng doesn’t think so. Owner of a Hong Kong sushi restaurant, Mr. Cheng has bought a 342kg bluefin tuna for a record-breaking 32.4m yen. When asked what could have possibly possessed him to pay so much for what is, at the end of the day, a fish, Mr. Cheng said, “Good tuna is really selling to people in Hong Kong and China, and this is a really good fish.” Unfortunately for the bluefin tuna, the UN decided earlier last year that it wasn’t quite good enough to make the protected species list, leaving it open to the whim of the Japanese fishing fleets. It is thought that 80% of the Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna is consumed by Japan, meaning that an average morning down the Tokyo marketplace could probably put Jesus out of a job several times over. WWF has warned that if the rate of fishing continues as it is, the Atlantic population of the bluefin tuna will be virtually extinct within three years. Japanese champion of sustainable fishing Hideyuki Komatsu has said it’s time to start butchering other forms of sea life, such as the minke whale. “While the minke whale has a green light above it, the fin whale has a yellow light. But a red light is flashing over the bluefin tuna.” Still if Mr. Komatsu is a reputable fish sympathizer, he probably won’t like what’s been going on in the United States this month. In two separate incidents, over 100,000 drum fish have washed up along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River, and 5,000 blackbirds have dropped from the sky. Weirder still, in neighbouring Louisiana, 500 dead blackbirds were found littered across the city of Laberre. This of course begs the obvious question, is the Earth’s core slowing down and if so, will Aaron Eckhart be needed to jump start it through a series of tactical nuclear explosions à la 2003 blockbuster The Core? The answer is thankfully no. Experts have theorized a dull and depressingly plausible explanation for the strange avian behaviour seen by hysterical suburban residents. They concluded that the birds probably suffered “internal trauma” caused by fireworks that could have startled them on New Year’s Eve. A believable idea, but what about the fish? It doesn’t take a lecture from Mr. Komatsu to know that for all their shortcomings, fish are unlikely to be driven to commit Hitchcock-esque acts of terror by the offset of Catherine Wheels. Could Obama be to blame? Or BP? The Stag is placing its bets on Kim Jong-il. Finally, a retired 70-yearold Italian man (not Silvio Berlusconi but watch this space) is suing his doctors for prescribing a medicine, which he insists, made him gamble away €300,000. Paolo Chisci had been taking dopamine since 1999, but says he was not informed about the compulsive side-effects of the drug which led him to buy 500 instant lottery scratch cards a day until his family finally discovered the addiction. Compulsive behaviour has been linked to dopamine before, and in 2008 research carried out in America found that 13% of 3,000 patients who were on the drug suffered from at least one form of addiction. Mr. Chisci should probably be thankful that he didn’t spend the money on a bluefin tuna. That’s all for this week, make sure you pick up The Stag for the next issue of Off Campus! The Stag [email protected] What Does the VAT Increase Mean for Students at Surrey? Price before increase JYOTI RAMBHAI Features Editor E © altogetherfool 2009 verybody should now be fully aware the VAT has gone up from 17.5% to 20%. It’s all well the government saying that it is necessary to help bring down the UK’s high budget deficit, but it’s not going to be easy for us students trying to budget all the costs, especially as we do not get extra money from the Students Loan Company. Against All Odds FEATURES 07 Price after increase Medium Latte from Starbucks £2.45 £2.50 Pint of Foster at Chancellors £2.40 £2.45 Breakfast toast at Hillside £0.55 £0.75 Breakfast roll at Hillside £1.50 £1.70 Pair of Standard Peep-toe Heels from £19.57 £19.99 New Look Standard Men’s Cardigan from Burton £29.37 £30.00 Trains: Off-Peak Return from Guildford to £15.70 £16.80 London Waterloo Unleaded Petrol from Shell 123.9p/litre 127.9p/litre Increase in petrol adds minimum of £1.50 extra to fill up a small tank. So after the rise in tuition fees going through in 2010, it really isn’t a great start to 2011. Although basic food bought at supermarkets such as, bread, milk, butter, etc, chil- dren’s clothing, newspapers and magazines, which are not subject to VAT, the small increase in prices makes a big difference to our budget. Just take a look above. Facebook to Get New Features FRAN WHITE © David Spender Camera Left: Nick Clegg is continuing to push his party’s progressive line on universities MRS B Features Team T uition fees are going up – that was decided on the 9th December to be precise. It’s made me think a lot about my education, almost as if it is a burden. I’ll have this great omen behind me constantly reminding me about the great sum I have to pay back when I’ve finished university, each time I sit down at every lecture. The underlying issue is that university is not supposed to be a burden. Simon Hughes, the new deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, agreed with this saying: “Our position has been that in a tight economic situation we need to think about university in numbers, we need to make sure there's value for money but it would be wrong to put more financial burden on students by way of tuition fees”. There is still hope though. Mr Clegg said in a message to Liberal-Democrat partymembers that they have “developed a plan to phase out tuition fees over the course of the next six years to ensure this vital policy is affordable even at this time of economic crisis’. He is aware that ‘Ending tuition fees would cost billions of pounds every year. We need to be certain we can afford it before we make any promises.” There is hope when he lets us know that. “But I can make this pledge: at the next election we will have the best, most progressive package for students of any mainstream party: that is my guarantee to you.” Whilst the increase of tuition fees might leave students feeling like there is just no hope, Nick Clegg reassures students with this promising pledge. Recent views saw Stella English win the apprentice on Sunday 19th December. The mother of two left school at age 15, worked in Japanese Bank for 10 years, pursued the Apprentice and went on to win it. If that doesn’t speak for itself I don’t know what will. We can’t all be Stella English but we can be who we are with no limitations. O fficially launched in 2004, Facebook was created in a dorm at Harvard University by Mark Zuckerberg, before going straight into competition with the like of MySpace. In July 2010 it had 500 million users, although it is determined to reach the 1 billion mark. It is the world’s biggest photo site, beating Flickr and Photobucket and what Facebook didn’t have, it is about to get. Mark Zuckerberg is in plans to create Facebook e-mail. This means you can have an e-mail address along the lines of [email protected]. It is promising to be quicker, less formal and to hopefully cut down on the amount of spam we often get on our current email addresses. Alongside this new revelation, Facebook has had some new investors, Goldman Sachs. Why? In order to allow the rich users of the site to be able to invest in Goldman Sachs to be able to buy shares. “In any 20 minutes, Facebook typically sees 1m shared links, 2.7m photos uploaded and 10.2m comments. Facebook also records 7.7m "likes" every 20 minutes, generated not just by users on but on more than 2 million other sites across the web that have embedded Facebook's commenting tools.” (Jemma Kiss, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg © Jason McElweenie Features Team The Guardian) Facebook is starting to be predicted as a site that will overtake Google. If you type Facebook into the Google search engine the first ten links to appear are directing you to login into Facebook – they are getting you there as quick as they can. Facebook can be set as your homepage just like Google. The latest rumour is of allowing users to shop from within Facebook and to give reviews of the products to others on our site. Facebook will then be able to study shopping patterns and sell them back to the retailers. The Stag 08 FEATURES New Year’s Resolutions The City that Never Sleeps: 5. 6. 7. 8. will work better. Writing these things for a set day in a diary is also helpful – which leads onto my next point... Set separate deadlines! Accepting that something will be done by the end of the year usually doesn’t work. Write resolutions in stages. Helpful, as many things can’t be blitzed or begun all in one go. For example, instead of ‘get a job/work experience’ try: contact ‘specific workplaces/companies’/update CV/write cover letters/send etc. Be positive – rather than state things that you plan not to do, state things that you plan to do. Keep it somewhere you won’t forget so that you look at it reasonably regularly, treating it as a sort of long term to-do list (I find I get short term things completed but never long term things). It becomes more likely that you will achieve your resolutions. Stag Team Members’ Resolutions “To get work placement sorted out, to work harder for my exams and to sort of my finances in terms of savings.” Christina Webb (ME) “To travel... starting with Amsterdam and Brighton!” Bakita Kasadha “Just to be better this year than last year. You can really take that as something different for each person.” Jack White “Stop biting my nails.” Mariam Nasir “To get a 1st this year at University.” Jyoti Rambhai “My new year’s resolution is to wake up for at least 5 days of every week, by 9AM and to eat healthily (no junk).” Utkarsh Sharma © Effervescing Elephant New York ...cont’d from front page ...will promise they’ll prepare for exams much better than before. Some stay true to their new rules for an acceptable time, others stray, whilst many tend to know right from the beginning that the latter is going to happen even before February begins. I am particularly familiar with this! However, I have found that in the last couple of years, I have found some simple things to stick to when aiming to achieve the majority of things that I want to when writing a New Year’s Resolutions list, and on the whole, it can work: 1. Keep the list short and sweet. Don’t try to promise yourself too many things! 2. Be realistic. 3. Number the list, therefore you will feel a sense of achievement even if you only accomplish one and you can attempt to achieve each of the goals separately. 4. Be specific – actions over words. I found this most important as nothing changed when I scribbled things down such as ‘be more organised.’ Also, ‘exercise’ or ‘join the gym’ may seem specific, but ‘read up on membership details/ phone gym/buy a pilates DVD/go for 3 runs a week’ [email protected] FRAN WHITE Features Team Y ou may have seen the skyline, Statue of Liberty and Times Square on the silver screen, however it is only by standing in the hustle and bustle amongst the thousands of tourists does fascinating city comes to life. As I venture out into the extremely cold, crisp air and head towards Times Square I stand amongst the tourists, who are posing, photographing or simply staring in awe at the features which surround them. It is commonly known as the “Crossroads of the World”. It’s no surprise really – the traffic barely stops unless the traffic light is on red, but then that only stops one lane. It is a constant buzz, the gaudy billboards and glittery marquees are almost captivating. There are in total, a staggering sixty mega-billboards and forty miles of neon lighting. It’s astonishing and mind boggling to even think about how it was all set up. As I am tired after my flight, I retreat back to my hotel, The Hotel Rodger Williams on Madison Avenue, and decide try the lavish hotel restaurant. New York is host to thousands of glamorous restaurants. Of course if fine dining is not to your taste there are many low-key places to eat and a McDonalds on every block; these, with it being America, have huge portions where small translates as big and large translates as… well, you get the picture. The next morning, a Sunday coincidently, I wander down to Central Park, about a twenty minute walk from my hotel. The park is an oasis from the insanity: the perfectly mowed lawns, meandering wooded paths, provide the bit of nature which the New Yorkers crave. The blooming cherry blossoms and crisp crimson leaves help to bring the park to life – they set the scene. There is an ice rink on which many are having fun. You cannot leave without visiting the tearshaped garden, the memorial to John Lennon and the Strawberry Fields, situated just across from the Dakota building. It is the most visited spot of Central Park, and it receives a yearly $1m grant from his widow Yoko Ono to maintain it. This peaceful spot contains a grove of stately elms and a tiled mosaic. The mosaic is so intricately designed, yet it just simply reads “imagine”. For a full three hundred and sixty degree view of the city, make your way up the Rockefeller Centre. The views are spectacular. Standing that high up is a great place to be in the city, as it can feel crowded after so long you can start to forget that open space exists. The air is fresher and the city looks like a whole different place from up here. Of course you must see the Statue of Liberty. Some prefer to go onto the island itself however, I feel that the best way to see it was by the Staten Island Ferry. Although this is just a commuter’s ferry, it is free and gives great photo opportunities: the view of the statue is perfect as is the view of Downtown Manhattan. By staying on the ferry there and back you can do the trip in around 40 minutes for free. The city is host to many clubs, bars and restaurants, and it doesn’t take long at night for the nightlife to ignite. Its reputation precedes it, as it really is the city that never sleeps. It’s energy and unrestrained attitude never dips or slows down. So why should you. The Stag Fashion T his week our student buy of the week comes from the forever faithful Topshop, who also offer a 10% discount to students all year round. We have chosen this on-trend camel blouse with a Peter Pan colour. While camel is a huge trend for this season, the Peter Pan collar as a finishing detail is fast becoming a hot trend itself, showing up in the ready-to-wear catwalk collections of Miu Miu and can already be seen all over the high street. This versatile blouse is easy glamour at its best, pair with black shorts and cute flats for a chic day outfit or pair the blouse with your favourite skinny jeans for an equally lecture chic outfit. Visit www. to snap up this blouse before it sells out. H ture on tights – showing how they can be worn as both a fashion statement and as a stylish cover up as we transition between seasons. We hope that you enjoy this issue and as ever if you have any feedback, comments or ideas we would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected]/na00107@surrey. Nisha and Christie Fashion Tights A lthough the world of fashion is constantly changing, with new ideas and old trends returning, tights are a faithful friend to everyone in the fashion world. They cover pale legs, allow us girls to wear dresses and skirts throughout the cold season and above all they are comfortable. Their popularity has lead to a variety of fashionable designs for both daywear and eveningwear, helping to spice up your outfits. These suspender style tights are perfect for a night out, it is best to team them with a simple and straight cut dress as frills or patterns may look a bit too fussy. These particular tights are House of Holland. You can pick them up from John Lewis, Selfridges or for £12. Be careful when putting them on as the sheer part at the top of the tights is very delicate. Pretty Polly hosiery produces a vari- Best-Dressed of the Week: Kim Kardashian in Tadashi Shoji I n the past month we have seen some outstanding outfits on the red carpet, and with Christmas and New Year having just passed there has been no shortage of events for celebrities to attend. So many events, so many looks to choose from! However this week none other than the beautiful Kim Kardashian is our pick of the week. If there’s one thing that Kim knows how to do, it’s how to work her killer hourglass figure in a gor- “ Student Buy of the Week i guys, welcome to our first issue of 2011! We hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and New Year! Another year has come and we hope it will be a fantastic one for fashion, and by the looks of the sensational outfits we have already seen so early in the year and with awards season just around the corner we’re sure we won’t be disappointed! In this issue we bring you three mini features – we have our regular best dressed and student buy of the week features and a fea- geous dress. While attending her family Christmas party, Kim chose this sparkling, oneshouldered dress by Tadashi “ Kim knows... how to work her killer hourglass figure in a gorgeous dress. Shoji (Fall 2010) and while Christmas may be over there’s FEATURES 09 ety of fashionable tights and socks. These dazzling pair of sheer diamond tights are really classy and help to lengthen the legs. It is better to wear sheer tights like these when wearing a longer dress, no shorter than just above the knee. You can find these tights at www.legsandstockings. Polly.htm or at Debenhams, Boots and Wilkinson for just £8.45. These opaque Pretty Polly diamond tights are great as they can be worn on a night out with a dress and heels or in the day with boots, pumps or dolly shoes. These tights are also available in pink for just £6.45. no denying that a little sparkle can add an element of fun to any girls wardrobe. The dress is a perfect mix of gold and aubergine colours and is completely on trend as purple is a key colour this season. However for us the one thing that makes this dress a knockout is the cut and shape: the one shoulder and length of the dress provide an elegant touch while the deeper aubergine colour gives a hint of drama. Kim has also chosen to cinch in her waist with a black waistband, making the fit perfect for her body shape. This dress is an all round winner suiting both Kim’s personality and approach to fashion, we love it. © David Shankbone [email protected] The Stag 10 FEATURES [email protected] Games Answers in the next edition of The Stag. Send your answers to [email protected] to get a mention in the paper. Sudoku Wordsearch 2 1 3 8 6 7 1 7 E S I C E X E E F 9 8 F P E W N E F X B 5 C R T D E D G E E 3 1 4 O O D U I D W R G 9 8 6 D M L G L E H C I 6 5 7 2 P I S D N O T I N 2 1 R S B E G G S Z S 9 7 O E G M A X E E G S M A X E A D D R 6 2 8 4 1 3 The words to find are: Crossword 1 4 6 1 3 2 3 PROMISE DIET NEW BEGIN EXERCISE COLD EXAMS Maze Mania 2 5 4 ACROSS 1. Hidden, also means witchcraft 2. Controversial BBC business man 3. Screen parameter you’ll never keep 4. Out with the old half and in with the new DOWN 1. German mountain of sugar on the Internet 2. Week starting 7th February 3. Kardashian’s figure and timepiece 4. English woman likes Sugar 5. Negative German 6. Famous American biscuit Relive your childhood and guide our stevie home! New Student 6 Month Membership Just £105 (FULL YEAR £195) SIGN UP FOR MEMBERSHIP TODAY FOR • Use of a range of Surrey Sports Park facilities including the swimming pool, classes, health and fitness centre, squash and tennis courts • Access to Student Sports Clubs Find out more at 18 SCIENCE & TECH The Stag [email protected] The Stag SOCIETIES 21 14 Science & Tech The Stag [email protected] That’ll Do, Pig That’ll Do RACHEL LISMORE-BURNS In Ontario, Canada, a small farm has been home to a controversial and revolutionary scientific project called ‘Enviropig’. The pigs here have undergone drastic genetic modification so that they now contain genes from mice and E.coli bacteria, and may become the first GM animals to be licensed for human consumption. GM foods – foods that have had their DNA deliberately altered through genetic engineering - have been on sale to the public since the 1990s. However, these have only ever included foods such as corn and rice and some vegetables. Typically they are modified to be pest resistant or to increase their seasonal growth. The first vegetable to undergo genetic modification and go on sale was the tomato (given the name ‘FlavrSavr’), which was altered to reduce softening after ripening. However it did not produce a profit and removed from the market in 1996. Other than crops, one of the only GM animals to go on sale was the ‘GloFish’ which was sold for pet purposes. This brand of zebrafish was modified to grow into fluorescent red, green and orange coloured fish. Controversy has always surrounded the idea of selling GM animals for human consumption over worries that it may have unforeseen dangers and consequences. Whilst studies have researched the foods and found them to be safe, many people still remain unconvinced – mainly because the studies are often carried out by the companies looking to sell the product. However, with more and more developments being made in the GM market and global food demand growing, it is looking like it may become increasingly difficult to hold off what many scientists are calling a miracle technology. The alterations to the ‘Enviropig’ for example mean that it can digest phosphates more easily. Naturally, pigs cannot digest these chemicals and they end up polluting and damaging the environment. With the alterations however, it seems that the pigs may be ‘greener’ and cheaper to feed. In a similar situation in the U.S, a GM salmon has been engineered so that it will grow twice as quickly as it would naturally. The Food and Drug Administration (which regulates food consumption in a pair of trainers and make nature your gym by going jogging. Exercise doesn’t have to be a separate part of your daily routine either, it can easily be incorporated; by climbing stairs instead of using the lift or walking rather than taking the bus. Calorie intake. You should be eating 2500 calories if you’re a healthy male and around 2000 calories a day if you’re a healthy female. We often don’t realise how much we are eating so if you’re trying to lose weight, be responsible and start a food diary. When you have a meal, write down exactly what you have eaten, even if it’s part of a salad, i.e. the salad dressing. It’s often the small bits that are the most fattening! Invest in a blender. It was recently found that when you eat the same amount of food and water but pop it in a food processor before you eat it, basically making it a soup; it fills you up more than an ordinary meal and a glass of water. This is the case because once the water is absorbed, your stomach shrinks quite rapidly. Whereas if the food is in soup form it stays in your stomach for longer, making you feel fuller for longer and thus lose weight. Drink plenty of milk. It was also found that drinking milk helps you lose weight because An Enviropig in its pen Top 6 Scientific Ways To Lose Weight EMMA COOPER We all may have indulged a little over Christmas so here are some tips to help trim that waistline. Don’t crash diet. Crash dieting can lead to you craving more sugary foods as your body needs to have instant gratification. So the best thing to do is eat three standard meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Exercise may be boring but it is an essential way to lose weight. By reducing your calorie intake and exercising, you are toning as well as losing fat. If the Sports Centre is out of your money league, invest in the U.S) has ruled that the ‘AquAdvantage’ salmon are safe to be farmed and eaten. A decision has yet to be made over whether the salmon are to be sold in the food market and the fate of the Make nature your gym it fills you up more than water but is better for you then fruit juices and high calorific smoothies. Semi skimmed milk is the best option as it’s healthy but tasty as well. Protein is your best friend whilst trying to lose weight. Cutting out carbohydrates in Enviropig is still unsure but it certainly seems that the idea of GM food is losing its stereotype and we may be seeing the beginning of GM animals’ becoming commonplace in the supermarket. favour of protein can help you lose weight easily. The whole idea is that the protein keeps you fuller for longer by producing a particular hormone which when sent to your brain turns off the hunger in your stomach. [email protected] The Stag IMAN MAJID & JAHIR RAFIQ W ho would have thought programming is that much interesting before actually attending a workshop called “safe sex”.... Don’t be scared! It’s just one fun way of learning safe and defensive conduct in our world of programming. That’s what CompSoc is all about - fun & learning. In all, CompSoc delivered an amazing year for all of us - be it through variety in programming or just playing around with creativity. In the last year, CompSoc achieved a number of fairly massive milestones. Not only will it increase the employability of members in the near future but also it has successfully wiped out the wrong notions of computer fun - especially programming, which some would presume to be boring. Computing is actually all about practice and mutual transport of data. Last year we completed C++ 101. It’s great to see that people actually have interest in such things like C++. The members of Surrey CompSoc voted C++ as an interesting language to learn that may create more opportunities for future employment. A “Not-a-Lecture” series of talks and code challenges was on action to address this need. The lectures were absolutely brilliant and member attendance increased as the days progressed. However, our main intention was to learn through fun - and people really did have fun as they started to raise different issues and couple of guys actually turned up with new ideas. We however tried many other things as well. One of the most popular one was the “splat” challenge which seemed to have provided fun as the suggestions showed we could go ahead with this again. I must also mention the windows “GUI” code writing with the specification. We also designed for a game of Tic-TacToe for Windows. It’s quite surprising how we managed to do all sort of things in just three hours. We have lot of plans for the upcoming semester. It’s always a terrifying job to balance between lecture and maintaining societies like this which obviously require a lot of thinking and collaboration. But we’re all out there to utilize the best possible opportunities and together we can really make a huge difference. “London at Night” The london eye is a ferris wheel located at the south bank of the Thames river. It will be officialy known as the EDF Energy London eye fron the 20th January 2010. It was opened on the 31rst of Decemver 1999 by Tony Blair, but was made available to the public on 9th march 2000. BruSurrey – The University Of Surrey’s Bruneian Society first event DALINATUL AHMED S aturday, 8th January 2011 - The University of Surrey’s Bruneian Society which is better known as BruSurrey kick-started its events calendar with a brief but first ever ‘eat and get together’ ceremony on the 8th January 2011. The function was held at a renowned restaurant in the heart of Guildford, Surrey. Around 26 Bruneians attended the social event which was considered a way for the members of the society to meet each other and strengthen relationships amongst them. More events and activities will be organised to bring together the University of Surrey Bruneian students in the future to form long-lasting relationships. The lunch was hosted by the President of BruSurrey Society, Abdul Muiz bin Hj Muhd Hasbi, whom took the opportunity to congratulate everyone on the establishment of the society and expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support given by the members of “ “ Computer Society Societies 15 The society will endeavour to promote the Bruneian culture, customs and tradition in order to demonstrate multicultural value of Bruneian people internationally. the society for making its first social gathering a success. He added that various activities and events have been planned and will be held throughout the year. The ‘doa selamat’ (prayer) was read by Muhammad Saifullah bin Haji Chuchu, appointed the male religious representative of the society. Following that, members of the society had fun walking around the town and enjoying the scenery around the Castle of Guildford. The society has gained ratification from the University of Surrey as an official society in November 2010. Currently, the society is in the midst of building up their structure as Bruneian representation in Guildford. The main aim on the establishment of the society is to unite previous, current & future Bruneian students from University of Surrey. Through the society, it is hoped that the current and future members of the society will foster a good relationship in supporting each other in all aspects, be it in terms of social issues, student welfare, academic studies or religious understanding. In addition, the members of the society will be supporting and being actively involved with any festivals and national celebrations held by the Brunei Student Union and Brunei High Commissioner (both Bruneian establishments based in London) as well as various events held by the University of Surrey. The society will endeavour to promote the Bruneian culture, customs and tradition in order to demonstrate multicultural value of Bruneian people internationally. With its excellent academic reputation and fantastic student life, University of Surrey has become one of the top universities of choices for those Bruneian students whom like to further their studies abroad. There are currently over 30 Bruneian students studying at Surrey in a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees including Computing, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Human Resources Management, Business Management, Microbial Sciences, Nutrition and Food Science, Politics and Nursing. 16 SOCIETIES The Stag [email protected] T urn your calendar back to 2007 and the Dance Music Society of today was merely a bunch of guys with a little idea in their minds. The idea to bring an underground genre of music loved by the masses in London and other cities around the UK to a cheesy and commercial based Guildford. As you all most definitely know, a night out in the Students’ Union, Flares, Dusk or Casino all share the same traits, but what a lot of you don’t know is that so much more is on offer, right here in the heart of our campus. So moving on 3 years what has this idea evolved into? Society is a bad label - event organizer / promoter is more along the lines - but that’s something we can leave to the Students’ Union to quarrel about. The introduction of The Living Room’s new minimalist decor has opened so many doors for us as well as other event organizing societies. Its vibe creating attributes and crisp sound system has provided a platform to throw some truly legendary parties as well as creating some unforgettable memories. Just over a year ago we kicked off our fortnightly Living Room residency, at first experimental but momentum was quickly gathered. 27 successful events later we find “Filtered” where it is today. By bringing guest DJs from some of the best UK clubs (Fabric included), our profile has risen in Guildford but also to a point where promoters in London, websites and independent magazines have started to take notice. The sound, predominantly deep house accompanied by an array of dubby techno has brought the same faithful crowd back week after week, not just students but Guildford town goers with the majority of them sick of the Baywatch theme tune being drummed into their ears. As well as our flagship Filtered night, we’ve tried and succeeded on occasions to edu- cate people in what we do. The DJ school was a new addition last year providing a hands-on, fun and cheap way to learn the basic skills of beat matching, analogue mixing as well as the theory behind the construction of a DJ set. After a few trial sessions we find ourselves with a full program ready to be sprung into action. Shortly after exams we will be back into it again. With a few big dates already organized, next semester is set to be one of our best. Space Ibiza’s Lewis Ryder is one of the treats already in the February party bag. We also have something big, fun and rather outrageous planned for the Union towards the end of term. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that one. For more information on The Dance Music Society, Filtered, upcoming parties or feel like you have something you could offer to us feel free to visit: See you guys on the dance floor. d - od M o o d o G Good EDWARD B Fo o Dance Music Society five pieces of fruit and veg a day you ‘re helping you body and mind. If you eat Eating well stops you feeling sluggish and helps aid your concentration, giving you all the energy you need to stay awake through the last ten minutes of your Friday afternoon lecture... For more advice on staying healthy in body and mind, contact Student Health Care. If you feel troubled and want to talk to someone, try the Centre for Wellbeing Student Health Care - T: 01483 68 9051 E: [email protected] Centre for Wellbeing - T: 01483 68 9498 E: [email protected] [email protected] The Stag Entertainement: Dance & Theatre 17 DANCE & THEATRE Dance Against The Cuts Stripped Down, Loved Up Ballet his year sees English National Ballet present their tenth interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s classic The Nutcracker. The beautiful score is weaved into Eagling’s choreographic fabric; some of its most iconic excerpts provide musical landmarks for an eagerly awaiting audience. Eagling opens the performance with artistic ease. A warm, inviting scene prevails with skaters whizzing about the stage and families walking in the crisp, white snow. Characterisation is well developed and quite realistic. A detailed set and Edwardian period costume support this charming scene. In keeping with the original story, Clara’s dream is key to the performance, evoking a variety of characters. Mice fester the performance with their mischievous ways whilst the Sugar Plum Fairy radiates the stage, and sparkling with elegance she epitomises the ballerina image. The corps de ballets are strong; the simple choreography follows a symmetrical form, resulting in some stunning visuals. The dream is cut short when the characters amalgamate on stage, circling around and around into something like a whirlwind. At once they are gone and a young Clara sits up in her bed, startled, and runs to tell her brother. A clever ending that resolves the tale’s disorder. English National Ballet present good technique and performance throughout the piece but I was not convinced by the characterisation of the principal dancers, Erina Takahashi and James Forbat. Similarly, some of the transitions between Clara and supporting male characters were a little laboured, sometimes clumsy particularly during lift work. These small discrepancies did not instil my confidence in the performance, and I was not overly at ease whilst watching. Traditionalists might regard Eagling’s restaging to be stripped down or untrue to the original story but this version seems to capture its essence: young love and the spirit of Christmas. moment requires some level of self reflection. This idea of self-reflection can also apply to imaginings of the future. It is also very ‘human’ to live your life in the future, where self-reflection is only gained through a fantastical image of what you ‘will be’. Quentin Crisp strikes a good point when he claims that living in the future is the death of happiness. He also claims that happiness is about living in the present. ‘The essence of happiness is its absoluteness. It is automatically the state of being of those who live in the continuous present all over their bodies.’ So perhaps what is needed is knowledge of the past as well as potential futures, in order to develop as people as well as retain our aspirations. But an enjoyment of the ‘present’ without being over-analytical in reflection, I would say is the closest that anyone is going to get to fully living in the here and now. LUCY AL-ZOGHBI Dance Reporter English National Ballet The Nutcracker London Coliseum 2.30pm 17th December 2010 RACHEL GILDEA Dance Editior A s the seriousness and extent of the government’s recent cuts to reduce student tuition fees sinks in around the UK; and the media continues to focus on the violent nature of recent protests, students in Brighton and London have found a new way to shake things up (and down,and move it all around) – DANCE! Last month, students at Sussex University and UCL posted videos on You Tube of dances they had made during occupations and ‘sit ins’ in protest to higher tuition fees. Whilst this is arguably just a bit of fun to pass the time, the videos are getting more and more hits each day and other such facebook groups are popping up all over the place. But this isn’t all song and dance, the facts are utterly spine chilling and the dance carries a grave undertones of a gloomy future for students – the new government proposes an 80% cut in university’s teaching budget and estimates that students will graduate with an average of £50,000 debt. But 2011 holds hope: At New Year, students at UCL launched their ‘Dance against the Deficit – Having it Peaceful’ campaign which hopes to host a dance event this month outside the Bank of England in London and describes itself as ‘playful with purpose’. All students those who work in the arts – in any form are welcome to join. They are requested to bring their own moves, music, good spirit and boogie en masse to inspire change. The event hopes to ward off violence, and ‘celebrate and showcase how valuable the arts are in this country’. Dancing against the cuts is fun, peaceful, powerful and conveys a potent message – we will not stand by whilst this happens. Let us dance. For more information on Dance Against the Cuts and to find out how you can get involved at Surrey please contact me at rg00081@ buy less Starbucks. So instead I’ve invested a little thought into the nature of this time of year, and how it is a perfect example of human’s struggle to fully live in the present. It is an integral part of human nature to reflect on the past, without such we would never learn from our mistakes and therefore never move forward. A want to challenge the past is equally as useful. For example, without the modernists we would not have had the post-modernists – a certain degree of revolution from the past is essential in order to expand the human experience and stretch the boundaries of human thinking. However in these instances the past is never forgotten. Perhaps reflection is the only attainable way to realise our place in the world. If we try and pin down our consciousness in the exact present moment, we are immediately already reflecting on the past. To be self-conscious and regard ourselves in the T Thought Night – New year-new you? SIAN GOLDBY F irstly, happy new year one and all! It’s a strange reflective time of year, during which the entertainment industry inundates society with those ‘best of...s’ or ‘coming up...s’ applicable to each year as it rolls on. I was going to be one of the contributors to that, and bang out some kind of hilarious new year’s resolutions, which to be honest would probably comprise of various efforts to 18 Entertainment: Film The Stag [email protected] FILM The King’s Speech (12A, Dir: Tom Hooper) f 2010 was to be any actor’s I year, Colin Firth is certainly up there. In The King’s Speech, he is engrossing as “the stammering King George VI”. Every single struggle to blast out a syllable is painfully communicated and in many aspects, personal. What makes The King’s Speech a cut above the prestige picture is that it is about the triumph of an individual who gradually improves, albeit with subtlety. Geoffrey Rush is obviously having a great time playing the King’s speech therapist, Lionel Logue, who forms an offbeat relationship with George. The correlation between the two is the entertaining and often heartbreaking basis of The King’s Speech. The therapeutic Tron: Legacy boyhood teasing seems to be the crowd-pleaser and the growing pressure on George to be the next ascent to the throne on the eve of a second World War is even more reason to commiserate with him. The underdog aspect of The King’s Speech is apparent, but the production value, writing and acting (particularly Firth and Bonham-Carter) does make the film an enjoyable two hours. It could have spent more time on the monarchy it is portraying and Timothy Spall’s stodgily characterised Churchill is somewhat distracting, but it is easy to see why it is getting the nominations for the upcoming awards. If anything, Firth’s time is now. And The King’s Speech is a delightful film on the mechanics and the struggle for speech. (PG, Dir: Joseph Kosinski) he distant sequel to Tron T (1982) takes off twenty years later. Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) is reported as being disappeared, while his son Sam (Garrett Hedland) is a tearaway who is told about a mysterious computer laboratory. He is soon captured and entered into a computer program where his father is the controller of a grid comprising of many retro games. It is such a shame because it seems like a reboot worth reviving. Unfortunately, it lacks the razzle-dazzle at an epic scale in which should be an entertaining couple of hours. It quickly begins to be a visually impressive bore. Only with possible exception of a stodgy, wax-like Jeff Bridges for which the youth technology seems to be lagging behind the rest of the film. It is temporarily engaging and the score, as much as it is fittingly techno, it seems to be headache after a while. As with much hyped up promises; it is not bad, just disappointing. Meet The Parents: Little Fockers (12A, Dir: Paul Weitz) I cannot help feeling Robert De Niro is giving us more reason to urge him to retire. In Machete, he was terrible as a Texan senator and each year he seems more tired and could not care less about what he doing now. There must be quite a nest egg he is saving up, because having an erectile dysfunction while Ben Stiller pokes a needle through his…well, it just seems a long time ago since his finest role as Rupert Pupkin in The King of Comedy. So Meet The Parents: Little Fockers is pretty much a meaningless, crude, lame attempt to remember how funny that ‘Focker’ joke was a decade ago. The basic gist is pretty much the same. Greg (Ben Stiller) is gradually earning the respect of Jack (Robert De Niro), who wants to make Greg “The GodFocker”. There are unfortunate coincidences that lead Jack to suspect that Greg is not to be trusted. Greg has an embarrassing family and he also wants to prove to Jack that he provide for his new family. No surprises. No reason. No laughs. We’re focked. [email protected] The Stag Entertainment: Film 19 127 Hours Dir: Danny Boyle I f the Saw series has anything to learn, it is that just losing any bodily part ten to twenty times an hour is not really a big deal. Who cares? It is boring. To ratchet up the gore is all the Saw creators know how to do. It is like someone getting an oversized inflatable hammer from a fair ground and bashing it over your head repeatedly while you walk on. It is annoying and after a while, it gets tiring. However, to go all out in spending time with characters, sensitising the audience in order to anticipate the inevitable takes skill. And the culmination is unbearable, like imagining a rich tea biscuit scrape off the skin of your teeth. 127 Hours is a 15 certificate and Saw is an 18. And yet, even for a horror fan that has seen countless buckets of gore over the past years, the scary ones always seem to hold back. 127 Hours does just that until breaking point (no pun intended). Danny Boyle directs this true story based on Aron Ralston’s book Between A Rock and a Hard Place. James Franco is commanding as the arrogant Aron Ralston who suddenly dislodges a boulder that pins his lower arm against a canyon wall. No one knows he is there and he has not told anyone where he is going. Aron leaves video diaries while trying to find a way to free himself from the boulder. In many ways, 127 Hours is the small film you make after cleaning up the Oscars. What Danny Boyle manages to do is tease us in what we already know. There is a point where Aron is going to have to do the unspeakable act and many times there are hints that, “this is it! Or is it?”. It is a trembling feeling left by hindsight such as United 93 or the more relevant Touching The Void, which has closer similarities in the surreal accounts of madness and hallucination. Sound takes a more central role and the overpowering tension is accredited much towards the sounds of grating pain coming from “that scene”. What is also fascinating is just gazing into James Franco’s convincing performance as someone who knows what mess he has got himself into. He is the face of humanity, while the rest of the film is mocking. From the Koyaanisqatsi-esque opening (where the titles does not turn up until fifteen minutes or so later) to Scooby Doo. This is the more adventurous title this week, but no one would blame you for seeing The King’s Speech instead. Top Film Picks OF GODS AND MEN 127 HOURS THE KING’S SPEECH CATFISH THE WAY BACK 20 Entertainment: Literature The Stag [email protected] LITERATURE Can A Book Save Your Life? Literature Editor P utting an annual book review in an arguably pragmatic and distinctive new light, Tom Shillue presents a video on behalf of Electric Literature, investigating which books can really save your life. And, as he states, ‘that’s not metaphorical, that’s reality.’ Yes, he gets a gunman to do the deed, to see which book would be most practical to shield oneself from a bullet. So, not a video on self-help books at any rate. Shillue asks, ‘of all the big books that came out in 2010, which would be the most likely to protect you in the event of a shooting?’ Without further or do, he declares, ‘let’s shoot some books’ as he puts on protective headphones. ‘Okay, let’s see how some of these books fared...’ He goes through David Mitchell’s new novel The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet – ‘you’re not gonna live with that one’ – Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom, dismissing his book award as the book is ‘still dead’ and then moving onto the Kindle. Against presumptions regarding the hard surface, the Kindle fails miserably in this task, its only consolation being that ‘you’re gonna die quickly with a Kindle.’ After unsuccessfully checking Rick Moody’s The Four Fingers of Death and The Instructions by Adam Levin, the ultimate winner of the most protective book was Joshua Cohen’s Witz. This video can be found on Youtube. Renowned Authors Come Out Of Copyright In New Year CHRISTINA WEBB Literature Editor A s soon as the New Year began, on January 1st many famous artists, including authors F. Scott Fitzgerald, Isaac Babel, Nathaniel West and John Buchan came out of copyright. Making their work more accessible and widely viewed, as well as less expensive, this will interest in their work and achievements. As a result of ‘Public Domain Day,’ which celebrates the role of the public domain in our societies,’ the list was formed. Look forward to more books about them in the near future, such as new audio books and e books from F. Scott Fitzgerald, who is one of the most anticipated authors to join the Public Domain list. At Duke University, the Center for the Study of the Public Domain keeps track of the authors who have entered the public domain each year. This year the work of 661 authors and artists became entitled to be entered, join the Public Domain Works List for European countries. The copyright laws of the United States have prevented any books added to the public domain in 2011. CSPD writes, "Sadly, we will have nothing to celebrate this January 1st. Not a single published work is entering the public domain this year. Or next year. Or the year after. Or the year after that. In fact, in the United States, no publication will enter the public domain until 2019." The public domain issue is complicated by laws governing orphan works, books and art that could be in the public domain, and the author cannot be located or contacted. For Canada, Australia, England and European countries, the works in the public domain will be flourishing with new words. The Henry Root Letters MIRANDA SULLIVAN Literature Repoter T his book should definitely be more famous than it is. In 1980, under the pseudonym of Henry Root, author William Donaldson compiled a book of satirical letters he wrote to politicians, prime ministers, monarchs, lawyers, TV personalities, ensuring a reply by enclosing a £1 note with his letter. There is no escape from being caught in Root’s trap. Those who reply are subject to ongoing ridicule in the form of career advice, or offering to turn up at someone’s doorstep to discuss the matter further (a scare tactic used on James Anderton, the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police at the time). He sets a date and time, and encloses his pound note to help cover costs, asking “ CHRISTINA WEBB Anderton not to go to any trouble, requesting only Indian tea and rock cakes. Occasionally people see through the irony, as did a senior tutor at Cambridge “ Im going to write a strongly worded letter university when Root sent a letter beginning: "Yours is a college at which brains are neither here nor there, I'm told … This being the case, I'm prepared to send my boy to you … He's 15 now and shows every sign of needing all the advantages that money can buy.” This effortless read takes the classic British tagline “I’m going to write a strongly worded letter…” to a whole new level. [email protected] The Stag MUSIC Entertainment: Music 21 This Is Surrey 2011 - The Mod Culture Revival LORNA SAMLON Music Editor Y outh culture essentially defines music and has done for years. Groups of youths take bands and solo artists under their wings, and literally live the music: they become the lyrics and the beat through their clothes and attitudes to life. This way of life proves welcoming for teenagers, as it gives them a sense of belonging and something to believe in. MOD culture (originally known as the ‘modernists’) was a sub culture that originated in London in the 1950s, and peaked in the early to mid 60s. Mod culture revolved around their sense of style, with the ‘Teddy Boy’s’ leading the way with their vanity and narcissism. These young ‘Mods’ cared for their Ben Sherman’s (founded in 1963) and tailormade suits as a mother would a newborn baby. Another hallmark of a Mod was Italian motor scooters, such as Lambrettas and Vespas. Significant elements of the Mod lifestyle included bands in the music scene such as The Who and The Kinks. The latter even wrote a song to parody the sudden fashion obsession that had erupted among the Mod scene with ‘Dedicated Follower of Fashion’. The Mod scene was also associated with drink, drugs and clubbing; a scene not too dissimilar to that we see in society today. The culture itself developed when British teenagers began rejecting the dull, timid, oldfashioned and uninspired British culture surrounding them. From the mid to late 60s, the media used the term ‘mod’ in a wider sense, relating to anything popular, fashionable or modern. There was a Mod revival in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s to early 1980s, and this has been artfully captured in the recent film ‘This Is England’, based in 1983, followed up with the T.V. drama ‘This Is England ‘86’. These fantastic creations from the mind of Shane Meadows put the darker side of this youth culture into the spotlight, revealing the emotional and political struggles behind the superficiality of the scene they had revived During the 80s, Mod culture fell from grace once more; though with the release of ‘This Is England’, there has been yet another revival. You can hardly walk two minutes around the University without seeing a Fred Perry polo and a pair of winklepickers. I have also been shocked to see numerous girls with half their hair shaved off, another fashion throwback from the 60s, taken on by even the prettiest ‘Topshop’ girl as a statement. What is sad is that when the Mod subculture first lost its touch, it was due to a lack of vitality; it had been commercialised, artificial and mass produced. I feel now that the This Is England hype will be short lived; an unavoidable inevitability when a fashionable subculture gains popularity among the masses. For those that enjoyed the music and the fashion before the recent hype, it’s a great shame. You have to wonder, really; have these fashion victims with their statement haircuts and supposedly ‘vintage’ shirts even heard of Toots & The Maytals? ...Nah. I didn’t think so. The Vaccines: A Cure For The Indie-itch? MIKE SHERLOCK Music Reporter A fter a rocky couple of years for indie music, London based four piece band The Vaccines are set to make a big impact in 2011. From the summer of 2010, people have been gossiping relentlessly about the new 'cool' indie band. While keeping their identities relatively unknown they managed to build the hypest hype around the capital, and everyone wanted to talk about them and their early nineties rock n' roll style... Or so it seemed. In reality, the reception has been shallow and varied. NME have hallmarked the band as being the big thing of 2011, but the following is evidence to the contrary: One reply posted under an article on the NME's website reads: “The Vaccines - The worst Indie band in London.”, the sort of comment that a 'real' music lover would post every time. Not to say that their released tracks so far are not catchy, 'Post Break-Up Sex' is a stereotypical indie track; and to all fans of the genre, it is pleasing. The chorus: “Post break-up sex, that helps you forget your ex. What did you expect from post break up sex?” does exactly what it says on the tin. As has become associated with the genre, the simplistic lyrics reflect the experience of the 'normal' life lead by the band. The song itself is catchy and danceable, easy music to chill out to. Non pop/indie fans are unlikely to enjoy this band. They conform to most rules of the genre, and admittedly are very good at what they do. The song 'Wreckin' Bar/Ra Ra Ra' is a 90 second quick paced song that experiments with reverb and choral vocals. It is a fun song, that I could compare to the work of The Libertines, without the clever lyrics of Pete Doherty, the former junior poet laureate, or the fame and fortune. 'Blow It Up' is more of the same. An enjoyable guitar ensemble with a quick and consistent drum track; together with some more happy go lucky song lyrics about wanting to lead the single life and a chorus that repeats the song title over and over. The album is due for release in March, and I will definitely give it a listen. It won’t be for everyone, but if you fancy an album that is fun and light hearted, similar sounding to The Cribs or Dirty Pretty Things then give it a go. After all, if the New Music Express says it is going to be big, then who are we to disagree... 22 Entertainment: Music The Stag [email protected] You Me At Six Interview (Continued from Front Page) and ‘Kiss and Tell’. With the end of 2010 and the New Year now here, it’s clear that they have no intention of slowing down. Along with the release of their most recent album ‘Hold Me Down’ (January 2010), with strong backing from Radio One, the YM@6 hype is unwavering. On the 10th December, I got the chance to catch up with rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist Max Helyer prior to the Doncaster Dome gig. This is the last tour for the ‘Hold Me Down’ album- what venue are you most looking forward to playing at? I’ve enjoyed playing the Manchester Apollo before, but I’d have to say Hammersmith. It’ll be our first time performing there, and I can’t wait. It’s cool because it brings back a few childhood memories for me. I saw Green Day perform there in 2006 and that was amazing. ‘Underdog’ and ‘Liquid Confidence’ are the two stand-out tracks from ‘Hold Me Down’, but what are your personal favourites? I’d say three stand out for me. ‘Stay With Me’, ‘Contagious’ and ‘Hard To Swallow’. I feel I had a good input into these tracks; but the main thing is that it’s the type of music I like. If I was to just sit and just listen to music, it’d be something like that. You grew up in Surrey, so what memories do you hold of your home county? I definitely had some good times growing up in Surrey. But obviously being in a band, I have many memories of the music scene. Our first show was at the Guildford Backline, and funnily enough we were the last to play there before it shut. I hear it’s recently been reopened and rebranded though. What is your opinion of the Guildford music scene? How do you feel it could improve? I think the beauty of the Guildford music scene lies in the small, intimate venues. Places like Backline and The Boileroom are what makes it. I think its improving all the time; the Surrey music scene is powerful, although I feel some larger venues wouldn’t go amiss one day. Guildford is home to ACM too- so obviously there’s going to be some brilliant talent around. You recently did the Vans MIRANDA SULLIVAN ‘Skrillex’ and began work as a DJ. As with the Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Skrillex provides an interesting blend of genres, merging metalcore and posthardcore with both dubstep and electro-house music; and trust me- it works. 1. ‘The Fun Lovin’ Criminal’ – Fun Lovin’ Criminals (A-sides, B-sides and Rarities) 2. ‘Inhaler’ – Miles Kane (Inhaler) 3. ‘Kill EVERYBODY’ – Skrillex (Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites) 4. ‘We Used To Vacation’ – Cold War Kids (Robbers & Cowards) 5. ‘Bleed American’ – Jimmy Eat World (Jimmy Eat World) 5-A-DAY Literature Repoter This fortnight’s 5-A-Day showcases the ‘Fun Lovin’ Criminals’. Formed in 1993, The New York band have had four top twenty hits in the UK. They produce a rhythmic mix of blues and hip-hop, creating effortlessly catchy tracks. The band are made up of Brian Leiser, Frank Benbini and the possibly ‘too cool’ front man Huey Morgan. Also featured is a new exciting artist ‘Skrillex’, otherwise known as Sonny Moore of ‘From First To Last’. Having left the band in 2007, Moore took on the alias Warped Tour- do you have any plans to do it again next year? Going on the Warped Tour is an amazing experience; we’ve done it for the past two years, so I think next year we’ll be giving it a miss and come back to it in 2012. The best thing about it is the American publicity we got, but you have to work hard for it. You have to wake up early and power through all the gigs in the blazing heat, but despite all the tough times it’s all so worth it. Literally, it was a dream come true. Now, we’re through that doorway into America and hoping for more success there. In Summer 2011 you’ll be touring with Blink 182, how does it feel to know you’ll be performing with them? Another dream come true. As a band, we’ve always been fans of Blink. We’re obviously all psyched about it and can’t wait to just hang out with them all. A few years back we toured with front-man Tom Delonge’s other band ‘Angels and Airwaves’, so it’ll be great to see him again. So, what can we expect to see from your next album? Basically, I feel that ‘Hold Me Down’ has defined us; You Me At Six Performing on the Vans Tour our new album however will show our maturity. We’re progressing and working on a fresh, new sound. What’s great is that kids seem to get us; they understand where we’re coming from, so we’re hoping to give everyone what they want. Right now, we’re trying to find ourselves the right producer. A few names have been thrown around, Rich Costey (Muse, The Mars Volta, Jimmy Eat World) being one of which. Finally, there have been a few internet rumours concerning a single with Chiddy Bang- can you shed any light on this? Well, potentially yes, potentially not... All I’ll say is that it could be in the pipeline. They’re great, so I’d be stoked if we did. In the weeks following the interview with Max, it was revealed online that the single with Chiddy Bang was no mere rumour. After a few teaser videos to tempt the fans, on the 3rd January, the track ‘Rescue Me’ was played on Zane Lowe’s Radio One breakfast show, and is due to be officially released on the 13th February. So, there you have it. Watch this space in the New Year- I can say with confidence they’ll no doubt be providing the backing track for our Summer break. MIKE SHERLOCK on iTunes. His musical upbringing certainly shows true in his tracks, with melodic Dubstep wobbles and Drum ‘n’ Bass synths throughout. He also shows off his talent to remix existing tracks; making them even better. Have a listen to his remix of DJ Fresh's ‘Golddust’ to ease you into Prime, which takes you on an emphatic journey from Dub, to Dance, to Drum Step. The EP has some epic tracks that can’t be found on Youtube, so it is definitely worth for the small asking price on the iTunes store, especially if you have any unused iTunes vouchers lying around. New Talent Prime Literature Repoter (c) Huey Morgan leading a rendition of ‘Scoobie snacks’ which charted at twenty two in the UK charts and featured on the album ‘Come Find Yourself’. If you are clued up in the boisterous intricacies of Dubstep then you may have stumbled across Prime on Youtube or Soundcloud. If you are a more casual listener, however, then you probably haven’t. The lad from Dartford has over 250,000 views on Youtube and nearly a thousand subscribers. After producing nearly a hundred tracks, Prime finally signed his first contract with ‘Stupid Fly’ records. The first release is a four track EP called ‘Unity’; which is now available to download [email protected] The Stag SPORTS 23 An Interview with..... David Schneider LATOYA ANDREE KESSIE Seeing as it’s the start of the new year, The Stag sports team wanted to do something different and introduce you to Guildford Heat’s Number 9 Player David Schneider. Here is what he had to say: Do you want introduce yourself to the readers? I’m David Schneider. I’m a 6’3 point guard professional basketball player for the Guildford Heat. I am twentythree years old and was born in Toledo, Ohio, but currently live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am a graduate of the College of William and Mary and have been playing basketball for twenty years. How did you get into basketball? My basketball journey started when I first learned how to walk. My grandfather played at Winston Salem, my father played at Virginia Tech, and my older brother played at Hawaii Pacific. Both my grandfather and father coached college basketball for over twenty years. What would you say has been the highest point of your Basketball Career? My biggest success was making 2 CAA Championship games the only two times ever in school history, to sell out Kaplan Arena, and make the NIT only the second time in school history. Now my biggest success is playing professional basketball. What would you say has been the lowest point of your career? My biggest failure was never making it to the NCAA tournament while playing college basketball. So how have you been finding the Guildford Heat Team so far? I am fortunate to be playing professional basketball this year, because I thought my basketball playing days were over after college. The team has very experienced players such as Dean Williams, Mike Martin, and Julius Joseph to help me grow as a player and handle the transition. Could you tell us about your obligatory training and nutrition schedule as a Guildford Heat player? I try to train daily, but also know my limitations. Some days you just have to put your feet up and watch movies all day. Since I have been here, I have started a diet, but every now and again I love a good cheeseburger and coke. Is there anything that you do in addition to this so that you gain a special advantage on the court? Personally, I just like to relax and have a good time out there on the court. This game is supposed to be fun and it’s not every day you are in the spotlight. So to me it’s show time. If someone was to say they were interested in playing basketball, what would you recommend that they do? Come to a Guildford Heat Schneider on the attack game at the fantastic Surrey Sports Park. Do you see motivation as key in sport? If so, how do you keep yourself motivated? What sports philosophy do you always live by? Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of selfsatisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. To me motivation is going all out and putting all your cards on the table. My philosophy is: “Trust your heart if the seas catch fire and live your life through the stars walk backward”. It is about taking chances. Who is your idol? Its a bit of a strange one but I think it has to be my older brother. My parents got divorced in 2001. I was 13 years old. For my entire life I grew up in the shadows. I was either Jeff Schneider’s son or Kevin Schneider’s little brother. There was no David Schneider. Growing up, Kevin was the superstar; everyone thought that he would be the unbelievable college basketball player. After the divorce, Kev just wasn’t really the same. He did play college basketball; on a team that didn’t appreciate him and where he rode the bench his entire career. Kev dreamed about being a college basketball player his whole life and after his senior season, his dream was gone. And then you have me, who exceeded expectations. With the type of career I had, Kevin could have been jealous, cold-hearted, bitter, and completely turn his back on me. Instead, after the divorce Kevin took me under his wing and protected his little brother. I am able to live my dream because of him, but we are living my dream together. I would not be the player or type of person without my older brother. What do you like to do in your spare time when you are not playing Basketball? I surf, go to the beach, play guitar, and go dancing with friends. Do you have any New Year Resolutions? To be a great son, great brother, and great basketball player. As a post-exams treat don’t forget to watch Schneider and other Guildford Heat Players play against the Milton Keynes Lions on 30th January. 24 Sports The Stag [email protected] Sports Round-Up SAM LIMBERT Football As usual, the hectic festive period threw up many surprise results as the Premier League continued to intrigue. Manchester United continued their unbeaten run and sit top of the table with games in hand on their rivals, whilst Arsenal and Manchester City’s draw meant the two didn’t make the inroads on the leaders they’d hoped for, with them sitting in third and second respectively. The Gunners did however contribute to the demise of Champions Chelsea who were comprehensively beaten 3-1 at the Emirates in their worst run of results for over ten years. Arsenal secured the win with goals from Alex Song, Cesc Fabregas and Theo Walcott. At the bottom, there are seven teams within two points of each other as the fight for survival intensified. Four Premier League managers found themselves under immense pressure over Christmas. Carlo Ancelotti, Gerard Houllier and Avram Grant all had their futures questioned, whilst Englishman Roy Hodgson left Liverpool by mutual consent with the Reds 12th in the league. Anfield legend Kenny Dalglish will take charge for the rest of the season and attempt to salvage something from a forgettable season for Liverpool. Rugby Union After the Christmas fixtures, Leicester Tigers sit at the top of the Aviva Premiership, mainly thanks to a 27-15 win over second placed Northampton Saints. Harlequins, who train at Surrey Sports Park, will play their LV=Cup game with McCoy before his grand national win London Wasps on Sunday 30th January in Abu Dhabi as the two sides will play in the first competitive English game to be played abroad. Welsh dancing supremo Gavin Henson made his return to competitive rugby following 18 months away from the game as he appeared for Saracens in their 13-6 win over London Wasps at Wembley. Henson almost scored a try with his first touch but was denied by a last ditch tackle on the line. Cricket All winter, cricket headlines have focused on England’s epic efforts to win the Ashes for the first time in Australia for 24 years. However that series has got a dance craze to sweep the nation; the sprinkler was first aired by Graeme Swann on his online diary and was then performed by the team after retaining the Urn at the MCG. Look for cricket lovers continuing to perform it in the coming weeks. Away from Australia, South Africa and India drew their three match test series 1-1. The great Sachin Tendulkar scored his 50th and 51st test centuries in the series for India Golf Even though Lee Westwood became world number 1 before Christmas, it has been Northern Ireland’s Graeme McDowell who has scooped end of year awards. Both Westwood and McDowell missed out on the BBC Sports Personality of the Year; however McDowell has made up for that disappointment by being awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours after a great year saw him become the first European to win the US Open for 40 years. US and European golf writers also voted McDowell as player of the year. To cap it all off, McDowell’s birdie putt on the 16th in his deciding Ryder Cup singles match was voted as the European Tour shot of the year. Darts In the PDC World Championships at Alexandra Palace, Adrian Lewis won the event for the first time with a 7-5 win over Gary Anderson. Lewis also became the first player to ever complete a ninedart finish in the final of the competition, doing so in the first set. He is now in second place in the world rankings behind Phil Taylor, who had been surprisingly eliminated in the quarter finals of the tournament. Sports Personality In the traditional end of year BBC awards ceremony, this year held in Birmingham, jockey AP McCoy was named Sports Personality of 2010. The British public voted for McCoy ahead of darts legend Phil Taylor in 2nd place and athlete Jessica Ennis in 3rd. Other winners on the night included Tom Daley as young sports personality of the year, Sir Frank Williams collected the Helen Rollason award, Lance Haggith was the unsung sports hero, Rafael Nadal received overseas personality of the year, Colin Montgomerie claimed the coach of the year with his European Ryder Cup awarded team of the year and David Beckham received a lifetime achievement award. Chess Boxing MARISA DA COSTA Sports Editor Ever heard someone questioning the intelligence of athletes? Well that may be about to end. Invented by Iepe Rubingh, Chess Boxing is aiming to combine the most intellectually challenging game, Chess, with one of the most physically demanding sports, boxing. Now, that’s a combination hard to imagine! Played in 11 rounds, 6 of Chess and 5 of boxing, victory is claimed either by checkmate or knockout. The first official chessboxing fight happened in 2003 and since then the sport has grown The world of Chess Boxing and now the World Chess Boxing Organization (WCBO) aims to organize 3 to 4 championships a year. Its practice is spreading worldwide and amongst the biggest training centers are London, Berlin and Los Angeles. So what does it takes to become a chessboxer? Chessboxing fighters must be proficient in both aspects of the sport as they cannot win solely in one discipline; potential athletes should have a background in either boxing or other martial arts and chess skills. Can Chessboxing represent a new generation of sports challenging both the body and mind to its extreme?
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