St. Gertrude Catholic Parish


St. Gertrude Catholic Parish
St. Gertrude
1420 W. Granville Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60660 ● Telephone: 773-764-3621
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ● October 7, 2012
October is Respect Life Month
God created us out of love. God’s desire for us is that we be aware that we are deeply loved.
Being loved by God means being bonded to God, being One with God, being “married” to God.
Jesus came to show us what it means to be married to God, and thereby to be “family” with all
creation. In particular, Jesus shows us how to remain faithful to our marriage to God. We too often
forget who we are and forsake the love that God has vowed to us. We wander off, we drift, we lose
focus, we feel an emptiness that nothing seems to fill, and soon we feel isolated and separated from
others, from God, from feeling “at one” with life around us. Respecting life means remembering that
we are all One, seeing beyond the felt separateness, and then acting to reconcile, pulling one another
back together. Respecting life includes mourning the fact that we too-often accept our separateness,
and at times act to create it. Creating separateness is the opposite of what God’s creative intention is
all about. Respect Life month invites us to confess that we at times create separateness, and to resolve,
with the grace of God, to actively re-unite ourselves with those we have rejected (does this include the
Green Bay Packers or Detroit Tigers…?).
~ PB
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St. Gertrude Parish
October 7, 2012
From Father Grassi
It is not an ideal world in which we live, that’s for sure. There is no need for me to chronicle the pains and
sorrows, the disappointments and losses that someday in some way sometime in life inevitably touches every
one of us. It is how we choose to respond to what happens to us that is so important. One all too common
choice is to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by what happens to us and those around us whom we love,
bow our heads and passively give up. Or we can silently and stoically accept it all using words like “fate” or
“bad luck” or even “God’s will” to console our lack of response which allows us total inaction. Another option
is to wail against the injustice of it all, how unfair it is, to shake our fist at the world and at God and in so
doing build a wall of anger around ourselves for a lonely and impotent protection. Some among us choose to
deny what we are feeling. We are the ones who laugh a little too loudly, eat a little too much, and drink so that
we can forget. Life is lived stumbling as we run from the pain of it all never looking back. Still, without
question, life’s trials can and do lead some to the path of holiness, blessedness and sainthood. Most of us are
lucky enough to have been touched by a few of those special people as we continue with our own imperfect
life’s journey. In them we see a gentle peace coupled with a strong resolve to let nothing get in the way of
their relationship with God. They have the ability never to forget how great God’s love is for them no matter
how profoundly their faith is being tested. They never lose hope and always see the good in the present
moment which allows them to continue to hope for a brighter future. Yes they have experienced time of being
overwhelmed, speechless, angry. They have sought to find ways to numb the loss, the pain, the sorrow. But
realizing that their faith asks more of them they find something inside them that will not let them give up. It is
the innocence of children of which the Gospel today speaks which gives meaning not only the rest of the
reading but to what it means to be followers of Jesus Christ. To find how to do this, each in our own way,
somewhere deep inside, in the very core of our soul, is both the struggle and they ultimate joy of living in
Scenarios on Respecting Life
Where is ‘quality of life’ when your basic needs have to be met by another? Once at the dinner table my father
said, “If I ever get to that stage, just shoot me!” But when his mother got to that state, he devoted himself to
her until a motorcycle accident took his life. Then my mother took over loving and caring for Grandmother
until she died.
When my unwed sister got pregnant, my mother left Chicago to help raise her granddaughter for 17 years.
Now 24 years old, this same girl recently sat at our kitchen table, discussing the abortion issue with our 34
year-old former foster son. Both are supporters of abortion because neither “…would ever want to impose
their personal standards upon a woman stressed with an unwanted pregnancy.” Their seemingly tolerant
approach sounded sympathetic and kind; but, as they continued, I clearly heard undertones of disengagement
in the words : “…her problem, her choice.” Never did they reference the real cost of that choice … a human
life. Did these two young philosophers forget that, at a very critical time for their own mothers, God’s love
stepped forward and helped each family?
My mother, now 98, lives with us. She “graduated” from hospice 3 ½ years ago! Initially,
our family’s adjustment to meeting her very basic needs strained each of us. Dementia has
deprived her of her former quality of life; yet, she sees beauty and pleasure in the smallest of
things. She responds to smiles and kindnesses, even if she no longer recognizes family
members. One morning, after a stretch of sleepless nights, I wheeled her to the breakfast
table. With remarkable enthusiasm and clarity, she said, “Love conquers all!” Thank you,
Mother, for that truism, and for helping us grow despite our selfish selves. Her long,
purposeful life has helped me write this with greater understanding for respecting all of life.
Suzanne Stryczek for Growing in Faith
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St. Gertrude Parish
October 7, 2012
Blessing of Pets in Honor of St. Francis
Zach Smith and Molly Butzen will be there. How about you…
Sambucco and Annisette Grassi? Leo Donlan? Maggie Buttitta?
Sally O’Connor ? Sean Tunney? Hercule Poirot Griebel-Brown?
Daisy Meade, Piper and Reilly Clennon? Ripple Devitt?
Bailey Marie Bradley (aka The BoMB)?
Ashley Heintz? Mouse, Elphaba and Glynda Welter?
Even if you do not have a pet, a good time is had by all.
There will be treats!
Sunday, October 7
on the steps of Church
Calendar Notes
Sunday, October 14
2:00PM ~ Archdiocesan Annual
Mental Health Awareness Mass here
Sunday, October 21
4:00PM ~ Heart to Heart Play ~
“Où Est Madeleine?”
Saturday, October 27
8:30am– 12:30pm ~
Morning of Reflection: The Body of Christ
Saturday and Sunday, November 3 and 4
Ofrenda Altar at all the Masses
Saturday, November 10
7:30PM ~ All Are Welcome Concert in Church
Sunday, November 11
Centennial Closing Ceremony at Combined Mass
Page Four
St. Gertrude Parish
October 7, 2012
Parish News
Mission Trip Reflection: This summer, I was
quite fortunate to get the opportunity to go to New
Orleans with a great group of people. It was truly an
amazing experience. The night before, I was quite
anxious: not knowing what to expect, how I would
feel after seeing the damage and of course what the
food would be like. The first day was a good day to
get adapted to the cultural differences, and to set a
solid image of what I would remember New Orleans
by. At the end of the day, I had come to appreciate
the southern hospitality, and what I have come to
take for granted in the Midwest (for example: the
safety from tropical storms and hurricanes).
Although my groups work was far from taxing, I was
still able to feel like I was making a difference in the
way that I could to help one more family get home.
~ Nigel Wilson
Heart-To-Heart Fundraiser!! Please support our
wonderful Heart-To-Heart ministry by
attending our International Mystery Musical:
"Où Est Madeline?" on Sunday, October 21
at 4 pm, in the St. Gertrude gym. Perhaps
have some beaujolais? No! A Mike Tobin
production, to support H2H.
Blood Drive: Blood Drive: Our LifeSource blood
drive is today, Sunday, October 14 in the Social Hall
after all the Masses Contact LifeSource at 877-5433768 or for any additional
information you may need regarding blood donation.
“The life you save may be your own.”
The Ladies’ Friendship Club ~ will convene for
an early dinner and “$5 Hamburger Night” at
Broadway Cellars (5900 N. Broadway) on Monday,
October 8 at 5pm. For reservations, call Judy Diaz at
773-334-1507 by Friday, October 5.
Mass for Mental Health Awareness: Next
Sunday, October 14, 2pm, here. This mass celebrates
the lives of people with mental illness, their families
and friends, as well as care providers and mental
health professionals. Refreshments and conversation
will follow. For more information about the Mass or
support offered by the Archdiocese, contact Connie
Rakitan, 708-383-9276.
Heart to Heart ~ has an opportunity, and a
challenge grant, that can help us continue our
outreach to older adults if we can get help
from everyone in the Edgewater
community. The grant will match up to
$5,000. All checks payable to St. Gertrude Church
by October 26 (indicate for Heart to Heart on memo
line). If you or your company or business can be an
angel and help us meet our challenge with any
amount, please contact Mary Ann Collins or Brenda
Arreola at the Ministry Center 773-974-5464.
Checks may be mailed to Heart to Heart, 6214 N.
Glenwood, Chicago, Illinois 60660.
Post Abortion Support: Are you hurting from an
abortion? You are not alone. Many women who
have had an abortion feel the need for forgiveness
and healing but don’t know where to look or how to
start. The Archdiocesan program Project Rachel is
beginning support groups for post-abortive women,
including one on the North side of Chicago.
Confidentiality will be stressed. Contact Project
Rachel for details, 312-337-1962 or contact Ann
O’Connor at the rectory: 773-764-3621.
Building and Grounds: During the master
planning process we uncovered urgent repairs that
cannot wait for a capital campaign. We need to
address such issues as boiler corrosion, cracking
pilasters, and entry doors which are in dire need of
restoration. After much prayer, research and
deliberation, Parish leadership decided to sell the two
flat adjacent to the rectory (1426 W. Granville). The
building was bequeathed to the parish many years
ago and has received little attention over the years.
The building is not currently being utilized for any
Parish ministries or programs and to bring the
building up to code and a suitable condition would
be a substantial cost. While we discussed many other
options (from turning the building into a rental that
could generate money to tearing the building down
and creating green space) with so many urgent
repairs required in other areas of our campus - areas
which are used on a daily basis - the best option is to
sell the property. So, if you know someone in need
of a “handy-man’s delight” with great neighbors, let
them know about 1426 Granville! ~ MB
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St. Gertrude Parish
Community Activities
HOPE: An Immigrant Story: In immigrant
parishes throughout the Archdiocese, Immigrant-toImmigrant/Pastoral Migratoria leaders provide lay
leadership who are walking with Catholic
DREAMers as they apply for Deferred Action status.
Pastoral Migratoria agents like Nancy of Blue Island
walk with DREAMers. She shares, “I feel the trust of
the DREAMers. My church has instilled in me a
greater commitment to serve.” DREAMers know
they are supported by their families and
communities. With the help of others, they are one
step closer to receiving Deferred Action Status.
Learn more about Pastoral Migratoria, contact Elena
Segura 312-534-5333, [email protected]
Care for Real: Nookies Restaurant, 1100 W. Bryn
Mawr, hosts the next Chefs Care for Real dinner on
Monday, October 22, 4-10pm And, because Nookie's
doesn't have a liquor license (as of this newsletter),
there will be a wine grab bag, so you won't even
have to bring your own. Grab bag wines, all highly
rated by independent wine reviewers, will be $25 per
bottle. For reservations, call 773 516 4188.
Inquiry-Based Teaching at NCA
At NCA, we utilize inquiry-based teaching for
our science and social studies curriculum. Inquiry
learning is a form of active learning where teachers
begin each unit with a question for the students to
solve. Posing questions, rather than making
statements, is a more effective way to instruct
because it has the potential to increase intellectual
engagement and foster deep understanding through
its hands-on and minds-on active-learning approach.
Inquiry learning teaches problem-solving skills and
builds critical thinking skills, not to mention
increasing students’ interest in the subject matter
because they are actively involved in the learning
This week, our third graders enjoyed their inquiry
-based social studies unit on Native Americans.
With their teachers’ guidance they were actively
involved in learning about Native American lives
through a discovery approach.
See inquiry learning in action at an NCA Open
Houses at 9am on Friday, October 19 or Tuesday,
December 4.
Northside Catholic Academy
Marathon Message: If you’re reading this on
Sunday, October 7, a number of parishioners and I
are, at this moment, taking part in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. (There are also many parishioners who are serving as volunteers, medical staff,
and spectators). The 26.2 mile route begins and ends
in Grant Park.
This is the 6th year that I’m running on behalf of
the students, teachers and staff at Northside Catholic
Academy (NCA). Would you please help me make it
to the finish line by offering a prayer for me - and
also make a donation to NCA? There are Marathon
Donation envelopes at the exits of the church –
please place a Marathon donation (in one of the envelopes) in the collection basket, or send it directly
to St. Gertrude Rectory.
I am praying for you and all of our parishioners,
especially for those who are ill.
Father Mike Bradley
October 7, 2012
NCA Primary School:
6216 N. Glenwood Ave
Phone: 773-743-6277
NCA Middle School:
5519 N. Magnolia
Phone: 773-271-2008, or
Page Six
St. Gertrude Parish
Our Parish at Prayer
7:30am Miriam Shiffrin =
7:30am Helen M. Schmidt =
7:30am Agnes and Patrick O’Malley =
8:30am Kenneth McCurry =
October 7, 2012
Readings for the Week
Gal 1:6-12; Lk 10:25-37
Gal 1:13-24; Lk 10:38-42
Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Lk 11:1-4
Gal 3:1-5; Lk 11:5-13
Gal 3:7-14; Lk 11:15-26
Gal 3:22-29; Lk 11:27-28
Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90; Heb 4:12-13;
Mk 10:17-30 [17-27]
7:30am The Connery Family =
7:30am Thomas Joyce =
7:30am Edward Neafsey =
2:30pm Sayre/Dagraca Wedding
5:00pm Theresa Cenar =
Thomas P. Joyce =
The Family of St. Gertrude =
Bruno and Vincenzina Tassone =
Theresa Quinn =
Angel Marie =
Mass for Mental Health Awareness
= Indicates person mentioned is deceased.
Rosary: 8:00am Monday through Saturday.
5:00pm Jacalyn Meintz, Ruth Ott
8:00am Sr. Kathryn Stimac, Johnny Outlaw
10:00am Rob Schroeder, Rafael Melendez
11:30am Randall Steger, David O’Donnell
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministers
5:00pm Pat Norcik, Megan Nolan, Ruth Ott,
Michelle Kuehlhorn, Norm Bowers
8:00am Johnny Outlaw, Hallie Burhoe,
Mary Wyler, Roman Reyes,
Paula Rodriguez, Charles Shaw,
Donald Nyderek
10:00am Madeliene Fister, Tony Myers, Gail Smith,
Beth Nelson, Mary Donlan,
Carlos Barragan, Rose Marie Anichini,
11:30am Steven Monti, Mary Ellen Thomas,
Maria Hertl, Elizabeth Hartman,
Lina Peon
5:00pm Stella Shiffrin, Mathieu Halpin,
Graham Halpin
10:00am Thomas Bonvoisin, Ben Mulick,
Michelangelo Rodriguez
11:30am Randolph Cruz, Lauren Elue,
Jonathan Elue
5:00pm Cathie Moorhous
8:00am Brenda Areola, Carlso Barragan
10:00am Jessie North, Maria Vallely,
Mae Lauricella
11:30am Paul Elue, Melinda Banahene
Page Seven
St. Gertrude Parish
October 7, 2012
Financial Highlights
September Giving
Sunday Envelopes
Loose Cash
Electronic Giving
Total Giving
five Sundays in September
I know all of you are anxious to hear how well the
GRalley did financially. We all know it was an
outstanding success in terms of community building
and having fun. We won’t have a final figure
however as we are waiting on folks to pick up their
silent auction items (so if you haven’t paid and
picked up your items please do) and for some
sponsorship and beer sales as well.
It is a big job to take care for these buildings and
all the ministries they provide – your support is vital!
Thank you for the many ways in which you
contribute. ~ MB
III Kate Sayre and Justin Dragraca
I Stephanie Howard and Hector Muralles
New Parishioners
Scott Lindgren
May she rest in peace ~
Patricia Gawron-Reif
If you have been attending Mass or other activities
at St. Gertrude and have been thinking of becoming
a member of our parish community, please consider
registering. Just ask for the simple, one page registration form:
- from one of the greeters after all
the Sunday masses,
- at the rectory or
- online at
Thank you!
Rev. Dominic Grassi, Pastor
Rev. Michael Bradley, Resident
Rev. William Kenneally, Pastor Emeritus
Dr. Peter Buttitta, Director of Ministries
Ann O’Connor, Faith Formation
Mary Herbin-Horan, Liturgical Music
Carol Beatty, St. Gertrude East Music Director
Mary Ann Collins, Social Services
Marge Butzen, Business Manager
Jayne Deiters, Minister of First Impressions
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am
9:30am Gertrude East (at Sheridan and Rosemont)
10:30am Mass in the Gym (except summer months)
Monday through Friday: 7:30am
Saturday: 7:30am and 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil)
Business Hours: Weekdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Drop off/pick up: Monday - Wednesday, 4:30pm to 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pm, Sunday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Individual: Saturday from 4:15-4:45pm and by request.
Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.
A parent preparation meeting is held the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm.
All arrangements should be made by calling the rectory.
Arrangements begin by setting up an appointment with the pastor. Preparations
are to begin at least four months prior to the desired date.
Rectory: 1420 W. Granville Ave. 60660; Phone 773-764-3621
Fax 773-761-4164; E-mail [email protected]
Ministry Center: 6214 N. Glenwood Ave., 60660; Phone 773-973-5464.
Social Hall: 1401 W. Granville, 60660.
You are most welcome and are invited to stop in at the rectory to introduce yourself
and register. You may register with one of the Greeters before or after any Mass.
We have an enriching program called the R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults). Contact the rectory for details.
Trained ministers will gladly visit and bring communion to those who are sick or
homebound. Please call the rectory to make arrangements.
Senior outreach and service connection: 773-973-5464.
Al-Anon: Sundays at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center
Open AA: Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Ministry Center, and
Thursdays at 7:00pm in the school cafeteria.
Caris Pregnancy Center, pregnancy support, free pregnancy tests, and
post-abortion help: 312-229-5700.
Gamblers Anonymous: Fridays at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center.
Yoga: Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center
Makko ho (Japanese yoga): Saturdays at 10am in the Ministry Center

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