February 22, 2015 - St. Gertrude Catholic Parish
February 22, 2015 - St. Gertrude Catholic Parish
St. Gertrude ALL ARE WELCOME 1420 W. Granville Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60660 ● Telephone: 773-764-3621 First Sunday of Lent ● February 22, 2015 A rainbow is a reminder of God’s love for us. “This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you and all living beings, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings.” ~ GN 9:8-15 Page Two St. Gertrude Parish February 22, 2015 From Father Grassi Our Lenten journey has begun. Here is the first suggestion I invite us to consider. If you are 30 years or older, find an old high school photograph of yourself. If you are younger, an 8th grade graduation picture will do. Make a copy, even if it made you cringe a little bit. Send it to family, friends and co-workers. Carry it with you and show it to people. The laughter and the funny comments will do wonders for our humility. It will also serve as a reminder that the transformation which should be the outcome of the Lenten journey we have just begun must be more than the external changes that happen to us as the years pass. While there certainly is nothing wrong with “giving up” candy or pouring cream in our coffee or watching Downton Abbey on PBS (okay, The Big Bang Theory), Lent demands a whole lot more of us. Return to me with all your heart, emphasis on all. Lent gives us the opportunity to realize that we don’t stay the same. We couldn’t if we wanted to. The haircuts, glass frames, clothes styles that defined us back then as “cool” are an embarrassment now. The youth we took for granted then is now sorely missed when we look at those old pictures. Like Jesus being driven into the desert in the Gospel and remaining there 40 days, we need to take the time Lent affords us to look deep within ourselves. We need to ask the hard questions. What do I need to do to become kind enough to be the conduit of God’s love to others? How have I failed in my treatment of both my loved ones and the stranger on the street and everyone in between? What happened to all I had committed myself to do last Lent? When Holy Week passes and Lent with it and the time comes to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, what will we have done this Lent that will have transformed us from the source of pain and despair caused by our sinfulness to the Easter people that bring the joy of the risen Lord to our world? It won’t be easy. It will be 40 days in the desert among the wild beasts (cf, today’s Gospel). But the transformation will be worth it. The angels will minister to us (cf, the Gospel again). And then how much easier it will be to live with ourselves and how much easier it will be for others to live with us! ~ DJG A funny thing happened on the way to writing this reflection…I stopped to ask fellow travelers via Facebook or face-to-face ‘what inspires you on your Lenten journey?’ Here are some of their wonderful responses: Fr. James Martin’s, newest book, Jesus: A Pilgrimage is great. “Well-suited to be read slowly over 40 days,” says Jim. From Mike, How to W ake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow by Toni Bernhard. “Try The Little Black Book published by diocese of Saginaw,” says Bill. Says Martha, “You must include some John O’Donohue. Everything he writes is beautiful and inspiring, but I know that his book To Bless the Space Between Us is a great one.” “Loyola University has a 3-Minute Retreat Mobile App,” says Mary Pat, “or take a look at daily reflections available via Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl App.” “Music,” says Jeff, “Songs by Leonard Cohen (which all have great You Tube performances) - Hallelujah, If It Be Your Will, Show Me The Place, Come Healing, Going Home and of course, Anthem.” “Poetry,” says Marianne, “The True Love by David Whyte, ‘There’s a faith in loving fiercely…’." “Movies, of course, The Robe, King of Kings,” says Mimi, “ but also “Babette’s Feast, Places in the Heart.” Adds Clare, the Australian film Tracks. “One prayer is all you need,” says Meg, “St. Teresa of Avila: Let nothing upset you… Whoever has God lacks nothing: God alone is enough.” Top inspirational suggestion? Start your own conversation! Put the question out in your own circles – you will be inspired by the responses coming back to you! ~ Madeleine Philbin for Growing in Faith Page Three St. Gertrude Parish February 22, 2015 Spotlight This Lent, you are encouraged to raise up the needs of the world in prayer, to sacrifice by giving up food and material wants, and to offer your time, talent and treasure as good stewards of the gifts God has given you. The Church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until the evening of Holy Thursday by the threefold discipline of fasting, alms giving and prayer. Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years and older on all Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who meet the criteria may take only one full meal. Two small meals are permitted is necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs; however, eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Setting aside time for prayer and reflection is to be observed in preparation for the celebration of Easter as we renew our Baptismal vows. Taking part in Operation Rice Bowl gives a focus to alms giving by supporting Catholic Relief Service in their development projects overseas. These projects help individuals and communities use their own potential and capacity to improve their lives. By contributing to CRS Rice Bowl, participants give more than money: contributions help provide the resources and training that empower communities to create sustainable change. Lenten Schedule: Faith Sharing Groups will be meeting thr oughout Lent at var ious time and var ious locations. Contact Kevin at the Rectory if you would like more information. Stations of the Cross will be pr ayed at 2:00pm on the following Fr idays, Febr uar y 20, Mar ch 6, March 13, March 27 and at 3:00pm on Good Friday, April 3. Lenten Reconciliation will be Fr iday, Febr uar y 27. Individual confession will be available in the afternoon from 2:00-5:00pm. Communal Reconciliation in the spirit of Taizé will begin at 7:00pm. Lenten Reflections with the Ladies’ Friendship Club take place Thur sday, Mar ch 12. Song and Story: a Reflection will take place in the Chur ch on Wednesday, Mar ch 18 at 7:00pm. Join Fr. Dom and Mark Teresi in an evening of prayer. Parish Calendar Thursday, February 26 10:00am ~ Retired Men’s Club in the Ministry Center Friday, February 27 7:00pm ~ Lenten Reconciliation Service Thursday, March 12 Lenten Reflections with the Ladies’ Friendship Club in Church. Wednesday, March 18 7:00pm ~ Song and Story: a Reflection in Church Palm Sunday, March 29 8:00am ~ Liturgy 9:30am ~ St. Gertrude East 11:00am ~ Combined Liturgy, including the reading of the Passion and the outdoor procession with palms Holy Thursday, April 2 7:30pm ~ Liturgy of the Last Supper with Washing of Feet Church will be open all night for Eucharistic Adoration. Good Friday, April 3 3:00pm ~ Stations of the Cross 7:30pm ~ Service of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, April 4 11:00am ~ Blessing of Easter Food 3:00-4:00pm ~ Reconciliation 7:30pm ~ Easter Vigil Liturgy with Rite of Christian Initiation Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00am, 10:00am, and 11:30am ~ Masses 9:30am ~ St. Gertrude East 10:30am ~ Gym Mass Page Four St. Gertrude Parish February 22, 2015 Parish News Market Day: Market Day orders are due online by 10:00pm on Tuesday, February 24. Pickup is Saturday, February 28 from 9:00-10:00am in the NCA cafeteria. An Issue with Our Mail: The Rectory is experiencing a problem with our mail delivery since our regular mail carrier went on leave, with letters sent to the Rectory being returned to senders. If you have sent checks to the Rectory, they may not have been received. Our business manager, Marge Butzen, is working to address this issue and has met with the Devon Avenue Post Office Station Master, as well as Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s office. If you have experienced this issue, please email our contact, Taina Rodriguez, at Rep. Schakowsky’s office at [email protected]. Charitable Donations: Letters from St. Gertrude have gone out, acknowledging charitable donations made in 2014. If you have not received your letter yet, contact Marge Butzen at 773-764-3621 or at [email protected]. Thank you for your ongoing support and regular giving. Your stewardship is very much appreciated! Retired Men’s Club: This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday, February 26 at 10:00am in the Ministry Center. The speakers are from Loyola University, Summur Robert, Director of Community Relations and Mary Miro, Community Relations Specialist. For more information, call Jim Corbett at 773-631-9920. Lenten Reconciliation: What do I need to talk to God about? Where do I need forgiveness? Our Reconciliation Service, in the spirit of Taizé, will be held on Friday, February 27 at 7:00pm. Cabaret Wrap Up: Last week’s Cabaret was absolutely wonderful! Thanks go out to the many talented people who worked so hard to put on an amazing show, the volunteers who gave their time, and the W.O.W. teens who babysat for children so their parents could have a night out. Church Cleaning: Last Monday, a group of dedicated high school students from Jesuit schools, including Loyola, Cristo Rey, Christ the King and St. Ignatius, cleaned the Church until it sparkled. Their time and efforts were greatly appreciated! Snow Angels: A number of parishioners jumped in to help last Sunday by shoveling the steps to Church and the Gym when the snow began to come down heavily. Thank you for your help! Youth Ministry Pack-A-Pantry Through Sunday, March 8: The Confirmation candidates will host the second annual Lenten Food Drive for Care for Real. The candidates for Confirmation will distribute brown bags today, Sunday, February 22, after all of the Masses, and ask you return them filled with food. We will collect the filled bags in the back of Church until Sunday, March 8. Consider how your participation in the food drive could be a part of your Lenten journey and help us help others and pack the pantry at Care for Real! St. Gertrude Parish Page Five February 22, 2015 Our Lenten Journey Family Conversion - Relationship Conversion Lent can be a good time to reflect on the people who mean the most to us and the relationships we hold most dear. For those of us who live in industrialized countries, it can be jarring to realize that our time together as a family might amount to no more than a few minutes a day. Our lives are independent as we scatter in different directions each day for work, school or childcare. This season of reflection and renewal might be an appropriate time to pray about our family lives and how we can be more thoughtful and prayerful about Lent as a family. Perhaps we could hold a family meeting over dinner or some other relaxed place. We could discuss Lent and the symbols of the season. We might want to talk about how our faith life is not a journey we make alone, but one we are in as a community, as a family. One Lenten family practice might include a daily act of love for our family. Can we look around and see some small thing that needs to be done to make our lives together better? Is there laundry to sort or dishes to be washed? Is there a floor that needs sweeping or a room that needs dusting? Just one effort by each of us each day can make a dramatic difference in sharing the workload in the family. The grace we are reaching for goes beyond getting the garbage taken out, for example. We know it is a grace when my experience of taking the garbage out, feels to me like an act of love, an act of solidarity as a family. Perhaps the simplest way to prepare for this grace is to pray: Dear Lord, may this simple, ordinary sacrifice of my time for the sake of those I love, draw us closer together as a family whose hearts you are drawing to yourself in the togetherness of our family love. One of the real graces of Lent has to do with forgiveness and reconciliation – mercy and healing. This is never simply a matter between Jesus and me. It always has something to do with my family and with my relationships – how we are with each other. What in us needs mercy and healing? What patterns that we have need our reflections and common family choices and actions this Lent? Taken from the Praying Lent pages of Creighton University's Online Ministries website: www.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/online.html. Used with Permission. Lenten Reflection Where Do You Find God? In today’s reading, God promises to be with us. In order to begin a relationship with God, we have to start by looking for God intentionally everywhere. Where is God in your life? In your family? In your community? Spend some time looking for God. Community Events News for Veterans/National Guardsmen/ Reservists and Active Duty Soldiers and Sailors: A free military and veterans discount card is available at the Cook County Recorder of Deeds/ Cook County Department of Veterans Affairs, offering discounts from more than 150 Cook County merchants. On Saturday, February 28, the Park Ridge VFW, located at 10 Higgins Road, will host a military veterans discount card sign up event from 12:00pm – 4:00pm. Interested applicants should bring their DD-214, VA medical card or valid active duty/reservist/NG card. For more information, please call 312-6035788 or visit cookrecorder.com/militarydiscount. Page Six St. Gertrude Parish February 22, 2015 Parish Finances This year, our son Nate, a second grader, will make two pivotal Sacraments that I know will help shape his life – his First Reconciliation and his First Communion. His excitement about these milestones is definitely palpable in our house! As Pope Francis reminds us, “the Sacraments express and realize an effective and profound communion among us, for in them we encounter Christ the Savior and, through him, our brothers and sisters in faith.” We consider ourselves immeasurably blessed to have found a community in St. Gertrude as we continue our walk of faith and as we watch our children commit themselves to the church through these sacraments. I wanted to acknowledge with enormous gratitude my fellow parishioners who read, listened, and responded helping our community end 2014 in the black. It is through our concerted efforts as a parish that we can maintain our relevance as a parish community and continue the parish ministries in order to “love one another” seeing to the needs of all parish members. Pope Francis also reminds us that “to love God and neighbor is not something abstract, but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person the face of the Lord to be served, to serve him concretely. And you are, dear brothers and sisters, the face of Jesus.” This is true of each and every experience I have at St. Gertrude. I see the face of Jesus through the raising up our collective voices in prayer together at Mass, the wit and humor of Fr. Dom and Fr. Mike as they help us to connect to the Gospel messages, the greeters offering kindest welcome to St. Gertrude, the circle of people around the giving tree each Advent, the roar of laughter during a homegrown parish play to support Heart to Heart, the tales of service from the W.O.W. Teen trips, and the extraordinary kindness of parishioners who are patiently amused by the antics of our toddler at Mass. As we enter the holy season of Lent, let us be reminded of a common purpose as the Church: to better the world through holy acts that reflect Jesus’ vital message for us in the Gospel. Allow us to reflect on how as a strong parish community that sits on a sturdy and sound financial ground, we can come together to exercise God’s will in the world and create a more peaceful place. Please continue to prayerfully consider what you can do to help St. Gertrude maintain the vibrant and generous nature of our parish community during 2015. ~ Colleen Fulkerson, Parish Finance Council January Finances January Income Sunday Christmas Easter lease fundraising masses/sacraments January Expenses Salaries Benefits Liturgical Administrative Maintenance Utilities Assessments Support to NCA Total Income Total Expenses 49,328.82 2,715.00 300.00 608.63 -271.00 7,990.00 $60,671.45 21,776.76 5,476.00 881.97 3680.57 1,572.96 3,440.74 13,479.00 7,823.81 $58,131.81 $60,671.45 $58,131.81 Good news, we continue to remain in the black! What a great way to start the new year! Thank you all so very much for your consistent giving. As we continue to stay in the black, the parish can look at how we can better commit to parish ministries and programs, as well as start saving for those long-range expenses like a new roof! Page Seven St. Gertrude Parish February 22, 2015 Northside Catholic Academy Buildings and Grounds News Congratulations to NCA Geography and Spelling Bee Winners: In January, NCA held its annual Geography Bee and Spelling Bee for grades 5 -8. Congratulations to all the middle school students who participated! They worked very hard to get to the level of representing their classroom, and NCA is very proud of their accomplishments. The Geography Bee was impressive. Students had to interpret maps, as well as verbally give or write answers about all parts of the world. Josef Heidkamp, a 5th grader, placed third. Henry Van Our geography bee winners! Zytveld, an 8th grader, placed second. And our first place winner, carrying on the tradition of his two older brothers, was Charlie Lewis, an 8th grader. Charlie will take a written test to see if he continues on to the National Geography Bee. The Spelling Bee was equally exciting, with 34 rounds. Arianna Aquino, from the 7th grade, placed third. Lucas Ashbeck, a 6th grader, placed second, and his brother Mark Ashbeck, in 7th The spelling bee winners! grade, was the winner. Mark will now compete in the regional Spelling Bee. Special thanks to the Social Studies teachers for holding the classroom bees, to Mr. Wirtz and Mrs. Kubistal for running the Geography Bee, to all our Language Arts teachers for conducting their individual classroom bees, to Mr. Lakowski and Ms. O’Neill for running the bees, and to Mrs. Mongan for serving as a judge. Last week, the Building and Grounds committee met with Berglund Construction to review the construction schedule and logistics for staging the work to be done over the next six months. From mid -February through mid-March, the work completed will be behind-the-scenes: applying for permits, creating shop drawings and reviewing various submittals (i.e., hardware, marble). Starting in mid-March, the work will begin in earnest as Berglund places scaffolding around the bell tower and installs temporary doors at the Church entrances. A construction schedule will be posted at the back of Church so you can track the progress, including when street parking will be affected as the boom lift makes its way around the campus. We will continue to keep you updated on our construction progress. Sound System Update Some of you may have noticed a slight bit of feedback in the new sound system speakers. The sound system has three main components - the microphones, the speakers and the mixer. The mixer, housed in the sacristy, controls how the sound from the microphones blends together. Last spring when we assessed our system, we had hoped the fifteen year-old mixer could last a few more years supporting the new speakers. Alas, it needs to be replaced sooner rather than later. Our consultants, Threshold Acoustics, are assisting us in obtaining a mixer which is within our budget and meets the sound needs of our parish and complements our new speakers and existing microphones. Thank you for your patience. St. Gertrude Parish Page Eight Our Parish at Prayer MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 7:30am Patricia Kelly = TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 7:30am Zoran Tvrtkovic, Sr. = WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 7:30am Wayne Barker = THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 (Communion Service) 7:30am Bart Kohl = FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 7:30am Ben Rusin = February 22, 2015 Readings for the Week Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 7:30am Lenten Intentions 5:00pm Cecille and Paul Heidkamp and Family = SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00am Eileen Williams = 9:30am The Family of St. Gertrude = 10:00am Margaret Hanafee = 10:30am Special Intention 11:30am McNichols Family = Indicates person mentioned is deceased. Eucharistic Ministers SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00pm Debra Novak, Candace Koch, Brad Koch, John Sullivan Ministers of the Word SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00pm Clarisse Chonka, Pat Reardon SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30am Johnny Outlaw, Mark Kollar TBD Bob Backis, Chris Curran Therese and Steve Laslo Michelle Kuehlhorn, Troy McMillian SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00am Hallie Burhoe, Barb Daly, Bill Mitchell, Peter Morin, Johnny Outlaw 9:30am Pat Riley 10:00am Bob Backis, Chris Curran, Sr. Janet Lawrence, Carlos Barragan, Ruth Ott, Val Hastings 10:30am Lu Radzicki 11:30am Richard Ashbeck, Jana Ashbeck, Lina Peon Altar Servers SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00pm Rebecca Nader, Alexandra Nader, Laszlo Katona SUNDAY, MARCH 1 10:00am Lizzie O'Brien, Jonathan Elue, Lauren Elue 11:30am Ethan Vargas, Kayla Vargas, Ellie Siegle Ministers of Welcome SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 5:00pm Helen Banta SUNDAY, MARCH 1 8:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:30am Joe Donnelly, Phyllis Raine Pat Riley Rafael Melendez, Ray Seitz TBD Chrissie Bolan, Michelle Kuehlhorn St. Gertrude Parish Page Nine Milestones February 22, 2015 Bulletin Announcement New Parishioners Nnaji Godbring Wedding Banns Natalie Kohn and Adam McLemore (III) If you have information for the bulletin, please note the following deadlines to submit content: Bulletin for Sunday, March 22, copy is due on Monday, March 16 by 9:00am. Bulletin for Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday), copy is due on Monday, March 16 by 9:00am. Bulletin for Sunday, April 5 (Easter), copy is due Monday, March 23 by 9:00am. Bulletin for Sunday, April 12, copy is due on Monday, March 30 by 9:00am. Please Come Join Us Deaths May he rest in peace Ben Rusin If you have been attending Mass and other activities at St. Gertrude and have been thinking of becoming a member of our parish community, please consider registering. Just ask for the simple, one page registration form from: one of the greeters after all the Sunday Masses at the Rectory (1420 W. Granville Ave.) or online at stgertrudechicago.org. . ST. GERTRUDE PASTORAL SERVICES OFFICE OF THE PASTOR Rev. Dominic Grassi, Pastor Marge Butzen, Director of Parish Management and Facilities Kevin Chears, Director of Parish Leadership and Ministry Formation Mary Ann Collins, Director of Parish Social Services Mary Herbin-Horan, Minister of Music Tracy Shields, Minister of First Impressions/Communication LOCATIONS: Rectory: 1420 W. Granville Ave., Chicago, IL 60660; Phone 773-764-3621. Fax 773-761-4164; E-mail [email protected] Website: http://www.stgertrudechicago.org Ministry Center: 6214 N. Glenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. Social Services Phone: 773-973-5464. Social Hall: 1401 W. Granville Ave., Chicago, IL 60660. OTHER PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Michael Bradley, Resident Rev. William Kenneally, Pastor Emeritus Abigail Gapinski, Youth Minister Carol Beatty, St Gertrude East Music Director NEW PARISHIONERS WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am 9:30am St. Gertrude East (Sacred Heart School/Sheridan and Granville) 10:30am Mass in the Gym (except summer months) Monday through Friday: 7:30am (Thursday is a Communion Service.) Saturday: 7:30am and 5:00pm (Sunday Vigil) RECTORY BUSINESS HOURS Monday, Tuesday: 8:00am to 7:30pm Wednesday, Friday: 8:00am to 4:00pm Thursday: Front Office/Reception closed Saturday: 9:00am to 6:00pm Sunday: 8:30am to 1:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Individual: Saturday from 4:15-4:45pm and by request. BAPTISM Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. A parent preparation meeting is held the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm. All arrangements should be made by calling the Rectory. MARRIAGE Arrangements begin by setting up an appointment with the Pastor. Preparations are to begin at least four months prior to the desired date. You are most welcome and are invited to stop in at the rectory to introduce yourself and register. You may register with one of the greeters before or after any Mass. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? We have an enriching program called the R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Contact the Rectory for details. MINISTRY OF CARE AND COMMUNION Trained ministers will gladly visit and bring communion to those who are sick or homebound. Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. HEART TO HEART Senior outreach and social services connection: 773-973-5464 PARISH SCHOOL Northside Catholic Academy: 773-743-6277 COMMUNITY MEETINGS HELD AT ST. GERTRUDE Al-Anon: Sundays at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center Open AA: Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Ministry Center, and Thursdays at 7:00pm in the school cafeteria. Caris Pregnancy Center, pregnancy support, free pregnancy tests, and post-abortion help: 312-229-5700. Yoga: Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Ministry Center Makko ho (Japanese yoga): Saturdays at 10am in the Ministry Center
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