The Waiting Thread
The Waiting Thread
CCAI WAITING CHILD PROGRAM NEWSLETTER MARCH 2013 The Waiting Thread Medical Needs Conference a Success! CCAI’s first-ever Waiting Child Medical Needs Conference on February 16, 2013, brought together top medical specialists, experienced adoptive families, and prospective waiting families for an afternoon of enlightening information! Recognizing the need for further education as the Waiting Child Program grows by leaps and bounds, CCAI invited four esteemed physicians, each specializing in a medical need commonly seen in the Waiting Child Program, to come together in this unique forum to educate and empower adoptive families as they consider the adoption of one of these special children. Dr. Max Mitchell spoke on the topic of congenital heart disease, Dr. Greg Allen on cleft lip and palate, Dr. Gregg Kobak on gastrointestinal disorders, and Dr. Laurel Benson on limb differences. The doctors were able to shed light on the causes, treatment, and prognoses of these very common conditions. All four sessions also included a question and answer portion with families who have adopted a child with one of these medical needs. CCAI is tremendously grateful to each of the four physicians who donated their time and knowledge to share with our families! We also want to thank each and every adoptive family panelist who was willing to share their experiences: Emily Adcox, Jillian Pettus, Dawn Richardson, Sandy Schwedt, Michelle Sell, Stacey Slupek, Scott & Wendi Smith, and Kent & Sheri Yamamoto. Your wisdom is invaluable to families just starting out! As one participating family shared with us, “The conference was extremely useful! I don't feel as intimidated to adopt a special needs child. I know what our family can handle and what we cannot.” CCAI also extends a sincere, heartfelt thank-you to Dr. James Campbell, CCAI board member and adoptive father, who was instrumental in organizing this conference. Your commitment and tireless energy made possible the success of the program! Much appreciation also for the generosity of Merrill Lynch, who sponsored the Medical Needs Conference! Welcome New Henan Families! From left to right: Dr. James Campbell, Dr. Gregg Kobak, Dr. Greg Allen, Dr. Laurel Benson, Dr. Max Mitchell, and Lily Nie Each session was well-attended in person, and CCAI was also able to livestream the sessions online: to accommodate families out of the area! All sessions were also professionally recorded for future use on our website. If you are waiting to bring home, or already are home with a child from the province of Henan, then make sure to join our Facebook group (Henan Kids International) and stop by This is the site for our non-profit, Henan Kids International, which works hard with CCAI to raise money and awareness for the kids still waiting in orphanages in Henan. You can follow families’ trips to China on the blog, connect with other families, donate money to your child’s orphanage, and find out how to contribute to our current fundraiser, our annual HKI calendar. For more information, please contact Emily Adcox at [email protected]. CCAI WAITING CHILD PROGRAM NEWSLETTER MARCH 2013 Last Month’s Statistics In February, the CCCWA released 67 children’s files designated to CCAI, 32 girls and 35 boys. 31 were Special Focus and 36 were LID-only (must be matched to a family with a dossier already in China). Ages of Waiting Children matched in February: 20 6 3 5 2 1 37 children were matched with their families in February, 18 girls and 19 boys! Of those matched children, 32 were from our agency-specific list, and 5 were from the CCCWA’s Shared List of Waiting Children. Families matched in February who had Medical Conditions Checklists (MCCs) on file with CCAI (84% of the families matched this month) ranged from August 2011 to February 2013. 7 children were accepted as part of the Special Focus Program. Of the 37 children matched in February, 9 have cleft lip and palate, 9 have brain developmental conditions/hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, 4 have heart disease, 3 have cerebral palsy, 2 have male genital conditions, 2 have imperforate anus, and the remaining children have the following special needs: limb difference, albinism, esophageal atresia/fistula, hepatitis B, ear malformation, hemangioma, Down Syndrome, and hydrocephalus, etc. 9 children have multiple special needs. Looking for financial aid for your adoption? Learn about Gift of Adoption Fund at! Question of the Month: Q: We hope to be matched with a young baby girl with a minor heart condition. What is the current timeline? A: As you know, the timeline to a potential match in the Waiting Child Program depends entirely on what a family is open to in terms of age, gender, and medical needs on their Medical Conditions Checklist (MCC), and ALSO very much on which children’s files we receive. While we can’t predict an exact future timeline for you, we can always let you know what families CURRENTLY being matched have been waiting. At this time, we would prepare you for a wait time between 18 and 24 months from the time your MCC arrived, assuming your dossier is completed during this time. This is the MOST common age/gender/medical condition families are open to, and while it’s certainly not impossible, we see very few baby girls (under 24 months, and especially under 12 months) with a “minor” heart condition such as VSD or ASD. Now, if this is where your heart is set, we understand! But perhaps, if you find yourselves open to a BOY with a heart condition, or to another more common medical need (such as cleft lip and palate), don’t hesitate to let us know, as this may impact your wait time! CCAI WAITING CHILD PROGRAM NEWSLETTER MARCH 2013 In the Spotlight… “Rui” Female, DOB 11/28/2011 When Rui entered the institute, she was preliminarily diagnosed with a vision impairment. It was discovered that she couldn’t see out of her right eye and her left eye was sensitive to light, but her vision was still poor. Possibly due to her blindness, when she had just arrived at the institute, each time we spoke with her she would cry. Sounds and objects all caused her to become a bit moody and when the nannies encountered this, they would softly comfort her. Slowly, little Rui changed and became closer and closer with the nannies. She can now stand when she is supporting herself with her hands. Her personality is quite introverted and she is also very well-mannered. She likes to play with toys, especially toys that can make noise. Each time she has one in her hand, she will wave it about non-stop with an extremely cute expression on her face! When little Rui gets upset and she is with the rehabilitation teacher who is making her practice standing, she will not be very cooperative. However, if you grab a snack and give it to her to eat, as well as put a toy in her hand, she will finally be willing to cooperate with the training. Due to her exceptional appetite, little Rui has grown to be fair and chubby which is why we call her “Little Chubby Girl.” This sweet little princess’s file is marked “Special Focus,” which means she can be matched to a family at ANY stage in the adoption process, even a family already matched to another child!! Please help spread the word, and let’s find this little angel a family!! Contact: [email protected] Important Reminders: Keep Your Immigration Approval Current!! ALL families with Medical Conditions Checklists (MCCs) on file are STRONGLY encouraged to GET and KEEP their immigration approval (I-800A approval) current with the correct age range, gender(s), and medical conditions they are open to and approved for. If your immigration approval is not current and inclusive of special needs at the time you are matched, it will significantly extend your timeline between match and travel. As families who have “been there and done that” will tell you, the wait gets much harder AFTER you are matched, and you don’t want ANY unnecessary days spent holding that sweet little picture while you wait to travel! Complete your Parent Training!! Your parent training requirements must be complete before you can file your I-800 paperwork. Your travel to China can be DELAYED if both parents have not fulfilled the training requirements by the time your acceptance letter (LOA) arrives. If you have questions about parent training, please contact CCAI’s Parent Training Coordinators at [email protected]. CCAI 6920 South Holly Circle Centennial, CO 80112 Phone: 303-850-9998 Fax: 303-850-9997 Your Waiting Child Program Staff: Pam Rodriguez [email protected] 303-850-9998 x 35 Sarah Harmon [email protected] 303-850-9998 x 25 Judy Winger [email protected] 303-850-9998 x 38 Tony Goffredi [email protected] 303-850-9998 x 19 Follow us on:
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