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more - Catholic Charities
We are located in the very heart of downtown. Our
building is called the Providence Center and it is a
refuge in an urban setting. If our clients look up as they
pass through our doors they see a powerful message
on one side: “This is what the Lord asks: Act Justly,
Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly with God” (Micah 6-8), and
the shape of a heart on the other. These words, and this
symbol, embody the kind spirit they will find inside.
We are, as an organization, committed to helping all
people in need. We do this through our Emergency
Assistance Program as we serve the working poor
families who cannot make ends meet when a crisis
strikes, professionals who have been laid off never
dreaming they would have to ask for help. We do this
through Refugee Resettlement as we serve those
who, because of a well-founded fear of persecution,
have left their homelands. We do this by providing
adoption services to families and adoptees. And, we
do this through our Food Program, addressing hunger,
perhaps the most basic of needs. In the past year
we served 6,504 individuals through our Emergency
Assistance, 165 individuals in Refugee Resettlement,
60 individuals through our Adoption Program and we
provided 31,959 meals.
How have we been able to do this in the midst of an
economy that has most severely impacted people who
were already struggling? We follow best practices for
fiscal and program management and we have formed a
partnership with United Way 2-1-1 to create an efficient
referral process. We have built a volunteer force that is
nothing less than awesome. Last year, 378 volunteers
dedicated more than 8,597 hours serving on our Board,
running our Food Pantry, entering data, working with
our refugees, and helping us raise $295,500 in our
special events. Finally, we have earned the trust of
those who have financially supported us. We deeply
appreciate The Community Foundation in Jacksonville,
Reflections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Revenue & Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accomplishments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why I support Catholic Charities. . . . . . . . .
the Jessie Ball duPont Foundation, the City of Jacksonville,
the Department of Children & Families, our Catholic Schools,
United Way of Northeast Florida, and other private foundations
for their support during these difficult times.
Catholic Charities has maintained a presence in this community
for more than 65 years but how do we know we are making a
difference? We have quantifiable measures. In 2010, 97% of
our clients remained stably housed for 30 days; 91% for 90
days, and 84% for 6 months following assistance and 75% of
our refugee clients in Match Grant were employed within 180
days. Beyond numbers, we treasure the words of our clients,
testimonies that they have been treated kindly and with respect.
Although we are proud of our success, we are not willing to stop
here. The future will see us join Catholic Charities USA in the
fight against poverty and increase our commitment to helping
families move out of the cycle of poverty. We will support
United Way’s focus on income, education and health and we
will strengthen our outreach to parishes for a more dynamic
food program. We will strive to “Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk
Humbly with God”. We will, without question, continue to serve
all God’s children in need.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
6:30 pm–9:30 pm • San Marco Square
Our annual Festival d’Vine offers you the
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354-4846 ext 227. Tickets are $75 per person.
Get your tickets early for this popular event!
Mission Statement
With best regards,
The mission of Catholic Charities is to provide
services to anyone in need, regardless of
race or religion; to advocate justice, human
dignity and quality of life; and to call all people
to join in these efforts; thereby reflecting the
compassion of God in Christ.
Jeffrey P. Mouhalis
Chair, Board of Directors 2010-11
The Jacksonville Regional Office provided
46,257 services through our programs to
11,721 people on the First Coast last year under
the guidance and direction of a faithful staff,
passionate volunteers and a dedicated Board
of Directors.
Laura M. Hickey
Executive Director
Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Services & Internal Support. . . . . . . .
How You Can Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8th Annual
Festival d’Vine
Fiscal Year 2009–2010 (Audited Numbers)
$3,603,079 Revenue
$3,603,079 Expenditures
United Way of Northeast Florida
United Way Donor Designations
Diocesan Support
Special Events
Miscellaneous Income
Government Grants (Fed., State & Local)
Foundation Grants
Emergency Financial Assistance –
Food Assistance
Lawn Program Administration
Refugee Resettlement
Council On Accreditation
Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc., Diocese of St.
Augustine has received accreditation by the Council
on Accreditation (COA). COA accreditation attests
that an organization meets the highest national
standards and delivers the best quality services to
the community it serves. COA’s mission “promotes
best-practice standards; champions quality services
for children, youth, and families; and advocates
for the value of accreditation”. Catholic Charities
Bureau, Inc., is proud to join COA’s Community of
Excellence, which includes more than 1,000 private
and public organizations that serve over six million
children, individuals and families in the United States
and Canada.
Board of Directors 2010-2011
Jeffrey P. Mouhalis, Chair
Lisa Obringer, Chair Elect
James Denkler, Secretary/Treasurer
Joseph J. McTighe, Chair Emeritus
William C. Beitz, Diocesan Director of Catholic Charities
Laura M. Hickey, E xecutive Director of Catholic Charities,
Jacksonville Regional Office
Government-Municipal Funding Includes:
• Challenge Grant
• Choose Life License Tag - State of Florida
• Community Development Block Grants - City of Jacksonville (CDBG)
• Emergency Food and Shelter Program
• Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)
• Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
• Public Service Grant
• Refugee Resettlement:
U.S. State Department Office of Refugee Resettlement
State of Florida, Department of Children and Families
United States Council of Catholic Bishops
Emergency Financial Assistance
Expenditures Include:
Rev. Timothy Lozier
Angel Kits
Christmas gifts
Deposit payments for rent and utilities
Gas cards
JTA bus tickets (job search, doctor appointments)
Rent and mortgage assistance
School supplies
Store gift cards (basic necessities)
Temporary lodging
Travelers Aid (individuals leaving Jax one-way)
Utility assistance
Miscellaneous Income
• In Kind Donations
• Program Service Fees
Jeffrey P. Mouhalis, Chair
JaneMarie Baker
Kaye Lunsford
Ricardo Bedoya
Lara McCoy
Patricia Blue
Amy Meyer
Sarah Conners
Mary Sue Mulhern
Tye Crews
Ruth Owen
Rev. Mark Griffin
David Stevens
Mai Keisling
Susan Sulzbacher
Katherine LeMaster
Lucille Trotter
Laura M. Hickey,
Executive Director
Catholic Charities Jacksonville
Regional Office Leadership Team
Laura M. Hickey
Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer
Jane McIntosh
Emergency Assistance Director
Jennifer Garizio
Associate Director
Michelle Karolak
Refugee Resettlement Director
MaryEdda Day
Director of Finance
Geralyn Ryan
Adoption Program Director
Proudly we report . . .
• We provided emergency assistance with rent, mortgage, utilities and food to
more than 11,000 individuals.
• The Development Team raised $295,500 through special events. These dollars
are a critical resource for helping families.
• Our work could not be done without our volunteers who put in 8,597 hours of
service, which equates to a value of $183,632.
• Waste Not Want Not generously kept bread on our Pantry shelves. Catholic
schools – Annunciation, Assumption, Bishop Snyder, Bishop Kenny, Blessed
Trinity, Christ the King, Holy Family, Holy Rosary, Holy Spirit, Morning Star,
Palmer, Resurrection, Sacred Heart, San Jose, St. Joseph, St. Matthew, St.
Patrick, St. Paul’s (of the Beaches and Riverside), and St. Pius V – collected
11,090 items of canned goods, pasta, soup, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, and
rice for our food pantry. Jacksonville Orthopaedic Clinic, Curves, Haskell also
held food drives along with Holy Rosary, Crucifixion, St. Pius, St. Philip Neri
Ecumenical and Prince of Peace parishes.
• Walls were knocked down to expand the cramped space of our Food Pantry,
sturdy new shelving replaced old ones, and a dumb waiter was installed to
transport heavy loads between floors. It is with gratitude that we recognize the
Lucy Gooding Foundation for making life easier for our volunteers. Through our
Food Program, 31,959 meals were distributed.
• Clients no longer sit in a silent room waiting for Emergency Assistance
appointments. A video system was installed to present instructional DVDs
such as how to curb energy bills. We thank THE PLAYERS for making the
improvement possible.
• Smiles were put on the faces of 393 children through donations of bicycles,
games, stuffed animals and even computers to our Christmas Giving Project.
Donations of school supplies and backpacks helped more than 225 children
feel more confident as they started the school year.
• Fundraising during these difficult economic times was boosted through
membership which provided $196,720 in support; participation in the Nonprofit
Centers’ Give and Go Campaign (we were even a top agency in the campaign),
the Gate River Run event, and the MossFire Grill/O’Brothers St. Patrick’s Day
Block Party.
• A new accounting system was implemented in each of the four regional offices,
a major and highly detailed task, that has increased our ability to consistently
report our successes as a region.
• We have reached over ten-thousand people through POWER (Parishes
Organized to Welcome Refugees) raising awareness of the life stories of the
refugees we serve.
• People pulled coats from their own closets and even bought new ones when
temperatures dropped this winter to donate over 200 coats for refugee clients,
many of which come from warm climates and with only a bag of personal
Why do I support Catholic Charities?
The support of volunteers and donors is invaluable. Why do they believe in our work
and give so generously to helping others?
When I was much younger I read a poem that spoke to my heart, it was titled
“Two Kinds of People”. In summary the poem spoke of: LIFTERS and LEANERS.
I made up my mind to always remember to lift in some small way wherever I
found myself. When I retired, Catholic Charities was the logical place for me to
get involved to lift the burden that others may be laboring under. I never for a
moment regret that decision.
— Tom Keane
The words of Mother Teresa so beautifully describe the work of Catholic Charities:
“I serve HIM in the disturbing disguise of the poor”.
— Jo Oetjen
After I retired, I wanted to get into some volunteer work. Since Catholic Charities is
near and dear to my heart because of my husband’s 25 years working for Catholic
Charities, I decided to start with bagging groceries once a month. As I bag, I think
of the cycle of giving food out. Those who pick up the food, those who stack the
shelves, the staffers, those who put the bags on the new dumb waiter and, finally
those who give the food to the poor. All help with this incredible ministry.
— Pat Tierney
We support Catholic Charities because their continual low administrative costs
mean more of our charitable dollars will be available to feed the needy and keep
them secure in their homes.
Because they stand strong . . . through all the struggles of the clients, they are
It has been a privilege and honor for me to support Catholic Charities for the last 10
years as a Board intern, member and Chairman and now Development Committee
member. When I pick up food donations from the children of an elementary school
and deliver a van of excess furniture to the storage warehouse, I know that Catholic
Charities will always use donations wisely for families in need. They always put
compassion into action!
— Kevin Gartland
— Rita and Mark Allen
— Nancy Walker
It is truly a joy and a duty to serve others. I have been so blessed in my life, I am
grateful for the opportunity to help and give back in any small way that I can. When
I was asked if I was interested in serving on the CC Board, I felt like it was the hand
of God tapping me on the shoulder saying “I need you” and I am thankful to be able
to serve.
— Paola Parra Harris
John and I volunteer for Catholic Charities because we see it as a way to thank
God for all that He has given to us. We are blessed and were happy to find this
way to help refugees who have had to struggle so much.
I volunteer at Catholic Charities because of the people who work there. They make
it enjoyable and fun to help others.
— Mary Moritz
— Jack Kennedy
Emergency Assistance
Refugee Resettlement
Catholic Charities provides the basic needs to help
prevent homelessness through the Emergency Assistance
department. Our goal is to prevent homelessness by helping
families facing eviction or loss of utilities to remain safe and
secure in their homes. Many families live from paycheck-topaycheck and are threatened when an unexpected illness,
loss of employment or other family crisis impacts their
financial well being. Emergency Assistance helps by making
payments for rent, mortgage or utilities and providing food.
Catholic Charities helps resettle individuals and reunite
families who legally enter the United States as part of
an expression of U.S. foreign and humanitarian policy.
Our clients received extensive medical background and
relationship checks before travel to the US was approved. In
the coming year we are anticipating as many as 160 arrivals
from countries such as Bhutan, Burma, Afghanistan, Cuba and
Iraq. Many of our refugees are vulnerable, with limited English skills and employment
histories. Others have experienced emotional trauma, even torture, loss of family
members, or long years in refugee camps. Many have fled their home country because
of persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group or
political opinion.
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
(HOPWA) program also provides emergency financial
assistance to eligible clients in the form of rent and utilities
payments as well as food.
Under the Emergency Assistance department, the Agency administers the JEA
Neighbor to Neighbor Program and the Donna Foundation funds which offers
assistance to individuals and families with emergency financial needs.
2010-2011 RESULTS:
Individuals served: 6,504
Services provided: 40,932
The Food Program
We all know what it feels like to be hungry but most of us do not worry about where
our next meal is coming from. Food is one of the most basic of human needs.
Catholic Charities reaches out to help meet the need in our community through our
Food Pantry. Food is distributed to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons
and to clients within our other programs. This year, we were also able to provide
resources at four parish sites with the Community Foundation’s support.
We could not keep our Food Program going without: the generosity of Foundations
including BJ’s, Stellar, and The Community Foundation; the Emergency Food and
Shelter Grant; bread donations from Waste Not Want Not; food drives coordinated
by our Catholic Schools, parishes, and local businesses and the tremendous efforts
of our volunteers. During the past year, more than 149 volunteers ordered food
supplies, literally picked up and delivered hundreds of pallets of food, stocked our
shelves, loaded bags, and joined us every
Wednesday and Friday to put food in the
hands of people lining our courtyard. It is
with great appreciation that we recognize
all who make this program possible.
2010-2011 Results:
Individuals Served: 4,992
Services Provided: 3,551
Our refugee resettlement staff provides a lifeline which often begins with late night
airport arrivals and continues with essentials such as finding and furnishing housing,
job counseling and acquiring jobs, immigration documentation and completing
required health screenings. Our staff assists our refugee children with school
enrollment and adults in acquiring English language skills. Orientation and integration
happens quickly with staff instructing clients about American culture (our health
systems, education, transportation, and banking systems), and connecting them with
other services they need with the goal of helping them quickly become self-sufficient.
In addition to working with our new arrivals, over the past year we offered over 800
orientation, information and referral services to refugees throughout the community.
Our refugees are grateful for the opportunity they have been given and despite the
many challenges they face, they are eager to become productive members of our
society. As they find their way in our community they will enrich its very fabric, as
many of our own ancestors have before us. For our Refugee Resettlement staff this
is demanding, yet very meaningful work.
2010-2011 RESULTS:
Individuals served: 165
Services provided: 1,740
Adoption/Pregnancy Services
The Pregnancy Counseling and Adoption Program provides
services and advocacy for women and their families with unplanned
pregnancies. In accordance with the mission to respect life, our
services are designed to help preserve and protect the life of the
child, provide care and nurturing for women and children, and to
assist in building up families through adoption. Our services provide
counseling and support to women and their families facing unplanned
pregnancies, and ongoing support to birth families, adoptive families
and adoptees throughout their lives. As a licensed Child Placing Agency by the Florida
Department of Children and Families, we provide home studies, support, guidance,
referrals, placement, post-placement supervision and education. In addition, through
our post-adoption services, Catholic Charities releases non-identifying information
in accordance with Florida statutes and acts as an intermediary in searches for adult
adoptees and birth parents. Catholic Charities also acts as guardian of the adoption
files from Volunteers of America and St. Mary’s Home.
2010-2011 RESULTS
Individuals served: 60
Services provided: 34
Other Services We Provide
The Donna
The JEA Neighbor to
Neighbor Program
The Donna Foundation was founded by Donna
Hicken. Donna is a First Coast News Anchor, a
media presence recognized by most everyone in
Jacksonville, an avid runner, a loving mother to two
children, a cheerleader for many community causes,
and, yes, a three time breast cancer survivor.
Catholic Charities Jacksonville Regional Office partners
with JEA through its Neighbor to Neighbor program.
The Neighbor to Neighbor program provides limited
financial assistance for elderly, disabled and poor
residents in the JEA service area who are at risk of
having their utilities shut off.
Donna fought through her own frightening
experience with cancer and then reached out
to help so many others by building The Donna
Foundation. In Donna’s own words: “The
Foundation raises money to be used exclusively for
First Coast women living with breast cancer... who,
for whatever reason, can’t make ends meet”.
Catholic Charities is the administrator of the funds at
no cost to the community — we receive no fees for
this service. You can donate to the program by simply
checking the Neighbor to Neighbor box on your JEA
bill and indicating a dollar amount to be added to your
monthly bill or you can make a one-time donation. JEA
will collect the money and forward every donated dollar
to the Neighbor to Neighbor program. 100% of your
contribution will be used for client utilities.
Catholic Charities was chosen by Donna as a
partner to screen and submit requests to the
Foundation for payment to mortgage companies,
utilities carriers, doctors and landlords. Donna
chose Catholic Charities knowing that we would
ensure good stewardship of the dollars the
Foundation receives in donations.
The Choose
Life Program
Catholic Charities has been the administrator of the
Choose Life Tag Funds in Duval County since 2001.
The Choose Life Program, designed in response
to Florida Statute, provides assistance to pregnant
women who are committed to placing their children
for adoption. Funds are distributed through qualified
agencies for basic needs such as clothing, housing,
medical care, food, utilities and transportation.
Women and men who call for help are not feeling
well physically, are emotionally overwhelmed, and
are struggling to make it through a frightening
life crisis. These individuals reach a member of
our staff who listens carefully and responds with
incredible gentleness. It is an honor to partner in
this important work.
Internal Support
The Administrative Team supports the mission of
Catholic Charities and the people we serve. We offer
technological and administrative support to agency
staff and the board of directors in the operational
functions of the agency. With 46,257 services being
provided to 11,721 people in 2010-2011, it is critical
that operations are maximized with quality, efficiency
and cost-effectiveness. We strive to make the best use
of administration dollars so we can continue to serve
those in need as effectively as possible.
The Finance Department oversees and safeguards
the assets of Catholic Charities in adherence with
accounting principles, practices and theories. As
good stewards of donations and grants, they also
provide transparency and accountability to donors and
funders. The department provides up-to-date financial
recording and reporting, including departmental and
annual budgets, necessary schedules and financial
analysis to management and the finance committee.
An independent annual audit is performed and reviewed
by the finance committee and board of directors.
The Development Team is responsible for reaching
out to our community, sharing the mission of Catholic
Charities with others and identifying resources that
will assist our efforts to help families in crisis. Catholic
Charities Jacksonville employs a multi-faceted approach
to community outreach and fundraising by actively
seeking grants, soliciting donor appeals and by holding
special events and other fundraisers.
How You Can Help
Volunteers & Our Women’s Guild
School Supplies and More
Volunteers come to Catholic Charities in all shapes and sizes; young and old, male and female,
friends and family, husbands and wives, students and teachers, individuals who work and those
who have retired. They help in many ways - distributing food, filing, entering data, taking clients
to appointments, assisting with special events and the list goes on.
Did you know that we provide new school supplies to children whose
families cannot afford the necessities to be well prepared for school?
Last year, donations helped us distribute
more than 225 kits to needy children.
Here is what one mom had to say:
One path to volunteering is our Women’s Guild. In just 4 years,
more than 100 dynamic women have joined the Guild. Our Guild
is not about meeting, but about doing and you can tailor your
membership to fit your lifestyle, responding to opportunities
as you are able. The time and treasure you give is completely
up to you and your donation, no matter what, is always greatly
appreciated. If we have captured your interest, please contact
Sarah Conners at [email protected] or Lara McCoy at
[email protected].
In 2010, 29 volunteers earned the President’s Volunteer Service
Award; 2 at the Gold Level for 500 or more hours, 5 at the Silver
Level for 250 – 499 hours and 22 at the Bronze Level for 100 – 249 hours.
To get started as a volunteer, contact Joy Turner at (904) 354-4846 ext 258 or [email protected].
“My name is Kathrin and I am a 26 year
old mother of 4. I am a single parent
and struggle day to day wondering how
I’m going to make ends meet. I heard
about Catholic Charities through a lady
at WorkSource while I was job searching.
When I arrived, my case worker sat me
down and started asking me what my
family needed. She walked in with two
backpacks and school supply kits for my children. The first thing I
did was look at my son’s face as it lit up. My son couldn’t stop saying
thank you to her. I just want to thank all the staff at Catholic Charities
for helping me and my family. You made it a lot easier this year to help
my children go back to school. So thank you so much for everything. I
feel God puts people in our lives for a reason.”
Please consider making a monetary donation to this wonderful
program. If you do choose to contribute, make your check out to
Catholic Charities and indicate “school supplies” on your check.
The Book Corner
Daily we see children in our Emergency Assistance department waiting with their mom, dad,
or grandparent for an appointment. A few years ago, a staff member recognized that this small
point in time offered a great opportunity for encouraging
reading – and our Book Corner was born. Our Women’s Guild
has brought in literally thousands of books and keeps our
book shelves well stocked. Children are invited to pick the
books up, thumb through pages, read stories and take them
home for keeps. Research tells us that books are typically
scarce in low-income households and yet we all know how
important reading is to school success. Donations are always
welcome and we thank all of our book donors for helping us to
promote the joy of reading.
$8 donation
$13 donation
With Gratitude. The board and staff of Catholic Charities gratefully acknowledge the gifts of our supporters from January 2010–December 2010. These gifts include donations
made through membership, the Chronicles, special-event supporters, gifts made in memory or honor of, stock donations, in-kind donations, car donations and donor-designated
gifts through the United Way. We apologize for any omissions and thank you for your continued support.
5 Points Events, LLC.
ABC Liquors, Inc.
Mr. Vincent Abrahams
Mr. Gregory Achatz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ackermann
Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Acosta
Mr. Steve Adams
Adams & Harper, PA
Ms. Patricia Aftoora
Mr. Salcedo R. Agabin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Akel
Mr. Robert Alday
Ms. Melissa Alex
Ms. Jo Alexander
Ms. Heather Alfonso
Mr. Anthony F. Algozzini
Mr. Jorge Alicea
Ms. Shannon Alicea
Mr. Pierre Allaire
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen
ALO Enterprises, Inc.
Alpha Psi Omega, Jacksonville University
Ms. Carol Alpigini
Mr. Harvey Altes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altes
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Althoff
Ms. Heather Alvarez
Ms. Liz Ambulay
American Express Consumer Travel
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Anderson
Ms. Laura Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews
Ms. Mary Andrysiak
Mr. Paul Anello
Annunciation Interparish School
Ms. Susan Anthony
Ms. Rosemary Anthony
Mr. Gordon Arbogast
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arceneaux
Archbishop Hurley Knights of Columbus
Ms. Lola Argalas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arienzo
Ms. Beverly Arnold
Mr. Paul Arrington
Ms. Tracy Arthur
Mr. Marc Ashton
Asian American Federation of Florida
Assumption Catholic Church
Mr. Phil Atter
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Avena
Mr. Lee Avizinis
Mr. and Mrs. Cyd Ayers
Mrs. Martha Babb
Mr. Frederick Bacon
Mr. John Bader
Ms. Stacy Badics
Mr. Ariel Baez
Ms. Catrece Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Dane Baird
Mr. Audi Bajalia
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker
Ms. Danielle Baker
Mr. John Ball
Ms. Carrie Ball
Ms. Maria Bame
Ms. Vickie Bandy
Bank of America
Ms. Kathleen Banks
Mr. Jesse Bannon
Ms. Betty Barbarisi
Mrs. Dorothy Barbary
Ms. Susan Barbe
Ms. Angela Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Barbour
Barga Interiors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barletta
Ms. Karen Barletta
Ms. Katrina Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnett
Mrs. James Barrick
Ms. Theresa Bartel
Ms. Cynthia Bartley
Ms. Donna Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Barzyk
Ms. Florence Basco
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Bascon
Ms. Sherri Bateh
Mr. George Bateh
Mr. Matt Bauer
Ms. Carol Baumer
Ms. Grace Baxley
Ms. Ivonne Baxley
Ms. Patricia Bayerl
BB&T-Credit Administration Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beard
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Bebeau
Ms. Michelle Becht
Ms. Cathy Beck
Mr. Jeffrey Beckholtz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Becksmith
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Bedoya
Ms. Kimberly Beeman
Ms. Victoria Behan
Mr. James Beich
Mr. and Mrs. William Beitz
Ms. Sara Belcher
Mr. Gregory Bell
Ms. Pam Benfer
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bengermino
Mr. and Mrs. David Benoit
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benton
Mr. Jonathan Bernhardt
Mr. Orlando Berrios
Mr. Albert Bertani
Dr. Janet Betchkal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beverly
Astrid Bhame
Bill Simpson & Associates Inc.
Mr. Arthur Bilodeau
Ms. Nicole Birch
Ms. Marjorie Bischof
Ms. Lynn Bishara
Ms. Lynda Bishop
Bishop John J. Snyder High School
Bishop Kenny High School
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Mr. Larry Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Blackburn
Ms. Tammy L. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bledsoe
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blinn
Mr. and Mrs. David Blue
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Blue
Ms. Reese Bohn
Mr. and Mrs. Devillo Boll
Ms. Tiffany Bonneau
Ms. Nina Borcher
Dr. John Bordelon
Ms. Lisabeth Boudreaux
Ms. Marcia Bourdon
Mr. Joseph Bove
Mr. Bruce Bowenschulte
Father Alan Bower
Ms. Angelica Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bowes
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowling
Mr. Ryan Boylan-South
Mr. Donald Bozich
Ms. Jeanne Bradburn
Mr. Robert Braddock
Mr. Joseph Bradley III
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brandvold
Ms. Elizabeth Brannen
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Bream
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bredehoeft
Dr. and Mrs. John Breen
Mr. and Mrs. John Brent
Mr. and Mrs. John Bressler
Ms. Roberta Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. William Brinton
Mrs. Rosa Broadnax
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brock
Mr. Gilbert Broco
Dr. Daniel Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bronsard
Mr. and Mrs. George Brookshire
Mr. Thomas Brown
Mr. Michael Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Dewayne Brown
Ms. Bobbie Brown
Ms. Amanda Brownlie
Ms. Lisa Brumble
Ms. Kathleen Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Buller
Ms. Sandra Bullinger
Mr. and Mrs. Al Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burghardt
Mr. and Mrs. James Burke
Mr. Michael Burke
Mr. Steve Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burns
Ms. Patricia Burr
Mr. John Busam
Ms. Anne Bush
Ms. Mary Butler
Mr. and Mrs. William Byrne
Ms. Patricia A. Caffey
Mr. Jason Cagle
Mr. Bronze Cagle
Captain and Mrs. Thomas Calhoun
Mr. John Callender
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Calvert
Cambridge Terminal Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron
Mr. Thomas Campbell
Ms. Maureen Camphire
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campoli
Mr. Timothy Cannon
Mr. Kevin Cappotto
Mr. and Mrs. G. John Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson
Ms. Colleen Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Carrick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carroll
Ms. Kathryn Carson
Mr. Davida Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cascone
Cascone Family Foundation
Mr. Ramon Castello
Mr. John Castillo
Ms. Nena Castillo
Catholic Charities Bureau, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cavallo
Mr. Michael J. Cavallo
Mr. Vince Cavin
Mr. and Mrs. James Cayanas
Mr. Rey Centeno
Ms. Yolanda Cerqueira
Ms. Mariela Chang
Ms. Yvonne Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chascin
Mr. Mark Chowaniec
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Chrischilles
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Christeas
Mr. John Christian
Ms. Judith Christine
Ms. Joy Christmas
Church of the Good Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cihlar
Ms. Suzanne Clark
Ms. Diane Clark
Mr. Michael Clark
Ms. Michelle M. Clarke
Ms. Rose Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cobb
Ms. Patricia Cochran
Ms. Sarah Colangelo
Ms. Diana Cruz Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Coleman
Mr. Donald Collary
Mr. and Mrs. William Collins
Computer Point
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Concepcion
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conley
Mr. Wilder Conley
Mr. William Connell
Ms. Amber Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James Conners
Ms. Eileen Connolly
Mr. James Connolly
Mr. Michael Connolly
Ms. Cheryl Connor
Mr. Michael Conrad
Ms. Patricia Conrad
Mr. John F. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Consbruck
Mrs. Donald Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Cook
Ms. Judy Cook
Ms. Mary Ellen Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cooney
Ms. Tonya Coraci
Ms. Mary Ellen Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Corda
Ms. Eugenia Correa
Ms. Mary Pat Corrigan
Mr. Manuel Costa
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Costanza
Ms. Nancy Cotter
Ms. Keli Coughlin
Mr. Michael Coulson
Mr. Ken Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cox
Ms. Ellinore Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Creel
Ms. Kimberly S. Crenshaw
Representative Ander Crenshaw
Ms. Emily Creswell
Mr. Tye Crews
Ms. Rita Crews
Ms. Nancy Cronin
Crucifixion Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Csensich
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cubbage
Mr. Steve Culbreath
Mr. Phil Cundiff
Ms. Judith Cupp
Ms. Renee Curreri
Curves - Baymeadows
Curves - San Jose Place
Curves - State Road 13
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cusik
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cutright
Cypress Point Family Dentistry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Czaplicki
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D’Agostino
Daisy Troop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dajac
Ms. Andrea Dall
Ms. Cathy Damone
Msgr. Mortimer Danaher
Ms. Mary Danese
Mr. Frank D’Angelo
Ms. Judi Daniels
Mr. Judy Dantic
Mr. and Mrs. William D’Antignac
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darby
Mr. Steve Darby
Mr. Joseph D’Arienzo
Ms. Risa Datz
Ms. Virginia Daughtrey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles David
Mr. Francis Davidson
Ms. Celethia Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis
Ms. Terri Davis
Ms. Christy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day
Mr. Peter Day
Ms. Mary Day
Daytona Beach Resort and Club
Mr. and Mrs. Javier De La Uz
Mr. E Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deaux
Mr. and Mrs. David DeBerry
Mr. Nicholas Debs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeCandio
Ms. Sue Dekemper
Ms. Claudia Deleon-Ramos
Ms. Amelia DelPezzo
Ms. Laura Demaline
Mr. Jay Demetree
Mr. Edwin Dendor
Mr. and Mrs. James Denkler
Ms. Susan DePalma
Mr. Frank DeProspo
Ms. Maria DeRobertis
Dr. and Mrs. Don DeStephano
Ms. Connie Devaughn
DEX Imaging
Dr. and Mrs. William Dietrich
Mr. Joseph DiGeorgio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dillon
Ms. Brian DiLoreto
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Dilullo
Diocese of St. Augustine
Ms. Maryanne Dokler Helffrich
Ms. Carol D’Onofrio
Mrs. Celeste Donovan
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Donovan
Mr. Thomas Dorman
Ms. Mary Dorman
Mr. Jerry Draper
Ms. Virginia Drechsler
Ms. Judy Drumright
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dufek
Mr. Christopher Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dugan
Mr. Louis Dunbar
Mr. Ronnie Duncan
Mrs. Josephine Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dunnington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dvorak
Mr. Philip Dzikowski
E.F. Lea Electrical Contractor, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ebacher
Ms. Kelly Edenfield
Edna Sproull Williams Foundation
Ms. Vickie Edwards
Ms. Martha Edwards
Ms. Teresia Edwards
Ms. Teresia L. Edwards
Ms. Helen Edwards
Ms. Ann Edwards
Mr. Timothy Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eisele
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Eisold
Mr. Robert Eldridge
Mr. Michael Ellis
Ms. MaryLou Ello
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eltrich
Ms. Katie Embick
Emergency Services & Homeless Coalition
Mr. Robert Emery
Ms. Deanna Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Engel
Ms. Patricia Engel
Ms. Elizabeth Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. William Eshelman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans
Mr. Michael Evans
Facts Management Company
Mr. Duke Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Fagin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fallar
Mr. and Mrs. James Fallon
Mr. Tom Faltynski
Mr. Gregory Fanelli
Ms. Jennifer Farber
Mr. Nader Farhat
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farnsworth
Ms. Deborah Farwell
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Favors
Mr. Michael Federico
Captain and Mrs. Edmond Feeks
Mr. Andrew Feeney
Ms. Helen Ferrell
Fidelity Information Services
Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
Fidelity National Information Services
Fil-Am Council of NE Florida
Mr. and Mrs. John Finnegan
Ms. Leslie L. Fiorkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fisher
Captain and Mrs. John Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzmayer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming
Ms. Linda Fleming
Ms. Renee Flickinger
Mr. Jack Flood
Mr. and Mrs. John Flores
Ms. Leslie Florkowski
Ms. Karma Flotkoetter
Ms. Donna Fogle
Mr. and Mrs. George Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. William Fountain
Ms. Diane Fraser
Ms. Teresa L. Freeman
Ms. Theresa Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. David Freer
Ms. Margaret French
Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Frye
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Furlong
Ms. Suzanne Fuss
Mr. Jerry Gagarin
Ms. Susan Gallo
Mr. Shawn Gallup
Ms. Erika Garcia
Mr. Michael Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Garizio
Ms. Maureen Gartland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gartland
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gaskins
Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Gates
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gauthier
Mr. Larry Geinosky
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gettings
Ms. Lori Ann Ghirardi
Mr. Kevin Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson
Ms. Christina Gibson
Mr. Hal Gibson
Mr. Mark Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John Giehrl
Ms. Heidi Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gilligan
Mr. Antonio Gimenez
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ginder
Ms. Melissa Ginder
Mr. Robert Girardot
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Giurato
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gleaton
Ms. Leslie Godley
Mr. and Mrs. David Goldfield
Ms. Stacey Goldring
Ms. Bibiana Golfin-Greer
Mr. and Mrs. George Good
Ms. Margaret Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gore
Mr. Anthony J. Grado
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Graham
Mr. Manuel Granados
Mr. Robert Grano
Ms. Denise Grant
Mr. Hart Green
Mrs. Janet Greene
Mr. Roger Gref
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gregoire
Ms. Alexandra Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grippi
Mr. Paul Gruber
Ms. Judy Guerra
Mr. David Gueterman
Mr. Richard Guethle
Ms. Christina Guppenberger
Ms. Beverly Gurliaccio
Ms. Patricia Gutmanis
Ms. Anne Hable-Mabe
Haddad Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Haddock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haefner
Ms. Patti Hale
Mr. Paul Hale
Ms. Paulette Hamilton
Ms. Isabel Hamlin
Handy Clark Construction
Ms. Lana Hanna
Ms. Sue Hanson
Ms. Karen Happich
Hardage-Giddens Funeral Homes
Ms. Christina Harding
Mr. Keith Harding
Ms. Mary Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harr
Mr. Brian Harrington
Ms. Eva Harrison
Mr. Strother Hart
Ms. Mary Hart
Mr. Gary B. Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. John Hashtak
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hassell
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hautala
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hawkins
Mr. Donald Haws
Ms. Jean Hayes
Healthcare’s Cooperative Credit Union
Ms. Jocelyn Heaney
Mr. Joseph Heaney
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Heather
Ms. Darlene Heather
Ben & Nat Heekin
Mr. Robert A. Heekin
Ms. Joyce Hehn
Ms. Sue Heinzel
Ms. Cynthia Held
Ms. Maryanne Helffrich
Ms. Lisa Hellier
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helow
Mr. and Mrs. George Helow
Ms. Jennifer Hendry
Mr. Brad Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hepler
Heritage Bank
Mr. Michael Hernandez
Herndon’s Automotive Company
Ms. Barbara Herta
Ms. Lourdes Hervey
Mr. Scott Hervey
Mr. Kevin Hession
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hickey
Ms. Jennifer Hickman
Ms. Karen Higginbothan
Ms. Barbara Highsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Hill
Mr. George Himes
Ms. Sonia Himmelberg
Ms. Diana Hinschberger
Hispanic Bar Association of NE Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hoeft
Mr. Robert Hoffman
Mr. Joseph Hogan
Holland & Knight, LLP
Ms. Jacqueline Holmes
Ms. Deborah Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Holt
Holy Family by the Sea Military Chapel
Holy Family Catholic School
Holy Rosary Catholic School
Holy Spirit Catholic School
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Homan
Ms. Mary Honeyman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horner
Ms. Denise Horton
Mr. Jay Hotelling
Ms. Theresa Houghteling
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Houpart
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Houseman
Ms. Kellie Howard
Ms. Joan Hubal
Ms. Mary Huber
Mr. Henry Hughes
Ms. Mary Hull
Mr. Gerald Hulshult
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Humbert
Ms. Erica Humbert
Mr. Dwight Hunady
Mr. and Mrs. Shane Hunt
Ms. Patricia Hunt
Mr. Kyle Hunter
Mr. Alan Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Farida Husein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huskey
Ms. Deborah Hyndman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iantosca
Information & Computing Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Irazuzta
Dr. and Mrs. John Isaacs
Ms. Lynelle Jackson
Jacksonville Fraternal Order of Police
Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute
Mrs. Loraine Jacobs
Ms. Marsha Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jamele
Mr. Dennis James
James Knutzen & Assoc. C.P.A.’s
Ms. Stephanie Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jennings
Ms. Nicole Jennings
Ms. Lily Jernigan
Jess and Brewster J. Durkee Foundation
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Mr. Alfred Johnson
Mr. Michael Johnson
Ms. Deborah Johnson
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Tracy Johnson
Ms. Lisa Johnson
Ms. Carol Johnson
Mr. Charles Johnson
Ms. Julia Johnson
Ms. Stephanie Johnson-Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Athanase Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Jones
Ms. Denise Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William Joos
Mrs. H.H. Joost
Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Jose
Ms. Lori Kallaher
Mr. Stephen Kamau
Mr. Terence Kane
Ms. Michelle Karolak
Mr. and Mrs. John Kartsonis
Ms. Carman Kasper
Ms. Carmen Kasza
Dr. and Mrs. E.W. Katibah
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kauffman
Ms. Deborah Kaye
Ms. Mary Keane
Mr. Rodney Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keeley
Mrs. Helen Kehrt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keisling
Ms. Audrey Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly
Ms. Margaret Kelly
Ms. Linda Kelso
Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy
Mrs. James Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kenski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kerlin
Mr. Thomas Kern
Mr. and Mrs. David Kersch
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. William Kiernan
Ms. Teresa Kilbourn
Ms. Nancy Kilgo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Killackey
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Killian
Mr. Alan Kimball
Ms. Ella Kinberg
Ms. Carol Kines
Ms. Lauren Kirby
Mr. Walter D. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Klimas
Ms. Bethany Kline
Mr. Charles Knepton
Mr. Michael Knight
Mr. and Mrs. James Knutzen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koerner
Mr. Tim Kofman
Mr. Eugene Kohls
Mr. Joseph Kohten
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kolcun
Mr. Eugene Kolisnyk
Mr. John Kondor
Ms. Mary Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kovarik
Mr. Robert Kowkabany
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Krause
Ms. Eleanor Kuhlken
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kuhn
Mr. John Kwiatek
Ms. Nadine Kwiatek
Mr. Frederick La Plante
Ladies Guild Council of Catholic
Women-St. Paul’s
Ms. Janet LaFrance
Ms. Karen Laing
Mr. John Lamb
Mrs. Claretta Lamusga
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langton
Langton Associates, Inc.
Ms. Laura Lanier
Ms. Cindy Laquidara
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Larmoyeux
Ms. Felicia Larson
Mr. John Larson
Ms. Patricia Lasarle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lauder
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lea
Ms. Jean Leapley
Mr. and Mrs. John Learing
Mr. Andy Lee
Ms. Alice Lee
Lee Hecht Harrison
Mr. Paul Legge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lekas
Ms. Katherine LeMaster
Ms. Harriet LeMaster
Ms. Dorothy Lemond
Lender Processing Services
Ms. Ann Lepley
Ms. Mary Lesperance
Ms. Barbara Lesso
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Lestage
Ms. Laura Leuthold
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leverock
Ms. Sandra Leverock
Mr. Steven Lewis
Ms. Mary Ley
Ms. Jessica Libbey
Mallen Lichtenstein
Mr. Christophe Lillis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lim
Ms. Adelia Lim
Lincoln Financial Group
Ms. Dorothy Linn
Mr. James Linzay
Mr. Randall Little
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Loftis
Ms. Dana Logan
Mr. Daniel P. Lohghi
Mr. Gregory Lomax
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lombardo
Ms. Graciella Long
Ms. Patricia Longo
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Loper
Ms. Carmen Lopez
Ms. Melanie Love
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love
Ms. Estela Lucas
Ms. Melissa Lucero
Dr. and Mrs. John Luciano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lufrano
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Luman
Ms. Frances Luna
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Lunsford
Mr. and Mrs. John Lupo
Mr. Tom Luyster
Mrs. Helen Lyons
Mr. Buddy Macarages
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Machado
Ms. Joanne Mackey
Mr. James Mackowski
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLean
Ms. Sandra Madigan
Ms. Collen Maffett
Mr. and Mrs. Anatole Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maige
Ms. Catherine Maldonado
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mall
Ms. Juliana Mallari
Mr. Jonathan Malmind
Mr. Joseph Malzacher
Ms. Margaret Manahan
Ms. Mary Mancosh
Mandarin Christian School
Ms. Sheryll Mangahas
Ms. Linda Mankin
Ms. Rosemary Mann
Mr. Emiliano Maramba
Ms. Maria Maramba
Margaret & George Helow
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Markowski
Mr. and Mrs. James Maroldo
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Marr
Mr. C.R. Marrow
Mr. Wesley Marsh
Marshall, Dennehey, Warner,
Coleman& Goggin
Ms. Donna Marti
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin
Mr. Ronald Martin
Mr. Ralph Martinez
Ms. Cecelia Mason
Ms. Carita Mathews
Mrs. Karen Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Matthews
Ms. Renee Maxey
Ms. Susan May
Mr. and Mrs. Howard May
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McAdams
Mr. Joseph McAleer
Mr. James McCain
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy
Mr. Matthew McClure
Mr. Leonard McCook
Mr. John McCormack
Dr. and Mrs. William McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCoy
Ms. Wendy McDonald
Ms. Nancy McDonald
Ms. Jessica McDonald-Jazrawi
Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGauley
Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGough
Mr. John McGraw
Mr. Danny Ralph Mcintyre
Ms. Annie M. McKague
Ms. Kathleen McKenzie
Mr. John McKeown
Dr. James McLamb
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McLamb
Ms. Amanda McLaughlin
Ms. Cindy McLendon
Ms. Lois McNally
Mr. Michael McNally
Mr. William McNamee
Ms. Jean McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McTighe
Ms. Doris Meade
Mr. and Mrs. G. Medley
Mr. James Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. William Meide
Mr. Adam Meinrod
Mr. Armand Mejia
Ms. Deborah Menard
Ms. Nelly Mendez
Merrill Family Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. David Meyer
Ms. Michele Meyers
Mrs. Robert Mickler
Mr. Lester Mickler
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Milay
Ms. Booke Miller
Mr. Bryan Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mills
Mr. Michael Milonas
Ms. Carol Mirando
Mr. David Mixson
Mr. Timothy Mjoen
Ms. Deborah M. Mobbs
Mrs. Mary Jane Mochowski
Mr. and Mrs. James Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. H. William Montoya
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Moore
Mr. Ricardo Morales
Ms. Jacquelyn Morea
Ms. Joanne Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Morgen
Ms. Amy Moring
Morning Star School
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morreale
Ms. Sharon Morris
Mr. John Morris
Ms. Laura Morris
Mr. Patrick Morrissey
Dr. and Mrs. Wellington Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Motter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mouhalis
Mr. Brett Moyers
Mr. Edward Mruz
Mrs. Rina Muammar
Mr. Michael J. Mueller
Ms. Mary Sue Mulhern
Ms. Margaret Mullaney
Ms. Elizabeth Mullen
Mr. Christopher Mumm
Ms. Jessica Munoz
Ms. Nancy Munro
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy
Ms. Tammy Murwin
Ms. Connie Mussells-Jerozal
Mutual of America
Mr. Joseph Nackashi
Mr. Mark Nagelschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Najem
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nameth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Napoli
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nasrallah
Mr. John Naugle
Mr. Fredrick A. Naylor
Ms. Miralee Negron
Ms. Cynthia Nehrbass
Ms. Deborah Nemeth
Ms. Lisa Nevin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newsom
Ms. Christina Nichols
Mr. William Nickerson
Ms. Janice Nicolosi
Mr. Kyle Nisbett
Mr. Ron Nogas
Ms. Jenny Nordeen
Ms. Carmen Nye
Ms. Rachel Obal
Mr. John O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Obringer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ochoa
Ms. Cheryl O’Connor
Ms. Joanne Odom
Mr. Kevin O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Oetjen
Mr. and Mrs. David Olender
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Olinto
Mr. Damon Olinto
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Olsen
Ms. Marie Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neill
Mr. Len O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orner
Mr. Miguel Ortiz-Vega
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Osiecki
Mr. and Mrs. P.B. Ossi
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Oswald
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. George Owen
Ms. Ruth Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owens
Ms. Leighton Palamore
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Palmer
Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc.
Mr. Antonio Paradis
Ms. Sharon Parker
Mr. Ryan Parliment
Ms. Therese Parsons
Ms. Elena Pasicolan
Ms. Nisha Patel
Ms. Brenda Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. James Pearce
Ms. Ann Pease
Mr. and Mrs. John Peed
Ms. Karen Pennington
Ms. Kiki Perreault
Ms. Amy Peterman
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Peters
Ms. Dawn Peters
Ms. Virginia Peters
Mr. Jesse Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peterson
Ms. Maria Petrotta
Mrs. Joanne Petry
Ms. Susan Pevy
Mr. and Mrs. John Pezzuti
Mr. Don Phillips
Ms. Joy Pichardo
Ms. Maureen Pickering
Ms. Anne Pigney
Ms. Consuelo Pilot
Mr. Domingo Pinate
Mr. Joseph Pinnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Pinson
Mr. and Mrs. David Pipkin
Ms. Dora Pistro
Ms. Rebecca Pitts
Mr. David Pizzi
Ms. Lois Placke
CMSgt and Mrs Pletcher
Ponte Vedra Branch Friends of the Library
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Porkert
Mr. Michael Ports
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Powers
Mr. and Mrs. George Prieto
Ms. Patricia Prince
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Mr. Charles T. Prince, Jr.
Prosperity Bank
Mr. Joel Provenza
PSS World Medical-RDC South
Publix - Harbour Place Shopping Center
Publix Super Markets Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Puleo
Ms. Julie Pulmano
Mr. Raymond Pumarejo
Dr. and Mrs. John Purcell
Mr. Joey Puthusseril
Ms. Lisa Puttick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pye
Ms. Theresa Pye
Ms. Jennifer Pyle
Ms. Mary Pyle
Ms. Leslie Quaritius
Queen of Angels Circle-RCCW
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. Alejandro Radi
Mr. Victor Radlinski
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Raines
Mr. William Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey
Ms. Laura Rappaport
Mr. Marc Rasor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray
Mr. Bob Raymond
Ms. Carol Ann Raymond
Ms. Nancy Rebenack
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Reda
Carol Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Regan
Regions Bank
Mr. Le Rehrig
Mr. Thomas J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reimer
Mrs. Marie Reiter
Mr. Paul Repper
Resurrection Catholic Church
Resurrection Catholic School
Mr. Mica Rettini
Ms. Genielyn A. Reyes
Ms. Cynthia Rhoads
Mr. Robert Rhoden
Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Rice
Ms. Lisa Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards
Mr. and Mrs. John Richter
Ms. Nicole Richter
Mr. Thomas Richter
Ms. Deborah N. Ricketson
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Riechmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Riedl
Mr. Terrence Riggs
Mr. Jeffery J. Riggs
Ms. Beth Riggsbee
Ms. Margaret Riley
Mr. Paul Rios
Mr. and Mrs. John Risler
Ms. Caroline Ritchie
Riverside Presbyterian Day School
Ms. Lori Robert
Mr. Gerald Robichaud
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. George Rodriguez
Ms. Judith Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rogero
Ms. Carole Rogers
Ms. Joan Rogers
Mr. James Root
Cdr and Mrs. Douglas Rosemark
Ms. Sandra Rowzee
Ms. Cathy Rozansky
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Ruedas
Dr. and Mrs. F. Edwards Rushton
Mr. and Mrs. William Rutkowski
Mr. Stephen Rutkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruzanka
Ms. Dwane C. Ruzicka
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan
Ms. Rhoda Ryan
Ms. Shannon Ryan
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fleming Island
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Jacksonville
Ms. Melissa Saigh
Mr. Barry Sales
Mr. Alfredo V. Salvador
Mr. Edgardo San Agustin
San Jose Catholic Church
San Jose Catholic School
San Juan del Rio Catholic Church
San Juan del Rio Catholic School
San Marco Garden Circle
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Sanchez
Mr. Jose Sanchez
Mr. Steve Sandefer
Ms. Ashley Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Santilli
Ms. Jennille Sapin
Ms. Kathy Sapitan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sasser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saunders
Ms. Marie Sauve
Ms. Rhonda Sawhill
Ms. Karen Sayre
Mr. Daniel Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaefer
Ms. Genevieve Schley
Mr. Richard Schlinkmann
Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidt
Drs. George & Mary Schmieder
Mr. Herbert Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schultz
Mr. George Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schumacher
Dr. and Mrs. John Scott
Mr. Christopher Scuderi
Mr. Jerome Seefried
Ms. Tatyana Segalina
Mr. Robert Seifert
Mr. and Mrs. James Selzer
Mr. Stephen Sepe
Mr. and Mrs. David Serrano
Ms. Joyce Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Shami
Ms. Sally Sharkey
Ms. Kristen Sharp
Ms. Regina Shepler
Mr. Ray Sheppard
Mr. Ian Sherrell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shewbrooks
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shober
Mr. Peter J. Shudtz
Ms. Tracy Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sibert
Ms. Margaret Sidman
Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Sievert
Mr. William Sievert
Ms. Denise Sikes
Mr. Richard Silva
Mr. and Mrs. James Simak
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simone
Mr. Paul Simony
Ms. Brena Singleton
Ms. Rhonda L. Sirk
Ms. Marie Sitchon
Ms. Dolores Sittig
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skiles
Mr. James Skulsky
Ms. Leticia Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Slifer
Ms. Shamara Sloan
Ms. Noela Smart
SMG Jacksonville
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Smith
Ms. Chrissy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Smith
Mr. Clay Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith
Ms. Pamela K. Smith
Ms. Nickcole Smith
Ms. Joan S. Smithey
Bishop John Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Walter M. Soha
Mr. Paul Soriano
Ms. Michelle Spires
Ms. Kathy Splinter
Ms. Tara Spruill
Ms. Jaye Spurling
St. Augustine Diocesan Council
of Catholic Women
St. Catherine Catholic Church
St. Edward Chapel
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic School
St. Matthew Catholic School
St. Matthews Catholic Church
St. Patrick Catholic Church
St. Patrick Catholic School
St. Paul Catholic Church
St. Paul Catholic School
St. Philip Ecumenical Church
St. Pius V Catholic Church
St. Vincent’s HealthCare
Mr. Thomas Stadelmaier
Stanton College Preparatory School
Stapp & Martin
Ms. Sharon Stefanski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Steineck
Mr. and Mrs. David Steinmeyer
Stellar Foundation
Mr. Peter Stephens
Mr. Charles Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson
Ms. Susanne Sterdel
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Sternberg
Ms. Tina Stewart
Mr. Kenneth Stoffa
Ms. Kelli Stokes
Mr. John Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sullivan
Mr. Keith Sullivan
Ms. Susan Sulzbacher
Mrs. Anne Sulzbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sumerford
Sun Tire Services, Inc
Sun Trust Bank, North Florida, N.A.
Mr. Rafael V. Sur
Synovus Bank of Jacksonville
Ms. Marianne Sypniewski
T & E Moving & Delivery
Ms. Pamela Taliercio
Mr. Raye Tanner
Mr. William T. Tarleton
Mr. Kevin Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Tattersall
Mr. Robert Taugher
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor
Ms. Makenzie Taylor
Ms. Justina Taylor
Ms. Ann Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor
Ms. Denice M. Taylor
Ms. Elizabeth Tenorio
Mr. Joseph Tepas
Mr. Kevin Terranella
The Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Inc.
The City of Jacksonville,
Housing & Neighborhoods
The Community Foundation in Jacksonville
The Community Nutcracker, Inc
The Cummer Musemum
The Donna Foundation
The Goddard School
The Haskell Company
The Hope Fund
The I. J. Van Huffel Foundation
The Jack and Betty Demetree Family
The Jacksonville Medical Club, Inc
The Lucy Gooding Charitable
Foundation Trust
The Players
The Shircliff Group
Mr. James Theiss
Ms. Flo Thibault
Mr. John Thielen
Mrs. Donna Thoele
Ms. Marisa Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Thornton
Ms. Mary Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Thurson
Mr. and Mrs. William Tierney
Timucuan Elementary School
Mr. Michael Todd
Tom Thumb Food Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tompkins
Mr. Arthur Tonkinson
Mr. and Mrs. David Toppi
Ms. Sarah Toppi
Ms. Eneida Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Torres
Ms. Shannon Trevor Timmons
Mr. Henry Triana
Mr. Charles Trippe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trotter
Ms. Frances Tucker
Ms. Luanne Tuenge
Mr. Raymond Tull
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner
Mr. Tim Turner
Ms. Anne Turner
Ms. Blanche Turner
Ms. Joy Turner
Ms. Mary Turnes
Mr. and Mrs. Sal Turso
Ms. Margaret Twomey
Mr. John Tyler
Ms. Dana Tyree
Mr. Barrett Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ubl
Mr. Stephen Ulbricht
University of Florida Self Insurance
Antoinette and Allie Upkins
Mr. Rudolf Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Utz
Dr. Theresa Valdes
Ms. Rebecca Van DeWater
Ms. Kathleen Van Sise
Ms. Mary Vancore
Mr. George Vancore
Mr. Mark Varljen
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Vaz
Mr. and Mrs. Art Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. John Viggiani
Ms. Filipina Villabroza
Ms. Lynn Villotti
Mr. and Mrs. James Vining
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard von Herrmann
Captain and Mrs. Philip Voss
Ms. Lori Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Walker
Ms. Joyce Walker
Ms. Nancy Walker
Mr. John Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walter
Ms. Jill Wannemacher
Mr. Kenneth Waski
Mr. Edwin Waters
Ms. Marjorie Webb
Ms. Anne Webster
Ms. Penney Weeks
Ms. Cindy Weinberg
Mr. Neal Weisberg
Wells Fargo
Mr. Thomas Wern
Ms. Virginia West
Ms. Shanda Westmoreland
Ms. Connie Wettstein
Mr. Neil Wheeler
Mr. Joseph Whitaker
Ms. Melissa White
Mr. Edward White
Ms. Victoria Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wild
Ms. Nancy Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilfong
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkey
Kim and Toni Williams
Ms. Jackie Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Ms. Marilyn Williams
Mr. Charles Willmott
Ms. Kim Wilmoth
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson
Ms. Mary-Grace Wilson
Ms. Mary Wilson
Ms. Kathleen Wilt
Ms. Arlene Windisch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wolf
Ms. Betty Wolfinger
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worthington
Ms. Patti Wright
Ms. Lorraine Yanovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Yates
Mr. Paul Yeager
Ms. Mary Yoder
Ms. Deanna Young
Mrs. Conn Young
Ms. Tania Yount
Mrs. Julie Zammit
Mr. Gregory Zamora
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Zarzoso
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zeaiter
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Zeller
Ms. Corryn Zimmerman
Ms. Roberta Zukauskas
Mr. John Zurmick
Ms. Michelle Zwatschka
a n n u a l r e p o rt 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
All contents copyright 2011
The Most Rev. Felipe J. Estévez
William C. Beitz
Diocesan Director
Published by Catholic Charities
The Diocese of St. Augustine
134 E. Church St., Suite 2
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