Instituto Anglo Britanico Middle Years Program Design Cycle report
Instituto Anglo Britanico Middle Years Program Design Cycle report
Instituto Anglo Britanico Middle Years Program Design Cycle report Protecting my memories Teacher: Aida Hernandez Subject: Design Due date: December 2015 Student name: Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID TABLE OF CONTENT Contenido TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Criteria A ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Explain & justify need ................................................................................................................................... 5 Criteria A ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Inquiring and Analyzing................................................................................................................................. 7 Identify and prioritize the research .............................................................................................................. 7 HOW TO USE MOVIEMAKER ......................................................................................................................... 8 Criteria B: .................................................................................................................................................... 14 Developing Planning, Drawings/Diagrams .................................................................................................. 14 Present & Justify ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Final Chosen Idea ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Criteria C: .................................................................................................................................................... 19 Developing Design Skills.............................................................................................................................. 19 Criteria C: .................................................................................................................................................... 27 Justify changes made to the design ............................................................................................................ 27 Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 Design testing method ................................................................................................................................ 30 Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 Evaluate the success of the solution........................................................................................................... 31 Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Explain how the solution could be improve ............................................................................................... 33 BIBLIOGRAPHYS ............................................................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. 2 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID TABLE OF FIGURES image 1 this image is showing how do you like by using social media. ........................... 5 image 2 this image shows the victim of the negative aspects of social media: Amanda Todd. ............................................................................................................................... 5 image 3 Social Media around the world .......................................................................... 8 image 4 it shows how many people are activated by each social network ...................... 8 image 5 here shows the order you can organize your movie, with the images, text, etc. ...................................................................................................................................... 10 image 6 Shows a classroom were Miss Puff is giving indications ................................. 19 image 7 shows that Miss Puff is telling to them that they have homework to do. .......... 19 image 8 Is showing that Bob is don’t understanding the process. ................................. 20 image 9 the teacher is explaining to them of what is about. .......................................... 20 image 10 But now Miss Puff is answering the questions that Bob had.......................... 20 image 11 Miss Puff clearly answer his questions. ......................................................... 20 image 12 Miss Puff said to the students that they can go. ............................................ 20 image 13 Sponge Bob went to his house and say hi to his mom. ................................. 21 image 14 He explains everything. ................................................................................. 21 image 15 she is asking to him how was school. ............................................................ 21 image 16 but he don't know the way to do it in a different dynamic. .............................. 21 image 17 his mom tells to him a story. .......................................................................... 21 Image 18 this screenshot shows the conclusion of all the ideas that we made, think, and create. ........................................................................................................................... 26 3 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID INQUIRYING & ANALYZING 4 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria A Explain & justify need Hi, my name is Argelia Cazares, I’m a student from the Instituto Anglo Britanico, in my design class we watched some videos that they represent about how technology is related with teenagers and one video that we watch was a case that happen with a girl that called Amanda Todd and that she received a lot of cyberbullying and she knew that she’s only remedy was to suicide and that’s what she do. We saw other videos that were related with Facebook or other social networks and the theme was that stranger people send friend request to other persons and those persons accepted even is a bad person but they don’t know. And now they profile is not safe. (Gonzalez, 2011) Another comment about I write above is that when you start chatting with a stranger person you start telling your secrets or another things and start publish them and they can start bullying you. The main problem in this case is that teenagers don’t use correctly the internet or that they don’t measure the consequences. The problem are not just for teenagers also to the parents or the family because they can be involved like not preventing about the consequences. I see some TV programs were bullying is involved and the parents let them kids to do bullying I really don’t know why but that can happen. (DIS2105, 2015) (the School of International Development, 2015) This problem is occurring in the school between the students, the classmates, their friends, and also is happening between the family, parents, brothers, etc. The effect with this problem is that cause many suicides, abandonment from the parents or friends, less self-esteem, no social life, depression, etc. We can prevent it by be respectful with others, be patients, understand others that have problems and help. image 2 this image shows the victim of the negative aspects of social media: Amanda Todd. image 1 this image is showing how do you like by using social media. 5 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Do you think technology is good or bad? Do you think our lives would be better without technology? Do you know someone that receive cyberbullying? What do you think is the cause of what is this happening? By their differences/ different religion/ differences of what they like or prefer. 5. What do you think is the main effect of this problem? Divorced parents/ less self-esteem/ abandonment. Questions Yes/a) b) c) Question num. 1 Yes (5) Question num. 2 No (5) Question num. 3 No No (5) Question num. 4 a) (4) b) (1) Question num. 5 b)(2) a) (3) How many social media accounts you have? Do you know all your followers? What kind of information do you share/post? Have you blocked your parents on your social networking profile? Have you helped a bullied person? 6 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria A Inquiring and Analyzing Identify and prioritize the research Do you know what social networks are? Social networks are as a community with users from all countries and places in the world where you can get to know things in common among you. It serves to communicate with distant relatives, friends or even strangers. Many of them depend on share photos, videos of different things, perhaps of information or tourist attractions, entertainment, and other aspects. Or rather almost all tend to create a profile in which you are able to send requests and / or talking to people in different countries who want to meet. Social networks are a very good means of communication; clearly it has disadvantages but what about the good? a part of keeping a family together different places, meet people from other cultures, with different aspects, religions, tastes, etc. But have you thought about whether aid in education? Yeah, you think only distracting, but have tools that help us reach and are very useful. There are different social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Google, WhatsApp, ask, etc. These things are created for many purposes, but the biggest is to communicate that with all you accomplish that goal. for example, YouTube was created to be released new knowledge of the world through videos. Another twitter find new friends, needs information of interest, but also communicate via short messages. Among other with these different content we can realize that all have achieved one of many goals, to communicate. These tools can be used in education as I had already mentioned, but also to generate new knowledge of other subjects watching, videos, photos, images, written information, explained, diagrams, etc. They can participate in different activities, dynamics, among others. They can also help locate places, find important information about that place, an example when you decide to go on vacation to somewhere around the world who know neither the language, culture, traditions, each, well something very useful that the people used to understand and know it is through these networks, they can tell you what you need or even more... (Maron, 2015) (Comunicaciones, 2015) 7 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID image 3 Social Media around the world image 4 it shows how many people are activated by each social network HOW TO USE MOVIEMAKER Hi my name is Argelia Cazares, I’m in the Instituto Anglo Britanico. In my design class, we start using movie maker but first I have to know how to use it so in this document I’m going to explain to you how to work on movie maker. Before that, the teacher explain how to insert photos and videos, but in this case just photos. Then she tell us how to put a title and the topic was ¨Artificial Intelligence¨. Then we can change the background color, the type of letter, etc. after that she tell us how to insert a text in the photo. Then we insert credits, there are different types of credits and we use just two, then she teach us to change the time of the image. Now I’m going to explain to you using images, etc. 1. First, open Movie Maker 2. Then up in the section home you have another option called title. Click there: 8 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID 3. Then you would have a text box, there you put the title that you want, and you can change the background, the font size, the color, etc. 4. Also if you think the title take so much time you can change the duration and the time. And you can add also effects. 5. Then you have the option: Add Photos and Videos¨ click on that option. 6. After that, choose the pictures or videos, that you save and then open it to that document and order it at the way you want. 9 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID image 5 here shows the order you can organize your movie, with the images, text, etc. 7. When you insert the photo or video you can make a lot of things with that you can change the effects like, thermal vision, change the time, put animation, etc. 8. When you have already change or add those effects, you can add like a text box in the photograph, but you have to click on the option home. 9. And then click on the option caption, and there you would have the text box and you can write a description or an explanation of what does the picture is showing. Then you can change the duration and the time of the text box, also the font size, color. 10 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID 10. Then if you want you can add music there you just click on the option add music in the section home and it would display you some options of where you want to get the music and you choose the option you prefer. 11. Then at the end you put credits, click on menu and click on credits and it would display you some options, for example: directed by, made in, etc. 12. For example if you click in the first option you would write on the text box and you can add effects or change font size and all those things that I mention before. 11 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID 13. And finally you have your movie finish! 12 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID DEVELOPING IDEAS 13 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria B: Developing Planning, Drawings/Diagrams This script is about our summative 2 to do a presentation on PowerPoint or movie maker where we present the positive and negative aspects of social media/webs. This script is about that Miss Puff give a homework to their students, and Sponge Bob have many dudes so he asked to his mom and he finally make and solve a lot of questions that he had. Scene One: In this first scene Miss Puff will give them homework where they need to search ways to communicate and a lot of information to share. Miss Puff: Good morning guys! Today I have good news to you! Students: What is?! Miss Puff: Yeah, is homework, but it would be fun. Students: … Miss Puff: You will choose a country any of them. You have to search, investigate, describe, explain, etc. about it, but the dynamic would be different. Sponge Bob: So teacher what would be the difference? Miss Puff: well, that what we are going to talk about in this class, let’s start, each of you will choose a country and would need to have everything that I just said. But the difference is that you need to talk with one person from that country, do you know how? Students: WE ARE GOING TO KNOW FROM STRANGERS? Miss Puff: well no, yeah maybe you will not know with who are you talking with but there is a way where you can communicate without any risk. (RIIING! RIIING! RIIING! RIIING!) Miss Puff: Guys that’s was the bell ringing, you can go. Scene Two: Now we are on Sponge Bob house questioning his mom about the different ways to communicate and that there are many but one of them is the most used. 14 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Sponge Bob: Hi mom Mom: Hi Joe, how was school? Good? Sponge Bob: Yeah, but the teacher let us a homework Mom: of what? Sponge Bob: well, is about to choose a country any of them, and we need to explain, describe, etc. different thing from that country, but the dynamic is different as what we always do, we have to also investigate a way to communicate with other from that country, but I don’t know how. Mom: well, there are many ways to communicate but there is one that is very useful and that a lot of people manage. Sponge Bob: and what is it? Mom: well social media is one of many there you can search for people from the country you want. Sponge Bob: tell me more… Mom: Is the first way to communicate, one social media so popular is called Facebook there many but is the best. It is use it by uploading photos, videos, they post things, essays, that can help you, because if you search for example in YouTube that is another social media you can search the name of your choose place and see its nature places, traditions, costumes, between others. Sponge Bob: well I would tell my teacher, so what she think about it. Scene Three: Now again in school, Sponge Bob go with his teacher and give all what he investigate about this media. Sponge Bob: teacher, yesterday I told to my mom about our homework, and she said that one way to communicate is the social media and one of them is Facebook, is what I remember. Miss Puff: yes that is one, good job Joe. Now try to help your classmates about investigating different social media. Sponge Bob: okay. Three Weeks Later… 15 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Sponge Bob: I will choose, London. Finally: He open Facebook and start searching for someone on London He sends a request to a student from the other place and start talking with him, asking questions about the most popular places, flora and fauna, traditions, etc. And the next day of school he explain about the social networks, about how does he found that way of communicate, and doing that what he investigate from other people with different cultures. 16 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Present & Justify Final Chosen Idea Hi my name is Argelia Cazares and in my design class we are working in the summative 2 that is to make a movie in Movie Maker or make a presentation in PowerPoint about the positive and negative aspects of social networks in our daily life. The duration of the movie or presentation is about 1:30 – 2:00 minutes it can be maximum 3 minutes. The video or the presentation need to have our voice recording, images, animation, transitions, etc. it has to have text like the dialogue that the character said, the actions, etc. My partner is Ximena Pesina, her idea is to make a PowerPoint presentation were is presented negative aspects about the social media on daily life. Her script is about a girl that is in school and the teacher let them some homework about to bring the negative things from social media in teenagers, she asked to her mom about her homework because she don’t understand so well, then her mom tell and explain to her about the negative aspects from the social media, and also her mom explain about some cases that happen with that. Her mom also said that the most common effect that causes the social media is the cyberbullying and the consequences are the suicides. My proposal is to make also a PowerPoint presentation but I would represent the positive aspects from the social networks on daily life in teenager. My script is about a teacher that also let them homework to choose a country and find the characteristics, traditions, its culture etc. but the dynamic would be different co the boy has to investigate about a way of communicate with others from different countries and why is important? If it is good or bad? He had to investigate about asked her mom about technology, social media, the positive things, and then he talk with his teacher about what he find. After, a discussion of choosing an idea my partner Ximena and I decide finally what we are going to do. Our decision is clear, we decide to join our ideas because is more or less or it connects a lot our scripts it has the same characteristics, like the school, homework just the only difference are the positive and negative aspects. So our movie/presentation would take maximum 1:30 minutes were we are going to present both things with images, narrations, text, transitions, animations, etc. 17 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID 18 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria C: Developing Design Skills On this criteria I´m showing you our presentation, we made 52 slides. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 image 6 Shows a classroom were Miss Puff image 7 shows that Miss Puff is telling to them is giving indications that they have homework to do. 19 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #7 #8 image 9 the teacher is explaining to them of what is about. image 8 Is showing that Bob is don’t understanding the process. #9 #10 image 10 But now Miss Puff is answering the questions that Bob had. #11 #12 image 11 Miss Puff clearly answer his questions. #13 #14 20 image 12 Miss Puff said to the students that they can go. Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #15 #16 image 13 Sponge Bob went to his house and say hi to his mom. #17 #18 image 15 she is asking to him how was image 14 He explains everything. school. #19 #20 image 16 but he don't know the way to do it in a different dynamic. #21 #22 21 image 17 his mom tells to him a story. Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #23 #24 Bob said okay. #25 #26 Explains everything that his mom said to miss Puff. The teacher explain about it. #27 #28 #29 22 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #30 #31 This screenshot tells the cover of the bad things. #32 #33 Send another homework to the students about the negative things #34 #35 #36 23 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #37 #38 #39 #40 Tells to her mom to give him an example that he can use to his homework. #41 #42 But he don’t know one but his mom tells to him a situation of Amanda todd. #43 24 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #44 #45 He don’t understand so she explain all the story. #46 #47 He understand so he want to tell to the teacher to make a conference so the students can know the consequences of the social media. #48 #49 #50 Bob went with miss Puff and she was in agreement so she will talk to one specialists to talk. 25 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID #51 #52 Image 18 this screenshot shows the conclusion of all the ideas that we made, think, and create. 26 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria C: Justify changes made to the design In this criteria we are going to explain what changes do we made to the design, what we created or decided and what we change at the end for example how to make the video, the script because we have both scripts my partner and I were change so many ideas first we want to do just one thing negative aspects from the social networks but we think that it would more interesting making both. Because is better to have our opinion from each point so we do it like that. The teacher gave a special time that the video need to have that was about 1:30 – 2:00 we think that doing both presentation it would not take us a lot of time but it does. However we made so creatively, we put our voices, animation, narration, text, between other things and finally we saw the final presentation and we calculate and it was of 5 min and we said that it was not a lot of time then we made other things that it need to have and when I save it to CD on Movie Maker I saw the time that it takes and it increased to 7 minutes we were so surprise but we think that is great because we put both presentations together and we think and discuss that it was because of that. We think in so many ideas and we change the way we realize, the way we will show to you, between other things, we make a PowerPoint presentation showing the positive and negative things of the social networks, and before creating this video, or movie we make changes and that is what I´m going to explain in this part. There many changes to explain and we decided to do many things. The teacher gave us some options to do our movie, like a PowerPoint presentation, Movie Maker or also we can record ourselves demonstrating the topic. Before of designing our ideas of what we are going to do, we decided to record ourselves what I mean is that to be there in the video but we think that is going to be more hard work because would be some problems to get together some days because sometimes my partner or I, can’t get join to do the work so it’s going to be more complicated and with the PowerPoint we do it in one day and is no that necessary to get together but we do it for the voices, etc. While we were designing our ideas to represent the negative and positive aspects, I decided to represent each presentation with some cartoons, so the presentation could be more interesting for the audience, in my presentation (positive aspects) I use the cartoon of Sponge Bob, and my partner Ximena Pesina in her presentation (negative aspects) she use the cartoon Timmy Turner. But we think that it doesn’t have so much sense do a different cartoon because our ideas, our scripts were no that much different so we decided to use the cartoon Sponge Bob, to make it funny and also that it entertain the audience. 27 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID When we finish the complete presentation, we have to put in on Movie Maker, because the thing of this summative was to make it on Movie maker or save it as a movie so, the teacher gave us some options, or tips to move the PowerPoint presentation to Movie maker, but we can’t, so we decided that one of us record the video with her phone and then pass the video to our computer and put it on Move Maker and put the conclusion and credits, and title. We also pass it like that because no one of us has to record voice in movie maker so we have to do it like that, but we record our voices in PowerPoint and then we record the video of the presentation and then put it on movie maker and edit the parts that we miss and then we save it as movie and on CD. 28 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID 29 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria D Design testing method In this criteria I will sow you some opinions of my classmates or familiars because we show them our presentation of the negative and positive aspects of social media in teenagers, more than a half of our audience think or have the same opinion of our video but the main things that our audience like of our video is that we send a message to the audience of why is good or bad the social media for teenagers another thing was the animations, the cartoons that we use, transitions, expressions between other different things. Personal Opinions: Marcela Loyo: I like the video of Argelia and Ximena is because, it tells the ways teens use the social media, the video shows a positive example and also a negative example, and they help us notice how teens give different use of the social media. Another think that I like about the video is that they use different types of animation and I like that because it grab my attention. Argelia’s mom: I like your video not only because it shows the good and bad impact of the social networks but they demonstrated the way that teenagers use ot more in the school because it’s a tool that the student use for do investigations and know more about the life. Ximena’s mom: I like a lot your video because, it was very interesting, creative and so entertaiment because shows the positive and negative impact of the social networks like the two points of view that the persons use. And also shows that the social networks are not good but neither bad is the way that the persons use them. I also like their video because it was very attrative they use a lot of colors and a cartoon that is funny so the video can be funny and not only information about the social Medias. Ximena’s dad: I like the video of my daughter because it have examples of the advantages and disadvantages of the social media and it can help the teengaers how to use the social media in a correct way. It also have enough information about the two points of view that the persons have of the social media but the social medias are not bad it also depends on how the persons use it. They use a lot of types onf animation, colors and it was very attractive, the dialogues were good and the structure was organized. 30 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria D Evaluate the success of the solution By finally finishing our video we have to now do the final part of this criteria D. This criteria D has 4 objectives the first one design testing method is for example to create or design some questions or something to make the other people give its opinion. The second one evaluates the success of the solution that means when people see your work and now it gives its opinion. Then the third step tells how the solution could be improve, there you hear the opinion of what you have to edit or add counting the questions that you ask and the last one explain the impact you have to give comments to improve the work, etc. My partner and I, we made some questions so the audience can answer by watching our video: o o o o What do you think about our video? What do you think we need to improve, add or remove? Do you like it? Personal opinion We made some interviews to our classmates and familiars as I mentioned above they gave us our comments of how can improve the things they like about it, But the most important opinions that we count were of our classmates because finally in our design class we create some questions so our classmates can answer them. We ask them suggestions, comments, etc. the classmates that we decide to interview were 8 persons: Marcela Loyo, Marcela Zuñiga, Encarnacion Gonzalez, Edgar Quintero, Jaqueline Meza, Brenda Rodriguez, Luisa Tijerina and finally Jose Antonio. These are the questions that we ask: o o o o Do you understand the message of the video? Is there something you don’t like about the video? What? The effects made the video more interesting? Do you have any questions or suggestion you want to add? What? After we finally show to our classmates our video and we ask them the questions we now finally have the answers all of them were positive and they said that it was good and they answer the first question the first question was ¨Did you understand the message?¨ the majority of our classmates that answer this were positive you can see it in the following chart: Question #1 10 5 0 31 Question #1 Yes No Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID The second question that we made was: ¨Is there something you didn’t like about the video? What?¨ Here in this question just three from eight give the opinion about our video of what they like or what they don’t here is Marcela´s Loyo opinion: Everything was perfect but it should last less time. Jacqueline´s Meza: That they stop using the same images from both days. Marcela´s Zuñiga: said that it was a good video but the paragraphs of the slides were too long. And the rest of the classmates that don’t gave they detail opinion of what they don’t like is because they said that it was to great and excellent work. The third question that we made was to also give its opinion about the content or special details of our video if they were good or not so good. The question was ¨The effects made the video more interesting?¨ here the majority of our classmates said yes but there was one that says not that was our classmate Encarnación Gonzalez, in the next following chart you can see our results. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Question #3 Yes No The final question was ¨Do you have any question or suggestion?¨ In this question you have to tell like some advices for we can make our improvements in our video just one person our classmate Jacqueline Meza said a suggestion that was to stop using the same images from both days. And the other ones said that all the video was correct, well organized, have entertainment, and because it was understandable. 32 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Criteria D Explain how the solution could be improve In this last part of the criteria we have to explain how our video or movie could be improve by the opinions of our classmates of what we can remove or put more dialogue or remove a little bit of dialogue or take different images because we use the same ones because we didn’t have internet because in my house where we were working the internet falls down so it was a problem so we have to do it like that even that the opinions were good and respectful. The person who make us more detailed the advices was our classmate Jacqueline Meza she said to us that we use the same images in all the movie and even that was her opinion we just make the comment that why we use those images she said that it was great and creative just because of the images and we can improve it like searching for more one day before because we don’t know what could happen so we have to be prepare. Another two classmates that tell us a more specific detail of our video were our mates Marcela Loyo and Marcela Zúñiga. First our mate Marcela Loyo tell us that It was creative because in the video it said that tells everything that is good and bad of social media what is the danger of the teenagers using the different social networks that exist but by the other side our video take too long, the total time was 7 minutes because we join the two aspects the negative and the positives. So her opinion was that the video has to take less time we can improve separating both videos one video of the positive aspects and another video of the negative aspects. The opinion of our another classmates were also great ones just the dialogues were too long because in some of them of the slides the dialog balloons the paragraphs were so long so we can improve it like reducing all the information by just using the most important, the central idea, etc. What I like is the all the opinions were connected because everything was long but it explains it good by different sources that we use. 33 Protecting my memories - Argelia Cazares MYP IIID Bibliography Comunicaciones, O. A. (2015). las redes sociales en la educacion: Pros y contras. Obtenido de las redes sociales en la educacion: Pros y contras: DIS2105, D. I. (28 de octubre de 2015). Social Networks. Recuperado el 28 de octubre de 2015, de Social Networks - In Numbers (Animated Infographic): Gonzalez, F. (12 de Enero de 2011). Las redes sociales: Pros y contras. Obtenido de Las redes sociales: Pros y contras: Maron, M. (10 de october de 2015). the social media . Obtenido de Marc Macron: the social media generation animated: the School of International Development, U. o. (12 de noviembre de 2015). Social media. Obtenido de Does social media have the power to change the world?: 34