Untitled - En Culebra Magazine
Untitled - En Culebra Magazine
free/gratis magazine (koo-Leh-brah) Getting There What to do What to eat www.enculebra.com Beaches Welcome... En Culebra Magazine Publisher En Culebra Magazine™ Collaborators Luis M. Angelet Juan Carlos Garavito Sylvia A. Giansante Joa Tous Sales [email protected] We proudly use cameras Models DSC-TX10, Alpha SLT - A77v and NEX-C3 made by: E .C - 4 - Te . M. am 28 [Haemulon flavolineatum] French Grunt over a Staghor Coral Farm / Ronco Francés sobre finca de coral de Cuerno de cCiervo The Guide... What To Eat... 24 10 Portada 6 What To Do... Design En Culebra Magazine People... We’re back with a new issue and a new adventure to share with you. We have been to Culebra countless of times and we have realized that every time, now matter how short the visit, we always leave fulfilled. And while we’re always satisfied with our trip, we leave wanting to stay just a little longer. This time around, we learned about delicious food with Mister Carlos, we took out our camera for a little sightseeing and we ended our trip with a relaxing day at Melones Beach. We hope you have the opportunity to do the same. Visit Culebra, hang around with its people and leave feeling fulfilled. Most of all, we hope that, as you leave, you’re planning your next visit. Beaches... Getting There... Estamos de vuelta con una nueva edición y una nueva aventura para compartir. Hemos visitado Culebra muchas veces y nos hemos dado cuenta que todas las veces, no importa cúan corta sea nuestra estadía, siempre nos vamos satisfechos. Y mientras siempre estamos conformes con nuestro viaje, nos vamos añorando quedarnos un ratito más. Esta vez, aprendimos sobre comida deliciosa con Míster Carlos, le dimos un paseo a nuestra cámara a distintos puntos de interés y terminamos nuestra visita con un día relajado en playa Melones. Esperamos que tengas la oportunidad de hacer lo mismo. Visita a Culebra, comparte con su gente y parte satisfecho. Sobretodo esperamos que, mientras te vas, ya estés planificando tu próxima visita. Another year, another adventure www.enculebra.com Photography Juan C. Garavito 12 The View ©2012Juan Escobar ©2012 Raul Rodríguez ©2012 Fabiola Montero My Experience Ruthie Giansante 34 Printed in: Puerto Rico MMXII Contact: 787-215-2226 [email protected] En Culebra Magazine™ Año 2,Vol. VII Publicación Ed. 2 2012. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, sin la previa autorización por escrito de En Culebra Magazine. Todos los derechos reservados. © Copyright 2012. 6 Getting There... Por Mar Existen distintas maneras de llegar a la isla de Culebra por mar. Puedes viajar en ferry o lancha desde el puerto de Fajardo, llegar con tu propia embarcación o solicitar los servicios de un water taxi. Definitivamente, la más utilizada es el ferry o lancha. El costo del viaje es de $2.25 e incluye un bulto. Si piensas traer equipaje adicional, los mismos tienen distintos costos por artículo. By Sea There are different ways to travel to the island of Culebra by sea. You can travel on the ferry from the port of Fajardo, on your own boat or contract the services of a water taxi. Definitely, the most common way to travel is by ferry. The cost of the ticket is $2.25 including one bag. If you want to bring additional luggage the cost per item may vary. CARGO Passengers lunes a domingo (Monday thru Sunday) Fajar do Cule bra Cule bra Faja rdo lunes, martes y jueves (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday) miércoles y viernes (Wednesday & Friday) 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m 6:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m * Horarios sujetos a cambios Tickets $2.25 * Schedule is subject to change. • Niños / Kids (3 - 11) $1.00 • Adultos / Seniors (60-74) $1.00 • Adultos / Seniors (75+) Gratis / Free 8 Getting There... Por aire... By air... Culebra cuenta con varias aerolíneas que operan desde el Aeropuerto Fernando L. Ribas Dominicci de Isla Grande, localizado en el Distrito de Convenciones de Puerto Rico en San Juan y el Aeropuerto José Aponte de la Torre, localizado en la antigua base de Roosevelt Roads en Ceiba. Culebra has various airlines operating from the Fernando L. Ribas Dominicci, Isla Grande Airport, located at the Puerto Rico Convention District in San Juan and the José Aponte de la Torre Airport, located at the former Roosevelt Roads Naval Station in Ceiba. Ambos aeropuertos cuentan con estacionamiento privado para la seguridad de sus vehículos y los mismos tienen tarifas diarias. Algunas aerolíneas ofrecen los servicios de “charters” y sus costos varían. Muchos optan por esta opción cuando son grupos de hasta 8 personas y se puede coordinar para el horario que más le convenga a los visitantes. Both airports have private parking lots for the safety of your vehicle with daily rates. Some airlines offer charter services to the Island, with varying costs. Many use this alternative for groups of 8 people or less and can be scheduled to your convenience. Si se hospeda en algún hotel del Área Metro o el Área Este, puede dirigirse al concierge para solicitar un taxi. About Culebra... Metropolitan Area or the East coast you may ask for a taxi at the concierge desk. Sobre de Culebra... Se conoció como la Isla Pasaje o Isla de San Idelfonso, (en honor al obispo San Idelfonso de la Culebra). Culebra cuenta con 10 playas, 4 bosques, 8 bahías, 4 lagunas y 24 cayos. Además cuenta con la Reserva Natural Luis Peña, uno de los mejores lugares para la práctica del snorkeling en Culebra. It was originally known as Passage Island or San Ildefonso Island (in honor of bishop San Idelfonso de la Culebra). Culebra has 10 beaches, 4 forests, 8 bays, 4 lagoons and 24 keys. It also has the Luis Peña Natural Reserve, one of the best snorkeling spots in Culebra. Cayo Luis Peña ¿Hospedándose en el Área Metropolitana? Lodging at the Metropolitan Area? If you’re staying anywhere in the What To Do... By Sylvia A. Giansante S Sightseeing Siempre que pensamos en Culebra nos viene a la mente arenas blancas, días perfectos, tranquilidad y atardeceres espectaculares. Como visitantes frecuentes de este pequeño tesoro, queremos que vean más allá de las imágenes que tradicionalmente estamos acostumbrados a ver. En conjunto con nuestro mapa les mostraremos distintos puntos en la isla que invitan a detenerse, observar y tomar una excelente fotografía. 10 pies de distancia de Ensenada Honda y atraves de la reserva natural para luego encontrar el Museo Historico de Culebra El Polvorin y una hermosa vista a St. Thomas. with splashes of orange and colors the water of Ensenada Honda. El Puente - Construido para conectar los 2 islotes principales que componen la isla de Culebra, el puente es más que un punto de referencia. Sus colores, su estructura y la vista que permite disfrutar sobre el canal invitan a sentarse a conversar por un momento. Whenever we think of Culebra what first comes to mind is white sands, perfect days, tranquility and spectacular sunsets. As frequent visitors to this little treasure, we want you to look beyond these traditional images and sights. Along with our map, we will show you different spots on the island where you should stop, observe and take an excellent photograph. Atardecer en Melones – Con el Cayo de Luis Peña de fondo, no cabe duda que ver el sol bajar detrás del islote convierte cada atardecer en un momento íntimo perfecto para enamorarse. The drawbridge - Built to connect the two small islands that make up Culebra, the bridge serves as more than a reference point. Its colors, structure and the view over the canal invite you to sit and talk for a moment. El Muelle del Parque de Pelota – Mirando hacia el este, este muelle es uno de los lugares más espectaculares para recibir los primeros rayos del sol. El sol sale detrás del Cerro Balcón e inunda el cielo de destellos de anaranjado para luego matizar de color el agua de la bahía de Ensenada Honda. Melones sunset - With Luis Peña Key in the background, there is no doubt that seeing the sun go down behind the isle every afternoon becomes a perfect intimate moment to fall in love. Flamenco beach tanks - In Flamenco Beach you will find two tanks that preserve the memory of when the U.S. Navy used the island as a practice range. We always invite everyone to see them but we caution against trying to stand up on or go inside them because their deterioration and rust has caused sharp and unsafe areas. Museo Histórico El Polvorín – Culebra, aunque pequeña en tamaño, tiene una gran historia. En el museo podrás conocerla, ver artefactos arqueológicos y fotografías históricas del pueblo bajo su ocupación militar, entre otros. Tanques de Flamenco – En la playa de Flamenco se encuentran dos tanques de guerra que recuerdan la presencia de la marina de guerra de EEUU cuando utilizaban la isla como lugar de práctica. Siempre invitamos a todos a verlos pero les exhortamos a no tratar de parase en ellos o entrar a los mismos ya que su deterioro ha provocado áreas cortantes e inseguras. Paseo por la 252. - De camino a Zoni es una de las rutas que siempre tomamos con calma y a poca velocidad. La carretera 252 pasa a pocos The pier at the ballpark - Looking east, this dock is one of the most spectacular places to welcome the first rays of the sun. The sun rises behind Cerro Balcón and floods the sky Historical Museum “El Polvorín” – Culebra, although small, has a great history. In the museum you can learn about it and see archaeological artifacts and historical photographs of the military occupation, among other things. Drive down Road # 252 - The road to Zoní is one of the routes where we always take it easy and slowly. Road # 252 passes a few feet away from Ensenada Honda, through the Nature Reserve, then towards the Historical Museum of Culebra “El Polvorín” and a beautiful view of St. Thomas until reaching Zoní. What To Eat... by Juan Carlos Garavito Professor by day, chef by night. Learning the flavors of Carlos H Carrión ungry and wanting to eat something “yummy”, we turned to El Edén restaurant where we would get the opportunity to taste the culinary creations of Chef Carlos Carrión. Surprisingly, no one there knew who Chef Carlos was, but they did know Mister Carlos. It is so because this experienced talent has been working for 16 years as a science teacher in the public school system in Culebra. Professor by day and chef by night, his culinary skills have been part of a long family tradition. His curiosity for food was born in his father’s restaurant, El Tulio Seafood, established over 100 years ago. His grandmother prepared every dish. He learned early on how they held their clientele captive for such a long time. His mother was a Home Economics professor so he practically inherited his careers from both sides of the family. Nonetheless, for Mister Carlos being a professional Chef was very peculiar. Back then, there were no specialized schools so you had to leave Puerto Rico in order to develop a career. He saw it as the tough life he experienced firsthand growing up. Because of this, he studied to be a professor of mathematics, with a concentration in science. This career would eventually bring him to Culebra. In the Island, he rediscovered his love of food. So there we were, ready to discover his love. Mister Carlos’s menu is a mix between Caribbean and Italian. We started off with fried risotto balls stuffed with shrimp. The perfect balance between crunchy and creamy, Mediterranean and tropical highlighted his italian-caribbean influences. We watched in awe as dish after dish went by our table. Each of them looked exquisite. We saw mussels in white wine sauce, lobster risotto, fried snapper and seafood pasta. All of them made our mouths water. The swordfish with zucchini pasta not only awakened our curiosity but also our appetites. The breaded fish held its own against the julienned zucchini disguised as al dente pasta. Accompanied by fresh grated mozzarella and a glass of one of the over 40 wine choices El Edén offers, this entrée silenced everyone that was at our table. 12 Mister Carlos’s dishes are fresh and of big portions, in tune with the restaurant’s philosophy: “We like it when our customers are satisfied. A satisfied customer pays for good food. Freshness should always come first.” Mister Carlos honestly believes that a teacher is a teacher all the time. His staff includes young culebrenses who have been (or still are) his students. He is convinced that he would not be able to meet the demands of a busy night without them. Also, his stepson works in another one of Culebra’s restaurants. Mister Carlos sees in them a true calling to continue on the culinary path and an ability to rescue our grandparent’s recipes. “Our grandparents are the teachers in the kitchen; there’s no chef that can do it better than they did. I’m a good cook but an ‘arroz con pollo’ like the one my grandma made, no one can match it. They’re the ones that made the Caribbean cuisine what it is. As Chefs, we add, we substitute and adapt it but we all still come out of our grandparent’s kitchen.” Wherever you run into Mister Carlos, either at a classroom or in a kitchen, his passion for whatever he does is evident. In our case, that passion translated into exquisite dishes prepared with dedication. We invite you to try them and let us know what you think. H ambrientos y con ganas de comer algo rico, visitamos el restaurante El Edén, donde tendríamos la oportunidad de probar las creaciones culinarias del Chef Carlos Carrión. Sorprendentemente, allí nadie sabía quién era el Chef Carlos pero sí sabían del míster Carlos. Es así porque este experimentado talento lleva 16 años como profesor de ciencias en el sistema público de enseñanza en la isla. Profesor de día y chef de noche, sus dotes culinarios han sido producto de una larga tradición familiar. En el restaurante de su padre, El Tulio Seafood establecido hace más de 100 años, fue donde experimentó los sabores que despertaron su curiosidad por la comida. Su abuela confeccionaba los platos. Allí aprendió cómo mantenían cautiva a su clientela por tanto tiempo. Su madre era profesora de economía doméstica y como dice él “prácticamente [su carrera] era parte de la herencia de ambos lados”. Aún, para Míster Carlos, la profesión de chef era algo muy raro. No existían escuelas especializadas en cocina, por lo cual uno se tenía que ir de Puerto Rico para poder desarrollar la carrera. La veía como una vida bien ardua que vio de primera mano creciendo. Por eso, estudió para profesor de matemáticas con concentración en ciencias, carrera que finalmente lo llevaría a Culebra. En la isla, redescubriría su amor por la cocina. Pues allí estábamos para descubrir ese amor. El menú que ofrece Míster Carlos es una mezcla de caribeño con italiano. Comenzamos la noche con unas bolas fritas de risotto rellenas de camarones. El balance entre lo crujiente y lo cremoso, lo mediterráneo y lo tropical, demuestra sus influencias caribe-italianas. Durante la comida observamos el desfile de platos que entregaban a otros clientes. Cada uno lucía exquisito. Mejillones en salsa de vino blanco, risotto de langosta, chillos fritos y pasta con mariscos fueron algunos platos que nos hicieron la boca agua. El pez espada con pasta de calabacín verde no sólo nos despertó la curiosidad sino el apetito también. El pescado empanado mantenía el sabor sin dominar las hilachas de calabacín que se disfrazaban de espagueti para dar la sensación de tener pasta fresca al dente. Acompañado de queso mozzarella rallado y una copa de las sobre 40 opciones de vino que El Edén ofrece, el plato principal detuvo toda conversación sobre la mesa. Míster Carlos cree fielmente que el maestro es maestro todo el tiempo. Su equipo de trabajo se compone de jóvenes culebrenses que han sido (o todavía son) estudiantes suyos. Afirma que sin ellos sería incapaz de cumplir las exigencias de una noche en el restaurante. Además, su hijastro trabaja para otro de los restaurantes en la isla. Míster Carlos nota en ellos un deseo de continuar en las artes culinarias y la habilidad de rescatar las recetas de nuestros abuelos. “Los ‘viejos’ son los maestros en la cocina; no hay chef que pueda compararse a los ‘viejos’ nuestros. Yo cocino bueno pero un arroz con pollo como lo hacía mi abuela, nadie lo hace... Ellos fueron quienes le dieron ese gusto a la cocina caribeña. Nosotros los chefs le quitamos, le ponemos y los adaptamos pero seguimos siendo y saliendo de la cocina de nuestro abuelos” Los platos de Míster Carlos son frescos y de porciones grandes siguiendo la filosofía del restaurante. [“A nosotros nos gusta que el cliente esté satisfecho. Un cliente satisfecho paga por buena comida. La frescura debe siempre estar presente.”] Donde sea que uno encuentre a Míster Carlos, en un salón de clases o en una cocina, su pasión por lo que hace es evidente. En el caso nuestro, esa pasión se transformó en deliciosos platos que prepara con mucha dedicación. Te invitamos a que los pruebes y luego nos cuentes. Rutas Alternas, Inc. creates positive experiences for youth and the community that are good, beautiful, and fun. Want to be a part of the change you want to see in the world? Sponsor Rutas Alternas Today: www.rutasalternas.org My experience by Ruthie Giansante We invite you to send us your article to [email protected] It was the first week of November of 1996. I was neglecting my civic duty to vote in the upcoming elections and on my way to the Island of Culebra with my friends instead. Clearly I wasn’t the only one though, because when we got to Flamenco Beach there seemed to be thousands of college students there. It was my first time in Culebra. I vividly recall the entire process of going through the office to get our tent permit, and walking as far as possible from what someone in our group dubbed “Babylon” (i.e. the areas where everyone else camped) to set up our camp as close to the “tank” as we would be allowed to. We were so proud and amazed of our campground, which I am sure took twice as long to build because the Engineering majors wanted to show off their skills. There were 4 or 5 tents, although they were mostly used for storage since we all crashed by the beach on our sleeping bags. I don’t remember how many of us exactly were there in our group. What I do remember is that my girlfriends where there, and we had an outrageous amount of junk food and booze. The trip to Culebra was undoubtedly one of the best memories of my college years. We had fun in the sun, snorkeled in waters unbelievably clear and full of life, endured mosquitoes and bug bites in the evening just so we could spend as much time as possible lying on the beach gazing at the stars. I had never seen so many stars. In the evening, people would pull out instruments and go from campsite to campsite playing music and recruiting more folks to join the group to move on to the next campsite. In other words, we had our own form of “parrandas”. The last night, we literally camped in front of the pier gate in order to make absolutely sure that to get on the ferry back to the big island. My first visit to Culebra was a magical experience indeed but there would be many more to come - each more meaningful and magical in its own way. There was the time we rented a small room in “the town”; the time we visited Culebrita, or Tamarindo, or Zoní for the first time. There were visits to the helipad, trips to Brava and so many more visits to Flamenco. But I wasn’t the only one struck by all this amazing nature and beauty. My best friends, who were part of my first and many other visits to Culebra, had also fallen in love with this gorgeous island. So much so, that even years after I moved to Miami and succumbed to the daily grind of my corporate work life, they continued to visit the island as much as possible often multiple times a year. 16 Culebra enamored one my friends in particular so much that she made sure to spend every New Year’s and Labor Day weekend there. This year, she had reserved a room at Flamenco Villas since January to spend Labor Day weekend there with our friends. She was so in love with Culebra that she couldn’t imagine spending the long weekend away from the Island that brought her so many good memories. It was for this reason that, when my friend passed in April, months before the weekend she was so looking forward to, we all knew we had to find a way to still take her there. And so, when Labor Day weekend came along a group of us, some of her oldest and closest friends, went to Flamenco to honor her wishes and leave a part of her there. The Island, of course, reciprocated by gifting us the most beautiful sunsets, amazing moonrises (a blue moon, nonetheless!) and magical memories for many more years to come. Goodbye, my friend, may your soul rest in peace and your ashes serve to forever nurture the vast ecosystem of your beloved Culebra. The h View... Pictures from our readers / Fotos de nuestros lectores ©2012 Raul Rodríguez Muy agradecidos a nuestro lectores, seguimos compartiendo las fotografías que han sometido destacando la belleza y esencia de la Isla. Envíanos tu foto a: [email protected]. Podría ser la próxima de esta sección. Very greatfull to our readers, we keep sharing the photographs they submit highlighting the Island’s beauty and essence. Send us your picture to: theview@ enculebra.com. Your image could be next. Presented by: ©2012 Juan Escobar @2012 Fabiola Montero 24 Beaches... S i nos sigues en Facebook o Twitter, probablemente sabes que somos fanáticos de los atardeceres en la Playa Melones. Además de acentuar la caída del sol detrás del cayo de Luis Peña, Melones tiene muchísimo más que ofrecer. Al igual que la fruta, Melones es uno de los lugares más refrescantes de Culebra. Su vista encuaderna los más asombrosos atardeceres por estar localizada al oeste de la isla y da la bienvenida a la Reserva Natural de Luis Peña. El agua es tranquila y cristalina, haciéndola idónea para disfrutar la inmensa vida marina que allí habita. A simple vista, la costa de Melones no pareciera una playa típica de Culebra. Pero no te dejes engañar por su pequeño espacio de arena, piedras y coral. Si te aventuras a caminar su orilla, hacia la derecha podrías llegar a Playa Tamarindo con muy poco esfuerzo. Hacia la izquierda, una orilla más rocosa bordea la punta de su mismo nombre hasta llegar a una tranquila bahía que forma parte de Melones. Playa Melones By Juan C. Garavito La tranquilidad y serenidad reina en Melones y muchos de sus visitantes disfrutan de ello. Allí no verás grandes cantidades de gente, radios, fiestas o jangueos... Sí verás personas flotando, leyendo libros y practicando el snorkeling. Melones es una playa excelente para hacer snorkeling. Te recomendamos que uses zapatos de playa y entrar al agua con precaución. Cercano a la orilla puedes encontrar erizos que podrían acortar tu visita. Hacia Tamarindo podrás ver una gran cantidad de corales y abanicos de mar que, con el movimiento de las corrientes de agua, parecen darte unos buenos saludos. Melones también es el hogar de muchas tortugas por la cantidad de grama acuática que allí crece. Si eres de los afortunados de encontrarte con algunas, disfruta de su entorno. No trates de perseguirlas y comparte su espacio, ellas lo están compartiendo contigo. Si prefieres hacer kayaking, Melones no te defraudará. Puedes aprovechar la tranquilidad y la claridad del agua para pasar una tarde inolvidable. Te recalcamos que, aunque la mayoría del tiempo las aguas son tranquilas, esto no quiere decir que no existan corrientes marinas que podrían exigir un mayor esfuerzo de tu parte. Si eres navegante y llegaste en bote, recuerda que Melones es parte de la Reserva Natural Luis Peña donde está terminantemente prohibido el anclaje y la pesca en el área. Se han habilitado áreas con boyas de anclaje para que las embarcaciones puedan amarrarse a ellas. Nuestra hermosa Playa Melones es de la admiración de muchos y de la protección de muchos más. Es un lugar para pensar, admirar y disfrutar lo que la naturaleza nos regala. Date la vuelta y disfruta de esta tranquilidad a la perfección. to Tamarindo Beach with very little effort. To the left, a more rocky shoreline borders the headland (which bears the same name) and leads you to a quiet bay that is part of this beach. Tranquility and serenity reign in Melones and many visitors enjoy it. You will not see large groups of people, loud music, or partying... what you will see is people floating, reading books and snorkeling. I f you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you probably know that we are fans of sunsets on Melones Beach. Although we do love them, accentuating the sunsets behind Luis Peña Key is not the only thing Melones has to offer. As is the fruit, Melones (melons) is one of the most refreshing places in Culebra. Its scenery frames the most amazing sunsets given its location on the west side of the island and welcomes the view of the Luis Peña Natural Reserve. The water is calm and clear, making it ideal for observing the vast marine life it inhabits. At first glance, the coast of Melones beach does not seem like a typical Culebra beach. But don’t let yourself be fooled by its small shore of sand, rocks and coral. If you venture to walk the shore, to your right you could get Melones is an excellent beach for snorkeling. We recommend using beach shoes and entering the water with caution. Close to the shore you can find sea urchins that could shorten your visit if stung by them. Towards Tamarindo, you will see a lot of corals and seafans, whose movement with the water currents seems to greet you. Melones is also home to many turtles because of the amount of sea grass that grows there. If you are one of the lucky ones to meet some, enjoy their surroundings, do not try to chase them and give them their space, they are sharing theirs with you. If you prefer kayaking, Melones will not disappoint you. You can take advantage of the calm and clear waters to make your visit unforgettable adventure. We emphasize that, Individually-owned Villas & Aparments at Flamenco Beach. Come and enjoy the best location of the Island. www.culebrabeachrental.com although most of the time the water is calm, it does not mean that there are no currents that might require more effort on your part. If you are a boater and arrived by boat, remember that Melones is part of Luis Peña Natural Reserve where it is strictly forbidden to anchor and fish. Areas have been enabled with anchor buoys for vessels to be tied to them. Our beautiful Melones Beach is admired by many and protected by many more. It is a place to think, relax and appreciate nature. Come over and enjoy this tranquility to a point of perfection. People... by Juan Carlos Garavito Obra maestra con la comunidad como lienzo. La hermosa labor de la Asociación Educativa Pro Desarrollo Humano de Culebra A lgo que distingue a los culebrenses es su humildad, amabilidad y sentido de comunidad. Es que Culebra cuenta con la materialización de la palabra compromiso en la Asociación Educativa Pro Desarrollo Humano de Culebra. Por mas de 25 años la Asociación ha mantenido su compromiso de ofrecer servicios para atender las necesidades de esta Isla y sus residentes. En el 1985, se establece la Asociación con el fin de atender a niños con necesidades especiales de la comunidad. La Sra. Marta Kaufman comenzó la iniciativa de brindar estos servicios de terapia y especialistas a niños con esas condiciones. Poco a poco se levantó el deseo de ayudar y poder satisfacer otras necesidades que se fueron identificando con el transcurso del tiempo. Después de 27 años, todavía se ve y siente la labor de la Asociación. “Fuimos modificando los servicios de acuerdo a las necesidades de la comunidad. La Asociación viene siendo una agencia culebrense. Los pilares de esta agencia son personas culebrenses que desean lo mejor para su comunidad y sobretodo para nuestros niños. Le debemos las gracias a los que tienen el compromiso. Culebra necesita siempre una agencia que le brinde la misma oportunidad y ayuda que tenemos en el resto de los municipios de Puerto Rico.” Es la realidad geográfica la que late constantemente y a la misma vez impulsa a siempre buscar iniciativas que promuevan un sano desarrollo entre los niños y la comunidad en general. “Expandimos los servicios a madres que necesitaban que les cuidaran a sus niños, con la condición de que fueran a trabajar o a brindar algún servicio comunitario. Luego surgen otros proyectos como los campamentos de verano, uno en junio y otro en julio. Hacemos alianzas con otras agencias y especialistas para alguna necesidad particular de salud o necesidad especial de algún niño que el Departamento de Educación no cubra, como equipo médico. También brindamos el apoyo a las familias que reciben estas ayudas.” Se crearon programas como los Sábados de Lectura donde los niños se enamoran de la lectura. Dado al éxito, se continuó con los Domingos de Lectura. Adicional, se orienta a las familias en toda la gama de conocimiento, desde presupuesto, cómo manejar un hogar con amor y cómo mantener el ambiente. Ofrecen donaciones de ropa, de efectos y equipo del hogar. Personas de la comunidad como Carmen Rosa Sabater, Luz Rivera, Diane Simard, Myriam Navarro, Iván Solís, Rubén Vargas entre otros, son algunos de los que han dado más que su tiempo y compromiso para mantener la labor de esta agencia. 28 S omething that distinguishes the people from Culebra is their humility, kindness and sense of community. Culebra materializes the word commitment in the Asociación Educativa Pro Desarrollo Humano de Culebra (Educational Association Pro Human Development of Culebra). “Somos una agencia de educadores. Trabajamos con mucha paz. Las personas que trabajan en la Asociación es porque la aman. Tenemos a la Sra. Gloria Soto que es uno de nuestros pilares, Dominga Monell maestra del centro y líder comunitaria. Tenemos a todas las madres que tienen a los nenes aquí que se los cuidamos con mucho amor, se les educa. Son más horas las que pasan con nosotros que con mamá y papá. Por eso somos una gran familia.” Durante la vida de la Asociación, personas que han sido producto de la misma ahora forman parte de ella. Son personas formadas con valores que la Asociación busca mantener vivos. Se busca hacer actividades alrededor de ellos y mantener la claridad que los caracteriza. Siempre están en busca de personas e instituciones comprometidas que donen para mantener este compromiso vivo. Tienen su lista de deseos para cada vez mejorar los servicios pero la mejor manera de conocer su obra es visitándolos. “Invitamos a todos a que vengan y nos conozcan. Siempre nos van a ver haciendo lo nuestro, educando y dando mucho amor.” Si deseas ayudar a esta fundación, visitarlos y ver su obra puedes llamar al (787) 742-0259 For over 25 years the Association has maintained its commitment to provide services to address the needs of the Island and its residents. The Association was established in 1985 to serve children with special needs in the community. Mrs. Marta Kaufman began the initiative to provide these services and specialists for children with various conditions. It gradually turned into a desire to help and to meet other needs that were identified over the course of time. After 27 years, we can still feel and see the results of the Association. with the condition that they work or provide some community service. Then, we came up with other projects such as summer camps, one in June and another in July. We partner with other agencies and specialists for any particular health need or special needs of a child that is not covered by the Department of Education, such as medical equipment. We also provide support for families receiving aid.” “We were modifying the services according to the needs of the community. The Association is a culebrense agency. The pillars of this agency are people from Culebra who want the best for their community and, especially, our children. We are grateful to those who have the commitment. Culebra always needs an agency that will provide the same opportunities and support that the rest of the municipalities of Puerto Rico have.” They created programs like Sábados de Lectura (Reading Saturdays) where children learn to fall in love the reading. Given the success of it, they continued with Domingos de Lectura (Reading Sundays). Also, they provide guidance to families in all aspects of everyday life, from budgeting to how to develop a loving home and maintain a good environment. They offer donations of clothing, household appliances and equipment. People from the community like Carmen Rosa Sabater, Luz Rivera, Diane Simard, Myriam Navarro, Iván Solis, RubenVargas and others are some who have given more than their time and commitment to support the work of this Association. The geographic reality is latent and it’s what drives them to always seek initiatives that promote healthy development among the children and the community at large. “We expanded the services to mothers who needed to provide care for their children, “We are an Association of educators. We work with a lot of peace. People work in the Association because they love it. Gloria Soto is one of our pillars, Dominga Monell teachesin the center and is a community leader. We have all the mothers who we tend to their kids with love, we educate them. They spend more time with us than with mom and dad. So we are one big family.” During the life of the Association, people who have been the product of it are now part of it. They are people shaped with values that the Association strives to keep alive. They aim to do activities around them and maintain the clarity that characterizes them. They are always looking for people and institutions committed to donate and help maintain this commitment alive. They have a wish list to increasingly improve services but the best way to know their work is visiting them. If you want to help this foundation, visit and see their work, call (787) 742-0259. Bahía Marina, A Relaxed Culinary Heaven 10% off W hat would you think of a small island, only seven by three miles wide, that has the world’s best beach, is a National Wildlife Refuge, unspoiled and safe to take moonlight strolls along the beach? And that’s not all; it also has one hotel where you can enjoy authentic flavors and dishes from all over the Caribbean? Depending when you visit the Spanish Virgin Island of Culebra and stay at Bahia Marina Condo Hotel, guest and locals have enjoyed from a Scotch Bonnet Conch Stew, prepared by the Gold Winning Culinary Team of the British Virgin Islands, to a Five-Course Wine Tasting menu to accompany 90 points+ wines recommended by Robert Parker, including a Panko Crusted Fresh Culebra Grouper with Boniato Mash, Wilted Greens, Lacrimus Demi Reduction with Dried Fruit Infused Oil. Or perhaps you were there and enjoyed the Roasted Veal Loin with White Bean Truffle Cassoulet, by guest Chef Dean Samuel from the world class Cap Juluca, Anguilla. Not to mention entire culinary weekends with flavors from exotic Indonesian Paellas and traditional American BBQ to the French Creole delights of Haiti’s National Culinary Team, serving the flavors of Conch Salad & Accra with “Ti Malice” Creole hot sauce and the traditional - “Griot” -pork- with “pikliz” spicy coleslaw and Barbancourt Rhum glaze. Bahia Marina, not only brings some of the best culinary talents to Culebra, but also has on staff its own Johnson & Wales graduates with international experience to delight our palates with their flavors and techniques. www.galeriaderegalos.co Find the best item to remember your visit. Plans are underway already at Bahia Marina for their annual Caribbean Christmas Extravaganza, which will take place the weekend of December 14-16, 2012 with the National Culinary Team of Dominican Republic, who will be treating all to the traditional Christmas flavors of “la tierra del mangú”. For more information on Bahia Marina’s upcoming events and hotel packages call 787-278-5100 or go to: www.bahiamarina.net … and enjoy! Milka 787-742-2253 • Souveniers • T-Shirts • Jewelry • Art • Stickers... and more. Encuentra todo lo necesario para tu estadia en la Isla de Culebra. Acceso para botes. email: [email protected] Calle Pedro Márquez, Esq. Castelar, 1st Floor, in front of Iglesia Metodista & Panadería Pandeli. Carnes fresca • Licores • Hielo • Leche • Comestibles Fresh Meat • Liquor • Ice • Milk • Snacks 787.742.2294 This culinary evolution has been directed by MediaBlast, Inc., a corporation based in San Juan, Puerto Rico, specialized in targeted, interactive marketing for hotels, through sophisticated web-based systems. Its unique approach to marketing small and medium sized hotels is to add value, through gastronomy events, created uniquely for each hotel, according to the property’s personality. MediaBlast, Inc. offers services to hotels in the Caribbean and Central American regions and to members of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) with offices in Miami and Barbados. In Puerto Rico the services are offered through a strategic alliance with the Puerto Rico Hotel and Tourism Association (PRHTA) and in Dominican Republic through the Dominican Hotel & Tourism Association (ASONAHORES). Find everything you need for your stay in Culebra. Boat access. 787.742.0803 JUST FEETS AWAY FROM THE FERRY DOCK • Scuba dive excursions and NAUI Instructions advertorial Bahia Marina’s decision to become a gastronomical destination evolved from their Chefs for Charity programs, which are now conducted every year, rotating charity organizations with t Discounad with thisases h rc pu on 5 over $4 the 2012’s Gastronomy Weekend being dedicated to Fundación VAL, supporting children with cancer. Walking distance to Restaurants, Groceries Stores & Main Ferry Dock • Snorkeling trips • Rentals & Sales • Authorized ScupaPro, • Photo Products H2Odyssey, Ikelite Dealer specialized in • Underwatre underwater cameras photography • Suncare Products, workshop. Beach Products, • Gifst & Souveniers. Apparel • Marines ID boks, Guides, Postcards Located in the Heart of Dewey www.posada.com www.culebradivers.com The Guide... Servicios Municipales Alcaldía/City Hall (787) 742-3503 (787) 742-3510 (787) 742-3521 (787) 742-3577 Map Zone CDT / Hospital (787) 742-3511 Emergencias (787) 742-0001 Map Zone Policía / Police (787) 742-3501 Map Zone 19 Bomberos / Fire Dept. (787) 742-3530 Map Zone 18 Correo / Post Office (787) 742-3862 Map Zone 8 Autoridad de Transporte Marítimo (787) 742-3161 Map Zone 1 U.S. Coast Guard (787) 729-6770 Aduana/Customs (787) 742-3531 Fish & Wildlife (787) 742-0115 DRNA Vigilantes (787) 742-0720 Map Zone Manejo de Emergencias (787) 742-3849 Acueductos / Water (787) 742-0202 Energía Eléctrica / Power (787) 742-3533 34 Asoc. Educativa de Culebra (787) 742-0259 ACDEC (Aut. para la Conservación y Desarrollo de Culebra) (787) 742-3880 Casa de la Alegría (787) 742-3530 Centro de Envejecientes Edif. Felipa Serrano (787) 742-3115 (787) 742-3858 Head Start (787) 742-0524 Reciclaje (787) 742-0611 Escuela Ecológica / Ecologic School (787) 742-0733 Map Zone 1 Balneario Flamenco (787) 742-0700 Vieques Air Link Ceiba (787) 534-4222 Culebra (787) 742-0254 Isla Grande (787) 722-3736 Reservations (888) 901-9247 www.viequesairlink.com Map Zone 5 Alquiler / Rental Carlos Jeep Rental (787) 742-3514 www.carlosjeeprental.com Map Zone 3 Culebra Scooter Rental (787) 742-0195 Map Zone 3 Servicios Prof. / Prof. Services CL Concrete (787) 742-0696 (Construction) Map Zone Estudio Legal MV&GM (787) 620-8828 (Legal Services) Dept. de la Familia (787) 742-1978 Colmados / Groceries Colmado Milka’s Liquor Store Turismo / Tourism (787) 742-2253 Museo Histórico de Culebra Barrio Sardinas II (787) 742-3832 Mon - Sat: 7 am - 8 pm Sat - Sun: 10 am - 3 pm Sun: 7 am - 1 pm (Donation: $1.00) www.colmadomilka.com Map Zone Map Zone 15 Compañía de Turismo / P. R. Tourism Company (787) 742-1033 Map Zone Aerolíneas / Airlines Air Flamenco Ceiba (787) 534-4220 Culebra (787) 742-1040 Isla Grande (787) 724-1818 www.airflamenco.net Map Zone 4 Mayra Superette (787) 742-3888 Mon - Sat: 8:30 am - 1 pm 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Map Zone 13 El Edén Restaurant Fine & Fun Dining (787) 742-0509 Tue - Sat 10:30 am - 9 pm Map Zone 17 Restaurantes / Restaurants Café Delizioso Mon-Sun: 8 am - 6:30 pm Benjamín Rivera Noriega Airport (Café, Bar, Pizza, Deli) Map Zone 6 Cayo Swim-up Bar & Grill at Bahía Marina Condo - Hotel (787) 742-0535 12 pm - 4 pm (Lunch, Special Drinks) Map Zone Club Seabourne Restaurant (787) 742-3169 Bahía Fulladoza Tue - Sun Rest: 6 pm - 10 pm Bar: 4 pm - 11 pm El Edén Restaurant Fine & Fun Dining (787) 742-0509 Tue - Sat 10:30 am - 9 pm Map Zone 17 Expresso Bar at Sea Breeze Hotel 1 (855) 285-3272 8:30 am - 11:00 pm Map Zone 4 Heather’s Pizzeria (787) 742-3175 Calle Pedro Márquez Mon, Thu & Sun: 4 pm - 11 pm Fri - Sat: 4 pm - 1:30 am (Kitchen open ‘til 10 pm) Map Zone La Pista Restaurant (787) 742-0166 Map Zone 7 (Reservations Suggested) Map Zone Dakity Rest. at Bahía Marina Condo - Hotel (787) 742-0535 Thur - Sun: Opens at 6 pm Map Zone Pandeli (787) 742-3311 Mon - Sun: 8:30 am - 1 pm 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Map Zone 10 Seabreeze Grill at Sea Breeze Hotel 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Burgers & sandwiches) Map Zone 5 Shipwreck Bar & Grill at Bahía Marina Condo - Hotel (787) 742-0535 Opens at 4 pm Map Zone The Spot (787) 742-0203 Calle Pedro Márquez Mon - Fri Map Zone Susie’s (787) 742-0574 5:30 pm - 10 pm www.susiesculebra.com Map Zone 16 Zaco’s Tacos (787) 742-0243 Calle Pedro Márquez Sat - Wed: 11 am - 6 pm www.zacostacos.com Map Zone 12 Casa Yaboa (787) 340 - 7058 (787) 413 - 0310 www.casayaboa.com $$ Vigia’s Guest House (787) 379-7788 $$-$$$ Tv Map Zone Symbols $: $50 - $150, $$: $150 - $250 $$$: $250 - $350 $$$$: $350+ Transportation Map Zone Villa Pelícano (787) 742-3508 Club Seabourne Boutique Hotel (787) 742-3169 www.clubseabourne.com www.villapelicanoculebra.com Hospederías / Lodging Air Conditioner Fan Tv Culebra Beach Rental (787) 756-7575 www.culebrabeachrental.com $$ - $$$ TV / Sat. TV Tv Map Zone 2 Kitchenette Harbour View Villas (787) 742-3855 www.culebrahotel.com BBQ / Gazebo $ - $$ Lounging Area Ramp Dock www.culebragreenadventure.com Map Zone: 2 Hospederías / Lodging Bahía Marina Condo-Resort (787) 742-0535 (787) 278-5100 www.bahiamarina.net Hostal Casa Culebra (787) 742-0726 www.hostalcasaculebra.com $$ - $$$ Tv Posada La Hamaca (787) 742-3516 www.posada.com Tv Map Zone 14 Sea Breeze Hotel 1 (855) CULEBRA www.seabreezeculebra.com $ - $$ Tv Tv Map Zone Map Zone 4 Flamenco Tent City (787) 226-0232 7 am - 3 pm Map Zone Galería de Regalos (787) 742-2294 Mon - Sun 9:30 am - 5 pm Map Zone 9 Map Zone 11 $ - $$ Gift Shop / Stores Culebra Divers 787-742-0803 Mon - Sun: 9 am - 1 pm 3 pm - 5 pm www.culebradivers.com Map Zone Culebra Gift Shop La Cava (787) 742-0655 Mon - Sun 9 am - 5 pm Map Zone Map Zone $$-$$$ Servicios Vacacionales / Vacations Services Culebra Green Adventure (787) 742-3000 Tv Map Zone 3 Tv Map Zone Wi Fi Tv $$ - $$$ $$ - $$$ Rest. & Bar Swimming Pool Tv Atracciones / Attractions Capt. Bill Penfield Pez Vela Catamaran (787) 215 3809 Up to 6 passengers Map Zone Culebra Eco Tours (787) 902-7928 (954) 801-3974 Open 7 days Scheduled Tours 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm www.culebraecotours.net Map Zone En Culebra Magazine no se responsabiliza por errores tipográficos o del contenido de cualquier anuncio, pauta, mensaje, oferta o cualquier espacio adquirido para colocarse en la publicación. La revista, sus colaboradores, herederos, cesionarios y/o cualquier persona con interés y/o control sobre la publicación quedan relevados para siempre de toda responsabilidad bajo cualquier concepto en caso de reclamos de terceros por razón de: cualquier oferta, del contenido y/u opinión expresada en algún espacio comprado por el anunciante en la publicación y/o de cualquier otra circunstancia atribuible al anunciante. En Culebra Magazine se reserva el derecho de publicar todo anuncio, pauta, mensaje, oferta o espacio adquirido en la publicación, cuyo contenido atente contra la moral, el orden público, incite violencia, fomente discrimen o de cualquier manera sea contraria, directa o indirectamente, a todas las leyes aplicables en Puerto Rico. Animal Welfare of Culebra Needs your help! Animal Welfare of Culebra (AWC) is a non-proot organization which promotes the health & safety of Culebra’s animals & provides animal welfare education to the community. We provide education about animal welfare, veterinary contact information, and funds for spaying and neutering stray and homeless animals from Culebra. If you would like to make a donation to help Culebra’s animals, please visit our page http://animalwelfareculebra.org/ Another way to say paradise! www.enculebra.com Follow us: Advertise with us! [email protected] / 787.215.2226 Calidad profesional en tu bolsillo. 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