Happy Father`s Day!


Happy Father`s Day!
Happy Father’s Day!
Congratulations to
Connie and Ed
in their 59th Wedding Anniversary.
To be a father is one of the most
wonderful experiences that a human
person has in life!
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Mary’s Church
Sterling, Illinois
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Phone: 815-625-0640
Pastor, Fr. Donald M. Ahles ext. 11
St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253
Principal/Becky Schmitt
Weekend Mass Schedule/
English: Saturday 5:00 pm •
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am
Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am
St. Mary Website www.stmarysterling.com
Mass Intentions
Monday, June 22
8:30 am Elizabeth Nichols
Tuesday, June 23
8:30 am Terry Dietz & Family
Wednesday, June 24
8:30 am Joe Conneely
Thursday, June 25
8:30 am Terry Kelly & Family
Friday, June 26
8:30 am Louise Filippi
Saturday, June 27
8:30 am Leo J. Miller
5:00 pm Joseph Ramirez
Sunday, June 28
7:00 am St. Mary Parishioners
8:30 am Living & Deceased Members of
Jacque Peterson Family
10:00 am Edna Mills
11:30 am Antonio Herrera
Please Pray For…
The children attending Vacation Bible School
and their volunteers, that as they begin their
sessions this weekend at St. Andrew’s
church. We pray for it’s success.
Silver & Gold Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Couples celebrating their 25th, 50th, 60th, 65th, 70th wedding anniversaries in 2009 are
invited to a special mass and reception in their honor at St. Peter’s Cathedral on Sunday,
October 4, at 2:00 p.m., with Bishop Thomas G. Doran.
Each couple attending will be presented with a beautiful certificate.
To receive your invitation, please contact Donna at the parish
office before July 30th. The invitations will arrive around the first of
September. Sponsored by Don & Lori Gramer and the Diocesan Office
of Family Life, Rockford.
St.Vincent DePaul Society
St. Vincent DePaul’s pantry is in need of
your help. We have designated every 3rd
weekend of the month (this weekend) for
collecting contributions of non-perishable
food ítems or paper products of any kind
(especially diapers). Monetary contributions are also appreciated. You can drop
off a donation, if you forgot to bring it
today, to the parish center. Thank you for
your support.
Feed the Children Program
The number of children we have been
feeding has increased significantly this
year. We are asking for donations of
sandwich bags and zip-lock snack bags.
Can you help? Bring your donation to the
parish center. Thank You!
Parish Report
St. Mary’s Smoke Damage
“Face Lift”
Previous Balance:
Collected This Week:
Total Balance:
$ 9,468.00
Fellowship Gathering
Men from the Family of Praise Prayer
Group will meet on June 25 at 7:00p.m.,
in the Parish Center.
Theology of the Body for Teens
Gianna’s House Pregnancy Resource
Center and the Diocesan Respect Life
Office are co-sponsoring an all-day
training session on Sat., Aug., 15, 2009 at
Sacred Heart Church, Sterling.
The training invites anyone who works
with teens to learn how to implement and
teach this wonderful Catholic chastity
program for teens. For more information
call Molly Smith at 815-213-0290.
A Prayer for Fathers
God, you are the giver of all life,
Human and divine.
Bless our father.
May he be the best of teachers for
His children,
bearing witness to the faith
by what he says and does,
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Parish Information
Sacrament of Reconciliation *Saturday 4:00pm. (or anytime by appointment). Communal celebrations are scheduled several times during the
seasons of Advent and Lent.
*Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm every first Sunday of the month in English and every third Sunday of the month in Spanish.
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are also held during Mass, upon request. We require you to attend the Baptismal Preparation Program.
Sacrament of Marriage
*A six month minimum notice before the date of marriage. To schedule a wedding contact Jane Olson.
Communion for the Sick *We are happy to take Holy Communion to those confined to their homes. Notify one of the parish priests if someone
or Homebound
in your house wishes to receive Communion at home. We have Eucharistic Ministers who make daily or weekly visits.
Call Deacon John Kellen, at the Parish Center 815-625-0640, to set up a visit.
Anointing of the Sick
*If someone needs to be anointed, please call one of the priests, to come to your home or to the hospital.
Communal celebrations of Anointing of the Sick are scheduled once a year at a Sunday liturgy.
Collection Report-Fiscal Year
June 13-14, 2009
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
$ 9,897.50
Loose Collection
$ 324.41
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
Year To Date
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
$ 33,040.90
Children's Collection
$ 1,226.69
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
Members Contributing
New Consolidated Loan Total $118,191.02
Observer Bill:
$ 2,743.00
Parish Tithe Report
Tithe: Our 7.0% tithe of $716.46, for June 14 ,
has been given to Hessed House, Aurora
This week’s 7.0% tithe will be given to
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Next week’s tithe will be given to Lutheran
Services...Elder Abuse
Liturgical Schedules
Saturday, June 27
5:00 pm Alex Rios, Jean McCue
Sunday, June 28
7:00 am Maureen Gainey
8:30 am Terry McGinn, Roberta Dillon
10:00 am Nancy Gehrke, Judy Valdez
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, June 27
5:00 pm Joan Kreps, Joe Kreps, Sara
Bittorf, Julie D. Gowers, Jaime
Sunday, June 28
7:00 am Laura Everson, Dennis
DeLanghe, John Beien
8:30 am Deacon, Carol Nieman, Dan
Nieman, Patrick & Lorna Anello,
10:00 am Deacon, Julie Jacobs, Jeannie
Ramos, Dorothy Miller, Jennifer
Altar Servers
Saturday, June 27
5:00 pm Morgan Kelly, Martha Sorto,
Evelyn Sorto
Sunday, June 28
7:00 am Longinos Ambriz
8:30 am Dillon Gallentine, Jakob
Manzano, Fred Johnson
10:00 am Melanie Noyes, Samantha
Valdez, Katie Williams
Who Calms My Storms?
People who arrived in the United States in makeshift rafts know very well how it feels
to be in the middle of a storm, not knowing if they will make it or perish. Unfortunately,
some never make it to shore and for those who do, the images of an infuriated ocean may
never be out of their thoughts and nightmares. But an ocean storm, no matter how
terrifying it may be, can sometimes be small compared to the storms we often have to
endure in our lives. It could be problems with our jobs or in our relationships; concerns
about our children, whether they’ll end up abusing drugs or in street gangs; or the serious
illness of a loved one. Life always seems to bring with it another storm...or many storms.
In moments of pain or sorrow, we could question God, or even not count with his
presence, as if faith had nothing to do with the situation. We could be like Job, who
questioned God because of what he was enduring and find a lesson in trust and hope.
This is how it can also be for us. When we come face to face with God, the love of
Christ transforms us so we no longer judge reality based on our own criteria, but by
those of God. The love of God has the power to transform us, but we need to have a
vision of faith to see all the events in our lives, with all the pain they may bring as
opportunity to demonstrate our solidarity, love, service toward others and for God.
When we are aware of pain, we are able to better understand the sufferings of others.
We can transform the inner storm into a force for good, just like Christ did, who through
His death made us a new creation.
When we feel this strength within us, which we know did not come from our own
efforts, we can almost hear ourselves say: who is this that the forces of nature obey?
Who is this that has made me capable of moving on and surviving in the midst of all the
darkness and death that surrounds me? Who is this that calms my storms and makes me
capable of serving others with a generosity I had not recognized in me?
For Reflection
Which powerful storms have I endured or are enduring? How have I felt the hand of
God and his voice providing me with tranquility during tough and difficult moments?
Can I lean on God during those difficult moments or do I give up when I don’t feel his
Confirmation Meeting
If your child is registered in our
Confirmation Program, there will be a
meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at
6:30p.m. At least one parent must attend
this meeting with his or her child. The
location will be announced by postcard
the week before the meeting.
“Family of Praise” Summer
June 18: No Prayer Meeting
June 20: Men Fellowship Gathering,
7:00 p.m., in the Parish Center.
June 25: No Prayer Meeting
No Prayer meetings this month
Overnight for Teenage Sons and Dads
“Rock Solid” is a retreat that gives
growing sons and busy dads time to be
with each other and to talk about what it
means to be a man. Join us on August 1516, 2009 at the Bishop Lane Retreat
Center, Rockford. Cost: $45 per person &
includes lodging and three meals. For
more information or to register, call the
Family Life Office at 815-965-5011 or
email: familylife @dpsrfd.org
Ministry Formation Program
This program is for lay men and women
interested in deepening their knowledge of
faith and sharpening their skills for
serving God’s people. Applications are
now being accepted for the next Ministry
Formation class to begin with Orientation,
August 22, 2009.
Classes: It is a two year program, meeting
from late August through May on Tuesday
evenings and Saturdays (totaling twice a
month). Classes include: Faith Development, Communication Skills, Prayer, Old
& New Testament, Jesus: Incarnation and
Redemption, Church History, Theology of
Church & Ministry, Sacraments, Leadership Skills, Morality, Social Justice,
Evangelization, Specialization Days, and
Retreat Days.
For an application packet visit the Adult
Faith Formation page ww.ceorockford.org
Or call Jane Sartino: 815-399-4300 or
email at [email protected]
Or write to John McGrath, Director of the
Ministry Formation Office P.O. Box 7044.
Rockford, IL 61125.
Decimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo
Rev. Jesus Dominguez,
Janie Atilano, Coordinadora/Secretaria
Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640
Página de Internet: www.stmarysterling.com
Ministros para el fin de semana del
28 de Junio
Lectores: Victor Renteria, Dora Brooks
Ministro de Eucaristia: Edna Vasquez,
Alicia Reyes, Longinos Ambriz, Mariana
Rosas, Javier Olivas
Monaguillos: Karina Olivas, Natalia Herrera,
Lucia Castro, Maria E. Castro, Esteban Sosa
Acomodadores: Jesus Velasquez, Leopoldo
Velasquez, Carlos Garcia, Juan Trujillo
Reporte Financiero para la
Restauracion de Nuestra Iglesia.
La meta:
Previo Balance:
$ 33,698.00
Esta semana se Colecto:
$ 9,468.00
Total recolectado:
$ 43,166.00
Servicios En Español
Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo: Las platicas serán el sábado 11 de
Julio de las 2:00pm a las 4:00 pm, en el Centro Parroquial, para los que van a
bautizar en Julio. Por favor de no traer sus niños. La platica es unicamente
para los papas y padrinos.
Los Bautismos: Los bautismos se realizan unicamente el 19 de Julio, el tercer domingo del
mes. Por favor programe su bautismo con su familia y sus padrinos. Los padrinos tienen
que estar casados por la iglesia o ser solteros. No habra bautismos en sabado.
Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia: Si usted quiere presenter su niño o niña en el templo,
unicamente las presentaciones serán el 28 de Junio, el cuarto domingo del mes durante la misa
o despues de misa.
Matrimonios: Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada.
Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote.
Misas: Si usted quiere ofrecer una misa por alguna persona fallecida o por alguna otra
intencion, por favor de pasar al Centro Parroquial y pedirla con Janie o Donna.
Adoracion… Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00
a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en la capilla.
Ciudadania… Habrá clases en ingles sobre el gobierno, educación civil y historia americana,
comenzando el 7 de Julio hasta el 30 de Julio de 8:30a.m. a 11:30a.m. en la escuela Wallace.
Para mas información comunicase con Janie en el Centro Parroquial.
Atencion!... Por favor de avisar a la oficina parroquial si usted o un miembro de su familia se
encuentra internado en el hospital o en su casa.
Estudio De Biblia.. No habrá Biblia durante el Verano, iniciaremos en Septiembre.
Nuevo Horario De Oficinas:
Lunes a Jueves 9:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. y Viernes 9:00a.m.-12:00, durante el verano.
Calendario Semanal
¿Celebran 25, 50, 60, 65, o 70 Aniversario
de Matrimonio este Año?..
La Diócesis de Rockford los invita a una misa y
recepción en su honor en la
Catedral de San Pedro en
Rockford, el 4 de Octubre
2009. Para recibir una
invitación llama la oficina de
Donna 1-818-625-0640 ext. 13.
Estudio de Biblia Para Ninos…
Los niños están invitados a asistir del lunes 21
de Junio al Jueves 25 de Junio de las
5:30pm a las 8:30pm a estudio de la Biblia. El
estudio será en la escuela de San Andrés en
Rock Falls. La escuela será para los niños de
3 años hasta los niños que están en el grado
octavo. Para mas información o para inscribir
su niños por favor de llamarle a Janie.
e Janie antes de el primero de Julio.
Bendición a los Padres
Señor Dios, Padre bueno,
creador del género Humano,
Tú enviaste a tu Hijo Jesús,
para redimir y salvar a los hombres,
El quiso nacer en una familia como la nuestra,
le diste a la Virgen María como madre
y a San José como padre
para que a ejemplo de San José
amen a sus hijos, los cuiden y protejan,
y sobre todo, les enseñes a amarte a Ti
que eres nuestro Padre del Cielo,
te sirven en todo,
y alcancen finalmente la vida eterna.
te lo pedimos a Ti que vives y reinas
por los siglos de los siglos. Amen
¿Quién Calma mis Tormentas?
Los que llegan a Estados Unidos en balsas saben muy bien lo que es estar en medio
de una tormenta y no saber si van a salir adelante o van a perecer. Algunos no llegan a
la orilla. A los que llegan, posiblemente la imagen de un mar embravecido nunca se les
quite de la mente y de las pesadillas. Pero la tormenta en el mar, con todo lo aterrorizante que puede llegar a ser, a veces se queda pequeña comparada con las tormentas de
la vida en las que a veces andamos metidos. Pueden ser problemas en el trabajo, o en
nuestras relaciones. Puede ser una seria preocupación por uno de nuestros hijos y si se
va a meter en drogas o en pandillas. Puede ser una enfermedad grave de un ser
querido. La vida nos va a traer siempre alguna que otra tormenta...o incluso muchas.
En momentos de dificultad o dolor, podríamos cuestionar a Dios, o no contar con su
presencia, como si la fe no tuviera nada que ver en toda la situación. Podríamos ser un
poco como Job, que cuestiona a Dios por lo que le está pasando y se encuentra con una
lección en confianza y esperanza. Así es también con nosotros. Cuando nos ponemos
de cara a Dios, el amor de Cristo nos cambia para que ya no juzguemos la realidad
según nuestros propios criterios, sino según los de Dios. El amor de Cristo tiene fuerza
para transformarnos. Pero necesitamos una mirada de fe para ver los acontecimientos
de nuestras vidas, con todo lo dolorosos que pueden ser, como oportunidades para
nuestra solidaridad, nuestro amor, nuestro servicio a los demás, nuestra paciencia y
nuestra compasión. El amor de Cristo nos transforma de tal manera, que ya no vivimos
para nosotros mismos, sino para los demás y para Dios. Cuando conocemos el dolor,
somos capaces de comprender mejor el dolor de otros. Podemos transformar toda esa
tormenta interna en una fuerza para el bien, como lo hizo Cristo, que por su muerte, nos
hizo una nueva creación.
Entonces, cuando sentimos esa fuerza en nosotros, que sabemos bien que no nos ha
venido por nuestro propio esfuerzo, podemos casi escucharnos a nosotros mismos decir
en nuestro interior: ¿Quiénes éste a quien obedecen todas las fuerzas? ¿Quién es éste
que me ha hecho capaz de caminar y de sobrevivir en medio de toda la oscuridad y la
muerte que me rodeaba? ¿Quién es éste que cama mis tormentas y me hace capaz de
servir a otros con una generosidad que no conocía en mí?
Para La Reflexión
¿Qué tormentas fuertes he pasado o esto pasando? ¿Cómo he sentido la mano de Dios
y su voz dando calma en momentos duros y difíciles? ¿Puedo apoyarme en Dios en
momentos difíciles, o cuando no siento su presencia, me doy por vencido?
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FAX (815) 288-7754
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BRECK LOOS, Parishioner
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(815) 625-3300
FAX (815) 625-3479
Phone 1-815-625-5279 Sterling
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