April 17, 2016 - St Michael Catholic Church
April 17, 2016 - St Michael Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Fr. Matthew Buettner [email protected] In Residence Rev. Fr. James Ebright [email protected] Hispanic Priest Rev. Fr Jose Antonio Juya [email protected] Deacon Rev. Mr. John Weisenhorn [email protected] Pastoral Care Facilities Manager Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll, RSM [email protected] Mr. Tim Mueller [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper Parish Secretary Mrs. Debbie Davis [email protected] School Principal Mrs. Sheila Levesque [email protected] School Secretary Mrs. Theresa Bookout [email protected] Religious Education English Mrs. Theresa Webster [email protected] Spanish Ms. Carmen Vazquez [email protected] Adult Mrs. Toni Keating [email protected] Children Mrs. Andrea Stroot [email protected] Ms Kristy Brown Latin [email protected] Thrift Store Manager Ms. Amy Pruitt [email protected] Choir Parish Nurse Mrs Maureen Halek [email protected] A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte www.charlottediocese.org PARISH OFFICE 708 St Michael’s Lane Gastonia NC 28052 Website: www.stmichaelsgastonia.org Phone: 704-867-6212 -- Fax 704-867-6379 Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites): 704-867-6212, Ext 9 Office Hours: Monday 1 PM - 5 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5 PM Sunday Masses Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Vigil English Sunday/Domingo 7:30 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM en Español Holy Day Masses: (See inside of bulletin) Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, at 8:15 AM Wednesday at 6:15 PM, Saturday at 8:15 AM (Check inside for changes) Confessions Saturday: 3:30 - 4:45 PM; Monday & Friday: 9 - 10 AM Wednesday: 5:00—5:45 PM (or by appointment) St Michael Thrift Store Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 5, Saturday: 10 - 4 704-864-8646 ST MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 704 St Michael’s Lane - Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone: 704-865-4382 This Week at St Michael’s Mass Intentions black Sunday, April 17 7:30 AM Mass - †Kevin Cherry 4th Sunday of Easter 10:00 AM Mass - For the People 12:00 PM Mass—Priest Intention Meetings & Events 8:45 AM Donuts & Dogma:PCH 8:45 AM Eng. Faith Formation 10 AM Span. Faith Formation 2 PM Spanish Dance Prac:Gym 3:30 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7 PM SAA Monday April 18 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - †Michael Freeman 9:00 AM Confessions 9 AM Home School Group:RR 9 AM Latin Class:C-Hall 6 PM RCIA:Rectory 6:30 PM K of C 4th Degree Meeting:PCH 7 PM Fidelis Group:Church & Gym Tuesday April 19 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 7 PM Spanish Mtg - C-Hall/PCH/Gym Wednesday April 20 11 AM Pillars Mass - Sr. Mary Olivia 5 PM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 5:00 - 5:45 PM Confessions 5:50 PM Benediction 6:00 PM Evening Prayer 6:15 PM Mass— Natalie Burns 9 AM Latin Class:C-Hall 11 AM Pillars Mass & Pot-luck Lunch See details inside the bulletin today 7 PM Catholic Scrpture Study:RR 7 PM English Choir Practice 7 PM Finance Council Mtg:Office Thursday April 21 St Anselm 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 6 PM Pastoral Planning Mtg:PCH 7 PM Latin Schola Practice:Church 7 PM Spanish Meeting:C-Hall Friday April 22 8:00 AM Morning Prayer Saturday April 23 8:15 AM Mass (EF) Priest Intention 8:15 AM Mass (EF) †Angelina Huffman 8:15 AM Mass - †Gil Durkee 9:00 AM Confessions 8:15 AM Mass - †Carm Quaglieri 3:30 - 4:45 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass - †M/M DiPietrantonio 9:30 AM Catholic Scripture Study:RR 6 PM Legion of Mary:RR 6:30 PM Spanish Choir Prac:Church 6:30 PM Spanish Youth:Church 6:30 PM Youth Group:Gym CONFIRMATION RETREAT @ CAMP THUNDERBIRD 9 AM Lay Dominican Meeting:PCH 2 PM Spanish Baptisms:Church 6:30 PM K of C Social:PCH 8 PM AA Meeting:C:-all 5th Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM Mass - For the People 8:45 AM Donuts & Dogma:PCH April 24 10:00 AM Mass - Scot & Sherine Blackburn 8:45 AM Eng. Faith Formation 10:00 AM Span. Faith Formation 12 PM - Spanish Mass - Priest Intention 11:00 AM Ministry Leaders Lunch:PCH 2 PM Spanish Dance Prac:Gym 3:30 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7 PM SAA:C-Hall Please Remember in your Prayers Parish Members & Friends: Dolores Birmingham, Dorian Broadway, Chuck Deal, Betty Dow, Elizabeth Eddie, Logan Escandon, Pete & Rebecca Files, Julia Gause, Paul Grenier, Connie Hutter, Buddy James, Debbie Kurtiak, Michael Matyisin, Katie Meseroll, Frank Micheli, Stephanie Miller, Gerald & Pat Orazem, Charles Pasour, Mary Pierce, Jessie Pilieci, Millie Purvis, Gladys Rodriguez, Sue Ruocco, Pat Splawn, Sr Mary Olivia Shirley, Al Santoro, Charlotte Stenzel, De & Chip Watson, Leo Weisenhorn, Paul & Marion Yager Thank you to all who have responded to the Stewardship Campaign efforts by turning in your commitment card. If you have not yet turned it in please do so by mailing to the office this week. Your name and contact information will be provided to the coordinators of the ministries you selected and they will be contacting you in the near future. For all in service to our country: Stefan Zapata, Jonathan Nelson, Derrick Dobbins, Matthew Barker, Kevin Haskins, Kevin Tiddy, Stephanie Miller Pastor’s Prayer Intentions: For a fruitful Stewardship Campaign: that the Holy Spirit may inspire us to give generously of our time, talent, and treasure For the spiritual and material needs of St. Michael Catholic School Daily Mass Readings From Sacred Scripture Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 SERVERS OF THE SACRED LITURGY Saturday, April 16, 5:00 PM Mass EMHC: Jeff Templeton Lectors: Greg Davidowitz, Lauretta Boccio Greeters: Jean Goebel, Rosemarie Weisenhorn Gifts: John Murawski Sunday, April 17, 7:30 AM Mass EMHC: Tim Mueller Lectors: Bill Melton, Johanna Pichardo Greeters: Tom & Cookie Lynn Gifts: Tom Riley Sunday, April 17, 10:00 AM Mass EMHC: Vince Mooney, Mark Ruocco, Ellen Roberts Lectors: Randy Stevens, Michelle Hubbard Greeters: John & Indeg Berdusis Gifts: We offer prayer & sympathy to Jerry West whose father died this past week. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE This program is designed for the statue to visit the host family for a week of prayer and intercession to Our Blessed Mother. Special devotional booklets are available to accompany the statue. For additional information, please contact Anne Tinsdale at 540-497-1781 or [email protected]. ST MICHAEL CHOIRS Adult: meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the church. Contact Toni Keating: [email protected]/ (704) 747-5654. Children: Practice 2nd & 4th Monday in the church from 3:15 - 4 PM. (Oct 26, Nov 9 & 23, Dec 7. Contact Andrea Stroot: [email protected] / (772) 332-6277 Latin Schola: Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the church. Contact Kristy Brown: (704) 466-6577 or [email protected] . THE LEGION OF MARY - We meet on Friday evenings at 6pm in the Rose Room. For additional information please contact Anne Tinsdale, at 540-497-1781 or atinsdale@ netzero.net FIRST SATURDAY MASS: All are welcome for First Saturday Mass at 8 AM at the Missionaries of Charity, 1625 Glenn St, Charlotte; and prayers at the abortion clinic on Latrobe Drive following Mass. For more info please contact Mitch and Jean Foreman at 704-685-1423 or [email protected] . ALTAR FLOWERS - Flowers are placed on the altar each week and dedicated at the intention of the donor. If you would like to place flowers for your own special intentions, please contact Melissa Deaton at (704) 228-9874. You may donate for two urns ($130) or for one ($65). LADIES MORNING OF REFLECTION Ladies, you are cordially invited to a Morning of Reflection, April 23, at Belmont Abbey College. The morning begins at 8:30 and ends with 11:00 Mass. Fr. Martin Connor LC will help us be refreshed and continue to live in the joy of Easter. For more information: cltrc.eventbrite.com or call Lori Tortorich 704-860-4318 PILLARS MASS & LUNCH THIS WEDNESDAY All members 55 and older are invited to this monthly event. Our special chefs, Chip & De Watson, are ill and unable to prepare for us so we are asking everyone to bring a small salad or vegetable or dessert to share. The parish will provide meat and beverage. HOPE TO SEE THERE! World Day of Prayer for Vocations Sunday, April 17 is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Please pray for all those discerning and living out their vocations. Special prayer cards for the day are available on the welcome desk in the vestibule of the church. "May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus, intercede for each Christian community so that, made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, it may be a source of true vocations for the service of the holy People of God. Amen." - Pope Francis. ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL is strongly considering adding transportation to the 2016-2017 school year. If you are interested in transportation for your child, please contact the school at 704-865-4382 or email us at stmichael@stmichaels gastonia.org CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE May 20 & 21 at Belmont Abbey. Admission is free and no pre-registration required. For more information visit www.ihmconference.org; email: [email protected]; or call 540-636-1946. MIRAVIA (formerly Room At The Inn) announces our Sixteenth Annual Charity Golf Tournament “Links FORE Life”. Join us on Monday, May 23, 2016 at The Golf Club at Ballantyne. Tournament registration is $130/golfer. Check-in begins at 10:00 AM with tee-off at 11:00. Guests will enjoy a tasty lunch provided by The American Burger Company, 18 holes at one of Charlotte’s premier championship golf courses, great prizes, awards, and dinner from Plate Perfect Catering. Pre-registration is required. For more information or sponsorship opportunities, visit our website at www.mira-via.org/news-andevents or email [email protected]. Spaces are limited. Please register by May 13th! SAVE THE DATE! Our Charlotte Diocese Eucharistic Congress will take place on Friday and Saturday, September 9 & 10. This spiritually unifying event brings together thousands of Catholics from across the diocese and southeast for spiritual talks, music, prayer, and fellowship - all centered around the Most Blessed Sacrament. All ages welcome! ARE YOU GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE OR A HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAM? We would like to invite you to a small reception and include you in our bulletin announcement to ask our parishioners to pray for you while you embark on a new journey in life. We need to know the school or program you are graduating from. Please contact Lonikay Templeton or Kristine Monda @ [email protected]. All responses need to be received by May 9. MEET THE KEATINGS: Toni and I, along with our four children, left Omaha Nebraska 5 years ago to take the position of soccer coach at Belmont Abbey College. We left behind us a wonderful group of Catholic adults and children who were part of St. Elizabeth Anne Parish. We shared unforgettable memories with these families. It did not take long however to develop a new faith community here at St. Michael’s, with help from several spirit-filled families. We now consider ourselves very fortunate to be members of a dynamic faith community here in the parish and this sense of community has motivated us to involve ourselves in everything from the choir, to alter serving, to the evangelization commission, Sunday lector, and more. This stewardship is NO burden, but a delight! It enlivens our faith and compliments the liturgy and our prayer life. As spiritual leader of this household, charged with getting these little ones to heaven, this sense of stewardship through community is very important to me too, when you consider that so many young people leave the Faith, and the general decline of the Faith in this country overall. Being members of this vibrant community is healthy for them, given that they see firsthand, faith in action. This will create lasting positive memories. During our time at St. Michael’s we have also been graced to have as our good shepherds Frs. Arnsparger and Buettner, and Deacons Jack and Art. In combination with the reverence for the liturgy that we enjoy here, we consider ourselves members of the most blessed parish in the diocese. And for this reason, our giving/serving/ evangelizing is a light yolk with big rewards. We would like to close this brief testimonial with an appeal (call it a challenge if you like) to celebrate what Christ offers us in this parish, and to give yourself more completely to him through this parish. Giving to parish life is a lot like playing with children; it exhausts you but energize you at the same time, and at the end of the day gives one a sense of a faith life well lived. CALENDAR PLANNING MEETING QUO VADIS DAYS FOR YOUNG MEN & DUC IN ALTUM FOR YOUNG WOMEN Attention all commission heads, committee chairs, planning secretaries for ALL GROUPS seeking to hold meetings in the church, parish center or church hall during the 2016-17 year. There will be a meeting on May 4 where all dates will be entered into a master calendar. You do not have to attend the meeting, but if you choose not to do so you must have your requests, in writing, in the parish office by Tuesday, May 3. Thank You. THRIFT STORE CLEAN UP The nature of a thrift store means a lot of used things come in. This means a never-ending battle to stay ahead of the otherwise normal day-to-day dirt that we all bring in to our homes and businesses. Our store manager and parishioner, Amy Pruitt, is seeking some extra hands for an upcoming Monday (TBD) to empty and clean some shelves & racks. If you would, please call the parish office to sign up. Thank you in advance for your stewardship of time. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: One hearing device for left ear. Call parish office to describe and claim. LOST: If you borrowed the orange traffic cones, please return them immediately. Thank You. Catholic young men & women (rising high school freshmen thru college age) are invited to spend time with other young men/women looking at the Lord’s call in your life while having fun. Held at Belmont Abbey College and led by priests and seminarians from our Diocese, young men will meet June 13-17; young women will be led by religious women and priests of the Diocese June 27 - July 1; $150 per person. For more info: charlottediocese.org/vocations or contact Fr Gober, Dir. Of Vocations at 704-370-3327. EMMAUS RETREAT May 13-15 at Blowing Rock Conference Center $150 per person (lodging/meals/materials). Registration forms are available in the vestibule AND must be received by April 22, 2016. (Sponsored by St Francis Assisi in Lenoir NC) For more info call: Linda (828) 292 -0185 or Regina (828) 850-0525. Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in times of suffering. 2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities 2016 DSA Goal Pledged to date: (196 households) Paid to date $ 67,009 $ 57,218 $ 35,632 On behalf of those who benefit from the Diocesan Support Appeal, thank you for your generosity. Remember the words of Jesus, “whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me.” TENNIS CAMP Crusader Tennis Camps at Belmont Abbey College Players of all levels, ages 6-18 are invited to are invited to take part in fun, affordable & virtuebuilding tennis camps this summer at Belmont Abbey College. Please visit CrusaderTennis Camps.com for more information and to register for the camps or contact Head Coach Mike Salomon at [email protected] or call 202460-0031. For details about other sport camps taking place this summer at Belmont Abbey, visit abbeyathletics.com MILITARY MASS His Excellency, Bishop Peter J. Jugis, will celebrate a Mass for U.S. military personnel on Monday, May 30, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Charlotte. The Mass and rosary (to be recited at 10:30 a.m.) will be offered for all military personnel who have died and for those who are now serving. All military personnel are invited and encouraged to come in uniform. Photos of those who have died or who are now serving in the military will be displayed in the Cathedral. To include your service member, preferably in uniform, please mail a color or black/white photocopy of them with their name and military rank on the back of the photocopy to Nancy Weber, Office of the Bishop, 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC 28203 to be received no later than May 23, 2016. (Please do not send original photographs as they will not be returned.) OUR STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Needed each week April 10 Online Donations $ 13,200 $ 10,105 $ Debt Reduction April to date $ 4,766 Give Electronically at www.stmichaelsgastonia.org FOR THE GLORY OF GOD & FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH: Prayerfully consider giving at least one hour's wage per week to the Lord. DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE OFFICIAL JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE TO ROME, SIENA, ASSISI, & NETTUNO: This is the perfect time to encounter God’s mercy in a powerful, lifealtering way. A pilgrimage can also be made as an act of Thanksgiving for a grace received such as a physical healing or an answered prayer. This pilgrimage may be the opportunity to express gratitude to God for a particular grace He gave you. 10days, October 12-21, 2016. Only $3,299 from Charlotte (CLT), plus $650 in airport taxes, security fees, and current fuel surcharges, as well as $150 in tips. Under the spiritual direction of Fr. Michael Kottar of St. Mary Help of Christians Parish in Shelby, NC and Fr. Carmen Malacari of Holy Spirit Church in Denver, NC. Please visit www.GoCatholic Travel.com/Charlotte to download the brochure and registration form. For more information contact Mrs. Jean Judge at 704-487-7697 or send an email to [email protected]. Space is limited. There is room for 35 persons and seats are filling up faster than expected. Register today! ORCHESTRAL MASS by the CAROLINA CATHOLIC CHORALE MAY 5 – Solemnity of the Ascension The Carolina Catholic Chorale & Orchestra will sing Antonio Caldara’s Mass in A in a Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. Ann's in Charlotte for the Solemnity of the Ascension on Thursday, May 5th at 7pm. (The Mass is open to the public at no charge). This is the first time in centuries that this Mass will have been sung as no known printed music is available and it has by been recreated from old manuscripts by Thomas Savoy, the Chorale's Director. For more information on the Chorale: www.carolinacatholicchorale.com/ DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS FINANZAS Se Necesita cada Semana Abril 10 Online Donations $ 13,200 $ 10,105 $ 1,270 Reducción de la deuda $ 4,866 POR LA GLORIA DE DIOS PARA EL BIEN DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA: No consideraria el salario de una hora a la semana al Senor? 2016 DSA Meta Paid $ 68,009 $ 35,632 En nombre de todos los que benefician de la Campaña Diocesana de Apoyo, gracias por su generosidad. Recuerden las palabras de Jesús, "cuando lo hicisteis con uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños, INFORMACION PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS DEL BAUTISMO y MATRIMONIO: Hable con la Sra. Juliana para Bautizos y con Sra. María Luna para Matrimonios cuando termina la Misa. Ellas le indicará las fechas próximas de charlas para estos sacramento, así como un folleto con la información de los requisitos. BENDICION NIÑOS (AS) POR SUS 3 AÑOS O PRESENTACION POR SUS 40 DIAS: A partir del mes de septiembre, estas bendiciones especiales se llevarán a cabo el primer domingo de cada mes. Anótese con anticipación con Stephanie al terminar la Misa. CONSEJERIA ESPIRITUAL: Jueves y viernes. Llame al Padre José para que haga su cita 704860-3826 Párroco Reverendo Matthew Buettner Vicaría de Gastonia - Ministerio Hispano Padre José Antonio Juya — 704- 860-3826 Coordinador General de Liturgia John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Encargados de Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Dioney Segura — 704-240-8290 Encargado de Lectores: Luzmar Gómez — 704-869-8026 704-747-1770 Encargado de Hospitalidad Ariel y Diana Salazar—704-674-4875 Preparación Pre-Matrimonial María Luna 704-240-8290 Preparación Pre- Bautismal Mauricio y Juliana Betancourth — 980-329-9770 Catequesis para Niños & Jóvenes Carmen Vázquez — 813-541-3977 Catequesis para Adultos John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Ministerio de Jóvenes Ivonne Segura — 704-530-3011 Stephanie Salazar— 704-648-5056 Ministerio de Ofrendas Ariel y Diana Salazar — 704-674-4875 Ministerio de Monaguillos Mireya Rico — 704-868-6347 Charla para el Sacramento del Matrimonio María y Dioney — 704-240-8290 CELEBRACION DE XV AÑOS Comunicarse con Luzmar Gómez 704-747-1770 Ministerio del Coro Fatima Brenz — 704-862-9963 Rolando Espinoza — 704-675-4030 MISA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Antes de los preparativos para la fiesta, debe hablar con el Padre para ver si la Iglesia está disponible para la fecha deseada. Comité Pastoral Hispano Reina Granadino — Coordinadora — 704-488-5976 DECORACION DE LA IGLESIA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS – Hable con la Sra. Nora al 704-689-1199. VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS - Si tiene un familiar o amigo enfermo y desea la comunión comunicarse con John Herrera 704-616-5422 o que el Padre José lo visite en casa o en el hospital , puede llamarlo al 704-860-3826. CORO PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Ya que haya acordado con el Padre la fecha, debe hablar con Rolando Espinosa 704-675-4030 al terminar la Misa para que le de información sobre el coro. MISA PARA DIFUNTOS : Todos los primeros viernes de cada mes durante la Misa de Sanación. Debe anotarse con Stephanie Salazar 704-648-5056 una semanas antes. ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS.- Biblia, Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Rosarios, Decenarios, etc. Llamar a Nora 704689-1199. Reflexión del Santo Evangelio Según San Juan 10: 27-30 EL TEXTO Para comprender mejor este texto nos ayudaría conocer la pregunta que se le hizo a Jesús para que dijera estas palabras. Los judíos, desesperados ante las palabras de Jesús, le habían exigido: “¿Hasta cuándo vas a tenernos en suspenso? Si eres el Cristo, dilo claramente de una vez.” Ante esta exigencia Jesús les deja claro que él es el Buen Pastor, es el Hijo de Dios y él y su Padre son uno. Pero ellos no quieren escuchar, no solo no aceptan sus palabras sino que buscarán matarlo después de este encuentro. Así es como toman sentido las palabras de Jesús, “mis ovejas escuchan mi voz”, es decir, escuchar sus palabras es creer en él, creer en su presencia, creer que él es verdaderamente el Hijo de Dios que nos revela al Padre, sabernos conocidos, amados por él. Más para aquellos que no escuchan es imposible creer esto y más imposible saberse amados y conocidos por Dios. Por lo tanto, Jesús nos invita a entrar en una relación estrecha con él; pues, ¿quién escucha a alguien que no le interesa, quién sigue a alguien que no conoce, quién se sabe amado por alguien que no posee una relación con él? Definitivamente a Jesús sólo se le escucha y se le reconoce cuando se cree en él. ACTUALIDAD ¿Alguna vez te haz visto diciéndole a Dios: “Señor, háblame claro, ¿qué quieres que entienda de todo esto”? O tal vez preguntándole a Dios “¿Señor, qué hago, dame una señal?” A la luz de este Evangelio cabría preguntarnos si es Dios el que no nos habla o nosotros que no queremos escuchar. ¿Es Dios que no nos conoce o nosotros que no escuchamos? Dios nos invita hoy a abrir nuestro corazón, a acercarnos a él, a conocerlo y amarlo para poder y “querer” escucharlo a él. ¿Cuántas veces nos hablará Dios en un día? ¿Cuántas veces lo escuchamos? Nadie puede escuchar a quien no quiere escuchar. En tu matrimonio, en tu trabajo, en tu oración, Dios se hace presente, te habla pidiéndote una respuesta; tal vez pidiéndote paciencia, comprensión, caridad, perdón, silencio, decisión, muchas cosas puede pedirte Dios en tu vida, pero sólo si te atreves a sentirte su oveja, a sentirte en estrecha relación con él, escucharás su voz. PROPÓSITO Disponte esta semana escuchar a Dios. Abre tu corazón, deja que su Palabra penetre tu vida. Trata de vivir atento(a) durante tu día para reconocer su voz que te llama, en el prójimo, en tu familia, en tu trabajo, en el necesitado. Ahí está Dios presente para amarte y para que escuches su voz. La vida es como un pórtico... lo importante está tras la puerta Reflexiones para el cristiano de hoy Nada es estable en el mundo de lo terreno. Todo puede cambiar en un instante. La vida es como un pórtico. Lo importante está tras la puerta. Lo presente prepara la entrada, mientras esperamos la llegada del Esposo. En el pórtico se suceden días de ventura y días de desgracia. Nada es estable en el mundo de lo terreno. Todo puede cambiar en un instante. La mirada se dirige hacia la puerta. Cuando se abra, si seré aceptado al banquete de bodas del Cordero, la alegría será completa. ¿Cómo vivir ahora? ¿Cómo afrontar las dificultades de cada día? ¿Cómo resistir a las tentaciones del Maligno? ¿Cómo promover el bien entre mis hermanos? No resulta fácil mantenerse fieles. Mil voces de sirenas nos aturden y nos invitan a una vida de engaños y de falsas alegrías. La tentación nos acecha sin descanso. Por eso, necesito recordar que existe un Amor verdadero. Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, ha desvelado el maravilloso designio de su misericordia. La fe se convierte en maní que alimenta durante el tiempo de la espera. Un día se abrirá el pórtico y empezará el banquete de la vida eterna. Ese día la alegría de Dios será nuestra alegría, y será una alegría plena y verdadera (cf. Jn 18,1-13). PRÓXIMAS ACTIVIDADES Y REUNIONES Abril 19 Martes 7:00 PM Reunión de Emaus Abril 21 Jueves 7:00 PM Reunión de Comité Pastoral Abril 22 Viernes Hacer Lio MINISTERIO DE AYUDA SOCIAL-CARIDAD Si sabe de alguna familia que esté en necesidad y desee recibir una despensa, puede contactar al Señor Gaudencio Alvarado (980) 320-5587 Abril 23 Sábado Hacer Lio A LA COMUNIDAD EN GENERAL Si desean contribuir con algún producto como: aceite para cocinar, sal, papel higiénico, champú, pasta dental, o aporte económico etc., llame a Gaudencio Alvarado para hacer su donación. De antemano le damos las gracias en nombre de todas las familias a las cuales se entregarán los productos recibidos. G R A C I A S SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are held at 2 pm on Saturdays. Baptism is the most important moment of our life. Infants should be baptized in the first few weeks. Parents AND godparents must attend the preparation class (held every 2nd Saturday) preferably before the child is born. Parents need to be registered in the parish, pledge to raise the child as a practicing Catholic, and must also be practicing the faith by attending Holy Mass every Sunday. Godparents are considered Catholic role models. Therefore, they must have received all sacraments, including Confirmation, and must be attending Holy Mass every Sunday. If they are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Please come to the parish office to register for the class and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when it becomes available. SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Couples should make an appointment with the priest at the time of engagement, and at least six months before any proposed wedding date to begin preparations. The couple should be registered, active members of our parish, which means that all Catholic parties are attending Holy Mass every Sunday, contributing to the financial needs of the parish, and are engaged in the spiritual and social life of our parish family. All Weddings are celebrated inside the Church on Saturday at 10 AM or 12 PM. MARRIAGE TRIBUNAL ADVOCATE Call Mrs. Rita Kincaid at 704-907-3607 or [email protected] SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call to set a time before serious surgery (after Sunday or daily Mass is good) or any time in an emergency. DEVOTIONS Wednesday: 5:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:50 PM Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Fridays: 10 PM Thursday – 8 AM Friday: Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM - 7 PM All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays: 8:15 AM Miraculous Medal Novena 8:15 AM Mass in Latin (not 1st Sat) Fridays of Lent: 6 PM Stations of the Cross PARISH PASTORAL & FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Pastoral Council Fr Matthew Buettner Linda Mooney Reine Smirz Margaret Vogt David Barker Brian Gawronski Sheila Levesque Tim Mueller Theresa Ostendorf Fr Jose A Juya Lonikay Templeton Anne Tinsdale Johanna Pichardo Mitch Foreman Theresa Webster John Herrera Liz Baechel Finance Council Maureen O’Keefe, Vince Mooney Juliana Betancourt, John Guglielmetti, Riguey Gomez, Dawn Nielson HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME Please contact Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll at 704-813-1425 or [email protected] to make arrangements. ATTENTION NEWCOMERS Have you completed a parish registration form? CATECHISM, 1ST PENANCE, 1ST COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION , YOUTH MINISTRY BECOMING A CATHOLIC/RCIA Contact the Director of Religious Ed. Theresa Webster [email protected] / 704-867-6212 ext 114 THRIFT STORE 1111 S. York Rd, 704-864-8646. Open Tuesday through Friday 10 AM - 5 PM & Saturday from 10 AM until 4 PM. ST VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY If you have a financial or material emergency, please call the parish office. If not, please see a Greeter after Mass for a registration form today! 620950 St. Michael Church 708 Saint Michael’s Lane Gastonia, NC 28052 704-867-6212 Contact: Debbie Davis [email protected] Software Using: Win XP Publisher 2007 Adobe 9.0 Transmit @ Tuesday, 11 am Special Instructions: Thank You.