newsletter - Killester College
newsletter - Killester College
Killester College newsletter Friday 27th June 2014 Principal’s Message Dear Parents and Friends, Arriving at work today I saw a group of our girls in pyjamas having their breakfast under the verandah of the Kennedy Hall. The girls had been part of a ‘winter sleepout’ to raise awareness of the plight of homeless people in our society and to perhaps give a little insight into the difficulties of not having the home comforts we take for granted. This activity followed the school Mass for the Poor on Wednesday which resulted in generous donations of food to be given for distribution to those in need by the St Vincent de Paul Society in Springvale. Prayer We pray for our school community. Loving God, Through your love and support we are building our school community, as we are learn and grow together. May our efforts to help groups such as Caritas, St Vincent de Paul, China Little Flower orphanage and the Cyrene centre, make the world a better place. Loving God hear us. Congratulations to all involved in these events and thanks to everyone who found something to donate to our food appeal on Wednesday. On Monday night Killester was host to schools who are part of the Building Bridges Programme. This involves a number of schools from different faith traditions coming together to share their own faith and learn about others. Students rotate around the different schools and share a meal together as well as have the opportunity for discussion and questions. It is an incredibly enriching experience for all involved. Thanks to Ms Constable who has coordinated and led Killester’s involvement in this programme. The end of the term has come with a wintery blast this week. As the girls and staff take a well earned break I would like to commend all those students who have worked hard at their studies and those who not only did this, but engaged in the many things that were on offer this term. The reports will be posted home in coming days and the home room report will list activities your daughter has been involved with during term 1 and 2. To give you an idea of what was on offer I list the following -: Jnr Basketball Jnr Volleyball Snr Badminton Inter Volleyball Interschool Athletics Inter Badminton School Production Inter Basketball Concert Band Swinburne Poetry Comp Interschool Swimming Italian Poetry Comp Debating Walking/Running Club Homework Club Peer Support Chemistry Quiz Cross Country Production Band Public Speaking Book Buzz Swing Sisters SCSA Badminton Science Competition Snr Choir Honk Building Bridges St Vincent de Paul Justice & Democracy String Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Student Council Lots of Yr 12 PAL Arts Committee Sports Committee Community Service Cttee Dare to dream Week Ahead No doubt I have not listed everything. The point is that there are always activities going on at school for girls to engage with and develop new skills, talents, knowledge and / or friendships. July Monday 14th Staff Return Tuesday 15th Students Return Thursday 17th Yr 10 Science Excursion Leanne Di Stefano Principal Saturday 19th Production Rehearsal (9am - 5pm) Killester College 2014 Parent Surveys Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday. All parents should have received a survey from the school earlier this week. School Office Hours over the School Holidays A note to parents that the school office hours over the school holiday period will be from 8:30am - 3:00pm - Monday to Friday. The survey seeks to gain feedback from Parents about a number of issues about Killester. The results of the survey will greatly assist the school in future planning and improvements. The surveys are to be completed and returned to the school by 7th July. You can access the survey by using this LINK. If you require any assistance please contact Roger van Langenberg. Student Absences Another reminder to all parents that if your daughter is away from school for any reason, please call the Front Office on ph: 9547 5000 to report the absence. Thank you for your continued support. Dare to dream Library News Building Bridges Program 2014 Holidays are a good time to hunt down those overdue library books. End of semester is often a good time to go through your locker, schoolbag, under the bed and anywhere else that your overdue books may be hiding. Building Bridges is an interfaith dialogue program. The program is unique to Melbourne, and involves Year 10 students. The schools that participate in our zone are Mt Hira Islamic School, King David Jewish School - Killester, Mazenod, Kilbreda and Nazareth (who are all Catholic schools). Forty Killester students applied to participate in the program this year. The 18 students who were lucky enough to be chosen were: Cindy, Doreen, Gia-Minh, Janet, Jennifer, Kieu-Minh, Kim, Mehakdeep, Natalie, Ngoc, Sallynna, Shenara, Sirat, Stephanie, Tiffany, Kiandra and I. The found books can then be returned to the library the first week back of term 3, just in time to borrow the books you want for semester 2 subjects. Ms Jamieson Teacher - Librarian There are five stages of the program. Each stage represents a different step in building a bridge between our different religions and cultures. The stages are: gathering materials for the bridge like listening, respect, and confidentiality; laying the foundations for the bridge, building the bridge by sharing our unique stories, testing the bridge, making sure it can survive disagreements; and finally walking across the bridge and carrying our skills of dialogue and our new friendships into our daily lives. Our first meeting was at King David School. This was where we first met each other and began getting to know each other through simple conversations. In the second meeting at Mt Hira we continued getting to know each other. We also visited their mosque, and got to ask questions about how they pray. The third meeting was at Mazenod, and this is where we started building the bridge. In this meeting everyone began to open up more and share deeper thoughts. The fourth meeting took place in our very own Killester College. We got to take the students on a tour of our school and we told them about our experience of Killester as a faith community. In this session we tested the bridge, by discussing how we were going to keep it stable, especially during times when we disagree. There is still one more meeting next term, plus a day where we will combine our skills and talents to offer a day of creative service to a community we can help. It might be at an Aged Care facility, or a Primary School. We will find out soon. We have gained so much knowledge about the different faiths, and noticed that there are many things we have in common. The girls from Killester have created some really good friendships across religions, cultures and schools, because of these sessions. We are looking forward to continuing to build these friendships further next Term. Jaskiran Singh and Doreen Kyaw, on behalf of the 2014 Building Bridges students. Dare to dream Community Announcements Community Announcements As part of the upcoming school holidays, in the lead up to Snow Fest, we are doing a special screening of Frozen, the Disney movie, on the new Big Screen in Dandenong · Thursday, 8 July 2014 · 12:00 noon · Location: Dandenong Council Office, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong · Bring BYO blankets, seats and a picnic if you prefer and enjoy a fantastic afternoon! The New Entertainment Book Is Here The New 2014-2015 Entertainment Book is now available. You now have a choice to purchase: • The traditional Entertainment™ Book Membership that comes with the Gold Card and vouchers; or • The brand new Entertainment™ Digital Membership that puts the value of the Entertainment™ Book into your iPhone or Android smartphone! Entertainment™ Memberships contain thousands of valuable offers up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers from many of the best restaurants, cafés, arts, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Simply go to: https://www.entertainmentbook. to purchase your Entertainment Book. This is a great way to raise money for Killester College, as a percentage is given back to the School. . Dare to dream 2014 Term 3 – Student Calendar Wk 1 Monday July 14 D6 Staff Return 2 Pal cycle 3 D1 School Assembly P2 Yr 9 July 28 D6 5 Aug 4 6 D1 Open Morning Aug 11 D6 Pal cycle 4 8 9 D8 July 22 D2 July 17 July 23 D3 Yr 10 PD Day Yr 10 VCE J & D Student Information Forum Night SCSA - AFL CELEBRATIONS WEEK July 29 July 30 D7 D8 July 31 Aug 6 D3 Aug 7 Aug 20 D6 Yr 9 (Helen, Yr 7 PD Day Barbara, Francis Yr 9 (Rita & & Emilie) to Agnes) to Shrine Shrine ARTS WEEK / BOOK WEEK Aug 26 D7 Aug 27 D8 Aug 28 Open Morning Community Conversation Evening Production "Bump In" Sept 8 D6 Sept 15 D1 SCSA Netball D9 Aug 1 D10 Aug 2/3 Yr 12 Parent Maths Teacher Night Competition Yr 9-10 Subject Yrs 7, 8, 9, 11 & Selection Info 12 Night YR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE D7 Aug 13 D8 Aug 14 D9 Aug 19 D1 July 26/27 Stewardship Meetings D1 SCSA Volleyball Validation Day Sept 2 Sept 3 D2 D3 Production Tech Run - All Cast & Crews 9am-5pm Production Dress Rehearsal - All Cast & Crews 9am - 5pm Sept 9 Sept 10 D7 D8 D4 Yr 7 LOTE - all day Maths Competition Yr 10 P5 & 6 LOTE WEEK D3 Aug 21 D4 D9 Aug 15 Aug 16/17 D10 Brigidine Day Working Bee 9am12pm Aug 22 D5 Aug 23/24 D10 Aug 30/31 Aug 29 Duke of Ed Camp Y11 RE Excursion Sept 5 D5 Production Primary School Performance & Opening Night All Cast & Crew 9am - 10pm Sept 11 D9 Production Evening Show 5pm - 10pm Yr 7 Zoo Excursion Production Matinee, Closing Night & Bump Out - 12 noon - 11pm Sept 12 D10 Sept 13/14 Yr 7 Immunisation 3 Y11 RE Excursion Y10 Immigration Museum Excurs Sept 19 D5 Sept 20/21 School Assembly P4 Year 10 Sept 16 Sept 17 Sept 18 Yr 10 RE Excursion Aug 9/10 Validation Day Duke of Ed Camp Sept 4 D4 Yr 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews Student Free D3 Production Rehearsal (All Day - Cast & Band only) @ Alexander Theatre Aug 8 D5 Yr 9 Kryptic Challenge SCSA Soccer Stewardship Meetings Yr 8 Churches Excursion D2 July 19/20 D5 Duke of Ed Day Walk Aug 18 Sept 1 D10 July 25 D2 D2 July 18 D4 Aug 5 Aug 12 Sat/Sun Production Rehearsal 9-5 (Sat) July 24 Yr 8 LOTE - all day Yr 10 & 11 Subject Selection Interviews Aug 25 D9 Friday Yr 10 Science Excursion Yr 9 LOTE - all day Yr 7 RE Excursion Soiree - 6pm Theatrette KIC Meeting 1 0 July 16 Thursday Yr 10 LOTE - all day Soiree - 6pm Theatrette Yr 8 English Incursion 7 D7 Choral Festival KIC Meeting 4 July 15 Wednesday Students Return July 21 3 Tuesday (as at 19/6/14) D4 Duke of Ed 1/2 Day Walk Sept 6/7 Term 3 Ends Yr 8 Activity Day . Dare to dream FAMILY LEARNING CENTRE FREE COMPUTER CLASSES FOR PARENTS This is your chance to learn Basic Computer skills and be introduced to the first steps in using an Apple Mac. You will be shown how to use the Internet and send Emails and get to know the School Website and much more! WHEN Tuesdays – August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, September 2nd AT 7.00 to 8.30 pm WHERE In the Family Learning Centre at Killester College ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME. PLEASE RSVP BY EMAIL OR USE REPLY RSVP TO [email protected] e. All Parents are welcome. Please RSVP by email or use Reply Slip REPLY SLIP I will be attending the computer classes in Term 2 at Killester Name…………………………………………………………………………………………… Phone Number………………………………………………………………………………..... Daughter's Name……………………………………………………………………………....... Language if Interpreter required……………………………………………………................. . Dare to dream DRUM LESSONS FIRST LESSON FREE! ¥ All styles welcome (Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Latin, Classical, Gypsy, Soul, Funk, RnB, Afrobeat etc) ¥ All skill levels and ages welcome (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) ¥ Learn to play in bands ¥ Learn to compose your own beats and music ¥ Develop a great time feel ¥ Learn to improvise ¥ Learn to read music ¥ Learn to play along to your favourite recordings by ear ¥ Advanced technique and rudiment development ¥ Advanced polyrhythmic studies ¥ Advanced coordination studies ¥ Music theory GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL LESSONS AVAILABLE! Sarah Galdes is a highly experienced and professional musician. She has toured internationally and nationally with several bands and has played in festivals such as South by Southwest, Canada Music Week, Falls Festival, and Port Fairy Folk Festival. She has recorded an extensive discography spanning many genres, and has had many years of teaching experience. She has also been featured in numerous radio programs both internationally and nationally and undertaken intensive study abroad. Sarah Galdes BA Music Performance (Honours) [email protected] ENQUIRE AT THE OFFICE TODAY! . Dare to dream MARK ANDREWS presents LEGENDS SHOW He’s been to Vegas, Crown, Australia wide venues and now he is coming to Mazenod Friday, 11th July 2014 7pm Dinner And Show (Drinks Included) $60 Per Person Mannix College, 22 Wellington Road, Clayton Parking Available At Monash University (Opposite) Please book by 1st July, 2014, unless sold out prior Contact: Sandra 0418 177 283, [email protected] Nancy 0418 553 191, [email protected] Dean Martin Buddy Holly Tom Jones Austin Powers Elvis Presley . Dare to dream Community Announcements . Dare to dream Community Announcements . Dare to dream