PDF - Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai`i


PDF - Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai`i
MARCH 2009 | vol. 15, no. 2
Honoring our heritage. Embracing our diversity. Sharing our future.
Legacies is a publication of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai`i, 2454 South Beretania Street, Honolulu, HI 96826
2454 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
tel: (808) 945-7633
fax: (808) 944-1123
Monday - Saturday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Friday
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Mission Statement:
To be a vibrant resource,
strengthening our diverse community
by educating present and
future generations in the evolving
Japanese American experience
in Hawai‘i. We do this through
relevant programming, meaningful
community service and
innovative partnerships that
enhance the understanding and
celebration of our heritage,
culture and love of the land.
To guide us in this work we draw
from the values found in our
Japanese American traditions and
the spirit of Aloha.
n Sunday, May 3, the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i will celebrate both
Children’s Day and Earth Day with
Kodomo no Hi: Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green. The
Cultural Center’s annual children’s festival will
feature crafts and games based on Japanese
traditions with an added theme this year of
recycling and sustainability. The event will
also feature the debut of an exhibition in
the Cultural Center’s Community Gallery on
Children’s Day and Earth Day in Japan and the
lessons they may hold for Hawai‘i.
• Children’s crafts and games based on Japanese
• Recycled goods product fair
• Displays on recycling and sustainability
• Food and drink
• Bring your used eyeglasses and batteries for recycling
and receive a special prize!
Continued on Page 9
Kodomo no Hi: Keiki
Fun Fest/Going Green
Sunday, May 3 • 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Teruya Courtyard and Fifth Floor
Free Admission
For more information, call the Cultural Center
at (808) 945-7633, email at [email protected]
or go to www.jcch.com.
L ove
of the center
Dear Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i ‘Ohana,
Mahalo to all of you who helped us ring in the Year of the Ox with your attendance at our 2009 New
Year’s ‘Ohana Festival! We, the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i staff, are indebted to our NYOF
planning committee, Mayor Hannemann who presented us with a $10,000 check in support of our
major festivals for 2009, guest star Ban Daisuke with Kikaida and Friends, our participants, donors,
and hundreds of volunteers for making it possible to carry out our mission of strengthening our
diverse community through this festival. The weather forecast for the day of the festival called
for thundershowers. However, due to all the positive energy and prayers from our thousands of
supporters – as well as the power of a precious teru teru bōzu* (made by Resource Center volunteer
Hanayo Sasaki) tied to our courtyard stage tent and an army of 600 mini teru teru bōzu (made by NYOF
Games Committee Chair Cindy Wong and her family) the storm passed early, and the day was gorgeous!
Many festival-goers shared with me how much they were enjoying themselves and appreciated the
effort that went into presenting an event of this magnitude to the community. The lively ethnic music,
exhibitions and dance, kenjin kai (Japan prefecture clubs) specialty foods, keiki games and crafts,
the feelings of ohana and camaraderie, and the excitement of participating in our event made their
day. Kikaida and Friends stole the show on the Mō‘ili‘ili Field stage and demonstrated to the crowd of
curious keiki that good prevails! Kikaida was a welcome reminder to me and my contemporaries of the
wonderful days of our youth, and I and other fans enjoyed singing along to the theme song. I would
like to extend a very special mahalo to our Interim Special Events Coordinator, Alan Okimoto, for his role
as staff coordinator for NYOF 2009 and all our major programs since last July. Alan, who will be leaving
us at the end of March, has been a tremendous asset to the Cultural Center and we were very fortunate
that he was able to help us in such a great capacity. We will miss you Alan, and wish you the best in
your new endeavors.
Today’s Thought is dedicated to Alan and all of you whose sunny outlook on life and willingness to give
back to our community in many ways leaves a wonderful and lasting impact on the lives you touch—
especially our visitors to the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i.
We also bid farewell to Hawaii Karate Association (HKA) and Hawaii Multimedia—exemplary tenants
who were very helpful to the Cultural Center over their many years in the Weinberg Building. HKA
continues to conduct Karate classes in our dōjō and participates in our festivals. We are thankful to still
be associated with Michael Shimabukuro Sensei and HKA in this way.
On Monday, February 2, the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i welcomed radio station KZOO (1210
AM) as our newest tenant. We are very excited about the many opportunities they have already given
and will continue to give us to share the Cultural Center news with you and their listenership—Mahalo
David and Robyn Furuya and the KZOO staff!
Please read through this issue of Legacies
to see how our staff and core team of
volunteers continue to plan new events,
modify our signature events, and provide
new membership benefits in order to
be a meaningful resource for you, the
communities we serve near and far, and
our visitors. Mahalo for your support!
The Cutural Center
welcomed 2009 and
the Year of the Ox by
celebrating at our annual
New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival.
Despite the weather forecast of heavy rain and
thunderstorms, on Sunday, the clouds parted
and the sun came out to help make the event a
big success. Thank you to our New Year’s ‘Ohana
Festival Co-Chairs, Rich Hosoda and Tyler Tokioka,
as well as the planning committees, Cultural
Center staff, and the hundreds of volunteers
who helped to make this event a huge success.
The New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival demonstrates our
commitment to share the Japanese American
experience in Hawai‘i, while at the same time
embracing our diverse community.
For 2009, the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
will maintain its mission of sharing the history,
heritage and culture of the evolving Japanese
American experience by developing events and
activities that we hope you will find culturally
enriching and meaningful. One example is the
upcoming Kodomo no Hi: Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green
on May 3. We hope you can join the Cultural Center
as we put on our usual Children’s Day celebration,
but with a twist – this year we’ll feature a gallery
exhibit, games and activities that will focus on
the timely issues of recycling and sustainability.
There will also be some upcoming changes for
the Cultural Center’s Board of Directors. Seven
directors are serving terms that expire at the
end of June. Four of those directors are eligible
for renomination, while we are recommending
three new directors to serve three year terms.
Please see page 13 for more information on these
nominations for the Board of Directors.
Eric K. Martinson
Chairman, Board of Directors
Today’s Thought
“Brighten the World”
There is a great need for cheerfulness in the
world. When you feel the corners of your
mouth turning down, turn them up again.
Dark and gloomy feelings thrive on turneddown lips, and often the only words that
will pass between them are those better
left unsaid. So, smile! Vanish your pessimistic
feelings. Let your eyes twinkle with cheerfulness. Brighten the world around you.
Lenny Yajima Andrew
President/Executive Director
Dear Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i ‘Ohana,
*teru teru bōzu: a talisman to ward off bad weather (see page 10 for details).
— The Reverend Paul S. Osumi
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Resource Center
Hours: Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The First Pilgrimage:
A Look Back
By Yoshie Tanabe
(Editor’s Note: This article by Yoshie Tanabe was originally written
specially for the Legacies newsletter. The article has been reprinted
in the February 20, 2009 issue of the Hawaii Herald.)
n March 2, 2008, the first pilgrimage
to the Honouliuli Internment Camp
located in the wilds of Ewa was made by
three surviving internees and about 90 family
members. Some family members were not
even born in 1942 when nearly 200 loved ones
were arrested only upon suspicion, taken away
and placed in shacks located in the hot, moist,
mosquito-infested wilderness, surrounded by
barbed wire and guarded by armed soldiers.
What thoughts must have entered the family
members’ minds as they scattered flower petals
over the grounds their fathers and grandfathers
must have trod, wondering, “Why? What did I
do to deserve this?”
The three surviving internees were Harry Urata,
Chojiro Kageura and Jack Tasaka—all nearing
100 years old. One of the family members
wrote: “The wish that I had carried within
myself all these years, of one day visiting
the exact location…came true. I could hear
Grandpa’s message to us, ‘It’s so good to see
you! Stay healthy, give it your all and be helpful
to each other.’ He probably survived by heeding
his own words.”
Senator Will Espero was one of the pilgrims
on March 2, 2008. He made sure the three
internees were recognized by the State Senate
Senator Robert Bunda with Kiyoshi Yamamoto (standing) and Toshio Saito (sitting) at the informal
certificate presentation at Mr. Saito’s home in Haleiwa.
on March 17, 2008, with certificates signed
by the senators. But there were four other
internees living but too frail to make it to the
Senate chambers to be recognized. What
to do!? I talked to Senator Espero, who said
without hesitation, “We’ll take the certificates
to them!” I was stunned. Senator Espero said,
“Just give me the names and addresses.” So I
did. On August 4, 2008, Senator Espero went
to the home of Kozo Orimoto, as well as to
the Hale Nani Nursing Home where Shozo
Takahashi resided. At the Orimotos, Mr. and
Mrs. Orimoto were interviewed and pictures
were taken of the presentation. At the nursing
Volunteers Minako
Ito-Song, Hanayo Sasaki,
and Clarence Kanja with
Resource Center (RC)
assistant Irene Zane
(from front to back) at the
RC’s annual book sale at
the New Year’s ‘Ohana
Festival. Donated books
that are duplicates or that
fall outside the scope of the
RC’s collection are sold,
with the proceeds going
to support the activities
of the RC. The RC will
soon begin selling books
online; stay tuned for more
home, Mrs. Takahashi and her daughter and
a friend awaited us and again pictures were
taken of the presentation. (Note: Mr. Shozo
Takahashi died a few days later.)
Shortly after, Senator Espero took a certificate
to the Moritsugu Family in Mānoa. The
certificate was in memory of the family’s father,
Tokuemon Moritsugu, whose 106-year-old
widow still lives in a Kaneohe care home.
Next, on to Mililani to deliver a certificate to
the Moriyamas, whose oldest brother, Sadao
Moriyama, was incarcerated for being a kibei
(Japanese American sent to Japan as a youth
to study). Sadly, Moriyama had died just a few
days after the Honouliuli pilgrimage.
On November 11, 2008, my husband Jim and
I picked up the Yamamoto Family in Waialua
and took them to the Saito Family in Haleiwa.
Both elderly couples thought they were just
long-time Honouliuli friends who were going
to see each other after so many years. Surprise!
We were met by Senator Robert Bunda with
Senate certificates for both men!
We thank Senators Espero and Bunda for their
kindness—truly going beyond the call of duty
to recognize a wrong committed so many
years ago!
Note: If you know of any other Honouliuli
survivor, please contact Brian Niiya, Resource
Center Director at 945-7633, Ext. 32.
f riends
of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
volunteer Director’s
Aloha Volunteers!
2009 got off to a great start with a
wonderful New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival on
Sunday, January 11. I’d like to send a big
Mahalo to all who volunteered and/or brought your friends
and family to the event. Though the weather could have
been better, this year’s festival was still successful due in part
to the support we received from the more than 400 festival
volunteers and the hard-working planning committee, which
consisted of volunteers.
I’d like to thank each of you for volunteering to make the
event a thriving one. Together with the hundreds of
volunteers from local schools, non-profits and organizations,
we were able to reach about 10,000 people. Makoto ni dōmo
arigatō gozaimasu! (Thank you very much!)
As the Year of the Ox quickly moves along, I’d like to humbly
ask for your continous support for the upcoming Honolulu
Festival. The Cultural Center will have several booths at the
event, which will be held at the Hawai‘i Convention Center
from Friday to Sunday, March 13–15, 2009. We will also be
needing volunteers for our annual Kodomo no Hi: Keiki Fun
Fest/Going Green on Sunday, May 3, 2009. Please mark your
calendars and let the Cultural Center know if you are available
to help us with these events.
The Cultural Center is also currently looking for volunteers
to help in the main office as receptionists, as well as Gallery
Greeters in the Historical Gallery. Other assignments that
we are currently seeking assistance with include English
and Japanese speaking docents, Discovery Box presenters
and Outreach volunteers. If you, or someone you know, is
interested in volunteering, please have them contact me at
the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i at (808) 945-7633,
ext. 25 or send an email to me at [email protected].
With much Mahalo,
Fond Farewell
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i recently bid aloha
to Mayumi Suzuki and Ruriko Hasegawa who returned to
Japan. Mayumi started volunteering as a Japanese docent
in 2006, while Ruriko has been volunteering since 1997.
Both were Japanese language docents who gave tours
of the Historical Gallery to Japanese visitors. The Cultural
Center is humbled by their
support and generosity throughout the
years. Dōmo Arigatō Gozaimasu!
(Above) Former volunteer Mayumi Suzuki
(Right) Former volunteer Ruriko Hasegawa
(center) with volunteer Shige Yoshitake
and Cultural Center President/Executive
Director Lenny Yajima Andrew.
English Docent and Gallery Greeters
2009 Activities
Volunteers are welcome to attend the monthly English Docent and
Gallery Greeters meeting. Meetings are generally held on the first
Monday of the month in the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i’s
First Floor Conference Room from 9 a.m.–12 p.m.* All volunteers can
participate in this year’s activities. Please see the list below for meeting
topics. If you have any questions, please contact Derrick Iwata,
Volunteer Director at (808) 945-7633, ext. 25 or by email at [email protected].
April 6
Mr. Thomas Kondo and Japanese Literature
Volunteer Ella Tomita’s Experience During WWII
No meeting
No meeting
September 14
Yoko Mae, Researcher at the Japanese Consulate
October 5
Tour of Aviation Museum, Ford Island
No meeting
December 7
Volunteer Christmas Luncheon (Location TBA)
*Dates, times, locations and subject matter may change. For an updated
listing, contact Derrick Iwata.
WANTED: Volunteers for Kodomo no Hi: Keiki Fun
Fest/Going Green!
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i needs your help! We’re
searching for individuals, school or work groups and service
organizations who would be interested in helping us at Kodomo no
Hi: Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i.
This year we need volunteers who can help us:
• Prepare keiki craft projects prior to the event.
• Set up the Cultural Center facilities before the event.
• Work in booths for food and keiki crafts.
Derrick Iwata
Volunteer Director/Education Assistant
• Clean up during and after the event.
For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, please call Derrick
Iwata at 945-7633, ext. 25 or send an email to [email protected].
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i had hundreds of friends, or
tomodachi, volunteering their time at this year’s New Year’s ‘Ohana
Festival on January 11, 2009.
More than 400 individuals helped throughout the day. Their jobs varied
from preparing keiki craft projects, setting and cleaning up the Cultural
Center facilities and Mō‘ili‘ili Field, as well as working in various food,
games and scrip booths.
Thanks to the tremendous volunteer energy generated by these individuals and community organizations, the Japanese Cultural Center
of Hawai‘i was able to present yet another successful
New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival! Thank you!
THANKS ALSO to all the schools, community
organizations and businesses that volunteered at
this year’s New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival!
Aiea High School Japanese Club
McKinley Physics and Astronomy Club
Atlas Insurance
Mid Pacific Institute Globetrotters Club
Castle High School Japanese Club
Moanalua High School c/o 2009
Cherry Blossom Court
Moanalua High School c/o 2010
Farrington High School Gamers (Go) Club
Moanalua High School c/o 2011
Honolulu Japanese Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Moanalua High School Japanese Club
Iolani School Key Club
Moanalua High School National Art
Honor Society
Island Insurance
JET Alumni Association Hawai‘i
Kaiser High School Japanese Club
Kalani High School
Kaneohe AJA Baseball Team
Moanalua High School Student Association
Oahu AJA Baseball Association
Oahu Civil Defense
Pearl City High School Leo Club
KITV 4 News
Punahou School Japanese and
Okinawan Club
Lutheran High School Yuukikai
Punahou School Japanese Classes
McKinley High School
Sheridan AJA Baseball Team
McKinley High School Hispanic Club
Shinnyo-En Hawai‘i
McKinley High School History Club
University of Hawai‘i at Ma-noa
Japanese Culture Club
McKinley High School Vietnamese Club
KanshaDonor List
Donations are from December 2008–January 2009
Island Insurance Foundation
Sadanosuke Hata Charitable Foundation
Goro Suga, DDS
Ronald M. Ota
Atlas Insurance Agency Foundation
Central Pacific Bank
First Hawaiian Bank
Hawaiian Host
JTB Cultural Exchange Corporation
Eric K. Kawamura
Conrad & Jane M. Kurahara
Archie T. & May S. Murakami
Marjorie H. Tanoue
Grant Thornton LLP
Jane O. Komeiji
Lyle S. Hosoda & Associates LLC
John S. & Harriet M. Okino
Sady K. Sakai
The Center for Japanese Studies, University
of Hawaii at Manoa
Mitsuo & Jane H. Tottori
UP TO $499
Takeshi & Mary Abe
Marion Akamine
Ronald N. Amioka
Richard & Ethel Anbe
Lenny Y. Andrew
Lily Ozaki Arasato
Mitsuo & Eleanor Arisumi
Ariyoshi Foundation
Berg H. & Grace E. Fujimoto
Donald M. Fujimoto
Kenneth K. & June K. Fujimoto
Guy K. & Susan Fujimura
Howard & Ellen H. Fukuda
Melvin M. & Judith T. Fukumoto
Hideo Fukunaga
Thelma H. Furukawa
Shinji & Sumiko Futa
George S. Harada
John N. & Jean K. Hashimoto
Ernest H. & Sue Hashizume
Yoshiko Hatakeyama
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Tatsumi & Masako Hayashi
Shigeo & Yoshiko Higa
Eric & Cheri Lynne Higashihara
Lawrence & Frances Himeda
Kowashi & Nora C. Hirai
Larry M. & Patsy A. Hiyakumoto
Paul S. & Betty H. Honda
Thomas & Violet Hosokawa
Gerald M. & Shirley Ibe
Evelyn Y. Iha
Stanley K. & Betty S. Ikeda
Iwao & Leatrice Ikeno
Jean R. Imamoto
Helen T. Inazaki
Edward N. Inouye
Larry & Beatrice Isemoto
Julie M. Ishibashi
Lincoln J. Ishida & Lynn Estes
Neal K. Ishida & Valery Nomura-Ishida
Wayne T. & Joy Ishihara
Wesley & Mae Iwamoto
Linda Nakagawa Johnston
Tomiyo Jokura
Chester A. Kaitoku
Alvin A. Kajiwara
Janice A. Kamemoto
Brian S. Kataoka
Masayuki & Lorna Kawahara
Mildred Hayase Kawano
Harry H. & Tsuneko Kikuyama
Akimichi & Florence Kimura
Arthur & Rene Kimura
Chiyoko K. Kimura
Roy & Janet Kirihara
Mary U. Kishi
Tsuyuko & Yukio Kitagawa
George Y. & Jeanette Koide
James K. & Frances K. Kojiro
Tsuneyuki & Kikuyo Kubota
Alton T. & Susan Kuioka
Kazuo & Helen Kumagai
Betsy Miyoko Kutara
Timothy & Mary Ann Lowenberg
Eugene S. Machida
Gina E. Maeda & Christine Walcher
Shuji & Mary Magota
Harry Y. Manago
Jiro Matsui
Carolyn Matsuura
Yutaka & Gladys Mikami
Henry E. & Tomiko Miura
Miyashiro Minbu Kai
Hanako Miyashiro
Clarence H. Moke Puha
Sachiko Monzen
Charlotte Morikuni
Kennard & Miriam Morimoto
Eunice E. Morisaki
Douglas K. & Betty N. Mukai
Eugene S. & Ethel Mukai
Mitsuo & Tsukimi Murashige
Myra Y. Murata
Sanford & Frances Murata
Robert & Janette Nagao
Michael Naito
Ronald & Betty Nakamine
Dell M. Nakamura
Katsuko U. Nakamura
Yosao Naruto & Patsy S. Oyadomari
Shigeki & Beatrice Nii
Jeannette Nishikawa
Dean & Corinne Nishina
Geraldine Ochikubo
David Y. Oda & Arlene T. Oshima-Oda
Tetsuo Odo
Toshio & Florence F. Ohara
George I. & Chieko Ohmi
Harold I. Okada
Amy S. Okazaki
Elaine S. Okazaki
Valerie Okihara
Betty M. Okubo
Misao Okuda
Ichiro & Sanaye Onoye
Paul N. & Mitsuko K. Oshiro
Jean Otake
Otaki Minbu Kai
Sylvia M. & John M. Pearson
Charles Richardson
Tetsuo & Ann Sahara
Minnie K. Saiki
Bert & Ruth Saito
James K. & Florence T. Sakai
Howard H. & Molly T. Sakamoto
Robert T. & Reiko Sakurai
Irvin K. Sasaki
James & Ann Sato
John H. & Ruth Y. Sato
Larry E. & Laura Sato
Linda K. & Karen Sawai
Toshitaro & Ruth Sekiya
Karen E. Shigematsu
Lisa A. Shigemura
Joe & Kikue Shikami
Takeshi & June Shimana
Mark & Fumiko Shimoda
Rodney Shimoko
Tamotsu & Ayako Shintaku
Richard K. & Umeno Shiozaki
Isami & Gladys Shirai
Kazuo & Betty S. Shishido
Masumi Shoma
Yosihiko & Kazuko Sinoto
Laurie S. Sogawa
Joan Soma
Sumie K. Sueishi
Elizabeth (Lisa) S. Suenaga
Florence S. Sugimoto
The late Rudolph Sukenik
Robert K. Sumida
Harumi K. Suzuki
Edmund T. & Akiko Tajima
Alyce Sato Takami
Robert F. & Jane F. Takane
Thomas Tamayori
Masao & Patsy Tamura
Ayako Tanaka
Mitsue Tanaka
Edmond Y. & Janet E. Terada
Tesh & Yasuko Teshima
George & Janet I. Tokita
Nancy C. Toma
Jean Torikawa
Allan & Betty Totoki
Harry H. & Irene H. Toyomura
Yuriko Tsue
Eileen H. Tsuji
Dennis Tsuruda & Karie Lyn Kojima-Tsuruda
Miyoko Uchigakiuchi
Dennis & Pauline Wachi
Richard Y. Wada
Irene N. Wakatsuki
Kiyo Yamada
Barbara S. Yamaguchi
Gail S. Yamaguchi
May T. Yamaguchi
Alvin M. & Sheryl Y. Yamamoto
Robert M. & Gladys Y. Yamamoto
George & Lynne Yamashiro
Kenneth S. & Julie N. Yoneda
Arlene Y. Yoshida
Yoshiichi & Evelyn T. Yoshida
Masuko Yoshimoto
Lanette Yoshioka
In honor of Masayuki Kamaura - Michael &
Sharon M. Inake (Donors)
In honor of John Komeiji - Earl & Amy Kuon
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Anonymous
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Lenny Y.
Andrew (Donors)
In memory of Mrs. Harumi Kouchi - Joseph
R. & Jane M. Harada (Donors)
In memory of Mr. William Staunton Jr. Joseph R. & Jane M. Harada (Donors)
In memory of Kengo & Sumiko Takemura Joseph R. & Jane M. Harada (Donors)
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Ethel N.
Hasegawa (Donors)
In memory of Hiroshi Togo - May Leiko
Imamura-Uruu (Donors)
In memory of Lawrence Shoichi Uruu - May
Leiko Imamura-Uruu (Donors)
In memory of Jn. Morishige Inake - Michael
& Sharon M. Inake (Donors)
In memory of Helen T. Kamaura - Michael &
Sharon M. Inake (Donors)
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Jane O.
Komeiji (Donors)
In memory of Mildred Fujikane - Robert K.
& Siat Fah Masunaga (Donors)
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Barry Masuo
In memory of Mildred Fujikane - Milton &
Lily Murakami (Donors)
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Florence
Shibano (Donors)
In memory of Gladys Omiya - Betty
Shinkawa (Donors)
In memory of Holly E. Takara - Howard &
Jane Takara (Donors)
Charles K. Furuya
Lori E. Moriwaki
Yoshiharu Satoh
Matsuo Takabuki
Neil Takekawa
Masami Abe*
Robert Abe
Robert N. & Janet Y. Abe
Takeshi & Mary Abe
Congressman Neil Abercrombie
Howard T. & Jean Akagi
Marion Akamine
Shizue Akiyama
D.S. & G.I. Amakawa
Daiya Amano*
Ronald N. Amioka
Richard & Ethel Anbe
Pete & Joanne S. Ancheta
Patricia Angiollilo*
James M. & Laura S. Aoki
Wayne C. Aoki
Alton & Gail Arakaki
Eva E. Arakawa
Jesi Asagi
Gareth Au
Jane Au
Carol Ayabe
John F. & John Jr. Balfour
Andrea Bartlett & Guy Archer
Janet F. Beaulieu
Grace T. Bickham
Marvin H. Uehara
Linda Camp
Terumi M. Carter
Lisa Chang
Maureen Chang
James & Moira Crowley
Judy Dente & Mie Matsuda
Ayako Detwiler
Jodi K. Ebisu & Barbara Shoda
Fairmont Specialty, a part of Crum &
Forster Group
First Insurance Company of Hawaii Ltd.
Sharon Fong
Berg H. & Grace E. Fujimoto
Donald M. Fujimoto
Kenneth K. & June K. Fujimoto
R. Katsuji & Helen M. Fujimoto
Guy K. & Susan Fujimura
Leianne T. Fujimura & Lehmann Kaneshiro
Evelyn Fujishima*
Joan E. & Jerry Fujita
Linda Fujitani
Chiyome Leinaala Fukino*
Gary K.M. & Vernette Fukuda
Howard & Ellen H. Fukuda
Jerome & Paula Fukuda
Eloise Fukuji
Melvin M. & Judith T. Fukumoto
Hideo Fukunaga
Paul & Charlene Fukunaga
Thelma H. Furukawa
Karen R. & Haruko Futa
Garth Glazier & Phyllis M. Remata-Glazier
Carl J. & Amy A. Hagihara
Cheryl Hamamoto
Sandy & Damon Hamura
George S. Harada
Karen T. Harada
Ruriko Hasegawa
John N. & Jean K. Hashimoto
Ruth R. Hashisaka & Clyde O. Fukuyama
June S. Hashizaki
Ernest H. & Sue Hashizume
Dale M. Hatakeyama*
Yoshiko Hatakeyama
Mami Hayashi
Tatsumi & Masako Hayashi
June Rae Hee
Shigeo & Yoshiko Higa
Harold T. Higashi
Lawrence & Frances Himeda
Francis T. & Sandra S. Hino
Kowashi & Nora C. Hirai
Nariyoshi & Gail F. Hiraoka
Thomas Hirasuna & Jean Hunter
Hitomi Hirata
Tom Hironaga*
Hiroshi & Nobu Hishinuma
Gail Ann M. Honda
Paul S. & Betty H. Honda
Tosh & Dorothy Hosoda
Hosoi Garden Mortuary Inc.
Hammond Hu*
Gerald M. & Shirley Ibe
Betty & Deidre Ichimura
Wendell Idemoto*
Evelyn Y. Iha
Koren Ihara*
Jean R. Imamoto
Michael & Sharon M. Inake
Frank & Janet Inamine
Helen T. Inazaki
Edward N. Inouye
Julie M. Ishibashi
June H. Ishida & Janet Kim
Lincoln J. Ishida & Lynn Estes
Island Nursing Home
Noelle M. Ito
Wesley & Mae Iwamoto
Lianne Iwanaga-Ohashi
Deanna Izuka
Donna Izuka
Frederick S. Izumi
Japan Memorial Corporation
Tomiyo Jokura
Marion Jouas
Richard M. & Nancy K. Kado
Chester A. Kaitoku
Dennis Kajiura*
Alvin A. Kajiwara
Janice A. Kamemoto
Miles T. & Charlene E. Kamimura
Stanley & Fumiko Kamita
Richard K. & Janice H. Kanayama
Danny Y. & Mitsuko Kaneko
Dennis K. & Marion M. Kanemori
Chenise Satoe Kanemoto-Magno
Betty H. Kaneshiro
Carol Kanna
Jon Riki Karamatsu
Russell H. Kashiwa
Owen & Donn Kashiwamura
Brian S. Kataoka
Jody Kato*
Tadao Katsuhiro
James A. Kawaehika
Kevin & Jodi Kawahara
Masayuki & Lorna Kawahara
Sandi Kawahara
Clarence Y. Kawahigashi
Richard & Nancy Kawakami
Alan K. Kawamura*
Edward J. Kawamura*
Kenneth K. Kawamura*
Mildred Hayase Kawano
May Kawawaki Price & Larry Price
Beatrice Kaya
Donald & Linda Kessler
Amy Kiguchi
Kansha donor list
Donations are from December 2008–January 2009
Bert Kikuyama
Harry H. & Tsuneko Kikuyama
Akimichi & Florence Kimura
Arthur & Rene Kimura
Lee Kimura & Lisa Yamamoto*
Dennis T. Kinoshita Jr.
Mary U. Kishi
Mae T. Kishimoto
Tsuyuko & Yukio Kitagawa
Delma O. Kiyomoto
Robert T. & Agnes H. Kiyuna
Bert C. Kochi & Helen M. Kochi
Dennis Kodama
Marie Y. Kodama
James K. & Frances K. Kojiro
Mitch M. Kouchi
Faye M. Koyanagi & Lee Nakamura
Dennis M. Kuba*
Edward G. Kuba*
Lilly Kuba*
Stephen Kuba*
Sharilyn A. Kubo
Alton T. & Susan Kuioka
Ivie Kumura
Richard S. Kuniyoshi
Wayne Kuramoto
Robert Kuribayashi
Joy & Riki Kurihara*
James T. Kuroda
James Jr. & Patricia Kuroiwa
Chieno Kurosu & Ann Kwock
Harriet Y. Kusunoki
Dennis M. & Judith N. Kuwabara
Rosamond Leong
Gervin Lincoln
Cathy K. Lopez
Beatrice Maeda
Gina E. Maeda & Christine Walcher
Jon H. Magarifuji*
Leo & Lani Maher
Lani Mamiya
Gary & Wendy Manago
Charlotte Martinson
Derek Martinson
Kathryn S. Matayoshi
Kevin Matsuda
Jiro Matsui
George S. Matsumoto
Robert & Edith Matsumoto
Tsutomu & Sanae Matsumoto
Emma Matsunaga & Daniel Siu
John & Ruth Matsunaga*
Carolyn Matsuura
Joan Matsuzaki
Bob McWilliams
Setsu K. Meyer
Michael Miles
Laurie & Keevin Minami
Ralph & Linda Miranda
Helen Y. Mishima
Mary Mitsuda
Joyce A. Mitsunaga
Henry E. & Tomiko Miura
Gary N. Miyakawa
Gene & Tammy Miyake
Roy Miyamoto*
Keith & Joyce Miyashiro
Marshall & Kimberly Miyoshi
Gail Mizokawa
Norman Mizuno
Clarence H. Moke Puha
Amy Monk
Sachiko Monzen
Rikio & Etsuko Mori
Jon H. & Lisa Morikawa
Charlotte Morikuni
Kennard & Miriam Morimoto
Eunice E. Morisaki
Annette Morishige
Cheryl & Jean Motooka
Sean Moura*
Peter & Lois Mow
Douglas K. & Betty N. Mukai
Keane & Kathleen Muranaka
Nelson H. & Alice Muraoka
Mitsuo & Tsukimi Murashige
Myra Y. Murata
Sanford & Frances Murata
Karen N. Muronaga
Fumio & Diane S. Nagaishi
James S. & Jane R. Nagao
Dean & D. Nakagawa
Gayle Nakahata
Elaine Nakai
Karen T. & Cynthia Nakaichi
Ronald & Betty Nakamine
Avis Nakamoto*
Jon & Ginger Nakamoto
Earl I. Nakamura
Katsuko U. Nakamura
Helen Nakasone
Cecile Nakata
Dorothy S. & Ann R. Nakata
Yosao Naruto & Patsy S. Oyadomari
Jo-Lynne Naton
Daryl S. Nekoba
Clara Y. Niimoto
Jeannette Nishikawa
Clyde M. Nishimoto*
Yoichi Nishimoto*
Jean Nishimura
Dean & Corinne Nishina
Judy Noguchi-Greenwell
James M. & May M. Nojiri
Diane Nomura*
Matsuyo & Elizabeth H. Nose
Yeiko Jeanne Nowaki
John S. Nuha
Ronald M. Oba
Oceanic Time Warner Cable
Geraldine Ochikubo
Roy & Gail T. Oda
Alice Ogata
Sandra S. Ogawa
Sharon Ohara
George I. & Chieko Ohmi
Michael T. & Kathleen A. Okada
Ruby Okafuji
Jane S. Okamura
Elaine S. Okazaki
Rachel Mari Okazaki*
Valerie Okihara
Mark S. Okihiro*
Charles & Mildred Okimura
Atsushi & Agnes R. Okino
Joan Okino
Rachel Okoji
Misao Okuda
Sada Okumura & John H. Drouilhet
Hisamitsu & Miyoko Omori
Evan & Dawn Omoto
Beverly Ono
Richard K. Onosaki
Fukiko S. Oshiro
Lynne Oshiro
Paul N. & Mitsuko K. Oshiro
Amy Osurman*
Jean Otake
Mitchell Otani
Grace M. Otsuka
Sylvia M. & John M. Pearson
Tamiko Roberts
Elsie & Max Rol
Tetsuo & Ann Sahara
Donna W. Saiki
Minnie K. Saiki
Richard K. & Agnes T. Saito
Lorraine Sakaguchi
Mack & Barbara Sakai
Howard H. & Molly T. Sakamoto
Howard Sakata
Kean Sakata*
Steven Sakuma & Becky Kim
Robert T. & Reiko Sakurai
Kimihiko Sano
Claire R. Sanpei
Stanley Sasaki
James & Nora Sato
John H. & Ruth Y. Sato
Kenneth K. Sato
Larry E. & Laura Sato
Mamoru & Kathleen Sato
Patrick & Leonette Sato
Takao & Mitsue Sato
Preston H. & Alice F. Satsuma
Linda K. & Karen Sawai
Masayoshi & Lorraine Sawai
Machiko Sekimoto
Toshitaro & Ruth Sekiya
Allen Seto
Florence Shibano
George Shibuya
Karen E. Shigematsu
Derek Shigesato*
Joe & Kikue Shikami
Julie Shimonishi*
Alicia Shin
Tamotsu & Ayako Shintaku
Terry Shintani*
Kazuo & Betty S. Shishido
Walter Soga
Laurie S. Sogawa
Joan Soma
Shinji & Masuko Soneda
Sumie K. Sueishi
Jay T. & Allene R. Suemori
Elizabeth (Lisa) S. Suenaga
Ann Sugibayashi
Florence S. Sugimoto
Kevin S. Sugimoto*
Rene Sumida*
Edward & Cynthia Sunahara
Helen Sunakoda
Alice Suyeoka*
Shigeki & May T. Suyeoka
Nancy Suzuki-Slakter
Elin E. Amano-Tabuyo & Billy J.A. Tabuyo
Stephen A. & Kyle K. Tajima
Lance & Karen Takahashi
Naoki & Toshie Takamura
Christy & Wayne Takamure
Carole K. Takehara
Jo Ann Takeuchi
Harold Takiguchi*
Miwa Tamanaha
Thomas Tamayori
Masao & Patsy Tamura
Terry & Naomi Tanaka
Carl T. & Jean Tanaka
Carolee & Drusilla A. Tanaka
Irene K. Tanaka
Rod Tanaka
Edmond Y. & Janet E. Terada
Dorothy M. Teraoka
John & Irene S. Teraoka
Tesh & Yasuko Teshima
Howard K. & Anna I. Toda
Hiroji Togashi
George & Janet I. Tokita
Wade Tokumine
June Tom
Thomas & Gail Toma
Karlton Tomomitsu
Claire Tong*
Jane Torikai
Jean Torikawa
Mitsuo & Jane H. Tottori
Ronald Matsuo Toya
Kenji & Nobuko Toyama
Harry H. & Irene H. Toyomura
Harry Tsuchidana
Diane Tsuchiya
Yuriko Tsue
Ted & Fuku Tsukiyama
Dennis Tsuruda & Karie Lyn Kojima-Tsuruda
Miyoko Uchigakiuchi
Dean & Lisa Uemura
Glenn H. Uesugi
John N. & Elsie F. Urauchi
Akiko K. Uyeda
Ethel M. Uyeda
Harry M. & Sue Uyeoka
Donald R. Van Deventer & Ayako Iwata
Angie N. Velardo & Eric Baranda
Connie & Roxanne Vierra
Dennis & Pauline Wachi
Richard Y. Wada
Wesley M. Wakamura
Irene N. Wakatsuki
Charlene Watanabe
Harry K.C. & Grace Hisako Wong
Stanley F.H. Wong
Chiyo Takagi Wood
Glenn T. & Gayle R. Yabuki
Thomas & Ami F. Yamachika
Alice & Russell Yamada
Kenneth Y. & Carol M. Yamada
Kiyo Yamada
Shirley H. Yamada
Barbara S. Yamaguchi
Gail S. Yamaguchi
May T. Yamaguchi
Steve & Lani Yamami
Alvin M. & Sheryl Y. Yamamoto
Franklin Yamamoto
Robert M. & Gladys Y. Yamamoto
Roy T. & Clara K. Yamamoto
Warren S. & Jane M. Yamamoto
Dale & Lynn R. Yamanaka
Sharon Yamaoka
George & Lynne Yamashiro
Jennie Yamashita
Richard & Pauline Yanagisawa
Corinne Yee
Walter & Sherri Yim
Wallace H. & Sally S. Yokota
Larry S. & Joan C. Yokoyama
Wayne M. & Lynn T.K. Yokoyama
Kenneth S. & Julie N. Yoneda
Van M. Yoneda
Mildred M. Yoshida
Masuko Yoshimoto
Lanette Yoshioka
Marjorie S. Yoshioka & Tess C. Yasui
Albert & Yuriko Yoshiyama
Lorraine Y. Young
Robert Zess*
Every little bit helps, which is
why the Kibo- (“wish”) Corner
was created. Listed below
are items or services that
can help the JCCH.
Thanks to all who have
contributed to our Kibo- Corner!
If you are interested in donating
any of the following, please
call Michelle Miyashiro,
Office Assistant, at
(808) 945-7633, ext. 30.
Used/Empty Hewlett-Packard
(HP) Ink Jet Cartridges
for the JCCH Office to receive a
discount on office supplies.
Laptop Computer
(older laptop with operating
system pre-Windows Vista)
to connect with a projector in the
JCCH Gallery.
Industrial Cart
to carry heavy collection
and office items.
To Our
Corporate Members
Ethel S. Doi
Henry K.S. & Kikue I. Fong
Hisayo Fukuda
Claire Y. Furukawa
Ruriko Hasegawa
Hashimoto Family
Keiko Hatano
Hawaii Superferry
Hawaiian Host
The House of Harry Winston
Helen T. Inazaki
Ito-En (USA) Inc.
Ken Kawasaki
KTM Services
Masao Kubo
Aiko C. Miyamoto
Yukiko T. Nitahara
Dr. Alan K. Nomura
Vernon Okamura
Kunie Quon
Janet Tadaki
Bert S. Tokairin
Yoko Waki
Kazuko & Nathan Watson
*Gift Membership
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
TASTE OF MARUKAI: Nihon no Aji Meguri
Thursday, April 9
6 p.m.–9 p.m.
Marukai Wholesale Mart
2310 Kamehameha Hwy
A fundraiser for the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i, Honolulu Japanese
Chamber of Commerce, Honolulu Japanese
Junior Chamber of Commerce and the
Hawai‘i United Okinawan Association
Admission is $85 per person (before
March 27); $95 per person after March 27
and at the door. To purchase admission
tickets, call the Cultural Center at (808)
Come celebrate the best of Japanese
heritage in Hawai‘i at the Taste of Marukai:
Nihon no Aji Meguri. Join us for a culinary
journey through various regions of Japan at
this fundraising event featuring traditional
and contemporary Japanese cuisine, as
well as the island’s largest selection of sake,
shochu and awamori.
Come experience meguri items influenced by
various regions of Japan: including Nagoya,
Hiroshima and Kyushu. Sample Okinawan
food from Off the Wall Restaurant and local
Japanese specialties from Zen Shu Izakaya
Restaurant and Sports Bar. Attendees will
also experience exciting entertainment
featuring karaoke performances from four
KZOO Radio Karaoke Champions, and even
get the chance to win great prizes such as a
JAL roundtrip airfare to Japan for two, $500
in free 76 gasoline, a 37” flatscreen HDTV and
more! Attendees also receive special eventnight-only specials on some of Marukai’s
most popular items.
For more information or to buy admission
and prize tickets online, visit http://www.
marukaihawaii.com (click on the Taste of
Marukai image).
Saturday, March 14 • 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sunday, March 15 • 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Honolulu Festival
Hawai‘i Convention Center
As part of the 15th annual Honolulu Festival’s
various ethnic performances, events and exhibits,
come check out the Japanese Cultural Center
of Hawai‘i in the Ennichi Corner, where the
organization will be presenting several keiki
activities throughout the weekend.
Cultural Center Members
can receive a free Chinese
zodiac “Year of the Ox”
animal figurine (while
supplies last) during the
festival. Must present valid
JCCH membership card.
The Wat Misaka Story
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Gallery Theatre
8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Free admission for Cultural Center members;
$5 for non-members
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i will host
a special screening of Transcending: The Wat
Misaka Story, a documentary film about the first
Asian American professional basketball player. A
Nisei who was born, raised and currently resides
in Utah, Wat Misaka was the first round draft pick
of the New York Knicks in 1947.
Wat Misaka had to overcome the national
political climate of the time while he was a star
player for the University of Utah leading them to
two national championships. His perseverance
and loyalty to his teammates, other Nisei
friends and his family, are a testament to the
unflappable Japanese American spirit.
This film includes in depth interviews with
Wat and his family, teammates from his
championship teams, video clips from his
college games, a visit to the Topaz Internment
Camp, countless photos and other memorable
moments in his triumphant career.
Transcending: The Wat Misaka Story is directed
by award-winning filmmakers Bruce Alan
Johnson and Christine Toy Johnson.
Seating is first come, first served. The Gallery
Theatre holds a maximum of 50 seats.
For more information, please call the Cultural
Center at (808) 945-7633, Ext. 28 or email
[email protected].
Kodomo no Hi: Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green
Kimono Dressing Application Form
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
upcoming events
Kimono Dressing by Masako Formals
Photography by King Digital Imaging Center
Kodomo no Hi
odomi no Hi (Children’s Day) is celebrated in Japan
on May 5 as a national holiday that is a part of
Golden Week, a modern adaptation of the traditional
Boy’s Day. Celebrated in Hawai‘i since the early days of
Japanese settlement, the holiday is marked by the flying
carp banners that symbolize the strength and fortitude that
Japanese parents hoped their sons would one day possess.
Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22; some of the
largest celebrations
take place in Japan.
Since 2007, the
Japanese national
holiday Midori no Hi
(Greenery Day) also
has been celebrated
on May 4.
“Kodomo no tame ni,
for the sake of the
children is what we thought about when planning this year’s
festival,” says Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i Gallery
Director Christy Takamune. “While Kodomo no Hi is the
traditional children’s holiday, the purpose of Earth Day—
to promote environmental consciousness—is all about
the children and the world we leave for them as well. Thus,
it seemed natural to incorporate a green theme into our
annual festival.”
In addition to displays of traditional Girl’s Day dolls and
other objects associated with Children’s Day, the community
gallery will also feature displays of recycling practices in
Japan and Hawai‘i. Perhaps because Japan and Hawai‘i
share an island existence, they also share a concern with
recycling. Can recycling practices in Japan sponsored by
both governmental and non-governmental organizations
be adapted for use in Hawai‘i?
When: Sunday, May 3, 2009
Where: Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Mānoa Grand Ballroom, Fifth Floor
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Cost: $56 per JCCH Member*
$70 per non-member
*Individual Members receive a 20% discount - one $56 slot; Family Members receive
two $56 slots.
Fee includes dressing by Masako Formals staff, use of kimono and
accessories and the portrait sitting fee with King Digital Photo.
Fee does NOT include hair and makeup.
Photos are a separate cost. Packages range from $20 to $60 and up.
Cancellation prior to 72 hours notice will be reimbursed in full.
Parking: $3 with validation
Registration deadline: Saturday, April 18, 2009
Parent’s Name(s): __________________________________________
JCCH Membership # (required for member discount):
Telephone: _______________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Child(ren)’s information:
1) Name _________________________________________________
Age: ______
Gender: Boy | Girl (please circle one)
2) Name _________________________________________________
Age: ______
Gender: Boy | Girl (please circle one)
3) Name _________________________________________________
Age: ______
Gender: Boy | Girl (please circle one)
4) Name _________________________________________________
Age: ______
Gender: Boy | Girl (please circle one)
5) Name _________________________________________________
Age: ______
Gender: Boy | Girl (please circle one)
Please pick your preferred time slot (please select up to three time slots):
Come celebrate—and learn—with us on May 3!
10 a.m.–11 a.m. 12 p.m.–1 p.m. Written by Brian Niiya, Resource Center Director
11 a.m.–12 p.m. 1 p.m.–2 p.m.
2 p.m.–3 p.m.
*Appointments are assigned on a first come, first served basis when payment is received.
We will make every effort to accommodate your assigned time slot. However, your time slot
is contingent upon the flow of day. Please kōkua as we are working with children.
Recycle and Get a Free Prize!
Enclosed is my check payable to the JCCH
Bring your used batteries and/or eyeglasses to be recycled at the Kodomo
no Hi: Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green event and receive a free prize! The Cultural
Center is working with community organizations to collect used batteries
and eyeglasses that in turn will be safely disposed and/or recycled to help
keep the environment clean.
Please charge my credit card:
Account #:________________________________________________
Expiration Date: ___________________________________________
Authorized Signature: ______________________________________
Please return this form to the JCCH at 2454 S. Beretania Street, Honolulu, HI 96826
or fax to (808) 944-1123. For more information, call the JCCH at (808) 945-7633.
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Festival Planning
Committee Volunteers
Overall Co-Chairs
Richard Hosoda
Tyler Tokioka
Sponsorship Chair
Mark Yamada
Food Co-Chairs
Donn Ariyoshi
Rattana Soubandith
Entertainment Chair
Mike Matsuo
Games Chair
Cindy Wong
Dennis Kanemori
Dōmo Arigatō to the following Cultural
Tables and Entertainers whose generosity and
support made the 2009 New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival
a grand success!
Bamboo Ridge Press
Brandon Tengan
Capoeira Hawaii
Carol Nagano
Classic Bonsai Club
Consulate-General of Japan
Daijingu Temple of Hawaii
Farrington High School
Japanese Club
Generation Kikaida
(JN Productions, Inc.)
Hawaii Karate Association
Hawaii Kyudo Kai
Hawaii Matsuri Taiko
Hawaii Shinryu Kan
Hanayagi Dancing Academy
Hanayagi Mitsusumi
Dance Studio
Harada Naoyuki-Kai
Hawaii Branch
Hawaii Shintō Renmei
Hawaiian Humane Society
Izumo Taishakyo Mission
of Hawaii
Janice Terukina
Japanese Women’s Society
Jeff Gere
John Stevens
Kawaii Kon
Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble
Kinshuu Kai Hawaii
Kotohira Jinja Dazaifu
Tenmangu Shrine
Lily Nakao
Mineko Weite
Miyashiro Minbu Kai
Miyazono Minyo Buyo Kai
Nakasone Dance Academy
Nancy Fujioka
Oahu Anime Explorer
Otaki Minbu Kai
Pat Liu
Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
Royal Hawaiian Band
Ryukyukoku Matsuri
Daiko Hawaii
Sawai Koto Kai Hawaii
Somei Taiko
Stephanie Nagata
Susan Miyachi
Tamagusuku Ryu Senjukai
Frances Nakachi Ryubu Dojo
Tenrikyō Hawaii Dendōchō
Tokakai Calligraphy
Teru teru bōzu brings sunshine on festival day
Cultural Tables
Stephanie Furuta
Chenise KanemotoMagno
Craft Fair Chair
Kerri-Ayn Kaya
Kathy Kiyabu
Betsy Young
Safety Chairs
Leighton Hara
Jay Suemori
Logistics Chair
Ken Hayashida
Scrip Co-Chairs
Susan Kitsu
Denise Yoshida
Finance Chair
Caroline Okihara
Book Sale Chair
Brian Niiya
Publicity Chair
Marisa Takahashi
Ray Fujino
Jonathan Murai
Ricky Shimokawa
The New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival is made
possible in large part through a generous
grant from the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority—
City and County of Honolulu County
Product Enrichment Program
Event Sponsors
The NOAA National Weather Service forecast for January 11, 2009, the day of
the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i’s New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival was 90% chance
of heavy rain and thunderstorms. The mood in the Cultural Center’s office was as
gloomy as the forecast. A concerned volunteer proceeded to make a teru teru bōzu
and hung it from the tent of the main stage in the Teruya Courtyard. I was in a state of total disbelief when the day of the festival unfolded with blue skies
and sunshine. The change in weather was so sudden and inexplicable that I could
only attribute it to the teru teru bōzu. At the end of the day, while volunteers put away the remaining folding chairs in the
Teruya Courtyard, I noticed the solitary teru teru bōzu swaying in the breeze that
funnels down through the courtyard from Mānoa Valley. Although it was probably
noticed by only a few people
that day, I felt compelled to
Teru teru bōzu literally means “shine,
photograph this inconspicuous
Buddhist monk.” It is a hand-made doll made
Photo and text by Brian Sato, amulet; now thoroughly
of white cloth or paper with a smiley face that is
Japanese Cultural Center of convinced of its power and
Hawai‘i Volunteer
believed to hold special powers. Traditionally, on a
effectiveness in warding off
cloudy day farmers hung these little amulets on the
rain and saving the day for the
Japanese Cultural Center of
window to ward off rain and bring in the sunshine.
Hawai‘i’s annual event. 10
Friends of NYOF
Center for Japanese Studies
at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Tosh Hosoda
KTM Services, Inc.
Lyle S. Hosoda & Associates LLC
Mānoa Grand Ballroom
McDonald’s Restaurants of Hawai‘i
Meadow Gold Dairies
Pepsi Bottling Group
Grant Thornton LLP
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
JCCH Gallery and gift shop Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Dialogues of Abstraction
opening reception
Open until
friday, april 3
free admission
On February 7, the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Community Gallery held
an opening reception for its
Dialogues of Abstraction
exhibit. This is the first
time the work of these two
acclaimed JapaneseAmerican painters, Mary
Mitsuda and James Kuroda,
have been brought together,
creating a critical dialogue
on the creation, development,
and production of abstract
painting. There is still time
to enjoy the fascinating work
of Mitsuda and Kuroda—
Dialogues of Abstraction
continues until Friday, April 3.
March Gift Shop Special
for JCCH Members!
Check out the newest addition in the Cultural
Center Gift Shop’s book collection—Wally
Yonamine: The Man Who Changed Japanese
Baseball by Robert K. Fitts.
Hawai‘i-born Wallace “Wally”
Yonamine was the first
Japanese American to play
both professional football
and baseball. A high school
athlete on Maui and later at
Farrington High School, he was
the first Japanese American
professional football player
with the San Francisco 49ers.
He later became a pioneering foreign player,
coach and manager in Japan’s baseball major
league. Yonamine was inducted into the Japan
Baseball Hall of Fame in 1994.
As a special benefit for Japanese Cultural Center
of Hawai‘i members, Mr. Yonamine has signed
a limited amount of copies for purchase. Visit
the Gift Shop during the month of March to
buy an autographed copy of the book, Wally
Yonamine: The Man Who Changed Japanese
Baseball, at 20% off the retail price of $26.95
(while supplies last).
“Wally Yonamine is one of the most important figures
in the long, rich history of baseball in Japan. His life story,
from the rustic schoolyards of prewar Maui to modernday state-of-the-art Tokyo stadiums, is filled with drama
and color.”
Robert Whiting, author of You Gotta Have Wa and
The Samurai Way of Baseball*
*Source: www.wallyyonamine.com
New Item at the
JCCH Gift Shop
Free parking
validation at the
Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i
Gift Shop with
$10 purchase.
ome visit the
Gift Shop at the
Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i! You
can find books, DVDs,
ceramic pieces, and lots of
items on consignment, like
these colorful locally made
zōri, the newest item for
sale at the Gift Shop. Crafter
Amy Iwamasa meticulously
hand makes each pair of house
slippers using cardboard, scraps of cotton
fabric with bright Hawaiian and Japanese
prints, goza reed beach mats, and padding
for the straps. Each zōri is one of a kind
and only available for a limited time at
the Cultural Center Gift Shop. Price: $18
(JCCH members receive 10% off).
Here & There, This & That corner
Business of
the Arts
On December 2, 2008, Hawai‘i
Public Radio (HPR) invited the
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
to participate in a taping of HPR’s
show, Business of the Arts. The
radio show explores how nonprofit organizations do business
in a highly competitive economy.
Mahalo to HPR, host Bob Sandla,
(L-R): Board of Director Vice Chair/Treasurer Lee
Moriwaki, Business of the Arts Host Bob Sandla, JCCH and producer Judy Neale for
President/Executive Director Lenny Yajima Andrew
allowing the Cultural Center to
and JCCH Resource Center Director Brian Niiya after
share the organization’s story with
taping the radio show Business of the Arts on Hawai‘i
listeners across the state.
Public Radio.
t Ikebana 1
Ohara by
Irene Nakamoto
Ikebana 2 u
Ikenobo by
Suzanne Nakano
Book Fair
Some of Hawai‘i’s most wellknown authors came together
on December 6, 2008 for the
Cultural Center’s Holiday Book
Fair. Authors discussed their
books and signed copies
Holiday Book Fair authors.
for the crowd. Participating
authors included: Governor George R. Ariyoshi (With Obligation to All), Jean Ariyoshi
(Washington Place, A First Lady’s Story), Joyce Chinen (Uchinaanchu Diaspora: Memories,
Continuities, and Constructions— Social Process in Hawai‘i, Volume 42), John R.K. Clark
(Guardian of the Sea: Jizo in Hawai‘i), Hazel Kazuko Arii Ho (One Cup Rice), Dorothy Ochiai
Hazama and Jane Okamoto Komeiji (The Japanese in Hawai‘i: Okage Sama De), Brian
Sato (Gokurōsama: Contemporary Photographs of the Nisei in Hawai‘i), Joe Tsujimoto
(Morningside Heights: New York Stories), The Japanese Women’s Society Foundation
(Kokoro: Cherished Japanese Traditions in Hawai‘i).
t Ikebana 3
Ohara by
Lorraine Tanimura
Ikebana 4 u
Welcome KZOO!
Some of the staff from Radio Station KZOO
(1210 AM) gathers for a picture at their
temporary studio on the third floor of the
Weinberg Building at the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai’i.
Ikenobo by
Junko Ige
third highest rated AM station in the state,
offering Japanese music and programming
to its primarily Japanese speaking
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
welcomes its newest tenant to the Cultural
Center’s Mō‘ili‘ili location. Radio Station
KZOO (1210 AM), Hawai‘i’s premiere
Japanese language radio station, is now
broadcasting from the JCCH’s Weinberg
Radio Station KZOO (1210 AM) has been
serving Hawai‘i for 45 years. KZOO is the
“Focusing on the Japanese culture is at the
core of what we do,” said KZOO President
David Furuya.
“By moving our station to the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, it feels like we’re
streamlining our mission and direction,
while at the same time supporting the
Japanese culture and community in
Hawai‘i. It just made sense.”
t Ikebana 5
Ohara by
Edith Tanaka
Board of Directors
Nomination Notice
march 2, 2009
Dear Members,
n accordance with Section 4.2 of the Bylaws of the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, the size of the Cultural Center Board
of Directors was increased from 15 to 19 Directors in January
2008. The four vacancies were filled with staggered terms by the
Board subsequent to the last election. These Directors have been
serving very effectively on the Board, and they are nominated and
recommended for election to continue in their respective terms.
They are:
Christine Yano Professor of Anthropology, University of Hawai‘i
(Term expiring June 30, 2011)
David Erdman President & CEO, PacRim Marketing Group
(Term expiring June 30, 2010)
Neil Takekawa Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Hawai‘i
Superferry (Term expiring June 30, 2010)
Ken Niimura President, Ito En (USA) (Term expiring June 30, 2009)
Seven (7) Directors are serving terms that expire on June 30,
2009, of which four (4) Directors are eligible for renomination:
Donn Ariyoshi, Ken Niimura, Tyler Tokioka and Susan Yamada.
Three (3) Directors have reached their maximum 6 year term
limit according to the Bylaws, and therefore are not eligible for
renomination: Dean Hirata, Eric Martinson and Yuki Lei Sugimura
(Maui Representative).
The Board of Directors, acting upon nomination made by its
Governance Committee pursuant to Section 4.3(b) of the Bylaws,
also recommends the election of the following individuals to fill the
vacancies caused by the expiration of either the current terms or
the eligibility to serve of the seven (7) Directors above:
Renominated Directors to serve three (3) year terms:
Donn Ariyoshi (Term expiring June 30, 2012)
Ken Niimura (Term expiring June 30, 2012)
Tyler Tokioka (Term expiring June 30, 2012)
Susan Yamada (Term expiring June 30, 2012; however, Ms.
Yamada will have served her maximum term limit on the Board in
2010, therefore, Ms. Yamada’s term will expire on June 20, 2010.
Thereupon, the Board will appoint a successor to fill the unexpired
term of Ms. Yamada.)
New Directors to serve three (3) year terms:
Glenn Inouye Senior Vice President, SERVCO Pacific. Mr. Inouye’s
career at SERVCO spans 24 years of various managerial positions
in the financial and operational areas. Prior to SERVCO, he served
seven years at Deloitte & Touche. Mr. Inouye fills the position being
vacated by Eric Martinson and will serve through June 30, 2012.
Lance Mizumoto Executive Vice President and Commercial
Banking Division Manager, Central Pacific Bank. Mr. Mizumoto has
27 years experience in the banking and financial fields, and has
been at Central Pacific Bank for three years. Mr. Mizumoto was
employed at First Hawaiian Bank prior to moving to Central Pacific
Bank. Mr. Mizumoto fills the position being vacated by Dean Hirata
and will serve through June 30, 2012.
Kyoko Kimura Managing Director, Diamond Hawai‘i Resort & Spa
(Maui Representative). Ms. Kimura has 20 years experience in the
hospitality industry with more than 10 years experience as the
General Manager of a luxury all suite resort in Wailea, Maui. She is
an active member of the Maui community and has served in various
leadership capacities in business and cultural organizations, to
include the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i Board of Directors.
Ms. Kimura fills the position being vacated by Yuki Lei Sugimura and
will serve through June 30, 2012.
Only if additional nominations are made by petition will an election
ballot be sent to you. Nominations may be made by a written
petition signed by not less than 15 Voting Members accompanied
by a written assent of the nominee, pursuant to Section 4.3(b) of
the Bylaws. In the event that there are no additional nominees by
way of timely written petition, then the nomination shall be closed
and the nominees listed above shall be deemed elected without
further action to be taken by the Voting Members. All nominees
must qualify as regular members of the Japanese Cultural Center of
If you intend to petition for a nomination, please obtain a form at
the Cultural Center office or call Leianne Fujimura, Administrative
Assistant, at (808) 945-7633, Ext. 29. The completed petition form
must be submitted through mail or in person to the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i at 2454 South Beretania Street, Honolulu,
HI 96826 no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 20, 2009.
Eric K. Martinson
Chairman, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i Board of Directors
Friday, april 10–Sunday April 12, 2009
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i
Membership benefits
Kawaii kon 2009:
Hawai‘i’s Own Anime Convention
and Conference
Retail Benefits
hawai‘i convention center
30% off custom picture framing
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i members
receive a 10% discount off admission.
Join the fun at Kawaii Kon 2009—a gathering of friends
and fans of Asian entertainment and culture. Whether
your interest is Japanese animation (anime), live-action films,
music, art, costumes, or video games, Kawaii Kon is the
place to be!
Kawaii Kon 2009 has an exciting line-up of guests from
Japan and the United States, including Stan Sakai, a local
boy-turned-famous comic artist, best known for his longrunning series, Usagi Yojimbo. A costume contest, video
game tournaments, collectible card game tournaments,
music video contests and anime viewing rooms are just
some of the other events planned. For more information,
visit http://www.kawaii-kon.org.
Special Discount for JCCH Members:
JCCH members will receive 10% off the admission price to
the Kawaii Kon 2009 Convention and Conference when using
the promo code jcch09. Members can either type the promo
code (jcch09) into the appropriate field when registering
online, or can mention the code, along with proof of JCCH
membership at the door.
Online Pre-Registration Rates:
3 Day Membership
Adult (ages 13 & up): $45.00 ($40.50 with promo code)
Child (ages 6-12): $35.00 ($31.50 with promo code)
The Art Board
1170 Nuuanu Ave. Ste. 104, Honolulu
Ph (808) 536-0121
10% off (except CD/DVD/magazines)
1600 Kapiolani Blvd. #121, Honolulu
Ph (808) 947-5503
Morning Glory
15% off
Mililani location only
95-1249 Meheula Parkway, Mililani
Ph (808) 627-186
10% off all merchandise except
consignment items
2745 S. King St., Honolulu
Ph (808) 946-7407
Pro-Am Golf Shop
20% off retail price on all items, except
golf balls and items already on sale
1159 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu
Ph (808) 596-2911
10% off any day
Ala Moana Shopping Center, Honolulu
Specialty Services Benefits
BASKETS, etcetera by Nancy
10% discount of all merchandise
(Baskets, Gifts, Decorations)
Ph (808) 247-1933
$29.00 service fee + tax, $44.00
monthly dues + tax
Ala Moana location only
1585 Kapiolani Blvd., Honolulu
Ph (808) 942-4900]
Hawaii Karate Association
10% off annual or monthly
karate tuition fees
Honolulu · Ph (808) 551-9405
Naniwa-Ya Ramen
10% off food purchase
Ala Moana Shopping Center,
Makai Market Food Court, Honolulu
Occidental Underwriters
of Hawaii
Special discounts on insurance
Panda Travel
Corporate travel rates
5% off Japan rail passes
Corporate rates for Japan Travel
$25 off Tren-dy Paks (to Japan or Bangkok)
—round-trip airfare includes 3 nights hotel,
starting from $749 perperson based on
double occupancy + tax + fuel surcharge
MAnoa Grand Ballroom*
1017 Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu
Ph (808) 738-3338
Adult (ages 13 & up)—$50, $45*
Child (ages 6 to 12)—$40, $36*
Honolulu · Ph (808) 946-6758
Quality Health & Fitness
2 Day Memberships:
10% off kimono dressing
and picture taking
At-Door Rates:
3 Day Memberships
Adult (ages 13 & up)—$35, $31.50*
Child (ages 6 to 12)—$25, $22.50*
1 Day Membership:
Adult (ages 13 & up)—$25, $22.50*
Child (ages 6 to 12)—$15, $13.50*
*with promo code & membership card
Quality Health & Fitness
715 South King St., Ste. 504 • Honolulu, HI 96813
Quality Health & Fitness is a personal and group training
studio that assists people in their pursuit of health
and fitness. Owner Asako Lahoe is from Japan and
speaks the language fluently. Quality Health & Fitness
is offering a special discount to JCCH Members: $45 per
session with a minimum 5-session package purchase at
$225 ($400 value); 10% off on any other packages.
For more information, call (808) 392-4816 or visit
10% off (up to $100) on food catered
Masako Formals
716 Cooke St., Honolulu
Ph (808) 947-2696
Honolulu, Pearl City
Security Alarm Shop
10% off all merchandise
Honolulu, Pearl City
Current Partnership/Program-Related Benefits
$5 off Japanese Calligraphy by Hiromi Peterson Sensei.
20% off kimono dressing at our New Year’s ‘Ohana Festival, Kodomo no Hi and
Shichi Go San.
JCCH Benefits
50% off off most items at our annual Things Japanese Sale.* (excludes books and select
Free one-year admission to the JCCH Historical Gallery exhibit Okage Sama De.
Free subscription to the JCCH newsletter Legacies.
10% off all items in the JCCH Gift Shop.*
20% off non-commercial translation services at the JCCH Resource Center.
50% off session fee for Kumihimo Craft Workshops.
Discounts on selected JCCH programs, events, cultural classes, workshops and seminars.
Invitations to special events and voting privileges.
* Some restrictions may apply.
10% off all merchandise
Membership/Donation application
Create a Legacy for
Future Generations
n behalf of the Japanese Cultural
Center of Hawai‘i, we thank you, our
valuable members for your strong
support of our organization throughout the
years. It has been almost a year and a half
since the Cultural Center launched its new
Legacy Membership program, an individual
lifetime membership to the Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i. We are humbled
by the support of
our 131 pioneering
Legacy Members.
As a special gift,
the Cultural Center
will present a gift of
shikishi to new Legacy
Members as a token of
appreciation for your
Sign up now for a Legacy Membership
commitment to help
at the Japanese Cultural Center of
secure the legacy of
Hawai‘i and receive this complimentary
kotobuki shikishi brushed by professional
the Japanese Cultural
calligrapher Hiromi Peterson.
Center of Hawai‘i and
our efforts of preserving and sharing the history,
heritage and culture of the evolving Japanese
American experience in the Islands.
This gift of shikishi is brushed by professional
calligrapher Hiromi Peterson, a current ranked
position of hachidan (eighth-degree) in shodō,
teaches calligraphy at the Japanese Cultural Center of
Hawai‘i and Punahou School.
In Japanese, the word Kotobuki can mean longevity
or congratulations, and is often used in celebrations.
The shikishi measures 10.25” x 9.5”. As a Japanese
Cultural Center of Hawai‘i member, you can receive a
discount off shikishi holders and frames available at
the Cultural Center Gift Shop.
For more information on how you can become a Legacy Member, call Marisa Takahashi,
Membership/Public Relations Director at (808) 945-7633, ext. 27 or email at [email protected].
Membership questions? Please call (808) 945-7633, ext. 30
or email [email protected]
MARCH 2009 (Membership benefits are for one year and non-transferable)
Yes, we/I want to become a
$ 15
Student (with ID)
$ 35
$ 50Family
$1,000Legacy (Individual Lifetime Membership)
$ 100Non-Profit
$ 250 Supporting Business
$ 500Premier Corporate
$ 1,000 Imperial Corporate
If New or Renewing:
Membership # ___________________________________
Expires _________________________________________
Name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
City ____________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip _________________
Home Phone # ___________________________________
Work Phone # ___________________________________
Email ___________________________________________
FOR Gift Membership ONLY:
Name (of Recipient) _______________________________
Address ________________________________________
City ____________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip _________________
Home Phone # ___________________________________
Work Phone # ___________________________________
Email ___________________________________________
FOR FAMILY Membership (2 People ONLY):
Please indicate the name of the second member below:
( Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ) ______________________________
Relation (to member) _____________________________
In addition to my membership, enclosed is
my tax-deductible contribution of $ _______________
in support of JCCH programs and activities.
TOTAL: $ ____________________
Please send payment to
2454 South Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96826
Check enclosed, payable to the JCCH
Charge to my:
Card # ______________________________________
Exp. _________________________________________
Signature ____________________________________
U.S. Postage
Honolulu, HI
Permit No. 891
Treasurer/VICE CHAIR
Secretary/ vice chair
2454 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
TEL808 945-7633
FAX808 944-1123
Susan Yamada
JCCH Staff
a t a g l a nc e J a pa nese C u lt u r a l C en t er of H awa i‘i
President & Executive Director
Lenny Yajima Andrew
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 23
Chief Operating Officer
Allicyn Hikida Tasaka
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 22
Administrative Assistant
Leianne Fujimura
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 29
Outreach • Honolulu Festival
See page 8 for special offer.
Volunteer Director/Education Assistant
Derrick Iwata
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 25
Office Assistant
Michelle Miyashiro
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 30
Resource Center Director
Brian Niiya
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 32
Director of Finance & Administration
Caroline Okihara
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 33
Interim Special Events Coordinator
Alan Okimoto
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 28
Public Relations/Membership Director
Marisa Takahashi
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 27
Exhibit • Dialogues of Abstraction
featuring Artists James Kuroda and Mary Mitsuda
Gallery Director
Christy Takamune
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 39
Gallery utility Clerk (PT)
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 39
Gift Shop Manager
Barbara Ishida
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 43
Sunday, MAY 3:
Event • Kodomo no Hi:
Keiki Fun Fest/Going Green
Staff Emeritae
Jane Kurahara
Betsy Young
[email protected] • (808) 945-7633, ext. 42
Resource Center
[email protected]
(808) 945-7633, ext. 42
Gallery & Gift Shop
(808) 945-7633, ext. 43
Outreach • Maui Matsuri
Check out the JCCH Booth!