saltar a la cuerda


saltar a la cuerda
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
This collection of twelve Units is the second module in a series aimed at
introducing Spanish language in a cultural context to early learners in Primary
Schools. The emphasis is very much on fun and enjoyment, and the main aim of the
games and other activities is to stimulate the children’s natural enthusiasm for
language learning.
Learning a language opens up an exciting new world of culture and customs to the
children, and the benefits of broadening their horizons at Primary level will stay
with them for the rest of their lives.
Permission to use this resource has been given to schools taking part in Northern
Ireland’s regional Primary Modern Languages Programme commencing May 2008.
This programme has been funded by Northern Ireland’s Department of Education
and is delivered under the auspices of the regional Project Management Board. The
teaching materials are designed for use by a visiting tutor with a very good
command of the Spanish language. For any other copying or use of the activities in
this Module, permission must first be sought in writing.
Any queries regarding usage of this material or any other related issues may be
addressed to either of the Programme Coordinators:
W A Brodie, Adviser, NEELB. 17 Lough Rd. Antrim BT41 4DH
E-mail: [email protected]
Anne Rowan, Assistant Adviser, SEELB. Grahamsbridge Road. Dundonald BT16 2HS
E-mail: [email protected]
These materials have been devised by Vanessa Brodie, International Officer with
the Curriculum Advisory and Support Services of the Education and Library
Boards, Northern Ireland.
Thanks to Diana Delargy, Christa Brodie and Begoña Mateo-Loughlin for their help
with the graphics in this Module.
Have fun – and happy learning for all!
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Effective Practice ………………………………………………………………
Unidad 1 ………………………………………………………………………………
ICT Opportunities …………………………………………………………
Greetings / Introductions / Numbers 1-10 /Mambo (song/rap) /
Simple commands / Map of Spain
Unidad 2 ………………………………………………………………………………
Greetings / Introductions /How are you? / Colours/ Colour game and
activity sheet
Unidad 3 ………………………………………………………………………………
Greetings / Introductions / ‘Buenos Días Rey’ /How are you? /
More colours / ‘Un Elefante’ (song)
Unidad 4 ………………………………………………………………………………
Greetings /Familiar questions / More colours / ¡La Bomba!(game) /
Numbers revision 1-10 / Un Elefante (song) / Simón Dice /
Activity sheets, ‘¿Mariquita violeta?’ ‘Sol verde?
Unidad 5 ………………………………………………………………………………
Feelings / How old are you? / Numbers 10 –15 / La Lotería
Unidad 6 …………………………………………………………………………………
Classroom objects / ¡Tocad! (game) / Revision of colours /numbers
Unidad 7 …………………………………………………………………………………
How old are you? (revision) / Revising numbers 1-15 /
Brain Gym with numbers / Introduction of ‘Café vocabulary’
Unidad 8 …………………………………………………………………………………
Things to eat and drink / Saltar la Cuerda (game) / Café Bingo /
La Yenka (song) /Simple directions
Unidad 9 …………………………………………………………………………………
Famous towns and cities in Spain /Map / Where do you live? /
Game of 4 Corners / La Yenka
Unidad 10 ………………………………………………………………………………
Familiar questions / Revision of previous topics
Unidad 11 ………………………………………………………………………………
Body parts / Cinco Patitos (song) / Head, Shoulders, Knees,Toes
Unidad 12 ………………………………………………………………………………
¡Navidad Navidad! (Christmas songs and activities)
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Effective Practice in Teaching Languages to Young Learners
• Fun and Enjoyment ☺ ☺ – Let’s make the children’s
first experience of a foreign language a positive one!
• Activity / game based. Children learn through play –
emphasis on doing or making.
• Avoid grammar jargon.
• Lots of varied repetition – a variety of games and
activities to reinforce vocabulary being taught, using a
multi-sensory approach.
• Encouragement and praise. This helps to build selfconfidence. Correct errors gently.
• Cultural context – similarities / differences / customs /
• Encourage good pronunciation and intonation – younger
children can ‘mimic’ the sounds more accurately and enjoy
doing so.
• Relevant topics – relevant to the age of the children you
are teaching.
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
• Transferable skills – listening &speaking / social skills /
presentation skills / music / drama / dance /ICT
• Careful lesson planning – If you are not sure what you
are doing when you walk into a classroom, you will be
stressed, and with good cause! Have everything to hand
that you need for the class – photocopies / CD player
/soft ball / flashcards etc. A lesson plan helps establish a
‘comfort zone’ for the children and promotes confidence.
Keep things fresh by varying the pace of lessons- a mix
of high-energy activities and quieter moments.
(Learning objectives and outcomes / activities / materials
/ reflect and evaluate).
• Display activity sheets / art-work/ ICT related
worksheets – this is motivational for the children,
especially if you have added an extra comment –
¡fenomenal! / ¡estupendo! / ¡fantástico!
• Let the children perform and present what they have
learned –to parents, pupils or even Spanish visitors.
• Be dramatic! Lose your own inhibitions. The response will
amaze you!
• Above all, be enthusiastic - Much of the magic of
teaching comes from the teacher’s enthusiasm!
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 1
This is the first contact with a foreign language that many of the children will have
had and it is important to create enthusiasm for the language from the start. Be
enthusiastic yourself . . . and smile! A positive attitude from the teacher is a
necessary factor to ensure success.
Try to create an informal, fun atmosphere where children learn at their own pace
without stress – an atmosphere where they can develop confidence in the language.
Shower them with praise and encouragement! (estupendo, perfecto, fantástico,
fabuloso etc!)
Bring some visual aids to the first lesson – a map of Spain, a flag, posters, fan,
castanets, and dolls in traditional costume. (Bring something related to your
province /country).
Talk with the children informally about Spain and/or Latin America. They are
usually eager to show you what they know! Ask if anyone knows the capital of Spain.
What do they think about when they think of Spain? Do any other countries speak
Spanish? Can they name them? Which language is spoken by most people in the
world? (Battle going on between Spanish and English at the moment for 2nd place –
numbers of Spanish native speakers are growing fast!)
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Hola, Buenos Días
(Explain the custom in Spain among family and friends of kissing on both
cheeks when they meet. Men often shake hands or give ‘five’-Choca esos
Throw a soft ball to the children as you greet them and encourage them to
‘echo’ the greeting back to you. You could do this is a variety of voices.
Lead children in a Mexican Wave using ‘Hola’ and ‘Buenos Días’ – groups of 5-6
work well ( or tables). If you are enthusiastic about this activity the children
will respond with enthusiasm!
Me llamo .. .. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Introduce yourself in Spanish and then translate the names of the children into
Spanish or give them a new Spanish name. These are the names they will use in the
Spanish class. Normally most children are delighted with this, but some younger
children may get anxious. Let them keep their own names - and they can try saying
them with a Spanish accent!
If you have a puppet you could introduce it to the children – this works well,
especially with younger ones. Vary your voice and be as dramatic as possible.
Teach numbers 1-10 (or 1-6 depending on ability of class). Teach the numbers with
rhythm and actions.
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Canción – Mambo (Trotamundos cassette /CD available from
Teach this song with dance movements (shown on training day!). Children are very
good at improvising movements themselves. This is a popular song/chant and
children from P1 - P7 adore it!
Simón Dice
Teach the children simple commands by playing a game of ‘Simon Says’: Levantaos
/ sentaos / saltad / bailad / parad / escuchad / mirad /andad (caminad)
/ un aplauso / manos arriba / manos abajo
(Choose a selection according to ability of children).
Activity sheet: Mapa de Espana
Mention names of cities /towns and talk about cultural aspects e.g. Paella
originating in Valencia / Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
Review lesson by asking children what they have learned and what they have
Finish by smiling and saying Hasta Luego, Adiós
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 2
Teacher greets class with Hola, Buenos días!
Encourage children to repeat greeting to you. (I cannot hear you … ¡más alto por
favor! ¡ MAS ALTO POR FAVOR! ¡Estupendo! Etc
Teach ‘Gracias’ and get children to repeat and use this throughout the lesson.
• Revision of ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ...
Throw soft ball to various children asking their name. Give lots of praise and
encouragement! ☺
Revise numbers with song or rhythm chant.
• ¿Qué tal? (Asking people how they are)
Show flashcard of sad / happy (or draw these on blackboard)
‘’Bien’ ‘muy bien’ (mwee) ‘estupendo’ ‘regular ’(‘pichi picha’) ‘mal’ ‘fatal’ ……
¿y tú?(and you?)
Throw the ball, asking children how they are: ¿Qué tal (hoy)
Encourage a response from them. Many will eagerly shout back ¡estupendo! or
¡fatal! ‘Muy bien’ takes a little more practice. ‘regular’ is good for emphasising
the Spanish rolled ‘r’ and encouraging the children to have a go. Children also like
the sound of así así. Make this activity as dramatic as possible!
Get children to practise this vocabulary in pairs with a role play activity.
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
¡Estupendo! ¿Y tú?
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
A ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
B Muy bien, ¿y tú?
A Muy bien gracias
Teach 4 colours with the aid of coloured flashcards.
Rojo / amarillo (ref Spanish flag) verde / azul
Ask children to ‘levantaos’ and to move around the room touching objects
according to the colour you call out.
¡Tocad el color rojo! (¡rojo! ¡ROJO!) ¡Tocad el color verde! Keep this lively
and animated!
Juego de las cuatro esquinas de colores
Put flashcards or large coloured objects in each corner of the room. Put on
music and children move about. When music stops, teacher calls out a colour,
e.g ¡amarillo! Children have to run to the yellow corner. Ask them if they are
sure ¿Seguros? (Estáis seguros?) Si. ¡Seguros!
To finish, a game of Simón Dice (if time permits).
Mambo (Trotamundos audio CD ref.022877 available from ) - what about letting the children work out a dance
routine to the music as a PE activity? This could be performed at a future
concert/ parent’s evening.
Ask children to research some famous Spanish names/ people e.g
footballers or singers/actors for next week
Gracias. Hasta luego / adiós.
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 3
Start the lesson with the usual greetings - ¡Hola Buenos diás!
• Teach Buenas tardes / Buenas noches
Get the children to do a Mexican wave in groups using, Buenos días / Buenas
tardes / Buenas noches!
• ¿Cómo te llamas? (with ball) Me llamo ……
Encourage the childen to give you the name of a famous actor / footballer / pop
singer / tv personality. Me llamo Bart Simpson / Dora / Pocoyo. Take the
opportunity to mention the names of some well-known Spanish celebrities e.g.
Fernando Torres (El Nino) – Liverpool football player.
Buenos Días Rey / Reina
This is an adaptation of a drama game that can be used at any time during the
module. It is great fun and the children love to act out this role-play.
(Particularly suitable for younger children although I have used it successfully
with P6/7 as well). First of all ask them to ‘levantaos’ and practice saying
‘Buenos días, Rey / Reina’ while taking a dramatic bow/curtsy! Then a
volunteer comes to sit up at the front on a chair. He/she is the ‘Rey’ or ‘Reina’.
(I have a crown that I use for the boys and a tiara for the girls). The volunteer
is blind-folded. Everyone is very quiet. Teacher points to a pupil who stands up,
bows and says (in a disguised voice!): ¡Buenos días, Rey / Reina! The class then
says: ‘¿Quién es? The King/Queen has to guess the name of the person
speaking (two guesses only!). They come up and take their turn as the
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
• ¿Qué tal?
Use the ball once again. Encourage good pronunciation. muy bien, ¿y tú?
Regular /estupendo/ así así - (once again encourage a dramatic response!)
Go over colours with flashcards / coloured objects. Add blanco / negro.
Play a game of ¡Tocad! using six colours.
• Juego - !Cambiad de Silla!
☺ ☺
You need space for this game. All children sit in a circle on chairs. Give
everyone the name of a colour or a piece of coloured card – verde / rojo /
blanco / azul, making sure several children have the same colour. Teacher
stands in the middle of the circle and calls out ¡VERDE! All children who have
the colour green have to get up and change chairs and the teacher has to try
and get an empty chair. The child (or teacher!) left without a chair becomes
the caller. If the caller says ¡CAMBIAD TODOS! – everyone has to get up and
change their seat.
Canción – Un Elefante (Trotamundos Audio CD 1 (ref 022877) – )Also another version suitable for younger learners in
the Consejería’s ‘Canciones Populares Infantiles’.
The children love this song but it needs careful repetition and lots of dramatic
actions from the teacher. You can get the children to balance on one leg
(demonstrated by teacher!) ¡Imitad la acción!
Activity Sheet – Colores. Children to colour in pictures.
¡HASTO LUEGO! ¡Hasta otra clase!
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 4
Start the lesson with the usual greetings. ¡Hola, Buenos días!
¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué pasa?
Asking these familiar questions every week helps to put the children at their
ease and they look forward to starting the class this way and readily respond.
Use the ball and keep things lively!
Teach three more colours – rosa / naranja / violeta / (morado) using
flashcards or striking coloured objects.
Go quickly over other colours asking ¿Qué es esto? ¡Verde! ¡Rojo!
• Juego de La Bomba
Using the ball ……… throw to one pupil at a time. They then throw it back to you
saying a colour, e.g. azul. They must not say the same colour as the previous
person, but apart from this rule, colours can be repeated – ie not verde / azul
but verde /azul / verde is fine. Explain that the ball is ‘una bomba’ ……….¡y va
a explotar!! For this reason, the children can only hold on to it for a few
moments before saying a colour. If they hold on too long, cannot think of a
colour or say the same colour as the person before them, the ‘bomba’ explodes
and they are out and have to sit down - ¡explosion! ¡Fuera! or the more gentle,
Números - Revise number 1 – 10
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Use the blackboard and ask certain children to write a number for you –
Miguel, por favor, escribe el número 5. The rest of the class has to say if
the number written is right or wrong - ¿verdad? / ¿falso?
(correcto/incorrecto).The teacher then writes some numbers on the board (1 –
10) and asks one child at a time to erase a certain number – Felipe por favor,
borra el número 4. Once again,
This activity usually works well as the children are not normally allowed to write
on the blackboard!
• Canción – Un Elefante
Once again with lots of actions. Make it fun!
Simón Dice (if time permits)
Activity Sheet – Colores (Mariquita ¿Violeta?) Talk with children about
colours of well-known objects. (Maybe bring in a coloured animal soft toy)
Or … Un Elefante.
This can be turned into an art activity. Children colour and cut out their own
elephant(s) and these are mounted on to a large black sheet where you have drawn
(in chalk) a spider’s web. The words, ‘Muchos Elefantes Se Balanceaban Sobre La
Tela De Una Araña’( Lots of elephants balancing on a spider’s web!!) may be added.
Very effective!
Hasta luego / ¡Adiós!
2nd Edition March 09
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2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 5
Start the lesson with the usual introductions. When asking - ¿Qué tal?
Add cansado/a (+yawn), triste and aburrido/a
(Older children can learn: Estoy cansado/a / aburrido /a perfecto/a /triste
You can get the children to come up to the front of the classroom and mime how
they feel – ¡estupendo! / regular / fatal/ triste / cansado(a) / aburrido/a/
enfadado/a. The rest of the class have to guess the mime and say the word in
Spanish. You can ask: ¿Cómo está Sofía? Children reply: Está triste /
enfadada / aburrida etc
Some children will be happy to ‘act’ in front of the class while others will need
more coaxing. Encourage, but do not force the children to perform.
• Saying how old they are
¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo … años.
Explain that in Spain you ‘have’ so many years. Teach the vocabulary by
throwing the ball and asking the children how old they are. They throw the ball
back and reply – Tengo diez años.
They can then practise in pairs asking each other their age.
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
A ¿Cuántos años tienes?
B. Tengo … años ¿y tú?
C Tengo .. años.
Revise numbers and add once / doce / trece / catorce / quince .
Play a game of La Lotería. Children write out 4 numbers on a piece of paper.
The teacher calls out numbers and the first child to cross out all 4 numbers
shouts ‘bingo’ or ¡ lotería! Extra vocabulary to use can include - ¡Qué suerte
tienes! / ¡Qué mala suerte! / ¡Qué pena! / el ganador / la ganadora/ el
campeón/ la campeona. Take the opportunity to talk about the famous el
gordo Christmas lottery.
Canción – Un elefante / or Mambo
Cumpleaños feliz - Happy Birthday Song
Activity Sheet – Un Elefante
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Cumpleaños Felìz
Cumpleaños feliz
Cumpleaños feliz
Todos te deseamos ...
Cumpleaos feliz
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 6
Usual introductions: Hola ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo te llamas?
¡Más alto por favor! Más bajo / más suave
Most of the children will now know these questions very well and be able to
answer confidently. Remember to keep giving lots of praise when they give you
an answer and gently correct pronunciation when needed. Have fun with the
children. Let them know that you enjoy the classes. Be a performer, play the
role - and you will be rewarded by extremely enthusiastic listeners!
• Teach classroom objects
This is easy as you have plenty of wonderful visual aids around you – la silla
/ la mesa / la ventana / la puerta / la pizarra / la cartera / el suelo.
Let the children make simple classroom signs and display these around the
room. Ask - ¿Qué es esto? la silla / la pizarra /
la puerta etc.
* Juego - ¡Tocad!
Tell the children to ¡Levantaos! and then to touch various objects around the
room. You can also add in some of the colours that they now know.
¡Tocad la mesa! / la pizarra / la ventana / el (color) rojo etc. Extra
vocabulary to use - ¡no corrais! ¡Venga! ¡Anda! perfecto!
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Revise and sing Un Elefante
La Bomba / Number Game
Primary Spanish Module 2
You will find as the weeks go by that the children will ask you to play the games
that they have enjoyed the most. Try to fit these in as best you can. The
classes are intended to be enjoyable for the pupils and they will retain the
vocabulary more easily if they are having fun doing an activity. The more
repetition the better when learning a language!
Hasta Luego / ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta Pronto!
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 7
Greet the children in the usual manner, but give more emphasis to the question
¿Cúantos años tienes? They may not give their correct age in which case you
ask the class ¿correcto/ incorrecto? Encourage them to respond (en voz alta)
¡correcto!(or whatever)!)
Revise numbers up to 15 (quince) with a quick game on the blackbord of
‘Escribe el número’ / ‘¡Borra el número!’ (ref Unit 4). Ask class
¿verdad / falso? o ¿correcto / incorrecto?
You can vary this by writing two numbers on the blackboard and asking some of
the more able pupils ¿Cuánto es el total? / ¡haz el total! Remember to give
lots of encouragement to the children as they participate in this activity –
perfecto / estupendo / fenomenal. It is one thing to know how to say the
numbers, but it is much more difficult to have to write them on a board.
Remember, they do not have to spell them, although some of the more able ones
may well be able to do this. Most will write figures only.
• You can also encourage the children to do simple head sums:
Cinco y tres son ..?
Nueve menos dos son ..?
Tres por tres son ..?
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Brain Gym
Counting Backwards ( 10 – 0 )
Counting in twos – dos,cuatro,seis,ocho,diez,catorce
Counting in threes – tres,seis,nueve,doce,quince
Counting in a circle with claps
• Introduction of ‘Café’ vocabulary with flashcards.
You can talk about the kinds of food that are common in Spain:
Spanish people eat a lot of sea-food (pescado / mariscos).
Paella is one of the national dishes.
Chocolate con churros – explain the traditional Spanish breakfast
Tortilla de patatas
Having something with you for the children to taste will go down extremely
‘Café’ vocabulary :
2nd Edition March 09
un agua mineral (sin gas / con gas)
leche (la)
un café (con leche)
un té (con leche)
una gaseosa
una coca-cola
un chocolate (caliente)
pan (una barra de pan)
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
un bocadillo
un helado (de fresa / chocolate)
unos caramelos
Using 6 of the café items, play Kim’s Game:
With blu-tack, stick flashcards on to the blackboard (or use overhead projector
if preferred).
Ask children to Cerrad los ojos and then remove one of the flashcards. Abrid
los ojos. ¿Qué falta? (en español por favor!) Encourage children to guess the
missing item and say it in Spanish.
In a light-hearted way you could introduce ‘ tramposo/a’
Let them have a turn at playing the role of the teacher!
Hasta luego / ¡hasta otra clase!
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 8
¡Buenos dias! ¿Qué tal?¿Qué pasa? Cuántos años tienes?
Throw the ball and ask the children if they remember any of the café
items from last lesson. Quickly reverse the vocabulary with the aid of flashcards
and then play game of La Bomba with food / drink items.
Juego - Saltar la Cuerda
Play this game with groups of 5 children. Put a long piece of rope or string
on the floor at the front of the classroom. There needs to be enough room
for the children to jump either side. Teacher stands in front facing children
holding up 2 flashcards (one in RH / one in LH) ie mantequilla / bocadillo.
When you call out ¡bocadillo! children repeat the word and jump to the
correct side and similarly with mantequilla. If they make a mistake or stand
on the cuerda, they are out - ¡Adiós! You can make the game harder by
asking two children to hold up two more flashcards.
Vocabulary to use: ¿Preparados? ¿Listos? Ya!
¡Fuera! (Adiós)
¡Otra vez!
¡He Ganado!
El ganador / la ganadora
• Café Bingo
Children are given a bingo card with 4 food / drink items (one card between 2 / 3
children). Teacher who has a small pack of bingo cards, turns one over, holds it up
and calls out the name of the food / drink.
Un café – children who have this picture on their Bingo board have to raise their
hand. Teacher picks the first hand up.
Child says Un café, ¡por favor! (insist on this). Ask them to repeat the word
several times (más alto / más bajo). Teacher then gives them the card.
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
The first group to have their board covered shout ‘Bingo’ o ‘ La cuenta por
This game is excellent for reinforcing vocabulary and the children usually
participate well.
Talk about healthy eating and if different food items are good or bad for our
health. ‘¿Es bueno/malo para la salud?’Use flashcards.’¿El chocolate es bueno para
la salud? Children answer, ‘Es bueno’ / ‘Es malo’
Canción – La Yenka - (Trotamundos audio CD1, available from )
Go over the new vocabulary – chicos, chicas, bailar, izquierda, derecha,fácil,
delante, detrás and sing with all the actions!
The chorus is quite easy but the verse needs careful repetition and lots of
enthusiasm to put it across to the children!
Activity sheet – Café items to learn and colour in.
These can be pasted onto card and then cut out. Each child should have his/her
own set of cards for future games and activities.
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2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
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2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 9
Usual introductions.
Using a map of Spain or flashcard displayed on blackboard. Try and get one
with plenty of colour if possible.
Do they remember the name of the capital city? Show them various towns / cities
on map and explain what they are famous for:
Madrid the capital – palace of Juan Carlos Primero / Real Madrid football team /
Puerta del Sol in the heart of Madrid / Plaza Mayor
Barcelona – Cristóbal Colón / La Sagrada Familia (Gaudi) / Barcelona football
Granada - The Alhambra palace (Moorish past) / Mountain Range of La Sierra
Valencia – Famous for Paella / Las Fallas
Córdoba – famous Mosque – La Mezquita
Málaga – Beaches / shops – capital of the Costa del sol
Pamplona – Fiesta de San Fermín – The bulls run through the streets of the town in
• Ask children ¿Dónde vives?
Vivo en .. Ballymena (en Irlanda del Norte)
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Use the ball for questions and answers.
Next, ask them to pick a Spanish town / city where they would like to live.
¿Dónde vives? ¡Vivo en Madrid! Get them to repeat the names of the various
• Juego de las cuatro esquinas
Write out the names of 4 cities /towns on card. Place these in prominent positions
around the room. Play a song on the cassette recorder and ask them to move
around the room. When music stops, the children run to one of the towns. They
then say to the teacher (who has eyes closed) ¿Dónde vives( tú)? If you reply
¡Vivo en Malaga! – all the children who are in the Málaga corner are out (¡adiós!)
and have to sit down (sentaos).
Game continues until most children are eliminated.
Juego de Saltar la Cuerda (if you have any time or energy left!)
Canción: Revise last week’s song La Yenka (Trotamundos Audio CD
available from: / )
Vamos chicos
Vamos chicas a bailar
Vamos todos juntos, vamos a bailar!
(See sheet attached)
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 10
Introductions: ¿Qué Tal? / ¿Cuántos años tienes ¿Dónde vives?
Juego de moviemiento
¡Tocad! – la puerta / la ventana / la mesa / la silla / un chico / una chica / el
color rojo / el color verde
Ask - ¿Cuántas ventanas hay? ¿Cuántas puertas hay? Encourage the children
to count them in Spanish.
Holding up your hands you can then ask - ¿Cuántos dedos? The person who guesses
correctly then gets the chance to hold up hands and ask the question.
• Number Game
All children stand – ¡Levantaos!
You throw the ball to the children who throw it back to you saying numbers
consequently – uno / dos / tres / cuatro – hasta quince. If they say the wrong
number or drop the ball, they lose a leg (¡pierdes una pierna! ) i.e. they have to
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
stand on one leg! If they answer correctly the next ball is thrown to them, they
stand up normally, if they get it wrong again they lose two legs (¡pierdes dos
piernas!) and they have to kneel on the floor. After that they lose an arm (pierdes
un brazo). This is probably far enough as it is hard to catch the ball on the floor
with only one hand!!
The children usually enjoy this game and it is great for number revision.
Another variation of the game is to throw the ball as usual but get the children to
substitute a Spanish word for every 5th number. Ref English game ‘Buzz’ - eg uno,
dos, tres, cuatro, ¡caramelo! seis, siete, ocho, nueve, ¡caramelo! etc
Revise colours with a game of La Bomba
Food Bingo (if time permits)
Canción – Un Elefante / La Yenka
Hasta luego / ¡Adiós!
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 11
¿Qué tal? ¿Qué pasa?
¿Dónde vives?
¿Cuántos anos tienes?
Cinco patitos fueron a nadar (cua cua cua)
Y el más pequeñito no sabía nadar (cua cua cua)
Lloran lloran los patitos
Lloran lloran los patitos ..
Cuatro patitos …
Tres patitos …
Dos patitos …
Use lots of actions and gestures to teach this song (as shown on the training day!).
The activity sheet can be used as a simple visual. I like to use a finger puppet of ‘un
patito’. Soft toys or bath ducks would also work well. Younger children could do a
wall picture /collage of ‘Los Patitos’.
Or ‘Mi Barba Tiene Tres Pelos’
(Canciones Populares Infantiles – Consejería de Educación)
• El Cuerpo
Introduce parts of the body by playing Simón Dice ……..¡Tocad!
la cabeza / la(s) manos / la(s) piernas / la boca / los ojos / la nariz / los pies
/los hombres / las rodillas ( Teach 5/6 new words to begin with, including la
cabeza, los hombres, las rodillas, los pies – these are for a new song! )
Imitate all the actions yourself while playing this game in order to giver the
children as much help as possible.
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
New game of ¡Tocad!
Primary Spanish Module 2
Go over parts of the body by touching all the different parts and getting the
children to repeat.
Try and have the children sitting around you in a circle on the floor for this game
with you in the middle. If this is not possible, you will have to improvise as best
you can.
Teacher goes around the circle / classroom saying: Toco Toco TOCO … (build up
the excitement!) … ¡la cabeza!
The children must cover their heads as quickly as possible before you touch
anyone’s head! Continue the game Toco Toco TOCO … la boca. If you are able to
touch a child’s mouth before they cover it, let that child take over from you.
This is an ideal game to play using a puppet.
As with most of the other games in this module, this game needs you the teacher
to bring life in your class. Try to ‘let go’ and enjoy yourself.
Remember .. ¡el entusiasmo es contagioso!
Canción: Cabeza Hombros Rodillas y Pies ( See next page)
• Activity sheet
Match and colour parts of the body / or Los Patitos (for the younger children)
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Mi Barba Tiene Tres Pelos
Mi barba tiene tres pelos,
Tres pelos tiene mi barba,
Si no tuviera tres pelos,
Ya no serìa mi barba.
Mi ***** tiene tres pelos,
Tres pelos tiene mi ****
Si no tuviera tres pelos,
Ya no serìa mi *****
Mi ***** tiene ~~~~~ pelos,
~~~~ pelos tiene mi *****
Si no tuviera ~~~~ pelos,
Yo no serìa mi *****
Mi ***** tiene ~~~~ #####
~~~~ ##### tiene mi *****
Si no tuviera ~~~~ #####
Ya no serìa mi *****
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Unidad 12
Praise, Display, Present!
This is the final unit of this Module and gives you the chance to go over much of
the vocabulary learned throughout the 12 units. The children may even be able to
perform some of the songs or games in front of other classes or teachers.
Children are usually enthusiastic when it comes to performing as they will generally
be keen to show off what they know. If there are Spanish Comenius partners
making a visit to the school, this gives another opportunity for the pupils to
perform and say a few words in Spanish. Presenting what the children have learned
is very motivating for them. Displaying their activity sheets/art-work around the
classroom is good for self-esteem.
Ask children for a few of their favourite games and play them together.
Play a number / colour game.
Sing one or two songs
You may like to take advantage of this final week by telling the children
about Christmas in Spain.
1. Nochebuena – tradition for families to gather together to eat a
large meal
2. Turrón / polvorones
3. New Year – eating ‘las doce uvas’
4. Los Reyes Magos – parading through the towns on their camels,
throwing caramelos to the children / La Cabalgata
5. Children writing their letters to ‘Los Reyes Magos.
6. Anything else that you think would be of interest!
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Christmas customs/traditions in other countries are interesting for
the children and learning about them helps to broaden their outlook
and inspire their imagination.
Canción: Navidad Navidad (Tune of Jingle Bells)
Navidad Navidad, Dulce Navidad
Es un día de alegría y felicidad, Sí
(X 2)
Younger children learn the chorus only (which they love!). Older pupils
can learn the two verses as well. Sheet enclosed.
Para terminar … Una Carta a Los Reyes Magos
Evaluation Sheet: ‘What I can say and understand in
Spanish’. Children answer questions and fill in the
¡Feliz Navidad A Todos!
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
ICT Opportunities
* During the early stages of the module the children may write a short
summary about themselves on the computer:
Me Ilamo _______________________
Tengo _____________________ años
Vivo en ____________________ en Irlanda del Norte
Mi color favorito es _________________
They can decorate their computer work with coloured drawings and a
photograph if they wish. These personal descriptions can be displayed
around the classroom.
At the end of the module the children may like to write their letters to Los
Reyes Magos on computer and decorate them accordingly.
Queridos Reyes Magos
He sido muy bueno. Me
gustarìa ....
Un beso muy fuerte
2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
Primary Spanish Module 2
Queridos Reyes Magos:
Me he portado muy bien. Quisiera
______________________ por favour.
Muchos besos ...
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2nd Edition March 09
Partnership Management Board
2nd Edition March 09
Primary Spanish Module 2