Saints Joseph and Paul Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Santos
Saints Joseph and Paul Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Santos
September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saints Joseph and Paul Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Santos José y Pablo 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Team Pastor Fr. Carl McCarthy Ext 222 [email protected] Associate Pastor Fr. Al Bremer Ext 236 [email protected] Stewardship Minister Alan Sims Ext 239 [email protected] Hispanic Minister Sr. Maria Del Pilar Hinojosa Ext. 227 [email protected] Outreach Minister Rick Rhodes Ext 247 [email protected] Music Minister Maria Wargolet Ext 226 Coordinator of Religious Education Ashley Wilkerson Ext 224 [email protected] Director of Maintenance Kelly Ward Ext 241 [email protected] Parish Caretaker Cindi Hoppe [email protected] Sunday Matters Minister Debbie Luedke Ext 242 [email protected] Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper April Dickens Ext 221 [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8am, 10:00am, 6pm 12 noon & 10:30 p.m. (Spanish) Monday - Friday 5:30 p.m. September 13, 2015 A TRADITION FOR 23 YEARS Each year on Disciples’ Response Fund Sunday we have heard a letter from our bishop inviting us to respond in giving to the work of our local Church. Our parish church has benefited from these grant monies as they helped to fund our Hispanic Ministry, Youth Ministry, Parish Block Party, and Religious Education Programs. I am providing you with a copy of Bishop Medley’s letter to help you in your prayerful consideration of what you can give in the form of a financial donation to the work of our Diocese of Owensboro. You have received information about this giving through your mail and there are additional envelopes at the end of each pew. May God bless you for the faith and the love that you have for the Church. In Peace, Fr. Carl Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Today’s Gospel reading includes the passage that, “He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, ‘Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.’” This reading goes straight to the heart of the Christian calling. Crosses are not pleasant things and there is a reason we call our life struggles “crosses.” And yet, as Jesus so clearly tells Peter and the disciples in the Gospel, the sure way to follow him is to deny themselves of the very things that are holding them to worldly pursuits. Every day we need to choose whether we will use our resources for God’s glory. Our daily decisions point to our true priorities, whether it’s budgeting our time to visit a sick family member or writing out the family grocery list. Do we truly focus our priorities on generosity and the needs of others? We all know that we can sometimes be ungrateful for the resources God has given us. With careful, prayerful discernment, we can foster a deeper appreciation for our gifts and a deeper awareness of how those gifts may be shared. For 23 years the Diocese of Owensboro has set aside one Sunday in September to reflect on our individual gifts and ask for support for the Disciples’ Response Fund. We are extremely thankful for the thousands of faithful people who have contributed. We ask those of you who did not contribute to consider joining our efforts this year. There are brochures and pledge cards in your pews about the powerful work of the Disciples Response Fund. Every parish and ministry in our local Church has benefited from this fund. Without a doubt these are challenging requests. Our local Church community has many needs, and likewise our homes have many needs too. The prayer of our diocese is that we, as a faithful community, may reflect on our individual circumstances, meet our families’ needs, but also respond to this request. Our people in the Diocese of Owensboro have always responded when they could, and for that I thank you. Speaking as your bishop, I ask for your daily prayers for me as I serve as steward of the Diocese of Owensboro. Please, prayerfully consider your response this year. Thank you, and may God bless you. Yours in Christ, Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays at 6pm; Fridays at 12 noon Parish Office – 609 E. 4th St.; Owensboro, KY 42303 270 683-5641 270 685-4766(Fax) Parish Website Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Most Reverend William F. Medley, Bishop of Owensboro Owensboro Catholic Schools K-3 Campus 270-684-7583 4-6 Campus 270-683-6989 Middle School 270-683-0480 High School 270-684-3215 Mission Statement We give our hearts to God and our talents to His people. September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP AS A WAY OF LIFE September 14th-20th Monday 5:30pm Tuesday 5:30pm Wednesday 5:30pm Thursday 5:30pm Friday 5:30pm Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 8:00am 10am (Spanish) 12pm 6pm (Spanish) 10:30pm WELCOME TO STS. JOSEPH AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH. Jack Steele & Kay Steele Maxine Fleischmann Mary Rose Whitehouse Joe Aull Mary Catherine Roberts Pat Wedding Paul & Anna Marie Haynes Leo Catslen Paul R. Hamilton Mike Coomes Parishioners READINGS FOR THE WEEK 9/13/15 Monday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Tuesday: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3ab, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-8; Jas 3:16 -- 4:3;Mk 9:30-37 SUNDAY – SUNDAY – SUNDAY THE SUNDAY EVENING MASS AT 6PM is a perfect fit when you are out of town during the weekend and need a Mass to come to when you get back home to Owensboro. LOOKING TO THE SCRIPTURE 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 The scandal of this gospel is that Jesus, the leader and teacher of the disciples, will be reduced to the least when He is handed over and dies. How do the A WORD OF REFLECTION disciples react to this scan How do I find myself clingdalous teaching? They ing to status in my life? argue among themselves How does Jesus challenge about who is the greatest! me to be a servant? Jesus rightly reduces them How am I reduced to silence to silence. They do not in my life? understand that Jesus’ own death is a call to die to self, to choose to become the greatest by being the least. Confronted with this saving mystery, we ought to all be reduced to silence, but for the right reason. Please remember Sts. Joseph & Paul Parish in your will. Talk to Alan Sims, our Stewardship Minister, if you have questions about estate planning. Alan can be reached at 270-683-5641 ext. 239 To our guests, we are happy that you have joined us for Mass. For more information about our parish: 270-683-5641, Sts. Joseph and Paul, 609 East 4th St. Owensboro KY, 42303 THANK YOU Thank you to Bill Payne, Jeff Hayden, and Eddie Mattingly for their work in the Rectory. Thank you to Mike Hagan and Don Kelley for their help on the Parish Hall floor. Thank you to Dave Clark and Scott Lashlee for all their help around our Parish Campus. CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES GOOD DEEDS Nelson-helped papaw feed the horses; Luke-thanked my brother and sister; Braylin-I cleaned my room; Mary-I cleaned in the snow when mommy daddy told me to; Ali-I prayed to God in school; Lad-made my bed; Noah-I picked up my toys; Adelynopened a door for someone; Brody-I held door open for my mom; Keaton-I helped mommy around the house; Annalisecleaned room; Ava-listening to mommy and daddy at Holiday World; Deni-helped my sister Millie; Kylen-helped Amy fix breakfast; Johanna-helped my mommy with my baby sister Evelyn; Jane-listen to mommy and daddy; Leannah-I prayed an Our Father and a Hail Mary and a Glory Be; Lily-I cleaned room; Mary-I did front flips, picked up my toys, shared snowcones; Rafe-I passed out papers at church; Brent-I did all of my homework; Tyce-I passed out papers at church; Sean-I helped my mom; Lilly-Wesley had a cat on my bed; Anne-I made my bed without being asked and fed my dogs; Max-feed the cats. CHURCH BUS DRIVERS NEEDED We are in need of volunteers to drive the church bus on Sunday mornings to pick up homebound parishioners for 8am Mass. We currently only have two bus drivers and need at least two or three more. Time involved on the Sunday you are scheduled to drive the bus would be approximately 6:30am-10:30am. Please call the parish office if you are interested in this ministry. You do not need a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to drive our church bus. TREASURE Sunday Collection 9/6/15 Weekly Sunday Collection Budget Sunday Collection as of 9/6/15 Budget Year to Date (10 weeks) Over/Under YTD Budget $21,851.12 $18,126.81 $174,233.63 $181,268.10 $ -7,034.47 Building Fund Collected August 2015 $ 1,650.50 Disciples Response Fund (DRF) Sunday is September 13th. See Bishop Medley’s Message on the First Page 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time LIFE MESSAGE We can continue to look forward to reading these Life Messages written by our parishioner Stephanie Blondin. Stephanie and her husband Phillip are members of Sts. Joseph and Paul and they have 7 children. Stephanie is a stay at home mom, who from home wants to work to make a difference in our Church, and most assuredly with raising a greater awareness for the issue of life and bringing an end to abortion in all its forms. CHANGING HEARTS “There comes a time when we heed a certain call, when the world must come together as one. There are people dying, and it’s time to lend a hand to life, the greatest gift of all. Let us realize that a change can only come when we stand together as one.” Do you recognize these lyrics? They are from the 1985 megahit “We Are the World” which was released in an effort to raise money for the starving people of Africa. In 2010, a remake of the song was released to raise money for Haiti after the earthquake. The words speak volumes for combating not only hunger and grave poverty, but abortion as well. If ever there was a time to “heed the call” it is NOW. We must come together as a faithful, loving, Catholic people, who acknowledge the evil that is abortion and fight to end it. I believe that change can come when we unite to protect LIFE, the greatest gift of all. WORD OF LIFE “Although we may feel unsure how best to comfort those who mourn, we must stand with them in their time of suffering. Miscarriage touches the lives of many people, yet all too often this tragedy remains unaddressed. This lack of response not only often leads to unresolved grief, but also fails to clearly manifest our belief that each person, from conception onward, is precious and unique.” — Solace and Strength in the Sorrow of Miscarriage 2014-15 Respect Life Program, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities CHURCH DOOR OPEN FOR PRAYER DURING THE DAY– The side door of our Church, located by the ramp, is open on weekdays beginning at 8am through Mass and Confession times in the evening. This will give our parish a place of solace and peace to come and pray and to be in the presence of Jesus, whose mercy endures forever. When we can spend time in quiet with God, we can more clearly see where Jesus is. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD IS NOW BEING OFFERED AT OUR SUNDAY EVENING 6PM MASS - Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) is for children ages 3 through the 1st grade. While they are attending CLW, they will listen to the Sunday Scripture, and work on a project, a song, or dramatization of the Scripture that will help them to learn about Jesus and our Catholic Faith. September 13, 2015 CONGRATULATIONS TO JOHN AND ROSE ROBERTS WHO HAVE been selected to receive the 2015 Sophia Award from Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish. This award honors the gift of wisdom that John and Rose have been to our parish throughout the years. This award will be presented to them at a special Mass on Sunday, October 4th, at 2pm, at St. Stephen Cathedral by Bishop William F. Medley. Join Bishop Medley And Celebrate Your Marriage! Join us on Sunday, September 20th at St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro for the annual Marriage Celebration. Mass begins at 2:00 pm with a reception immediately following in the Fr. Vaughan Community Center. All are invited and families are welcome. We only ask that those coming RSVP to Charlotte Hedges at (270)683-1545 or [email protected]. Sponsored by the Diocesan Family Life Office WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE COLLEGE STUDENTS’ ADDRESSES We would like to stay in contact with our college students who are attending college out of town. Please email April at the office to give the name and address of a college student. [email protected]. September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time CAN YOU HELP WITH FOOD FOR ST VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY? Our St Vincent de Paul food pantry is in need of food. You can help by bringing canned food, and other non-perishable food items to Church. You can place your gift of food in the wooden food box located in the main entry of the church. Thank you for your care for the poor. ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY REFLECTION September 13-Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel Jesus says “If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps.” The cross of Jesus and the crosses of his members can evangelize us: the sick, who bear illness with courage; the grieving, who hope against hope; the dying, who clearly trust in the resurrection; the suffering of our poor brothers and sisters who are hungry and homeless, but who still trust in God’s love. Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness? Please leave a message for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul…we want to help! THE WELCOME CENTER At Sts. Joseph and Paul we want to welcome each and every person to our Church family. We do this by caring for them and inviting them to be a part of Jesus, who especially reaches out to the lost. To assist with this work of Jesus you can stop by the Welcome Center at the doors of our church. At The Welcome Center You Can: Become a Member of our Parish. Learn about how an adult or child receives the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, etc. Ask about Marriage in the Catholic Church. Join the ministry of Hospitality, Lector, Server, Eucharistic Minister, Music Ministry, etc. Ask about our Twinning Parish in Haiti, and Sponsor a Child for School in Haiti. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP BRINGING HEALING TO OUR LIVES The Grief Support group will meet this Tuesday, September 16, 2105 at 6:15pm. This support group is for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. The group will meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. Sessions begin with Mass at 5:30pm and then move to the Father Tucker Religious Education Center. Sessions will then begin at 6:15pm and end at 8pm. Kathleen Peters, LMFT, a parishioner who specializes in family therapy and grief counseling, will be leading the group. Participants need not be parishioners of Sts. Joseph and Paul. All are welcome. If you would like to sign up or you know someone who would, you can contact Rick Rhodes by phone or text at 270-302-6982 or [email protected]. The following comment was made by a parishioner about her experience of the grief session: “This grief group has helped me more than anything that I have done.” – Vicki Calhoun SUPPORT GROUPS CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS is a Twelve-Step Fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is recovery from codependence and the development of healthy relationships. The CoDA group meets weekly on Saturday morning at 9AM at First Presbyterian, 1328 Griffith Ave. Owensboro. For more information, contact: [email protected]. SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP is a Suicide Support Group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in our Parish Youth House. The meeting is co-facilitated by Linda Hagan & Melissa Edmonds, who are both survivors of suicide. You can reach Linda at (270) 316-0316. FOOD ADDICTS IN RECOVERY ANONYMOUS (FA) is a support group for men and women who want to stop eating addictively. Meetings are Tuesday and Friday nights, 6:30-8:00pm at First Presbyterian Church, Owensboro. For more information, contact Peggy 270-685-0924 or Dorothy 270-684-3977. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AA Central Office 270-683-0371. Meetings are held at 320 Crittenden St. and a directory for other locations is available there. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS NA Meetings are held on Wednesday at 6pm at CP Church (corner of 5th & St. Ann Sts. Use outside steps to the basement.) Leave a message and we will follow up with you during the week from our parish office. PARISH COMMUNICATION MORE USER-FRIENDLY WEBSITE The Sts. Joseph and Paul website has been updated to assist with our parish life. It can be accessed at Here you can delve into the many ministries of our parish: Sunday Homily, Parish Bulletin, Discipleship 100, The Haiti Mission Video, Parish Newsletter, Welcome Video, Parish Pastoral Council, a link to the Facebook Page, a link to the Diocese Website, and other helpful tools to assist in our Catholic lives. OUR ONE-CALL SYSTEM – If you missed the Saturday ONE CALL, or any of the SPECIAL ONE CALLS that were made with information about the life of our parish, you can call 1-877-698-3261 and follow the prompts. If you are not a part of this OneCall System and would like to have your telephone number added, please call April Dickens at 270-683-5641 ext. 221, or email her at [email protected]. WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS If you are not receiving periodic emails from the parish, and would like to, please email April at the Parish Office and let her know: [email protected] 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS Theresa Brown, Butch Freels, Leo Johnson, Walter Hamilton, Doug Hood, Jackie Mann, Virginia McBride, Florence McCarthy, Hans Nein, John Patton, Betty Jo Payne, Cecilia Phelps, Sherry Phelps, Pat Richards, Jim Stimpfel, David Tromly, Mable Vandgrift, Birdie Wedding. NURSING HOME PARISHIONERS CARMEL HOME: Rita Fahrendorf, Mary Faulkner, Betty Hawk, Martha Mattingly, Margaret McCarthy, Alma Montgomery, Gordon Whitehouse; FERN TERRACE: Sandra Woods; GENESIS HEALTHCARE: Mary Frances Bickett, Frank Hamilton, Joseph ’Jake’ Payne, and David Vowels; HERITAGE PLACE: Martha Estes; HEARTLAND VILLA: Mickey Cole, Mary Hinton; TWIN RIVERS: Ann Ford, Betty Millay; SIGNATURE AT HILLCREST: Kate Wedding. September 13, 2015 VOCATIONS VOCATION STATUE TO BE GIVEN OUT AT SUNDAY MASSES In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. In his Apostolic Letter Pope Francis writes: “Together let us thank the Father, who called us to follow Jesus by fully embracing the Gospel and serving the Church ...” In response to this Year of Consecrated Life, this Vocation Statue, along with the following prayer, will be given to a volunteer at each weekend Liturgy. The volunteer will be asked to pray this prayer every day along with their household and return the Vocation statue before Mass begins the following weekend. OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Pat Abel, Corey Bennett, Joe Board, Michael Boone, Sam Booth, Katherine Brand, Peter Cahill, Amy Carrico, Charley Cecil, Davena Cecil, Jim & Theresa Clouse, David Condra, Dana Hagan, Travis Hagan, Michael Hardesty, Charlotte Hayden, Captain Matthew Hayden, Kathy Hood-Klapheke, Brice Howard, Angela Johnson, Donna Johnson, Paul & Sarah Jane Johnson, Rose Keller, Tina Keller, Elizabeth Ladnier, Ezra Lindow, Hobert Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Sue Mahoney, Roger Marksberry, Karen McBride, Virginia M. McBride, Ron Nelson, Cecil Newton, Carol Peak, Ronnie Thomas, Brent Trogden, Joe Trogden, Kelly Trogden, Adam Wallace, Darryl Warren, Birdie Wedding, Ashley Wilkerson, and Chuck Wilkins. Please call the Office to add or remove names from this bulletin prayer list. Prayer for Vocations Loving and Generous God, it is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in love and service of our Church. Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future. Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ's Mission of love and justice. Bless our Church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders who will serve Your people as sisters, priests, brothers, deacons and lay ministers. Open the hearts of all to listen to Your call. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may have listening hearts and the courage to respond to You. Amen. Hail Mary… Our Father… Glory Be… INVITE SOMEONE TO MASS WITH YOU THIS SUNDAY Reach out to a family member, a friend, or a neighbor and ask them to come to worship with you this Sunday. 2nd ANNUAL VOCARE EVENT Friday, September 18, 2015 Bishop Medley and the VOCARE committee would like to invite parishioners to consider purchasing or sponsoring a table for the dioceses’ Second Annual VOCARE event set for Friday, September 18, 2015, at the Owensboro Convention Center. Vocare will be an exciting evening of celebration of Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life and commemorating the Year of Consecrated Life. Tables can be purchased or sponsored at $500 for a table of eight. Individual tickets can be purchased for $65 and couples may purchase a pair of tickets for $125. Tables/tickets may be reserved by contacting Kathy Rasp in the Bishop’s office at 270-683-1545 or by email at [email protected]. PRAYER LINE If you would like to add a prayer intention, please call the office (270-683 -5641) or email [email protected]. To check the prayer requests each day, call the parish office after 4pm, & dial extension 230. OUR NEXT MASS AT GENESIS HEALTHCARE NURSING HOME (located across from Chautauqua Park) is Monday, September 21st @ 1:30pm - All Are Welcome! ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of Anointing will be celebrated on First Friday, October 2nd at the 5:30pm Mass. Jesus said, "bring the poor, the crippled, the lame," and experience the healing power of God. VOCATION AWARENESS 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – 9/13 “The Lord God opens my ear that I may hear;” Jesus has called his disciples to follow him. Hearing that call can be difficult in a world filled with so much noise and so many distractions. Let’s pray that God opens our ears that we may hear his call and follow where he leads. For more information about discerning a vocation to priesthood, contact the Diocese of Owensboro Office of Vocations: 270-683-1545, [email protected], ST. BENEDICT’S OPEN HOUSE St. Benedict’s Homeless Shelter is having an open house for all volunteers and those interested in learning more about St. Benedict's Shelter. All are invited to attend the Open House on Thursday September 17th at 5pm. 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time MINISTRY OF THE WEEK Crosswalk Minister: This ministry serves as an extra means of safety, particularly for the physically impaired and children as they seek to cross 4th Street through the designated crosswalk in the intersection of 4th and Bolivar streets before and after a weekend Mass. Those who assist in this ministry are not police officers and simply escort folks through the crosswalk when there is a sufficient break in the flow of traffic to make it safe to cross. The minister wears an illuminated vest with a Velcro closure in the front of it that easily fits over whatever the minister may be wearing. There is also a flashlight for use as needed according to the degree of darkness outside and a hand held stop sign to be used should an emergency arise (such as a fall or ankle sprain) among one of the individuals being escorted through the crosswalk. The vest, etc. are stored in the closet beside the Reconciliation room in the church. Frequency of serving will depend upon the number of parishioners who participate in the ministry and the time required is from 30 minutes before Mass until time for Mass to begin, and approximately five minutes after Mass. For more information about this ministry, or any other ministry in the church, contact Alan Sims or April Dickens at the parish office at 270-683-5641. Thank you! PARISH TRIP TO ROME-2016 News about Italy 2016: Our trip to Italy is scheduled for April 12th – 21st 2016. If you haven’t turned in your name but are interested, or if you have questions, call Belinda Abell at 270-929-5948. ATTENTION: ALL PARISHIONERS NEW PARISH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Get ready to schedule the date and time for your household’s Portrait Session on one of the following dates: Oct: 13th-17th and 27th-31st Nov: 3rd-7th Please help to make this our parish’s most complete, enjoyable, and beneficial Parish Pictorial Directory Ever! MORE DETAILS COMING SOON! 25th DIOCESAN MARIAN CONGRESS/PILGRIMAGE Theme: Our Blessed Mother’s Promises of the Brown Scapular Guest Speaker: Sister Francis Teresa Sunday October 4, 2015 2-5 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Church 434 Church Street, Bowling Green, KY Contact: Jeanie Spears 270-303-9437 ACETTES DANCE CAMP “Gone Wild with the Acettes” Camp Date: September 19th, 9am-12pm Located at OCHS Large Gym Performance Date: September 25th, 7pm Located at Steele Stadium Ages: Pre-k to 8th Grade *Performance is optional Campers will receive a fun filled day with the Acettes, a snack, t-shirt, and free admission to the game! $25 per camper if pre- registered by Thursday, September 10th. Send Registration forms and money to OCHS Main Office Attn: Acettes (or register at the door on the day of camp 8:30-9am) $30 per camper if turned in after September 10th. *We accept children of ALL abilities* (please contact coach if accommodations are needed) Any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Samantha Payne: [email protected] September 13, 2015 HAITI ~TWINNING HEARTS WILL YOU SPONSOR A CHILD FOR JUST $20 PER MONTH? HAITI STUDENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Our Twinning Hearts for Haiti Student Sponsorship Program for St. Joseph Catholic School is up and successfully running. We want to thank those who have agreed to sponsor a child for another year. If you would like to sponsor a child, call the parish office at 270-683-5641. Sponsorship Forms are also available on Sunday in church at the Welcome Center. All money donated will be used to help pay the cost of teachers, so that the students can be in class and learn. Education is these children’s only hope to end their extreme poverty. Thank you for your kindness and prayers for our Haiti Sponsorship Program. ITEMS NEEDED: BLESSED WITH A DRESS Katherine Brand is accepting donations of fabric, lace and thread to make dresses for the girls of our sister parish in Lalomas, Haiti. We thank Mrs. Brand for the over 2,280 dresses that have been made for the girls at St. Joseph Parish. Three yards of fabric will make two teen dresses. You may bring your donation to Mass or the parish office. Please mark your bag containing supplies for “HAITI”. More fabric is needed! “WATER WITH BLESSINGS” PROJECT – These monies were used to purchase water filters at $60 apiece. These filters were given to trained women in our Twinning Parish of St. Joseph in Lalomas, Haiti. These women are called “Water Women” and are working to provide clean water for their own family, as well as three other families each. If you have questions or need more information, call Lee Franey at 270-929-3032. Donations for Haiti Teacher Salaries Month of August 2015: $4,665.50 SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN The safety of our children is the responsibility of every Christian. Anyone aware of the abuse of a person under the age of eighteen is required by law to report this to the proper state authorities: local law enforcement City Police 270 -687-8888, Sheriff 270-685-8454, or the Kentucky Child Abuse Hotline (tollfree: 1-877-KYSAFE1; 1-877-597-2331). To report to the diocese abuse by church personnel (paid or volunteer) either past or present, please call the Pastoral Assistance Coordinator at this confidential phone line: 270-852-8380. The Diocese of Owensboro’s sexual abuse policy is available at this parish at the Parish Office, and also on the diocesan web site ( “BOX TOPS” TO BENFIT OWENSBORO CATHOLIC SCHOOLS “Box Tops for Education” can be found on General Mills, Pillsbury and Betty Crocker products. Each box top is worth 10 cents. These “tops” are on cereals, snack items, cake mix packages, frozen veggies, Totinos Pizza, etc. Save only the portion of the label that says “Box Tops for Education.” Put them in an envelope and drop them into the collection basket. Thank you! These Box Tops benefit our Owensboro Catholic Schools. September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY FAITH FORMATION CLASSES HAVE BEGUN Faith Formation Classes meet every Wednesday night from 6-7:30pm in the Father Tucker Center. These classes are for children from kindergarten through high school who are attending public schools. If you have not signed up yet or need more information, please contact Ashley Wilkerson, Coordinator of Religious Education at 270-683-5641 ext 224. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP BRAINSTORMING SESSION Join us on Sunday, September 13th at the Youth House from 7-8:30pm. All members of the core youth ministry team and high school students are invited to attend. We have outlined a calendar for the year and now want your input on what kinds of activities, projects, lessons, etc... to incorporate. All are welcome! FIRST RECONCILIATION PARENT MEETING Wednesday, September 30th is the meeting for all parents of students in second grade who will be having their first reconciliation on January 20th. Schedules for first reconciliation and first communion events will be discussed. We will meet in the parish hall at 7:00pm HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP High School Youth will begin meeting each Sunday Night after 6pm Mass. Gather at the Youth House from 7-8:30pm beginning Sunday, September 13th! OPEN HOUSE FOR JESUS LOVES ME & CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Join us for an Open House right after all Masses on September 19th and 20th. We are showing off our Jesus Loves Me program which is open to all 2 and 3 year olds. Did you know you can drop your child off at the parish office before the 10am Sunday Mass and we will share bible stories, activities, songs and lessons with them? This service is designed to give parents a child care break during Mass and to give the children a message tailored to their age. You may also see our Children’s Liturgy Area and let your children see what it’s all about during the Ashley Wilkerson Coordinator of Religious Education Parish Office 270-683-5641 ext 224 Cell 270-860-5761 [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Middle School Youth Group will begin meeting every third Tuesday of the month. Grab a friend and join us at the Youth House from 6-7:30pm beginning September 15th. CHICKEN & BOSTON BUTT SALE FOR STUDENTS ATTENDING NCYC Support our high school students who will be attending NCYC by purchasing a Boston Butt or chicken. Chickens are $10 each and Boston Butt is $8 per pound. All orders must be pre-paid. Pickup is Saturday, September 19th from 11am-1pm in the Parish Hall parking lot. UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Diocesan Confirmation Day: January 16th @ St. Stephen Cathedral TEC (Teens Encounter Christ Juniors & Seniors): February 19-21, 2016 @ Gasper River Youth 2000: (7th-12th grade) March 11-13, 2016 Call April at the Parish office for more information 270-683-5641. RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The RCIA Journey of Faith meets on Wednesdays from 6–7:30pm in the Parish Hall. If you, or someone you know, would like to know more about our Catholic faith, join us this Wednesday evening or contact Rick Rhodes for more information. Rick Rhodes Outreach Minister [email protected] Parish Office 270 683-5641 Ext. 247 or Cell 270 302-6982 DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS? Here at Sts. Joseph and Paul we seek to assist those among us who need the services of the Marriage Tribunal. To learn more about the process of having a previous marriage investigated for validity, please contact Fr. Carl McCarthy or Debbie Luedke at the parish office. Bishop Medley announced no cost for declaration of invalidity for marriages on January 1, 2015. This was done in relation to Pope Francis' desire to make it more accessible for marriages to be annulled in the Catholic Faith. If you would like further information on this process or would like to talk about a marriage/divorce situation, please contact Fr. Carl McCarthy at 270-683-5641 ext. 222. BAPTISMAL CLASS The next Baptism Prep Classes are September 20th and October 18th at 3:00pm in the Parish Office. Please call Debbie at the Parish office to register for Baptismal Prep class; or if you have any questions about Baptism, please call or email Debbie Luedke at 270-683-5641, [email protected]. CHASTITY PROJECT SEMINAR In this seminar, which has been delivered to more than one million teens on six continents, Jason and Crystalina Evert reveal the compelling vision of God’s plan for human sexuality and present an uplifting case for practicing the virtue of chastity. By addressing the issues that teens struggle with most, such as sexual pressure, pornography, modesty, and starting over, Jason and Crystalina offer encouragement for teens to maintain their purity, or begin again if they’ve made mistakes in the past. Sunday, October 25, 2015: 5:30-6:45pm Parent Session Riverpark Center, Owensboro Sunday, October 25, 2015: 7-8:15pm Youth Session Riverpark Center, Owensboro (Grades 7-12 only) Monday, October 26, 2015: 9:45-11am Youth Session Owensboro Sports Center (Grades 7-12 only) (Owensboro Catholic Middle & High Schools students will be attending this event.) WE HAVE A FEW MODELS OF STS. JOSEPH AND PAUL CHURCH LEFT FOR SALE FOR ONLY $40 - The Church comes complete with a gold cross that sits atop of the steeple and open doorways and windows, so that you can see the warm light from coming from inside the Church. Churches can be purchased at our parish office, or before or after Mass by the bulletin board. There are only a few left. Get your very own Sts. Joseph and Paul Church while they last. All proceeds going to Parish Youth traveling to the National Catholic Youth Conference in November. You may also call us at 270-683-5641. YOUNG AT HEART Our Next YAH will be September 17th at 12pm. We will be having a cookout at English Park. Watch the bulletin for more info. Come join in on the food, fellowship & fun! This is a ministry for those over age 55. Any questions - call the parish office @ (270) 683-5641. September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time MINISTERS OF WORSHIP SCHEDULE For Sunday September 19th & 20th Saturday, 4:30 PM Pat O'Bryan-Tucker David Danhauer Alex Danhauer Karen Danhauer Lane Dickens Lydea Dickens Joe McBride Joyce Lambert Paul Lambert Paul R. Johnson Karen Cole Maureen Jackson Angela Glahn Amanda Davis Duane Harris Nancy Harris Lance Dickens Aaron Glahn Evan Glahn April Scherrer Lydea Dickens Gina King NOT FILLED Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Children's Liturgy Catechist Children's Liturgy Aide Cantor Crosswalk Guard Sunday, 8:00 AM Kathy McCarty Sharon Embry Melvin Fleischmann Thomas Porter Craig Thomas Patty Vowels Lois Warren Jim Embry Randy Porter Randy Montgomery Terri Congleton (sub req.) David Montgomery Brandon Smith Carol Gunterman Jennifer Wilson Jim Wilson Wesley Blondin Olivia Blondin Evonne Harl Philip Storm Laura Rhodes Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Bus Driver Children's Liturgy Catechist Patricia Black Doris Hardesty NOT FILLED Children's Liturgy Aide Cantor Crosswalk Guard COFFEE & DONUTS TEAM September 20th – Aynde & Anthony Bennett Family, & Shonna Riedell Family October 11th - Frances Feldpausch, Joan Bernosky, & Linda Hardy Sunday, 10:00 AM J. Braun Mischel Karen Hein Margaret Jones Tiffany Nalley Craig Nalley Ada Rhodes Linda Warren Amanda Martin Charles Miller Barry Strehl Jerrod Beyke Sara Beyke Lauren Willett Nick Payne Matt Royalty Gayle Rhodes Benjamin Royalty Logan Royalty Benjamin Strehl Michelle Blair Taylor Beyke Macie Blair Katherine Mischel Jeff Hayden Cheryl Judd NOT FILLED Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Children's Liturgy Catechist Children's Liturgy Aide Children's Liturgy Aide Cantor Crosswalk Guard Welcome Center Welcome Center Sunday, 6:00 PM Ann Kirby Jenny Burns Janice Clark Kerrie Druen Meredith Grant Toni Isbill Shonna Riedell Ben Grant Tabitha Grant Marian Lanham Percy Clancy Leslye Scott Amanda Henderson Carlos Earhart Mary Beth Goetz MJ Embry Olivia Riedell Isabela Riedell Katie Scheithe Carrie Clements Celeste Medley-Hood NOT FILLED Eucharistic Minister - * Captain Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - ME Hospitality Minister - SE Hospitality Minister - BE Hospitality Minister - BE Lector - 1 Lector - 2 Liturgical Coordinator Sacristan Server Server Server Children's Liturgy Catechist Cantor Crosswalk Guard TREASURE COUNTERS GENESIS HEALTHCARE EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE WEEK OF: September 13th - Joan Bernosky (Friday) September 20th— Melvin Fleischmann September 27th—Carlos Earhart September – Monica Blandford & Mary Lundy October – Don & Fran Bartley STEWARD OF THE MONTH PARKING September – Mary Higdon October – Kim Welborn September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time BLOCK PARTY 2015 Our parish Block Party will be held Saturday, September 26th from 9am–Noon. The Block Party is a free event for all of our neighbors in need within Sts. Joseph & Paul Parish’s boundary If you have any questions, please contact Donna Goetz (270-316-0986), Kelly Ward (270-316 -6334), or Carolyn Porter (270-929-6477). STUFFED ANIMALS NEEDED Small toys and all size stuffed animals are needed for the children's booth. Donations can be brought to church, or contact Lori Dant 270-315 -4927 to arrange drop off. ITEMS TO FILL GROCERY BAGS A lot of people have asked, “How much will it cost to fill a bag with groceries and non-food items for the Block Party.” The answer is $20. Each bag will contain: peanut butter, jelly, a loaf of bread, spaghetti, Ragu Sauce, toothpaste & toothbrush, bath soap, shampoo, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, dish soap, sponges, glass cleaner, and an all purpose cleaner. If you would like to donate money instead of bringing the items to Mass each week, please write a check to Sts. Joseph & Paul and put it in an envelope labeled “Block Party” and drop it in the collection basket. Thank you so much for everything that you do to make the Block Party such a huge success! PLANNING TO BE OUT OF TOWN AND LOOKING FOR A MASS? If you plan on being out of town for a ballgame, a swim meet, a meeting, or vacation and you need a Sunday Mass, go to to find Mass times across the USA. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) CLASSES AT STS JOSEPH AND PAUL are held on Thursdays from 6:00pm – 8:00pm in the Father Tucker Religious Education Center. These ESL classes are designed for our Hispanic brothers and sisters as they work to learn English. Learning English will help in giving the Hispanics greater confidence with our culture and with their bilingual community. BLOCK PARTY COLLECTIONS We continue to collect items for the Block Party that will be held Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015. Please bring your items to the front of Church outside, and a volunteer will take it to the Ministry Barn. Thank you so much. The Block Party Committee. ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED FOR BLOCK PARTY 2015 Toilet Paper Sunday, Sept. 13th Diaper & Wipes Sunday, Sept. 20th COLLEGE & CAREER EXPO September 27, 2015 Sunday, 1pm – 4pm Owensboro Convention Center Free Admission, Free Seminars, Scholarship Drawings and over 100 recruiters The Expo in Owensboro is sponsored by seven school districts, including the Diocese of Owensboro Catholic Schools. The Expo is designed for students 6th through 12th grade. It helps them to learn about deciding on a career and how to go about obtaining a job in the future. The Expo is free of charge. See more details below. PARISH BBQ SALE DATES September 19th– Youth Cook October 24th—Burgoo November 7th– Sausage Sale November 25th—Ham & Turkey cook December —Christmas Ham Sale September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE: 2015 APOSTOLIC JOURNEY OF POPE FRANCIS TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BBQ COOK TO BENEFIT OUR YOUTH ATTENDING BOSTON BUTT (by the pound) & BBQ CHICKEN SALE Saturday, September 19th (Pickup 11am-1pm; Parish Hall Parking Lot) NCYC- BBQ Cook Fundraiser ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID Saturday, September 19th Pickup 11am-1pm Parish Hall Parking Lot Here is the schedule for Pope Francis' September 2015 Apostolic Journey to the United States of America as released by the Vatican on June 30, 2015. All times listed are Eastern Daylight Time. From the USCCB Website TUESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 22ND (WASHINGTON, DC) 4pm Arrival from Cuba at Joint Base Andrews WEDNESD A Y, SEPTEMBER 23RD (WASHINGT O N, DC) 9:15am Welcome ceremony and meeting with President Obama at the White House 11:30am Midday Prayer with the bishops of the United States, St. Matthew's Cathedral 4:15pm Mass of Canonization of Junipero Serra, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 24TH (WASHINGTON, DC, & NEW YORK CITY ) 9:20am Address to Joint Meeting of the United States Congress 11:15am Visit to St. Patrick in the City and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington 4pm Depart from Joint Base Andrews 5pm Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport 6:45pm Evening Prayer (Vespers) at St. Patrick's Cathedral FRIDAY, SE PTEMBER 25TH (NEW YORK CITY ) Name Phone # #chickens #pounds of Boston Butt Total $ Paid 8:30am Visit to the United Nations and Address to the United Nations General Assembly 11:30am Multi-religious service at 9/11 Memorial and Museum, World Trade Center 4pm Visit to Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East Harlem 6pm Mass at Madison Square Garden SATUR DAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH (NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA) 8:40am Departure from John F. Kennedy International Airport 9:30am Arrival at Atlantic Aviation, Philadelphia 10:30am Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia 4:45pm Visit to Independence Mall 7:30pm Visit to the Festival of Families Benjamin Franklin Parkway SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH (PHILADELPHIA) Chickens - $10 each Boston Butt - $8 per pound 9:15am Meeting with bishops at St. Martin's Chapel, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 11am Visit to Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility 4pm Mass for the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families, Benjamin Franklin Parkway 7pm Visit with organizers, volunteers and benefactors of the World Meeting of Families, Atlantic Aviation 8pm Departure for Rome September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 BIRTHDAYS Lucas Bullis, Eric Glahn, Justin Jean, Ginny Nealen, Keisha Trogden, Madison Vickers, Sharon Williams Georgia Coomes, Nancy Crowe, Janson Gard, Martha Hall, Stacey McCarthy, Annie Storm Bradley Leonard, Joanne Mason, Joann Watson Jared Beyke, Beau Ingram, Hannah Millay, Eric Osborne Bobby Clark, Vernon Phillips, Tim Wilkerson John Congleton, Josh Kirby, Debby Mulligan, Isabela Riedell, Sophia Riedell, Patrick Schepers, Marcheta Sumner, Peyton Warren Eddie Everly, Chris Jarboe, Danila Jarboe, Katie Beth Osborne, Bobby Pedley Blayze Dill, Mary Jo Hagerman, Daniel Manqueros, Mary Lou O”Bryan, Bevonna Scott, Marilee Staples, Gary Trogden Jared Martin, Shelly Poiles 9/12/98 9/12/14 9/13/97 9/13/14 9/13/14 9/13/91 9/14/91 9/15/12 9/18/71 9/18/10 9/19/70 9/20/14 9/20/97 MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARIES Brent & Melanie Ballard Bobby & Barbara Clark Jerrod & Sara Beyke Roger & Jessica Boling Joel & Laura Mattingly Tim & Donna Wilkerson Michael & Andrea Ayer Eric & Magan Lott Frank & Joanne Mason Daniel &Katy Tierney Gerald & Brenda Payne Steven & Elizabeth Burch Michael & Ginny Nealen WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY, September 13th -Rosary 30 minutes before 8am/Mass/CH -Mt St. Joseph Ursuline Sisters Picnic -Religious Ed (Spanish) 10-11:30am/FTC -Hispanic Men’s Meeting (CRHP)/6pm/FTC -Youth Group (High School)/7-8:30pm/YH MONDAY, September 14th -Sunday Matters Meeting/12pm/Rectory -STVDP Meeting/6pm/FTC-CR -Finance & Administration Team /6:15pm/OFC-CR -Leavening Team Meeting/6:30pn/Rectory TUESDAY, September 15th -Grief Support Group (Mass at 5;30pm) Meeting 6:15-8pm/FTC-CR -Family Life Team/6pm/FTC -Youth Group/Middle School/6-7:30pm/YH WEDNESDAY, September 16th -Parish Team Meeting/9am/OFC-CR -RCIA/6pm/PH -Faith Formation (Grades K-12th)/6-7:30pm/FTC/YH/OFC-CR THURSDAY, September 17th -Young at Heart Potluck/12pm/English Park -Reconciliation/6pm/CH -ESL Classes/6-8pm/FTC-CR & Upstairs FRIDAY, September 18th -Exposition & Benediction/6:30am-5:15pm/CH -Reconciliation/12 noon/CH SATURDAY, September 19th -Men’s Prayer Breakfast/8am/OFC-CR -Before We Say I Do (Marriage Prep)/8:15am-3pm/FTC -BBQ Sale Pickup/11am-1pm/PH Lot -Hispanic Women’s Meeting (CRHP)/5pm/FTC UPCOMING PARISH MEETINGS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet for our regular meeting will be Monday, September 21, 2015 at 6:15pm in the Parish Hall. The Parish Pastoral Council Meeting has moved from the first Monday of the month to the third Monday of the month. PPC MEMBERS: Kevin Keown, Chair 270-316-6727 [email protected] Jenny Wilson, Vice Chair 270-313-5957 [email protected] Mary Haynes, Secretary, 270-685-4606 Percy Clancy [email protected], Sacred Liturgy liaison Carlos Earhart 270-929-1962 [email protected], Hispanic Ministry liaison Eric Glahn [email protected], Finance/Administration liaison Tom Hayden, 270-683-4622, Stewardship liaison Joyce Lambert [email protected] 270-485-1476, Family Life liaison Joanne Mason 270-295-6207 [email protected], Spiritual Life liaison Lavida Mischel, 270-929-2740 [email protected], Spiritual Life liaison Phil Roberts, Sr. Home 270-929-5014 Work 270-685-0054, [email protected], Social Justice liaison Penny Payne, Catholic Schools Representative 270-577-3382 [email protected], Education liaison Kalyn Frizzell, Youth Representative St. Vincent de Paul Meeting—Monday, September 14th/6pm/FTC Finance & Admin. Team - Monday, Sept. 14th/6:15pm/OFC-CR Leavening Team—Monday, Sept. 14th/6:30pm/Rectory Family Life Team—Tuesday, September 15th/6pm/FTC Parish Pastoral Council —Monday, September 21st/6:15pm/PH PARISH TEAM NEWS Members of the parish team will gather for “Sunday Matters” on Monday, September 14th at 12pm. At this time we share lunch together and celebrate our accomplishments of Sunday and see how we can improve our Sunday celebration so we can go deeper with Jesus. Parish Team Meeting, Wednesday, September 16th at 9am in the Parish Office. HALLOWEEN BASH Sunday, October 25th/1-3pm/PH A NIGHT UNDER THE STARS Saturday, November 14th MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH PICNIC The Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph invites you to their 45th Annual Picnic this Sunday, September 13th for the Benefit of the Retired Sisters. Booths open at 10:30am. Barbeque chicken, mutton and pork served 11:30am - 2pm Burgoo and sandwiches also available. Tickets $5.00 each.