May 22nd, 2016
May 22nd, 2016
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2016 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Clergy Reverend Mark Moriarty, Pastor Deacon Nathan Allen Reverend James McConville, In Residence Sunday Masses Saturday 5:15 p.m. (anticipated), with Benediction at 5:00 p.m. 6:30, 7:30 a.m. (Latin EF Low Mass) 8:30, 10:00 a.m. (Latin OF High Mass), 12 Noon Weekday Masses 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday (Saturday—Sung Latin Mass) 5:15 p.m. Fridays During school year, Mass on Thursday morning is at 9:30 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation Watch bulletin for Mass schedules Confessions Fridays 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Chapel) Saturdays: 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Upper Church) and 8:00-9:00 p.m. (Chapel) First Tuesday following the 7:30 p.m. Novena First Friday 7:00-7:50 a.m. (Chapel) First Saturday 7:00-7:50 a.m. (Chapel) Adoration and Devotions Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Holy Rosary 7:30 p.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Friday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 5:00 p.m. Saturday: Rosary for Life after the 8:00 a.m. Mass Sunday: 3:00 p.m. Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Office Hours Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Contact Information Parish Office 535 Thomas Avenue [email protected] 651.925.8800 School Office 530 Lafond Avenue [email protected] 651.925.8700 Rev. Mark Moriarty [email protected] 651.925.8888 Emergency Number 651.925.8899 Patrick Menke - Business Affairs [email protected] 651.925.8801 535 Thomas Ave. | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 | 651.925.8800 | PASTOR’S COLUMN TODAY AT SAINT AGNES Mass of Thanksgiving on Corpus Christi Sunday at the 10 am High Mass Come to Schuler Hall after Mass for coffee and donuts served by the Knights of Columbus. Next Saturday, May 28th, Archbishop Hebda will ordain to the holy priesthood several men studying for the archdiocese. One of those to be ordained is a son of the parish and a graduate of our high school, Deacon Mark Pavlak. The next day, the Feast of Corpus Christi, Sunday May 29 th, Deacon Pavlak will celebrate his first Mass of Thanksgiving at the Church of Saint Agnes. Deacon Pavlak’s family joined the parish in 1994 and he became a student at Saint Agnes School beginning in 2 nd grade and made his 1st Holy Communion in 1996 at the very communion rail that he will soon, God willing, be distributing the Most Blessed Sacrament. He was also confirmed through this parish in 2000. Pavlak was a bright and very active student. He was involved in many co-curricular activities: basketball (honored to be selected as a Captain many times); he was in all the musicals since his 2nd grade and played one of the leads in two of the musicals); he sang in choir all 4 years of high school; and was also active in the Pro-life club, Service club and German club. He graduated from our High School in 2005. After which, he went on to study at University of St. Thomas, graduating with a double major in Economics and Catholic Studies. Pavlak even was a high school teacher at St. Agnes for the 2010-2011 school year. Then, sensing a call to serve as a priest, he entered seminary in fall of 2011. From time immemorial, the path to becoming a priest has often been a veritable climbing through the ranks of various duties in and about the Sacred Liturgy. Deacon Pavlak has had just such a journey here at Saint Agnes. He generously answered the call to assist at Mass as an altar boy beginning in the 4th grade and served at countless Masses including a great many for the late Msgr. Schuler. (In fact, he was gifted an old chalice of the Monsignor). Climbing through the ranks, beginning with torch bearer, he eventually became an MC and was a special assistant to Deacon Harold Hughesdon. Pavlak credits the good deacon with teaching him so much about the Roman Rite. This knowledge served him well as he became a Master of Ceremonies at the seminary for the Rector, Msgr. Callaghan. I would like to invite as many parishioners as can make it to, the soon-to-be, Fr. Mark Pavlak’s Mass of Thanksgiving on Corpus Christi Sunday, May 29th of this year. Please pray for Deacon Pavlak and all his classmates who are being given the great honor and duty of serving as priests in Christ’s church. May God bless all of them and may Holy Mary keep them close to her Son. Saint Agnes, pray for us. Christ the High Priest, bless the ministers of Your altar. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Mark Moriarty THIS WEEK AT SAINT AGNES The Saint Agnes Misfits Reading Group will meet on Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 pm in the Kent Room. Saint Agnes Spring Concert, Wednesday May 25 at 7:00 pm You are cordially invited to the Grades 7 through 12 Spring Choral Concert which will be held in the Ubel Activity Center. There is no admission charge. Please join us. There will not be Eucharistic Adoration on Friday, May 27, due to the holiday weekend. NEXT WEEK AT SAINT AGNES Deacon Mark Pavlak will be ordained at the Cathedral on May 28 and will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving at 10:00 am on May 29 at Saint Agnes. Following the Mass and procession a reception will be held in his honor in Schuler Hall. AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Ordination to the Priesthood - May 28 Cathedral of Saint Paul, 10 am Archdiocesan Prayer Vigil to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Thursday, June 2, 7 p.m. – Friday, June 3, 7 pm. St. Peter Catholic Church, Mendota Join us for this time of prayer, penance, and healing for our Archdiocese and our priests. There will be time for Eucharistic Adoration, reflections, and devotions throughout the vigil. The vigil will conclude with 7 pm Mass on Friday. For the complete schedule and to sign up for a Holy Hour, please visit Archdiocesan Marriage Day Celebration - June 4 Bishop Cozzens invites you to celebrate the beautiful mystery of the mutual self-gift between a man and woman in the Sacrament of Matrimony on Saturday, June 4 at the Cathedral of Saint Paul, 10:00 am for Mass, renewal of vows, and a short reception. Couples celebrating their silver, golden and platinum anniversaries will be honored in a special way and are invited to attend. Families and friends of all couples are welcome! For more information, call 651-291-4488 or Certificates to commemorate the gift of marriage between a man and a woman, signed by Archbishop Bernard Hebda are available for couples married one or more years. To receive a certificate, please contact the Office of Marriage, Family & Life at 651-291-4488 or [email protected]. Catholic Watchmen Rally - June 16, 6:30 – 9:00 pm. St. Hubert, Chanhassen - Men are invited to the Catholic Watchmen Rally. Jeff Cavins will present on “Jesus Walking in Me: The Choices I Make”. This is an opportunity for men to draw closer to Jesus Christ and invest in fellowship with other men. There will be time for Adoration and Confession. Dinner will be provided. Registration is not required. Contact Susanna Bolle at [email protected] or 651.291.4411. CHORALE & ORCHESTRA NOTES W.A. Mozart, Trinitatis Mass”, K 167 (1773) Offertory: W.A. Mozart, Church Sonata in C, K 328 (1779) W.A. Mozart (1765-1791) composed the Trinitatis Mass at age 17. He dated it June 1773 and possibly intended it for Trinity Sunday. Certain biographers of his early years think Mozart may have written this Mass for Salzburg’s beautiful Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Trinity Church), which was completed in 1702. These biographers doubt it was written for the city’s cathedral, because it does not meet the strict time constraints mandated by the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg for his cathedral church. However, the Trinitatis Mass is orchestrated as a missa solemnis but without vocal solo arias, which other scholars opine was done by Mozart so that the Mass could meet the requirements of the Prince-Archbishop. In any case, listen for the trumpets and the showy contrapuntal fugue in the final section of the Credo, “Et vitam venturi.” The Twin Cities Catholic Chorale is a non-profit corporation, which depends solely on the generosity of its patrons. Programs are posted on the Chorale’s website at Next Sunday, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Chorale & Orchestra will present W.A. Mozart’s Mass in C, K 337. This will mark the end of the Chorale's 42nd season at Saint Agnes. ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, May 28 5:15 pm Lucas Lahlum, Chris Ethier, Michael McNamara Sunday, May 29 7:30 am Thomas Conroy, Nicholas Conroy 8:30 am Philip Rother, Stephan McNamara, Thomas McNamara, William Murphy, Thomas Jalbert 10:00 am Jacob Rose, William Kostuch, Anton Praska, Joe Galush, Ross Wright, Nguyen Phan, Duy Phan, Viet Pham, Nate Bennett, James Eilen, Andrew Brownell, Nathan Brownell, Nicholas Brownell, Philip Eilen, Gregory Bennett 12:00 pm Nathan Coyne, Jacob Coyne SUNDAY OFFERINGS FOR MAY 15 Envelope/Plate Automatic Contributions Total $ 13,997.67 $ 885.00 $ 14,882.67 Congratulations to the Band & Vocal MSHSL Solo/Ensemble Participants! Superior Rating: Margaret Blackstone, French Horn; Micah Lin, Flute; Matthew Bettencourt, Alto Saxophone; Excellent Rating: Toby Cossairt, Clarinet. VOCAL—Superior Rating, Small Ensemble: Madrigal Singers; Superior Rating, Soprano: Francesca Helfenberger, Lucy Hobbs and Clare Tichawa; Superior Rating, Mezzo Soprano: Emily Schaeffer; Superior Rating, Baritone: Jonah Hintgen, Joseph Shearer; Superior Rating, Duet: Clare Tichawa, Joseph Shearer; Excellent Rating, Soprano: Rachel Petruconis, Madeline Graner; Best of Site: Clare Tichawa WEEKLY CALENDAR (Regular, weekly Masses, Confessions, and Devotions are found on the bulletin cover) Sunday, May 22 Coffee and Donuts by the Knights of Columbus Monday, May 23 No scheduled activities Tuesday, May 24 Legion of Mary (Brides) ....................................... 6:15 pm TCCC Rehearsal (Choir Loft) ............................... 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 25 Misfits Reading Group (Brides) ........................... 7:00 pm TCCC Board Meeting (Schuler) .......................... 7:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal (Loft) ............................... 7:00 pm Spring Music Concert (Ubel Activity Center) .... 7:00 pm Thursday, May 26 Children’s Choir/Picnic (Music Dept)................. 3:00 pm Friday, May 27 No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament today Saturday, May 28 Rosary for Life following the 8:00 am Mass Ordination to the Priesthood (Cathedral) ........ 10:00 am MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 23 8:00 am Frank Wissner Tuesday, May 24 8:00 am Rose Spangenberg (B) Wednesday, May 25 | Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest & Doctor of the Church; Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Virgin 8:00 am Julia Sicam (B) Thursday, May 26 | Saint Philip Neri, Priest 8:00 am Edel Quinn 9:30 am* Dan & Kristin Benyon Friday, May 27 |Saint Augustine of Canterbury 8:00 am Catherine & Gerald F. McShane † 5:15 pm Dolores Gombold † Saturday, May 28 8:00 am* Mark & Molly Egan 5:15 pm Olivia Praska (B) Sunday, May 29 | Solemnity of Corpus Christi 6:30 am Joe Foht 7:30 am Fred & Joy Steveken † 8:30 am Elizabeth Colllins † 10:00 am* The Kromhout Family Grandchildren 12:00 pm Missa pro populo (For the people) (A) Anniversary (B) Birthday † Deceased *Sung High Mass High School Graduation is Friday, June 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm, in the Ubel Activity Center. By invitation only. Please pray for our 2016 graduates. Financial Dimensions Group, Inc SCHNEIDER CARPET ONE FLOOR & HOME 10% Discount with this ad* *(not valid on labor) 1112 W. 7th St. • St. Paul, MN 55102 Tel 651-224-2344 • DELI • BBQ CATERING For Your Financial and Estate Planning Needs Charla D. Turch, CFP®, MS Sue Nichols REALTOR Independent Financial Advisor (651) 481-6288 ® 651-491-0882 3900 Northwoods Dr. • Arden Hills, MN 55112 Securities offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. 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