Heimdal Medlemsblad - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Heimdal Medlemsblad - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening Heimdal Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872 June 2009 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” Inc. 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 PHONE: 07 3252 1125 www.danishclubbrisbane.org ========================================================= Contributions All emails to the editor and other material to be published must be received by the 10th of the month. We will endeavour to publish all material submitted but reserve the right to determine the suitability of the material to be published. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Webmaster : Aage Christoffersen 18 Boardman Street Kallangur QLD 4503 Phone: (07) 3204 5761 Skype: lydatronic Email: [email protected] From the Editor It must be Springtime in the Northern hemisphere! Quite a few members have already left to visit friends and family in Denmark and will no doubt return with wonderful stories of fresh beech forests, smoked heerings, St Hans fires and long evenings where the sun never seems to go down. It’s amazing how Denmark always feels like ‘home’, although you may have left many years ago. The club plays an important role by providing a venue where we can meet up with other Danes and enjoy our traditions, whether it’s just speaking Danish, eating smørrebrød and snaps or enjoying Christmas baking. Make it a place where friends meet. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 07 3359 2026 Email: [email protected] Photos by Alan Przybylak NEW MEMBERS IN MAY Welcome to Morten & Joanne Sørensen, Everton Hills Read about the membership drive in the newsletter TIL LYKKE til alle klubbens fødselarer i juni Skriv eller ring til redaktøren, hvis du kender nogen, der fejrer fødselsdag eller jubilæum eller sølvbryllup, guldbryllup, fødsel, dåb – vi vil vide det hele. What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark 22 May 2009 from 6 pm Try our tasty homemade ‘smorrebrod’ or have a hot dog and get a drink in the bar. The bar is currently stocked with beer imported direct from Denmark including Carlsberg brewed in Denmark, Carlsberg Elephant and Tuborg Sort Guld. Get your pastries from Britt’s Danish Delights and a variety of Danish and Australian specialities from Flemming Jakobsen, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba (you can order in advance). Legestue Every Friday from 10-12 See details in the newsletter – a chance for your children to speak Danish with other children in their age group. And for parents to enjoy time together with other Danish parents. Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party Bamses Fødselsdag 13 June 2009 2 – 5 pm It’s Teddy Bear’s Birthday – bring your favourite bear, we’ll celebrate with hot chocolate or cold drinks and birthday cakes. Bring your kids and their friends, details on page 5. Café Danmark 26 June 2009 from 6 pm Det store kolde Bord 11 July 2009 from 6.30 pm Café Danmark 24 July 2009 from 6 pm Folk Dancers Special Event 31 July 2009 from 6 pm Annual General Meeting 8 August 2009 1 – 4 pm Get to know the members: VIBEKE CATTS When did you arrive in Australia? In 1992 as a tourist, in 1993 to stay. Did you speak English when you arrived? Yes Where do you come from in Denmark? Agerbæk, a small town near Esbjerg in Jylland Why did you migrate to Australia? When I initially came to Australia as a tourist I met my future husband in Sydney. As he had kids, a career and didn’t speak Danish it seemed a lot easier for me to move Down-Under than for him to move to Denmark. What do you miss from Denmark? My family and Piratoser (Haribo salt licorice) Do you still have many Danish traditions in your home? Not as many as I would like, but I hope we can get together a personalized ‘Danish fest sang’ for my step-daughters upcoming wedding. Do you see yourself as Danish or Australian? I am still a Danish citizen, though sometimes I do feel it would be nice to be able to vote in Australian elections. What do you like most about Australia? My husband, the weather and gum trees – in that order. What don’t you like about Australia? It’s too far away from everywhere else, especially of course Danmark. What’s your favourite Internet site? Wikipedia. Favourite author? Bill Bryson is always good for a laugh, Peter Høeg for the more serious stuff, and Barry Humphries autobiographies for an insight into middle-class Australia. Favourite band? Rod Stewart – to take me back to a mini-break in Tassie. Favourite spot in Australia? On the balcony of Café Sydney with a nice cool glass of white on a summers day. First Job? Collecting battery hen eggs at a local farm. Secret talent? Singing Danish songs to my husband. Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party Bamse har fødselsdag og det skal holdes i stor stil med boller, varm chokolade, sodavand og en rigtig dansk kagemand. Kom og vær med til en rigtig dansk børnefødselsdag. Tag din bedste bamse med og vær med i sjove lege. Tag vennerne med. Come and participate in a real Danish birthday party for children. It’s Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party so bring your favourite bear and try some Danish birthday rolls, hot chocolate or soft drink and the amazing birthday cake decorated with lollies. There will also be lots of party games. Bring all your friends. When: Saturday 13 June 2009 Time: 2 pm Cost: $7 (pay at door) RSVP: By Thursday 11 June 2009 to Lone Lambourne 3822 4476 ([email protected]) or Lone Schmidt 3359 2026 ([email protected]) Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: www.brittsdanishdelight.com.au Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: [email protected] Dear members We have had another great year in ‘Heimdal’ celebrating and enjoying traditional events as well as venturing into new activities to generate and maintain interest in our club. We are not about Danes outside Denmark trying to be as Danish as the Danish but more about appreciating the good things we remember and know of Denmark and Danish culture, and passing that on to the next generation. It is great to see that the ‘Heimdal’ family includes everybody from our respected senior members having migrated under tough conditions in the 1950s and 60s – and some earlier (on steamships with a suitcase/toolbox) through to more recent migrants arriving later in the 20th century (on aircrafts and personal belongings in containers) through to younger members arriving 21st century-style (with a backpack, laptop and ipod). Each of us has an opportunity to participate in the life of ‘Heimdal’, which has now been a great base and connection for Danes in Brisbane for a fair few years (almost 137 years), and what we get out of this relationship with other Danes through ‘Heimdal’ is entirely up to ourselves. From a personal point of view I’m extremely happy with the opportunity my family has been given to meet a lot of great people through our engagement with the committee and club members and the support from individual members supporting events has also been very encouraging. As with anything in life, it either develops or dies and fortunately ‘Heimdal’ has proved very resilient over the years and kept growing – but I really think we need to move ourselves forward with a giant leap. We all have demands on our time and coming to Café Denmark – maybe not every month – and perhaps 3 or 4 events during the year is probably what most of us can manage. We appreciate that and the only way current members of the club can best secure the basis of ‘Heimdal’ for the future is by encouraging more of the around 5000 Danes living here to join the club and remain an active part of integrating new members (we are currently around 150 families). All good deeds deserve a reward and we have developed a special treat for every member introducing a new member to the club – a $20 voucher will allow you to enjoy food and drink at Café Denmark on the house once after the new member has been accepted (and paid up their fees, of course). It doesn’t get better than this – have a good friend or contact join ‘Heimdal’ and enjoy the events we offer and get a free meal! Hurry – note there is a limit of 30 new members per existing member) Soren Pinse, Grundlovsdag og Valdemarsdag Pinse kommer af græsk πεντηκοστή pentēkostḗ, der betyder "halvtredsindstyvende" (dag efter påske) og er en kristen højtid, der holdes årligt til minde om Helligåndens komme. Ifølge beretningen i Apostlenes Gerninger kapitel 2 skete det ti dage efter Kristi himmelfart, at apostlene var samlet for at fejre den jødiske højtid Shavuot, da der pludselig kom "en lyd som af et kraftigt vindstød" og tunger som af ild kom til syne og sætter sig på hver af dem. De blev derefter fyldt af Helligånden og begyndte at "tale på andre tungemål", hvorved de kunne gøre det kristne budskab forståeligt for de jøder fra mange forskellige verdensdele, der var i Jerusalem -- denne episode kaldes normalt "pinseunderet". Pinsen regnes således traditionelt for den kristne kirkes fødsel. Pinsekirken har taget navn efter netop denne begivenhed, fordi den i særlig grad blandt de kristne trossamfund vægtlægger tungetalen og de øvrige nådegaver, som Helligånden menes at udstyre de genfødte kristne med. Pinsedag falder altid på den syvende søndag efter påske. Såvel pinsedag som den følgende dag, 2. pinsedag, er i Danmark helligdage. I 2009 falder 2. pinsedag mandag den 1. juni. En gammel tradition foreskriver, at man pinsemorgen skulle gå ud af sit hus og feje ind mod døren, da man så ville samle lykke til huset resten af året. Grundlovsdag er en årligt tilbagevendende fejring af indførelsen af den første danske grundlov den 5. juni 1849. Hvert år fejres dagen med især politiske taler rundt om i landet, da dagen ofte også ses som en fejring af det danske demokrati. Ledende politikere har via deres respektive organisationer foretrukne steder, hvor de traditionelt afleverer deres budskaber, der både handler om demokratiets principper og om aktuelle politiske problemstillinger. Danmark har ingen egentlig nationaldag (er det ikke trist?), men grundlovsdag er nok det nærmeste man kommer. Men i dag er det ikke længere en helligdag, og man har derfor ikke automatisk ret til at holde fri fra kl. 12. Den 15. juni er det Valdemarsdag (indført 1912 ved Cirk.Nr.391 24/12 1912). Det var på denne dag i 1219, at Dannebrog ifølge myten faldt ned fra himmelen i Estland, hvor den danske konge Valdemar Sejr kæmpede med venderne og mod esterne i slaget ved Lyndanisse (Kilde: Wikipedia) Is your family story fading away? There is a lot of talk these days about preserving family history. This need derives from a deep longing that we have as human beings for identity. Great impact and meaning is created when all of the elements of interview, photos, old footage, ancestry and more are uniquely weaved together. Reel Lives Australia is the life story video specialists that capture your story and the story of your family through a unique video life story interview process. We would appreciate the opportunity to help you preserve your family story for generations to come. If there is sufficient interest from members of the Danish club, we can make a presentation at the club or you are welcome to contact us on 1300 723 795. Daniel and Jilanna Craig Reel Lives Australia www.reellives.com.au phone 1300 723 795 mobile 0410 455 145 Melodi Grand Prix: Danmark blev nr 13 med Brinck og sangen ’Believe Again’ skrevet af Ronan Keating. Norge fik en sikker førsteplads med Alexander Rybaks ’Fairytale”. (16. maj 2009) Det blev en prins: Prinsesse Marie og prins Joachim fik en dreng. (4. maj 2009) Storskrald: Omkring 100 skraldevogne omkranser idag Rådhuspladsen, og i midten står vrede skraldemænd fra skraldevirksomheden R98. De markerer deres utilfredshed med, at Københavns Kommunes miljø- og teknikudvalg har besluttet sig for, at det bliver en anden virksomhed end R98, der skal tage sig af affaldsopgaven i dele af København fra 1. november. Skraldemændene henter affald igen fra i morgen. (19. maj 2009) Kronprins Frederik er tilbage i Sydney i oktober for at deltage i World Masters Games i sejlsportsdiscipliner. DR Romanprisen på 25.000 kroner går i år til Sissel-Jo Gazan for romanen "Dinosaurens fjer". De andre finalister var: 'Valdemarsdag' af Kim Leine, 'Ned til hundene' af Helle Helle og 'Fire dage i marts' af Jens Christian Grøndahl. (17. maj 2009) Få danske nyheder online via www.bt.dk, www.ekstrabladet.dk, www.politiken.dk, www.jp.dk, www.berlingske.dk, www.dr.dk - Planning to Travel? Flights to Scandinavia from $1747 (plus taxes) Excellent Cruise Deals / Car Hire / Rail Passes / Tours Phone Hannelore (07) 3841 1444 Global Active Travel • P.O. Box 230 • Springwood QLD 4127 Please visit us on the web: www.globalactivetravel.com.au Or send your requests by e-mail: [email protected] May/June is Festival time in Brisbane: 21 May – 11 June: Spanish Film Festival at Palace Centro Cinemas, James Street 22-4 May: Scarecrow Festival at Tambourine Mountain – 14 km trail with around 300 Scarecrows created by the residents! The trail takes visitors past wonderful scenery, rainforests, parks, art galleries, restaurants, wineries, brewery, cheese factory, gift and craft shops. Also all weekend you can visit the recreation of an authentic Viking camp, with its crafts, warriors, maidens and traditions (take photos for the newsletter if you are going up to check it out!) 23-24 May: Paniyiri Greek Festival at Musgrave Park: Food stalls and Entertainment. There are also cooking demonstrations and lectures at the Greek Club 26 May – 2 June: Italian Week 2009 has it all: soccer, coffee, food, drink, tenors, fashion, pasta, gelati, cars, Romeo & Juliet – la dolce vita 5-7 June: Greenfest 2009 from 10 am-10 pm at the City Botanic Gardens - it’s going to be bigger than Ben Hur – come and enjoy the entertainment and food stalls A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he’d found a cat, but it was dead. “How do you know that the cat was dead?” she asked him. “Because I pissed in its ear and it didn’t move”, he answered innocently. “You did WHAT!!” exclaimed the teacher. “You know”, explained the boy, “I leaned over and went ‘Psst!” and it didn’t move. One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm, a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, “Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?” The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. “I cannot, dear,” she said. “I have to sleep in Daddy’s room.” A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: “The big sissy”. A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his hair cut, eating a snack cake. The barber says to her, “Sweetheart, you’re gonna get hair on your Twinkie.” She says, “Yes, I know, and I’m gonna get boobs, too”. It was that time, during the Sunday morning service, for the children’s sermon. All the children were invited to come forward. One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress and, as she sat down, the pastor leaned over and said, “That is a very pretty dress. Is it your Easter dress?” The little girl replied, directly into the pastor’s clip-on microphone, “Yes, and my Mom says it’s a b*tch to iron.” One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to her class. She came to the part where Chicklen Little warns the farmer. She read, “... and Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said, “The sky is falling!”. The teacher then asked the class, “And what do you think that the farmer said?” One little girl raised her hand and said, “I think he said: ‘Holy Sh*t! A talking chicken!” The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes. Thanks to Erik Lindhardt for the laughs! The Danish Association Heimdal Inc. Est 1872 36 Austin Street, Newstead QLD 4006 Phone (07) 3252 1125 www.danishclubbrisbane.org Celebrating and fostering the Danish language, culture and traditions MEMBERSHIP FORM 1 July 2009 - 30 June 2010 Membership Number: Name Date of Birth / / Occupation Partner’s Name Date of Birth / / Occupation Address Phone (Home) Postcode Suburb & State E-mail Phone (Work) Phone (Mobile) Children: Date of Birth / / (Under 18 years of age) Date of Birth / / Date of Birth / / Yes, please send the newsletter via e-mail ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Ordinary*) Member/Family $60.00 Associate Member/Family $60.00 Ordinary*) Member/Single Associate Member/Single $40.00 Cheque or money order enclosed Signature $40.00 Paid by EFT $ Date / / *) Ordinary member: Danish born/descendant of a person whose father, mother, grandfather or grandmother was born in Denmark or was a Danish citizen at the time of that person's birth The membership fee may be paid by EFT to Heimdal’s account with Suncorp-Metway 484-799 02495 1468 using your membership number and name as reference. Please send the form to Lone Lambourne if there are any changes in your details. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to “The Danish Association Heimdal” and post it to the Membership officer: Lone Lambourne 3 Dartmouth Court BIRKDALE QLD 4159 Phone 07 3822 4476 Email: [email protected] On behalf of the Danish Association Heimdal, the Committee would like to thank you for your ongoing support. This club can only exist with the help of active, paying members and by renewing your membership you are supporting Heimdal, the oldest ethnic club in Queensland established in 1872 The Danish Folkdance Group Heimdal ATTENTION!!! Come along on 31 July 2009 for a free evening of dancing and entertainment hosted by the Danish Folkdance Group in conjunction with the Danish Club. The theme for the evening will be court dances such as The Lancer and Princess Alexandrine Quadrille. The dance performers will be dressed in period ballroom dresses from the mid 1800’s. For those who are interested there will be a chance to do some participation dances. Food and beverages will be available at reasonable prices from 6pm at the Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead HALL HIRE Planning a birthday party, christening, wedding or corporate function? Need a training venue? Or a dance studio? 36 Austin Street is available for hire at reasonable rates: Friday or Saturday: $250 (non-members $350) If you need more information, ring Soren Hoimark on 3359 2026. Deposit for cleaning and breakage: $300 News from the Committee The committee usually meets once a month and at our May meeting we discussed: Website The Heimdal web site is looking better, but we would still like to know what you think about the site and what you think we need - contact Kim Tvede or Peter Hansen with your suggestions. It would be a good idea to be able to RSVP for functions via the website. Hall Hire No news from our local councillor on the parking issue. A ‘for lease’ sign will go up shortly once we have finalised the design. Liquor license Henrik has sourced new wine glasses with a plimsoll line and they are a vast improvement on the old ones. Look out for other innovations behind the bar and in the kitchen – the new bar fridge is looking marvellous and makes much less noise. Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held on Saturday 8 August 2009 and the nomination form will be in the June and July newsletters. Grant Applications No news on current grant applications – we’re still working on an application to fund an update of the kitchen and some applicances with modern energy-efficient models. Maintenance The oven is not operating satisfactorily and a service technician is working on the problem. The question of the child safety gate is still with the police. Functions The June function is Teddy Bear’s Birthday party and we are looking forward to seeing lots of children with their favourite teddy bears! Money The treasurer presented the April accounts, which showed a loss following the purchase of the bar fridge – and we had no function due to Easter. The May event was the Wine & Cheese evening, which was also non-profit. Membership The President will issue a challenge to all members to find a new member – wouldn’t it be great to see the club double in size! There will be a prize and a $20 reward to be used in the club for food and drinks for new members on acceptance and payment of their fee. The more we are together, the more we can achieve. Multicultural Festival No date from Brisbane City Council yet for this year’s event. Annual General Meeting 2009 Saturday 8 August 2009 at 1 pm Are you a member of the local soccer club? Or maybe you grow orchids, play bridge, train dogs, and help out at the local hospital? Then you’ll know that any association needs a constitution and a committee with at least a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Who are they and where do they come from? Well, they are members just like you, who have volunteered to keep the club running – at no personal gain. Some may always come up with great ideas, others are good at organising events and then there are all the special talents the club needs from time to time: somebody to change light bulbs, organise kitchen helpers, cook roast pork, fold paper napkins, arrange flowers, make remoulade and hot dogs – you know who you are! As a member of the Danish club you are entitled to nominate for the committee and to elect the committee at the annual general meeting. This is really your chance to have a say in the running of the club. Nominate now for the committee and get to know the club better. The committee meets once a month. Even if you’re not interested in the committee work, come to the annual general meeting and have your say. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomination form for the Committee of the Danish Association Heimdal Inc. I, ................................................... nominate and I, ..................................................second (name of nominee) ............................................................................................................... for the position(s) of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Member (circle relevant position) Signature .................................................... Signature ......................................................... Date ............................ Date ................................................ I accept the above nomination(s) to the Committee. Signature ................................................. Date ................................................................... Send or hand to the Secretary See the club rules at www.danishclubbrisbane.org under ‘Membership forms’ Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training. Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs between Denmark and Australia, including: • Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations • Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs • Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities • Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark • Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part of their studies in Denmark • Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian partners. We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us: Riborg Andersen [email protected] Ph: 07-5442 9588 Joern Christoffersen [email protected] Ph. 07-54739917 Dansk legegruppe Fredag 10-12 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006 Vi er en gruppe forældre, der taler dansk med vores børn – vi ved, at de lærer dansk af os, men hvad de kan lære gennem leg med andre danske børn er en anden ting. Legegruppen er for børn i alderen 0 til skolealder og det koster $2-3 pr familie pr gang (pengene går til udgifter i forbindelse med afholdelse af gruppen). Find os på Facebook under gruppen: Heimdal Brisbane Families w/kids Hvis du er interesseret eller mangler oplysninger så kontakt: Charlotte Tlf: 3396 4950 / mob 0405 730 252 E-mail: [email protected] Morten Tlf: 3855 9597 / 0410 215 300 E-mail: [email protected] Tea Tlf: 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 E-mail: [email protected] Nyttige Adresser: Royal Danish Embassy 15 Hunter Street Yarralumla ACT 2600 Ambassadør: Susanne Shine Phone: (02) 6270 5333 Fax: (02) 6270 5324 Email: [email protected] Web: www.canberra.um.dk Monday-Friday 9.00-12.30 1-4 pm Danish Church in Australia Pastor Jesper Engholm PO Box 344 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Phone: (02) 9980 8223 Fax: (02) 9980 8209 Email: [email protected] Web: www.danishchurch.org.au Danish Church in Brisbane St Marks Lutheran Church 71 Newnham Road Mount Gravatt East QLD 4122 Gudstjeneste 24. maj 2009 kl. 14-15 (tjek tidspunkt på nettet) Swedes Down under Club Inc. The Secretary PO Box 521 Carina QLD 4152 President: Yvonne Lindquist Email: [email protected] Web: swedesdownunder.org.au Swiss Society of Queensland Inc 36 Austin Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 10 Wellers Hill QLD 4121 President: Sybille Goss Phone: 0500 811291 www.swiss.org.au Norwegian Club of Qld Inc. PO Box 2277 New Farm QLD 4005 President: Steinar Johansen Phone: (07) 3397 9114 Mobile: 0412 383 171 Web: www.ncq.asn.au The Committee 2008/09 President: Committee Member: Søren Høimark Phone 07 3359 2026 E-mail: [email protected] Kim Tvede Phone: E-mail: [email protected] Vice President: Committee Member: Alan Przybylak Mobile: 0402 691 435 E-mail: [email protected] Peter Hansen Phone (02) 6680 3574 E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer : Membership Officer: Lone Schmidt Phone 07 3359 2026 E-mail: [email protected] Lone Lambourne Phone 07 3822 4476 E-mail: [email protected] Secretary: Committee Member: Roy Schack Phone 07 3289 3559 E-mail: [email protected] Flemming Brinkmann Phone 07 5463 4468 E-mail: Committee Member: Committee Member: Alf Berg Phone 07 3389 2034 E-mail: [email protected] Henrik Caspersen (Rick) Phone 0418 776 277 E-mail: [email protected] Committee Member: Committee Member: Could this be you? If you would like to join the Committee, talk to a Committee member. Jørgen Skov Phone 07 3341 0911 E-mail: [email protected]
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