BNL - December 2014
BNL - December 2014
308 Bishop's House, Baruipur, P.O. Kolkata-700 144, India December 2014 At the service of the Family “After the wise men had left, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, 'Joseph, get up, take the child and his Mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod will soon be looking for the child in order to kill Him. Joseph took the child and his mother, and left that night for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod.'” One of the common pictures on the Christmas cards is the Holy Family on the flight to Egypt. The picture I am reproducing here was painted by Giotto di Bondone in 1304 A.D. and is placed in Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Italy. This is a beautiful depiction of life of a poor family struggling to survive, a story of a hapless family. The Holy Family was on a long journey in search of shelter, food, and a dignified existence. The painter brings this up beautifully by placing a people willing to help them. Giotto di Bondone adds an angel before the Holy Family to make us understand that those who put their faith and hope in the Lord are always protected here on earth by the people of good will and saved. Behind this story there is an overwhelming drive in the powerful, for control and domination and thus leading the poor victims into situations of agony and despair. The poor families of our society have no one to turn to. The vultures of the society are just waiting to devour them, and dump them into a treacherous heap of garbage. This year the Special Family Synod deliberated on New Evangelization for the Transmission of Faith. The relation of the Synod number 2 says, “Within the family are joys and trials, deep love and relationships which, at times, can be wounded. The Family is truly the “school of humanity” (G.S.52), which is much needed today. Despite many signs of crisis in the family institution in various areas of the Global village”, the desire to marry and form a family remains vibrant, especially among the young people, and serves as the basis of the church's need to proclaim untiringly and with profound conviction the “Gospel of the Family”, entrusted to her together with the revelation of God's love in Jesus Christ and ceaselessly taught by the Fathers, the masters of spirituality and the Church's Magisterium.” The Holy Family's flight to Egypt teaches us a lesson how even in difficult situations the Holy Family had been adhering to the values that were given to them through the Torah. Every Christmas places before us the life of the Holy Family so that we are able to take up the perennial values practised by the Holy Family. I wish all of you a holy Advent and a Merry Christmas. + Salvadore Lobo December 2014 [2] Report on Orientation of the Baruipur Diocesan Commission for Social Communication An orientation of the Baruipur Diocesan Commission for Social Communication was held from 3rd - 4th November 2014 at Dishari Pastoral Centre, Baruipur. Around 18 participants from different parishes including Keorapukur, Thakurpukur, Budge Budge, Kalyanpur, Rishi Bankim Nagar, Ranigarh, Basanti, Sajnaberia and Cathedral Parish took part in the programme. The purpose of this programme was to orient members of the parishes on what Diocesan Social Communication is, what is the role and function of the commission and how lay people could be involved in spreading the good works of the church. The theme of the orientation was 'Called to be a Church that Communicates'. Fr. Prolay Boidya, Secretary of the Diocesan as well as the Regional Commission for Social Communication welcomed everyone to the programme that was the first of its kind in the diocese. He said that the good work of the church can only be spread when there is a strong team and this programme aims to build that network in all the parishes of the diocese. The inauguration programme began at around 2.30 pm on 3rd November 2014 where Bishop Salvadore Lobo gave the keynote address stressing on the importance of media in our lives and in works of the church. He said that we need to use media to proclaim the good news. Fr. Robin Gomes SDB, facilitated the first session that went on to explain what social communication is and how we ourselves need to be good communicators to communicate to others. He stressed on how we can influence people with the way we communicate in the church and outside to generate interest of the people in church activities, thereby attracting them back to the fold. Fr. Robin also stressed on taking care of apparently small things like reading the Bible distinctly in the church, using microphones correctly and speaking in a lively tone, which can go on to make a big impact. The next session was facilitated by Lawrence Kalyan Gomes together with the members of the Commission which discussed with the participants on how to generate funds for the commission and how to strengthen the network. I primer was also given to the participants on making short term future plans. The day's programme ended with a short cultural programme followed by night prayers. The next day the participants were grouped into zone wise parish clusters and asked to make plans for parish level activities on fund generation and network building. The last session was a presentation of the plans. A decision was taken to integrate the participants into the commission as general members in form of key contact persons from their respective parishes. Parish level follow-up programme was also discussed to support the planned activities. - Lawrence Kalyan Gomes A fond farewell to Fr. Chandan Gupta SJ O n the 11th of November, 2014 afternoon Fr. Chandan Gupta SJ breathed his last in St. Xavier's College. The Requiem Mass was held in St. Anthony's Church, Keorapukur on 12th of November, 2014 at 10.00 am. Bishop Salvadore Lobo was the main celebrant along with Fr. Jeyaraj SJ, Jesuit Provincial and many other priests. A large gathering was present to show their last respects to their beloved Fr. Chandan Gupta SJ. After the mass his body was taken to Dhyan Ashram for the burial. Fr. Jonas Singha (VG) laid the body of Chandan to rest in the graveyard. Fr. Chandan Gupta SJ was a dedicated Jesuit priest who served the Church wholeheartedly. He worked in various places in the diocese of Baruipur and far away. The diocese is grateful to his services. We give our condolences to the Society of Jesus for the great loss and pray for his eternal rest. May Fr Chandan rest in Peace. - Fr. Kanauj Roy December 2014 [3] First Diocesan Women's Convention The first Diocesan Women's Convention organized by Women's Commission of Baruipur Diocese from 8th November, 2014 at 9.30 am to 9th November, 2014 noon was held in Carmel High School, Keorapukur. Mrs. Paramita Bose, Deputy Magistrate & Deputy Collector, Alipore was present as the chief guest, Bishop Salvadore Lobo, as Honourable Guest and Sr. Teresa, Secretary of Regional Women Commission was present for the programme. Many other priests and religious were present for the inaugural program. Altogether around 135 participants were present for the convention. The first session was on Social-welfare and Government Schemes by Mr. Aninda Ghose, social welfare officer who encouraged the women to fight against the injustices done to them and he promised to render his service to them. After lunch Fr. Pradeep Roy & group (Family Commission) emphasized on the family matters, save the family for a better society. In the evening they had a small cultural program followed by Rosary and Eucharistic celebration. Next day on 9th November Fr. Arup Bor & group of the Youth Commission focused on the problems that youth face today. It is the responsibility of the parents to bring up their children in the Catholic faith and allow them to grow in every field. Fr. Faustine Brank in the next session spoke about the Legal Aspect in the Family by showing different concrete examples. In the last session Fr. Kanauj Roy used PPT to inspire women that they have the power to do lots for the society. At the end Ms. Babli Das encouraged the women to do something for the church and society and thanked them for their spontaneous participation. Thanks to all of you who toiled day and night for the success of this program. The convention ended with an agape meal. - Ms. Babli Das Floods hit Mousuni Island in the Costal part of South 24 Parganas under Sundarban The Flood in Mousuni Island was the headline of the Ananda Bazar & Telegraph daily in Kolkata. On 12th July 2014, a High tide accompanied with heavy rain broke the river embankment and caused flood and disaster in Mousuni Island. The island is located in the costal part of South 24 Parganas under Sunderban which is approximately 130 nautical miles from Kolkata. The saline water from Bay of Bengal entered into the villages and destroyed most of the mud houses, crops & vegetables, livestock & fish, communication system and the livelihood. According to the Government data more than 2500 Families who fled from their homes have been sheltered in several Schools, ICDS centres, Flood centres and other high places. The Government survey estimated that the Total flood affected Population of 25000 covered12 Villages. Many people became homeless. Life in Mousuni Island was devastated as the people faced the vagaries of nature. The floods came so suddenly that the people had no time to think or even pack. All they could do was to rush out of the houses and run away from the waves and raging waters. kg/family, Dal @1.5 kg/family, toilet soap, washing soap, water bucket and tarpaulin to 200 homeless families. Still there were many affected families where we could not even reach with flood relief With the generous support from KFB/DKA, Austria, Palli Unnayan Samiti Baruipur distributed relief materials among the 1000 most vulnerable families in Mousuni Island. The flood Relief material was distributed on 15th September 2014 at Mousuni Island. 1000 flood victimized families received Rice @ 8 materials. People in those places were still living in miserable condition and desperately looking for shelter and medical assistance. Many people were forced to live in temporary shelters especially in tarpaulin tents on the river embankment. PUS has managed the situation with its limited resources but there are still lots of demands in the affected areas for short term and long term helps.The affected people are still deprived of basic needs. So far, the government and NGOs have done very little to sustain the people for self-sufficiency. They need continuous financial, social and medical support from generous donors. - Mr. Shankar Makhal December 2014 [4] Blessing of a New Chapel at 6 No. Sonatikari It was a long- awaited dream which people of 6 No. Sonatikari had looked forward to eagerly. Eventually this dream came true on 14th November 2014. The flood of immense joy, like the radiations of the Sun, spread all over different villages, as one and all experienced the tremendous spirit of togetherness and solidarity in celebrating the inauguration of the new church. People from all walks of life came together on this joyous day and gave a very special warm reception to Bishop Salvadore Lobo, at the entrance of the village. They sang, danced and marched with him all the way to the church. The Bishop cut the ribbon and welcomed people to enter into the church. Bishop Lobo, along with fourteen priests celebrated the holy mass. In his homily, the Bishop said that “you are the dwelling place and temple of God and the Holy Spirit, you keep your temple clean and Holy as our Father is.” Rev. Fr. Aboni Bagh, the Parish Priest, articulated the tremendous powers of prayer behind the building up of this new church. He thanked one and all for their invaluable support and co-operation. He also thanked all active members, priests, sisters and all lay people who generously and selflessly assisted him in the fulfilment of this dream.He especially thanked all the people who were present for this august occasion. - Fr. Durlov Bar From the Youth Desk of Baruipur Fr. Arup Bor& Fr. Kanauj Roy along with 3 youth attended the Diocesan Youth Convention of Krishnagar Diocese from 4th – 8th October 2014. Fr. Kanauj took a session on “ Youth to Youth Evangelization”. Mr. Aritra& Mr. Hrittick along with Fr. Peppin lead the youth of Krishnagar for Taize prayer. Fr. Arup Bor along with 10 youth of our diocese attended the Regional Training of Trainers programme at Seva Kendra Kolkata on 18th& 19th October 2014.Our diocese organised a beautiful Inaugural Mass. Two Youth of our diocese attended the Diocesan Youth Convention of Raigunj Diocese at Raigunj Cathedral from 19th to 22nd October 2014. Mr Aritra Sen took a Session on duties of youth in the church & society and analysed the vision, mission and structure of I.C.Y.M. and also shared his experience. Mr. Hrittick Hazra shared his experience of youth ministry and gave a short message for the youth. Youth orientation at Panchamkhanda The youth commission had their youth ministry in Panchamkhanda Parish on 25th & 26th October. On 25th evening they spent an hour in prayer for the youth of the parish and the success of the next day's programme. Next day the parish had their Youth orientation programme, and some 48 boys & girls of Panchamkhanda parish gathered for this occasion. The programme began with the holy mass where Fr. Arup Bor (DYD) was the main celebrant, in his homily he dwelt on the theme “Touched by Jesus, Walking his way”. The Parish priest Fr. Sirnus Toppo welcomed the youth director and three other members of the commission. Soon after the breakfast the programme started with an ice-breaking session. Fr. Arup Bor took a session on leadership test where he explained how the youth can form themselves as better leaders for tomorrow. Then Mr. Hrittick Hazra (DYT) took another session on leadership where he mentioned the qualities of a leader and types of leaders in our society. Soon after the animation Mr. Aritra Sen (DYP) took a session on duties of youth in the church & society and analysed the vision, mission and structure of I.C.Y.M. Then after a delicious lunch there were some group activities and Miss Archana Corrya (DYS) shared her experience and gave a short message for the youth. The programme ended with the final message and vote of thanks by Fr. Sirnus Toppo (PP). - Hrittick Hazra December 2014 [5] General Meeting of Laity Commission “Tumi Amar Bandhu Jesu, Tumi Mamo Sathi” (You are my Friend, You are my Companion); a devotional song led by Mrs. Dorothi Mondal inaugurated the 3rd General Meetingof the Laity Commission on 9th November, 2014 The status of Parish Finance Councils and a panel discussion on the condition of Lay Catholics in the diocese of Baruipur, constituted the basic agenda. The Code of Canon Law (Canon 537) mandates Parish Finance Councils in each Parish. The role of the Parish Finance Council is to assist to support and suggest the Parish Priest in overseeing and controlling the Financial Affairs of the Parish. The participants shared the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges very candidly. Some Parishes already have the Finance Committee and some are still in the planning phase. The members of Laity Commission take the opportunity to assist their respective parishes to develop the Parish Finance Committee. Those Parishes which do not have a Parish Council should set one up latest by March 2015. In this connection it was also stipulated that Parish Councils should also be formed where needed with the consent of the Parish priest. A panel discussion was conducted based on four questions a) State two concrete ways by which the Parishioners should be empowered in our Parishes & Diocese as well. b) State two reasons why the Christian laity are capable or incapable of handling power & position, c) state two serious issues that we must address immediately. d) How do we see the youth in our diocese? The participants openly expressed their views on these issues. A report will be given in the next newsletter. The above questions were elaborately discussed in the last Regional CBCI- CRI meeting in Darjeeling. Insights of this meeting were shared by Bishop Salvadore Lobo. He also added that the Darjeeling Diocese is an exemplar of lay participation; the Basic Christian Communities play the major role in this regard. The Next Meeting will be held on February 1, 2015 at Dishari Pastoral Centre Baruipur. - Joachim Ashim Campoo Keorapukur Bulletins First Holy Communion 19th of October was a happy day for the 35 children of St. Anthony's church who received Jesus for the first time in their lives. This occasion was given a special colour with the presence of Bp. Salvadore Lobo. The mass began at 8am with a prayer dance. Since it was Mission Sunday, the Bishop in his homily highlighted the task of every Christian for the mission of the church. After the mass, children received a token and a food packet to add to their joy. We thank all the catechism teachers for their generous service. Welcome Holy Spirit… Keorapukur Parish was glad to have 59 of its children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on 9th of November. The mass began with an entrance dance at 8 o'clock. Bishop Salvadore Lobo along with Fr. Rosomoy Kanji (Parish priest) and Fr. Kanauj celebrated the mass. Bishop preached an inspiring homily for the children and advised them about their duties and responsibilities. Children were given a token each and a food packet after the mass. Thanks to the catechism teachers for their hard work. With Fond Remembrance to Fr. Anil Mitra SJ The parishioners of Keorapukur parish organized a prayer service and mass for Fr. Anil Mitra SJ (who died on 28th September)on 14th November 2014, to show their love and gratitude to him. Fr. Kanauj Roy celebrated the mass after the prayer service. May God give him eternal rest. CLC Mothers Visit the Tomb of Fr. Anil Mitra SJ Around 37 CLC mothers visited the tomb of Fr. Anil Mitra in Dhyan Ashram on 1st November, 2014 to show their respects to their former CLC in-charge. Fr. Kanauj celebrated the mass at 2:30 pm in the chapel and after thatthe mothers in procession went to the graveyard. Mothers were glad to see the tomb and show their reverence. A special thanks to the fathers in Dhyan Ashram for being so generous to us. Fr. Kanauj Roy ECUMENICAL MEETING The 31st Ecumenical clergy Fellowship was held on 10th November 2014 in Dishari Pastoral Centre Baruipur. There were about 40 Pastors, Priests from different parishes and institutions with Rt. Rev. Bp. Salvadore Lobo, Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Baruipur and Rt. Rev. Bp. Brojen Malakar, Bishop of Barrackpore Diocese CNI Church and Rev. Nirmal Sapui, Regional Secretary of Baptist Mission of West Bengal and Pastor Jacob Singh of Assembly of God Church Baruipur were present for the meeting. Bishop Brojen Malakar led the house in prayer and Bishop Salvadore Lobo presided over the meeting. There was a sharing on common issues regarding the pastoral ministry in our respective places. Recently in Basanti Catholic Church a full day religious programme was organized by both Catholic and CNI Church and it was well organized and appreciated by all. Another such programme is envisaged in the Keorapukur area.. Rev. Nirmal Sapui concluded the meeting with a meaningful prayer followed by a fellowship meal. - Fr. Jonas Singha December 2014 [6] ST. PAUL'S HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL The school organized on 31st October a memorial prayer service in the honor of the late Fr. Anil Mitra S.J. It was held in the school assembly hall. All the students of our school both present and some of the former students were present for the occasion. Fr. Mitra's beloved student who became a priest of Baruipur diocese, Fr. Indrajit Sardar, shared about his personal encounter with Fr. Mitra both as a student and a priest. Fr. Probal Gomes too came all the way from Bankura to share his sentiments and personal experiences of Fr. Mitra. Many from the present teaching and non-teaching staff expressed their gratitude to Fr. Mitra for his compassion and understanding. On 28 October the school organized a football tournament for our students. The match was conducted between the four house teams. It brought them together as one family to encourage and enhance one another. On 14th November Children's Day was celebrated in a fitting manner. We began with an Eucharistic celebration in the church for Christian students and teachers. Frs. Amulya and Arul Raj celebrated the Mass. One of our teachers namely, Mr. Dilip Das, gave an apt introduction. Fr. Amulya used a video to communicate to our children what they could do with their God given talents. Each one is unique and important in the eyes of God. By putting your talents together you can bring an enormous change in and around you. All the teachers took up the responsibility to make it a memorable day in the lives of our students. Many games, memory exercises were conducted by the teachers themselves. The centre of attraction was serving and having meals with the children in the assembly hall. Most children were touched by their teachers love and concern for them. This day brought all our children closer to one another. Thanks to all teachers and the Prefects for making it a memorable and joyful day. PARISH AND COMMUNITY All Souls' Day was celebrated in a grand manner. The Eucharist was celebrated at 3.30 pm in the school assembly hall followed by blessing of the cemetery. Many faithful participated in this event meaningfully. Frs.Biju (Vincentian) and Francis Makhal concelebrated with Fr. Patrick Walsh, the Parish Priest. The cemetery was nicely cleaned, candles lit and covered with flowers and incense. There was a huge throng of people. All the graves were blessed by the priests. Our parish youth conducted a quiz under the guidance of Sch. Suresh for the Catholic children of our sub-stations. There were five groups consisting of five children. The focus of the quiz was the gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Some of our children have a good knowledge of the Bible. It was amazing to see one of our children from Debipur invariably answering all the questions. It was an encouragement for other children to learn and know their Bible. On 9th November the parish arranged a memorial prayer service for late Fr. Anil Mitra. There was a solemn Eucharistic celebration in the morning, and a visit to Dhyan Ashram cemetery. In the evening, a prayer service was held in the school assembly hall. The youth and parish council took up every responsibility. Fr. Provincial, Bp.Salvatore Lobo, many nuns, priests and relatives of Fr. Mitra were present. Three people, a Hindu Purohit, an Islam Nabi and Fr. T.J. Thomas were invited to share their sentiments from their respective religious standpoints. They each read a passage from their religious texts and explained its importance. A special bookmark was prepared by the Mela Committee. We had a surprise visit of our new POSA Fr. George Pattery on 6th November. Fr. Joseph Raj took him around the college campus. We had a short gathering followed by dinner. We too had Fr. Tony Swiss Procurator, Fr. Ponadath and a German volunteer. Fr. Marivalan, Director of The Apostleship of Prayer visited our community with Fr.Peter Durairaj. - Sch. Suresh Antony SJ Orientation Program An orientation programme for the youth of Rishi Bankim Nagar, Baruipur Parish, was held in Bon Mogra, a sub-station of the parish, on the 9th of November, 2014. Seventy youth participated in this program. Sessions were delivered by Hrittick Hazra, Archona Corraya and Aritra Sen. Two play activities were held by two trainers, Kunta Ghosh and Bittu Adhikari. All of them were led and guided by Rev. Fr. Arup Bor, the director of Diocesan Youth Commission and the entire programme was organized by Rev. Fr. Saumen Malik, Assistant Parish Priest and Rev. Fr. Charles Montu Kanji, Parish Priest. Every one worked together. We all felt right at home at the warm hospitality of the people . This program was based on 'Leadership'. We all inherit this quality but due to lack of encouragement we are not able to excel in it. However this programme was a wake-up call for all. At the end, we vowed to ourselves to work for the betterment of the church. This program ended with a mass. It was a small program but by the end of the day, everyone went home with large smiles and satisfaction - Shireen Monica Gomes December 2014 [7] Diaconate Ordination of three Deacons On the 25th of November, 2014, Rt. Rev. Salvadore Lobo, Bishop of the Diocese of Baruipur, ordained Brothers Ramen Pailan, Bablu Sardar and Abonindro Das as Deacons for this diocese. About 40 Priests, 1 Deacon, 25 Nuns and a good number of faithful came together to make the day a memorable one. The solemn Eucharistic celebration began at 11.00 a.m. In his homily, the Bishop traced the biblical roots of the deacons and emphasized their vital role in the Church. The choir led by Ms. Alpona Gomes gave added colour and meaning to the celebration. Towards the end of the Eucharist, Br. Bablu Sardar proposed the vote of thanks on behalf of all the new Deacons. This was followed by another thanksgiving of Rev. Fr. Abani Louis Das, the Pro-Vicar of the Diocese. Special thanks to Fr. John Britto, the Liturgy in-charge of the Diocese, for preparing a beautiful liturgy for the occasion. Besides, thanks to the Sisters of the Holy Cross for their valuable contribution towards church decoration and liturgy. The celebration ended with a fellowship meal at Dishari. Born in 1971, 1st September, Dn. Bablu Sardar, son of Lt. Bhairab Sardar and Lt. Jhurnibala Sardar, hails from Mansada, Bongaon, in the Archdiocese of Kolkata. He joined Samarpan Propaedeutic seminary in 2004. He did his Philosophy and Theology from Morning Star Regional Seminary, Barrackpore. Dn. Abonindro Das was born on 13thMarch, 1979 at Sonakhali, under Basanti Parish. He is the son of Lt. Kartik Das and Ranjabati Das. He responded to the call of God by joining Samarpan Propaedeutic seminary in 2005. He completed philosophical studies from Papal Seminary, Pune, and Theological studies from Morning Star Regional Seminary, Barrackpore. Dn. Ramen Pailan hails from 6 No. Sonatikari, a substation of Khari Parish. Born in the year 1982, 17th January, son of Mr. Prasad Pailan and Mrs. Chanchola Pailan, he joined Samarpan Minor Seminary in 2004. Subsequently, he was sent to Aquinas College, Gopalpur, Odisha, for Philosophical studies and to Morning Star Regional Seminary, Barrackpore, for Theological studies. The Diocese wishes them all the best for a fruitful diaconate ministry. - Fr. Tushar Augustine Gomes Feast of Christ the King I t was a great joy for the people of Cathedral and the neighboring parishes to celebrate the feast of Christ the King on 23rd of November 2014. The faithful gathered at Holy Cross School for the Eucharistic celebration. They sat on the green grass of the school. Bishop Salvadore Lobo presided over the Holy Eucharist along with Rev. Fr. Abani Das, the parish priest, Nuncio from Germany and others. The Bishop in his homily stressed that our acknowledgment of Jesus as king should be manifested in both words and actions. After the celebration of the Eucharist there was a Eucharistic procession. It was wonderful and mesmerizing to see thousands of people praising and dancing in the name of the Lord. The flowers girls, tableaus and melodious chanting of the kriton added a special spark to the procession. The procession ended with worship and adoration. Thanks to the people of Cathedral and neighboring parishes for their active participation and zeal for proclaiming Jesus as their King - Dn. Ramen Pailan 09 15 21 23 25 Fr. Indrajit Sardar Fr. Faustine Brank Fr. Ponkoj Kr. Poti Fr. Sebastian T.J., CM Fr. Jerome Francis, SJ 06 07 20 20 23 26 27 28 29 Fr. Arup Bor Fr. Henry Crasta Fr. Sebastian T.J., CM Fr. Peter Pradhan CM Fr. M. C. Francis, SDB Fr. Jojo Thuruthayil, CMI Fr. Sandip Mondal Fr. Shyamal Makhal, SJ Fr. Parimal Kanji INTENTIONS FOR THE APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER, MONTH OF NOVEMBER General: Christmas, hope for humanity. That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. Mission: Parents. That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. December 2014 [8] Simplicity “Even the most beautiful city in the world cannot be more beautiful than the city of simplicity.” Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the nation led a simple life till the day of his death. No doubt he continues to be alive in the hearts of the people. Mother Teresa's simplicity can never fade from human memory. She'll ever be remembered as a Saint. To quote what Jesus has said – If you want to enter into heaven, you must become “ CHILD – LIKE”. And so it is the simple and the humble are accepted and admired as child – like. “ When you are child – like, Everyone loves to like you. And when everyone loves to like You, you begin to like YOURSELF.” - Sr. Sunita Subasini A.C. Wishing for Christmas # Recollection for Priests in the diocese will be held from the evening of 9th to the noon of 10th December, 2014. Christmas get-together for priests and religious working in the diocese will be held on Tuesday 30th December, 2014 from 10.00 a.m. at Dishari, Baruipur. Diaconate Ministry: Name Place Bro. Goutam Naskar Panchamkhanda Bro. Bablu Sardar Sonarpur Bro. Abodindro Das Baruipur Cathedral Church Bro. Ramen Pailan Bamanpukur # # In Your Charity kindly pray for …. # # Bishop Salvdore Lobo And all the Fathers of the Baruipur Diocese wish all the readers a Merry Christmas and a bright prosperous New Year 2015 xyþ™˜ yöì„ þ ‹ y˜ y£ z Ö¦þ îvþü!”öì˜ îû ²Ì#!“þéôéÖöì¦ þFŠéy ç xyhsþ!îû„ þ ¦þyöìœ yîy¢ yÐ xyþ™˜yîû xhsþöìîû !îîûy‹ „þîû&„þ !Ÿ Ö ë#Ö ç › y › yîû#ëûyîû Ÿ y!hsþ– ²Ì#!“þ– xy˜¨ ç ¦þyöìœ yîy¢ yÐ þ²ÌyíŘ y „þ!îû–xy† y› # !”˜=!œ !Ÿ Ö ë#Ö ç › y › yîû#ëûyîû ößþ¬öì£ îû ßþ™öìŸ Å xyþ™˜yîû ‹ #î˜ ¢ %¨ îû ç ¢ šþœ £öìëû vþzà%þ„þ ~î‚ þ™!îûîyöìîûîû Ÿ y!hsþ !îîûy‹ „þîû&„þÐ é+é ¢ yœ ¦þyöì” yîû öœ yöìîy # Fr. Chandan Gupta S.J. from Calcutta Province worked in Baruipur Diocese in different ministries, passed away on 11th November 2014 at the age of 67 years in St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. May his soul rest in peace. A missionary with a vision Fr. Andre Bruylants, S.J. from Belgium of Calcutta Province as an Educationist went to his eternal abode on 21st November 2014 at the age of 88 years in St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. May his soul rest in peace. Kindly keep Fr. Ponkoj Kumar Poti in you prayer for his speedy recovery. He is very sick and admitted at Neuro Science Hospital in Kolkata. BISHOP LOBO'S PROGRAMME FOR DECEMBER, 2014 Date Day 02 Tue 06 Sat 07 Sun 08 10 12 14 15 16 20 21 24 25 27 28 30 Mon Wed Fri Sun Mon Tue Sat Sun Wed Thu Sat Sun Tue Time p.m. 10.00 a.m. 06.00 p.m. 07.00 a.m. 09.00 a.m. Evening Place Baruipur Thakurpukur Thakurpukur Thakurpukur New Delhi 03.00 p.m. 07.00 a.m. 03.00 p.m. 04.00 p.m. 09.00 a.m. 07.00 a.m. 11.00 p.m 07.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 07.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Baruipur Bibirchawk Baruipur Baruipur Baruipur Khari Gangarampur Baruipur Keorapukur Kumrokhali Baruipur Programme Returns to Baruipur Montfort School Mass for English Community Mass for Bengali Community Meets Hindi speaking Community NISCORT - CBCI Returns Baruipur Finance Committee meeting Mass and confirmation service Meeting of the Youth Commission G.B. Meeting of PUS at the PUS Christmas programme at PUS 4th Sunday of Advent, Mass Christmas Vigil and Mass Christmas Mass at the Cathedral Silver Jubilee of Sr. Bandana A.C. Silver Jubilee celebration of Sr. Milanisa M.C. Christmas gathering for the Fathers, Bros and Srs. Published from Bishop's House, Baruipur, Kolkata - 700144, Printed at : Media Fx, 6/2A Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata 700014, Ph. 9831060318 / 9007017544