bienvenido -


bienvenido -
A continuación encontraras todo lo que necesitas saber, para tener un proceso exitoso en tu
camino rumbo a un campamento en este próximo verano.
Lo primero que debes hacer, es iniciar tu registro en línea; crea un usuario y contraseña: podrás entrar y salir las veces que
sea necesario para completar.
Completa los documentos de la lista que aquí encontrarás, algunos formatos que necesitas, se
encuentran en el anexo al final de este documento.
1. Medical Form (ver anexo)
2. Proof of Student Status (puedes usar el formato que encuentras en el anexo o bien puedes
usar una constancia de estudios o carta oficial de tu escuela en su lugar)
3. Participant reference form (ver anexo) y/o Cartas de recomendación. (en total se
necesitan 3 referencias, ya sean estas o incluso los formatos digitales que aparecen en tu
solicitud, pero deben ser 3 en total).
4. Copia de Pasaporte vigente. (si al momento de llenar tu solicitud no lo tienes, puedes
agregar copia de tu cita para obtenerlo o indicar la fecha en que lo tendrás)
5. Carta de no antecedentes penales. Carta emitida por el departamento de Justicia Federal o
Estatal en donde se hace constar que no se tienen antecedentes penales. (CRB* por sus
siglas en inglés)
Copia de identificación oficial, IFE o licencia de manejo
Copia de comprobante de domicilio, menor a 3 meses
Términos y condiciones firmados (Ver anexo)
Copia de curriculum vitae en inglés (ver ejemplo en el anexo)
Cualquier documento que este en español, deberá llevar adjunta una traducción sencilla, hecha
por ti; no es necesario que la traducción tenga firma, sellos o logos.
Todos los documentos completos (DEL PUNTO 1 AL 9), deberás entregarlos o enviarlos a
nuestro apartado postal (mail boxes), dentro de un sobre Manila con tu nombre, dirigido a:
“Ole Staff”
Circuito Interior Juan Pablo II 3302 Local 5
Col. Las Ánimas, Puebla, Pue. México 72400
(Esta dirección es solamente para entrega de documentos ya sea en persona o por mensajería)
Solicita tu entrevista por correo o por teléfono, una vez que hayas completado tu solicitud en
internet (Si aún te falta algún documento, pero tienes solicitud completa, puedes solicitar
Las entrevistas se realizaran virtualmente por medio de la plataforma de Skype. Asegúrate de
agregar a “olestaffteam” y estar con video llamada funcionando el día que se te asigne. Debes
saber que aunque la entrevista es en inglés, no pretende ser un examen de escuela, sino un medio
para que te conozcamos y nos conozcas mejor, para hablar sobre ti y tus expectativas en el
programa y en el verano; No te pongas nervioso, ¡disfruta el inicio de esta aventura! El mismo
día de tu entrevista se te hará saber tu resultado. LA ENTREVISTA NO TIENE COSTO
Una vez aceptado, deberás hacer el pago de tu inscripción. (190usd). Se debe realizar los
primeros 10 días hábiles después de tu entrevista. Este pago ya incluye el costo de tu visa J1 con
la embajada.
Tu solicitud se activa e inicia tu periodo para contratación. Este periodo durara desde el día de tu
entrevista hasta el día 15 de mayo. Entre más temprano completes los pasos anteriores, mayor
oportunidad tendrás de ser contratado.
Una vez que exista una oferta de trabajo para ti, se te hará llegar por correo electrónico, debes
estar pendiente del correo con el que abres tu solicitud en línea, pues será nuestro principal
medio de comunicación.
Una vez aceptado un contrato, se deberá cubrir la cuota de aceptación, que es de 250 dólares
americanos. Este dinero se ocupa para cubrir tu parte proporcional de los gastos administrativos
que genera tu participación en este programa, para la emisión de tus documentos de visa de
trabajo con la embajada de Estados Unidos (forma DS2019) y tú seguro médico internacional de
gastos médicos mayores. Tu campamento, dará el restante de esta cuota, como parte de tus
beneficios de trabajo, además de tu hospedaje y alimentos.
**Existe la opción de acreditar este pago, mediante un pagaré, que lleve como aval a uno de tus
padres o tutores legales. Esta opción genera un interés del 8% (a pagar 270usd) por lo que te
sugerimos preveas tus gastos para que no recurras a esta opción.
Dentro de la oferta de trabajo que recibas, tendrás la información más importante respecto a tu
contrato, que incluye, Nombre del campamento, ubicación, puesto a realizar y fechas de
contratación, así como la cantidad monetaria mínima que recibirás a cambio de tu trabajo. Esta
cantidad debe ser de 1900 dólares por 9 semanas. Si tu contrato dura más de 9 semanas, se
calculara un sueldo diario de 35 dólares por cada día extra trabajado.
Una vez aceptado el contrato, se nos envían a México las formas DS2019, que son
indispensables para presentarlas el día de la embajada. Nosotros te hacemos la cita y te daremos
toda la información detallada de esta parte del proceso llegado el momento.
Health Screening (To be completed by Applicant) ____________________________________ Last Name _______________________________ _______________________ First Name Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Gender: Male Female Height: ___________ (in feet and inches) Weight: _____________ (in pounds) General Health Questions: If you answer “Yes” to any of these general health questions please give full details on a separate sheet of paper. Is your physical activity restricted in any way? Yes No Do you have a chronic or recurring illness? Yes No Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist? Yes No Have you ever received treatment for a nervous or emotional issue? Do you have any dietary restrictions? Yes Are you currently taking any medications? Yes Have you ever undergone surgery? Yes Yes No No No No Health History (Check all that apply) Anemia Dizziness/Fainting Heart Disease Mumps Anorexia Arthritis Ear Infection Epilepsy/ Seizures Hepatitis A/B/C Kidney Disease Pregnancy Rheumatic Fever Asthma Eye Problems Malaria Scarlet Fever Bulimia Gallbladder Problems Measles Tuberculosis Chicken Pox German Measles Menstrual Problems Ulcers Depression Glandular Fever Migraine/ Headaches Venereal Disease Diabetes Other If you check any of the above, please give details (including dates) on a separate sheet of paper. Abnormalities of Organs or Systems (Check all that apply) Cardiovascular Head, ears ,nose, throat Reproductive Metabolic Respiratory Eyes (including glasses or contacts) Gastrointestinal Skin Genitourinary Musculoskeletal Nervous Other If you check any of the above, please give details (including dates) on a separate sheet of paper. Allergies (Check all that apply) Allergies Hay Fever Describe reaction: Management or treatment: Insect Sting Penicillin Other drugs Other: Insurance Information: If you are a US citizen OR a J1 participant covered by a different insurance than that provided by your sponsor, please give details: Carrier Name: _______________________________________ Contact Phone Number: _____________________________ Carrier/Plan Number: _________________________________ Group or Policy Number: ____________________________ Emergency Contact **Must speak English** Name: ___________________________________________ Relationship to Applicant: ____________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________ I certify that all information given is true to the best of my knowledge, and I hereby give permission for emergency medical care should it be necessary. _________________________________________________ Signature _____________________ Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Page 1 of 2 RV6 Effective 01/30/2016 Health Screening (To be completed by Physician) ____________________________________ Last Name _______________________________ First Name _______________________ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) As a US summer camp employee, the above referenced applicant will be living in a community environment with young children and may be directly responsible for their well-­‐being. It is therefore important that we are advised of any physical or mental health problems that may have a bearing on the applicant’s ability to accept such responsibilities. Please review the information provided by the applicant on Page 1 of this form and answer the following questions. The above named applicant is in good physical condition. Yes No The above named applicant does NOT have any physical issues that would negatively affect his/her work as a counselor/support staff at a US summer camp. Yes No The above named applicant does NOT have any emotional issues that would negatively affect his/her work as a counselor/support staff at a US summer camp. Yes No Comments: Please check whether the applicant had been immunized against the following and provide the date of immunization: Measles Date Mumps Date Rubella (German Measles) Meningococcal Meningitis -­‐ MCV4 Date Date Diphtheria Date Tetanus Date Pertussis Date Varicella (Chicken Pox) Date Hepatitis B Date Rotavirus Date Hepatitis A Date Pneumococcal Conjugate – PVC 13 Date Polio – IPV Date TB Mantoux test Date HIB Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Date Whooping Cough Date Tdap – 10 year Booster Date H1N1 – Swine Flu Date Most current Flu Shot Date Typhoid Date __________________________________________________________ Signature of Licensed Medical Personnel ___________________________________________ Date (MM/DD/YYYY) __________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Licensed Medical Personnel ___________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________________ Telephone ___________________________________________ Email Page 2 of 2 RV6 Effective 01/30/2016 STUDENT STATUS CERTIFICATION
DEAR UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL: This document is to certify that the person listed as a student at your school. This is a
required to the student to participate in the exchange program he/she is applying for. We appreciate and thank your
Full Name
Date of birth.
Street Address:
School Name:
Field of study (carrera):
Date you started studying at this school
Expected graduation date.
University Official (representante de la universidad)
Stamp / Sello
Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Please stamp with official school stamp in the box
Signature (firma)
I certify that the person named above is a full time
university student for the academic year of 2016-2017
J1 Participant Character Reference
The person named below has made an application for sponsorship in the Exchange Visitor Program and is kindly
requesting you provide a character reference on their behalf. We appreciate your help in the screening of the applicant.
Their application and acceptance in the program is dependent on you completing this reference
Last Name:
First Name:
Position applying for:
Please complete the following information to the best of your knowledge
Above Average
Communication Skills
Maturity compared with peers
Overall Health , energy and endurance
Leadership skill
Ability to get along with others
Sense of humor
Ability to adapt to new situations
Ability to handle difficult situations
Ability to accept responsibility
Has the participant ever been investigated for allegations of child abuse?
Has the participant ever been convicted of a crime?
Is there any reason you are aware that this person should not work with children?
Would you hire this person to work with child of your own
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Please use the space below to provide comment on the applicant's suitability for employment
Your Name:
Email address:
How long have you known the participant?
What is your relationship with the participant?
(E.g. English teacher, Supervisor, etc)
I verify that the information on this reference accurately represents the applicant and is true to the best of my
Date: (mm/dd/yyy)
2017 Ole-Life Adventures Participant Agreement
Required Procedures and Documentation. Participant agrees to follow all required procedures and submit to Ole-Life
Adventures all required documentation.
• Submit all the documents required in the Formats Instructions
• Complete the submission of this application packet
• Pay a $35usd SEVIS fee
• Pay a $190usd Program fee which includes the U.S. Embassy fee to get the Visa.
• Pay a $250usd which includes his proportional part corresponding to administrative fees, insurance and
sponsorship to the student.
Program Rules. Participant agrees to abide at all times to the all rules set forth by the US Government pertaining to J1
Exchange Visitor Programs.
Behavior While On Program. Participant will conduct him/herself in a professional manner on the job and abide by all
US and local laws while on the program. Further, Participant agrees to fulfill all terms and conditions as set forth in
his/her employment agreement.
Passport. Participant is required to report to Ole-Life Adventures any changes to or renewal of Participant's his/her
offer of employment.
Cross-Cultural Activities. Participant agrees to be active in getting involved in company and local events in order to
foster cultural exchange. These activities include, but are not limited to, company gatherings, local sporting events,
community seasonal festivals and events.
Program Termination. Should Participant decide to leave his/her job for any reason and/or should Participant be
terminated from a position, Participant must immediately contact the sponsor indicated in his/her visa and DS2019
form. Participant must have on hand at all times the numbers and contact info provided by Ole.
Change of housing/contact info. Participant is required to inform Ole-Life Adventures should any housing or contact
information change at any point during the program. Changes are required to be in writing and may be submitted to
Ole-Life Adventures through or by emailing [email protected]
Applying for US Social Security Number. Within the first two weeks in the US, Participant will apply for a US Social
Security number. Participant should ask the employers assistance to get to the Social Security office. In the event that
the employer does not provide the necessary assistance to do so, participant must inform immediately to Ole-Life
Active Email. Participant must have an active email on file with Ole-Life Adventures for ease of communication.
Participant should also call or email Ole Life Adventures within the next 5 days after they arrive to camp to let know
they are at camp.
Flight Itinerary. Flight information must be emailed to Ole-Life Adventures at least 15 days prior to departing home
Participant Name: _______________________________ Participant Signature and date: ____________________
2017 Ole-Life Adventures Terms and Conditions
1. Fees. SEVIS and VISA fees and VISA must be paid before going to the embassy to apply for a J1 VISA. Any other
expenses are explained to participant directly so he/she understands all costs involved.
2. Program Fee of $190. Must be paid in advanced, upon acceptance in the program, so the participant is able to
be scheduled to assist to a U.S. consulate in a group appointment, as required by the Embassy.
3. Passport. Participant must have a valid passport with an expiration date at least until December 2017.
4. Medical Insurance. Ole-Life Adventures provides the required insurance coverage.
5. Flights. Participant must purchase roundtrip airfare to and from the U.S. Participant must provide Ole-Life
Adventures with copies of the flight itinerary and receipt prior to departure to US.
6. Paperwork and Documentation. Participant must complete all required paperwork and documentation in a
timely manner. Failure to provide Ole-Life Adventures with information may result in delay or termination of
his/her program.
7. Cancellations and Refunds. After interview, the accepted participant must cover the Program fee. In case the
participant cancels or withdraws from the program prior to June 1 st of 2017, for any reasons, the participant
must cover the fee of $150usd. In the case of a Visa Denial the Participant must provide proof of denial to OleLife Adventures and return the DS2019. If a participant is not offered a job after June 1 st he/she can withdraw
from the program and receive a full reimbursement of Program fee.
8. Employment Time. Participant agrees that the minimum work time on the program will be three weeks and
the maximum will be four months.
9. Post Employment Travels. Participant must return to his/her home country. At the end of the Participant's
employment term, he/she may travel the U.S. for a maximum of 30 days before returning home if the school
schedule allows. During this time the Participant may not leave and then return to the U.S., unless the
Participant's DS-2019 has been signed by sponsor official. Participants wishing to leave and then return to the
U.S. should call Ole-Life Adventures at least 2 weeks prior to leaving the U.S. so that Ole-Life Adventures may
clearly explain the rules and regulations regarding traveling.
Participant Name: _______________________________
Participant Signature: _____________________________ Date:___________________
Objective: Apply for a support staff position, helping in the kitchen
preferable. Available from ___(date you can start working) until ____(last
day you can stay in the camp).
Name: Antonio Gonzalez Villanueva
Address: Priv. Chs # 5, Col. Aredas Cholula, Puebla. México. Postal Code 72160
Email [email protected]
Telephone: +52 (222) 232-1456. Cell Phone +52-1-2223-123-456
Nationality: Mexican
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1995
Marital Status: Single
Educational Qualifications:
Aug 2012- Currently UGP (Universidad Gastronómica De puebla) Culinary Student. 9th
2008 to 20011 Colegio Pola- Puebla, Pue.
High-School Diploma with specialty in Electricity
Employment to Date:
June 8 to Aug 18, 2015
Arteas Hotel, Cancún Quintana Roo Tel. (313) 4257608
Cook (Pantry for 800 people)
June 8 to Aug 17, 2014
Archimini Restaurant, Queretaro, Queretaro. Tel. (243) 123-456
Cook (Pantry and Bakery for 380 people) Italian Food
Nov 14, 2004 to March 20, 2013
ZARA store. S.A. de C.V
As a cashier and public service
April 15 to April 20, 2011
Cook. Watuzi Watoto Camps in Africam Safari, (222) 123-456
(Puebla, Mexico)
Other Studies and Activities
Course on Chocolatiere. June, 20014, Universidad de las Américas Puebla
300 hours duration.
Hobbies and Interests
Guitar: Play acoustic and electric since 2004.
Soccer. Play since 2011. Member of the University Team. Took classes from
2007 to 2011 in the Puebla FC.
Spoken Languages.
Spanish … Native
English 90% spoken