Dates to remember Term 1 Week 7, 2015 Wednesday 11th March


Dates to remember Term 1 Week 7, 2015 Wednesday 11th March
137 Main North Road Clare 5453
Phone :8842 2433
Fax: 8842 2129
Email :
[email protected]
Term 1 Week 7, 2015
Principal: Mark Vincent
Deputy: Brianna Jordan
Dates to remember
16th -
Governing Council AGM
7pm—All welcome!!
18th -
Yr 6 Excursion to Clare
Rise Bakery
20th -
25th -
Canteen Special Order
26th -
School Performing
National Anthem for
opening ‘Masters Games’
30th-2nd Parent / Teacher
3rd -
EASTER Good Friday
Public Holiday
6th -
Easter Monday
Public Holiday
10th -
Last Day of Term
2:20 dismissal
27th -
Term 2 commences
Wednesday 11th March 2015
It is amazing to think that last week was the half-way point of the first term. The weeks are
going quickly with lots happening at Clare Primary School. Last week saw the CSIRO Carbon
Kids program visit our school with students from 5 surrounding schools, a team of 21
students compete in the SAPSASA Swimming Carnival, 4 students attend the Youth
Environment Leaders program at Blyth, Japanese lessons occurring in all classes both with
local delivery via Mrs Murrie and remotely via Open Access College in Adelaide, a Dinosaur
Science performance for the whole school last Friday morning and a wonderful Year 6
assembly in the afternoon. This week started just as busy with school photos and our
swimmers competing at Riverton yesterday and the SAPSASA Softball competition at our
school today. Well done to all our students who have taken the opportunity to represent
our school at these events. A big CONGRATULATIONS to the swimming team who won over
all, last time this was done was 1978!!
I hope that everyone enjoyed
the extra day’s break of the long
weekend and made the most of
the beautiful weather.
On Friday we also welcomed
Leilani Draper from Koolunga
Primary School. Leilani will be
attending Clare Primary School
every Friday in the Year 6 Class
for this year as a part of an
extended transition program.
This is a great example of schools from our partnership working together to achieve the
best outcomes for student and their learning. We would also like to welcome back Tyler
Osborne and new students Eva Cole, Miyah Cole, Lissy Cole and Oliver Snape.
Staffing News
Brianna Jordan is enjoying long service leave for the rest of this term, travelling overseas to
attend an ICT conference in North America. I’m sure she will return next term with many
new and wonderful ideas in technology. While Brianna is gone, Jane Wetherall will be in
the Deputy Role as well as part time in her class. We welcome Elise Moroney to our staff
for the next 5 weeks. Elise will be taking Brianna’s ICT lessons across the school and
teaching in the Year 1 class to release Jane. I hope that Elise enjoys her time at Clare
Primary School.
This term we are focussing on our school value of Respect. Respect is about how we get
along with others, how we treat other peoples possessions and our own, how we speak
and listen to others and about how we interact with others when things aren’t going our
way. As a whole school we are teaching respectful behaviours, modelling respect,
supporting students to develop the way they respect others and expecting respectful
behaviours at all times. We reward students for demonstrating respect to others and use
school consequences for students who don’t. As a safe learning environment for all, it is
vital that all members of our school develop and show the value of Respect at all times. We
also expect this of our parents when they come into our school, whether that is to
assemblies, to volunteer or to discuss issues with staff. Please help us out with this focus by
talking about Respect with your children, expecting this of them at home and by modelling
this behaviour. Our children copy what they see us do!
Eco Warriors
Congratulations to the 20 successful students who applied to be Eco Warriors, a new program we have introduced
for this year. The Eco Warriors will be working together this year to improve our schools, and wider community
and environment. This year’s Eco Warriors are:
Frances Lawrie
Pieter Bell
Talbot Challis
Matthew Vincent
Skye Burmeister
Royce Butler
Charlotte Fuller
Amber Douglass
Sarah Rimmer
Elizabeth Cornwell
Taylor Mather
Jessica Skinner
Sophie Earle
Deanna Francis
Riley Quast
Charlotte Parker
Missy Corfield
Mia Hockham
Sophie Driver
Ivy-Rose Samuel
Four of our Eco Warriors are also representing our schools at the NRM Youth Environment Leaders Program,
working with students from other schools on four occasions across the year and planning a project to implement
at Clare Primary School. The four YEL members for 2015 are Skye Burmeister, Amber Douglass, Royce Butler and
Matthew Vincent.
Masters Games Opening Ceremony
On Thursday 26th March our school has been invited to sing the National Anthem for the opening ceremony of
the Masters Games here in Clare. The opening ceremony starts at 5.30 in the main street, which will be closed off.
There will also be a family street party held after the opening. We would love as many of our students as possible
to be involved, dressed in school uniform and ready to sing the first verse of the anthem. I will send home
additional details of where to meet, at what time, and where to collect your children afterwards as soon as I have
these details. Please put this date in your diary and encourage your child to participate in what will be a
wonderful community event.
Open Air Cinema
On Saturday 28th our Governing Council Fundraising committee have organised an open air cinema on the school
oval, showing Big Hero 6. This is a great opportunity for our community to get together and raise funds for our
school. All members of the community are invited – please advertise with family and friends and come along for a
wonderful evening’s entertainment. Tickets can be purchased at school and Peekaboo Kids, Family (2 Adults + 2
Chn) $20, Adult $7, Children over 4 years $5 , under 4 free.
As a school we are continually looking at improving our communication practices to build on the home school
partnership. Regular, authentic two way communication is vital to best support each child’s learning. If you have
any questions or concerns about your child’s education, I encourage you to contact the teacher to make a time to
discuss their progress. I am also equally happy to be contacted if you have these questions or concerns for your
Interviews Week 10
Parent Teacher interviews will be held in week 10 of this term, the week before Easter. This is an important part
of our reporting process and allow you to discuss with your child’s teacher their progress so far this year, how
they have settled into their class, any special programs they may be involved in and also setting some goals and
areas to work on for the rest of the year. A note will be sent home shortly explaining when interviews will be
offered and the booking system. I encourage all parents to make a time to catch up with your children’s teachers.
AGM next Monday the 16th of March—7pm start All parents welcome!!
Friday 20th March HARMONY DAY
come dressed in orange, as a celebration of culture!
Week 8 2015
Week 9 2015
Last week on Monday night the 2nd of March was the District SAPSASA Swimming Carnival. We had 21
students from Clare Primary compete in the Carnival. It was a great night and the students all did their
best and cheered each other on. A big thankyou to the parents who came to support their children and
who were timers for our lane.
Overall Clare Primary finished in 2nd place, which was an amazing effort considering we don’t have any
Year 7’s. There were some outstanding individual results with 7 of our students winning events. Those 7
students are Royce Butler, Jessica Skinner, Robyn Coles, Alex Head, Macy Young, Isabelle Price & Jonna
Undo. They will now represent the District team in Adelaide later this month. We wish them all the best!
Mr Higgins
PE Teacher
CSIRO Carbon Kids Visit
On Wednesday the 4th of March Clare Primary School was lucky
enough to welcome 80 students from Saddleworth Primary, Farrell Flat
Primary, Manoora Primary and Watervale Primary schools for a Carbon
Kids workshop run by the CSIRO.
The Carbon Kids program has been developed by the CSIRO and
Bayer and looks at improving sustainability for the future. Topics
range from biodiversity to renewable resources and environmental
Our newly appointed Eco Warriors represented our school for this
workshop. During the day the groups heard from scientists talking
about the processes involved in getting food onto our table and
what the CSIRO is. We carried out experiments on carbon dioxide,
acidity and investigated renewable resources. We talked about
sustainable farming and sustainable food sources. We developed an
understanding of reusing, recycling and reducing waste. We began
an experiment into how salinity and drought affects crop growth and
we got to work with students and teachers from other schools.
After lunch we divided into three groups to begin planning projects to
be introduced at school. One group began a banner that explains
sustainability and is to be presented to the school when it is finished, one group began an
action plan that will be worked on over the year and the third group learnt about creating a
wikispace for our school. On our wiki we will post progress reports of our barley experiment
and any other practises our school puts into place regarding reducing, reusing and recycling
waste and improving sustainability.
Star Room
Students participated
in the Bright Stars
Swimming Carnival
in Clare last week.
Many students from
surrounding schools
within the district
participated and it
was a great day, lots
of fun! Some of the
events were—thread
the noodle, kick
board race & whirl
School Performance
Dinosaur Science
On Friday morning the school was entertained by Jarod, a budding palaeontologist.
Jarod assembled two dinosaurs the plesiosaurus and then a brachiosaurus. During the
assembling of these creatures we were told where their bones were found
throughout the show he explained the enormity of them. Jarod was able to give us an
informative, entertaining, humorous, engaging performance.
Mrs Wetherall’s
class are busy in
their Literacy block
Spelling and
African Animal
Working with a
partner to design
a new Colonial
Flag. An analysis
of my flag.
Maths book covers designed using tessellation, works produced by Leah, Cassandra, Liam
and Jessica.
Blue-morpho butterflies live in tropical rainforests. Their wings can stretch out to be 5-8 inches long. They are the
biggest butterfly in the world! – Latia H
Tigers camouflage in the grass. – Briana H
Toucans eat eggs and they use their beaks as air-conditioners. – Chelsea Mc
Musky-Rat Kangaroos have dark brown scales on their tails and they have 5 toes on their back feet. – Zoe G
Okapis live in Africa in rainforests. They are closely related to giraffes. They eat leaves. – Damien I
The giant tree frog barks like a dog to talk to other tree frogs and when it’s scared it meows like a cat. – Abbie S
Panther chameleons change the colour of their skin to camouflage. – Kira B
The smallest chameleons are 15mm long. There are lots of small animals in the rainforest. – Will Y
There are lots of trees in a rainforest. The cassowary can be 6 foot tall. Chelsea N
There are monkeys in some rainforests. – Sophie V
Peacocks live in the rainforest. They can live up to 20 years. – Chloe J
The boy Mountain Blue butterflies are very blue. The girls aren’t that blue. – Cooper C
A female jaguar has up to 4 cubs at a time and they stay with her for 2 years. – Chelsey S-W
Toucans live in a rainforest. – Dylan S
There are around 372 different types of parrots in the world. – Alexander W
Sloths are endangered. – Cooper S
Anacondas don’t lay eggs. Anaconda babies are born live. – Bodie K
Green anaconda live in the rainforest – Tyler O
The green tree snake lays 5 to 12 eggs. It eats frogs and water skinks and they also eat eggs. – Natalie S
Hummingbirds can have a nest as small as a 20 cent. – Anna E
Crocodiles eat meat. – Tyson G
Snakes like to eat mice. – Bersh C
Anacondas don’t have any teeth. They can crush you. They can swallow you whole. – Che P
20A Ms Meek's Yr 4/5 Class
This term is flying by...and we have been viewing and
reading out
fantastic poetry in the class. Students work in groups and present the poem
is different ways (Choral Speaking). It is wonderful to see the confidence
students are showing as this is a difficult thing for many adults to do. I
have been very impressed with the way that students have challenged their
own fears and we have had 100%
I'm really proud of the
We have also practised some fun, but challenging team work games that
require everyone in the group to work cooperatively with others. The bucket
filling was fantastic and everyone had a great time - especially the parents
who were watching.
I trust you all had a lovely long weekend. The mornings are
getting darker and cooler, Winter is not far away.
If you would like to chat with me or if I can help in any way,
I am at school every day or please leave a message at Front
Office and they will track me down.
I also run lunchtime activities which could involve sport,
games, competitions and crafts and I am always keen to
hear ideas you might have. Also if you have any craft items
you think we could use we would gratefully accept them,
especially wool, card and crepe paper.
Some of the students are keen to run a box race like last
year, please send a box that they can stand in if they would
like to participate, thank you.
Week eight & nine birthdays: Jessica S, Maddie B, Paige
B, George F, Ella H, Royce B,
Eliza R, Lachlan S, Dylan S,
Steve R, Shaun G, Haydon B
Krystal C, Connor S, Alma V.
ANSWER FOR LAST NEWSLETTER: It was a one storey house, there were no stairs.
Quiz: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have
something in it?
Di Grigg (PSW)
Netball Preseason has started Monday night’s at 6:30pm
Come along for’ fabulous fitness’ by Kylie& Carly
Senior players (including U/15’s)
Thursday 12th March 6:00pm @ Mintaro Netball courts
U17 & U14 Football start 12TH March 5.00pm
Sub Minis & Minis, J5, J4, J3, J2 & J1 start 19th March 5.00pm
Net Set Go start 30th April at 4.45pm
Pic Collage
Pic Collage is a great app for all
ages . It allows you to create
amazing collages using your
photos, fun stickers, text with cool
fonts and frames. Once you're done, share it
to Pic Collage, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
or Path. You can also email it or send a
physical postcard anywhere in the world!
Perfect for travel memories and school
projects. This app is free to download.