2001 Echoes - Canton Lincoln High School Alumni Association
2001 Echoes - Canton Lincoln High School Alumni Association
The Lion Roars Again 2001 "Ifteping the Spirit of Lincoln Alive!" http://users.speedyneLneu-lincoltr CLHSAA Scholarsh ips Awarded COLL Mohler, R Erln mll, Mellnda Rodtt, srr.n Lgrte r io s.r. H.rpar, cirl.tln. Unable to A .nd: T.ryn c.r, chrlCln. Ch.nb.r* M.gan ch.nev.y, i4da Enmona, John Ev.n6, Mr(h.w Fr.y, Eva Grlveae, Xricen untns, J.rany l{euhart, Marcla CleIc Pennell, Adan RBtow Alll.on Roetti. J..!ic. S.nm.l IIIGH SCHOOL RECIPIEI{TS L{. Phllllp3, Audr. G6t., Klr. Kllto€, cryd.l Bdn.' Lucy clmmlm, J.nna Kacer, Fitst Row (L to R): M.g.n Alll.or, [email protected] Row (L tc' R)r Chrlcophs Groenbaugn, 4..( X..r, Mlch..l Klotz, M.lb.a Roth, &.dford Krockd, Ju.Itn oo!.rE[, UnebletoAtt d: In Shirl€y A. Bender Dobry r74 2000, the Canton Lincoln High School Alumni Associalion a*ard€d a total of $19,500 in $500 scholarships to thirty-nine deserving graduates or descendants of Lincoln attendees. This brings the eleven-year total to $153,800, an accomplishment of which the Alumni Associalion can be very proud. To honor the recipients and their families, a reception ll2s held at Westminster Presbderian Church on July 18, 2000. Faye Moor€ St ugh r52 and her committee prepared delicious refteshments as usual, and their contributions &ere appreciated J€nnlt r Class M.rls Bour, Kr|3tln C.r, Merrl Fru.h, Ryan Sou.r3 H.rl&n, V\illlfn lruln, of 1963. In additior\ an Ed M.ng Memorial Scholarship was auarded for the second consecutive year, and the Amvets Fo6t #2 sponiored a scholarship in Honor and Memory of all American Veterans. Tvrenty-one of the recipients recendy graduated fiom high 6chool, and eighteen received special were already college students, including Mrrcir Cl€re Pemell, a'73 Lincoln graduate. Th€se outstanding p€ople repre6ent their families, their school6, and Lincoln High School well. Furthermore, they harc lofty aspirations, &,hich they mo6t certainly will attain. We congratulate them and wish them all u,ell in their firture academic pursuils. Applicants who did not receive a scholarship irl 2000 are scholafships. Mrrirnne Kl€in Summers sponsored two scholarships in Honor of the Class of 1949, Gerald R. Williams provided one in Honor of the Class c,[ 1954, and an anonymous donor gave a schola$hip in Honor of the reminded that th€y may re-T[,ly. Graduates arld attendees of Lincoln High School and Lincoln Junior High School, as $ell as their 1in€l descendants, are eligible for scholarship6. (Con't on Pqe 2) Of the thirty-nine r€cifients, six (Cotl'tlion I'ase 1) The memb€rs of th€ 2000 Scholarship Conmittee lvere Karen Mottice christoff '72, John rlad '64. Roger Hegnauer '?1, Sh€rry Schario Cini-Punram '60, and Shirley Bender Dobry'74. chair. Karen Gei.ina Samuelson'60 i!"s secr€tary, and Chip Conde '68 wa! board liaison lndrviduallv and collectively, these people devoted many hours evalualing the applications, and their efforts are greatly appreciaied. Thalt you for your generous contributions [] Please patonize these fine businesses. Let them know you saw their ad in this issue ol The Ech@s ol Lincorn newsletter. \r,le wish lo thank them for thei. support and dedicetion to cLHSAA. APEXTOOL & DIE 330-492-0255 "Keep the Spirit AJive" Did You Know.'. * Did you know that there have been some classes that have donated scholarships in their class's honor? Did you know that a scholarship can be awarded in your class's honor if your class donates $500? Did you know thal ihe CHALLENGE has been mede to each class lo donale tovvards the CLHSAA annual scholarship awards? Did you know that YOUR a!!!41 $'10 membership fee makes it possible to keep CLHSAA going? Did you know yoltr membership is renewalrle each year, and the membership card you may have recelved when you firsi joined does not mean that you have a lifetime membership? lf you have not senl in your BLUM-SEKERES SUPPLY, INC. Tuscarawas 330-45$9471 Fratrk & Debbie (f,vals) Sekeres '71 2516 W. * CANTON TLOWI,R SHOP 201 Centrrl Plrza South 330'453-0183 JoAnn Hossler Brewster' '66 ,r CUTLER GMAC 2001 REAL ESTATE membership rene\ al, please do so as soon as possible. been a member, please consider joining us. Our annual membership drive is the comerstone of our ability to "Keep lhe Spirit Alive." 330-492-8660 f,xt. 166 Beth PerrY Miller '74 Did you know we need you to keep us informed so that we can continue reportino interesting ne\ s FOURWINDS RESTAURANT lf you have never aboui the aclivities and/or sDecial achievements of our alumni? Please send your ne\ 6 to our post office box ,r ,1210 - 12th St. N.W. 330-477-7515 "Friend of Lincoln" ,! 2000 Lucky Lions Lottery Results Winnerc ofthe June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. lYi nonthlr 3100 dranines: Gerry HARMON'S PIJB 330-453-2144 Tom Harmon '73 2329 W. Tusc. "ls Ethel F6ur Stout '48 Janet Weir Creighton '68 ofthe 51,000 Gmnd Pri.e: "et Pr l.I. Llrson'50 HUB VICTOR 330-452-4179 7Io - 30th St. N.f,. Don Stambaugh '50 - SPring 2001 ECHOES OF LINCOLN tGretr G.Ein! s,muckon '60 caryLovc'55 Editor adterlilinA ,r KREIGHBAUM-SANDERS FUNERALHOMES Ann, Pr,onbo Wd ghl '52 C,rY Lor€'55 Edilor shirl.yB€nderDobrv','1 Proof.esder PhotogBDh.E Mcci Huslon DiNlanio '16 Phob Caoton F.te MooreSlaugh'52 SPECIAL TTIANKS TO - everyone *no pro$ded ,ni.lcs, photos. cnd .fiort 10 h,k. lhis issu. Posi ble 330-453-3401 '53 Alirnna Welling Atrrold'69 Frank Bartram'62 Marjorie Bl:tnc Miller 957 Mclfitrley N.W. Toby Rinaldi'58 Emil Grates "l3 Newbauer Wellbaum THE GLASS STATION inf.m3tion. sdi'ond 'rpenise East Catrton Robert R. Sanders '61 - . Echoes of Lincoln 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 160 ELECTION NEWS Karetr Gerzina Samuclson Jim Osborn '59 2001 in the CLHSAA 2001 election were unopposed: thercfore, a vote vvas taken at our annual meeting in September. The slate as presented by the Nominating Al1 candidates Chairperson \ras uunimously ele.ted. This eliminated the need to mail ou! ballots this past fall. The CLHSAA 2001 Board as unanimously elected consists of President. Karen GeEina Samuelson r60i Vice Besident, Drve Schemansky'66; Secretary, Il€e Johtrson Taylor '67; Treasurer. Mike Drumm '72; and Three-Year Trustees, Judy Workman Kackley '60 and Jerry Snyder'58. Meanwhile. Jim Osborn '59 continues his term as Two-Year Trustee, former president Gary Love '55 became Past President. and Carole Hunk€r Hughes '51 continues as Historian Sherry Schario Cini-Putnam '60 was appointed to fill the vacancy crealed lry the resignation of a T\4c,Year Trustee, and Connie Bertty Jedel '68 uas appointed to complete the unexpired term as T*o-Year Trustee created when lhat trustee $as elected president. 2002 In the election for 2002, the offic€s of president, president, s€crctary, treasurer, and (3) two-year trust€es vice will be up for election. The Alumni Association needs good leadership 10 continue our goalsi sq if YOU want to help provide that leadelship, please contact Nominating Chairman Gary Lov€ in person or by mail to P.O. Box 20192, Canton, OH 44701. You will receive lots of help and support. Remember, if you are a pard member of CLHSAA. please mark and return vour ballot as soon as you receive il ia the fall. Your panicipation in the electiofl is another r ay you can show your suppon ofthe association and its goals. 0 Fr,fl,r Boc^: /lre,ri 2OOI CLTISAA Mike DllrM. Tl@6: K"ren J.dd. Trusei Judy K.dder, BOARD s.mudson. ?rsidat: ) to last year's ofiiceB and trustees for their part in the continuing gro&th and success ofoff organization. Association membership continues at a good numbel each year (remember, memberships must bt renelved yearly), and our infonnation specialisl continues searching for missing alums, narrowing the gap monthly. In July 2000, ihe associatron again presented scholarships. Hopeffrlly you will agree that this is. indeed. our alumni association's most honorable goal This goal can continue each year using donalions anc the proceeds from our annual activities. So, man) thanks to everyone who donates to the scholarslup func and to the chairmen and lhe committees *'Irc *ork sc diligently on all our events. Without theiI hard worl and volunteer spirit, our goal of a)varding scholarship! uould not be possible. I promise to do what I can to keep our momentun moving along but I need your promise to continue t( support this *orthwhile organizalion. Join, volunleer ,K€ep th( attend, donate, enjoy! Let's help each other SpiritAlive!r'I conn. Pa{ Prsidd ctrcl. tlusta. Bsnia: De Tay'or, S@darlr Jim Oshon, Tnde J.rry Srrd.r. T.rsE cl This is an opportunity I never thought I would have; however. herc I am. (So far, so good! Because of the fantastic support and help from the officers and board members who have gone before and who are currendy serving I know I can do this. In ftct, I feel sure this will be another really geat year for CLHSAA. (Please, jusi keep that help afld support coming) The appreciation of the entirc alsociation goes oul Tnrl* C.r, Lo!e. Snet, ' -Pulr.h, Tnr{€l D.ve S.h.n.nd(v. Vie Prsidat Ie'i ft16d, Idcr, shown uD on! 'r. redr Ih@h d.s r.o ALUM NOTES... Soccer advocale Joyce Setby Allred, Class of 1957, was honored in May 1995 by her peers and community for her dedication to, and history with, the Resron Virginia Soccer Association. Her 20 years of sewic! {rere re\rarded by aledicathg a new soccer field in her name. Joyce'6 loi€ of the sport and her d€dication to the players had made her their tireless advocate. Joyce retired the Reston Soccer Association. in 1999 as Administrator of Bill Johnson. 1967, recently retired afler 26 years as director of the Canton Recreatior Department. A lifelong motocycle enthusiast, he and his wrfe, Kar€n Kacsur Johtrson' 1967' have headed out on a yeallong ride on their 1997 Harley Herilage Springer motorcycle. HowEvel, when an order for more of Bill's invention comes in, thev will interrupt their trip and fly home to produce them. Bill's invention, the Wlrcel Easy, was bought by Harley_Davidsofl and i6 being marketed around the 1lvorld. The device makes cleaning tires simple ty turning the wheel, rather than moving the bike fonrard and back several times. Jim Griflin, 1961, chief deputy, personal Property division of the Stark County trealurefs ofiice, Ilas named presidenl of the Canton Ex-Newsies Association in Sept€mber 2000. For 40 years, the Ex-Ne*sies have sold a charity edition nerrspaper one day a year. All income ftom the 6ale is used to clothe needy school children. Jim says that the group's motto is, "No child shall be deprived of school for the shoes la.k of or clothing." former CLHSAA DAA recipient, Joe Sommer' 1945' (former stark County commissioner and head of the Ohio Depa(ment of Natural Resoufces) was recently arned bry Gov. Bob Taft to the Recreational Resources Commission of A the oDNR. A group ftom the Class of 1951 got together for dinner in April 2000 in Naples, Florida. They get together every year during the winter season. Some of them live in the Naples area permanently others sPnd their winters there. They are all looking forward to their 50th Reunion in 2001. I Jim "Ozzie" Osborn, 1959, *Es surprised ofl October I whea his wife, Margene, invited him to his olvn surprise retircment party- Actually, she sent him an iflvitation to someone else s party-which was actually hi6 party-get it? Jim retir€d ftom American Electnc Po*er Co. after 37 years. Many family members :md ftiends attended, including Ken ard Betty Newlon-Ozzie's former baskelball coa.h at Lincoln. Anthony Norcia, 1955, uas honored b the Ex_Newsies al their annual banquet in December as a charter member ofthe orgaf.lizdic,i afld a lifetime board member. He currently seftes as membe$hiP chairman and is in charge of sending out donafon letters to local businesses and invididuals. Connie Guist, 1964, was a presenter at the American Public Health AEsociation s annu2l meeting and exposition in Boston in November. Connie holals a master's degrce in nursing and is a certified clinical 6pe.ialist in cornmunity health nursing. She is a program manager for Multnomal County Health Departrnent in Portland, Oregon. Trina Cltter, 1975, wa! honored in June 2000 at the South Bend YWCAS 2lst Annual Tribute to Women. She rras chosen in the business and professional calegory for her lrork in public teleusion. Trina is president ard general mallager of WNfT TV, a nonprcfit organization that provides progra ming for communilies in northern Indiana and southwEstern Michigan. James L$sig, 1953, State University as chosen to receive the Bowling Green Alumni Association's alumni service award in 1999- Jim was recognized for his leadership' devolion, and seri,lce for the betterment of the BGSU Alumni October Association. (You will recall that Jim }las honored by CLHSAA as one ofour DAA recipienls in 1996.) At lhe end of 2000. Don Nehlen, 1954, twice all-city and allcounty quarterback while at Lincoln, retired after 21 years as head football coach at west Virginia University, having been there since Mountaineel Field opefled in 1980. His last victory came against Mississippi during the Music City Bowl in Nalhville in December. Don's W\tl tearns' record was 202128-8. Nehlen's coaching philosoPhy *as based on morale' and he is one ofthe flo6t respected coaches in the business. Don and his wife, Merry Ann Chopson Nehlen' 1954' have one son. one daughler. and five grandchildren. Guy Bertram, 1952, was inducted into the Greatel Canton Oldtimers Basketball Association Hall of Fame in October. Also in October, F. Stuart Wilkitrs, 1945, \ras honored with the Canton Regronal Chamb€l of Commefce's most prestigious honor- the A\ ?rd of Merit, for his 35 years of community ., S.[y st ne Bufo Jerie M6d'rntl ra.lx,erArdr..,n.n hrtl.r,Birorsdhdd.rcr e B.nd.. Dd S.ll.do.[ Ergd. Bulro, Jo. Bofo, Jo. Doeoli Fm,rRo,. Joyo Borr r,lllitilt It \nas a busy Iall for George Saimes, 1959, former LHS football stardout and currently an NFL scout George was inducied into the l\fichigan State Hall of Fame in September and the Butralo Bills wall ofFaine in November' REVIEWING THE YEAR. . , The Lincoln Alumni Band The vear of 2OOO Cathy Carr Langr€d€r '74 proved to be yet another exciting year for the Lincoln Alumni Band under the direction of Mrrk Irwe '75. It began with a number of tehearsats in preparation for the summel of pa.rades. The rehearsal tlBt slands oui in everyone's mind, of course, is when we mdched from the Stark County Fairgrounds tkough Harer Heights, wilh a brief break and small concert at the Biasellas' house. The Biasellas have always been prepared for our "Trek Tkough the Heights" ty decorating their house with maroon, gold, and Lincoln memorabilia. They usually have ftienals and neighbors out on the lawll to cheer us on and offer refteshments. This is repaid in lhe only *ay that wE can__a concefll Aier our stop a! Biasellas', \,ve continued through the neighborhood. With the help of the banner cariers acting as crossing guards, we made it a.ross four lanes of trafrc 168. We on west TuscarawEs and ended up being treated to ice cream al Heg$/s, compliments of Jatret Weir Creighton needed a few extra rehearsals aIler that to work ofi the exlra calories! We also performed in the Hall ofFame Kick-OffParade and the Grand Parade again. [t is always such a thrill to ma.rch up West Tuscaraw2s or Cleveland Avenue to the sounals of National Emblem and hear the cheers ftom the crowd. The walher cooperated for both paracles. and we were able to finish before it rained. Our performance at the Stark County Fair i{as well received by the cro\ad. Mark Lo}!e did his usual exc€llent job as emcee and kept the audience involved in the perforrnance. Our last performance of the year was at the Louisville Constitution Day Parade in September. We were proud to *alk away from that with a second place trophy in the "Best ofBan&" category. The Lincoln Band is alrays looldng for new members. As wE get older, some of us may not feel up lo marcfun& but there are many other performances that \)ve do where marching is not involved. It is still a thrill to play in the Lincoln Band, and those fornrer band members who are not involved arc missing out. lfyou are interested in participating, pleale contact Cathy Langreder at 330-478-0006. [] r if, lr Ou h.m.r 3hoFd tlua w .re The Bord h.i.h.d tn Illsjoir.d tl€ durthe "keDlng lh. spi.il .liverr Sne4 wlir., Judy Abrigg, Ludnd. Iluif, .nd Lou Arr Ker, 3dI m.rch .nd tuid s ll fi. Ii.colh B.hd J.r.l Wd. Cr.ighbn '68, EoF r6dv.l Chrim.r w3loln.d hy h.t l.nx, lo. d. p.Edd .r rh€ orh.rdu"r b.n.L O. EoI Gnnd And. P.gE/ Rob..t .nd SuC. \rid. $tld .r th.y utt io.hd oh lh5 Uholh B.nd on. moE dme ,ll ''THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED'' A Tribute to A. Jerd BaYless Dave C.rrr70 of Tllrs tnbute to Jerd Bayless is not a listing of servrce at Lincoln High School nor a recitation of his accomplishments and those of the Lincoln Band under his direction. There are many poople \}'l1o know those items far tetter than I do and remember them ftr more clearly. I have liv€d 5,OOO miles away from Canton and northeastern Ohio for almost 25 years, and I haven't had the opponunities to participate in the Alumni Band actMties (except at the Stark _County Fair last fall) or be a part of the mmmunity that Jerd Bayless was active in for so many yea$, including the year6 his years after he left Lincoln in 1970. Instea4 this tribute is about what Jerd Bayless has meant to l// sure you rcmember the book entitled I Really Need to Know 1 Leaneil ih Kindergarten. Eor lr,e' therc }lere so many lessons about life that I learned in the Lincoln Band with Jerd Bayless as the drreclor. Tho6e that come to mind are as followE: me and my life. Im It is importatrt to always do your best. When i starled as a fteshman in lhe band I had played for misplayedl) the French horn for just a few mooths. My biggest fear v,/as the Mr. Bayless aodld find out how badly I Dlaved aIId kick me oul of ihe band. fu a result. I tned my iest, ara eren ttrougtr my besl was Fetty bad al lhe lime I and I am surc that he kflew), he never che&ed me out for it, as long as he saw that I vras really trying. If you work hrrd at som€thing, you will impmve, significantly. H;ving played the French hom so Poorly at the beginning of I left myself a of room lor imDrovemenr. With lhe 'fer.r of Bavless" in my hean l resolved o practice an hour every day. at le3st for a \*hite With that praclice, I continued to improve, until I llas no longer an embarrassment to the band, or myselll Hard $'ork my tiitrman year, 1ot really v,orked! High erpcctrtions yietd high levels of results. ttlr. Bayless alBays, always expected us to do our best. He aould not srttle for Prformance thal was mediode. lf the band did not play a section w!ll, then he had the band play that section over and over again, until it wa6 played l,ell As a member of the ban4 )ou knew that he expecled the best every time you playe4 and it forced you to exped the best ftom yourself There rre worderful tchieveme s that olrly com€ from a team of pcople. The music that came ftom the band when it wa6 at its best' v?as nagical. It'6 hard to believe that a bunch of ordinary high 6chool students could play 6uch beauliful music Clhere $,ere no "magnet schools" at lhat time!) I call remember I knew the band had played really ucll. when I knew that Mr. Bayless had poured his hean and soul inlo lhe preparallon and direriion. and $€ tum with our performance. Those had responded experiences can only come as a part of a team' not an an some of our concert peformances, \,v{rcn in individual. Individual performanc€ is critical to team performance. The richnes; ofthe soulds ftom the band came Aom each band membels performance. It \las like the saying in theater circles, "There are no small roles, only small actors." Ml. Bayless knew that each band member's perfomance \'!2s important to the overall Prformance ofthe band and he *ould not allow any member 10 slack ofr in hisrher PrformanceMusic is b€.utiful. I took a music appreciation class ifi collegp, but where I really learned to appreciale muslc was in the Lincoln Band, We were exposed to so many diferent musical work, that I learned to love music while in high school. Mr. Bayles6 didn't just drill with the pieces that vmuld be played at a band competition. always had us play a wide range of music' and a large number of pieces. Many of those musical works I enjoy us He listening io, even now. It is impoftaDt to csre. Mr. Bayless, as guf a.6 he v/as, really cared. have barely touched a French horn or played in any musical group for 28 years. I saw Mr. Bayless only a few xmes afrer I I graduated ifl 1970. Ye! I remember him and these lessons offen, and I am very grateftl forboth. I . Echoes 7 oflincoln ' George M. Toot -- Remembered r74 C.Oy Langreder Toot quickly involved all of hi6 student afld exp€cted them to gve each rchearsal afld performanc! rheir best efort- He managpd to do this wfii1e rEking band fun and interestin& and I remember ilalking into the band room v/ith a sense of excitement about ftcing the challenges ahead. He had a controlled and contained 6tyle of direcring but he managed to get lhe band to perform the music with the passion thal he also felt. He had a good understanding of the musrc and composers and \)vould always give us lhe history of the pieces as wE leamed them. Mr. Toot taught ar six difrerent hrgh schools and one college during his career. He belonged io a number of drfferent professional organizations and received many awards for his teaching accomplishments. Unless }le h€rd about it ftom another souce, lI€ never l.new of his aacomplishments because it wa6 fiot something about which he tal*ed. He \'!as content to teach us and while I am sure he appreciated the accolader, I believe that his teaching *a.s the mo6t important thing to him. t had seen Mr. Toot a number of times since my gaduation. He always remembered me, a6 he probably did all of his It was a sad day for many Lincoln Band memtlers when George Thal is an incrcdible feat Toot passed avray on January 21, 2001. His death shody students. and made me feel special. considering the thousands of students he must have ingtructed. follo*ed that of A. Jerd Bayless by a little over two months. He played wilh the Lincoln Alumni Band during a tribute to Lincoln High School Auditorium in 1993' The two men aere good friends, musicians, and former balrd Mr. Bayless in the with us at the Stark County Fa[, and even guest conducted us directors oflincoln High School. They both received a lifetime at lhe Fair Pdormances. He *as al$rays a\raral for musical excellence from the Ohio Band Directols a number of times with the Lincoln Ban4 and I believe thar Conference at Akron University in 1996. While they shared eager to do e]€nts the spirit oflincoln High School li!€d deep in his heart. many simila, interests, they were very different in personality. I always encouragin& drrector during my fteshman and Mr Too! whenever saw him, nas count on him as a We could instructing and teaching time at that so exciting sophomore years in high school. It \{as and \ ,E knew thal he genuinel, io be a part of such a high caliber band Progmm and also teacher, mentor, and frien4 some*{Et intimidaling to entel it as a lowly freshman. Mr' cared about all ofus. U I had George Toot as my band CHRISTMAS SHOP 2OOI CLHSAA AWARDS ALUMNI SERVICE AWARD The Alumni Service AM/ard is given every other year lo oaid members of CLHSAA \ ilo have demonstrated oulstandinq service to the association. The next ASA recipients \Mll be announced this September. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD The Oistinguished Alumnus A$ard is presented biennially to honor graduates of Lincoln High School r,\,ho have distinguished themselves through their achievements. The next DM honorees will be chosen in 2002. Nomination forms \,ill be mailed along r 'ith 2002 membershiP rene!4/als We once again '^ill be open for your last-minute gift giving at lhe alumni office on Wertz Avenue' N.W. Our "Christmas Shop" will be open Saturday, November 2,1, saturday, December l, and \rGdn$day, December 5, from lo:(x, A.M. till 2:00 P,M. On lhose days, you may purchase those mamon and gold items for your family and friends. We have a variety of gifts to choose from. For a complete list of sowenirs, see page 2'1. On behalf of lhe alumni, tr,E t 'ish to thank those ol you who have volur eered to sell soweniE during the busy holiday season. To those who have purchased gifts, your support is greatly appreciated. Monte Carlo Night GarY Love '55 CLHSAA'S first Monte Carlo Night was held on saturday, June i0. 2000. at lhe Polish'American Club ifl Canton. It lras oul filst attempt al such a venture and, while attendance was not very good, tho6e *to did come out on that hot, sticky night had a gpod time. A variety o{games was available for &agering even for the novice gambler. one lady alum wEnt away happy havi g won by just playng 'lo-jo's." A sincere thank you to everyone who helped with the event. Ifuving learned a lot ftom our first exPrience, sE have decided to trust our next such event to a more knowledgeable goup. Thus, CLHSAA is 6lonsoring a four-night Las Vegas Nites Ev€nt at the C.nton Moose on Mey 17-18-19_20, 2001. Watch for our ads in the local newspapers. Plan on altending AE alvrays, proceeds will go into the CLHSAA ScholarshiP Fund. [] r..d S.lriid( Phn cord., .nd LtrL Kt brtdq El] Tmbow. ctrP Ndl *E holrng for . UA rlh X'air Booth Mary Inu Postlewaitc Luther's2 Dotrna Sabrese Ohmrn r52 This \las our fllst year as chairmen, but \a€ have \rorked the fair booth seveml years. We really do enjoy meeting and speaking with old and new classmales ofLrncoln ltgh School. Our thanks go to John Luther for allowing us to borrow his latchhook lion heads which drcw even mole attention to our booth. We uant to thank the 43 volunteers \[,tlo vrcrked so dlligendy in the heat and humidi, selling merchandise. We especially *ant to thaik Irarlene McMasters Nicholson 161 and Mrrtha Hart,rl Seia '58 who stayed and helped us pack everythirg up on the last day. A very special thank you to Jim (Ozzie) Osborn'59. Without his help ourjob would have been a lot harder. we also want to thank Don Appollonio of varsity Barber Shop for allowing us to use his business as a very convenient place for volunteers to pick up their fair passes. The lion head neckla.es and the book rnarks sold really well, and lre hope to get more new merchandise in the firture. Let's all continue to *ork hard and keep the spirit of Lincoln High School alive. See you at the 2001 Stark County Fair August 28 - Septemb€r3. [] Ad. Mdt.B ol tne o.s or'!, Yolut6r.d wHenr, Dom. OhDD, IlankMiller Coach & Teacher Leaves LegacY Longime Stark County teacher and baseball and football coach Henry Chrislian Miller passed away in the home he built with his own hands on December ll. 2OOO d.lhe age d 74. A graduate of Canion Township' now Canton Soutl! he vras bom in Waco, Ohio. As a member of the U.S. Mdine Corp6, he war a World War II !€teran. A 1949 graduate of Ohio Nothem University, he vras selected for the ONU Athletic Hall of Fame' ilas a member of tlrc Ohio High School Baseball Association Hall of Fame, and the Grealer carlton Am?rnrur Sports Hall of Fame. Haok coached fcr zl4 yea$-at Mogadorq Lorriwifle, Lincoln, McKinley, and Glenoak high schools. In 1989 he ;etired fiom the canton City Schools after 39 )ears of teaching industrial arts ard vocational calpentry, His four childrcn, Mike Miller, Sue Miller Truax, John Miller' and Mark Miller, should ba conrforted by the faat that their father touched so many peopte. He truly v?as a har4u,orking d€dicated man and loving father. Talk about a legary-one mn is a la\ryet, and lhe othel thrce are teache6 Mike tesches at Canton Soutl\ Sue teaches in Finallay, ,ohn re.ently becarne the head footboll c@ch at McKinley High School, and Mark is a Proseauting attomey in Findlay. .t thc ,000 r.h Boott M.I, Lor Lcth.. & r'.r. st ugL Enory II,D 9. o Echoes of Lincoln CLHSAA SCRAMBLE 2OOO Grry Beetty '64 Johr Bmdu. Ron D.Clr.llt, Tom M.Rot..tt B.t D.rr Mo6t goifers love to play a scramble event dunng the sea6on. Not too many frass up a chance to tel1 lies andjokes, show of or play terrible, and drink large quantitieE of heer. (Just like high school, right?) The 2000 LHS Alurmi Scramble gave Linda and me the opportuniry to bring our ftiends Tom and h Spncer ftom Fon wayne to canton for a irn weekend. Can't beat golf, Urc Hall family party. Tom and I, my son Craig, ard of Fame, and a cousin-inlaw Tim Cugini teamed up with no illusions other than to have fun, drink a lot of beer, and have a gleat lunch. Spring Valley is a fun coulse with sone wicked hol€s We st ned on the wickealest. Four hundred and fi.fty yards all uphill, thefl fiAy yard! downhill to a sloping geen. The pros call it trring to land the ball on the hood of your car. We suruved with par and had a b€er. aob & Llnd. W.{.t ..d Somewhere out in them \roods, Tim crushed a drive (he crushed them all, this one went straigho, and Craig got us on the grcen looking at a 2Gfoot eagle. We all blew the putt and crawled alvay with the \rrong birdie. Where are the Beer Bab$ *ten you really n€ed them? Over on the back nine, wE were playing some really average go|f when lrE came lo the Guaranteed Bad Hole; also kno\rn as lfie Betting Hole. Woods on the left. Pond in front. Drive it on the green (about 220), and double your mofley. I tried betting my lirst-hom chil4 but Con& Banted money. "lt's all for the scholarship firn4" says Chip, an excarnival barker. I make my first bet (you see where this is going?) and protest that the green isjust we3t of Eart Canton Srna.kl ....line and can't pocsibly be hit. s.ncn oFt, BI Zrh[! It d od Arrcr Tdplett into the Roods. Round two. Booml High and nighty. (Low and screaming vrould be preferred-) Splash! Beer, please! Round lhree. Click .... dritble .... dribble .... &ibble .... plop. should have just handed Chip my \.allet and driven quietly aEay. N&ody in lhe foursorne made the green, so I 6gure there's a Lincoln kid going to Harwrd this year on our lo6ses. Good luclq kid. (Take up tetrnis.) Something has to be done about the Be€r Babes. They arc alBays laughing just as I swin& and I hit rheball badly. They should be quiet and aci as if they arcnt having a good time a6 they give us our beer. Ma),lre the cotunittee can fnd sorne wii€s to do the j&. Baak at the clubhous€- our score is pcsted in the "Does not qualify for prizes" seciion of the leaderboard Im a little irked &{len Da}€ Camplrell tells me they put my name up there a6 soon ar .lJl,! teed of this C,rh, & Rld{ Dort p mormng, we enjoy a great steak lunch while v,e 'ratch all lhe ringers get their prizes. Just what the longest driver needs-a new driver. Oh, )€ah, he'll be back next year! Dorit give lhese guys new $ufr! Gfi€ rhem some drivitrg range balls and clubs- Marbe they wDn't come back, and Team Bud*eiser will have a chance! As for me, I'm taking my clubs back to the pro shop *tere I bought them. Theyre all defective....every last one of 'em. See you next,r3r. (Spritrg Vr[€y Golf Cours€, JuIy 28, 2001) First place winners in 2000 v/ere Tom McRoberts '51, Ron Irechellis '53, John Breodus '54, and Bob Barr '5,1. Second place winners v€re SaD Crrwford '62, Aarcn Triplett, trred Triplett '67, ard Bill Zirhut. Mixe+ doubles winners \ryere Rick and Cdhy (McMrcken '68) Dunlap and B.b and Lird. (Crooke '68) Wasmk. I AlumniWeb Page MEMORYLANE ANTIQUES N.W. 330'452-5700 Milan Dolanski '68 929 Wertz Ave. * MR. MIKE'S CATERING 2800 Fu]tor Dr. N.W. 33rL452-6825 Mike Santatrgelo'46 * tr.RED OLIVIERI CONSTRUCTION CO. Pro way N.W,' North Canton AIfred A. (Fred) Olivieri '48 6315 * PPIGRAPIilCS & INNOVATTIIE TRENDS 315 - 33.]-454-9444 l2th SL N.W. Gary Love'55 ,. PREX'ERRID TEMPORARY SERVICES, INC. N.W, 4797 Munsod St. Charles f, * 33G494-5502 EilI '53 PRINTERCLEANING SPECIALISTS 33G.493-6019 * REED FTJI\ERAL IIOME 330-477-6721 705 Raff Road S.W. Dentris Reed'60 & Lureoe Reed-Gasser'63 :l SEAMAN RETIREMENT PLANI\ING ASSOCIATES N.W. Schman6ky'66, Dal.bae Adm lnislrator The address for the Lincoln Alumni web page has changed since lhe 2000 Echo r4as published. The address change occured just after the mailing of that issue. The new URL for the u/eb page is http J/users.speedynel.neu-lincoln The front page directs you to 13 different sections of lhe web page. Alumni Connections where you can regisler your - e-mail address with your class and view lists of missing and deceased grads. Events - calendar of evenls lor the coming year. inclLrding class reunion information. Forms -- for scholarship application and alumni association membership. Alumni Awards - a listing of those !!ho have been recognized wilh the Distinguished Alumnus A\ ard and the AIumni Service Award. Guest BooklMessage Board fellowgrads or the Board- Souvenirs -- - communicate a list and form lo \Nith purchase Lincoln gear. We urge all grads connected to the lnlemet to check out the alumni web page and to pariicipate in its growlh and evolution. Register your address \ ith us. Other alumni web sites, such as Classmates, charge for e-mail service. Vvith us, it is free. [] CLHSAA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The purpose of rhe Scholarship Commttee is to aMrd nonrepayable grants lo deseNing students who are either gladuates, attendees, or descendanls of Canton Lincoln Junor or Senor High school Des.endants ncrude chlld(ren). srandchildten). srear srandchld(rei) step-chldten) adopted chld(er). or spouse or Sherry Schario Cini-Putnsli '60 4801 lrressler Road Dave 330-492-6771 Tom Seaman'48 ,. BRUCE E. TREIBE&D.D.S N.W. 330-474-4949 2221 Whipplc Ave, Bruce Treiber '76 ,r Thanks again for your support in helping lo "keep the gpiJit of Lincoln High School alivel" aitendees or graduates lvho are p.id mmbers of CLHSAA tor ihe curenl calendar year lfthe applicants only LlnealLncoln ancestor isdeceased thenthe Pad memberchp requ rement rs mired The Schoarshp Commttee wll consider all applcants lor grarts regardless ol ra.e color, creed. religlon se{ or national orgin All informat on supp ied by applicarts s stncllyconfidentialwnh exceptron of names. addresses, teephone numbers, and names of ancestors who atiended Canton Ln.oin JunlororSenior Hgh Schoo CLI-ISAA reseresthe rlghi to deiermlne the amouni and number or grants to be presenied n any lEar schoa6hFs are aMrded to students wio are pursulng ANY trpe of post high schooleducatoi at anytype of accredited school re college, junor college techn ca or trade schools Checks are made payabe to each siudert's Egiggt An Awards Recepi on lvhere prese,rtations are announced and recipients honored is hed nJuy The 20Ol scholarshp applicaton lorms rere marLed rn January along with membershp rcneM lorms The deadlrne ror 2ml app ications Ms March 15,2001 Stldents lnteresled in applylng ror a 2aO2 CLHSAA grart shoud Mtch for a scholarshp applrcatbn form rhich Mllbe 2@2 membeGhip rsneMlformsio be mailed included with nJanuaryA02 Tar deduclible donationc to the Scholarshp Fund and/or lnqulrle6 should be ma ledto cLHsAA, Po Box 2ol92 canton OH 44101 . ll ' Lincoln Echoes of CLHSAAAnnual Meeting Lrur, Boldizsar Love '56 Dressing for the evening probably brought many, many thoughts of events that were held at the school Alumni attendrng the Annual Meeting dressed for the LHS sPirit. School jackets, emblemed slveatshirts, maroon and gold colors *ere present eve4/where....pride, emotion, and memory stired. This authols memory stiffed 10 novies during lunch break, basketball games, sock hops, Army-Na\,y games, meeting friends, May Fiesta, band practices, study halls, favorite teachers, grrls' leaders, art classes. white bucks, saddle sho€s' duckbills, British Walkers, cordovans, tailor_mades, pearl chokers. cardigan sweaters buttoned do*n the back, etc Truly a rughr for nostalgia. Many visions must have been conjured up in former students' memory book. KEEPING TI{E SPIRIT ALIVE will go on! The Alumni Band performed brilliantly. Their music caused goose bumps: and. although some people {ouldn't admit it, tears of rIii&. 'lhe Alma Malel never sounded b€tter. The band s pride shows in their music, and all the alumni appre€iate their J[$ Mllchell. Bob ltnfte, and G.rv Lov€ enjoved lhemeting The Annual Meeting was called to order by the president, Gary Lov€ '55, and wE proaeeded to take care of the business end of the rneeting. The slate of officers was announced. and nominations uere asked for from fie floor. Ultimately, the roster of2001 ofrcers }!as unanimously accepted. president of the association, was the guest sp€aker. Janel spoke of communiry pride and participation in comnunity events. She approached her audience with recognitiofi of the importance of community involvement at all levels of service and exp€rtise. and she encouraged the association n€mbers lo €ontinue lo expand our Jarct Weir Creighton '68, the first partlclpatlon After the meeting ended, refreshments were sefied. and a good time }!as had by all. The Annual Meeting in 2001 will be Thursday, Septcmber 20, at Rolando's R€staurant [] Eighth (and final) Annual All-Cify Alumni Night Lehman High School Alunnr Association hosl€d the Eighth Annual All-City Alumnr Nighl in the auditorium at Lehman Middle School on October 24, 2000. The night's speaker was Georgia Eshelman, forner Lehnian teacher and local historian' who spoke about the hrslory of education in Ohio and locally The four alumni presidents then review€d the activities oftheir organization. Lincoln's Gary Love thanked his fellow ofiicers and trustees and urged everyone fron all four goups to "get invotved and have sonre firn ' The hosts dren a*"rded quite a few very nice door prizes. At the €onclusion of the meeting, lhere was a social hour with cake andpunch. Each of the four aluNni associations has had two turns hosting this event, and the four groups have decided that "eight is enough." While those who attended these functions al$ays had a good time, it was the consensus thal somelhing different is needed. (we'll keepyou infonred.) [] lnfom.tion and tom6 Er. avall.ble frm Oee T.vlor Yearbooks for Sale! The following list is Provded for those who Wsh to Purchass a yeabook while m apPreciate all donations of memoEbilia it is imp6so'e to keop and store eGry nem, th.roiore lhes€ atra annuals .re aEiab.o _he s c€ rs !15 plus SO shPPrng lf interested in purchasing on€ or more Plesse wile to oLHSAA Po Box 20192. canton, OH 44701 stating the )€a(s) desied snd enclosing a check Patible to CLHSAA. 1943 -5 1961 -3 1915 1946 1947 -5 -A -A 1960 19€6 ,5 -1 19,a-7 1SO-1 156-2 1W-7 1ST-2 -3 1S73-a 1972 1S@-1 By lhe my, it anyone muld iile to dontte a y€arbook trom a year that is NoT li$ed abo€, please contad the association hlstorian by wriing to our post ofiice box. There might be somene lookng torthal psrticuar y?a/s annual CLHSAA DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARDS Four Lincoln Graduates Honored in 2000 Karen Gerzitra Sanluelson '60 LOTIIE E. MATTACHIOI\IE, 1957 TIIOMAS J. SEAMAN, 1948 Hone: Canton, OH Category: Etucatioh Hone: Canton. OH Categoty: Community Louie taught at Perry High School for 39 years. During his career, he Chairman was of the Perry Arts Department and Director of the Perry High School Theatre. in 1999, he was coaxed back into Having relired teaching two classes and continuing as Theatre Director. Among many honors he has received. Louie was inducled into the Ohio High School Spe€ch League Speech Coaches Hall of Fame in 1982 and the National Speech Coaches Hall of in 1994. In 1986, the Perry Board ofEducation and lhe Perry Community re-dedicated and re-named the Perry High School Auditorium as "The PHS Mattachione Thealre." Louie is a graduate of Bowling Green State Universily and attended several other universities for additional course u,,ork. Quite a few family members, including his mother, rl,€re in attendance at this induction. Matt Patron, one of his former students, presenled him and lauded hini as "a magician ofthe arts, a guiding light, a man who tawht his students what the true meaning of the word teacher means." Matt said that, "Louie not only taught his students how to ride without training wheels but also taught them how to fly." Matt's goal is to become a teacher "jusl like Louie. " lruie gave a very entertaining acceptance speech telling how he }l?nted to attend Lincoln so badly because he loved the band s fight song so much. He said his Lincoln memories are wonderful and that each of us "old lions" is b€tter ofr today in some way for having attended Lincoln. His higher education gave him the parchment and tools for teaching bul it was Canton Lincoln, the faculty, the students, the extra and co-cunicular a.tivities. and experiences there that gave him the tnre foundation to use his talents and obrain his goals. Even though the alumni association was honoring him for his involvement in the field of education and the arts, he w"s moctly honored to be part of such a gmnd and esteemed group of Lincoln alumni. He }ras humbled ty and glateful for the recognition. Fame Tom has been active with several volunteel pilot organizations for many years and serves on the board of dircctors of the Volunteff Pilot Association, a nonprofit group of pilois who fly children and adults to specialized hospilats and clinics throughout the eastem U.S. He helped organize the Ohio Squadron and has flown many volunteer "angel flight" missions duriog his 27 years pilot. as a (Tom curre[tly flies a twin-engine Beech Baron.) Afrer gmduating fiom Notre Dame University (where he played football), he spent several years coaching. He is now President of Seaman Retirement Planning Associates, specializing in ffnancial planning for seniors. Tom is married and has eight children. 23 grandchildren, and one geatgrandchild. Needless lo say, he was accompanied by a loving contingent of family at this honors banquet. Tom was presented by one of his sons, Jim Seaman, who said how fortunate he and his siblings w€re to have had such a wonderful role model as their father. Jim felt it $ras a great honor to present the man he admired all his life. He also said he felt fortunate to be able to work with his dad every day in their financial planning business. The children grew up headng stories about their dads good old days of football games and championships and about ihe pride his father had in his rmts. After teaching and coaching on the high school level in Tennessee and being in sales in Florida. Tom realized that he missed those roots and retumed to Canton. established his business. and coached on the gIade s.hool and club levels. Tom had al*ays served his community and his church, but he found a real love in flying airplanes. It became a new way of dedicating himself to helping others. But, O?icalty, Tom remarked that the people he has flown have impacted his life also. "We all ddnt fiom wells that others have dug," he said, and thanted everyone for the distinguished alumnus honor. I I . Echoes of Lincoln 13 F. STUART WTLKINS, 1945 OH Catesory: Civic CERIST VAGOTIS, 1963 Hone: Weston, FL Category: Athletics Ho,fle: North Canton, involved Christ ha! with football yea6 at his since with many Lincoln. He received a football scholarship to the University of Board of Trustees of the Alabama in 1963 and hasn't stopped yet. Christ holds several is working Doctorate in Exceptional Education degrees and on his and Administration Supervision. He began his collegiate coa.hing career at the Universit of Miami, Floridal became an assistanl coach at the University Louisvrlle for ten yea$; coached at the University of Oklaloma: then returned to coach at the University of Miami. He is assistant coach at Florida Atlantic University. Prior to his involvement wth collegiate teams, he taught in the field of special education of and coached on the high school level. Ckist }!as intioduced by his brolher, George Vagotis. George said his brother is a man of strength ard ctraracter, an inspirational story of success that sends the message that perseverance and determination result in victory-either on the playing ffeld or in every day life. George reminded us that Christ played for the legenalary Paul Bear Bryant and wa! a member of two teanrs that lvon national championships. wllile he wears a championship ring to symbolize his football success, Ceorge feels it was his brothe/s dream and his refusal to be denied lhat really made him a champion. The Vagotis family was well represented at the dinner. Ckist ielated how he played pick-up football with his friends when growing up, but he uas aluays the Ia$ one chosen because he was a little guy then. He admitted he wasnt a very good student at Lincoln because he never thought it was important And. for sure, "I never thought I \wuld be getting a distinguiEhed alunmus awar4 and I feel sure no one else ever thought that either." Chrisl credits his grade school and high school coaches, especially Lou Venditti, with being his role models. Although gratetul for his football career and for the life it has proide4 wllat most impresses him is the successes he has seen his special education students attain. He considers those expeiiences the most impressive accomplishments of his life. "l thought I would be back in trrc ur'eek from college, and so did everyone elsei but someone made a difference in my life." Making a difrerence in someone else's life is what Christ Vagotis is mosl proud of . Stu has treen involved civic organizations. He was a cha(er member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1963 and served a6 Chairman of the Board from 198+ 1997. He is past member and chairman of the board of the Canton Automobile Club. the Ohio Automobile Club, and the American Association. Stu also wzs a committee member of such organizations as United Way, Ch3mber of Comfierce, Canton Rolary, and the board of Akrcn Canion Regional Airport. He holds degrees ftom lhe Universif, of Michign and the University of Michigan Law School. He served in the Army from 1952-54 and s/as a private pilot for 50 years. Currently, Stu is a senior panner (semi-retired) of Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Doughe.ty law 6rm. Stu is married and has one son- His wife of 50 years accompanied him to the a\rards. Joe Sornmer (himself a former DAA recipient) remarked that he v/as privileged to present Stu Wilkins, an old fiiend since grade 6chool, and noted thal the 1945 Lincoln annual described Stu as the "all-Afterican boy." At Lincoln, Stu was a four-year member of the larsity football team (captain in llas in debate and dramatics. was an excellent Fesident. At the Universi, ofMichigan, he was staning guard for four years and went to the Rose Bowl in 1948 (']!{I *on). With that record and a lifetime of 1944). student, and class to the Canton community, Joe sai4 'That allAmericar boy weni on to become a real 'all-funerican service Stu jokingly commented that it was particularly important to him that someone I*ilo has known him so long was willing to gel up and say all ihose $ice things about him. He thought it uas interesting that three ex-jocks l*€re among the recipients. It llEs good to hear what thes€ other men had accomplishe4 he sai4 and to hear about the help rhey have given orhers. He pointed out that there are grvers and takers in life and urged the members of the audienc€ to consider whether they v/erc a gtver or a taker- As did each of these men, Stu pointed out thal he did not get to this point without the help of many wonderful people. "You do not climb thi6 hill by yourse|f," he said. 14th ANNUAL DANCE Laura BoldizsarLove'56 overhear the following stalements: "Do you remember Friday, November 24, 2000, part of Thanksgiving wEekend, could that football game when...." Of "Who 1!as that you *ere becomes an evening of family, old friends from both near and with in this picture?" Or, "I can't believe the guys' far- anal dancers of all ages. "Youth" of all ages attend this dancing pants were so short." Or' "Remember after thai function and laugh, meet old ftiends' and make new ones' basketball game thercwas a big dance and you met so and so'" Or, "Is Musrc. plaYed by DJ. Chuck Danner. frlled lhe VcKlnley Or. you in this picture? Boy, did you change Room ai the canlon civic center this nighr. The music was t-his really that from gal you dating were to that happened suited to all ages and included swing, jitterbug, Latin, slow and "Whatever other school?" Some convercations \!ere short and sweet: easy, and loud and fast. Couples dance together (or in the same long and detailed. T1!o couples were talkirg and ge;eral ucinity) depending on the music, some dancers are in others were hadn't seen since *"t"h three people dancing togetter so they askeal about another classmate that they here. Yes' thals ;orpq o. you hes one sai4 "Why And. calry on their conversations There \'ere even freshman vear. can continue to"un him danci;g on the far side of the floor'" The replv, "Well' some dancing family groups ranging in age from 2l lhrough we can't leave yet. I have to go say hello." 60. Yes, it is nostalgia. Yes, it is fun By having the dance The room was filled with dancers dressed in a variety of public, we get to renew old friendships and meet snles: lons sklns. shon skins. off_ihe'shoulder sryles sequins' open to the get to enjoy old memories and make High heeled shoes got hrcked off \ hen the our fnends irienrls. We is an event! certainly This dance ,,serious "orauiot dancing, set in. Guys in sport coats aod dress trousers new ones. at our annual dance has b€ell Attendance LEdilot's Note: or sweaters and jeans made up the dreseup casual atmospherc to one in a *fiite or if you you haven't b€en if so for the evening All help€d cr@te a very ftn and relaxed event dwindlilg on down and join uscome one, to never been Canned goods were brought to be donated to the Hunger have 23, 2001. Canton Civic Center. Since the Task Force. souvenirs were sold. some memberships reneRed' November oro(€eds benefil lhe scholarshrp fund why nor give to a and sone new ones paid. Memorabilia was displayed on long Mrthv cause ard have somefiin Yourself?l tables for all to review As one stood back and listened. one " -a l.li..i, Cindy, ,rd M.rk DlM.nio .trd Comi' Blbod( K.lhy Kine, N.trc, Iin. C.nt P€{tv' tnd Drn flo1r THANKYOU'S saf. ad Ddbss ol tLc I B'bc si@ cetq $tsh 1o lh@k you ,ir 1ie rB r'1 6e rdU' mrqids ad ate fd pu&esins a liclid in sp9dl oI To aU tbe mdbm of the Linoln All@r BddI-incoL R&d Mobqs-so nie to $e 3U d tNl bmd wc sdnd Lke ro thdk Yd a[ so vdv nud] ld t.lLnslo ihe hed ad lte nsing we all ioy h.Lmc E to hod ad ru@bs .,6d widr rhe 2001 \ou seelouE Ddis Tlaik Wft lhc odt &0S6 in sociav D{'3drS fan i6. Deds PNt e q,Pdulrs tG u mei! s6d6(re&Lel.nDor We Pro"tde BrY "r lbd tu r drny bs! bMM d l]1e srpp'{l sc receirc liru idi\iduls ed sqps li(c Yd DovidM- irt"l, Dir.dot Tle Looln Bed da or n** l6ds lile-do alwrls loled ms ad te'ing lid f@d bed nmb; He e+6ialy loved dn€dog th. ]llmi Bod ,1lhc sldk c@tt lair Hc sas sedl, sn4n*d rdPleed unalbe bad l dcd tu rhe Rerocl ed Pl,)ed r gftlst Y(U t!@sh1fuln6,s sratl) rp9rNred larls Jari' Rob 's? d"d Rafi Rarlss dnd Fdnib r,-r'i,r u"+" We lLs b@d. I]re r.E bud. dd odtqs of tte J. Bate Si@ cnia 2ooo Mil*.Mie B.*ball prosor wi$ !o lI0( lou tu !N sul,Pd As s kn(N. rc {e . no{,rofn oSEizlio. od n $ dlyu ! tic srppor1.fPrtros skn.s I@ iL,t se N ;ble ro ml uc sith dis !r$rm. Fel liec TIek rd ld YN .oltrhdo to the swli co66 HDsrlrd F(E You lhonehttul gi t" rl'i're TLe Lmcoln CI3ss ol 1960 e\1ads N sitrdc "iI b;lD us E N o_soos llrNo tbe ltlfcae' y You Drte CoE of Srd[ tu $rrot hus6d fr Assialio rhrls 10 rle Almn N aodr jd clr. i!1um 5!611 lnrl.s 30 to ne Roat l and St"lf of th. S.c.H f F sE"n &d DL'\ S€ll ld rtddi.g m Sdudrv Thmt !d so !4 u d 'nE s$old$rp R6 3 erai.a dd 10 D,v. s.hem.nskv ad ptoidig lls su!n*. Md is a srd rudat ed ' {mtlqlni 0dtabelstdN aiti!3! Thcrmimwls. fN<bv orallm" of fd tri$ dauellr ro be $ PrNd oa TLdk,!ou sdolaliP r"q)'d old liiods laDl ydn .spin fr vN pan i! IMmi F s[ ws, CLHSAA Darid )tl, Itildr, Dr.elot we re w4DDg uP ou 9o_0n ldol 1s xd rddbtra l-hG v,t. hJ!. srppored c wc ar Cde Sl Jos.pb S&ol u+ ro&5 \'u nu''r tn lne dddro ioDudr* I'mls l( frtr ti$rs Wc s' i r- ; or ohio hrr6 d hosq,h\ ho'l's ".-' "sa ' m tr tdrrcls d dre bcluled rU tr" L";h disd. 'o,I E\$U m a Pr.ud'61 LHs s5d ad N $. JG{?I S&ol dlc {e "nE@ ad srai hehing \o 1..? {rc +inl alrle! S.n l,a Po.ci Gtillin '61 , Libtutia Xatd eqtn, S"ht.lso" '6u. Chan D.boruh tloot Whit.'73 Scholarship Raffle 2001 Chip Conde168 As all Lincoln alumni know' February is Abe's birth month and the month of the annual CLHSAA Scholarship Reverse Rafile. At 6:30 p.m. on February 8 (not his actual birthday), rafile ticket holders began to assemble al the Four Winds Reslaura . This year q/as a little diferent in that we increased the number of tickets 6old from 200 to 225. Even with the increase, the event was a sellout. Quite a few tickets wEre sold through the mal, but many wEre also sold locally. As a result, 131 people attended ihe dituler. As usual the Four Winds and Tim Brendle, the owner, did a fabulousjob serving us a fine meal. The rafrle started immedrately afier dinner. The first held by Ron Wontell, and so it ticket drawn eliminated Judge Mary }!ent. The 26th Falvey; the 72nd drawn eliminated C-hip and Krthy Conde (so much for being Chairman); the 83rd ticket eliminated Jon and Kar€n Samuelson (so much for being President of the Associalion): l72nd ticket, Jarct Weir Creighton (so much for being County Auditor). On it Bent, the l88th eliminated Jim and Margene Osboro; the 202nd eliminated Judge Sara Lioi. Finally wE wEre down to the last ten tickets. All but two tickets *€re ticket eliminated Jerry SI}der, Doly \Mlirm, Chic Wav.n Brc r Stolt n P.tt, RGs ras represented, so the elimination had to continue- After two more tickets were pulle4 the remaining eight represented tickets decided to take the "a11 for one" approach. These eight finalists divided the Grand Prize Congratulations to them all. equaily. r54 who special thaflk you to Genld Williams purchased a block of tickets and indrcated that any money won by tho6e tickets would go to the benefit of the Scholarship Fund. His ge$erosity and that of the other raffle participants allo$€d us to have one of the most A successful raffles thus faf- Thanks for everyone s support and help. Ptan onjoining us next year al lhe Four Winds Tom Irrlt r '46. &dr Moorehoc. '46, tnd D.l€ Rddb.ir, "17 Classmates Meet for on February 7,2002. Il Lunch traye Moore staugh '52 getting restaurants for yeais. The first Wednesday for dinner at different 1952 have been together Members ofthe Ctass of get (and together. AII agree ils alvrays great fun, ifs not alvrays the same ladies) ladies of every month between six and eight monfi to month, and they say a lot can happen from so there is never a lime when the conversation lagsl The rounne changed a bit in August 2000 when they met for a luncheon reunion with classmales from out of state. They nlei lo lalk over good, old times wilh Donna Santacroce Rehfus and Crrol Harpst Coleman. Donna, a Lincoln najorette, was in Canton from Satellite Beach. Florida, for a fanrily qr'edding. Carol lives in Reddrng California, and she played the clarinet with our Lincoln Band. Both gals will be back in to$n in 2002 forlheir 50th year reunion. The ladies say thai they all enjoyed lheir high school days and still enjoy lhese fionthly get togethers. Most are fiembers oflhe Lincoln Alumni Associalion and €ncourage everyone member. I to become a Dod, EvrE D[69.r, Dolm S.b.Be Ohn.n. Au Polomto wtlght J6nM.st EKolbl,DoMs.nt .meRehlrtM.ryLrPddMitLulh.n Ludle Olivien C,prrno. Lyo Moore Sr.!sh, cftol Il,IPta Colm.h Events Calendar "WINDOWS of OPPORTUNITY" 2001 Heritage Christian School Windows 2000 Campaign Update NhyT Board Meeting* 7:00 PM May 17-20 Mon& Carlo Night3 Centoo Moosc Julre 4 Borrd Mectingr 7:00 PM July 9 July 24 Board Mectiog' 7:00 PM ScbohBhip Awerds Receptio[ Westmitrs&r Presbytariatr Jdy 2a Caurrh H.ll 7:00 PM Colf Scrmblc 8:004M July 29 Spriog Vrlley GoIf Cou13€ flOF Kick-Ofi Parade I M.roon & Gold ',33-150 Dsy Spring Vdlej, Golf Course & WindsorHell Aug.4 HOtr Gratrd Prade Aug.6 Board Me€ringr 7:00 PM Aug.28- Stad( County Feir Booth Aug. S€p. 3 Sep. l0 Sep.20 Oct I Nov.5 Nov.zl Nov. 24 1 D€c.3 D...5 Drc. Grro&trnd Bo{rd Meeting' 7:00 PM Annurl Gener.l Meetitrg & ]lSA Rolaodois R€strurrtrt 7:00 PM Borrd Meetingr 7:00PM Borrd Meetiog* 7t00 PM Annud I)strce - Public W€lcoln€ McKirley RooE 8:00 PM Caototr Civi. Cetrter Holid.y Gift Shopritrg.r Holidry cift Shopping,* Board Meeting* 7:0O PM fioliday cift Shoppiog .. IO AM.2 PM .. 715 Wertz Avc. NW Readers will remember that last spring an articte appeared about the Windo*s 2000 Carnpaigt conducted by Heritage Christian School, owners c'f the former Lincoln High School building. As an update, you will be happy to know that the project was completed on August 12, 2000, ahead of schedule and paid ill tull by the completion date. All orignal windows throughout the building were replaced, and all windows received new blinds creating a uniform look throughout. The project received support from Lincoln alulnni, from Heritage families, stafr. and alumni, from outside businesses, and gmnts from area foundarions. A "Window Celebration \.!as held on September 28, 2000, at the school. Chip Conde,.ras there to represeni CLHSAA. The following lis! oflincoln Alumni donors appears on a plaque in the main hallwayl Clrss of 1944 Class of 1955 of 1945 Class of 1960 of 1946 Class of 196l of 1947 Class of 1973 of r94s Class of 1974 Nanette DeMu€sy, Teacher ln Honor ofPa* Stulents - Roon 306 Jednrszewski Family '66,'67 ,'69,'7O, t7 4 In Mehoty ofThohas B. ,Izdnasrews.ki Class Class Class Class Chemistry l eachet 1963- 1976 William & Betry Jane Logan'45 Stanley & Barbara Mihelick ,46 Ronald & Rena Tinlin ,46 Joanne Reikowski i47 William Jr. & Marine Logan'73 Robert & Collcen Logan '74 In a letter to the association, the Director of Development, Greg McAbee, wrole the followingr "This project could not have been possible without the suppon olthe Lincoln Alumni Associalion. We appeciate their enlhusiasm ?lnd love for thek former school buildin& It is in good hands with Heritage Christian School " 2002 L\.7 Bo.rd Meetiogr 7.00 PM trcb.4 treb.7 Borrd Mecting. 7:00 PM Schol.rslip Rsfilc 6:30 PM Four Winds I Apr. I Mrr. Bo.rd R.itrurrot M.ctitrg. 7:00 PM Borrd Mccting* 7100 PM t&oea M.dnw s. h.ld d 715 Ydl. Aw N w. TF rom.r CLIISAA prrdrlorr .d tI. qrmr pr.dd.nr .tladd th. \IlndoB 2000 D.dtqdor Cdmon, rr Llncotn (.r, E rit c.r D cond., K.rn c.rd,. S.mrc$rq .nd Su. B.rg sca g.) a Echoes ofLincoln 2001 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Crawford Fuel & Oil Eub-Victor Trophies & Awards Johnnies Bakery of Canton Kreighbaum-Sanders Funeral Homes W. L. Logan Trucking 17. DONATIONS BEQUESTS \Mthout doubt, CLHSAA has Bookkeeper of one of lhe best scholarship programs around. Nol bad "Echoes of Lincoln" is Dedicated to the Memory of All considering our school has been closed for twenty-five years! The success of the program depends on money rajsed through fund raisers, memberships, Deceased and contributions. The CLHSAA Scholarship Fund has received some charitable Alumni and Friends donalions. but the one aaea lhat has not yet yielded funds is the last vvill and testament of a Lincoln alumnus. If you are thinking of making a revision of your will, you may Wsh to remember the CLHSAA Scholarship Fund. Of course, a donalion made during your lifetime is ah^ays welcomeand preferredl Contribulions of any amount are appreciated and are vital to lhe continued success of lhe program. See the fonn below . Canton Lincoln Lombardi Bros., Inc. Concrete Contractor Kay N. McRoberts This Edition of Eigh School aod t4rchers L Ie BarLss (88) I n/u) Henry Millet (74) 12/11/00 Georye Toot I/2Lm 09) SCHOLARSHIP f,'UND DONATION and/or MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTION Tey deduclible don tions can be made to the CLHSAA Scholarship tr\nd by simply filling outthis form and retuming it with your check to: CLHSAA, P.O, Box 20192, Canton, OH 44701 Merrill Lynch Fred Olivieri Construction Co. ADDRESS CTTY, STATE, ZIP AMOUNT Reed Funeral Home IN TIONOR CI,ASS YEAR I IORMEMORYJIOIT CL,ASS Stanbro's Draperies Terrigan Construction Windsor Hall, Inc. SEND NOTICE OF DONATION TO TAMILY'? IF YES, PLEASE }ROVIDE I'AI\fiLYIS ADDRESS IAAR YI]'SI I NOI ] Eol6€d OT]RMAILBAG b€ is ey ctllsAr( mdl's$b fwdd N cls HEo f(m Ilad $ n wdnd hv€ ou 50U. Ihf6t@rlly. i18a sd.dded d . loc&ed to {ta lI* rh. cLHsM wi(h a chec* i! a@ny of lvh. 8,y16 Asidio's Sdola*b IEd EdsriD.Eoi.tr.rr6a ceid.olI 1o h€ used ftr th. @ileote @ ay p!d. tb,r sde dmy ffic nav€ bmrebidlsofs.h6ldS!,s I wd suprisatlo s de la6 n@ Drltd SDoNdle., cla. ol'49. W. iDd gee to sdol a1 $. Jo6rL lbrol! Li8t sd@l !o!d!d. I sdnil lave lik d to dod lh. tuio ev6 ifju{ 10 € stro sd sil wirL B Tolav€ se q* rc{qi.ta6 wilh fridds frm 50 y€6 aao !I of D, clasndB wodd have tE invhcding. I wqnd [ke to thali ya.,.I@i!s @y]Dg abdn t[is sljm. K..p lrp lh. sood wq(. 11 is sredly eea lnNd n My Lave ba a sho*l Ma]6e n is Lhooh is lry @eid.rl I wat 1o Euope in '73 h& io .mdl,E Lc s we *ft. eia *e *a. 4d 1o5. arr dt d wirL dfye.. I wol 10 9. ymg ed bqlninnl To laot< hrs love. W6e J6.?h g6dE sdol...l[o ro colral tno 10 reevq so im(@12 Nie to s tna1 Nm D.Mudy Lin@h Eigh ay }d6 y@. I lave lrieJ ed t icd Did y@ ev6 wodi $hy y@ to.* , dN in hieb is sil ieairs h tdd wil! h6 (udat' I to locde sde of my old iiadt, bd I @t fod ln@ sd6t lLd you wdnd lrcbably trelq w? J(Mdlis r@mb€haIrm lida pndi6 Alw4s1!o8]rt (ne is N.n , Grtn i.y, ednaBob M! rlt clnd T.y'.r'7r Tam, WA wa &e da I r..* t@e I rc.Iy didrl wat to tsle she ednd ffne ! bok anod N @kabl. ladd loril yd F,g,jA. Ihe lo@lcdsF l.y uLsed ud Mrs Rut[ Cog.n. W.[. I h.?e to t€ abl. to s '&tuk ltr tne emn s6od th. Lin6h wcb sire It 1992 vlLa I wa .ledat ro tne Bo.rd of At o sc of ay dasst6 nl lne frnu€ Mayb. d @ loots s!..1! (ird d wid I ha6't olicted o the wl]m's city clut Sm a0d benrs aodfied rbd I hclB€d !l@ lDd 0y de.k fft ny ndt{Sb dr6 i! CLESAA &il a rladid (aben a mal eq bd a dndi@ d ey td€) fr lhe sdda$b nnd I d evilg se 'ie.U6' nr ou Jo(L Rmio of dre cr.s o,19!0. I e in hi8[ [c?6 ofsr,&ias it b5ck L ceid fe l[e ele6rslio. Thdls fG keahs s dU infm.d rhdn vA.1's goi"g m. ILcp€ Iwill t ableto linc 11 ws€ pnd itrtq.dils is 10 s SOMEE-MAIL Mdio?aaE T@ tmy good 6ia&!av€ ptsat o. I u n@ E{ir.d 6m wdtj,g fd lhe Etrcls.d y@ wijl fEd a ahe.k in t[e uN1 of "ovdnqol *il! Voie of Abaie s6@ I wG .dnd d lh. nolbly BuUdio. Tbis is a l6?.8e a*daa lh4 gc to a[ 1000 Dqb6 Al 6al $50 ehid ir a r@ei,l fr J.ht Drr63. Itr. re*Gible Itr the w ad f.edhs oa atdl 750 ndat I tnw v&y I nad &{6a ro uke htb s.hNl Bayl6 *a 6 rBidal ,1 cbto Re3ocy ld 3i\ ldg. Iwr tub6 usd h lbdn I50 nollc limi[6. Sme oflh* t!b6 wethed Dd. 1[e joralis. ed sine lLa d6y meth I lLak the ye6 ad *ill be s.dly ei$€n Id.. Held ssal dh6 iolN pritr 10 voa bcludnrs ln&y da rhd r€d m 31 rLal tim. By nN I lave lhe Bodl. J.&on, Ac@m(! Mgr. RcA (radas, dc), I{o€]av.U (Arolo 9,e rolnhe !6y w.u .sahrished ed ,lt of6e mtribu!6 C"nbn R.g{c, R.drem.nt C6t r dljols), Masnavox (rdbae), ad No16rc? of N. Lhe abaid of E (addi8 to tld) Buldi! bs n v6 ld*ed bds. liols to {re EnclNd y@ wil fnd , ti@,lid lo lhe CLIISAA onlm (AWACS trmitlq). My sit6, \,14 . JohMn ErI.y. gBdBted in h@ledge ofjdhalis I wa t uebl at Lin@Il Hjsh sdola$ip 6Dd Tnis is mad€ in b@try of Mr. .d Sd@l. (Io lb. B of Ey llmory, I iavat cvo J€rd hlis. I ws a n obq of th. Li!@h Eid r51. I f@etLd yN e.mn b n6 $ y@ may [@ usd the h@ledse frG lmy d nY ollege N s&olbadtm 1962-1966. Behg a 6ed norb6 nGte5@. Thels,$in fe mtadidge u^ a vqy i4cta1 p{t of uY hislr sd@l w.lt (Bud) Johnsn '50 Sprhsfiel4 vA nad b€ nflly eleded pr6dal 4Id1 to a* ( rerue$) lbat I wddd be tie elsled. thc ibf{m Dc (nd Jn$lt D., C.rl$n'.t6 Greahss my nm CA expaiae dd Abuquerquel EnclGed plere lhd grc.l d6 ad doalie to lls s.nohs[ip MHb nod I fel bad $n I hale Id loud win 3lbod NEyo. I loo .t Li!@b IIid sdml, e if eyde dn1[6.s rd6b6nqpl@wid tud,.delo Wd,leyo onylilesire Linah. to<& De 30 &meD Bosdd('so w' covn,. y@i, hlr I lDaly er..il.1sl tm I1 @U.sF Mr. 1t.y16 &ov. N to b€ b.dr ltre we lhouebl *e @ld be we ply€d &d ajoyed ruic. IMded i. a p,cind m.hils b@d. dol lo@ d (Ron) Cl1n'64 Wilisbu& vA Su., (Sue AD) Esh.r MID.r'62 I hcpe llG is fd r..i! I edrld lov. lo reivc lh. Ecro a we)l a ay almi/cts raEi@ ilfcDdi@. Th@& yd fG ffirins m.. E@ did y@ fEd dy .reil atli'rs? Atrnvay, pl@ €d &y iofo. Y6, I would lov.lo l@te: su.G.dd Pdidn. srdth trm my clN of M.Fh. G@46 GIL$I '64 6 1964. Y6.I h,v. oov.d a ld sine movhs qrt hee lt is de ddatiG to 6e eiola$b frn', Id a sr.rt pl,e 1o liv. e.l lcpdrly w. will sdle o lbc CLESAA lbd s6. givo dir.dlylou. Jrd w6 1Ie'plde 16|ire. \lha I sa a nhrre cf,tioe 10 AMAZED d cle ad& J.n6 &clcd alw.ys hdded v,Aa ee d ln ftuq nud,ors &. grNing nmbq of srols vN *old {rnel]D c virn hjn Lilab Hisb Sd@l gi!.. F&la{ic! what a wodd6n Bay 10 keq rhe de.ys @incd lcuod nr ljs hdi &d nr his Ln@h led brDing briehl (.e rp lte so.d woir I ele hav. sredjcb *i& the Liddn w.b page. [q adivin6 ed pmjedr. e+eialty the aDbiliN ad My Lub&d D@is ad I wil &lebrde ou 30lh mod snqG sdola6iip proere Also, thibr jus miwsay thb y6 dos *ilb d 1wo bsulitul !u oey Giaddbs ol fimd clasde hav. b6 dausbG ed lb. qlei sretlle m e2rl!. (o(. $ rckitrdled lhMe! you vry fid. dqil! K€a ltre 'p aood adkl P.S. Could yN grve @ tpd.re o Ue (.? w t[e good wdk .f givins ou1 e{olaSjps I prcjd ro repl@ llc wirdo,s nr &. LHS bu!dnr8? fc Ge t!@ h@ iioptui t[et el Dwid L. SpoB.{er',19 r'tr Arbd. M1 N.nc, J..obs Kirl(P.gid('69 Albuquqque. NM lE.lito/s NoE: Pl..ue see nory on PdAe ] 6.1 aqdd,ql Plee B $10 oflhc ad6.d &c& Itr Dy d!6 @d eply t!. balDe 10 a lli-Thets fo fatling mll Whde 6i8b1 I nad ntrd fe€dbac( yDu l@ive ,hdn t[@ da9,16 thd ae nd m .it!d 1962 6 L61 Echo.s otli col".l18,ldlik to(oeasa ) G*od lic2 Lt. Clidi. Sl.rm od Ndl St.U.rz 1 ny w@ed c.@limets to ,o ad eyo. €ls m e tleliShsl yN e dobs thiHd it i6dr $ I wirh a BS nr c(fu@ity }I{al! Edrcilio i! involved sitl 'Eche.^ It is lruly a joy to rad t[. D.c.ob6 1999. Orasoa c@ hude. no 16.) 1a nss abdl. ed k16 ffm. t[e alllmi of N n@ lh. Dr.d6 a{ Tobad cotrol Proarm fr lhe sladidLigh s.nol ^Edc^ is srcly a !ry lase Absi@ LEsAsi,rid of Ns Mdico. So.ifyN fod6 in m&ihnli4 lo rhe v{y aes$n dN snc&o QL[Tl-ed peolr sNaae yN lms to ramrG. s wel s to aI rhe otb- LES .llmi E.ho.s olli"coln ItaksfGth. e-eil. Yd ed dayde do€ r57.d Er8lf,I *dnd bv€ b wne fc the nasl.66. I @dbd. trticle fm u codaay peq &d lnd n nh 10 do. In fad, ${81 a sood ids fd &. fm6 cndots 6a1lav. moled avay n@ N Lddom ro trn. abdn vA* 1hcy live z@ ed vAy. Calo DorbB.r* I e w. r'd r. ax awe, s 1 @ lh.l rhe ta. ft&t yo fc k ?hs the *i slive! wl.i happy ans. .duc.ti6. &d paiidnaly th. rui..1 so slad y@ @rrd€d a. rt[ink n is a gred lnine t@ri6 ib. ,.r, brings I @ riu s Did{ mEiy .f Cet@ dd aD of nonhesm ohio yd hrv. .Lne r y@ lave ay o1d Echoet, pl@ B.mh..g.rhlLdstjn. he alebratio folding his lavc lod a nod resl.d€d &red, badada. ed sd lLd io n. I w6 in lhe LES Bad &d a go.d L@! d.f..d of Mcknl.y to.k lbe f(m of , s3p- Dotc *il! 1[e mr ?Nins of A. J.rn D.r6. I iiod ofBob D.r6. Theks t3Bin. dive f6 6e wr Efct I alua's imsitral Md's nav. D.v6 6ad. il a sgd thal he a6-by fd-Dy dudy .luiiim la kdle lued ilto a P-38. we favtrne. &d the nod influotial, of a[ of the M6.d to lle S$re ir dtutM Cate ad ld a e{ircit6 I have lud t[. c?pduny b *!tly udr Thols ftr fEding 6.. 1I@ didyo s.1my @il tigpila h Lad bm rredided thal Linoln would lE dringmy lifdine Mrcb of sial I dtod.y. I w. adib6? Th ls fq yd h.b, ad I lo.li fln{d to 30{. so N sd6 tic *$ . "odal vido.y.' in pan b 6y fNdeir. lcquinlee ad rcivbs &e @ililgs tm yo. l wodd be pletsed Thd&s .8ain fc dl yN hdd wok ,sislio wilh Jqd Bayls I. dms nny. will 10 sd alos a mlrit'nio bleh pay oaG. Calo.OE PolrE.ncci.yra5 ais hin. I{ tte re1@3. I wdnd U(e lo p.6al wilu I liv.d clm ED.h.ugh lo '5a hclr. Bob Mur@do. TN REUNIONS IN 2OO{ 'The Greatest Generation' Letrs talk-- GLASS OF 1946 - 55th REUNION Plcnlc .t [. canlon Elks Dinner at Executive crterlng coitTAcT: 330rt99-3t147 330-,4554,103 Paul Blohm CLASS OF 195I - soth REUNION all.vantr at the Four Salurdry, Augu6t 25 Sund.y, Auguet 25 PolnlsShsaton Holel Banquel Brunch The be6t )€a$ at Lincoln - '43 outstardingl We helFd win the war,'.&t vl€re'Rosie the Ri!€ter,' e \rerc the peaaemakers, and the homernakers. We caflle ftorn foundrng ftthers and immigrants to give our I best to our country and to future genemtions. Heyl We've got a lot to talk about! Pleare join us, the true 'survlvors' (lalk about reality T\). Your committee is putdag a v?onderfol day together- Wed@sday, August 1, 2001. Jir Mcvay 430421776 CLASS OF 1956 - 45th REUNION 22 Dlnner at Rol.ndo'. R6taurant 330{7lso53 D.va FourE co TACT: saturday, Septmber KarenToohoy !30-19/L3404 GLASS OF {961 -40th REUNION s.turday, July 28 Oinner/D.nce at Congre83 Lakc CC COI{TACT: Xar€n Tren.ry Fa.hbaugh GolI at Spring Valley, 5851 Breezehill Roa4 S.W, Canton. Price is $19 and includes shot gun start, lunch (provided by Mike santangelo '46). l/2 ca( and sack Dinn€r & Music at Windsor Ha[, 2651 Columbus Roa4 N.E., Canton. Price is $3o/couple or $ls/single. Social Hour 6:0G7:00 p.m-, dinner 7:00 pm., mulic by B(ib Hill Orchestra 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. Beer and set-up6 provide4 BYOB. Dress is spon coat/dre$y casual. Dinner compliments of Mike Santangelo's Catering Fo1lorl.up letter with sp€cific informalion coming soon. Dqdline for reservations July 15,2001. Send checkB to Janet Crerghtor\ 17 t5 North Pointe Drive, N.W., Canton, OH 44708. 3304533355 ch.rbs a Evelyn lHlobee) Calhoun 33o-a37-2143 Baxter Grade School Reunion Carole Hunker Hughes'51 CLASS OF 1966 - 35th REUNION Held l.st year ln conlunciion Bith the Cla33 of 1965 CLASS OF 1971 - 3oth REUNION No in,om.Ion .vell.ble CLASS OF 1976 - 25th REUNION s.torday, Augurl 18 Sundry, Auguat 19 Golfoullng COITACT: D.vclveba Dinner/Dance C.don Hihon Hdlel 33o{554!ll CONGRATULATIONS! "Class of 1951" Canton Lincoln High School As You Gelebrate Your 50th An n iversa ry Reu n ion Here il is, boys and girls, the long a$aited, eagerly anticipated, not to be missed Baxter Grade School Reunion. The firsl ttrD reunions lvere such successes it !€s decided to have a lhird. So, if you \ /ere a student at Baxter during the years of 1929 - '1990, find your $/ay back to 13lh Street S.W. and join all the southr,\,est-end kids for an aftemoon oI reminiscing and rene$ing friendships. You CAN go back to childhood aoain-if only for a day. This event is being held on Sunday, May 20, 2001. The hours are 1:30 to 5:00 P.M, A greal aftemoon meeting with old classmates is in store for you. 2OO2 REI]MON CI"ASS OF 1952 soth YEAR Rf,UMON r'our Winds rridry, August 16 S.trrday, Augwt 17 Bmokside C. C. - Surdry, August 18 CoNTACT: Lucille olivieri Capu.no Erurch-TEA 330.rl71.1554 Frye Moore St.ugh 330192-6173 E Mril to [email protected] CLASS ol r95! REUMON C.rcl Pr.to Dtui!, Ricn Cd{rrBky, Do r DeMrrdro D.c.ti.llls, S.I, MooE Ic.s. Dom. ChopsD Brddu, c.ry Lov., Rog.r Dsa (NM6 ca,AssES ol 196! & 1965 Ridr Th.hFon, D.v. Scn{.nrf,r, Pegsi Roh.n Mi CLASS ol r96L REIrNION IES) c.tnnt> worl{nin, Ilorh€n Oover, M.y W.lr. L!cr, Ifll, Prilcr, oEn, S.h.no c, Believe it or not, a stash of Lincotn High Schoot band hats has been found. These beautiful, fuzzy, maroon hats are being offered to you as memenloes of the good old days at Lincoln. (You really don'l have lo have been a band member to appreciate the sentiment herel) Those who remember such things tell us that lhe hats ,.!ere used bet,.leen 1972-1976. Besides the senlimental issue, the hats might make excellenl additions to your holiday costume collection, interesting conversation pieces, or, better yel, gI94 centemieces for vour nex reunion or get togeiher. (They are in fine condilion, by the !/ay.) This beautiful headgear can be yours for a donation of only $5 each or $10 each if shipping is required. lf interesled in purchasing one or more of these band hats, please contact the alumni association personally; or,trite to CLHSM, PO Box 20.192, Carton, OH 44701 slating the quantity desired and enclosing a check payable to CLHSAA_ .nd MB. cnr.tromt Er guBti .i lhe CLASS ol 1950 - 5{xh YEAR R!UMoN hdrl .c Brcor{ddc Comt?t CIob D.rir, LBUq R..d LHS BAND HATS FOR SALE RILNION Tom, rhom, Jn Dmmit Planning a Reunion? PLEASE let the Alumni Association know about your reunion AS SOON AS YOUR PLANS ARE KNoW\I. We will publicize your event, provide updated address lisls, and give you mailing labels FREE OF CHARGE. Jusl conlact us early! ALSO, please let us know if you voutd tike CLHSAA souvenirs al your event. The souvenir committee will be more lhan happy to brino a variety of things for your classmales to purchase. ALL REUNION CHAIRMEN - ptease send updates of your class rosters to lhe association after your reunion. Vlhen your reunion is over, send us a note about the reunion and a photo of a $0a![ Oroup, including the names of those pictured. (Sony, space does nol permit lhe publication of large photos of the entire group.) lf you send jt, r,1E !,!i publish it in next yea/s issue of Ecroes . 2l Echoes of Lincoln Canton Lincoln High School Souvenirs l- Item Size Color Price Ball Cap - mesh back Ball Cap - wool adjustable 6.00 adjustable 10.00 Long sleeve T-Shirt Alumfli logo M, L, )(L T-Shirt - Lion transfer 1t.00 , oflincoln L, )o- x)(L, )oo(L Sfleatshirt - Lion transfer L,X- Swealshin - Alumni logo L. x)oo ).L 10.00 10.00 maroon Golf Shirt S, M, L. )C- X)CL, )g- only Pullover Windbreaker Gofumbrella - Lion logo GolfBalls - Lion logo Go|fTowDl - Lion logo ** wooden Replica ofLHS Matted Picore ofLHS Coffee Mug (Not shippable) Christmas Omament** Key Chain ** Liflcoln Pen ** Lion Bookmark 8 x l0 overall Lion design *t ** NO Shipping Charge Requir€d l1_00 11.00 17.00 18.00 marcon or white 19.00 20.00 21.00 gray dmar acnts 25.00 gray w/pldacnts 25.00 maroon or*fiite 19.00 20.00 )ofl-, )oocGolf Shirt 12.00 16.00 x)(-, xx)(L L, )o- only L only L, XL Pnce 9.00 sray xr(L, Sweatshin - Lion logo Sweatshirt - plaid arm bands Color 9.00 x)o-,)ooflT-Shirt - Property Size maloon or $hite 10.00 )fi)(L M, L, )()o(L Qtv. white Wmaroon & gold trim marcon maroon & $/hite sleeve 6.00 30.00 31.00 35.00 in color t2.oo in color 6.00 5.00 9.00 gold metal gold ltliroon 21.00 25.OO eaoh 2.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 200 Sub-Tot&l Ohio Resideotr Ooly =Add 5.259l. Sales Tar Add Shipping Charge to all orders 1*ercept where not required 5.00 Tord Encloled Mril completed orderform and checks made payable to CLHSAA to: CLHSAA, P.O. Box 20192. Canton. OH 44701 Please print: citylst elzip E-Mail Ifrouhave a s ggestion for sonething not list.d here, please inq irc obout the possibility ofit being nade available . C.L.H.S.A.A. ANIIUAL MEMBERSHIP F'ORM 2OO1 (FOR INDMDUAL MEMBERSI PS = $10 ANNUALLY) PLEASE! ODlr oEpersoh per application fom Photocopy thisform ot codacr fie as$ociarionfot additionsl copies 310 check parable to CLHSAA /o: CLHSAA, P.O- Box 20192, Quedions to P.O. Box ot Web Site hdp:// sers.speedynetne//-lidcoln MAIL this fom alons with yout Canto4 OH 41701. YES,I lvant to help "Keep the Spirit oflincoln Alive!" My S l0 check for my 200l annual membership is enclosed. I am not a Lincoln graduate, but I attended these years: I am a frie.d ofLincoln Lalt Name Maiden Name First Name Address City zip State E-Mail Home Phone Cla!s Please proeide the infor,r'ation below if appnpiare. I afi en lcAir.g _ I I I I I for the Scholarship Fund. a tox de,lucrirle donation of $ lrant to volunteer to run for office. Please b€ specifici want to be a part of the Alumni Band. Callmeat( ) want to volunteer for a conrmittee or aclivity. If a specific one, please name it: would like to write an article for a future issue oftcloes of Litlcoln. want to advertise my business to Echoes oflincol, readers. Call me at ( ) AI\NUAL ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP FORM 2OO 1 C.L.H.S.A.A. oOR YOUR BUSINESS = $20 ANNUALLY) Please pwide the infomation ftquened and rctun' alo,tg x,ith row $20 check 2001 Annual Associale Membership. Make lour check parable ro CLESAA and nail to: CLHSAA, P.O. Box 20192, Canton' OH 41701. Quedions to P.O. Box or Web lot S e hnp://usersspeebnetne{-lincoln Maiden Your Name Company Narne Phone Address State City fue you zip an LHS gaduate? Are you already an individual men$er of CLHSAA for the curent year? E-Mail Years? t Echoes of Lincoln 23 ' Hf,LP!!!! Th€ CLHSAA is s€eking a3sistance from anyone who might know the wher€about$ of thc following graduales or clals memben. If you can help us locite thesc individuals, ple$e cofiact Dave schemansky ('66), 5323 Ridge Ave. SE, Catrlor OH {,1707, 330-18,1-.1826 or e-mail <oubobcat/alnm'rr.com>. 1972 ' . Shirley ATKINSON; Debbie BARBOUR; Rick BRAHLtr& Mike BRAMLETT; L]'nda BROGAN; xattrryn CHURCH Moreland; Diana CROSS; Mark CROWE; Lydja DAWSON; John DAY; Jackie EDWARDS; Frank EVANS; Marianne FRYE; Carol GALLENTINtr; Vince HENDERSON; Barbara IHINGER Christian; Harold JOY; Russ KAUFFMAN; Lynn LANTRY; Elaine LEONAKIS; Demetria LEONAKIS; tuchard T MALLETTi Brenda MARION; Ron MARTIN; Carla MAYLE; Vicky MCCAULEY; Robert MCMAHO Debbie MILLER Gray; Russ MILLER; Susan MOYER; Pat MURRAY; David P NICHOLS; Lou AIm PASCARELLA Karimbadi; Susan RAIDER Miller; Mike ROBERTS; Gary ROIrD; Dana SONNTAG; Linda STEVENS; Lucy STEWART Muller; JeffTUCKtrR; Nona TUCKE& Marc WAGNER; Ruby WILT Powt Ken WYNN; Diane ZIMMERMAN Patch 1967 BALL; James BARNHART; Elaine BDHM Bartley; Da!'rd BORGNER; Louise BURGER Johnson; Carol CARTER Dunbar; Joseph CICE; Dermis CUNNINGHAM; Bonnte HENRY; Larry HOOSE. Ronald HUFF; Judy JACKSON; Linda JOHNSON Bracken; Charles JONES; Christine LUKAS Spacht; Don MASON; Ron McCARTY; Susan K MCCLINTOCK Gogle; Patricia MILLER Laura MILLER Humphrey; Joanne MOCHER Schmi&; Lois MORROW; Sharon O'BRIEN; Greg PAVELL; Gary PETERSON; William RO! William SCHOTT; Pegg/ SCOTT; Ra)Tnond VALENTINE; Mila Sue WALKER; Charles WtrBSTER 1962 Edward BRANDSTETTER; Jeanette BRITZMAN; Peter ANDDRSON; AITKINS; Thomas ADAMS; Leonard Helene BROOKS Gano; Frank BUNEVICH; Rebecca DEIWtrRT; L.ester DOME& Joyce FOLTZ; Thomas GUIRRERI; Clarence HOLMAN: Janice HUFF Myers; Faith JONES Small; Sandra LAWRENCtr Walter David D LEE; Sandra LEWIS; Gary McATEE; Charles MCCLELLAN; Randv MCFAITDtrN; Charlotte MILLER Sufton: Ruth MORALIS; Judith MURPHY Spivey; Karol ROGERS Bailev; Rormie SMITH; Dan SMITHT Robert SUTHERLAND; Carol SWICK Norris; John THOMPSON; RichardWILLIAMS Dale 1957 John DIENST; Phillip GOLITBtrRG; Marlene CUEGOLD Miskimen; Robert HOWERTER; B€,ttv JACOBSI GaiIJOHNSONi Linda JOSSIE Long; Helen Kay MURRAY Meola; Pat PURCELL; John RICHARDS; Harvey RINEHART; Bill ROSHONG; Carol],n SELLS Schreiner; Beverly SOPTELEAN; Susan TAYLOR Clousr WALKER: Sally WOLFE; Carol YAUS 19s2 Kenneth BAILEYT Joyce BOUGHTON Black; Donna Mae BREEDLOVE; Donna GREGORY Scheaz; Tom HORNBECK; Joan JOHNSTON Wayrnan; Evelyn KUKICH Tedrick: Conni€ MAJORS Willis; Connie MARTIN; Donald H McCOY; Richard MEISTER: Audrey MILLER; William MILLHORN: Jack MITCHELL; Carol PETERMAN; Beverly RICHARDS Schlemmer; James RUSSELL; Marian SHMLY Carter; Rosemary SIMPKINS Swab; Lois THOMAS Richardson; Joan WLSON Florence THOMPSON; Dale C ; ' 1947 Ceraldine ANESHANSLEY Polcari; L)fln Bf,NSON; Wilma CARTER; Juanita COYER; tuchard CRITES; Dolores IMBLy Preacher; Audrey FOx; Jon HANNAHS; Ross HILDEBRAND; Mary HOFFMEISTER; Bob LAWLER: Elaine LUNDQUIST; Jasper MORRISON; Stella PALLIS; Roben POLEN; Dorothy SCHEERE Dean SCHUPBACHi William SEIISHOLTZ; Elaine SPOERKE; Mary Jane WAGENf,R Ifanyone knows ofa Lincoh grad not receiving an Echo, please cont.ct Davc Schemrnsky mailing database can be updated with the appropriate address change. so thrt oul Canton Lincoln High School Alumni Association P.O. Box 20192 Canton, OH ,14701 CLHSAA Preserts LAS VEGAS NITES PAID CHAI{GE SERVICE REOUESTED May l7-18-19-20 Thura., Fri,, Sat, Sun. Canton Mooae Lodge 3300 Parkway St. N.W. Thu.E,, F.i., Sun. Sai. 5:00 PM - ? 3:00 PM - ? Fre€ Food Poke., Black ack, lnstant Bingo Door Prizes OPEN FREE TO THE PUBLIC Cortact: Jim Osborn 330.477-9831 Proc.€ds ,o clrrs,/ll scror.E ip Furd "Keeping the Spirit Alive! I oth Annual LINCOLN ALUMNI t CLHSAA's 1Sth Annual ANNUAL MEETING LINCOLN ALUMNI DANCE & SCHOLARSHIP GOLF SCRAMBLE ALUMNI SERV]CE AWARDS July 28,2OO1 September 20, 20Ol 7:00 pm Spring Valley Golf Course Rolando's Crystal Light Restaurant Shotgun Start at 8:00 A.M, Contact: 330456-8733 330-477-983'l Conde JlmOsborn Chip " Speaker Retieshments Nominationa for 2002 Fun & Fellolwhlp Public \ blcome November 23, 2001 McKinley Room Canton Civic Center Tickels Avallable ln Early ilovember Get Your Tickets by Mail or from the Commitlee Ple.e &lng a Don:tlon of Food or Ca.h lor Chdty