Museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, a new mineral from the gold
Museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, a new mineral from the gold
Eur. J. Mineral. 2004, 16, 835-838 Museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, a new mineral from the gold-telluride deposit of Sacarîmb, Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania LUCA BINDI and CURZIO CIPRIANI Museo di Storia Naturale, sezione di Mineralogia, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via La Pira 4, I-50121, Firenze, Italy Abstract: Museumite, ideally Pb5AuSbTe2S12, is a newly identified mineral from the gold-telluride deposit of Sacarîmb, Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania. The mineral occurs as anhedral to subhedral grains up to 300 µm in cavities and vugs of large nagyágite crystals and it does not show any inclusion or intergrowth of other minerals. The associated minerals are nagyágite, hessite, sylvanite, petzite and coloradoite, whereas the gangue minerals are calcite and quartz. Museumite is dark silver-grey in colour and shows a grey-black streak. It has a perfect {001} cleavage, the fracture is hackly and the Vickers hardness (VHN15) is 42 kg/mm2. Museumite is greyish white in reflected light, with very low bireflectance and pleochroism. With crossed polars it shows distinct anisotropism, similar to nagyágite, but slightly stronger. Internal reflections are absent. Reflectance percentages for Rmin and Rmax are 38.4, 40.3 (471.1 nm), 38.1, 40.1 (548.3 nm), 37.5, 39.4 (586.6 nm), and 35.9, 38.0 (652.3 nm), respectively. Museumite is monoclinic, space group P21 or P21/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a = 4.361(2) Å, b = 6.618(3) Å, c = 20.858(9) Å, β = 92.71(5)°, V = 601.3(5) Å3. The strongest five powder-diffraction lines [d in Å (I/I0) (hkl)] are: 4.80 (52) (013); 3.56 (100) (111); 3.47 (58) ( 112); 2.99 (50) (023); 2.56 (41) ( 116). The average of 25 electron microprobe analyses gave Pb 52.0(4), Au 10.7(1), Sb 6.2(2), Te 11.7(2), S 19.4(2), total 100.0 wt. %, corresponding, on the basis of total atoms = 21, to Pb5.00Au1.08Sb1.01Te1.83S12.08. Key-words: museumite, new mineral, Sacarîmb, Romania, nagyágite-buckhornite. 1. Introduction The new mineral species described herein, museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, is from the gold-telluride deposit of Sacarîmb (the former Nagyág), Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania, a well-known source of rare telluride minerals (i.e., petzite, stützite, krennerite, nagyágite and muthmannite). Although the morphology and chemistry of this mineral resemble those of nagyágite, [Pb2(Pb,Sb)2S4] [(Te,Au)]2, museumite was initially recognised as being a new species, due to its sulphur content, higher than that required by the crystal-chemical formula of nagyágite. The rock-sample containing the new mineral was not found in situ but it is an old sample of the mineralogical collection of the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, bought by the former Director of our Museum, Giuseppe Grattarola, in 1890’s from the Geol. Company of Geneva, and labelled “nagyágite, Nagyág – Transylvanie”. In order to give the proper credit to all museums in the world preserving their old samples with care and accuracy we have named the new mineral museumite. Type-material is housed in the mineralogical collection of the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence under the catalogue number 899/G. The new mineral and mineral name have been approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (2003-39). 2. Occurrence The Sacarîmb gold-telluride deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania. Although now close to exhaustion, it is one of the most famous Neogene epithermal deposits in the world. As reported by Simon et al. (1994), the telluride-bearing veins are located in a volcanic body consisting of hornblendeand pyroxene-bearing quartz-andesites of Neogene age. The host volcanic rocks exhibit a pervasive propylitic alteration, while argillic alteration is dominant adjacent to the veins. Ghitulescu & Soculescu (1941) and Udubasa et al. (1992) summarised the dominant mineral assemblages in the three main vein groups of Sacarîmb. The Magdalena vein group, in the southeastern part of the mine, consists of quartz, rhodochrosite, nagyágite and abundant base-metal sulphides. The Longin vein group, in the northeastern part of the mine, consists of quartz, baryte, rhodochrosite, sylvanite, krennerite, gold and subordinate base-metal sulphides. The Nepomuc vein group, in the southwestern part of the mine, consists of calcite, petzite and alabandite. *E-mail: [email protected] 0935-1221/04/0016-0835 $ 1.80 DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2004/0016-0835 © 2004 E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. D-70176 Stuttgart 836 L. Bindi, C. Cipriani Fig. 1. BSE microphotographs of a cavity in nagyágite (nag) filled by museumite (mus). As described in the former section, the sample containing the new mineral museumite was not found in situ but came from the mineralogical collection of the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, where it was simply labelled “nagyágite, Nagyág – Transilvania, Romania”. However, the mineral assemblage suggests that this sample comes from the pyroxene quartzandesites of the Magdalena vein group. The associated minerals are nagyágite, hessite, sylvanite, petzite and coloradoite whereas the gangue minerals are calcite and quartz. The mineral occurs as anhedral to subhedral grains up to 300 µm in cavities and vugs of large nagyagite crystals (Fig. 1), and it does not show any inclusion or intergrowth of other minerals. The contacts between the “vug” mineral (museumite) and the nagyágite “host” are usually sharp with evidence of replacement. and shows a grey colour with a slightly greenish tint. With crossed polars, museumite shows distinct anisotropism, similar to nagyágite, but slightly stronger. Internal reflections are absent. No evidence of growth zonation is observed. Reflectance measurements were performed in air by means of a MPM-200 Zeiss microphotometer equipped with a MSP-20 system processor on a Zeiss Axioplan ore microscope. Filament temperature was approximately 3350 K. An interference filter was adjusted, in turn, to select four wavelengths for measurement (471.1, 548.3, 586.6, and 652.3 nm). Readings were taken for specimen and standard (SiC) maintained under the same focus conditions. The diameter of the circular measuring area was 0.1 mm. Reflectance percentages for Rmin and Rmax are 38.4, 40.3 (471.1 nm), 38.1, 40.1 (548.3 nm), 37.5, 39.4 (586.6 nm), and 35.9, 38.0 (652.3 nm), respectively. These data are consistent with the visual impression of very low bireflection. 3. Physical properties Museumite is dark silver-grey in colour and shows a grey-black streak. The mineral is opaque with a metallic luster. It has a perfect {001} cleavage and the fracture is hackly. As a common feature for several telluride minerals [i.e., tetradymite group (Bayliss, 1991; Clarke, 1997; Spiridinov et al., 1989); nagyágite-buckhornite series (Effenberger et al., 1999, 2000)], some crystal fragments exhibit a platy to flaky morphology. The dominant form is {001} and twinning is not observed. Unfortunately the density could not be measured because of the small grain size. The micro-indentation measurements carried out with a VHN load of 15g gave the mean value of 42 kg/mm2 (range: 41-44) corresponding to a Mohs hardness of about 1-11/2. 4. Optical properties In plane-polarized incident light museumite is greyish white in colour, with very low bireflectance and pleochroism. When observed near nagyágite it is darker Fig. 2. Reflectivity curves for museumite, nagyágite, and arsenian nagyágite. Upward-triangles refer to nagyágite (Simon et al., 1994), downward-triangles refer to arsenian nagyágite (Simon et al., 1994), circles refer to museumite (this study). Filled and open symbols refer to Rmax and Rmin values, respectively. Museumite: a new mineral from Romania As clearly made evident in Fig. 2, the reflectance percentages obtained for museumite are very similar with the values measured by Simon et al. (1994) for both nagyágite and arsenian nagyágite from Sacarîmb. The sulphur enrichment in the mineral studied here accounts for the slightly lower reflectivity values observed. 5. Chemical composition A crystal fragment of museumite was analysed by means of a Jeol JXA-8600 electron microprobe. Major and minor elements were determined at 20 kV accelerating voltage and 40 nA beam current, with variable counting times: 30 s were used for Pb, Sb, Au, Te and S and 60 s for the minor elements Fe, As, Cu, Bi, and Ag. For the WDS analyses the following lines were used: PbMα, SbLα, AuMα, TeLα, SKα, FeKα, AsLα, CuKα, BiMα, AgLα. The estimated analytical precision (in wt. %) is: ± 0.40 for Pb; ± 0.20 for Sb, Te and S; ± 0.10 for Au; ± 0.05 for Ag and As; ± 0.04 for Bi; ± 0.02 for Cu; ± 0.01 for Fe. The standards employed were: galena (Pb, S), Au- pure element (Au), Ag- pure element (Ag), synthetic GaAs (As), Cupure element (Cu), marcasite (Fe), synthetic Sb2Te3 (Sb, Te), Bi- pure element (Bi). The crystal fragment was found to be homogeneous within the analytical error. The average chemical composition (25 analyses on different spots), together with ranges of wt. % of elements, is reported in Table 1. On the basis of 21 atoms, the empirical formula of museumite is Pb5.00Au1.08Sb1.01Te1.83S12.08, ideally Pb5AuSbTe2S12. 6. X-ray crystallography For single-crystal X-ray investigation several crystal fragments were checked by Weissenberg and precession film techniques and with a Nonius CAD4 four-circle diffractometer. Due to the limited diffraction quality of the crystals available, only after many trials a fragment of museumite (110 x 130 x 180 µm) was found to be suitable for the structural study, which was performed by means of the precession method employing Zr-filtered Mo radiation. The fragment was oriented such that a* was coincident with the dial axis and, subsequently, with 011* coincident with the dial axis. The levels collected were: hk0 → hk2, h0l → h2l, and 0kl → 2kl. No evidence of twinning was observed on the precession films. Museumite is monoclinic with measured cell-parameters derived from precession films of: a = 4.355 Å, b = 6.620 Å, c = 20.87 Å, β = 92.56°. The only observed extinction rule, 0k0 with k = 2n + 1, indicates that P21 or P21/m are the permissible spacegroup choices. Fully indexed 114.6 mm Gandolfi camera X-ray powder data (Ni-filtered CuKα) are presented in Table 2. The intensities were measured with an automated densitometer. The refined unit-cell parameters for museumite, based on 60 reflections between 20.85 and 1.261 Å, aided by visual inspection of precession films, are: a = 4.361(2) Å, b = 6.618(3) Å, 837 Table 1. Chemical composition (means and ranges of elements in wt. %) for museumite. Pb Au Ag As Cu Fe Sb Bi Te S wt. % 52.00 10.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.16 0.00 11.71 19.43 total 99.98 range 51.97 – 52.08 10.66 – 10.77 0.00 – 0.09 0.00 – 0.10 0.00 – 0.03 0.00 – 0.01 6.08 – 6.19 0.00 – 0.05 11.61 – 11.74 19.40 – 19.56 c = 20.858(9) Å, β = 92.71(5)°, V = 601.3(5) Å3, and a : b : c = 0.6590 : 1 : 3.1517. 7. Relations with the nagyágite-buckhornite homologous series The strong chemical similarity between museumite and the minerals of the nagyágite – buckhornite series (Effenberger et al., 1999, 2000) led initially the authors to suppose that museumite was the third member of the same homologous series. The formula of museumite, indeed, can also be written (based on 14 atoms) as [Pb2(Pb1.33 Sb0.67)Σ=2.00S8.05][Au1.22Te0.72]Σ=1.94, that compares favourably with the simplified formula of nagyagite, [Pb2(Pb,Sb)2S4] [(Te,Au)]2, reported by Effenberger et al. (1999). In addition, nagyágite and museumite are strongly similar in morphology and physical properties. However, a careful examination of the strict relationships between a and b unit-cell parameters, and consequently of the Au-Te layer, in the crystal structure of nagyágite (Effenberger et al., 1999) and buckhornite (Effenberger et al., 2000) with respect to museumite, showed that the latter has not to be considered a homologue of nagyágite-buckhornite. Moreover, if museumite belonged to nagyágite-buckhornite series the most probable chemical formula would be {M9S9}{(Au,Te)3}, or more detailed {M9S9}{AuTe2}, with M = Pb, Sb. The smallest unit-cell for an ordered structure would have a ~ 4.3 Å, b ~ 12.9 Å, c ~ 20.9 Å, V ~ 1159 Å3, α ~ β ~ γ ~ 90°, Z = 2, whereas we do not observed any evidence for a doubling of the b axis in the precession films. Another hint distinguishing museumite from nagyágite-buckhornite is given by the chemical composition. In both nagyágite and buckhornite the formal charge balance is assured by considering the following valence states of the elements: Pb2+, Sb3+, Bi3+, Au3+, Te2- and S2-. If we apply these valence states to museumite we find a negatively charged sulphide layer, i.e. [Pb2+2(Pb2+1.33 Sb3+0.67)Σ=2.00 S2-8.05]-7.43. The charge balance in museumite could be assured if all the sulphur atoms were bounded into covalent pairs or into other 838 L. Bindi, C. Cipriani Table 2. X-ray powder diffraction pattern for museumite. I dmeas dcalc h k l I dmeas dcalc h k l 20 38 11 13 52 40 7 20 15 7 100 3. 58 5 40 20 5 4 50 30 18 22 5 41 11 6 3 3 9 6 28 20.85 6.93 6.31 5.21 4.80 4.10 3.95 3.76 3.65 3.62 56 3.47 3.42 3.31 3.27 3.08 3.03 2.99 2.98 2.80 2.69 2.60 2.56 2.48 2.46 2.44 2.40 2.32 2.26 2.21 20.8351 6.9450 6.3074 5.2088 4.7911 4.0931 3.9530 3.7713 3.6386 3.6143 3.5606 3.4781 3.4220 3.3090 3.2665 3.0848 3.0397 2.9872 2.9764 2.7930 2.6888 2.6049 2.5631 2.4873 2.4640 2.4406 2.3955 2.3246 2.2606 2.2129 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 3 4 2 3 0 3 1 2 4 0 4 5 4 3 7 4 5 1 6 3 6 3 6 4 7 7 11 7 3 6 22 3 7 5 15 18 12 6 8 4 7 8 11 5 4 8 8 7 6 3 11 3 4 3 3 3 2.170 2.120 2.110 2.100 2.080 2.050 2.030 2.010 1.982 1.961 1.940 1.889 1.821 1.810 1.775 1.767 1.728 1.712 1.695 1.653 1.557 1.520 1.517 1.487 1.449 1.415 1.359 1.318 1.280 1.261 2.1769 2.1285 2.1121 2.1025 2.0793 2.0469 2.0313 2.0076 1.9890 1.9554 1.9414 1.8938 1.8186 1.8071 1.7803 1.7651 1.7280 1.7110 1.6920 1.6545 1.5543 1.5198 1.5155 1.4885 1.4461 1.4141 1.3573 1.3172 1.2809 1.2630 2 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 0 2 3 3 0 2 4 3 2 3 1 4 1 2 4 1 5 1 6 2 3 8 2 4 3 9 1 2 4 11 6 2 5 6 8 5 0 8 8 9 13 7 2 14 1 15 1 more complex groups (e.g., [S3]). On the other hand, an alternative hypothesis of layers formed by only positively charge cations (Au+3 and Te+4) seems to be extremely unlikely. It is in our opinion that the data presented here substantially characterise the new mineral museumite, although a full structural study remains to be accomplished. Discussion on charge balance, degree of metallic bonding in the mineral and ordered-disordered structural model must await the availability of suitable crystals, although the soft platy nature of the mineral makes them unlikely to be easily found. Acknowledgements: We are deeply indebted with Herta Effenberger and Emil Makovicky for their careful and helpful reviews. The authors wish to thank the late Giuseppe Mazzetti (Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università di Firenze, sezione di Mineralogia) for his help in the microhardness measurements, Daniele Borrini (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Firenze) for his help in reflectance measurements, and Filippo Olmi (CNR – Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse – sezione di Firenze) for his help during the electron microprobe analyses. Financial support was provided by the University of Florence (60 % grant) and by M.I.U.R., cofinanziamento 2003, project “crystal chemistry of metalliferous minerals” issued to Curzio Cipriani. 2 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 3 0 2 1 1 References Bayliss, P. (1991): Crystal chemistry and crystallography of some minerals in the tetradymite group. Am. Mineral., 76, 257-265. Clarke, R.M. (1997): Saddlebackite, Pb2Bi2Te2S3, a new mineral species from the Boddington gold deposit, Western Australia. Austral. J. Mineral., 3(2), 119-124. 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Received 13 October 2003 Modified version received 2 February 2004 Accepted 12 May 2004