May 2015 - The Ulysses Club of New Zealand
May 2015 - The Ulysses Club of New Zealand
ULYSSES CLUB of NEW ZEALAND WANGANUI BRANCH P O BOX 7350 WANGANUI 4541 RUNS LIST All runs leave from “ Z” Dublin Street 10 am unless specified DIY every Sunday in-between pre-organised rides, all suggestions welcome. If you organise a ride and want company contact the editor and have it put on the runs list. Don’t forget to look on and contribute to our ‘Facebook’ page and subscribe to website mail outs Date Day Destination RIC May 4 Mon An insight into the day of an Ambulance officer. By Trudy the St Johns Manager. 7.30-8pm. At the RSA. Then our general meeting and branch AGM This is an important meeting where polices are formed and renewed and the election of a new committee. Should be attended by all local branch members. Followed by a supper. All May 10 May17 June 8 “The Inside Line” May 2015 Phone DIY Sun May 24 May 28 Facebook: Wanganui Ulysses Motorcycle Riders Thurs Sock run to Norsewear, Norsewood Piet DIY All Dinner at the RSA 6.30 pm All Branch Meeting All 348 4141 WANGANUI BRANCH COMMITTEE Branch Coordinator/Web Master Chris Massey Ph: 06 343 7343 Email: [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Piet Meijer Ph: 06 3484141 Email: [email protected] Newsletter Editor Rob Monteba Ph: 06 343 8815 Email: [email protected] Committee: Roger Hulme Ph: 06 345 7044 Email: [email protected] Bryn Kendrick Ph: 06 344 7265 Email: [email protected] Lou Neal Ph: 06 343 5055 Email: [email protected] 4 1 Coordiators Report May 2015 Well we are at that time of the year again! Doing end of year stuff for my accountant (hate that!) and the Ulysses AGM, we have enjoyed a wonderful summer and I don’t think I have done more Ks on a bike than I have since the last AGM. We have had major trips like the Burt Munroe Challenge in Invercargill and East Cape Re-visited plus some rallies but as Mike pointed out to me we haven’t been far north YET!…mm. And don’t forget we have ridden every Sunday, in fact if you go to the Zed on a Sunday at ten I can almost guarantee there will be a Ulyssian sitting with a coffee thinking about his/her bike and where are we going to go and hope it doesn’t rain! I am stepping down this year as coordinator and this year it seems that all the whole committee have decided it’s time to move aside and let a new committee be formed. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Roger, Lou, Bryn, Rob and Piet. The informal meetings have always been enjoyable and constructive. The committee tirelessly worked to ensure that the events and rides including the longer overnighters were interesting and enjoyable for everyone and most important we have had a few laughs on the way! Also let’s not forget that many of our members have put their hand up to organise or lend a hand, the recent ANZAC ride organised by Lance and the “A-team” comes to mind but let’s not forget the other events throughout the year that need and get support from our members like the Master games, boxing day parking and the Salvation Army Toy Run etc. Some of these generate income for our club and would not go ahead if not for the many “A” teams that work for our club throughout the year, so a big thank you guys and gals. And a thank you to anyone that came and rode their bikes on a Sunday whether members or not, we enjoyed your company and you being there helped make the rides fun. And last but not least thanks to Roger and Barb for putting up with us and Barb for the cake! Recently I took the “Ulysses” word out of the Wanganui Ulysses Motorcycle Riders title on our Facebook page thinking that not many Ulysses members were interested, well I was wrong as many do look at the page and told me! Well it’s back in again, ha-ha. So ride safe Chris 2 Anzac Day Ride for St John 3