2006/2007 Yearbook - General Panet High School


2006/2007 Yearbook - General Panet High School
General Panet
High School
Published in Canada Printed in the USA
Your Yearbook Committee
has done a fabulous job in
producing a book that
reflects the many faces
that make up our school
and the numerous events
that have taken place this
year Although memories
are fresh in your mind
today, years from now this
publication will serve as a
reminder of your high
school experience. With
each turn of a page, you
will recall that road trip with
the basketball team, or the
time the teachers made
fools of themselves at the
The yearbook
committee should be
very proud of their
efforts this year,
producing a quality
book detailing the
history of General
Panet High School
for 2006/07 The
pictures and words
capture the spirit, caring attitude and hard
work students' of GPHS exhibited
throughout the year The school
accomplishments are many due in a large
part to staffs' dedication and commitment.
Great year Panet, congratulations!
John Mclver, Vice Principal
Interact assembly in
support of MS, or the day
the whole school walked to
remember Terry Fox, or
that last dance at the
Christmas formal, or the
unlikely friendship that
developed with your quiet
classmate. Each of you
has your own special
memories of 2006-2007
This yearbook preserves
those reminiscences for
you and allows you to revisit them anytime, and I
hope you do so with a
smilep and fond thoughts!
Debra Rantz, Principal
Memories are precious!
Years from now^when
you look through the
pages of this year's,
yearbook, you will I
rediscover the magic of
your high school years. ?
Memories of youri
friends, a special fieldr
trip, a favourite teacher, I
challenges met and conquered will bring a smile to]
your face. This yearbook will become a treasured
friend, one you will want to revisit time and time
Congratulations to the Yearbook Committee for
producing such a fine yearbook. Our memories |
will live on due in large part to your efforts.
Bryon Morris, Vice Principal I
S. Baurenschmitt
G. Campbell
S. Chisholm
L. Cree
K. Crosby
J. Davis
M. Forrest
T Franklin
L. Gen
M. Goulet
J. Hawley-Malina
P Hodge
G. Hooper
J. Kennedy
M. Keuhl
G. Kumpat
G. Lair
A. Lejeune
R. Levasseur
C. MacKcchnic
J. Morris
S. Moscaliuk
S. Pinkerton
J. Powell
D. Rantz
S. Scott
L. Sernoskie
G. Serviss
S. Smith
M. St. Aubin
S. St. John
School Staff
C.WishmanLeury. School
C. Fynn
P. Mayfield,
Ki i n n s .
not just some kids
Nielsen -\iulci sen
BraJ \ i u l r c u s
lo-l.>nn Aiulre\ uj\l
Josh Allru\\l Aucoin
T\r Aiklel
Dylan Baraiiow-ki
Jana Bames
Ka\i Bcaiidr\n Blacksioek
Michael Bio\:
Alicia Cadeau
I ill.iiu C.nneroii
Dillon Caniesiie
Nathan Cokcr
Jessica Collins
Chels> Colson
Kristen Connick
Kalehn Codei
C'hanlal Collon
Brandon Daedisel
Deidre DaiiK-ni
.k-ssL- l);iii\lik-k-N\ho)in
Jin.-1 Duiipc
('ouiiiKA Dunn
KasM f .vans
1.1 k 1-uuk'i
('LIK!> l;ii.'L'lli\- f-'urlnltc
Rclvcca I latnmd
Jessica llai'dini;
IjiiiK M.nllc)
Dallas Jldlunch
I n;'.ni I IcndeiMii)
Asa Jewell
1 oi,, Jones
Knsla Kim-jit1!
I ml,I ] ..nice
Hinily l.aiuiamiis
Brent l.L-aL-h
.laivil l.iMdi
K.i\la Lee
Anika l.ipi-'M.1}
\k-\atmkT l.licsi
Nicholas Lussier
Krislie MacMulhn
Rachel MacRae
Christopher Mavim
(ik'nn Martin
kelse\l ['nrculle
Victoria McConncll
John McDonald
Derek Me.-iaih
Daniel Mcrnii
Jcssk\ Xayura
Richard Nolan
J.K-I Orr
Slephen l';k|iLin
Rohm Park
IHhui 1'ii-iviNk-k I'hi/.i
(iahricl (,)ik-mie\
Sanmnlhii Ri-.lau
ii Rohinson
Mitiv-Andrv 1 li\
] niuirnn
Arulrv I'uivnik-
n \e Walsh
Taylor Walsh
MOIL:.in \i
Ernil) \ \ a t t s
S;idk- llar
Johnathan Itelarul
Nieole HelKvk
Kak-lin lk'rtie\e
Kr\ssen Carey
Joshua < lartei
. '
Alex Clarice
Nick Collicoti
Ainher ("o\> Dalion
Siephanie l)a\uAlexander Deloivti/is-
Chad I)eiinii|Lie
Lauren lVsi:msei
u Don
Tnnoilu I )n-\- Diimt.-iJ
l \ k - i l.isnoi
Jordan l;.ti:aii
.kk'kcl\ (
c\,m (iillvrison
Slephen ( rillain
Ashle) dreei!
S o \ n a Hamilton
Madeline Marine
Je^c Haukcs
R \ a n Hillier
Nicholas llodye
.Icssu Holl'rnail
Patrick Hopper
JessaKn Kedd\e Kccnan
D e v i l ) KLVIMH
Jacob Klein
Marv Knuckle
Brittunic Knhk
Nickolas Liiqucrrc
] .ik'imla I.cclcrc
Ii'K-ik'i 1 I ee
I'airifk I A-ron\i I L-ssard
Nick l.i\ol\I l.ough
/.l^ l i f t ) I llssici
Michael M.k'l )mi.ikj
Ryan Mac kitRaymond Muck-mi
I niiK M.ii n i i l l l . i i ]
llcidi Mafhrac
JiishiK 1 Matlin
An.' Martin
Erik McFurlunc
Tanner McHatlic
Taylor Mckc.ldic
Aniiisa McNish
('oraikvn Miller
Justin Mitchell
Amy MoriMii
Sli.mna Morrow
Colin Murphy
BiotikK n Murtaii!:h
Clinstopher I'ar.uli-Ashk-> I'arsons
Jonalhaii ITcillcr
CourtiK-v I'ichic
l)\n Kadiiioic
.Icrcinx Rhode
Kassandra Rilliet
Daniel Rohidoux
Kai-l.oni Rodders
liiicia Roue
Alex Ro>
I-.ric Ro>
Cody Russell
( ' a s s a i u h a Saiiinlers
Kod> Smits
Jordan Siu\cii|ituj
K;ilel\ Slew an
lilhaii Siudhain
Alex Sullivan
[•.rin Tcnniaii
I'atnck Thompson
Kendall Thorrnirn
Caroline Tremhlay
Melissa l'|-einhla>
.lessica I reiih.nle
Brittani Turcotte
( ' a m i s n I urueoti
Jessica \a
Miriam Ward
Candice \ \ a l e i s
Jiisim \\ei:ner
Cody Wh> tun
I ill,I Andrew s
1 a\r Andrews
Trcni A n d r e u VllOH
Stephanie liadiierow
Kalie Karanowski
John Harries
S k \ U.ui\- heaudn
D.innx Uoulilier
JesM Chnuinard
Chrisiopher Cloniifi
fodd Conslantinc
Krisicri Colk'i
Rachdk- CrahlivtAlex Dallon
Candacc llolan
Ji-ssk-a Diiponi
Brandon I-,uh
Allison Ivlihiini
l-li/;ilvili l-tmk-i
R.ilvti Gale
Alexandra (iassei
/.Kk.irv (iodfrcy
Mitchell Griffin
Kyle Griffiths
Andrew ( i i i l o s k i e
Mariirei Hainilion
A l \ s s a Marlle>
liratiilen Mallon
Kyle Here^eis
AJeshia Jordan
R.J. I afroj
(iie'jniA l.ainl
Aline l.emieiix
Allison l.epaek
\ndrew I.eronx
Jessiea l.ihorU
ssk-a Mad)<uiak)
Nallian Madniosh
liriea M.dnne
I'airiek Mathieu
Sluan Mavoti
Lyla-Annc McDonnell
Charles MeKa>
K \ l e Mel .iien
\nunJ.i Morgan
Stephanie Morrison
l \ l e i Vill
Cods Nice
Chrisluphei O'Neill
Robin Oiain
Jaide I'auh
Shane I'asaiien
Tyler Pear
Guillaunie (Jiienne\e
Cor> Rideoiil
lillioll Sehiinniens
Sarah Sehirnniens
KaleKn Sehnvder
Ka\e Slieppard
llnllain Steed
S i e v e n I arso
Perry Turcoitc
S;iiii,miha Turner
('helsea Wagar
N n n n a n Waimluheiice
Jaime Whan
ChrisloplK't W i l l i a m s
Kirit Williams
L m i K Addicoll
Tra\is Andersen
K e l s i e Baniell
Wade lk-aurx'L:an.l
K a i h r v n Hell
( \ i r v > Ik-iis
Daniel Bells
Sarah linul
Da\l Brennan
\'k % inri;i Hriinncr
N i c k o l a s Brown
Tiriain Bruce
Kiekardo liiAcf
Nicole Burse\! Hun
John Butler
Kairina Caner
Amanda ('asc
Brellany ("haput
Julia ('l.iiiinoni
Senll Deanni;
Daniel liarle
Jusiine I J M I U I
Sarah [ • \ a n ^
C a i l > larrell
\ l \ s s a \e
Brandon l-isclier
Nicholas Fraize
Chrisleena (nlhensun
Niekolas ( i t t J i u - \g
Steven Griffin
Helen Hamilion
C'nuniie\ l a n i s
Joshua Mead
Karalee M e i d e i n a n
Andrea Huinber
Jessie l l \ s l n p
Bradcn Johns
J a k e Jones
Roherl Karluiiien
Sarah Kaull'eldl
Megan Keenan
Brendan K i n g
.lonaihaii l.alond
John Lang
K e \ i n Leahy
Melame Lemire
Amanda I.cvcsquc
I ace> I.ilierH
Nicole Logan
Becca MacDonald
Emily MacDonald
\uok- Maclean
Megan MaeRae
Roben McAllister
N i k k i MeEvoy
Dcryck Melnmv
Samanllia McNutl
Matthew McRury
1 ,;iuivri M i n e r
Alicia Milehiici
.lasi.n MoluiN
Jenin Oindal
K u s i e i i Osinmiil
M a l t h c u I'ailcc
l u h . i n I'.mt
Tni\is IV.iison
Ashk-> Riik-oul
B;irh;ir;i Rohiilsnn
\iuliva R u m /
Kyle Sack
'i S.rjnll
ChristiiK- Sampson
Chris Sharpe
I.on \nik- Siniimiii^
\iiiiiinn-Rusu Spnuik'
a Si. John
.IllMlll SlOOit
\iulivu Suati
Nicholas T a i l U m
M o l l > TL-niiiaii
Jeffrej i h i K - a u l i
LUIK'X I ivnhiiik['utvnlk'
I n\s I ' l H V O l t f
ia \'an I x k
Melissa \V;itchnrn
Jourdaii \M
\k-M-. \\t-isciihcrj:
Nicholas \j
Jessica Wells
Grads R US
Class of
Grads of 2007
Travis Andersen
Emily Addicott
NN: Em. Emmy. Em-dog
MMM: Weekends with the girls, trips
to NB. 40 min bus rides. MK sha\g
her head!. Stratford trip. Betty Sue.
Potions class "always tearing up"
FQ: "I know right!" "What's eating
Edward Seissorhands" "That's a riot"
FG: To be a hotshot lawyer in
New York, making money
BB: Kelsie B. Jourdun. Andrea.
Cassie. MK. Lace). Sarah. Caleigh.
Barb. Brettany. Megan M
Wade Beauregard
NN: Handsome. Mr. Perfect.
MMM: Eating Karen's cookies
FQ: "Cheek it" "Check it out"
FG: To become a police officer
GA: Too many accomplishments,
can't fit on this page
A I-': Think for yourself
NN: Tron
MMM: Chess Club, "the couch"
Calabogie. Quartennile. Black Hear.
Snellyt'est. Moncion Christmas p a i l )
North Bay. Stratford
Favourite Quote/Say ing: "miiiliiiim"
"Don't you hate pants'.'" "Where am I
BB: Chris. Jeff. Matt. Nick. RJ. Ashl
Justin. Lace. Megan. BJ. Devon.
PP' Pants, underwear, socks. T-shirts
smelliness. slow drivers, braces
Kathryn Bell
NN: Katie Bell
MMM: V.B.. Max Keeble?.
Ugh Phil!, operation, nerd ropes.
Loser Cruiser. A.M.. slipping
on water.
BB: Victoria Brimner.
Alicia Mitchner. Sarah Boyd.
Jessalyn Poirier.
Mrs. Crce
Sarah Boyd
Daniel Betts
NN: Dan
MMM: Lunch time
FG: Become a mechanic
AF: Drusis are had
Cory Breen
MMM: Graduating
FG: Going full-time regular force.
Canadian Forces Soldier
GA: M i l i t a r y
NN: Sarc
MMM: AM-the laughing i n t e r v i e w ,
car accident. KB-"welcome" nerd
ropes. VB-fish only bucket, your
HUGE downhill wipeout. the therm;
blanket. Loser Cruiser, drama
FQ: "II worse comes to worse. I'll be
circling around in my big plane read
in /oom in"-Victoria Brimner
FG: One word: Stonehenge...
PP- People w h o take too long to get
read). girls who cake on their makei
BB: Alicia. Victoria. Katie. Jessalv n
Mrs. Cree
Victoria Brimner
NN: Vick-star. Vicki
MMM: When I got chased by a
skunk, when we were playing hide
and seek and I fell out of a tree.
FQ: "A wi/urd is never late, nor is
he early, he arrives precisely
when he means to."
FG: Buy a minivan. travel the
world, do odd jobs to make ends
PP- skipping DVD's, staring, half
sweaters, being poor
AF: "It something's too hard, don't
even trv or cheat."
Grads of 2007
Tiffany Bruce
MMM: New Year's 2006.
night with "BL" Travis' 18th.
Summer 'O.V06.
dugouts. Buckhill
FS: "Livc-I.o\e-I.ilc"
GA: Getting into college.
Katrina Carter
NN: Trine. Katrine
MMM: Girl's nights, all the parties.
\V\, cruisin' with the girls.
30 Hour Famine (Gr. I I )
FG: Go to college, be successful, fall in
love, and travel the world
BB: Hollv. Andrea. Kirstv
Brettany Chaput
John Butler
NN: Johnny B. JB. Sue Soapy. Butters.
Amy. Johnny-cakes. BADJ
MMM: Relocating of the bench, boxer
phenomena. Boxermun. Keendog's
agenda. Where's Waldo. Outdoor Ed.
bathing suit incident X2. sleeping on
bathroom floors
FS: See t-shirts. "Those who care don't
matter, those who matter don't care."
"The will to win is not as important as
the will to prepare to win!"
BB: Robbie. Jake. Lee. Kirsty. Lauren.
Kcendoi!. Hollv
too main to list.
Amanda Case
MMM: Grade 1 I Math. Grade 10
Business. Grade 9 Famine. Stratford
FS: "When do you stop'.'" ".lust stand
on your head." "Yup. because
that's normal."
FG: Own im own restaurant
GA: Passing Grade 10 Science w i t h
Mrs. Morris
AF: "Follow your own"
BB: Stacey. Lori. Christine. Sonja.
Julian. Jennv
Scott Dearing
NN: Betty. Spud. Nerd
MMM: When I was X I threw up in
my Dad's mouth
FG: Become a criminologist. also
known as a C.S.I.
AF: Never let anyone say you
can't and never give up on
your dreams.
Daniel Earle
NN: Dan. Monkey. Goof
MMM: Going off a cliff on im bike to
avoid hitting a cat
FQ: "When life g i \ e s y o u lemons.
make grape juice, then sit back and let
the world wonder how you did it!"
FG: Starting my own extreme sport
business, getting filthy rich, enjoying
life to the max
GA: Joining the m i l i t a r y
AF: Don't be sucked in by media, lads
and peer pressure, do what you want.
whats riiiht for vou.
Sarah Evans
NN: Sevans. S.E.
M M M : The day Tone Grace
came to town
FG: To follow in the footsteps
of Tony Grace
GA: Finishing the Co-op video.
AF: Giv'er
Grads of 2007
Carly Farrell
Brandon Fischer
NN: Car
MMM: People asking me lo say Harry
Potter quote-- when 1 first came here!
FS: "After the game, the King
and Pawn go hack into
the same box."
FG: Graduate from college
and become an Interior Designer
GA: Getting accepted into college!
AF: "Don't rely on others for moral
support, rely on yourself."
Nicholas Fraize
Kristy Gagne
MMM: The summer.
going to Cuba. p a m i n g
FG: Travelling, dental hygiene.
getting out of Petawawa
GA: Getting into Dental Assisting
& Hygiene
AF: Live life to the fullest
Christeena Gilbertson
NN: Chris. X-tina. Gilberson
MMM: Grade 1 I English. Stratford.
Grade 10 French, soccer.
FS: "A woman is like a teabag.
you never know how strong she is
until she is in hot water."
PI' People who i h i n k there are
better then everyone
AF: Be your own person
and not someone's pet
Steven Griffin
Soffy Goulding
NN: Sof-a-loaf. Soff-dog
MMM: My first night at Melissa's.
haha. and almost dying at N i k k i ' s . . .
good times!
FG: To be a missionary nurse and
travel to Germany
GA: Learning guitar and being
i m o h e d in my c o m m u n i t y and church
AF: "Without suffering, there'd he no
I'he greatest t h i n g is lo
love and be lo\cd in return."
Joshua Head
NN: Meat Head
MMM: Slayer Concert '06
FQ: "F.\erv day's gotta be
I he best d a \ and we're here
to l i \ e . not to l i \ in
fear."- Vinnue Paul Abbott
GA: Playing in a band
FG: Become a firefighter
AF: Party Hard
Grads of 2007
Karalee Heideman
NN: Kara. Karebear. Lee
MMM: Camping with Lex. bush
parties. New Year's '06. ice shack days
with Em. Buck H i l l , fourwheeling with
Katrina. offroading with Kev & Jenn.
Mudrun '05. Club
FG: Going to college, getting a good
job. starting a family
GA: Co-op student of the month.
getting accepted to college
AF: "Live life to the fullest"
BB: Ben. Lynch. Torango. Nagora.
Santana. Lexi. Emily. Tiff. Jenn.
Katrina. Brettany Chaput
Jake Jones
NN: Jake the snake. Snake, sexy legs.
MMM: Panther classic. BBall season.
pretty much all of high school. Math
FQ: "Nice" "Get'er done!"
FG: Army cook then image tech.
GA: RSM of 2642 3RCRVadet Corps
and doing the Canadian Forces
AF: "There's enough people to put you
down and hurt you. don't be one of
Brendan King
NN: BK. Burger King
MM: Winning EOSSA in Grade 10
and the Stratford trip in Grade 1 1
FG: Play basketball in the States
with a full scholarship
GA: Attending the Easter
Invitational Recruiting Camp
in New Jersey
John Lang
Nicknames: J.L.
MMM: German class. Holly's hands
getting stuck between my chair and her
desk in French class, and playing
Hangman in driving school.
FG: Graduate college and gel a career
that I like doing.
AF: "Always finish what you start. 1
BB: Lee Paisley. Robbie. J.B.. Julia.
Holly. Matt McRury. Samantha. the
rest know who you are.
Andrea Humber
NN: Anne
MMM: My 18th Birthday.
Summer '05. Nov. 18 2005. trip to
Laronde. parties at Sheena's
FQ: "Awe nuts"
FG: To become a hairstylist, swim
with dolphins, own a pug
GA: Making the honour roll
PP: People w h o crowd the hallway,
girls who think they are better than
BB: Alyssa. Kate. Dylan. Lindsey.
Josh Head, my Mom. the rest know
who you are
Megan Keenan
NN: Keendawg. Sonic
MMM: Shaving my hair for the
Cancer Society
FQ: "I love deadlines. I like the
w hooshing sound they make as
they go by." -Douglas Adams
FG: Put out a solo ja/y album
AF: Action without love is
meaningless. l.o\ w i t h o u t
action is irrelevant.
PP: People who chew « ith
mouths open
BB: Lauren. Robbie. Kirsty. JB
Jonathan Lafond
NN: Joe. Best Friend
MMM: When Shane got his leg waxed
for MS
FS: "Half the world consists of people
w i t h nothing to say and keep say ing i t .
The other half consists of people w i t h
something to say but can't."
GA: Being best friends w i t h Kaylic
Kevin Leahy
NN: Leahy. K-fed. Replacement
Officer Leahy
MMM: Icy road driving
FQ: "Last time I called shotgun
we had rented a limo.
so I messed up."
FG: Get my BBA. own a Camaro
GA: graduating
Grads of 2007
Lacey Liberty
NN: Lace. Lace Face
MMM: New Year's, the summer.
GA: Getting into
PP- Slow d r i v e r s ,
snobby people
Emily MacDonald
NN: Em
MMM: Buckhill. Barry's Bay hush.
B-line. lee Shack. Dugouts.
fourw heeling. Stratford,
Pipi camping, tats
FS: "Life is too short so live it up.
laugh it off. take chances and
never h a \ regrets."
GA: Graduating high school
AF: Always follow your heart and live
life lo the fullest.
Robert McAllister
NN: Robbie. Ninja. Roberto
MMM: boxer phenomenon. Kirsty's Parly.
Math class. Relocatina ihe bench. Canada
l)a\, "Where's Waldo?"
broke Athena's s u i n g
FQ: "I'm a Ninja..."
FG: Own my computer business, marry the
girl of my dreams... but before all that
umm.... have a blast at college
GA: 4()+2()+3+X= NOT GETTING UP IN
BB: Lee I'aislcs. John Butler. Kirsty
Osmond. Lauren Miner. Jake Jones. Joe
lafond. John Lang. Megan Keenan.
Samantha McNutt
NN: Sam. Sammy. MACNUTT
MMM: Wonderland Grade 10. just
h a n g i n ' with friends, falling out of "the
beast" road trips, all Drama
productions. Grade I I Law
FQ: "1 w i l l pass through this life but
once. If there is any kindness 1 can
show, and good that I can do. any
comfort that I can offer, let me do it
now, for one day I w i l l he gone and
what w i l l remain is the memory of
w h a t I did for others."
Nicole Logan
NN: Nycki. Nick. Hey you!
MMM: Grade 9 Box Crushing, s k t i n
in the can. being \viih the 'Gang' Gn
FS: "MINE!" "I didn't do it. EEEP
FG: Stay up all night! Nah. I plan 0
becoming a carpenter.
GA: Having Chris in m\, f i n i s h :
izrade 12!. can't believe I'm graduati
BB: Chris S.. Nick H. Taylor "Trail
A., ya all know who you are
Megan MacRae
NN: Meggie. Meggs. M-Dawg. Pinle. MK
MMM: All my trips to Bogie. Babylon.
ssw I C ( , n \ K \ K K S \ I . C . d r i f t i n g a w a \
Bohemian Rhapsod\ Stratford, visiting
York, pies with Jourdan
FQ: "The axe effect..." "Swag!"
FG: To become a Registered Nurse.and to
live long having fun the whole lime!
GA: Surviving Grade 12 responsibilities
AF: Stand by your choices'!!
BB: Andy. Tracy. Andrea. Jourdan. Emily.
Kelsie. Megan K. Cassie. JB. Brellam.
Lacey. Barb. Travis. Brendan. Sarah.
Chris. Matt
> y
Nikkita McEvoy
NN: Nikki. Nykye
MMM: January 7, 2007.
September 13,2006
FS: "Cr k'.1"
FG: To become a music producer
GA: Meeting the guy I'm gonna
mam and seeing him grow as a
AF: Don't judge and don't let peopK
judge you.
Matthew McRury
NN: Mario
MMM: Varsity Boys
Hockey team
GA: Passing all classes
and two awesome years
of school hocke\: Cory. Ryan. Travis.
Nick. Josh. John Lansi
Grads of 2007
Lauren Miner
Alicia Mitchner
NN: Lor
MMM: Summer of Grade').
Robbie the Reindeer.
mm ics. boxerman.
Mortal Komhat snowday
FS: "/././-//.x.'Bwuh!//"
PP: Long drive through orders.
people who argue tor no reason
NN: Mitehna. Mitch. A-lick-a. aleash
MMM: K.B: sandstorm, photoshop. S.B:
spares, laughing interview, car ao/idem.
Borat. V.B: fish only, falling down
hill/out of tree/window. Bowie. J.P:
appliance s w i n g i n g , "how long is this
song" that fake rat. New Year's, the
FQ: "Max. Max Keeble... PHIL!" "I got
me a Chrysler it's as big as a whale..."
FG: To drive the Lumina
BB: Katie. Sarah. Victoria. J e s s a l y n .
Mrs. Cree
BB: Kirst, Robbie, Megan,
Jessalyn. Shane. Evan. JB
Katelyn O'Rourke
Jenny Omdal
Friends: Charles. Andrea. Alyssa.
J.T.. B.J.. my Nan. Chris.
Kate and Stu
FG: To go to college and get
away from Petaw aw a
GA: Meeting Charles, getting
good grades
PP' Pepper in people's teeth, when
people yell and point in my
NN: Jailbird Jenny. Omdal. sexy Jenny.
penny-jenny. Jenny Omdal. Dumbdoll
MMM: Quebec City March Break
2007 Grade 1 1 Stratford trip "Good
limes guys" people falling out of my
beast, and I was d r i v i n g , w a t c h i n g
Ninja Turtles at 12 and acting it out
FQ: "You know your friends w i l l hail
you out of jail when you did somehing
bad. but you know your best friends
when they're sitting beside and saying
"Let's do it asiain w h e n w e net out"
Kirsten Osmond
Lee Paisley
NN: Kirsty
MMM: Camp Parties. New Year's.
Canada Day '06. Drive-In-Night. Relay
Gr. 10. Boxerman Night. Outdoor lid.
Hotel Nights. Athena & Vee's Party.
parents in Europe.
Chris' Grandma
FG: Somehow get rich, travel
the world and have a mansion....
with secret passageways!
BB: Lauren. Robbie. Meg. Kalrina.
Hollv. JB. Andrea
NN: Lee Lee. N i n j a . Faruqe
MMM: Stratford trip. Art class e \ e r \, w h e n
School Dance
FQ: "Awww Lee. I'm soooo sorry"
GA: Getting Black Belt
AF: Do unto others as you w i s h them to
do unto you.
BB: Robbie. Swan. Julia. John Lang.
Matt P.-you know who you are.
PP: Negative people. GOSSIP, drama.
slow w a l k e r s
Julian Paul
NN: Toolian. Jay
MMM: 30 Hour Famine. Terry I o\n
FG: Police Foundations
NL, JC, LS. RM. and more
AF: Do your work!
Travis Pear
I 1/12
NN: Sivart. Carol Shields
MMM: Hanging out w i t h friends
FS: "What do you mean'.'"
1(1: Succeed at life
GA: Hopefully graduating
AF: Speak up. stay focused.
Grads of 2007
Lindsey Phieffer
Jessalyn Poirier
NN: Jess
MMM: Sleepovers at Alicia's. Vicki'i
tent sleepovers. hanging out \vith all
ins girls on the trampoline
FS: "Don't worry about it"
"Absolutely not!"
PP' cra/\, the cold
BB: Alicia Mitchner. Lauren Miner.
Vicki Brimner. Katie Bell. Sarah Bo\
Joshua Porter
NN: Yoshi
MMM: All of Grade 10 Science.
all the times al the beach.
swimming at DDH. times at my place
FS:"uh h u u u h h h "
FG: To become a Grade 8 teacher
GA: Found the girl I will marry
AF: Doubt your doubts and believe
your beliefs
BB: Nikki. Melissa. Softy. Julian.
Christine. Amanda. J e n n y
Barbara Robinson
Ashley Rideout
NN: Rideout. Ash
MMM: New Year's Eve '07 I fell d o w n
the stairs and sprained my ankle, going
to the camp with Craig, first night at
the Club.
FS: "Wud up. gangster" "It takes a
minute to find a special person, an hour
to appreiciate them, a da\o love them.
but an entire lifetime to forget them."
GA: Getting my life together. Bron/.e
Honour Roll
BB: Craisi. Krista. Attic
Tracy Robinson
MMM: When me and Steph got
barraged with pudding pies for MS.
all the good times with my best buds
going to Opeongo looking for t h e i r
school's Steph Zadow
FS: "If at first you don't succeed.
cover it up to make it look
like you never tried"
'Donkey Monkey"
GA: Living through Grade 1 2
FG: Get my Bachelors of Science an
become a nurse, travel
Andrea Runtz
NN: Runt/ie. Runt/ie-Pie. Andy
MMM: New Year's Hve party. Saw
movie nights w i t h Holly, all the parties.
girls nights at Katrina's. driving with
the girls. My trip to New York City
FQ: "This is not going to he good"
"This is not going to work"
FG: Graduate from College, open my
own clothing boutique, get married and
have chldren. t r a v e l around the world
BB: Holly. Katrina. Kirsty
PP: Bright lights in bathrooms, fake
people and hairs bathrooms
Kyle Sack
NN: Sack attack
MMM: Driving a $75.000
customer about. A big Decker.
FS: "If at first you don't
succeed, destroy all evidence
that you tried."
FG: To own my own business
GA: Building factory Mod
Race sleds
AF: Never give up, never
say "I can't do that"
Grads of 2007
Christine Sampson
NN: Stine
MMM: Grade 11 German. Grade 11
Math. Tech Hall lunches. Summer
2006 parties.
GA: Getting accepted into Canadore
FG: To get married and become a
successful Social Worker
AF: Never assume the obvious is true.
Autumn-Rose Sproule
Lori-Anne Simmons
NN: Lori. Lor. Loro. LA.
Loris. Loralie
MMM: Prom '06. March Break '06.
*Amanda you use your
magical powers
GA: Making the best friends
ever and going to college.
AF: You're never really lost.
vou're a l w a \ somewhere
Andrea St. John
NN: Andre 3001
MMM: Everyday is memorable
FS: "Do you love it?" "Loves it!"
GA: Graduating and living
to tell the tale
AF: Don't be a fool,
stay in school
Andrew Swan
NN: Swan
MMM: Relay for Life. Black Bear
panics. New Year's RHCP. Pearl Jam.
partying in Ottawa U residence. St.
Patty's Day going through Mike Stiths
w a l l . Dn'D. Drama class with Mr. Scott
FS: "I'm a lot of things" "YALL!!!"
FG: Live happy and play bass for a
living in a Blues/Jazz bar
GA: Playing in many bands, having
many friends and experiences
AF: Music is Life. Live fast. Die young
Holly Tennian
NN: Holl, Holls, Doll
MMM: Moncion's Christmas party.
New Year's Eve party. 'Saw' movie
nights with Andrea. Grade 1 1 -30 Hour
Famine, girl's nights at Katrina's, the
many parties, cruisin' with the girls
FS: "Aww? That's so cute!"
FG: To fall in love, find my soulmate.
get married, have a baby, and get a
well-paying job I enjoy
PP: Being cold, "don't even worry
about it" PDA
BB: Katrina. Andrea. Jessalyn. Lacey
Nicholas Taillon
NN: li'l nick, li'l John. Nicholas
MMM: My Grade 9 birthday,
being at the Gi-boon-dow
FG: To go to college
and succed in life.
FS: "Wise guy. eh?"
GA: Graduating
AF: Stay in school.
Jeffrey Thibeault
NN: Thibeault, Jeff. T.S. King
MMM: Every summer crashing
my car. only having one eyebrow.
Quarter Mile, North Bay with Travis,
"The Couch"
FS: "S'ing T's, Whats up"
BF: Nick, Keven, Travis. B.J..
Chris, Matt
PP' People who talk a lot. people who
take their time
FG: Become a highly successful Police
Grads of 2007
Christopher Thompson
Brady Turcotte
MMM: Hanging out at Parlee's and
FG: A master of the Custodial Arts
AF: Never feed bears
Travis Turcotte
NN: Turk
MMM: Grade 10 Soccer tournament
in Ottawa
FG: Graduate high school.
go to college or
join the Millitary
Melissa Watchorn
Sonja Van Eck
NN: Son-g
MMM: Co-op at the Base
Medical Center
FG: Go to college or join the
military to become a paramedic
GA: Graduating
AF: Don't trust anyone
BB: Christine S.. Amanda C.,
NikkiM.. Melissa W.. Josh P..
Brandon B.
Kyle Waugh
NN: Melon. Mel
MMM: Soffy's first visit to my house,
German class, when I fell on my face
trying to save Soffy
FQ: "but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength. They will
soar on wings like eagles" (The Bible.
Isaiah 40:31); "Greater love has no one
than this, that he lay down his life for
his friends." (The Bible. John 15:13)
FG: To be a missionary to the most
desolate places in the world.
BB: Nikki. Soffy. Josh. JB. Sammy
Jourdan Weir
NN: Jourd
MMM: Lattes with Tracy.
pictures with Megan
FS: "Dum Spiro Spero"
FG: To be a teacher and
travel the world
GA: Raising SI000 for MS
AF: Work hard, have fun and
follow your dreams
BB: Andrea. Tracy. Cassie. Kelsie.
Emily. Megan, Robbie. Matt
PP: People who keep making
the same mistake
Alexis Weisenberg
NN: Lexi, Sexy Lexi, Lex
MMM: Bush parties. Barry's Bay,
camping with Kara, New Year's '06,
Airport parties, morning shopping.
Stratford trip. Black Bay parties, Dex
FQ: "Life is short so kiss slowly, laugh
insanely and forgive quickly."
FG: Have a good job. start a family
and have a good life
GA: Graduating, getting accepted to
AF: Live life to the fullest with no
BB: Emily. Steph. Kara. Tiff
Grads of 2007
Nicholas Weisenberg
Cassandra White
NN: Whitey. Betsy
MMM: Digimon marathon.
bush parties. Darien Lake, and every
moment spent with Kelsie
FS: "If you do everything right.
n o one w i l l know \ o t i d i d
anything at all."
FG: Become an
RCMP and a MILF.
maybe even a cougar
GA: Being on Honour Roll
BB: Andrea. Tracy. Jourdan.
Emily. Kelsie. Keenpup
Stephanie Zadow
NN: Steph. Supoply
MMM: Stratford. Beachburg. Kiss the
Fish, puddin' pie in the face!. Renfrew
with the girls, summer '06. girlz nites
@ Amber's cruisin' in the BROWZE!.
chicken wings with the girls
FS: "Rick saws the rows of saws" "Do
you love it?" "Well I don't know what
it is" "Chemistry"
FG: Own McDonald's, have a Tib...a
souped up Tib!, travel the world
GA: Becoming a manager, graduating.
MVP Senior Girl's Volleyball. Grade 11
Let's Play Who's Who????
Senior Superlatives
Best Dressed: Brendan King, Lacey Liberty
Friendliest: John Butler, Holly Tennian
Class Clown: Andrew Swan, Stephanie Zadow
Best Eyes: Chris Thompson, Lacey Liberty
Most Talkative: Josh Head, Holly Tennian
Most School Spirit: John Butler, Tracy Robinson
Most Athletic: Brendan King, Andrea St. John
Preppiest: Wade Beauregard, Emily MacDonald
Most Unique: Matt Parlee, Kate O'Rourke
Most Changed Since Grade 9: Chris Thompson, Katie B
Best Hair- Travis Pearson, Lindsey Phieffer
Worst Driver- Nick Brown, Andrea Runtz
Smartest: Travis Andersen, Jourdan Weir
Shortest: Travis Pearson, Sherise Williams
Tallest: Brendan King, Cassie White
Nicest Smile: Braden Johns, Emily Addicott
Shyest: Matt McRury, Sherise Williams
Loudest: Travis Anderson, Andrea St. John
Sneakiest: Robbie McAllister, Stephanie Zadow
Funniest: Everyone, Victoria Brimner
Biggest Flirt: Andrew Swan, Jourdan Weir
Most Opinionated: Chris Thompson, Megan Keenan
Biggest Junk Food Fiend: John Lang, Cassie. White
Most Forgetful: Braden Johns, Tracy Robinson
Most Sarcastic: Chris Thompson, Lexi Weisenberg
Laziest: Chris Thompson, Kelsie Barnett
Biggest Optimist: John Butler, Holly Tennian
Biggest Pessimist: Deryck Mclntyre, Emily Addicott
Biggest Drama Queen: Travis Pearson, Emily Addicott
Most Charming: Travis Pearson, Soffy Goulding
Most Confusing: Jeff Thibeault, Megan Keenan
Most Helpful: Travis Anderson, Megan MacRae
Most Spontaneous: Travis Anderson, Vicky Brimner
The Baby Grads!
Most Likely To
Join The Circus: Josh Head
Eat A Goldfish For $50: Deryck Mclntyre
Get Their Head Stuck In A Tuba: Megan Keenan
Die Laughing: Braden Johns
Take Over The World: Kelsie Barnett
See The Light: Melissa Watchorn
Be Late For Their Own Funeral: Nick Brown
Be Asleep During Class: Chris Thompson
Not Show Up For Class: Chris Thompson
Bungee Jump Naked: Travis Andersen
Jump From A Fully Functional Aircraft: John Butler
Drink A Two-gallon Jug Of Milk And Not Throw Up: Jeff Thibeault
Live In Their Parents Basement Forever- Kelsie Barnett
Live Alone With 50 Cats: Lauren Miner
Live In An Igloo: Tracy Robinson
Work At McDonalds Forever Sonja Van Eck
Work At NASA: Megan Keenan
Become A Hippie: Andrew Swan
Become Prime Minister- Travis Andersen
Become The Next Bill Gates: Deryck Mclntyre
Become A Dolphin trainer- Andrea Humber
Become An Oompa Loompa: Kevin Leahy
Become A Garbage Man: Nick Fraize
End Up Ridiculously Famous For No Reason: Wade Beauregard
Be On Reality TV- Tiffany Bruce
Win A Nobel Prize: Megan Keenan
Win An Oly ipic Medal: John Lang
Marry Harry Potter- Emily Addicott
Go On Tour With A Rock Band: Andrew Swan
Write A Novel: Jourdan Weir
Be The Life Of The Party: Braden Johns
Move As Far Away From Ontario As Possible: Tracy Robinson
Never Win A Most Likely Too Award: Kyle Waugh
Which One Is Which???
1)Andrea Runtz
2)Katrina Carter
3)Lauren Miner
4)Alexis Wersenberg
5)Andrea Humber
6)Soffy Goulding
7)Matthew McRury
8)Samantha McNutt
9)Brettany Chaput
10)Ashley Rideout
11)Cassie White
12)Megan Keenan
13)Emily Addicott
14)Holly Tennian
15)Jessalyn Poirier
16)Karalee Heideman
17)Megan MacRae
18)Kirsty Osmond
19)John Butler
20)Sarah Evans
21)Tracy Robinson
22)Victoria Brimner
23)Jourdan Weir
24)John Lang
25)Jake Jones
General Panet Panthers
Sports & Clubs & Events
Terry Fox Run!
Morris vs. Serviss & Goulet
Congratulations to everyone who received an academic
award. These are the people who not only strive for
success, but also push a little further. They surpass the
level of expectation and set the bar as role models.
These awards are presented in bronze, silver and gold.
They are based on students' overall level of achievement
in their courses.
Tape A
To A
"The best way
to shut'em
up.... Is to tape
'em "-Madeline
"What goes up
must come
There are always those
select few who everyone
just wants to get back at
and taping them to a wall is
the best way
Sorry RJ. Stephanie and
Travis, it's all fun in
Educational Adventures
Celebrating the year
Grade 10 History Trip
Good Times Had By All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
La Ronde
Grade 9 Geography
"Tell me and I
forget, teach me
and I remember,
involve me and I
An important part of
the General Panel
experience for many
students is the time
students spend out on
job sites through the
co-op program.
Dancing the night away at General Panet...
and showing our spirit while we work and
Senior Girls
Top Photo Top Row ( L to
R): Andrea St. John.
Brettanv Chaput. Brendan
King (manager). B r i t l a n x
Steed. Mr. Serx iss (coach)
Front Row (L to R):
Stephanie Zudow.
Rachelle Crahtree. Tracx
Stephanie Morrison. Tara
Andrews, Kristy Hicks J
Junior Girls:
Bottom Photo Top Row (L
to R): Katie Stewart.
Madeline Harloxx 1 . Lauren
Dcsgroseillier. Britlunie
Kohls. Kelsey Martinut
Tureotte. Ms. MucKeehnie
I coach I
Bottom Row (L to R): Jesse
Peurson, Jenny Ploughman.
Jessica Nagora. Cassia
Missing: Kristie M u c M u l l i n .
Mr. Mavfield (coach)
Junior Hoys
Bottom Photo Top Row (L
to R): Mr. Davis (coach).
Cody Win not. Hani-,
Coleman. Joel Doupe. Mr.
May field (coach). Mr. St.
John (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R): Derek
Mcgrath. Justin Wagner.
Tyrone Rowe. Chad
Delink] ue.
Missing: Danny Merrill
Alex Clark
H c \ o n Blacksiock
Glenn Martin
Tyrone Rowe
Senior Boys
Top Photo Top Row (L to
R): Mr. Davis (coach). Jake
Jones. Brendan King. Keith
Wieland.Mr. Mayt'ield
(coach). Mr. St. John (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R):
Marc-Andre Thye. Greg
Merrill. Rickardo Bryce
Missing: J.J Barnes.
Elliot Schimmens
Congratulations to the "A" Champs, Sun Youth High School of Montreal.
Panther Classic 2007
Oh. what a weekend! Forty teams. SIOOO donated to the Children's Wish Foundation, another SIOOO donated to the Canadian Forces Bereaved
Family Education Endowment Fund, and a fantastic game with a team from the Bahamas to kick the event off.
The tournament kicked off with a tough, hard-fought, offensive spectacle seeing the Panel Panthers drop a 83-69 decision to the Bahamas Team.
Panel was led all tournament by Brendan King, who averaged 25+ points all year long. Another great showing by our boys, who looked extremely
strong for next year's event (and who knows what other lofty goals).
On the road to their 3rd championship. Sun Youth downed '04 champs the Philly Heat, the Bahamians, and Ottawa's AAAA Sir Robert Borden.
Special thanks go out to Mr. Rant/., Mr. Serviss. Mr. St-Aubin. Mrs. Crosby. Mr. Goulet. Dave Gen. Mr. Levasseur, Mr. Keuhl. Mr. Scott. Mr.
Baurenshmitt. Mr. Remus. Mr. St. John. Mr. Mayfield and Ms. Rant/ for all of their time, help and support of this wonderful event. We are looking
forward to 200.S. and furthur up the road to the OFSAA Petawawa 2009.
Mr. Davis
D Champs:
Philly Heat
(Picture not available)
B adminton
Top Row (L to R):
Tim Drew.
Wade Beaureguard,
Tyler Lough, Kyle
Meehan. Nate Macintosh.
Mr. St. John (coach)
Middle Row (L to R):
Andrea St. John. Bianca
Robinson, David Aucoin,
Brad Andrews
Bottom Row (L to R):
Tara Andrews,
Kasia Trautrim.
Kayleigh Beaudry.
Nielsen Andersen,
Rachel MacRae
Track and Field
Top Row (L to R): Mr. St. Aubin (coach), John Butler.
John Lang, John McDonald. Mr. St. John (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R) Kayleigh Beaudry. Gabriel Quenneville
Missing: Deryck Mclntyre, Soffy Goulding
Top Row (L to R): Mr. Schroeder (coach), John Lang,
John Butler, Travis Andersen, Greg Merritt,
Ms. MacKechnie (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R): Guillaume Quenneville.
Emily Addicott, Jessica Liberty, Shane Pasanen
Missing: Deryck Mclntyre
^^•••^••W fc" •*!•
Cross Country
The Soccer Season started late yet strong.
Senior Girls
Top Row (L to R): Miss Smith (coach). Aline Lemieux. Stephanie
Zadow, Tracy Robinson, Tara Andrews, Stephanie Morrison
Bottom Row (L to R): Chelsea Wagar. Brittany Steed. Ashley
Mackz.o, Erica Malone
Missing: R.J. Lafroy (manager).
Junior Girls
Top Row (L to R): Tamara Furlotte, Madeline Harlow,
Lauren Desgroseilliers. Mr. St. John (coach). Bianca Robinson,
Kelsey Martinat. Jana Barnes
Bottom Row (L to R): Alicia Cadeau, Kassi Evans,
Brittanie Kohls, Katie Stewart (manager)
• ••
Senior Boys
Top Row (L to R): Mrs. Pinkerton (coach), Guillaume
Quenneville. Nathan Macintosh. Shane Beaudry. Evan Kolody.
Kyle McLaren . Shane Beaudry. Nick Godfrey, Jake Jones.
Bottom Row (L to R): R.J. Lafroy, Greg Merritt, Todd
Constantine, Kyle Meehan,
Missing: Marc Thye, Mr. Mclver (coach)
Junior Boys
Top Row (L to R): Travis Smith. Brent Leach. Harris Coleman,
Dallas Hellmich, Danny Merritt,
Joel Doupe. Mr. Baurenschmitt (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R): David Aucoin, Derek Megrath,
Tyler Lough, Glenn Martin, Dustin Gibson
/* ft
Top Row (L to R): Kesley Martinat. Mr. Scott (coach). Cassie White. Lauren Desgroseilliers. Tara Andrews. Jennifer Tweedie.
Allison Lepack. Katie Stewart. Mr. Goulet (coach)
Bottom Row (L to R): Kayleigh Beaudry. Allison Feltham. Biunca Robinson.Tracy Robinson,
Andrea St.John.
Middle: Jessica Liberty. Missing: Courtney Dunn
Teachers come out victorious in the battle for the Sterling Cup
I Student vs Teacher
*'• Hockey Game
Student Council
A letter from your
Hey! My name is Megan and if you didn't know, I was
your Student Council President this year I had the most
awesome time getting to know just about all of you in the
school this year I think if I had to pick out the most fun
thing we did this year, it would be the reindeer hunt.
There are some thanks that need to go out: To Mrs.
Hawley-Malina, for being the coolest supervisor and
friend to us all. To my dedicated council, were it not for
you guys I probably would have spontaneously imploded;
you are all great workers and even better friends. To
Travis Andersen for being himself and in the process
giving me this position.
I love you all and good luck next year General Panel!
(L to R): Kristy Osmond (Secretary/Treasurer), Megan Keenan (Executive Council), Megan
MacRae (President), Mrs. Hawley-Malina (Supervisor), Brettany Chaput (V President),
Jourdan Weir (Executive Council), Alex Roy (Executive Council).
Missing From Picture- Andrea St. John (Social Committee), Tracy Robinson (Social Committee),
John Butler (Executive Council), Lee Paisley (Executive Council).
General Panet Athletic Council
A letter from your
GPAC President
General Panet Athletic Council, also known as GPAC, is an
organization that takes part in the athletic aspect of General
Panet High. We host events such as the annual Halloween
Dance, the Terry Fox Run, & a "battle of the bands", We set
up the Athletic Banquet at the end of the year and we also
organize the "Hoops for Heart", which is set up to raise
money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
-Brettany Chaput
Top Row (L to R): Tara Andrews (GPAC Member), Margret Hamilton (GPAC Member),
Brettany Chaput (President)
Middle Row (L to R): Rachelle Crabtree (GPAC Member), Aline Lemieux (GPAC Member)
Bottom Row Mrs. Chisholm (Supervisor)
Missing: Jake Jones
A letter from your
Yearbook Editor
Hey all, it's me, JB! Your Official Editor of the yearbook.
If you don't already know this is the yearbook committee's
page and if your reading this then you have discovered
what we have been working towards all year lol. I can't
take all the credit though because 1 wouldn't have gotten
anywhere without the help of the staff and especially my
yearbook committee. Thanks guys!!! (also a big thanks to
Mr Mayfield for all the help with photo's).
It's been fun here at Panel, even though I've only been here
for two years. Honestly, it's the friends that keep you
going. So this is my shout out to everyone at Panel.
Hope you enjoy the book!
-John Butler
Studenl Members
Top Row (L to R): Kate Anderson, John Butler, Jake Jones, Ashely Walton
Bottom Row (L to R): Madeline Harlow, Brittanie Kohls
Missing: R.J Lafroy, Melissa Leduc
Teacher Advisers (L to R): Mrs. Campbell, Ms. MacKechnie, Ms. Moscaliuk
A letter from your
Interact President
Interact is a student run group that focuses on helping out
the community and other foundations around the world.
This year the Interact Club, with the help of all of you, ran
two extremely successful food-drives. All the food was
donated by students, as well as the townspeople of
Petawawa to help families in need during the Thanksgiving
and Christmas holidays. We also did fundraising for
Multiple Sclerosis with the help of teachers and students
who donated money as well as time. Many thanks go out to
all the teachers who entertained us every step of the way,
from singing over the PA, to shaving your heads. Thank
you! With everyone's help, we have impacted the lives of
others, helped those in need, and had fun along the way
-Jourdan Weir
(L to R): Andrea St. John, Jourdan Weir (President), Tracy Robinson, Gregory Laird, Trent Andrews,
Megan MacRae, Chris Williams
Teacher Advisor' Mrs. Franklin
Music Council
This year has been an exciting collaboration of musical talents, from stylish bass lines to moody
clarinet melodies to the angelic voices of the vocal group. Each year the band and vocal group
perform at a number of different events, including grade eight orientations, Christmas concerts an
our yearly trips to the elementary schools. We also always look forward to the annual Play-a-thon
and trip to Paramount Canada's Wonderland for an adjudication and, of course, the rides! But nor
of this would happen without our diligent conductor Mrs. Kennedy, keeping us in tune and on time
Without her we wouldn't know the difference between a toad and a tuba. Sometimes we still don't
but we manage to feel the rhythms out eventually Everyone should be proud of the work they've
done this year Stay cool and keep it jazzy!
Megan Keenan, Music Council President
Top Row (L to R):
Candice Waters
Justine Martin
Bottom Row (L to R):
Lauren Miner
(Vice president),
Megan Keenan
Taylor Andrews
Vocal Group
Above Top Row (L to R): Stephanie Gillis,
Justine Martin, Katelyn Cotter Kate-Lynn Andrews,
Robin Park, Taylor Andrews
Bottom Row (L to R): Jessi Pearson, Jenny Ploughman,
Rachel MacRae (Accompanist), Jessica Harding.
Right Top Row (L to R): Mrs. Kennedy, Adam Gallant, KateLynn Andrews, Patrick Hopper Nikki McEvoy, Jaime Whan,
Robert Vangemeren, Taylor Andrews,Stephen Gillam
Middle Row (Lto R): Nick Hamilton, Patrick Mathieu, Chris
Martin, Katelyn Cotter Justine Martin, Cody Russell, Jess
Dupont, Kaylie Leahy, Lauren Miner.Soffy Goulding
Bottom Row (L to R): Megan Keenan, Andrew Swan, Candice
Waters. (Missing: Amanda Levesque, Nick Lussier, Roy
Band and Vocal
Play Practice At Panet
The Cast and Crew
Top (L to R): Adam Buchanan. Devin Keenan.
Alex Merson, Ryan Hillier. Mike Gallant. Lucinda Leclerc.
Valerie Bannister, Madeline Harlow. Katie Stewart,
Brooklyn Murtaugh. Stephanie Dawe, Erin Tennian.
Kendal Thorburn. Jackie Piche. Melissa Tremblay.
Alex Sullivan, Ashley McDonald. Zoe Martin. Zach Lussier.
Shuunu Morrow. Chad Dennique. Kussundru Rilliet
Outdoor EC
Reach For The Top
Chess Club
Reach For the Top
Top row (L to R):
Logan Henderson and Taylor Andrews
Bottom row (L to R):
Nate Macintosh. Guilluume Quenneville.
Kyle McLaren, Jennifer Tweedie
J.J. Barnes and Greg Merritt
Mr. Serviss (coach)
Junior Reach For The Top starts later in the year
We wish them the best of luck in the upcoming
Chess Club
Left to Right:
Eric Williamson. Dylan Baranowski.
Alex Luesink. Richard Nolan.
Robin Park. Todd Lance,
Dustin Gibson, and Jeremy Mathieu
Peter Mansbridge - The National's Anchor
Q-Mack - Professional Basketball Trickster
"Complete Hair Care for the Entire Family"
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Congratulations to the Class of 2007
'Working Together to Walk Lightly on the Environment"
Congratulations to the Class of 2007
From all your friends at the
Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre
another year.
another story
Now it's time for "Remember when.."