Adult Forum Catalog Fall


Adult Forum Catalog Fall
Sunday Morning
Adult Forum Offerings
Meet in the Tree of Life Room on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
September 18 — 500
Years – So What?
Join Pastor Hansen as we kick off this year’s
adult forum with a discussion of the 500th
anniversary of the Reforma on. Along with
Lutherans worldwide, Phinney will be
celebra ng this fall and into 2017. We will
review what’s ahead and discuss how the
Reforma on has impacted church and world
and what it means to be a Lutheran today.
September 25 — Luther’s
Early Life and Spiritual Formation
Join PLU History Professor (and PRLC member) Mike Halvorson for a fascina ng
overview of medieval Chris anity in Europe and its forma ve influence on young
Luther. Discover how Luther searched for God and ini ated change and reform that
would characterize Protestants and Lutherans in par cular.
October 2 —
Key Lutheran Reforms – and Why They’ve
Lasted 500 Years
Join Mike Halvorson again for an explora on of how Lutheranism arose through the
teaching of Mar n Luther and his colleagues. Explore key texts and their influence
on global Chris anity – the 95 Theses, On the Freedom of the Chris an, and
Luther’s transla on of the Bible. Come away with a deeper understanding of the
core principles of a Lutheran way of living in the world.
October 9 and 16 -– PRLC
Election Forums:
Building Community
Amidst a Divisive Election
Join PRLC member Andrew Shutes-David and PRLC
Minister of Outreach Patrick Meagher for a two-week
discussion of the issues surrounding the November
Presiden al elec on through our shared lens of faith.
In Week 1 we will facilitate conversa on around
challenging our personal “poli cal non-nego able.”
The goal isn’t to change anyone’s mind, but to
journey toward a greater understanding of and
tolerance for the other. With this experience in mind,
in week 2 we will focus on sharing informa on on hot
bu on ballot measures and other per nent issues.
Please plan to engage and help us be a church that
par cipates in the elec on in a manner consistent
with our first call as people of the Gospel of Love.
October 23 –
Intergenerational Event: 500 Years
In lieu of the forum today, join everyone in Sunday School for
an intergenera onal “Kick-off” to the 500th Anniversary of the
Reforma on celebra on. There will be an opportunity for
par cipants to get to know their fellow Lutherans, a chance to
post their own ideas for con nuing reforms, and a scavenger
hunt to help young and old alike to learn more about the
symbolism of the Luther Rose.
Sunday Morning Adult Forums
October 30 – Reconciling
Works 101
How appropriate that on this Reforma on Sunday, we should
formally launch our process of explora on around becoming
a “Reconciling in Christ” congrega on. The Spirit reforms us
and renews us. Join Pastor Rick Pribbernow, Director of
Open Door Ministries, who will discuss what it means to be
an RIC church welcoming our gay and lesbian sisters and
November 6 - December 4
Understanding Islam, Parts 1-5
Join Dr. Michael Chrzatowski for a six-week series on “Understanding Islam.” Dr.
Chrzatowski spent much of his career teaching geology and now in re rement has
pursued his passion for the study of religions. He will provide a sound and unbiased
presenta on of Islam, as well as explore the rela onship between Islam and
Chris anity.
The Roots and Beginnings of Islam
2 / November 13: Structure and Content of the Qur’an
3 / November 20: The Practice of Islam
4 / November 27: Islam and the Issue of Violence
5 / December 4:
Women in Islam
1 / November 6:
December 11 –
What the Bible Says about
In this second installment of with Pastor Rick
Pribbernow from Open Door Ministries, we will
explore what the Bible says (or doesn’t say) about
December 18 — Understanding
Islam, Part 6
How the Qur’an Describes the Birth of Jesus
Dr. Michael Chrzatowski concludes his six- week series on
“Understanding Islam” with this examina on of the similari es
between the Qur’an’s descrip on of Jesus' birth and those of the
apocryphal gospels.
Lectionary and Lunch
Every Tuesday – 12:00 p.m. in the Library
Join Pastors Hansen and Van Kley every Tuesday for a discussion of the scripture
readings for the next Sunday. Feel free to bring your lunch!
Spirited Women
Daytime Spirited Women every Wednesday – 10:00 a.m. in the Tree of Life Room
Evening Spirited Women every third Thursday of the month – 6:00 p.m. in the Tree of Life Room
We have two groups of Spirited Women at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church:
one that meets in the morning (every Wednesday), and one that meets in the
evening (every third Thursday of the month). Women of all ages and
backgrounds come together in these groups to discuss a particular chosen book
and talk about their lives, their faith, and whatever else comes up!
The Evening Spirited Women begin their studies this fall with the book Life
Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. They will share a delicious homemade meal
(taking donations to offset the cost). Daytime Spirited Women will be reading the
book Discernment, by Henri Nouwen. All women are welcome at either group.
Sacred Listening
Every fourth Sunday of the month – 12:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room
Beginning on September 25th, and using the book Sacred Listening, by James
Wakefield, participants in this group will gather for a time together to share their
experiences with this imaginative form of Bible study based on the spiritual
exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola as they have been adapted for use in Protestant
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Every Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room
Join Pastor Van Kley in the Fireside Room for an informal discussion of the
scripture readings for the coming Sunday.
Women’s Bible Study Circles
Bethany Circle — every 3rd Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m.
Salem Circle— every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.
These groups meet once each month in member’s homes to study a specific book
or passage in the Bible under the guidance of one of our pastors.
WAY Alumni Group (WAG)
Every first Sunday of the month — 10:00 a.m. in the church office reception area
WAG is for those who have journeyed The WAY and want to continue to
explore their faith journeys in a small-group se ing.
Adoption Support Group
Every second Sunday of the month — 10:00 a.m. in Pastor Hansen’s office
Those who are in the discernment or preparation phase of foster care or
adoption are welcome to join in this time of mutual support and prayerful
Caregiver Circle
Every third Sunday of the month — 10:00 a.m. in Pastor Hansen’s office
This group is for adults who are caring for a chronically ill child, parent, or other
loved one; or who are helping care for an infirm loved one; or who are dealing
with a family member ba ling addiction or mental illness. We meet together once
a month for mutual support, an exploration of local resources, and prayer.
Contact the church office at 206-783-2350 or [email protected] for more
information about any of these faith formation opportunities.
Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church
7500 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98103
206.783.2350 •