Local 105 Forerunner
Local 105 Forerunner
U.S.W. Local 105 880 Devils Glen Road Beftendorf, lA 52722 Phone # (563) 355-1 181 Fax # (563) 359-3529 Steelworkersl [email protected] Website: httpJ/www.uswl 05.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED United Steelworkers Local 105 Forerunner lssue Date July 3, Office Name President Vice. Pres. Guide Jeff Hartford Rec Sec Pat Stock Griev Chair Fin Sec Local 105 Forerunner Volume #14 lssue #23 Mailed 2014 UNITED STEELWORKERS Brad Greve Robert Bartholomew ("Bart") Brad Greve UNITY AND STR,ENGTH FOR WORKIRS Mike Nicholas User lDs and passwords you use from your home computer, local library, or other public access. Meetines & Events Julv 2014 713 1:30 pm S.O.A.R. Mtg 718 3:30pm Committeeperson Mtg 7110 3:20pm E-Board Mtg 7115 6:20am Regular Business Mtg What vou need to do before Julv 17: 1) Verify you have a personal lD and password that you use to access your accounts from 7'.2Qam 3:20pm 1 2) 6:20Pm 1:20pm noon Local 05-2 (Sivyer Steel) pm Local 105-2 (Sivyer Steel) 7117 12 noon Local 105 Retirees Potluck 7121 6:00pm Delegates @ Local 25 Union Hall 7116 1 every 3 weeks 2 1 outside of Alcoa. Single Sign-On (SSO) through HR Direct will not be available. lf you need to set up lDs and passwords for your accounts, or reset passwords, you can do so through the various websites listed below. 3) Contact 1-888-ALCOA123 if you 3 need assistance. Beqinninq Julv 18: Access your accounts using your User lDs and AII meetines @ US\Y Local 105 Union Hall Unless desisnated otherwise passwords from the links below. From the President: . Your Benefits Resources (YBR) - administered by AON Hewitt CANCELEDI Auqust Reqular Business Meetinq Due to the executive board of Local 105 attending the lowa State AFL-CIO Convention, there will be no regular business meetings in August. Note: this cancellation notice does not pertain to our amalgamated Local 105-2 representing Sivyer Steel employees. Their regular business meeting will still be held August 20. Use access to the services listed below htto://resources. hewitt. com/a lcoa . . . . . r . . o . . . . . HR Diregt Chanqes Globat PeoplJtvstem (GpS) Access to Employee and Manager Self-Service on HR Direct will be unavailable July 18 - August 1 1 as Alcoa implements a new, easier to use Human Resources system called the Global People System (GPS). To access HR Direct services such as ePay or benefits during this time, you will need your personal log-in information (User lDs and passwords) for each specific account. This is the same log-in information that you use to access your accounts from outside of Alcoa. For example, the epay Highmark BSBC CVS Caremark UCCI Davis Vision Metlife Aetna Alcoa Retirement Savings Plan Pension Plans Aon Hewitt Financial Services Summary Plan Descriptions Your Spending Account . Merrill Lynch www.benefits.ml.com Use your previously established Merrill Lynch User lD and Password. Any questions regarding your lD and password should be directed to Merrill Lynch at (877) STK-ALCOA (785-2526). mwlu-5H16ar 16 AlcoaLearn https://alcoalearn. alcoa. com/sumtotal/app/SYS _login.aspx Your Username is your eight digit employee lD number. "Thank you for the watch, knife, jacket and 30 years of representation." - Glen Youngblut (Flat Sheet & Plate Mill Retiree) Local 105 and IBEW Golf Tournament This year's golf tournament will be lf you need to update your personal contact . held ThursdaY, August information before August 11 Send changes to your local Human Resources contact 7. Entry forms are available at the gates and at the hall and must be turned in bY Wednesday, JulY 30. Send emergency contact changes to Human Resources Employee and Manager Self'Service will be restored on August 11 when GPS goes "live"' Thank you for your support as we implement this important upgrade. Solidarity Fist Shirts ln! We received a shipment of graY or ash colored 100% cotton Pocket Tshirts in yesterday. The shirts are printed on the back with the popular "solidarity Fist" design. We have several members we owe a shirt to due to our demand exceeding our supply and will be trying to call those people to remind them to get their shirt' New Volunteer Opportunitv! Alcoa Davenport Works including the USW/IBEW has partnered with United Way and other companies in the Quad Cities to make a noticeable difference in the community. Did you know that one in six children who are not reading proficiently in third grade do not graduate from high school on time? A new reading program has been developed for us to help lower this statistic. Employees are invited to participate in the Neil Armstrong Elementary School during designated times to read to the students one-on-one or in a group setting. When: July 7th-August 1st (summer session) Monday thru Friday 8:00am-'1 1'.45am (volunteers are expected to be for '15-60 minute time slots between those hours) Anyone interested can contact KyLee White at [email protected] for further information. to the cents of their deposit amount is 99. lf the you win a free T-shirt. Thanks Received: "Thank you for allowing me to attend this year's MINK Summer lnsiitute. The skills and knowledge that I gained during this course will help greatly with I am looking foruvard to passing on the knowledge that I have gained with every opportunity I get." our everyday struggles. them up for the race. There will be no reimbursements made by the Health & Wellness Committee for that race. When you sign each dependent up for the Kid's Bix * write "Alcoa Kid" across the area for the payment amount' This is acceptable for the payment amount. Please see the Alcoa Wellness/Life Reimbursement form for complete details. With DeePest SYmPathY: The familY of: Hallie "Buttons" Cowart Delbert'Bing' Lamp - - (Jim Cowart's wife) (Retired member) Know Your Contract! Article Vl. Overtime and Premium Pay Provisions Section 12. Sunday Work and Holidays B. Employees shall be paid for the holidays providing they meet all of the following eligibility requirements: 1. During the payroll week in which the holiday is observed: duiing the payroll week during which the holiday occurs, or performs jury service, or is a witness in court of law, or is qualified for bereavement pay (Article XXIX, Bereavement Pay) on each of his scheduled days in such week, or 105 Contest Continues This week's number for direct deposit users to add ''105, submit documentation that you finished the Bix 7 along with a coPY of Your receipt or check The earliest registration fee for the Bix road race is the maximum reimbursement amount by the Life Committee. Kid's Bix - Do not pay for your child when you sign (a)The employee works or is on a vacation scheduled under the Vacation Plan (Article Vll' Vacations) or is on a layoff because he is not eligible for a vacation at the time of a shutdown Where: Neil Armstrong Elementary School 3311 Central Ave Bettendorf, lA sum equals Reminder: You will need to new summer reading program with kindergarten through third grade students. Volunteers will visit Alcoa Bix Runners Bix 7/ Rice the River/ Road Races ln Solidarity, Josh Meyrer "Thanks for the jacket, watch, knife, and for 30 plus years of representation". - Jay Sharp 'Semper Fi' (b)The employee is absent due to personal illness or accident and is not eligible for sickness and accident benefits for such week because of the waiting period, provided he is eligible for and receives sickness and accident benefits for such illness or accident for the following week. 2. The employee has thirty (30) days' seniority as of the date of the holidaY. 3. An employee who is scheduled to work on the holiday and is absent without permission for any reason except sickness will not receive holiday pay.
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