Cockburn City Herald
Cockburn City Herald
COCKBURN CITY HERALD Cockburn City’s own INDEPENDENT newspaper The kids who forgot how to play RIFFIN L N LE wondered where all the kids had gone. The places he and his brothers ran wild growing up in Fremantle were deserted. Parks that should have rung with the laughter and tears of children were silent—even on perfect, sunny weekends. A bush teepee he’d built with his own kids alongside Clontarf Hill was supposed to be added to by others as a neighbourhood cubby. But no one ever found it and years later it’s still there; untouched and slowly being reclaimed by creepers. So the Beaconsfield resident started asking questions and what he discovered is so shocking it could even affect our national identity. Kids are forgetting how to play. Sure, there’s plenty out on the footy ovals and netball courts, but they’re following an adult with a whistle who keeps them to a strict set of rules. Mucking around “Random mucking around in places like this has almost disappeared,” Mr Longley told the Herald atop a deserted Clontarf Hill on a warm, sunny afternoon. A recent review of psychiatric literature and results from school tests found that 85 per cent of modern children have less creativity than their parents. The ramifications include a generation with less ability to make decisions, solve problems or socialise. And there’s growing evidence linking the lack of outdoor play with a raft of mental problems. Mr Longley says this may affect Australia’s ability to compete globally in the future. “When you think about how we’re competing beyond our weight in terms of sports, science, business and even the military, it’s because we’ve had the most outdoor lifestyle of anyone. “We’ve had rugged, resilient, creative, hard-working people—I mean that’s how we’ve been interpreted, how we’ve thought about ourselves. For most of us, part of what we like about our sense of Australian identity is our little bit of ruggedness and that little bit of anti-authoritarianism, which happens when you spend time on your own and not under the control of someone else’s rules.” Mr Longley wrote about the problem in his column in the West Australian, which bought him to the notice of WA’s department of sport and recreation. The department had noticed that while it had succeeded in raising WA’s participation rates in sport, physical activity was actually declining, so it asked Mr Longley to join a think tank in 2010 to look into it. From that the non-profit group Nature Play was born to work with schools and communities highlighting the benefits of sending children outdoors. Mr Longley is CE . Some of his experiences are eye-opening. He was invited to a South West town where health professionals had noticed the town’s windows glowed blue with tvs every night and the parks were empty. A third of the kids had physical development problems. t’s a les A ROUND a day keeps the GP away. That’s our new motto at the Herald where not only can delivering your favourite independent newspaper put some pocket money in your purse, the exercise will help stave off a visit to the GP and its nasty $7 side-effect. Marie’s got great rounds available in your suburb (see the maps inside) so give her a call on 9430 7727. Find the Fake Ad & WIN a Chance for a Feast for 2 39 High St, Fremantle For details please see t e Competitions page • Gri n Longley s family oped ot er kids would add to t eir great teepee but no one plays in t e bus any more P oto by Steve Grant He agreed to speak with parents and teachers on the condition he was given two tonne of brickies sand on the school oval. After the talk he invited the kids to take part in a sandcastle-building competition. “After half an hour of a mist of yellow sand I called it quits and had a look, and the one that won was one single bucket of sand turned upside down with a daisy in it. That was it.” He said the kids just didn’t know how to turn an idea in their head into something physical. Things are slowly improving, with 70 schools recently responding to a Nature Play survey indicating they had either installed nature playgrounds or Get pumped with up to $100 FREE fuel. were in the process. He says another big problem is fear, as parents are fed a stream of horror stories as part of the 60-second news cycle and they start to retreat back into the home. Fear “There a bit of a negative snowball. If you ask parents why they don’t let their kids out to play, the number one reason they give is that there’s no kids out playing. Statistics show that crimes against children by strangers are no worse than in previous generations, and in many areas have improved. Mr Longley says one of his aims is to remind parents that their best memories of childhood would almost always be from outside, and often when there was no adult. They also have to rethink their ideas of risk, so they start seeing a sedentary lifestyle and its problems as the real risk (shortsightedness is another issue—rates in Australia are skyrocketing and it’s now being linked to the quality of indoor light rather than watching screens). Locally he wants to see Clontarf Hill turned into a nature playground with rope bridges and swings, although Main Roads might have something to say about that, given that the hill’s in the direct line of its beloved Roe Highway. Bridgestone Select Spearwood 21 Quarimor Road 9434 2677 Mon to Fri 8.00am–4.30pm Sat 8.00am–11.00am SPE AR WO OD RD by STEVE GRANT 41 Cliff Street, Fremantle Ph 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Email: [email protected] CK Letterboxed to Cockburn, Atwell*, Beeliar*, Bibra Lake*, Coogee, Coolbellup*, Hamilton Hill, Jandakot*, Munster, North Lake*, South Lake*, Spearwood, Success* and Yangebup* *Fortnightly STO Volume 25 No 21 Saturday May 24, 2014 QUARIMOR RD When you buy four selected tyres*. *Offer valid on purchase of four Turanza Serenity Plus (=$100) or Supercat (=$50) tyres between 01/05/2014 and 30/06/2014. Fuel card available in store while stocks last. Offer excludes Government, Fleet and Wholesale purchases. Not available with any other offer. See for full terms and conditions. Standard StarCash gift card conditions apply, which are available at StarCash is redeemable against fuel and shop purchases at participating Caltex and Ampol stores Australia wide. AV E When Is The Last Time YOU Changed Your Hair? When you come to us at FUBAR we will give you excellent advice on up to date, gorgeous hair designs to suit you. We would like to introduce Louise (European trained) to our team. • FREE Face to Face Consultations • Fully Trained Redesign Specialists • Fully Registered Wella Colour Masters Are you Ready To Change Your HAIR? Pick Up Your Phone And Call Our Redesign Hotline Zydecats move on by CLARE KENYON AFTER rocking dance oors for almost two decades, Clancy’s Sunday night staple—The Zydecats—are moving on, with their last gig at the pub this weekend. It comes because of Clancy’s new plans to renovate and revamp its entertainment program. Front man Bill Rodgers says the move comes with a certain amount of sadness. “We built up a great relationship with the staff there and they became family,” Rogers told the Herald. “We were sad initially but it will breathe new life into the band at our new gigs.” They will take up residency at the newly hip Fremantle Workers’ Club on Sundays and at the Windsor Hotel in South Perth on Saturday nights. Clancy’s general manager Justin Rogan says the Zydecats are like family and it’s a win-win for everyone with them picking up the Windsor gig. Mr Rogan says the changes for Clancy’s have been in the works for a few years. “We are extensively renovating to make it very comfortable for customers,” he told the Herald. “We are getting four music spots so we can have multiple entertainment going on at one time.” He says it will be a “festival in a pub”—not a raging dance festival—but burlesque, magic shows, latin disco, ‘60s music and jive dances amongst others. Phone 9336 6898 32 High Street, Fremantle West End Contemporary Kitchen & Bathroom Design · International experience · Full project management & be in with a chance to win a copy of a winter cookbook ‘Slow’ by Valli Little! M: 0448 133 550 E: [email protected] W: ray beattie marcus beilby ken wadrop B ric k b ats But trader escapes heritage bill by CLARE KENYON A CAFE owner who ignored multiple warnings to stop stripping plaster from a heritage-listed building has been let off with a fingerwagging. Council staff had ordered Hush Espresso owner Daniel Leppard to replaster the wall of his High Street cafe or face fines and legal action. Mr Leppard said that would cost him $10,000—and drive him out of business. Mayor Brad Pettitt won unanimous support at Wednesday’s council meeting for Mr Leppard to be allowed to delay replastering till the day he shuts up shop. But the mayor warned further works against the rules would result in legal action. The Clothing Alterations Specialists Chica Latina Since 1994 $18 PL AI N PAN T S ea S H O R T EN I N G S hop 7A, 427 C arringt on S t , H am ilt on H ill 9336 3440 “I thought it was just the same thing as painting, and I take full responsibility that I should have known,” Mr Leppard told the Herald. “But to me it’s actually showing respect to the building, it’s got a cool, grungy look that’s unique to Fremantle. “I am very grateful for the compromise I had my first good sleep in months last night,” he laughed. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Manures Sheep, Cow, Chic en, ulti i Mulches Water Saver, arri eat, ine ar , ushroom Compost anure ulch Soil Mixes Thirty-four years on from a watershed exhibition, the work of three significant realists is revisited opening night 30 may 6:30pm sat 31 may - thur 17 july 1 Finnerty St Fremantle | Open 7 days 10am–5pm | +61 8 9432 9555 Fremantle Arts Centre is supported by the State Government through the Department of Culture and the Arts Page 2 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 RY D I R E C T Asbestos Remo al Colorbond & Hardi Fence Concrete Retaining Walls Plinths (Metal Retaining) Pool Fencing Colorbond Gates DIY GATES OR WE INSTALL • FREE MEASURE & Aluminium Slat (wood look) or Colorbond Gates & In Fill Panels We do all insurance & private quotes O ce 9409 4005 • Fa 9409 4010 Mobile 0426 954 134 kromfencing li UOTE ALSO AVAILABLE SHEEP MANURE In Large 70lt Bag 10 bags $95 ut the magic in your garden Soil Conditioner, otting i 3 lt Wood roducts 40 itre ags Any 10 ag Combination Ph: Manure Magic 0427 999 961 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ $75.00 KROM FENCING FA C T O LOWEST •• • PRICE • IN WA • • FREE HOME DELIVERY ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ fremantle realists • RELIE ED Hus Espresso owner Daniel Leppard and is bare brick wall Photo by Clare Kenyon ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ fremantle arts centre exhibition Denture Clinic Repairs While You Wait Veterans Affairs Rod Herbert Denture Clinic 199 High Street, Fremantle 9335 3317 Battle for Beeliar T NEED CASH LOANS & LEASES Loans - Lease - Loans - Lease PHONE US! ROE 8 REPORT CARMELO AMALFI CONSUMER LEASES NOW AVAILABLE + Affordable up to 2 years to repay + Shorter term loans and leases available to suit your needs + Centrelink clients welcome (according to benefits) + Poor credit history? Try us! + Fast decisions HE battle lines are drawn—federal Labor MPs Alannah MacTiernan and Melissa Parke are vowing to stop Roe 8 ploughing through Beeliar wetlands, labelling it Perth’s “Kings Park of the south”. They say by the time the 5km highway link to Fremantle is completed by 2021, WA will have started building a new container port at Kwinana to cope with the freight that’s spilling out of Freo. “The Fremantle port will have reached its maximum capacity by that time and a new facility at Kwinana will need to be in place,” Ms MacTiernan, a former WA planning minister, told the Herald. “As soon as the second port opens in 2021, about 40 per cent of freight tra c will shift from Fremantle to Kwinana. Roe 8 will be out of date. This is not good forward planning.” New facility She says the Barnett government has acknowledged a new container facility is needed but has done little to make it happen. Roe 8 is expected to cost up to $850 million—a staggering $1.7 million per metre. By contrast the much longer Swan Valley Highway is priced at $836.6 million or $210,000 a metre. “The total project to extend Roe Highway and upgrade the associated road network is $1.6 billion, of which around $1.1 billion is taxpayer-funded,” Ms MacTiernan says. “It would be far cheaper to get on with developing the new facility at Kwinana while improving the rail subsidy into Fremantle to manager container tra c into the port. The $1.6 billion “road to nowhere” will run through wetlands and bush that’s home to endangered wildlife. It will FROM $500 TO $5000 Advertise in your Herald for as little as $104 Advertising that packs a punch! CALL NOW! We like to say yes!* *Terms & conditions apply ustralian redit icense um er Shop 15, Stargate Shopping Centre on Rockingham Rd, Spearwood 9494 2169 • Federal Labor MPs lanna MacTiernan and Melissa Parke say Roe is too expensive and environmentally destructive and t at it makes planning sense to put freig t on rail to ease tra c congestion cashloanmone centre com au Call Today 9430 7727 Conditions Apply award-winning designs Photo by Carmelo Amalfi connect Kwinana Freeway in Jandakot to Stock Road in Coolbellup, with Main Roads predicting up to 75,000 vehicles a day using it by 2031. The Barnett government is expected to kick in $200 million with $400 million to be sourced from the private sector through a toll for truck drivers. Ms MacTiernan predicts the project will be a failure, like Oakajee, as it requires an “insane amount of money”. We built Roe 4, 5, 6 and 7, but 8 was far too expensive and unacceptable to the EPA,” she says. “Even if you didn’t care about wetlands, this amount of money is a waste.” Ms Parke describes Roe 8 as a defining difference between the Liberal and Labor parties: “This is going to be a big battle,” she predicts. The Greens’ Lynn MacLaren agrees, saying the Barnett government has signed up for a major “environmental battle”: “West Australians do not want a toll road and they do not want 5km of road rammed through rare wetlands when it will not reduce congestion.” WA transport minister Dean Nalder—whose seat of Alfred Cove suffers massive tra c congestion along Canning Highway—accuses Ms MacTiernan of deliberately sabotaging a decades-old plan to link Kewdale to Fremantle port with her decision a decade ago to delete the Fremantle eastern bypass road reservation. “By 2025 the Fremantle Outer Harbour is expected to be in operation, increasing freight demand on the freeway,” he says. “But over and above these increasing freight capacity needs, this upgrade caters for a growing population in the southern suburbs of Perth that commute each day”. WA treasurer and Riverton MP Mike Nahan says Roe 8 will be completed to overturn the planning decisions of previous Labor governments. He describes Labor’s decision to axe the bypass—the southern extension of Stirling highway through White Gum Valley and Hamilton Hill—as one of the worst acts of planning bastardry in WA’s history. At Zeel Designer Kitchens we pride ourselves on the quality of our work, our customer service and our functional designs tailored to fit your budget. Our team of skilled tradesmen have many years’ experience in creating award-winning kitchens. Phone: 6397 5130 Unit 4/5 Merino Entrance Cockburn Central SPEARWOOD HAND IN HAND WE LEARN & GROW • We cater for children aged 6 weeks to 10 years • Before & After School • We provide a warm home like environment • Healthy & Nutritious meals. • Learning opportunities provided cover language, music and movement, science and arts. • View the brand new Natures Playground designed to stimulate your child’s senses. • Learn about our Holistic approach to childcare, balancing the focus equality on early education and development. • Meet the team of Educators who will care for your child. CALL US ON 9434 3167 FOR A TOUR!!!! S ENROLMENT NOW OPEN FOR 2014 Phone: 9434 3167 267 Rockingham Road, Spearwood [email protected] 1 x 1 Apartment + Studio + One Car Bay $460,000 2 x 2 Apartment + One Car Bay $ 525,000 2 x 2 Apartment + Two Car Bays $615,000 REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TODAY Sarah Brolsma 0407 939 931 [email protected] Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May24, 2014 - Page 3 SUTHERLAND’S STUNNING SEATING SALE NOTHING UNDER ! GO T US M G IN TH EVER $26,000 What’s the most valuable tool in a tradie’s toolbox? HERALD T newspaper e, own INDEPENDENe, Hilton, North Fremantl Fremantleʼs East Fremantl Gum Valley Beaconseld, e and White to Fremantle, South Fremantl Letterboxed O’Connor, Samson, to the man. wasn’t related window Peering in the r Ms the pensione of ies: for signs of noticed a lot good,” Castaldi had window is not “Flies at the the police. so she called straight away and “They came in—but he was kicked the door old bugger was on dead. The poor bedroom].” his the oor [of was overpowering, The stench been dead for indicating he’d police had to call nally When police some time, andCastaldi said. found the man’s his door, they how long to for masks, Ms department corpse. It’s unknown She called the uncertain terms in no he’d been dead. the units in . inform staff Residents of had happened are about what Frederick Street ‘yes we Hamilton Hill’seach other so when “The man said on follow that seen keep an eye sorry we didn’t hadn’t been the elderly man was phoned. through’.” nt door broken the departme [early in the ” With the unit messages unable to be “I left by police and the department answering machine, week] on the whose pensioner locked she rangthe vain hope it Mary Castaldi, door to the man, day in next the to protect the mum lives next ay mother and would be secured gs. By Thursday d, said. By Wednesd man’s belonginwas still waiting. really concerne daughter were est ve times. afternoon she service delivery ringing Homesw Homeswest she was worriedout,” Parry told the “Mum said bin manager Steve hadn’t put his nt’s last because he on Herald the departme said. the tenant was Ms Castaldi were left on contact with questions Three messages He dodged October 14. message bank nt to the calls, the departme situation. None e about the response should telephon explaining the but said peopledepartment, if they were returned. subsequent calls rs. police, not the about neighbou During two unable had concerns they had been staff claimed Ms Castaldi to respond because by JENNY DʼANGER lay dead, A PENSIONER in his n undiscovered unit in Hamilto Homeswest days, despite Hill for ve WA pleas to the neighbours’ ent to check housing departm on him. kicked in t Leavers rio e locals want • North Fremantl an art gallery erupted at a by JENNY DʼANGER NTLE NORTH FREMAfor their safety residents feared a leavers’ y as last Saturda college boys party for Aquinas Riding Gallery at the Anthony Street erupted on quiet Pearse into a riot. a started when The trouble ed students handful of intoxicat school punched and from the swank gallery’s walls holes in the in the street. harassed people them was ejected When one of bogan , he texted his they by bouncers up and, when mates to turn nuts, an eyewitness went boy did, they He said one told the Herald.“go wild” after to . was itching girlfriend his with splitting up Ad & WIN a Find the Fakea Feast for 2 Chance for 73 Wray Ave, Fremantle 9430 5513 For details see ns page the Competitio leaver’s party. CEO Graeme just before the Fremantle council attended r damaged walls, Rangers ward councillo the gallery’s and Mackenzie. n riot. around near local park. North to discover to assist police the into a full-blow d arrived on the night party turned Weber, schedule Rob Fittock investigating cleaning the partner David via train from a the council is with the land Aquinas parents g Aquinas to return home incident, along With the remainin agent. gallery. who offered girlfriends huddled concert. owner’s property to gallery the mob but He and a ranger boys and their received the doors Mr Weber missed a few doors Ben Repeated calls road sweeper a man Anthony and inside the gallery— —the mob the use of a , he said: told the Herald to move owners Andreia returned, but the told youths locked by bouncers a “hostile” reception l and didn’t not and grabbed down, who’d stolen bricks from unhelpfu Riding were nds they have ripped off shirts other missiles. “They were they’d understa after be and on Herald rocks, bricks the gallery walls taunted they’d want us there”. Riding Gallery’s take legal action his yard, was threatened to ”. for organisers. The Anthony They pounded s the venue inside and trashed “back with machetes after police against the party’s trying to get alleged teenage web page advertise says. ute. Inside the The mob dispersedvisit), but A call to the Salter Point Weber a nearby parked students screamed second ’s functions, Mr encourages people ed arrived (their to have been no party organiserwith an, “I have no “The owner gallery terri ‘go nuts’— appeared the attack. was met and there during about,” home space the cried says. and are talking to hire Tucak told that’s what arrests, Ms Tucak Street locals idea what you who said his at Neighbour Layla and on Saturday this returned home Furious Pearse home. by a young man closed, saying to a the Herald she’d an eight-week-old happened.” brother weren’t he which opened has want the venue there’s been parents and party,” The gallery, 10.30pm, “with old to a mob going time in June, only “It wasn’t David’sup. isn’t the rst and a four year fanfare of media 9–5pm and is not hanging trouble. open said, before rallied the berserk”. approval to students and Neighbours functions, says She says the to clean up rubbish licensed to hold in the headed towards following day gatecrashers the street and and into a nearby strewn down Tydeman Road to fear for her her park, causing • Students mill r share Labor. A fai lians. for all Austra nment is using Labor Gover , the Gillard QIURPWR mining boom XSHUDQQXDWLR share in the FRPSXOVRU\V all Australians UWRLQFUHDVH To ensure that VRXUFHVVHFWR 00 more. WVIURPWKHUH retire with $100,0 current and WKHKLJKSURÀ worker will to ensure that 30 year old DOWK Labor wants an average once, and FRPPRQZH This means WKDWDUHRXU lia’s resources XUFHV Austra up dig plan. VKDUHRIUHVR We can only nment’s super ÀWIURPDIDLU DWLRQVEHQH on the Gover information IXWXUHJHQHU ORVW 8555 for more are more than me on 9335 WH alone there Please call QWOHHOHFWRUD that in the )UHPD PLOOLRQ perseeker. Did you know RUWKDURXQG RQDFFRXQWVZ or visit ZZZD VXSHUDQQXDWL ring your lost super To track down X SDUNHFRPD ZZZPHOLVVD WE have probably all heard of the Kray Brothers and the Carlton Mob but they pale into insignifance compared to the gangs of today: Barnett’s Boys led by Bulldozer Barnett and the Canberra Mob led by Tony “The Axe” Abbott, are the new threat. These guys seem to be able to terrorise middle-class Australians and the elderly by raising taxes, breaking election promises and depriving people who have paid taxes all their lives of a decent and comfortable retirement, without being accountable to anyone. Let’s just hope “Big Clive”, “Battling Bill”, “Mystical Mark” and “The Tree Huggers” can thwart this attack on Middle Australia. Steven Grandy Murray Rd, Palmyra I AM a Melville ratepayer. es, the tra c is becoming a problem on the city’s main roads, especially at peak hour. Fremantle 41 Cliff Street, Fax 9430 7726 Ph: 9430 7727 om emantleherald.c Email: news@fr Neighbours’ d pleas ignore after violence closed down What a Mob Rail before Roe E FREMANTL o 48 Volume 22 N er 26, 2011 Saturday Novemb www.fremantleh herald The Herald of course. Be seen in thousands of newspapers every week. Contact the Herald today on 9430 7727 or email [email protected] The problem needs to be addressed but not by building Roe 8. This measure would provide only temporary relief and soon become, itself, a congested route. It would be very expensive both financially and at cost of depleting the wetlands through which Roe 8 would pass. Why not think laterally and investigate a rail system? This would provide better value for money and preserve the wetlands heritage for people who enjoy it now and for those of the future. Marion Shaw Winnacott St, Willagee Makes me shed a tear GENEROSITY is alive and well! As part of the Fremantle Heritage Festival, the Fremantle Men’s Community Shed catered the sausage sizzle stall at the Arthur Grady Day. Government of Western Australia Local Government Advisory Board Local Government Advisory Board Metropolitan Local Government District Inquiries The Local Government Advisory Board (the Board) is an independent statutory body established under section 2.44 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). The Board is required, under the Act, to consider proposals submitted to it by the Minister for Local Government, local governments, or electors that orders be made, under section 2.1 of the Act, for changes to local government districts. The Board has established the Metropolitan Local Government District Inquiries (MLGDI) and this is a further Notice of Inquiry advising that the Board has accepted another four proposals and will inquire into each one as part of the MLGDI. The proposals have been lodged by: 1. The City of Subiaco (Proposal Number 22) 2. The Town of Mosman Park (Proposal Number 24) 3. The Shire of Kalamunda (Proposal Number 25) 4. The City of Perth (Proposal Number 26) Vogel not my focus I AM writing to address inaccuracies in the Herald article “Bell tolls for wetlands” (May 10, 2014). The above proposals also affect the following local governments: Belmont (City) Mosman Park (Town) Swan (City) Claremont (Town) Nedlands (City) Victoria Park (Town) Cottesloe (Town) Peppermint Grove (Shire) Vincent (City) Cambridge (Town) Perth (City) Fremantle (City) Subiaco (City) The Board will consider these factors: communities of interest; physical and topographic features; demographic trends; economic factors; the history of the area; transport and communication; matters affecting the viability of local governments; effective delivery of local government services and any other matter considered relevant to the inquiry. The Board has prepared an information paper which explains the inquiry process, provides guidance on how to prepare a submission and includes a submission form. The Board will also accept submissions by email or over the telephone. The specific details of each proposal (including detailed maps) and the information paper are available on the Board’s webpage: The website includes an online submission form. The map and information paper may also be requested by contacting the Department of Local Government and Communities on (08) 6551 8700 or Freecall 1800 620 511 for country callers. Written and email submissions must be forwarded to the Local Government Advisory Board: GPO Box R1250, PERTH WA 6844 Email: [email protected] or Fax: (08) 6552 1555 The closing date and time for receipt of submissions is 4.00pm on Thursday, 26 June 2014. adcorp F92503B Page 4 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 The council supplied the ingredients so there was no charge for the sausage in a bun. The Shed master chefs did suggest a gold coin donation could be given towards our Community Engagement Programs and at the end of the day the public had chipped in more than $750. This is a fantastic indicator the Fremantle community has a huge capacity for giving! Thanks also to the council for organising such a great heritage festival.. unique and inspiring. Freowill Junior survey staff were employed by the proponent South Metro Connect, not the EPA. Also, Bibra and North Lakes are not Ramsarlisted wetlands, as reported, although we believe they should be eligible for this listing. You reported: “She also criticised Mr Vogels (sic) for taking on the report in the first place, saying his role put him in a position where he could be in uenced by senior politicians, rather than sticking to the science”. I did not say this. The statement criticising Dr Vogel that was attributed to me, was suggested to me by the Herald and was understood by me to mean the EPA should not have made a decision without an adequate public letters environmental review (PER), and that the EPA has done so in a political climate in which road building is an ideological agenda of the current state and federal governments. My criticism is with the inadequacy of the PER documents presented to the EPA and its response to them. The EPA gave conditional approval to the Roe 8 project without requiring adequate baseline data relative to claims or offsets identified, and against previous EPA advice that the area of North and Bibra lakes are too important, ecologically, archaeologically and culturally to sustain the impact of the proposed Roe 8 highway extension. Dr Nandi Chinna Ommanney St, Hamilton Hill The Ed says: Thanks for this clarification. When we asked you whether Dr Vogel had put himself in a position where he could be influenced by senior politicians, rather than sticking strictly to the science, you replied “totally”. Dr Vogel in a letter to the Herald last week (“Truth got steamrolled”) said “the EPA refutes any suggestion or inference it’s recommendation to the minister was subject to political interference”. Kissy kissy with council WHEN can we expect the council administration and the Herald to kiss and make up? It is surely the function of a local newspaper to hold the council to account and, if the council feels it is being unfairly reported on, for it to have the right to say so. The present hiatus means the community, which both the council and newspaper are meant to serve, are denied ready access to important information. Promotion of the current heritage festival is a case in point. Copies of the lavishly prepared program can be collected from the council o ces or, in a butchered form, online. Not surprisingly some events, involving in many cases elaborate and timeconsuming preparation, are poorly attended. These programs should have been distributed to every household in the Fremantle area, if not as an insert in the Herald, then separately. What is the point of organising a festival and not ensuring, to the extent possible that it is well attended? David Hawks Bellevue Tce, Fremantle Killing Cockburn doesn’t make sense IN recent correspondence the WA local government minister Tony Simpson informed me his preference for boundary amalgamations is for Cockburn to be carved up between Fremantle, Melville and Kwinana. There was no ambiguity. One wonders why the government would want to take a large city that is financially sound, has a progressive outlook and serves its ratepayers well and carve it into pieces to be passed to other towns and cities which are, perhaps, not doing so well. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for such folly. Before the last election it was stated there would be no forced amalgamations. I find it di cult to believe the people of Cockburn agree with the minister’s proposal, which will wipe our city from the map. It is interesting to note that in 1994 the Richard Court-led Liberal government split the City of Perth into four parts because it was considered too big. Does the word whim come to anyone’s mind over this issue? It does to mine! John Cooper Counsel Rd, Coolbellup The Paper That Lives Here est. 1989 Newspaper House 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle, WA 6159 Ph: 9430 7727 Fax: 9430 7726 news Publisher: The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd Editor-in-chief: Andrew Smith Directors: Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL Editor: Andrew Smith Chief of Sta & Production Editor: Steve Grant Hobart Desk / Editorial Production: Brian Mitchell ournalists: Jenny D’Anger, Carmelo Amalfi, David Bell Photographer: Matthew Dwyer Cartoonist: Ange, Chatfield Story Deadline: Wed. noon ADMINISTRATION Business De elopment Director: Bryan Zemunik Reception: Alana Christian, Emily Templeton-Knight ADVERTISING Director: Natalie Hug Assistant to Director: Melanie Buljan Real Estate: Natalie Hug Display Ad ertising: Elin McCarthy, Myra Oudendijk Ad Copy Control: Rosie Smith, Julie Rainbow Trades & Ser ices: Daisy Smith, Bryan Zemunik Classifieds: Daisy Smith Ads Deadline: Tues. noon PRODUCTION Production Manager: Matthew Eeles Graphic Design: Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay ACCOUNTS Director: Christine Smith Assistants: Janelle Tester, Molly Brown DISTRIBUTION Manager: Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger & an army of locals! Transport: Ron Fowler WEBSITE Administrator: Matthew Eeles Programmer: Stephen Pollock We publish four separate editions every weekend which carry local and regional news and advertising. Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, White Gum Valley 19,743 papers (Sept 2013) Atwell, Aubin Grove, Beeliar, Bibra Lake, Cockburn, Coogee, Coolbellup, Hamilton Hill, Hammond Park, Jandakot, Munster, North Lake, South Lake, Spearwood, Success, Yangebup 22,670 papers (Sept 2013) Applecross to Bicton Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Melville, Mount Pleasant Myaree, Palmyra Leeming to Kardinya Bateman, Bull Creek, Kardinya, Leeming, Murdoch, Willagee, Winthrop 38,960 papers (Sept 2013) *Some areas delivered fortnightly. Total Herald circulation: 81,373 SEPT 2013 We also publish the Perth Voice, which is letterbox-delivered every week to more than 37,700 homes and businesses through Perth’s inner-northern suburbs (Leederville, Perth, Mt Lawley, etc) Total Voice circulation: 37,702 SEPT 2013 *CAB Audited herald letters OU ets e perfectly clear a out our fees. ur fee is a flat fee of 1 all inclusi e. ou pay no more. o if we lease your property for say per week you get and we recei e . t s as simple as that. HAVE A PROPERTY TO RENT? TO OU o fees for property condition reports o letting fees o inspection fees o ad ertising fees o final ond inspection fee o ring the plum er fee Our Property Managers specialise in leasing properties to corporate tenants For a FREE rental appraisal contact Miguel or Rod today on 9499 6000 MIGUEL DE FREITAS ROD RYAN 0417 268 465 0408 405 262 [email protected] [email protected] You’ll love the way we do business at De Freitas & Ryan Proudly Supporting the Arts Small Steps • Lasting Changes • Healthy Families Empowering your family to live an extraordinary life... The only way is up EVERY year the WA Budget comes out, we get all the whinges and arguments about the rises. Any person with any common knowledge, or is an older person, will tell you that all essentials such as power, gas and water must go up with in ation. The people I feel sorry for are those paying rent: Many would not know the owners of rental properties and vacant land pay land tax and it rose by 20 per cent in the WA Budget. These rises, as well water charges and council rate increases, are also passed on to tenants. It does not matter whether it is Liberal or Labor in power, we still get the rises. Frank Granger Melville Bch Rd, Applecross Allow me to clarify... LAST week’s Herald front page on local government amalgamations needs clarifying as it didn’t paint an accurate picture of the Fremantle council’s response to a potential lack of funding by the state. While there is huge frustration that the state government has reneged on its promise to fund amalgamations, I don’t believe Fremantle will walk away from the whole process as we have come too far as a community to do that now. But many councils around Perth have said they will walk away and this may put the whole reform process in jeopardy. In reality I expect Fremantle’s response to be more moderate. We will make it very clear on our rates notices what parts of your rate rise is as a result of amalgamation costs so that all can clearly see the extent to which this cost shifting from state to local government has occurred. At more than $60 million, local government reform doesn’t come cheap and it is disappointing these costs are being forced by the state onto local ratepayers. Brad Pettitt Mayor, City of Fremantle Local hero WE live across the road from the Watkins Street site that was the subject of recent demolition works (“No Gum Valley,” Herald, May 17, 2014). The property owners’ claim, “all other neighbours have been cool about [the demolition and removal of trees]” is incorrect. We have not met nor discussed the demolition/development with the owners. With respect to statements made about Mr Frank Sander and more specifically the claim he is “jealous”, they are misguided and incorrect. Frank and Chadia are committed community members with a passion for White Gum Valley. Frank’s thoughts and approach to this issue have the support of many in the valley and we are concerned loose planning policy is allowing White Gum Valley to become a suburb of paving, shrubs and bespoke potted plants, as can be seen in adjoining suburbs. Unfortunately, White Gum Valley is suffering from the scourge of absentee owners/ developers with a “churn and urn” approach to development. The council is on notice to ensure tighter planning policies are put in place that maintain the valley’s social, natural and built environment. While higher density development should be embraced, poor planning, architecture and the unnecessary removal of trees should be at the forefront of development concerns in order to maintain property and community values—a leafy suburb. David and Isabelle Cadman Newbold St, White Gum Valley Special interest in: Pregnancy Care, Babies, Paediatrics, Performance and Stress Management CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Health Coaching Master Classes Workshops Remedial Massage Functional Assessments Aromatherapy Deep Tissue and Relaxation Massage Holistic Nutrition 9414 3113 Suite 4/14 Mapleton Ave, Aubin Grove Grove Chiropractic Care Plus more coming… New Life Christian College because children should love learning Fair thanks FAIRTRADE Freo would like to say a huge thank you to the 300-strong audience, sponsors and many, many volunteers who made WA’s first ever Fair Trade fashion show, Fairly Fashionable? a night to remember! Forty-one local and interstate designers took part in the 14-day challenge, launched on Fashion Revolution Day, marking the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory disaster in Bangladesh. Antonia Taylor Project Coordinator VACANCIES NOW FOR KINDY, PRE PRIMARY, YEARS 3 - 6 We provide a secure, enriching environment in which all students are encouraged to strive for excellence in everything they do. Subject to approval from the Minister for Education our High School will commence in 2015 with an intake of year 7 students 2014 FEES: Primary $2490, Kindergarten $2370 Sibling Discounts Available FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE THE PRINCIPAL ON 0424 644 549 0424 644 549 Join Sir Tony Robinson in Fremantle tomorrow! You’re invited to be part of your local history and join Tony for the filming of his new series on Sunday May 25 from 11:30AM. Enjoy a sausage sizzle, explore displays and witness all the excitement of a television production. If you have a war relic* you would like assessed by one of our Historians, please bring it with you on the day. Location - Army Museum of WA, Artillery Barracks, Burt St, Fremantle 11.45PM 1.00PM 2.30PM 3.45PM 4.00PM Welcome from Tony Robinson & start of filming Unveiling of the Time Capsule Short talk from an expert Historian Tony Robinson to close the event Autograph signing For more information go to *Please note that guns, ammunition or bones are not permitted. Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 5 Kitchens, T h iev es Bathrooms targ et w idow by CARMELO AMALFI & Laundries Remodelled Designed + installed by WA’s longest registered builder. 63 years Building Experience Complete service from start to finish. All trades included. Kitchens normally 2 day change over. I supply all materials & charge at cost All mature age top tradesmen No mess No problems “I will assist & advise you during the entire Cupboards made process. Leave the to measure work to me.” Low overheads Malcolm Malcolm Builder Ph: 9498 7110 | 0417 170 931 CROTON crooks have left Beverley Williams heartbroken. “My garden is my life,” the Ardross green thumb told the Herald shortly after finding that thieves had uprooted her prized tropical plants. “They are like my babies.” Living alone since husband Clifford died 12 years ago, this is the fourth time in five years thieves have struck her immaculate garden. “You should have seen them in the ground, the 71-year-old said. I worked at Coles for 30 years. I have a daughter and two grandchildren, I’m not one for clubs.” Mrs Williams says security and spotlights replaced her two German shepherds, which died a few years ago. “They also took palms and succulents,” she laments. “They wait until my plants are well grown before they pick the good ones.” She says each of her crotons can fetch up to $50 at weekend markets or even more online with some species prized by collectors. From tropical Indonesia, crotons grow worldwide and are highly popular indoor plants. D eath m etal ELEVATED levels of lead and zinc and other contaminants from an historic cemetery are to blame for slowly killing a Moreton Bay fig at Fremantle primary school, according to a report presented to the council. The Alma Street school’s grounds used to be Freo’s main cemetery. • Beverley illiams works ard in er garden only to see t ieves regularly steal er plants. Photo by Matthew Dwyer Solar’s the tip by CARMELO AMALFI A HANDFUL of companies in Australia and overseas have expressed interest in turning part of the old South Fremantle tip site into a large-scale solar farm. The council has decided to test the market and call for expressions of interest to build a new solar electricity generation plant from which it might draw power when completed. “It’s a process which council could be part of,” mayor Brad Pettitt told the Herald. It’s also a di cult time to be pushing renewables in Australia.” Dr Pettitt says the proposed plant would make the site safer and re ect the council’s push towards reducing carbon emissions. The landfill site covers 19.4 hectares, 88 per cent of it owned by the council. The remainder comprises an unmade road reserve (Island Street) and freehold land owned by WA Main Roads. The council land consists of two distinct parcels, separated by the road reserve and Main Roads-owned land which forms a narrow strip running east and west across the centre of the site. The tip was shut in 1991 and is registered under the contaminated sites act. Environmental and geotechnical constraints associated with the site due to its past use make it unsuitable for most forms of development for the next 20 years. The council is prepared to assign a 21-year lease to potential developers or operators of the land. In April, the council considered a request from FreoFarm to be granted a lease over part of the site for use as a community garden. Following local opposition to the plan FreoFarm subsequently decided not to pursue it. Is Your Workplace or Home SAFE & Tested? Occupational Health and Safety Legislation imposes a duty of care to provide a safe workplace. Failure to ensure the safety of electrical equipment may result in the death or injury of yourself, your employees or others. Advance Power Solutions test & tag benefits: Identify any un-safe electrical appliances Increased safety for yourself, employees and clients Reduce your liability under the OH&S Act Reduced insurance premiums Reduce the risk of electronic data loss from damaged and overloaded appliances Reduce your liability and risk Test and tag electrical cords and appliances to Australian Standards AS/NZS 3760:2010 Test radiation leakage on microwaves. Repairs of equipment can be made onsite to minimise down-time Emergency lighting testing Preventing precious electronic data loss through faulty electrics Receive a comprehensive register on all equipment tested for register We offer FREE, no obligation inspection and quote Advance Power Solutions are experts in all domestic, commercial and mining electrical work including emergency electrical work and call outs. For a free quote and further information please call or email Grant Hudson. EC11074 0407 988 744 [email protected] Page 6 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 TO LOCATE A CHIROPRACTOR, CALL 9386 2525 WWW.CAAWA.COM.AU Police charge car yard pair by CARMELO AMALFI YOU know something is amiss when the doors and tyres on your top vehicles disappear overnight. M That’s what happened at Melville Motors in Attadale Tuesday when two men nabbed shiny mag wheels from a 2014 SS Commodore. Manager Paul Davies was not surprised the thieves targeted the dealership: “It’s not uncommon, car yards get hit all the time. “What’s surprising is they got caught.” Police had noticed the brightly lit display vehicle—sticker price $45,000plus—jacked up with bricks. Police dog Rumble was deployed and one alleged offender was soon found in a nearby park, hiding behind a tree. The second alleged offender was found at a servo nearby. A 21-year-old Southern River man and 24-year-old Canning Vale man will soon appear in court, charged with stealing. Mr Davies says thieves generally sell stolen gear online. At Shacks Holden in Fremantle, manager Richard Cull says dealerships are known as “midnight spares”: “They go to a car yard after hours and take what they need from used cars—tail lights or spare wheels,” he told the Herald. Thieves often cause thousands of dollars’ damage trying to remove parts worth just $200 or $500. Scraping keys and coins on panels is also common. “Recently, we had to replace 13 bonnets after someone jumped from car to car,” he says. “Even with cameras, these guys wear hoods and masks so they can’t be identified. ay or sh u ts dow n c lu b lease q u eries by CARMELO AMALFI MELVILLE mayor Russell Aubrey last week shut down questions relating to a controversial motion to allow Blue Gum tennis club an extension to its lease and to its boundary. Former mayor June Barton and councillors Susan Taylor-Rees and Nick Pazolli tried to question club president Bill Thomas about letters he’d sent to “certain councillors” but the mayor said the questions were “not relevant”. Before last October’s council elections, Mr Thomas wrote to hundreds of tennis club members urging them to vote for particular candidates, including Mr Aubrey’s daughter, Rebecca, who was subsequently elected. He also urged support for Nicole Foxton, Cameron Schuster, Guy Wieland, Patricia Phelan and Clive Robartson, all of whom were elected or re-elected. Chill out in the Valley As the temperature starts to drop, grab your family and friends and head for the valley, where the people are welcoming and the weather is always delightfully warm. Chilli Valley is a new Indian restaurant in Beeliar offering authentic Indian cuisine in an inviting and contemporary setting. Chilli Valley aims to be the best Indian restaurant in the southern suburbs. Owner Prash, Head Chef Kamal and Chef Anil Sharma have a wealth of experience in prestigious establishments in India, the UK and Australia. This talented team is dedicated to providing a memorable dining experience for customers with superb food, excellent service and great value for money. At Chilli Valley, only the freshest produce is used, including the meat which is sourced from a local supplier. All food is prepared on site without the use of MSG artificial colours avours an preservatives. ou ll fin all the famil favourites on offer such as Butter Chicken, Beef Vindaloo and Chicken Tikka, along with some deliciously different dishes such as Fish Fry Punjabi - pieces of Australian Barramundi marinated in yogurt and fried until crispy; Prawn Hara Masala - Australian tiger prawns sautéed in garlic & peppercorns and Chilli Valley Goat Curry - a homest le me ium to hot curr . here s a selection Only Crs Aubrey and Schuster declared an interest in the lease extension, which was approved. Cr Barton tried to ask Mr Thomas whether he’d contacted councillors to seek their views about the lease. “Not relevant,” the mayor interjected. “It is mayor, because I wasn’t contacted,” Cr Barton replied. “It is very relevant.” “If you make that allegation…” the mayor warned. “I’m asking a question.” A 101-signature petition was tabled calling on council to reject the extension. Cr Taylor-Rees criticised CEO Shayne Silcox for blocking councillors’ access to the council’s three environmental o cers who’d helped compile the 14-page report. She noted the report included no reference to the area’s cultural significance to Aboriginal people and did not mention Blue Gum Lake was part of Beeliar regional park. “Councillors, I am the chief adviser for council,” Dr Silcox advised, stating it was up to him to decide what staff attended council meetings. Speaking against the proposal from the public gallery, Murdoch University associate professor of education Judy MacCallum said the boundary expansion was inconsistent with Bush Forever objectives. “Bush Forever is supposed to be bush forever,” she said, describing the club’s push into already degraded land as, “more a matter of convenience” for the club. Referring to a series of aerial maps and diagrams of the Bush Forever site off Moolyeen Road in Brentwood, Dr MacCallum said the club had already encroached on land outside its fence. She warned a dangerous precedent would be set by the council’s “tacit acceptance of unlawful activities”. The WA environment department says the clearing was investigated and, “no offence was identified . Are you over 45? We are here to help you stay fit! OPEN DAY 14th JUNE FREE TO ALL • COME AND TRY US! As we mature, it is more important than ever to exercise regularly in order to feel our best every day. Angelic Fitness is a fitness studio that is perfect for you! We are a Ladies Only Gym with supportive and nurturing staff who will show you how to use all equipment in our special low impact 30 min circuit. We welcome all ages and have special, discounted Pensioner and Student memberships available to help keep fitness affordable and accessible to everyone. Call us today because you deserve the best! At Angelic Fitness, it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! MAY SPECIAL No Joining Fee SAVE $69 95B Hampton Road, Fremantle Phone 6219 5266 [email protected] of utter rea s cooling raita an uff rice to accompany your meal. And if you think of Indian food as being rich an heav forget it At hilli alle there s lots of healthy choices available, especially on the lunch menu, which is a fusion of Indian and modern cafe-style food. Choose from zesty wraps, rolls and salads all made fresh daily. “Once we are established, we plan to introduce regional and traditional home cooked dishes to our menu to keep things interesting for customers. We are passionate about creating an excellent dining experience for all our patrons, one that they will want to return for again and again,” said Prash. Mention the ad on this page to receive a 15% discount off your bill when dining in on Mondays and Tuesdays. Chilli Valley is BYO and open for lunch Monday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm, dinner Sunday to Thursday 5pm to 9.30pm and dinner Friday & Saturday 5pm to 10pm. 9/8 Durnin Ave, Beeliar Phone 6498 9998 [email protected] Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 7 Quality Fresh Fruit and Vegetables BARILLA PASTA ASSORTED $ 1 SUMICH EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 80 500g 18 $ LA MOLISANA GNOCCHI DI PATATE 1 RISO PRINCIPE ARBORIO RISOTTO RICE 2 99 $ 99 4l ELLERDI DOLCEZZE BISCUITS $ 99 CASALINI CROISSANTS 99 2 ¢ 500g $ 99 300g BALOCCO SAVOIARDI BISCUITS 2 300g CAPRICCO PASSATA SAUCE $ 80 400g pkt 1 $ 20 AUSTRALIAN BAKERS SELECT FLOUR PLAIN/ SELF RISING 2 4 FRIENDSHIP CAMEMBERT CHEESE 2 125g BANANAS $ 99 kg 1 99 SQUISITO $ TORTELLINI 250g 85 79 2 400g SIRENA TUNA IN OIL 2 ¢ $ 99 250g ¢ 500g ANNALISA PEELED TOMATOES EMBORG FETA CHEESE 2 20 ANNALISA CHICKPEAS & ASSORTED BEANS $ 99 2kg $ 50 DELTA CHICCO $ D’ORO COFFEE LA CASA DEL FRESH PECORINO $ 80 1 1kg $ 89 400g 185g can 200g PINK LADY APPLES 99 ¢ kg BROWN ONIONS 99 ¢ 2kg bag BROCCOLI 99 ¢ ea 19 WRAY AVENUE, FREMANTLE • PH 9430 8590 OPEN 7 DAYS MON - FRI 7.30 - 6.30pm SAT 7.30am - 6pm SUN 8am - 6pm Page 8 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 One last ride for Wilson by CARMELO AMALFI “PRINCE of the turf” Johnny Leslie Wilson was laid to rest Monday, aged 78, his last run commemorated by hundreds of mourners from across the state. Born in algoorlie and educated in Fremantle where he began his apprenticeship, the three times Perth Cup winner and Singapore racing legend was described by family and friends as the “last truly gifted horseman” who loved poker and lawn bowls, but was useless with a TV remote. As music and old recordings of past wins played in the Norfolk hall at arrakatta, his family celebrated the legacy of love he left behind for South Fremantle wife of 57 years Lurline, children Warren and Denise, five grandchildren and a great-grandchild due later this year. Wilson’s first son John died of a heart attack three years ago, his death weighing heavily on the close family. Son Warren said his father was 17 when he started his apprenticeship under Fremantle trainer Reg Porky Harper, Lurline’s stepfather. nown as Skeeter during his Freo years, Wilson was educated at CBC while growing up in Piccadilly Street. In 1981 Wilson was attacked with a baseball bat by thugs in Mauritius because he refused to pull up his horse. He was left with a cracked forehead, broken jaw, cheek, teeth and lost the sight in one eye. An emotional Bob Maumill, who met Wilson after he moved to Perth from algoorlie, lived with his ol’ mate in Singapore. He said for some reason animals, not just horses, were attracted to the man who, didn’t have a cruel streak in his body . “He loved animals and animals loved him, he said. Daughter Denis says her left-handed father had beautiful penmanship, but was hopeless with the TV remote. He gave us everything, she says. He was a true gentleman. Traffic bridge repairs set to start by CARMELO AMALFI Penny Lane’s Music 42 Duke St, East Freo ( end of George St) Mon to Fri 11am - 7 .30pm • Sat 9am - 5pm Help your child go far with Kip McGrath ur ualified teac ers create individual tutoring programs for your c ild using proven ip McGrat met ods Maths Reading English Spelling Comprehension Jandakot 9414 8088 Call today for a FREE assessment FLU INJECTIONS $10 East St etty FREMANTLE council wants WA Main Roads to hand over $250,000 in return for a grassed area to be surrendered for 12 months for tra c and rail bridge crash-proofing and repairs. “We’re supportive of the project,” mayor Brad Pettitt says of plans to install buffer pylons and an early warning system to stop trains crossing if the bridge is damaged by a boat. We are asking for a greater contribution because they are taking land off us for a period of 12 months. He says the council really wants one per cent of the project cost, which will be discussed further at a council meeting next week. The popular iosk cafe, whose owners have been discussing the works for months, loses half its parking bays along Beach Street. The 1500sqm laydown area will take S R A T I U G FROM $129 Tra c bridge 6141 8862 iosk cafe Family Medical Centre BULK BILLING out most of the nearby grassed area and 45 bays in the East Street jetty carpark. The bridge works follow a collision W H A T ’S N E W between a port vessel and the tra c bridge in 2011 when public and freight rail was held up for two days. Lakelands Shopping Centre YANGEBUP (cnr Moorhen Drive & Swallow Drive) A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATU RE SOLAHAUS An investment in earth’s future Brett Claughton “Solahaus is committed to improving the environment by providing quality sustainable energy solutions to the community. We offer a free on site assessment of your energy use “Buying the cheapest system is often the most expensive choice,” he says. “There are huge differences in quality of product and warranties, reliability of service and results. Les and I live here and we believe in what we do. We look for solutions that really work for people: to give them real value for the budget they can afford.” Solahaus uses systems with proven reliability for our unique Australian conditions. Using the highest quality brands such as Solarworld, SMA and the great value Guangye PV-Tech, ensures your system will produce clean, cost-effective energy for years to come. All Solahaus products are backed by full warranties, handled in Australia and installations are carried out to the highest safety standards. from $2890* SOLAHAUS Solahaus WA Brett 0422 718 577 Les 0411 074 197 Before the rebate goes. Before electricity prices increase - again! 2.5 kw from $3990* Massive forman 25 ce 1.5 kw Brett and Les pride themselves on providing an outstanding service. After installation and hand over, there is ongoing support to ensure your system runs at optimum efficiency and you’re 100% happy. Call today. YEARS ar w HURRY! ACT NOW “We also provide tailored solutions to businesses. The average payback on a commercial solar system is approximately 3 years and every Kw installed is equivalent to planting 200 trees, so you’ll be reducing your company’s environmental impact while enjoying excellent returns,” Brett explained. rant y Solahaus is a local company owned and operated by Brett Claughton and Les Brooker. There are some cowboys in the solar industry; but these well known Fremantle experts are dedicated to providing advice you can trust and the very best solar technology. so we can give you the system that’s best for your home’s requirements,” said Brett. per Make the move to solar energy - the smart choice for reducing your power bills and your impact on the environment. Western Australia has the ideal climate to take advantage of solar energy, with more sunshine than any other state. And with the Federal Government talking about removing the solar rebate, which will increase the cost, there’s never been a better time. 5 kw! from $6840* * Based on standard installation, single storey, single phase, tin roof, metro area, subject to inspection and western power approval. Price subject to the client qualifying for the govt rebate (STC scheme). ASK US FOR A FREE QUOTE TODAY! Brett: 0422 718 577 Les: 0411 074 197 Les Brooker Stress Free Solar in 10 easy steps 1 Get angry about 2 Start researching the waste of fossil fuels, climate change and your skyrocketing power bills. how much power you use? Best systems, Value for money? Suppliers you can trust? Or just call Brett or Les at Solahaus. 3 Sit back and feel confident that you’ve chosen professionals you can trust. Local experts who will guide you well. 4 Make your choice and skip the next 5 steps - Brett and Les will look after them. Flip the switch 10 and start harvesting the sun’s energy for your home and business. Watch your power bills disappear. You might even make money on what you supply back to the grid. THINKING SOLAR? CHOOSE Quality, Experience, Service, Support SOLAHAUS Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 9 herald JOIN US FROM 3PM f ood • Photos by Matthew Dwyer JAMS & JARS SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS 10 JAM JAR COCKTAILS $ DJ CASPAR LIVE FROM 3PM 59 Canning Highway, East Fremantle Phone: 9339 8188 | [email protected] Authentic Italian Dishes Homemade Pasta • Fresh Local Seafood and Produce Excellent Customer Service THIS TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL AT THE RESTAURANT New Specials Every Tuesday Gnocchi $20.00 Polenta & Rabbit $26.00 A la carte menu available at all times numero uno café/catering Unit 4, 93 Petra St, East Fremantle | Phone 9339 0199 Open Tues - Sat 6pm - Late & Wed - Fri Lunch Book a function on Sunday day or night - min 30 adults. Advertise in your Herald for as little as $104 Advertising that packs a punch! Conditions Apply Call Today 9430 7727 Hungry Momma M UM was finishing a big bowl of porridge when we arrived to pick her up, having apparently forgotten our Mother’s Day breakfast date. So it’s a testimony to 9 Seeds’ eggs benedict ($15) that she managed one of her two poached eggs, smothered in a delicious hollandaise sauce and sitting on a toasted roll. And that she was still up polishing off a huge glass of beetroot, apple, ginger and celery juice, an amazingly well priced $5.50. Having ordered the same I can vouch for the deliciousness of the mix. The popular little cafe was heaving but fortunately we’d had the foresight to book. While the hopeful and foolish looked on enviously we were shown to a sheltered outdoor table, where we watched a constant stream of people coming in for takeaway coffee or hoping to find a table, their why didn’t you book mothers in tow. Staff were clearly rushed off their feet but coping admirably, though the smiles seemed a little forced at times. This eatery has come a long way since its days as a faded deli the decor is fresh and funky with indoor and outdoor FOOD JENNY D’ANGER seating and a community garden out the back. The breakfast menu has the usual suspects including the obligatory big breakfast, with a vegetarian option, along with a good choice of more adventurous delights. There were some deliciouslyhome made sweet and savoury mu ns on the counter and the salmon on corn cakes drizzled with a burnt orange sauce ($18) sounded and looked great but I had my heart set on pancakes. I was almost defeated by the enormous wholemeal stack ($16), topped with mascarpone, peach and swimming in a tangy lemon-vanilla sauce. But they were too good to leave even a morsel. I thought the last member of our trio was rather tame in ordering poached eggs but she reckoned they were lovely, with just the right consistency for the yolk to run into the sour dough toast below. An earl grey and a couple of very good coffees finished off a delightful Mother’s Day sojourn. Listen to Aunty Jenny and remember to book, kids. 9 Seeds 121 Marmion Street, East Fremantle 9433 5076 Open 7 breakfast and lunch, dinner Thurs-Sun Are you nurturing a New Business? Let the Herald advertise your business to thousands of potential clients in 94,800 local homes & businesses. We have three fabulous startup packages: 1. Got a Story to Tell? Our “What’s New” offer gives you a free* half or quarter page to tell it. 2. On a tight budget? Ask about our 6 plus 2 free offer for new businesses. 3. Love competition(s)? Book three ads, then offer Herald readers a prize. We’ll write the story and get your name out there. * Conditions apply WE ALSO PRINT & DELIVER LEAFLETS! PERSONAL SERVICE! RELIABLE DELIVERY YOU CAN TRUST! Page 10 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 Phone 9430 7727 [email protected] herald arts • T e Sextet Dukes play Clancy s Fremantle May 29 T Celebrating 50 years & 3 generations of pasta prepared with passion! Call 9328 3516 Uke do something to me HE definitive cool for SBS’s RocKwiz is summed up by revelations of the panel members’ first purchased albums with points for super cool answers. North Lake local Bruce Warner probably wouldn’t get too many points I thought, when he unabashedly told the Herald his debut was a Tiny Tim LP, bought when he was 15 and he still has it. His voice was amazingly deep in some songs, he reminisces of the man best known for his falsetto Tip Toe Through the Tulips. Having been hooked by Tiny Tim’s ukulele playing at an early age it’s not di cult to understand why a school teacher, with a limited musical background, started electric ukulele band the Sextet Dukes. The midget instrument is enjoying a resurgence internationally, with groups such as the kulele rchestra of reat Britain enjoying almost pop status. And mercy of mercies it has all but replaced the recorder in schools It’s a great lead-in instrument for children who want to get started, Warner says. Electric ukulele pumps up the sound, making the ’60 and 70s songs the Sextet Dukes play quite different. We do a great version of Vaughan Monroe’s Ghost Riders in the Sky, Warner says. There’s not an electric guitar | 256 Fitzgerald Street, Perth BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER TAKE AWAY ARTS JENNY D’ANGER in sight when the Sextets take to the stage. What you’ll hear will be the titillating neoteric twangs of electric ukuleles. The instrument originated in Hawaii, invented by Portuguese migrant field workers in the 1880s. Carried into the fields, they earned the tag of taro patch fiddles . By the early 1900s the ukulele had spread worldwide, but in the 60s shoddy, cheap versions ooded the market and they were relegated to cheap toy status. Paul McCartney began its rehabilitation, playing one at a concert marking the 2001 death of eorge Harrison, who’d been a fan of the instrument (he’d given McCartney the one played at the remembrance concert). Warner, who played guitar in his youth, first picked up a ukulele when he faced a sevenhour bus trip to Albany, with 28 13-year-olds. I thought I’d learn to play it to entertain myself. It wasn’t long before he was getting together with likeminded mates the Sextext Dukes had arrived. They’ll be getting feet tapping in a very danceable show at Clancy’s in Fremantle on Thursday, May 29. Entry is a modest $5. Gluten & Lactose Free choices Gift Vouchers available 9 Seeds is open from: Mon to Wed 6.30am - 4pm Thurs to Sat 6.30am - 9pm Sun 6.30am - 8.30pm 121 Marmion St, East Fremantle • Tiny Tim may ave tiptoed o to t e big tulip field in t e sky but t e world as fallen in love again wit t e ukelele BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. 9433 5076 To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL iLPASTO. ITALIAN TRATTORIA now at two locations Mount Hawthorn | Fully Lic. 180 Scarborough Beach Road. 9444 6005 Inglewood | BYO 4,885 Beaufort Street. 9271 7870 Cnr Beaufort St. & Ninth Ave. Nestled behind the post office. 7 nights, 5.30pm. Book now, Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 11 herald Can you ride a scooter? Why not get paid for it by becoming a part of the Herald’s distribution service? The Herald is looking for an enthusiastic scooter driver to deliver the Herald on Fridays & Saturdays. If you are over 25 and have a current drivers license call to express your interest today. *Only large rounds available. Min 2200 papers. Phone Marie King on 9430 7727 or you can email [email protected] A AT HOME JENNY D’ANGER at home Rock solid on Stoneham LOT has happened to this Stoneham Road, Attadale home since it was first built in 1977. While the many ornate ceilings and tall, arched doors and windows remain, the house has grown into a five-bedroom three-bathroom mansion that would no doubt amaze the original owners. This huge two-storey abode is all about family (the vendors have six kids) and all the spaces, including a theatre room, are spacious. All the kids plus their mates could huddled out of the rain in the massive front portico while they wait for mum to open the door. And their many coats could easily be discarded in the spacious entry hall, for retrieval later. No worry about mud on carpets beautifully rich jarrah oorboards ow throughout this home so quick to mop over. Whipping up an after-school snack for the hordes was never easier than in the huge central kitchen, with its two, caesarstone topped island benches, large five-burner stove top and plentitude of cupboards and drawers. And with the pool just the other side of massive, oorto-ceiling windows doors, keeping an eye on the kids while dinner gets underway is no hassle. The dining room is on one side of the kitchen, with a sunken family room the other. Huge doors open onto the pool, where a decked cabana gazes out serenely with the promise of summer barbeques. There’s room aplenty for all in this home, with a spacious formal sunken lounge at the front of the home, with four sets of tall arched windows, two onto the street. The windows are matched on the other side of the house by those in the spacious study. lder kids will appreciate the downstairs bedroom, which has its own study and bathroom, a classic 70s version with an arched, tiled recess over the bath. The rest of the bedrooms are Real Estate Settlement Agent upstairs, all doubles. And with all those kids, mum and dad deserve a patch of their own, in this case a commodious bedroom, that opens onto the street-facing balcony with glimpses of the nearby river. The massive open ensuite has a separate toilet and shower, and a walk-in robe is tucked behind a wall. If the kids need to burn off energy (or mum and dad need some quiet), the beautiful Burke Drive foreshore, with its swathe of grass for play and lovely walks, is a mere 100 metres away. Attadale primary school is walking distance, Applecross SHS not much further, and there’s plenty of shops nearby. 156 Stoneham Rd, Attadale $2.575 million Jacky Ladbrook 0412 913 127 Jacky Ladbrook Real Estate One of the reasons why dethridgeGROVES landlords entrust their INVESTMENT PROPERTY with us ... All Hours Mobile Service Hotline 9335 9133 Professional Service “Over 25 years in the real estate settlement industry, BAFC Settlements know how to provide the best service and value in the business. Ana 14 yrs experience Emma 10 yrs experience Sami 7 yrs experience With 70 years of collective experience, you can rely on our LONG SERVING & EXPERIENCED team. Exercise your right to choose your preferred settlement agent and speak to BAFC today” SETTLEMENTS BAFC Better and Faster Sharon 30 yrs experience Conveyancing Pty Ltd Mobile Real Estate Settlement Agents Niamh 2 yrs experience Donna 9 yrs experience Contact Emma Boyd for a Management Prospectus 0418 803 826 :: [email protected] 6/330 South Terrace, South Fremantle Mob: 0418 926 314 Web: Managing properties in and around Fremantle and Cockburn ANNE MEIKLEJOHN 0418 926 314 Licensee/Director Dip Mental Health Page 12 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 phone: 9336 1166 herald Room for the Brady bunch S HADOW boxes were popular in the 1960s. Just about every home had one, small box-like shelves to hold tiny ornaments. Often they were on the wall next to that other 60s icon ying ducks. That this Cawston Raod Attadale home has essentially retained its ‘60s feel is apparent from the lovely skillion roofline, and the giant shadow-box window anking the front door. The six-bedroom home has been considerably revamped from the original but the vendor’s love affair with the Brady Bunch era is apparent in myriad details, including a soaring wall of lovely gold and tan-hued stone in the downstairs lounge. Chocolate-coloured jarrah oors glow throughout this lovely home, upstairs and down. The vendor’s kids had a hand in choosing wallpaper for a feature wall in their bedrooms. ou can see they have mum’s air for interior design, with choices creating an ambient retreat that is tastefully youthful, but not childish—well, maybe the horse at home 8,000 Full Colour DL Flyers $999 Incl. Print & Delivery Give Your Message a Helping Hand AT HOME JENNY D’ANGER one is a bit, but hey that was the really, really little one. What I’d initially thought was the main bedroom has a wall of glass onto a pretty, and private, courtyard. But the real main is found at the rear of the house, next to a very funky bathroom, with a gloriously deep tub with garden views, and a speccy feature wall of tiny black and white tiles Sliding glass doors off the bedroom lead to the swimming pool. With a swathe of grass, and a cute elevated cubby house (with its own astroturf alfresco area), the kids are well catered for in this neat garden. Head upstairs and you’ll find a spacious open-plan living kitchen dining area. With a multitude of windows, many louvred for cooling cross breezes, it seems to oat above the many trees in the surrounding area, with views to the distant hills and sections of the river. City lights twinkle through tree tops at night and the kids love it. Their mum’s personal favourite is watching approaching storms sweep in with majestic fury. With a brood to feed, you can rest assured the kitchen is full of practicalities, with sweeping benches, plenty of timberfronted drawers and a huge pantry, which is the size of the original kitchen, the vendor tells me. Something she takes great delight in reminding herself of, she adds. Black and white Bizazza Italian mosaic tiles make an art work of one bench, while the other is a lovely grey Essa stone (hey probably call it charcoal mist or something). Nearby, a generous balcony invites one to take breakfast, lunch and dinner alfresco whenever you can. This is a fantastic family home, with Attadale primary school within walking distance and Santa Maria College just up the road. The foreshore is a pleasant walk away, and there are plenty of choices when it comes to shopping or dining close to hand. 59 Cawston Rd, Attadale $2.285 million Frank Bove | 0408 437 636 Acton Real Estate Applecross 9316 8088 To discover the great benefits of delivering your flyers with the Herald phone Natalie Hug 9430 7727 Need Extra Storage Space? BRAND NEW DEVELOPMENT, BIBRA LAKE PRECINCT Perfect Size Storage Units Safe and Secure 52 SQM Floor Area 7 SOLD 3 STILL AVAILABLE 55 Erceg Rd,YANGEBUP 5 metre high roof 4.2 metre high door Automatic roller door W/C and wash basin in each unit Security gate to development Lots of space to manoeuvre Boats/Trailers/Vans $112,000 plus GST For more information contact: Torrin Minutillo 0417 171 164 [email protected] 1/89 North Lake Rd, Myaree | Ph: 9317 4125 | Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 13 herald c ompetitions Win an overnight stay at Rottnest Lodge The Trip to Italy Win one of 2 double passes! The Trip To Italy is a semi-fictional improvised tour of Italy from director Michael Winterbottom (A Mighty Heart, 24 Hour Party People) starring two of Britain’s best loved comic actors, Steve Coogan (Philomena) and Rob Brydon (Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story). In the long awaited follow-up to the smash hit comedy The Trip, Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon embark on a new culinary road trip around Italy in the summer, where they enjoy mouth watering meals in the gorgeous surroundings of Liguria, Tuscany, Rome, Amalfi and Capri. They riff on subjects as varied as Batman’s vocal register, Pompeii, the artistic merits of “Jagged Little Pill” and, of course, compete on who can do the best Michael Caine impersonation. Scan the code to watch the trailer for The Trip To Italy. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at including the codeword HERALDITALY, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit & follow the prompts. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 30.5.14 edition. BONUS! reading the Email us a selfie of you for automatic d ral He r latest edition of you competition along entry into e ery current number and address. with your name, phone Email your selfies to competitions fremantl GET SNAPPING! The Rottnest Lodge is the premier accommodation on Rottnest Island, offering you a choice of quality hotel style apartments, suites with private facilities and lower priced rooms. With a range of activities that you are sure to enjoy, the island atmosphere is clearly one perfect for relaxation. The unique history of Rottnest Island will captivate you, whilst the natural beauty is a constant reminder that Rottnest Island is a true gift from mother nature for all to enjoy. The Lodge’s Lakeside rooms contain a queen size and single bed, lounge area, with two wicker arm chairs, coffee table, writing desk, ceiling fan, private balcony, en suite with shower, closet area, small refrigerator, television with video on demand system (pay to view movies), 5 Foxtel channels and 5 commercial television stations, IDD telephone, complimentary tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer and ironing facilities which is very helpful. Thanks to Rottnest Lodge, the Herald is giving readers the chance to win the perfect overnight escape valued at $270. This includes accommodation for 2 people including return ferry tickets from Fremanlte. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at including the codeword HERALDROTTNEST, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Rottnest Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Available Sunday - Friday only. Valid from 27 April, 2014 to 31st August 2014. Accommodation for 2 people only with room type dependent upon availability. Additional nights can be purchased for $150 per night including breakfast. Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 31.5.14 edition of your Fremantle Herald All You Need is a little Love Brimming with witty one liners, A Love Affair is a funny and often poignant look at the 38 year marriage of Jimmy and Alice Diamond. This award winning romantic comedy written by Jerry Mayer (a former television writer for such classics as MASH, Mary Tyler Moore, and Bob Newhart), combines humour with insight about life, love and growing older. He also takes jabs at the fickle, youth-oriented television industry). Directed by Finley Award nominee Trevor Dhu, A Love Affair is Harbour Theatre’s inaugural production at Camelot - the beautifully restored art deco Mosman Park Memorial Hall. With MosArts by their side, Harbour Theatre is delighted to have finally found a home at Camelot. Featuring well known local actor and radio personality Ted Bull as Jimmy and the enormously talented Vickie Billingham as Alice, A Love Affair is an illuminating look at a long term relationship. A Love Affair plays on 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 18, 29 & 21 June at 7.30pm, with matinees on 8 & 15 RAYKARZ June at 2pm. Bookings on 9255 3336 or www. (Trans Fees apply). Members & Friends of MosArts bookings please email [email protected] or phone 9433 6260. Espresso @ Camelot is also open prior to the shows so why not come along a bit earlier and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. The Herald is giving five lucky readers the chance to win a double pass. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at including the codeword HERALDLOVE, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Harbour Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 31.5.14 edition of your Fremantle Herald. Catch RÜFÜS live! Win one of 2 double passes! Indie dance trio, RÜFÜS have announced their Worlds Within Worlds national Australian tour presented by Triple j and Channel [V]. The extensive tour is set to kick off at the Coolangatta Hotel on May 9 and will move through Brisbane, Melbourne, Geelong, Mandurah, Fremantle, Central Coast, Newcastle, Coffs Harbour, Byron Bay, Adelaide, Hobart, Canberra, Wollongong and will finish up with a homecoming show at The Enmore Theatre in Sydney on June 21. They return to Australia in May for their biggest tour to date, and it will also be the last time RÜFÜS will tour their #1, gold selling debut record, ATLAS before returning with new material. Excited about their lap of the Aussie map, keyboard player Jon George says, “We’re really excited to tour the US and UK for two months knowing we are coming home to some big crowds and a new live show.” Scan the code to watch the ‘Take Me’ video by RÜFÜS. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at including the codeword HERALDRUFUS, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit & follow the prompts. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners notified by phone. Adbuster Winner Congratulations Shirley Thompson of Spearwood. You have won a feast for 2 at Sweetlips after spotting last week’s fake ad . If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Voice Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tuesday. Furniture & Home Ware Get Vintage…..Lowest pricing. Factory Direct. Coffee Table Small $129 Stool $99 Each Bedside 2 Draw $129 Dining Chair $129 Each Side table $99 Bring stylish collections to your homes. UNBEATABLE PRICES AND QUALITY. Not available anywhere else. Factory direct goods. 15 years of furniture manufacturing. Page 14 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 10 Draw Chest $399 *picture may vary from actual size 0424 450 370 856 Beaufort Street (opp Bunnings), Inglewood Open all days. Sun 11am-4pm AIRCONDITIONING BATHROOM SERVICES DEVON AAA Bathroom Renovations Air S p ec ialising in Air Conditioning: • service & repair • design/ installation • reverse cycle • evaporative Call Rob A /H : 9 4 9 7 7 5 5 0 devonair. com. au AU27963 A R C L # L 0 9 1 0 9 8 A U T H # A U 2 7 1 8 8 Breakdowns, repairs and maintenance Supply and installation Services offered to domestic, commercial, and industrial customers Clint | 0412 591 144 ANTENNAS TV ANTENNAS INTERNATIONAL Renovators Owner/Builders BIGGEST SELECTION OF VANITIES • TAPS • SPAS FLOOR & WALL TILES 9339 8113 Showroom 325 Canning Hwy, Palmyra BRICKLAYING BBQs, Piers, Fences, Letter Boxes, Garden Walls, Retaining Walls, Extensions Houses. Insurance work. 0412 944 808 BRICKLAYER BOUNDARY & RETAINING WALLS PIERS, FLOWER BOXES & REPAIRS 40 years experience Phone Hank 0 1 3 969 [email protected] G.M. Electronics - home theatre installations - plasma and LCD Wall Mounting - TV antennas installed and repaired - digital set-top boxes supply and install - tune in’s and setup ualified trades person 30 years experience Graham Mills Additional TV & phone points installed by ex perienced & professional technicians TV hanging, property & strata management enq uiries welcome Family business established for over 33 years Huge 5 year parts & labour warranty Call 9240 8980 7am - 7pm any day email: info@ antennamasters. com. au or visit: www. antennamasters. com. au • Feature walls • Fences • Retaining walls • Garden walls/boxes • Piers • Extensions & renovations • All limestone work No job too big or small! 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FREE QUOTES EST 1995 Phone Brian ALL ASPECTS OF BUILDING WORKS • Extensions • Renovations • Alterations • Additions & Re-roofs Call to discuss your building needs Paul Maddestra 0430 965 243 [email protected] CABINET MAKING • All aspects of interior/exterior carpentry • Renovations & extensions • All aspects of maintenance & repairs • Handyman service Michael 0423 942 621 • Interior/exterior designer • Custom cabinetry & furniture design • Drafting • Home styling & colour consulting Yvette 0403 644 199 CMI & FURNITURE The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. 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All types of electrical work including: • power & lighting • smoke alarms • safety switches • shed & patio wiring etc 9337 5409 NO CALL OUT FEE BEST RATES TRUE LOCAL ALL HOURS 0416 740 668 Richard Rendell owner/operator Keeping you in power [email protected] [email protected] Linc: 0402 223 636 Call Sam on 6219 5374 or 0448 880 973 [email protected] GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd To advertise phone today on Qualified Carpenters with Police Clearance All Internal/External Carpentry Undertaken Renovations/Extentions No Job Too Small PROF ESSIONAL & QUALITY WORK G UARANTEED Call for a F REE QUOTE 0451 12 6 02 5 ½ onne E ca ators a n u ish e o ed ri e ays e o ed a in re ared u y and etc etre ruc s ost o e u er ndustrial ommercial omestic All types of electrical work, installations & repairs. Installation of split system air conditioning & hot water & swimmimg pool heat pumps. EC ELECTRICAL Site Clearing, Earthworks, Soakwells, Retaining Walls, Slabs, Decks & Stairs including Suspended, Exposed Concrete, Liquid Limestone Justin 0428 024 011 [email protected] EC006559 SOUTH OF RIVER SPECIALIST All types of Electrical work Phone, Data & Computer points Competitive Rates BRUCE 0419 943 046 31/01/10 31/01/10 Qualified Carpenters 31/01/10 Call Mike on B.J. 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Hi, I’m Dave from “My Sparky”. I know good, reliable tradies are hard to find, that’s why I guarantee you’ll have me arrive on time. I’ll be courteous, respectful & in uniform. I will only do the best quality work - no short cuts, then clean up after the job & leave you with a smile. If you’re not happy at the end you’ll receive $50 cash, on me. Dave 0406 45 88 45 TESTIMONIALS “Very happy with Dave - on time, great.” Chris - South Fremantle “I am happy to recommend “My Sparkie.” He is honest & reliable. Thelma - Attadale “Prompt & helpful - Especially for a small job.” Gwen - Hammy Hill Licensed Contractor EC8007 HANK’S Electrical Service i All Areasj Domestic • Commercial Industrial Installation & Maintenance • competitive rates • reliable, efficient service 0407 317 135 EC 5440 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 15 FENCING F.J.P FENCING & INSTALLATIONS pool fencing, sliding gates, automated & manual gates, security fencing, colorbond, powder coating. DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL INSURANCE WORK Phone: 9495 2965 Fax: 9495 2964 email: fjp@ iinet. net. au FREE MEASURE & QUOTE COLORBOND Fencing and Gates No Job Too Small Free Measure & Quote Call Mike GARAGE DOORS Residential Garage Doors New Doors New Motors Free measure and quote All brands repaired All areas serviced No Call Out Fee CALL 1800 202 808 0409 835 723 0451 053 230 [email protected] B&L Fencing ALL TYPES OF FENCING & GATES • Specialist • Domestic, Commercial, Insurance •InfillSlats,Tubular,PoolFencing • Professional & Reliable Call Brendon 0430 489 111 [email protected] Free Measure & Quote KROM FENCING FA C T O RY D I R E C T LOWEST PRICE IN WA • • • • • • Asbestos Remo al Colorbond & Hardi Fence Concrete Retaining Walls Plinths (Metal Retaining) Pool Fencing Colorbond Gates DIY GATES OR WE INSTALL Aluminium Slat (wood look) or Colorbond Gates & In Fill Panels We do all insurance & private quotes FREE MEASURE & UOTE kromfencing li PERTH FENCING CONTRACTORS olor ond encing ardi encing ool encing ates yclone encing icket encing s estos emo al Call AMIR 0401 962 511 FLOORING We llany match n writte quote Supply and/or Install - Timber - Bamboo - Laminates Affordable prices! GARDENING Added Care Gardening Prompt, reliable & caring service in: ~ garden clean ups ~ maintenance ~ mulching ~ rubbish removal ~ weeding ~ pruning ~ lawn mowing Satisfaction Guaranteed 0428 222 202 Quality Gardening • regular maintenance & cleanups • specialised & heavy pruning • small tree lopping • mulching • native plantings • all landscaping & retic • garden design Call our friendly team now for prompt professional service 0421 954 590 Alistair’s Garden Maintenance native gardens • hedging planting • mulching weeding • lawns rubbish removal garden consulting reticulation • rose pruning Call Alistair 0414 800 695 GLASS SERVICING All Commercial & Domestic Glass Repairs • Security • Showerscreens • Mirrors • Windows & Doors For Professional Service Phone for a Free Quote 9434 4311 ALL AREAS S&G GLASS 0433 522 653 • 24 Hour 7 Days Glass Repair • Insurance Work • Glass Table Top • Shower Screens • Mirrors • Robes • Aluminium Windows & Doors • Security Windows & Doors (Lic 12324) • General Glazing & Maintenance For a free quote and friendly service call Sam on: Showroom available by appointment only 0411 142 955 FLOOR SANDING 6/153 Rockingham Road, H/Hill Call Dean on Floor Sanding Specialists Quality Fine Level Sanding Restoration to old floors Choice of finish Supply & lay new timber flooring 9331 4531 0422 631 075 Member of TFA CALL STEVE FOR A FREE QUOTE GUTTERS Stan Man the GUTTERING Gutters, Down Pipes, Facia All Rubbish Removed 20 Colourbond Colours Professional Service Senior Discount FREE MEASURE & QUOTE All Hours 21 Roper St, O’ Connor 9331 1499 www. gtglass. net. au HANDYMAN LAWN MOWING FIX IT Handyman RT’S MOWING STUALawn Mowing • Home repairs & maintence • Fence painting • Small tiling jobs • Ceiling & wall patching • Skirting, painting, floor board repairs, regrouting, V ertimowing Garden Cleanups Gutter Cleaning Tree/ Shrub Pruning Palms Defronded FREE QUOTATION Services minor carpentry & more Call Michael 0415 574 228 GUTTER CLEANING KITCHENS [email protected] FLAT PACK KITCHENS Specialised Outdoor Services FREE Roof Inspection All roof repairs 9433 1077 Ikea & Other ‘Flatpack‛ Specialist. Kitchen, Laundry, Wardrobes & Benchtop Installation. Ron Liebrand 0418 695 235 Meg Liebrand 0438 068 257 P/F: 9437 3344 [email protected] LANDSCAPING To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 HANDYMAN A1 Total Maintenance • All Building Repairs • Paving Repairs • Fencing • Floor Tiling • Roof Repairs • Mobile Welding • Painting • Limestone Work • Retic • Gutter Cleaning • Landscaping Contact Doug 0407 443 925 BARTLETT HANDYMAN SERVICES • FENCING - ALL TYPES • GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED • SOAKWELLS • MINOR CARPENTRY • PATIOS, PERGOLAS & DECKS • ALL DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE AND MUCH MORE NO JOB TOO SMALL! POLICE CLEARED - INSURED TONY BARTLETT 0416 386 164 F&W Solutions Quality, Reliable & Prompt Ser vice All Building Repairs • Kitchen & Bathroom • Retaining Walls/Paving • Carpentry Work • Limestone/Fencing Patios/Pergolas • Demolition Works • Flooring/Decking • Wall & Floor Tiling • Painting • Ceiling & Stud Walls Eric 0418 383 619 [email protected] Handyman all maintenance • leaks • fencing • painting • doors & locks • skirting • decking •wall removal • flooring • blind installation • gutter cleaning & much more FREE QUOTES 0400 113 107 TOTAL HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS NOTHING TOO SMALL 0413 545 595 A/H 9339 8069 P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 Page 16 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 Phone Stuart 0414 570 795 LANDSCAPES by DESIGN All aspects of landscaping • retic • turf • paving • decks • retaining walls • patios LIMESTONE Paradise LIMESTONE No ob Too Small • Feature limestone walls & letterboxes • Retaining Walls • Excavation & Bobcat Services • Soakwell Installations • Limestone Garden Edging • Colorbond Fencing • Slate Clattering • Stump Grinding Neat & Professional Workmanship 0401 203 121 [email protected] Design & Construct Service Call David Touchstone Landscaping 0424 175 568 All aspects of Landscaping • limestone work • paving • lawn & synthetic lawn • planting schemes LOCKSMITH 0457 591 143 A/H 9499 4097 A.B. Landscapes QUALIFIED HORTICULTURIST Specialist in landscape design and construction DINGO MINI-EARTHMOVER OPERATOR • brickpaving • lawns • retaining walls • reticulation • diamond core drilling Anton Birch cert. hort. 9331 2283 0412 995 919 LAUNDRY SERVICES COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY Superior Linen Superior Service Commercial Laundry and Linen Hire Service We are now servicing the South West and Metropolitan areas! Enquire today and see the difference! Phone 08 9534 7677 Email: [email protected] LAWN MOWING o in Prunin Trimmin d in u ish emo al eed Control ur Roses! Don’t forget yo CALL or TEXT Stephen 0417 937 365 [email protected] Reg No. 7 197 fie reg ere n er A ll work guaranteed Free competitive quotes N o j ob too big or small Dom estic & Com m ercial 0403 656 657 sergios_ painting@ iinet. net. au Painting & Renovations Registered trades person. David Lowe 0401 747 368 9382 1463 PAINTING SERVICE • Professional Service • Quality Products • Competitive Prices MOB: 0413 516 660 Quality Security Guaranteed Aged pensioner discount Call Michael 0402 326 468 PAINTING For all your painting requirements. Phone Bob for a FREE UOTE. 0418 953 149 Reasonable prices. Good discounts for pensioners. Work guaranteed. All work guaranteed. 30 years experience. Cheap rates. Free quotes. RN: 7318 0434 493 537 colourific painting contractors Established 1984 Reg # 3284 Accredited Dulux Painter Proud employer of an apprentice. Phone Bruce 0418 928 456 Interior/ Exterior 0418 125 943 REG No: 32440 Cooper & Sons Painting Friendly service, quality job with old fashioned values. Over 25 Years of Experience REG. PRACTITIONER 6519 CONTRACTOR 7859 0415 940 607 Ph/Fax 9434 6405 [email protected] All domestic & commercial pest & weed control 9433 3777 PLASTERER For a clean reliable job at SENSIBLE PRICES. Quality Workmanship OVER 20 YEARS LOCAL EXPERIENCE Call Robin 9339 5671 Mobile 0413 480 425 T. DICARLO PLASTERERS Established 1970 • New Homes • Renovations • Rendering • Patching All types of plastering, small or large jobs. • Residential & Commercial • 35 Year Family Business 0418 902 246 plaster master • all aspects • interior & exterior • reliable & friendly service • 20 years experience • all work guaranteed • no job too small plumbing & gas NO CALL OUT FEE • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Blocked Drains, Toilets & Pipes • Annoying & Noisy Water Hammer • Anodes • Taps, Pans & Cistern • Water Filters • Gas Bayonets • Water Saving Devices GUARANTEED Same Day Service for Emergencies 9335 1552 GAS 10208 PL 6703 Riverside Plumbing & Gas John Fox FREE QUOTES Contact Wayne 0407 864 984 0411 452 742 PL7158 GF9661 SOUTHSIDE PLUMBING • H ot W ater S ystems • B locked D rains • B urst Pipes • T oilet & C isterns • L eaking T aps • G as Installations 0437 904 948 PL7 680 No call out fee! GF 13358 All Plumbing Services • WůƵŵďŝŶŐΘ'ĂƐ • All Gas Fitting ůŽĐŬĞĚƌĂŝŶƐ 0 ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ & Servicing • Customer Satisfaction ƵƌƐƚWŝƉĞƐ Guarantee ůĞĂŶΘZĞůŝĂďůĞ • No charge ŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝǀĞZĂƚĞƐ ifwecan’tfixit WĞŶŝƐĐŽƵŶƚƐ Phone ĂůůdLJƌŽŶĞ 0404 835 503 ϬϰϬϰϴϯϱϱϬϯ PL 7980 GF 11268 W>ϳϵϴϬ'&ϬϭϭϮϲϴ Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Flick Mixers • Toilets Gas Installations & Repairs Taps • Kitchens Bathrooms & Renovations All work guaranteed Fully insured - No call out fee Same day emergency service 0405 088 190 or 9437 4688 PLUMBING GASFITTING Hot Water Installs + Service All Gas Appliances + Bayonets Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Renovations • Retic Cut Ins Back Flow Prevention Local, Honest and Reliable • No Call Out Fee • Police Cleared • All Work Guaranteed PL 6067 GF 4483 Phone Christian 0412 137 747 ALL AREAS - ONE HOUR SERVICE Lic.No.PL7618 Call your Local Friendly Jim’s Plumber Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes ot Water nits • asfitting Toilets - Taps 1300 133 509 24 Hours - 7 Days 10% Discount Off Labour* * Offer ex cludes Call-out Fee & Parts All plumbing fixed & no call out fee IF WE CAN’ T FIX IT WE DON’ T CHARGE YOU ! Custom Design and Construction in Pergolas, Patios, A Frames, Gables, Carports, Alfresco & Gazebos, Resheeting & Timber Decking Cedar Lining Call Alex Barry for prompt reliable service PL: 7916 GF: 014502 Call Bryan 1800 280 076 PERGOLAS A reliable service for all your plumbing & gas work. Call Tom 9339 2562 Reg No 6028 QUALITY OUTDOOR IMPROVEMENTS Residential & Commercial in July & August PLUMBING PAINTING! FREE QUOTES 20% OFF 0415 748 774 Matthew’s Painting Services • Termite Treatments • Inspections • Ants • Fleas • Cockroaches • Spiders • Bees • Rats & Mice tony Reg. No. 2390 PLUMBING GIVE PESTS THE OLD HEAVE HO! PLASTERING 24 CALLOUT 24 HOUR HOUR CALLOUT all locks repaired, replaced or unlocked • commercial • domestic • auto • safes PEST CONTROL John Cole 9310 3660 0412 198 966 REG NO 6740 Bright s Mowing TH O 0 P C C P • internal/external • tradesmen only • local resident • registered painter 2542 • senior discounts WAYNE WEBB’S No job too big or small ALL PAVING Fully Insured Free Onsite Consult Call Tony DULUX ACCREDITED PAINTING CONTRACTORS 9430 7727 On time & on budget Steve 0404 001 323 9434 1547 PAINTING To advertise phone today on FOR FREE QUOTES CALL AARON (Pensioner Discount/Insured) ROD’S • 24 Hour Emergency Repairs • Insurance Work Made to Measure & Repairs to: • Aluminium Doors/ Windows • Patio Enclosures • Flyscreens/ Security Screens • Shower Screens/ Mirrors trades& serv ic es 0409 427 724 Gutters cleaned & down pipes checked Qualified, efficient, friendly service O ce 9409 4005 Fa 9409 4010 Mobile 0426 954 134 herald PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE Mobile: 0421 981 528 PL: 6901 GF: 8742 All Class Plum bing and Gas PL 7 5 1 5 G F 0 1 3 3 4 4 Sewer Conversion. Sewer Junction Cut-in. H.W.S. Repair & Install 24 Hour Emergency H.W. All at com petitive prices 24 hours em ergency work 10% discount for pensions 0422 67 3 7 66 • h ot water systems • blocked drains • leaking toilets • gas appliances • leaking taps • burst pipes Clean, Tidy, Courteous with Quality Work Guaranteed 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT 0401 939 332 P Property Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd PL 7 9 7 1 G F0 1 5 7 2 8 trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om herald PLUMBING ROOF PLUMBING PLUMBING & GAS ISSUES? ROOF PLUMBING & RIDGE CAPPING Let us solve your problems... DHM Plumbing & Gas Services • Hot water units installed, serviced & maintained • All types of taps serviced & installed • Water & gas leaks rectified • Drains unblocked • Toilet pans, cisterns serviced & installed • Alterations & renovations • Solar hot water units serviced & maintained • Back flow prevention devices serviced & installed • No call out fees SAME T DAY HO ! • All work guaranteed WATER • Police clearance • Friendly, courteous & we keep all appointments • Payment on completion Tony 0415 175 009 [email protected] PL 7883 - GL 012815 EW 150987 ABN 54218337759 Payments by EFTPOS, CASH, EFT & Major Credit Cards PL 8699 GF 011902 perts n Plum in Gutters, Extra Downpipes, Valleys, Roofs, HP Cleaned • Ridgecaps repointed • Broken Tiles replaced • Overflow spouts Fast service, Free quotes, all work guaranteed Experienced Removalists Two Men and Truck 7 DAYS A WEEK & SHORT NOTICE 0458 883 333 TERRY’S REMOVALS $105 per hour+ GST 2 Men - Large Truck 20 yrs experience 0458 872 333 WINTER SPECIALS New Installations, Add-Ons, Services & Repairs Including Replacing Control Boxes, Solanoids etc. Call now for prompt & professional services GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR repairs to submersible & centrifugal bores installation of new bores and wells reticulation installations & repairs Call now for a free quote Mob: 0406 763 676 9433 1077 (Main Floor & Bathroom) M: 0421 439 229 T: 9414 1112 TREE SERVICES • Family owned & operated • Fully qualified • Fully insured • All aspects of tree work • Free quotes • Mulch sales Andrew 0411 051 272 Ben 0424 150 899 D L I U B UR BUSINESS! YO (Pensioner Discount) The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM AAA Acton Roofing • ALL ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Tile/Tin/Asbestos • GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES Clean/Repair/Replace • ROOF COATING & CLEANING • SKYLIGHTS/ROOF VENTS Free Quotes Pensioner Discounts Liam 0412 ROOFING ROOF & WALL DOCTOR 15 Year READGuarantee THIS TILE–IRON–ASBESTOS RE-ROOFING COLORBOND/ZINCALUME ROOF RESTORATIONS OTHERWISE THE WORK IS ILLEGAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS WECLEANING REMOVE &– DISPOSE POINTINGOF: If your re-roof is more than $20,000 (inc GST) your re-roofing Company must be a Registered Building Company. This means Licenced with The Builders Registration Board. Old Tiles Iron Asbestos 9430 6553 Govt. reg. 4146 WE SUPPLY 23 Years Experience & INSTALL Member Master Builders Colorbond, Zincalume Skylights, Whirly Birds Insulation, Gutters Tile Roof Restoration 9430 6553 16 Essex St, Fremantle WorkSafe Asbestos Demolition Lic Builders Registration Number 13172 Cockburn Roofing Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED • Ridgecapping Specialists • Gutters & Downpipes • Leaks/Reroofing • Install Gutter Guard & Whirly Birds • All types of roof maintenance Leon 0403 184 723 cockburnroofi[email protected] FLEXI CEMENT Q FR RIDGECAPPING UOT EE ES • Roofcoating • Reroofing tiles & tin • Gutters & Downpipes • Pensioner discounts + Fix leaks 9337 1601 24 Hours Mob 0409 105 559 Quality Work GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 RUBBISH REMOVALS Ring a Bin 2,3 & 4m bins. All bins with ramps. Friendly local owner/operator. Phone Leo. Pay by Cards, Cash or EFT 9314 1222 0418 940 121 TRENCHBUSTERS PTY LTD SOUTHERN BINS • gutters • downpipes • roof leaks • asbestos removal • reroofing All work guaranteed Fully Qualified Tradesmen Only Ron: 0403 842 218 Fax: 9434 6221 Email: swanriverroofi[email protected] • 2+10 Cubic Meter Skip Bins • Environmentally Friendly • Rapid Response • Competitive Rates • Fully Insured • Bobcats & Excavators • Hiab & Tail Lift Trucks e Place ins here Others Can t • pergolas • second story additions •extentions • re-roofing Dean 0413 057 979 Shower Shower Regrouting Regrouting STOP WATER LEAKING THROUGH WALLS USING RESISTANT ADDITIVES. PHONE TREVOR OR EUNICE ROSS 9364 6352 6352 0419 915 459 Established since 1986 Estabished since 9437 1999 Wall & Floor Tiling Specialist Ceramic - Porcelain All Natural Stone Re-Grouting • Quality Assured 30 Years Experience Free Quotes Tim Holland 0416 974 195 9430 7727 TREE SERVICES OWEN’S TREE SERVICE • Est. East Frem. 1982 • Fully Insured • Pensioner discounts • Free quote Call your local contractor Owen Ritson 9339 6645 0421 118 704 P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 WALLS ROOF & WALL DOCTOR BRICK & BRICK & LIMESTONE LIMESTONE DAMP RISING DAMP FRETTING MORTAR FRETTING MORTAR TUCKPOINTING TUCKPOINTING BRICKS REPOINTED OLD RENDERREPOINTED REMOVED LIMESTONE LIMESTONE REPOINTED HERITAGE RESTORATION HERITAGE RESTORATION 9430 6553 • Trees & palms trimmed or removed • Stump grinding • Western Power approved • Free Quotes • Pensioner Rates • Fully Insured Jon 9331 1728 0438 942 346 Stump Grinding • over 25 yrs exp • fully insured • free quotes & advice • removal or verge pick-up “Service is our Motto” Kent When You Need Your Trees Trimmed, Pruned, Shaped or Removed - Call: We Do It All - Then We Clean Up No Mess Guaranteed! 0415 900 932 In a busy market it’s becoming more and more important for your business to stand out. Be seen in thousands of newspapers letterbox delivered each week to your target market by taking part in our new monthly “Business Builder” feature designed just for you. Govt. reg. 4146 9430 6553 WASHER & DRYER Here’s what you get: Years Experience 2323Years Experience Member Master Builders Builders Registration Number 13172 • Repairs to most makes of washer & dryers • In home repairs • 12 months guarantee • Senior citizen’s discounts SEC Lic. 0409 088 832 WINDOW CLEANING KENT’S TREE SERVICE Introducing an exciting new Herald feature exclusively for Trades & Service advertisers. Reserve your space today - only one spot available for each category. A1 WASHER REPAIRS 0411 284 833 0418 906 735 GET 2 ADS FREE! To advertise phone today on SOAKWELLS Downpipes, Driveways, Spoon Drains, etc. We also repair existing soakwells and brickpaving. For advice and recommendations call Deane REMOVED • Discount Stump Grinding • Cheap Mulch Sales • Pensioner Discounts • Western Power Licensed FULLY EQUIPPED, INSURED & EXPERIENCED FREE QUOTES & ADVICE 0416 356 359 THE “TREE GP” NOW AVAILABLE FOR TREE SURGERY ALL PALMS & TREES PRUNED, SHAPED OR Nigel Williams A/H 0411 722 892 ROOF SOAKWELLS All aspects of Drainage & CARPENTER Stormwater Management All aspects of Carpentry SERVICE WITH A SMILE 830 775 FRANK’S ROOFING 0414 097 538 ALLWEST BORES & RETICULATION Client Building Licence # 13954 RETICULATION A QUALITY RETICULATION SERVICES Tiler Direct 1/435 Yangebup Rd, Cockburn Central [email protected] REMOVALS DIRECT IMPORT & LAY 9498 7970 0427 316 602 PL290 All Roof Replacements & Maintenance • Wall & Floor Tiling • New & Renovations 0427 502 214 CALL PHIL icensed To nstall er ice epair OC OUT ully nsured B ay ayment ption 9315 3872 0412 957 640 Specialised Outdoor Services TILING • Good price, High Quality • Package offers available as nstallations • Bathrooms • Renovations • General Maintenance • Applecross & South of the River ROOFING We service Govt. schools in Roof Works. HOT WATER SYSTEMS TOILET SUITES • LEAKING TAPS GAS FITTING INSTALLATIONS BACK FLOW PREVENTION EDWARD’S PLUMBING & GAS trades& serv ic es • An 8cm high by 13cm wide panel appearing in your choice of areas • A 100 word advertorial • A photograph of you & your team Check out the example below Choose your areas Fremantle Herald & Cockburn City Herald Melville City Herald North & South Perth Voice East & West BONUS! Book 4 weeks AVANTI and get 1 week FREE WINDOW CLEANING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Fully Insured Police Clearance Reliable & Efficient Attention to Detail PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Alex Doran 0414 797 712 For more information contact Natalie Hug on 9430 7727 CARPENTRY Men at work WINDOW CLEANING • attention to detail Local Family Business • police clearance • residential/commercial • gutter cleaning available Call Adam or Melanie 9310 7340 0419 968 811 NOW is a great time to insulate your home – and you might not have to pay a cent towards it. The Australian Government is providing a rebate of up to $1600 for the installation of ceiling insulation in homes built before 2003 (and which aren’t already insulated). The rebate will generally cover the cost of insulating the average suburban home, meaning most people won’t be out of pocket at all. The Australian Government will only provide rebates if Registered Installers are used: Locally, Roofing 2000 is one of these installers Hardy’s Handyman Services phone: 0400 000 000 email: [email protected] trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 17 NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES • SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS ALFRED COVE ART SOCIETY will present its 15th Annual Awards of Excellence Exhibition at Atwell Gallery from May 25th until June 2nd. (Open 10am to 5pm -except June 2 -10am to 3pm) The official opening will be on Tuesday 27th May at 7.30pm CRAFTERNOON TEA - every Tuesday 12.302.30pm at Yangebup Family Centre, BYO craft projects or do a set class and join others for 2 hours of child free fun and afternoon tea cost is $5 and creche is available for $2.50 per child. Enquiries call Ann 0421 482 578 FREE BELLYDANCE LESSON in Hamilton Hill with coffee and cake. Come along for fun and fitness. To book a spot please call Lisa 0404 018 344 FREMANTLE DINING CLUB (all welcome, no cost) meet Wednesday 28th May 7pm at “Little Creatures Next Door” at The Bar. 8pm Dinner at Char Char Bull FUNDRAISING AND GETTING GRANTS WORKSHOPS 24th May at Notre Dame University, Fremantle with Keith Whelan: “ The Grants Guy” Book or 0428 538 761. Great for all those trying to raise funds. Presented by CINI Australia MEDITATION AND SACRED SONG, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 7pm, beginners and experienced welcome, Hamilton Hill, gold coin donation, Susan and David, 9494 2079 SING SING SING Groups and individual lessons choir. Melville and Fremantle. Beginners welcome. Call Joanna 9339 5631 SINGERS WANTED PEPPERMINT is a new, small SATB choir under the direction of Coralie Kan. We sing a mix of songs including pop, ballads, folk and jazz. We rehearse in a relaxed casual atmosphere as we sing for fun and enjoyment first and foremost, as well as to become better singers and make great music. We are currently looking for sopranos, tenors and basses who have some singing experience to join us twice a month on Sunday afternoons at our venue 10 minutes by freewaysouth from Perth. If you would like to give it a try please call Clive on 0414 263 493 STOCK ROAD SENIORS - Bingo every Wednesday afternoon at 1.00p.m. The club has other activities for people interested please ring Judy 9339 7878 TAMLA MOTOWN, MYAREE. Friday 6th June 7:30pm til late. Come and dance to the best in Motown and other Soul music at Rhein Donan Club (known as German Club) 110 North Lake Rd, Myaree. $10 entry at the door. Great food available and free parking. For more info email soulsourcemusic or call 0450 011 704 TARTAN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING group meets Monday 1:30pm-3pm at Waylen Bay Scout Hall, The Strand, Applecross, Monday 8-9:30pm at the Uniting Church, corner Banksia & Green St, Joondanna and Thursday 7:30pm-9:30pm at St Stephen’s, corner Mackenzie & Kishorn Rd, Applecross. All welcome- no partners required. For More info, ph Dawn 0414 859 393 or Christine 0407 672 528. TENNIS…Come and join us at Cockburn Tennis Club. Recreation Rd, Hamilton Hill. Lessons with AJ 0450 965 399. Email: tennisclubcockburn gmail. com or 0478 113 253 THE NEXT MEETING and Demonstration of the Alfred Cove Art Society will be held at 7 pm on May 29 at Atwell Gallery. Ian de Souza, a talented and well known artist, will demonstrate using Watercolour. (and those attending could also view the Awards of Excellence exhibition as well). Visitors and new members are welcome. Enquiries: Phone 9457 5265 or 9364 3508 or email alfredcoveartsociety WOULD YOU LIKE TO…Speak with poise and confidence, Develop leadership skills, and communicate more effectively in your business and personal life? Come to a meeting at Victoria uay Toastmaster club at Fremantle Bowling Club, Ellen Street, Fremantle, in Fremantle Park, from 6 pm to 7.30 pm every Wednesday. For more info: Phone 0401 011 212 or 0406 782 795 or visit: HERALD NOTICEBOARD spread the word. Write (to PO Box 85 North Fremantle, 6159), drop (at 41 Cliff St, Freo), fax (9430 7726) or email (news but please do not phone. Please keep your notices short and to the point (we reserve the right to cut free notices). Deadline is noon Tuesday. To see more Noticeboards go to ☛ UP TO 93,600 copies from just $13 per ad in the Herald Classifieds email your classies to [email protected] 1-12 words for just $13 For every extra 4 words add $2 Booking deadline 12 noon Tuesday ART & CRAFT IPAD Drawing and Painting. Learn to draw and paint traditionally - with your iPad. Make artworks like the real thing 4 Mondays, 9 - 30 June, 5-6.30pm. $42 / $34 conc. Enquiries 9339 3964. COMPUTERS COMPUTER repair, good rates, reliable, experienced, call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WHY Trust your computer to any old back yard computer person? Are you looking for service you can trust? Bentech Computers have been in Fremantle for 10 years providing friendly helpful knowledge and experience to all our valued clients. We can help with all of your home and office computer needs ranging from PC’s & Laptops to network and broadband setup. Can’t make it down to us? Bentech Computers can come to you and provide the same level of quality & customer service that we offer in our shop but in the comfort of your home or office. Whether you’re after a new computer or just advice on choosing an internet provider we are always here & happy to help. Bentech Computers 100 Wray Ave, Fremantle. Ph 9430 9243 herald EXPERT SERVICES EXPERT SERVICES CLEANER - Vicky’s Green Clean 0401 009 518. Enthusiastic, energetic and reliable home and office cleaning using environmentally friendly products and practices. Perfect for the eco motivated and ideal for those with chemical sensitivities, asthma & allergies HOUSEHOLD light construction and repair. Decks, pergolas, carports, sheds, fences, gates etc. ualified tradesman. Freo resident. Pensioner discount. Jim 0417 096 732 CLEANER - Friendly, reliable and efficient home and window cleaning. Regular and vacate cleans. Police cleared. Call Prema 0421 128 220 CLEANERS Domestic Cleaning. Regular house cleaning. Commercial office cleaning. Husband & Wife operated. 0430 806 868 CLEANING for house and office. Good experience 0422 051 486 CLEANING Home & Office. Experienced, Police Cleared, References. Spotless Guarantee. Fah 0401 883 377 or dreamhomecleaning ABSOLUTELEE Clean. Commercial, residential, 20 years experience. 0487 049 520 EXECUTIVE Cleaning offers Home and Office cleaning. Weekly, f/nightly, one-offs, vacates, casual. Enjo Homes Welcome. Now also offering organise and declutter services. Call 0414 663 499 EXPERT SERVICES CLEANING with a Sparkle. Reliable & experienced home cleaning. Police clearance available. Please call Jasmin 0457 332 871 ARCHITECT. Approachable, practical, prompt. Award winner. Affordable design service. Yes, different. Patrick Healey (R1008) 9499 1888 CLEANING/ House & Office/ Ironing. Thai Lady, reliable, efficient service. Policed Clearance. Call Som 0414 069 256 BOOKKEEPING NKJJ Services. Data Entry, Rec’n MYOB, uickbooks, BAS Registered nkjjservices Jenny 0407 927 183 CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements 0419 912 936 BOOKKEEPING, BAS & other office stuff taken care of Tailored to your needs. Phone Lise Office Stuff Unlimited 0466 323 959 osu BOOKKEEPING. Registered BAS agent. Efficient, effective and accurate, with a hands on approach. Over 22 years exp in bookkeeping/ admin, 11+ MYOB, ero and Reckon exp. All accounting services provided. Please call Antonella at AV Bookkeeping 0404 842 483 or email info@ PROFESSIONAL Bookkeeping Service: Account Receivable/Payable, Payroll, Superannuation, Payment Summaries, BAS, IAS, Reports. MYOB, UICKBOOK & ERO. Registered BAS Agent. Working close with your tax agent. Please call Nada on 0404 968 820 or email nada. bookkeeping BRICKLAYER 1st class. Small, medium jobs. 9335 4715 or 0400 505 302 BUILDER - Professional builder specialising in all renovation work, all insurances and quality assured work. Brent 0407 928 538 BUILDING additions, granny flats, new homes. Practical, stylish, affordable design service. Save with our owner builder help or builder tenders. Patrick Healey, Architect (1008) 9499 1888 or 0412 956 967 BUILDING Renovations & home maintenance, walls removed, windows, kitchens, patios, pergolas. Ph Ray 0417 947 943 rayhatton1150 BUSINESS CARETAKERS Need a break? Got an emergency? Need instant help? 0402 815 005 www. CARPENTER 15 years experience Award Winning specialised carpenter/ all rounder. Call Chris for a quote 0428 721 284 CARPENTER, Handyman, Multi-skilled, Renovator. 25 years local experience. Repairs specialist Matt 0423 426 202 CARPET & Vinyl layer, repairs & re-stretching. Call Dave 0409 666 062 CARPET A Cleaning, specialising in steam injection deep cleaning. Choice magazine preferred method. uick drying. 0438 411 208 Page 18 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 CURTAIN Making, Tracks, Pelmets, Swags. Call 9498 7260 DRESSMAKING Alterations. Babs Fashion Design. All occasions bridal/ evening wear, school balls, casual day wear. 9437 3718 DRESSMAKING /Alterations, Experienced. Hilton, Sylvie 9337 5690 FENCING Replace repair all types fencing, gates and welding. Amir 0401 962 511 FREO PICKET Fences. Made to order on-site by qualified tradesman. No prefab. Choose your own style. All joins securely fastened with screws. Jim 0417 096 732 GARDEN & Reticulation Maintenance. Free quotes. Planting, mulching, pruning, weeding, hedging, mowing. Gutters & outdoor area clean-ups. Rubbish removal. Damian 0437 318 304 GARDEN A1 Service. Regular customers welcome. Weeding, pruning, mulching, retic, repairs etc. Ph Nick 0410 126 756 GARDEN designs and makeovers of ageing gardens. Native plant specialist. Small jobs okay. Maintenance – weeding, pruning, planting, mulching. Certificate IV Horticulture. MaryAnn 9316 9716 GARDEN Rescue Service Back Working. Weeding Pruning Removal of Trees Bushes. Green area cleanups sorted. Help to rationalise maintenance procedures. Ring Phil anytime 0417 966 277 GARDENER/ HANDYMAN. Weeding, Pruning, Retic. etc. Cheap rates, reliable. 9418 5271 GARDENING Occasional / regular, yards cleaned. Garden Design/Makeover. Applex to Freo. Pauls Gardens 0407 988 967 GAS Space Heater servicing and gas appliance installation by qualified Gas Fitter 9337 1665 or 0402 034 348 GATES Repair or replace. All type gates. Pool gate, metal and wood. Amir 0401 962 511 GUTTERS cleaned thoroughly by Sam, including high /steep roofs. Fully insured. Call 0431 993 152 GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 HANDYMAN All South Handyman. Welding, gates, fences, all metal work, Built/ repaired. Soakwells, paving, painting and decking. No job too small. Call Amir 0401 962 511 INDEPENDENT inspections and reports, document reviews, design, energy efficiency, owner-builder assistance. Tel: 9316 0186 or email admin for free quote IRONING crease free pick-up & deliver. $30 basket 20 items. Mon-Fri Jen 0410 945 500 IRONING service pick up and return. Maximum 20 items $40. Additional items $2 each. PH: 0439 942 994 LANDSCAPE Gardener. Need help to re-style your garden or choose the right plants. Would you like to DIY but need some Garden Design ideas. Call Sharon Attadale Garden Stylist 0432 461 432 LAWNCARE, we save them, we resurrect them, we mow them, we maintain them, reliably, ethically, with integrity and all at a reasonable cost, using 10 years of experience and the best equipment and products available. If you deserve the best, you should call us on 0406 394 329. ChrisCB Lawncare LEAFLET Distribution made easy. Call the Herald and we’ll do the rest. Target particular suburbs; we can handle any size distribution. Just pick up the phone & dial 9430 7727 and ask for Marie King PAINTING Services. Painter with 10 years experience. $25 per hour, you supply everything. Save your dollar. Call Andrew. 0439 371 165 PLUMBING & Gas, gutters and down pipes PL7409 GF 7917. Phone 0406 352 020 or 9330 4312 PROFESSIONAL Organiser. Declutter, Organise, Simplify your home, office or life. Need some help? Susan Deeley at your service. $50 hr, 0433 364 654 RESUME Do you need help with a resume call Sue 9414 6128 ROOF Leaks, gutters all repairs. Ins/reg roof plumber/ carpenter. 30y exp. Ph Mike 0408 913 338 ROOFING All roof replacements and roof maintenance. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 RUBBISH Removed. Large or small loads 7 days. Ph 9457 3323 or 0419 918 928 JUNK Removal. All shed, house and yard junk removed. Geoff 0414 694 656 SECRETARIAL Services, Highly qualified and experienced Jan 9332 6456 SEWING Cushion covers for home, boat, van, mattresses etc. Fabrics avail. Foam Sales 9330 1199 TILE/GROUT Cleaning using latest technology. Bring tiles back like new 0438 411 208 TILER Bathrooms, Floors, Walls, Splashback Repairs. Chris 0402 960 802 TILING Specialist. Renovations, waterproofing, leaks, bathroom, kitchen. Friendly service. All types of jobs welcome. Free quote. Jeff 0403 258 621 WALL and Floor Tiler. ualified Tradesman All Aspect of Wall and Floor Tiling. Specialising in Bathroom Renovations. John 0424 263 060 WILLS And Probate. Experienced Solicitor. Friendly advice. Reasonable fee. FITZLAW 9337 3852 mob 0401 199 372 jf c lassif ieds FOR SALE BED Overlays. Thick premium quality. More comfort, less aches and pains. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd, Booragoon 9330 1199 FOAM Cushions, mattresses etc cut to size and covered. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 HONEY, Unprocessed honey delivered free in 10x1 kg tubs $70. Austen 9437 1774 LADDRAX, Chinese yak18 wing, Vintage dental Spiltoon, Stacking chairs for sale. Old Values, Corner Holland and Onslow Street, Fremantle. Phone: 9433 2995 MASPORT Lawn Marshall Mower. Series 18. uad cut. Will sell at a reasonable price. 9310 5131. Ring around 6pm NEW/ recycled designer/ quality clothing for men & women. Silver Linings Fashion, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 PACKING Boxes from $1.85, paper, bubble wrap, robes. Can deliver. 9417 2000 PELMET Boxes. $25/meter made to order, DIY cover. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 GARAGE SALE MOVING House garage sale Sunday May 25, 8.00 am til noon. 7 Smith Street Beaconsfield HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY House for rent Pemberton/Northcliff area. Ideal for couples/families. Peaceful bushland with walks. 0417 940 261 LOST & FOUND LOST White Gold Solid Bracelet in Fremantle Sat May 10th. Has side opening clasp and three purple stones. 0423 113 976 MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS ANNE Roberts Registered Celebrant. Beautiful ceremonies designed the way you want. Ph 9335 6063 / 0431 945 645 CAROLINA Allen CMC simple ceremonies to suit you. Ph 0409 291 616 NORMAN W. DeTracy registered marriage celebrant. 9494 2497 or 0458 941 444 MUSICAL EXPERIENCED Male and Female DJs. Weddings, corporate, birthdays, any occasions. Call Chris for a quote on 0428 721 284. Find us at Liquid Culture DJs on Facebook GUITAR Lessons, easy going teacher 20 yrs exp. Simple method. I Come 2u. 0439 597 507 PIANO Tuner. Professional tuning services offered. Regular tuning $165. Call Ronald 0416 065 983 SERENATA Strings. Classical quartet or trio for weddings, functions or parties. Email hug1 Call Hans 9335 6980 evenings THE Guitar Teacher. Personalised tuition from experienced tutor/ performer. Individual or group lessons. Some mobile lessons. Phone Larry 0410 717 093 WINDOW Cleaning. Also Available weekends. 2 storey specialist. Call Jamie 0438 382 345 WINDOW CLEANING: Professional, friendly & reliable window cleaning. Residential & commercial properties. Interior & exterior. Call 0411 554 432 for free quote herald classifieds 'PSKVTUDFOUTBEBZ ZPVSQBSUOFSTIJQDBO IFMQDIJMESFOCVJME UIFJSPXOCSJHIUFS GBJSFSGVUVSF $BMMOPX #ATHOLIC-ISSION CATHOLICMISSIONORGAU PETS CLIPPER Dog Clipping and Hydrobath and Blow Drying. 0411 705 246 DOG Walking and pet feeding, quality 1on1 service, 0412 664 032 www.megansdogwalking. com PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS, Events, Business. Contact James 0414 451 957. Check website and Facebook PUBLIC NOTICES ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, want to drink? That’s your business. Want to stop? That’s ours. Ring all hours 9325 3566 office, Michael 0418 904 102, Lisa 0404 926 367 SHARED ACCOMMODATION PALMYRA Double room with ensuite. $250p/w incl. bills. Convenient location suit mature non smoker. Share with 1 other. 0432 111 314 SHORT TERM RENTALS BEACH Cottage, 2 Bed, Furnished. South Fremantle $500 PW. 26 May - 25 June 2014. 0437 726 459 SITUATIONS VACANT SCOOTER. The Herald is looking for an enthusiastic scooter driver to deliver the Herald on Fridays and Saturdays. If you are over 25 and have a current drivers license call to express your interest today. Phone Marie King on 9430 7727 FEMALE & Male Model 1860yrs Wanted. We are seeking models between the age of 18-60 for Glamour modelling. Successful models will be offered print/calendar/video assignments. Please note that you should be at least 18 years to apply. Please Email us for more information on esqnelsoon TO LET FREMANTLE Large 1 bedroom flat in quiet location. $375 per week plus bills. 0406 947 950 FREO City. $425, renovated, character cottage, 2 bedroom, off street parking. Shorter term O.K. 0417 984 096 HAMILTON Hill 3 bedroom house. Airconditioned. $400 per week. 0406 947 950 NORTH Fremantle. 2 bedroom cottage by the river. Inbuilt floor to ceiling wardrobe. Sun Room, Laundry, Drying courtyard. Off Street parking $575p/w 0449 601 136 PLEASANT Professional office/ consulting room in existing practice. East parking and 24/7 ground floor access. Located in a small shopping complex in Beaconsfeild. 0418 928 028 TUITION AAA To Infinity Tutor. Mathematics (inc. 3AB, 3CD and Specialist Math), Physics, and Engineering tuition in your home. Specialising in Years 10 to year 12, WACE, University and TAFE. Focusing on clear explanations, problem solving and exam preparation. Experienced, professional and dedicated tutor. Phone Denton 0425 898 598 or 9418 7703 MATHEMATICS, Physics, Engineering, y8-10, TEE. ualified Female Teacher 15yrs experience. Suravi 0402 447 584 MATHS, Physics, chemistry tutor, 35 years experienced, approachable. comes to you 0409 036 498 WANTED TO BUY BOXES Removal type. Cash paid. Will pick up depending on quantity/location. 9417 5234 NEW/ recycled designer clothing & accessories (men/ women). Silver Linings Fashion, (opposite Woolstores), Cantonment St, Fremantle 0430 475 682 TOOLS, China, bric/brac, antiques, records, books, jewellery, clocks, H/hold goods. Cash paid. Sheds, garages, cleared out, deceased estates. Call SHEDBUSTERS 9337 3953 or 0414 451 203 WANTED live in baby sitter, reliable, honest, experienced, first aid certificate. Pol. clearance. Good rates. Call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WANTED live in carer, honest, caring attitudes, carer certificates, call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WELLNESS Consultant- We seek an articulate person with a genuine interest in health & wellness able to present to individuals & small groups. Whilst not a selling position per se, the ability to communicate principals and benefits concisely, are important. The products are recognised as being ‘world’s best’ and the Research & Manufacturing Company, scrupulously ethical. Hours are flexible and part time. Remuneration is results based. Please contact Graham 0434 388 097 or 1300 625 425 [email protected] BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit RED SHIELD APPEAL INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The advertiser (or agent) indemnifies the Company (and its employees and agents) against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement (including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, or the Fair Trading Act 1987) and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the Company ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, and the Fair Trading Act 1987. All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions: RIGHT TO REFUSE - The Company has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - No liability will be incurred by the Company by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement (single or multiple insertion) or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. If an error occurs which in the opinion of the Company clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser notifies the Company of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the first day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company’s opinion of its reduced value. ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS - The advertiser must notify the Company of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. Do you live in or around any of these areas? Beeliar 115 herald Yangebup 120B AYURVEDA and yoga wellness centre. Transform your health and improve your vitality with Ayurveda. For a comprehensive consultation contact Leah 9331 5999 / 0438 693 855 or Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354 Coolbellup 105A Coolbellup 105B ABUNDANCE Life Coaching. “Regain your Personal Power and Create desired Success & Happiness”. Life Coaching, Energy Healing, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, Intuitive Development Groups, Meditation Groups, Inspirational Speaking. Ph Catherine 0408 563 746 or visit ACT Mindfully Workshop Jul 11 & 18 for living a more meaningful life when there is chronic pain or stress, with occupational therapist 25 yrs experience. Also offering myofascial trigger point therapy, mindfulness & psychological therapy, naturopathy and ITA energy medicine. Private Health & Medicare Rebates. Sasha Wray B.Sc 0402 550 469 Coolbellup 106 Success 116E ACUPUNCTURE incorporating ENAR microcurrent, light / colour therapy. Effective for pain, stress relief, mood and hormonal regulation. Practitioner with 25 years clinical experience. Ph Maniisha Bluntschli on 0437 968 277 ART Therapy. Connecting to your Inner Awareness. Finding new understandings, solutions, healing. Elspeth 0410 853 441. Cottesloe Success 116L Hammond Park 123 BODYWORK NEW. Body - mind - spirit healing, innovative & integrative new healing approach combining latest knowledge of Bodywork with ancient healing. Alleviates pain & tension, processes depression, anxiety & trauma. Re-aligns body for greater flexibility. Restores health, Harmony and assists with personal direction/vision. De-Stress Health. Call Sharon: 0448 267 303 BOWEN THERAPY Hammond Park 125 Atwell 118 BOWEN Therapy is a gentle yet dynamic form of bodywork that has great success in treating muscle & soft tissue injuries. In particular, neck, shoulder, back, sciatic, leg, knee & ankle pain. Also great for pregnancy, fatigue & general wellness. ‘Treat Yourself to Better Health through Bowen Therapy.’ Health Rebates Apply. Ph: Laura 0412 933 534 To advertise email the Herald [email protected] Atwell 118B Atwell 118A mind BOWEN Therapy is an effective technique to treat conditions relating to the back, neck and all types of injury. Lyn Sellwood has over 20 years experience in the industry and has relocated her practice to Lifecare Melville Physiotherapy, 15 Maddox Crescent, Melville. Ph: 0409 118 173 for an appointment. Health Fund Rebates apply BOWEN, MASSAGE, REIKI, ORTHO-BIONOMY. Get relief from pain and relax at The Healing Touch.25 yrs exp. Non sexual. Phone Kerrelee 0401 171 957 ANNOUNCING: Introducing Maureen Ives, Accredited Mental Health Clinician, of Integrated Family Counselling at Fremantle Health, 5 Shuffrey Street, Fremantle. Maureen has expertise working with families and individuals from the ante natal and post natal period through to adulthood. For an appointment Phone 9.30 - 4 p.m. Monday to Friday 9433 6538 or 0450 343 808 CONSCIOUS COUNSELLING Way of the Heart. Are you ready for ‘the shift forward’? This professional and compassionate assistance evokes insight, self empowerment and transformation. Christine Farrell Grad Dip Counselling 0424 433 815 COUNSELLING and Psychotherapy. Creating new ways of thinking and behaving, to make sense of emotional pain and distress. Resolving and managing difficulties in Relationships & all issues of Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Self-confidence, Trauma/Grief. Effective, gentle, confidential. Karin Sephton, nationally accredited Psychotherapist,15 yrs experience, registered clinical member PACAWA/PACFA 21219. Some rebates apply. 0409 298 727 COUNSELLING And support services. Ever Forward Counselling specializing in relationship advice, child/ adolescent and general support. Concession rates and home visits available. 7b Silas St. E Fremantle, www. or ph: 0452 238 374 EMOTIONAL eating and weight loss help. An easier way to lasting results without strict dieting and exercising www. Debbie 0417 272 382 FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS with Melany. This experiential process traces the effects of family dynamics and events reaching back generations. Discover how these experiences affect us unconsciously and find a resolution to today’s problems by using factual info, rather than the story. No workbook or notes needed, just a touching experience. Sat 31 May 10am – 4.30pm - $150. Melany 0408 822 493 HEALING: CRYSTAL BED SESSIONS. Gentle, nonintrusive and effective. Clears and balances the chakras, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and so much more. Aids sleep, relaxation and stress.Ph: 9330 7689 body HOMOEOPATHY specializing in women’s hormonal health, children and constitutional treatment for chronic conditions. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 HYPNOSIS to give YOU control of your life. Weight Loss, Smoking, Anxiety and many other issues. Phone 9316 9888 for Clinical Hypnotherapist at Medec Health Care. Mbr PHA, ANHR KINESIOLOGY Are you struggling to learn? Stressed? Aches and Pains? Hormones going wild? Allergies and Digestive issues? Call Karole 0411 798 454. Health Rebates may be available MANUAL therapy for innards and gizzards, liver and kidneys, bladder and prostate. This can ease musculoskeletal and post surgical etc issues. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT MASSAGE Amazing self healing alleviates stress/ neck/ shoulder/ back, tension/ pain/ migraines. Zen shiatsu therapeutic massage. Trained in Japan. Non sexual. Elspeth 0410 853 441 MASSAGE Are you tired? Stressed? Try massage by experienced Chinese. N/S $60/ hr Mon-Fri 8am-4pm 0418 948 192 MASSAGE, Beautiful, relaxing, swedish or strong remedial. In tranquil Palmyra location. $60/ 1 hour or $75/ 1.5 hours. Non sexual. Sara 0423 135 875 body riches massage & spa centre FREMANTLE’S leading specialists in remedial massage. Open 7 days. Specialising in: Deep tissue, Trigger point, Injury, Sports. Swedish, Relaxation, Aromatherapy. Pregnancy, Reflexology, Hot stone. Add a signature spa treatment to your massage choice; in our exquisite tropical outdoor spa massage room. We offer: All health fund rebates, Gift vouchers, Double treatment rooms. Ph: 6262 2667 or 0409 339 313 MASSAGE. Fully recreational and remedial care. 6 days 9:00am - 8:00pm. Fremantle. Lis 0431 291 118 or 6460 6547 REIKI Are you in need of relaxation? Helps overcome emotional difficulties, & physical symptoms. Provide psychic insight (20+ yrs exp.). Hamilton Hill Ph: 0402 235 633 MOBILE MASSEUSE Swedish, deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy massage. Reiki healing. Ph Miranda on 0419 189 496 THAI Healing Massage. Trained therapies with over 12 years experience, specialising in Thai Traditional Healing Massage, Thai herbal Steam and Hot Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, Sport injury and Relaxing oil massage. Strictly professional service by appointment only. Contact Patcha on 0439 611 410 MASSAGE Relaxing Swedish or deeper remedial in peaceful Spearwod location. $50 1hr/ $70 1.5hrs. Non sexual, Richard 0413 121 429 MASSAGE: Trade in that old tired wreck or get a tune up. Great results. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT Astrology strology A Herald With Sudhir NATURAL Health for all ages. Electrical kinesiology, allergy testing, nutritional deficiency testing, chemical, toxin and VLA testing, urine analysis, tongue and nail diagnosis. 100 point health check. Special offer - only $80, 1.5 hours for the price of 1 hour on your first consult. Just present this ad. 6191 0318/ 0409 920 689. 156 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill NATUROPATH- Lost your mojo? Helping tired, exhausted people find wellbeing, vitality and enthusiasm, using natural medicine. NHAA and ATMS registered, Susan Deeley 0433 364 654 RADIANT Woman Coaching: Shift how you feel about yourself and the gift of being born female. Womanhood, motherhood, midlife, fertility issues, pregnancy, childbirth trauma, sacred feminine spirituality. Call Ishara 0415 593 408. REFLEXOLOGY for pain management, hormonal balance, stress relief and more. Reflexology also aids relaxation and restores well-being. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 SAND Play Therapy for kids, teens, adults. Words can be too hard sometimes. Jan 0431 740 339 SATSANG. Daily satsang with Vishrant. Visit or call Dakini 0438 831 883 for more info TRAUMA (simple or complex) from injury, accident, illness, surgery etc. Be cared for in body and mind therapy for your heart, body, and soul. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT. IYENGAR yoga, experienced teachers, individual adjustments, beginners to experienced, Air Conditioned Free parking, change rooms Full Class schedule online www. 0418 923 791 146 Carrington St O’Connor MASSAGE Deep Relaxation, Full Bodywork $60/75 mins. Mobile, 14 yrs experience. Abhi 9417 5732 MASSAGE Professional. Feel the difference. 9316 2587 / 0409 430 245 Christina If so and you’d like to join the Herald distribution team call Marie King on 9430 7727 spirit YOGA And AYURVEDA Wellness Centre. Classes Daily. New early morning class with Gerard Crouze 6:00am-7:30am Mon to Fri. Beginners welcome. Vinyasa, Pregnancy and Restorative Classes also available. Ph Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354. 75 Wray Ave Fremantle. www. YOGA – Hatha Style – Gentle Exercise with experienced instructor at Samson Recreation Centre - 44 McCombe Avenue Samson Thursday 12.00pm – 1.30pm - $90/$72 conc. per term – all levels welcome - further information call 9331 8040 ASHTANGA YOGA - New 5 week Beginner Courses start 7pm Monday 26 May, 9am Saturday 31 May, 7pm Wednesday 4 June, 5:30pm Tuesday 10 June. 10 Wray Ave Fremantle. or 0459 151 599 herald classifieds Booking deadline: 12 noon Tuesdays [email protected] The Herald Supports Recycling. May 24 - May 31, 2014 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The Moon begins the week in Aries. Add this to the wispy winds of the Gemini Sun, and life could show signs of unpredictability and change. It could seem like the fates are being fickle. Under the choppy waves on the surface, there’s a world of depth and silence underneath. TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) As the Sun moves into Gemini, so you retire into a quieter place. Venus is still in Aries, so love will keep adding a little chilli, to ensure that quietude doesn’t morph into blandness. Use your solitude wisely. What you come up with in your alone time will determine your next move. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) The Sun is in Gemini, shining on your paradoxical wonderland. You are both spritely curious intelligence, and a deep current of reflective silence. The temptation is to choose one. Then you get floored by the other. It’s only in embracing wholeness that the twins get really happy. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) Though there are all sorts of winds buffeting the surface, there are strong currents operating under the surface, too. You are heavily involved in these things going on under the surface, in one way or another. Be one of the voices having effect, outside the realm of headlines. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) As the Sun moves into Gemini, so you feel lighter and more able to get into motion. You are no longer held down by Taurean heaviness. Shake your mane and swish your tail. It’s time to get curious and be inspired. Real things, like harmony and justice, are the best motivators VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) There’s a lot going on in the windy world of Gemini. If you get caught in other people’s intellectual gymnastics, frustration will ensue. Stay true to your heart and listen for those who touch your emotional essence. The ideas that matter are the ones that are attuned to feeling. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) That which frustrates you and even presses your buttons, will be what ultimately motivates you and crystallises understanding. It’s hard for Librans to be emotionally messy, yet it is often emotional messiness that is a catalyst for the next layer of richness and beauty. Be messy. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) Though the Sun is in airy Gemini, and the Moon is in fiery Aries, there is a current of emotion and feeling operating at the moment that is deeper and more relevant. You are right there at the heart of the meaning being built under the surface. Trust your feelings. Don’t be distracted. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Relationship is the greatest teacher. It is in intimacy that we receive our greatest education. Love demands that we put our own agendas aside on a regular basis. To hold on to our prejudices, prejudices love. You are in the thick of this lovely transformative dilemma. Be changed. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Where others are in conflict, it is your job to hold them together, to right the balance. With Pluto as your guide, it will be in opening up the possibilities of realness and the possibilities of transformation, that you do this. Every existential dilemma is a door. Keep finding the keys. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Where others are sweating about safety and security, it is your job to inspire courage and adventurousness. Offer truth gently and playfully. The moment you get too serious, dogged, or fixed, it will go pear-shaped. The Gemini Sun is here to remind you of the gift of lightness. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Though there is a lot of wave activity happening on the surface, you have a direct link to the powerful currents that are going on under the surface. On the surface there are tales of conflict. Under the surface, a narrative of depth, peace and wholeness is being built. Help it along. © M.J.Dean 2014 Sudhir After you’ve read it recycle it... THE HERALD DOES NOT PUBLISH SEXUAL SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS. PLEASE RESPECT OUR ADVERTISERS IN YOUR RESPONSES Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 - Page 19 The team at Port City is proud to welcome Cheryl Armstrong into our fold. PORT CITY With a strong work ethic and an eagerness to do well by her clients WWW.PORTCITY.NET.AU Cheryl is waiting for your call. Contact her today on 0450 922 774. 9431 9200 Glenda Principal CLINTON 0411 236 398 0409 086 548 Page 20 - Cockburn City Herald, Saturday May 24, 2014 SANDRA 9431 9200 DARREN 0412 643 663 LISA 9431 9200 TROY 0411 439 151 CHERYL TRACEY CARMELO 0423 194 292 0412 093 679 0450 922 774
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