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DOVEB, MOBBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATUBDAY. MABCH 3.1883. VOL. XI THE IRON ERA The Dover Printing Company, - puSUBH&fiSutePBOBXKTOBB- Offloe s i BkokwiU BtMat'oeit door to Tlo BatlooslDuioa Bunk, BEEMER « PALMER A. B. BERRY, WOOD MASONS' MATEBIA1S, 1 Incb I-" 4 ** SS5 9 76 8 SO 4 £0 I £0 10(10 2 MOB. 0 ~ ** •• teaman. 1" " "UPAOl, 04LCIKED PL&ffTEU, FllONT BBIOI, FIRECLAY, FIRB BRICK, THOMAS B. McGRATH SEASONABLE FRUITS, PASSAGE TICKETS 6 MOd. COAIi. " Norway, Sweden, Ac, MORRIS COUNTY ia*-AM8IOK IIOUSK. Corner of Blfickwc.1 and BnlBoi HI*. JDOVEB, N. J. I, B. JOLLEY, Proprietor Honed mid Oftt-riajjrs lnl.(t. MACHINE & IRON Co, ATTOBNEY AT l i \ V , MiSTKB Iff CHAVOEEY AKD HOTAB1' PUBLIC, IRON E I t i BDIMHKO, 'DOVER, N. J. r i EO. o. CUMMINS, u. P.. Also DRAFTS iHnuert fit lowcet r&tP<M>A? 'r'sll'lhu^Jl'm'mtl, N » I M ! " Ito'ltES, UABlTii, nlile nnyirhcio I o l i n g laud, I re la ml. Rcotlauil, ("iliAVECAI'H,GLOVJia-kul,Bill.iii](l(!Otio]it Nurwav or Rwod&n. Informnti»n clioprfully i;ivcii a t niiyliinu iu rcKftrd t o luoveumutB of CUAlltH, UJSAllSliH, UAUlilAUJSa, lCJIi AUl llSli tcBstl« of Uie abovtt HUKH. mi s i Et Lifidsley&Son, Agents. D O V E R , N. >T. MiraGiiiffERY STEAM ENGINES, TIIK1R f K L H B I t A T E D 4NP SPECIALIST IN THE TREATMENT OF MALARIAL DISEASES. OFFIOE AT THE STICKLE tlOUBE, DOVEO, N. 3. Y \ n . OOHDICT * SOS, Office s t rcpl,]enco, PrcapoctBt. Offlro n o u n t o B A . M . ; 19 to 1 1 ' . BI'; 0 to » P. H . AIR COMPRESSORS, l BUASS CASTJNt'.S, FOBBING of all DESBIFTIONS, POIT MOUTXMM. Dlrcclor'aaolflfor Deo, Id. Peter S Clont-mau, 45 14. E V Q VftnSaun, 7 D00, lasi ai.count, Jftii.10. J A p r a k e , 181183, 19,68767 SO. E: A. Aps«r. H'nte Supt.ofPuWicIontrootJoa, tlOO.OOO -BtaloApproDrt»fiH(20«« S3. M 8 Oondtt, County Olerk.fcM.notlocB Of trial October (crtn, 1600 84. 7 M . S , OirrsU, eld plank inlil, 600 Deo.IS. PIC-Mb.oldbrldJio tlaakaild, 2S83 IS.ElljauDnfford.Ool. Slate IM, J H JtltlSRS, OOI. UontviiJetovnsbip 1 flMSW oOUUla tOflBB nnty tux, K'ilPBoaoIi.C Doo)iimay ) i m a y tom tomis p BtatoUi, 1,005 74 . BdWdPfinsli.OoL Boclmtva* tomiap State Mlioalta* 8 Ed'dP DOVER STEAM DYEING Hot Air Furnaces, COOK. l'AKLOIt, HEATING .eri))i-diiH(ull.n.w, ¥IB. ! Ij'-mp a pivt ot" tho STOVES, RANGES. !lild\aroii*l>Jcl!JrflSrTVv AlVXA. T^'o'irf.rf.li.o uiJ Hury A. liie uifo l>y Ilieir ilivd d.ilcd Tifny Ulli, tBGl, Mini rcrnnli-il in Ilio CioikV OIUi'U of tim 0t)iintv»r Mni-riM, Slav 23d, J8C1, in noultZnofDcrda. jwf.ps-,85. A c , an.ltita UD D0YEB, N. JSURVEYS OP MINES. I. W. THURBER, OF M0MII8 COUNTY. <W«CE AT 8. H. BRBE3S3 6TOBF DOVEE, N. J. gpeoUt oflloo lionra on Sutnrdm rminBA K. B i n It. «>' B. J . PALMER WM, T. ALI.EN. Freeman Wood, AU.EN & PALMER, BUILDEUS, INSURANCE AGENT. FEVER and AGUE! BOILER WORKS, SHOPS ON E S S E X ^ T ^ M N w l f o l H I«t»«(t.l | l l a * OH I »n n . a y o h . « « . t U J will bo »1 Iho OIBOB or Ilia B n r n w l o . Mor. thin liumsdMte vlonity-New Yurli, Brooklyn. Loiif rietown, Jor Hio tfiniMctlan of Couniy bust' Maud Cllf. flnbulfn, Jnr.py Cltf, l c . wlicta marr ' lew IN dime thin itiywliora fine on till* tint, DHi on Thurstlny or ntmlt ffoeli, Mitl Bt Ibe it, tlir-rn is a nnnauni dfliniwilforyoung I, OH ifati, nr Oporco IlicljartlB, ESQ., Dovt-r^on ouiitf wnmiu tool! various jiMlil(,ii«, mil \n FOSTER F. BIRCH, Prop'r, D O V E R , If. J . FRANK GIBS, MASON AND BUILDER] ontraotB taken find nntcriila TurnlaLtd f n CUILDINCS, BRIOUCS. aiOKE-fiTAOKS, TAHKB, ELABT PIPES and DOFEB.N. J . Contract* tafepn and matdrUlB furuledidl. Stone and Uriel Work, PIBIUPHIIR fclid Jobbing promptly at t wiled tti. Orders left a t William II. Butor'a ntnre wilt reaelTe liVE[U THIKO IN ITS SEASON IN THE I-INE Of CHESTER, N, J . , BEEIt, SAB9APABILLA, SODA WATEB, eEQAIiS, TOBACCO3, 4c. POOL AND BILUAHD TABLE. AiiaTberahopincannonliDuffitli Uiopool roore M, Y. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, ••I RESTAURANT !•-» WARREN St., DOVEB, N.J. OYSTERS, Clams, Mussels sjiitl Canned Goods JJLACKWELT. ST.. DOVER, N. J . BEHYKD IK AH* STTLG. tlfccn ana mnteilalufumlalied, LAGERS, ALES, SEGARS, Slivte Hoofing With belter fncilitien I am enabled to put OH SLATE B 0 O F S cbeuper thnu ev«r using pone l)ut t h o best ijitnUt; ol Blsta and emliloyioR firet-olase nicoIiftoicB. J oan gimriutes material a n d work in every particufar. *Eivr ShentliiTiB Telt always on uand. Dated October 13th. 1880. JEPAIRINQ PBOMJTLY ATTENDED TO. Office on Morrli itteet, next to former IHOH £ B I Lulldlag, Co*»r, N. J . HM EMORY'S IOTUIJAR i i)« foil nil in hli (Sloa Pmp'r. il all kindfl ot noil,! whether of BI(IO? t BTONB, JOS. YORK'S CAN DE FOCSD AT B-BEUU 1 J . DRAKE, CARPENTER AND EDILDER, BT4KHOPB, N , J . Contraotn Tor bnildings Intern from tlie ex. p O T O JOfEI'H VORK'fl FOR COOKING UT HAHOE3 AND KITGIIEN UTGNSILB. A.l«n Buxh, Dtwitn, Ltliudu, Muiililinai, P*itits liuofiDff Fait and Maaono' UatcrialttcoqeUntlj 1 -ind. 6 \j 0 TO JOS, YORK'S FOft PAHLOR AKD D1N1NO 11005! AMD OFFIOE BTOYES. STOVES OF ALL KlNpS. CItOCKEItY, OLASS-WAIIE AND CHINA. FUDitUARY 13th, 1383. In tlio matter of Jolm P . Gordon, AdminlgMOtlUISTOWN, N. J . ttator or Kobett Oatdoii, deccaicd.' Pni"l(>gitc'a order tc limit creditor!), ' On npplication of tlio above natped Q<lpilnietr*loc it U nttlorctl Uy tlip S«rron«lo tUnt tlie Huidaiiminislrntor tjlvo puhlirt nntica lo tlie in tlirir ilebt*. (Uitinndfi nml elnim«HBainsttbtGIVE ME A OALI> AMD EKAMINE Mlf Morris k n l y - t o l a ' s (See. Joseph Tort, Millinery! . J. IRA C. COOPER OS BLOCK HELOW D. L. & W. n. R. DErOT STEAM BOILERS, HJAS9N AND BUILDER, E&Ilj anthorlied agsat or tho follewinEflretelans companlcs-tlie beat la tho world: LONDON and LIVERPOOL anfl GLOBE, Cnpiifil $20,000,000. LANCASHIRE of MANCHESTER, Capital $10,000,000. R0TAL OF L1VEEPOOL, Capitol 410,000,000. FRANKLIN OP PHILADELPHIA, Capital $6,000,000. HUDSON COUNTY, Jersey City, Capital $300,000. SOLID FACTS ABOUT ATX0HNEY3 AND COUSSF.LLOna AT LAW, m warn Peqnrninoo toirn «Mp,Hlatet«x, 78151 WIB. H.Deani, Col. Pcquanncit toiruRhip UlBto iohool taT^ 1,868 U Win. H . Beim, CoL Ptquinnoa toivn. elilp, count/ tax onoco. 2,587 80 Wra. » , Norman, Oat. ot Jcffcraon townsl-jp. State Millinery) S. FREEMAN, W. 6. NormiD.Col, JeffunoD tomabin ' HUUICIIOOUM, l,«60» W. D. Norman, Col. JuiTcraon tonntalp talp ccunutyiai u n u y i a i UD nccV DM CO 33- B-*idB. Ool. idB. Alien, Ool. --<-... Itandolpli'' olpli'' fown•hip, Stato tttti,'~ 1,68133 ' tti' 1 ODVBT nxnurtu. NOT. ft Wm. Bolt, 40000 Jokn W Pftnoher, (173 C r&nVoorbetM, 364 AmldM B Hlcb, 368 8. Wm. Voorbeaa, 6000 AAH«rtitt, 6000 J o i n H Adowion, OS 75 Daatal Xwgui, 0000 If B Bri&nt, ' 1817 Hcnrr B Cornwall. 371 DO Isaac B denims, B0 00 JotanWBAbbifi. 08 00 »B7id W OelUoker, 90S 00 11. Amal Waof. * 04 28 w WaU l l sioriir, o 43 B0 ss. Howoli, i J m r Billiard Pool Tables SAMUEL MOUSE, ! Winter Dress Goods! AIR COMPRESSORS , KIUJ . « » , 1KB. ni* DU0KWILL BTj D O Y K I I Jan. 10. John O Clark, isaa HOT. lUHoi 8, Port &. HDCOKL IL J J Vreeload, 17. S F L e e i , I. Wnu a Qalmby, V TOWJTBBIP. SOT 8 Andrew J l 9 JdbnDGuorfn 0 John W Jaotaon, 1 Daniel Morgan v 1.BJUCT. #9,791 M Jan. 8. Eogone VAndotpooV SKTXITDB. NOT. 14, L : Entotior, J r . Uol. •12333 : JlWHJJeMl,, " .103 29 D M . I,. Kelson OMkey,; •' 158 50 ^ 1 5 . :8HHoptiDa, • - ' " -198 81 • , M3103 I ' ; VtATB atJBOOL AYPBOFRUTIOIT. • . 3 8 / P S Allen, Col. |86380 ~ Hammonil, Ool. OLAYtTOlT STEAM F V ^ O S S 14ft16 WATJ^ ^ * BHOOttXYH, & 1 lJi" ' " ATTOnMEY i T LAT7, AND MABTEH IK O1U DOVER, N. J . Omofi DTia Ahtx. TTiaqiufl'a STOTE I S O Tia Sioix, fiLuuVraXL STHIBT. roXuP EEOAPITULATION. oantyFmrnaaia ieneral Stats tax, tate Boboot tax, « 0U& in tank, ftmie town! l t t ,..„,„. 10 DOB MtOK TOWWgniF COLLtCTOBB. WadilngtonTomuhip, 187130 ^oxborr. " 307 90 Mendliam, •• 84363 Hanover, •• 800 00 Chtttam. « 3,9WfiQ WH. H. LAMBERT, Conotj Colltcloi. 924T7a BandolpH lownatalp, Balaaoo of , conntT t n , , 1,> O.JI.IJsnnlnff.Oo). Chatb*m lofrmlilp. 8,88847 . i" a. Wm. Rl. Onto, Ool. Roibary,' balanqa W m . H , Qne?,Ool. Mi'iborr township oonoW t t i on aooV 610 OS W.D. Potman, Oo!. JtBewon township lialtnea ofooanty tax, 1,802 DO 8. SlUs IT. HapHtu, • Col. Olierter torn-' HA Prwmnn; jrOTOtta* &£* JK1 9. Kelion C a f t t y , Ool, 600 600 / * 106ft M ' balance of cooniy Ux, : l.OUOft U . L o t t Prnden* Ool. •' raden* Ool. Morrti tovniqlp, B0o,ntcx oonnty Ux ltl000> 00 eoo _„ „ , 750 Force, COO SiunuelPBoDnie, .81.1. SfunuelPBoome, flOO ilhortVuiVoorriK Owirge W Bowwa, »<W V Od ' ' llanduam to«ms'p ace.nf county t a s 1,00000 IT, Bamcol Tfppett, 'ST. . 1 Poor.Booi» Com* . raitleo, , 79 90. VfTn. Tt, Groeo.Qc!. U00 • UoiUnry town»Uip aco.orconnt.rtai 700 00 24. EllIaAApear.Stato Bnpt. of i t b l l o Bobnols, tco, Btato icbnol tax rptnrnedfDrdfslrtbnL'n 48^0305 27.8ilaa H . Bnpkiiu b Col. Obeiter ttownC l . Obeter bi b •bin, balanl of canntytax, BKW^l ^ M l A n a aine.ODl, ine Cnatluro townsbtp •co, ofconDt.T t a t 7.1T3 9S . SftmuflB. IJarrlioa, * * lUtttal atraageinetits wiU be made with the Sickle Plato." I t n u b w n lomored that the Lookawuma Tooentiy applied for admlaaiok to tha trunk . tpoal. TMntntomcntisoiBdiUlydenlftd. any time tbe now rood mar become a mber of tJio pool, b u t Ita offioew B»T* preferredtoact Independently until iatWiwtory Weatern oonneotloiu wera aeoored. . of codii4.O»«k 1683 Doe. 18. I G Arnold OBorge Coblctc, 300 GQ Mfirtham toirm'p i c o ' t o o a n t r t a i , 1,2123 BO LoU Prntlon, Cel. Uorrit towaililp, balanca of oonnj BBIDQKIk IttOO .,.^8Hr«m»n,' i r m J E HoConneU, 3 IS i. 13. UUnr Coil, 30 00 Gcoree Darenport, 14 7ft JnoobAckwaun, D B.N -Jo two". 1 , -iHtnee or WSalblt1a?irira ttflirn. iliip, a XIAH I I . QOODiJjE, BOVEB, H. J. nurorUI TOWKWtt. ,_ Corbelr. % 07 » i t ^ S U a l b 8109 DSrnim, »isea W0t> r, ^ county 1,000 00 1 Del., Lack* and Wart. Thrcutfi Una. Arrugementa have been mnde for t] tftbilanuont of a tut i r e i g b t l " V w York, Z i a a l ^ t f New Tork, C y p j y g g j ^ s t . Lonia HaUto do tnnoh e**tHeretcfore, on aoconnt of Its of through fralghtlinft ( a d l t i o . Hoat t weit-bound tmffie b u been dolivewd ' tbo Grand trunk of Canada, l u t that road, ivlag It* otnt «a*1crn Dounootloiw,faudeercd no eatt-lwund buainesa of any fasKirtaooelatheliackawaiinik The new freight iaottTWihe"Sloilo Plate"roftd -willbring tho Lookwanna into tho field aa » comitonftreast-bound buslneas, Tito equip, ment for the sew line will aoon be suppliedNlekle P l a t s " at preannt obtain* ie to Chicago oror the Ullnoia Central Aa the ooatral of tbe " Mlokle Plate " held liy tbe VanderbUt interut, ra&road do not bolloro that the new arrangement rlth the Laokftwunft will be allowed t o greatly with tho Lako Shore')* imago, faisioesft. Thexe aow Baiat a m o g e enta between tbo Laokawanna and - tho Lake Shore and tbo Canada Southern for. tho interchange of bushesa between local pointa tho t h r u roadB... paaaenger faaUtiea. W h e n I t Ii n a i l j t o o te for tbla biuiiieBa It i a boUovcd fhal '" *"* °»™ !!"• B-JV B * " i riimpool HOOK, Dr'H'o. Mnrrl. TJJInwD, 65 BletiifH^BcnQklJn. UatrA.floirnn.UlHirriHOD St.,Broatb™. »1. Oonril.oJi, ur.FMlio ^1 liro.UjliT PranV n. Btirdaall, CamtlEnTN.J. ' W. M, P i l w t r *iSFe»n!fl!., OMnilen, H. 3. j BTATI M X . * i 30 O M M W r i g K S t f t t o T K a . . , ) 3 BT1TB BOUOOJ, TAX. 130 Oeo M IVrlgU State T M M , f 3 INTKEBCT AHIt SU0OHT. 117 Nat'lVnioaBank note, duo tnU BEC&IPT8. 'tttal receipt! during qoartar, BXPBND1TUBES. DHt HortonM, f 2170 reeholdora, 6U 2S onrt Xxpouacf, S.1B6 OO dvertlilng and Print fog, 389 59 icidenUla, 1,873 63 loatl Houseancl County Jail, 1,139 70 Indpiiyr, 1,000 00 Inp't of pnbllo Softool*. 4SG DO innioy, 2,751 Q<t EntereBt on larplci revenaa, flill OS -iteBahooUppruprialloa, 4,205 45 jolioni, " " " " . • tnev SRsxr Best line' of Dress Goods nud Trimmings at FABDEE & CLASS'S, 11 EIJP'T OP IOBOOU. O PEAOH TREES. 36000 Nor. 30. I, W Tfaurber, (150 00 Deo. 11. •< " 800 00 18. J M V&nSlokle, fl 00 WM00 OoL O Freemaa Wood, LAGER BEER pllceiBherelrtRi'rcntHt \ho fteeoni tn« inbioiler, Ezeeatot a i Carolino win, Tho •nbaerlber offer* t o Ilia pnblis about fle«MCd. -will be *ndtted t a d ittlcd by tbd [S.MD TBEEB of cliolca anil cood Snrnigate, u d reported foi settlemenr to tho ------ FAA0B ttrfclw*,»U tMdy forirtViniin lh» Offlbaui' Court of Uia Oonntj of alorrji, oo Now » t h e l e u o n of the year to purv •icndaj the l e n n t h a»y pr Maj next (V iddresij Jan. 10. Be&rj MfltdtTillt, Beta, d i » t b U day, >30,OO0OI)A Total expendftDrei, meJEUB 6< Jlorrla "townsSfp,' OECHESTEION Notice of Settlement. 412 1883 Jan. 10. Molvln g Uomllt, Clerk, Utot MARTIN & BUCK, Notice of Settlement. BKAtno. 10 00 ace. LaltfroftflD,Co Morrii. towDihip 1st. We litre until itfortnolvo joars, has r e m i n d toTlmrl*pr'« newlinlliliitg.in tlie 'acBKit, I t *|jpcars by tlie rolurna of tiia 21. I t In a liifibfr grille and giving better rearotllio Ci'iKral Rail.oad tlran1 tiriOgd, left election bclil in RDJ for tbe TuiTmltlp itiff^ciion to-d»y t l u a ever Ujforo. NEAR T H E CANAL BASIN. of Randolph on tlio deventti day ofNuvetuAND 0:1. No other brand lua itooa Hi [a U-ai. bcr.isaa, tk&tUiDnnraWr ot vitua cast la H»Bi»aA0,, B B I O D I Co., S . J-, XT JobbWR and mpairinR prompll the C t n t n l District or said Toirn*Uip e i atteoacil lo. Alcngflxpenenco in the UHBIj l h . Wo oro connpclpil dirocily wild the nesii, will, I believe, enable mu to Rive iattn 111)1 mid control ono-tliird or Iliu [trodnet. A contract for sinking; a shaft nentvu. Tlia Towuiliip Uoratnlltoe aro refrction to all oustoracrn. Couiracts taken agd qahm! lijlaw whenever tbo number of ^oios t (lie DicKcerson Aline ( ( T miles 6lli. Tim r»p»t:Mj ol llioMiU Is Bvo liandrea muteriilB farnialiod. cast Iu RUT Dlitrict exne»ds s » liondred, to ,d fifty borrtlsiicrday. rroni Dover, A. J.) will bo made elitngfl, alter anJ reatlluit tlin linnaJirlm Tram tfao celebrated manufactory of J . if. ot thn cIccttQQdistrict In tlw Town«Mp, or Ltb Huititble persons. to OoninliJnl^ any iliatrlct Ar p i r t o r a iliof riot in I lie ToitntiblpnUb a n ; oilier district SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING The shaft will be IOXIS feet Hi)en tiiaflD far ireiK orditGrjared i t m n i tliereiD, no tbat caoli c^vtion diitrfct bhall nd about 7O0 teet dee^. notcontftlD more than nix UaDdred voter*. Mrr fit. Wo a r Hj- in receipt of tcatlrercfcnco Icing had to ibe sroerapbfoal iai slao last lieon (applied with new mnde SSL'. W - t "'Jii, ™' «ni<r<ouo» .nS nypue wishing *peclflcations comp&ctnoiB or l^o Fevers! dlitrloli and to nd will iTtliclit the pations af tbe Louie more NEWABK, N. 4-. Feb. f(th, 1^93. ill apply <o tlio convenience ^r tbe Yoiemi (Ueretoro, eo. n . ATWOOU. Essvr. WlLKt^toH, Q k M i s i . 0 0 . (between tVio UANR10S BOPHEana Depot,) FRED. A. CANFIELD, E. M. HfinLTiD, Tliat t b e diriaion line between flEMTLEMES ; - W o liavo nacd Iho " C 0 K N. J., V DOVElt, N. J . tlie Southern end Central Dlitriots lie abinflod, fiEO. KnniiT'K OELEEHiTED DOVER. N. J. l e d and re»djonteil ^ Ibilnm i Bos\nMEttCE" flour Iu onr furnllj for a InDs tfmo The plnco hoe liecu entirely ntftttcd In a noat g ia the road rarning from Dorur lo llor-lannnar. LADIES'miilCBjLDltEN'B HAlIl It great satisfaction. The bstrol now In listown whore tlio HackaiFaj towmblp Una croioci tbe l i m a etat or ttio J<ibn A. c u t e r in Bujiorior to %nj o'.her. Xl ia good line liomestend (noir William E Cutorltno), alMTi on drtpgbt and ibe belt of nfih fora King. Yoara truly, aud runntnc tlience aloDR t h e middle of aud rniS toward DoTor to IIIB tint bi\0aa orar tho A. L . BCICE, D. S . MUlbroolt flreain: tlieuco So a direct lino WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS JEBHUAHY Gtl). 13S3. atliweitert/to the crmta-roadd a t Clinrlon 1. Wo ire prep«• Ted to riilt oor rnpnlatlDB i the maltor i>r Eplirklm W»lerj, Eieoaln ^rapiot'* rfiildenco; thonea in tbo nildjh or ahraji pro Tide a for lbs patron* of Jtaitm Utact, dnoiied. Borrogttb'i o ibc (tatement that we litre ttiBflueitand Inlltipitoreilfton. Ibe fop d lotdiDR rmmBoobawaT to tttn Quaker G0A1NEBH, 0ILDEH3 ami PAPER HANGnettlDK lionioi tbepeo fullowlng tlio middle afOLLEITS OPEEA HOUSE AKS moit UDirorm float on the mirket far t b s H »pplic»Uon of 1»B tbove-nitnoa BIPJIJ nf paid Uit named road by Hip let' coram, vury Irnly your*• B I U J A l t D BOOMS., tor ft !• Of j-'refl by (be Burroff*te thst Dal]'* ecnmr. Craned corner tn tlio midilli price and we itill call Ita Dime " ComnoOE." fl«id Eteentar alvs pnblla natleo to tlia credi- of the roan i t ilarvcv'a cornet iu the toad tUor^iigh^owIcdpE of^oni" MtT.Inn paint. 8.1. Tleing eonowted wllli tha Mi I wa a r e on of the eit»l« or u l d deemlent to bring in Ifftdfnn froinDowr lolline Hill; thoo ce noi tl> ins.Tre ltclcompclc.il l» m £ l tk.a ootja.ilt their debt*, den^md* and cUlmii «if»init the tha mldctlA ol tUn last; mtntintiod rus<l to olall. FaintfcliopoTer Mia. Vflntu « raillln.rj otirmlnetl to oell it a t inch a price a i will e. under o&<n, within nlttft tnoolbi from L h l l ' r.nrner in the middle of [fan mad atore, ncit to Voaght i Killgoro'a lime .torn. ... flalB.hjiBttlnfftip % oopj <rf tUfi orilnr, 'D t M C i v l l l e ; UIGDCB nike It pofiniar, and while t h e grade will be P.O.to«H8. FEC1FI0 BD\ta>aaocct»ti> «Mll *llUo twsntj d i ; t htntftsr, tn fiv« of thottonff ibfl tnfddlo of nlit tout mentioned n m l .nil itu or onr mmi-oUru cq.u-H, Wo nnb.al}£li iho price will bo loff. A HpccliHj made ol attnoil ooUlna. niosl pnbllo plieei Id tbe counw of Horri! for wetwrlr ta .tlio diviriinj lino batvrcuu liio utinfrly rocoinmonj it (o all .aOViios rrom <ro month*, M>d ilaowjthtn tho n l d twrcty lotn)ibl)iBof Koiburj and ItandDl|)h,an(l that ?,*.""• I " J ^ " " " " i Suriot.. Dm>itl?t., or J. llAnTI». (IMF A. DOCK. Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction gear- • J I b j Hdfcrliifnft tba n m e in the IBOV KKA, all lemtorj andTotf-rsioalb or>ald lino eliall KLln«; »nd IJ»«r Iroobl™. W« bolleni It « • one of tbe newsp&pen ot tbti BUte,forthe bclocit to aud voto In siW Hmthprn Viilrioi. aatced or tnoaej refunded. reimd. lh,l ,l,o n id b ; In , « „ boai.bi.ia, u d lira*1 apace of time (the finrrogito Joflglap J. FRANK MVSE. n . Till t i l l plenumfa, d , , , r | , s , n , , n ',| ,11 n/fbriberiintlre to be nnneoeMirri; and tr ORVILLE MILLING CO. n.i crwllwr ibill neslegt !« exH&iF lilt or ToKualiipUlfrU. .crijobKdrmUJd tnn oWra w|Thin tbe n\a p Jftted Dover,H. T.-f^b, la, 1393, .crijobKdrmUJd t n n oWra w|Thin tb Practical Boot and Shoe Maker B. A. Wllktiippti, f«a'(. ifcnod fcdoff nine i WQntbi, tbpoulip uli tl bslux bl 1 3 GO nutlpa £ • • A. VbllD.;'AU'r, H O N . . . ™ SI..N.Y. riren « Bfaroftid, naob oreaitar shall lie for* Hants SJ., Dorcr, N. WILKINSON, GADDIS 4 Co., VKt d*b»tr«d of b i t ot her u l l a n lUwelor L n . ItOMn.flO Bl-OKlww.N. Y, •e»lDil the u l d Bieontor, B. D. Mower, G3 E r t u d i r r M X BtB • IKVCVIIOV stock cf rBftdy-mkd. OOOTS 1 A true oopr from tha miootBt. and SHOES on hind m a forMle obwp. B«" * M D M 5HWATAL0 JD-lOir . WM- H . McDAVlT, Bnrro^fo, PiirlD)tpronipilT»inI olirapiydcn.. THE RESULT I S : j . 10. P o v o r Filming Co. ( ataWt OTHER REFERENCES I TIE BEST PUCE TO CONTRACTORS. ADTSBTISntUAlCDPBIHTIHa, ' Deo. 13, Joaiuft Brown, $68 00 BLGorrlson, 3700 < 14. M n . L C V o g t , 6000 •t Xft T h a D o v a r K i n f g C o , HOO a t Sardon & Smith, S& 00 32, HuminoI&TUljer, 35 OU Wra, H. Green, Ool,.' Bokbur.T towmlilp ' twhool tax on *no. 1,837 88 IiDuia Sntolier, J r . , . Ool. P«a»alo town« h l p , B t » U t K H - 81800 Lbifis Kotehcr, J r . , Ool. PuRalototra* •lilp, BUlo lohool iu | " D ° ' ° A"^- M ahrla^fedlolne lal»,'l»y iolthw op a cop" o l" tU 1 "nrtlr r^Tt J J i Vn rWcntviJayfl licru.tf lor, fh Jlvn ot Ibo mo At publieplnsen'in tlio ooimiy of MQITIH for tw; Lahorltlma alnte I » . . a d morttlia, nnfl a!flo williin llio enid tirontj day lymlvcrtlslustliommo Mi tlie"InnN E i u , " BIBBONS, PLUMES, une ot tlie ntwjpaiiera or thin State, fnr tlio Bpasc o t time (Use ttnvroRatf JmlRinc a m GLOVES, TIES, BOWS f«\mo Hirilior notice to bit unnccenHitry); BtidifaiiT am torn, to .ar l « . m » .ore,,. • " . -»1 vpditoraliallncRleot in cihihit his o r tier IUFFS, COr,IiAU«, CORSETS, HOSIERY, cbt, dGinaiifl ami claim within tlie said period of Us kind forenjoyroent in iliU section \t rbo are LADIES' UUnERWEAIt, and Nolione of fc(ff leVt f nine montliB, pubHo notice bolng RIT.'B at all UinifH. Also roresiid, BUCII crtiiilor ill a! I bo forovordearred of bis or htT uutlon llieri'ftjrngainst tlit Stationery, Confectionery, lid »doilnintrAtnc. A trao copy Trmii tlis ninnteR. SD9QES Sr., (NEITTOTDIBBIDQI,) t,B«»anrCo.,».J., SogaTB, Tobaccos, &o. U-lOw WU, I I . McDAVtT, Sarro S »»e. OOVKI1, « . J . /uit recelred aud placod in pmllioa THREE T1KEKMW NOTICE. *4587 Deo. IS. UUanuMk Wilkinwu, 18« u it ,i 2718 M. Wm. J Baton, a TS E A Qtiayle, 100 00 IKJamMPKehey, 10 U 21, A 0 Eathbun, 728 83. Bunufil K Button, S 40 ngtoa I oonnty tax ililp, o a oaaco. ffl.Win. H niWp B00,OOf NEW BTOCK OP POKT OKAM, N. J . XOXBUBY i Kov. 8. J & H IJoerJng, >S9S NelumCukcjr.Ctti; HLOltTBtoiraiblp ' htatowUpolUi, 2,05583 Neleou Oiilior, Ool. •. lit. Olive toWQBiilp , oonntttaionaco. 2,137ifl Mrs. J. P. Witheridge, Carpenter and Builder, 81 tW 7838 43 « 4600 00 40 8307 4OIfl M40 Knndolph .' .Wponn -i IHSTITUTE or TEOIKOLOOT, 1 known" D. MOLLER'S, -COB. BLACKTVILLI. AKD SOSSEI STS., D0YER, N. J . J. n , NaionscioB. A. O. S m i o . 030 S3 S3 44 .Enooli HsmmoDf], Ool.BooDloutoirn•hpiptttetu,. Enops Hiiatnont), OgLBoontontuwiiBlilp, S Stalaiolioot Enoch Ol D Froofrom aTTININKAESENIC and all other objootionable suistancos. Ncrtli Brillih ami Sfcrcsnt ilo IntnranM Co. or London au<5 GiicaLurch ; oupitol $10,000,000. Qermunift Flrn I n s u r i n g Co, or New York; pitsl (1,000,000. The London ABBttranoa Oorpcration of London, capital $5,500,000. Springfield Firo Insurance Oo., eetta, capital fl.BOO.OOO. Westohostor Fire Inmsranoo OompADv fa Now York, capital $000,000. ^ ^ Q A . . . . , » . * . ' . . . . 11,000.000 FiRB A.aSO0IAT|ON OP PHILADELPHIA. 1TATS, IACES, •VTEIOHBOCll &. aWU'H, SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, naca. , fiiks H H. Hoptdni, Col. Ch Chqdertown•liip, Kahm! ttaaii,, 3,088 74 flitai H H- Hookl Hooklnn, Cof.CliMtortqiTiiiliip, Btato 10I100I TIN & JAPAN WARE 0BPEBINTEHDENT OP rflBI.IO SCHOOL i .for. 8. O D Crone, * 81 OO Deo. 13. N N C r a a e & C D . , 1467 " " " 363 60 81. J 4. S Blowers, 1604 T A Peer, 800 B00IAW1I TOWHflBir. , 8. Peter FCaolc, f 3800 U«OB»M per, would fiuuoanoe to the citiseut il itiltj phoo and Tiolnit; tbflt •nti iu dyeing u n j curjiot wuaTing. Htuint H"He Avenue, lettdiug fr.im tlio tciwn ol l)uvcr to Uonut Hope and aotir the (liviaian DYBIW& CLEANING : lino of tbo kwnnljip ol ItniKliilpli aud nald KEROSENE OIL, townHlii|f of jiockniny. And b^uTmiiiij? a t & LANTEENS AND Btnktj fcndheipof stontis on Uie nortli f i i c o l M1ITTAWA WAIIB, KBid ftTL'nao and &t tlio BOD (leant corner of Meclniiio atrcpt, a new t-trect rt'ceuttr lelJ nut by mid Aaron Dior-prnno, au<l ruus (lienca (I) Aful iBBortiriontof Iu an oculprl/ctiioellOD along tlio norlti enln of ID Id Mount iiopo Aveutte, ODD liandicd and C A R P B T W E A V I N G !-HaTi n g tbe very boat Looms for Lint and Bag Carpet, ' • ';iD rtetuDU lliire inuties to a slake and ad ovarytbiuii titled up for Qnfrdra work, I think I can deliver X t Ibe H e t S t or*i.^QCf,UctnR ilin B»ut.i9i«Btcomer o r Itet they Lo,va tokaa ll» UouWo to cut nad BOW their ragH nicely, a good rag carnat 1 Tjowry atrc-et, also a new Htroot reecnth laid 8ep the v«y beat wnrp for my vmtatma ft.ud allradenate iittenJeatowiuroaMT Onil gut bj- HliI Aaron Diokrrson ; titrnon (t>) in a 'R0IT CANS, to., portlierty tlireolion tlopa tlie wt'iterty siilo ol ;wile. Flaee of bnalnwa in the OLD I'RESBYTEmAS < KURCH, Ci n$Jil lionry dtrcot, one bnodred and cisbtdtn Id ROOFING, ODX1WUAH f«et to a slake and littap nt atone*; tl:enei> (S) AND PKOSPEOT Blfl.. DOVEB, N. J. i a a weitorlyttfreclbnalonKthfl aaullicrbllDo LEADEI18, end all kinds of Jobbing In my 111 Dov,r, H. J., Sept i-Oth, 1881. C- S . J E NTSEK"BDDthL'r b t or sal<] Aaroa Diokeriico, one ono in tha basl manner and »t ibo sboft«s of hundred and forl.v-ono feel lo & a tike and lii-np otioo. HighMtprlcM pata tor old Iron. of BtoutB, anil also to tliu e««terly ildu of «aid Cupper lo»3 Rnd pew tor taken In exolia Jlcoiianto Ptrcct; tlionoe (4) In a nonllier.v (Kredioo alotsa llic e u t c i l y Milo ot HIK\MI>ir eooUa rt)Kt,lo Ktrott, otio Imniired tml twenlv-nijrlit . ALEXANDER TON feet to tlio pi a re of byRfnnin't, rnutaitiliif; fir. De teen tlinnsnul t i c tinniln.>d t\nd IKMHI,-U.> mber 24th. 187ft. Minare root or lund. bo tlie uarao more or IMM I •- : " I . b e «ann l«»t iipun which tlio nuiinn.r a ia in ivliltli tlio nairt Aanm V,< now rr(i(leF,*mJ also ilie uami-lot UQ.H llie burn, ffaflon li'>n-o and m H are. WW. n.UOlVELL.8! INDIGESTION, KIDNEY AND Dated January 2J, IBSJ. HO 80 L1VE1! TR00BLE81 3E3 OV OttES i,SO MISER.M.S. County Coliector7i~Notice 1 iil.linVcn^ioif t'hn Court ((ounfl, iu Moniaireii, N. J., on MONDAY, t|io ]j)tli Jay ofMAIlOII next, Dlaekwoll Street, Dover, A. D. i8!iO. uenvciii llic lirinm of 12 M. and 5 ' ;H V. M., tliat is lo say at 2 o'ctfieli In tlii.' noun ormiiil il:iy, all t i n t irnot or pirccl )f tUo latest and nu),it imnroicd atjke, Toi or land (UHlfrciiiiacs, Ijorciuartur |i»rticn!«rl.v lanniag public and iirivRte bulldiiiBB. A Urge lom^lii'p^'Utiu'ivii^'in tiTo C-iini'tytifMorasBartn'Diit ot Htovei, olisap rur c«»b. Also a variety ol 19. Jon. S. French Child, Judge, 166 08 XkWn.JBHtn, I960 J W Babbitt, 10 00 John A Curt, 6 75 12. Joaepl.lt.WiHlumi, aoe Feb. 1. FracoU Child, Judge, 1W W Iteturiiahlu to Wltmsi-yTiTmTA. D^18H3*M' MOSES LLANCnAItD, Rul'r. liyviiluo ot tlio nbovrt elilcd writ or 0«ri UNION HALL BUILDING, KOT. 8. D M . 1». D&o S F r e a m a n W o o d SOSOO 13. "W H B o w e l l , Sheriff. 13 91 THtW. Jl- McOHA'lH. THE OLD STAND. IT. 0UVK TCWXIH&Pt Jtin. 10. Augmtua Hunioo, 3500 Fnderiek Decker, 1500 Enimont Docker, 1500 George Flfiiwn, SWOO 13 Nov. 6, CUarlee Hordln, PoterXCook, JCLc^.Jr, iwnot II Carrell, 11. Samuel Tlppett, Deo. 13. Tliooduro dmitL, BeDjambi Hopper Jamea Anthony, Wm. E King, CFIlopldna, 1993 Peter I oi Watliin lottmlilfi, H UerrTc'mlUii^n^^iurAVrm^D!^ 3c of buiiicu a t all liourn, ilny or iii;;lil, m y it* Imviui; ohiirguof tliu li'tualo ik'riiiiliiiiiit. io. A. VT. CUWDICT. » . i C.BlE OLIVER ill plain woi>J <it covtTL'd witii cloth, vcivtt or EXPENDITUEEe. I7.NaK/.fj jg83 •m/TAHLON PITNEY, I . W. CPBDIOT, M, I>. State Line. LOCAL NU M29.6I* Total roeipta U , Samuel Ti The best reason why we have always done the leading boot and shoe trade in t i e county is because we Have always tried to give our customers the very best goods that w x? re . t £ n t"-e m a r ^ e t , no matter what they cost. If the quality justifies the purchase we secure them for them every time, and at but a sjigat advance from the original, oost, as our light expenses and QUICK sales enable us to do this, besides buying as we do direct from the manufacturers in large quantities for cash we are enabled to give our patrons solid, substantial, stylish, good fitting boots and shoes as cheaply as shoddy, inferior goods are usually purchased at. If you give our goods a trial they will surely verify our statements. EODERER & HEAGAN, Opp. D., L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J. ,;;; Groceries and Provisions, foreign and domestic, tha beat smdw o CAHUED G0O!>S, and all supplies of Ui« household in Lia line. FI,AU STONES CU11BIKG Cnra will always be taken to seoura good* SWIfl. of tbe beet qaalHy end eqnftl pnins t o sell OELLIJ! STEPF,C0PINa v 8nXS, LINTELS theai at Iba moot rcaeotiable mar«!m aooAND CISTEltN NECKS, I 1 7fi siat*ut witt tbo purchasing price. BD38EX FUNKKAL. UliilXTOK AND S 60 2 OC 2 5C ST., newr the corner ol BlaeWell, Uoiet. 4 50 I.1.MHA1. I I-UMSIIIM) WHAKN'S PHOSPHATE, 50 B 50 4a 50 8K UNUr.RTAKUll, Jlone Duet, UIIUDO* I'oudrctte. 4 2fi 5 50 B L . \ C K W E I J I J , ifliTccii Morris Aiiil Esaei EU. 5 2 5 T ftO Doi LAlfB PLASTER, 6c. TO AND PliOll \t'iiliJliJDI C 50 B 00 r IHIHIU ffr 1 i 8 0 0 10 2fi i WOOD sawed In stove lengths, Queenstown, Liverpool, IB 00 19 00 rEBOBNTiCtB IDDSB TOtt EXTB1B. MOM 15 OSNT8 FEU USB- \ SUSSEX St. GROCER, BtUlocntimieatokeep a foil anil ttmh qumiltyof AKRYSTALLOS i OolamP. J . I.EOEIPTS. il.oaabnaband l&it r< Prnin ibBO. Bmllli, old bridge plank THE POPCUB $ 6 00$ 1 0 0 0 STOVE, EGG, CHESTNUT, 9 8 GO$ 4 f.O COO 6 CO 10 00 Ordnri may tia addressed through tlie Fo. White Star Lino, f, 5 0 9 00 it oo Offici. Lock BDI 28,titloft i t A. BeeBiBr'aollii 8 001 11 00 18 00 Ionian l i n o , luJiiaclincllBt., now Snaans, o r a l tlio yard. 10 00 18 00 21 00 in'lioiUT than tlic tee box, citlicr *B to 12 6 0 16 25 28 EO JILAOKHMITH'S COALOTOstantlyonluuKl t c o m i v trowtW «v tflnitcney. Sli^p and Cunnvd Lino, 16 0 0 10 00 29 EO ffnrorooio m Uio buildup funuetly o r i w t by i a &o 26 tO 87 fiO IT, Welch, lJUckwcll Bt, 0»uB(ttuUj» on hand National Line, 65 00 sa oo 41 TO tnUl sln>r( uol nil fur iXneh. $ " 8 " • aeaicf in DUV OO0DS. OBOOEm&S AND PHOTJBIOMB, LEATHfiB AND FINDINGS, BOOTS AND 8BOE9 t o order ; cl R ara, tobioCOB. and ia fact evcrjthlag nhlah It ganerail/ kept in a country more. I sell all my flooaa «t low figures. GUI a,ad see my »tc«lt and bo BLUE STONE, FERTILIZER c u m iNi> PALE BBICK, LIME, CEMJMT, . B i t Motttfla, " " " " '•" 1'Jiree tnpttUia, - - - - - - - P A D V E H T O I H O BATES. Report of the Collector of Mor ris County for three months ending February 13th, 1883. CHESTER, N. J., COAL, NO 13 pnliliciohooli.bil, BUtetobootdo.lor dill rl ballon, 5,055 9fl 10. BamaeJTJppBtt.old timUrwid, 1000 Wm.H.arwa.Ool. - 1B81 VABHTHOTOK KOT.. 8. Qeolga HDffinin, Tha Fire at HackettttowTk Tho Ug biaae at HaokstMowa on j morning of laat week iMnltedinttiedoatnuttcn of the tnrabu fiwtarr of J u . J . Knallng-, •team'Wrf asAalairfae mltlof Goo. W. t ^ amA a double booao owned by Mr*. Lt*rhbnt wwnpisa b y L . H. Salmon and «ter Pool. Othar biittdinga w*m ia iam&r, a\ were tuved hj tbe aOolcnt -wwfc of taract Oow Company* Tbe TTaablngtoB ittamer waa vxaaaouA and naposded bak fin n i m»A» control when th«y arrived. he l«iaM and tnaoranoea arat Hr..Boaliag-p di HBO U BAOa v rfl.WO; lira. Crater, M,«*\ a» inraranoet Hr. Sabnoa « l » ; Mr. Pool, *M0. otal lou, «l«,9C0; iaainaMOy (0,80). Suaaex oaua^r 1u« ^tentj o t itCnwU, W t boy inako raeh poor «wmMtieoa with «aoh that a h a r » and sldgh g t a a better ae> oommodattotu.—ttcgiater. David Weiui, who parotuued (en nonw of land near t i e Qreenwloh F r M b j t e n a n oUnreh alicut two j e a r a ajp>, liai graded a n d fenaad —163334 i t o f f f o r a n e w o a n e t M y , ( m d h o a told 91,003, {TTortb. of j l o t a t o t h e Trdatefia o f V WOO l r i o h C b o n a . EW GOODS! N MILTON AND VICINITY. vtalt to Cheater, stopping with hsr brother-iaCHESTER. The ort-r*pe*t*l «Baertion or free trader^ that the present duly offtTon pig iron b Gome jean ago an exmntrie old gentleman Uw, Hr. S. W. George. Judging ftom her A neat stone 6x10 fitetaqnare, hat been laid n Cbsneerr of New Jerscy-Drfween T i i clearly Bbo«rn a f l h a b lived here, who withal ww a comietl genltu. looks and appearance, we should say Char* i front oftbe door of tit* Hilton Methodist DSIrMKooioliiiiaiitai DoverS.viassInarMuK burfb cut not be w very far w t d Church. one (location he WH a»bedto-dug m aosg; The Dover Printing Company, ibe following statement from official figure*, OnVTU Sadtl Kins, Tlis l>aver from tiat geographical paradis« so mtub The revival meetings at the Methodist h ar.li, Einliai.l Oco^e » made mostly by IteprsMolatiTe EnnenA5D FMMUE10BI. 1 beUeve« in, w greatly coveted; and H I n g ChurehatHiltOB have dosed. I do not know good singer bat 1 d<* my own alngin'.' So for son. Frtnrii B. Preroi trout, of sought after, b j tho Ancient philosophers— whether there were any eon versions sr sot. lioo(,Thn JCJUIIIOBI Uni the benefit of those whom it may concern, we Instead DI making a deeperale effort to get rid ol old stocks, na many tua have the satisfaction of knowing that though ennecUllj of the Italian nbool—when the A singing school was oommeneed Thursday Saturday, March 3, 1883. Tneiwpoi doing at Ihta Benson, fountain of youth sends forth Us inexbaosta- evening of last week conducted by a Mr. Hfl a very poor writer we DO oca own wuirnec. 1 thr vcaritil! reach (00,000 tuna without doubt. blestreama of healing and wltrrepeoplci lor. WcbelioTe&enlaaclasaafseventyoi When you consider that the one hundred tu>d Tbe editor of Iho Elu. doe* not write our ONLY A TOWNSHIP ELECTIONriiti. Fi.fi.rorrs)eofiDnrt8«fl«dpr£mtie I nix furnaces imatteml from Lake CJuunplolo article*ferns, neither does be in the alfgbt- g n w old' Vie arc always glad to pee H n . more. Esther a large class for the place. s North Carolina vipld an annulU product of Not »U Oio peopla spjiwoifll* the v*lue of Beturnsble to P.-b^uirr Term, *- a. 1:63. George « ** generally bat a kind word for "Dame Rumor" has it that Mr. William > more than 1,000,000 tons, tlie commit I** ent manner tiler, amend, abridge, or arrtnge on and like ficbayter Colfaz always wean NElGHBOUBJfet-MirH, Bvltt. .be township dectlcD. H t t y f t n t p t to tfc.uk Merritt, of Lower JUngwood, purchased the will readily endive tlutt the ]>n»eut duty u tbcui; M they leave our bands so tliey appear HcnlyftM8«.l affair, and rote in atnUctl- far frnui pn ia.it.vi>, to say nothing of Us be- on thp priDt#rt page for just what tbey are mile. Peck property *at Huidtown, consisting of >. This Liniwirtniiun of I».R repUneoa* way for wjjbody *nl everybody Ingprotwlivc. apttal ami foreign labor, ana worth, aud no WOK. Willinn E. and Robert loung bave rented about aWaarea. Puwhaae price, *a,0m It is Public ten'dae" at tlie Court House, is Morris •is pleuri lo miio IK annoncotncnl Hit lliej afo opiolnj op n w aad pr.lij d«||Li Io in, N. J..-DU brick bUiekamlth shop and Poter Y. rather said he will move then in April. e ft notion to. Bat the tovtuhi rownta foreign Lajtt Tuuitlnj- week. Thomas T. Lanyon, a the ii-pUoea (10,000,000 1 y IIOSDAV, the 21 day of APi.IL next, caokelftt**" tv get " sutbln'" t« do ba Dave The donation a t Longwood on Wednesday of American lulioraud cajiilul. suriiig and lodostrioiu miner boarding with A. D, 1863, belveen Ihc hoars oi 12 IL and election i i notftsmall afidir. It has * grent ve&ing of last week was largely attended Thomas Bd*jett, on returoinE from hin work fiuddand Apgar bare their horse sale e o'clock I'. M.( 1ha> i> to sty at S o'clock io tli in6uM.es upon the general election, ncd itist Several Trentoa and Caiadt-B papera in n the eveuiae went ta hi* roam to mark Wedneiday, March 7th. and that will be and was a Tery pleasant occasion. The afternoon or taid day, all that cerlt.n traci ifabUflaoooewM be needed is plun la t - their efforts to discover which has the lax- vu time ia a book which be lc> •»• for tba great dsy for Chester, I »uppose, it always is, eeipts were a tritte over 139. The pw n. OOUBUH, ranciriL. orparnelunand anil premium,miiiaie, lyin sml beinx In ttio Torn at DJTT, In the Ciiuo Oss£Bi FMB. Serenl things are eleftrlj sppirei t Rest circulation, propose thai the p r a a m s ptuc ia Us trunk, the key of ~. U:h lie always but more of that hereafter. wishes to express hi> sincere thanks to th< and B«te of Krw J'-rtej, bound. oo.s'Bisrraa OF ladies and friends wno labored aa faithful!] BBYANT A STBATTOH O O L I A E O E , ofidUotris for t i t Intare. One ia that in the oext gen- be sworn. Which meana, we •nf.po.w, that ie room. Ujton opening bia trunk be described ft" taUoat : Biluale uu tl to make it a success. Also to Mrs. Flchtci foaml he bad been roblied of a pocket-book t n l aunpugn (he questions of protection f utfaerlTslde of McFurlau it rent, and bfjii , , (he editors »unia not be believed upon their 711 and T13 Broad St.. A b a r o f w a p enwrapped in a servic«ble for the use of her house, and to all whoenli contaiclng a receipt for ODO pound sturling. •line tit a nuke sUn^'nc .in ilis inalliBaot co and free trade are to ba the issuea of tbe t ^ . ^ ME.WA.UK, S. J. diih cloth is ono of tbe latest novelties offered oeroJMcFarlaiiOQdP. qnfnnoeiilreoti, tlion^ ened the occasion by thefr presence. O. C lomc other thingi, a watch, chain and •Arties. Kelt. It is equally clear that the j {1} n'ODg the Boiillierlr aide at eild m valued a t *&» nnd •33.il in cash. His for sale to the ladies of the household, g »t mast of the Bepublioan party is so Every miner should remember that otlf -_c itrcct norlli eiRhlv-asTea ilegreei The Legislature. i-iuatt (whose uaaie 1 did not learn), bad Mr. Y'ro. Cole was married to a Visa L. . . . jae liundred feet; thence (S) snnthlhrea pledged to protection, and have been «, | ona Democratic Senator could be found who in bia trunk (ISO in money at tbe same time, mouse, of PowerviUe, on the Slat ult. i the UOOSB a proposition was introduce degrees can ODO hnutlred feel j thence [3) thoroughly aumkened by recentlegislatioa I * ™ " "»* f o r 8 daty ot & ***toDca f o r Booili plRbly-ieren degrees west om ' but the key iraa in another part of the houee, The plumbing work ut tho residence ol E. for the State to boy tbe New Jersey Ballroad Teet to IIIB east MJo of Ptqaanui that they will make it the p-inunoaol priu- jeigoore. >n the trunk waa not disturbed. John Sob- B. Dawion, Esq., WM ione under tbe work- and Karris and Essex Bailroad. io., WHICH WILL iLWATB BE SOLD A* THE (hence (1) along the eist ride or Ptqntunoc nunsl.ii> ofXr. C. U. Oliver, insisted by T. Mr. Xonngbiood introduced a bill in the iri», a dlaaipated fellow boarded at the i ciple SOUTH STANHOPEstrttet north three degreei ne»t npo linnilrcp of Uw p»rty in i!ie cowingfigbt, wLtle j >e«t lo the place or beniniiinR, contaimog te nt y n In Clatk'i Hall by place, and occupied a room so •itunted that Irving, for McKay Bros, i Faliohild, llorrls- Senate to make bequest* to charitahle Insti^ entertainme Ifae balk Of tb6 free trade element batng in || Ibonund #qa»ro feet of land ; beiag tho ntm Lonyuu'e room had to be passed through in town. The work is highly spoken of. tutions Tdd unless mada one i tha ranks of the Democracy tbey will shape [ti,B Dramatic Club of Port O nrtmiies that were conreyed lo tlm saiit D»»i order to read his. On tldi particul. Btreet Commissioner Booth has been clean- death; Mr. Youngblood'* bill i ibe policy of (tut part y. Tna whole court? [ evening of la«t week no J rcji King tij dcfl From Tlioroas A. Undilej an e of ten per their n Of that party during the prfseDt session of! day evening, waa veil attended, and the net iiig Roberts did not get up till after Lanjon ing out tbe gutters, etc., during the past week. Ings banks to deposit KaribAnn Uodsley bia wife, dated O^tobt p ALSO 1 FULL AND F1U3SH LINE OF 13tb, ]BJO. and recorrted in the Jlorris Ooant i desired, had gone to work; be then came down stain Regardless of the notice posted on the post cent in safe deposit or trust companies CongreB. show that it is not friendly to onrjingwu all that )uld reasonably bo'"'— Heeon. orfieedn,in Book F 0, pisteB 182, *c. •unsider the limited oppor- ite hia breakfast left tbe boute and has not office door on Washington'* birthday, notify Newark, New York or Pennsylvania was Inlereata. Great trains of foreig WILLIAM H. LOWELL, Sheriff. lince beeu %eea. Tho next day, Squire Y ing people thiit it would remain closed durbtj oftliiielub to practice, and perfei passed. Dated Jan. Sfitb, 1883. (729 product of poiper 1 ibor, roll by cur doi A motion in tho Senate to take action II .1, n t» i [Uiwuieivwintlieii-parta, vrc ore surpriiied i ger with these facts before him, issued a the day and evening, forgetful one* woul wstrant far his arreit; up to tha present selie tbe door handle, give the door a push, the bill relatingtoa verdict by nine of twelve d*j, .end W. S. BABBITT. o c . ret i 'fil . h. C. i * lbelPi«0cl.«y,«d«»M»Udetb.tU..lr». writing he hsi not been heard from. then look at the notice, mumble something V e have been receiving from the large jurors in a civil suit was lost, 8 to 11? States Senate lhe» was only to be found juu rr aa l, ^ m U ] ( t^ i B - a^ r e onbbooTT((JJ t nn (c| n v c r 8 g e . OB Washington's Birthday Geo. IV. Drake, a guttural tone, proceed on their way wj The bill providing for glass ballot boxes, t a d e Auctions of tbiaisst month Invoices ol In Obioccrj nf Revr Jerie.T—Dbttrtcn Alfn onu Democrat who would role lor a duty of [ e r e d i , k (lu( . M r ,E . E . Ptilter also, who has UilU aa<J JTirT A- Cufali, Executors of tl n.l who f whom we made mention lu oar last tour looks of disappointment*.!, their conn ten once which -will cost sbout *10 each, passed tbe II ATI INGS and CA11PET8. AVe have • 1 per tan an ore. Does not this show that' ij»tnn-ud the ucuibern of th Ingrain Carpet for Iwenty-fivB cents, wbioli Will ol George T. Colib, ileoemcd. enmplai limitation, icot a meuoge to Squire Pitney, Two bones running a portable saw mill i Bouse, 36to90. caivpare favonbly with goods ut twice that entr, anil Michael Banana and Eliijbet^ we hare urgent need to maintain our party hat gained euck io tin factory requesting him to call at but house, which the tbe yard of a. D. Crane, oa Canal street, fur A bill to print l i e laws in every newspaper price in other places. We have Bever»l Bon. eHd his wife. dttlmJaaU. Fi. fa. tor orgsuiEation t Tbe lit publicans of Handolpb tbe Itcfgra Club of Stanhope ultout (3u, Squire accordingly did. Mr. Drake made uished a curiosity to passers b j for several established two year* was defeated. •tic of wortgicttl i»rcmi*t-a. Beturaabla to nieces at this prloe, all different pntteniB. Felraary affidavit that Mary Brady, wif« of P a t Brady, Tvrm *• v. 1883. days lait week. towiuhlp and Morrla Count J did it nobly which it a nice little aura to add to tho fund* The bill to reduoe the rate of interest to fire We Bell the Hartford and Lowell extra super MILLS ft CBDRCH, Sal'rs. lait fall Intbt faceof adrerae ciroumHtaoce*. already on btui.l. and which will be used to via lives ID tbe same hoiuc, had on the pre- Wm. Irwin has purchased tbe Jamea Head per cent, was lost in the Senate. cooda, wbicb all acki/Owledfte to be the best vious Hoaday BMaulted him wita abusit property on Greene street Hy rlrlao of tbo abore ataled writ of fieri The. Senate paued tbe bill appropriating ingrain carpet mule, ID all their handsomest It demonstrated that we can easily carry complete tho furnishing and fitting u facias in tuv hiciix, I ili*ll pxpnae Tor tain at language, aud threatened to burn the house 463,770, the proceeds of t i e Stevens Battery, ball to he used. Thin mar I Pal lie Veudue, at the Court House in Mar. both if we i n miudfol and earnest tb anil kill him and bia wife; whereupon the Spring. L.I m Umrfore ,e/«io K. (htor | , „ , ,w The forge at Fowenille remains Idle wbich. to the Deaf and Bomb asylum. Mr. Toungrihtotrn, H. J.,00 t b B ,, u , , l r f o m c l u b k s n > T U l g Squire iuucil» warrant for tbe arrest of ttn.glres the plaoe a lacking of old time remtnis- blood made a long and emphatic aheech EibitiDg a large line of oil grades of OAEPKT* Especially is thi-t true in Tupestries an MONDAY, Ifae SJ d i r or APRIL next, Brady, and placed it in the lands of Constable eenees. against the bill, saying thst as the asyli Body Brussels. The best makes of snoh I A. D. 1883. Ltlwcen tbe liour? nl 12 M. nnd to a party determined to break down onr I worthy citizen*. Tlicr hada rerycood met "Kuttocxccote. While this was being ei SI.,tli«tii IOBII atSo'clocKlu the A new ear will ride on the rails of the Boon- managers only asked f«r 430,000 itwss ver; their best patterns are to be found lu on O'BIMIP. industries, nod who'tell us through gneh . big Inst Sunday afternoon at which upewu •ftirnoon eeid day, all thofe trtcti or pirctcd, lira, Brady being apprised of what was ton can*! plane this Summer. wrong to appropriate 440,000 of the Stat carpet roo-is at tha lowcet prices- BOBDEBJ cell of land(tland prenmra, Iiprelnnfti-r pirticomtn aa Abtam 8. Hewitt Ibat oar products i were made by a number of its members : mng on. presented liorwlf before Squire and lira* to match carpels. Onrawtrlmen lorly ileF€nl*ri,ei!n«to, money -where It was not needed, Ivintr and Ltiog in tin There seems to bo us agitation as yet over •re not worth protecting. Probably before I * * " « l u worthy Presiifcut, Mr. 8. M. CM Ynwceraud preferred counter charges against of MATTINGS U very ey Uge, Urge, bxving boei townsbtpof Otiniliam, in tlio Cinotjot Mor the approaching township election. A resolution patted tbe Senate ordering added to to by reeent r e t parebasta p a r b s t a in in audio ii* tctiBiatentNewJeriej, UutUJ »nd IUODO d our next Jtroe lb« .otmhip primaries will j •«•. * » • » ™ r k i l i e hard In the interest _ Mr. Dmke, setting fortli in her affidavit, thai G N . Heseoy. Jr., has been appointed room about eighty copies of the Legislative ltanual cd ss follow!: ms. Uauy decided barpnini. a on the Monday in question Mr. Drake hat lo be have been held- Let all Republican* attend for tbe use of tht Senate. Mr. Youngblood had All All made m d e up Calico GOWPS ffor r fif fift uag&ultcd LIT with obticeuo languusc, callicf secretary of tbe Y.U.C.A. reading room. TH* FJBST IIOT beginning nn tlie norlberli them, together with Democrats who hate cents are b belDg l r a iilledd b by us, and nd «lred «lre«dj ride of HllnOe avenue la MldllOD. her names and scanoaloHBly abusing btr in Jamei Sweeney, a new comer to town, died warmly opposed it. Be declared in t i e ei of hla remarks tbat the Assembly wasswind many have been disposed of. A large in- street laid ont an tlio bill suultiire.it nf tl RTOWD tire! of tha ceaseless opposition of week ia the Prt-gbyterltu. Church and quite tha preienre of her son. telling her to do Wednesday of last week of eonaaption. voice of Haudkercbfef* was received from 'kKBOtUsdison sad leading irom the ling tbe State by lurnisuing i u member* wi their patty to protection. "Let Ihera u c nn interest seems still to be felt in ti The surrounding country is still dotted 1 things too vile to mention, and threatening to road toProtpect aireet a t a not auction rooms, Ibe prices of which are Tfllsse tbit good men are placed in nomination for The Odd Fellows of this place propose to kick her; he had done the i<une ihlng on «nd then with small patches of snow, show- pocket-knives, pocket-hooks and stylograpliio tbe hundred and •(.teniy-fivo ft*t from ibe northnearly fifty per cent Sown. vealerlv cornet of Hillildo aveuue and Pro.tbe various offices, and tb*n lapport the celebrate on the 5tL of May next the anniv< xtuioiu and she was afraid of Ubn. ing that it is not entirely relieFed of its win-pens, which half the members don't kno W. 8. BABBITT, pect ftlTErl; Ihenoe (1) netthfifty-twod^r< howtouse. " I mono," •aid he, "thnt tbey whole ticket without a twrateh. At tbo same time she entered complaini ter garb. wry of .be institution of Odd t'ellowablp Horriitown, H. ' ---' ' • l.nmlr against Eliaa Drake, a seren year old son of P. W. Hammond baa so far recovered from don't knew now t * work these particular America, anil tbeOTganixatlonof Olire Lod md ten feet In tbe line heltreoa Ibo -_ pi pniperti onuerly or Satnnel L. To tile, dte'd, DEMOCRACY AND PROTECTION. Mr. Drake, Tor assaulting her little boy his injury that he ia able to ride out oocasion- pens." 'd, tm and khri No. 41,1. O. O. l\, at the emne time. A mm Brlttln, dre'd, sud tbsl ol .jelste tbe late Henri Yesterday the Legislature celebrated its bimben of tbe order here bare Thomas, aged ti-n yenr», while on his way 01y. The National Democratic- Contention miltee offlcf *.. Onea, cJec'tl;, (2) i _ ._. JIODR naid line nortt wbich nominated Andrew Jackson for Pres- the matter in rliarge and will arrange a pro- home from the etore where she had seat him There are quite a number ef tenantleu centennial with elaborate ceremonies. forty dfarees and andi" Uftcen mlnites weit on The Senate did not confirm tbe nomination fur things, luocking him down, pounding and honsea in different localities through town. bnndred Tcet j (S) eoolli Dflj-tno drgreoi an' ident In 1833, adopted the following u c , grntnme sultnble to the occasion. otbcnrUe Injuring him and taking from his Ilicks the piper used to make fraqutnt visit- >1 Theodore SlmonMn as Prosecutor of Boa1 u t a letter a few days ago from Mr. of the planki of its platform : BfalMltolLpaorlberljliiieofHi'M.ki basket some ug«r and other things which he to Boontan and on snefa occasions the patrt . „ • . . . ! * H i t u . l o . n l . l . n t e H a . t o B - d . I , U a . i « t o l « . b l l « t .1 Ih, Mi™, aforestfit; (I)s1onj>tba northerly a Ida Aothoan tataMij u 1ni!i.p™«abli] lo the i Wool Worls Factory, wko wrttei from Call- never returned. Tlie Squire deeming the of some of the saloons in tbe upper part iTeauc ona JiHodred r«»t to the beg) prot|ieriiy of tbe country, and thatuQaban-j forala. We did not BuppoM it to be posalble, ofl>ne*# sufficiently grave, be Usited a war- town were mule merry by the mnsio whiob beiOB lols nnnib«r eleven aod eleven s i l of the polle.Tutil,l.pe™i»o,ildl«. w l l h f t , a t t r ! 1 I , U o n l ^ ^ u , , ,„ , half on tlie map of the property of said Samuel rant hi the arrest of Mr. Drake, and another he, it i i Mid, proficiently dispensed. L. Tattle la drawn bj DDUD & Tbompion, an. Several small yet comfortable bouses have E dayt of rapid traneil fortbettrTetloriUsboy, nnd delivered them far a war; t of every descriplton. to Countable KcUey lo serve. I^ast Friday been built in tbe past year by frugal working TntlTe IIQ I wl'e to »id jjichse* BoniReldTdated > l y raU and Yetto-dsjwowitnnitneipectacle of tbe id quick c< the two constables, armed with their warrants, men who bare placed their all in making for Aj-ril 10th, HUE), recordeil in Book X 6, pages parly which holds to the name of Democracy distance aeonu to be annihilated, and tares apprehended tlio parties and brought them themselrei a (belter tliat could be called their A Newly Finished Swell thousand miles may not seem to far to ^ Tnz SECOSD LOT bpBfnnlns at a point oi presenting MI almost unbroken frost tifainit who aru interested in path other. We hnj> before Squire Yawgcr for a hearing, which To make room (or SPIU1VU NOVELBody Sleigh Hflh-Ide aveum, mx basdted aud terentv.fl* TIES we are offering iiiimeme bargains CTery effort for "adequate protection to dcreloptd tuch Tile obscenity that the Squire feet rrnni IhecoiuerofPro»tKct»tnetantl siii The Gerfield base nail club will, It fa a !. liaok and of ci it** we oipeet,to H « in the following line or Eooda: HiIJiide ai-eoup, and run* (1) north flttr-two CAN BE BODOITT FOB felt comtralned to purge bis court from a enter the field with a strong nine the eon Amerioan indnstrr." A dear majority of if these days. acRreci aad thirty tninutfe *tit about three them are for free trade, and fully lottr-fiflhs The ealulntorj- of the editor of tie Warrm goodly number of half grown boys that were eason. nniiftritl aud picbt feet lo thelinp lit>t«ern the Ladies Skirts, Underwear, proptriy iormerly of 8 ainil L Tottle, deo'd, are for a low rorecna tariff which will BemtbUoan it a clear end canSid statement of present. After a patient hearing tbe Juitic Saturday evening last was a dark one, which BBII Htnry P. Qreen, dee'd; (S) north forti •oveclj afford any protection at alL At the bis aim* and purptues, and hat no uncertain reprimanded the boy and gave him some good gare people a chance to folly appreciate the Hosiery, Shawls, Hoods, dt-fiteps nod flfteen minutes wetitfifty,feet;(3 adrlce and upon lib promise to behave hliu- street lamps. All kind! and prim c.n Ira tetn at bidding of the Southern leaden the Demo- sound in regardd to thfl political nooib fifi.vtno degree* and thirty mionle* comploxion polc p Dlf in the future discharged him. Ur. Drake Leggings, Gloves, & c , 6c. neotalout three liuut.p't. and leren fe*-l Ii hp W visit i i t thyiiew t h y i w editor editor nd cratic party is abandoning every principle off the paper. We an and Sirs. Brady he bound over t o keep the Her. W. D. Wigg occupied the pulpit of the GEO. WcCBACKGK'S, p tie nortueilr ildo of Hilliida STenno; {< II. E. Church, morning and evening on Sonthat Duoe nude the name of Democracy proprietor ri a Tery abDfrlbcnorit]erLT*ideoraaidHillstilea*QHL *neamire of Alio a full line of neaoc for a year in tlie sum of 130, taking day last ». DOTES, N. J n of hu hopes in usefulcouihi (lifriy-feTeo deprecsaod IbliUm.Duies honorable. And yet Democrats—many r>f lU Ibeir own recognizance. This llrs. llrndy ia, f pi Dltv uct lo tl^e pia'se of befffimlnc bolnir rtt them •enaibis men, too—will hold f sat to tb? ae«i aud materl"! proapertty. I OBI told, the daughter so long sosght for and This corporaUonaow has a faUeomulemeBt it Ko. 13 aa ritufpaited co the abom-mc WTBHT. The railroad men at Port llorru have again finally found by her aged mother some timi if good substantial bridges; also one* that nned mati of the pioperly of saiufUmatl skeleton of the name limply becitue some A good torn-oat n o at ill time* he pm... -„ a n handwme in architectural design, which Talrlo, dte'd, and the umn de.rribpd .a c«mplifie<< their genemuty by contributing ago at UJbcrala, and soon afterfindingher on# wilhoot wit will call them renegade or a molerate priet at QEO. IToCBiOKElira, ADD ALL KLNDB O P from eiid TtiUle In salj Micl.ipl form atraett>.ts well worth feeling prood of. at (o he sold lower IUUH erer before. The *«ter. H. / , from eiid Ttitile in uia Michael Unr... traitor. Bight here in Morris County, men tS0.7S, j ^ the twUdtation of Mr. Nathan Been suddenly died. Last Bnadsj a gang of young hoodlums • eninlnder of onr WINTER PRINTS, dited April let, I860, reeorded in Morri for tb' relief of one of tbeir member* wliu who work in mines, and others whose Tery tuu awn sick a long time. Tbete men can al Cnuniy ifecorrt nf . »^d«, Book X 7, piaf* iy lUcon) all of Uu beat makes, are Koine at congreeated near toe iron work* and deaeCOM.. iSJ. Ac. WILL1AW .. *"nHQWJ.LL,8l!#rlf? l.Ting depends on iron mining, will itll mya be taunted on to aid any worthy ohjeel irated the day by exposing their persons and Dited Jan. 3iih. 18S3. continno to support the Democratic) par*f, of charity, whether It be the relief of one of Jlr. Dnfford celebrated tbe Lirthdsy of hi* i toning by. country'* father by purchasing s tandscme when only hut week then waa but we of tbeir owu number 01 tho railing of funds for two-seated carriage. "Jim" says ho wsni Edward Qulton haa been wanted for s tbe throe dozen npreaenWiies jf that uny rcligiou* object. it to ride around Pompton Lake in next Sum- timefayttte authorities of Dover for some o party in the United States Benntn who i fence not learned, and he baa managed to We regret to learn from Mr. C. H. Meliefc, mer and air the babies, dec. COAT'S COTTON 5 5 GTS. PER DOZEN. rafficientlr imbned with thr /ftcksonl that our old filend Fnink I'. ila*e is in ill On the evening of the 22d there was an elude the officers until Monday afternoon, spirit of protection to jotr tot aa increase health, so much eoilat he hai been compelled oyeler sapper a t Hr. Fred. Child's for tbe when be was arrested by Constable Enyler, Carriage Trimmer and Fnrni who gave bin. over to Haralial Kelley at ths ofthedvtj on Iron 01* They know that to Mtek rt*lif>f io a eh»nge of g acfitoftbeMoBtRottSundayScliM.1. The depot The latter official transported htm to tare Upholsterer, their prosperity tad ounfort depends upon flro one of tie drill engine* that has leu jarrester Corset Qa&d furnished tlie inch protection. b«v sooner th*n hare eomo ing than the ftut running pmweDger tooouo- Tbe groat receipts amounted to nearly (30, ">over. HOHBia 8TRKKT, DOTfeB, M. J . tirea. Wo hope that tbe change will be of Peter Tucker passed through town Tuesday and would bare boen much more, only the ESTABLISHED 1830. one laugh at tbe-» they will etlfis eteiy ii benefit to Frank aud that bo aad hii family jpply ef ayiten gave out long before the morning with IB horses punhaaed in tbe Hati- Msttrtmet made fo cider and old mat. telllgent con^Uon of right nnd vote stond- nay enjoy many years of health and liappitusefrmuleorer. window Aide* m\ds i West. He iatoopen a mart at PowerviUe. comiHUy wanted to go home. If people i anfr. Orders fnr Ml kl&ilfl of upholateri iij for t l " P»rty which all tbroagh tbe E. A. DockerfcCo'* store W H closed We neatljtandproniptljexeetltaa. Oariiase It enist in harisg tbe Chester >and on occat-^tsion of Congress hat voted itosdroins ia tints branches. Prices moderate. needay on account of taking stock. D. J . was misinformed in regard to the railnUooe road company and tbe public wad bridge at sions like this t h e ; nitut expect to provide an WILL ONLY Li8T ABOUT extra supply of the bivalves, for they will The « n t entertainment of the Young PeoEtiins J|ytrd«"roy Iheir rlghla and to s unclaimed which the brakeman from Sennton lost hU snnly need them as the " boya" always draw ple's Union was given In the lecture room of l^etten U> «e of foreign capital and labor. lifeafewdayd ago. He M T I it can be proved crowd. OfficeN.at Dover. N. J NEWARK, N. J. the Pesbyterbn chorea on Tuesday evening. In the Pott Doror, J., March 3<l. 1683. that the company tried more than one* to Jlr. E. C. Drake has rented of Xr. P. C. It was, SB to epeak, a> complete snooesa, each Barker, THE REASON FOR DEPRESSION. lore tha bridge, or do away with it altog«Ui- awger a house en Main S t and will more one doing tbeir part In a creditable manner, UIsiL Tho BARGAINS we offer in •na Berry, Hear? Patterson, ths free-trader and r, by «nr»tag tie railroad on a lerel a little into it in the Spring. Ho expects to start Tbe audience was large and appreciative it Bryant, CAnniAGE MAKERS 1 , ELACK- this department muat be apleading Southern Democrat, in an anti-tariff bclttw. bnt ahitchintbearnuigemenUcanttd flah and vegetable, market, a n i as this will filling the anditorium to its utmost aeatlni John Brundage, SMITHS' OOKTBACTOBS', BUSING ASD preciated by every one i n fames Clarke, THc largest stock of 5c. music ifjer. Ai ho lia. fullr deUrmined to r Hpeecb before th« Tennease* Irfgialatore, by the township authorities prerented th( ipply a want long felt, -we visit him great capacity. The proceeds are for the benefit, James Kndelstoi AanieUcOarty. ' UANUFACTDBER8' 8UPPLIE8. movp,»llhislarsestoekof ohasge. Ths hitch waaoaoacdtiytherailroad sneeess, and wo have no doubt bnt that he the Sundsy MlooL searoh of HE1IABLE SILKS, •mid: crer eeen in these parts- Seiid lieb.rd Brant, Dti-ie Kiolanjo, mpany, and not by tbe towaahlp aulhoritiea will realize it, a s he possesses an ambitions AeleaapbcaMbaadkenhiefismiioa more Sarah F<SBS*, Hester Hickel-. "Oo into the iron nulls of Pennaylrania, The prices being BO very low torcataloEue. Accordcons.VinE H nayward, , PAPelHTfoo, •who were willing to have the bridge removed Hie great faetori««of Hssaaehusetts and New preferable and becoming to wipe the BOM ipirit Tbomts ONtil, there might be some misunderius, Fifes, Cornell, Flutes, if the company would be at tha upetue of The large spoke,rimand wheel factory on with than tbe index finger or eoat sleeve. MEN'S AND BOY'S Elltn Hrster, fUR.'l<;mitn, merely a changing the paolie road, and protect the standing as to the quality and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BflWhaUiDS, Sarah BUI, los, aud alt kinds of Musi«if nnnlit men and women hu-»~~ Invitations ore out for a private boll at tbe .addled ii •- .-~ the corner of Warren and Xaln fits,, owned MarrBJoaei. (Urkestident of misery snd squalor, but boys crouing or be reipouiiblo for any damages by lira. "Major" Budd, and for the p u t ten Dulled States Hotel on Friday evening March finish, were it not for the faofc that wight Rsult tnim ancient* at this crow- yean been laying Idle, U to be utilized. The tth to b e given under the ansploei of Booth To obtsla any of the above lei ten say " a cal Tustrunents. eitlM, fromseven seventotonine nineyears o Seeds and Fertilizer!, that we guarantee them to be TOJttlblM BrUsed" and give date of thia list. ing in tho-iaine way that they are held for » machinery is to be removed, either stored or Bro*. knife factory employees. ' Supper will II of subsistence." "/-.rite*. O. O. BIXOHMAN. P . M. Pianos nii() Organs timed eidenta at otler places of intcrtection of the SAFES AND SCALES. the BEST and MOST DURABLE That all tU* !• tha sheer** stretch of the railroad and public highway* To this prop- sold, and the upper part of the building con- be served with epicurean dishes. IAUE1 S . TOOBBLEI. SILKS IN THE MARKET. We iiuag.naU.ra is trident to aU who live in the ortion the company ne-er replied, and the verted Into living nwini suitable forfivefam- TODS. Holmes, tbe Boonton sprint nnnei DIST OP LETTERS REitAININO IS and repaired. ilies, and the lower part divided into four will sell BLACK SILKS at $ l r localities named, and tu-ws Ibattfr.Wat- towmhip aotborititj eonpludsd thnt they shops or stores; this ought to have been done i now open for all ooracrs, barring none In THE POST OFFICE AT PORT the county, in distances from 100 to BOO yards. $1.25 and $1.50 which can not terson is wholly unacquainted with the were not Trilling to comply with the terms long ago, bat "bctterlstothunerer." One Challenges accepted from date. ORAM, N. J., TJSOAIaLED FOB places or the condition of things about raich would be better for tbe safety of theii of our moit prominent and influential d t i u n s Some of the-Boon ton pnddlen are already be bought elsewhere within. Fenroiry38tb,!6Sa. •which he talks. We know that at the pres- employee*, but would involve more responsi- wholi ever pre-eminently alive to the neces- seeking employment elsewhere. rimes Berryn»n, JoliQ'Uircom (3) 25c. per yard of these prices^ Sussex St., Dover, John Ksrdn [Si sities ef the community, suggests tha pro- The Garfleld base ball elub organised for bha Bmirlck, ent wagt• in this section are not above tht bility in regard to tbe trareling publie. r. OotUbent, JllebJM Read, We offer at $1 and $1.25 per IS JIAKI'M A SPECUUTY OP THE «spens« of decent tiring, but no such The Mite Wdety of the Presbyterian priety of organixing a local telephone com- io season of 1885 on Tuesday evening. Tbe Mn. John Kelly, PuterSoelergren, yard an immense stock of COLIsrael Smith. wjnalor aa Mr. Watteraon depicts a o be Caorcliharereaumed their bi-weekly meet- pany with a view of directly oommnnieating following complete the nine and their respecTKUNKS, VALISES, onr two blacktnith shops with several pUeea Taobtalainror l!io abore letters u y "adORED QEOS 0EAIN S1XK8 in fonnd in tha families of men wlo are steady ings, which were impended during the pro- of business in town. Should this suggestion tive places: Wm- Fsurand, C.) D. Youngs, ••«—iand lire dale of Ibis Int. gresa of the revival meetings, and held there B0TEK, N. J . the newest and richest Spring «od willing ta work. Bnt while it ia true first on Tuesday erening or this week at tbe meet with a favorable eonslderation, and P.j B. Peer, l i t B . ; G. NaAe, 2d B . | T. , JOHN BANCE, p . U. olmes, 3d B.; W. Fwr, R 8-; F. Peer, L id everything in tbo start] trM be tbit labor ie not s i renttuentlre at It m Shades. We alao otter an enM of ilr. L P. Miller. The ipaciooa par- books . opened t o receive subscriptions forF.I J . E*aer,C. T . ; Wm. Dorman, B. F . AGRICULTURAL I M P L E M E N T ths halt a m be direatly traced lo a lack of ef Mr. Umer'ahonu atFotd a vferr P l««- ipital stock, the required amonni -would Challenges will be received at tbe opening of tirely new and elegant assortproteetioa tatbar than lo iti nhtmet. ant place for tbew gatherings and the host soon be raised. a« nearly every one h u expe- the season. T. Holmes, Sec-y,; Wm. Forraad, SEEDS, PKBTIUZBRS, ment of SffMKER SILKS in IffTBTsIemorSioill rrcfitaappreciated. Vfbea we had proUction sufficient to keep contributed not a little to tlio enjoyment of rienced much annoyance and delay for want aad «»«rT(bliiff far FABU &KD GARDEN. Pinhead and Block Checks at X L QaaUtyandworkraanaliiiioftfaebest. out thB Imports of foreign iron ore, wigeo the occasion. In tueabwaceofthePn-aideat ethlng of the kind. While such an Uy tbankiforlibeiml patrt^tge in tbe past. prioes extremely low. This >, Uinee««sful]y carried into operaIn this section were ample and woikiog men Ira Uowery wma chosen chairman for the FLOCKTOWN. Orde.'S by telegrapb nesMngerortelephoDe VOORHEES BROTHERS, ALL KINDS OF evening, and after inuuBeting the regular n. would prove a gnat saving ef time and Qeorge Kaar, of miaoU, has ecme to onr offering of Dress Silks exceeds could lire well a n ! gain Ltomtw. It !• the cneiteu of which was ta deelde to JOBS JOKEA, Undertaker. FRUITS AND NUTS, etc., anything ever before made by Mdrristown, N. J, tienee to those wbo hare occasion to pat-neighborhood and has token htm a Jersey rapid increase of importation! of foreign hold a fostiral i» the basement of tbe chunb Itnekawiv K ID ill of wliloh rlpalen trill find tbov en IEKD FOB OAT^LOGDE. ore that h*f changed tbti condition of thing*, two wuekt lieneo, the committeo on enter- roniie tbete shops, it might possibly. In some woman, Kiss Mahala Thorns*. I understand onr house, and should be of hia tbe crnirst btrpuna. AIBOID alight degree interfere with ths usnal employ— JtoA-iT ilr- ^altemn'ti free trada theories tainmtDt took charge aod enurtained th ment of their respective owners; yet this lit- be will soon return to Us Western home. llto njinaficlnrn of particular interest to every IMBC Frace, of UOs place, ba« lately par- ODDBULLUoDOUOAUrAt Ilia FmbT» « « adopled hs mlg!-t then oome her* and company by ilnging by Mr. tlo r-mbarrassment would be more than com- cluued • team ofbomes of John Bird, and WODDBULL-UoDOUOAUr-At lady, as the goods offered are PURE CONFECTIONERY, t F r t P i S l find Li; deNriptioD Tsriflsd u the letUr. pensated by tbe extra cash that woald nat- lean he contemplate* eatting forfillaaBar- hvBev!D. W.Fox, AmlfW 8. W of the same wear-resisting ChinccrT of Kew Jertev-lW.re*t. Jmste urally find its way in their pocket*. Ues. Bb«ftMonD.aIo«nt, and ITD-I fihastet, qualities for which we have During the winter there hat been a snrfett Orlando Stepbens writes from UUnols that Ti(imBa,it1)Ffaooi*8liMt the benefit of jJonepoUcs is ht-llo*. 'Jhete; rUea it In only necessary to say was done in .lie JVftbvlfrian "Tbeftmoas ofO.Vns.uiland raisbUi rs^.iPeter 8bi«a«r, Iynrt Khawcr, Jr., Annie of parties of divers kind*, soeh aa a w parties, hs Is enjoying a jpwd tiaie and likes toe place ERAKK-HcDOUQALL-n gained such oelebrity. parsoDsie, Fhindert, February 28tb,by Her. Kha'ser, ElUiliOlli Shatter, John Bhas'er RrAB SPASQLtI) aot a factory io the country—and they a n Mr. UUUDCI'B iianal manner of reciting:, and •tag parties, select part.**, Wa parties, variety fUly as -well aa expected, N l T ' l T PiPel>1 5 T v . Fox! Wdir.o, k. Drsko, or u i . Olire, \WH*m fibwspr. ilatr 8b»mpr, Oe.va» springing s p in orery Motion—that does not was loudly applauded. Mi** Viola Best then partiu, wedding parties, but the last event of The poblie school exhibition was repeated sod CUr» Hay ICcDoutcall, ot Chester. inarr.iara. Ii ti a larce e^hl-pipp, fiml Stratton, Rob'ti F. Onto tnd John nance. nmn iilostraln) naner. m e or Lnwen briug «10 to tbe pocket-, of the farmon> played a plan* solo, which was excellently the kind wan s surprise party, which sur- on Wednesday eTentng, Tebntary Slat, to a deres'Unti. Ff. fa. Tor nU ot tmtrUa^ed E«iT ISAAC N. DOTY & Co.. nntubtr contains dnnntog itoiKw. preolsiis. Rrtnrn*ble to Febrntr* Term, A . •lt«, toe vicinity to every dollar expended by thi done, and was folloiretl by tbe reading of pri»ed itaelf; or we're surprised, composed as well filled honae, so that many were obliged 1J1ED. slelehe*. poems, wit, namor and ton n. 1S33. KElOHDOOnftaHITS, bol'r*. •'•unrated farmen on account of rGTence Uuttau. " Tbri Weddixg Fee," by H I M Annie iL Font. U was of a conglomeration of human 6 rebus, nnic-raga) (iDcraviu"s to stand. Ererrthing passed off remarkably YAK KO8T11ASC-Ai a«eti*11]f, f r r n r Citv, By 159 &l(il Market St.. virtne or the tbnve ibt&l writ or Beti tt.oIiM. Mem*, " T m l m or Brhonl Dj, JH.l Ko. 13. l etc.; 500 fn|lr good lanslii • IfiM ? , hat buen iroien of a s a very promisPcbio.. j J7ih, Mitlfcen A^ MO of H«orjl>. enees. Ths beardless Itoy, the bald-headed well, and mueh credit U doe those who took Yet tbtrs are Bewspapen and Cosgresmmen [CiMitiinyltana*,I^»ll eiifweforaile «t •'•°', b6 ..':? i(1 «e'« C r n e r / ' _tnoVb thewerid 1 1 r b1 l 1 Haiy V.n Nosirond, In the 19th year e wo 'ntlic T'nflne, al the Cunri" Home, in Mor- o w foriUexn (are ot IranJa. priling day by day about ths robberies of ing eloenOntrt, and If we may judge, froro old man, the modest joung girl la short sneb an important interest. The ciildmi did Newiirfc. N. J. age. • t.<ib>rB z latowi), V. J., on bnm-buxs. \\« Hetiretodoable on. tba •gricoltniisU by theprstection of msnn- this eJTet t, the aaybig it true, for the, reading dresses, and tbe stately grandmother; t i e very well; eaco one knew hi* place and not a nr drcnl SATURDAY, March 3d, was welt done, and l-rought forth loud apSHAW-Atltocksway Taller, Feb. 2Mb, 18»3. idlodotrt w« hate Decani! MOKDir. tlieSddkyof AFBILnctt. faelaKnfi. Ooold oas of these parrois tell plause. After more singing by tlie quartette unmarried, the rwwnUy married, the long mistake was made In tbe whole programme, BlBora, infant danjebter ot Jl.Ulda BD>1 tbe or .lift entirely new 700-piEe A. D. 1833. ictWMn ihe boon of 12 IL and S O J W us how mtaii the fsi-mera wcubj realise from the host amused tha company by singing married, the nmchlynuuriw!, and those want- which Is more than could really be looked for lata J..bn Bfasw, or .Grtcnvdto, a 4 td 1' ntv, complete and nnalirii ted. tfctoca V. M.. that la t o ^ U ) o'clock in tbe Ing to be married; the limber Jointed, sad the a plae* like Pl«ektown, when nothing of monibaaod thlKeaudavi. afternoon of said .ilav, H I that ourUcn lot nl iiNsniDcb mailerasinvfl fi li OO TU TIIC their pKOdoo* In asm lh« manQfulnriog In- •' Cousin Jcdediah " aad tb i " gnerxing Msn r - stiff kneed, the toll and graceful, the abort aoa aad pmnlsw. ritnite, lying and beinc In sndUiseiactlyas repitueuted. the ldndbM ever been kod. Apordonoftbe iests w e n broken down and all their oper*. botb of which-were well rendered, and t U » f e e t frtmt by near 20-. feo\ 0 ^ i , thetownsblp of Bsotlolpli. in the ConnAor and nimble, tbo fat and jolly, the lean and pngromniB m omlHed on aeeount of no THE BOOK OF BOOKS I OLD RELIABLE STAND. Uorri* and State orN"Jertey.bauD<1etl and CHEAPEST. Ing 33-100 ot an a*re, upon which tires w e n tamed into agriculturists? We eluded the programme. The eammlteee j melancholy, and danccit, good, bad and inUTE3TI1 deieribed al follown; Tl»li>tt part nf the hnd jtnry building0lfliM fceivSart M t n u t than ta yet good aenai enough amosg pointed for t i e next meeting are Misse* Jen- different, but they had a good time all tha 'us, tbtt was ro»»eyed to » i d Jpstfe Babcrtsra b* : ITioNewAmericanDitniond Dictlnnai ^ mV ^^*1* *-h-« dred from AlaiandBf Viftbtoo. dated, aw. IB lalmted, Islbeelisrd'cBQvreof boolctnii tha siambara of OoDgnai to pass a re*£nna nk Porter and EUa Staekhonse, and UOMX%. same, and it wai nobody's Imslnesa bnt their The firm *" Bean Pols Cmnpany," as baa IKQCTfiB AT THIS aXOUE OF been so called by another eorrespondeat, did leaane lot of land eoi.ve}ri lo «iid John !ko eiestnt book or over te<ren bnndred paces. biU Hat will afford prolMUim enough fo ear Bnbbel and Lunger. The place of meetinj, own. if some of them did not " ge hone *UU not pot in an appearanre at tbe exhibition. eharkcT by deed rrom aaid Jtuie natwrt.no EK&ueiandprantinnCPs over thirty ihoaiiii ' indQatrtol inUresU to mslaia them, whila wbleh will be four weeks buce, was Lot de-morning, 'Oil day-light did appear," and John ficbertsoo, (.tied SKetnber 5, JB7J. vords. H i t " u p in the tlmta" and is bat A friend of Bartleyrille was in eompany tbe BirocEsso:. TO II.P.SASDBBSOH, alMer'a iliep or m: and not Uin rtcorded. and tba part hereby upon the beat A merle*a and EDRlfulnntbt affordins iteady BmpJoynnat and fairwtgH Idedapon. At tbe Oeemer mini but Saturday, thirteen other day and asked a party fn regard t o moriftjged begins at tlie betElmlng ooroer of Iilw. "Poni-let, l.nndrcl columns? ot St Tsrni* and oondltloni njailB known by anto haedceda of thousand* of wotkugmen.— The five oVIoek east on Wednesday morn- sticks of giant powder nocked in sand, w e n attending th« *xUfa.8an. The answer wax, tbe wbo'e lot. ana ran* thence slang Hie Brat ml tin* «hb nnmi=rons Boo encrarincs OPPOSITE THB DEPOT, llyinE to the Trustees or Bnon day ofula. ing from No. 3 furoacfl filled thirteen large laid on the eeller to thaw, when DIM rUek I do not tblnlt tbey want any of tbe 'Bean — ->f the tame, as tbe new.» lra*emd in niitfnalTimea. W. E QOKXSLI.. (t) sonih tiiirtv-one and a halt decrees MlTeei V*n« MwniS-s book lot ALL^'fiB. beds of thirtytw* ban eaco and was proba- sxplodod, dohig no other damage than that Pots Company'present,» aad claimed to be A TOBwr or mldSle-aged kdy, one wbo n MJ ° -beBrH corntr of ibo lot bly t i e largest aix hour east evermade brthls »f blowing a conple of board* from tlie roof too poor. That company or any other c derstanaT Hillinprv aid Drm-makinv, si It L, qalle tvidunt tiat CoDgrau will ad- furnace. As long as the funucea will keep can GUT, TRIU AMD FIT. WocM prefer & Bockaway, February SLst, 1883. ' y S as wood a right to attend anything wbobuaKNOWLEDQBOe'BUZlliO. Oo . ] jam to-day-Katurday-withoot taking any running aad give employment to the men and of the engine house. REASONABLE PltlCES. iKvcnminlnd. Xhlrea for two weeka. and recorded in ihe nookHTof 8i>e<ls,p.B» ..son of Sialei an-I cftics. Abiireblilions d«t*iv« action in the nutter ot tbe tariff. make money for Uu owners, we Trill not dhv Saturday e»nlng Thontei Simmons, an here as anybody, and when tbe library is ec> iKd ia wriilni. and JptinUng, utbm. «r the 70; thence alons tbe fourth Una n! the same JOHN W. FOEKEB, Fmtntster. wort.1, POF Ibis locality It it perhaps u well if they euss tbeir location, but will remark that it is engineer c u r ' ^ d at the Leek nine, with as tablixbed they bare the same right. I Ptort Horny. K . J . 3) south fitty-elii.it anil a half d*gree,i eiat mnchsteaa -.< Jmselfashelu.dinUaboQer. erU they knew it. flnebaln to the third corner ot tlietune; kind ID yonr Tort Horrid correspondent to do not P r o a the first the Democrat*, al. In tnoantto^ _, Udder to faupect tbe gauge, John Bight, a school-boy of this place, boa ce (3) aorth tntrtyontfaod a hair dctrreet •••'••££ though loudly declaiming for yean for UAi eoma down here and eitablhh the boundaries tost his baluica and grabbing aAersamethuiK can quite sick with Inflanunation of tha l two cnalni to a corner in the roorlh lin? Notice pf Settlement mtlllJtD.lavib5i » wbou lot; thence IIUDR tho name H) » Bper n<l«ion, fane fought tbe measure by Inlet ofwntHipretentianilittle villare; and we are by which to regain hia eqnflibritna, eanglit at is better now. w ten yean. Notice is hereby -.Ten thst ln» seaennU or —..hlUU-dglit auclab*irde K rt«a west fire netrie system hnjiuixe and lail yean. irehf sorry to havs axcltej the jealousy of our posing technical objections and frivolom compleiloD of the hnmin raec, the hold of the aafety >alve, wHteh olbwed the Tbe trial about tbe heg eone* off a t Stan. Jwaubseriber.OarrdJsn or Fiaok Elhtr.rlh ebsiDS to the beRinulnj;. ontaiaiae oce acre. ubseriber.OarrdJsn delmle, M well as by Toting against every neighbors scrota tba week by saying that the rteara from the boiler to blow out on h b bopc next rVidsy. It sa is w r y strange t IHKK, a minor, m i o r will ill b be aodttedana stated bv •• the aald fcUiadfrerlUd In amort Rage (Him mncli other valuable and imtrnetli JOHN JO! ?h.i. Mineral Wool Work* BBJ Fnnwccs are in hands and ia hi, face, sealdk them badry. ibtrtbii.itiotatnshy Tjbo 81-arkpy anil wtfc to Mid Jewlo B ibeffort to obtain better protection on any S trial Is carried on so far bom hotae. A m » . I'-n.nited Febnur* 5ib.1873.iml recorded It b reported that be had • sum of money ABHriean prcdae's. The n»olt has been lonth Stanhope. Ira Mowcry has received his e itolen from huu at that time, but l e a n t TOMB thst the bOl haa been amended and mixed STANHOPE. rlilvl»inidliillnBoli) b, from 4fce Governor as Notary Public and is •WILLHH"H. JIOWELL,SheritT. Vf«li S ii, b . t k , , d IUI..1 ' . vita diMrtsBiiiatioBfl between ad*alorem and prepared to perform the dudes of tbe office, for the trail. «f the report. Wm. : StaelthoBMbus sold bis bomn aad Dated Jincary amn, ISS3. 19 00 On Monday erening Lilly ITowtli. apsj IS lot «ii Bedford street to Peter Hubert for MEETING ! •peefflB duties ttU ID many rwpfeU ft iiand to search titles and make conveyances of mard work years, daughter of John TL Howell, wno a few "UCCtaKlB IO <Um> * OfBBEK, . abmhitdy wcrihUai, The measurt rill now abonlftOO. weeka ago fractured her foliar bone by fall The Bockaway Townahip ben. cbeipcHt,'ii l valnalil. .i,J aaafnlih eoau to tbe peoi'Js in ths next politick Thomas DUsell l r u home on a r b i t last on the ice, white on her w«y home, All a _ i^eijlprcid u a Fn&E GERMAN VALLEY. week from But&trs Colltf a. bU t&9 opponents Committeo will meet at BIGo llllitld Mr. George Swecknammer bas broken fractured tatrarm. The same day her mother, Bos. V. Mating has his new building ready | d ril SUSSEX ST. SALOON, pg pp in wasidng, scalded her face quite severely. for oeenpaney and Mr. BamU will mere 1 oTT'S HOTEL. BOOKAWAT, of protection wQ] receiveft|ojt and terribl ground for a a s * building adjoining bis store. Surely this i« as afflicted famllr. It is to 1M occupied by s harness dealer and ie same this wtek. on M0HDAY, Harch 5th, 1888. B AUT-ili..|iab T 0 , , h (,,„,,, Tuesday some fragments of rock broke boot and shoe maker. Watson BeminoTer haa leased the South 2a theHooseof BepreseitUl!*eti on Tues- Sfovinf; baa already begun. or the purpose of settling up loose from tie banging wall in tha Cooper mine Stanhope bekery of Lawrence sV King tot • ml paf<«r tar onlr BQ ronta a d i y a dstermined eilort waa made to kill (he Mr. Harvey Cool mured to High Bridge on ttrikicg Harry Nichols, Jr., knocking him tena aftwayeaia. "Wats"has been datag the business of the vear. t i n s ' bill by the I>emocralii, who oppoied i Tuesday and took charge of hit bnteher busi- down, braising him considerably and cutting i goad baahtess there for tha past year. ral guhei in his head and faee. Oh E. B. HALSE7, Chairman. ^solution to refer it to a coaftrenee eam- ness thrae. Bla partner, Mr. La Roe, does Elijah Kinnicutt, sow borne en a visit from Injurii's arc not st aJl serious. aalttee of lbs SeoaU and Honst?. The rets not go until lbs tint of April. Arkansas, f< making •omc needed ltonieTeW. STEPHENS. Clerk. . a me rffl lo all ,b,, , „ ? » U'ltl tbe "old Kbuueatt hotnestaad ahoweO bow clcaa part; lines are drawn on W.n. H. WyebotT died on Sundsy m o s John Thomas, ilie young man wnote Ufa wai and was burled an Tuesday, lie leaves a in inclt iminent peril a couple of tmmthi ago pnpertyof waieh he Is owner, Elijik has ihig subject. O B ths B*pnblie*n aide 1*0 sister to mourn Ids loss. voted for the KSOIUUOU «ad only 4 against The basket sociable held last night it Di from hlaod pobon, the result of injuries re- frareled Mfoss this eondseat scTcral tiflx. oar pajur i» vonh II j e»r, ti ceived at HoflwayxoQUC, EaS so far recov- aadglTeaagrapluo dsacriptloao/hls adranBoccaanntia, N. J. The Best Yeast in ths World. i t Of the DenocraU 10C t o t e i Sffwwt it Farrow's, at Middle Valley, is reported to ered a* tobiabletorisltfrtendBBtBatacrford. tores and nil old zrtenda and netghbpn a n AUCTIOJfEEB. All leading Grocers sell i t •nil only 8 tor It, 'fhs io4s Is stguiai .re been a suacens. Everybody there e»- Mr. Jacob Struble bas tented bis b a n , and always clad to see and ejtartiin Urn. Salti u b n d i l a Cull »,»„ rmoa.bta t o n • s atwwtog that tha ijar«Uao baa btcotas joytd It, and the nrtt prooceds w e n »' OUT ODf THIS O r e a i . ..TVneb.. m Every package guaranteed. mw»«anp.. In part, dlipowd pf Us livery to Join Van ItMl<lell",l«5?!o5",ob,, o C M of party—only oat BsvabJlein i a 35 Ardsdnle, who will eettthra* to earrw on the Alw.fi aik for " RUias 8aoH Ttade Uark. ™ "•<• jourmaoirhick. Olabnrflre,M75. ton tV DATE AT 1 1 1 TIM113 A U I I 0 B AH» 7AB. ,. of Cster, Cool & bminets at Uaa ssme plaoe. What property FOR 8ALE1 Evary Family vadag agsirul l*k and only PM Denwerat in i or Kccnd-luna jocj, , „ „,„. p 0 1 , Tmsfoia mo.™.,, uoo V 3 3 i 1 " , " : IB) STOCK OF THE HOST BK«mABLl! LaKne'ssncoeswr.Ukat charge ofliobntdter Ur. etruhle bae left in the way of bones, aa old dress, cost, soart bood, yarn he Seneca Falls Yeast Co., A nouas AVD LJT IN carriages, sldghi, robes, t e . , be aellf at pub- stotWngt, carpet rags, ribbons, ftatlwn to ii ruBiihiirKnVi.. OO0D3 AT l o w WU0KS. took Kfter Your PouUrr Us s»Je (bis Saturday. OoDgmn winds up i b sewnn to-dir, color. Tho Diamond Dyes a n tba best and nia.e.i., K. n. (ENEC4 FALL'S. KET IOBK. The • tmltry Fow4«r told at aeSriek Dnti sirs. E. C, George and her daag at AT Annie, _tea eonts s. package; laid a t vhsn It opens Its doonitfiafn tb« "nnU •HUtaiolJ O|,n » . , ! „ „ , . Eaileta Dccol, a UbtfOr BI.,Saw Tork Ollj of Otarbttobargl, this wee* paid a flying | ™ * " « H * SfflforVa. jUd- p^iannniig will «sk> tbinyi BQwt fc OtlOD VABH v o n BA1A. SHERIFFS SALE! THE IRON ERA NOT OLD STOCKS I WHITLOCK <fe DEBSS GOODS BLACK SILKS, LANGTRY SUITINGS, j CASHMERES, GERSTER CLOTHS, LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. SHERIFF'S SALE. NO. 6 NEW BLOCK, COB. BIACKWELL and MOBRIS STS. BKKr a n n vnlod ^in HanliWivdlB Hflwi Ail^i ova i «.> <.* < . . ^ . . 11.. mi* WM. E.BAKERS" SLEIGHS! Great Closing But Sale SLEIGHS! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Instruments! ;.\mm\m W. S. OOLLARD, CI VOORHEES BROTHERS: MOXUEUSTOWN, Musical Merchandise! Isaac N. Doty & Co., 3O DAYS PAINTS, OILS, &c. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, WM. S. WRIGHT, FURNISHING GOODS, MRS. S. TREWARTHA, Blackwell Street, WHOLESALE TRADE SACRIFICED ORANGES, LEMONS, WAY-BELOW'COST SHERIFF'S SALE. CUT THIS OUT ! PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE! Sf'J'" '"''" "" ' ° ' FOR GROCERIES ROOMS TO .LET. ALEX. J. MITCHELL, FOR SALE. fr| VIOLA D. OSBORN & CO., JAS. H. RBILLT, 619 & 621 BROAD St., DOVER, N. J. FOR BENT! FARM OF 52 ACRES. NEWARK, N. J. s^SSSriSs WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS. GUY MILLER COLTS! SSRWu. C3UT T H I S OUT I her 7! Tun, A . JUDSON OOB, The Greenback Ticket, PORT CRAM. PORT MORRIS. THE NEW MiLL. Thfl Prohibition Movimant An Bmotuit of local matter will befoundon Bov. Ur. Hoclop gave us a taniperanoe loo. IS CAPACITT IKCBSUBBI> TO BSO EAEtBELS His annuunoed tbat the Itcv. J. H. Heotor, The Jeraeyman noUoes at length th« reeeut The OreesDaoic voters of Randolph townoar firrt «nd fourth pages. Tho.. Oalriu and E. W. Colcmuo, of Flan- meeting in UorzUtown of the County Tern- ship had a, oaneus In Dover lost Saturday and colored pwiwher, will lecture in our vlllago turo in the chapel last Uunday ovonbg, whioh VVOV* PEtt SAT BT &OU.V.M. KACUIMItlir. cliutcb an Saturday evening, of thU wo«k, and ia nronguuoed, by Goinpcteat judges, to Uai JMWUKW Allionoc to hew the report f t h nominated the following tiohet SATURDAY, M a r c h 8 , 1 8 8 8 . den, bars gone U Dakota. beau excellent. He 1» to be ID Stanhope noi Judges of Eleotiuu-Southem District, H. will preach un Sunday morning. Oommitteo to bring about united aotii Some eight y e a n ago tho Orrville flouring An entertainment will begiTtii bythe Batu the subject of prohibition. Tia Committee, V. Trowbrldge-, Central, WOluun A. DickerLMtBaturday a littla bay called Herbert Sabbath afternoon at tho meeting of the Bo- mill was a small aud insljpiilloant «true turo of Hope in n couple of weak*. Hoyle, hod a narrow escape from death, b r form Club in Clark's Hall. through Ber. Mr. Coofcran, "reoommended son; Northern, Mnaon King. with a capacity of 60 barreU p o r d a y . T h e The WoiEon'i ChrUUsn Temperanoo Union Insubataneatiiat theTemiMirflao* menofth Inspeotars-fiouthcrn Diutriot, Elleha Ueclt- falling from Uie dump a t the, Meadow Mil By the way they hod a very good meetio, then proprietor! no doubt kept step with the ~~" LOCAL JOTTINGS. meets next Monday at B r . H . County should attend tho primaries of thoii r| Central, Wflltara Padrtok; Korihoni Tbo familiar fsee of Thomas L. Wltlkvt Ia«t Sunday aftcraouuBt fouro'olook, atwbiti improvements roquirnd in that day, b u t It was nee moro seen la our village. Ho liae lately addresses, short and pnialed, wero mode by l e d for the present proprietor! hi make tho A fetnpetttmte ticket will l o run in Mtrospeotlf e parties nnd endeavor iu this way John Plartey. The Middle VaUey soioolha* a»«w library, to ceoure the endorsement In the County and Robert Baldwin, li. F. Halncs, O. H. Lunger mill thn LAiuiEsr AND iioar VAMUULB Clorlts—Boutboni Dtstriot, E. B. Combs returned from Colorado. live at the township election. Township election one *««* fr»m Lloyd, the tailor, Is among us again. Cus- and others. The singing was excellent and Wjt,YK£ COVKTU AHDOWa OF TUB BIX LAUO1 Mayor Richard* and Mr. Jwj. H. SimpMii District CoQTfintioui of prohibition measure* Central, Divfd Yoang; Vonhoro, Andrew Tuesday. ^nd the nomination of candidates favorabl Sslaer. tomers can find him at the old shop ou Front was dona by A. B. Cope, Q. H. Lunger, Will w TIIK STATK OF OHIO. T H E K;I-L I S OWWBD left for North Carolina yeit^nlay. AU tbe departments of tho rolling mill ar» thereto. Vailing Is this, independent action Lunger, John and Jos BUaell, Melon Smith, ir WIUUBOK, OAUDIS &, Co., WHOLES Justices of the Pftaoe—gonthsrn Dlatric*, N. itreat ^Bldnej T. Bu.llh, of UoCainsvllle, has P"r- was recommended, the oarrjing out of which C. BlaaUbrdi Ocatral, John Roff; Northern, Edward Hoyle, tbo paralytic, Intends going Mr.. H.ll.Kb)g,HiMaiu now running. U0CKB8 AND COJUMIMIOH MEBC1UHM, chued tho NaugbxightvUle ttoro. was delegated to tho Honit County TeJnpe^ to England ia tha Bprlug. He has received There was a inoeting of the Mite Society at fEWABK, » . J . . JOHN YTtUMUX. OF WOO8The annual election of School TruBteeatakes John Bohan, late of Mica Bill, lost an eje once Allianse. Too report was strongly at- Edward Stakws. contributions from the benevolent la the the residence of Hr. I. P. Miller on Tuesday KB, AND O. E . QHtrriTu, o r OnKviLUt. Ti Township Clerk—John 6. Wood. 1 t u n e d by Ber. Mo-srt. UoCortnlck and AsBe«8or-K. E, Potter. amount of $100, with vhleh to pay his ex- night. Ur. HubbeU redtfid " Jiiu. llhnUo, Hew wuUmi have town Introduced 1B the by an explosion at Kwjtfooke, P*. pensea. If its ford, the teacher of the South Stanhope Cl'llllVjSIOK OF TUB HILL IB VSDBU THE Mi Ur. A. C. Smltn will load the T. M, C. A, Opdyfce, Mr. Kitehell of Boonton, Dr. Owe Collector-William F. Hnghson. M. B. Church. of Honiatownand other*, and was vigorously We ore glad to hoar that tbo Bev. J. P.eohool, re-i4 a plooe about tho minister who AGEiiBBT u r K B . QKirriTii, WHU IS A I-IEAC grayer meeting OD Sondaj aftenuxm. ftoohoUUr—M. Hulshitor. Through trains io defended by Bev. Messrs. Coohran, Brdman, Town Cammittoo—David Young, Ellison Haoaulcj- has decided not to ask for a trans- took u hag of bonus for his wedding fee, and CAL MM.EU o r TUB HIOnEir OBDES, AXU USIf the sentence uf the law ia not changed ' through Povor on M< Stoddard, Judge Kanouse and others. The Cos, P. U. S a m l l . fer to the California Conference at present. mad H well, Miis Viola Heat played a piano DE s poaseasEe JTINB CLEBIOAI A S C BCBIMES* Tho eight itonnyBondajB ef lite hove been Traglown has only eighteen daystolive. discussion lasted for nearly four hoars, some CommiaBioneri of Appa*l-John HUIer, Be will continue nt Part Oraru another year solo, Miss Ella Btaekhouse pUyed most ~ AUIL ITIKS, xva i t EcmRKjUitB c o n in Harry Loggo w u illghtly injured by an gentlemen oaoupjlng the floor not lois thi Nl> VUOUFTHBte, IMALL UI8 UNDEUTAttWOf. rather hard en the prewhera. should tho appointing power at the noxt tho acconipnalment*. Ur. I. p. Ulller sti Andrew Orr, William A. Diokerson. oidont in the Bfram nltw last Satnrdaj. down time*, and the natdt WM sauh an annual conferenoB so order. roe years ugo tho building was eularged WUV8ffackhammer and John Tannest, " Jenuha put tho kettle on, we'll all drtni teat of the resolntlons ai amounted to gorTByors—W. V. Curtis, Myron D, Coe. Bcgnlar monthly ineetliig of the T. T. O. A. io acceptably that tlie chorus could to a nix story ntructiire and the eapaolty of German Valley, have gene Watt. On Monday, March 6th, tke Northern Now Ovoraeer of tho Poor-EUsha Wool or, a l'raottoal surrender to the HoCormiok _ sing foe laughing,and tho "Sneezing tue mill iuorcaacd t o i W barreht offlourp e r Ur. Guion, of the Guioa Steamship Une, win «xt Wednesday evening, at7tSQ o'olook. It was rowlveil to remove tbe poll* of the Jeney Mctnodlst Episcopal Preachers' Asso1 UUrd party wing," ft.V, uy addition of Improved tnaohinory. Tie circulation of the EBJL has itiareaaed by rabid? Iu -Morrfitown next Bummer. Jortliern District to some other place than ciation will moot a t fort Oram. Tliis Is an Song" wliM brought down tho house. I t Editorially the J o n e y m u says; To- keep abreast with the most advanaad was resolved thnt tbn Indies of tho nhurch hold association composed of all Methodist prc I t Ji reported that Ur. Cha*. H. Munaoa la aboutTOcopies during tho lout throo weeks. It requires no prophet to prodlot that tli the Engine Ilotue, to reduce the expense from ers along the Una of the.D., L. 6L W. R. E. A festival two wtotfl from lost Tuesday anil methods of milting, tlio firm ha* Just p u t into |i0to*10, and a nommittae wai appointed ti The advent of Huron barlna bner. lamb like, iction of the Tempentnoepeajila at a meeting o candidateforJustiee of the Peaoe. •ud Its branahes from UorriEtownto Pliilllp* Wcdooaday evenings, Thoy will meet at tho tha building ou EKXIHELV wew BUN o r « * fill any vooanoiu that might ooour. Tbero are four Jiuticos of tho P « K » to be wo can expect its departure in IMBIDB ftiry. jeld In this town an Monday last was a roUburg. It moots everjr two months. Its main if MM. Stuokbouso on TJiurseoy after- aillKKHr, WUICU COHVK8T8 WHEAT IHIO7LUUD It is said ex-Surrogate Ofllen will be a nanohjocts aro to promott MOisblUtr and Intel- noon to arrange preliminary matters and ap- DT riiEUosT ranFECTpnooBaa NOWIHDSI tjleatod lit Randolph week after next. An Untruthful Aisortlon. Burrender to Ur. Modormlck's lectaal and npiritual qulokeolng. This li point committees, I t was left for the Soorcv This, ia known M tho gradual raduation proNegotiations are. in progress to continue, the didoto for Aue«wr on tha Demoontlo ticket nractionl Tiore ore paoplo who tielieve In suoh a ''thirdparty" movement. This was ahoiro lit by the breaking of bread together, Edward Beraioghflta U sotng to take a so and has many advantages ovor any other telephone line from BtouhopotoNewton. clearly that there could be no ibl thing as truthfalnoM in politic*, and there ore j f C Y , snd by papsni and tllseusslons oi t&ry to find out where the next mooting of tho soeloty would bo bold. Uoanrii IluhbeU an. for scouring a perfectly whlto and pure Hour about it, aUko iu what vw others who b e l l e * that any falaehwiJ that I t la said Hcasn. GBO- and John H. Pierson course at Coleman's B)isbiesa College, New- nhmnderstiuidlnK done and iu the manner in which it was UOUB. will befog and deaeive voters, and nuoouplieli appropriate themes. At the mcotlug on Utm Will Lunger, Mtss Ella Slaokbause and Mise of nhigli grade of strength, Tho new macainark. There were not a few genlleiuen in the room will erect two new houses on Gold street day there will be a morning snd afternooi Tiie Governor baa appointed Theodore SI- and thoro ore hundreds like thorn tbroughoui apolitical end, ia legitimate- To tola olaai •eaiion In tbe panonngB, and in the evening Jenny Porter won appointed a committee to e r y w a a put up by t h e firm of John T. Koyo Bev. Ur, Soarlot assumed the pastorate < arrango a programme far next meeting night. Sonii, of Buffalo, Now York, tho moit accom. t i e County, who are warm mends of prohibi- bolong thoH -who Jtwt now are trying ta tho Peapaok Reformed Church lost Sunday. menon FroMontor of the Pleas for Sussex tion and who are desirous of working within orodto tho lupresBion that the taxes of last An excellent oomtnitteo at nny rate plbihod inillwrigkts in tho country, and oounty. topenmceraoM meeting ia the church to the lines af tb«Ir renpeotivo partJes ta saeuro slats of twonty-BOVDu sota of Stevens' roller Tho Newark Congregational Conference has year h»ve not heen sufflolent to pay tbe bOU. It, who were disgusted by the performances be addressed liy some of the reverend gentleMrs. Lewis, aged 70, di«d at the louMi appropriated *360 to the Morrfstown Church. The Democratlo township osueoa will be ofUoCormiok and his crowd last Fall, an< Kotliiug could he moro autrageoasly absurd men who may Uo pnieat. Voeal and inatru- of her •on in Stanhope Inst Saturday and wns ilia and nix run of stone, aud otuer maeUtaheld nt tho StloUe House next Thursday af- who con under no cirounwtancos he Induced ery dasorllied more minutely ebiawlicro in Some very nice can, finished in linrd wood, ternoon. to train under their banners or follow their and untrue, Tho prosent oonunittee hove not mcntal munJo will bs faraiakad by tho Good burled from the houso on Monilny. Blie vac ih article. are being built in Berap ton for the fast trains. leadBnhip. They believe it poMiblo to bo contracted a bill whioh lliey have not paid, Templars' Quartette Club. a mother tn Israel, hnd been a Christian, and Learning nfewdayi ago that tbo work Ex-Senator Columbus Beach attended the Bepablioans or Democrat*, and Prohibition- and on their authority wo chaUengo any person We have received from the Ptraonage di"4 full of yoars and honors. Quite a uuniborof vowen in this section oi bl-oenU»nlal eelebntton of the Legiabture ists at the same time. All tLo#o wore pnwt-onttiug the mill had boon completed in all taking a deep interest intbefateof Treglowi yesterday. tiDBlly warned off lost Monday. They will to prodnoo ono, Out of thoir appropriation Building Committee of 8t, John's M. E. Peter Bigler lived at Port Murray instead iU detail* and that tha muctiocry was In One atny ont of tho arganisution, at least ttntil they have paid every dollar of tho expenses Ohurah a littla book, entitled "Fuaonage of Port Morris. Ur. J, Soward Wills has bought the farmi working condition and turning out flour at the Ber. Thomas Carter, of Boon ton, will preach wiser counsels prevail among tlioso who arc of tho year, have paid, «3S0.3S for bills orcatod Uamorhti." I t coutalnB a htstorioal acoount Fetor Hubert, ono milo from Stnchope, for in tho Dover Presbyterian. Clroroii next Tues- at the liend of it and tintII tlioy are ready to __ farmer oonuuittoos, and hava a handsome uf the orgaiibatloa of tbo ohuroh, anil the A dug jumped on tne traok tho othor dny ito of 6E0 DAirnEU FBII DAt oor reporter vla*3,2». work fur the sooomplisbment of their pur- balance of apont (BOO in hand. To moke BI appiiintmcnt, method and work of the Pur- in front of tho fort lino and commuted sui- Itad the building; mado tour of Inspention and day evening. cide. ikafow^notoflrln oompnny with A. Hurt, Hon. John Hill was among the speakers at Wm. H. Wyokoff, a well known and well r . J In a bettor spirit and by fairer and assertion, contrary to tliia, w'ithuut a particle Bonago Building Committee, together with a A. Bowman eorntohed his leg the othor day tbo ohiof miller, nnd J. MoElroy, anemplayi of proof to support it, nnyba thought Hat of tho aubsoriptlons to tbe pursoncge tho Congwsslhnal Temperanoo Society anni- to do farmer living near Gorman Valley, died more honorable m&tbods. on a piece of pig iron and is laid up. Our friond of the Jenwyinun will hove ne of the Juh&Naye&Sons'raanufaotuTing comthing to do, bnt people of Intelligence and fund, tbe nnauoial statement nf the troHnrer versary on Sunday. last Sunday. to bo careful. He ia arousing tho enmity tha report of the auditing oommltteo. 'Will Dost la about again ruoof ered from bis pany, who.)o duty It was to start the machinTho first number of tlo Hnckottatown Re- Tho bill to prevent tho employment of chil- people who will not hesitate at retaliation, eonee, in tho absence of such proof, wilt only and ery nnd neii that it was working In pnrf bo tonflnned In the desire to have such an The ohjnot of tho memorial li et«t*d iu a publican jg wnll milted nndmnkes a desidedly dren luiuer fourteen years of nge iu factories and when they do his long and honorable life oeopomiool end honest sdtninlHnation ooi prefatoryuotetbbonsfollowsi "Whenever I think tho boyi propose to tftlto up, < or.' plonflnnt imprcenlon. will count for nothing with them—even his tiuuod. The only unpaid bilU In Banlolph it beoamea uoccsatrj for ofHocre Intha oburch sorlptfon for John Best, who had hit passed the House. THomlll i» ftsii story atruoturc, 45*120 foet taluaoff some tiuio ago at Patoraou, next jfaj connection with a Christian ohuroh will bo Clnudo Laaaello, BOD of Claude B. Lneello, to raiso snedal contributions for any purpose, la size, »ad ulmuat every foot of roam lsro> Mr. Oliver S. Freeman, the builder, is erecttownship are old ones, made nndor Demooratio a carefully prepared dotoilnu statement shouk dny. of Whlppnny, is winning, together with id to do the UUSUDBB, Tho maehlnory is ing by contract & new house for Wm> Hennlon ised for tbe purpose of saorohlng him; for tbla is considered, In somo quarter*, thi loratnittecs who exceeded thalr nppropri. always bo maOe to the oontributoni. Buoh Is ^ Cope, son of A. B. Copo, the toaeln operated by a SOD Iion<o power Buckeyo engine father's horso ami wngou. nil tlio Uillbrauk ruad. iropor method of odvanoing tho cause o itioas, ran the township In debt, and made tha object of this memorial." We commend of tlio publlo school at Btauhnpe, I nm glad to whinhpprfnrm* its work wltli cn»o mid sutis Tho trout senson opened yesterday nnd Win. Dougherty, of Mt-Kopo, had his elbow tbo report as a model t o nil otiucoh offluers, no provision for the payment of their obligasay is getting somo bettor and was nMo to be fiMtioflt- Tlio baaemoiit contains tho main tompcranooj ono who thinks lie can catch trout just now fractured l>y a fall lnat week, and boa tion). Not ft single debt created by the Be- who rooeive and dlsbureo monejs that ore at riding lost Wudnesday. •haft iinH,!yi»ili}m oountor iihafW oi tending has R perfect right to gn at it. HIE rutcraaii HoBpitnl. Practical Protection>ublfaan Bommltteee of tlio, last two years cutnintcd to thom, Wo aro told thst a few Lnst Sunday wns Btonuyas usual, Februthe oil|ino that operates the entire ma. Tlie rntiro rcnl cslnte of the Into Jndgi oopien of tho report romaln in Iiand snd will ary has been a queer month. Storms nud Kin. EDITOB :—At tuix Uino the pooplo aro ttm&lni unptld. iccnrdiiig to tbo almanac Spring hm t ~~ be sent la auy oudrosi oil receipt of itamp to insbJne, rain anil maw, and It promises ta chinery of ftiunffl,atBo fourBCUlplne n * Lnthrop ia li» br cohl at public nuction a i'd, 1ml we wouldn't advieo people to t i a stdto of more ttinaiiswil anxiety < and two wlioat-maehlnea. The second it out like a rnnrins Hnn. pay postage. Application mfly bo made to Hndinon on tlio 15Ui or Mnreli. lut; tlio t« riff, which sectun to bo tbo all imEx'Mambers of the Legislature. A. Simon, tha tailor, is going to leave Stan, grind-floor contains twenty-seven nets of P. ilfloaulay. Tliofl. Hnlitlio ha* rented tlio plnre now oc The. Siu'oiimmna M. K. peoplo hnvo unnni- port nut question before Congress. A great Tho following are tho lurviring ex-mombers ;ho liostor, J. horn next Spring and move ta Newton, Stevens' n i l s and > U i u n of stone, besides MOUMT FREEDOM. COUBIK JESKIB, J IS IHGADQCAHTKlte. flcMoweryhnvoc" ' ' oupicrt by I1. II. Ilnrrpll ami will open a rca lonnly reeolvcd to request the return of their deal might be said about protection and froc jf the Legislature in Morris County vlio this Hiss Guulo Coo, of Povcr, spent a few flour paobcrs. The tMrd etory in tho ..... sell oortaln Hindi trade, hut I purpose only to notice tho more week received invitatlo&B to attend tho bl-days with her oouniut iu this vicinity, lost tnurant there on thi> 1st nf April. Orat bolting floor, with eight reelaand two nstiir, Itov. 1. Thomas. April let, wlien they Imiiortnut points. Tlio institutions of tli is itcnnial oolebraUon of tke New Jersey Leg. week. centrifugals, or flour drossen, two. p u r i l b n The firm of Wililay &. Knrlfn, Moninf invn pnrtnershlp by mutual oonseuti Mr. YiiiinKMiioirii 1.111 apiiropriiillng ^30,000 ropulilio wero formed for tho benefit of tin out of business. ono wheat separator, antt bran dustoi has beenrtJHsnlveil nnd Mr. Win. B. KIU-IM Wlea Annie Yotumnn, of Newulc, isritltiDfi •oing ir Bfwcrlug nnd improvements nt the Lunatio nliuli; pociplu, ami wero niivwdcparturo from islaturc; Too fitrnooo company are going to put a BX-8EMATOI1B. rehitivcs nnd friends In this vicinity. new nldlng in at Stanhope station ta bald and two aspirators, maohinQry for oleaning Asylum at Morrin Plains passed the Beiiate. tho old Bj'fltcniB of barbarism and monarchy. H Dcaoh, Aug. W . CuUor, holr "Jims" it is anld. I notlw thnt a uiso middlings. "',. Mrs. Josephine Guerin, of Uorrlttown. is Tint EKA hnn lici.li ilcslinialnl n" ""e nt tin Jfr. Wm. II. Oondalo liftfi detenu)tied N'nw t i e ijucstlon nrisoB—ahall wo demon- Aug. C. Cornfield, John Hill, ' ~ ivo got in hehind the depot i" too s spending aome time with her pareutn, Mi "llio am (loor oontnins 13 reels, flv EX-ASBBHCLIHHd. p-\pera of tlie poiitity tn pnMisli the IIIWH of rfnttn to tlin world that niir Knpublican form u u u u . . . awhile. Tboy try tn ontwd in oni and atrs. Button, '-: ; Hen, ono centrifugal, ono polisher or wbsat the prfHFiil flwsiuFreeman Wood, A. C. Von Duync, more than H will botil, yonfcnnw.onooi n ropcrty icccutly purcHnsod of Mr. Sura. »fK' Mnihanlel Kllesy olonner and two bran dusten. \ .H Mr, Totton a n d l l n . Button aro on the slot awhile, and a oar «oea over tho ontl. D. J. The deulh i(» mm minted in Brooklyn, on II. Stanburrcugh, Nathaniel Nilcay us tbo mont buppy and independcut people in A.ohn Win. H. Howoll, list. Tho sixth story contains sovon roola, hoods Wednesday. Feb. 2IHI, nf Isruio A. Cnnfu " HW.Hat Ov< l tho world T If wo cannot prove this then our stily WH1PPANY, of all tho elevators, t w o raainniutu dust Thft Uethoaiat SooiaMo mot at tl i l W h u S T ' B. M, BkflUengcr, Jr., son of'Unao A. L'annolil, nf Morriirtnu Josso ith of February—piohal popular form of government Is a failure "ITicli*," the Irish ptpor, whoso death was rooms and ono amnU ono, eontainiug 8,IKKI . J . Wood, CUM. V, Axtoll, of Pct«r Totten, Esq., last Vriday ev The nfllfljtil Imnnl oi tlio SuceitsunnaSI. E. am than over beforo in a ooresponding History tolls na that among nations there li Wm. Joa C. Yawger, recorded la tha IIIDH UIIA last -weak, was well yartlsofransUn. Tlieo.>. W. \. • Phwnlx,, Tho ordinanoo of Baptism is to bo Church linn unnniinonhly req nested tli nglh of Uiiio. a continual etrugglo for greatness, nnd w< John L. Kanousn, John Batoa, tend to SDveral'oindldatei for adtattBion t o knovnhora at one tinio, and tUoro ii nnrdly ITioro !B also a n tndopendBiit engino power Inooh ZBufid, Wm. C. Johnson, of their pastor, Bov. I. Thonins, nnnthrr yenr. find the nation with tho 1 digest Intelligence •fust beforo going to prcna wo sotioo tlio the ehurcb, at tho Frubytorian Chiiiuh next n mlddio-aged. person in thin place but can Tor loading and usloodlug gmin and Uoi Jolin V. Poet, nn<l greatest natural resources nlwnya pre- JOB. II. Bruen, Harvey Cope, HUH of A. 11. C<i|ic, of Stnii- gmtifying HCWB tbnt the Coufurcuoo Cora Sunday uiornlng, to be followed by tho re- 10k Lack with plsunnt recollections to soon - mill now has tho fueUltlos for making E. D. Ualaey/ Oseor Lindsley, hope, hnd Lin spinal column no lindly nffectejl CQ un tlio tariff ycatcrduy odvRnocil tlin duty dominant. ThU being the faet where shall Present Mombcrs: Jas. C. Toungblood, bcptionofnowmotnbew and tho adinlnb party or dunce whioh lia or she has attended 60Ol)orrols ol flour per day, anil i t roquiroa we llnd on exouse for all the poverty nnd in foreign Iron ore. by n fall a fow wcckB ago that ho Is still kept id danced to tho uiuslo made by Mr, Hicks tlio ononnouB quantity OF 700,000 BtmiEU O P Senators Cleo. W. JonldnB, Ami! Woavernnd tlonof the Lard's Supper. ItvlU douiitlasa •qnaiorinthelandi Wehavoexisted under in bed. ou his Itiah pipes. Twenty years ngo theWHEAT TO KEEP TUB itACDLYBUr IX OPERAbo as interesting tonsou to nil present, Tlie dtamaof tho "Drunkard's Warning," a oyatem of free trade nod we have lived an. II. Neighbour, y oatnlng June tho flr*t pic-nio In aid of the ION DOniHOTHB YEAH, Ei-Qov. St.Jolin, ofKnnBftHp-willlcctii tn bo glTonatIIil>erniatlil9-8nturdny—e under a system of protection, and experience Among the ex-State of&oiata invited are A number of our young people attended a the First M. E. Church of tlifi placo on Fri-ing ia iioatponod on account of the iUness of should OBihlo tm to judge correctly whioh Thco. F, Randolph, ex-Oovernor, nud George soolat party • nt. the "rosldonoo of Joseph CotLolla Churcli, was held in tho woods near Tlio ostabuohment glrea constant on day evening of next week. Admission ono of tho company. on Wodnotdoy oveniug tho Eden paperworks. Tho 1st© Father Mud mout to 33 uilllers tuid uashitnnts and torn ia the best for the whole poople. We lobards, ex-Btate Director of Railroads, of Youngs, JIorristOTm, den was tlion pastor of that ohuroh, and tho coopors in thotwo oooper ebopi a fow rods 85 cent*. tat. ' ' ' :: .' It is generally beliored tn&t tlie extension say without hesitation proteotion, but no ii» county. largest number of people who ever attended , tT. Dr. Lnrow Ins been engaged to gi< af the I)., L. it. W. Boil road and its now cou monopoly. Just hero I pauso, for I onanot AUtheabore pfflolals of the past are yot Mtsaes Mbnio tnd Bvn Ilegor, daughters aplc-nioin this place were present nn that from the mill. E, E, Regor, of Suooasiutnn, spent h u t Tlio Increased buainnss hns orentt'l a delectures on "Ministerial Health" at Drew noctloua wlil soon result in aa addition!!] do tho Biihjoot Justice without entering npou residents of tho ootraty, with the exception of o 1f g, oeeniion. Amongthem were many ladies and mand for more storage room, and tho erection Wm. J . Wood, who Is In Connecticut. Snlibnih at tha Presbyterian pnraonnge and the money question. However, 1 am a strong Seminary ou the evenings of tbn 7th and 8tU mini ber of new passenger tralnv. gentlemen from New Tort, who wora guetta of a yruso house 45x16 feet will be oomi have arranged their business-ii throo deFartnients, •of March. uwB Uessrt. C. F. Kindred And brother, of Mln protectionist, ttiid I vrnnt a kind of protection Ht tlio Coghlan mansion, Some of them wero within a fow doya. A Crying Shama. A debating olnS Was organised at tha Sir. E. S. Moffnt, of Scronton, late of Stan- n&soti, who have been the mopt euooo*«fiU that will protect—fh&k will give to the rail- It U reported on goad authority tlmt a •ohooi house, on Taesdav oronlug lant. Tho literary paoplo, and the wcok ieliowiug thi roader hotter wages than •t.lO per day, to tlie Ton FLOUA uAixTFAcroaet) s r TIIK O R B lopo, was on Friday last eltioted ono of thi irorris Count? men in the West, paid e flying mooting will beheld on Tueaday fiyen- appeared in the Now York Tablet a pen picminer more than W.25 per day, and to tbeyoung and hitherto respccitablb girl of tbi next Inirof nost woek, andthequaationtobo dia- ture of tUa scene nt tbo plo-uic. Ur. Hloka ILL JttLLtKO COUPAMV UTIB ATTAt Managers oi the Amerloon Institute of Mining risit to their futher on Thursday. farm laborer more than f l per day. But Ur. town bat beoa induced ta entar a houso of i c d is "Which is the stronger passion was present with lila "plpca" and a platform ^OnLD W1DK KBVUTAIIOIf FOn> SXCB Engineers. Tho Trenton Times of Tuondoy "roota" Hewitt and his does eome to the front and had roputfl in Now York city, and that tho KD IT COMMANDS A IIBADT BALB J was ereotod far him, and thasa who did The Conference Committee on the Fost Horaethlng Into Brother Bwrooll, of the New- gay wn mint open ear ports wider far Spanish arraDgeraenti for tho bartering away ofllfo iailSBT HA11KCT PBICK. oara far " oowtllllons," hut vrore fond and honor were nude with tho full oonient 'Offioo Appropriation bUl has agreed upon ton Herald, thnt will just now destroy hia in- and othor Europi A Model rarrngf. I n all tho eight ycara the prosont company 'Lepplagtho step ofanate Irish jig," Tlie and actual aielstonoe of tbe mother of the terest in tha funerals of other people. Those who httVoUo4.Uio plooauro of tbitOctober 1 as the date at whioh a cent country almoit free of duty. Tot wo haro oil hna owneil too mill t h e ntoppnaes onnsod by ll flUeJ with ILe leading artioles of trade In the various brashes. The flrit d j i r l ieserlptlon given in too Tablet w u »o comgirl. Wo can hardly Imagine snob a tiling, g the place of Mr. William 11. Steward, near all leading artioles of trade I shall go Into effect. The now boot ami shoe store uf Goo. I abundance of Iran and etoel ores in our mounplete that many of those whoso style of dano- breaks and oountmotlng t h e now addition t o ment \ ment embraeeB em IB, with sufficient skill and labor to pro- and would not think of even hinting i t in a Cheater, express the Iwllef that It Is ono of A epesjal train was run to Hoboken on Wed- ardH it Co. hus been opened and thoir three the mill, and ab&nglug (jf tho machinery froi paper, wore it not tlmt our information nesday evening to attend the hall of tho iw Rtores now present a lianfluomu nppenr- duce them, and if our ores contain any impur- comes from a thoroughly reliable source. Wo tbe finest homesteads to ba found in all tbia ig was doaeribod wero rocogniscd. . Uaay of the old to tho new building, and t h e convert. Audio from hia pleasant resldcnoi thoao who attended that plo-nlo and danced ing of tha Improved machinery to tha roller d of£oe«ngtiEO Engineer*, •which ice. SCQ tbolr new advertisement thU week. ities we havn prooeaioa that will rnnko them alao loom that through the Bftroo party otbi Fox Broe., of Hockairnyt have sold fanrtoi pure fttid markotAblc. I hope the dnjia m>t gkls ia Dover have been solicited to talto bis farm buildings aro models In thoir exter- with their Bweothearts aro fathers and raoth- process, tbo mill has boon, ran nlgnt and day nal appearanea and ^hoir intomni oonve&ito4ay, irith sous nnd aftugbtsrs old without a loss of more than alx nioatas time. The total eclipse of the sun on tliu Oth of magnificent ohcBtnut logi meoturlng from two far distant when the labor of our country will the same step. It ia horrible to think thnt encoB. Tho modern applknoe* for storing enough to dance at pio-nlca, Bnt it it safe to Say will last six minutes nnd astronomers to three feet nt tho fcutt. Tlioy hnvo boon be elevated to a higher and nobler standard, such things OUR ho done in a civilized i and hundline materials are used, and tbe orsay tliftt no longer period will probably ooi invert at the Roohnway saw mill for John when competition with foreign ncrvilo labor muiiity without punishment being visited raugamonta far feeding and waterlog h k fino say that nonfr of them wUl soon forgot Father Tho Best M Well as the Cheaptst. Vadaen's pio-nia at whioh "Old Hloks" played will Io stopped, anil when other reforms benin tho next Imndred yours. Gco. Riohardi ic Co. io not offer an Inferior stock aro complete. His wat«r Is brought hia Irish pipes. to tho roaagca will he brought about, ipon the perpetrators and abettors of suoh It Is natd that Mr. Apgor, living near Culi- th&t tho world mayaco tho good losulta groi crime. If the mother mentioned has aught from » spring n quarter of a uulo distant and nrtiolo, but Babbitt's B«st Soap for tS.25i>or No country in the world la said to hove Repairs a t the Eden paper works sre fast, many large nndoxpennivotlepntnai tlo United fon, who recently attompteil suicide by mil ng out of a republic tbat is " n government of that Is womanly loft in her nature, or If alit distributed throughoutbu bullduigs. As Mr. drawing i*> n clime, Tlio maohinory has nil box, or 17 ookei for $1. and in enob br&nch are new nni replete Mockg of goods. The second dopi States. Om D., L. it W. structure ia an ei tine liis throat, will recover. Tho wiqdptp' tbe people, by tho people and for the people.' can realize anything of tho torture that Is Seward goo9 to hisbuslnoss la tho city every icon put in order and will soon coinuinuue juet opeued, Lau n largo a took of paper. Oito of the tnnehices will bo A Great Stealing fhntio endorsement of thU fnet. wan Boveroil. lint, by Vfeptng him in a rnrtali iniing mid returns in the evening it is a inking to eorao to her in the future for comlgQhnngod from Fourdiuier to CyUudoi, whioh to hare a bottle Compound Tar Conga Syrup liOHitian tho Incised parts aro joining. wonder to tlioso who witness hie perfect sye§ bolter adapted to tlio tnateurnoture of thi A "wonther observer" states thnt there halag this young gtrl to a life of guilt and BBSJ. FIAHTEY. (luJa tliD time to uiauituiu and kind of paper which tho mill will bo run oi iu your house. I t may iave yonr lifo and the A mnnbaviiiB every nppcarftnrc of watiit; been but two pleasant Hundnys olnco TbanksPort Oram, Feb. 20th, 1883. "lauio, flho -will hnatcn to do nil Iu her powci when it starts, tissue Manilla, whioh ia UNIU. lives of TOUT children. care for it all. It is an exemplification of tlie very KM nbout town Wcilnesdny CVHIIIUK, nm giving being DeoPinbor 17fU and 31at. Ever extensively for patterns us well as for a irculaliiihurofTifpriiig. fact that intclllKcnco can ho used to good variety of otuer purposes. Tlio machinery in •fiunilny this yenr biu be nil stormy. The Powder Depot AppropriationFolny. tbe O if ord wife murderer, kheapit&go in farming aa well aa i s nnythtag the cotton factory has reoently been oloonsu bg liicd by Hr. W. A. .Tneknon an an csenpod hi Tho Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, which A Successful Stock Raiseron hia counsel beoanse ha haa Tho moi'tingainthn Roeknwny Presbyterin and the supposition is that it will start soon. o_goanathemas to State prison for ten yean. Tbebrnte Dr. W. A. Couover, proprietor of Iho Pohat'Church, under the dirootiMi of Rev. Mr. Ui nntcoftlmMiHTia Pluiud AHJIIIID. lit; wn iBSBed tlio Houue last Friday, contained the Twenty persons, old and young, united hinks thst a terrible heavy punishment for ir every kind of wear, embracias all that is ow in pattern and dnruble In servis*. ipproprliition for this yenrV wort at th :nkcn in churgo and returned. mg Vnlley Stoclt Farm, npnr this pine • Jorwoml, lire atlll continued with grent nticthciuselvos will) tho Prcsbyterim? Churoh only killing hia wife. _ J P Tho third ilepnrtmon ia dovoled to A Testimonialbore last Sabbath morning, as tue result of ~ Tho family mid friends of tho rmcrnb] «atinny Powder nepot, ncsr tills jilaeo. The lipped on Tucedoy of tli ia -wcclc, Jlvo vn recent rovtv&l there. Nearly all of thom rc ippropHation etarttd tlirough tbo . Hon. James II. Neighbour ia in receipt Mr. nnd Mrs, Gideon I,. Savage, of Mcndliam, IN AND ABOUT DOVER. Wlggf ns, great storm Is d«e between tlin 9tli tho rite of baptism at tfco aiuno tuuo i^iHliUion at *1SO,000 and hue bocu gradunlly Bey calves tn Itiolianl Put era, Esq., of Atlnnt, ho following testimoulol of the appreciation eeived aa dill also A nutntor of imallor chUdrou. nnd 11th inst. If all Hint lio predicts i* to When in need of timber of any kind it vhittled down to tho proaent iigurcn. Tho " ' Tho eonntilenitinn paid for tho four boi if his fellow townsmen, respective of party, Jn!in N. Voorhe«a. a native nnd a. losldont Como trim the fnnnnra Imd lirltpr anchor their li!!K nt tlinir bmun near this pliiec on tlio Ifit [i great (liflnpiioint: ]f fiilirtmry. Children, granilcliildrci] an, imo nit is ud one litill calf, uns, wo undcr«ttnni], or HA notion upon tha resolution to indeu- of this nlaoe all his life up to a few years ago, wilt pay to anualt Qeo. Plerson. liay Btneltn anil nil other innrrtlilo property. s[ -ANUed at the residence otlits daughter, In Mowthat nt lens! ?!Wl,0m (2,300. Sir. Peters is laid to bo ono of tlio nitcly poatpono tbn action of ths Homo upon jre&t-jrriiiiilrliililrcii to tho number of Ihitlj •ontldpntly A Three-kneed Bled for OVo. A Snow k, laat wcok. Ho kept tho store now oooilTlio Intent npplicnil; for help from tlio Fireilil bo apprupriatecl for tbo worlc this H nt laud proprietors, a&wcll QH uue uf Lh tho prohibition amendment: ed by I. H. Poihormu, Jr., for man; Tears, Shovel Tot 80a., a t tlie Stave Store of AUei men's Relief AcHoriniion is Mrn. Hcnrdict ltuoMt* OF TUB REPOIIH CLLII, o luiioiint of the nppro|>riatioii last ,,.... woiilttiiest, of Ocorgla'H gfutlcmrn. Ho-nl ..id is tbo last of a long list of old people, Bhiilcokcr, whobwonhcr ploaon tho ground Kdivnrd fluilon, nf Hoonto who for reflldonta of this place, whose names wora 0 575,00(1, Innnswcrto fin inquiry about Dovnn, M. J,, Feb. 26,1883, ily liml noinc Bevcnty-fivo head of llioi published a few years ago, His ago was S3 molmsliffTi wnnted for on tliat Acnodict -wnB n Rood fircmim. Jnot so. i-ii.ili.nl the bill Hon. ,Tolm Hill write* us : an sea Ihe redaotlons which Laager ihlirod Jortoyn, but wrote Dr. Conovor t :ION. Jns. II. NEionnoiiH. ye&.t and bin remains won Interred la t l o id will nlwnrg carry comprehensive stnckflof Rnildcr*s HardLtilt CiiiuiniM.-il in tuin plno;, waa brouSht DEAR Slit: Wo liaxe tho pleasure aa well old liurylng ground here, Mr. Wm. Grcrfic returned home from Colt Mowery bave mnd» la orockorj, bals, Bond him tbo oalvi-s an a foundation herd " I enclose tho bill as it passed Iho Ilou ia tlio honor of convoying to you n vole af l.niToii MOIVIII.T cvcniiip itml tiiken In-- I'OO will BOH tboy have cut down tho npp wnre, lllachimitli Hardware, Plumbtr & ' Materials, Cat orado this lvcelr. On hid return he will tnko Tho Worooa'a Christian Temperance Union booln, flsnaels to. T h e ; ere deunnfcMoftho Itefurm Oluu for yourvoto on JiiitKO Wood, who, after n LcarlBu, re- >riittion for the powder ilefot to $10,000, hold ihelr nomt-raonthly meeting in tho Pipe, BlecJimiics' TOOIK, Sicnm riltitigs, Slcnm IJrilli, -With hiin hlnaonH T>iiilil> nnd William, to an- 1 termined to tedaae tlielr itoek in theis lie iuilollulto noatponoment of tbo probi- will L lirociler. Such "night unncen" BBles Church on Friday oventiig, ed him to fimi!nli (500 bondn to miswrr to igainst nil proniisoa. I have tried to get it HIIOTCIS, P i c k s Hiiliimne, Pusc, anil ever)thiug elsthlmiii the mitsiug ontcrpriao in wliioh lie tit Inn unieodiuuut. An anutmaceraimt of your PresiiytBHau ily flpcnk we1! fcr tho Dnctor'a strain, whioli Eev. Wr. Parker — i ~ - - • *'•- " - - ' goodi and it will pay all to etnu Ine them. next Grand Jnrv. tction, with a tow remarks, » M roceived conlaincfl i n file line of liardwnrc. •cconeiderea br the ficniilo Appropriation v« should «iy, Hint it hdioovca tnmo of r an addMsi iniiil prnat nsd onthualoitio appl&uso. A vote Uhurah, MorrUtown, v, ^oiniiiittne. Sfiintnr Sewell will endenvor to A tonni of horsoe belonping to MCHWR. TalTB to licnr in luiml tbnt g.'ui] blood tolls. if tlutnkuflof tho cluli wna propusod and innuiinoualy adopted, and a «otmnunlantlan ;et it rninpil. I li:m< srrti AWnon, tlio Cbnir- —Huckettfltoivn ltopublipaTi. mcr nnd MtDarit ran nwny from in front of SUCCASUNNA. .f tlin PresUloiit nnd Soorfttary, attesting tho tlio post office lnHtSaturdny nnd-n-rrc brought action of tho dub, was ordered forwarded t o Mr. Sidney T. Bmith bos bought t i e itore at The Vigilant Ball. to a stnudfitill hy n tree neni Clark'e hlnokassert to us tho well known fact thnt bri- Iho conmiittoo tbit motuing nod stated vnur uttcst. Naugbright and commenced bu*uioaa, I t Is amitb Hhn|i. Brother Gibson in liniulflomo as well an Mm. he facts. Thpy promised to look into the Tbc committees of Vigilant Hose Company F. V. WOLFE, President. reported that bo U also about to embark V . H. aiLLBF, Beoretary. Tho Bnxhury Tempfrniico Alllnueo -will Ltmgtry.—UnckcttMown Republican. Al! of matter and sec what tltoy could do, and Son- rn nlrently pcrfucHng tlio arrangements for another enterprise. May Joy and prosperity attend him in bath, •meet nost Tucs'lay cvonbig iu tho Drnkwvillo ••hioh confirms our cBtinmto nf the Rood judg- itor Kitwcll HitVH lio will follow it up. This in inntinunt E^tcr Mon.lny boll. TliU wook Barb Wire Fencing. hnnl crowd.' I wen in tho committee daily it orrliontrjv of Kcvcn picoci from QUmoro'tt Dnptist Church nt7^0 oVlnnk. Addrcasrn ment nn.l tnstnof tha nforcsniil lndipn. DokinR after tho tliin S ; wonlil leave it nil uiiouB bnml, of New York eity, lins been on- This fencing la getting Into vory general H t a Amelia Bturapf woa lomo on a visit last •will bo detivowd by Rove. JIcsBra. Clnnsoy, week and Wednesday evening her young "Win. E Church, E«q., of Morriatown, was i ht one dny mid find It so. I t la found that it ia tho olie&poat and nil wrong tbo LCXI. ngt'd, ami the frtvor for tho ladlon older of K Sloddard nnd Thomas. in Wednesday appointed by tho Prcaiilftnf, t H cuougli to Hioken a man with having itnco hna born flooded. Ilnndeomo as its bent fencing. Tho breadth and strength of friends gave her a mrprtnee party. Thoy hod Five himdred ilnllnni of nifkela pnintd in uKtit to do with Ctmgresaioiiftl oflmraittecs- reilefeBBom hnvo been wo know tlmt it far tliis Industry is attested by s. list of forty good time nnd went homo In the small hours 1883 were lirouglil to pover recently. Aa Fimtico of the Sit],rc»ic Court of Dnitnta Tcr- hcro is so niucli wnrrinn nn<l chf.»gii»g of laeods them nil. To show tlio ical of tbo mpanios, representing large capital and a ifthemornfng. lias removed to tlie The sociable at Ur. William Todd'a Friday tlcHB wern the last of the old stylo nlchclft, -Itiiry. While all will rop-ct tin appointment rout wo hitrdly liii»w whea wo aro aaifo. 1 I-ilrtatB to [ili'UHO their fricuJn It need enly tapnclty of 60,000 tons product annually, cupicil li.v and the coinage of tliiH year not jet being very int removes BUCII a highly flutoeinod pnntloprehension at ana timo feared, of In- evening was a very plcoaaut affair. Tho D said tlmt every Ir.dy wbo onteig tho grand •nlieio yon nssortment great, they -will doubtk«i woon booomo rure inn from our county, they will hanteo to join orfedtho hill to tlio House to find it cut mreli rfceivcfl n favor that actually oasts injuriag cattle, ie rldiuuloiu. Any one to attendance was nnuauaUy largo.' Tho spel" • ^ f f r o i ?vei- BCCU i a i enngratiiiMing }iiui upou lii« sclccficn for ling match was so short and cosy th'at tbow l o k at tho length of tbs spikes ean see for ,or.) thau the value nf tbo tlokct thnt admits own to M0.000, nftrr liciug assured it would ^ 1 ^ tbis ieh QIL iiujiortaut and liouorj>lilo ponltfon. who tail tip stairs and hlil will, I presume, be SherllT Unwell IUHIIO tlio following salon on o nt lnast 875,000. I siippoao it was ilonfi to ,-r and lirr partner. Johu V. Wood and himself low boselcsB la suet an Idea. hoa. V- Joliiuon have liocn appointed Ofldst- S. II. Berry's Hardware Store-Sign of tba willing to participate noxt time. Mlisej Clara Moiidny lnst: Snrnh A. Topping vs. A. Drake; Hr. E. It. Cripitcn hai rcnU-d tho (.turn in Over 500 Different Designs. Bold for $1,550. Catherine Crann vs. Atinira leUriclt blocfe now occupied l.y M. KinKS- f tlui apiiropriation for tlio Pictntinny dupol. :iU to Jus. P. Kclley, Floor MansRcr. Tlok- Padlook-la headquarter* for tUU feneing. and Hattifl LnrrlMU contributed largely to enjoyment of tbo evening by their imiftfn, Colo; HOliltocmnplftinnntfiirHaSn. Joseplms ,11-JT, nml will ujHii it April ldt m n (irnt-cla«a 'heir oicuso to mo was that they thought it :s for the ball will aoon be oucrcil for aalo by For full portioalars ooll at his place and get t* All orilciH (jiven lu'in hlnll t oflllecli n lsodidtfr. Than. Uoieler and MluAnnlo E. Dixon VB. Wm. II. Taylor i sold to com- iitliing, lint, enp and general furnishing ,IHB to cut down tho expenses in thst direo- ic members and should moot with patronage spy of tbo " Barb Wire World " FBBB. sliort order, .ird guurnutccd entiaHIU. l every hand. plninnnt for MOO. footion, or money rcropilcd. Them will bo a publlo debate in the base, Obituary* ' Donaldson, tho nrt in t, hns tnado n linndnnnie cw York and will make a apcclnltj of tho ment of the Baptist Church nt Dratevillc, The friends aero of lit. and U n . Henry D. An Important Decision. Firs In Momstovvn. H0S. WALSH, KTsuEion House picture! in -wntcr poli.rs of Ihe Intn Minnie intent linHinefli. J^fr. r*ripin>n i* n gnntloman Saturday evening, by tho members ut ths In the United Staton Supremo Court nt Cbirgwln, lvhirli ho hna presented to the , ^nofl liii^liicHn nhtlitioA mifl in p^nprally A Uro hroke out Iu tha ADD rcBldunoe of Van Noatrand, of Jersey City, hare t«araod Drakevllle Lyooutn, Tho tiuostloa as I undorBloclr, Opp. Jamos Coin's iother of the dend giil. It ie really a work of liked. Wo n inli lilni the largo «noci>en ho dc- cnlou lnat Friday, in tho caac of Ilalfluy vs. Mre. Tointor, on Elm street, Horrlatoirn, on with deep rr jrot and sorrow of the loss of ttandltisi Kwolveu, That the time has como anatbuof their BOM, Matthew A.) the jouagsliigh Viillcy Railroad Cuiufiniy, n deeisiua Satordny morning last, wlriob proved » dlffinrt and highly cotnpliincntEiry to tho skill of srven. Shoe Store, Borer. est,wliO(e dosth Meurreil at thtir home on for on fttnondraont to tho Constitution of the WIIH rendered thnt tlio rulo (o ihow cause bo Mr. Donaldson. BIr. T. A. Dickc.Tnan, who fi.rnenrly ttcclvo discharged. It will bo M me moored that dt one to fight for the ranaan tbat tho flames on Tacadaymonung-Josb Matthew was In United States, girtng wotuon the right to raged between tho walla and ceilings, puzl * \Vlicn tlio Morris county miner stepn up to yearA lias bppn nne of tho mnnt popular and to. l itiita wore trinil nt Blnrrlfltnim about a zling tho firemen considerably, and causing a the JBth year ofhla igeT" Ha'waa a young tho pollrt to vote ono week from next Tucaday "efficient cleric* in town, has been taken as a of great promUe, Idtfh^ esfedmed for fhe Some one oume in Ur, C. N. Lund's shoa ago, nil of which were brought by the he ahould rrmember thnt only one Democratic urtof r into tho business of bin employer, Sir. lltlwy eatato or thdr tenants to recover groat deal of damage to tlio building imd poBaession of many food (junlitfos, and grpatly tiap Saturday evening, tho 17th u l t , and furVituro beforo they were extinguished. United Slatca Scnntor rnted to protect his in- lohn 11. riernon, the well known li utter and loved in the home oinlo,. His death leoros tolo liia revolver. Ur. Lund says be knows igns from tho Lcliigb Valley Railroad tercut by tlio increase of tlio duty on foreign olothier, nud the flrni will bereaftcr bo known Company, lessees of the Morris Canal, for Tho «une home cnugnt flre only a ahqrt time but ono lurviyiOK son, Ip this ssd affliction Who tho thief li, and If ho wlahea t o avoid ago from tha explosion of a lstnp. Tho origin as J. II. Pifi-son &. Co. The whole commuiron ore to $1 pop too. of power at thoir mill and forge at Hnck- of tho recent flre Is unknown, but la supposed Hp. and Bfra. Van KoBtrand have tho abicere trouble lie had hotter return It. . . . nity will join usincangratulnting "Ad."upon SUSSEX St., DOVER, snd abiding Bympathy of thoir many friends y, resulting from the diverrion of the Mr. Abraham Tygar was taken to tho Insane Wm. Toole, of JUno Hill, driving with bis i\n preferment, and in winning for tho now for the Winter Trifle nith t k a bnvo been from a defective fine, The lose lore and elsewhere.^ roidy to meet tho d«it»ndi or dealers In ii prepared sylum at Morris Plains for medical treatTenter of tbo Hociatray river into the canal •mother and a. littlo girl, van into another Inn a long and proppcroui career. greatest Hock e m seen in Dover of lent Wednesday monthiir. nt Dover. All tho suits resulted in verdicts It estimated atf5,OD0. wagon on West Blnobwnil Htreei, lnst fiatnrMr. Ilenry Doering lost another hone Satfor the plaintiff, amounting iu the aggregate riay nfght, nnd fill wero thrown out trith grent Of Interest to the Tr^lown Cast. urday. This mnkentwo torses and a mule he Wall Papers, Borders, NothinfftoSill. between (7,000 and $8,000. The Railroad force. Happily, none of them Tvero Bovnrely At the Car ShopsUr. Neighbour, soya the Banner, has intro- kos lost within a few months. Tb f h injured, but the wagon ivft* quite bndly dam- TIio eztonsloc of the freight and passenger company then carried tho cases to the Thepnlitlealasflooiataof and apologist for d'aood In the LcgfolstureitUU unaotins that vlt«d Dados, Ceiling Decorations, p r e s c i e d iuoh».!l ..„ iilevea who occupies the high and mighty poSupremo Court on a rula to show cause why aged. arrangomnnta of the J>., L. &. W. road is Everybody who deals in llietboye nil! flud sition of "assistant editor" oa the tuird-ntte l enss* of ranrder a writ of error may be ercatlj Burpritod at bis mistakea kindness. his unknown friend was entirely off i to Uieir beaeQt la bnjloff of him. Be kdups and every thing in that Hoe, comprising hon"That's thr stuff which is kilUng n«," re- bringing a great rash of worlc to tho Dover tho verdicts should uot be set aside and a TMwspipcr knowTi as the Warren Journal, Is oomed of right instoad of a writ of grace as UsD bsara u e . Tho foots are those, Having fiusltie boit »t tbo lowest nirknt pnops, Gife ored or new and elegant designs, from lUe trial granted. The decision discharging c&r shops. All the departments are crowded at present. A hill of similar Import was roarlicd a brawny miner as a long train loaded dUcuaring the ranjeat of sdling out From teas iaptym ho happened there at the Ume itm An order *a<1 7<>D will be ooavtaaed titit dhoe pent lo iho costliest, sod roprcsenflair thon»ndsof dollaia ta mine. A view of this> -with red Spanish ore passed tho Dover depot with work to b« done and new bands u e bo- tUs rule upholds tho verdicts and denies new appearances ha would never adl for anything passed a few years ago and under it seyera] in ladles were malting projinmtiotu ta atart Ire »tod lot live U bis moito. itock will convince any that I SJH tho laritssk tbs othor day, nnd j e t only one Democratic igiulded erery day. Thirty crippled box trials. Then ore similar oasea on the Wwt- bnt (rreass, and whoever bought him for that criminal* under sentence of death scoured and so he concluded to wait and BED them off. dealer ia Northern New Jtrsej. I ha Yd toad* •! i #ido of the Hopateong Summit depending e waited for | oamiderabletimo, bnt having either a reversal or boramutatlan of their U. S. Senator voted to protect the Morrii ears for rebuilding, were brought tn on Mon•woald feel badly sold trhnn hs dlaooTcred that arraneemenU with tho raaimhetarers £ » ». urgent btulncu at home he eaold. wait no this decision, which estattisbci the right sentence. Finally it was declared tinconstlday in one train, and twenty new box oars lirse number of jab lots of paper* I county miner against this product of pauper bis purchase was composed of two-thirds longer, so ho started for homo taking tbo of all cither parties to reoorsr damages susm T n am now ia nourse of instruction at these itlonsl because, as wo understand, i t ignored lorteit nnd quickest route. Qo had no do* labor. blabber and tha balance bloat. w un o m V •hops. So great Is the work of thn road that tain od by the diversion of the water M often the Supremo Court altogether and appealed lira whatever to accompany them, nor wa» U M Ur. A. IT. Smith, of thii place, h u b«Dome the shops arc unable to cope with the demand, at they may oeour. H. C. litney, Esq., was in the least disappointed, that be did not directly to the Court af Errors and Appeals. lie leocive on inTltntkn to do l t l l ] R Pedsitrlantim. thapOBMUorofaTiolln.-ffhiahU believed to and ten nrtw pusenger ean for the Morris ic tin Connsel for the plaintiffs and has carried The Dennlle hotel prnperty tn Ibukswsy While It lasted it was however a lucky law w w nd Dovxx, N. 3., Feb. « t h , 1883. for some fellows. ha & gcnnlntt Cwraono. Bom© «ipert* oi- Essex Division are being built at Wilmington, hard fought coco to a, gratifying result owmhlp, Monlt d o , N . J..is far ssie by Urn K U ,.— , r , , - ^ , — NotliiriftooulilhL.The challenge In the EEA lost week from Eiecoiors of Dirld t h u s h . I t cm.ilili of preiu tho belief that it was made by Stradl- Del, which will be sent here for painting and o niluq<4 him to ooootnpnny thom. Tho intiDhs Larney and Wflliiun Bermitigham ia noT&rina, and others the opinion that It was furnishing. The paint shop, In nartlanlar, Is mation that his matrimonial prospects arc February Ore Shlpmtnuit&Oscrei of Imd, Wtasteone mile from • • - " * does not alarm bun in tho least, mpted and ths stakea will be Ineteasod to niide by Jo«ph CanarJiu,ftpapil of StrndiDraw Seminary U i a i t50,GOO. enwdad, cad It U reported that u ad...jp Tiber. A pnnnl»r lintel sUnil, and ID Tbe cm shlpmcnta over the High Bridge connlders how nnmeroun t l o old itnmor reidil; filled nliU bourdon. dition to II will ba erected beforo long. There Tho New York Supremo Court ban rendered $100 If they win meet the undersigned at J. Branch fur the lnst month were as follows i and maidens ore In this vioiaity ami decision declarlne invalid the will of W. U. P. Efrsn's, - I D ono month from signing artiI. T. UENAOH, nooki-inr< -iw anxious tlioy arc to experience tha joy» Ur. George Beam shot a «Ud o»t on SoooolevoiyprospeetthitUiehicreased needs of Hollis, • BrooUyn lawyer, who died In 1881, cles all emogenienta will be nude and a.Through to PhMlpidiurg and points beyond, and 3, H. NEianDOUR, n&tt. sorrow* of matrimonial life, •j^e Mountain lost week. T h o u t was njoite tbe road will make tha work at these shops 33,133 tons and 3 cwi, grosa J local, to Clou: E3 o r t s m i o x l , 'sB O r o o (Jsj a EXHDton. leaving moro than half of his utata, valued •take holder will he appointed. ^Urge, of* mkltean color, and George ia eihib-, Stanhope, Ooonton, etc,8,743 tons; total, anent and that they will steadily Increase t«lSO,000, to be divided between tho Wos3ovcr, Jstmsrj l » b , IR8S, 9-tf ipllt nambon, Latieetrnml. IIarnh»m Temperance Lecture/ ' ;\r JOHH DXEOT, ML Hope. Jtiuffttinaitgnst do*l of pride. He v u their eapaoitlee and working forces. 20,874 tons ond 3 cwt. 1 nil Common Trout, Dlnek Baiii Hoa J P. St. John, late tke prohibition Uyan Univarsity, of Connootiout; the Drew ont pgaln with HM dogs tsit day and ran anThe total shipments bror. the Mount Hope Governorr of tho State of Kansas, will lucture ana Plektrtl UUDS. Thnologieal Seminary, of Vew Jarsey, and Randolph Republican Cauoui. «ther oni Iu tho roetts hut did nrt euosMd in Important to Phfilolims •ndBuitnBii Man- ttdHsthoOat Church, of Orient, L, 2. The The Bepufcliaui voters of Randolph Tovm- Mineral HaOrcud for February were I0,Bll ia tbe First M. E. Clmrob, on Friday evening, Rcrln, Llnw, KIICK, Honks, Bnilteti, « l c jgottiag It—Bwkettatoira Qaiette. H. P. Sanderson, the eaniagQ and wagon widow began an action for tha oonstmoUon of Wp ara reqnettod to meet lit Hollar's Opera ms and 1G cwt. March Oth, upon tbo subject of tomporanoo, A fall tf iorlment cnoitiotly oa uimlotbcit B. F. Heslop, whs diMovend the mlns on dealer, has Just got in' a two^wheeled vehlole, wili, and tha SnfcUl Tern oeli that the House, on Thursday eveninft, Marea 8th, Ofortho inbernU Ulna Railroad the aggre- The prioo of adniiuslaa wiU ba SO nnd 35 ots, •nd common tits shore of lake HepBtoo>g>aor this L*ke which U suitable forall men doing business bequests were valid to the extent of one-half 1B83, at 8 o'elooic, for tliB purpose of nominat- gate shipments for the month wers 8,856 tans Diagrams of tho reserved seats may bo aacn ' , Vfaw Honis, U now working it for W. H. Her- on the wad. I t Is M ooostrnoted that you do tto estate. An appeal was token by bothing * tlolcet to h« supported at ihe ensuing nd 11 offt. nt D. 8. UorrbWi, irlore tickets eon be Bpeeah a n a U n a l e L o » d l - c Gnxu, n w d gn nd >< b bo kH b UH AN o ^ekt-Co.f ofNowYork. Vhe mine, which Is nothaveany bars orbraoes to ollmb oierln parties. X oeeliion wai handed down Tues- township clootbtt. . .IBAAO W" SBARCTO, and ill ihelr uitarc*. obtainpd. Look at the Figures. f o M m DG en the Wolden range, baa dereloped a rein getting In or ont IJMIIM a«d elijldren ean day 1Q fcrtw of fko plaintiff, declaring the 0WBEB, SHOT, 01P3, GLASS DAT,T,fl, Ac, . Chairman f I DR » V A D Babbitt's Best Soup Is now to lie bought Of Soap. of Dno ore, about foux feet wide. About 200 getlnaaeasUyMtherdoiipaphHton. Jfits m D R S a and F oo O C o h piilld " VOORHBFS BROTHERS, Qeo, Ilicknrdfl ft Co, for fS.B9 per box, or If S larga oakei of Tallot Soup, a Chroma and RT n m m tons have been tafcsa ant, u d new onex!bitionatinyTeposltary> Call and look K H TU m H N * Fins Slock t p Select Fran. otkes Ib^n. HandkeroMet'in ono box for 39 eta. at HAUDWA1IB AMD II10M WER0HANT9, will soon bs added to Inersue the output A H B T& O W W It over. Pries low. X t a r e also on hand a O a M w m O N WM ATTH Yoke of Oian for Gilt. Ten artr platform and three spring wagon a Uo f % U K » 'ought & Kiugore'B. MOHMSTOWH, N. J . o R D o b m K Tha new comet diseoTered by ptot. Swift large stook of carriage an3 platform wagop*. A good working yoke of oxen, ibar yean f various styles n a y bo seen At Sanderson's Brushet. LU uo o o £ oh Friday night alnadjriuu a toll half a deIL P. fUSBKUOV, DOTKH, If, J . Aid, Hnd and well broken. Apply to ftgt tt Killgaro dltpUy s > large new repository on Sussex street, togefhor vita a D m m mD Babbftt-i Beit Soap & OM M • D r stock of Point, Vncnlsh and Kalsosuno S-STT Q- A. Howxu, PUndem. flno lot of oarriftges, sold for W.25 pur box. or 17 cakos for SI, at nm h o h m |f tha qamflt hoopa up Its pnsrat rate af develBrashes. . Look at their stock, n -r; P •» ' - - " l d & C mU o w m opment 1* may iizoMd tbo great «omat of hut Go la itcCWIT, the Dover pentlit.md Rtt m d w b m o b L " Chsiper Than Dirt." A Big Saving in Soap John I, Balth, eiocotor of Wm. Smith, nrt-l-oU>« fU net ol tcttl) For *10, s. U5 Sft m fear in tplendar. In a jeor that has started m T M N nr tlo, TVlmn tnclb are eiffictfil to bo r* A Fir* DiipU/ To the All-lcteiJ. off with i s many startling evvnts aa IBTB debased, will ssU at Btenbepe, Tfaunday, Dirt Is not at oil oheau when you eon luy a «tn, bo effaced by buying Dabbttt'i pesf Ehisp m w D V D with »«•* noci an n*rm •iiirEo ti math nurked tha nwt two tnontlu or US' ~ ' ' March 15tk at 3 I'. M., one cow, honMhold box at Babbitt's Soap for •5.33, or 17 cakes tor U of OBO. Richard! & Co. »5Jffl pec box, or IT tba Brick Drug Store, SO different stjles af Trusses and Shoulder Draws ai the Brick ntif-O or gis. OflUe over W1QHT0N 8 tin rtori wonld tho astrologvra do without»Wgi forfl; gwd.Mdlrtofoarpcntoi'stooU, (I,at the store of Goo. Ktchaxdjt& Co. ToUetBoap. irug Store. O DUoku A d w B D Sorer, N, J . HARV NOLAN A THE IRON ERA. ALWAYS FIRST TO REDUCE PRICES! L O O A L 3STE"WB £. LJNDSLEY & SON X PILLSBlTRrS BEST FLOUB Best! I Family Groceries I CORRESPONDINGLY LOW FIGURES! FOE EVERYTHING- NEEDED FOB THE TABLE WE ARE WOW ABLE TO OFFEE THE LOWEST FIGURES AT WHICH GOOD ARTICLES CAN BE SOLD. THE BEST, CHEAPEST, j f\mm mi j p | MOST DURABLE FENCE. S. H. BERRY'S HARDWARE STORB GEO.RiCHfllSMJo. Three Large Stores DEY GOODS, CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENERAL HARDWARE MINING SUPPLIES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES! School liousos famished coinploto with THOS. WALSH, THE ONE-PRICE DESKS, CLOTHIER^ TABLES, CflAIttS, GLOBES, CLOCKS, BIACK-BOAKDS, BOOKS, BELLS and cvoryitns required in a school. I have taken tho agency or tho GOSIIM SCHOOi DESKS, and am now prepared to furnish schools throughout. Also scats for Loctnro Booms, &c. Also igcht for the " American" School Furniture. Prices J. J. BACKOFF, nd terms glreu on appliWines, Liquors, Boer and Cigars cation to THK! S. II. BIfEESE, E. SIEBEB. PAINTER "nd DECORATOR WHOLESALE. STATIONER, BOOK SELLER, NEWS DEALER, HOTEL PEOPEBTT CONFECTIONER, FOR SALE! No. 3, Brick Block, P CTURE FRAMES DOVER. N. J. FISHING TACKLE, IS^OTIOE! Es a e of Thos 8 No an deceased DENTIST. O Pa n ng and Ch omo STATUARY n P as er o Pa s A LETTER FROM DOWN EAST BOWOK, Feb. aoth, 1M H R . EOITOB.—WO t w glad t o tay a t outset t h a t i r e have h a d t i e pleasure of s l a g a s imaginary visit to Dover each wee] while reading t h e F.BA whioh arrives "•Yankoedom" rognlarlj eTery Mom morning. W h a t a Dovor i t liae Wen of 1 too, t u u n t it I T h e temperanoe BQ«1 t h e temperance quwtiona, tbe tariff, the murder*, the dominies, tho editors, and, well, might add tho wonderful iceomplishmen' Cupid and Ujmon hare together kept pot tolling. All well enough 'tin Into, but •hall hope that the pot will not lw.1 over, oanse Bomebmtj might get scalded. N< notwithatauding t h e fact that gave your rcgulur eo>Tes]»Dndi hint that a little lc»» deloU uud more ue would be more ucccptaWu to yoi npn« we thought that Iiy way of contrast tbe recording nf all the accorcUue and cording, lho fencing and dcfonclng th»t •eeined ueceaaary of late, it woull 1»P i i eatliig both to you nnd many of your read if we uiive nonie infonnntinn coiiuerniiig a of tlio tweet chorda nnd discord* of " H u b . " W e trill t r y nn<l lie "brief," Editor, nnd keep riglit U> tho point. Au it enacted that we shall t r y to ii.tere.it• tho lawyers of Dover. I t has been oar pie ure to move nnd Imve our beiug in t oal ntnio.pl.erc of Hoston, mid lte«ldca othi of minor Importance we have lind tho pie nro of lUtenlng to good pcrfi-rmauc. groat oratorioB"Urcntion""Mc8ainli,' new nudoioclUnt oratorio, " Redumptlr. Tho former two havn dnulitlcfls been lie long ago, by at least the niUBloal ]*npli Dover, hut tho lost hiw jtrobnWy been linU to hj- fuw if any. Wo do nut hesitate in ing that tUa oratorio "Ilmlmuptiim" ia more attractive lo t h e listener, then " Messiah " can clnlm to lw, nnd such eoo to 1« thB general feeling here concerning I t may not bo no eutbftietory to tho theoi oal musiciana, b u t i t c u n l m eafitl.v wild t tho flow of H» melodies, the sinijiHcity of luiiTOOiiiet, and the cowUtent benutf of orcticatrotion, places i t among the ootapi tloni of the highest rank. Gounod, the poger, himself Hays " I t is tho v o r k o f life," and ho inay well he proud of it. Tlio wort L a lyrical aelting forth of three prcntfiicta on which depends the <->> cnoo of tli« ohriBUau churcli. Those fact* ui 1st tlie passion and .loath of the Savlcu; Ills gloriuui life on enrth frowhia Keen, tiou t o Ills Ascension, 3d tho sprend of Cliri tiiinlty tLroughout tho world through the inisfllun of tho Apontlee. Tlieee t parts of tho Trllology arc preceded i,y u loguo on tlio Creation, the Fall of our 111 parent*, »n<l tlie ProoiiBO of a Rinleeui very notlcnMo feature of tho v u r k a wt'ctaCH.) »ud solemnity of it a reoiioti* tlio extreme beauty ofltt ohoroiiBcn »f wiili " Unfold yo portnla everlostiug " is a nti lug example. The right to use t h e ore I Booro won reserved by tho composer, uifu point linn been doclilod In t h e courb hi with reference to It. Tho exoiimbe righ' U80 tho orchestral acoroin America was mired by Theodore Thomas; tho " H i and n n y d n " Suciety of Boston, for* <•« Bldoratloii. obtained from Mm tho rlghf giTOthoBnmoin tliliolty. A t t h e a a t u o t that tills Hociety was preparing to rondor another society of t i l s placo was ]i to give t h e work, having Imd a spurii orohastral loore nmujgod from t h o BOOM. An inJanaUonajahwt thornwaagroi cd and th8 Butboritiea hBTe decided tbut au prt>eeeilin.3 is unlawful. One word t o lover of rousio, if you hnve n o t hoard " Rodewrtion," hoar it, for yon will ho * i paid. D ELAWABE, LAOKAWANNA tk WBBTS&S) lt.UUlUAU. (H0URI8 ANU liaUES DIVISION.) Depots in Koir fork, toot of DtrcUy Bt. a u 1ST EJ W McEIRGAN %% Co. HOUSEKEEPING DRY COAL YARD jn4.aUFAcruB.faKs A S D WBOLESAI-B. DBALSHS u t BOifSIEH AltllASOKaENTB. Ootmueuckns M ONDAY. J C S E IBtli, 1882, LEAVE KEW VOilK. AtTtHU A. HI. (Eamuu iikil 'Ii»lu),eon coting irillj itie £uou(uu Itrsuuti *t JJeuv' rurUooatuui llio 0.water 11 ranch s t D i m r *BUUU» and OUciUr; t Uo Buotoi Huilri tiuna; t U e U . , L . ii W. 11. It. a t Waithhigl P0E THE NEXT TWO WEEKS AT THE EMP0EIUM OF loti, (irenl l i i u i , UiufcliituituUt Utical ltiohlidJdi>riuKn,liui)U'r,C]urtUuil,Syracuse, Oowefiu and pututB ou tlie Laukavraiiua au 635 and 637 BROAD St., AT GREAT BARGAINS "BKILLIANT" SAFETY OIL 150° IN BARBELS AND CASES. DAVID STRAUS F/LRLOB WiTBB WHITE 1SU"; 1'HIMB WHITE KBBO9ESE 11S». mr UiOHINERy O l I ^ . - W c tak. ploaaure In Introduemfl to lho trada oar n r t a n R or Machinery and otlmr Heavj Oils. Tlieio good, lira maiiafiemrcd < Ly u Btlr v e giro lUein tho liaaKllt ot oar pummial aaparfie on, tail giu qien perfecta aatiaUotlon, bolli in qqualil}paud pnea. ur uu earn. ss " Orown" Light Componnd Extra Engine Oil, Crick Pressed Oil, "Puseaio" Dink Oompoam laltov Eiigtue Oil, W. B. Sperm Oil, Bulling WHO No. J Engine, W. D. n i l ! Oil, Where you will find Hu&lina Dark Engine Oil, Axle Grease, Prime NeuUfoDl Oil, Sperm gigaa] Oil, S MMuolilnorj l f Oil, No. Neut«(oot in bleached and unbleaohed at Sperm N 1N t t Oil. Oil i f c l MaoliiDisrj'Oir,' S . "HeniliiVM OH, ISO", W. Blrninjil Prime Lira O i?^sou and Itduutoti ruus tbrougli t o W& prices lower even than whol Gap, atroudiiburg, Bornntou, G r t s t Hot Dark Lubricotine Oil, No.. 1 Lri Lari Oil,, B. He»aii(rlil Oil, 160". N Ilinghftmton, Little, Marktlion, Lkirtlit sale quotations. Such for in--Bailroatl • Lubricator, -•• . . . . . Oil, ... P . Wolet While Oil. 120°. W. Puro Salad W. Wlite C'.ilton Heed O Prims While, 115°, Btance an "Fruit of the Loom' UoTe/witli Cheater'C. B-, a t W a t e r l u o w W. Yellow Cotton Seel Oii Gasoline, 1)0", Virginia Oil, aunBexB.il. tor Audovor.Mewton anil alls and " Lausdale" at 9 cts. pel West Oasolim Dark Oar Ot!, tlons; a t Delaware with Ulalrstowu Uy., •'Crown' ? Wool Oil, acirtnton, witu uiouusburft Diviuiuu for riti Spora PaofeingOH, yard; "Utioa"4-4extraheavy Btaiuleis Spindle Oil, Qjsoline, 86°, tun. Kingston, Wilkcsbant), Dnnrilli.-. Kurt Exlrn Pncking Oil, Painlere1 Oil, at 10 els.; "Atlantic A" 4-4No. 1 Bprndli; Oil, utntwrlaud, &c, a t llim;liBtutuu n i t h Dt Daodoriroa Napllua, all Qravitim. Steam BeQaed Fdssaio Oflinder Oil, Division for Oruenu, NorwIcU, Utiaa, a lliohfteid Springi, rasBotiguri. t s t l n g t b ! heavy sheeting at 7 cts. AU train from Row l'ork, l'titerHou sud Coonto c m oonneot a t Wsablngton with trsiu fc other nopular brands at thi Phillipslturg, Eanton, jtotnlolii?m, AJluoto*] same proportion in price. J6S- ALL OUK OILS ODABANIEED SIBIOTLT rDEE. -@a -^.dti. uliu a t I'liiUiusLjiirj^ with LclilKb V jiy tlailioad suii I^ii.i;U tvinl ri'j6,iutb&Qua J ll. fur ButUlelteni, Mauuh OUuuV, llukdiuijau " • • '' - g d NEWMK, N, J. . ilarrlshurc aud points un the Lelilgu Vtllt and Loliigu «o« Suicpjoliaotia l U ^ i o a u s ; I'liUUpBburg with lielviduro Division of Fa. Ii. forLjuabortTilli!. Troutim and rtilladel()li At iu.iu 4 . 1 1 . OoTur Accommodation. M.Eastt " liarg,HcrtiltDi.,llingli*Ditiiu,Syrmeu«a*ndOL___ aonnectlna st HcrtntoD wlili Lack, tc UUwmibnrB II. U. lor FUtston, Wj-QinlDg, Kingston aud WilkesUarre. ruiengers lUaog tbis train Iro r Vork,P»toriuDiindUoouton em connect s ingtonwitbtralnNo. 1, LoavoNewYurk a t 3 . 3 0 P . M (Easton E ) t tW t l f d DOVER T I M E TABLE. Tmlntf airive ami depart from this aUti is follows: EAST DUESD A. II. (TEIT DDDND k. HaoketlttilownEip.Tina Dover Aceain. 12 Water < rater Gap Hoeoial 8:21 EaBtoiKlwruBi^Jia wVter OapSpV'l 6 Dpr.- " - NEW COAL YARD SOME IMMENSE BARGAIN: IN REMNANTS! work in*.) klndi of C> - mai - „-reeofohargot Oarpet for Nile 1 HiobuBt prloe piiU tor oarpet T*3» I OlouniiiK ...... ..._.. ^ k and cotten faLrioaand garawati B soaolftlly I Haviofi i h o n m r h U l u r i ID.V u d kind tbo trade, be i\)k midcotten of woplou tbopraoticaforieyearBriJavingBoodmBohfaQBaQil u«log the beit matoriila, we are »l in tbo i todelii Qrk 89-ly Andrew Ericson & Co., Flics orbtuincM on Warroi) St., uuar D., L. & W, It. B. Dopju D icer, N, OICMKAPHV o r THI8 OOUUTHY, WILL T H i 6 MAP, THAT T H I , • - 'if.yinR young man for businea LEiVB 2 t Town Llbrarlei. orsed by tUo icniliDg bnaioesa me .Now York ' ' 8,00 i.W of Newnrk. FIVE OBAND S1LVE; An act haa been poued b y the PjilLADEOIIU. MEDALS from tbe K. J. State Agrio and no doubt will ho signed b y t h e Governs Oor. UtU and Or eon Bts. 8 30 G.4S 11 turn. Society for superior ponmncBl. by wliioh unylown n a y he auppUedwltb SdfliiilBorhH " BSa 9.30 Trouton ,. 9.05 4.31Sencl (or cntaloRuo nnii oollepse pnper. pnblio libnry. I t s proviabtu are that in lowark .-.. 9.0B i.00 MILLEXt & DRAKE!, city or village of this State, t h e Comma Elitftboth ; 9.80 4.87 Principals and Proprietor!! Council may at any municipal election p n Bound Ilroot 10.09 B.2 Lumber Worked to Order NEMl 0AHAL BBIDUB. Stationery, Confectionery. AND DAILT P A P M B , TASKEB NOTIO: D. S. MORRISON, SUSSEX S T R E E T ) 17.8m Nawport News, Rlohmond, Clnolnnmt. Indianapolis and La Favatte, and Council Bluffs, Ot. Paul, Mlnneapollsand Intermediate polnte. All Througti PaBBangarB carried on Past Eiprect Trains. For moredetnllBd Information, BOO Mapsand Folders, which mujf be obtalnoa.ns well as Tickets, nt all principal TioKtt omcos In the United States and Canada, or of R. R. CABLE, WAGONS fi£XTER ANI> ELL-TPTIC SPRI1VG DUUOXBS! PLATFOBJ HF1UM1 WAGOA'S a m i a l l IcaiUiig Btvlea m a d e to order. We m a k e a Bpcdnlty of ArB.-claHB cuatom w o r k n u d g u a r a n t e e o u r w o r k t d e q u a l i u UU11AUIMTI: aud FlNXfill t h e Mat city m a n u f a c t u r e . In Addition to OBI own tnannfaotnring business wo bare just made arrangements wl Home of tbo Largest Wholesale Maiiuractnrera in the country whereby • iiro tawiy to sell nud have OQ Iiaml a Ltrijo »took ot JleuJy-mado Oftrriflgefl, Bugfile rbtotoun ami Ousluesu Wnqona nt pricos an low m nny denier ia tba oonntry, aud whic will dtfy oompatitlou. Call oud sea our etwk before purohaslag elaewhere. GREAT REDUCTIONS MRS. KE/iRNS, iDTltca a call rrorn all hin friends t o his piano on CLINTON STBEET, wheio for their amuw- FL\E 1'OOL TABLE DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEY all tun and in peifnct oriirr. Aim, f i r bent IiAOEItHantl inlicr tirlntB, anrj iUe clioicp-t BEdtVIIH. All wlin favur me nllli » pull w|ll flml IlirniHotvo tftreoably enlirtalneti *i|j ilnaiNL GEO. MANN.,; MRS. GEO. FARK, PORT 0EAM.N.J., lias a t oil tlmea tier store well stocked willi MrXLINJJflYof orery deecrlptton: GItOOB* I1IBS, PftOTIBIOm, NOTIONH, OiMDIES, NUTS, P J E 3 , OAMM, &o. Newspapers ati?. MlqsBlncB and Periodicals ol all kind a. A call rfillettnvlnae you that my priot-n arc roasonible, a o d i n r goods are of tlio beat. A. H . D E L T J I O K E B , ol B.Ii.aAMtIBON,Agor.l Eioketlstowi, N. J. f SCRAP IRON WANTED AT T H E Improved Low Pressure Steal R O O K A W A Y , r>iT. J". Heating Apparatus GOME ONE AND ALL Him, Sskk nail inspect the immense stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, for Children, BOJ'B, Youth's nnd Men, of nil grades and materials. best stock of Also, tl 1 OVERCOATS 1-gaft for the season even seen in this town. Wo will no3it.To!v not be nmlersold \ bnveaGourodarulllicooE PIECE GOODS Tor our CUSTOM DEPAETMEN' ami Riiarantcu to eoit all our iwtrous as t&t as fit cad prioo are concern* Goods sold hy tlio jard and ont frao of charge. <3-ents* Goods of all descriptions nnd in liirira qimntiMes. VELVET SOABFS in all ebadfia SILK HANDEEROHrEFS o( BplondiJ d i PUR GEO aO &I1 manner of private and pnblio lailtlii 104 MARKET St., NEWARK. S-Om BRDIN&BUNNELL, BOCKAWAT, K. J., ABE AOEOT3 E O J HOYTS CHAIN BUCKET PUMP Dorer Iron Coianj. If you want your Horses shod in good style, send them to Chas, T. Clark & Son. Cor. Blaclt-well ajntLBgrgim, 8!tt*»-,.-, They Bivc tlie best 'of Batiefaction in tlio way of workmanship. Tliey also do all kinds of Blnoksnaitla tvork- •' • - ' IPAUL G. BOTTIOHER; mi other tbinga to nameroua to mention, at Tido gpeoial ballot* as follows: " f o m p u b l i HtghBrlilcB 7.5310.65 6.10 firon 8.0011.08 6.25 library," "against a pnblio library;" If 751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N,J. H.0DI1.12 6,38 Tbo old onfl roli&ble Btand, next door to the Poqt-Offlci Jority ofthe bftlloUaw " f o rftplibllclibrary, 1 7ernoy WILL DUMNO THE SEXT UiddloVilky H.H 11.17 C.32 P. S.—Please call nnd see me before going elsewbero. Pains will be talc tlio suno municipal body shall put in thi Oerman Valley S.58 11.35 C.80 whether you hny or not. next tax ordlnanoo and annually thcrcaftej TLAKS AND S r E 0 I F I 0 » T I 0 5 B p r e p . r t d A.M. A.M. A . u . P . M . r . _ a l e v y of one third of amill o n t h e dollar y 7.158.30 ll.BS4.15 M S lor all Unda of Imlldlngi, and t h e aongtrnollon 7.80 B.U H.SD4.S0 1.00 all tba taxable property within t h e limits (COMMEHCIKQ JAKCAI1V J b c . ) oircr all i;oo,l. In her alock a t crcatl; •sld «lty or village, wMoli shall onlylw , )f balldlDEB inperlateQiled, chrlgnt . . . . . L o a v o 8.S0U.30 0 pended for the nsoaond purposes of a pubUo *«T Jerioy Bnprowo Oontt. Morria OonntySKNI.Y W. MILLER, rrcsldeot. 8.3.111.S0 6 iey library; t t a t the library shall be free to all inCUnceryor NcwJerBpy-Botwwn The « Obarlcn Blaplitm ii jilnlntilT TB. William ] Will bs l l tali office In D i m r , i d floor ot EU111,13 fl tan! Benellt Li To I n s m n e e Compiny, nor residents a t convenient boars, subjected H. T. HULL, Sec'/ ud Trcts 8.M1I.44 C maltfas It an excellent oprortnDltr to oblalo plaInnit,and8!ltBE. Oondlot, EUwiu Fur esrlllo §.5011.60 7 T i n I n o i EBA Bnliains, on F B I D A i r o ? I A 0 H BBoe«iL\ry rules and regulations presoribod fajmnel a. Hulacy, Tiio Natinnal Iron Ban M Terra, 1B80 " ' | . W.^TEVENElfAtt"/.' K i ) 8.6811.58 7 the proper autboritioJi | that upon thn reanipi of Mnrrldowrt, Waiter Condict anil Cornel lEHSI O. FITKET, A. B . HULt, 'ortOram 9.02I2D2 7 New Jcrflpyfinpterae Court, Uoirie County. WEEg, from 8:30 A . « . lo B:8(1 p . B. A. IIIP wire, Jonatlian DlcbinRon Ocradlct a of the revenue from the said ono-thlrd ' " lovor JAHEHH. COLGHAK, Atra, O. OASFTELD, 0.0712.07 7 The Norl!i Ward Nalionol B.ok ofN«»ir Bta\\y F . lila nilp, Henry T . Oomliot AI HAKFTOK O. U*nan, P H I L I P H. UOPFUAK, tax, tho »»id municipal body shall Uavt Rockiway Arrive D.1512.1S 7 N. .T.,rB.WllllBmP.EdwardePtnlB. Fi t Annio lil« wife, Silas Comllnl, Olinrlotto F BXXIIY W. BIILLKK, O. Y. SffAH. H. 1). DDWH TDAIMR. In Dfibt. netnrnaLle Fabraary Term, 189 power t o b i n suitable rooms, and a eompetoni Leo am! JosopU M. Leo her tmnbnifl, 'Wlu 17 C 1 tbrop Con.Hoi, Allen B. Oondict, ADRQMI O. A It. WAI-SB PABRKI, AtU'«. librarian to toko charge of the hooki, papers A. a . p . M . r Otien ilnily from O A. JU. to Itpgcr anil Tlia Utyor tail Atdetmon o l J e t jyt' virla« or the abo™ Btolcd «riti of f, ok,., aud purehosD tlio annifl, and to pay al Rockftway 0.30 8,20 0 P. M. nnd on Saturday evenings •° w City, ilo-en.lnntg. Vi. f*. for dale o 1 r ln ai ] Dovor '., D.20 3.2S 8 FLOUR, FEED, GLOVES, MITTENS, CONFECTIONERY, necessary expenses, and, that » report sh •>"•-••* pfemlsos. BBtiiruablo to Feb • H r? " " W »' » ?. I ""nil "xpoeo for -fl from 7 to o o'clock. 0.33 3.83 5 be annually rendered by tbe Illrariiui of th Port Oram UonoHftB mndcon orlicfore th lenvli 0.42 9.4a B expenditures, condition of t h e library ani ~inkcBtilla TKNTli UAY OP JAKL'ARV P, K. H0WELL, Hol'r. MOSDAT, IUe lOlh day of JIAHCI 0.44 3.44 S virtue of Iha above Rtatod writ or lie sueh other information aa shall b e requii ary'a...,. 0.49 3.48 0 itiitl reinniniuc iu Bitnk r»n the (. p . 1888, between tlio boars of 13 J\ faeim ID my lianda, t BII&H exposo lor nal A FIHST DAY OF JULY, will be rod ovcrythtiif; ello in her store. Don't rnins this frrent oppoitariitv for buviug Flanden fl.H8.S2 C of him. o oloctt I1. Bi,, that ia lo nay at it o'clook in tl iblioYfndiio.attliBCotirtBouHt * " tartley 0.66 3.6B 8 entitled t o 6 inontliH' interest. iftarioittoridd dar.aU Ibo rlffhl, litio su goods ot WAy DOWN PEIOES. • rlBtown, N, J . , on HantiiirlgU 7.WI 4.00 0 ntcreB of tbo fni,| dBjondanU in nod toall r-itli Btool cbain a n d Canada aprnce tnbiase "' pnnltH nindc on orlicfore tli MONDAY, tlm 5LU day DfllillOH noit, llio followlnc dcscrilied II-BOIK of lac " A.M. n.u.A.ii.r.M. p.ii _ __ Til DAV IW APJULUnnd re wbieli is taiteloKB. They clvo tbe beat of done i a a first elans a n u a o r by Weekly iron Rtporti. A. p . lSSS, between IUB b o n n of 19 K. nod (.618.05 11.003.53 GOO ninliiiiic in Unnlt mi (lie FIRST Chester •atlaholloa. Tboyalao Seopin utoeb The £ngineerlng and Mining Journal o'ctook I 1 . M-. that i i tn BUY at 2o'clock in th • b V t f ^ t l M ^ l a ^ M ' & D ^ o f X & r a ' B 1 ! 7.05 8.20 11.154.00 fl.ifi DAV OF JULY, will bceutitlcd ermanTtllcy aftennwn ofuld flay.sll those Iracbinrparoi last Saturday t»yi: e i V J o r 8 e y t o w l t : A. H. P.M. P. L » 3 nioiitlis' interest. of land iud premised, licriinaricr partlunlm Be° ?n ? * * AMERICAN PIO.—Makers of standard out Gorman VtHey ... Lctvo T.G7 4.07 0.2 Denonitn m n d c on or 1. of ore tli (lesenbcil, iltuute, lying and bdnR in HID Town from Jolin E . Allon past CliarUs P . Edna [idille Valley 7.H 4.14 0.83 TKISTU DAV OP1 J Vl.V. a n d r e cholcA brarnia atill stubbornly resist ai nf MorriBtown, in tho Oonnty o! Morris ai BlXSr™ 1l<i O l i a t l i n [ U lDt °r8ecta IHB m 'ernoy O i 8 AND BASE-BUENINfi COOK7.10 4.11) 6,30 mainiuK in ltnnk on t h e FIRST " s or New Jersey: x> depreM prioes, and tho dead-lo Callfoli 7R, tlio beat bakinff atom ID tbe 7.23 4.23 0,43 toad, thcncB ( l ) alons aald road'ttortb "wi JANUARY, w i l l lie hno prospect of changing ua imt TiiAcr-EeginninRin tliocdfte or tl Higli Ilridgo irorld. Alao, a large aiiorimDnt orothar atylee . . . Arrlvo 7.3B 4.r "" eUAY.-OP DOVER. N. J, HIGH SPEED. 10 to 200 HORSE-POTVER. n» .ml £.?,™ tf""'" "«t to a point n t i c e d to G M o n t h s ' i n t e r e s t . :rla tnrnplhc road, near llio iatcmcction mstten in WBafilBgten have asiamed a more Bound Urook of CooklnK Btorea, ItantreK. Puilor gtoyea. 4 c , on snil irvclv* UDIIK nnrlli cf the nircll i r p i i o s U a m n d c n n nrbefore tlie lioroitd leading from Morris towo lo dpi-d for BUUMBR ANO WINTEB UBE. llto, a aatlrfaotory shape. MiSiralile, emoU loU l u L u veil, i t n oornorof linds of Dr. KrnLcd) P1PTH f>AYOPOCTOUER,and outiid* brands of pig iron, . ^ :lir>Qce eon Hi ievcnty-fonr degrtca and liftcci r r m n l u i n t ; i u Dunk o n t h e 0.03 0.1C minuted treat twi-lvo clialna a n d cislitv-twc P1RST D A Y O P J A i \ U A R Y w l l l aylvani*, o n coming into the morknt. Pbilsdclnhla HARDWARE, CUTLERY, liukfl to corner of linil nT Natlinn a. Xuaa be entitled t o S m on t i n ' intermit Cor. 8d nnd Berks *' 10.4B 8.94 •old for whsvtthey can bring, detnaralltlni lifucoinhis lino soulb fllleen dBsrwn a i ? : , " • O°-: Hienco (3) with their IIDQ eonl " fltlnndQrocn " 10.1)7 B.n5 urly ramutra etsl twocliaias and lorty-aarc tho little current trade there is. His c Monty Loaned on Bend anil HartB>Be mr flusroea m in a point In lho lino or II Q-IIIB, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Jipanm Tew York " fl.G2 0.G0 0,87 iiiikR to land fir Henry Lores ; (bonce Iu lii »lh cmrao or ttm ictunil tract tonvamt , TUJTVABE. coiled that stocks hi the land* of maken FA8IHO1VABLE Conveyances c s n ha procured a t Gorm >r lauds or Henry Lurco and ollien aoni 3 . S'f? bJI 'V5rd " « « W In Book M 01 now somewhat greater than they -WCM a jtxt -.lie; to itnd from ficnoole.v'B Mountain ; Inliiv flve rteprEei o i « (tpvan chains an I t e £i/crui Oil Olo^ba, Carpels, Lampa, PaintB and Oila Morris County Surrogate's Office. or ALnrrlR Oonnlr, PMSO 83E &c i tlictic 'landcri to and from Budd's L a k e ; at H o c r-oiiQ links to lindn ot Silas O. Ciry; tIrene rt-o; but this IK not, under the present • ;o lT-on ilrd Caffei, Featben. PntVa Astral OU (non will, the Hfiii, foarih sod tblrd boniidarli and from Lake Hooitconf. JANUARY Otlt, 1863. lino o r s i l a s D . O o r j ami Mrf. Htpry Oo teptioLal olroumstanoes, B> Tcry alanning New York time Is HID it and a r t , a i iodlcatL tbarool'to a red nuk troo on «>« »«*i.-!i t nnrlh ifilocp dogrcci and fifteen minim U ri n --— -."•• •a • • wcor, i a i « . a i . i l u l l II dUquietUig state of affairs. We qnote 433.50 by the clock In ffljh Bridge Station. Tbe Com- j tbo matter uf Joslsli A, l)an H bart, Exec•* w» "1?" •t tlirco o!isin» nuil lirentT-tbrco lintg \ ,ftil?f\ , l— S* nlor vl Jonepli CaBtorlin«, Jcooaocd. 8 J>KALKI1B I N OOAJL. „„„ ,;,I-,B™otll,aiiia.toii aaiilmuno and | S for ordinary to standard No. pauy reterrei toe right to varv the fanning ol tier of laniln ot Ura.IIvnryOiitidlcl; tli cue rocito'n order lo limit creditor*, irains from thin tlmo table a s olrcurasUnesi JUin lint (1?Swr.a wat Itrelve ctmln UR !1>o H«mo nrirtli Kerenty.neven di>(iro Foundry, a n d « 2 and «O for No. 3. tlm: H >pplicatfon of the nLova-n&med Ktrequire. it Biicbalosunt. flllrcn llnlin tn niid t u r eoutoritiionlerodbytlioSarrogntatlul forge remaining unchanged at 100 and tjaj.SO Etsroif Oomiiorinm.—Oonnfotlon is mad< .^e rwtil; t iieoc p in tlio iilse of mid t nrnpike :lio nr.lil Executor CITO jmblfo notice to the •11 at tide water, Beascsierplg ia dull o&d it Hi eh Budge to and from E oa<l ni.rth Ililrty-flve dpprccs ffest tnocliaiat sreUlturs of tlm GBUU of siid decedout lobrinc Work promptlj attended to. mtl nil Iliik-j t o tlio place of beciiminx, con. unonanged, both t w o aud in England. in tlicii rioble.dcnuniiBaud claimH nKsiost th •'"'"" llirea ana i-eTcnty-nine lnwilredtl-i Nothing has been done in sptegeledsai, which — ornler oath, wltlilu DIDO tnantbi from ire or !(•«»[ betuft ilie Rama crnvoyct .. ale, b j setUug up a copy of this order, linomlntlly t32.WuxH (33 for 90 per cent; ithm Iweuty <1»JB tierosfler, in flTB of the - H. Oondlet Iiy duorKo T. Gobi) BD< nlrbaak's Scales at ManufacV» and #17, for 10to19 per Bent naat pnblio jilftma In llio OomiW of Horrii foi wile, bj- drfd dated October l i t , I8&8, *nd ru ;wo montln, and also nltlifn tfie add twenty corded In Book Y 6of DccJi for Unfit " turer's prices; awibyiulver.Iatog thoeau.o.n tlielaoit E « i p » p « 350, ko. OOB (if tha neRHpaperi ortliU Slate, for tba tame VICINITY HEWS. Tut B*ou»l> TB»rr-Hr(jrnn!ng at llio w o Cbey nlio liuve ana of the above scales ii iioeoTtimo (ibDBarroenteJndsinR miy furond corner of tbe teoond Tot couvcyed to EJfront of tholr place of bu nine a a lor •orootiCD to be iinncceiHUT) ;au(l if anyorediMr. UabeewUl wrestle with Kewtoa n e i ird Oondlot by Janici Wood, a t a n t i k a f o r poblio *cigh(Dg, ->r *lmll renloct to oxhibtt IIIR or l>«r debt, ds* rneroiiltie weileriy Me of Hie MnnlB nn week. iDd tmlcTiim within the nlA period of nice Stmai tnrnpikoroad; tlience SIODR lalil raid Old Iron, Copper, B n u , L c a d , R a n an C. I t Carpenter has been appointed port montbi,pnlJl)G notice being given m arorctitld north il)lrty-JVB tlcgrcus went nix oliftini nnd NOW HEAD* J O B T H E IreenbackB takes in nioLmpbror K O ^ S . iucb creditor Mhall be forever ilcLarrcd of Lit PojIUve moving poppet T»1T«B. NO IDK from friotton, n o wasta fn porttbr slide or i ilnetoeu link§ to unoiUKnif Oondict'* eorneri roaster of Asbury. Warren County. r bcr »clloa therorDr wainst tlio eatd Eieouir Induction rilves. H.Rbeat pof ilblo per aont ol tr«o sir. Eoonomloil aad do rail e, O»ta- " — o a t e n * hla lino ion!U Beventj-livudi BRtTEN & BDMNBLL. r. A troo conj from Hie mlntiien. k drying house at tho Cook mine; iRCfl on appllealian. (Fnily upcnrert by patent*.) idd thirty minute* ireit toi) cluitis an Also, manuf a o t a i m of BUNKELL'B BELF. 7-lOw cnAtlLES A. QILLBK. Snrro two IIQIIM to line of 8anut.-l Ballidiy: Danville, was burnad tho other day. T I O H T E H I K G WIBK SFBXHQ B E D oalonff !ho aatnc rontli twonty^no tieEighty-one people in Haofcettstoira — SAMMIS & BUCHANAN, — rfp«t ioverty.ono liakiti tlicncs mill Ften BorroM Morris County Surrogate's OfficeiDR tho n n i i «onlh fir k e n de H rces and fortv paued t i e age of three score years and ton. :lr>D iDQtm cast ilvo cliftlDH ami fortyou. l i n k s " u* noalTlng Ursa uulgtimeDU of ulnn JANUARY Mill, 1983. Tho Pequesrt farnnce, whieb has be«n nndei arollier of Edward Conflict'.? a o n u n ; th«._ ll Bet In tlm mutet. 100 ioM b j n>. tlm mnlli-r fir WHItim norland, Executor unrtb lEvcnty-fonrdccrwi audfiftren minutca going repairs liiM Ust emnmcr, is agftin morris Comity Bnregate'a Office. of M»rj Vorlntan, iitceaiod. BQTrofft' ej»t tweWc cbalDi and cishty.ttro llnti to iba blut. order io limit creditom. Acme Barrow. DEO. I6tb, 1881. phoeorbccinninR, opnUlnin B Bix and ninety "\N arpiicattoo <f t h o aborK-nunod ExThe appropriation to tbe fire company lho n a t t e r nf 3%mn H. O I T B I I , Adminlein all tlio neirodt ouHeriala »DU ihapea; ' Eagle Wheel Cultivator, (J ociitot it In ordered by t b e SnrroBato - '—iltcdlbiiicreii.ninrDonea*; boll ' C e I l l l l n fl t l ritor of Ellnbeih JJonaldtoo, iJooo * Washington lias been Increased from f5 'i ff»min*»f M S J i'* 5* Unkt" tUeno Hint MBI.1 Exuoolor RITB puMie notfoe ti >arcjcd loHHasB.Onndiot byJi 1 1 11 a Surrogate's opler la limit eredlton.' liocrcdUomortliDoiUtoor ial ] deeednnt to and wife, by rteed dstert AnitUoi *n lirnniil.JlJ. a i . " if' .* '''.. " " '^IVOBt •?»• $10 per month. . Ca»idr Enlfcr Plow, "\NtppHwtioQ of the above-nrune.l Admlu AND VAram ifns in lUfir dobls. dcmnndi and elaimi reeuriled j n Book Y 0 of Deeds for O'Brien, the California millionaire, was J tatnlor it JI or/lorea by Ibo 8mro K ato iiust t h e lame, noder o»tb, within nine in t u i . l AJinlniitiitor K ii n pn!.Iio no^oo to on t i n frcm UIIB dilc, by loltinf; up a copr one t i m e * labuMr at Franklin Fnnm. Grain and Garden Seed Drills, io oreclitara of tbo BBUIO of laid deeodoni to r tbin crdcr, within twentr <]*5< boreirter.In ijncl all flio roIlDwmsBd"«toribnl t r o d , parcel Sussex county. P1SIIIVI CUBE FOR r£»All OOMPUIITI. • a tblrrj ninniM'eMt « a — * llio mmt jiatlic placei la tbo conaty af infT In I n their dobti, Jobti domanda d o m a d and d olttimi l i Ilieroor, tbat is tn lav. l l ^ i m inc »t i U flrib IIT-.T )ii h«; tuence (17) north fire " 8eventj-slx snarea of the stock of the Hook- HilirfmedywlllactlD hirmoDT with tha Pe> r two moatb*, and alia within the WALTEB A. TOJD'S MOWERS, •orucrufa tract of land conveyeil tn KilauB igalnit tlie same, tinder oath, within nfct a t r t u a at all times, and aim tmmMllatBlj -IWOIT <Uy« Mf i&nrUMlng tbo n i n e in and complete lincRjn alt tit a ' rttrtown National Dank were ruenlty sold uillct by Qeorpe T. Cotili and wife, Oeiober nontUi frim tbis dale, BJ MMIDR a p a oopy a >D Ilia atidunlonl HDII ntcrlno BIUKI*., and re* le IHOK Urert m m Vh* lmpcrt«». Urn. nHtsg New Totk EnA oco o r tlio DownpLiperi of t b h then In .1 liealll.y and .tron([ eoBdllloa. t, IBM, alio a corner nr JauJor 3Ifa.Hanrt ' l o o r a " , " " ' diionlBr,»lthin twenty days lit-mfcer, in flvn >btn pro&U and ean iell br tbe box a t u law at public sale at prices ranging from $88.60 to lion SSiSSBS uA SHT9EBS. r lUle, Tor (ho » m e apica or timo (the Burro• - — — • « . » « Hara« IUV UUL|lJIUft v 111 llkf Dr. HarcMal . ITttritia Cathollmn will enra fan ndict: tlteDce noiilli ieicnt>icvon tWrpe, >f tbe molt pnblio plices In tho conmy of Mcrlota u ibtj u n U pwenred In qninUtj In tbe WDirh, teJndeitiRanyfntthor noiloa t o b o n a o e o . city, h I^acorrbKi^phmnlc I ofbtbn^Vomb, incidental *t Mi-en clitini, «n«l thti ty-tlvi- luiii \u\tm wills oar rctiil prlon for tbna m i l l a n iBfortwo monttii, and also within tlio paid on l tbd Ulcenllnn m r v ) ; and ir a n j crcilitnr ahail neoltet to Tory low. Give am » eJtUMitWBwm dorongwd ThemaB A Field Wheel Ha; Bakes, Join Taylor's oyster UIDOB and confec- ^eaMnbaKn or FlrodlDi;, Painful, flnpnraaa«l w e » l j d » j i byadwictlsJiig llio MIHB in tlie in Renernl HUB (or the LADY'S TOOKT and blbit liia or her uebt, domtod and elal 2irecSlarHeD.lra.ltsn, Kidney bomnlalnt, 'Into E n / W of the nBirapapornof thla State, tionery, •* Oiford, was destroyed b j n » , ftnd within tbo said period of nioe month*, pnliliu 'OUK BASKET. I t would be impoEaible lrretiia. and laeioctlallv adaptedtolbactaaAM Undofnenrj-LnrcDi ttiencn miiilb. pljhty%,£' "7SL3L*?:??* "I?»!(»hft BqiroBtii AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS, notlo* befog given a i afureMid, saoh creditor nd for paoptiiet Ires. AUlattanot caused by tn» explosion of an oil lamp. i ennmeroto nil tbo leaJiog articleain j UPEf*r« east foion ohalun and BeiroatT-r-C ltaniweiod. Addreaa M abor^ Vot tall be forever debarred of h n or ber aetlou 5n'l .l™'!l.'"i?'' Mt!i«y«>Mla r5cr i'fheSn! •Tlr a m onailrir ahall »™tel lo nhlbl ij ffrentatoob, but on experience of 82 luka to land «r KJiu D. Uorj, and tile Janes E. Baldwin, of K#wton,hsi Invented li N l B l b l t r f o r urainpt the satd Eieontor. •baraofl,demand )pd ilalm milhlr, Ita aali Lron'i Fan Mllli, orili HjlHin d<>f>>reH flrtcoB minutes n ™ , ;oj aloDD too bank norlh rnrtj>»oTcn ijeirroua •«w prov.ainB for tUe faBtei of tbe rue conr froai lbs tntnalcR. a new flr« Mwpe. The people up that way jorofo Mo.l of. nino montlu, poljllo nollro boias irce oli.lns am! twontr-ibrro llnlii to tho n rulnnle. wenl two obalna a riy.il A tru ton a» »roro.»l,l, incli criulltorali.il ha for. *aicBofDov Brn aa (his part of Morris Mem to bo mindful of tin future nendi of the Lever and Tread Powtn, ifJGhcQ •3D tiartli fovDi'^fonr npjri Jonnty, las mnile me compelent to know TFM. H . McDAVIT, Sarros«ie. orr fleDirrM or In. or bar actbr tloro lO a '"'"t.M'BWBIlttWUOlliitlBFllteetl ltE._ « Assistant EdHcr" of the Warren Journal. i o n S I L I Bf na ncHoipato tiicir wnntti, nnd has lnat tho Ml AdmlnliHator, ThrciUarj, Cleanen, &c, (Z3J norlb fiily tl, green fortj-flfo mfnJ wenraeauoti facilities for bujioc ihoi Dr. T. B. Hunt, of .Glu Oardnor, haa retrue copy frard tbt m VOUUHT fc KILLOOHK, nmennbled to offer goods at t i e yery aoTered »fl,0»lnl)«uU aWlen ftom Ilia two and all othet flnUoliu rarmlnji lm|ilcmeiita. C ro, Surrosalr. ecfntilaff, being mloniied to Include all of tba pticea I t iril. gito mo pleasure •ll DOVIB.1(.J. M d » half years »go. H« .had to pay the . _ tta.00] U h *"*•" f 1 " J ' S p r i n g Htook to thoaa wbi> attorney of tha thieves a reword 0**1,000. SEEDS AND FERTIUZEKf. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 1 ill, and all nro respeotlollj invited. r ' Ttomb.oriberli.aJn.tarTlT.awllh BaM n S , ! JgSj»*VH.' Lale SlilrUr. BatMDra.wH, 1 8 3 1 , |ia» Mr JohnPerdoe,flfPhulipslmrg;wfll bring PASSAQE TICKETS S 0 T E S , V . J. VOQRHEES BROTHERS, «alta£siuttliflborongh of Eubm for damMRS, A. BEfeHER. r i F n O E a M o I n i Ua Dorer LumbtrOom. TUX OLD BILI4BLV a«a, fcrliabreaking offclawife's arm, who pany'a mill. Contracta takrn, and plant, BAM, HANCE*4 Co.'s STORE, Jccillcailona •asteined tho Injuries by foiling on an and roaterlala oT arery klDd tatrr.AtrncAi, maDnbcttirci and doaloria ' a for bnildlnRB. JvbbioitAapeejidlr. «ldewalk.v, aosEi'n VAN DTKE. able toe all n i e i . Arnnii^ thtin ar« lorao i H L Chnroh haa been thor. teanu. I h « 7 1>V« !»»> aeti?led with tDare. anil ar« prononneed ttaafineat 1 ^ a as ireH a* outaide Shop on Clinton St., Doyer. broasht Ant hero. A ear iDBd a t m U w JB B ] f tha p SUU fnrnisbed from th* bjjsi fln*rri« b j 1 D tbe 1Kb tort. U exreriwica of 19 yeara In Dover OD Uia D o n r o r . BT. ir. «NK nie*mkTl>^MU>>ttn fromKawf L6 l&lalli GUftlltitT OF OftT ICftd tTWllt^fl If dfl" |fI "ark. I. tb. (.irar,!*, f i J « , o r B J .TM. ilMD • • tanm«lto»lim. Bn. baal »ort al ,r,l,,rlr , BLiOKlfTOL ST,, DQJTJJil, S.f, EKED. OA1LEI8. , 111.tai.Coutj'hnwiBuk. MINE HILL, N. J., SHERIFFS SALE. SHERIFF'S 8 A M . OS- RESIDTTCEIXS P R I C E S -©» DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, GROCERIES, PRY0I8I0NS, HORSESHOEING TJ1VI>EH!.\^B-A.K,, OF AIL KINDS, "THE NEW EMPIRE" NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR PR0UT & CLEAYE, SUSSEX STREET, j MRS, A. BEEMER'S Roofing, Plumbing and Joib O •'"Hesa Sjitt WiKEJ ?K? («!"«SS T, Blackwell St., Dover, N.J. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co Fall Trade. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Hats and Bonnets, ORANGES y CATHOLICON, Mtes, Elois aid Laces LEMONS - - - ' - — -— —- * - « w -'wmrwm • • • . - _ _ _ . ^ . . . . FANCY ABTICLES J. J. VKEELAND, POBT ORAM, N. J. DOVER If. J. CANADIAN HORSES. ABMYA1 ! CHAS. Q. GRIFFEN, 16 Head of Fine Canadian MOHRISTOWN, N. J. Horses, CARRIAGE PAINTER, SLATE ROOFING. THOS. JOHNSON, 'Ibiunb) Snlttnn, iluidi, we ^Anwa'ir»2s s-oS : Jos. H. Beach *% SonE. DUNN & BRO Dover Rolling Mills Oen'l T'k't A. Pass'r A«% CHICAGO. Tbe snbscriliors offer at PriTate Sa tlie farm uow owped by tba Crane In Iron Co., situate in the township Boxbury, in tlie Coanty of Morris e State of New Jersey, containing 20 acres, ana known as tbe Hilts' properli lyinc oa tlio road leariicgfroin Stunboj to Flanders, three miles from Stanliop nnd will be sold in two lots or in one will best Bait purchasers. Tirol il mtneaaDiminorol rlgbte will be reserv Tor a view ot tlie property nnd terms sale call upon REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHES. E. ST. JOHN, Vlo«-Prea't A Oen'l Manasar, Damn, w. Farm at Private Sale! BREWSTEB SIBE-BAR BUGGIES! SWBKr """""'ALBERT LEA ROUTE. January 1. 18B2, a new fine will be onened, via Simeoa and Kankakes, between FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL, WORK IVAKKAJVTED. ET0., OO TO PHOTONS! AA It Is familiarly oalloct, offorB to travolors all tho advantnse» ond comforts Incident to a smooth track, oafo brldaos, Union Depots at all aonneetlns points, Faat Eapress Trains, compoied of 0ONIMODIOU8, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTCRSD and ELBQAMT DAV OOAOMKS » a lino ol tha MOST MAQNiriOEMT HORTOtt RKOL1MINO CHAIR OARS over built| PULLMAN'8 latest doolRnerl and handsomsst PALAOB 8LGEPIM0 CAR9, and OINIMQ OARS thatnraaeknowledsetbypraieandpBOpIs t o b R t h o N M e a T RUM UPON ANY ROAD IN THB COUNTRY, nnd In which auperlor mania are sarved to travelsrs at the low rate of SEVEMTV-PIVB OENTS EACH. *B-l' BEBT GBADES OV TOBA0CO3, WEEKLY CARRIAGES! "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," EXTRACTING, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL I. W. BuBtso, Gen'l Mflnager. Oelng tho Oreat Oentral Une, aftorcls to travolw*, bt roaion of It* unrlvalod _ nraphloat poBltlon, ttia Bhortsst and bsst route between th« LBaet, Hortheont and Southeast, and the West, Northwoat nnd Oouthwaati It m literal Ir and strictly trua, that Its eorniootlono mo allot tho principal line* Cf road botwoon tha Atlantla and ths Paolfio. Bv Its main Una and brandies It reaches Chleaso, Jellst, Poo'ln, Ottawa, LaSallo, Qoneaeo, Molina and Rook Island, In Illinois I Davsnport, Musontfnt, Wathincton, K«okuk, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Palrfleld, Baa Molnes, Wast Libert/, town Olty, Atlantic, Avaon, Audubon, Hartnn, Quthrls Cantor and Council Oluirs, in laws i Qnllatln, Tranton, Oam or on nnd Kansas Olty, In Mlseourl. and Leavonwjrtti and Atahlson In Kansas, and ths hundrede of oltln, vUlageo and towns Intermediate. The . . INSERTING, KT ENTBAH0E ON BU3BEX TOR 0HOICEBT BH&NDB tor 8&GABS, TJ OBORQB BiotuBDB, President. Vfu. H. LAHBGBT, Bec'y end T r s u CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R Y , S.B. JOHNSTON'S FILLING-. *". eltlier al and LUMBER of every description, ond especial pains are tab to give eatiBlaction in every particular. B GERMAN, SDORT HAND TYPE-WRITING! Lowest Market Rates THE DOVER LUMBEE C Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings n aiauonry or Now J e r s o y - P i . fa. Tor Ml of inorlcaRtLl ^roraiici, wbcreln Ann * Tnrlnn i» eimiplalnant, .nil Davlrl Ki. Mulford KiiiB, Dover Dink. Oto. Biolinr B l r d acorce, J s m H S i n i p s n F 6. F r 3 [ 1 i tionalUniouUmk, orDovf msn. Davenport t). Hmitli, Cyirjjo y . V o liecs &nd James It. Yoortirr-H, Hrnrj Enn IUSI), Henry ljaliur, aud TJio K«llonal Ir Uauk of UnrrlHloRD, ntu d(iVn<Uiili, Hoturtiablo to liar T ^ m , A. P . 167D. SMITH £ MA01E, Hol'ra. Y vlrtuo or the abavo slated n n t ol fndBK in rijIianflB, I nliall viponv toi __ »t public VQIKIUU, »t ilia Court Ho a t e , in Moi listnirn, K- J.t on BIOND.^1'. iho I Oth day of MARCH A. D. 1883, fjotweeii I ho hours of 12 SI. and o'clock 1*. H.. that is lo BUJ nt 2 o'olnok in ll afternoon of (aid dny, nil ilie folio wiuR (kscrlln tract o r intfcel o> land nnd preulnes, wtDftlei I.Tiapand UOIDR in Iha Town or Dovor, iu tli CoiiuLv o ! lloirls ami 8i»to of Hew Jersp trn(iei] soil bounded HB folions ; a liDint in Hi a weF< Him nf rMi mime tlio Huulh linn of Fairview AYOL— . terucota Bold requanooolt sir. ct, and rniiK (: Kcgtalong lltosoutUlloo of Fairviow Avoui onolninitreil nml tttty foci to the cor IN ALL ITS BBAS0HE8 AT m ALL GBADE8 AND SIZES AT by luachinon- at the place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the cost of building by the great Baviag in manual labor. Otu stook always includes SHERIFF'S SALE! A meeting of a number of promiiiont nine olaus via recently held here, when it wi docided that the pretest coiicfirt pitch whic was considered too high ought t o he low ore and reMlutloBH t o thiit effect wore dm up. Tho rate of 301 vibrations per sec wna fixed upon a i the standard pitch middle C, Letters wero rewl from Tkeodor TboroiM and others In favor of tbo name, am ire navo sinco learned that Thomas given his first performance with the instrument*, Severnl ooDoerts have h» given hero In memory of Wagner last week. Ho woa truly a groat W s tn l NEW JERSEY Ills influence will long bo full. CENTRAL E. R. OF NEW JERSEY. HiannRniaEBUANCH. Wo will not toucb upon our other to| ORRMAN VALLEY, OHEBTEK, DOVE thiii time, not OTOI baked be*""-««« p m i ' (IOOKAWAY. UUDD'U LAKK, LAKH HOI'A'. Boston, 1ml will clow. V »"<Unfl that CONB AND SCHOOLErH MOOHTAIN. read withi.loasurooftw musical activity Time table for piinscuKOr trains, to take cllc sorao of your wor* 0 ? JAN. 29th, 1893. 7 0 1 &, 7 6 0 B R O A D S T R E E T . present winter, c » e l 1 - FAB8E!«JEn ST1TIOS8 I other ronpeot* . Betnnmber Mr. Editor, thru \n NBW TMIK, fnnt ofLihcrty St., Noriii rivi NEWARK, N. J . news i s df-ulf preoioua when wo nro LiBHOOKLTX, Jewell'* Wlurt foot orFulionl No other school offers as many ndvn [» PaiL*Da,pnu, denoia P . k It. Vs.. 11. Oth am BWft y M1 jthrVt w o w n n t t o helteptpoated tnges for as XITTLB MONEY. A. complel Orecn, ami Ed mil limbs 8ts. 0 T B r j »iing oonoeniing " rising Dovor." and practical course of etudy, ttaoronffli pp m i m e . AuiCDS. »LEHIGH COAL offora to builders the boat opportunities in the pnrohase of LTJMBEE of every grade and description including LOW FEICE8 and the greal advantage of having NF.VARK, N . lot linrotuforo ennvcyeti by said .Tai Oondato ami nifu to Leirif Bpicer; theoee (! ontli parallel flltii Fcqnauuocl. street n loiio tlio line of Eitiil Splcer'i lot one hnudi mctj tlicoco (3) c » t imrallei n-itb Palrvlu Avunue CHIP hundred «ui] fifty fcot to tho n t lioo of Pequauuock Mrco,; IhoDce (1) nor along tbo t?eat lino of Pcqnntinook Hreot o Imurlred feet to tha j;Uno of befilnninc, co laltiicpt flltPDii llionftnil Ft\a&to feet of lui It boiUE P»ri oF tlio tract or in.n.1 pttralisneO «aid GooSule (if Henrr MnFnrinli anil wife, 1 detd Ontcil Marcli a i d , 1GT0, and recorded the Jlotrii County ClcrW ORlco, in Book V of DreOa, nsjroii &13, An. 1VII.1.UM H . UoDAYIT, L i t e ShetW. Dated JautmrFlStb. 1843, u d are prepared to aopply (J CARPET WEAVING, DYEING AND GLEANING! Havlntf inncurcd the «ceumulo11o» (lie entire |irodue(l(Hi of sliArt lengthi LACES PIQUE fro in Ilie nianufaEtanil embracing a Inrgi) variety at |iitllc Icngtli from I (a O yurdt. OotMis t h a t a t usuRltr wld »t )i0c. ami 83c, a r e Jicr DB31VT1STRY on the property aajDlnlng their lolling ml MoKIRQAM kCo.. WHAHF^OOT OFTrnan AVE., NEffaBK, N. J . Al.o 000 length,. ofTADLE LISKN Hint IJUUIKU Yauuv Jiuiiroaii UIKI UVWKU an lj la 3J yoiil* In lcnglli, baih l>U*cl»i HuHiiiiQbanna It. 11. forliotlilcbom,Allouio«i and unlileuclita In price from 3»o, Heading and HsrclBburg. Also witb Uul, Du t»,Ao o Jcnglli, a l l being worth n o r I; lailroad for Uolviders. 4110 p , Jl. Water Osp 8pcd.il, oonuocLs doable wimt they are sola fur. It Is nt: DoTurwItli train fur auccauuium euJ OIIUBI •ttary (« lomt am moan at posslbFo st WaturluD with Buat-oi It. 11. fur Amlov inter lo find the (election unbroken Newiousud Brmmliviliu. Taho ILia traiu Libo llupiteons, Build's Lake, Bcbooloj Up EMFOHJUU ul Jlduulalti i m ! w W r G»p. Ktojig Dl D r i ' UAVID STIIAUS, ville to iBtofTpigfut'urti fi'oai Now York. (135ifc(lB7 Broad S t . , *t»0 p , J L , Evier Express fi-r b u n _ . i'asBaio arid beUwuru IttdlroaiU Olmtlui lUdison.MorrlritowD.HortJsl'.Rins.pDDviU itookaway mid Dover. At Ot:40 l>. M. (HackettBtown GiproBB)sto| ping ot Milbuni, tiummit, Clutfcam, lUiHtwi uorrintowti atiJ all ((atlona m a t lo linokott tunu,i.-oi)iieL-tiiig a t Waterloo with train Ji iiKlotorimd Kuwion. At 1:00 P . M. Oewegn Eiproas from N( Vurk (nleoplnR carnuttauLcil) via. I'atcrHon Doom on tliroufc'li to Water Oap, BtrondHlnir ^ r a n l o n , BinRliawtDn, Llslo, Marathon,Cor Innii, Hotnor, Hyiscnsu and OHVCRO, c>iiinc< at Wttorlou IT I tli Huieci IS all ro ml Tor Andov 4iid Nowtou ; atDoUwarciTilh ])lair»tuwnIt to BiiiKhnnuun ivlth train (or Orecne, Oitor NonvlcU, Utlca.Au. Tills traiiirnnH tlirui to Oawofja Bntnrdiir n.Klits. At 7iSU p . M. Dover Aroommodntian Uhatlmm, Horrifltotvn and Dover. For Uornitrdtvillu, DftslnncrulBC, Ljom Mlllinpton. Stirling, (llllotto, Unrliulty 11** iiiclf.ll sUtlODn u u Parnnio suit Delnwur 0. (N. J . W-Ht Lino nailroad) 0:10 A. M, •3:30 and 4:20 P. M. A. BEASDNER, Snporlntondent. OF NEW JERSEY KINO JOOTMDSHtJEJLrUDSB, FOR SALE OR