Ridingon clean power
Ridingon clean power
Ridingoncleanpower Electric motorcyclesexpectedto hit the road soon By ZUHRINAZAM AHMAD xsrhvfr s$eu*ltxStiTs$t*r"cs$rx" sv$v ffiwWrywffiKe ***ffi PETALINGJAYA:Electricmotorcyclesareexpected to hit Malaysian roadsasearlyasnextyearoncethe law is in place. ' '('tit' One manufacturer, EclimoSdn ""'u' Bhd,saidits appointedassembler :fr-;'.+Plg NazaBikesSdn Bhd would only begin manufacturingonce the guidelinesfromthe RoadTransport eer-;?*.* (JPJ) Department areout. "We needto knowJPJ'srequirements for electricmotorcyclesto be allowedon the road,"saidits *{"t '. t'Pt$ CEOWooKokBoonyesterday. "t} . -," DatukSolah rit'JPJdirector-general Mat Hassantold TheSfor that all lfdi4/djs ; electricvehicles couldnotberegisihL lib tereduntil the RoadTransportAct 1987is amended. He siid electricvehiclesdid not haveenginenumbersas required ', undertheAct. ectq.:ti "That is why the law is being amendedto exemptelectricvehicles. "The Act is awaitingits second readingin Parliament,"he said, addingthat this will probablytake placein the middleof nextmonth. Woo saidknowingthe requirernentsbefore productionbegins wouldsavetimeandmonev. "Thiswill enableus to assembleGoing electric: ProjectcoordinatorGary Ooi is sitting on the 'Penan',the electricscooter producedby a motorryclethat conformsto JPJ'S EclimoSdn Bhd,with two electricbicyclesby his side. specifications," he said. ' Thecompanyplansto producea be pricedslightlyaboveRM10,000. said its factoryin Gurunhad the wouldbe thosewho usuallytravel National motorcirclecompany capacityto assembleup to 500 within35kmto 40km. li.thium battery-poweredscooteri to be known as Penan,which it MotosikalDanEnjinNasionalSdn unitsper month. Themotorcycle, knownasCTRIC, "Wehavereceiveda lot of enquir- will bepoweredby sealedleadacid claimswill offera similarperform- Bhd (Modenas)also said it was ance to a 725ccpetrol-powered readyto launchits electricmotor- ies from the public about the gelbatteryandcanhit a maximum cyclewithin the newfew months. mgtorcycle,"he said. priceis motorrycle. speed of 11Okmh. ltsselling Modenas CEO Bastamam Hamzah ni Bastaman Woo expectedthe motorcycleto saidthe targetmarket expectedto be belowRM5,000. \ i ,-:l : i - ; i..,,i