Dr. Freddie Ulan`s - Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc.
Dr. Freddie Ulan`s - Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc.
Dr. Freddie Ulan’s 1-Day Introductory Event in Nutrition Response Testing Dr. Freddie Ulan is the founder & developer of Nutrition Response Testing® and The Advanced Clinical Training SM Program. Dr. Ulan has refined this technique to enable laserlike accuracy and the precise tools for zeroing in on the root causes of disease, and the right programs to correct them. Dr. Ulan created one of the largest Nutritional Cash practices in the country in upstate New York and is now Chairman of Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. in Clearwater, FL. A 1965 graduate of the Chiropractic Institute of NY, Dr. Ulan has led the way for thousands of non-drug healthcare practitioners to take their skills and practice to levels never thought possible. COPYRIGHT NOTICES Copyright © 2013. Dr. Freddie Ulan. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, or distribution of these materials by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise is prohibited. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, without the express written consent of the publishers. Published under the Copyright Laws of the Library of Congress Of The United States of America. Distributed by Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc., 1170 NE Cleveland St., Clearwater, FL 33755. Tel: 866-418-4801. LEGAL NOTICE All materials presented in this manual are research notes only and are the opinions of the authors. They have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA or any State Boards. They are not used to diagnose or treat any diseases. Use of the information in this manual is at the user’s “professional discretion.” Applying any of the concepts or procedures outlined in this manual, in any professional health practice, is at the sole responsibility of the health practitioner. By doing so, he/she specifically releases Dr. Freddie Ulan, Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc., and their heirs and successors of any legal or other liability or responsibility. It is up to you and your professional judgment – guided by competent legal counsel - as to how or when to apply or not any of these same procedures within the legal scope of your own practice. The Publishers stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/ or local laws or regulations that may apply to the user’s particular practice. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes complete responsibility for the use of these procedures, materials, and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the US or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. Neither U.N.S., Inc., Dr. Freddie Ulan nor any employees or representative of U.N.S. Inc. assumes responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. IMPORTANT NOTICE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND ETHICAL STANDARDS REGARDING YOUR PROFESSION MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. THE AUTHOR AND THE PUBLISHER OF THIS BOOK AND COURSE ISSUE THIS VERY IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE PUBLISHER MAKES ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE LEGAL OR ETHICAL APPROPRIATENESS OF ANY OF THE ENCLOSED PROCEDURES, DOCUMENTS, MATERIALS OR INSTRUCTIONS. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE PUBLISHER ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR THE LEGAL OR ETHICAL APPROPRIATENESS OF ANY OF THE ENCLOSED PROCEDURES, DOCUMENTS, MATERIALS OR INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR YOUR USE OF THE SAME. IF IN DOUBT ABOUT THE APPROPRIATENESS OR LEGALITY OF ANY MATERIALS OR INSTRUCTIONS, YOU SHOULD OBTAIN COMPETENT GUIDANCE JUST AS YOU WOULD WITH ANY PLANS YOU HAVE DEVELOPED OR WOULD DEVELOP ON YOUR OWN. © 2014 Freddie Ulan. All rights reserved. Nutrition Response Testing is a registered service mark owned by Freddie Ulan. Advanced Clinical Training is a service mark owned by Freddie Ulan. THE PURPOSE 1. My Purpose— My Story Before the UNS training – OMG... 2. Your Purpose • Tired of the Insurance Game After the UNS training – YEAH J… • Non-resolving cases • Loved one not responding to chiropractic • Your own personal health • Increased certainty • Work smarter, not harder • Starry-eyed student, wasn’t that purpose: ww To become a healer? ww To help people? ww How close are you to that today? – 3 – 3. Dr. Freddie Ulan’s Purpose FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE AS A HEALER By Dr. Freddie Ulan I’ve always wondered why, despite the best chiropractic adjustments executed with the greatest technical precision by the very best chiropractors, so many properly corrected spinal subluxations just wouldn’t stay put. As a young chiropractic practitioner newly in practice in the mid 1960s, people with these recurring subluxations became my “bread and butter” patients. They paid my bills and kept my appointment book filled. Through these frequent meetings, many of them also became good friends. But, alas, they were also people who did not feel well unless they got regular [defined as “frequent”] chiropractic adjustments, as only I could give them (what an ego boost for me!). Somewhere along the line, I got a little tired of correcting the same subluxations three times a week with only temporary results. I tried various techniques (I graduated from a chiropractic college with honors in diversified techniques). Some seemed to make an improvement in the lasting quality of the adjustment, but still those darned subluxations returned. Why weren’t these adjustments holding? Why did my patients keep complaining about the same symptoms? What didn’t I know as a chiropractor to get this to stop? What wasn’t I doing to get the results I expected? Where had my purpose of being a HEALER and getting sick people well gone? MY BASIC PURPOSE AS A HEALER At some point, during a period of soul searching, I realized that the purpose I had when I started out in my chiropractic practice—of correcting subluxations in my patients to improve their health and made a difference in my community—was no longer the driving force in my professional life. I no longer counted my success in terms of the number of recovered individuals who could now get on with their lives free of pain and sickness. My point of reference for success had gradually degenerated into how many adjustments I had given, how much money I had made, etc., etc. It’s not that the number of visits and income are not valid statistics to measure one’s progress in practice or in life, but these had gradually become my “project.” And these did not actually reflect how successful I was – 4 – at getting sick people well. A chiropractic spinal adjustment, no matter how well executed, is not the final product. It is an incredible tool used with the intention of producing a recovered person, free of pain with greatly improved health. As a tool that only enabled me to “help people feel a little better for a little while,” it just wasn’t enough for me. I didn’t understand why, years ago, adjustments seemed to have been more effective. They seemed to “hold” with greater frequency. Old time chiropractors that had taken care of me when I was a small child never seemed to fail to get me or my mother or my father or my two younger sisters well with one or two well-placed adjustments, no matter how sick we were. And my family depended on chiropractors for health, not just for back or neck pains. Indeed, I had a mystery here. Subluxations, properly analyzed and corrected, were supposed to stay corrected with resultant normalization of nerve supply and manifestation of good health; but they seemed to fail to stay corrected. I eventually developed a new purpose—to sell lots of adjustments to as many people as possible, in order to earn an income that would justify my education and professional abilities while helping people feel better and reducing their dependence on medications to the best of my ability. Well, maybe I am just talking into the wind. Perhaps this has never happened to you or anyone you know. But for me, it was the early warning sign that predicts “chiropractic practitioner burnout”— something that you never ever heard of in the “good old days” when chiropractors would never think of retiring, and looked forward to dying at a ripe old age in close proximity to their adjustment table. The bottom line is that having failed in my basic purpose of truly getting sick people well (and not just giving them some temporary relief), I eventually quit my practice all together. THE TABLE TURNS Years later, when I developed serious physical illnesses, I found myself on the other end of this vector. I was going to a really good chiropractor who gave technically perfect adjustments. He corrected my subluxations and afforded me temporary relief, but the darn things would not stay put. Sometimes these subluxations would literally recur within minutes of leaving his office. After a while, I was so sick that not even repeated adjustments made any difference. I had gone full circle. – 5 – My neck was a constant source of excruciating pain, my energy was so low that I had to spend the whole day resting in order to attend an occasional evening social engagement, which I was too tired to enjoy, and then recuperate for a day or two afterwards. I had been sick for five years and was not getting better. That, though, is the subject of another story. I knew how much I really wanted to help people get healthier and live better lives. I really did want to make a difference. But I was too sick to do anything about it. WHAT IF THE TRUE CAUSE OF TODAY’S CHRONIC RECURRING SUBLUXATION WAS NOT THE SUBLUXATION??? I started on a journey with my own health to answer the question of, “how do you re-build a body?” The answer was revealed in the nutritional imbalances and deficiencies which were previously preventing my body from getting back onto the road to health. I was given a program of designed clinical nutrition and correct dietary guidelines, and I closely adhered to it. This has resulted in a marked improvement in my health; by some standards it might be called a “complete recovery.” But those who know me as I know myself know that I am still on that journey, and my health continues to improve year in and year out since that first program. Now, let me return to the matter at hand—the elusive, chronic recurring subluxation. One of the first things I noticed once the designed clinical nutrition started to work its way deep into the tissues of my body, improving function and health, was that my neck no longer needed three adjustments a week to be free of constant pain. This progress has continued. Now I really need to do something stupid (like lift the piano) to throw my neck out and thus require an adjustment to correct the effect of self-inflicted trauma or injury. But my adjustments now “hold” or stay put. What a true validation for chiropractic! Chronic recurring subluxations are no longer my way of life. And in my nutrition practice, I cannot count the number of patients who have come to me while still under the care of their chiropractor for their chronic recurring subluxations. They are always amazed at how well their adjustments start to hold once we correct the underlying nutritional imbalances and deficiencies they inevitably have, and which are the normal result of living in today’s world of poor diet, fast foods and toxic chemical overload. Once these dietary and nutritional causes have – 6 – been corrected, and the correct adjustment is applied, these subluxations stay fixed. They do not automatically recur as though they were on a “compulsive, continuous self-creation.” The mystery is solved. HOW TO CORRECT NUTRITIONALLY CAUSED SUBLUXATIONS So, what is the secret? More often than one might imagine, the chronic subluxation is simply the effect of a viscero-somatic reflex. In other words, an organ with an energy problem is causing the subluxation. By using Nutrition Response Testing to trace the active organs back to the subluxation, one can now determine the exact nature of the deficiency or imbalance causing the subluxation and correct that through the use of specifically designed clinical nutrition. Your spinal adjustments then miraculously start to hold. They no longer need to be repeatedly redone. The patient experiences relief and improved health. The spine stays properly aligned, flexible and in balance, and that results in happy patients who bring in the entire family and all the neighbors they can rope in. The technology for doing this is so simple, it often needs to be explained and demonstrated several times and then experienced a few times before its reality can be permanently imprinted on whichever side of the brain this type of information is processed and accepted. Using the specific—yet simple—procedures taught in Nutrition Response Testing, you could easily determine the correct nutritional supplementation and dose to correct the cause of the visceral active organ. When you re-check the patient in a few days or a week or two, you will invariably notice the improvement if you did your job correctly. Usually, you won’t even have to ask how the patient is doing; they will be very excited at the relief they are experiencing from taking a few little nutritional supplements. In complicated cases, there are sometimes one or two more layers of organ dysfunction to be discovered on subsequent visits, but rarely has this approach failed to make the adjustment stick once these have also been addressed. In our practice, we always look for the underlying nutritional cause of any subluxation that recurs more than three times. This is quite a change in viewpoint from when we expected to have to adjust and re-adjust two or three times per week for 12 to 16 weeks before we could expect any sort of stabilization. – 7 – It is interesting to note that despite the lessons of science taught so thoroughly in chiropractic colleges, the offending organ is not always the one with the nerve supply from the same level of the spine. It is definitely a frequent occurrence to find an active Thyroid T4 Reflex in connection with recurrent cervical problems. However, recently, I had a lady consult me with terrific chronic low back pains and it was nutrition for the T4 Reflex that resolved months of low back pain in a matter of days. Similarly, I cannot tell you how often I have found an active prostate in relation to overall spinal stiffness or upper neck pain, in addition to the more routine findings in low back cases. Probably the sneakiest of them all is an active heart when it shows up in relation to a completely unrelated spinal level. It may or may not make any sense according to those two- dimensional anatomy charts we studied in school, but life is definitely more than two-dimensional and, in the clinic, only lasting results and happy patients count. As a result of working with Nutrition Response Testing as a full time activity, I have adopted the maxim that “anything can cause anything” in these matters. This enables me to be willing to accept what Nutrition Response Testing reveals as the cause, and then take effective action toward the elimination of the underlying source of the problem and the resolution of the patient’s complaint. Following this line of thought and action, the patient frequently experiences the side benefit of improved health as a bonus. From my viewpoint as a HEALER looking for the causes of things, I have become so adept at this that my patients rarely have need for repeated adjustments. The nutrition does the job 90% of the time. But in those 10% who do need an adjustment, let me assure you that nothing else will do. However, even when your Nutrition Response Testing analysis indicates the need for additional structural corrections, with nutrition doing its job, in the end, you will reduce the need for constant repetitive spinal adjustments with no end in sight. In these cases, you can put people on a true health maintenance program, which they can personally afford and be happy about. This opens the door to a highly successful and satisfying practice, constantly fueled by enthusiastic patients who are not only feeling better, but who are in awe of you for accomplishing what no one else could. They reward you with a volume and quality of word of mouth advertising that no amount of paid publicity can match. – 8 – BECOME A WHOLE BODY NATURAL HEALTH EXPERT WITH NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING It takes a thorough understanding of Nutrition Response Testing and knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the body to become great at this work. Though you can be introduced to Nutrition Response Testing in a single weekend seminar or a Saturday afternoon workshop, it cannot be learned and mastered in such a fashion. But it can be learned and applied in your practice if you continue on with the following steps: 1. Purchase the Nutrition Response Testing starter kit which includes the Stressor Test kits, the Welcome to Nutrition Response Testing DVD and the Dr. Freddie Ulan, Clinical Pearls CD. 2. Get yourself on a Nutrition Response Testing program and get checked regularly by your local Nutrition Response Testing Advanced Clinical Training practitioner. 3. Attend the Clearwater 3-Day Nutrition Response Testing Seminar. This is your starting point, and will give you the foundation necessary for establishing and expanding the Nutrition Response Testing component to your practice. Additional training is available to become a true master at this work. Put these tools together and voila, your adjustments start to hold! Your practice becomes a joy, your patients appreciate you and tell all their friends. But it means you need to start thinking of yourself as a HEALER and not as a mechanic. That is quite an improvement. Sincerely and In Health, Dr. Freddie Ulan Founder, Nutrition Response Testing Ulan Nutritional Systems – 9 – 4. Our Purpose A. Be the Healers we know we are. B. Get that known to our local community and other health care professionals. C. Achieve this daily with our patients, our friends and family’s and ourselves so that we can... D. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Change the way health care is delivered in this country! (What would it be like if we were in charge????) – 10 – HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? “From baby in the highchair to grandma in the rocker, the axial bones are as liable to be displaced by noxious substances which enter the system in our food and drink or by inhalation as they are by accident direct.” “… knowing all this, what shall we do about it? Why not quit giving ‘improper food’?” D.D. Palmer, The Chiropractor’s Adjuster 1910 “We have drifted into this deplorable position of national malnutrition quite inadvertently. “It is the result of scientific research with the objective of finding the best ways to create foods that are non-perishable that can be made by mass production methods in central factories, and distributed so cheaply that they can sweep all local competition from the market. “Then, after there develops a suspicion that these ‘foods’ are inadequate to support life, modern advertising steps in to propagandize the people into believing that there is nothing wrong with them; that they are products of scientific research intended to afford a food that is the last word in nutritive value. “The confused public is totally unable to arrive at any conclusion of fact, and continues to blindly buy the rubbish that is killing them off years ahead of their time. “The American people have been humbugged into digging their graves with their own teeth!” Royal Lee, DDS, founder of Standard Process 1943 – 11 – WHAT IS OUR ROLE? We are the ones with: • The know-how • The products • The desire and purpose • The joyful obligation • The responsibility (children and grandchildren) WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT? “When Educated and Innate Intelligence are able to converse with each other (a possibility which a not very distant future may disclose), we shall be able to make a correct diagnosis.” —D.D. Palmer, DC, The Chiropractor’s Adjuster, 1910 – 12 – Dr. Freddie Ulan’s “Nutrition Response Testing” Quick Reference Flow Chart: 1. Find the “locked” indicator muscle. A. Calibration – Test both sides of your finger on the bridge of the patient’s nose. Should get weakness on one side and a lock on the other. 2. ANS regulation challenge – Taut hand with the center of the palm over the center of the patient’s umbilicus. 3. Neurogenic switching – Patient’s pinky and thumb tip to tip. Check on one side and then the other. 4. Body scan for active areas of stress A.“Chiropractic” complaints (spine, joints, muscles) B.Organs – according to anatomy and dermatomes 5. Prioritize active areas – nail of middle finger into the crease of the thumb joint/ “marble flicker” 6. Check prioritized area with “the five most common stressors” [food, immune, metals, chemical, scars (use bottle of wheat germ oil)] 7. Check prioritized area for specific nutritional support – as per Dr. Freddie Ulan’s Nutritional Support Guidelines Chart 8. Re-check remaining active areas 9. Repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8, as needed 10.Digestive evaluation – (aka Ridler points) 1 1/2 inches down from the xiphoid on the side of the rib cage, on the left and right side. 11.PSNS (parasympathetic) allergy check – Vagus nerve on left 12.Final ANS regulation challenge – same as ANS challenge 13.Product doses – 13 – Release and Waiver Location: I, [print name clearly) of street address: City Home phone: State Zip Work phone Email address: do hereby volunteer and apply to be utilized for demonstration purposes of “Nutrition Response Testing.” I understand that I am acting purely as a “guinea pig” and for the sole purpose of demonstrating this nutritional assessment technique, in order to advance the knowledge of myself on this technique, and that these demonstrations are not to be construed as specific medical or nutritional advice or counseling. I hereby release Dr. Freddie Ulan, Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc., all employees, associates, heirs and successors forevermore, from any liability that could conceivably arise out of my participation in this seminar as a “guinea pig” or “demonstration person.” I hereby assume full responsibility for ensuring that anything that does come up on me during any demonstrations and will not take any direct action on these or treat them as personal advice without first fully verifying the applicability to my own personal health situation by my personal physician/health professional. I am not relying on any comments, statements, or generalized or specific recommendations made during any demonstration as valid for my case without further consultation with my own health professional. I hereby give Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. the right and permission to use, publish, and republish digital video footage, photographic portraits or pictures of me or in which I may be included intact or in part, or reproduction thereof in color or otherwise, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, and advertising. Signed: Date: Witnessed: Date: – 14 – HEALTH CHECK ANALYSIS NAME: LOCKED MUSCLE YES / NO 5 Stressors Involved Supplements To Handle BLOCKED YES / NO 5 Stressors Involved Supplements To Handle SWITCHED YES / NO 5 Stressors Involved Supplements To Handle ORGANS / AREAS PRIORITY 5 Stressors Involved Supplements To Handle Supplement Name – 15 – # Per Day Dr. Ulan’s Nutrition Response Testing® BODY SCAN CHART Brain (frontal cortex) Frontal Sinus Brain/CSF (top of head) Eyes Brain/Crown (back of head) Maxillary Sinuses Jaw Upper and Lower Pituitary Cerebellum (base of skull) Tonsils Thyroid Mediastinum: (Thymus, Bronchi, etc.) Lungs Heart Spleen Gall Bladder b c Liver Pancreas (head of) a Stomach d Large Intestine a. Ascending b. Transverse c. Descending d. Sigmoid Small Intestines Ovaries Uterus Bladder (below uterus in women) (above prostate in men) Prostate * Spine/Subluxations (anywhere) * Joints (anywhere) * Muscles (anywhere) ON THE BACK * Pain (anywhere) * Skin (anywhere) Adrenals * Scars (anywhere) Kidneys – 16 – © 2016 Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING is a registered service mark owned by Freddie Ulan. The Ulan "U and Leaves" is a Trademark owned by Ulan Nutritional Systems, Inc. DR. ULAN’S NUTRITIONAL PROTOCOL GUIDELINES FOR THE “5 MOST COMMON STRESSORS TO HEALING” 1) FOOD SENSITIVITIES: Wheat Oats Rye Corn Soy Brown Rice White Rice Spelt Millet Wh. Grain Sprouted Mix Refined White Sugar Brown Sugar Cane Sugar Fruit Sugar Honey Mix Cheese Mix America Cheese Swiss Cheese Pasteurized Milk Raw Milk Whole Eggs (Organic) Whole Eggs (Commercial) Egg Yolks Egg Whites REMEDIES: Elimination of food item for 90 days, Multizyme, Enzycore, Zypan and other SP Enzyme containing products. 2) IMMUNE CHALLENGES AND REMEDIES: Bacterial Viral Yeast/Fungal Parasitic Generalized = = = = = = Congaplex, Thymex Immuplex, Cyruta Plus Zymex, Lact Enz, Lactic Acid Yeast Vial 3 & 4 = Small = Zymex II Vial 1 & 2 = Large = Wormwood* *(10 days on - 5 days off) Echinacea Premium, Cataplex A-C, A-C-P, C “Dr. Freddie Ulan’s” Specific Immune Challenge Drainage Remedies: Bacterial: Spanish Black Radish, Lact Enz Viral:Antronex Yeast/Fungal: Spanish Black Radish, Lact Enz Parasitic: Garlic, Fen Cho Parasitic: Garlic, Fen Cho 3) HEAVY METAL TOXICITY: Aluminum Arsenic Antimony Cadmium Chromium Copper Gold Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel REMEDIES: Parotid PMG, Cholacol II and ChelaCo – 17 – Silver Tin Titanium Zinc DR. ULAN’S NUTRITIONAL PROTOCOL GUIDELINES FOR THE “5 MOST COMMON STRESSORS TO HEALING” (Page 2) 4) CHEMICAL TOXICITY: Acetate/tones Chlorine Dry cleaning Food colors Formaldehyde Fragrances Heavy Chemicals Hydrocarbons Medications Pesticides Petroleum Solvents Plastic Mix Preservatives Radiation REMEDIES: Parotid PMG 5) SCARS Surgical/Injury Tattoos Piercing’s Umbilicus Vaccinations Circumcision Vasectomy Perineal Tearing/Episiotomy C-Section Tooth Extractions Tonsils Stretch Marks Acne Chicken Pox Skin Surface The Therapy Standard Process Wheat Germ Oil, and/or Sesame Seed Oil, applied directly to the scar, is the most effective nutritional approach for turning down/off the sympathetic nerve interference which can be caused by verified “active” scars. 1. Massage freshly squeezed oil from a Wheat Germ or Sesame Seed Oil Perle onto a scar (both longitudinally and across the scar) must be done regularly — once or twice per day — over a 90 day period for best results. (Handles 50% of scars) 2. Light Therapy “Cold Laser” – shine light about 1 inch from the scar making sure to run the light across entire scar. A session usually last about 5 minutes, should be done weekly and will take approximately 4 – 8 sessions. (Handles 70% of scars) 3. Both #1 and #2 being done routinely = Handles 90% or more! – 18 – Dr. Freddie Ulan’s Guidelines for Specific Nutritional Support - Part 1 Organ/Area Standard Process Products MediHerb Brain General Neurotrophin PMG, Neuroplex, Cataplex B or G, Cataplex B12, Organically Bound Mins, Calcium Lactate, Essential Fatty Acids Withania Complex, Nevaton, Bacopa Complex, Valerian Complex Brain (frontal) Min-Chex, Min-Tran, RNA Withania Complex, and others above Brain/CSF (top) Cal-Amo (All of the above) Brain/ Crown Inositol, Neurotrophin PMG, Neuroplex (All of the above) plus Gymnema Cerebellum RNA, Min-Tran, Neurotrophin, Neuroplex, EFA’s (All of the above) Pituitary Pituitrophin PMG, E-Manganese, Symplex F/M, Paraplex (females) Chaste Tree Eyes Iplex, Oculotrophin PMG, AC Carbamide Bilberry Tabs, Vitanox Sinuses Frontal and Maxillary Allerplex, Antronex, Congaplex, Cataplex A-C, Allergies Euphrasia Complex, Albizia Complex Cataplex A-C-P Immune Echinacea Premium, Golden Seal Upper and Lower Jaw Teeth/Parotid Gland Parotid PMG, Cholacol II ChelaCo (Gums) Cataplex C (Caries) Biost, Bio- Dent Tonsils, Glands Thymus PMG, Thymex, Congaplex, Immuplex; Antronex Thyroid Thytrophin PMG, Organically Bound Minerals, Prolamine Iodine, Iodomere, Min- Tran Lungs Pneumotrophin PMG; Cataplex A-C, A-C-P, Emphaplex, Allerplex, Antronex, Fen-Gre Echinacea Premium, Broncafect (acute) Vitamins Catalyn, Cyrofood, e-Poise, individual Cataplex A, B, C, D, F, G, etc. Fe-Max Iron Tonic liquid Minerals Calcifood, For-Til B12, Organically Bound Horsetail liquid (zinc and silica) Minerals, Trace Minerals B-12, Chezyn, Ferrofood Mediastinum/ Thymus Thymus PMG, Thymex, Cat A-C-P, C, Congaplex, Immuplex, Allerplex, Calcium Lactate Acute Echinacea Premium, Andrographis Chronic Astragalus Complex, Cat’s Claw Prophylactic & Convalescence Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero) Heart Cardio (Myo) Plus, Cardio(Myo)trophin PMG, Cat. B or G, E or E2, C or ACP, Cyruta Plus, Magnesium / Calcium Lactate, EFA’s Hawthorn tablets, Garlic 5000 mg Spleen Spleen PMG, Whole Desiccated Spleen, Chlorophyll; Immuplex Echinacea Premium, Ganoderma & Shitake Stomach Zypan, Betaine HCL, Enzycore, Okra-PepsinE3, Gastrex, Chlorophyll Perles (ulcers) DiGest (liq) 15-20 min before meal. 1/2 – 1 tsp., HiPep (pep./duod.ulcers), Boswellia – 19 – Echinacea Premium, Andrographis Complex (acute), Astragalus Complex (chronic) Dr. Freddie Ulan’s Guidelines for Specific Nutritional Support - Part 2 Organ / Area Standard Process Products MediHerb Gall Bladder A-F Betafood, Betafood, Choline, Cholacol, Phosfood Liver Hepatrophin PMG, Livaplex, Betacol, A-F LivCo, LivTon Complex, Globe Artichoke Betafood, Choline, Cholacol, Fen-Cho, Garlic, liquid (choleretic) Spanish Black Radish, Phosfood, SP Purif Pgm Pancreas (Head/ Tail) Multizyme, Pancreatrophin PMG, Zinc Liver Chelate, Paraplex, Cataplex B & GTF, Inositol Gymnema tabs/liquid, DiGest liquid Small Intestine Multizyme, Okra-Pepsin-E3, Gastrex, Dermatrophin PMG, Cataplex G; SP Purif Pgm Golden Seal 500mg, DiGest (IBS) liquid, HiPep (ulcers) liquid Large Intestine Ascending, Transverse Descending and Sigmoid Zymex, Lactic Acid Yeast, Lact-Enz, Prebiotic Inulin, ProSynbiotic(flora). Zymex II (parasites), Cataplex A-C (flu), Fen-Cho, Choline, Cholacol, Disodium Phosphate, SP Purif. Prgm. (constipation), Spanish Black Radish, Cholacol II (diarrhea), Gastrex, Okra Pepsin, Dermatrophin PMG (I.B.S.) Colax (laxative action), Golden Seal 500mg tablets (gut repair/ fungal/bact), Aloe Vera liquid(gut repair), Boswellia Complex (anti inflam) Cat’s Claw Complex (parasites/ fungal), Wormwood Complex & Black Walnut liquid (parasites) Livton Complex (bile, improves bowel tone) Ovaries Ovatrophin PMG, Ovex, Ovex P, Symplex F, Cataplex E, Wheat Germ Oil Chaste Tree, Tribulus, Black Cohosh liquid, Wild Yam Complex (menopause) Uterus Utrophin PMG, Symplex F, Dermatrophin PMG Chaste Tree, Wild Yam Complex Prostate Prostate PMG, Prost-X, Zinc Liver Chelate, Symplex M, Cataplex F Tablets Serenoa Complex perles, Tribulus Bladder Albaplex, Arginex, Cataplex A-C-P(infection) Kidneys Albaplex, Arginex, Renafood, Renatrophin PMG, AC Carbamide Adrenals Drenamin, Drenatrophin PMG, B6 Niacinamide, Siberian Ginseng, Withania Complex, Desiccated Adrenal Licorice High Grade Skin Dermatrophin PMG, USF Ointment Bones, Joints Biost, Bio-Dent, For-Til B12, Ostrophin PMG, Boswellia Complex, Horse Chestnut Organically Bound Minerals, Trace Minerals Complex, Rehmannia Complex liquid (antiB12, Calcifood Wafers & Powder, Cal-Ma Plus, inflam. for A.I.D.), Horsetail liquid Cataplex D, F, Essential Fatty Acids Muscles / Ligaments Ligaplex I, II, Myotrophin PMG, Trace Minerals B-12, Cat F, E, E2, Super EFF, Magnesium Lactate, Calcium Lactate Protein Protefood, Nutrimere, Whey Protein, Zypan (for Gymnema 4g tabs (¯CHO,protein intake) better digestion of protein) Livton Complex tabs (breakdown protein) – 20 – LivTon Complex tablets, Globe Artichoke liquid Cranberry Complex (acute&chronic), Urico (acute) liquid, Echinacea Premium Dermaco Cramplex (menstrual cramps), Boswellia Complex tabs (anti-inflammatory) LET’S DRILL! 1. The 13-step procedure 2. The body scan 3. The 13-step procedure with body scan – 21 – YOUR NEXT STEP 1. Nutrition Response Testing Starter Kit a. Stressor Test Kits (Food, Immune, Chemicals & Metals) b. Welcome to Nutrition Response Testing 3-DVD set c. Dr. Freddie Ulan’s Nutritional Pearls 4-CD set $358 $165 $145 TOTAL Starter Kit Package Price (TODAY ONLY) $668 549+tax 2. Nutrition Response Testing Seminar & Workshop Clearwater, FL a. 3 Days b. Gain Certainty On Finding The Lock c. Learn The 13-Step Procedure In Detail d. Hands On Drilling For Each Step e. Individual Time and Attention f. Additional Clinical Pearls Regularly Seminar Price (TODAY ONLY) *must arrive within the next 60 days *† No refunds after 30 days TOTAL $ Name Phone Email Fax SHIPPING ADDRESS CITY ST BILLING ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP Method of Payment Cash Check (payable to UNS Inc.) Credit Card - Exp / CVV Name on Card Signature - – 22 – ZIP - $1295.00† $582.75* GET ON A PROGRAM WITH YOUR SEMINAR INSTRUCTOR: In order to really handle what was found on you here today, being on a real program would be to your best benefit. This will allow you to: 1. Handle your own health situation. 2. Experience Nutrition Response Testing as a patient. 3. See how the procedures work. 4. Observe how Nutrition Response Testing will work in a practice. 5. See how the system looks when it is in place. 6. Bring your family and friends that may need this as well. 7. Set up an arrangement for your difficult patients to receive Nutrition Response Testing care until you are trained in it yourself. (at which time the instructor will gladly refer your patient back to you for nutritional care.) Ask your instructor about the special Initial Consultation price for being a practitioner. Seminar Instructor Name: Office Name: Office Address: Office Phone: You will be required to be a “real patient” which will be discussed in detail with you as to what it means at your initial visit but will include: 1. Agreeing to do the program as it will be laid out 2. Keeping your appointments 3. Following through on the recommendations made 4. Paying for follow up visits at the practitioner rate 5. Purchasing all of your supplements though the practitioner *Please no “practitioner” questions during your visit. These visits are for you for your own personal health. If you have questions regarding Nutrition Response Testing and/or the Patient/ Practice management procedures you observe, please contact UNS directly. – 23 – NUTRITION RESPONSE Testing 1 DAY EVENT ASSESSMENT FORM CITY/STATE OF EVENT: DATE: INSTRUCTOR: NAME (Please print clearly): DEGREE: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: Please rate the value of the following aspects of this event on a scale of 1-5 (1-low, 5-high) 1. The Introduction and Purpose of Dr. Ulan Why? 2. The Health Check Demos Why? 3. The Drilling Why? 4. The Instructor Why? How did you hear about us? What made you decide to attend this event? – 24 – NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING 1 DAY EVENT ASSESSMENT FORM (Page 2) What would be the best days and times for you to attend a similar event? What changes or improvements would you like to see in this event? What aspects of this event did you like and feel have the most value to you and your practice? What topics/areas would you be interested in seeing at our future events? What media source would you most likely see an ad for our event? (Email, mail, Facebook, phone text, magazine etc) Would you be interested in learning more about UNS’ other services? If yes, best time to contact you? – 25 – NUTRITION RESPONSE TESTING® 1-DAY EVENT Testimonial NAME_ DEGREE_ _ What wins, gains, benefits, successes, realizations have you had by attending this event? What would you like to share with your colleagues as to why they should attend this event? I hereby give UNS my permission to utilize my comments in any way they choose to promote additional events on this subject. _____________________________________________________________________ Signature Date – 26 – Contact Information Ulan Nutritional Systems (UNS) Inc. 1170 NE Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33755 866-418-4801 [email protected] Clinical Question Email Line (for all clinical questions): [email protected] Referrals: (for Nutrition Response Testing Practitioners across the country) 866-418-4801 [email protected] STANDARD PROCESS NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT TEST KITS Contact your local Standard Process Representative: Standard Process Home Office 800-848-5061 www.standardprocess.com Clinical Successes Facebook Page Please visit our Nutrition Response Testing Success Stories page to learn about the wins of others, and to post your own clinical successes as you begin to use the data you are learning. The group is located at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/168809813582/ . – 27 –
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